Hello everyone, dear friends, with you as always Phil, and
did not have time to appear on the network plans for
the next month, as a community manager of PABG Corporation
published another very interesting information.
It is about changing Nickname in the PABG.
This issue is very many, daily people
Interested in how to do this, but at the moment there are no
there is no way.
And then the developers finally seriously thought about
introduction of such an opportunity.
And since the opinion of the community for them has not a few important
meaning they expect from us mass proposals.
The developers themselves are planning make this function
for real money, so that she was not abused, according to
their words, in other games it is realized
When it starts directly the development of the function itself
and the introduction of the game, until which is not said, since
the goal now is definition of an idea.
Perhaps in addition to real money for a change of the
also a game currency.
But again everything will be decided based on messages from players,
unfortunately no single topics did not, so
you need to write on the editorial, or send tickets
in those support.
Personally, I believe that financial restriction will not solve abuse
with the change of nickname, but only limit the possibility of using
functions for some people, who does not have everything so well
with money.
But on the other hand, the shift nickname is not the first thing
necessity and great there is no sense in changing it,
therefore perhaps financial the restriction here is quite
is appropriate.
In any case, to avoid abuse, by
money you need to enter more one condition, for example
allow the change of the nickname only once 3 months, well, or what
then another term, or else money to charge more in-game
currency to the player as nikruti was required
in the game time and he could not change them daily.
Also it is worth understanding that in the game there is a statistic that
I would not want to lose because of operations with the change of nickname.
Therefore, I do not exclude that when this function appears
players will have to do additional identifiers,
in the form of some ID.
To which it will be attached all information.
In general, the work here is accurate not simple, and in what that
objectively near future I did not count on her appearance.
But since the topic is affected early or later we will do it,
all the same PABG Corporation in this case, well done, and really
often listen to players.
What ideas do you have, not feel free to write in the comments,
with pleasure we will discuss everything, like likes
ideas, and perhaps the best of them I will be able to convey
to the developers.
And on this today everything, I think news you liked,
if it is really so then do not regret the husky
under the video, and do not forget subscribe to a channel,
to be vkurse all news pabga, I wish everyone
examined before a moment of great fortune,
bye Bye.
For more infomation >> СМЕНА НИКА В ПАБГ - ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ PUBG / PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ( 28.05.2018 ) - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Warface: Никому не нужный ? Fabarm STF 12 Compact «Стужа» - Duration: 6:22.
Lesson 3 - Learn Urdu Course for Beginners | Use of He She in Urdu - Duration: 5:06.
Urdu course lesson 3
In this lesson, we will learn use of He, She and is in Urdu language
With examples and some vocabulary
Let's have a start
'He', in Urdu language 'He' is "Woh"
And she is also "Woh"
"He & She" are same in Urdu language, which is "Woh"
And we know "is" is hai, therefore, she is = Woh hai
Or he is = Woh hai
Let's see some example
She is Jennifer = Woh Jennifer hai
she = Woh is = hai Jennifer = Jennifer
who Jennifer hai
Another example
He is boy = Woh larka hai
Another example
Sarah is a teacher = Sarah ustani hai
We use "Ustani" for female teacher
Sarah ustani hai
She is girl = Woh larki hai
Next example
Sarah is a mother
Instead of using pronouns "He / She" you can also use name of someone (proper noun)
Sarah is a mother = Sarah maan hai
Let's learn some more vocabulary we use in our daily life
David is a gardener = David maali hai
"David" is a man, therefore, you can also say
He is a gardener = Woh maali hai
Or you can put name of someone else (means for practices)
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
We use "Ustad" for male teacher and for female teacher, we use "Ustani"
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
Or David is a teacher = David Ustad hai
Another example
She / He is a lawyer = Woh wakeel hai
In Urdu language, lawyer is "Wakeel" and we use this word for both gender
Another example
Jack is a farmer = Jack kisan hai
And the next is
David is a tailor = David darzi hai
Another example
Maya is a magician = Maya jadugarni hai
We use "Jadugarni" for female magician and if it is masculine then it will be "Jadugar"
And next we have
He is a servant = Woh nokar hai
We use "Nokar" for male servant
And if female servant, we use "Nokarani"
She is a servant = Woh nokarani hai
Another example
He is a postman = Woh dakian hai
This is end of the lesson number 3
Subscribe us for next lesson
You are watching Urdu Academy Jakarta
Goodbye = Allah Hafiz
Subscribe us to learn Urdu in English and Arabic script
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Мелкие детали, которые вы не заметили в Дэдпуле 2 - Duration: 4:51.
Toyota Yaris 1.5 HSD 55KW 5DRS ( Parkeercamera, Climate control ) - Duration: 0:53.
Things Get Tricky On The Hook
LMC Ambassador 560 E - Duration: 1:06.
Peugeot 508 1.6 E-HDI ACTIVE - Duration: 1:13.
Lava covers Puna Geothermal Ventures well, no hydrogen sulfide released - Duration: 3:08.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200d Limousine Business Solution | Widescreen | Pano.Dak | LED - Duration: 0:45.
Scienza comprova che il nostro intestino è il nostro secondo cervello: - Duration: 4:59.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 CDI AMG Pano Navi LED F1 VOL! - Duration: 1:09.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200d Limousine Automaat | Avantgarde | Pano.Dak | LED - Duration: 1:12.
Citroën C4 1.2 E-THP 130PK BUSINESS NAV/PDC/CLIMA - Duration: 1:14.
Super Snacks Asiamericani - Duration: 13:02.
Store Employee Shot and Killed - Duration: 0:35.
Ramzan Mubarak Status | RAMZAN DUA WHATSAPP STATUS - Duration: 0:34.
Islamic Whatsapp Status
Opel Corsa GSi 1.6 TURBO 150pk | 43500 km !! - Duration: 1:07.
부모님 재산까지 다 합쳐도 '3391만원' 밖에 없다는 '흙수저' 배현진 - Duration: 2:39.
Lesson 3 - Learn Urdu Course for Beginners | Use of He She in Urdu - Duration: 5:06.
Urdu course lesson 3
In this lesson, we will learn use of He, She and is in Urdu language
With examples and some vocabulary
Let's have a start
'He', in Urdu language 'He' is "Woh"
And she is also "Woh"
"He & She" are same in Urdu language, which is "Woh"
And we know "is" is hai, therefore, she is = Woh hai
Or he is = Woh hai
Let's see some example
She is Jennifer = Woh Jennifer hai
she = Woh is = hai Jennifer = Jennifer
who Jennifer hai
Another example
He is boy = Woh larka hai
Another example
Sarah is a teacher = Sarah ustani hai
We use "Ustani" for female teacher
Sarah ustani hai
She is girl = Woh larki hai
Next example
Sarah is a mother
Instead of using pronouns "He / She" you can also use name of someone (proper noun)
Sarah is a mother = Sarah maan hai
Let's learn some more vocabulary we use in our daily life
David is a gardener = David maali hai
"David" is a man, therefore, you can also say
He is a gardener = Woh maali hai
Or you can put name of someone else (means for practices)
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
We use "Ustad" for male teacher and for female teacher, we use "Ustani"
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
Or David is a teacher = David Ustad hai
Another example
She / He is a lawyer = Woh wakeel hai
In Urdu language, lawyer is "Wakeel" and we use this word for both gender
Another example
Jack is a farmer = Jack kisan hai
And the next is
David is a tailor = David darzi hai
Another example
Maya is a magician = Maya jadugarni hai
We use "Jadugarni" for female magician and if it is masculine then it will be "Jadugar"
And next we have
He is a servant = Woh nokar hai
We use "Nokar" for male servant
And if female servant, we use "Nokarani"
She is a servant = Woh nokarani hai
Another example
He is a postman = Woh dakian hai
This is end of the lesson number 3
Subscribe us for next lesson
You are watching Urdu Academy Jakarta
Goodbye = Allah Hafiz
Subscribe us to learn Urdu in English and Arabic script
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NONSTOP 2018 (ĐỘC) || Full ARS Remix Căng SML || Châu Đen Mix 2 ✔ - Duration: 49:41.
8 rimedi naturali per combattere l'emicranea e le cefalee - Duration: 8:39.
È dura la reazione dei Leader di Lega e M5S dopo che Giuseppe Conte harinunciato all'incarico di for - Duration: 4:37.
È dura la reazione dei Leader di Lega e M5S dopo che Giuseppe Conte ha rinunciato all'incarico di formare un governo
Il presidente Mattarella ha chiarito di avere condiviso la lista dei ministri presentata, salvo il nome di Savona per l'Economia
«In queste ore mi sto convincendo del fatto che non siamo un Paese libero, che la sovranità è limitata - tuona immediatamente Salvini a Terni per un comizio elettorale dopo l'incontro con il capo dello Stato al Quirinale- Ce l'ho messa tutta in queste tre settimane e ce la metterò tutta anche in queste ultime ore
Abbiamo smussato e fatto passi indietro, posso rinunciare alle poltrone ma alla dignità non rinuncio
Chi si prende la responsabilità di non far nascere un governo pronto a lavorare domattina, lo vada a spiegare a milioni di italiani»
«Avevamo espresso Conte come presidente del consiglio, avevamo una squadra di ministri, eravamo pronti a governare e ci è stato detto no perché il problema è che le agenzie di rating in tutta Europa erano preoccupate per un uomo che andava a fare il ministro dell'Economia
Allora diciamocelo chiaramente che è inutile che andiamo a votare tanto i governi li decidono le agenzie di rating, le lobby finanziare e bancarie, sempre gli stessi» dice poco dopo il leader del M5S Luigi Di Maio
Copyright © Di Maio: eravamo pronti a governare «È un livello di scontro istituzionale mai visto
il punto non è un nome, il punto è un modo di intendere l'Italia: sovrana oppure no
Per noi l'Italia è sovrana, perché la sovranità appartiene al popolo» dice Luigi Di Maio
«Abbiamo composto una maggioranza e abbiamo fatto tutta la squadra di governo. Oggi siamo andati lì con tutti i nomi, ministero per ministero
Eravamo pronti. non ci è stato permesso, eppure rappresentiamo circa il 60% del consenso popolare, due forze politiche che hanno vinto le elezioni
Eravamo pronti a governare e ci è stato detto no». Copyright © Il comizio di Salvini Il tono di Salvini ha il sapore di un ritorno in campagna elettorale, di fatto mai abbandonata: «Se non si può mettere un ministro che non sta simpatico a Berlino, se dà fastidio a certi poteri fort che ci hanno massacrato vuol dire che quello è il ministro giusto
Se il professor Savona non può fare il ministro perché ha il difetto di difendere i cittadini italiani mettendo in discussione le regole europee, allora io se vado al governo ci porto il prof Savona»
E ha aggiunto: «Mai servi di nessuno, mai». «Se il governo deve partire condizionato dalle imposizioni dell'Europa, il governo con la Lega non parte perché abbiamo una sola parola: coerenza, lealtà e libertà che non ha prezzo, noi non siamo al ricatto di nessuno, siamo al servizio dei cittadini italiani
Se abbiamo la certezza di poter lavorare serenamente io domani mattina sono in ufficio al Ministero degli interni a cominciare a espellere i troppi clandestini che sono in giro per l'Italia»
No aeroporto, Klopp aparece em vídeo sorrindo e cantando: "Real Madrid teve sorte" - Duration: 5:25.
English to Spanish Technical Translations - Duration: 0:40.
Rimedi naturali per alleviare i dolori mestruali - Duration: 5:11.
Volkswagen Touran 1.2 TSI Highline Business R 7P · R-Line exterieur · Led koplampen · Panoramadak - Duration: 1:07.
Volvo V70 2.0 T5 EDITION R-DESIGN/LEDER/NAVI/XENON/18"/TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:09.
Hello everyone, dear friends, with you as always Phil, and
did not have time to appear on the network plans for
the next month, as a community manager of PABG Corporation
published another very interesting information.
It is about changing Nickname in the PABG.
This issue is very many, daily people
Interested in how to do this, but at the moment there are no
there is no way.
And then the developers finally seriously thought about
introduction of such an opportunity.
And since the opinion of the community for them has not a few important
meaning they expect from us mass proposals.
The developers themselves are planning make this function
for real money, so that she was not abused, according to
their words, in other games it is realized
When it starts directly the development of the function itself
and the introduction of the game, until which is not said, since
the goal now is definition of an idea.
Perhaps in addition to real money for a change of the
also a game currency.
But again everything will be decided based on messages from players,
unfortunately no single topics did not, so
you need to write on the editorial, or send tickets
in those support.
Personally, I believe that financial restriction will not solve abuse
with the change of nickname, but only limit the possibility of using
functions for some people, who does not have everything so well
with money.
But on the other hand, the shift nickname is not the first thing
necessity and great there is no sense in changing it,
therefore perhaps financial the restriction here is quite
is appropriate.
In any case, to avoid abuse, by
money you need to enter more one condition, for example
allow the change of the nickname only once 3 months, well, or what
then another term, or else money to charge more in-game
currency to the player as nikruti was required
in the game time and he could not change them daily.
Also it is worth understanding that in the game there is a statistic that
I would not want to lose because of operations with the change of nickname.
Therefore, I do not exclude that when this function appears
players will have to do additional identifiers,
in the form of some ID.
To which it will be attached all information.
In general, the work here is accurate not simple, and in what that
objectively near future I did not count on her appearance.
But since the topic is affected early or later we will do it,
all the same PABG Corporation in this case, well done, and really
often listen to players.
What ideas do you have, not feel free to write in the comments,
with pleasure we will discuss everything, like likes
ideas, and perhaps the best of them I will be able to convey
to the developers.
And on this today everything, I think news you liked,
if it is really so then do not regret the husky
under the video, and do not forget subscribe to a channel,
to be vkurse all news pabga, I wish everyone
examined before a moment of great fortune,
bye Bye.
Warface: Никому не нужный ? Fabarm STF 12 Compact «Стужа» - Duration: 6:22.
Lesson 3 - Learn Urdu Course for Beginners | Use of He She in Urdu - Duration: 5:06.
Urdu course lesson 3
In this lesson, we will learn use of He, She and is in Urdu language
With examples and some vocabulary
Let's have a start
'He', in Urdu language 'He' is "Woh"
And she is also "Woh"
"He & She" are same in Urdu language, which is "Woh"
And we know "is" is hai, therefore, she is = Woh hai
Or he is = Woh hai
Let's see some example
She is Jennifer = Woh Jennifer hai
she = Woh is = hai Jennifer = Jennifer
who Jennifer hai
Another example
He is boy = Woh larka hai
Another example
Sarah is a teacher = Sarah ustani hai
We use "Ustani" for female teacher
Sarah ustani hai
She is girl = Woh larki hai
Next example
Sarah is a mother
Instead of using pronouns "He / She" you can also use name of someone (proper noun)
Sarah is a mother = Sarah maan hai
Let's learn some more vocabulary we use in our daily life
David is a gardener = David maali hai
"David" is a man, therefore, you can also say
He is a gardener = Woh maali hai
Or you can put name of someone else (means for practices)
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
We use "Ustad" for male teacher and for female teacher, we use "Ustani"
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
Or David is a teacher = David Ustad hai
Another example
She / He is a lawyer = Woh wakeel hai
In Urdu language, lawyer is "Wakeel" and we use this word for both gender
Another example
Jack is a farmer = Jack kisan hai
And the next is
David is a tailor = David darzi hai
Another example
Maya is a magician = Maya jadugarni hai
We use "Jadugarni" for female magician and if it is masculine then it will be "Jadugar"
And next we have
He is a servant = Woh nokar hai
We use "Nokar" for male servant
And if female servant, we use "Nokarani"
She is a servant = Woh nokarani hai
Another example
He is a postman = Woh dakian hai
This is end of the lesson number 3
Subscribe us for next lesson
You are watching Urdu Academy Jakarta
Goodbye = Allah Hafiz
Subscribe us to learn Urdu in English and Arabic script
Thanks for Learning with us
Мелкие детали, которые вы не заметили в Дэдпуле 2 - Duration: 4:51.
Toyota Yaris 1.5 HSD 55KW 5DRS ( Parkeercamera, Climate control ) - Duration: 0:53.
How I Make Money Online
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 120pk DynamicLine - Duration: 0:48.
Hyundai i30 1.0 T-Gdi First Ed Nav/Clima/Cruise/ACTIE! - Duration: 1:12.
Hyundai Kona 1.0T Comfort Plus Pack! DEMO - Duration: 1:07.
🌙 A Girl and Her Room. ⭐️ - Duration: 20:01.
I thought I would come out from the curtains.
one last time
late is better than never; this is my room tour
that I really wanted to film
before I have to start packing
because I am moving out tomorrow.
even later than last year.
it's important to me that I document this room, because
I'm never gonna be here again
so, i just want to capture it, the way it is lived in,
before I move onto the next apartment.
this is the outside of my room-
and when i enter, it opens directly to my desk,
this side has my closet, and the workspace,
whereas the other side of my room i consider to be resting,
or lounging,
starting off with the closet area,
I hang up big coats, robes,
things that are
pretty long,
and just doesn't make sense to be folded away.
this is the same organizer I had last year,
i keep really bulky scarves,
coats up here, and sweaters that would get damaged if you tried to hang it,
these are my studio clothes,
the ones that get really dirty-
you can see there's paint over here
this is a crate that i still have from last year- a lot of the things are the same
it just holds all toiletries,
and oils
behind here i store a lot of
textiles that i bought or i thrifted for school assignments
that i just dont wanna throw away, but i have no use for currently.
so they're all in a really big bag
all of my charcoal art supplies...
a purse that i used for traveling cus it's huge
and then a box right here,
it stores
some clothes that i wanna list on depop,
this bag has my climbing shoes,
i haven't gone climbing in so long, i miss it
just a lot of other things i rarely need,
like some knitting pieces i made in freshman year,
aside from the pile of towels that i use regularly,
the rest of the storage is occasional, so my
christmas decor, and blankets
over here is just my laundry hamper, i switched from a cloth one to the plastic
because this one has wheels so I really like to just
roll it all the way down the hallway.
a silkscreen that i used
for my project
and then
moving on to the left side,
this is my rack
behind the rack i store these giant foamcores
because my classmates wanted to toss them out after finals
but they're so lightly used
and i just feel like i can find some use for it in the future,
i didn't want them to throw it out so i just
have a bunch of them stacked here,
and it kinda camouflages in cus it's white
and the actual rack,
are all of my yellow clothes mixed in with some of my favorite pieces,
my kanken backpack,
toolboxes, this is for my oil painting,
this is for my loom, sewing, all of that kind of stuff
then there's me
all of my
lenses that i like to use
colored frames,
and my trusty earmuffs right here
i hang big coats, and then all my belts
on the other side is kind of the same thing,
above here is one of my favorite sections because i love collaging my wall.
and they're just little trinkets that i've collected over time,
some polaroids, from
precious memories in high school, dried flowers that people gifted me,
other things that i picked up that are just purely decorative,
these photos i printed out for school assignments, and i didn't wanna throw it away,
cus...i...paid for
it was like 50 cents,
but i paid for them! so i just hung them up there,
and then these things i collected from school events,
a priming moisturizer sample,
this is
a tutorial to how to apply false lashes,
it came in the packaging, but i thought that this was really pretty.
so i kept that.
this is just a spool of yarn that we dyed in class,
with some yellow flowers
so it turned out to be like a
wheat, off white color.
here's a leaf that i got from philadelphia,
and then luke and i in the summer here,
and then
turning back
looking over my desk.
over here in the crevice this is a big bag of
school supplies that are left over from my freshman year,
there's a lot of wood and i thought
okay, i already bought these, i dont wanna throw it out,
i might find use for them.
which i haven't from this entire year,
i haven't looked at this bag at all but,
still gonna hold onto it, because you never know when you might need something.
since school's over i brought this back yesterday, and
it's just extra fabric, things i used at the loom, and tools,
i just keep all my rolls of things here, like this is cork,
this is a roll of tracing paper,
so, they're all just stacked over here.
down here more
bags- i like to reuse these, cus urban bags are cloth
which is nice.
and it holds more supplies,
this bag has
some school notebooks and notes that i've taken the past few years and
i don't wanna throw them out!
that's in this bag.
says, "I do as I please".
to the left of this area,
is a drawer that i keep all my clutter in
they're kind of organized, so the middle is all cosmetics,
and accessories,
the top is just
-well first of all, very important,
that's my ratatouille DVD right there.
hot glue gun, hot glue sticks,
these are makeup pouches for traveling
cosmetics as i mentioned,
these are my accessories,
this whole bag is basically what i use everyday,
so i just
pick it up and put it on the table,
bottom drawer looks really cluttered, it's basically kind of flatter things
like books, journals,
birthday cards that people got me.
i got this french review practice book i really need to get to it,
some things i filed away,
on that end,
is just all command hooks.
like these removable hooks
a lot of envelopes i can send mail in
in front i have this chair that came with the room,
but i also got this
kind of box chair that stores a lot of
other art supplies,
no surprise there.
this is gesso,
gloss medium-
so a lot of very heavy, bulky things,
and it has my hair dye if i ever wanna do it at home,
this is markers as well,
and then bags of nail polish,
are here.
so this is actually pretty handy
and then this cushion,
the straps broke, so it's always been on this chair,
except recently, i don't know what happened to it.
on my desk,
very very
stuffed all of my brushes and pencils in here,
it will get more organized in the future.
i made this
press for
my winter session,
with the lazer cutter.
i love this thing i thrifted,
and then i also thrifted this
it holds cables and that's my left over tums,
cus my acid reflux hasn't been so bad recently.
my mirror that has a lot of daily-use items,
these are eye creams- i get a lot of samples
and then
dior foundation,
just things i have to use a lot,
like my hair clips,
eyelash curler, nail clippers
behind here are these pencil bags, so these
have my enamel paints
more markers, and then these have my SD cards.
cus it's so small you can't put much else in it,
but they
all kind of fit in this.
these are glossier pouches,
and it stores my receipts that i have to file,
down here just some
glossier products,
this is an empty box,
but i really like to keep good packaging, so
it's my decoration.
on the left side are some
collected notebooks,
this is bubz' book that i love,
and i keep the
order of worship pamphlets from church
cus i like to look back at them,
once again this is empty,
i just really like the packaging.
i use india ink to do a lot of my drafting,
kind of just has sat here over time.
and tissues.
i took this one from the cruise ship before i left,
because..why not?
it comes with the price of the room !
love this corner.
got this lamp for my birthday,
put on this from last year, it says,
"ex lovers make great speed bumps".
and then moving on to this wall
i really love looking at this,
it just brightens my mood and when i finally decorated my room, it just makes it feel like home.
so i'll just point out some things that are significant to me,
this i printed for homework in freshman year,
that's why it looks really crappy
was the acetate that i drafted my flower painting with last semester,
and i just kept it because it looks pretty good here.
this is me at the whitney last year,
i bought this post card in taiwan
i thought it was cool because if you move up and down,
you can see that they're
..they're using confetti
then there's my dear boy over here
this flower and that one too,
from the same assignment, last semester
do you remember that flower painting that was yellow
and blue that i did, so
the teacher brought some fresh flowers to give us to use as inspiration,
and that was the draft that i made with it
these are the polaroids that we took on my sister's birthday, and
that was a postcard that i got when we went skiing,
so just a lot of mementos that mean a lot to me.
they are just collaged onto this wall,
this is when i was in new york 3 years ago,
this was nara,
from last year,
i love these scissors but they don't cut well, so i decided to just use it as decoration!
which is beautiful
this is the same print i had but, this wall- i think the finish of the paint
doesn't stick well.
so it just always peels off.
which is alright, cus it doesn't fall off,
so i just leave it like that.
this is my final assignment from last year, it was my embroidery.
i turned it into a nice wall hanging,
and this is my sunglasses, as decoration, and up here i put some polaroids up just to
be reminded of the ones i love,
like luke, and family, and my two best friends from high school.
there used to be a postcard here,
but because i told you,
the wall doesn't stick well- it fell off,
and i really don't know where it went.
random photos- this is disneyland,
this is taiwan,
put them up t here.
my mom made me this necklace.
decided to
hang it up
my red beret, i put it here because i think it looks good with the pop of red
from up there, and that's why i got some red things
from ikea
i just covered this up with my table setter but,
it's full of denim,
but it's really to disguise other ugly things underneath,
i have an iron
and this is a bag of socks,
that are lost !
there's only singles,
so i hold onto them, in the hopes that their partner will turn up- because i do not wear mismatching socks.
this sweater again is to disguise that underneath,
this is a whole bag of acrylic paint for school,
this is my binder full of textile archives,
the graphic design homework i made for
my winter session
i don't even know what's in this box, but i wanna say it's my light bulbs,
cus i bought a few to replace the ones that
went out on that
this was a valentine's gift from my first boyfriend, i wanna say.. ok when was that,
that was almost...
6,5-6 years ago?
but i just do not wanna throw them out,
so adorable- i asked my mom to bring this to me when she came to visit me because it looks so cute !
and in the crevice between my dresser and the wall are
a ton of envelopes- when i get mail,
i like to hold on to them, incase i have to use them
to mail out depop parcels, or some other things,
and there's also a lot of paper.
for homework, sometimes i need bristol, and then this is construction paper.
i just stick them in here.
and then for my dresser, the top of it,
is not as good as i would want it to be,
a whole year passed and i didn't really
put effort into changing it up, so it's kind of just been this way the whole time,
and it's cute.
i keep clothes here, this is all of my pants. and then
this drawer,
i share some of it with
tyler's sweaters
and the very bottom, are
the pajamas, these are bathing suits here,
and then my thermal tops and my thermal leggings,
athletic leggings here- what takes up most of the space honestly,
are my fuzzy pjs. cus i have a lot of them, and i love them
so these are
all of my pants,
and i have my onesie over here
i have another onesie back here that i havent' wore this year, but i will next year.
then on the left side, this is just a very ugly storage corner.
extra canvases ontop,
i got some bins from ikea to organize all of my art supplies
that box underneath looks like some of my knitting materials,
this has a bunch of gouache paints,
organized by warm and cool tones
this box is
empty, it's really just here
so i can put the bulb in when i move.
and then
extra canvases,
this is
so i can put the lights in when i move.
i dont have anything in this box, but i thought, "this is a nice box, why throw it away?"
this is a PR package,
and underneath is just a bunch of other art supplies that i accumulated last year,
like wire,
that's linoleum, chalk over here,
underneath this entire thing, the foundation is a big bin,
and it's full of robes, and wool jackets
i'm just putting it under cus i don't need to access it until the winter.
electronics in this bin
these are bags i just brought home from the loom,
it has my yarns
and extra fabrics i use for my assignments.
i used to put my makeup in this box last year,
but what it has become,
is just
full of yarn.
so much yarn.
and to the left of that are some paintings,
that i
did for my studio class
they're all just stacked here, i have a lot i haven't picked up from the room still
i went shopping last week, and i wanted to film a haul,
so if i have time, i'll go through the bags
and then
this bin
i have full of textbooks and other journals i don't need often,
so that's why i have things sitting on top of them, do you guys remember
this is lucy, leopold, and oscar,
i thrifted this very cool whicker chair, and i don't even know what it's used for, so oscar just sits on it for now.
but im thinking i can hold a potted plant in it next year? im not sure
so lucifer is on these berets.
i recently realized,
that he squeaks.
so i think he's a dog toy.
but i got him as a gift. so somebody gifted me a dog toy.
and then over here is a bin of other clothes that i wear on vacations and that's why they're in the corner.
this is the purse my mom got me, and then,
this corny pillow tyler gifted me last summer,
with our...
selfie on there.
so i have the pillow here,
and then,
in this crevice,
i bought this hanging solution for my door, but my door is too thick.
so im saving this for my apartment,
i think the doors are thin enough for that.
these boxes are the same as last year, i hold my bras in here, but i never wear bras anymore so
rarely access that.
i charge my phone through that, and i have an extension chord
so that i can plug it in to my fairy lights behind oscar there.
this is my laptop case,
and to the left of that is just my bed
i most often just sit on my rugs, while i do my homework,
or i edit,
with my computer right here,
i just really like to lounge about down here, maybe it's
because at home im really used to being with my cats,
and we just stay at ground level.
the floor is big enough that i even do exercises here.
under my bed,
this is a box of all of socks,
and im reusing a packaging that i got from a pr package,
so i have so many socks that doesn't fit with my underwear anymore
that's where all my socks are,
and then on the left hand side are just a lot of newsprint papers,
from last year that sometimes i use to cover the table when im painting.
and then a lot of cardboard boxes that im gonna reuse for moving.
i feel like i keep saying im reusing things,
but i am.
over the foot of it is my weaving, so that was my final project, this one was my sample blanket,
but you can see how it warped in the dryer
and then herschel is over here chilling out, and on the other side is kind of
more storage that's a little bit unattractive.
my dad got me a survival kit, especially with the hurricane season last fall, he was really worried
he's very very safety conscious. so.
that's there, and then,
this is candy, my sister brought me from asia,
as well as...
she bought this house kit for me
she wanted me and tyler to make it together, but
its been like 3 months and i told her that i wanna make this as soon as we move to the new apartment.
and then..
more art supplies,
that's my toolbox,
i recently got a wrench from there so,
i never put that away.
this is a safe,
and then water, because i had that when i was sick, so
that's just chilling out like my "night stand"
even though my real night stand is on the left side, and is a lot more cute
same decoration as last year, as far as the pressed flowers and the dream catcher my sister got me,
but this is a new addition, i got this night stand recently,
by the way,
everything i kind of talk about, will be in the downbar
i got this very recently, it looks really nice,
i got a fake plant along with it,
this is a real one,
it's the one that tyler got me when i was sick, but
since i dried it, it's almost black
i have some of my night time skin products
sitting here, cus after i go from the shower i just sit infront of the mirror here instead,
and i apply my night time lotion.
as well as my body lotion that i keep here.
i picked up some fruit for tyler last week,
he ate one yesterday,
cus he really likes grapefruits
and i thought that my woven sample looks really good here, so i just kept it here.
this wall
was supposed to be all decked out.. but that never happened
and, it is time to move out, so it's fine.
behind the mirrors are the totes i also use for different classes.
i have some empty bags incase i need them.
and then,
a collapsible canvas holder for when i paint.
i feel like there's a proper word for that.
easel- oh my gosh.
this wall pretty much always my charger in it- if it's not here, it'll be right here in the ground
if i put it away, im gonna lose it
so, that's my battery
that's to insure that my camera is always good to go for vlogging,
and now we've come back around,
we've circled completely back to the bedroom door and
i put this up there,
just to cover the ugly sign when i was doing the lookbook but i guess it's still there
and then my umbrella, so
that's kind of
in detail, everything that i have here
and now we're back to where we started, i just made a big loop around my room,
just knowing that you have something for a limited amount of time makes you truly cherish it.
and im so grateful that all i can say.
so that's my room tour, i hope that you enjoyed me showing you around,
it was realy so i can document it cus i never want to forget this
but im so happy that i can share it with you and i hope that you enjoyed it,
and i will be seeing you very soon.
hope that you have a great rest of your day or your night,
sending you all the love and support, thank you so much for the
immense amount of love and support that you show me as well, and the sweet words that you leave in the comments.
i will see you very soon, bye!
love you.
Thanos vs Goku | DBZ INFINITY WAR | DBZ Tenkaichi 3 (MOD) - Duration: 14:19.
Billionaire Trump Fan Is Sick Of The Charade - Duration: 11:12.
Billionaire Trump Fan Is Sick Of The Charade, Drops MILLIONS To Finally Shut It All Down!
A huge Trump supporter recently decided that he is tired of what he's seeing happen in
the country all because of one massive industry who has abused their power.
Now, he's just made a major move to decimate it.
Peter Theil, who is the founder of PayPal, and an openly gay Trump supporter understands
how to make money and is everything liberals hate considering he supports our president
despite his lifestyle.
He's in the perfect position to make the move he just did, considering that Forbes
recently reported that his net worth is around 2.5 billion dollars and is the owner and developer
of seven large companies.
He's using his wealth where it's definitely needed…just like his good friend Donald
Trump has.
It's not about creating divisiveness in the country, like what rich liberals tend
to do, it's about preventing it, which starts with putting one huge group that promoted
hate in this country out of business and it's about time.
Thiel recently teamed up with Charlie Ebersol, the son of longtime NBC Sports executive Dick
Ebersol and director of the 30 for 30 documentaries to form a new league.
According to Patriot Journal, It's safe to say the NFL has had a rough couple of years.
The once beloved league has faced tremendous backlash.
All because it's players have disrespected the flag.
Worse still, the league's owners have refused to demand players stand for the Anthem.
They've even given millions to the players' union, who will spend the cash on social justice
(Keep in mind that was your money, if you support the NFL).
Now the NFL has another problem: competition.
A major Trump supporter is throwing millions into a new league.
One that will surely give the NFL a run for its money.
It's also of note that Theil is a Facebook stockholder, one of the originals to buy in,
and is on Facebook's board of directors.
The differences personal and political differences he has with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
are apparent.
Given the recent politically-based moves Thiel has mad and the personal data controversy
Facebook is embroiled in having made this private information available to different
groups, including Barack Obama's 2012 campaign, things could get pretty interesting between
these two billionaires.
Sports Illustrated has more on why Theil is making this multi-million dollar move:
Charlie Ebersol, the son of longtime NBC Sports executive Dick Ebersol and director of the
30 for 30 documentary about the original XFL his father created with WWE's Vince McMahon,
announced Tuesday that he plans to launch a football league next February.
The league is called the Alliance of American Football and will feature eight 50-man teams
playing a 10-game schedule that begins on February 9, the Saturday after next year's
Super Bowl.
Funding for the league comes from the Peter Thiel-led Founder's Fund, Barstool Sports
investors the Chernin Group, former Vikings pass rusher Jared Allen and others…
The league is hoping to draw talent from the wealth of high-level college players who don't
make the NFL.
Teams will have the right to draft players who played college football in their local
market, similar to the territorial pick system that existed in the early days of the NBA.
You read that right.
The billionaire PayPal co-creator and outspokenly gay Trump supporter isbankrolling an NFL alternative.
Will wonders never cease?
The new league has already landed a broadcasting deal with CBS, which is well-known for its
sports coverage.
It looks like the AAF is already moving full-steam ahead.
You better believe there will be plenty of college football players eager to prove themselves
in this new league.
Players that were rejected by the NFL—because of severe lack of spots—will get a second
Considering the league's name—Alliance of American Football—there is a good chance
patriotism will be a focus.
I'm going to guess standing for the Anthem will be in the rule book.
This new league will be able to challenge the NFL, doing all the things the bigger league
refuses to do.
But will it be enough to knock the NFL from the throne?
Maybe in time.
The NFL has suffered in dropped viewers since the Anthem fiasco.
Plus, the XFL is already scheduled to return.
All this new competition will put a serious strain on the NFL.
Hmm, maybe Commissioner Goodell should have dealt with the kneelers when he had a chance!
While it's hard to believe that a new league would thrive, it might give way to pressuring
the NFL to change some of its rules about kneeling for the national anthem.
Theil is a guy that understands business and organizations.
with this team of people, they just might have a chance at dethroning
the NFL.
Holiday Fitness for Families - Duration: 3:16.
Holiday fitness for family's
kids on vacation from school and an abundance of rich holiday fare is the perfect recipe for couch potatoes include family fitness
as part of your holiday tradition to get up and get moving
just remember to keep these things in mind before you start
getting started identifying your families fitness habits will help you decide what types of activities to plan and when to plan them holly
Gannett fitness program supervisor at Eastside wellness center in Augusta main says families
who don't exercise regularly should take it slowly
don't try to do too much or all at once instead
build gradually to get a better sense of your family's fitness abilities ask yourself is everyone in my family healthy enough to participate
is everybody used to exercising or will this pin you to some of us
what are the age range is where planning activities for
are we more oven at doors or indoors family
get your party moving for many families holiday parties consist of food and drink reminiscing
and catching up this year ask all your relatives to bring their favorite holiday music
liven up the party and get everybody's blood moving by clearing out chairs and pushing aside tables to open up some space for dancing
you also encourage generational bonding as different types of dance moves and music are explored
there you go a Wausau Ling waffling is typically thought of as an at dated term for caroling
traditionally waffling was a way for people to go out to meet their neighbors and wish them a happy healthy holiday season
though you can certainly prepare a few songs to sing along the way
the simple act of walking around the neighborhood to wish people cheer or add
Meyer the holiday decorations is a fitness activity for all ages
shop 'til you drop shopping may not be your most favorite part of the holidays that you can make it one of the fittest whether your pre
holiday shopping or checking outpost holiday sales you can get some exercise
here are some ways
park at the very end of the parking lot in order to add steps to your family's walk to the store
take a few extra laps around the mall it gives you an opportunity to window shop
think about what you want to buy and raises your heart rate
a void elevators and walk when you're on the escalators
fitness electronics dial the basics spirit of the holidays it is togetherness
set up a friendly family tournament to enhance the spirit while having fun
many video game systems have dense and simulated sports games as well as fitness components
to spark a healthy sense of competition and while getting some aerobic exercise together
Zaz , Joyce Jonathan Best Of Full Album - Les Meilleurs Chansons de Zaz , Joyce Jonathan - Duration: 1:01:37.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
Fastly Flood | Flood escape 2 test map (CHALLENGE) (W.I.P I guess...) *Turn on captions* - Duration: 0:53.
This is what I've done so far xd I suck lel
Sorry if it's laggy and bad quality, my laptop won't let me have more than 3000 bitrate -.-
aaaa my feet r h0t D:
lag incoming!
h0t parkour skills
This 4th room is a bit complex but not hard to remember and cooperate with d:
This room is pretty troublesome for me since I keep forgetting the lasers were at the bottom xD but I got it anyways!
This was not the last time I died but here we go!
What Is Periodic Limb Movement Disorder - Duration: 7:02.
What is periodically movement disorder
periodically movement disorder
periodically movement disorder P. Ellen Dee is a condition characterized by pledging flexing
in jerking movements of the legs and arms during sleep
it's to sometimes referred to as periodic leg movement during sleep PLO ms the movement's typically occur every 20 to 40
seconds and may last for minutes or hours throughout the night
people with PLO and the don't know their limbs are moving
their unable to control or stop the movement's they often wake up tired and he writable
researchers don't know the exact cause of this disorder
some think it may be related to low iron levels or a problem with the nerves in the limbs
caused by another conditions such as diabetes as
while many people with PLO M.D. also have other sleep or movement disorders such as restless leg syndrome
are less P lmds considered as separate condition
causes what causes periodically movement disorder
although the exact cause of PLO ND isn't currently known
many researchers believe that PLO M.D. originates in the central nervous system
however no official link has yet been made
the following are all thought to contribute or influence PLO M.D. but aren't necessarily consider the cause caffeine intake
medications like antidepressants
and tie nausea drugs the fee am and anticonvulsant sit other sleep disorders such as narcolepsy or are less
narrow developmental disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Williams syndrome
spinal cord injury iron deficiency anemia
the metabolic disorders including diabetes and kidney disease
peel NT is more common among older adults
according to the sleep health foundation
it affects only about 2% of people less than 30 years of age
but it may affect up to 40% of people and age 65 years and older PLO ND affects men and women equally
what are the symptoms of periodically movement disorder
PLO M.D. movements typically occur every 20 to 40 seconds in batches of 30 minutes or more during the night
they are more common in the legs spot may occur in the arms as well
the limb movements typically occur during non rapid eye movement
non REM sleep the most common symptoms of PLO M.D. include the following
the tentative leg movements in one or both legs and sometimes in the arms which may
involve flexing of the big toe upward Bending of the knee or ankle
or twitching of the hip restless on refreshing sleep
multiple awakening set night daytime sleepiness and drowsiness
year it ability behavior problems and decline in performance at school or work due to lack of quality sleep
people with PLO M.D. may also have symptoms of our less this may include burning
or tingling sensations in the legs when they lie down
the hot everyone with PLO NT has are less but according to the American sleep association about 80% of people with are less also have P.
Ellen be diagnosed towel is periodically movement disorder diagnosed
often people first become aware that they may have PLO and the when their partner complains of being kicked at night or they may
find that their blankets are all over the place in the morning
peel NT is diagnosed with a poly some number fee test
also called a sleep study
this study is done the overnight in a laboratory while you sleep
this test records brain waves
heart rate oxygen levels in your blood
and movements other nerve and muscle functions during sleep
blood pressure it's usually done at a sleep disorders unit in a hospital or at a designated sleep center
asleep technologist places sensors on your scalp Temples chest and legs using medical glue or tape
the sensors are then connected to a computer with long wires and measurements are taken all through the night while you're asleep
your Dr. May also get your complete medical history and give you a physical exam to look for
other underlying issues that may be disrupting your sleep
urine and blood samples are often taken to look for signs of iron deficiency anemia and any metabolic disorders
low iron and metabolic disorders such as diabetes have been linked to PE Ell and the treatment
towel is periodically movement disorder treated
treatment for PLO M.D. will depend on the results of the sleep study and other diagnostic tests as well as the severity of your disorder
it may also depend on whether you have another sleep disorder such as are less of Orting caffeine and reducing stress
you might not need treatment at all if you're PLO ND is moderate and doesn't disturb you or your partner too much in this case
cutting down on caffeine alcohol
and smoking can help caffeine isn't just found in coffee it's also in sodas tease chocolates inner gee drinks and some medications
such as Excedrin
yoga meditation
and other relaxation exercises may also help reduce symptoms
as well massages or a hot bath prior to sleep can help tame symptoms at night
treating the underlying condition
if you're diagnosed with a iron deficiency or another medical condition
treatment is aimed at the underlying condition
your Dr. May want to monitor your iron levels over time and prescribe and iron supplement or recommend a diet high in iron rich foods
taking medications for severe cases of PLO ND medications that regulate muscle movements
may be prescribed as a last resort these include dot the mine agonists
which are commonly prescribed to control tremors in people with parkinson's disease
benzodiazepine such as clone as spam clinic an NT convulsant such as Gaba pent in nor
Otten Gras lies car isn't outlook P. Ellen D isn't a life threatening condition
however a good night's sleep is important to everyone
if you have PLO M.D. or can't sleep well at night
your Dr. Can refer you to a sleep specialist for help
【獨家】殷琦喜帖曝光!下月密嫁10億身家富商 - Duration: 2:58.
De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise - Duration: 11:12.
De Niro Bans Trump From Every 'Nobu Restaurant, POTUS Gives Him Nasty Surprise
Robert De Niro's hatred of President Donald Trump erupted once again as he launched a
restaurant and hotel in Spain called "Nobu," which is part of a worldwide chain he co-owns
with famous Japanese chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.
The aging actor exploded in a tirade, banning the president from every Nobu in the world.
Now, De Niro looks like a fool as Trump gave him a nasty surprise he won't forget.
Robert De Niro was once celebrated as one of the greatest actors in the world.
All that fame and celebrity went to his head, and at 74-years-old, he is consumed with rage
over Donald Trump as our president.
Every interview he gives includes De Niro losing his cool as he obsesses over Trump.
As Kellyanne Conway says, "He should pay rent to Trump for all that space he is taking
up in his head."
That's exactly what happened while De Niro was in Marabella, Spain, opening up another
"Nobu" hotel and restaurant.
Daily Mail reported, "The Taxi Driver legend, 74, spoke exclusively to MailOnline…Robert
discussed his reluctance to retire, his marriage-like relationship with Chef Nobu and his strong
feelings on President Donald Trump – who he revealed would be barred from every Nobu
restaurant if he tried to enter."
De Niro said of Trump, "I don't care what he likes.
If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I'd walk out."
The expensive Nobu chain draws the biggest celebrities, and yes, the president has dined
at Nobu in the past.
Of course, it's pretty darn arrogant of De Niro to think Trump has any inclination
to dine at his restaurant now.
But that was just the start of a big brouhaha behind the scenes with his co-owner who happens
to be the world-famous chef that the Nobu chain is named after.
Nobuyuki was quick to refute De Niro during the interview, saying, "It's my dream
for Trump to sit next to Bob.
To make them sushi!"
Yep, Nobuyuki owns the name "Nobu" and is the guy who inspired the chain of restaurants,
and he just slapped De Niro with that remark.
But that's not all.
The Raging Bull star got a nasty surprise this morning thanks to President Trump: Nobu
is a supporter of the president.
Only hours after De Niro banned Trump, his PR rep comes out and retracts the ban, and
the only person who could have instigated that move is Nobu.
The Hollywood Reporter writes, "Despite the Daily Mail saying that the president would
be 'barred from every Nobu restaurant if he tried to enter,' the actor's PR rep
says it's not true."
Referring to Nobu's comment that "It's my dream for Trump to sit next to Bob.
To make them sushi," the Hollywood Reporter added, "Looks like that could still happen,
because when THR reached out to De Niro's rep for comment, he said, 'Bob has not banned
anyone from dining at Nobu.'"
Regarding the Daily Mail's story, which has been picked up by dozens of media outlets
worldwide, he added, "I know what they wrote.
No one is banned."
Good for Chef Nobuyuki Matsuhisa.
He made sure his nutjob partner, De Niro, got the message that his crazed obsession
and hatred for our president isn't something he or his restaurants will endorse, and I
bet that made him furious.
We checked to see if De Niro gives Trump any credit for our booming economy with the unemployment
rate at 3.9%, the lowest level in over 20 years.
Or if De Niro sees Trump as doing anything "good" in the last 18 months.
No, De Niro just 4 weeks ago gave an interview at the screening of his Showtime documentary
series called The Fourth Estate, and his motive is to "get Trump impeached."
This film is about the New York Times that De Niro sees as the "bastion of truth,"
which is an incredibly ignorant statement.
"I'm not so much concerned about Republicans believing Trump's bellowing bullsh*t about
fake news.
They're not that stupid, most of them, but they're pretty f*cking stupid," De Niro
"I'm very concerned about Republicans' gutless acquiescence to Trump dismissing facts
and creating his own alternate reality.
This will never, never be right."
De Niro added, "That's why I'm very grateful to the [New York Times] journalists
we're about to see and legitimate journalists everywhere who devote themselves to showing
us the truth."
De Niro's ignorance of the New York Times is shocking.
For the last year, their White House correspondent Maggie Haberman, featured heavily in De Niro's
film, has been knowingly reporting fake news straight from the Deep State rats.
It was just last week that the NYT had to admit Trump was right, he was spied on by
Barack Obama's FBI and DOJ.
Of course, they are still covering for the Deep State criminals helping them create a
new false narrative that the spies were really just "informants," so it wasn't really
Yeah, they can call the spies whatever they want, they were still spies.
They use word games like reporting "no spies within the Trump campaign," because the
spies didn't get hired by the Trump campaign.
See how they twist the facts?
And these are the bald-faced liars De Niro is backing as agents of truth?
For Robert De Niro and his cohorts in the mainstream media and Hollywood, a reckoning
is coming.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall as De Niro realizes his series The Fourth Estate will
go down in the history books as an example of the scourage of fake news in America.
Poor Bobby De Niro, he won't be remembered for The Godfather, he'll be remembered as
an ignorant duped tool of the Deep State swamp
in Washington, D.C.
See What Happens To Your Body If You Run Everyday │ Health Benefits of Running Everyday - Duration: 2:54.
Health Benefits Of Running.
Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but it also can benefit
almost every part of your bod and lift your mood.
Whether it's your favorite part of the day or something you have to push yourself through,
the benefits are undeniable.
The next time you're thinking of skipping a run, think of these 5 reasons to get your
butt out the door.
In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of running.
So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.
Number 1.
Score you Vitamin D. The human body gets most of its vitamin D
from sun exposure, but since people spend all of their time indoors, well, you know
how it goes.
That explains why 41.6 percent of Americans are deficient in the vitamin, according to
research published in Nutrition Research.
Taking your run outside can help boost your levels to ward off depression.
Number 2.
You Might Lose Weight.
Running is one of the best forms of exercise for losing or maintaining a consistent weight.
You will find that it is a leading way to burn off extra calories and that it is the
second most effective exercise in terms of calories burned per minute, following only
after cross country skiing.
Number 3.
Strengthens your Knees.
No, running doesn�t wreck your knees.
It does the exact opposite.
Research from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows that running (even marathoning!)
decreases the risk of knee osteoarthritis.
That may be because running increases the flow of nutrients to the cartilage in your
knee while also strengthening the ligaments around the joint.
Number 4.
Running Strengthens your Bones.
Unlike every other aerobic workout you can crank out in the gym, running is high impact,
meaning it loads and remakes your bones along with your muscles.
�Swimming, cycling, and working on the elliptical don�t train your bones,� says Jason Fitzgerald,
a USA Track & Field-certified coach and the founder of Strength Running.
�If those are the only things you do, you�re at risk for weak bones and osteoporosis.�
Number 5.
Running can help improve one�s mood.
Those people who have been running agree that running generally alleviates their mood regardless
of what they are feeling before running.
As a matter of fact, some people use running purposely to improve their mood and it is
even recommended by some therapists.
This is not only because of the common condition known as �runner's high� which is caused
by the rush of feel-good hormones called endocannabinoids.
Steps of Faith - Movie - Duration: 1:35:49.
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle OST - This Life is Mine (Weiss Schnee's Theme) - Duration: 5:15.
Can you hear me?
Do I reach you?
Are you even listening?
Can I get through?
There's a part of me that's desperate for changes,
Tired of being treated like a pawn.
But there's a part of me that stares back,
From inside the mirror,
Part of me that's scared I might be wrong.
That I can't be strong.
I've been afraid,
Never standing on my own.
I let you be the keeper of my pride.
Believed you when you told me
I was nothing on my own.
Listen when I say,
I swear it here today.
I will not surrender,
This Life is Mine!
Amazing how you conquered me,
Chained me in servility
And made me see
The world the way you told me to.
But I was young, and didn't have
A way to know
The truth.
Born to live your legacy,
Existing just to fill your needs,
A casualty
Of this so-called "family",
That you have turned into a travesty!
But I don't intend to suffer any longer,
Here's where your dominion falls apart.
I'm shattering the mirror,
That kept me split in pieces,
That stood between my mind and my heart.
This is where I'll start.
I'm not your pet,
Not another thing you own.
I was not born guilty of your crimes.
Your riches and your influence can't hold me anymore!
I won't be possessed,
Burdened by your royal test.
I will not surrender,
This Life is Mine!
Shame that it took so long
To rescue me!
From the guilt you used to tie me to your family tree!
I guess your training failed,
You're not in charge, I'm free!
Your patriarchal prison won't hold me!
Now this conversation's finally over,
Mirror Mirror, now we're done.
I've pulled myself together now,
My mind and heart are one!
Finally one!
I'm not your pet,
Not another thing you own.
I was not born guilty of your crimes.
Your riches and your influence can't hold me anymore!
I won't be possessed,
Burdened by your royal test.
I will not surrender,
This Life is Mine!
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle OST - It's My Turn (Weiss Schnee's Theme) - Duration: 4:28.
When I was young
If I just closed my eyes, then I could go anywhere.
Dream of any place
Imagination set the pace, and my heart was happy there.
What a shame that you came round and told me,
Said my dreams can't come true.
"Don't be foolish."
"Give up your wish."
"Big things aren't for you."
And how you'd scold and chide me,
Forever criticize me,
But now I think I know the truth.
You were the one
Who held me down, and told me
I was heading nowhere.
You said, "Know your place."
"Accept your fate and show good face,"
"And be thankful that you're there."
That was so long ago, when you owned me.
I believed it was true.
Bend me, shape me,
Build me, break me,
Why was I your fool?
And now I'm so much stronger,
I'm not yours any longer,
I've got a message here for you...
Time for you to learn...
It's My Turn!
I won't be held down any longer.
I've waited all my life, and finally it's here.
It all begins, a chance to win.
A dream that's been a lifetime,
An endless vast uphill climb,
The day I've waited for is drawing near!
Hey, wait, time to show your face.
I've got a lot to say, and you're not going anywhere.
You lose;
The time you ruled me's through.
I'm in control, I own my soul,
And I'll never go back there!
Wasted years that I spent never knowing.
I was kept, I was used.
Now I just refuse.
I don't care what it costs me,
I know I almost lost me,
Won't spend another day confused!
You rose, I fell,
Made my life hell!
Anything to crush my soul,
Anything to feel control.
Finally free I've come so far,
Finally see how sick you are!
I spent my life degraded,
But I won't leave here jaded,
I'll start again and finally prove...
Time for you to learn...
It's My Turn!
I won't be held down any longer.
I've waited all my life, and finally it's here.
It all begins, a chance to win.
A dream that's been a lifetime,
An endless vast uphill climb,
The day I've waited for is drawing near!
অসাধারন গান গাইলেন রিভু ও তার মামা । Rivu and her maternal uncle sing a great song - Duration: 8:24.
Rivu and her maternal uncle sing a great song
Shall I Visit the Dinosaurs? - Duration: 11:16.
សុំឱកាសមើលថែអូនវិញ|Som Ou Kas Thae Oun vinh| Ann visal| Lyric khmer song| sdab pleng - Duration: 4:34.
Lesson 3 - Learn Urdu Course for Beginners | Use of He She in Urdu - Duration: 5:06.
Urdu course lesson 3
In this lesson, we will learn use of He, She and is in Urdu language
With examples and some vocabulary
Let's have a start
'He', in Urdu language 'He' is "Woh"
And she is also "Woh"
"He & She" are same in Urdu language, which is "Woh"
And we know "is" is hai, therefore, she is = Woh hai
Or he is = Woh hai
Let's see some example
She is Jennifer = Woh Jennifer hai
she = Woh is = hai Jennifer = Jennifer
who Jennifer hai
Another example
He is boy = Woh larka hai
Another example
Sarah is a teacher = Sarah ustani hai
We use "Ustani" for female teacher
Sarah ustani hai
She is girl = Woh larki hai
Next example
Sarah is a mother
Instead of using pronouns "He / She" you can also use name of someone (proper noun)
Sarah is a mother = Sarah maan hai
Let's learn some more vocabulary we use in our daily life
David is a gardener = David maali hai
"David" is a man, therefore, you can also say
He is a gardener = Woh maali hai
Or you can put name of someone else (means for practices)
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
We use "Ustad" for male teacher and for female teacher, we use "Ustani"
He is a teacher = Woh ustad hai
Or David is a teacher = David Ustad hai
Another example
She / He is a lawyer = Woh wakeel hai
In Urdu language, lawyer is "Wakeel" and we use this word for both gender
Another example
Jack is a farmer = Jack kisan hai
And the next is
David is a tailor = David darzi hai
Another example
Maya is a magician = Maya jadugarni hai
We use "Jadugarni" for female magician and if it is masculine then it will be "Jadugar"
And next we have
He is a servant = Woh nokar hai
We use "Nokar" for male servant
And if female servant, we use "Nokarani"
She is a servant = Woh nokarani hai
Another example
He is a postman = Woh dakian hai
This is end of the lesson number 3
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