Oh thinkin' about all our younger years There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven Oh once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Yeah nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say But just hold me now
'Cause our love will light the way And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven, yeah I've been waitin' for so long
For somethin' to arrive For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true Through the good times and the bad
Yeah I'll be standin' there by you And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven, heaven, oooh You're all that I want
You're all that I need
Hail, my friends!
Thank you very much for watching this video.
And I know, this video is late, I'm late.
I am sorry.
Stop yelling at me!
I'm just kidding, you guys never yell at me.
You guys are the best.
Yeah, two videos a week is no easy task, for sure, but I'll see if I catch up this week.
Thank you very much for your patience, guys.
And I'll see you on the next video!
Until then here's a couple more videos for you to watch.
And hope to see you next time.
Until then have yourselves an epic day.
For more infomation >> "Heaven" - BRYAN ADAMS cover - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
КАТОЧКИ WARFACE: РМ-чик и паблик №69 - Duration: 1:36:34.
GZSZ-Special-"Der Fuß hält": Christian & Iris Mareike trainieren wieder! - Duration: 2:11.
Kleine Feinschmeckerin: Mia Rose Müller lutscht an Oktopus - Duration: 2:20.
Citroën C1 1.0 5DRS COLLECTION AIRCO TOPSTAAT! - Duration: 1:05.
Relaxing Bach
Eu Quero Mais (Ao Vivo) - Nazateen Music | EP Tudo - Duration: 4:50.
✅ Carla Vilhena fala sobre vida fora da Globo e medo no Jornal Nacional - Duration: 2:48.
Fora da Globo desde o início do ano, falou sobre a carreira longe da emissora e seu medo no Jornal Nacional, noticiário que comandou eventualmente enquanto era contratada do canal
Em entrevista a Danilo Gentili no The Noite desta terça-feira, 29 de maio, a jornalista fala sobre seus mais de 30 anos de carreira e conta que começou na área aos 16 anos, quando sua mãe enviou uma carta à TV "pedindo uma oportunidade de estágio não remunerado porque ela achava que a filha tinha talento", diz
Carla relembra ainda que passou por praticamente todos os jornais de sua antiga casa, a Globo, e conta que atualmente se dedica a um blog pessoal: "tinha o sonho de colocar um pouco da minha alma, mas já no começo vi que o povo não quer ler textão
Eles querem a cozinha, as viagens". "A primeira vez que eu piso no SBT. Queria conhecer o Silvio também, aproveitar a vinda
Desde criança, sou fã. Meu sonho é que ele vire pra mim e diga: 'quem é essa Carla?'", revelou a jornalista, que contou ainda que seu futuro não seria na TV: "Queria ser engenheira mecânica, porque sempre adorei motores e carros
Mas não dou pra matemática de jeito nenhum. Comecei a faculdade achando que eu sempre ficaria atrás das câmeras
Não me achava capaz de falar. Sou muito tímida." Apresentadora eventual do Jornal Nacional, Carla comentou o peso e medo de comandar o principal noticiário da Globo: "É, claro que é
Aquela música tem um peso. Gela. Ela cai como uma bigorna na sua cabeça. Você tem medo de tossir, espirrar, tudo
" Carla também falou sobre a carreira fora da TV. "É um blog pessoal, não tem compromisso com nada
Comecei a me mostrar mais e deu super certo. Hoje tem mil possibilidades além da televisão
Poder se mostrar na internet da maneira como eu sou era um desafio porque o jornalismo ainda tem muitas amarras", afirmou
A cratera Santos=Dumont, o depósito do Air and Space Museum e os irmãos Wright - Duration: 5:26.
A2.14_BricsCAD BIM - Ocultar e Isolar Objetos - Duration: 1:03.
WILE E. COYOTE VE ROAD RUNNER (Will About Hurry) #3/3 - Duration: 2:25.
Legend Comedy Road Runner And Coyote Cartoon Adventures
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BlueTEC HYBRID Edition Avantgarde - Duration: 0:55.
Peugeot 108 1.0 5-DRS E-VTI Aut. (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:11.
Previsões Junho 2018 - Capricórnio - CAPRICÓRNIO DANDO ATENÇÃO PARA O OUTRO - Duration: 1:31.
The month starts intense for committed goats and those who have business partners: your
love or partner are at full steam and you'll have to be patient with Shrek.
My tip: don't be an ogre, because he/she will introduce you to fine people.
From the 13th on, you become super sexual and more close at home for obvious reasons.
Bye, Donkey!
This whole passion may end up becoming a relationship for singles, but you need to see if the same
person from the beginning of the month is the person you're going to have a serious
relationship with.
You can also find providential money to pay for a late bill.
But don't abuse your luck and don't spend what is left in the first tavern in front
of you.
Take note: focus on crush, love or partner: all month; sex on the rise: from the 13th
on; money coming in: from the 13th on.
We're partners, right?
So give us some care!
Subscribe our channel and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and our website.
Tomorrow we'll be back with Sagittarius and Pisces forecasts.
✅ Eleonora Pedron e Nicolò De Devitiis: innamorati in treno - Duration: 2:28.
Eleonora Pedron e Nicolò De Devitiis stanno insieme e non si nascondono più Eleonora Pedron non si nasconde più
È ufficiale, il nuovo fidanzato dell'ex Miss Italia è Nicolò De Devitiis, conosciuto ai più per il ruolo di Iena nell'omonimo programma tv di Italia Uno
Eleonora e Nicolò sono stati sorpresi dal settimanale Chi in treno, teneramente accoccolati
I due, che fanno coppia da qualche mese, sono stati fotografati in atteggiamenti intimi sul treno da Milano a Roma e sono apparsi molto innamorati
Al momento i diretti interessati non hanno ancora rilasciato dichiarazioni su questa relazione ma la Pedron ha già presentato De Devitiis alla figlia Ines, avuta dall'ex compagno Max Biaggi
La storia tra i due procede a gonfie vele: che sia finalmente quella giusta per la bionda showgirl? Eleonora Pedron vita privata: Miss Italia ha sofferto molto per amore Prima di conoscere Nicolò De Devitiis, Eleonora Pedron ha vissuto una breve passione estiva con Tommaso Vianello, l'ex concorrente del Grande Fratello conosciuto ai più come Tommy Vee
Prima ancora è stata innamorata di Daniele Conte, fratello del più famoso Antonio, ex calciatore e allenatore sportivo
È durata oltre un decennio, invece, la relazione con Max Biaggi, dalla quale Eleonora ha avuto i figli Ines e Leon
Chi è Nicolò De Devitiis, il nuovo fidanzato di Eleonora Pedron Classe 1990 (e dunque più piccolo di 8 anni di Eleonora Pedron), Nicolò De Devitiis è diventato popolare grazie al ruolo di inviato ne Le Iene
Ma è stato anche il conduttore di Dance Dance Dance su Sky e Wind Summer Festival su Canale 5
WILE E. COYOTE VE ROAD RUNNER (Will About Hurry) #1/3 - Duration: 2:26.
Legend Comedy Road Runner And Coyote Cartoon Adventures
ejaculaçao precoce - 🔴🔥 tratamento rápido e natural em casa para ejaculação precoce - Duration: 5:08.
Uomini e Donne: Nicolò Ferrari e Marta Pasqualato innamorati? - Duration: 4:18.
Part 2/2 reveal review and presentation | Elephan Elecam 360 camera. - Duration: 13:08.
Hello people, Big V MOTOPT2. For then the camera is this, it is a camera with two lenses
as you can see here, because of the have dropped the display no longer works,
the camera call Elecam 360 and come here in this box, a funny box opens
just like a drawer, then there are things all in here, the indications of
camera, WIFI, 220 degree mode, 360, and 360 degrees VR, or the camera has 3 modes,
the VR is just for CardBoard or other more advanced VR glasses. The card,
the battery of this is not removable this time is same truth is not like the turn of Rollei,
card goes there, a funny detail that has here is the reset a key that comes
that gets in there to reset the camera, because I think it stuck, never me
it happened to me, it is not here was to fool you the reset is up here. Connect to
camera is very easy and just click here connect button, stay connected, press here
Once this is flashing, it was because of that that for having spoiled the display here,
does not hurt me at all. It records for this mark so, if they see there is a
small aperture mark, so it is in this direction that it records movie. The problems
of this camera, the problems are several, the camera takes a lot of time to convert
the videos that records, then there are other problems such as at the video level,
the video with this camera is not a common video, it is not a fixed video, you do not have
a fixed plane, for example want to show this vessel, and are showing this vessel and
such, and you are talking about the pot but the people can be seeing what they want
around, it has nothing to do with the fixed plan, so the scenarios must be
very well prepared and be very well seen, another thing also that this camera has,
for example for the cinema, for the cinema This is a problem, I do not see
which is the first director who will get in a camera of these and make a movie,
because it's completely different. a film made with an example camera
so in the chest, it's called Hard-core, I know that's a Russian movie of 2016 I'm not
to remember is the name of the director, I believe be Ilya, Ilya anything, well no
matter I put his name there at the end then I will search and see, that is 2016,
that is a movie made like I said it is in first person with the camera here in the
Chest, in which the movie is all like this from beginning to end, the movie is very violent
But it's very funny, I think some of you have already seen it, it's called
Hard-core - Mission Extreme, that's it, that's not Hard-core - Final Mission, now is what it is (wrong to see in the end),
Ready I advise you to see this movie is very funny.
Now a movie with a camera like this, I'll give an example, with a camera of these
fixed plane as it is here, in a scenario with 3 characters the director films this
character films that makes big plans and such, okay, and then there is one
drama any story among those 3 characters, with a camera of this type
the thing is completely different, the 3 characters will be in the scenario will
be talking and you can see everything around, so what happens here,
it happens that, the scene has to be really interesting the director does not have any power
to control filming by turning cameras to there or to the other, and something else
also very funny that happens, is that can not even stand the film crew
and sound around, it has to be all a complete scenario made, the actors are there,
and the director can watch out of scenery, the only thing he can do is
write story script nothing else, the rest is the camera and actors who do therefore
I am not seeing for example for now, so early, maybe the generation of directors
that will work that will work with this type of cameras, not this size
but some larger 360 degree cameras, still are now in schools universities
media, and this should be for a near future, start to appear.
As I already said in fixed plan in first only person, type gamer, already exists a movie
is that Hard-core - Final Mission (wrong), if it is not final mission I put it there
In the end I will search, with a VR camera still nothing, I still do not know
nothing. Before showing how the formats come out on the computer, but before that
I want to emphasize here that from this camera I left 3 recording modes, it is the 360 degree VR mode
mode for cardboard, it's 360 degree mode, and it's the 220 degree mode you guys this mode
can reduce. They elect 360 degrees, I go around the sites where they can buy stands
there in the discretion. Be careful when taking out the box to not drop it, I turned it on,
I've been looking at the camera because it's a camera that you can not grab like this,
just around here and tips, and then like me I'm used to GoPro, who's in
of a watertight box this does not even have watertight box, here has a system of
Screw to support the camera in the brackets, also has here slot to pass a
tie but what matters the camera falls shaves the lenses, the lenses are tempered but
does not mean that you do not spoil the camera, so I barely caught it pimba
on the floor, even hit the display on the floor, finished, I was without LCD, but has no bad.
Ready is everything from here to the computer to show you some things there.
Because it's my friends we'll see now here the output format, always
that you record a video with Elephan Elecam 360 the video came out with
this format, as you can see the video left with this format this is the
primary format, this was the video in which I filmed with the camera
on the helmet, so this will be the front camera, and this will be the
back camera, then when we do the conversion, I give now
an example of conversion for you see how long it takes
here is the conversion program itself that the company Elecam provides
through their website for free, I go here this file
to do the conversion, will do the conversion to mp4 on,
that is already there, this video has let's check again, see
how much time has this video, this video has 23 min and 19 sec, a
camera marks in periods of 23 min and 19 sec. let's then check
What happens when we try to convert the video, this has 3
quality assumptions, of course has to be always in
stronger, let's see let's load here, this is just for you
See, it is not to do, wait that is still chewing, it is
chew, chew, 3 hours and 29 min. It's a bit complicated, is not it,
why Let's stop, do not answer, my computer toaster is
great for this, well this video will take longer now about 2 hours
and 30 min just waiting for the computer to respond. Already,
ready then let's delete and close. To stay the video with this
Aspect, as you are seeing is after here with this exact look connected.
You are 3 palms here is to mark a peak of sound between the recorder
sound and camera, there are 3 peaks in the tracks, both on the sound track and
on the video track, and you can find out where the sound
begins and the sound ends up being a thing, which is important, already hear
Some people who asked me how I coordinated the outside sound
With the sound of the camera, it's exactly so, as I have none
clapboard like in movies, so I have to do so, is the only one
form, the clapboard also makes a noise that clack, is precisely
to trigger the spikes. Now we're going to here in an instant search.
Here is the presentation of the movie.
This is the movie that I was speaking, Hard-core, you see
How I deceived myself after all is Hardcore - Extreme Mission.
Here is the equipedia, is the Henry, Henry is the cyborg, there is
Here it is, it seemed to me Ilya Naishuler, is a movie of
2016 and was made like this with the camera as if it were
in a helmet or in the eyes or in the chest, I believe it was in
breast that they used by the way how the arms of the
movie character. I advise you to see. VR movies do not
still exists. Ready and it's more at least as it happens
and it happens. People a Big V, until an upcoming video.
OUSE PARAR DE FUMAR - Duration: 4:02.
o jogo mais irritate do roblox - Duration: 10:01.
STEWIE2K DIRTY 1 TAP!! F0REST GOES 1.6 MODE! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:14.
drop chris and play comes through from dimas sick and now stewie
Quick frag up in a palace oh my goodness stewie what in god's name is that now it is just quicker
when someone's ninja i'm so blind run through elevator
i literally had one bullet to
Hate there's more interesting sure he does manage to find himself the first and try to use what little
Utility has the pi bit more time enacting the flashbang works wonderfully but he's not going to be able to capitalize on it again he's
just Trying to bait out these positions maybe give her a little bit more of a chance and stewie?
looking to try and do it all alone it already gets himself a second frag a third almost there but a bullet not left in
the chamber as it often and i have that but dewey shuts it down four kills on the site
15 and 11 and now haven't gone this is where the fairly inreach put
barely out of range
Apparently for his accuracy as toa gets in his face i thought certainly the two players in front of him there was a chance there?
still might be forest with his second on the awp perhaps a game where he should take it oh
Nails the shot on the ladder and toa in follow that's get a lot
ct side removed as nifty can actually commit to the plant this time
It's gonna need a 4k to win this round but already how raises of split up for the retaken nifty has no idea dead fox
wrapped up onshore
being pushed from the backside
from bondic maybe even through this smoke this might be a bonding she's gonna run on through dead box makes contact the nifty he swaps
Positions were bonding does get the flick shot looks back to the last and if he finds it
this man that is nuts what's why do you because he's played that support role for them you know
mirror isn't known as being support player so it's really an interesting switch players
it's just deep right now in the matrix he's like it's i figured out
14 million possible scenarios in this game and only one of them do i get a kebab at the end
That is quite worried what do you think of it it's not a minute left on the clock and not a single mocha what
Just, been absolutely ruined you couldn't even be fast enough to click the trigger twist they've got oscar in there already
The north has gone back to the tactical style they've slowed things down they want to try and work the way across this map
Although to be fair there's also look like they're gonna end up
going towards ena bob said that there's a beautiful beautiful pop flash chris gets absolutely deleted
he's been playing well last couple around they need him now that's a
b ali taking the triple just like that that might have been enough for us project clear out this first map
Javed trying to get him he's gonna get the kill on one and snacks us in the middle that smoke is gonna be helpful
He has got a kit as well hop it now jumping straight inside and snacks the spam
That's what a sprawl wing the map?
if you win this i was up here deke
Oh, yeah that's the ticket
You're, so talented
great movement coming out as well just completely tricking them and now simple realizing this is not gonna happen
looking for a little bit of a head shot but actually missing that one and now they're gonna try and hunt him down
he just wants the exit kill so you can buy something in the next round a
couple of bullets before he has to be filled attacker switching out to another pistol and simple gonna survive it there's the quad kill not
Bad at all for him but obviously not gonna help him win around the ace in spite of losing
do you celebrate or you just like cry in the corner a little bit there i
Think you're simple you just kind of laugh and sure oh they have no idea they split the power of the rifle oh do you
walk around for breezy that's paint grips you get what you expect
i don't want to bait for you though chris isn't there jimmy she does check it he comes around the corner was shooting initially elsewhere
Chris jay he's next up the off angle on top of the train that's the bomb down he knows there's one more coming around he's?
Playing this so perfectly he's controlling the scenario and he's getting all three kills he adds the last one
Valda is down and he's actually going for the ace
Pusha t's style devil pushing in he goes in oh i wish i could replay that but i've got the flicks from frozen oh
it was beautiful
standing on his head with the goombah kill and now he pushes into the smoke dancing around it's scaring monty back with just the deagle
Frozen's already rotating around goes for the fake all the balls on the lay lay with the quick flick maybe i should have skill peein
On avoid he almost gets the bangarang
monty will go down and layla clutches it out with the triple after getting the goomba that i didn't replay who's gonna be going down
The drain already doing his job
pretty a double kill be a lean how you can't actually stop the diffuse of it comes through with it oh
They do manage to get the perfect line in spite of the smoke that's brilliant from reality looking
for the last jimmy's gonna get a headshot and there's the quad kill clutch that's such a
beautiful round from beyond like to try and take control the top of a taco and a twists all that stands between
god said and they say bomb so with three players grouped up on banana
rotations can't come in you can see now fly nitro starting to pressure down towards mid and they're just gonna go rushing through god
The backstab that's?
double always gonna get all four
it is just hamper slapped in a one versus five he's gonna take a leash down with him but the bombs dropped as playable around
surrounding that fly in with the ace don't worry
watching for any kind of a catwalk pusher aggression i think he spotted some some of the bodies out earlier definitely saw that one but
simple is just gonna liberate everyone
he's just putting on a clinic right now three kills even drops the bomb it just gets a quick one tap
That is a very fast sequence to get four frags edward took him down
Edward actually stopped him from getting an ace damn calm at the end yeah it's unfortunate that
ageha trying his luck with that a dig oh
behind the kill there has with the quick flip flake does find a cavity bang get a bomb it was dropped in there
get it and they pick up another kill but twist his last man standing and he just
pierces cause me and the bomb will be planted just
barely but my guess dies in the process of doing so twist has a
chance he upgraded to an m4 she's much more crucial weapon to be able to clutch with and he's just having a
skirmish right now with robin who's gonna abuse the smoke that twisted just thrown and put himself right next to that bomb but kidco
target twist with a 1v3 clutch no kid to coming out there one coming out through the hut and they take
one two but win
with a double auto shotty
Looking for a couple more it's odorous alone win is still doing wasn't the utter shoddy against an op at range give him another one
On 4k
with the auto shoddy
What's how is he what how and then somehow we find ourselves into overtime
So just exactly where did where does this one break down on the first pro side mike i think virtus pro t i don't really
played a pretty good game like they looked for a long time like they were in control they look to me as though they were
Gonna, win the game i would say it easily but
allah, oh alright we are live okay
💳 Como AUMENTAR O SCORE o Que Influencia o Score? Saiba Como Aumentar Seu Score em 2018 - Duration: 2:44.
Enseñando Formas y Figuras al ROBOT de Plim Plim | Plim Plim Juegos - Duration: 4:07.
Negociações garantem saída de caminhões do terminal de petróleo de Teresina - Duration: 2:57.
Ilary Blasi conduce i Mondiali 2018 al posto di Alessia Marcuzzi? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:04.
Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4TSI/125pk Highline Business R · R-Line pakket · Verwarmde voorruit · - Duration: 1:14.
Volkswagen Arteon €3.930 prijsvoordeel 1.5 TSI Business R 150 pk DSG (vsb 20144) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:51.
"Heaven" - BRYAN ADAMS cover - Duration: 4:42.
Oh thinkin' about all our younger years There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven Oh once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Yeah nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say But just hold me now
'Cause our love will light the way And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven, yeah I've been waitin' for so long
For somethin' to arrive For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true Through the good times and the bad
Yeah I'll be standin' there by you And baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven, heaven, oooh You're all that I want
You're all that I need
Hail, my friends!
Thank you very much for watching this video.
And I know, this video is late, I'm late.
I am sorry.
Stop yelling at me!
I'm just kidding, you guys never yell at me.
You guys are the best.
Yeah, two videos a week is no easy task, for sure, but I'll see if I catch up this week.
Thank you very much for your patience, guys.
And I'll see you on the next video!
Until then here's a couple more videos for you to watch.
And hope to see you next time.
Until then have yourselves an epic day.
КАТОЧКИ WARFACE: РМ-чик и паблик №69 - Duration: 1:36:34.
GZSZ-Special-"Der Fuß hält": Christian & Iris Mareike trainieren wieder! - Duration: 2:11.
Kleine Feinschmeckerin: Mia Rose Müller lutscht an Oktopus - Duration: 2:20.
Citroën C1 1.0 5DRS COLLECTION AIRCO TOPSTAAT! - Duration: 1:05.
DC Superhero Girls™
Je peux t'apprendre à voler, mais ne peux pas guider ton vol - Duration: 5:37.
An obligatory TotalBiscuit video - Duration: 2:24.
Fun fact: I wrote and scrapped the script for this video four times already.
I wrote about who TotalBiscuit was, what he did, his contributions to video games,
you name it.
I wrote how I felt about him, how others did, in the third version I got really off track
and rambled about personal integrity and
how morally distressing is marketing through YouTube influencers.
And then I finally reached the conclusion that nobody really cares about these and if
you do you have almost assuredly seen at least a dozen videos about it already.
So I finally phrased what I want to say like this:
This is a biscuit.
Today is the 29th of May, 2018, coincidentally the Biscuit Day over at everyone's favourite
former island-based empire
and yes
that really exists.
Both Biscuit Day and the United Kingdom.
From this questionable little country hailed this man.
John Bain, better known under the internet alias TotalBiscuit.
"And you are?"
"John Bain AKA TotalBiscuit, benevolent and supreme leader of the Terran Republic."
*300 reference*
*300 reference*
*300 reference*
He died recently at the age of 33 but in the short time he had he did a lot of shit for
gaming in general regargdless.
Without him we probably wouldn't have videos of Vay Hek and Tyl Regor playing chess so
let's try to remember him for a year or two, as long as our memeory willingly serves.
Here is a clip of the Eiffel Tower with some sentimental music underneath.
Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Navigatie · Automatische airco · 18"LM velgen - Duration: 0:55.
BT Daily: How to Have a Successful Bible Study - Part 1 - Duration: 2:57.
[Darris McNeely] I've come to the end of a list of tips about having successful Bible
Today I wanna talk about the last one in this series, number 12.
And what I'm talking about in this one is, after we study my topics, we read the entire
Bible through in a reading program.
We take notes.
We pray.
We seek counsel.
We think deeply about the Word of God.
We live it and we even prove it.
Hold fast.
Hold on to what you learned in the truth.
Hold fast or hold strong, tight, and sure to what God says, to the way of life that
you begin to prove to be God's way and God's truth.
Don't let anything detract from that.
Don't let anything cause you to veer off onto another way of life.
Don't forget what you've learned.
Don't lose what you have learned and what you have proven by your life.
Hold fast.
We are susceptible in our world today to so many different distractions.
So many temptations that can take us away from God, from His Word, from His way of life,
and back into a way of sin.
Bible study continually should lead us into a frame of mind of all that we've talked about,
but also encourage us to hold on through the years of our lives, to do so.
There's a parable in Matthew Chapter 13 that talks about this proclivity of human beings
and the way the Word of God works.
It says that, Matthew 13 holds a parable of what is called the parable of the sower and
the seed (Matthew 13:1-23).
And the sower are those who spread the gospel, the seed is the gospel itself as it falls
into the lives, hearts and minds of people.
And it talks about the fact that in one of those instances, the seed of the gospel that
is placed into the people's lives, that they begin to read, learn and obey, can actually,
by a different combination of effects, be taken away.
The busyness of life.
The cares of this life.
The interests of this world.
Even Satan can cause through various means, the truth that can take root in a person's
life, to be snatched out.
To be taken away.
We have to be diligent.
We have to be faithful.
We have to be looking to God.
We have to hold fast.
Every day.
Every season of our life.
We do that.
make that determination.
That all that we learn, all that we put to practice, all that becomes then the fabric
of our life when it comes to righteousness in the way of life that is godly, can be embedded
and cause us to hold on, and to endure to the end.
The scripture says that he who endures to the end, the same shall be saved.
That's BT Daily.
Join us next time.
La ex de Cristian Castro lo demanda por maltrato y exige millones de dólares - Duration: 0:32.
Katja Herbers Reads Absurd Westworld Fan Theories | ELLE - Duration: 4:13.
My name is Katja Herbers, and I'm going to read you some crazy fan theories.
I play Grace / Emily on Westworld.
Yeah, it's Evan Rachel Wood...I guess
that's me...
Ok, so...I really like this.
I really like this theory, and I would love to take credit for it.
that I would have studied her and smoked, and smoked in the same way,
but I really haven't...
umm, to be honest,
but I do think Sidse Babett Knudsen is one of the most brillant actresses out there,
anyway that I can be related to her...
yeah, it makes me feel really happy.
[stumbles on the word 'sentient']
I don't know what that...
[sounds out the word 'sentient']
I'm not from this country, so I don't...
I don't know what that means.
[whispering] So it's a sentient.
So, it means...
I'm going to do it one more time.
Yup. Okay.
[stumbles on the world 'tee]
[whispering] What does that mean?
[whispering] That means...perfectly.
[whispering] to a tee...like a golf tee
Like, it's perfectly. It means...
Sorry, I'm confusing you.
Does Wyatt golf?
Does Wyatt play golf?
Predictable, I'd say, right?
...acting fairly predictable?
..or acting predictable?
[voice from off camera] It's predictably.
It's predictably? This is right. This is correct.
I was just checking if YOU know...the answers...
I mean, her skin does look really flawless,
and thanks to Rachel who's a really, really good makeup artist,
and also 'cause Evan has great skin herself.
I wouldn't say that's her big weapon, though.
I wouldn't...
Um, she's got...she's got plenty of other weapons and chops.
I'm gonna look at the next episode.
I'm gonna...
think of Stubs as being a host who's protecting Bernard and see if it makes sense.
That's a really good one.
but it looked like...it felt and looked pretty violent to me, so...
the fact that I even made it out I think is pretty special.
I don't know...
but if Ford is in control of everything, that could have happened.
It was really exhausting.
REALLY, REALLY exhausting.
That would be really terrifying,
and interesting.
we all know that this is true!
This happened.
I am, actually, the Man In Black's daughter,
and thank you for watching "Fan Theories".
Barack Just Stuck It To Fallen Soldiers With Holiday Honoring Himself As Hero After Memorial Day - Duration: 4:30.
Barack Just Stuck It To Fallen Soldiers With Holiday Honoring Himself As Hero After Memorial
As we remembered the fallen heroes who granted Americans the right to be free, we can't
help but remember the one who stole the glory for himself.
The military under Barak Obama saw their pay drop, or be taken away.
They were sent into wars with their hands tied and we watched Navy sailors be taken
prisoner by Iran.
We were all in disbelief when he drew the "red line" in the sand and then when Syria
used chemicals to kill it's own people Obama did nothing.
Under Obama's watch, we witnessed his administration create a racial divide in America that we
haven't since the 1960's.
More people were on welfare, and out of work.
He signed into law numerous bills handcuffing businesses and creating debilitating regulations.
But with all of the failure, a Commemorative Holiday honoring Barak Obama was born, it's
not ironic it was done by the failed state of Illinois.
Opposing Views reports: Illinois has officially commemorated Aug.
4 as a state holiday to honor former President Barack Obama.
An original proposal for the holiday would have allowed for businesses and schools to
shut down on the date, but that was rejected by the state legislature and replaced with
a celebration without time off.
On Aug. 4, GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner of Illinois signed his state's Senate Bill 55 into law.
The legislation was introduced by Democratic state Sen. Emil Jones III of Illinois and
proposed establishing Obama's birthday as a commemorative statewide holiday, WMAQ reports.
Under Senate Bill 55, a new Barack Obama Day will be "observed throughout the State as
a day set apart to honor the 44th President of the United States of America who began
his career serving the People of Illinois State Senate and the United States Senate,
and dedicated his life to protecting the rights of Americans and building bridges across communities."
Jones' bill did not receive a single opposing vote in the Illinois Legislature, although
several lawmakers did abstain from supporting or blunting the legislation.
The commemorative holiday will go into effect on Aug. 4, 2018.
On March 21, a House bill that proposed a legal holiday to commemorate the president
was rejected.
The legislation would have closed down state facilities and schools, and would have given
businesses the option of closing shop to celebrate Obama's birthday.
The bill was unable to accrue the 60 votes necessary to pass in the Illinois Senate,
the Chicago Tribune reports.
GOP lawmakers in the Illinois legislature supported a celebration of Obama but were
against making the date a legal holiday.
Rauner cited concerns that closing down businesses annually on Aug. 4 could cost the state up
to $19.2 million in personnel costs and lost productivity.
Lawmakers who were in favor of the legislation asserted that Obama's stature in the state
merited a legal holiday.
"Personally, to me, [Obama] helped me to get motivated, get up in my community and
organize my community to be the change that we wanted to see, and we are seeing right
now on the ground," said Democratic state Rep. Sonya Harper of Illinois, a co-sponsor
of the House bill.
In February, Rauner asserted that a potential Barack Obama Day should not "be a formal
holiday with paid, forced time off, but I think it should be a day of acknowledgment
and celebration."
Now the former president will have a commemorative holiday in the state where he got his start
in politics, similar to former President Ronald Reagan.
In July 2010, former GOP Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California signed legislation to establish
Reagan's birthday, Feb. 6, as a commemorative holiday in The Golden State, according to
At least we can be thankful that the bill wasn't voted into law and he only received
a Commemorative Holiday.
Even still, it's underserved.
Especially since Obama has done nothing to improve the city of Chicago which only got
worse under his administration.
what do you think about this?
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Kitchen Appliances That Are Trying To Kill You - Duration: 6:50.
Hot pans.
Sharp knives.
The always-terrifying mandoline.
Navigating the kitchen can sometimes feel like running a gauntlet of dangerous obstacles.
Lurking in every corner is a contraption just waiting to maim you in its own unique way,
leaving you running for some Neosporin and a bandaid - or sending you straight to the
emergency room.
Strap on your exploding NutriBullet-proof goggles and prep your palate for a taste of
the creepy-crawlies living in your Instant Pot - these are some of the kitchen appliances
at the frontlines of the anti-human revolution.
"Kill all humans.
Kill all humans.
Must kill all…"
"Bender, Wake up!"
Keurig machines
If you're like most people, your daily routine probably involves topping off the water that's
been chilling in the reservoir since you bought your trusty Keurig, popping in your K-cup,
and enjoying your cup of joe minutes later.
Chances are you probably don't take the time to clean the machine on the reg.
Let's be honest - you probably never clean it.
But your coffee tastes just as delicious as it always has, so what's the risk?
"You have no idea."
Well, Mold, to start.
And bacteria.
And yeast.
And, you know… roaches.
"Single-serve coffee brewers can be crawling with things that can make you sick."
That's right.
Everyone's least favorite disease-carrying insect could be making their home inside your
coffee maker.
It's the perfect environment for cockroaches who love the dark, warm, and damp environment
of the machine's water tank, which also happens to be the same environment mold, bacteria,
and yeast prefer.
So what do you do?
Before you chuck the whole thing, there's good news: You can rectify all these disgusting
situations by simply cleaning and disinfecting the machine regularly.
It might a pain, but at least your morning cup will be roach-free.
Immersion blenders
Nobody can argue the handiness of an immersion blender.
They save you the time of dragging out the big blender, and let you whiz up your condiments,
soups, and even smoothies right in their own pot.
Another plus?
They're super easy to clean… unless you forget to unplug it first.
The New York Times reported countless stories of home cooks slicing and dicing their fingers
while trying to dislodge food from the blades of their immersion blenders, and that's because
the power button has something of a hair trigger.
It's just a little too easy to turn it on while handling it - and if it's plugged in,
you're in trouble.
According to Consumer Reports, in 2015,
"More than 9,600 injuries occurred involving blenders.
Immersion blenders are great [...] but recent reports show that injuries are growing with
the use of those small appliances."
So, we guess the takeaway from this one is: Don't touch the blades if the machine is running
or plugged in.
As if roaches in your Keurig weren't enough, you've got to worry about your toaster now,
Hey, cockroaches have to eat, and what better place than that bottom tray where a three-course
meal of crumbs resides?
That tray is a common hiding place for those little buggers.
Keeping 'em away means cleaning your toaster and ensuring it's free of crumbs.
"But that's not all."
Toasters are a fire hazard, too.
Consumer Affairs reports that the small appliance has a history of catching fire, due to both
mechanical failure and an accumulation of crumbs in the bottom.
They recommend keeping it clean, and unplugging it when not in use, just to be safe.
And remember, if your toaster does catch fire, use a fire extinguisher, not water, or you
risk being shocked.
Slow cookers
Thanks to This Is Us, you might already be a little hesitant about plugging in the slow
In the now infamous scene, a faulty Crock-Pot caught fire, burned down the Pearson house,
and led to Jack's death.
It also caused the masses to question the safety of their once favorite appliance.
"So, why is the episode causing a social media firestorm?
Some viewers are actually throwing out their crockpots, fearing they too will erupt in
Crock-Pot quickly released a statement ensuring consumers that there was nothing to worry
about, and that a faulty switch as portrayed in the show could not cause the unit to spontaneously
But - there's always a but, isn't there?
- there are other ways your slow cooker might pose a danger.
Frayed or broken cord?
That's a short circuit waiting to happen.
Aside from potential fire hazards, an old slow cooker might not heat properly, leaving
your foods in the danger zone when it comes to bacteria.
According to the USDA, the temperature range of a functioning machine should be between
170 and 280 degrees.
You can check your slow cooker by filling it half full with water and running it for
eight hours on low.
If the water temperature isn't 185 degrees at that point, it won't cook your dinner safely,
and that could lead to foodborne illness.
Trash that thang.
Anyone who's ever watched late-night television is familiar with the magical NutriBullet.
But beware — there's one thing the infomercial might have forgotten to mention: Besides turning
all your favorite frozen fruits and veggies into a deliciously nutritious puree, your
beloved blender might also explode on you.
Dozens of people have claimed that while properly operating their NutriBullet, the contents
inside heated to a temperature high enough to cause the container to burst off its base.
The explosion sent hot liquids flying, resulting in burns to the hands and faces of its unsuspecting
"She thinks it malfunctioned."
"Things happen, unfortunately, and it's not always the user's fault."
NutriBullet denied any wrongdoing in a statement, saying,
"Reports of blenders, which have operated normally for years, suddenly turning cool
ingredients into scalding hot mixtures after less than 20 seconds of normal operation are
perplexing and contrary to the hundreds of millions of uses by satisfied NutriBullet
customers worldwide."
Regardless of who's at fault here, is any smoothie worth a potential trip to the emergency
"No, no, no.
HELL no!"
Instant Pots
"Say it ain't so, Joe."
Everyone's favorite electric multicooker couldn't possibly have any flaws, could it?
Buckle your seatbelts… this one's going to give you nightmares.
Like most, you've probably fallen in love with the Instant Pot.
After all, it can do just about everything.
It can make breakfast, it can make dinner, it can even make yogurt.
It can also grow maggots in its condensation collector.
Yes, really.
And if you don't know where the condensation collector is, you're probably in real trouble.
This plastic cup collects the water that runs off the lid when opened.
If it's doing its job, it's probably moist and warm and contains some bits of food.
In other words: if you aren't cleaning the condensation collector thoroughly after each
use, you're inviting maggots to come party in your kitchen.
And that larvae, if ingested, can put you at risk of parasitic infections, gastrointestinal
problems, food poisoning, and allergic reactions.
So needless to say, it's probably best to keep them out of your Instant Pot.
Thanks for watching!
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Poema d'Ítaca. - Duration: 2:01.
SPLATUBERS vs SPLATUBERS - Raph vs Donnie Splatfest「Splatoon 2 🦑」 - Duration: 2:26:53.
New Music is Coming & Jesus the Vine - Duration: 9:38.
New Music is Coming & Jesus the Vine May 29, 2018
Thank You, Lord, for this productive and protected time with You.
My heart rejoices at Your sweet invitation to come away with You.
Thank you for this time apart.
Well, my dear Heartdwellers, all is well with us.
I have just been working day and night on vocals and a new song—which I thought I
could put up tonight.
But working on it a good 18 hours already, I had to put it down.
I just wanted to reassure you that your prayers have wrought mighty victories for us, and
both Ezekiel and I are working on new songs of joy to worship God with and to share with
In addition to working on music, we've been spending substantial time trysting with the
Lord, and being in His presence.
Comforting Him, loving Him and being comforted by Him.
These times are so very necessary, because we get so busy, we begin to shorten our time
with the Lord.
And that's really a tragic thing to do.
We don't want to do that.
That will definitely pull us away from every good fruit.
And He misses us!
He really misses us when we're not there.
And I don't know how your rhema card boxes are going, but here's one from mine: "Prayer
is the encounter of God's thirst with ours.
God thirsts that we may thirst for Him."
I'm guessing, but I think that's Mother Theresa.
It's sounds like something she would have said.
So, He thirsts for an encounter with us.
He wants us to be with Him.
Well, not to belabor that subject.
To go on, I think that perfectionistic spirit caught my attention as I tended to details
of the song.
But I really want it to be special for you.
The title is, "I Sought the Lord and He Answered Me".
The rest of that line is, "He delivered me from all of my fears".
I wanted to wait until Ezekiel's turn-around before I ventured out to finish this song—so
I would really have something to boast about in the Lord.
His mercy endures forever.
Well, it's dawn right now and I just made a final pass at the lyrics.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Or shall I say, today is a new day!
And hopefully we can get this song up by the end of the day.
I really want to make it special for you, to tell a story, of sorts.
That doors got opened, but God delivered us.
And now we are wiser, having learned how we opened those doors.
I wanted this to be a very special song in remembrance of Ezekiel's deliverance and
healing ,and how very faithful the Lord is.
This is all by way of saying, "Forgive me for neglecting you."
We really have been working hard on music!
A new album which was just released on Sound Cloud.
And a YouTube site for music, and a website dedicated to music, as well.
So, there's a lot of things in the background in the works.
And the album on Sound Cloud.
I think we got a little confused about the title.
I think it might be "Favorite Dwelling songs."
Or "Dwelling Songs Sampler."
I think is what it is.
It's a composite of several different songs, which we've had on the Internet before.
So, you'll probably recognize them.
You old-timers will recognize them.
But it's just a cross-section of music from Ezekiel and myself.
And we'll be adding to that, as well as the playlists on the YouTube Channel.
There's gonna be a lot of music on that Channel that you've never heard before, because I
never published it.
But mostly, the thing that's important is finishing the songs He's already given me.
And that's what I'm working on now with this song.
All of this work is done in the shadows, so you don't get to see the results just yet—but
it is coming.
Thank you so very much for your prayers and letters and support.
Today I had to make another decision: to plow into that huge stack of letters—or work
on the song.
So, if I have not answered you, there's good reason for it.
The Lord is most adamant.
He wants this song completed and given to you to strengthen you.
So, this is why I have been so 'quiet' on the outside, but working 17-hour days putting
music together and working my vocal chords—which are coming around.
In the meantime, the Lord has been faithful to deflect the bullets and fiery darts of
the enemy so we could both work on music.
Oh, praise the Lord for that!
This precious protection and time of productivity has been wonderful.
Jesus, have You something to say?
(You know, He always does...)
Jesus began, "My dear ones, be patient with Clare as she applies herself to My mandate
to sing.
It will not be her voice alone that will be coming to you, but My very special anointing,
to go deep into your souls and hold your attention.
To the articles of our faith.
To the battle plans of the enemy—which hinge almost totally on how well you protect Virtue
in your lives and keep doors shut.
"All of you have had substantial losses over the past few months and much heartache.
I am wanting to turn that around now.
But I ask of you, please: keep up your prayers for your president and the world.
Please be ruthless with yourselves in identifying lapses in virtue or compromising your faith.
And especially making compromises with the world when you know in your hearts that I
do not approve of certain things."
Boy, that's a constant struggle with me!
I'll be so happy when it gets to the point that it's not.
Jesus continued, "Your safety and right to exercise your mission and ministry depend
very much on the life of virtue you lead.
If you have a wonderful gift to cultivate, understand it will not move forward very far
if you are compromising.
When you open doors, the enemy rushes in and you have to stop the creative work to brandish
the sword and repent for failures.
This sets the work back.
"It is a privilege to be used in ministry of any kind.
But this privilege gets suspended when you have to drop everything to fight your way
through each day.
"This is why I admonish you to stay pure and faithful to My known wishes for each of
you, particularly, so that you keep the doors shut tight and your defense is seamless.
The moment you compromise, gossip, judge, spend money you shouldn't, let duties get
behind—when you do these things, you open doors and it makes it doubly hard for you
to keep going, let alone expand into the beautiful callings on your lives.
"Oh, My Loves!
Do spend ample time with Me.
How I long for your company.
The Branch can only bear fruit when it is attached to the Vine.
And the enemy has made great inroads with many of you who have not been vigilant in
protecting our trysting time."
He's also talking about me here, guys.
So, don't feel like the Lone Ranger.
He continued, "The more you long to be with Me, the more you give in to that longing—the
deeper, wider and fuller your anointing becomes.
Because we are One in each other and I labor through you to bring forth the fruits of salvation
and sanctity in your lives and the lives of your families.
"So, if you are feeling flat or dry, please remember: the Branch can bring forth no fruit
unless it remains healthy, drawing it's life from the Vine."
And He quickened the Scripture to me:
"I am the vine and you are the branches.
The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit.
For apart from Me you can do nothing" John 15:5
The Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers.
And I'm gonna tag on just one very short part of the song at the end of this.
So, you'll kinda get a clue about what I've worked on:
(singing) I sought You, Lord and You answered me.
You delivered me from all of my fears.
I sought You, Lord and You answered me.
You delivered me from all of my fears.
Mountain Taxi Driving Adventure 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 4:45.
Mountain Taxi Driving Adventure New Android Game 2018
HAPPENING NOW: ABC Just Canceled Roseanne's Reboot Show - Duration: 5:50.
HAPPENING NOW: ABC Just Canceled Roseanne's Reboot Show,
ABC has just canceled the hit 'Roseanne' reboot show, after Roseanne Barr tweeted out
an attack on former Obama top aide Valerie Jarrett.
From CNN
ABC canceled its hit sitcom "Roseanne" on Tuesday after the show's biggest star,
Roseanne Barr, went on a racist Twitter rant.
"Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values,
and we have decided to cancel her show," ABC said.
The cancellation comes just months after the show premiered to huge ratings.
Barr had earlier apologized and said she was "now leaving Twitter."
Following Barr's Twitter rant, one of the show's consulting producers, Wanda Sykes,
said she's done with the show.
"I will not be returning to @RoseanneOnABC," Sykes tweeted.
And Sara Gilbert, who plays Barr's daughter on the ABC sitcom, tweeted that Barr's comments
are "abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated
with our show."
Gilbert added: "This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we've created
a show that we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love — one that is separate
and apart from the opinions and words of one cast member."
Barr is notorious for tweeting about pro-Trump conspiracy theories and other controversial
This week she repeatedly attacked prominent Democrats.
In one of the tweets, she wrote, "Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj."
Barr was responding to a comment about Valerie Jarrett, a top former aide to President Obama.
She replied to CNN reporter Andrew Kaczynski and said it was "a joke."
But Barr later deleted the tweet and tweeted an apology to Jarrett and "all Americans."
"I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks," Barr
"I should have known better.
Forgive me — my joke was in bad taste."
Barr then said she's leaving Twitter.
Jarrett declined to comment.
Social media lit up with criticism of both Barr and ABC, with some demanding a response
from the broadcast network.
ABC has not replied to CNNMoney's request for comment.
I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans.
I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks.
I should have known better.
Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.
In the past, ABC executives have privately said that they hold their noses when Barr
They know some of her posts have been problematic — full of pro-Trump conspiracy theories
that mislead her fans.
The executives want Barr to focus on her show.
But they seem to take the position that there's no controlling Barr, and that's what makes
her the successful comic she is.
ABC employees shared these views on condition of anonymity earlier this year, before the
current Twitter controversy.
Barr also made comments on Twitter about Chelsea Clinton, tweeting, "Chelsea Soros Clinton."
She later replied in the comments that Clinton is "married to Soros nephew."
Soros is a billionaire liberal benefactor who has been the subject to many right-wing
conspiracy theories over the years.
Chelsea Soros Clinton Clinton responded to Barr shortly after.
"Good morning Roseanne – my given middle name is Victoria.
I imagine George Soros's nephews are lovely people.
I'm just not married to one," she wrote.
Barr responded back to Clinton saying, "Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you!
Please forgive me!"
Good morning Roseanne – my given middle name is Victoria.
I imagine George Soros's nephews are lovely people.
I'm just not married to one.
I am grateful for the important work @OpenSociety does in the world.
Have a great day!
She then continued, "By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews
2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth-were you aware of that?
But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?"
This is a conspiracy theory about Soros that has been debunked many times.
The fact-checking site Snopes called it "false" back in 2016.
Barr's followers are accustomed to her conspiratorial tweets, but even by her standards, Tuesday
was outrageous.
Some commenters connected her behavior to Trump-era intolerance and said ABC was helping
to normalize racism by supporting her show.
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough was critical of ABC on Twitter.
"Hey @ABC, Roseanne Barr compared Valerie Jarrett to an ape.
There is no apology she can make that justifies @ABC turning a blind eye to this bigotry by
airing another second of her show," he tweeted.
"Even in the Age of Trump, there are red lines that can never be crossed.
This is one."
.@ABC, how desperate are you to profit from Roseanne's racism?
We know racism sells in this country, it always has.
But you don't have to participate in it.
This apology is meaningless.
Cancel Roseanne.
The premiere of Roseanne's reboot was one of the highest-rated new shows of the season,
and Barr is one of the network's biggest stars, if not its biggest.
However, after the huge debut, which brought in more than 18 million live viewers, the
show saw its audience come back down to earth.
Its finale, which aired last week, nabbed roughly 10 million viewers.
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[Non Copyrighted Music] Arc North - Never Gonna [Future House] - Duration: 3:25.
BreakingCopyright: Music for videos YouTube Music Library
BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube YouTube Music Library
Today on BreakingCopyright: Arc North
No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) Arc North - Never Gonna
Dr. Suzanne Humphries reveals the stunning fraud of the CDC and vaccine propagandists - Duration: 4:59.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries reveals the stunning fraud of the CDC and vaccine propagandists
by: Vicki Batts
In a new interview with Mike Adams on CounterThink, Dr. Suzanne Humphries tells-all, revealing
the corrupt vaccine industry�s dirtiest secrets and more.
Humphries, a medical doctor and author of Dissolving Illusions: Diseases, Vaccines and
the Forgotten History, was a highly regarded nephrologist � before she switched gears
and set out to expose vaccines (and the CDC) for the sham they are.
Dr. Humphries says that Dr. Sherry Tenpenny �cracked the visage in front of me,� after
Tenpenny showed her that vaccines were the �backbone of the whole pharmaceutical industry.�
�They keep people sick and that�s what�s so profitable,� Tenpenny reportedly told
Humphries says that when the administration of a hospital she worked at told her that
the adverse events she was witnessing with her own eyes weren�t real, she was driven
to look deeper into the matters of vaccines on her own.
Vaccines are just �witch�s brew� Those adverse events, Humphries says, included
patients who suddenly developed kidney failure within 24 hours of being vaccinated.
Hospital administrators told her that kind of thing simply didn�t happen, prompting
her to look into what was actually in a vaccine.
The doctor says that she believes inflammation caused by immunizations is the source of these
kinds of kidney problems, noting that the kidneys are quite sensitive organs.
Adams posits that vaccine-related inflammation is by design, pointing to adjuvants � ingredients
added to vaccines to �stoke� the immune system � as a key contributor to inflammation�s
Aluminum adjuvants are behind a number of ill effects.
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Learn more here.
Humphries notes that even vaccines with no aluminum, like the flu shot, can pose a serious
The flu shot, she notes, contains mercury � a toxic heavy metal which can also cause
She says that really any organ can be a target of inflammation.
Adams notes that heart disease, Alzheimer�s disease, cancer and other problems have all
been linked to inflammation.
�What we have to understand here,� said Humphries, �is that the inflammation happens
throughout the body but some organs are more sensitive than others.�
The brain and kidneys are notably sensitive when compared to an organ like the heart.
Humphries says that vaccines are �clumsy substances� that are more of a �witch�s
brew� than a science-based medicine.
�Immune system psychosis� is Humphries� term for what happens after this �witch�s
brew� is injected into the human body.
The body�s inflammatory response isn�t the only thing going haywire during the post-vaccination
aftermath, she says � there are other reactions going on that �can�t even be measured.�
�The end result is that there�s something happening there that shouldn�t be happening,�
Humphries contended.
Science fraud and the CDC Dr. Humphries says you can either be �progressive�
or �regressive,� and that the CDC is regressive.
She says that while CDC is coming along with all this �help,� that just so happens
to correlate with a major regression across the population, especially regarding health.
As Humphries and Adams note, the CDC is great at trying to sell people on vaccines � while
obscuring the actual data on their safety and efficacy.
Not long ago, the agency came under fire for literally destroying evidence linking vaccines
to autism.
Of course, the CDC also reportedly owns 56 vaccines, which Adams notes is a �grave
conflict of interest.� But beyond the CDC�s refusal to acknowledge good science and stop
hiding the truth, there are still darker forces at play.
�Ridiculous aggression� in the marketplace, Humphries adds, is another major issue.
Mandates to force vaccines on the public are highly concerning � especially when the
regressive nature of governing bodies is taken into account.
Big Pharma is on the road to �complete domination,� with zero opposition from the government.
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Oh Oh on your hand that's a good thing
Hey guys! So welcome back to our channel! So we are AllTheRaige if you haven't joined us before! And we are on our way to the beach! This will be Reid's second
beach trip but the first one he probably barely remembers because he was so little! He remembers the sand that's for sure!
Reid is now 15 months old and I think he is really going to like the beach this time. It is a gorgeous day here
Reid's gonna check out the sand
oh yeah? do you love it? Also guys we check for burrs so there are none. If you
don't know what a burr is, it's a spiky thing that sometimes grows with the
dunes that are right behind him so we made sure there are none. So he's not getting hurt little baby!
I'm up here I'm up here Reid! Hey you! This is what he did last time. He was just enthralled with the sand. Yeah I guess a year doesn't make a huge difference.
He's just still like ohhh this is awesome. He's playing he likes it.
Uh Oh is it on your hand?? That's a good thing!
Are you trying to smell it? So we are having a fun time at the beach! Reid is enjoying it.
He ate his first sand and we almost caught it in time but just a little late.
Do you see the water Reid? Do you see how pretty it is?
we're having a fun beach trip! Alright Reid are you gonna check out the water?
Are you going to feel the water just on your toes?
all right let's wait for the next good one to come!
You ready bud? Whoo oh now I'm wet too.
We didn't like the water and Dada's shoes got soaked!!!! Oh my goodness you try to
go right to the edge and now suddenly it's just like whooo! Reid you don't like it? It's
cold huh? All right next time when it's warmer! Let's get a couple pictures
Hey guys so thanks for watching this
video we hope you enjoyed our beach day video! We definitely think that Reid
had a great time and we are planning more beach trips very soon this spring
and summer so be on the lookout for that and also we want to do a quick
comment of the day this comment comes from blessedgirl2105 she said what
made me smile today was when I had read a quote that said; "when life's obstacles
bring you down to your knees, you are in the perfect position to pray. And that
made me realize that prayer is such an amazing thing and I pray for you all
daily!". So that is so true I first of all love that because it's true and second
of all that's awesome you pray for us! That really touches our hearts and
just makes us feel really special so thank you for that and thank you all for
all your support and encouragement for our channel. We hope that you'll continue
to watch! Subscribe to our channel, follow us @wearealltheraige and let us
know anything good that's going on in your life or anything that you need prayer
for and we will see you in the next video okay bye guys!!!
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