Si pasa tiempo al aire libre bajo el sol, es importante saber que la enfermedad de Lyme
está en aumento.
Las personas y las mascotas pueden contraer la enfermedad de Lyme por el piquete de una
Las garrapatas varían en forma, color, tamaño, y pueden ser tan pequeñas como la cabeza
de un alfiler.
Examínese de pies a cabeza para ver si tiene garrapatas, sobre todo en las partes húmedas
y cubiertas con bellos, como la ingle, las axilas y el cuero cabelludo.
Si lo picó una garrapata, podría desarrollar una erupción de ronchas de color rojo oscuro.
Y ése es sólo uno de los síntomas de la enfermedad de Lyme.
Existen otros tipos de sarpullidos más comunes.
Si sospecha que tiene la enfermedad de Lyme, acuda a su médico de inmediato.
Toma de 2 a 5 semanas después de una picadura antes de que la enfermedad de Lyme pueda ser
detectada en los análisis de sangre.
Durante la espera, el médico puede recomendar un tratamiento con antibióticos antes de
recibir los resultados.
Recuerde que a los perros también les da la enfermedad de Lyme.
Examine a su perro en busca de garrapatas después de que haya estado en zonas boscosas
o pastizales, y acuda a su veterinario si presenta síntomas tales como falta de apetito,
inflamación en las articulaciones y cojera.
For more infomation >> La enfermedad de Lyme: Diagnóstico y tratamiento para personas y mascotas - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
Los Reyes acompañan a sus hijas Leonor y Sofía en su primer día de cole - Duration: 2:21.
Ultimas noticias hoy: Alarmante hundimiento de Felipe y Letizia tras recibir un golpe de última hora - Duration: 3:37.
A la China Suárez se le agotó la paciencia y escrachó a su acosadora: "Imaginate someterte..." - Duration: 3:51.
El horóscopo de hoy, 30 de mayo de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:34.
¡ABC cancela su súper éxito por comentarios racistas! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:09.
¡Esta es la canción que Luis Miguel le dedica a su mamá! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:19.
Descubre los beneficios de la lactancia prolongada | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:57.
Maluma rompe récords con su nuevo disco "F.A.M.E." | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:27.
¡Lanzan un videojuego recrea un tiroteo en una escuela! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 8:52.
¡Descubre cómo hacer un pollo frito pero saludable! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 7:19.
El inesperado encuentro de Natacha Jaitt y Morena Rial - Duration: 3:17.
¡Te presentamos al chef dominicano del alcalde de NY! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:06.
Ana Patricia comparte con Karla sus dudas sobre el nombre de su bebé - Duration: 1:12.
¡Un Nuevo Día visita la casa del alcalde de Nueva York! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.
Sing Along ABC Songs
Ogromna zmiana u Zbyszka z „Rolnika". Los się uśmiechnął - Duration: 2:16.
Ogromna zmiana u Zbyszka z „Rolnika". Los się uśmiechnął - Duration: 2:03.
Opel Meriva 1.4T AUT Cosmo Nav. Clim.contr. Trekh. - Duration: 1:08.
Buy Speaker cheap price in bd/Wholesale Market DJ,Bluetooth speaker shop in dhaka 2018 - Duration: 7:58.
Pokémon GO in 2018 ??! - Duration: 5:36.
I know... who even plays this game anymore right? It's so 2016...
Well. Millenials like me who grew up watching Pokémon and always dreamed of a game like this.
So adults
When i first heard about this game my mind was blown. like.. I thought it was going to be like an mmorpg but in the real world
But when the game was finally available i was welcomed with this... for like a week. and so as every player back then
But that didn't stop most people from going out and playing it
Even though, it took like 30 minutes to log in and then you had to wait under a Pokéstop or a gym-
For the gps to display a location and not the empty middle of nowhere eight miles away.
While your ritch friend, with his fancy flagship phone with 4G connection!!
Only had to wait 20 minutes.
It was amazing seeing so many people outside and if someone was on their phone, they were surely playing pokemon go it was like a
Friend's party, like you could go up to anyone or anyone could go up to you and you already
Had something in common to talk about
Hey. Are you playing Pokémon GO?
Why am I seeing this? Is it my phone a piece of trash or the servers are down again!?
And then i kinda got bored of it but then occasionally i picked it up, again and it got seriously better with
Each update. I'm gonna list, my favorite changes, if you haven't played, this game since 2016 i'm going to blow
your mind okay the first biggest, change the game
Works! I know right?! if you couldn't play it back then chances are it wasn't your phone's problem and
Chances are you have a much better phone now, than back then
Also remember seeing only Pidgeys, Weedles, Zubats and Ratatas. now the pokemons
you see are much more varied!
Not only because there are three generations now in-game and they all have their most common ones but you really see a lot more
Uncommon and rare that used to be very very rare before so basically anything beside this four.
but because of these Pokéxplosions... Pokéxplosions
They aren't a bunch of disappointment now and you can catch the continent exclusives a lot more commonly
Like look at me i have this many Mr. Mimes and even transferred, like seven!
We also have weather effects now!
Which make certain types of pokemons appear
More often so when it's raining outside and you don't want to go out
It is the best time to go out
And hunt for Squirtles!
The next big thing is the buddy system, which means if you really like a pokemon and you need
Candy for it, you can make one your buddy and you get candy for just walking
some, such as Pikachu or Magicarp only needs one kilometer for one candy and
Something like a Lapras needs five kilometer for a single candy
Gyms have changed! Now anytime you beat a pokemon that's defending it, you lower it's cp!
Until it's knocked out and if they are all out, the gym is free to capture
Also, you can now level up your reputation at each gym, with fighting for it, placing a defender or
Healing, it's cp back with berries which is a waste of berries to be honest but at least
You get some stardust
The higher your level with the gym is, the more items it gives you then you spin it. Yes you can
Now spin gyms like a Pokéstop
It also gives you extra items when the gym is your team's plus if you max one out and it's
also yours, I think one spin gives you as many items as three Pokéstops would
So it's pretty amazing for players like me, because i live in a town and we don't have that many stops at all
Also there are no more cheaters yeah if you win over a
Gym, then, someone from another continent, won't take it before you.
There are now raids, which you can't
Do much with, unless you have, active high-level people in that area. Or friends. You can probably, guess, why i never won a raid yet
We also have quests now
There's this story based campaign thing and a stamp map. You can get a stamp for completing one of the field research quests
They are quite easy but if you, don't like it you can
Skip it and get a new one from spinning a stop once you got all these stamps you get a
Box and you get to catch a rare pokemon like i got a Moltres from my first
box this one resets after you complete it but the campaign doesn't
But i heard you get new camping quests occasionally there are
Also events now like at Halloween you could catch Pikachus with a witch hat! Which is adorable!
Plus, there are parties so you can make a team you want to fight with defaultly, so you
Don't have to always pick six pokemons, each time you fight a
Gym or a raid and the game is still doing surprisingly, amazing it's currently
Still one of the top grossing games on google play so there really are way more people playing it than i thought
By, the, way this video is not sponsored i just genuinely like this game
and if you used to like it but you couldn't log in or you got bored of seeing only the same four pokemons
Maybe you're, going to like it again, also see that generator thing back there? I made that a printable paper craft if you
Feel like you have a spare hour or two to make one in real life
You, can! I'm going to make one print for each big video i make so basically as a free merch!
Well the cost of printing two pages. Thanks to Anticx Animation for giving the idea for this paper craft project if you like
This video i have a lot more thanks for watching, and Have an easy day!
For 37 years ... A bright lady ...
With a white veil on the hair ... which goes down to the foot ...
This luminous lady speaks to children ...
A luminous lady who is 18 years old ... Young, beautiful, pretty, ...
the children are the only ones to see her ... She chose this village ...
Because there is a lot ... True believers ...
His mission is difficult ... To establish peace in the world ...
And teach men to pray ... The children grew up ...
They are in their fifties ... They talk about secrets ...
messages ... of signs ...
It will seem that there is talk of Saint Joseph ...
A discovery can be ... it looks like it's about the end
from the church … and the beginning of the church of Mary ...
it seems that it is about death lights ...
the announcement of their death ... What is certain …
It's possible to decrease ... Seeing prevent some secrets ...
Thanks to prayer and fasting ... And I remind you that it's not too late
to convert ...
Medjugorje ... miracle of the sun ...
In February 2008 ... on the internet appears this video ... the sun seems to split
... and Mary's silhouette seems to appear ... we can estimate that it is a montage
... but many pilgrims present seeing these phenomena ... Mary is talking about signs
precursors before the great visible and permanent sign that it will give at the end of the apparitions ...
Look instead ...
Voila the video is finished then you can see more video on the left by following the link ...
Or see the last video out by following the link on the right side ...
You also have the possibility to subscribe ... by following ... the blue arrow ...
Nirankari Vichar | V D Nagpal SNM General Secretary Vichar | Powerful Vichar | New Nirankari Vichar - Duration: 22:33.
Clear Concept - 2 key tips for High Impact Meetings - Duration: 2:13.
Hi everyone, Ann Gomez of Clear Concept Inc. here, Productivity and Leadership Consultant.
And today, I want to bring you 2 key things that can help you lead high-impact meetings.
Now, like any busy professional, I have no doubt you're in a lot of meetings and sometimes
we have more influence over those meetings than others, but the best thing we can do
to really up-scale, up-level how our meetings are run is to model great behaviour.
And there are a lot of little things we can do to really boost the productivity of our
meetings, make sure they're high-impact - but there are 2 I really want to emphasize today.
The first is to set an agenda.
If you're running the meeting, then, fantastic.
You have the full latitude to prompt an agenda with input of course.
If you're participating, I absolutely encourage you to ask for an agenda.
So, when someone sends you a meeting invite, you say, "Sure, what is it that we're looking
to discuss?"
So that prompts the agenda.
Now, we have this template available, happy to share with you, send us an email if you
want a copy of it, but essentially we think a good agenda outlines what you want to discuss,
whether there's pre-work , who is leading the discussion and how long we expect that
discussion to take.
Your agenda should prompt: who is coming to the meeting, how long is the meeting is, etc.
The next thing we want to do in meetings is to track action items.
I'm not a fan of minutes.
I personally - the only time I read meeting minutes is if I'm ever having trouble falling
asleep, then it's a good little tactic to use to help me fall into la-la land.
Minutes are a ton of work and I don't think the pay-off is there.
Yes, you probably want to track key decisions but really focus on action items.
Meetings are all about moving projects forward so we want to be tracking who is doing what
by when and then follow up on those action items at the next meeting.
Again, if you want this template, feel free to reach out to us:
We want to support you to continue doing your best work and having great meetings.
Thanks for watching.
Homescapes Level 659 - How to complete Level 659 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:46.
"Homescapes how to complete level 659"
"Homescapes gameplay"
ROWENTA usisivač Silence Force Cyclonic 4A RO76 - Duration: 1:13.
Buy Football world Cup Price in BD/Cheap price Madel,Type of cup shop in Dhaka 2018 - Duration: 9:23.
Hierdie is Vloer Poletoer - Duration: 2:00.
Video la scelta di Sara a U&D: il pianto d'addio di Lorenzo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.
Grande Fratello 15, chi vincerà? Cambiano le quote dei bookmakers | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.
Erra karam-Dried red chilly chutney-ఎర్ర కారం -ఎర్ర దోసె కారం - Duration: 3:27.
In this video i will show how to prepare dose chutney using dried red chillies.
In a mixer jar add chopped onion,tomato,chilly,coriander seeds,cumin seeds,tamarind,salt ,garlic,water (if req.) and prepare as shown in video.
In a pan add oil and tempering seeds,curry leaves,after little fry add the paste and cook for 5 min on low flame.
TEFAL Pro Express Ultimate parna stanica GV9563E0 - Duration: 1:05.
Un matrimonio y su niñera, detenidos en Murcia por quemar con una plancha a su hija de seis años - Duration: 4:17.
Dog Cane Corso Derrek and toy mumps. # Canecorso - Duration: 2:59.
DEUTSCHLAND vs ÖSTERREICH - Militär Vergleich - 2018 (Fußball) - Duration: 2:23.
Military Power Comparison
Germany vs Austria
Defense Budget
Total Population
Active Military Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
Military Ranking
Cách chuyển danh bạ IPHONE từ 11 số sang 10 số - [100% THÀNH CÔNG] - Duration: 3:32.
Why I Got My Eyeliner Tattooed | Macro Beauty | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:52.
You can create whatever you want.
It is still a form of tattooing.
I absolutely love the concept of giving this freedom to a woman, to be able to wake up
and not look like they have a ton of makeup, but look very fresh and very natural.
I have gotten tattoos.
I have quite a few.
Two on my wrists, I have a little ghost, and I have two stick and pokes that my friend did.
One on the back of my ankle, it's an evil eye, and the other
a silhouette of a woman's body.
I am a little hesitant and concerned that I am getting a tattoo on my eyelid.
My name is Claudia, and I'm getting permanent eyeliner today.
Doing my makeup every day is sometimes a little bit of a struggle when I'm running from appointment
to another appointment, I don't really want to have to worry about maintaining my looks.
I started doing this back in the late '80s in Paris.
I really love the concept of a woman looking beautiful and not having to put makeup.
But I really didn't like the result.
Because everything was so obvious and unnatural, I actually found that it was
disfiguring the real freshness of youth.
I found a way to give the woman that concept without making her look like she had done anything.
Some of my A-list clients include Lena Dunham, Jenna Dewan, Julie Bowen, Michelle Williams, and Megan Fox.
When I first found out about Dominique, I was so fascinated.
I loved the work that she did with her other clients, and how incredible it just made the eye pop.
I'm going to a wedding tomorrow and I'm definitely going to feel very flawless and
fabulous after this whole procedure.
Overdoing permanent makeup is never a good idea.
The number one advice I give to my clients is to go for the youthful look, rather than
the glamorous look.
If you go that way permanently, you'll never have that opportunity to look fresh again.
There are different techniques and different tools for different procedures.
The eyeliner, we will use a less invasive needle that will be very gentle to the fine skin.
It's very important to seek out a qualified expert.
This procedure becoming such a trend, a lot of people with as little as a month's training
are offering this service.
The percentage of unhappy women who come to me to — in the hope to get it fixed–is rising,
and it's heart wrenching to see the damage that's been done to those women.
And the disfiguration sometimes is beyond repair.
I think there are definitely some misconceptions around permanent makeup
cause there are those horror stories.
My biggest fear is I hope it doesn't bleed, or fade, or possibly not fade if I don't
keep up with going in for retouches.
I could do this with my eyes closed.
Do you want me to show you?
Oh no, no, no, no.
This is going to be a piece of cake.
First I am going to clean the area.
I then place a little numbing cream with a q-tip.
Once I put my magnifying glasses and gloves, then I will custom blend the pigment in the tray.
I'm going to start very gently.
If there is anything, you tell me, I'll stop right away.
I just want to create the illusion of thicker lashes.
The little blade does the work and you hear a slight buzzing noise.
Keep going in to make the lightest puncture possible to implant the pigment in a gentle manner.
The feeling ranges from feeling the vibration to a little scratch on their eyelashes.
I go over each section two or three times.
This will insure the proper amount of pigment is implanted into the lash line.
After I completed the procedure on Claudia, my first reaction was how open her eyes became.
But I felt that she could use a little bit more on the tail to give her that soft doe look.
We went back and I added a little bit on the corner and it was just perfect.
The great thing with this procedure is that right from the get go
you can start racking up the compliments, go to
a red carpet event and nobody would ever know you had anything done to your eyes.
When I looked at the final results, it looked amazing.
I didn't have any mascara on, my eyes instantly popped.
I felt really beautiful and confident and I owned who I was.
It wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be.
It was actually really relaxing.
Dominique is really gentle, and I didn't feel a thing.
All of the built up anticipation and stress that I was creating in my head was for nothing.
It's extremely important to follow the after care to ensure a good result.
The permanent eyeliner has faded.
It's practically gone to be quite honest, but Dominique's technique is she does it
lightly the first time around because she wants to see how your skin and your body reacts
to the procedure, which I actually respect and appreciate.
Because everyone's skin complexion and, you know,DNA is different.
I'm actually going in next week when I return from my vacation to get the second round done
and I'm so excited because I enjoyed it so much the first time around that I can't
wait to have it done the second time.
Thank you so much for watching.
For more videos, click here, and to subscribe click here.
Praise Report—Freed from Addictions and Condemnation - Duration: 1:42.
Here is a testimony from Brazil.
"I'm a 19-year-old boy.
I'm a 19-year-old who used to feel lost and condemned.
Even though I read the Bible and prayed the way I was taught, I was unable to establish my faith.
One day, I saw Pastor Joseph Prince preach on television.
I was not paying attention to what he was talking about but for some reason his name stuck with me.
And when I heard him preach about the grace of God, I was greatly amazed.
I already read the New Testament but everything that Pastor Prince said made me wonder if
I had read it properly.
So I read the book of Romans once more and when I did, something new happened.
It was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes and I began to hunger more for the amazing
grace of God that Pastor Prince taught.
I began to learn more about God's grace.
I bought 2 of Pastor Prince's books, Destined to Reign and Unmerited Favor, and read them twice.
I also reread the Bible.
My life changed so much.
I no longer feel lost and I am more than happy to walk with the Lord because I know He loves me
and will not condemn me even if I were to make a mistake.
Today I finally know that the gospel of Christ is not about what I do but about believing
that Jesus has already done everything for me.
After receiving this revelation, I looked for a church that preaches the gospel of Christ
without mixing law and grace, but found none.
So my brother and I started a church and began preaching the grace of God.
The Holy Spirit has also revealed to us more about His amazing grace and today our church
is thriving and miracles have happened, just because we talk about the grace of God.
People who are coming to our church are being impacted and those who are unemployed,"
this is in Brazil, "have obtained jobs by His favor.
Pastor Prince, I really wish to thank you personally for what you have done in my life.
May God continue to bless you.
Never stop talking about His amazing grace."
The ultimate hypercar causes hysteria in town! - Duration: 4:31.
Look, look.
They don't know how to drive.
Tazzy, Tazzy !
I'm here!
Damn it, she didn't see me...
Beethoven's "Broken" Metronome: Solving the Hammerklavier's Mysterious 138 - Duration: 10:29.
So about Beethoven it is well documented that the composer of the ninth symphony used his
metronome upside down.
Or at least the weight was upside down –which doesn't make a big difference by the way.
Or the violent man fired all his emotional anger on his metronome, so that the poor device
gave him wrong speeds throughout his entire career.
The most complicated fairy tales can easily be found.
In all the discussions you'll find on Beethoven's metronome, one general agreement among all
layers of musical society is easily agreed upon: By definition it is Beethoven who was
Not we.
Stay tuned for what I believe is an extremely important element in the interpretation of
Beethoven's music.
I might even give you a few bars of my...yes...
So what's up everybody, my name is Wim Winters and welcome to Authentic Sound.
This channel is all about exploring the music from Bach to Beethoven and Beyond, with the
single goal to inspire you on your journey as a musician or as a music lover.
You probably know my view on metronome numbers by now: There is nothing more important than
the tempi we choose for our performances.
A tempo dictates many, if not all of the other elements of a musical conversion, over articulation
and phrasing up to building the character of the piece.
So how lucky we are to have thousands of exact speed indications, from precisely that generation
of composers from which we today still admire the compositions so much.
And yes.
Also from Beethoven.
Reading through some explanations for the 'incomprehensible' metronome numbers our
friend Ludwig left, one starts to wonder how on earth a man of such little intelligence,
was able of composing the ninth symphony.
I mean, what a high level of idiocy does it require not to know how to operate a ultra
simple device like this (showing metronome)?
My daughter of six exactly needed 10 seconds of explanation to never miss any number any
And as mentioned, the weight upside down doesn't give you that big of a difference.
Yes, Beethoven could have thrown his metronome out of anger against a wall, down the stairs,
out a window even on the street where horses stepped over it, before someone took it up,
and threw it back through the same window, leaving Beethoven with a black eye, and a
broken metronome, that he nevertheless kept using.
And to continue this interesting idea of the broken metronome, I have some spectacular
news for you: all those metronomes in the early 19th century, and even up to 1850 and
beyond, they all were broken, and broken in exactly the same way!
How do I know?
Simple: just compare those metronome numbers with each other: the differences you'll
find often will be remarkable small.
So, or all metronomes were broken in exactly the same way.
Or they functioned all fine.
Also Beethoven's.
The latter is not hard to imagine either since those metronomes were calibrated to tick 60
times in one minute.
So even imagine the metronome Maelzel gave to Beethoven wasn't accurate –which on
its own would be hard to believe: would you give the greatest composer of your time a
specimen that is not tested?- Beethoven must have been aware soon of the device's inaccuracy.
I mean, guys, it wouldn't give him the second even correctly!
So let's rapidly forget about those fairy tales and blame ourselves instead if we don't
understand the speed indications he left for his works.
As we better agree on the fact Schumann had a properly working metronome, Czerny had – and
was really serious about the accuracy of his speed indications, Hummel had, Ries had, Moscheles
had, Chopin had, and so on and so on.
So what does that leave us with?
Just accepting the correctness of the numbers, how hard could that be?
I hear you think: but many are so incredibly fast.
Yes, if you read the metronome numbers as we do today, they are.
You end like great pianists as Schnabel who tried at least to play the Hammerklavier in
138 for the half.
(music) No, the Viennese piano will not help you overcome
the difficulties Schnabel apparently did not manage to overcome: a Viennese piano will
not help you play faster either, nor will it help you to make those beginning chords
sound less muddy.
O and just by the way in case you are already impressed with Schnabel's high speed and
courage, he still is way below Beethoven's 138.
So take a breath and practice a bit more, you'll have to accelerate from Schnabel's
116/126 to Beethoven's 138.
Or you take the other approach, that of the historical metrical reading of the metronome.
I have made many videos now on the old metrical reading of the metrome and link some of them
here, in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Just click on the 'i' icon.
Very short: you start from the idea of the tactus, the arsis-thesis, the up-down of a
conductor, as a unity.
In the world of a metronome , those ups/downs are indicated by the actual number, in this
case 138.
Both up-down, or in a metronome's case, the left-right, belong together as one "Schlag"
as the Germans say, and that two-fold unity is represented by the note value, in this
case the half note.
So on every 'tactus' – every half note here- two ticks are heard.
The Hammerklavier does not become an easy piece by playing it in quarter note 138, but
playable after all by I'd say a majority of today's professional pianists who don't
mind to study really hard for some months.
I'll give you now a really short snapshot of how "my" Hammerklavier will sound once
the pianoforte is here.
(music) Hope that asks for more.
The whole piece becomes very cantabile, almost opera-like as well.
And one starts to understand why Beethoven choose to have the eight note as a basic note
value, connecting to the tradition of the old alla breve as for instance some of J.S.Bach's
famous fugues for organ, still today played on those big German historical organs at speeds
that are not far from the one we indeed get for the Hammerklavier.
We'll make several videos on the Hammerklavier once my pianoforte is here, that's a promise!
The latter choice of metronome interpreation is up to you to make, but let's agree on
tree things: 1.
Beethoven's metronome was just fine.
The speed indications the left are extremely important in understanding the way he played.
We have two options: either single beat or, the old metrical double beat interpretation.
In case you are serious about historical musical reconstruction- and certainly if you tell
your audience you are- there is no other way than creating your musical conversions but
through these metronome numbers.
Certainly those of Beethoven I'd say.
This will not be the last video I make on this topic, promise, so stay tuned for more!
No better way than to subscribe to this channel, hit also that bell icon next to the subscription
button and then... we'll see each other soon again.
The Disney Vacation Club: A Quick History - Duration: 7:06.
Today I want to talk about the history of the Disney Vacation Club, otherwise known
as the DVC.
What is it?
Well, in short, it's Disney's own timeshare program, and its creation was just one more
piece of a larger puzzle that made up the Disney Decade.
What we know today as timeshares began as a trend in the UK in the early 1960s called
vacation home sharing.
The concept was simple.
Three or four families who knew and trusted each other would all chip in to buy a vacation
home, and then they would share the use of that home across the seasons of the year.
It was a way to have your own vacation home without paying the full price for one.
In 1963 in Switzerland a company called Hapimag took that concept to the next level.
While it happens occasionally, most of the time a family isn't going to spend an entire
season at a vacation home.
So rather than let the property sit unused for most of the year, why not split up the
ownership into one week segments rather than whole seasons?
That way you could sell the use rights to upwards of fifty people instead of just three or four.
In 1965 the concept made its way to the US and first showed up in Maui at the Hilton Hale Kaanapali.
Later, in 1969, the first non-hotel condominium timeshare was sold on the island of Kauai.
So why Hawaii? Well, it was perfect.
If your goal was to sell off access to the space every week of the year, you're going
to have a much easier time selling off those winter weeks when the resort is in beautiful
sunny Hawaii.
Over the following two decades the industry would grow and grow and grow.
The problem however is that along with it, a bad reputation for the industry would also
grow and grow and grow.
And to be clear, that bad reputation is entirely deserved.
Trying to use free gifts like theme park tickets to lure travelers into long winded sales pitches
that lasted hours and hours.
Offering free alcoholic drinks at those sales pitches to try and lower people's inhibitions.
High pressure sales tactics that sometimes involved trying to guilt people into signing on.
Intentionally confusing and complex contracts that made it nearly impossible to back out.
This is a major long-term investment and it's the kind of decision that should be
made with a clear mind and time to work out the details.
All of these tactics were used to influence people to do the exact opposite, and unfortunately,
it worked.
By the early 1990s, despite the negative image, the timeshare industry was booming, and as
it would turn out, Orlando was the most popular spot for them.
In fact, that region alone accounted for an estimated 400 million dollars that were being
spent every year.
Well similar to places like Hawaii, the weather was ideal for selling off weeks in the off-months.
There was another reason though: it was close to Disney World.
Now at this point Disney CEO Michael Eisner had already turned the Disney Company around
and saved it from a takeover.
It was on an upswing and was doing so well that he had declared the 90s the "Disney Decade."
One of the many tactics Eisner employed that decade was that whenever they recognized a
business opportunity that was directly or indirectly benefiting from Disney, they would
step into that business themselves and create their own unique "Disney" version of it.
Disney owned hotels, the Disney store, the cruise line.
They all had their ups and downs, but for the most part they'd turn into successful
business ventures.
It was a growing $400 million dollar a year industry right in their backyard, and with
plenty of land to spare, there was no reason not to seek out a piece of that pie.
And so in September of 1991, the Disney Vacation Club was born.
Now right from the get go, right there, with the "Disney Vacation Club" they were acting
on their intention to distance themselves from the negative reputation the industry had.
Mark Pacala, senior VP of the DVC said
Sure enough, Disney took efforts to make sure the DVC capitalized on all of the better aspects
of the business model without leaning into the unethical practices that plagued it.
For one, the DVC is a point-based timeshare program.
That means that instead of purchasing a specific or rotating week at one specific resort, you
instead invest generally into a "home" resort and in return get annual points that
you can use to book at a number of different resorts.
You can save up your points for future years or even borrow future points early.
Disney wasn't the first to use such a system, but out of the different timeshare varieties,
this was the most flexible.
In terms of selling memberships to the DVC, Disney initially decided that no gifts would
be offered in return for sitting through sales pitches.
On top of that the 90 minute sales pitches were also paired with three separate opportunities
for guests to leave.
In fact, salespeople were even trained to look out for guests who appeared bored or
restless so that they could offer them a chance to leave with no questions asked.
The process for picking salespeople who fit within Disney's culture where guest experience
came first was extensive, and it took 1,600 applicants before the first 30 salespeople
were hired.
Additionally, without specifying how, Pacala said that the feedback guests would give to
Disney at the end of their exchange would impact the earnings for those salespeople,
disincentivizing them from using uncomfortable high pressure sales tactics.
When Disney began selling memberships that September they had set aside 51 units of their
upcoming Old Key West resort for the program before expanding it to 197 units.
By the end of the first year sales of memberships totaled up to almost fifty million dollars.
By 1993 another 150 units were under construction with another one hundred and fifty planned
after that.
By the end of the Disney Decade they had built 2,100 units across seven resorts that included
one resort in Vero Beach and one in Hilton Head, South Carolina.
In 2011 they opened their furthest standalone DVC resort, Aulani, which as fate would have
it, brought them back to where it all began in the US: Hawaii.
The DVC was a successful venture that still grows to this day, and it stands as another
example of the idea that when Disney approaches a concept and tackles it themselves, focusing
on the guest experience that they're famous for, even something as vilified as timeshares can work.
Wielki Test All Malt Lagerów - Duration: 34:28.
House Of The Rising Sun - Julia Westlin (cover) - Duration: 6:52.
Thank you so much for watching!
I hope that you enjoy this new music video!
Please leave me a comment to let me know what you think!
And continue to request the songs that you wish for me to cover next!
I am so happy that so many of you have signed up to support me on Patreon.
And I want to say the hugest mega super thunder THANK YOU for supporting my music videos.
Thank you so much my Angels!!!
Don't forget to leave me your Happy Thumb and Subscribe if you did not already to see all my next upcoming videos and I will see you on my next upload!
Pay Very Close Attention to Watchtime! - Chad Wild Clay - Duration: 2:19.
We are here today with.
Chad Wild Clay
Your channel is and how many subscribers do you have?
It is also called Chad Wild Clay, makes it easy, and right now 2.8 million subscribers.
Awesome, congratulations on your channel.
Thank you.
As a YouTube who has had much success, you have three pieces of advice you want to give
to other YouTubers to help start their channel or grow their channel.
Yes, definitely, I would say the number one new thing right now is to pay very close attention
to your click-through rate.
If you don't know what that is.
Let's say you get a 100 views on your thumbnail and out of those 100 people who saw your thumbnail
10 click in, that's a 10% click-through rate.
YouTube really determines how much they want to promote your video.
A big part of that is determined by your click-through rate.
So make sure to pay close attention in your analytics to your click-through rate and keep
testing different types of thumbnails and strategies to see what you can do to get that
click-through rate higher.
Yeah, the impressions are literally from how many times someone sees a thumbnail and the
title from your video purely from those parts of the platform.
Exactly, so whether it's YouTube's homepage or whether it's on the recommended section,
you're watching another video and you see other videos being recommended, your thumbnail
is getting an impression right there.
So you want people clicking on it to get a high click-through rate.
And what would be tip number 2?
Tip number 2, the next thing I pay very close attention to my watchtime, both the percentage
watched but even more so how many total minutes and seconds are being watched per video.
That does tend to make me want to favour wanting to create longer-form videos.
So often my videos will be 12,13, 14 minutes.
If it ends up being 18 minutes sometimes I will be like, you know I may want to trim
this a little bit, but sometimes keep it a little longer because it definitely does seem
to me like YouTube does favour watchtime.
For example, for me, if I get a video where the average watch duration is eight minutes
long, that's really, really good for me, and I've definitely noticed a pattern where those
videos that have over eight minutes of watchtime, YouTube promotes those videos like crazy.
So combine a good click-through rate with that watch time and I know that videos going
to do great.
I Am Declemnt!!! - Duration: 3:31.
Hi I am Declemnt and I'm an international student of English as a
second language I am in Toronto Canada I have spent three months here and I
want to do these kind of videos because I need some way to measure my advance
please let me know if I made some mistakes, don't be rude I'm just learning
take it easy so meanwhile I am learning I'm making this
videos I want to show you a little bit about Toronto and my experiences here ...that I
can... that I have had (in Toronto) good experiences and some of them not so good but it is part
of the process so I'm very comfortable right now with this city and all that it
has given to me so I'm going to show you... I'm going to introduce myself a little
bit I'm from Colombia and I have a major in systems engineer that should be
something similar to computers degree and I used to work (In Colombia) in this company that
I'm showing you that is Tata consultancy services I worked there for
three years after I worked in another companies but
I just decided to come here and changed my mind and try to learn English because
for me it's very important oh that's a that's a... a word that is very
hard for me because in spanish is "importante" but in English is important. So...
my mind got confused sometimes. You could expect for these videos as I'm
talking this is my first video so my faces on the video all the time probably
I will make different kind of videos but always talking about experiences here and
I will try to make just short videos and varied with very specific points and
why not, giving you some suggestions... What else? oh! the Institute I'm not sure if I
can say the name of the Institute, better probably. I could just write in the
comments but not in the video I'm not sure I will figure it out just
I'm not completely sure so that's all for this moment please let me know if
you like the video if you want to see something in specific here if you have
suggestions and also if you have found mistakes in my video please help me and
let me know because I think that is part of my learning so thank you for
everything see you in the next video
Subscribe to my channel. Thanks for watching
Every time i come here at 7/11, they give me these little stamps...
And they should wort 3 bath each (6x3=18 bath).
Now i'm going to buy 2 bottles of wather from the cost of 9 bath each... and i try to pay with the these stamps.
Experiment successful! I bought 2 bottles of water with stamps they give me every time at 7/11.
Wojciechowska i Kossakowski: Ich miłość rozkwitnie w podróży? - Duration: 2:14.
[Szok] Martyna Wojciechowska i Przemysław Kossakowski razem na wakacjach || LVTszok - Duration: 4:25.
Martyna Wojciechowska i Przemysław Kossakowski razem na wakacjach
Martyna Wojciechowska i Przemysław Kossakowski lecą razem na wakacje.
Martyna Wojciechowska od lat plasuje się w czołówce największych gwiazd polskiego show-biznesu.
Tysiące Polek podziwia ją za odwagę, determinację i rozwijanie swoich pasji wbrew niesprzyjającym warunkom.
Martyna wielokrotnie udowodniła, że niemożliwe dla niej nie istnieje.
Od lat media spekulują na temat związków podróżniczki, ostatnio plotkuje się,
że jej wybrankiem jest 46-letni gwiazdor stacji TTV – Przemysław Kossakowski.
Fakt dotarł do informatora, który twierdzi,
że Wojciechowska i Kossakowski mają zaplanowany wspólny wakacyjny wyjazd,
na który zabiorą ze sobą córkę gwiazdy TVN – Marysię:
To nowa relacja, która ciągle się rozwija.
Martyna i Przemek są bardzo ciekawi, dokąd ich to zaprowadzi.
Planują polecieć latem w odległe miejsce, gdzie będą mogli skupić się na sobie.
Przemek pozna lepiej nie tylko Martynę, ale i jej córkę – zdradziła tabloidowi znajoma gwiazdy TVN.
Martyna nie ma w zwyczaju komentować swojego życia prywatnego.
W programie Uwaga! Kulisy sławy, w którym została zapytana o jej relację z Przemysławem, odpowiedziała tylko:
Przemek to jest wariat.
A mi się to bardzo podoba.
Najważniejsze, że oboje doskonale się rozumieją.
How to Make Vegan Tiramisu - Vegan Tiramisu Recipe - Duration: 15:19.
Vanlife Camping at Green Rocks - Duration: 9:01.
look at this view we have here. let's go check out these green rocks
look at these over here they're green
Utah's usually red rocks but there's those right now we're looking for our
campsite so we found this spot right outside of Moab on free campsites net
and it's a free place to park it's on BLM land so that is a very good site to
use where Sandra's been finding all of our free places to stay lately
okay we're in Utah right now and are parked in front of these green rocks
never seen any rocks like this before
all right let's go check out what these green rocks are all about
There's Sandra coming over to join finally
look at the view from up here
come on people get solar
so we're going to attempt to make our own fire so we're gonna build
our own campfire okay so you take the big rocks place them around the ring of
small rocks
so there's little lightning and thunder outside but we're still for some reason
attempting this it's probably no point for this but watch us make fools of
did you do it okay? so we just got stormed in so I guess my fire isn't
really gonna work he almost got it so right before we were gonna have our
awesome fire I was gonna get some good b-roll for you guys now look outside
it's just rain thunder lightning and black clouds so this will be our fire so
we've set the mood here with our candle and our mood lighting in order to
conserve energy we only turn on a couple of these so we manually we're not using
so much energy okay tonight like most nights we're having an
how is it so this is our TV for the night movie night with a cellphone a
ziplock and two clothes pins ok well that didn't work so now the roof there
so this is our view when we laid down
good morning from Moab look at this view we have here let's show you the rest
all right good morning guys we are leaving our camping spot and we are on
our way to Moab and hopefully arches.
Każdy rodzic martwi się z powodu chorób zakaźnych wieku dziecięcego, które nagle dotykają całe klasy i grupy przedszkolne.
Większość dzieci we wczesnym wieku zostaje zaszczepiona na większość groźnych chorób, jak świnka, czy różyczka, które niegdyś co roku zbierały śmiertelne żniwo.
Co więcej, obecnie dostępna jest nawet coroczna szczepionka na grypę, dzięki której można uniknąć tej potencjalnie groźnej choroby.
Jednak wciąż istnieją choroby, z którymi trudno jest sobie poradzić. Jedną z nich jest choroba dłoni, stóp i jamy ustnej, która w Stanach Zjednoczonych co roku dotyka 200 000 osób.
W tym roku specjaliści z Instytutu Zdrowia w Georgii ostrzegają, że ilość zachorowań może pobić nowy rekord.
Do zarażenia dochodzi najczęściej wśród dzieci w wieku szkolnym oraz młodzieży na studiach.Sprawdź poniżej, jakie są objawy tej choroby oraz co można zrobić, żeby jej zapobiec.
Choroba dłoni, stóp i jamy ustnej jest niezmiernie powszechną dolegliwością, która co roku dotyka setki tysięcy osób.
Jednym z powodów jej powszechności jest to, że jest bardzo zaraźliwa. Błyskawicznie przenosi się na skutek kontaktu ze śliną lub śluzem zarażonej osoby.
Innymi słowy – nie zarazisz się po prostu przebywając w tym samym pomieszczeniu z zarażoną osobą, ale możesz ją złapać na skutek kichnięcia, pocałunku lub uścisku dłoni.
Dlatego właśnie choroba tak szybko rozprzestrzenia się w przedszkolach, gdzie dzieci mają częsty kontakt fizyczny i często zdarza im się na przykład wkładać palce do buzi.
Do wielu zarażeń dochodzi również na uniwersyteckich kampusach, gdzie młodzież często dzieli się jedzeniem i piciem, a studenci często są przemęczeni i w nie najlepszej formie fizycznej.
Osoby starsze oraz z osłabionym układem odpornościowym również są narażone na chorobę, zwłaszcza jeśli mieszkają we wspólnotach, na przykład w domu opieki.
Oczywiście, nawet idealnie zdrowy dorosły człowiek również może się zarazić, wszystko zależy od tego, z jakimi zarazkami będzie miał kontakt.Na szczęście, objawy są nieprzyjemne, ale umiarkowanie intensywne i nie zagrażają życiu.
Należą do nich symptomy przypominające grypę, jak gorączka i ból gardła, ale najbardziej charakterystyczne są czerwone swędzące plamki pojawiające się, jak sama nazwa wskazuje, na ustach, dłoniach i stopach.Czasami może przenieść się również na całe nogi i genitalia.
Infekcja wygląda niepokojąco, zwłaszcza przy dużej ilości plamek, jednak objawy najczęściej znikają samoczynnie w ciągu tygodnia lub dwóch.Mimo to, jeśli podejrzewasz u siebie lub innego członka rodziny tę chorobę, koniecznie skonsultuj się z lekarzem.
Z powodu swojej zaraźliwości, choroba zwykle wymaga tego, aby pacjent pozostał w domu do czasu wyleczenia, w innym razie wirus będzie przekazywany dalej kolejnym osobom.
Choć objawy są niegroźne, istnieje możliwość wystąpienia powikłań, szczególnie u osób z obniżoną odpornością.
W rzadkich wypadkach choroba dłoni, stóp i jamy ustnej może prowadzić do poważnej infekcji mózgu, jak zapalenie opon mózgowych i zapalenie mózgu.
Częściej zdarza się natomiast, że jeśli objawy u dziecka nie znikną w ciągu paru tygodni, może się zdarzyć, że dziecko straci niektóre paznokcie u stóp i dłoni.
Epidemie choroby dłoni, stóp i jamy ustnej w krajach rozwiniętych należą do rzadkości, w tym roku może się to jednak zmienić.
Duża epidemia przeszła właśnie przez amerykański stan Georgia i może rozprzestrzenić się do południowo-wschodnich stanów, a nawet dalej.Aby uniknąć zarażenia należy stosować się do zasad higieny.
Żeby choroba nie dosięgła Twojej rodziny, wszyscy jej członkowie powinni zawsze myć ręce po wyjściu z łazienki oraz przed kontaktem z jedzeniem.
Jeśli podejrzewasz chorobę dłoni, stóp i jamy ustnej u swojego dziecka, pozwól mu zostać w domu do czasu, aż objawy całkowicie ustąpią.
Jeśli Ty lub ktoś z Twoich bliskich został zarażony tą chorobą, najlepszym sposobem postępowania jest picie dużej ilości płynów, nawet jeśli przełykanie jest trochę bolesne.
Goście śmiali się podczas ślubu Meghan i Harry'ego. Dlaczego? [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:41.
Goście śmiali się podczas ślubu Meghan i Harry'ego. Dlaczego?
Salwa śmiechu na ślubie Megham Markle.
Od ślubu Meghan Markle i księcia Harryego minęło już 10 dni, jednak emocje i komentarze medialne po tym wielkim wydarzeniu nadal trwają.
Analizowany jest każdy szczegół ceremonii.
Zauważono zatem, że podczas ceremonii, w jednej chwili cały cały kościół wybuchł śmiechem.
Powód tej zbiorowej radości wyjawiła obecna na ceremonii, przyjaciółka Meghan – Janina Gavankar.
Aktorka zdradziła zabawny szczegół z królewskiego ślubu w wywiadzie dla Town&Country.
Wszystko wydarzyło się podczas wzruszającej przysięgi małżonków:.
Jedną z rzeczy, która sprawiła, że wielu z nas się wtedy śmiało było to, że mogliśmy usłyszeć wspaniałych ludzi na zewnątrz.
Kibicowali, a my ich słyszeliśmy, bo w kaplicy było bardzo cicho.
To było bardzo poruszające! – powiedziała.
I preferiti di Maggio 2018 - May 2018 favorites feat. Forever21, Urban Decay, Real Techniques ect. - Duration: 25:43.
>> Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
it's time for a new monthly favorites video, so let's get started!
If you watched my Spring/Summer haul you'll know that recently I've been shopping quite a lot
so it won't be a surprise to see that some of my favorite clothes from May were featured in that video
in case you missed it you can watch it by clicking here, right above my head
I'll start with the pieces you already saw, that I'll quickly share with you
Unexpectedly one of the pieces I wore the most from my haul is
this Forever 21 top
a cropped top with puffy 3/4 sleeves, it ties around the waist
as you can see I'm quite into red stripes at the moment
and I've been wearing it a lot because it's an easy to pair piece
I mainly paired it with skirts and a plain t-shirt/tank top underneath
but it adds something even to the most casual and boring outfits
it's a cute piece and the price is affordable too, as it's from Forever 21
and you can buy it online which is always a plus for me
still speaking about the pieces from my haul
I'm still a lot into t-shirts and these are the ones I wore the most
this is the first one, the grey Blondie t-shirt that I bought on Modcloth and the other second one
is the And other stories white t-shirt with a velvet graphic saying you are living in a fantasy
which I really love.
now let's move to the pieces that I already owned and I rediscovered
I've fallen back in love with pencil skirts
for quite a long time pencil skirts were not my thing at all
they looked awful on me, but now
as I lost some weight, I know I keep talking about that, I swear it's not to brag
it's just to say that I can now fit again in some of my old pencil skirts
so among my May favorites I decided to feature some pencil skirts
the one I wore the most is this basic black one that I bought years ago from Zara
I don't think this exact one is still available, but you'll easily find some similar ones
I love to wear it with a white t-shirt, like the one from And other stories and a leather jacket
so thumbs up for pencil skirts
the other skirt I'd like to show you it's not exactely a pencil skirt, here it is
it's a cotton skirt with a cute embroidery
it's not a pencil skirt because it has an A-line shape, but it's quite tight on the hips
so once again I couldn't fit in it for a very long time
I bought it many years ago in London, at Camden market I think
but it's still available on sale online in a different color
and it's a cute and unique piece, perfect for Summer
so of course I'm in love with it
so A-line/kind of pencil skirt
and last but not least...gosh I dropped, everything is ok
a great Spring/Summer classic in my wardrobe are leather jackets
especially the cropped biker style ones
like this one that I bought from Zara a few years ago
it has 3/4 sleeves which makes it even cuter
this exact same model is not available anymore, but you can easily find some similar ones
and I love to wear it witha pencil skirt, or a maxi dress, because a lovely leather/pleather jacket
adds something to every kind of outfits
I'm trying to be quick, I don't know if you can tell
because I have a ton of stuff to talk about, anyway these were my May favorite clothes
Now let's move to the next cathegory which is going to be shoes,
so we'll somehow keep talking about fashion
I say straight away that both my May favorite shoes were featured in my haul video
so they won't be a surprise
The first pair is, without a doubt, my beloved white Converse Chuck Taylor
they are super versatile
I've been wearing them in many different ways, with jeans, with pleated trousers
with skirts, maxi dresses because they add a casual and fun touch even to the most basic outfits
they are comfy and easy to find and white is the perfect color for Spring and Summer
and I know I'll be wearing them a lot
The second pair, I'll be back in a second
here I am, the second pair was in my haul video too and they are these cute grey mules
they are very comfy, when in the morning I'm in a rush I put them on quickly and I'm ready
I love the big bow, I bought them on Asos, but the brand is Office
I hope they are still available, anyway
If I haven't said it yet I'll do it now, on my blog you'll find
the list of all the featured products with links to buy them online when available
and the link to my blogpost is in the downbar, you can go wrong
click on show more and you'll find a ton of infos waiting for you
so these are my second favorite shoes from May
Let's keep talking about accessories in the next cathegory, which is going to be bags
My May favorite bag was an unplanned purchase that I made a few weeks ago at a vintage market
I'll show it even if being a vintage piece you can't get it anywhere
but just like you do with friends, when you find something cool you wish to share it
and look at this beauty
it's a bag from the 50ies/60ies, it's kind of a satchel/basket shape
it's yellow, one of my favorite color for this Season
I don't know which material it's made of, but it looks like enamel coated
with these are they called? Gosh I can't remember
anyway with these adorable things, with metal fastenings and studs all around
it opens by twisting this part and the inside is in yellow plastic with white details
it's super pop, super 50ies/60ies and I had to buy it, because I fell in love at first sight
even if I promised to myself that I was not going to buy anything else in May
So this is my favorite bag from May
Brilliant, I'm still trying to be quick, so let's move to make up!
Once again I have to say that if you watched my beauty haul video
some of my May favorites, both in the make up and skincare cathegories, won't be a surprise
because they have been featured in that video
but this is a confirm that I've been actaully loving them
in case you missed that video you can watch it by clicking here
Brilliant, let's start with the make up faves and it won't be a suprise to see that
the Anastasia Beverly Hill Soft Glam palette landed straight in this video
I loved the Modern renaissance one too and this is just as good
the shades are all amazing and allow to create many different looks,
they are all very pigmented, I particularly love the metallic ones
which have a great pay off especially if you wet the brushes
the downside is that the matt shades are a bit powdery and they have a some fall out
but nothing too annoying otherwise I wouldn't have featured it in this video
and another downside is that, as far as I know,
Anastasia Beverly Hills is not available in Italy
if you know how you can easily buy it online
leave a comment as I would really like to know that.
and while we're talking about palettes here is another one I used a lot, even this morning
to do my eye make up
and it's the Huda Beauty Mauve Obsessions palette
Once again the shades are lovely, they are more on the pink/burgundy side
with some amazing metallics and in general I love Huda Beauty palettes
I own another one from the Obsessions line, but this is my favorite
and it's also handy to bring on a travel, I highly recommend it
the Obsessions line is made of 3 or 4 different shade ranges, I hope I'm correct with this
if you are in sephora check them out and swatch them because these eyeshaowds are super pigmented and easy to blend too
I may have already featured this palette in a past favorite video
if so I apologize, but I really do like it a lot
Changing topic let's talk about concealers
with the Naked Skin concealer
I bought it because I heard good things about it
and I have to confirm the good reviews because I love it
it's lightweight, but it offers a good coverage
it's brightening, I went for the lighter shade, the fair neutral one
it's perfect to cover dark circles, to brighten the areas on our face
that we wish to brighten and to hide imperfections
it's longlasting and it doesn't crease, which is a great plus.
I like it as much as some of my all times favorites concealers
such as the Collections one, which sadly is not available in Italy,
or...was it the Rimmel one?
Well, anyway it's an amazing, amazing, shall I say it once more? Amazing concealer
an now, changing topic again, I have some make up sponges
I bought this Real techniques set a long time ago
and I kind of forgot about it until I found it in my drawer
I just dropped a sponge, I'll pick it up later
and I started to use them in May, I put back some dirty ones, which I'll remove because they are gross
the beauty of this set is that you get 3 different kind of sponges
this big one which is perfect to apply foundation or even powder
it has this flat side which allows to reach even the sharpest corners
this cute little ones
I had never used such tiny ones before and I'm loving them
because they are amazing to add concealer in the under eye area or around the nose
or everywhere you can't reach with a bigger sponge
they are super soft, maybe a bit denser than the Beauty blender
and I'm loving them
then you have this one which is the contour sponge
which I mainly use with cream contour products
and it has this weird shape that allows you to use it in many diferent ways
if you want you can find this on sale on Amazon, so they are easy to get your hands on
I think the set costs around 29 euro, I recommend it because
since I started to use them I left my Beauty blenders aside and this big one in particular
in my opinion works even better than a Beauty blender to get a higher coverage with your foundation
and this concludes the make up cathegory, let's move to the skincare
I have 2 skincare favorites and the first one is kind of unexpected
as I'm talking about the Caudalie Eau de beauté which I bought
out of curiosity, with the idea of using it to wet my beauty blenders
well I couldn't be more wrong as I soon found out that the best way to use it is as it should be
by spraying it onto the face to add moisture, it smells like ...
mint, I was looking for a more poetic way to describe it, but it actually smells minty
it's very refreshing on the face, very hydrating and very smoothing
which I wasn't expecting, even if it's written on the product
but I didn't believe it, while it's trurly amazing
I mainly use it in the morning when I exercize, because twice a week I wake up at 6 a.m.
and I exercize for an hour
and on those days, as I shower right after,
I prefer to simply spray some eau de beauté on my face to add some moisture
and leave my full routine for after my shower
so I fell in love with it, I recommend it and in Summertime
I think it would be perfect to have on the beach to refresh and add extra hydration
it's a lovely product!
my second favorite is the Filorga serum that I featured in my beauty haul
One of you recommended me to try a serum and after some researches I bought this one
I tried it and I'm loving it, I didn't notice any major improvements
but I guess it takes time to make a difference
but I love it because it's lightweight,easy to apply, it soaks in quickly, it refreshing
it also smells nice
which makes it lovely to apply and it gets along with all my creams
I've been using it twice a day for the past weeks
and the price/quality ratio is quite good
it's still expensive, but I assure you that there are some much more expensive anti age serum on the market
so this is a great choice.
I think that NCTF is a formula patented by Filorga
and it should include vitamin C and hyaluronic acid and all the anti age ingredients you would expect
if you're looking for a serum to try I recommend it
it's a good one.
brilliant, ooohh, I'm almost out of breath, c'mon, let's move to the nails cathegory
In May I bought some new nailpolishes
and I've got my favorite one on my nails right now
as it's in a shade I love in Spring and Summer
it's Essie turquoise and Caicos one
a turquoise shade and Essie's nailpolishes in general
are easy to apply, they offer a good coverage without having to add too many layers
and they last well, this is from the classic line by the way
so if you are looking for a bright and fun nailpolish for Spring and Summer
I recommend Turquoise and Caicos
Muy bien, now let's move to the tv series cathegory
In May I've been obsessed with Netflix again
basically it's the only thing I watched
I'm Netflix addicted
After I finished the series I was watching in April ....
Pretty Little Liars, I couldn't remember what I was watching last month, LOL
I became obsessed with 2 new series
If you watch Netflix you'll know the first one, Casa de papel
a spanish series which was recommended to me by some friends
and I actually loved it
and thankfully my husband loved it too which made watching it a lot easier
It's about a robbery in the style of Ocean 11 or Ocean 13
but as it's not an american serie it has a different vibe
it's very captivating, I loved all the characters, even the more negative ones
the season's finale is a bomb, but to be honest all the serie is a bomb
if you like this kind of series I recommend it
there are 2 seasons available on Netflix
and it's definitely worth watching.
the second favorite series is 3%, which if I'm not wrong it's a...
brasilian serie
I watched it in portuguese with italian subtitles
and I loved it
it's set in a distopic future, like Hunger Games or Divergent
it's set in Brasil and the society is divided between the mainland
which is very poor, like a brasilian slum
and the off shore or Mare alto in portuguese
this island where there's wealth, advanced medical care, food ect
the series is called 3% because every year all the 20 years old kids from the mainland have to go under a process,
that's how it's called in the series, an exam to be allowed to move to the Offshore
and only 3% of the kids will manage to pass
after taking some more and more disturbing tests
there's a lot more to the story, there's the resistence that fights this process, there are the good ones and the bad ones
even if they often switch sides
if you're into this kind of stories you can't miss it
Last, but not least something which is not a tv series
Will Smith Youtube channel! And you'll be wondering who cares?
I just say go check it out, I'll link it on my blog
I love his videos because he is not simply a celebrity who pretends to be a youtuber
but he actually turned into a youtuber, which means that the videos, inspite of being peculiar, are very relatable too
and he is a true motivational speaker, follow him in Instagram too
because everytime I hear him talk I find myself reflecting on my life
I highly recommend it, kudos to Will Smith as often celebrities on Youtube aren't very relatbale while
he is amazing
et voilà we made it to the end of this favorites video which I know has lasted
a century , bear with me, when I start to talk about the things I like I loose track of time
I hope you're still with me, if you are leave a comment saying I did it
let me also know in the comments which was your favorite item from this video
and if you have anything to recommend as I'm always on the hunt for new products
If you liked this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up so that I will know it
and if you haven't yet, subscribe to my channel in order not to miss any new video
That's all I have for you today, I send you a huge kiss and I'll see you in my next one, ciao!
7 fördelar med att använda chiafrön i din kost - Duration: 2:56.
Doca Wireless Phone Mount Charger for iPhone and Samsung – Qi Wireless Phone Charger for Car - Duration: 1:54.
More and more phones are offering wireless charging and the Doca Wireless Car Charger
and Phone Mount is a great way to go if you own a Qi enabled phone.
It's looks like any other magnetic phone mount except there's a spring loaded USB cord on
the back.
It conveniently retracts by pressing the release button.
This charger is larger than the non-charging magnetic mounts I have but I think they had
make it so that the magnets in the corners don't interfere with the charging pad in the
The Doca mount comes with an air vent clip, adhesive clip and two magnetic plates for
your phone.
The plates are just paper with four magnets in the corners that attach into the corners
of the actual mount.
In my car, I'll show you how it all works.
I'm using the vent clip to attach this to my dashboard.
Now I'll take one of the magnetic plates and slip it into my phone case.
These aren't adhesive so you'll have to use them inside a phone case.
But they do include a sticky tape so you can stick these to the back of your phone if you
need to.
Just make sure it's centered over the inductive charging area on your phone.
If you have a thick phone case like the Otterbox, wireless charging won't work so be aware of
The last thing is to plug the mount into a powered USB port and it's ready to use.
I really like magnetic mounts because it's so easy to attach and remove the phone.
And the bonus is that this one charges also!
Here's a list of current phones that will work with the Doca phone mount.
Of course this list will grow as new phones are released.
I hope you enjoyed learning about the Doca Wireless Charging Phone Mount and if you did,
please give me thumbs up!
And I'll see you in the next video!
Soft Relax: Musica Rilassante Con I Suoni Della Natura Nel Bosco - Duration: 1:02:50.
Soft Relax: Relaxing Music With The Sounds Of Nature In The Woods
MARO - O Que Será de Ti (Official Video) - Duration: 5:28.
I've always known
that one day I'd regret
giving you away
when I didn't want you
And today I think
about what I would have done
how everything would be
it could be so different
But no
I chose not to have you here
I didn't feel you were a part of me
now I wonder what has become of you
It was in vain
it was in vain that I said goodbye
and now I feel
that with you
I'd be happier
What has become of you?
I've always known
that one day I'd regret
not staying
just because I didn't know
And today I dream
of a future
where you and I
are one
But no
I chose not to have you here
I didn't feel you were a part of me
now I wonder what has become of you
It was in vain
it was in vain that I said goodbye
and now I feel
that with you
I'd be happier
What has become of you?
Coreia do Sul fará nova rodada de ofertas para o programa F-X3 - Duration: 2:46.
Sai o Mattoso, chega o Chabanenko - Duration: 2:25.
Por que o cristianismo é bom para ciência? - Ted Davis - Duration: 30:47.
Puigdemont avala el nuevo Govern sin consellers en prisión o en el extranjero - Duration: 1:04.
Como deveria ser a matriz de custo da Petrobras? - Duration: 1:22.
Santos tenta Elias e oferece Vitor Bueno em troca para o Atlético-MG|n123snow - Duration: 4:29.
O čom hovoril Miro Beblavý s prezidentom Kiskom? - Duration: 0:39.
Bruna e Neymar planejam férias após o fim da novela e a Copa do Mundo, veja II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:05.
A nadie le agrada Camilla, pero a la Reina Isabel… ¿Le gusta o no la esposa de su hijo? - Duration: 3:06.
Street Fighter One - Ken playthrough - Duration: 26:12.
The game's soundtrack from the arcade's original since it was ripped from Fighting Street,
the PC Engine's Street Fighter port (referred as "Street Fighter Turbo Duo Red Book" in the credits).
As usual, you can get more information and the game's download in the video's description.
Soffrite di stress o avete un disturbo d'ansia? - Duration: 7:43.
A350-1000 começa o Tour de Demonstração no Oriente Médio e na Ásia-Pacífico - Duration: 4:16.
Wielki Test All Malt Lagerów - Duration: 34:28.
For 37 years ... A bright lady ...
With a white veil on the hair ... which goes down to the foot ...
This luminous lady speaks to children ...
A luminous lady who is 18 years old ... Young, beautiful, pretty, ...
the children are the only ones to see her ... She chose this village ...
Because there is a lot ... True believers ...
His mission is difficult ... To establish peace in the world ...
And teach men to pray ... The children grew up ...
They are in their fifties ... They talk about secrets ...
messages ... of signs ...
It will seem that there is talk of Saint Joseph ...
A discovery can be ... it looks like it's about the end
from the church … and the beginning of the church of Mary ...
it seems that it is about death lights ...
the announcement of their death ... What is certain …
It's possible to decrease ... Seeing prevent some secrets ...
Thanks to prayer and fasting ... And I remind you that it's not too late
to convert ...
Medjugorje ... miracle of the sun ...
In February 2008 ... on the internet appears this video ... the sun seems to split
... and Mary's silhouette seems to appear ... we can estimate that it is a montage
... but many pilgrims present seeing these phenomena ... Mary is talking about signs
precursors before the great visible and permanent sign that it will give at the end of the apparitions ...
Look instead ...
Voila the video is finished then you can see more video on the left by following the link ...
Or see the last video out by following the link on the right side ...
You also have the possibility to subscribe ... by following ... the blue arrow ...
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