Hi! Nice to meet you
I am happy to announce That next november
we'll publish a powerful book about human questions
the topic is general interest and something related to improvement
I can't tell you more for the moment
We are an interdisciplinary team. Now, we've wrotten 80 pages
We're working very hard. This confirm that our intention is serious
The are 3 meetings left to confirm and add new materials
It could be possible to add new guests
let's go to around the world. From New York to Spain.
All profits will be donated to fight against childish cancer.
I wait for you!
For more infomation >> We're writing a revolutionary book. This idea will save and change lives. - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Federico de Dinamarca se da un baño de masas (y royals) en la cena de gala por su 50 cumpleaños - Duration: 6:25.
Esto te costaría parecerte a Meghan Markle (y no es tan caro como crees) - Duration: 1:16.
Catherine Laborde : que devient-elle depuis son départ de TF1 ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:14.
Aprende los colores en español e inglés para niños 😃 - Duration: 3:26.
Hello little friends, Welcome to Menudos Juguetes
Today you will learn the colors
Good friends I hope you liked this video
so if you liked to like it
share it with whoever you want
subscribe to my channel, give him a super finger up
that way you will not miss any of the videos I make
a big hug very big very big and see you in the next video adiosss
Beneficios de una dieta proteica para perder peso - Duration: 6:55.
Las redes estallan luego de que Thalía provocara a los fans de Aitana y Cepeda - Duration: 4:11.
La Sexta deja a su presentadora lucir camiseta que veja a Rajoy y arde Twitter - Duration: 3:27.
Sí, Kate hizo mal al repetir vestido en la boda de Meghan y estas son las razones - Duration: 11:11.
Rajoy critica que PSOE quiera pactar con Puigdemont para echarlo - Duration: 3:33.
THE BEST OF THE WEEK - Duration: 6:42.
LE ROCK DES BLOCS - La magie dans l'air 🎵 - Duration: 1:56.
Découvre 11 aliments pour le petit déjeuner que les médecins recommandent d'éliminer - Duration: 7:43.
21.05.2018. ВЛОГ. Назад в Испанию - Duration: 8:10.
Ne Faites Pas ça Dans Votre Mariage-Mufti Menk - Duration: 3:57.
Watch Beat Shazam Season ...
Wonder Woman's Injustice Origin | Wasted Plotential - Duration: 10:29.
Baby can't sleep - Duration: 1:01.
Bukan MUSLIM Belajar PUASA | Boleh MODUS gak si? - Duration: 20:53.
살라에게 눈물을 흘리게 한 라모스 축구 팬"살라 살려내라" - Duration: 2:42.
How to delete Facebook account using child report 2018 | delete Facebook account | - Duration: 6:10.
How to delete Facebook account using child report 2018 | delete Facebook account |
Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS | Navi - Duration: 1:12.
कलोपासक: विणकाम भाग २६: तीन सुयांनी टाके बंद करणे - Duration: 3:27.
How to bind off stitches by three needles
It is used when we have to bind off as well as sew the sides, e.g. shoulders join and bind off the stitches on shoulders is done by this methods.
The seem looks beautiful when we join by this method.
Put right sides of both pieces facing each other and wrong side towards us.
Bring the two needles close to each other
Insert the third needle in right hand in the first stitch of the needle facing us, as if to knit then also insert the same needle in the first stitch of rear needle as if to knit
Then wrap the yarn on the third right hand needle and take a stitch out, leave the two stitches worked.
When there are two stitches on your right needle then pass on the first st over the second. Thus one st is BO
Again insert right needle on first st of both needles in left hand as if to knit then wrap the yarn and take the st out then leave the worked 2 sts out of needle.
Again there are 2 sts on right needle so pass first st over the second. One more st is BO
Sewed back side also looks beautiful
If zero and first conditionals - Duration: 8:19.
문대통령이 "친구 간 평범한 일상처럼 이뤄진 만남"이라며 발표한 회담 결과 (전문) - Duration: 7:35.
김희정 결혼 조카와 사는 이유 - Duration: 5:32.
리버풀 골키퍼가 결승전 뒤 팬들에게 통곡하며 사과했다 - Duration: 3:29.
Co wiedzą o Polsce i Polakach Australijczycy? Australijczyk mówi po Polsku. Kościuszko?Kilimandżaro? - Duration: 8:13.
Z wielkiej tajemnicy nici. Księżna Meghan i książę Harry uciekli na miesiąc miodowy! Dokąd? - Duration: 3:55.
Some things make you way too sad.. - Duration: 1:10.
Sheikh, you can never win from me..
You are going to lose again.
You are playing chess here.
and my wedding is getting fixed with somebody else..
You are such a shameless creature.
Well, my parents have choosen a prince for me anyway.
and you.. Have you seen your face?
You face looks like a 'used toothpick'..
So, now! I am leaving you.
Aww Umair! Are you crying for me?
You love me that much?
Okay, I won't leave you. Stop crying..
I'll tell my parents that I wanna marry you.
What? No! I am not crying for you.
My biscuit fell in the tea.. That's why I am crying.
You can leave rightaway.. Go! Get married already.
You look beautiful when you are going away.
In fact, I'll do a bhangra performance on your wedding.
In face, sister.. Your wedding is being arranged.
So, treat is on you..
Waiter! Its no her. She'll pay.
Alright! I am leaving.
Look at your face. Looks like you owe some people money anyway.
Okay bye! thank you!
I think I'm in love. - Duration: 2:30.
This is DJ tacos coming @ you Live never on recording playing America's top hit singles, coming in with America's ground breaking hit single, I think I'm in love
中国三大航母基地震撼曝光,周边国家全沉默了 - Duration: 22:59.
NG Spies - Gwent in-depth Deck Guide - Duration: 21:13.
Hi Gwent players, Green Cricket here doing weekly in-depth Gwent guides, chosen by the
community, which is you!
Just leave a guide suggestion below and the one mentioned the most will be selected for
next Wednesday's guide!
This week we analyse Nilfgaard Spies!
We look over the Card and Decklist, a Mulligan guideline
we check out our general gameplay plan and how to play against each different matchup.
At the end, we also look at an example match!
Subscribe if you like what I'm doing and let's head right into it!
The core card of this deck is Emissary, which is placed on the enemy's side of the board
with the spying tag.
Every time we play this, we can look up two bronze cards from our deck, choose one and
play it.
If we only look at the card itself, then we see that is is not that powerful, but our
other cards interact with spying enemies and therefore trigger bonus effects.
Impera Brigade buffs itself for each enemy spy on the board and played afterwards.
Impera Enforcers deal two damage to an enemy, and 2 for every spy played from then on.
This means that as soon as we played 2 of either of these units, every Emissary will
earn us points either as buff through Brigade or damage onto enemies with Enforcers.
So if you could get all your Impera units on the board, then each Emissary would get
you 10 points in addition to playing a bronze unit from your deck.
Infiltrator can toggle the spying tag on any unit, enabling you to trigger the abilities
of our Impera units another time.
Nauzicaa Brigade deals seven damage to a spying unit and if it kills the target, then Nauzicaa
Brigade is strengthened by 4, which enables a decent round 3 finisher, which we talk about
in the gameplay section.
Vicovaro Medic can resurrect a unit from the enemy's graveyard, enabling us to play more
Emissaries because Emissaries always land in the enemy's graveyard and not in ours.
Alternatively, we can also steal big units, which often comes handy, when you play against
Ceallach offers another way to create Emissaries because when you play him, you can choose
to spawn either an Assassin, Ambassador or Emissary.
By playing him together with Emyr and then using Decoy onto him, we can generate 3 Emissaries
Three Emissaries played from our deck in addition to 3 Emissaries we can revive with Vicovaro
Medics is more than enough to thin through all our Bronze cards.
This is also the reason why Assire plays a big role in this deck because she can put
key cards into our deck in round 3 like Nauzicaa Brigade and or Infiltrator.
Joachim is a 5point spying unit, which buffs one of our bronze and silver units by 10 and
is best used in round 3, when you thinned so much, that you know exactly what you will
get with him.
Cantarella is a simple spy, but if you play her onto a board with some of your Impera
units, you will not lose as much value as you typically would with a spy.
Iris is your round 3 joker, especially if you have access to Nauzicaa Brigade, which
can destroy her for a big value push.
Dandelion lets you draw your remaining gold and silver cards in round 3 after you thinned
out all your bronzes, Igni is in there for solid value, and Menno does four damage or
lets you destroy a spying unit.
Menno is best used together with Infiltrator, who toggles the spying mark onto the biggest
enemy unit so that Menno can destroy it.
Rainfarn is your spy access card, able to get you Iris, Joachim, Cantarella or Emissaries.
Typically you keep him for round 3 to do a big push together with Joachim, but getting
Cantarella in round 2 may be crucial as well.
Especially if the opponent plays spy from hand.
In that case, Rainfarm will prevent them from drypassing because you are 5 points ahead.
Now let's look at the Mulligan.
Cards you want to keep are: Caellach and Decoy to get those Emissaries
onto the board and to start your spy chains.
One Emissary if you have Caellach or two Emissaries if you don't, to be on the safe side.
Impera Enforcers are good to have on hand because you need to play them pro-actively,
while Brigades also work in retrospect.
2 Vicovaro Medics on hand are good as well, so you don't run into the risk of getting
presented with two of them after playing an Emissary.
And gold cards are always useful.
Cards you want to get rid off are: Impera Brigade, since you want to play them
through Emissaries.
Infiltrator, because you want to look it up in the later gameplay to mark a good Menno
target and there is simply no space for them in your starting hand.
Get rid of Cantarella, Iris or Joachim if you have all three of them so that Rainfarm
can pull one of them in round 3.
The general idea of your round 1 mulligan is to enable you to get all those bronzes
on the board, so you are sure to draw your big cards in round 2 & 3 and to enable Assire
to put back exactly the cards you need to re-access them.
This ties closely into our gameplay plan.
We split our gameplay into two phases: The first one is our Spy-Engine and thinning
phase and the second one is our big unit push phase.
In the ideal case, we can split the rounds into two, each one featuring exactly one of
those phases.
Round 1, therefore, would be our Spy-Engine & thinning phase.
We put Enforcers onto the board and then create as many Emissaries as possible through Caellach,
Emyr into Caellach and Decoy onto Caellach, therefore pulling even more Emissaries out
of the deck.
Through Enforcers we then kill some Emissaries, so we can resurrect them with Vicovaro Medics
to thin even more.
If you have two or more Vicovaro Medics left in the deck, then I would hurry to get an
Emissary into the enemy's graveyard, so you don't run into a situation where you draw
both Vicovaro Medics, and you don't have any targets for them.
You can also use Nauzicaa Brigade to kill off an Emissary, so it becomes strengthened
for round 3.
Some Phase 1 tips: Using Infiltrator onto a 7 point unit enables
Nauzicaa Brigade to hit for full value.
If your Impera Brigades and Enforcer engines survive until later stages of round 1 and
you are ahead, then you can consider playing Cantarella, because it will trigger all your
engines getting you into a position where you have card advantage and are ahead.
Either the enemy plays their spy as well, getting you ahead even more, or you'll secure
yourself card advantage for round 3 and maybe pushing the enemy out of the round.
Igni in a short round 3 often struggles to get targets, so use it to push even more in
round 1.
Round 2 we either drypass or play Assire if the enemy drypasses, to get Nauzicaa Brigade
back into our deck and to mess with the enemies graveyard, by (for example) putting our dead
Cantarella back into their deck.
Round 3 is our big unit push phase.
Iris is one of our biggest point generators, so we need to set up the board for her.
At this point, we should only have one or two bronze cards left in the deck, ideally
the one we put back with Assire.
Therefore Dandelion: Poet will have a very very high chance to draw us our gold and silver
cards while putting another Iris target on the board.
As soon as we have three units on the board, we play Iris (or get her with Rainfarm) and
then follow up with Joachim (or Rainfarn into Joachim) to get Nauzicaa Brigade from the
deck, making this a 19 point play alone.
Also, Nauzicaa Brigade will destroy our Iris, further buffing up our units by 25 points
in total.
If you think that the enemy can destroy Iris, then you should wait to play her until you
have enough units on the board.
Keeping Menno Coehoorn is a good idea as well because sometimes enemies try to buff up Iris,
so nauzicaa brigade can't kill her, but Menno will always be able to trigger Iris.
Menno is our second big value push card, by using Infiltrator to mark a big target like
a big resurrected Greatsword and then using Menno to kill it.
Summarized, we would like to have following cards in the deck/hand in round 3:
Dandelion: Poet, Rainfarn, Menno Coehoorn, Joachim, Iris, Infiltrator, Nauzicaa Brigade,
Vicovaro Medic.
I've added the Vicovaro Medic because he provides us two Iris targets and he always finds a
decent target to resurrect in the enemy's graveyard providing you with decent points.
Let's look at the matchups and how we need to adapt to them:
Greatsword This is probably one of our best matchups.
You can disrupt their Ship-Greatswords engines by placing your Emissaries in between them
saving some damage from the Enforcers.
Instead, use your Enforcer shots to kill off a newly placed Greatsword to further delay
their setup.
If their setup gets disrupted by your Emissaries and Enforcers you will be victorious in a
long round, so fully commit to that.
Also, keep Vicovaro Medics to steal their big buffed up Greatswords before they can
play them.
If you won round 1, you should do this in round 2 already, so they can't use their Freya
in round 3 before you can utilise your Medic.
Veterans They have consistent high-value output, but
in a long round, your spies can overtake them.
Get your Enforcers onto the board early, so the chance of surviving their Tuirseach Hunter
damage is higher because often they want to finish their Veteran setup first, even though
Hunters would receive the buff afterwards as well.
Like in the Greatsword matchup, keep your Vicovaro Medics so that you can destroy their
graveyard in combination with Assire.
If they can't resurrect their big units in round 3, you will have an easy time with your
big plays.
Coinflip Elves Theoretically, they will have a better long
round, but if your Enforcers can kill off all the little elves like Elven Scout, Elven
Mercenaries, Wardancer and such, then Vanguards won't find that many targets to buff, giving
you the edge again.
Your enemy knows that, which is why they will utilise Ida and Cleaver to get rid of your
If they manage to do that and already have dropped a lot of Elves including Aelirenn,
then consider passing, because your setup is not complete yet and they already have
wasted some elves.
In late game try to line up some Elves with Enforcer and hit with a double Igni.
Alchemy Alchemy is a pain to play against because
your Enforcers won't be able to stick to the board.
If you are on red, then get all your Enforcers out and let them be killed by their Witchers.
Then you can pass one card up, enabling you to start fresh without the extra points the
enemy has already gathered.
Before you play your Impera Brigades assure that there are three spying enemies, so they
are not able to kill them with only one witcher.
Mirror Match The key is to get more Enforcers onto the
board than your opponent, so get them out asap and use the shots fired from your Enforcer
to kill off the ones of your enemy's.
Use your Vicovaro Medic to steal the enemy's Nauzicaa Brigade to deny them some points.
Putting back your Cantarella from their graveyard into their deck can hinder your enemy's round
3 strategies if they run cards like Dandelion Poet or Vilgefortz.
Handbuff They have some really good value plays, but
you can defeat them in a long round.
Get your Enforcers on the board, while they are doing their setup and then push with as
many spy engines on the board as possible to secure the round.
If your enemy passes after your Enforcer setup, then pass and play a long round 2, where you
push as much as possible.
You should get enough points onto the board to bleed your enemy of the handbuffed unit,
which will win you round 3, so keep a big push tool like Rainfarn, Joachim or such.
Use your Enforcers to line up your enemy's units and hit a double Igni, but Igni onto
a single spotter is also okay if you use Vicovaro Medic to revive it on your side of the board
for a 24 point play.
Deathwish Get your Enforcers out early, before an enemy
Cyclops can get rid of it.
Other than that, you can follow the normal gameplan, because in a long round you should
be able to win it.
Beware that Cyclops can easily trigger Iris for you, so only play her, when you have five
units on the board.
Nekkers Playing Emissaries in front of Vran Warrior
allows you to use Enforcers onto a different target and also forces your enemy to play
more Consume units to complete their setup.
Push in round 1, because your engines provide really good value, and your spies will disrupt
If the enemy passes, then push round 2 and bleed them of as many key cards as possible.
Use Assire in round 3 to disrupt their graveyard and to put Slyzard targets back into the deck,
so they may be able to play Nekkers, but they are not able to eat all of them.
Henselt Use your Emissaries to destroy Crewmen Pockets
and play Enforcers early, because Henselt will try to focus them down.
Chaining spies enable your Enforcers to get rid of some of the machines, and by using
Enforcer Damage, you can line up a lot of machines so that you can hit a big Igni.
Don't play Cantarella until Thaler has been played or Dun Banner will jump out of his
Other than that, play the long round and utilise your big value push tools to overpower Bloody
Foltest Swarm A long round is good for you and your opponent,
but they will out-tempo you in the end, so pass after you thinned through your Bronzes
and you feel a Yennefer or Foltest is about to hit.
If they play Siege Support, then get rid of them asap, because they will also buff up
all your spies played onto the board.
Enforcers can help here, but also Infiltrator in combination with Nauzicaa Brigade.
Assire can put back their Blue Stripe Commandos to prevent Dijkstra from creating value.
And now let's look at an example match!
Każdy chce ochronić się przed nadmiernym poceniem i przykrym zapachem potu. Perfumy i dezodoranty nie są jednak najlepszym rozwiązaniem.
Jeśli nie chcesz używać produktów chemicznych lub jeśli dezodoranty nie są w Twoim przypadku skuteczne, koniecznie wypróbuj te sprawdzone naturalne sposoby pozbycia się nieprzyjemnych zapachów.
Przestań się golić.Golenie sie pod pachami zwykle wywołuje problem brzydkiego zapachu. Dochodzi wówczas do podrażnienia skóry, a kremy depilacyjne czy golarka umożliwiają rozwój bakterii. Wilgoć pod pachami powinna być absorbowana przez włosy.
Ocet jabłkowy (cydrowy).Możesz przemyć pachy mieszanką zwykłego soku z cytryny, odrobiny wody i octu jabłkowego. Możesz też użyć tej mikstury jako dezodorantu w spreju. Zastosuj go, zanim nałożysz na siebie ubranie. W razie potrzeby stosuj taki sprej częściej w ciągu dnia. Dzięki temu pozbędziesz się ze skóry bakterii, które wywołują przykry zapach.
Naturalne mydło.Możesz wyeliminować przykry zapach poprzez mycie pach naturalnym mydłem. Kup naturalne, ręcznie wykonane mydło z koziego mleka lub wykonaj własne (mydło kastylijskie).
Talk.Możesz powstrzymać brzydki zapach poprzez stosowanie talku po umyciu pach naturalnym mydłem. Dzięki temu bakterie nie będą miały szansy się rozmnożyć. Możesz stosować talk wielokrotnie w ciągu dnia.
Olejek herbaciany.Ten delikatny olejek potrafi rozwiązać wiele problemów ze skórą, w tym również przykry zapach. Olejek herbaciany ma właściwości przeciwgrzybiczne i przeciwbakteryjne i jest wykorzystywany w medycynie naturalnej od setek lat.
Wymieszaj trochę wody różanej z kilkoma kroplami olejku herbacianego i przelej do butelki ze sprejem. Spryskaj pachy, a brzydki zapach od razu zniknie.
Woda utleniona.Woda utleniona to świetny sposób, aby wyeliminować przykry zapach. Wymieszaj zwykłą wodę lub wodę różaną z wodą utlenioną, a w naturalny sposób pozbędziesz się zapachu.
Cytryna.Cytryna jest genialnym owocem, który pomoże Ci wyeliminować wszelkie przykre zapachy, zarówno z Twojego ciała, jak i z domu. Sok z cytryny przywraca skórze właściwe pH.
Połóż plasterek cytryny na skórę pod pachą na 15 minut, a przez cały dzień nie będziesz musiał martwić się przykrym zapachem.AłunWetrzyj ałun w skórę pod pachami, a brzydki zapach zniknie natychmiast.
✅ 'Let's just say I'm now a boxing champion': Home And Away star Olivia Deeble, 15, reveals her fitn - Duration: 2:07.
At just 15-years-old, she's making strides in the acting world for her role as Raffaela 'Raffy' Morrison on Home And Away
And cementing her It-girl status, Olivia Deeble's proved her talents extend to the boxing ring
Taking to Instagram this month, the actress posted a snap while donning an ever-fashionable set of active wear
With a turquoise crop and a pair of 2XU leggings, the rising star paired her look with black-and-white trainers, complete with pink laces
With her hair work-out ready in a high ponytail, the star posed for the camera while gripping on to her sporty chic pair of sunglasses
Captioning the post, Olivia informed her followers of her workout, writing: 'I went and trained with [celebrity trainer Jono Castano-Acero] @jonocastanoacero
' 'Lets just say I'm now a boxing champion', she added in jest. Completing the post, Olivia added the hashtags: 'notreally', 'dead' and '2XU'
Avid fans of the show were quick to like the active snap, with the post rallying nearly 23,000 likes
With fans sprinkling body positive words on her snap, one fan wrote: 'Body goals!'Another wrote: 'You are so perfect and beautiful
' Olivia has also featured on the likes of Little Lunch and Go Fish.
Gwatemala Panajachel 1 - lądowanie, zakupy, wymiana waluty. - Duration: 11:25.
We landed in Guatemala.
Everyone on the plane got dressed up strangely.
We look like this
The gentleman at the airport asked me if it was a beach
But it's not because of the cold
We recommend watching a documentary
"Guatemala - a paradise for murderers"
Nice, good document.
This can explain why all the ladies
They were getting married, and Kinia
It looks like that.
I recommend you to view this document.
Guatemala City.
Just like in El Salvador, everywhere are barbed wire.
Every wall, every house
Surrounded by barbed wire
Even more than in El Salvador.
The properties look like a Polish prison.
We paid a lot for a taxi.
We're pissed off.
$ 100 for a taxi
We're going against the tide.
For this price you can.
Roast cramps.
Dog's cube.
Two lanes in that direction and we're going in it too.
Panajachel Guatemala.
A beautiful lake and volcanoes.
We walk each other.
Here is the bank, or not yet?
We can go further.
These taxis are nice.
The most beautiful.
Hand-woven items.
A hat like Tusk got from Machu Picchu
If you find the scenery, I'll take a picture of you.
They have beautiful colors.
You can change it
How much can you replace?
$ 500 per person and $ 200 a day
So if one of you was a month in Guatemala, you can exchange only $ 500
You must show your passport.
And exchange currency can only be from 12
It is not known what's going on.
As it is already 12, you must have a passport.
And if you have one, you can only exchange $ 200
And they still cling to the damaged banknote.
And they will not accept him.
Beautiful country.
But I'm going to buy bracelets.
Guatemala is described as a place where you need to buy such things.
Everything is handmade.
Buy the cheapest.
Poles on shopping.
The cheapest beer ;-)
You have.
So 10 PLN?
For 4 beers and chips is a good price.
How many times will you call me?
You just gave it to me.
Thank you.
What do you blame me for?
She records very well, what a nasty woman you are ;-)
Bravo! Look what cool.
This is awesome.
For your father.
He likes such.
To make it look like May.
Almost like Karol May.
But no...
We will not buy a father?
I already have a movie from Kenya, I wanted to buy his socks.
I'll buy him a sweater from Panajachel.
I really like it.
On hand.
For keys.
Such colorful.
Typical colors for Maya.
That would be good for you.
What do you like ..?
It's Che
This is Che Guevara
What do I have here?
An old communist.
Beautiful hammocks.
I like these colors.
These fabrics are beautiful.
It's all made, woven.
I wonder if they also have hand-woven glasses? ;-)
What, Kinia?
Do you think that these glasses are hand woven?
Through the Maya?
The shoes are great.
The shoes are beautiful.
Hi, aha ok
I do not want to film her.
Cool, take it.
She did not want a photo, it was not.
But hammocks, which are fancy.
These are not so nice.
Cool these shoes, no.
Those nice ones.
How much? 36, cheap.
Aaaa, it's size, not price, just size.
Do you think Bee Maja was from them?
No, thank you.
Do not coke!
Boat, boat.
To confuse the "boat" with coke, then ...
They do not know Polish, so they would not offer
Do you think Bee Maja was from them?
Finally Maja ...
And the one from "Nanny Frania"
Her name was "Maj"
What was her name - Frania Maj.
Franciszka Maj, was she from the Maya?
It was a bit darker ...
I do not understand how they breed, just like Maje, and she has Guci.
How are they?
"La princesa" is yours - princess.
Show up.
show up
Backpacks, I like them so much.
And you?
Do not talk about how weak it is.
Boat? No, coke is not.
250 PLN
500 to 250 PLN
Wait a minute, grand-mother.
Thank you.
Books, covers.
This is a souvenir.
This is painted by them.
This is great.
Is there anything to write or paste photos.
Pictures, RTG works best.
Are we looking for something special?
No, thank you.
I know a good price, I know.
I will buy such a shirt.
But in Antigua.
We had to go quickly to the lake.
Look! You are assuming and you are Bob Marley.
The Way You Look Tonight 💅🌕 Chris Rea - Duration: 5:12.
002号航母才刚刚海试,又传出一个令人兴奋的消息:003号要上船台 - Duration: 5:20.
002号航母才刚刚海试,又传出一个令人兴奋的消息:003号要上船台 - Duration: 5:20.
Opel Corsa 1.2I-16V SPORT 1e Eigenaar, Stuurbekrachtiging - Duration: 1:04.
Jeep Wrangler 4.0I SOFTOP 65TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION in NIEUW STAAT - Duration: 1:03.
Afrobeat Instrumental 2018 ''Favorite'' [Afro Pop Type Beat] - Duration: 3:29.
沒人是傻子,只是很會裝糊塗的3個星座 - Duration: 7:36.
5 Early Signs of Colon Cancer - Duration: 10:02.
Hey Everyone, Aqila here!
On this occation, I will talk about 5 Common Signs of Colon Cancer that you should to know.
Knowing the early 5 Common Signs of Colon Cancer can help you receive the best treatment
before the disease becomes serious or even life threatening.
So let's get started with a closer look at what colon cancer is first!
Colon cancer is more common than people might think, which can cause the warning signs to be overlooked.
The signs of colorectal cancer depend on the location of the cancer,
how advanced it is and how it affects the organs and tissue.
One sign alone may not be enough to determine the cause, but if several signs are present,
a doctor can get a better idea of the potential cause.
Colon cancer or colorectal cancer starts in the large intestine or in the rectum.
It is treatable when caught early
but it's still the third most common type of cancer in men and women in the United States.
Most colorectal cancers begin in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids
causing a tumor to form in the lining of the large intestine.
Being aware of the risk factors, signs of this cancer is important for prevention and early detection.
Colon cancer is associated with signs that most people have experienced at one time or another
such as diarrhea, constipation or fatigue.
These common signs become worrisome when they persist or are associated with more specific signs of colon cancer
such as bloody bowel movements, and bleeding from the rectum.
If you experience this combination of signs, you should follow up with your medical care provider.
Early detection is key to the healthiest possible outcome for people with warning signs of colon cancer
And here are 5 Common Signs of Colon Cancer that you should to know.
the one to unexplained weight loss
1. Unexplained Weight Loss
Unexplained weight loss (its mean you losing weight without any known reason)
can indicate a serious health problem and is often a common sign of several types of cancer
including colon or rectal cancer
A 2006 study published in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England found that
unexplained weight loss happens mostly during advanced stages of colorectal cancers.
The growth of a tumor can lead to loss of appetite
as cancer can affect your metabolism, thus causing weight loss.
Unintentional weight loss is the loss of 10 pounds or more in six months or less without knowing the reason
Colorectal cancer can lead to unexplained weight loss in a variety of ways.
Cancer cells use up a lot of the body's energy supply
and the immune system also uses energy as it works hard to fight the disease.
Cancer cells also can release substances into the body that change the way food is converted to energy
which can cause weight loss
Additionally, the large intestine is an important part of the digestive system where the body absorbs water and nutrients
The large intestine is also involved in the process of ridding the body of waste
Colon cancer may affect the large intestine's ability to perform some of these functions
If a tumor in the colon gets large enough, it could block the colon
This blockage can affect a person's bowel habits or unexplained weight loss
If you are rapidly losing weight without changing your diet or exercise routine
Seeing your doctor is the best way you can do for early detection and greater success in treatment
2. Abdominal Cramps.
Before you continue watching this video
Do not forget to Subscribe my channel to see other usefull videos
Many people have abdominal pain at some point in their lives
It is a common sign of noncancerous conditions, such as hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.
However, abdominal pain that began recently and is severe and long-lasting can be a sign of cancer.
If your abdomen, especially the lower part, hurts or feels tender when touched
this can be an early indication of tumor growth in the digestive tract, colon or rectum
In fact, abdominal pain is common in people who are later diagnosed with colon cancer
A tumor can cause a block in the colon, restricting blood flow
This leads to abdominal pain that can be severe
This pain also can indicate that the cancer has begun to spread to other organs
As mentioned before, colon cancer occurs in the large intestine
which can affect bowel habits
This change in bowel habits can lead to cramping and abdominal pain and could be an indicator of colon cancer
If abdominal pain or tenderness persists for more than 2 to 3 days
consult your doctor for proper diagnosis
3. Blood on or in the stool
By far the most alarming of all the signs is blood on or in the stool
If you notice blood in the toilet bowl or on toilet paper after wiping
it could be an early sign of colon cancer
If you notice blood stains on your underwear
it also could be an early sign of a tumor in the colon, because these bleeding tumors typically mean that they have grown
paving the way for other symptoms to develop
Frequently, blood in the stool is because of piles (hemorrhoids)
where the veins in the back section get to be delicate and cause a little bleeding amid a bowel movement
This kind of bleeding is for the most part red
In any case, if you see dark red or dark blood in your stool
it can be an indication of malignancy, for example, inside, rectal or colon cancer
It can likewise be because of a stomach ulcer
Regular cancer screenings are very important for early detection and greater success in treatment
4. Unexplained Anemia
Anemia refers to a low red blood cell count in the body
The hemoglobin in red blood cells carries oxygen throughout the body
Blood loss from colon cancer can result in anemia
a shortage of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood
You may feel constantly tired, weak or short of breath
Your skin may be pale
Unexplained anemia may be due to colon cancer
Typically, cancer in the right-side of the colon causes iron-deficiency anemia
This happens when tumors start bleeding slowly into the digestive tract, causing blood loss over time
A 2008 study published in the British Journal of Cancer confirms a strong connection between anemia and cancer
with the risk rising as the hemoglobin level falls
This study also confirms iron deficiency as an independent predictor of cancer
If you have signs of anemia
consult your doctor immediately to get your hemoglobin level checked
to similar to unexplained weight loss
5. Fatigue and Weakness
Similar to unexplained weight loss
cancer cells can cause fatigue as they use up the body's energy
Sometimes colon cancer can cause fatigue due to internal blood loss from the disease
In many cases, the common signs of colon cancer are connected
Other colon cancer signs, such as unintentional weight loss and a change in bowel habits
can increase the feeling of weakness
It can be easy to confuse fatigue with simply being tired
Between work and personal obligations, everyone can feel run down at times
If the exhaustion does not go away with rest, it could be fatigue
Although fatigue isn't unique to colon cancer
it is a sign that something is wrong and is common in many different types of cancer
If you begin to feel chronically run down and have little to no energy
even if you're sleeping well, you should visit your doctor
This fatigue is a result of cancer cells slowly eating away at healthy cells
plus the immune system's efforts as it battles the cancer
Large polyps or tumors in the colon can lead to iron-deficiency anemia that causes lower oxygen levels in the blood
This contributes to fatigue
Well, If you experience any of the following 5 Common Signs of Colon Cancer that I mentioned above
make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible to make sure that your large intestine is in good condition
Thank you for watching "5 Early Signs of Colon Cancer"
Early Detection Could Save Your Life Longer
SUBSCRIBE for more videos
Hope you feel better
下一个美俄战场或将形成,乌克兰东部战场爆发,美国不听俄方警告 - Duration: 2:55.
5月27日生肖運勢_馬、兔、豬大吉 - Duration: 13:04.
Totally Unicorns Claire's Haul 2018 Jewelry, School Supplies, Feisty Pets & More - Duration: 5:44.
hi guys welcome to a totally unicorns claire's haul and giveaway
so I just like to introduce you to totally magazine which has just launched
here in the UK and as you can see their first issue is all about unicorns now if
you guys will love unicorns then you're going to love the first issue of totally
magazine and all these adorable unicorn items which are available at Claire's
this magazine comes with lots to make and do there's quizzes you can color in
and you can follow totally on popjam the freebie included are this adorable
phone and phone case and fan we've also got this eraser and my favorite the
unicorn keychain and badge and by the way this is glow-in-the-dark which is
awesome now Claire's has an adorable range of
unicorn items and today I'm gonna start with these two plushies so we have this
unicorn here which has a cute little golden horn and we have this Pegasus
which comes with its own lip balm which is bubblegum flavored hmm now as you
know Claire's has lots of accessories including these unicorn hair accessories
so we have this unicorn hair brush which has this sparkly silicone unicorn on the
front and on the back we have these cushioned bristles and it's in this
really nice baby pink color we also have a unicorn headband which is one of my
favorite it's got these flowers on the front we've got purple and blue and it's
got this sparkly unicorn horn awesome and finally we have a unicorn JoJo's
bow now this bow is so pretty we've got these holographic unicorns all
around and this adorable diamond detail now sticking with accessories we have
some very cute fashion accessories now first up we have these super stretchy
bangles and you don't even know how much I love these they come in these adorable
colors and they're just so fun to play with we also have this adorable pink
silicone watch which has unicorns ice creams and rainbows and it's super easy
to operate all you need to do is just press the front simple so that was a
look at a claire's watch and bracelets and now onto some necklaces and earrings so
let's start with these chokers which are in unicorn inspired colors and I've got
to tell you something I'm loving this here I have these in black and they are
super comfortable they're not itchy or anything and they're super cute and then
on to the earrings which I think just look adorable
they have unicorns on them I'll just take them out here look how cute now if
I had my ears pierced I would have definitely kept these for
myself now with all these new accessories where are you going to store
them all well I have the perfect solution with this rainbow unicorn
sequined backpack now on the front of the back we have this sequin rainbow
design which I love and it carries on down to the front pockets which has a
little unicorn on ice cream and a shooting star and then with the main
pockets there is actually quite a lot of space in here more than you would expect
so I'm sure all of your accessories will fit in here nicely now I don't know
about you but there are always two things that I need to have in my
backpack which are a water bottle and a purse which is perfect because we have
unicorn versions of both of these today let's start with the water bottle here
it is as you can see and it has the same design as the hairbrush which is awesome
and I love this because it has the best feature the curly straw now the design
on this is super cute it's got like rainbows and it kind of looks like a
shooting star unicorn which I love and drink out of it we just put the flap
here and we have this silicone straw on the top and let me show you the keychain
actually which is in this heart shape because you can hang it off with your
school bag cool and now onto the purse which says unicorn funds on the front
and it's got this glittery aqua color all the way around which I love and
inside there is a lot of space for your cards and your money and one of my
favorite things is that the zipper is actually in the shape of a unicorn
how cute now the final item in today's giveaway is this feisty pet so now I'm
giving one away because we've actually got two and just look at it it looks so
nice and innocent and sweet we have this rainbow mane at the back and this all
passed a little cause it's hail we've got these shimmery wings and it just
looks so cute and it's in this like really nice baby pink color let me just
bring it over now these are my two emotions nice and happy and filming my
youtube videos and hangry so that's been a little look at
all of the items in today's giveaway and the good news is the winner will also
receive themselves a copy of totally unicorns with the additional freebies
now there's also another giveaway over on my Instagram ambi c YouTube which is a
totally unicorn BFF giveaway so go check that out but now let's move on to how to
enter today's giveaway right entering is super easy but make sure you
follow all free steps because I do check when verifying the winning comments so
number one liked this video to help us thank Claire's and totally magazine for
providing some awesome stuff for today's giveaway number two subscribe because my
giveaways up subscribers only and hit the bell to join the notification squad and
number three comment down below why you think you should win it's super easy now
I'll be pinning the winning comment as top comment on this video in two weeks
time so come back and check for that and by the way I do have some other
giveaways on my channel right now so go and check them out but for now thanks
for watching and I'll see you all later bye
New Incredibles 2 Trailer
Co wiedzą o Polsce i Polakach Australijczycy? Australijczyk mówi po Polsku. Kościuszko?Kilimandżaro? - Duration: 8:13.
Pochwa – 10 rzeczy, o których nie wiesz - Duration: 8:30.
✅ Orgulho e Paixão: Ema sofre com casamento de Jorge - Duration: 1:44.
Em Orgulho e Paixão, novela exibida pela Rede Globo, Ema (Agatha Moreira) está sendo cortejada por três homens e não será uma escolha fácil
Segundo informações da Revista Tititi, no dia que a moça recebe uma linda declaração de Jorge (Murilo Rosa), eles são surpreendidos com a notícia de que Amélia (Leticia Persilles) foi internada
Chegando no hospital, o advogado descobre que a amiga está entre a vida e a morte, e com pena, ele propõe que ela se case com ele ali mesmo
Assim que o padre inicia a cerimônia, Ema chega e flagra a cena, sofrendo por ter perdido seu grande amor
Mas nem tudo está acabado, a jovem ainda tem dois pretendentes. Edmundo (Nando Rodrigues) pede a mão de Ema em noivado para acabar com as dívidas da família da moça e provar de uma vez por todas que é um novo homem
Quem não gosta nada dessa situação é Ernesto (Rodrigo Simas) que pede ajuda a Elisabeta (Nathalia Dill) para conseguir namorar a baronesinha
Com quem será que ela vai ficar?
Dolore al collo: 5 aspetti da tenere in considerazione - Duration: 7:19.
【MUKBANG】 [MOS] New Tempura Rice Burger [Shrimp & Shrimp Kakiage So Tasty] 18 Items, 5302kcal[CC] - Duration: 10:03.
hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! Mos haul of their seasonal items featuring tempura
To go along with a tempura mos I bought all their rice burgers
and this limited edition lavender lemonade and brown rice flake shake with strawberries
onion Futur~~~~
3 onion rings
this is a sweet thing... its a frozen sort of thing ....
its been a while since my dude here has been in a vid my little minion
lets let him keep things warm for us.....
lets get him to keep things cool for us
I'mma making mistakes on everything today
itadakimasu Let's start things off with a shrimp tempura
I bought one each of every single rice Burger
5 types of rice burgers its amazing they've got up to 5 different types of them now
It smells amazing This is what it looks like
Can you guys see it? When you compare a rice Burger to a hamburger....
it looks pretty tiny
Since buns are so fluffy And rice is really packed densely
It just can't be helped it should end up about the same though
and so the shrimp here
It tastes amazing its got a decent amount of batter
with a nice crunch and nice plump shrimp... its so yummy
I think there might be two shrimp in it
This is their lavender lemonade Yellow red and purple
It tastes very much like a lemonade
Is there any lavender flavor to it???
Doesn't quite live up to its name
I totes love onion rings mos's stuff is so pretty
Everything we have today is deep fried
The surfaces of rice Burger is cooked to a nice crispness the sauce for the shrimp tempura is so tasty
I think it even has green beans in it and a bit of seaweed
I feel as though onion rings are more Suited To rice Burgers than fries
I could totally go for a miso soup right now
This is another limited edition item super shrimp and mix veg tempura
This one cost 480 yen it is 30 yen more than the shrimp one
its so extravagant just look at it its just overflowing with tempura
shrimp and mix tempura
The shrimp tempura alone is so yummy With the added sweetness from the veggies its so good
There's a bit of seaweed in here as well there's even some green pea in the mix veg
wait its edamame instead
With only an extra 30 yen you get to have both shrimp and mix veg
this just might be a better deal
This is something that's been around since forever yakiniku rice burger
This is one of my absolute favorites
yakiniku made into a burger.... its the bestest stuff
rice and meat.. aint a doubt its goonna be good
This one is a little low on veg It's a solid helping of meat and rice
I have some tea over here as well
The Yakiniku is cooked with a sweet and savory sauce And that sauce soaks right into the rice.... its so yummy
This is a rice burger with mix veg
This is something that's been around forever
When you compare to the Yakiniku Burger This one seems a bit healthier
did they only add shrimp to the mix tempura?
so wait shrimp plus mix veg is the super mix veg and shirmp
so that's how it is then
this one leaves the mix veg tempura flavors alone and doesn't add a flavorful sauce to it
perhaps a light salty sauce is what is on here
There are little bits of shrimp and squid in this I guess this is a mixed Seafood and veg tempura
next up is rice burger with root veg tempura
if this were me in the past I would have totally peaced out on this one
if you're going to have mixed root veg tempura just eat it on its own is what I'd have said
But now I like trying all sorts of new things so I'm ok with this version as well
This is what it looks like mixed root veg is pokin out
burdock carrot and stuff even different seaweeds as well
This would probably be perfect for those vegans out there
There's quite a lot of flavor as well making it perfect with rice
I really appreciate that there is seaweed in here as well
Rice + seaweed = good
Despite having a seaweed in here You don't really taste it at all
I think they coulda' added a bit more seaweed in here
Now for the rest of it
which one?
In the comment section you guys are saying that I'm probably chugging down all this tea
because I don't like the flavors of the food I'm eating
I just get so thirsty and need liquids to go with this and so I need to drink plenty of tea with my meals
since I'm eating so much my body needs to have the extra liquids
wait a minute I said vegans could probably eat the mixed root veg one
wait no.. no no I thought I saw some chicken in it.... it was just tofu skins
it might have no meat in it at all
it seems like there is yuzu citrus in this mixed veg tempura
last up is mos rice burger with yakiniku
looks delish
last mouthful itadakimasu
2 onion ring~~~
lets just eat em
and what we've been waiting for...
brown rice and strawberry
looks so delish
its pretty liquidy its only a fridge I guess
the tapioca is so yummy
the sweet bean and shake go so nicely
the crunchy rice flakes are so yummy as well
There's bits of strawberry as well
I love that you can also enjoy the strawberry flavors as well
Is so sweet and tangy and yummy
At first you only get sweet beans and shake
and after you mix it together you get the strawberry flavor in it as well
its even got legit bits of strawberry as well
why is it only this strap that keeps falling is my body lopsided?
its probably lopsided
It's so cold and refreshing its the perfect thing to finish a meal
all done gochisosamadeshita
the limited mos su~~~~
tempura mos burgers were so yummy
rice burgers are the bomb I totally love them
the mix veg ones were a nice deal
but the shrimp only ones tasted so nice on their own and have their merit
you get to experience the extravagant shrimp only flavor
and the shrimp tempura batter was so extra crunchy for those who love shrimp tempura its your only choice
for those who want to have both then the mix veg ones are more your thing
the brown rice flake with strawberry shake was so yummy
Strawberries and sweet beans go nicely together
I was able to eat all flavors of rice burgers I feel so #Blessed today
And as always thank you for watching if there is anything you Wants me to do or eat please tell me in a comment section below video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Problemi di gonfiore e mal di stomaco? Questi esercizi... - Duration: 2:33.
Soleo - Duration: 1:53.
GIRLY LOOKING makeup using wig【Eng Sub】|Kasanka suisosui[H202] - Duration: 8:44.
When I add it normally, it won't smell
The scent will continue after coming off
Made in France
Hello. I'm DJ Kasankasuisosui
Usually I work as a DJ
and the CEO of Hashimoto Corporation
Today I did a girly looking makeup
So let's start
The circle lens are Russian Velvet in gray
It doesn't make the eyes so big,
It makes me look very half Japanese so I use this
What I use before foundation is
Maybelline New York Baby Skin for Primer
01 Natural
It fills in the pores
It's transparent but fits very well
When I add powder after this
It makes it really nicely as if nothing happened
It makes it look like that, and once I lost it during a trip
I searched running around Haneda Airport to find this
Flow Fushi Ion de Cushion cover type
Light Beige
I chose a light color
Since it's a cushion foundation, I really thought the Made in Japan was attractive
Since it has sunblock in it, I really like it
It was written on the pamphlet that it is really good for the skin
so I am using it for the skin as well
Cezanne Urufwa Finish Powder
01 Lucent Beige
After adding the Flow Fushi overall the face,
Adding the Cezanne Soft Loose Finish Powder 01 Lucent Beige
It is a powder with SPF 16 PA +2
Since it is a white covering powder, adding to the Maybelline for Primer
will cover thoroughly the pores
I would add it over the parts I don't want it to glare
To the inner corner of the eyes and on the cheeks
I am using this blush
CANMAKE Glow Fleur Cheeks 03
Since my face does not match with a normal apply of the blush
I am intentionally adding it here and here
Use it as a key area
This will give a slightly strong feature
The distance between the hair and the cheeks will have a dolly look
I am basically adding it in hard round circles
The inner corner of the eyes
Slashing it in sideways
I added the blush to the standard position
It seems like my bone structure is masculine
People around me said I look like a guy crossdressing
I didn't want to add blush, but wanted to have a healthy look
When I was looking at the Ball jointed dolls,
I found out that I can add blush here
Since then I have decided to add here in round shape
The ones I used for Eyeshadow is CANMAKE Perfect Stylist Eyes
The one I used was style 2 and the Liner no.15
The Style 2 in orange color to be added to the top of the double eyelid
Adding quite a lot
and intentionally avoiding the eye bags area
and letting it go under to the bottom part in a thin layer
After that using the eyeliner to trace the double eyelid line
adding bit by bit
adding a thin layer again under the eye bags
The eye bags are visible even though I have not drawn anything
An illusion
The eyeliner is CANMAKE creamy touch liner
Color 02
Drawing it slightly droopy
and drawing an extra line to the inner corner
Making it a little bit ennui looking
It said it will melt like a chocolate, and it actually did
I get surprised and touch it, and it spreads out
but after a while it stays on
and it won't come off so it's really good
The mascara is Maybelline Lash Sensational
Full and Rich
01 Black
I am the one who never adds on top
but I would add quite a lot on the bottom lashes
Making it more ennui looking
The false lashes are Miche Bloomin' Eyelash 03
in color Pure Sweet
It's not too wide nor it is long
but according to the shape of my eyes
wide ones or ones that are too long doesn't fit me
I was looking for false lashes which looked that they are barely on
when I met this one. I barely use other ones
From here, I'm wearing, the pink wig
The key to wearing this pink wig is,
The root of the wig is a bit black
It looks like real hair
It's pink, but dusty pink which is a lighter pink color
It is really cute
The bangs aren't really heavy either
It's like see through bangs
It doesn't look heavy and makes you wonder if it is a wig or not
It's on the border of that
The length of it is perfect as well
It's easy to take care, and doesn't get so tangled easily
The lipstick is Ives Saint Laurent Volipte Color Balm
No. 9 Strip Mew Future
The key of this product is that it was born from water
I fell in love at first sight watching the commercial
It is quite a vivid color,
Since I originally have red lips,
When I added it on, it fits more than I thought
I bought it online but I'm glad I did
The last one I used was
CANMAKE Jewelry Shadow Veil 03
This is a really new one
The color is pink
I would sprinkle it here
These are the big glitter, and these small
I am adding in these big ones
It's really shiny so for parties or when you want to raise your tension
you can place it over the eyelids
it would also be cute to add to the eye bags
I added here
How was it?
For those of you who thought useful
or ones who didn't find it useful
For those of you who thought this video to be fun
Please subscribe to the channel
Please watch
the other videos
See you again
How to delete Facebook account using child report 2018 | delete Facebook account | - Duration: 6:10.
How to delete Facebook account using child report 2018 | delete Facebook account |
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