I had an opportunity from a
coach of mine. He asked me
if I wanted to apply to be in
this movie because they
would help me with coaches
to bring it out into the open.
To give me the help that I
knew I needed.
So I was in reactive mode
to life. I was in pure survival
mode - financially, spiritually,
emotionally, mentally...
every sort of way. I was
really grasping at "oh my God"
just to survive and the
creativity, almost it's just
stifled. It was like a flower
and it's just doooooo,,,
went away.
As that reawakening and
that remembering comes
in it is the experience of that
truth that you will have that
will shift everything in your
life and it's all in here.
You have been taught for
so long to seek your
empowerment outside of
yourself or from someone
else which is the best way
to keep you off track and
keep you away from the
treasure map is to tell you
the treasure is over here.
Keep going here. No, no, it's
over here. No, no, it's over
here and then to find out
you've been carrying it
around all along. [sigh], ok,
but how do I get it out?
We're gonna teach you
how to unlock, open it up
and waaam! It's like an
illuminated light state that
floods you. When that
happens, the emotional
impact of it is really
indescribable. Like you said,
the joy, the bliss, the peace
the calm
compassion, love
the knowing, the empowerment
that takes place.
This is amazing. This is
exactly what I had been
seeking even though I
did not know I was seeking.
I was not consciously
knowing I was seeking.
I was consciously knowing
I wanted to work on my
subconscious but I had
never been given the
tools to go as deep as
I've gone with Julius ever
in my life and I just feel
so blessed.
I feel like I've got the
tools to finally take it to
the next level.
For more infomation >> Megan from Impact — R-Factoring© - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Volvo XC60 2.4 D4 AWD R-Design Aut. Intellisafe Panoramadak On-Call 4WD - Duration: 1:14.
Volvo XC60 2.4 D4 AWD R-Design GRIJS KENTEKEN Intellisafe ACC Panodak 4WD 5 Cilinder - Duration: 0:55.
Volvo XC60 2.4 D4 AWD R-Design Adaptieve Cruise Panodak Keyless Camera 5 Cilinder - Duration: 1:07.
Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi 90pk Dynamique (CAMERA!!/R-link/Climate/Trekhaak/Park. sens.) - Duration: 1:08.
PIVX DYK: Ledger Wallet Masternodes - Duration: 1:10.
Did you know that the PIVX Masternode Tool
in your new core wallet will let you run a Masternode using PIVs
stored in a Ledger hardware wallet?
That's right.
Storing private keys in a hardware wallet
in an offline environment,
what we call cold storage,
affords the highest level of security.
So what does this mean?
This feature means you can run and put your Masternode collateral PIVs
securely in a Ledger device,
and simultaneously run your Masternode,
earning rewards and future zDEX transaction fees.
What does this mean?
Security and privacy of your collateral PIVs
and all the benefits and perks of running a Masternode.
After all, this is PIVX.
Shroud VS DrDisrespect. Кейсы - ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ PUBG / PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ( 30.05.2018 ) - Duration: 3:14.
Hello everyone, dear friends, with you as always Phil, and
today we have a very interesting information about in-game
files and shoals of developers with a new anti-cheat.
To begin it would be desirable, certainly from the most interesting,
how do you know the update test for 8.7 gigabytes already
is established.
Naturally, the data do not doze, and have already
to study all the files.
The find was in that update that appeared
yesterday, today's update Another test weighs significantly
less, only 2.5 gig and there flooded that update from
M24, about which I have already partially told.
In the experimental test a total of 7
new skins. 2 of them belong to the collection
Ghost and most surprising have a small point Schraud.
Another 2 skins refer to collection Speed and Reaction
and have involvement in To Doctor Dizrespekt.
They also have their own thematic red box.
There are also 3 new files in the files skin, though they do not have any
relationship to the four previous ones.
But their attention to avoid them we will not.
This is silver AVM, Silver revolver and the Golden revolver.
Now it remains to understand for what will these
most skins.
Developers are still keep silent, but there is
one catch for commenting community manager, he
wrote that we will be pleased surprised, in response to the comment,
in which the person said that is not ready to spend much
money to buy these very skins.
Hence, that they will still be free.
Personally, I think it will be somehow related to the recent
added binding function account to the twitch, because
it was not tested, but to the final part of the PGL to us
promised the appearance of a compendium, and everything should work fine.
As an option, the items will be render a certain
number of hours of streams Shraud and Disrespect, or
just by subscribing to their tweet channels, well, or hold
what an event with their participation, as if we can not guess.
If you have your thoughts to this account necessarily
share them in the comments, me as well as other viewers,
will be very interesting.
For the sake of humor, let's do it. my battle, in my group
VKontakte this video I will attach a survey in which
you can vote for the case of Shraud or Disrepect,
let's see which one went better, it is desirable to evaluate
Clothing and not the individuals themselves.
And one more not very pleasant the news concerns anti-chita,
there was information that many players for the last
the days banned absolutely without a reason, and developers
even confirmed the mass an error.
At the moment, the team checks all bans manually
and in the next 2 days will remove all restrictions from the innocent
players, so if someone by coincidence
have no luck, and if you can not stand,
then do not hesitate to write in those support, especially
she works in Russian language, even in an interpreter
nothing to drive is not necessary.
Unfortunately, in quality compensation is not offered,
although as for me on their part it would be right to give
unfairly banned players at least one by one
a clue from some of the case.
And for today it's everything, everyone thanks for watching, subscribe
per channel, put under video husky, all the huge
good luck and juicy tops, until till.
New Lego Jurassic World Hybrid Mutant Dinosaurs Fallen Kingdom Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack 75931 - Duration: 18:15.
Wow guys keep watching as we build this title off the source compost attack set
75 931 and then build these awesome hybrid mutant freaks from Jurassic world
New Lego Jurassic World Hybrid Mutant Dinosaurs Fallen Kingdom Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack 75931
and now let's go ahead and take these guys apart and create some awesome
hybrid mutant freaks
so here I've got everything in parts now we could put them together we could mix
and me a match and creates a weird hybrid first of all I'm going to take
this big t-rex body and put on the in the Raptors head I'm gonna go ahead and
pull up on the end the Raptors legs on to this that looks hilarious he looks
like some type of a fat chicken or something and then I guess the into
Raptors tail and for arms we just put on 20 little spindly arms onto you
okay so there we have like a really set body into ravager over there and then
take the end the Raptors body here put on the big huge t-rex is head we're
gonna put on the T Rexes legs over here and then for this one instead of other
arms I think we're going to go ahead and place two legs over here and then for a
tail this will use the carnal Raptors tail over there
okay and then for the Carnotaurus here I think we're gonna put a sticky malach
head over their legs people do opposite will put the legs from here and in the
back will put some little tiny legs
and then a long tail to help wow that looks totally okay then for the
Velociraptor is going to get the Carnotaurus is head he's going to get
couple different legs here and he's gonna get the in the Raptors arms over
here Wow
okay then we have sticky over here sticky is going to get two different
heads as arms he's gonna get a leg as a head
see what else we actually I'm gonna change it to legs while he's gonna have
an arm where his head should go okay and then we seem to have run out of legs so
this one is going to have I guess four arms over here it's gonna have they want
don't really want a Velociraptor head I mean that doesn't yeah why not
Velociraptor head and instead of legs he's gonna have four arms while I was
that guy walk ahead and then this one also I guess this one is just gonna have
five arms let's go arms coming out everywhere
including where its head should be I don't know how
this guy's suppose and there we have our mutant 3 ok so now let's go ahead and
check out our mutant freaks so first of all for the carnivore just check the big
legs in the front little legs t-rex tail and a sticky moloch head over
there for the interactor you got just kind of messed up here got a big t-rex
head in the Raptor body Velociraptor legs and t-rex head and a Carnotaurus
tail and then you got a t-rex body in the Raptor head legs and tail this
freaky looking Carnotaurus and velociraptor in the raptor looking
creature over here you've got this one with two heads and
an arm where the head should be this one's got four legs a little
Velociraptor head and this one is our arms wow those guys are freaks ok it's
great to see you again today I have a brand new Lego Jurassic world
fallen Kingdom set this is Dilophosaurus compost attack number 75 931 and it
includes a Dilophosaurus two guards a tracker and a baby Dino
go ahead check out the options okay so it looks like the Dilophosaurus could
break out here and attack the guards there you've got like a command center
the front gate to pop off here you got working crane to bring in food here are
one of the walls you turn a lever the wall pops off and you can create
something awesome hybrids to be done before it's cool let's open this up have
some fun okay and by the way you have our array of bucchi t-rex breaking out a
dressing part behind us so inside bag number two big bag number two of Legos
big bag number one you've got some pieces from the fence you've got a
Dilophosaurus ah looks like the color is a little bit different from the last one
you got a set of stickers and one instruction booklet which in the back
gives a bunch more sets and I have built all of these and reviewed them and has
some awesome battles with some of them too and here is all the Dino
so far I think I've gotten all of these so that's really cool okay so here's the
set let's go ahead and check it out it is awesome so you could extend the set
all the way straight out like this or you could fold it in like that to make
it look cooler you got a solid steel door here that actually will pop off the
thing jizz so if you push a button in the back
the door just pops right off the hinges and the dinosaur escapes Wow goes right
through the solid steel door and then you just simply go ahead and push it
back right back into place and it's got searchlights over there it's got a
little lookup tower on top with searchlights over there and searchlights
here God comes with three characters and also the front gates do pop off so let's
go ahead set these guards up here Dilophosaurus in the back so if you go
ahead and push two buttons back here it will pop the gates right off we do need
quite a bit of force though and there we go Wow that was awesome
and the Dilophosaurus runs right out the front gates cool then you simply just go
ahead and pop the gate right back here and you're ready to go again you're
ready for the Dilophosaurus to escape again or you can just go ahead and open
and close the gates if you want to bring the Dilophosaurus
in let's say who's just captured and then here we have a working crane it
comes with like a box with bloss maybe Velociraptor blue you could swing the
crane all the way around and bring it into the cage
and drop it to the ground although I don't know why you'd want to drop down
awesome wrap your blue I mean they're you gonna feed the baby to the
Dilophosaurus I hope not that'd be kind of sad okay then here you've got like a
little electric sign you've got some plants and a box with an
egg's let's go ahead and flip it out flip it around and check out the awesome
features from the back so over here in the back you got like a work screen so
they could like do DNA analysis of the Dilophosaurus a coffee co-op the
workstation for the guards over there that's where you push the button to pop
the front gates you got a little lookout tower over here with a roof that moves
back and forth and lights and satellite dish over here here is where the gates
open up push these two levers to get the gates to pop off and over here you've
got like a metal like braided wire like for the cage is probably electrified
also and here we got the Dilophosaurus awesome
what a cool set the Dilophosaurus the colors are the leg colors on the legs
and just a little bit different from the first Jurassic world Lego dinosaur set
but other than that it is pretty much identical it looks really cool
and then it does come with these three to three characters to our guards and
one is a tracker the one over here with goggles is the tracker and the other two
are the guards one is male and one is female the male one has a mo fault which
is pretty cool okay so here is the whole set and we're
gonna go ahead and create awesome hybrid new freak dinosaurs but first of all
let's check out the dinos we have here is the new t-rex mold that was with one
of the sets you got a new Velociraptor blue you got
a brand new Carnotaurus which I don't believe they've done Carnotaurus you got
the Stiggy malach you've got Jurassic Park Velociraptor and then you got the
in director cool and let's see we have a mother Velociraptor blue over there
okay guys that was totally awesome if you enjoyed these mutant freaks go ahead
good glide drop me comments also let me know what other kind of dinosaurs you
want to see bill and if you did enjoy it and you got over a thousand videos the
majority are just squirrel Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power
Rangers theme to Turtles and a lot more check out the playlists on my channel or
wait to this video ends for more fallen Kingdom videos in a playlist because
go ahead and put that in the comment section below the video click the
subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell button to
be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot
more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the
subscribe button
Porsche dealerships using augmented reality to diagnose and repair cars - Duration: 3:35.
Smartglasses aren't just for gamers anymore.
Augmented reality technology is helping Porsche technicians across the country diagnose and
repair cars that come in for service.
Using internet-connected smartglasses, technicians can search for technical documents and, if
needed, chat with the brand's experts while they repair a car to reduce service times
by up to 40 percent.
The technology allows the team of in-house experts working close to Porsche's headquarters
in Atlanta to take a picture of a page in a service manual, for example, and send it
to the technician in real time.
High-resolution video footage ensures the expert and the technician see the same part
of the car, so the former can help the latter locate a sensor or explain the process of
testing a component to determine whether it's faulty.
Experts can also run error codes while the technician continues to work on the car.
Porsche explains that this new technology — built around ODG R-7 glasses and Atheer's
AiR Enterprise software platform — saves a tremendous amount of time, especially when
technicians need to solve complex or unusual issues.
It eliminates the need for multiple phone calls, back-and-forth emails, and time-consuming
on-site visits.
It's hands-free, too, and allows the technician can open documents sent by an expert three
time zones away while working.
Owners might never get to see the technology in action, but they'll benefit from it because
their car will spend less time in the service bay and more time on the road.
And it's not limited to a specific model or model year — at least not in theory.
Technicians can request step-by-step instructions for a new Cayenne, a 986-generation Boxster,
or a 912 from the late 1970s.
"Tech Live Look is the kind of digital innovation Porsche values because it raises the quality
of the customer experience.
By solving issues faster, our dealer partners can get their customers back into cars with
less disruption.
And our overall service quality increases as we share expertise more efficiently between
our experts and [the] dealer technician," explained Klaus Zellmer, the president and
CEO of Porsche's North American division, in a statement.
This marks the first time augmented reality has entered the world of car repair on a large-scale
Porsche began evaluating Tech Live Look by launching several pilot programs in 2017.
They were successful, so three of the company's 189 American dealers started using the technology
in late May.
The company hopes to roll out Tech Live Look across at least 75 dealerships by the end
of 2018 and sign up the rest of its network through 2019.
Volkswagen lança perua Golf Variant com câmbio manual de seis marchas por R$ 83.990| Coachjoey7266 - Duration: 4:41.
TAZ Amnesty Animatic- Barclay Transforms - Duration: 2:12.
it's a bobcat mark light kind of has his arm at his side and his hand the one
that wasn't holding the crystal his fingers are kind of stretched out almost
like he's sort of giving you a stay back and he says walk slowly to the car and
go I ordinarily was alright but you need to come with me and get in the car the
trunk is already open all right just jump in the trunk and I'll get
behind the steering wheel and we'll get it out of here
he says okay I'm going to start walking backwards slowly and you do that also
and the two of you start walking backwards slowly and Barclay steps on a
twig that snaps and as that happens the Bobcat starts charging toward you it's
it's coming at you fast and Barclay looks at you and he says god I hope you
can keep a secret and he starts running towards the Bobcat and he pulls up his
shirtsleeve and you see him untie a hempen bracelet and in the blink of an
eye this gentle bearded man you were just talking to disappears and in his
place his Bigfoot
ASUFSE102017-V000200 - Duration: 2:22.
[ROS PC-LAP] hack ros 6.0 31/5/2018 CitBasic + Memory V1.8 Aimbot,Wall,Speed Cách hack Rules Ros - Duration: 8:18.
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
ORAÇÃO PARA PROTEÇÃO CONTRA O MAL E PESSOAS RUINS - (Minuto de Oração) Pastor Antonio Junior - Duration: 1:12.
Cruzeiro x Palmeiras: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e online|n123snow - Duration: 5:10.
Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani ritrova il sorriso - Duration: 2:39.
Sport x Atlético-MG: transmissão da partida ao vivo na TV e online|n123snow - Duration: 5:14.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Presidente do BNDES: "Não temos caminhões demais e sim PIB de menos" - Duration: 3:32.
Muy amigos: Argentina, Chile e a Patrulha Antártica Naval Combinada - Duration: 1:58.
Romina Power, la confessione definitiva: "Tra me e Albano Carrisi il legame è indissolubile…" - Duration: 4:29.
Como passei na USP estudando pelo Geekie Games - Duration: 2:39.
Como trocar óleo do motor e filtro de óleo VW PASSAT VARIANT B6 (3C5) [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 7:39.
Use an end bit №5
Use a socket №32
Use a socket №19
Manutenzione ordinaria, pulizia e igienizzazione del condizionatore e della stanza - Duration: 1:34.
Treino de agachamento - pernas fortes e definidas - Duration: 3:15.
Cruzeiro x Palmeiras: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e online|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:11.
Grêmio, São Paulo e Flamengo disputam contratação de jogador|x3and1baller - Duration: 2:19.
Santos tenta Elias e oferece Vitor Bueno em troca para o Atlético-MG|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:30.
BABBEL - APP para Aprender portugués ! - Duration: 7:25.
USAF e Boeing concluem Revisão Crítica de Projeto do KC-46 - Duration: 3:14.
Gobierno tomará huellas dactilares de padres que reclamen custodia de niños inmigrantes - Duration: 3:36.
Familiares de joven que murió baleada por un agente anuncian demanda contra la Patrulla Fronteriza - Duration: 2:59.
Indignación por muerte de mujer transgénero de caravana de migrantes que estaba bajo custodia de ICE - Duration: 4:49.
Megan from Impact — R-Factoring© - Duration: 2:43.
I had an opportunity from a
coach of mine. He asked me
if I wanted to apply to be in
this movie because they
would help me with coaches
to bring it out into the open.
To give me the help that I
knew I needed.
So I was in reactive mode
to life. I was in pure survival
mode - financially, spiritually,
emotionally, mentally...
every sort of way. I was
really grasping at "oh my God"
just to survive and the
creativity, almost it's just
stifled. It was like a flower
and it's just doooooo,,,
went away.
As that reawakening and
that remembering comes
in it is the experience of that
truth that you will have that
will shift everything in your
life and it's all in here.
You have been taught for
so long to seek your
empowerment outside of
yourself or from someone
else which is the best way
to keep you off track and
keep you away from the
treasure map is to tell you
the treasure is over here.
Keep going here. No, no, it's
over here. No, no, it's over
here and then to find out
you've been carrying it
around all along. [sigh], ok,
but how do I get it out?
We're gonna teach you
how to unlock, open it up
and waaam! It's like an
illuminated light state that
floods you. When that
happens, the emotional
impact of it is really
indescribable. Like you said,
the joy, the bliss, the peace
the calm
compassion, love
the knowing, the empowerment
that takes place.
This is amazing. This is
exactly what I had been
seeking even though I
did not know I was seeking.
I was not consciously
knowing I was seeking.
I was consciously knowing
I wanted to work on my
subconscious but I had
never been given the
tools to go as deep as
I've gone with Julius ever
in my life and I just feel
so blessed.
I feel like I've got the
tools to finally take it to
the next level.
Volvo XC60 2.4 D4 AWD R-Design GRIJS KENTEKEN Intellisafe ACC Panodak 4WD 5 Cilinder - Duration: 0:55.
Volvo XC60 2.4 D4 AWD R-Design Aut. Intellisafe Panoramadak On-Call 4WD - Duration: 1:14.
Volvo XC60 2.4 D4 AWD R-Design Adaptieve Cruise Panodak Keyless Camera 5 Cilinder - Duration: 1:07.
Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi 90pk Dynamique (CAMERA!!/R-link/Climate/Trekhaak/Park. sens.) - Duration: 1:08.
PIVX DYK: Ledger Wallet Masternodes - Duration: 1:10.
Did you know that the PIVX Masternode Tool
in your new core wallet will let you run a Masternode using PIVs
stored in a Ledger hardware wallet?
That's right.
Storing private keys in a hardware wallet
in an offline environment,
what we call cold storage,
affords the highest level of security.
So what does this mean?
This feature means you can run and put your Masternode collateral PIVs
securely in a Ledger device,
and simultaneously run your Masternode,
earning rewards and future zDEX transaction fees.
What does this mean?
Security and privacy of your collateral PIVs
and all the benefits and perks of running a Masternode.
After all, this is PIVX.
Shroud VS DrDisrespect. Кейсы - ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ PUBG / PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ( 30.05.2018 ) - Duration: 3:14.
Hello everyone, dear friends, with you as always Phil, and
today we have a very interesting information about in-game
files and shoals of developers with a new anti-cheat.
To begin it would be desirable, certainly from the most interesting,
how do you know the update test for 8.7 gigabytes already
is established.
Naturally, the data do not doze, and have already
to study all the files.
The find was in that update that appeared
yesterday, today's update Another test weighs significantly
less, only 2.5 gig and there flooded that update from
M24, about which I have already partially told.
In the experimental test a total of 7
new skins. 2 of them belong to the collection
Ghost and most surprising have a small point Schraud.
Another 2 skins refer to collection Speed and Reaction
and have involvement in To Doctor Dizrespekt.
They also have their own thematic red box.
There are also 3 new files in the files skin, though they do not have any
relationship to the four previous ones.
But their attention to avoid them we will not.
This is silver AVM, Silver revolver and the Golden revolver.
Now it remains to understand for what will these
most skins.
Developers are still keep silent, but there is
one catch for commenting community manager, he
wrote that we will be pleased surprised, in response to the comment,
in which the person said that is not ready to spend much
money to buy these very skins.
Hence, that they will still be free.
Personally, I think it will be somehow related to the recent
added binding function account to the twitch, because
it was not tested, but to the final part of the PGL to us
promised the appearance of a compendium, and everything should work fine.
As an option, the items will be render a certain
number of hours of streams Shraud and Disrespect, or
just by subscribing to their tweet channels, well, or hold
what an event with their participation, as if we can not guess.
If you have your thoughts to this account necessarily
share them in the comments, me as well as other viewers,
will be very interesting.
For the sake of humor, let's do it. my battle, in my group
VKontakte this video I will attach a survey in which
you can vote for the case of Shraud or Disrepect,
let's see which one went better, it is desirable to evaluate
Clothing and not the individuals themselves.
And one more not very pleasant the news concerns anti-chita,
there was information that many players for the last
the days banned absolutely without a reason, and developers
even confirmed the mass an error.
At the moment, the team checks all bans manually
and in the next 2 days will remove all restrictions from the innocent
players, so if someone by coincidence
have no luck, and if you can not stand,
then do not hesitate to write in those support, especially
she works in Russian language, even in an interpreter
nothing to drive is not necessary.
Unfortunately, in quality compensation is not offered,
although as for me on their part it would be right to give
unfairly banned players at least one by one
a clue from some of the case.
And for today it's everything, everyone thanks for watching, subscribe
per channel, put under video husky, all the huge
good luck and juicy tops, until till.
New Lego Jurassic World Hybrid Mutant Dinosaurs Fallen Kingdom Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack 75931 - Duration: 18:15.
Wow guys keep watching as we build this title off the source compost attack set
75 931 and then build these awesome hybrid mutant freaks from Jurassic world
New Lego Jurassic World Hybrid Mutant Dinosaurs Fallen Kingdom Dilophosaurus Outpost Attack 75931
and now let's go ahead and take these guys apart and create some awesome
hybrid mutant freaks
so here I've got everything in parts now we could put them together we could mix
and me a match and creates a weird hybrid first of all I'm going to take
this big t-rex body and put on the in the Raptors head I'm gonna go ahead and
pull up on the end the Raptors legs on to this that looks hilarious he looks
like some type of a fat chicken or something and then I guess the into
Raptors tail and for arms we just put on 20 little spindly arms onto you
okay so there we have like a really set body into ravager over there and then
take the end the Raptors body here put on the big huge t-rex is head we're
gonna put on the T Rexes legs over here and then for this one instead of other
arms I think we're going to go ahead and place two legs over here and then for a
tail this will use the carnal Raptors tail over there
okay and then for the Carnotaurus here I think we're gonna put a sticky malach
head over their legs people do opposite will put the legs from here and in the
back will put some little tiny legs
and then a long tail to help wow that looks totally okay then for the
Velociraptor is going to get the Carnotaurus is head he's going to get
couple different legs here and he's gonna get the in the Raptors arms over
here Wow
okay then we have sticky over here sticky is going to get two different
heads as arms he's gonna get a leg as a head
see what else we actually I'm gonna change it to legs while he's gonna have
an arm where his head should go okay and then we seem to have run out of legs so
this one is going to have I guess four arms over here it's gonna have they want
don't really want a Velociraptor head I mean that doesn't yeah why not
Velociraptor head and instead of legs he's gonna have four arms while I was
that guy walk ahead and then this one also I guess this one is just gonna have
five arms let's go arms coming out everywhere
including where its head should be I don't know how
this guy's suppose and there we have our mutant 3 ok so now let's go ahead and
check out our mutant freaks so first of all for the carnivore just check the big
legs in the front little legs t-rex tail and a sticky moloch head over
there for the interactor you got just kind of messed up here got a big t-rex
head in the Raptor body Velociraptor legs and t-rex head and a Carnotaurus
tail and then you got a t-rex body in the Raptor head legs and tail this
freaky looking Carnotaurus and velociraptor in the raptor looking
creature over here you've got this one with two heads and
an arm where the head should be this one's got four legs a little
Velociraptor head and this one is our arms wow those guys are freaks ok it's
great to see you again today I have a brand new Lego Jurassic world
fallen Kingdom set this is Dilophosaurus compost attack number 75 931 and it
includes a Dilophosaurus two guards a tracker and a baby Dino
go ahead check out the options okay so it looks like the Dilophosaurus could
break out here and attack the guards there you've got like a command center
the front gate to pop off here you got working crane to bring in food here are
one of the walls you turn a lever the wall pops off and you can create
something awesome hybrids to be done before it's cool let's open this up have
some fun okay and by the way you have our array of bucchi t-rex breaking out a
dressing part behind us so inside bag number two big bag number two of Legos
big bag number one you've got some pieces from the fence you've got a
Dilophosaurus ah looks like the color is a little bit different from the last one
you got a set of stickers and one instruction booklet which in the back
gives a bunch more sets and I have built all of these and reviewed them and has
some awesome battles with some of them too and here is all the Dino
so far I think I've gotten all of these so that's really cool okay so here's the
set let's go ahead and check it out it is awesome so you could extend the set
all the way straight out like this or you could fold it in like that to make
it look cooler you got a solid steel door here that actually will pop off the
thing jizz so if you push a button in the back
the door just pops right off the hinges and the dinosaur escapes Wow goes right
through the solid steel door and then you just simply go ahead and push it
back right back into place and it's got searchlights over there it's got a
little lookup tower on top with searchlights over there and searchlights
here God comes with three characters and also the front gates do pop off so let's
go ahead set these guards up here Dilophosaurus in the back so if you go
ahead and push two buttons back here it will pop the gates right off we do need
quite a bit of force though and there we go Wow that was awesome
and the Dilophosaurus runs right out the front gates cool then you simply just go
ahead and pop the gate right back here and you're ready to go again you're
ready for the Dilophosaurus to escape again or you can just go ahead and open
and close the gates if you want to bring the Dilophosaurus
in let's say who's just captured and then here we have a working crane it
comes with like a box with bloss maybe Velociraptor blue you could swing the
crane all the way around and bring it into the cage
and drop it to the ground although I don't know why you'd want to drop down
awesome wrap your blue I mean they're you gonna feed the baby to the
Dilophosaurus I hope not that'd be kind of sad okay then here you've got like a
little electric sign you've got some plants and a box with an
egg's let's go ahead and flip it out flip it around and check out the awesome
features from the back so over here in the back you got like a work screen so
they could like do DNA analysis of the Dilophosaurus a coffee co-op the
workstation for the guards over there that's where you push the button to pop
the front gates you got a little lookout tower over here with a roof that moves
back and forth and lights and satellite dish over here here is where the gates
open up push these two levers to get the gates to pop off and over here you've
got like a metal like braided wire like for the cage is probably electrified
also and here we got the Dilophosaurus awesome
what a cool set the Dilophosaurus the colors are the leg colors on the legs
and just a little bit different from the first Jurassic world Lego dinosaur set
but other than that it is pretty much identical it looks really cool
and then it does come with these three to three characters to our guards and
one is a tracker the one over here with goggles is the tracker and the other two
are the guards one is male and one is female the male one has a mo fault which
is pretty cool okay so here is the whole set and we're
gonna go ahead and create awesome hybrid new freak dinosaurs but first of all
let's check out the dinos we have here is the new t-rex mold that was with one
of the sets you got a new Velociraptor blue you got
a brand new Carnotaurus which I don't believe they've done Carnotaurus you got
the Stiggy malach you've got Jurassic Park Velociraptor and then you got the
in director cool and let's see we have a mother Velociraptor blue over there
okay guys that was totally awesome if you enjoyed these mutant freaks go ahead
good glide drop me comments also let me know what other kind of dinosaurs you
want to see bill and if you did enjoy it and you got over a thousand videos the
majority are just squirrel Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power
Rangers theme to Turtles and a lot more check out the playlists on my channel or
wait to this video ends for more fallen Kingdom videos in a playlist because
go ahead and put that in the comment section below the video click the
subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell button to
be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot
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Porsche dealerships using augmented reality to diagnose and repair cars - Duration: 3:35.
Smartglasses aren't just for gamers anymore.
Augmented reality technology is helping Porsche technicians across the country diagnose and
repair cars that come in for service.
Using internet-connected smartglasses, technicians can search for technical documents and, if
needed, chat with the brand's experts while they repair a car to reduce service times
by up to 40 percent.
The technology allows the team of in-house experts working close to Porsche's headquarters
in Atlanta to take a picture of a page in a service manual, for example, and send it
to the technician in real time.
High-resolution video footage ensures the expert and the technician see the same part
of the car, so the former can help the latter locate a sensor or explain the process of
testing a component to determine whether it's faulty.
Experts can also run error codes while the technician continues to work on the car.
Porsche explains that this new technology — built around ODG R-7 glasses and Atheer's
AiR Enterprise software platform — saves a tremendous amount of time, especially when
technicians need to solve complex or unusual issues.
It eliminates the need for multiple phone calls, back-and-forth emails, and time-consuming
on-site visits.
It's hands-free, too, and allows the technician can open documents sent by an expert three
time zones away while working.
Owners might never get to see the technology in action, but they'll benefit from it because
their car will spend less time in the service bay and more time on the road.
And it's not limited to a specific model or model year — at least not in theory.
Technicians can request step-by-step instructions for a new Cayenne, a 986-generation Boxster,
or a 912 from the late 1970s.
"Tech Live Look is the kind of digital innovation Porsche values because it raises the quality
of the customer experience.
By solving issues faster, our dealer partners can get their customers back into cars with
less disruption.
And our overall service quality increases as we share expertise more efficiently between
our experts and [the] dealer technician," explained Klaus Zellmer, the president and
CEO of Porsche's North American division, in a statement.
This marks the first time augmented reality has entered the world of car repair on a large-scale
Porsche began evaluating Tech Live Look by launching several pilot programs in 2017.
They were successful, so three of the company's 189 American dealers started using the technology
in late May.
The company hopes to roll out Tech Live Look across at least 75 dealerships by the end
of 2018 and sign up the rest of its network through 2019.
Volkswagen lança perua Golf Variant com câmbio manual de seis marchas por R$ 83.990| Coachjoey7266 - Duration: 4:41.
TAZ Amnesty Animatic- Barclay Transforms - Duration: 2:12.
it's a bobcat mark light kind of has his arm at his side and his hand the one
that wasn't holding the crystal his fingers are kind of stretched out almost
like he's sort of giving you a stay back and he says walk slowly to the car and
go I ordinarily was alright but you need to come with me and get in the car the
trunk is already open all right just jump in the trunk and I'll get
behind the steering wheel and we'll get it out of here
he says okay I'm going to start walking backwards slowly and you do that also
and the two of you start walking backwards slowly and Barclay steps on a
twig that snaps and as that happens the Bobcat starts charging toward you it's
it's coming at you fast and Barclay looks at you and he says god I hope you
can keep a secret and he starts running towards the Bobcat and he pulls up his
shirtsleeve and you see him untie a hempen bracelet and in the blink of an
eye this gentle bearded man you were just talking to disappears and in his
place his Bigfoot
ASUFSE102017-V000200 - Duration: 2:22.
[ROS PC-LAP] hack ros 6.0 31/5/2018 CitBasic + Memory V1.8 Aimbot,Wall,Speed Cách hack Rules Ros - Duration: 8:18.
Hoe reserveer ik tickets met Vriendenpas (seizoen 18/19 GC 't Blikveld)? - Duration: 3:24.
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:53.
Saab 9-5 Estate 2.0t Linear leder / stoelverwarming / trkhk / pdc / clima / xenon / parrot / 2006 - Duration: 1:07.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI Dynamicline Nu Rijklaar voor €23645,- - Duration: 1:13.
Ex-'Roseanne' writer feared being fired by Barr - Duration: 5:59.
Melania Trump's Sudden Disappearance Sparks Wild Conspiracy Theories - Duration: 3:29.
It has, at this moment, been a little over two weeks since Melanie Trump was seen in
So we're talking about a little over, I believe, 18 days, as of right now, since anyone in
this country really has seen Melania Trump.
And as a result of Melania's alleged disappearance, conspiracy theories online and social media
are going absolutely nuts.
Some people are suggesting that Melania Trump may have actually had plastic surgery and
she needs time to recover.
So the cover story that they're saying was that, when she went in for that benign kidney
infection, as the White House said, it was actually plastic surgery, which would explain
why she was there for five days instead of a procedure that would've allowed her to actually
leave that same day if not the following morning.
That is, at most, a one day procedure, but she ended up staying there for five days.
Another conspiracy theory floating around out there is that she's actually cooperating
with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Another is that she's moved back to New York because she doesn't want to be around Trump
Some people have suggested that perhaps she used that sinkhole to escape from the White
House, or that she was actually rounded up by ICE because Donald Trump is just that hard
against immigrants in the United States.
So let's get something out of the way.
None of this is true.
I don't think any of these things happened.
I think Melania's disappearance is completely innocuous.
She doesn't like her new job.
She didn't want to be a part of it.
She doesn't like going out and being seen by the media.
She is a private person, so she's just not going out and doing things.
She wasn't present at the Memorial Day wreath laying at Arlington National Cemetery, which
is something that past first ladies do attend with the President of the United States.
She did not go to that, which, again, that is a little suspicious, but she doesn't like
her job, and I think that's the simplest explanation here.
She didn't ever want to be a part of this.
We know that, and now she has no choice but to be this very public person.
So, I don't think any of these conspiracy theories are true.
I don't think anything has happened to Melania.
I don't think she's escaped.
I don't think she's working with Mueller, and I certainly don't think she was rounded
up by ICE, or that she had plastic surgery.
I think what's happening is that Melania Trump is growing sick and tired of the media looking
at her, wanting her to do great things, when all she wants to do is basically nothing.
And to be honest, there's nothing wrong with that.
She has a horrible husband, who is constantly out there undermining her entire Be Best campaign,
so she probably does feel a little useless.
She probably does feel a little trapped, because there is nothing that this woman can do at
this point to basically show the world that she is not as horrible as her husband, or
that she takes the issue of cyber bullying seriously.
So, she retreats.
She stays in the White House.
She doesn't talk to people; she doesn't talk to the press.
She's not making any public appearances because the best thing she thinks she can do at this
point is distance herself from her disgusting husband, and, to be honest, I can't disagree
with her on that.
Why is TV Static Monochrome? | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 7:20.
For most of us today, television static is a thing of the past.
With digital tuners, HDMI connections and flat screen TVs, even if there is interference,
we don't get a chance to see it, as the television circuity boldly saves us from this ordeal.
Early TVs adopting digital tuners would actually spoof this snowy noise themselves, so as not
to disturb people, but otherwise we get a blank screen, maybe a message hovering about,
politely informing us of the lack in coherent signal.
Thankfully the message never, ever, directly hits the corner.
If it did, well, I hate to imagine the consequences....
But people like me, and probably you, still have to deal with garbled screens of static
on a regular basis, especially for older consoles which only provide an RF output, and even
then, it's non uncommon to get quite a noisy picture.
But given we're using colour TVs for the most part, producing a colour image, why on earth
is the TV static only black and white?
Well, let's start with fundamentals.
Why do we even get this static fuzz?
Well analogue televisions try to amplify any signals they receive, so if there isn't a
strong enough signal from a TV mast, or a modulator being sent into the TVs receiver
at the frequency it's currently tuned to, it will instead amplify whatever electromagnetic
signals it picks up.
These signals can originate from a number of sources including residual signals spilling
over from the big bang - cosmic microwave background radiation, man made signals buzzing
around the air, atmospheric sources, but mainly, it's Johnson noise (not that kind).... essentially
thermal RF noise generated by the components of the TV itself.
Because of the random nature of these signals, your television receiver interprets it as
as a garbled fuzz of noise, presented as a swarm of seemingly frantic ants on screen.
If it wasn't random you'd perceive patterns in this dissaray, and of course an ordered,
stronger signal would pretty much cancel out this noise altogether and present us with
a coherent image.
The reason the colour of this snow isn't as random as the patterns themselves is due to
the way televisions and transmissions have evolved.
Let's look at segment from a PAL video signal.
From left we have the end of a video scan line.
This constitutes a single line drawn across your television by an electron gun (on cathode
ray tube televisions at the least).
We then have the front porch, this is here to prevent interference between individual
Next is the horizontal sync pulse, which signifies the start of the next scan line.
This is followed by the back porch, which restores the black levels and also leads onto
the colour burst.
Now this is the important part, as it effectively tells our television how to create the colour
The colourburst synchronises a subcarrier signal containing the colour data.
The encoded format of which relies on the YUV colour space, providing chrominance data
to go with the luminance value.
The chrominance data carries blue and red values, which are substracted from the luminance
figure to provide a value for green.
Given that monochrome televisions rely on the embedded luminance data to identify how
bright each part of the image is, delivering colour information outside of each visible
scanline, ensured compatibility with monochrome TV receivers, which simply ignored it - an
essential caveat during its introduction.
It also required far less bandwidth than using 3 separate signals to transmit Red, Green
and Blue components.
The colour subcarrier itself reduces bandwidth further by only providing half the vertical
resolution on every other scan line.
We don't perceive any different as our eyes see a constrasting monochrome image in more
detail than a colour one.
But the upshot is, until your TV receives and recognises this information, it's essentially
running in Black & White mode.
Each time it draws a line, it looks for the subsequent colourburst pattern, but doesn't
find it, and moves on.
It hasn't been given the information to create a colour image.
So although you may expect the random signals & fluctuations received & displayed on an
untuned television to be interpreted as a multitude of different colours, they're simply
not delivered in a fashion which the TV can decode into colour information.
At this point, the decoder is really still expecting a 1960s B&W film to be streamed
into living rooms.
So, what about the sound?
Well, in an untuned set, the sound is as random as the on screen image, with the set amplifying
all those floating no good signals.
With a tuned channel, the sound data is held on a frequency with a fixed off-set.
This is why even if you can sometimes tune into a picture spilling over from its broadcast
frequency, it may may still have no sound.
The receiver won't find the sound data until the picture is tuned to the correct frequency
and the off-set is matched up.
Now, I've been talking about the PAL system here and although there are small differences
from TV protocol to TV protocol, the reason is very much the same.
NTSC for example, works on an almost identical principle, but with a different colour subcarrier
This is why when we play an NTSC game or video over here, we get a black and white image....
again, the TV has no idea on what colours to paint over the image.
Over in France, their SECAM protocal encoded colour signals in FM rather than relying on
a colourburst sync.
But regardless, where-ever in look, the decoders need to be able to find suitable colour information
to decode, before it can be presented to our eyes.
Should national service be mandatory in the US? - Duration: 3:37.
Military conscription is mandatory
enlistment in the armed forces.
It's perhaps more popularly known as the draft.
A National service commitment isn't a unique idea.
Conscription dates back to antiquity and today
many European and Asian nations
currently employ such policies.
Israel and Switzerland are two of the most notable examples.
Even Denmark requires four months of service from adult men.
All three countries demanding by law that youth
of a certain age are required to register with the
military or with a civil service body
for a certain amount of time.
Many US veterans have gone on the record to discuss
the merits of a year of service.
But let's remember that the Pentagon recently
reported that only 29% of young people
are even eligible for the military.
In Switzerland, anyone unfit for service
whether physically or mentally is exempt.
But they much pay an additional income tax
until the age of 30 unless they're affected by a disability.
I don't think it'd go over well if the US told 71%
of it's 20 somethings they owed a hike in their taxes
unless they joined the military.
But conscription remains an idle debate
in the United States nonetheless.
Former Joint Special Operations Command Chief
Stanley McCrystal has stated that
all young Americans should serve for a year.
And there are many people who agree.
The retired General said on multiple occasions
the time is right for our country to institute
a mandatory year of paid National Service
for young Americans ages 18 to 28 years old.
He argued that a year long commitment would not only
instill the values of accountability, responsibility
towards citizenship but would also develop
character and leadership traits.
Now he's not saying that every American
needs to serve in the military per se.
He argued for an open choice between different service
organizations, allowing young Americans
to work within their communities.
He referenced the infrastructure of Americorp,
Youth Build and the Peace Corp to suggest that
our young country men and women help perform
a variety of tasks such as tutoring and mentoring students,
supporting the elderly, helping communities respond
to disasters and assisting veterans
reintegrate to civilian life.
By the way, McCrystal isn't alone
in mulling over this concept.
Vietnam war vet and music legend Chris Christopherson once
suggested all politicians serve in the military for a year.
Make sure you check out our video of the time he stole
a helicopter and landed it on Johnny Cash's lawn.
Now countering that idea, Conor Friedersdorf
wrote an Op Ed for the Atlantic in 2013 where
he suggested that while citizens do have an obligation
to give back, a one size fits all program
could never be implemented justly.
Pro conscription support is controversial
because conscientious objectors might not want to serve
in the military or participate
in a particular conflict for ideological reasons.
The argument could also be made that it violates
the rights of the individual.
We're a nation based on the merits of freedom after all.
There's also a lingering fear of the draft.
The US military has been sustained by volunteers since
the post Vietnam era but conscription laws
do still exist in the event that we do not have
enough service members to meet the needs
of the Department of Defense.
Currently by law all male persons must register
with the selective service system
within 30 days of their 18th birthday.
This opens up a completely different argument
which is whether the draft should include women
especially after a 2016 vote in the Senate
approved a military policy bill that
would require women to register.
The bill was later restructured to remove this policy
but it became a heated topic for a while.
Currently the National year of service topic
has yet to be brought up by the White House or Congress
though it still remains a talking point for many.
Until then, leadership like McCrystal continues
to sponsor efforts to afford both military veterans
and civilian volunteers more opportunities
to voluntarily serve our country in various organizations.
So what do you guys think?
Should the year of service, military or otherwise
be required for Americans, leave a comment.
Let me know. (marching band music)
Why Isn't There More Research About Gun Violence? - Duration: 5:16.
(techno music)
- Guns.
Few topics are as guaranteed to get Americans all riled up.
Maybe not the best topic to bring up during family dinner,
if you're hoping for a nice, peaceful meal.
(upbeat music)
When talking about solutions to gun violence in America,
you definitely have your extremes,
those who wanna outlaw guns altogether,
and those who insist we'll only be safe
if every man, woman, and child is armed to the teeth.
Most Americans, though, fall somewhere in between that,
and they're actually probably closer in agreement
than headlines might make it seem.
But the truth is it's hard to come up with solutions
we can all agree on because there's a whole lot
we just don't know about gun violence in America.
And that's because there hasn't been
a ton of research about it.
So, why isn't there more research about gun violence?
Okay, let's start with what we do know.
Most of it comes from one place,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
a federal agency that collects tons
of health-related data about Americans.
For one, gun deaths in the U.S., particularly homicides,
happen a lot more often than in any other wealthy country.
According to a 2015 study in the
American Journal of Medicine, America's firearms death rate
is more than 25 times the rate in other high-income nations.
On an average day in America,
about 300 people are shot and close to 100 die.
Now, here's a crazy stat for you.
More U.S. civilians have been killed by guns
in the last 50 years than the total number of U.S. soldiers
killed in every war since the American Revolution.
Now, I'm gonna just let you chew on that for a second.
That's a lot of dead people.
And it's not like the average American is more violent
than someone from anywhere else.
In fact, when you remove guns from the equation,
the violent crime rate here is pretty much
the same as any other high-income country.
So how do we decrease all this gun violence?
Public health experts wanna do more research,
like they do for other major public health issues,
like the opioid epidemic or diabetes.
There are a lot of details we still don't know
about gun violence, like are most guns
that are used in crimes purchased legally?
And where do those illegal guns come from?
And are there better ways to prevent gun suicides?
Researchers also wanna look into the differences
between local and state gun laws and whether gun violence
in the media actually causes gun violence in the real world.
Sounds like an easy fix, right, let's just do more research.
But the problem is, there isn't federal funding for it.
Government-sponsored researchers say they've been
essentially blocked from studying any of this for the last
20 years, since Congress took away their funding for it.
So, what's the holdup?
Why did Congress take away funding for gun research?
It largely has to do with a group called
the National Rifle Association, or the NRA.
You've heard of them, right?
It's an organization with a lot of political power
and millions of members who believe gun ownership
is a fundamental civil right guaranteed
by the Second Amendment of the Constitution.
It also gets some pretty serious funding from gun companies.
Back in 1993, the CDC published a study that showed
that having a gun in the home
was actually much less safe than not having one.
And, not surprisingly,
the NRA wasn't super-stoked about that.
So, what did they do?
They lobbied Congress hard to take away funding for this
kind of research, arguing that the CDC was using
federal funds to support an obviously anti-gun agenda.
And, in 1996, Congress caved and passed a spending bill
that cut most of the funding for gun research.
Another set of NRA-backed amendments, passed in 2003,
went even further, prohibiting federal crime agencies
from sharing all their firearms-tracking data,
which gives a detailed look at where guns
used in crimes come from, with anyone outside
of law enforcement, including public health researchers.
The NRA says it's not against gun safety research but argues
that the CDC was using public funding to conduct
blatantly biased studies to support an anti-gun agenda,
in other words, researchers were cherry-picking the data
to chip away at the Second Amendment.
Because of all this, there just aren't a lot of federal
resources out there for researching gun violence.
Most is privately funded and done on a local or state level,
which many researchers don't think is broad enough
to really get a better understanding of the problem.
- [Mark] Science had brought the death rate in car crashes
way, way down, and they didn't have to ban cars.
And we said, let's find ways to save lives from gun deaths,
and we can do that without banning guns.
- That's Mark Rosenberg, who used to be one of the leading
gun-violence researchers at the CDC.
He thinks the CDC should research gun safety
much like they researched car safety.
Death from car crashes used to be a lot higher,
but decades of CDC research led to recommendations,
like mandatory seatbelt laws and airbags.
And now, the car crash fatality rate is less than half
of what it was 50 years ago.
Most of these researchers say they're not looking
for reasons to take people's guns away
or really get involved in the politics at all.
They just wanna uncover the evidence
that will hopefully save lives.
So, what do you think?
Would more research on gun violence
really help reduce gun deaths?
And, if you were studying the problem,
what would you wanna know more about?
Let us know in the comments below.
And, as always, like and subscribe.
And, if you liked this video,
check out these lighthearted topics,
like this video on nuclear weapons
and this video on school segregation.
Those ought to cheer you up.
Till next time, guys!
(upbeat music)
The Ultimate Guide to Purchasing Wholesale T-shirts - Duration: 4:43.
hey guys I'm Carissa with BELLA+CANVAS and today I'm going to break down all
the things you need to know about purchasing wholesale blanks we get a ton
of questions about who qualifies for an account with us where we ship to etc
which we'll cover in this video where do you guys purchase bella canvas from
what's your experience like please let us know in the comments section below
now let's get started one of the most common questions we get is how do you
purchase Bella canvas there are two main ways that you can purchase our products
you can buy directly at bellacanvas.com or through any of our wholesale
partners a wholesaler is basically a distributor of our Bella Canvas product
along with other apparel brands plus bags accessories etc the great thing
about ordering through a wholesaler is that they have warehouses all over the
country that are deeply stocked in inventory this can reduce shipping times
and costs also most of these wholesalers offer freight incentives we'll link to
the list of who carries Bella+Canvas in the description below the second way is
through bellacanvas.com this gives you exclusive access to all of our fast
fashion styles where we're launching something new every single month so
having an account with us will keep you up to date it's also great for those of
you who are in the LA area where we offer pickups right at our headquarters
we also have no minimum requirements for when shipping within the US the third
way is to order through an on-demand print service like printful custom ink
or Amazon Merch this is great for any of you who are not printers and one a
one-stop shop when you go into their sites just make sure you search by bella
canvas to view all of our products that they offer
let's talk a bit about how to purchase direct it's easy to forget that we are a
wholesale brand because of that there are certain qualifications you need to
be in order to set up an account with us the first way is if you are a decorator
this includes contract and full-service screen printers or embroiders and means
you typically print large volume orders when approving applicants we look for
indication that you own and operate your own equipment second is if you are a
distributor this includes promotional product distributors if you have an ASI
or PPR number you likely qualify under this category and then finally if you
are a brand this includes licensed clothing brands and proof of website
ecommerce presence or retail locations after you apply for an account you will
need to provide a valid resale certificate for all states in which you
conduct business don't have a resale license every state is different so make
sure you research what qualifications your state requires
so what if you don't qualify for an account with us for example you are a
fitness gym or an Etsy shop how else can you get our Bella chemists product there
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Be Different
Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK PROGRESSION Airco ECC Cruise control Licht metaal Nieuwe APK Inruil mogel - Duration: 0:52.
The (Broken) Matchmaking Cycle | Overwatch - Duration: 7:26.
I don't think a lot of people would fundamentally disagree when I said that we are not happy
with the matchmaker.
It has been a point of contention for about as long as competitive play exists, and it
is also a topic I have covered numerous times on this channel already.
Now, if you are under the impression that there is only one single problem with it that
could be fixed just like that- Then you are painfully mistaken.
The problem surrounding matchmaking issues in Overwatch comes down to many factors.
Not the least of which is a wrong idea sides of the community of how a matchmaking system
is supposed to work, and even downright ignorance to why some of these perceived anomalies are
Bottomline is that, even if you think you know how the matchmaker works, chances are
that you don't.
And that goes for me as much as most other people.
But that doesn't stop us from talking about it, speculating and offering our feedback.
Because whether the matchmaker is objectively broken or not- If it is perceived to not be
functioning properly by the playerbase, then something needs to change.
That means that our feedback is very important for the Devs, even when we have no idea what
we are talking about.
My target today is the dev team's stance on how the matchmaking system is handling
smurf account.
Allowing smurfing in competitive play creates a lot of issues on a social level, as I have
covered in my video talking about 5 Inexcusable Flaws in Overwatch.
Matchmaking Rating adjustments or not- The idea of participating in competitive play
with a secondary account will always be unhealthy for a game, no matter how you look at it.
A player smurfing fundamentally doesn't care as much as somebody whose actual ELO
is on the line, and that is simply not fair towards players who are blood, sweat and tears
out there trying to get their ranks up.
With that out of the way- Let's talk about the balance related issues that can occur
thanks to their acceptance for Smurf Accounts.
Take me as an example.
I have an alt account almost entirely dedicated to practising DPS heroes, because god knows
having a Zenyatta One Trick swap to DPS is gonna cause a lot of whining when I tried
to do that on my main account.
So I play Zenyatta on my main and I have an absolutely awful time.
Nobody cares to group up, nobody is peeling and everyone is just whining constantly.
What would stop me now from swapping my Zenyatta Masters Account to my DPS Platinum Account,
to then play Zenyatta against players who are way worse than me, just because I am frustrated?
"So what about it," you might say.
"The matchmaker is gonna see you stomping Plats and adjust your rating very quickly!"
and you wouldn't be completely wrong if you said that.
If I spent two days just consistently stomping Plats and Diamonds until I reach my original
rating again, then the problem would be solved, right?
Well, at least according to Blizzard.
But here is the actual issue.
If I was to go on one of those angry tantrums where I just wanna stomp some low ELO players,
then I wouldn't be doing that for 2 days straight.
I would go for a handful of games, blow some steam off and call it a night.
If I keep playing DPS on that account and only every so often go on one of those rampages,
then I am going to be a constant, potential problem for the matchmaker.
And here's the kicker- One of my friends has done exactly what I just talked about.
They had an alt account to practise one hero, got placed very low, and one day got frustrated
because their main heroes are no longer meta now in Season 10.
So they went on a tear on their low ELO account where they could obviously still pull some
stunts off.
And it took them two whole days of grinding competitive play to be adjusted back into
Two, whole, days.
Two days of them completely destroying the balance of their matches by tearing through
everyone they played against.
Now consider the following- How many players have an alt account?
Given that Blizzard openly said that having alt accounts is fine- You can sure that there
is a ton of them.
Just try to pay attention in your own matches how many players below level 100 you can find.
Even if everyone only did angry stomps every so often, given that so many players own alt
accounts, you can bet your bucket that this is gonna be a common occurrence because of
just how many smurf accounts are out there.
It's the same thing I said for being toxic- Why would someone care about practising PMA
on a Smurf Account?
Even if they only got toxic like once a month, given how many smurf accounts exist, you can
come across toxicity very frequently.
"Alright Cliff," you might be saying.
"Now tell me something new.
All of these things have been complained about for ages!" and I hear you, yes, you're
completely right.
But I think that most people who made their opinions public failed to address the core
issue in this argument.
Saying things like "Oh I am like two divisions below where I am supposed to be, because all
those tryharding smurfs are on the enemy team, and I keep getting those that don't care!"
It's the typical old ELO Hell fallacy.
Obviously, in the grand scheme of things, Blizzard is banking on all of this balancing
itself out.
That eventually, you are going have more legitimate matches than smurf account infested ones,
and somehow that is supposed to even out your ELO based on your own performance.
But what I want to point out is not an individual player's ranking that is affected by this
issue- I want to talk about the sheer magnitude that this problem has reached.
It is no longer the case of isolated incidents where somebody might be having bad luck.
Considering how many smurf accounts are out there, chances are that the amount of legitimate
matches you participate in have already gotten slimmer than those that have been affected
unfairly to some extent.
Losing and winning thanks to the influence of smurf accounts in itself is causing matchmaking
anomalies where players gain and lose rating where they shouldn't be gaining or losing
And the issue obviously doesn't come from smurfing alone.
Because sure, you might be banking on that eventually balancing itself out, but then
we look at all the other issues that also plague competitive play.
There are players who, on the back of patch heroes alone, climb multiple divisions in
a single season.
The recently changed Hanzo and newly added Baguette are perfect examples of that.
I have found Season 9 Platinum Players who got near GrandMaster by one tricking Brigitte.
No matter how you slice it, that can't be right.
And the effects ingame show that.
Players like these have no idea how to perform in a high rank.
Sure, they might get away with farming some FREELO thanks to the chaotic and often random
nature of competitive play, especially on the back of obviously broken heroes or meta
But in the grand scheme of things, especially once things get dicey, they painfully underperform.
They will drop out of that rating once the specific hero has been nerfed or once another
meta comes around, and on their way down, they will be taking a lot of other player's
ELO with them, and that completely unjustified.
So we have this weird cycle where players are getting frustrated on their main accounts
because they feel like they lost their games unjustifyingly.
They then swap to their alt accounts where they either don't care anywhere near as
much, or they proceed to absolutely stomp other players lower in rank than their main.
Your skill rating, by no means, actually measures your skill.
And I think by now, we all are painfully aware of that.
Sure, we can spend 20 minutes talking about how the playerbase, in large, doesn't understand
why the matchmaker feels so unfair so often, but at the end of the day, allowing smurf
accounts is just one of the many domino pieces that you placed waiting to be kicked over
to eventually bring down this whole construct that we call competitive play.
But hey, ultimately, that is just my point of view on the whole issue.
Whether that is actually accurate or not- Who knows.
But our feedback matters, so make sure you drop down into the comment section below and
give us your own take on what you think is wrong with the matchmaker.
And if you think it's fine, tell us why you think so.
For all of you who are tired of complaining about problems and instead, would like to
take a step into improving your gameplay- Why not check out my video on clutch plays
based on game sense over mechanical skill?
I actually think you guys might find that really useful.
But until then, thank you everybody so much for watching, don't forget to drop me a
like on your way out if you enjoyed the video, subscribe if you wanna see more, and maybe
share this video with a friend you think would find it interesting.
Thanks again for watching and I hope to see you all next time.
B*D News For Wanda Sykes Who Quit 'Roseanne' Right Before Cancellation – She Knew! - Duration: 6:03.
BAD News For Racist Wanda Sykes Who Quit 'Roseanne' Right Before Cancellation – She Knew!
Wanda Sykes is getting really bad news after she quit working on the Roseanne show.
There are a few things she's said that finally come back to haunt her as the general public
use what she previously said against her.
There's a wicked double standard running rampant in the entertainment industry ,and
we all need to put our foot down on it before it gets out of hand.
There are a few things that Sykes said that many people consider racist ,and much worse
than what Roseanne Tweeted about Valerie Jarret – a name many people didn't really know
until Roseanne just made her famous with a single Tweet.
Sykes is known for using racially charged content in her attempts at jokes, often failing
to gather a gasping belly laugh from her audience who gives a chuckle, but doesn't seem to
really be into her using the Hollywood double standard to push her fledgling comedy act.
She may have gotten lucky with a few of her standup jokes, but a lot of people seem to
be turned off by her using racism in her act.
Mostly, her jokes are subjectively not that funny, but to each their own.
The bad news is that Wanda's basic schoolyard jokes are now causing her to feel the wrath
of the public.
She knew what she said in the past ,and for her to quit the Roseanne show over a misinterpreted
Tweet that people called racist after remembering what she said herself about white people is
just oblivious.
Sykes comments about white people were rather offensive, although most people didn't care
what she said.
Intelligent people don't get offended when a comedian says something offensive.
Lots of comedians have entire acts where almost everything is offensive and that's what
makes them funny.
Offensive jokes and content are well liked by most people and anyone who claims to not
like it, while saying things like what Sykes said, is clearly hiding something about themselves.
Sykes probably should have remembered that she too made racially charged comments before
quitting the Roseanne show ,and acting like she was making a moral statement.
People who like Wanda Sykes laughed at her jokes.
People who like Roseanne laugh at hers.
There shouldn't be anyone getting offended or reporting things.
If people don't like something, then they can simply skip over it and find something
they like.
At one point Sykes said something about white people not stealing wallets, but stealing
entire countries.
Some might suggest that the Europeans "conquered upon discovery" – not stole.
Sykes also commented during one of her live stand-up shows that Americans voted for an
orangutan as ,she talked about Donald Trump and the fact that he looks like a weird shade
of orange from his tanning products.
Sure, it's obvious that the Trump uses a spray tan or tanning booth and everyone knows
he looks a little orange, and that's fine.
Sykes went for a joke by comparing the color of an orangutan and the color of President
Some laughed, most didn't care because the joke was rather lame.
Here is a video of Wanda Sykes trashing Trump and essentially getting booed.
She would also give the crowd the middle finger.
It seems like her jokes failed, but that's mostly because people are tired of their entertainment
being ruined by politics and failure comedians going after them with racism ,and other nonsensical
verbal abuse.
Sykes allegedly made this comment on Twitter as well, which was called out immediately
for being inappropriate.
Roseanne did basically the same thing as Wanda Sykes, yet Roseanne just got fired from her
show over it (her show is canceled).
Meanwhile, Wanda just faces a little bit of social media outrage.
Roseanne compared white-looking Valerie Jarrett to someone from the Planet of the Apes movies
and this was probably because of her facial structure and haircut.
To be fair, just like Trump looks a little orange, it's a fair assumption to suggest
that Jarrett does slightly resemble Helena Bonham Carter's character.
Carter, by the way, is a stunningly beautiful woman (great in The Fight Club), but she had
a similar short hairdo (or don't) with bangs in the movie and that's probably the basis
of Roseanne's joke.
They both had very lame jokes, but should either of them be fired for their poor taste
in humor?
If a comedian tells a bad joke and people complain, then shouldn't it be "oh well"
for the people who don't like their sense of humor?
Humor is subjective, so some people might like Wanda, some might like Roseanne, some
may like both, and others may not like them at all.
Shouldn't that be how it is?
Right now it seems like if someone doesn't like a joke or finds something subjectively
offensive, then their first reaction is to boycott or get someone fired.
Doesn't that seem a bit ridiculous for everyone?
Maybe everyone should calm down, focus on what makes them happy, and stop worrying about
what the others are doing.
People who are mad at Roseanne weren't watching her show anyway, so there's no point to
cancel it.
People who don't like what Wanda said don't watch her act either.
Everything works out fine when people focus on the things they enjoy instead of being
mad about someone they don't watch in the first place.
It's all fake outrage and double standards.
Is the big problem the huge double standard?
Why can one person crack jokes about someone's appearance and another person cannot?
Do you think everyone needs to stop complaining about offensive jokes?
Would classic comedians like George Carlin and Richard Pryor be disappointed with society
Should Roseanne get her show back?
Should Wanda Sykes face the same backlash from her comments (which were much worse)?
What is your opinion on this "everyone is offended by everything" disaster and obvious
mainstream media industry double standard?
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
They Thought He Was Like Any Other Little Puppy. Nothing Prepared Them For What He Became. - Duration: 2:01.
They Thought He Was Like Any Other Little Puppy. Nothing Prepared Them For What He Became.
This is Baron, the English mastiff, from Australia. You will be surprised to know that Baron is only two years old and isn't quite done growing yet! Baron's owners describe him as a 'boofhead' and say that he doesn't realize that he is so big! Baron eats two steaks every day and costs about $100 a week to feed.
Solo Soul Melter or Bust - Part 1「Kirby Star Allies 💗 Bonus Ep4」 - Duration: 1:47:12.
Straw Hats meet Gaimon and his friends | One Piece 18 | Multi-Sub | HD | #127 - Duration: 3:44.
There. You're all set.
You're a pretty popular guy, God...
So you used these guys
to scare off everyone who came to the island?
But I've never seen a person stuffed inside a treasure chest before!
Are you a boxed and sheltered son?
Yeah. I've been overly pampered since I was just a little boy...
Of course I'm not!
I can't get out of this box!
I've been alone on this island and in this box for 20 years now!
20 years?!
You've been all alone on this island for 20 years?
My hair and mustache are just as you can see.
Even my eyebrows got connected...
It's also been 20 years since I've conversed with anyone like this.
Can you understand how painful this is?
It seems ridiculous.
What did you say?!
Oh, here you are...
You were asleep this whole time, even after all that happened?!
W-Who's this guy?!
Notice sooner.
He's a guy stuffed in a treasure chest!
Are you a boxed and sheltered son?!
Yeah. I've been overly pampered since I was just a little boy...
Of course I'm not!
Don't do the same stupid gag twice!
Zoro! Gimme a hand!
Ouch! Ouch!
What are you doing?! Stop it!
You're pulling my head off!
You're right! You can't get out!
Don't be crazy!
Because of my lack of exercise over the years,
this treasure chest fits together with my body now!
If you try to break it, my body'll get destroyed, too!
He's a strangely annoying guy.
But who are you guys?
You're nothing like any of the other pirates who've come here.
I'm Luffy! The man who's gonna be King of the Pirates!
I'm gonna be King of the Pirates and get the One Piece!
The One Piece?!
Don't tell me you're seriously planning to enter the Grand Line?!
We even have a chart of the Grand Line!
Don't take it lightly! That place is Hell, or a graveyard!
I once saw pirates who'd managed to escape from the Grand Line!
They looked almost like people who had died and lost their souls!
Something incredibly horrific must've happened,
or they must've run into monsters or something...
Not a single one of them even tried to speak.
On top of that, rumors about the One Piece spawn even more rumors,
so there's no telling what's true or not!
Some 20-odd years since the start of the Great Pirate Era,
the One Piece is already a dream within a dream beyond a legend!
So which is the Grand Line?
Dunno. Don't you know, old scrub brush guy?
I can't read sea charts one bit.
Oh. Then we're the same.
That's not a pirate conversation!
Anyways, even if we do enter the Grand Line,
earning as much money as we can, then escaping, is the best idea.
I will find the One Piece! I have good luck!
Where does all that confidence of yours come from?
I will get it! You'll see!
Whatever you say...
You're the same...
You're just like me;
you even look like me, like we're twins!
How in the world does he look like you?!
Seriously bite&fight make Kelly cry loudly&run a way from hell|Elsa not a good mom|Monkey Daily 913 - Duration: 10:27.
Zucchini Garlic Rose Bread Recipe - Duration: 5:08.
250g (2 cups) all purpose flour/plain flour (per cup = 125g). 1 tsp salt.
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp oil
125ml+2 tbsp warm water (1/2 cup+2 tbsp)
Knead on a floured surface. If you find it too dry, add little water to adjust.
Knead about 5 minutes or until smooth
Form a ball
Put dough in a large bowl. drop some oil into the dough and coat evenly.
Cover for an hour or more depends on your room temperature
Double in size after an hour proofing
On work surface. the dough is smooth 6 elastic As you see here, no an extra flour to handle the dough.
The dough is ready
Divide into 16 pieces
We have 16 small dough
Flatten lengthwise
4 slices of zucchini for each piece of dough
Garlic butter spread
Spread garlic butter on the dough
Put sliced zucchini on the dough
Fold the dough exposing 1/2 part of the zucchini slices. Press on both ends to secure the zucchini.
Spread garlic butter and roll to make a rose shape
I use a round baking dish, we can use any pan.
Cover for 30 minutes
Egg wash
Bake at 200°C (400°F) for 20 - 25 minutes, preheated oven. An oven may vary.
Eat warm...
Les fake de Parcoursup - Désintox - ARTE - Duration: 1:34.
Straw Hats' departure from Legendary Treasure Island | One Piece 18 | Multi-Sub | HD | #130 - Duration: 1:47.
You're really gonna stay on this island, old guy?
Yeah, Straw Hat. Even if there is no treasure,
there's something else I want to protect.
Something you want to protect?
I've shared hard times and happy times with these guys for 20 years.
I can't leave them now.
Now that I know there's no treasure, I somehow finally feel free.
I think I can really live a life I want now.
Plus, I've actually grown a bit fond of being in this box!
Oh! That's too bad, then!
You're a neat old guy, too!
So the weird creatures are your true friends...
He's the weirdest creature of them all, though!
Say what?!
See ya! Take care!
Straw Hat...
Strive for your dream, for me.
You, if anyone, will surely get
the legendary treasure, the One Piece!
And then...
buy the world!
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