Hi everyone! My name is Gaby and thank you
for watching this video
For today's video, I decided to change it up
Leave books behind to talk to you about
my top 5 Netflix Originals you can't miss
Aside from reading, Netflix is another hobby of mine
I spend some time on the site watching series
Just the other day I realized I've seen
a bunch of Netflix originals lately
That's what I'll be chatting about today
I want to recommend you five Netflix series that I loved
Aside from Club de Cuervos and Stranger Things
I think we've all watched those by now
The first series I want to talk about is the one that inspired
this video about Netflix recommendations
It's the one I've watched most recently
It's safe to call it one of my favorite series
It has earned that spot on my top favorite series
Not just on Netflix but in general
That series is Dark
It's a German series. It has subtitles in English and Spanish
If you prefer to watch in English. Personally, I watched it in Spanish
It's one of those series were the plot is not
as easy to explain
being honest
People would recommend this one to me because I like Stranger Things
I like the 80's vibe, kids solving a mystery, all of that
It's not necessarily the same themes
They're both alike in that they're based in the 80's
At least a big chunk of Dark is based around that decade
And it also follows a group of kids
In Dark, they're more like teenagers instead of children
They're trying to solve the mystery
that's taking place in their town in Germany
I don't want to spoil anything because honestly it is one of those series that
It's worth it to wait and be surprised by every twist and turn
But I will tell you that it does have a Back to the Future vibe
So I'm basically saying that time travel
happens in this series
It also deals with dark themes about religion and hell
If you were to ask me I would say that
I like this series a lot more than Stranger Things
I would give Stranger Things like an 8
I would give Dark a 9.5 or even a 10. I really enjoyed it
The next series I will be recommending
is called Friends From College
This is a comedy series and at first
it seemed kinda weird. The humor in this series was not my thing
But I gave it a chance and watched more episodes
By the third episode I began to enjoy it
This one is about a group of six friends that have known each other since college
The series begins around 10 years after college
Actually I think they're around 38 to 40 years old
It follows each of their lives and what they've done after
graduating from college
In the first episode we find out two people in the friend group are married
But the husband is cheating with one of the women in this friends
This makes everything weird when they all get together
Little by little, everything unravels
I think that drama in the friend group
Is what fuels the series
This is a very funny series
There were a lot of laugh out loud moments
That's why I'm recommending it
It gets compared a lot to How I Met Your Mother
I wouldn't be able to say if this is true because I haven't
watched HIMYM
Just one episode here or there
That's why I'm not able to confirm the comparison
The next series is the only one
that I have yet to finish watching
I still need to watch 3 episodes. That series is Black Mirror
Each episode is its own story
It doesn't matter in which order you watch
since there's no continuation
It's a bit of sci-fi. Actually, Black Mirror gets compared to
an old series called The Twilight Zone
They're both kind of futuristic
fantasy, with a bit of mystery
It's a series that takes a closer look at our world today
At our society and technology
How that has consumed us more every day
Every episode is a different critique about
an element of our society like social media, the internet
Everything that we're constantly surrounded by
It's very gripping. It has four seasons
Okay now I will tell you about two series from Spain
Maybe you already have an idea of which these are
At least the first one
And that is Money Heist
It left me feeling stunned
I loved it but in all honesty it is a bit soap operaish
But it is a good one
If you have yet to see it, I highly recommend it
It has two seasons
And its about a heist
A heist on the mint factory of Spain
One of the main characters is named The Professor
and he assembles a team of robbers
and people that are skilled at crime
Their goal is to get away with the biggest heist in history
The series revolves around this group and how they hold up the factory
Things start going wrong
While they're inside, the robbers are fabricating all this money they're going to steal
There's a lot of complications that come up
It's a series that is full of drama
It has a bit of mystery as well
A couple things happen that take you by surprise
It will hook you
You will want to marathon this
It's a short series
I'm gonna talk about the last book that I want to recommend
It's another Spanish series
It's called Cable Girls
I'm anxiously waiting for the next season
Out of all the series I've talked about today, this is the one that is most like an actual soap opera
A very well made soap opera. It's based on the 20's
I love the wardrobe
The story will hook you. It's about 4 working class girls
They work at a phone company, and it focuses on their lives
The show gives you these 4 different perspectives
And there's a big secret that connects the girls
We see how they form a friendship
through all these little things that unite them
There's loads of intrigue, mystery, romance
It has a bit of everything
And that's it for this video
Don't miss any of these series
I really think there's something for everyone on this list
There's Dark and Black Mirror
for those that crave atmospheric, dark
mystery heavy series
There's Friends From College for those that seek comedy
It's basically 100% comedy with some drama thrown in
And the Spanish series, for those that want something to marathon
Let me know in the comment below, what are your top series
Netflix originals
I'm always looking for new series to watch
Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up
especially if you want to see more videos like these
about movies and series
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so you can be notified when I have a new video!
Thank you for joining me
I hope you have a fabulous rest of your day
Sending you lots of positive vibes
And I'll see you in the next one, bye!
For more infomation >> TOP 5 NETFLIX ORIGINALS YOU CAN'T MISS! - Duration: 7:26.-------------------------------------------
Hello CVCK Family!!!!
Today is sunday and we want to tell you that Kenneth
Just got approved for his driving licence, he passed all the tests and now its his turn!
Cissenly did this about 2 months ago
And now Kenneth will do it.
They will take his information and picture for the licence as well...
And we will show you his first time driving in Saskatoon Saskatchewan
I already passed both tests at school
They were hard but i practiced a lot for them
So now, we will get my license and lets see how it goes
Honestly, i dont really trust his skills but we'll see how he does
And look!, he will do the Great test... The big one!
Cissenly did it on the small car, Kenneth will have to do it on this one.
Let's go!
They are now taking his picture
Well, Kenneth is already driving,
We just left the agency
He is driving....
So...Here we go!
Are you nervous Cissenly?
Yeah look!
Are you nervous Conrado?
Straight, Straight.
I like this eh? I will give a ride to everyone later lol
Well, we just came with the mechanic where we bring our semi trucks,
And look all our mechanic bought...
He just started so we want to see it when its all full inside
Okay lets go, be careful with the stop lights and everything you know
Be careful with this car, this one...
This one will hurt
So when is it your turn to try the pick up truck?
I think Cissenly is too short to reach the accelerator in this car hahaha
He will learn like old school with screams and hits haha
Like "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" hahaha
And he has his favorite music on
He only needs his chocolate milk
Chocolate milk instead of beer
A juice box
Have you seen the stop sign there?
How many seconds do you want?
If there are no cars coming then just go haha. Its normally like 3 seconds but remember... Its sunday haha
You can do whatever you want on sundays
We cleaned this windshield and its still stained with the mosquitoes from Fort McMurray
This is what the river looks like in summer
Do I look nervous?
A little...
Well i am...
Kenneth actually looks around, Cissenly looks like a statue
He said he will invite some girls for a ride
You gotta go at 80km/h
Does he have to go 90?
Not ninety but 89.
Take the nest exit Kenneth, then go to Prairie Meats
Stop, Stop, Stop, Stop
Slow Down, Slow Down, Slow Down, Slow Down, Slow Down ,Slow Down, Slow Down, Slow Down
I am even braking with MY feet haha
I stay in the second lane right?
Just follow through as you were
Okay, Cissenly realli wants to know what it feels like to drive a big truck
So she will drive it from here...
Driving a big truck is really different so i hope it goes well
She said she would show me how its done, so i will lend it to her...
We will set Cissenly's seat all the way to the front because of her short legs
And she cant reach the gas and brake haha
You can also adjust the accelerator pushing that button
Her face is almost touching the windshield
I think, I did pretty good and now i am worried for Cissenly haha
These 2 kids are always competing to see who can drive better
Cissenly is a very good safe driver but she has some negative points too
She concentrates too much and doesnt interact with us
And looks like a statue
And Kenneth looks around, smiles, and everything
Or maybe he is taller and can see everything better
At the end of this vlog, we will leave the video where she drove o you guys can watch it and compare
Not that -_-
Cissenly go! if you are going to wait for that car to pass, you will go tomorrow...
Go and stay right!
(Red Traffic Light)
How are you doing? Nervous?
Sad because you ran that red light?
I didint run it
Looking at it the good way
Now that we are going to Mexico they can help us drive on the way
We will be four in the car with the ability to drive so that's very good
How about the red light? haha
She said she was the best and i dont know whats happening
Aahhh but she is good at giving instructions at the back haha
Go left more
Keep going
Signal Kenneth
Go at 70 Kenneth
Go faster my friend
Go faster my friend
Kenneth GO!
Cissenly please stop, dont make it a third red light passed
Let me tell you that Cissenly i very delicate, now she wants to cry...
She doesnt like people to tell her anything
she feels bad when she does something wrong,
When people tell her she made a mistake, she cries
Look at her...
Dont cry, you are a good driver
In here you get a fine of around $200 to $300 dollars for running a red light
And we say this because we have gotten a couple
And i want to clear up that i have never gotten a ticket in my life, all of them are for Conrado
How are you doing?
How are you doing?
How are you doing???
That explains everything
Marshmallow is really hot
And we are just 27 degrees Celsius
But the air is pretty chill
Conrado says that the air is chilly but he has the AC on
Give it more space, you have more space over there, carefull
She at least parked alright
So whats up, how was it? hOW DID YOU feel?
Did you feel like you messed up or not?
No! I think it went well
How did you feel?
Now i felt in Danger for real
Hope Cissenly becomes a better driver
The car has a button for On / OFF
This is the shifter, it doesn't have a lever
Okay Family as you can see, our mini journey is done, we are back home safe
I really liked driving,
The only hard thing was how wide the truck is, so we had to give it more room in the turns
And as you can see, there will be a competition between us and Kenneth,m you owe me a race
Estas quejas de los fans de Meghan Markle hacen que la casa real edite el perfil - Duration: 3:06.
Dental Veneers w/NO Drilling See Smile Makeover Interview w Model Kimby Kloss - Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 11:19.
I understand why people are afraid of cosmetic dentists and you should be
drilling your teeth down to cones or stumps is so permanent why would anyone
drill perfectly good teeth I knew very fast that drilling was not for me I just
wanted to look better or do something different why would I want to do
anything to my teeth that's not reversible and that's why I say no to
drilling I've done my research and the technology it's changed and it's
changing every single day just look at the people who receive dental veneers
five or ten years ago today they would make a different choice for me it's all
about choice either drill or BIL I'm Kimberly Kloss I chose Bilveneers from
brighter image lab
how'd you hear about us I was on Instagram and there was this social
media you know person that I loved her teeth and she was just really real about
you know how she approached getting you know a better smile and I looked at her
YouTube and on her YouTube videos she had she was one of your clients and I
was so intrigued I had to you know I was brought to mm-hm your web page and I was
just like it was almost like automatically I felt like my perspective
had changed upon you know getting a sense of doing veneers just so impressed
that there she avoided doing the drilling and the step-by-step process
that it would take that's so invasive that to me I like it the cost is high -
yes that's incredibly deceptive oh my god what happens is is they show the
before they show the after but they never show the car ride home and the
difference is when they show before and after it's a deceptive position like
before and after it's like these are your teeth and now these are your teeth
drilled down and so there's really not an after past that because the third
picture is here your here's your teeth when you apply a veneer here's how we
hide your teeth right but the before and after should be real teeth cone teeth my
entire life I have growing up I had you know pretty baby teeth and my dentist
always said that and it stuck with me because when my teeth came in the way
that they did I was not as pleased you just want them different yeah and so
it's like and that's one of the theories that we get into is that nobody should
drill healthy teeth yeah that's terrifying to me here's what's
happened what they do is they drill a tooth to grind it down but it the
grinding comes from the drill and so we just say stay away from the drill we all
the time see people who send us their cases you want to know if they can get
their veneers removed because they want to go back to what
they had can't when you said that you didn't want to drill then that got my
attention like for instance I don't know if you know but I think you told me
you were in Invisalign jump out of them yeah the reason because oh my god it was the
biggest mistake ever what what I tell people is is that
they're you know you you have to know what to expect if your teeth didn't come
in fully they don't continue to come in fully
I mean straighten them doesn't make them nicer just makes some more obvious and
sometimes if they're not shaped right they have to be straighter teeth and you
makes it more obvious oh I really need cosmetic and so most people go straight
from braces straight into cosmetic which they could have bypassed it and so
especially for things if you'd done it ten years ago or even five years ago the
choices we make today for those same veneers are so different in color and
shade and translucency and a bunch of things so why commit yourself to
something that's going to but it it's back dating the technology has changed
why I continue to do this service that I want to show you something on your spot
you have almost no changes the shape of this one in this one's underdeveloped
this is probably one of those cases that are strictly cosmetic like and but if you
can make those changes on the case like this you can do any case and so I can't
believe this is really happening those are my impressions those are my
teeth those are gonna go in my mouth the reason I say they work this is
supposed to be your mouth they fit on and so that's where we take it from oh the
best thing to do is try it
it's crazy I have to take a deep breath I it's gonna feel weird no I can't even
describe since I have like this is a big moment for me because since I have been
like a little girl on I have always had such since I was 6 years old and my
front teeth came in and this tooth has always been such an insecurity of mine
and I never smile with my teeth and it's you know maybe it's all a
mental thing but I just like I can't believe this moment it's really here
they look amazing what do you think I'm letting you see
oh you gotta let the camera see this is unreal
you look amazing I came from amazed look how shiny they were it's like so perfect
and shiny I can't notice in your Instagram you're
lip to lip on almost everything and my family always gives me such a hard time
and it's always been insecurity thing you're not having a problem smile no or
talking I'm never doing the duck face again or talking I just learned that that was
the real face I thought duck meant hide
they look perfect I can't believe it do you mind changing another ones please
tell people wait three or four days before you get used to the bottom but
some people get adjusted the first and they were the second one it all depends
on how good it looks should look surreal but it's gonna feel big and it's gonna
feel bright so those look at it Ok let's do it! so white it is oh man
This is yours Look how white it is oh my gosh I know
just push them down they should be tight
oh my god i can't believe this no that's a lot to get used here how's it feel it's crazy big it
feels great look I can't believe this you know a large percentage of the people
that come to me and never came to me look good
they never one time asked to look a bit better I'm a young lady in Ohio called
means that I need anything really great smile
was this Brittney yeah I watched it Love her and she's like you can do this then she was
in the dentist for four years and he couldn't fix her smile and so
that's what we really got on let's make these more perfect so with that I'm
getting to see the work for the first time I don't get to see it up this close
I have to tell you something else people are gonna ask we don't know each other
and we're never met before today right No Instagram one time yeah I reached out to
you I don't even always reaching out to you I didn't know who I was reaching out
to because I think it was like a Saturday or Sunday morning it was a
Sunday morning you didn't try these on before today oh and so with that like I
this is unreal another thing I liked about you
graduating from college these smart girls that they do their
work they don't drill you obviously know enough people to know any cosmetic
dentist in Florida if you wanted to make that choice she could've easily made it
and it wasn't an accident that you put that in our first message like I'm not
drilling so this helped me and I'm thinking how does she know to say that
like I'm always concerned that somebody in my office might have heard me say
it's they go oh just tell them this but but we were looking at trying to start a
campaign that says don't drill and I knew you were doing your investigation
and I knew that you could make other choices
and I knew this was a time you didn't want to make any mistakes you got too many people coming in but I will
tell you I have been here for the last 15 minutes or so and I don't see
anything about you that's going to have anything but positive on you making an
impression where you no longer have the negative I don't think you're ever
going to worry about that one tooth being too small it looks perfect now let
me see there perfect perfect like the tips
match exactly bite for bite it's still way hard for you to believe I can feel
the energy of shock this is insane crazy your parents are gonna see you for
graduation your mom's gonna see you for mother's day
and you're gonna walk your stage you're gonna have your friends there might be
one more I have two oh these are my these people will judge me
uh-uh smiling the entire way down we did pretty good pretty good
you did good we did good
I know Kariann always had the best teeth she's my twin I got robbed anyway
can you believe it they look so good I know you're the first one I'm showing amazing
How do they feel? Amazing
oh my gosh aren't they amazing KK?
You're so happy you're smiling I know I'm smiling I know I'm so happy
You're smiling that's awesome I know
learn more at brighterimagelab.com
Promo para aNoNiMo xD - Duration: 0:27.
Makeup & Liberation? - Duration: 3:25.
So I got some comments on my fundraiser last night. Thanks to everyone who has
got my back and sent me really sweet messages but I
thought that I could take this as an opportunity to tell you guys a little
bit more about why this is definitely about more than makeup for me. So when I
was about 19 to 21 I got a job at a grocery store and I kept having these
people come up to me and fucking tell me that I looked like a Disney Princess. I had
curly hair and I didn't know what to do with curly hair or how to style it in a
way that was more punk rock because I really identified with the whole punk
scene. I didn't know how to do anything different with my makeup, I liked wearing
makeup but every time I put it on then people just told me I looked like some
sort of Barbie and they meant it as a compliment but that is not who I am
at all and I felt so frustrated that who I am was not showing through on the
outside. I've always been living on a really low
budget and so I couldn't just go get my hair done whenever I wanted. Basically a
lot of my partners started just cutting my hair for me in order to get the looks
I wanted. I also had to figure out how to do different makeup tricks with
makeup that was cheaper and that didn't have as high pigmentation. I didn't know
how to get the freaking eyeshadow to pop on my eyelids at all. I want to do videos
that address different ways to do makeup that don't cost a shit ton of money. I am
interested in showing you how to get the most out of the few bits of makeup that
you have. What I am passionate about is giving people the skills to express
parts of who they are to the world. I said a little bit in my last video about
being trans and gender non-conforming and how makeup can be such an
instrumental part in me being able to tell people a story about my gender and
how I'm experiencing my gender. And it also deeply affects how I move around in
the world and frankly I just feel like a fucking badass when my makeup is on
point and it's expressing a part of me that people are constantly
trying to erase. I just want for people to feel liberated from whatever it is
that is holding them back from expressing themselves because this is
not just a queer struggle this is a struggle for all of us because we live
in a capitalistic world that tells us that we are not enough. This world is
constantly stripping us of our own identity stripping us of what makes us
truly unique and it is not allowing us to live authentically for so many
different reasons. So I am passionate about makeup and the way that we can
adorn ourselves and create armor on ourselves so that we can move through
the world and so that we can tell people "no this is who I am and no one can take
this away from me". So that's just one reason why I get really mad when people
will just kind of oh make up that's so shallow and I just really can't wait to
start showing you guys what we can do with makeup and how we can start
exploring the many facets of identity. Thank you guys for your support. love you
guys bye
Cómo presentar una declaración de Uber - Duration: 4:05.
8 Ball Pool - Free Cash Offer Is Back Proof In This Video - Make Unlimited Cash Free 2018 - Duration: 2:02.
Sing Along ABC Songs
Scorching GOP Ad Shows Pelosi Defend MS-13 as Gang Beats Victim in Background - Duration: 4:19.
Scorching GOP Ad Shows Pelosi Defend MS-13 as Gang Beats Victim in Background.
This should be giving Democrats nightmares.
A Republican ad for the midterm elections unveiled Tuesday is aiming directly, at Democrats
soft-spot for savagely criminal illegal aliens, and using the words of the party's leader
in the U.S. House of Representatives to do it.
And it's one truth that really hurts.
The ad features video of California Democrat Nancy Pelosi criticizing President Donald
Trump for referring to members of the MS 13 gang as "animals," interspersed with television
news coverage of MS 13 brutal crimes.
Pelosi, who doesn's come across as very bright even on her best days, ends up looking
particularly pitiful in the course of the one-minute ad.
"When the president of the United States says these aren't people, these are animals,
you have to wonder does he not believe in the spark of divinity?" she says.
Actually, you have to wonder if Pelosi believes the words that come out of her
own mouth.
Leave aside the philosophical hypocrisy of a Democrat blathering about a human "spark
of divinity" while championing the "right" to abort unborn children.
On a logical level, what Pelosi was doing was using a deliberate deception by the mainstream
media about what Trump, actually said during a May 16 meeting with California law enforcement
officials, to smear his remarks as referring to all immigrants instead of the merciless
killers of MS 13.
Even worse, from a purely political point of view, Pelosi was taking a side most normal
Americans disagree with, according to at least one poll.
"Overall, Americans split 56 or 44 in support of using an 'animals' metaphor.
The question splits young voters (under 35) down the middle, but all other age demos have
solid majorities finding 'animals' a fair description of MS-13.
It's not popular among Hispanic voters, but only narrowly at 47/53, surprisingly.
There's almost no difference between urban, suburban, and rural voters on this question,
all of which back it with majorities.
Independents find it fair on a 55/45 basis, while only 25% of Republicans consider it
'In other words, getting into semantic games over the use of a metaphor doesn't look
like a winner for Pelosi & Co, which is why the RNC rushed out its first attack ad on
the subject.
It won't be the last, since Pelosi's argument only wins significantly among African-Americans
(35/65) and Democrats, but only 41/59.
Pelosi's argument isn't even a slam dunk inside the fold, let alone outside of it."
So, with the prospect of Pelosi returning as speaker of the House if the Democrats win
back control of the lower chamber in the November midterms, every competitive congressional
district is likely to see ads like this.
And that should mean some very uneasy nights for Democrats in the months ahead.
Because this truth really does hurt — badly.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Alisson asking price would make goalkeeper Liverpool's club-record signing - Duration: 4:00.
Alisson asking price would make goalkeeper Liverpool's club-record signing
Roma are set to play hardball over interest in Brazil goalkeeper Alisson this summer, valuing the Liverpool target at around £79 million.
Alisson has been touted with a move to Merseyside since the turn of the year, with speculation intensifying in the wake of Loris Karius error-strewn display in the Champions League final.
Though calls for Karius head after his two fumbles in Kyiv are decidedly reactionary, the Reds have been credited with interest in Romas No.
1 by a host of reputable sources.
However, so far there has been little hope of persuading the Serie A outfit to part ways with their stopper, with director of football Monchi consistently clear that they dont wish to sell.
Given Monchis reputation as a master renovator, however, there has remained a belief that Roma would ultimately sanction a departure for the right price.
According to the Guardian this has been set at around £79 million, though Roma wont do business until at least after the World Cup.
Real Madrid are also said to be pursuing the 25-year-old, who has established himself as one of Europes leading goalkeepers since taking over from Wojciech Szczesny this season.
Crucially it is claimed that Liverpool have yet to make an official approach for Alisson but have contacted Roma in regards to his availability.
The suggestion that this comes in the wake of Karius poor display against Real seems to infer that Klopp has made up his mind based on 40 minutes of football, but that is unlikely.
However there is little denying that, if Alisson were to be made available, Liverpool have a big opportunity to box off the goalkeeping position for the long term.
Karius performed well since taking over from Simon Mignolet around the same time that links with Alisson initially emerged, but his collapse in the final has raised concerns over his character.
Whether he can recover from such a blow to his confidence remains to be seen, with the German inconsolable after the final whistle as he approached the travelling Kop.
I'm infinitely sorry to my team-mates, for you fans, and for all the staff.
I know that I messed it up with the two mistakes and let you all down, he wrote on Twitter on Sunday.
The 24-year-old did vow to come back stronger, suggesting that he was not ready to throw in the towel.
If Liverpool did opt to twist rather than stick, signing Alisson would require their club-record outlay to be broken for the second time this year, following Virgil van Dijks £75 million switch from Southampton.
Fabinho explains Roberto Firmino's role in convincing him to join Liverpool - Duration: 4:09.
Fabinho explains Roberto Firmino's role in convincing him to join Liverpool
Incoming Liverpool midfielder Fabinho has explained how fellow Brazilian Roberto Firmino helped convince him to make the move from Monaco.
The Reds completed an initial £39 million deal to sign the 24-year-old on Monday night, and he will officially join Jurgen Klopps squad alongside Naby Keita on July 1.
Securing such a significant deal for such a reasonable fee just two days after defeat in the Champions League final is a marker of Liverpools intent.
Having beaten the likes of Man United, Paris Saint-Germain, Arsenal and Man City to sign Fabinho, the lure of Anfield is clear.
Speaking to LiverpoolFC.
com on his arrival on Merseyside, the ex-Real Madrid loanee revealed Firminos role in persuading him that the Reds were the right club for him:.
We spoke a bit more about how the city was, about the infrastructure of the club, the city and we also spoke about the coaches and how they do their work.
So I was able to know a bit more about Liverpool through Firmino.
I had been with him at the Brazilian national team on a few occasions.
I know he's a fantastic person, his background is from nice people.
He is also very good for someone who comes to a new country, a new city—someone who speaks the same language.
This will of course make the adaptation much easier..
Fabinho also discussed his move with French outlet RMC Sport, detailing how a meeting with Klopp helped convince him to turn down real choices elsewhere.
I spoke with people from the club, with the coach, which gave me a lot of confidence, he said, having been in talks with Liverpool for three [or] four weeks.
I wanted to go to a club that really wanted me, which showed great interest.
With all that, it was easy to say yes.
I thought a little and told my agent that he could continue the transaction.
I am very happy that it is done from the beginning of the transfer window.
This is another example of Klopps influence, with the manager insisting on meeting every prospective signing before rubber-stamping any deals.
Fabinho explained that the Reds showed me that they really wanted me, with the conviction of their pursuit, and personal touches from Klopp and Firmino, clearly key to his decision.
Klopp is also reported to have already met with another target, Lyon captain Nabil Fekir, though suggestions that a deal has been agreed with the Ligue 1 side seem wide of the mark.
Citroën C3 Picasso 1.4 VTI - Duration: 0:52.
8 Ball Pool - Free Cash Offer Is Back Proof In This Video - Make Unlimited Cash Free 2018 - Duration: 2:02.
Reds physio on Salah injury & Alisson's take on Karius' errors – Liverpool FC News Roundup - Duration: 8:01.
Reds physio on Salah injury & Alisson's take on Karius' errors – Liverpool FC News Roundup
We round up the latest Liverpool news and rumours on Tuesday, including an update on Mohamed Salahs injury and an interesting take on Loris Karius.
Main Headlines.
Salah heads to Spain for treatment on shoulder injury At least one more arrival at Liverpool this week Fabinho explains Firmino's role in Liverpool move Fabinho backed as "very smart" replacement for Can 16 Liverpool players on international duty this summer.
Reds Physio Details Salah Injury.
Salah is on his way to Spain to undergo treatment on the shoulder injury he suffered just 30 minutes into the Champions League final.
The Egyptian King left the field in tears, and Liverpool physio Ruben Pens has documented the events of his night for Marca, as well as providing an update on his likely return date:.
We knew as soon as we fell on the ground that it was something serious because he never complains, we were afraid of the worst.
We were [pitch-side] until the break.
I was devastated, I tried to transmit calmness.
I told him that nothing could be done and that he did not worry too much, it was time to look for solutions and not to regret because it did not work.
We were watching the game [from hospital after half-time], we were looking at social networks and the security was telling us the result, Madrid scored, we tied…we were keeping up.
[…] He is going to mark the recovery times, in principle it will be three to four weeks, but we are going to try to reduce those deadlines, thats the big goal..
UEFA have confirmed they will not charge Sergio Ramos for his collision with Karius, and no other protest has been lodged.
Liverpool Target Alisson on Karius Nightmare.
There is something remarkably old-school about the goalkeepers union, and it was pleasing to see Simon Mignolet be so forthright in his support of Karius after his errors in Kyiv.
Now, interestingly, the player most likely to take over from the 24-year-old next season has also provided his backing.
Speaking to Gazeta Esportiv, Roma goalkeeper Alisson sympathised with Karius and insisted life must go on:.
I got very sad.
We, goalkeepers, when we see a mistake of another goalkeeper, we end up feeling as if they were us.
It's very sad to see this, but he needs to put his head up.
It is part of football and life must go on.
He has to be proud to have played in a Champions League final.
Of course it's not what he expected, but it's part of football.
We are also subject to errors.
We need to work hard not to let this happen to us..
Lallanas Admirable Bid For England Role.
Adam Lallana replaced Salah to make only his 15th appearance of the season on Saturday night, and was noticeably rusty after a campaign marred by injury.
His lack of game time saw the 30-year-old restricted to Gareth Southgates standby list for the World Cup this summer, despite a dearth of creative options elsewhere in Englands midfield.
But according to the Mail he is set to forego an agreed break and join up with the Three Lions squad four days early in a bid to convince Southgate of his fitness.
Roberto Firmino has done similar with Brazil, looking to push ahead of Gabriel Jesus in the pecking order up front.
The No.
9 has been pictured with Alisson at Tottenhams training ground this week, with supporters now hoping he can persuade another compatriot to make the move to Merseyside.
Wilson in Action For Wales in Cali.
One Liverpool player has already been in action for his national team this week, as Harry Wilson turned out for Wales in their friendly clash with Mexico in Pasadena.
The winger, who impressed while on loan with Hull City in the second half of the season, continued his fine run under Ryan Giggs as he made his third consecutive start for his country.
Wales were unable to seal a win, but Wilson produced another bright display in his 64 minutes on the field.
Though the Reds have been linked with a move for Lyons versatile attacking midfielder Nabil Fekir this summer, Wilson will still be hoping to impress Klopp during pre-season.
Two New Names Appear From Rumour Mill.
The signing of Fabinho on Monday night took most supporters by surprise, with the Brazilian rarely mentioned as a possible target for Liverpool.
This has blown perceptions of the Reds summer out of the water, and it could be that there are more shocks in store as the weeks unfold.
Two unlikely candidates have emerged on the radar this week in Swansea City striker Jordan Ayew and Lazio goalkeeper Thomas Strakosha.
Berekum Chelsea director and close friend of the Ayew family Nana Oduro Sarfo has claimed Liverpool have shown interest in the 26-year-old, though he expects him to join Celtic.
Meanwhile Citta Celeste tout Strakosha as a possible replacement for Karius, even suggesting they could make a £30 million bid for the Albanian.
Czystek – roślina o niezwykłych właściwościach? - Duration: 6:33.
Mango Sorbet Recipe | Homemade Mango Sorbet | Mango Frozen Dessert - Duration: 2:01.
how bad i am Playing fortnight mobile !! - Duration: 8:46.
Hey guys welcome back to a new video and today I'm going to be playing Fortnite battle royal so i hope you guys enjoy :)
don't forget to read every thing in the description so u can get one of the 3 invite code.
Don't forget to subscribe and like the video. don't forget to read the description to win a free invite code !
Olympic National Park - Lake Crescent & Rialto Beach, mała wycieczka :) - Duration: 4:31.
मेरे यार तू सलामत | Sufi Qawwalis | मेरे दिल में तू ही तू ही - Duration: 14:44.
रमजान मुबारक स्टेटस | Islamic Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:34.
Islamic Whatsapp Status
Ramzan Whatsapp Status | Pyaare Nabi Aa Gaye - Duration: 0:31.
Ramzan Whatsapp Status
Audi A3 1.0 TFSI 115pk Sportback | Led | Climatronic - Duration: 1:06.
Seat Ibiza 1.2 TSI Ecomotive 5drs 105pk Style - Duration: 1:12.
जिंदगी बदल देंगे ये सुविचार | Life changing WhatsApp Status - Duration: 0:31.
Whatsapp Status Videos
Pleasant Vices episode 4 I Sugar - Duration: 5:57.
Dershowitz: My liberal friends think I'm a traitor - Duration: 4:39.
how bad i am Playing fortnight mobile !! - Duration: 8:46.
Hey guys welcome back to a new video and today I'm going to be playing Fortnite battle royal so i hope you guys enjoy :)
don't forget to read every thing in the description so u can get one of the 3 invite code.
Don't forget to subscribe and like the video. don't forget to read the description to win a free invite code !
Pedicure Tutorial: Optical Illusion Wide Problem Toenails That Grow Upwards or Ski Slope Nails - Duration: 38:30.
today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a feminine optical
illusion to transform wide toenails that grow upward in addition a pressure point
trick to combat ticklishness and hard to polish toenail tricks plus we're playing
a new game for prizes so stay tuned
yeah okay, I'll take your foot on this side, yep just put it nice and flat, oh and my feet are very ticklish
are you ticklish, okay I have a way of holding the foot so it hits a pressure
point and it helps with that so hopefully I won't tickle you too much while I'm
applying this callus remover to the bottom of the foot let me tell you about
the new game we're playing in addition to the Comment Hall of Fame where I
choose a winner to post on my Instagram and the Random Comment Winner who wins
an item I use in the video I have a new challenge in the winner of the once a
month drawing wins a big prize all you have to do to be entered is post a photo
watching a video of mine tag @themeticulousmanicurist on Facebook or
Instagram let people know my channel name you can even copy the channel link
from your browser into the post and a cool opinion of yours about my channel
I'd rather reward my fans than pay to promote a post of my own this game was
inspired by a fan who did this very thing unsolicited and I was so pleased I
mailed her a gift!
what would you call the shape of my toenails, is there a term to describe that?
it might be ski slope yeah the way that there there's such an exaggerated like
convex shape so to get the optical illusion that it's not growing up you
kind of have to reverse that curvature so I'm gonna have you straighten your leg out a
little bit to create the illusion to reverse that curvature of the free edge
we have to cut the corners of the nails at a 45 degree angle so we're gonna cut
the corners off of them
that one is kind of embedded
is this one hurting? No
looks like it's pulled away a little bit right there in the center, Client: I saw that I didn't know what happened I may have stubbed it
yeah you probably got something stuck underneath there, Client: I usually cut it pretty short
I'm gonna tell you all about my new file when I get to the other foot right now
we're going to concentrate on shaping the free edge in the shape of a smiley face
instead of a frowny face how the toenails were originally and then we're
going to use the file to thin the tip of the nail plate just a little bit to
get rid of the illusion of it flipping up at the edge
someone's coming from Tucson in like two weeks Client: To get a pedicure? That is awesome!
I realized she's a little bit hard to hear so I've turned the volume up really
loud in this video and turn on the captions I've added the captions
I wish they found a place close to home that wasn't just really
Client: Do they have something special going on with their feet?
I didn't talk to her I don't know, Bruce talked to her
Ya know my toes have always been, kind of like
Pedicures I have gotten, whenever I have gotten a professional pedicure they were just ho hum, ya know, no big deal
But I know you know what your doing to make it really be worth it
Yes, I know that feeling you get when you're like you know that really wasn't worth
my money
I think I told you about the time she spent more time cleaning off the polish than she did putting on the polish
yeah, client: Which I appreciated so much, but it took her so long.
Clinet: Did you ever get your supplies to make the mold of your hand?
yes I'm finishing it tonight that's why I still don't have fun nails. I took all
my jewelry off the temperature in my basement, I was going to do it yesterday, but with
all of the rain and the yucky weather I couldn't do it because it says
specifically on the instructions it needs a certain temperature and my
basement was like under the temperature and I was like I am NOT hauling all of
those supplies up to my kitchen
and it was Mother's Day and I'm like I will just do it tomorrow when I get home from work
Client: How long does your hand have to be completely encased, yeah not for very long it's a fast setting product. setting
How was your Mother's Day?
It was really good I just went to my moms, that's nice
Client: I bought her a hanging plant, she really likes this tropical one I got her a few years ago.
I don't know what they do but they live here.
Me: Are they flowering? Client: Yeah, I know that some of them are Hibiscus but I can't remember the one I got I think it was Orange Flower
But they didn't have those this year. So I ended up going to Menard's they have a really good selection of hanging plants.
I got a really cool one that was purple and hot pink.
Oh pretty
you know we've just discovered that store a couple of years ago and I really
like it a lot
Client: Did your family take you out for Mother's Day?
we went out on Saturday because my oldest had to work yesterday so we went
to a movie we saw the New Avengers movie
Client: Do you go to the theater that is just up the road here?
yeah oh it's really nice
the are selling re fillable buckets of popcorn oh yeah you bring it like we took the buck at
home and the next time
you take it and it's a free you free fifteen dollars
Alright, I am going to sit your foot right on my knee.
Client: I apologize if my foot jumps. This is the ticklish part.
Maybe we'll start down here and let your foot get used to it.
when you have a really ticklish client the key is to keep pressure on a
pressure point that's right below the pad of the foot just slightly to the
left take your on the right foot of the ball
of the foot and succeed to the protruding areas like the heel of the
foot the ball and the pad of the foot try not to run the file right up along
into their arch and then you can go on the outside of the foot too but if you
hit that inside area they're likely to just you know jump right out there seat
I don't know how you do it, if my nails were bare like that they would not survive.
well I actually have a teeny-tiny layer of acrylic on top of them yeah it
doesn't look like it but there is. Client: It looks really natural.
like so, they are so hard, yep
How was that? Not too torturous? Client: No
I think we need a tan don't we? haha
Client: I am basically albino,
Me: So I am I haha
Client: When I am sitting next to my husband it is even more stark he is part Hawaiian.
Client: He has a lot of pigment where as I have none.
Me: A lot of good pigment
We are going to be going there is a few weeks and I know I am going to burn.
Ok, you can bend that knee and put that foot back in the water.
if you're interested in the brush I should have my inventory in about two
weeks so just check back and I should have added it to my online store I
thought it's really easy to clean through this part pops off and it is stainless steel
who's planning on entering the photo tagging contest
I hope lots of you but if you aren't just remember to leave me a comment so
you have a chance to win either the Commet Hall of Fame or the Random Comment
Picker game
Client: Is that a new kind of file Me: Yes, it is. I just got it.
This is the prototype file and I'm sure many of you saw my
post on Instagram or Facebook that the official The Meticulous Manicurist files
have been added to my online store. The file is an eight inch stainless
steel diamond grit file you can use it on your toenails or your fingernails it
is easy to disinfect and won't give you the heebie-jeebies when you use it it's
very smooth and very efficient you can use it to file the dead skin on the ends
of your toes as well and it should last you a lifetime at home as the grit will
last for over a thousand uses you can use them on fingernails too yeah
remember that in addition to cutting the edges of the toenail at a 45 degree
angle to create this optical illusion you do need to file the top of the nail
plate a little bit to remove that slope where it starts to round upwards so
we're going to use the nail file just to file a little bit of the nail plate off
don't file too much because you can thin the nail plate out and then your nail
will bend easily and your polish will buckle and it'll chip off I'm sure
you've noticed also that I'm using my thumb or my index finger to feel the top
of the nail your fingers are always your third eye if you're having trouble
visualizing something if you run your fingertip across a nail plate you'll be
able to feel any imperfections that there are and you'll know exactly where
you need to run your file across again to make it just right
it doesn't take much to create that optical illusion of it being a little
bit flatter on the tip
Client: Do you think you will be able to get pretty close to the cuticle? Me: to polish? Client:yeah
Me: oh yeah
and you can cut or file your toenails with the polish on because the polish
will stay on for a long time like you'll need another pedicure before your polish
we'll start to chip
how long can you go before the length of your toenail starts to bother you?
Client: Well, this was 5 weeks, I only remember that becuase that is how long you told me to wait after I cut my nails last.
But it is mostly just the edges that bother me, Me: which I got rid of so hopefully you can
go like six weeks we will make your next pedicure for six weeks
with it being springtime your nails might grow faster than they did during
the winter
Me: Alright, straighten out your leg.
rest it right on my knee everybody thinks that their leg is heavy but it is not.
Client: Are you sure? Me: I'm sure
it's just really your foot. Remember to always rub the foot with the towel before you
start to use your angel foot file to get all of that callus remover off the
bottom of the foot it dissolves all of that dead skin and when you start to use
the foot file if you don't rub it off with a towel it's just really slippery
and it clogs up your file and you have to keep filing and filing and filing and
filing until it dries up the skin and so it can rub it off so rub the skin first
and then let the file do all of the work I'm not pressing hard into her skin the
grit of this file is so amazing there's a coarse side and a fine side and it all
comes off and it just falls right off
Client: I know I probably shouldn't have but I used one of those callus shavers before. Me: oh yeah, no
yeah those are bad
Client: I need to get one of those for my husband.
Me: Will he use it or will he make you use it on him? I put a link in the upper right-hand
corner of the video where you come by this file and other tools that I've used
and it is trade show season in our industry so in celebration of that the
file is going to be on sale so make your way on over to the store so you can pick
one up today and I do hope if you've learned about the file from my videos
that you will purchase from me and not elsewhere I'm sure you can understand
how disheartening it can be to invest myself in producing these videos and
answering hundreds of questions a day just to have people turn around and buy
elsewhere so I do hope you allow me to reap the benefits through my online
store and purchase from me in exchange for my hard work okay rant over hugs and kisses
thank you
okay you can put that foot back in the water now to learn a few tricks about this
type of toenail for polishing techniques
if you look very closely it's really hard to get underneath that cuticle
because it goes quite deep these cuticles kind of roll up onto the nail
plate so if you can't get your cotton ball way down in there I'm going to show
you a trick to use with a nail art brush to make sure that there aren't any oil
still stuck down inside of that kind of cubby hole that's underneath the cuticle
and then I'm going to show you a trick on how to pull that skin up so you have
room to get your polish brush down underneath the cuticle so you can get
the color all the way back to the back of the nail plate
so one thing that I will share is that if people can't get the cotton
underneath that a lip of the cuticle when there a little bit congested
like that
take a nail art brush with some acetone on it and then slide that right
up underneath the cuticle and that will dehydrate the nail so the polish stays
on really well because that is quite deep under there
one good thing is that you don't need toe separators
so you'll feel me put my finger on the side of your toe and I'll just bend down
a little bit on a few of them just to get a good angle
the polish brush on this base coat is pretty thin so I'm not having too hard
of a trouble sliding the brush underneath that area if we were talking
about when I use the nail art brush to clean from underneath that that skin
that rolls up onto the nail plate but when I get to the Polish it's a very
different shaped brush and I do have a hard time and I don't know if you heard
her talking in the beginning of the video about the last place that she went
to have such a difficult time polishing her toenails that it took them longer
just to clean up the skin around than it did to polish her nails so you'll see me
taking my thumb and pull up on this skin at her cuticle line and that just
creates enough space for me to slide my polish brush right up and into that area
so I can flatten out my brush and polish that nail plate
pretty isn't it
arose by noon broke by Dawn
Rose by dawn broke by noon Rose by dawn broke by noon
I'm gonna use my index finger on my left hand
- to touch press and pull down on the skin to pull that skin away from the
nail plate so I can get some nail polish applicator on the nail plate and get a
nice smooth line down in that nail wall
of course without my nails on I feel like I can't do anything because I used
to use them as tools you know they're like my little assistant sometimes
Client: Lori now I have heard you say they are jewels not tools.
Me: guilty as charged
what do you think so far?
Client: I love them.
I am so blessed to have the support of so many people around the world my goal
for the meticulous manicurist nail tutorials YouTube channel was to help
other nail technicians around the world and to help those at home who could not
find a nail technician and I've learned through your comments that many of you
have boosted your self-confidence and accomplished tasks like helping elderly
family and friends leave me a comment and tell me how your skill level has
changed by watching my videos and I can't wait to see where this journey
takes us
thank you so much for taking time out of your day to watch my channel you can
visit my social media sites to follow and interact and I would really
appreciate it so much if you would click that share button and share your
favorite videos to help me grow my channel here are some other great video
suggestions for you thanks for watching and I will see you soon
I AM THE KING! | Little Big Snake.io Gamplay - Duration: 10:03.
super laggy game loading...
Super Lag Snake.io launching
my kill
tHaT wAs EaSy
What the holy mother of jesus christ on a bisical was that?
I would answer that but
i dont give a crap
yet do i ever?
i dont m8
you wish
fudge u
i hatu
*SPOILER ALERT!* (diS is dA ParT wEr i GeT tO LeAdErBoArD pLaCe kiNg <place 3> wItH pLaCeS QuEeN aNd aCe aHeAd oF mE)
When she fell I didn't laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.
lol he died after
dat yo mama joke
u died lol
u died too
i EaTu nOw
nom nom nom :O
número Tres
rodar los ojos
alot of Español
no moare subtitles
Ból Kolana? Przyczyny i Leczenie | K.N.B.T - Duration: 10:35.
Fiat Panda 1.2i Dynamic 5-DRS AIRCO - Duration: 1:06.
Renault Grand Scénic 2.0i 16V TECH LINE AUTOMAAT NAVIGATIE ECC PDC LMV TREKHAAK 65.000KM! - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota RAV4 1.8-16V VVT-i Luna Airco - Duration: 1:07.
F. i. r e engulfs building on Macquarie Street in Sydney's CBD - Duration: 4:51.
A fire that ignited external scaffolding on a construction site in the heart of Sydney
this morning has been extinguished, with 20 people evacuated from the Macquarie St site
and no one reported injured.
Dramatic photos and video footage show flames and smoke shooting up the scaffolding outside
the 11-storey building, understood to house barristers' chambers, next to the NSW Supreme
Court and near state parliament.
The building is thought to be an older and well-established building that was undergoing
a renovation, a Fire & Rescue spokesman told ABC.
Fire & Rescue confirmed in a tweet this morning that the fire had not ignited cladding, which
had been removed just last week.
The fire started at about 7.50am, with fire crews racing to the scene and closing the
Firefighters, with a large crane, extinguished the blaze, which quickly spread up the mesh-covered
scaffolding to the top of the building.
Wayne Quirk, who has owned a snack kiosk on Macquarie Street for 12 years, said the fire
rapidly spread.
"We only saw a little flame up on the awning here and all sudden it all went, it just went
really quickly."
He said most of the evacuees immediately fled the building.
"Most of them ran down the stairs when it started, but there were three blokes still
up the top," he said.
"When it got really bad they went through the top of the building and out the back."
A Fire & Rescue spokesman told AAP about 20 people had been safely evacuated.
"The fire has been confined to the external scaffold, it hasn't penetrated the internal
structure," he said.
About 70 firefighters were on the scene.
Macquarie St is closed in both directions and diversions are in place.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Automaat.Panodak.Cruise. 28.000 km! - Duration: 1:07.
Unicorn Instagram Glam Makeup Tutorial [JAP SUB] - Duration: 11:02.
Hyundai Santa Fe 2.0i-16V airco sidebars - Duration: 0:43.
Kia Picanto 1.2i-16V Comfort/Exterior/Style-Pack 5-Drs ECC Radio-CD/MP3+BT Keyless 15"LMV 7jr.Garant - Duration: 1:05.
Opel Ampera 1.4I Leder Navi Ecc Pdc Camera 17"lmv Cruise Contr. - Duration: 1:13.
Hannity: LEGITIMACY of MUELLER probe in QUESTION - Duration: 13:48.
Mike Pompeo by the way they'll probably have to pay taxes while they're here at
such a high tax state meanwhile the of course destroyed Trump
media openly mocking the president's negotiations with Kim jong-un and guess
what they're all but ignoring the Trump administration's massive diplomatic
success here including freeing the American hostages from all over the
world we're going to show you the worst of the worst and how corrupt your bias
media is tonight also we have Robert Muller's out of control Russia probe has
now lost any sense of legitimacy and will explain and according to reports
Obama's Justice Department they utilized at least one informant to spy on
multiple Trump campaign officials and associates during the 2016 election and
by the way the media is lying about it now also Robert Muller has allegedly
weaponized the information collected by the informants spies in order to target
President Trump and those connected to his campaign I think one of the funniest
moments tonight by the way if you're here as a spy just let me know please
put your hand up and he's dragging out by the way the investigation he wants to
derail many tro pro Trump Republicans in the midterms will explain the
president's tweet from earlier and of course the media doesn't get it and they
are running for full cover for robert muller downplaying this elicit deep
state spying scheme the biggest abuse of power the biggest corruption scandal in
american history also liberal activists all across the country were publicly
embarrassed this week after they were caught pushing a salacious fake story
about president trump putting illegal immigrants in cages well it turns out
that actually was under obama's administration and finally we'll bring
you all the latest on roseanne cancelled by ABC after roseanne bars incendiary
comments sit tight buckle up tonight's very
important breaking news opening monologue is next
I just saw the president gave a rousing speech in Nashville Tennessee during a
campaign push for Senate candidate friend of the show Marsha Blackburn
ahead of the midterm elections we're gonna play you some of the best moments
of this rally throughout the show but first as the president's historic talks
now with Kim jong-un weigh in the balance now despite what you are hearing
from the left-wing media in this country we have full reason to believe and be
hopeful about the potential upcoming talks with North Korea tomorrow the
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo he is set to meet with a high-ranking North Korean
official in New York City now the most senior official to visit the United
States in nearly two decades a massive development and only the latest sign
that these historic talks might still take place in Singapore they're
scheduled to begin on June the 12th of course last week President Trump
initially canceled the summit sending a strongly worded letter to Kim jong-un
after the despot the dictator authorized a series of aggressive statements and
failed to comply with the some of the basic planning ahead of the talks and as
you can imagine your corrupt media use that letter to trash the president
revealing what I have been saying so many times on this program they in order
to have the president fail that means the country has to fail they're openly
rooting for the president to fail even for more peaceful world is at stake for
our children watch this pathetic despicable display
of trump derangement syndrome as a friend of mine said in an email to me as
I was on the train to New York it sounds like a 13 year old stream of
consciousness in a breakup letter from overnight camp with you before you break
up but by the way call me last week a US team in Singapore stood up on a date by
North Korea then ghosted by North Korea they're not even responding to u.s.
overtures and today of course culminating in name-calling a very
awkward breakup letter oh and by the way the threat of using nuclear weapons as
far as we know he didn't consult with his own National Security Council he
dictates this bizarre actually embarrassing letters is a total breakup
letter and you like this when your relationship starts
souring but you want to be the one to break up first so you cut it off you're
kind of like maybe we can leave it open-ended that's what this feels like
breakup letter how many times have I said that everyone in the media they're
all sheep and they got this little little echo chamber and they all quote
themselves and they all think they're so smart all right so while the media is
quick to bash the president during every twist and turn and what is a negotiation
they need to learn the art of the deal with North Korea well they're more than
happy to ignore the president's historic diplomatic triumphs now this includes
Trump success so far he has freed 17 Americans who were once detained or held
hostage abroad the latest example came to squeak and when the Trump
administration secured the release of an American joshua holt and his wife after
they spent nearly two years in a Venezuelan prison after being detained
on several bogus politically motivated charges
take a look I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude for you guys for everything
that you've done for the support of my wife through those two years they were
very very very difficult for years just so grateful for what you guys have done
and for thinking about me and and caring about me just a normal person so it
really touches me and thank you I've been very brave actually you've been
incredibly really so what was happening inside of that prison so you really have
been very very brave think hard our fellow Americans are home more on the
president's historic diplomatic gains around the world throughout the program
tonight first we have more disturbing developments from Robert Muller's
illegitimate runaway witch-hunt this needs to go away last week we first
reported that the Justice Department under the Obama administration utilized
at least one FBI informant to actively spy on multiple people that are
associated with the Trump campaign that includes Sam Clovis and Carter Page they
will be here tonight along with George papadopolis who recently plenty to lying
to the FBI after pressure from the office of the special counsel now Sam
Clovis recently told Byron York that the informant FBI spy used him in order to
secure the meeting with Papadopoulos while former Trump campaign aide Michael
Caputo he also all three of these guys that were approached by the spy will
join us tonight and of course Caputo's claiming that he was approached by
multiple government informants during the 2016 election imagine for a second
if there was spies and Hillary's campaign and she did do a deal for
Russian propaganda take a look let me tell you something that I know for a
fact the this informant this person that they planted tried to plant into the
campaign and yes into the administration if you believe Axios he's not the only
person that came at the campaign and the FBI is not the only Obama agency that
came at the campaign I know because they came at me and I'm looking for clearance
to my attorney to reveal this to the public this is just the beginning now
even former assistant US attorney from the Southern District of New York Andy
McCarthy he's backing up some of these claims in an article entitled the Obama
administration's hypocritical pretext for spying on the Trump campaign and the
article McCarthy writes quote the Obama administration decided to use its
counterintelligence powers to spy on the Trump campaign using at least one covert
informant electronic monitoring of communications and other intelligence
gathering tactics it ignored the norm against deploying such tactics against
political opponents not based on evidence of a trump Russia criminal
conspiracy but on speculation about the Trump campaigns Russia contacts and
Russian sympathies how many times have I said their weaponizing the powerful
tools of intelligence now of course this elicit this unprecedented spying is now
being used by team Muller to malign President Trump and everybody else
around him hours ago the president raised another pressing concern
surrounding the ongoing Muller witch-hunt he tweeted out quote the 13
angry Democrats plus people who work eight years for Obama worked on the rig
Russian witch-hunt will be meddling with the midterm elections especially now
that Republicans stay tough are taking the lead in the polls
there was no collusion except by the Democrats now the president raises an
important concern especially given the new revelations surrounding what the
president is calling rightly Spygate and of course
the mainstream media they are providing cover for team Muller as they actively
are rooting for the Special Counsel investigation to find something to find
anything on this President and as you could probably imagine the media's been
doing everything in its power to downplay what is the single biggest
abuse of power corruption scandal in American politics in history and by the
way you have an administration using the Justice Department to spy on an opposing
political party during a presidential election using bought and paid for the
other campaign in this case Hillary Clinton using her bought and paid for
funneled money through a law firm to fusion GPS to hire a foreign national to
get Russian lies that even he says in an interrogatory in Great Britain maybe
50/50 at best raw intelligence to then get a warrant by lying to a spy a FISA
judge in an original application and three subsequent applications and not
telling any of the judges that Hillary paid for it
take a look at how the biased press is trying to brush aside this huge massive
national abuse of power corruption scandal have inversion to the use of the
word spy but let's just for the sake of discussion use that term which
conventionally means the use of tradecraft using a formally trained case
officer who would mask identity who would attempt to recruit so none of the
classical attributes of a spy craft if I can use that term we're present here
this is the most benign form of information gathering so to characterize
it as a spy or spy gate is of course part of the narrative and it's directly
and typical to what I actually said at various times Trump has seemed attracted
that to conspiracy theories there's the other side much for Mark de Ponton
looseness with the truth and and and the lives etc etc but these these the the
obsession with conspiracy theories and tall tales as you say Joe dates back for
a long time I think the point right now though is that he's using them to a
particular kind of political effect hilemon is a liberal hack
and clapper is a known liar we're gonna have much more on the spying scandal and
the complicit media's cover-up all throughout the show now let's turn to a
story that left many on the left totally embarrassed over the weekend remember
this picture circulated online showing many illegal immigrants being detained
in a chain-link age and of course many on the Left became outraged just
outraged quickly accusing the Trump administration of massive human rights
violations you have activist Shaun King said that
children of immigrants being held in cages like dogs and Linda Sarsour
remember her oh yeah she's chimed in hashtagging we are our children what's
in sore King and you asked your friends and the media failed to realize is let's
put those pictures back up those pictures were taken in 2014
Barack Hussein Obama was your president and back then they vote zero they voice
zero concern about Obama's detention policies now meanwhile others on the
Left use these photos of course to attack President Trump whoopsie-daisy
take a look as the president correctly points out the photo is from 2014
but that tweet highlights just how he did this whole discussion has become
surrounding parents and children who crossed the border some renewed scrutiny
that some children are being separated from their parents at the border it is a
policy the Trump administration has defended president Trump tweeted about
one of his favorite topics this morning immigration this as his policies are
facing major criticism writing in part quote Dems must agree to wall a new
border protection for good of country bipartisan bill exclamation point the
president has been taking serious heat for his immigration policies recently
particularly his policy of separating families in detention there's actually a
new policy from the administration right now to separate families these are
families who made the courageous decision a hard decision to leave behind
everything that they had their families their communities their belongings out
of fear to come to the United States now finally tonight the reboot of the
sitcom Roseanne has been cancelled this after Roseanne Barr made some really
incendiary pretty palling comments on Twitter about the
appearance of Obama aide Valerie Jarrett earlier today she did apologize but the
show is now over we're gonna more reaction later in the show but first
joining us with reaction to all of this breaking news and of course the
president's big rally in Nashville Tennessee is Sarah Carter and the author
of the very soon to be released
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY, X-Shift Automaat, Navi! - Duration: 0:47.
Frank Wolf: China s growing market power AFFORDS #Tucker Talks - Duration: 12:52.
our leader always telling you how progressive they are they tout their
commitment to diversity they fret about global warming up for any new bathroom
rule you can think of as long as it sounds modern they're classic cool knobs
basically eager to show off their open minds but their liberalism ends at the
water's edge when it comes to China our greatest rival American elites bow
deeply to the elderly fascists who were in that country when the Chinese say
jump a ruling class has only one question how high consider gap the
proudly liberal clothing outfit this spring gap pulled a t-shirt from all of
its stores worldwide because that shirt featured an outline of China the image
did not include Taiwan or an obscure group of disputed islands in the South
China Sea and Beijing complained about that gap immediately destroyed the
t-shirts then the company issued a groveling press release quote Gap Inc
respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China we failed to reflect
the correct map of China in other words I'm sorry for being naughty most
honorable sir gasp ROM gap promised it would never happen again that's just one
of many examples in January Marriott apologized for listing Tibet Taiwan and
Hong Kong and Macau as separate countries on an email questionnaire then
Marriott fired an employee who liked to tweet about it Mary it's obsequious
apology to China's dictator says at all quote some associates don't understand
or take seriously enough the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China
clearly written by the Chinese offending China is now a fireable offense in this
country American Express Citibank Goldman Sachs they all agree those
companies have all changed online content to eliminate suggestions that
Taiwan and China are separate countries even though of course they are separate
countries the Chinese insist American companies lie about that and so they do
Hollywood's been doing it for years the movie studios have been obedient to
China's rulers probably for more than a decade asked Richard Gere the actor he
says now he has trouble getting worked because his views on Tibet offend
Chinese officials in 2016 the movie Doctor Strange producers cast a white
woman in the role of a Tibetan character why they do that doesn't sound like the
diversity doctrine at work it's not but they did it anyway why well
the screenwriter explained that casting an ethnic Tibetan would make China mad
so they couldn't in 2012 a remake of Red Dawn changed the bad guy from China to
North Korea why you know because they didn't want to offend Beijing how eager
are American elites to do the bidding of their Chinese masters ask yourself this
whatever happens to the Dali Lama remember him he used to be a hero to
Americans especially American liberals they loved him you almost never hear his
name anymore it turns out the Chinese government doesn't like him for his
human rights activism so under pressure from the Chinese government his
appearances by the Dalai Lama have been cancelled around the world including
shamefully in this country the Dalai Lama may be a great moral leader but
China pays the bills Frank wolf is a rare former member of Congress who has
been sounding the alarm on China for a very long time and he joins us now
congressman I'm grateful to have you you really are one of the very few former
members of Congress who is pointing up the human rights abuses in China and is
willing to say what is true which is they're bullying us why is that why
aren't more saying well I don't know talker but you're right I mean 142
Tibetan monks and nuns supported kerosene on their body set themselves
aflame there are Wege rustling children
thousands thousands being taken away to detention camps Catholic Bishops right
now right right now as long as lips are being rounded I was thousands many many
many thousands in the in detention camp almost like Stalinist camps and catholic
bishops missing to kashyap chris smith took holy communion for a bishop sue
he's never been seen again Protestant pastors are being arrested I mean it is
it is as bad today's has ever been since that's now and you're exactly right I
mean Richard Gere will never make another another movie AMC has been sold
to the Chinese other studios have been sold and they censor you and then they
sense you besaid if you run that Richard Gere will never be in a major movie so
without naming names because this is a very small city and you've been here for
a long time but looking out across the city you know a lot of lobbyists laden
served in Congress what percentage would you say are on the payroll in some way
with China well I'll say some names one of the bigger firms in town Squires
patton boggs they represent the Chinese government they also represent Basheer
the indicted war criminal from Sudan who's been indicted for genocide since
Juarez Pam Boggs they represent them so would you say that many different
lobbying outfits PR firms in Washington in some way take money from the Chinese
and yes they they do what's just interesting during the 80s when I got
elected when Ronald Reagan was here no company no PR firm no law firm would
have ever represent the Soviet Union and now so many are representing China I
mean for squires patton boggs to represent Basheer the President of Sudan
who is an indicted war criminal for a genocide what took place in Darfur so
the standards at a stand of totally do you think that that may be connected to
the fact that you almost you hear a lot about Russia but you never hear anything
about China's human rights abuses they're connected the the the human
rights abuses and religious lack of religious freedom is worse today in
China than it's been since the days of now and don't forget President Xi has
now appointed himself president for life it is terrible that's why I can't
understand it very fact that thousands of Muslim kids are being taken away I
had a Muslim woman come by my office about two months ago thirty five of her
grandchildren have been taken and put in these detention kids I urge you to
google when the Shepards we're doing actually it just didn't mean next week
we're gonna do a segment on Chinese human rights abuses and you would think
that American liberals would care but they don't do you view and I appreciate
it congressman thank you for coming on thank you it's great to see you British
authorities arrested Tommy Robinson for trying to cover sexual abuse in Great
Britain and they covered up their arrest of him that's not the first time it has
happened in Great Britain sadly Kitty Hopkins here with an update next
America's most cherished rights the freedom of religion the freedom of
speech freedom of the press all those have their roots in Great Britain but in
Britain itself those rights are dying out Tommy Robinson is a journalist and a
political activist they're one of Robinson's chief causes is raising
awareness about sexual abuse grooming and rape committed in his country by
immigrants mostly from the Islamic world those crimes are ones that local
authorities have ignored in order to avoid being called bigoted last year
Robinson attempted to cover a gang rape trial involving several Muslim men and
cannon buri for that he was arrested given a suspended jail sentence and told
not to cover any further trials undeterred this past weekend he
performed a live stream outside a sexual abuse grooming trial in the leads in a
free country of course anybody ought to be able to say what they think on a
public street but Britain is not a free country anymore so in a matter of hours
Robinson was arrested tried and convicted and sentenced to 13 months in
jail that was fine by the way with most members of the press there and here the
judge further barred the British media from even reporting on Robinson's
imprisonment to that ban was only lifted yesterday four days after he went behind
bars and that too was fine with most journalists in Great
Britain and here they said virtually nothing about it amazingly Kitty Hopkins
is a columnist the rebel media we talked to her about this earlier Kati am i
misstating this I mean it sounds and I know the pretext for this is that he was
interfering with jurors but I did he was speaking his views on a public street
when he was arrested and convicted immediately and sentenced to over a year
in prison am i mischaracterizing that you're not at all that's exactly what
happened he was outside the courts he was reporting on the trial of a grooming
gang as I would call it a rape squad it's a cause as you rightly say that
he's believed in for so many years and he's one of those people who's been
calling this out relentlessly despite all of the slurs that are made against
him and yet within five hours he was arrested he
was tried and he was sent to prison for 13 months and none of us were allowed to
talk about it write about it mention it because there was also a ban on any of
the media speaking about it that's the part I don't understand these are very
dark times in the UK it's a very curious feeling in this country at the moment
and I would say the country is on a knife edge there is a real sense now
that we are against our own government that the establishment is working
against us and in order to cleanse voices it doesn't like it will put them
inside for as long as it needs to to shut them up that's horrifying I don't
know I'll be honest anything really about Tommy Robinson I don't care I
don't know what he believed doesn't matter he was saying if you think since
we take that Tucker I don't know a Tommy either I'm not a colleague of his I'm
not I don't work with him many people say he's an idiot and in
some ways I sure well he's been told not to report at these trials and yet he's
still there reporting he didn't go with his lawyer or solicitor you know he knew
he was going to get into trouble but then I say to myself even if you don't
like the guy even if you don't know the guy surely there's some fundamental
principles like yes where was the swift justice for the victims of the grooming
gangs where was the swift justice for the
11-year old that was raped if we can get Tommy in prison within five hours where
was the swift justice for these men and where was the swift justice for the
victims and I would also say no matter what you think of Tommy whether you hate
him love him don't know him throwing him in prison when he is a guy who's
repeatedly calls out majority Pakistani grooming gangs rape squads that is a
death sentence for Tommy Robinson and we may criticize our government may
criticize the Russians like for getting rid of scrip and other spies they don't
long ago they no longer want in our country but our government knows if they
put Tommy Robinson inside as they have done and if he's put on an open wing he
will not survive his time inside so I don't see how we're any different from
the this is how we're going to cleanse
people I agree that speak out against the establishment this is very these are
dark times where immediate and I wear the media in this I mean so again you
don't have to like this guy or know anything about him to understand what's
at stake here which is freedom of speech freedom of expression freedom of the
press why would media outlets in Great Britain
go along with this gag order why didn't they just defy it go ahead and arrest us
all if this isn't a civil rights issue then what is a civil rights issue well
this work where we divide Tucker into right and wrong good and bad and I have
to say I feel like majority of mainstream media right now in the UK is
on the side of the bad it is more important for them to be seen as
multicultural and accepting and welcoming to our Muslim colleagues and
our friends than it is to stand up for what we know is right so it suits them
much better to say well no Tommy Robinson is an idiot he was told not to
be there at the court he was still there at the courts and the law is in in every
sense justified to throw him inside and they're celebrating just as they're
celebrating with Roseanne but actually what we have to ask ourselves is what
happened to freedom of speech in the UK because I firmly believe it it's my
opinion we no longer have freedom of speech in the UK and I believe Tommy
Robinson will be killed inside the prison and it will be the establishment
that have blood on their hands everybody watching this should be horrified this
is a threat not only to your rights but to the rights of every American our
rights derive from the British system this may be a glimpse into our future we
should fight back as far as we can thank you very much Katie Hopkins for
that Thank You Tucker well the people in cable TV have been howling about threats
to democracy for a couple of years now but strangely they're oddly silent about
what just happened in Europe like about ten minutes ago
we'll tell you what it is next
Feedback Equested "ㄧㄥˇ求講評" - Duration: 1:50.
You have the paper turned in ? :Yeah
Shopkins - Cutie Cars Shopki...
SAZÓN® apresenta: Espalhando o Amor. Ep. 2 - Despertar da Cozinheira - Duration: 3:01.
Custo da encomenda de Eurofighter pela Alemanha ultrapassa o planejado - Duration: 2:59.
Últimas notícia de hoje : PM INTIMIDA PETROLEIROS DE PAULÍNIA - Duration: 1:45.
Czystek – roślina o niezwykłych właściwościach? - Duration: 6:33.
美國這次竟然對中國玩大了:驚人內幕振奮14億人 - Duration: 7:55.
199891 - Duration: 9:59.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Governo está "chegando aos responsáveis" por violência nas estradas - Duration: 3:16.
World War One Project - Duration: 4:51.
She the best teacher!
Humanities Kellye Waller!
Yeah, you're lookin' at the truth Mrs. Waller never lie, no
World War 1, yeah, World War 1 Now, you know you can't ignore
That we've ever tried more World War 1, yeah, World War 1, yeah
Introduced us to so many innovations And forever changed the nation's reputation
See us fightin' don't run out of pride now
World War 1, yeah
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
Ferdinand's the one that got shot (got shot) Alliance systems got us in a knot (knot)
Austria and Serbia they were distraught (distraught) Germany the ones who came up and popped off
(popped off) No one's got a clue where this would take
us (take us) And we wished the other countries would just
make-up (make-up) Had to pull up in our tanks, see what they
made of (made of) Ain't gotta worry 'bout 'em Germans 'cause
our planes up (planes) You can't run inside my land with that weak
stuff (skrt) 'Cause I promise, when we step out you'll
be brainless (yeah) Wanna play gotta survive they can't take
us (why?)
'Cause when we pull up — brt-brt! — all angles
Yeah, you're lookin' at the truth Mrs. Waller never lie, no
World War 1, yeah, World War 1 Now, you know you can't ignore
That we've ever tried more World War 1, yeah, World War 1, yeah
Introduced us to so many innovations And forever changed the nation's reputation
See us fightin' don't run out of pride now
World War 1, yeah
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
Okay though
Uh, Germany faced us with that new regime They fought our dream, entered the scene,
it made our country teem So we had to overcome our egomania
Shot torpedoes sank our ship the Lusitania (huh huh)
We tried staying neutral They kept causing problems, we weren't very
useful Europe needed backup, things were getting
brutal They were stuck in trenches, runnin low on
ammo, okay though Plug, plug, plug, we the plug for em
They really needed someone to help and turn the tide for em
MMMMM Britain and Italy, bye bye Germany
Russia, okay, okay though
Yeah, you're lookin' at the truth Mrs. Waller never lie, no
World War 1, yeah, World War 1 Now, you know you can't ignore
That we've ever tried more World War 1, yeah, World War 1, yeah
Introduced us to so many innovations And forever changed the nation's reputation
See us fightin' don't run out of pride now
World War 1, yeah
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
Lookin' for who won?
Well here you're looking at who won We the best yet, and yet our best is yet to
come 'Cause we've been lookin' for a treaty
Not just any other treaty We're tryna change some history
That's for any and everybody Oh my God, The Treaty of Versailles, it was
a mess Peace it did deny,
And the Germans it oppressed, roll my eyes.
And then the Central Powers were disjoint Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points
Were really more like disappoints God, forgive em!
Allies came and formed the League of Nations No more complications
Saving future generations For the record we knew Germans weren't put
in the best position USA, winnin' record
We just used to the tradition, oh God
Yeah, you're lookin' at the truth Mrs. Waller never lie, no
World War 1, yeah, World War 1 Now, you know you can't ignore
That we've ever tried more World War 1, yeah, World War 1, yeah
Introduced us to so many innovations And forever changed the nation's reputation
See us fightin' don't run out of pride now
World War 1, yeah
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh World War 1
Oh-eh-oh-oh-oh, eh-oh This is World War 1
(Humanities) Don't you know, now?
Don't you know, now?
More about history (history) Yeah, World War 1
Don't you know, now?
Don't you know, now?
America's Victory (victory) Yeah, World War 1
Don't you know, now?
Don't you know, now?
4B is the place to be (place to be) Yeah, World War 1
Don't you know, now?
Don't you know, now?
Mrs. Waller's the best to teach (best to teach)
Yeah, World War 1
Spanish Binaural ASMR🔥 Hand sounds, you will fall asleep (Man) - Duration: 24:28.
Dental Veneers w/NO Drilling See Smile Makeover Interview w Model Kimby Kloss - Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 11:19.
I understand why people are afraid of cosmetic dentists and you should be
drilling your teeth down to cones or stumps is so permanent why would anyone
drill perfectly good teeth I knew very fast that drilling was not for me I just
wanted to look better or do something different why would I want to do
anything to my teeth that's not reversible and that's why I say no to
drilling I've done my research and the technology it's changed and it's
changing every single day just look at the people who receive dental veneers
five or ten years ago today they would make a different choice for me it's all
about choice either drill or BIL I'm Kimberly Kloss I chose Bilveneers from
brighter image lab
how'd you hear about us I was on Instagram and there was this social
media you know person that I loved her teeth and she was just really real about
you know how she approached getting you know a better smile and I looked at her
YouTube and on her YouTube videos she had she was one of your clients and I
was so intrigued I had to you know I was brought to mm-hm your web page and I was
just like it was almost like automatically I felt like my perspective
had changed upon you know getting a sense of doing veneers just so impressed
that there she avoided doing the drilling and the step-by-step process
that it would take that's so invasive that to me I like it the cost is high -
yes that's incredibly deceptive oh my god what happens is is they show the
before they show the after but they never show the car ride home and the
difference is when they show before and after it's a deceptive position like
before and after it's like these are your teeth and now these are your teeth
drilled down and so there's really not an after past that because the third
picture is here your here's your teeth when you apply a veneer here's how we
hide your teeth right but the before and after should be real teeth cone teeth my
entire life I have growing up I had you know pretty baby teeth and my dentist
always said that and it stuck with me because when my teeth came in the way
that they did I was not as pleased you just want them different yeah and so
it's like and that's one of the theories that we get into is that nobody should
drill healthy teeth yeah that's terrifying to me here's what's
happened what they do is they drill a tooth to grind it down but it the
grinding comes from the drill and so we just say stay away from the drill we all
the time see people who send us their cases you want to know if they can get
their veneers removed because they want to go back to what
they had can't when you said that you didn't want to drill then that got my
attention like for instance I don't know if you know but I think you told me
you were in Invisalign jump out of them yeah the reason because oh my god it was the
biggest mistake ever what what I tell people is is that
they're you know you you have to know what to expect if your teeth didn't come
in fully they don't continue to come in fully
I mean straighten them doesn't make them nicer just makes some more obvious and
sometimes if they're not shaped right they have to be straighter teeth and you
makes it more obvious oh I really need cosmetic and so most people go straight
from braces straight into cosmetic which they could have bypassed it and so
especially for things if you'd done it ten years ago or even five years ago the
choices we make today for those same veneers are so different in color and
shade and translucency and a bunch of things so why commit yourself to
something that's going to but it it's back dating the technology has changed
why I continue to do this service that I want to show you something on your spot
you have almost no changes the shape of this one in this one's underdeveloped
this is probably one of those cases that are strictly cosmetic like and but if you
can make those changes on the case like this you can do any case and so I can't
believe this is really happening those are my impressions those are my
teeth those are gonna go in my mouth the reason I say they work this is
supposed to be your mouth they fit on and so that's where we take it from oh the
best thing to do is try it
it's crazy I have to take a deep breath I it's gonna feel weird no I can't even
describe since I have like this is a big moment for me because since I have been
like a little girl on I have always had such since I was 6 years old and my
front teeth came in and this tooth has always been such an insecurity of mine
and I never smile with my teeth and it's you know maybe it's all a
mental thing but I just like I can't believe this moment it's really here
they look amazing what do you think I'm letting you see
oh you gotta let the camera see this is unreal
you look amazing I came from amazed look how shiny they were it's like so perfect
and shiny I can't notice in your Instagram you're
lip to lip on almost everything and my family always gives me such a hard time
and it's always been insecurity thing you're not having a problem smile no or
talking I'm never doing the duck face again or talking I just learned that that was
the real face I thought duck meant hide
they look perfect I can't believe it do you mind changing another ones please
tell people wait three or four days before you get used to the bottom but
some people get adjusted the first and they were the second one it all depends
on how good it looks should look surreal but it's gonna feel big and it's gonna
feel bright so those look at it Ok let's do it! so white it is oh man
This is yours Look how white it is oh my gosh I know
just push them down they should be tight
oh my god i can't believe this no that's a lot to get used here how's it feel it's crazy big it
feels great look I can't believe this you know a large percentage of the people
that come to me and never came to me look good
they never one time asked to look a bit better I'm a young lady in Ohio called
means that I need anything really great smile
was this Brittney yeah I watched it Love her and she's like you can do this then she was
in the dentist for four years and he couldn't fix her smile and so
that's what we really got on let's make these more perfect so with that I'm
getting to see the work for the first time I don't get to see it up this close
I have to tell you something else people are gonna ask we don't know each other
and we're never met before today right No Instagram one time yeah I reached out to
you I don't even always reaching out to you I didn't know who I was reaching out
to because I think it was like a Saturday or Sunday morning it was a
Sunday morning you didn't try these on before today oh and so with that like I
this is unreal another thing I liked about you
graduating from college these smart girls that they do their
work they don't drill you obviously know enough people to know any cosmetic
dentist in Florida if you wanted to make that choice she could've easily made it
and it wasn't an accident that you put that in our first message like I'm not
drilling so this helped me and I'm thinking how does she know to say that
like I'm always concerned that somebody in my office might have heard me say
it's they go oh just tell them this but but we were looking at trying to start a
campaign that says don't drill and I knew you were doing your investigation
and I knew that you could make other choices
and I knew this was a time you didn't want to make any mistakes you got too many people coming in but I will
tell you I have been here for the last 15 minutes or so and I don't see
anything about you that's going to have anything but positive on you making an
impression where you no longer have the negative I don't think you're ever
going to worry about that one tooth being too small it looks perfect now let
me see there perfect perfect like the tips
match exactly bite for bite it's still way hard for you to believe I can feel
the energy of shock this is insane crazy your parents are gonna see you for
graduation your mom's gonna see you for mother's day
and you're gonna walk your stage you're gonna have your friends there might be
one more I have two oh these are my these people will judge me
uh-uh smiling the entire way down we did pretty good pretty good
you did good we did good
I know Kariann always had the best teeth she's my twin I got robbed anyway
can you believe it they look so good I know you're the first one I'm showing amazing
How do they feel? Amazing
oh my gosh aren't they amazing KK?
You're so happy you're smiling I know I'm smiling I know I'm so happy
You're smiling that's awesome I know
learn more at brighterimagelab.com
Olympic National Park - Lake Crescent & Rialto Beach, mała wycieczka :) - Duration: 4:31.
💥📦🤞📦🤣⚡️CHESTS, CHESTS+SUPER CHEST 4th Anniversary War Robots (◣_◢) ƁⒶĐ↑Ɓ♂Ψ ᴮᴿ⚡️📦🤞📦🤣💥 - Duration: 4:51.
Purple Door, creativity en sus helados - Duration: 3:01.
Hi! This is Michel Cros from Estamos Unidos US
I am Sandra Dempsey
And today we are living a culinary experience
What flavor did you order?
I ordered salted caramel, it is a little bit strange
It is a little bit weird but the flavor is not unpleasant
and there is a drink that I like called
And this one is
Brandy Old Fashioned
I ordered
and lime, that's one flavor
It is the one at the bottom
And then the one on the top
That is not true! it is not MORAS NEGRAS
Black Berry Bark????
Or something like that, I don't know what that means
Dog Bark?
I don't think is that kind of bark
There is the purple door... It is not necessarily where you come in
You don't necessarily get in through a purple door
but yeah!
Why did they picked that name?... in fact... the other day...
we bought a purple door Ice Cream... at the Outpost...
And in the container... is written the story of the owner
and... she says that her dream since she was young...
was having an Ice Cream Parlor
Yes! maybe it has to do with her childhood, it would be a good idea to interview her
for example this Cardamom with lime
who would've had that idea to create that flavor
In Mexico that would be like a Home Remedy, Wouldn't it?
For a cold
Do you have a sore throat? Cardamom with Lime MIJITA
and honey bee!
Grandma´s remedies
Didn't you get the Whiskey´s ice-cream?
Because that one is the perfect remedie for cold isn't it?
Honey bee with lime and Whiskey
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If you guys liked them if you don't...
I'm talking like if I were drunk, my tongue is numb
It's not because the whiskey or brandy had affected me
It's delicious!
Come and visit Purple Door
This program is not sponsored by Purple Door, we paid for our ice creams
See you next time in...
Yes... No...
Veículos policiais que 'reconhecem' criminosos imediatamente são desenvolvidos na China - Duration: 4:10.
Novo Fiat Mobi é flagrado sem disfarce|| 247 Entretenimento - Duration: 5:04.
'Segundo Sol': Luzia paga por programa com filho prostituto, Ícaro. Saiba mais! - Duration: 6:29.
A vida de Luzia (Giovanna Antonelli), presa ao ser acusada de matar o marido, terá uma reviravolta nos próximos capítulos da novela "Segundo Sol"
Em uma rebelião, ela consegue escapar da prisão e foge para a Islândia, onde se torna uma famosa DJ conhecida como Ariella
Mas, após passagem de tempo de 18 anos, ela retorna ao Brasil e descobre que o filho, Ícaro (Chay Suede), é um dos garotos de programa do bordel de Laureta (Adriana Esteves), cúmplice do golpista Roberval (Fabrício Boliveira)
Desesperada com a realidade do rapaz, ela paga por algumas horas com ele para conseguir conhecê-lo e iniciar uma aproximação
Luzia encontra Manuela e descobre que filho é garoto de programa De acordo com informações do colunista Daniel Castro, Luzia conversa com Manuela (Luisa Arraes) sem revelar ser sua mãe e, nas cenas previstas para irem ao ar a partir do dia 30 de maio, a garota conta que o irmão está se prostituindo para ganhar dinheiro
"Eu segui o Ícaro, ele entrou numa casa enorme. Eu entrei, vi com meus próprios olhos
É um bordel de luxo", declara. A mulher, disfarçando sua frustração com a notícia para não ser identificada, tenta aconselhar a filha: "Quem sabe se você conversar com Ícaro, sem brigar, você consegue convencer ele a sair dessa?" 'Só sigo meu coração!', diz Luzia ao marcar encontro com filho Buscando uma forma de encontrar Ícaro, Luzia, com a ajuda de Cacau (Fabiula Nascimento) procura por ele em um site de prostituição e, ao encontrá-lo com o nome de Tony, decide contratá-lo por algumas horas
"Alô, é do Templo dos Deuses Baianos? Queria marcar um encontro com o Tony, é possível? Pago em espécie mesmo
Meu nome? Sílvia. Só Sílvia", fala. "Minha irmã, tem certeza do que está fazendo?", questiona Cacau, preocupada
"Eu não tenho certeza de nada, Cacau, só sigo meu coração! Não sei nem o que vou falar pra ele, tou com um frio na barriga mais gelado que o inverno na Islândia! Que meus santos me ajudem!", pede Luzia, que realmente estava envolvida na briga que resultou na morte de Edilei (Paulo Borges)
DJ revela que não vai transar com Ícaro: 'Quero só bater papo' Usando uma peruca para disfarçar sua aparência, Luzia e Ícaro, usando os nomes Silvia e Tony, se encontram em um hotel e ele a convida para ir para a cama, mas ela diz preferir ficar no sofá e pergunta se ele não quer beber algo
"Não, não bebo em serviço, obrigado", responde o rapaz, e tem sua atitude aprovada pela cliente
"É sua primeira vez?", questiona ele, e Luzia precisa inventar uma história para o filho: "Na verdade, não
Eu já sou cliente desse site há algum tempo". Na sequência, ela informa que não vai ter sexo entre os dois: "Quero só bater papo
Eu sou muito sozinha, já sofri de síndrome do pânico, não me sinto bem na rua, e sinto falta de companhia"
Espantado, ele pergunta se vai receber só para conversar e a DJ confirma que é só esse o seu interesse com ele
Luzia se emociona ao abraçar o filho e ele aceita novo programa: 'Será um prazer' Ícaro, então, concorda com a proposta e, enquanto os dois comem, ele responde se gosta de trabalhar como garoto de programa
"Claro que não, quem pode gostar? É que não tive outro jeito, tenho que conseguir logo uma grana
Tô nisso há pouco tempo, depois eu largo. Só quero juntar uma grana pra alugar um apê pra morar com a minha irmã", afirma
Tentando firmar uma amizade, ela também fala de sua vida: "A gente tem muito em comum, sabia? Também tenho uma família bastante complicada e cheia de problemas, já entrei por atalhos na vida que eu me dei mal, mas tô tentando consertar"
Após o fim do tempo contratado, Luzia pergunta se pode chamá-lo em outras oportunidades e Ícaro se mostra solicito: "Sempre que precisar
Será um prazer". Os dois se abraçam na despedida e Luzia fica muito emocionada ao tocar no filho novamente depois de tanto tempo
Depois, conversando com a prostituta Rosa (Letícia Colin), ele conta ter feito "um programa surreal" e, questionado por ela sobre ter tido "que encarar uma tribufu", Ícaro responde sobre Luzia: "Muito pelo contrário, até que era uma coroa bem inteirona"
(Por Carol Borges)
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