*Presley sighs*
*Singing monotonously* Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...
...Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
*Louder* Row, row, row, your boat...
PRESLEY: ...Gently down the stream-- SESH: Row, row, row your boat...
Wh- What the hell, Sasha!
What do you mean "what the hell"?
Wh-- You ruined the song!
SESH: That's how the song goes! That's what you're supposed to do! PRESLEY: No it is not! Of course-- Are you kidding me!?
SESH: I didn't ruin it, YOU ruined it!! PRESLEY: Serious? Oh COME ON!
*Spooky Groove Theme Music*
For more infomation >> Singing in Canon || Wolfgang Ep. 17 - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Donald Takes $1 6B And 4,000 Jobs From - Duration: 15:49.
Donald Takes $1.6B And 4,000 Jobs From Overseas, Gives It To Southern Stat
President Trump has done an amazing job at ensuring that Americans are treated best first
and foremost.
That Americans are given first consideration in the job market, that Americans are given
priority over illegal aliens.
Which is exactly why President Trump worked to get a Toyota Mazda plant in Alabama.
It will cost approximately $1.6 billion.
This will mean that jobs will be created and new business will be invigorated.
Breitbart News reported,
"On Wednesday at an event at the RSA Activity Center, Gov. Kay Ivey (R-AL) made it official
when she announced Toyota-Mazda would be building a $1.6 billion factory in northern Alabama's
Limestone County outside of Huntsville.
"Today is indeed a great day in the state of Alabama," Ivey proclaimed.
"As governor, it is my honor and privilege to announce that Mazda and Toyota have chosen
Alabama as the home of their new production plant."
The announcement was met with a stand ovation just blocks from the Alabama State Capitol,
where legislators are convening the state's annual legislative session.
The plant will add 4,000 new jobs with average salaries of $50,000 annually and the plant
will have the capacity to produce 300,000 cars annually.
The governor touted the state's "talented" workforce and the partnership that gave the
state the spotlight.
"The partnership between Toyota and Mazda will expand innovative automotive manufacturing
in Alabama," Ivey said.
"Their decision to locate this new facility in Huntsville is a testament to the talented
workforce in our state.
We are proud that this partnership puts Alabama on the forefront of technology in this dynamic
global industry."
The Mazda-Toyota announcement is accompanied by additional good news for the Yellowhammer
A day earlier in her state of the state address at the Capitol, Ivey announced firearms manufacturer
Kimber was building a facility in nearby by Troy, AL.
"News of our economic successes seem to be a daily occurrence," Ivey said.
"In fact, I am proud to announce this evening that Kimber Firearms will build a 38 million
dollar production facility in Troy, bringing with it 366 new jobs.
These are good, high-paying jobs, and will enable more of our citizens to provide for
their families while taking part in the rich history of the Second Amendment.
We are proud and honored to welcome Kimber to Alabama.""
This also comes at a time when the United States auto industry sales are in a downturn.
In 2017, new vehicle sales decreased 2 percent after it had hit an all-time high the previous
It does not take into consideration the anticipated tax and incentive package associated with
the potential infrastructure package.
This new factory could help to alleviate these problems.
Reuters reported,
"A Toyota spokesman declined to comment, except to say an announcement was expected
A Mazda spokeswoman also declined to comment.
In recent months, the companies had narrowed their choices down to sites in Alabama and
North Carolina.
Local media last month said the leading site under consideration was in northern Alabama's
Limestone County, near Toyota's large engine plant in Huntsville.
In September Toyota announced a $106 million technology upgrade for the Huntsville plant.
A Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville website for the "Huntsville Mega Site" touts the
fact it has been "certified as development-ready."
The commerce chamber, local and state officials declined to comment on Tuesday on plans for
the plant.
A year ago, President-elect Trump criticized Toyota and threatened hefty tariffs against
the Japanese automaker if it built its Corolla sedan for the U.S. market in Mexico.
"Toyota Motor said will build a new plant in Baja, Mexico, to build Corolla cars for
Build plant in U.S. or pay big border tax," Trump posted on Twitter in early 2017.
Toyota and Mazda announced plans for a new plant in August.
Toyota said it would shift production of Corollas from Canada to the new venture rather than
in Guanajuato, and would build Tacoma pickups in Mexico instead.
Mazda plans to build new crossover SUVs at the plant.
Trump praised the joint venture announcement, saying in August on Twitter: "Toyota & Mazda
to build a new $1.6B plant here in the U.S.A. and create 4K new American jobs.
A great investment in American manufacturing!"
In October, Toyota said it would scale back investment in a planned plant in Mexico by
30 percent to $700 million and cut planned annual capacity in half to 100,000 vehicles
as it shuffles its production plans to meet market demands.
Toyota has 10 U.S. plants in eight states in an arc running from West Virginia through
Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas.
Toyota and Mazda announced a capital alliance in August and are exploring joint development
of technologies for the basic structure of competitive electric vehicles."
What is even more powerful about this new development is that it has been placed in
the south.
While Boston, Washington D.C., New York City, and the larger cities along the coast have
had their economies reinvigorated many parts of the Midwest and the South have suffered.
This will be an amazing opportunity for those in rural communities to get job opportunities.
Share if you agree
Share if you believe that what President Trump did was right
Share if you think that these new jobs created by the new plant will be great for average
working Americans
Share if you agree this is for the benefit of the American people
Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 2 Web Thermometer - Duration: 5:08.
Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 2 Web Thermometer
President Trump Just Made Stealth Move Against Sharia Law In 18 States – This Is Huge - Duration: 4:40.
Warface: Мечта любого Хедшотера? ПКП «Печенег» - Duration: 10:52.
Why Haven't You Started?
보잉 F/A-18 E/F 슈퍼 호넷 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 12:40.
Confronto entre navios de guerra chineses e submarino indiano no Golfo de Áden - Duration: 3:54.
5 trucchi per mantenere pulito e disinfettare il materasso - Duration: 7:14.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabrio Sport Edition AMG Automaat - Duration: 1:10.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 BS AMG Panoramadak, Parktronic incl. achteruitrijcamera, Widescreen, Stoe - Duration: 1:13.
Learn English Grammar: Superlative Adjectives - Duration: 17:08.
Today I'm going to teach you about something that's super: Superlatives.
Are you a bit confused about superlatives?
Don't worry, I'm here to teach you.
Now, understand I'm teaching you with adjectives, not adverbs, because that's a whole other lesson.
So, superlatives as adjectives - they're the best.
We don't say: "They're the goodest" for a reason.
What we have to understand about superlatives are: There can be only one superlative.
If you're looking at another grammar called comparative, there have to be two things to compare.
For example, red and blue; purple and yellow.
But with superlatives there's only one thing.
And what we're telling you is that this one is number one.
This one is the best.
There's no other competition for this adjective.
So, the way that we make superlatives, you're going to have two choices.
You can either put: "the" plus your adjective plus "-est", or you can put: "the" plus "most"
plus your adjective.
So, how do you know which adjective will get "est" and which one will get "the most"?
I'll tell you.
We get to play a game.
We get to do something very fun called counting syllables.
First of all, we have to understand what a syllable is.
A syllable is a vowel sound, or how long the word is.
So, when we count syllables we have to be very careful, and we're only going to count
the vowel sounds of the words; not the vowels because this gets confusing.
Once we have counted the vowel sounds, we use "est" or "the most".
So let's do some simple examples and I'll tell you our game.
The first one: How many syllables or how many verb sounds...?
Or vowel sounds do we have in the word "beautiful"?
If we simply count the vowels, we've got one, two, three, four...
Oo, we've got five vowels, but in English, "beautiful" is not five syllables, it's only
three because if you have two or three vowels together, they're only going to make one vowel
So, in English, the word "beautiful" is only three syllables.
If we look at this word: "gentle", we don't say: "gentl-e", but because it's "le" together,
this is going to make another syllable sound, so we say: "gentle".
This one is two syllables, this one is three.
What about this one?
First of all, count the vowels.
How many vowels are there?
One, two.
Because the vowels are separated with consonants, the vowels are not together, we can actually
count these as two: "na-rrow".
Two syllables.
We have this word: "busy".
Bzz, busy bee.
"Busy", again, one syllable...
Sorry, one vowel sound, one vowel sound is two.
"Hungry", one and one, this is two.
This one's easy, there's only one vowel, there's only one vowel sound, so it's going to be
one syllable.
"Happy", two vowels, two syllables.
You understand?
Try and do these ones.
Now, be careful, in English if we have an "e" at the end of the word, we don't say it.
So we don't say: "blu-e", we just say: "blue".
So in this, how many syllables are there?
How many vowel sounds?
So we just say: "blue", the "e" is silent.
My favourite colour is two syllables: "pur-ple".
Again, I told you if it ends in "le" we're going to actually put another syllable here.
This is an exception to our vowel-counting rule.
So we say: "purple".
"Good", how many syllables?
"Good" has two vowels together, but it only makes one sound.
"Bad" has one.
What about this one?
We don't say in English: "larg-e", we say: "large".
So, again, because the "e" is silent this only has one syllable.
And a lot of people get confused, but there's only one.
And this one, easy: "big".
So, if you look at our words, the very first thing that we're going to do is we're going
to count the syllables, we're going to count the vowel sounds.
Three, two, one.
Now, this is how we have to figure out: When do we use "est" and when do we use "the most"?
This part is easy.
If your word is small...
So if your word has one syllable, it's always going to be "est".
So, we say: "The bluest".
That's very strange.
Ronnie, how can something be bluest?"
Well, colour is an adjective, so you can say: "Wow, that's the bluest sky I've ever seen
in my life.
It's beautiful."
We can use colours with this because colours are adjectives.
So, it might sound weird for you at first, but it's completely normal, just like me.
If your word is small and it has one syllable, you're going to use "est".
If your word has more than one syllable, then you're going to use "the most".
So, one, one, one, one, one - we'd put "est"; two, three, two, two, two, two, one - we would
put "the most".
So, "beautiful" would become: "the most beautiful", because it has three.
With everything in English, we have some exceptions, and exceptions make things a little bit more
difficult to understand.
As a basic rule, if you have one syllable, we add "est"; if we have more than one syllable,
we're going to put "the most"; but then we get these crazy words that end in a "y".
So: "hungry", "busy", and "happy", these all have two syllables but it doesn't matter,
because if you have your adjectives that ends in a "y", we think: "Okay, well, it's more
than one, we use 'the most'", oh no, not in English grammar.
If it...
If your adjective ends in a "y", we always change it to "iest".
We never use "most" with "y".
We can only change the "y" to "i" and add "est".
So: "busy", even though it's two syllables, we don't say: "the most busy", we actually
have to say: "the busiest", and we always need to put "the".
"Hungry", because it ends in a "y", we're going to say: "the hungriest".
I'm the hungriest teacher on the planet.
"Happy", again, because it ends in a "y", we can't say: "more happy".
We're going to say: "iest", "happiest".
Are there any ones that end in a "y" here?
So, when we do this, the first thing that I would do, even before I count the syllables,
is I would look for any of my adjectives that end in a "y".
As soon as they end in a "y", it's always "iest".
Those ones are easy.
Now, as you know, everything in English is crazy and people like to talk about things,
and sometimes rules are a little bit foggy which means sometimes they don't make sense.
So, there's another exception to the one-syllable or more-than-one-syllable rule, and it is
adjectives that end in: "er", "le", "or", or "ow".
For example: "gentle" ends in "le", "narrow" ends in "ow".
Because these two end with these endings, we're going to make it "est".
Now, if you said: "the most gentle", nothing happens because people debate this.
People say: "Do we say: 'the most gentle', or do we say: 'the gentlest'?"
A lot of people, it's a grey area, which means that grammar people fight over it.
Don't fight; choose which one you like the most.
But this is a rule that sometimes-not always-we follow.
So: "gentle" will become: "the gentlest".
Again, if you said: "more gentle"...
You might hear people say: "more gentle", and hey, that's fine; they've chosen rule
number two.
So we say: "the gentlest".
"Narrow", because it ends in an "ow", we would say: "the narrowest".
These are the exceptions to our two-vowel sound rule.
"Sad", what do you guys think?
"Sad" has one syllable, so we're going to add "est", so I would say: "That is the saddest
dog I've ever seen."
And this is another thing that's confusing: Sometimes we make the consonant double, sometimes
we don't.
We're not doing spelling, so let's worry about that in a whole new lesson.
"Happy", because it ends in a "y", we put: "the happiest".
"Purple", what do you guys think about "purple"?
Because "purple" ends in "le", we're going to say: "the purplest".
Okay, if you look down here, we have two more exceptions.
The first one is "good" will change to: "the best".
We don't say: "goodest".
That even sounds funny.
And look it, look it, look it: I didn't write: "They're the goodest", I wrote: "They're the
So, "good" and "bad" are exceptions.
These guys are the rebels.
We're like: "We're not even going to do this or this; we're going to have our own category
and 'far' is coming with us, because we're special".
"Good" will always say: "the best".
Do you guys know a singer called Tina Turner?
Really old.
"Simply the best..."
She's using superlatives - she's the best.
"Bad", we don't say - one syllable: "the baddest".
We have to say: "the worst".
So I can say: "Wow, that was the worst song Ronnie has ever sang.
She really needs to take singing lessons."
This word: "large", "large", as I told you, the "e" is silent, it has one syllable, so
you're going to use what?
Would you use A or B?
One syllable, would you use: "the largest" or do you think we say: "the most large"?
The answer is "largest" because there's one syllable, we would say: "Wow, that is the
largest pizza I've ever eaten."
And "big", again, one syllable, we would say: "the biggest".
So, the other exception is "far".
And this is one...
"Far" is just like: "Do you know what, 'good' and 'bad'?
I'm not even playing your game.
I'm going to do something completely crazy and I'm going to give you two choices."
You can say: "the farthest" or you can say: "the furthest".
Both of these are the same, but the only difference is we just put a "th".
So it's not that crazy, but it's just the spelling is different.
So, "far", you can say: "the farthest".
It's whatever you feel more comfortable with.
So if you want to use "furthest", go ahead; if you want to say "farthest", awesome.
The only difference is the spelling of the word, which is a big difference.
So, the next time someone asks you or you have a test about superlatives, what you're
going to do first of all is you're going to pay special attention to the exceptions of
our rules in English.
The "y" always changes to an "iest".
Doesn't matter how many syllables.
Rule number two: If you want to remember it like that, that's easy, but it's not all the time.
And definitely: "good", "bad", and "far", these ones will never change; these are 100%,
you cannot change them to anything else.
"The badderest" doesn't work.
So, the first thing that you're going to do with your list of adjectives is you're going
to look for your exceptions.
The second thing you're going to do, where the fun begins, is you're going to count the syllables.
You're going to count the vowel sounds.
Be careful with silent e's.
After that, we decide: If it's a one-syllable word, the word is small, you're going to put
"the" with the adjective and "est"; if the word is more than one syllable, you're going
to put: "the most" plus your original adjective.
So, be careful because sometimes I hear or I see this: "Oh my god, that person was the
most beautifullest person I have ever seen."
Well, guess what, ladies and gentlemen?
You can't have both.
You can only have one.
You can't say: "the most beautifullest".
It's difficult to say.
So, be careful: You can never put these two together; you can only use A or B. You can
never say: "the most beautifullest".
"The most farthest", never.
"The most biggest", it's wrong.
You will hear people say this; maybe children will say or people will say it to be funny,
but this - be careful, it's something that I see a lot and it's a big mistake.
When you're speaking, enjoy your superlatives, you're doing the best job ever.
And I am gone.
Uomini e Donne, flirt tra Nicolò e Marta Pasqualato? Ferrari risponde - Duration: 2:33.
Tokyo Summer Escape: Karuizawa Day Trip | japan-guide.com - Duration: 5:09.
With temperatures reaching over 35 degrees Celsius in summer, Tokyo is notorious for
being hot.
One popular destination to escape the heat is a town nestled in the mountains, about
an hour northwest of Tokyo, called Karuizawa.
Karuizawa offers a number of tourist attractions and makes for an excellent day or weekend trip.
And is where we'll be going today.
My name is Raina Ong, staff writer for japan-guide.com and today I'm on a day trip trip in Karuizawa.
Here's the plan.
We arrive in Karuizawa on the Hokuriku Shinkansen and take the bus straight to Shiraito no Taki.
After that, we take the bus back down into Kyu-Karuizawa where we will walk along the
Ginza shopping street and have lunch in the vicinity.
Finally, we take the red retro bus from the shopping street to the Usui Pass Observation
Platform to take in the views from 1200 meters above sea level and where we will end our day.
So follow along as I go on a day trip to Karuizawa, Tokyo's summer escape in the mountains.
So, the green season right now is one of my favorite times to come here.
To breathe in the negative ions and to reset my senses.
This is the Kyu-Karuizawa Ginza Shopping Street, one of the main attractions in Karuizawa.
Here you can find souvenirs, local products and pretty much anything you want.
This is mocha soft serve, one of the specialties along the shopping street.
For exciting times, make it mocha soft serve time.
I'm going to taste some honey thats made in Karuizawa.
Let's go with apple honey.
It tastes like apple, and honey!
You can find a wide variety of foods in Karuizawa, but today, I'm in the mood for something cheesy.
I got the cheese calzone for lunch.
I can't wait!
I could eat like ten of these.
We had a good lunch and now we're going to climb a mountain.
We're now going to the Usui Pass Observation Platform, and there are two ways we can get there.
One is via the hiking trail at the end of the street and the other, the simpler method,
is to take the bus.
We are now at the Usui Pass Observation Platform, which stands at about 1200 meters above sea level,
and allows you to be in two prefectures at the same time.
And that concludes our day trip to Karuizawa.
Thanks for joining me.
I hope this video has been enjoyable and perhaps even inspires some ideas, should you decide
to plan a trip to Karuizawa.
For more information about Karuizawa or to watch another video, click the links on the
screen now, or head over to japan-guide.com, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide,
first-hand from Japan.
Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe for more videos about Japan.
Happy travels.
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Últimas notícia de hoje : Greve dos caminhoneiros: políticos tentam "surfar" na crise brasileira - Duration: 8:44.
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075 Carla - Duration: 15:35.
I'm sure you must really miss Hanna
== I didn't hear you come in. == Oh, sorry.
I knew from the beginning that between Hanna and me was something very special
From that first moment in No Limits. I feel like it was just yesterday.
But actually I should be glad
Some people never find the love of their lives
I had that good fortune
Someday you'll fall in love again
When you've gotten over your grief, and have come to terms with the fact that Hanna is dead
NO, Bernd! I will NEVER be able to love someone again as much as Hanna.
Yes, of course it will be different, but...
I even doubt that I'll be able to fall in love again at all
You wanted to talk to me?
Beyenbach, you're finally here!
What can I do for you?
I have a request
It has to do with the conference center. As I'm sure you're aware, the foundation is continuing to sink.
What are the options?
Yeah, pfhh...
You are the expert here, right?
I wouldn't say that
Fine, then why don't you just go straight on over to the jobsite and take a look at the damages, hm?
== Yeah, but-- == And take your rubber boots with you. Could get wet.
I'm sorry, but I...I'm afraid that won't be possible
'Not possible'?
Beyenbach, when are you FINALLY going to banish that phrase from your vocabulary?
But Carla, she isn't doing particularly well
Yeah yeah, I know. But... what does that have to do with you?
== Well, as her fiance... == ... you'll hardly be able to do much about it.
How am I supposed to interpret that?
Why don't you spare yourself this farce
I know all about it. About Carla, Hanna Novak. Oh right...
... and you as the beard fiance
Bernd? Wait!
Bernd, please!
What is it?! I was trying to get a moment alone!
== Aren't you supposed to be going to the construction site? == That's right, but I don't feel like it anymore.
What's happened between you and Ansgar again?
You were just about to tell me something when Father showed up
Did you talk to your brother about our arrangement?
Sorry, I should have told you right away. I forgot.
F...Forgot?! How could anybody forget something like that?!
I was having a horrible time about Hanna. And Ansgar was there and he listened to me.
Of all people, Ansgar!
I'm sorry!
Do you have any clue what this means?!
Now he's got me in the palm of his hand, and is going to lord it over me even MORE at work. You've seen how much he enjoys that!
== If I'd had any inkling that Ansgar would exploit it, then-- == 'Inkling'?! Anyone could only KNOW that!
Well, doesn't matter anyhow. I have to reconcile myself to being nothing but a footboy for your brother in the future.
Great career!
No, Bernd, you don't have to do that
Despite this, it doesn't bother me playing your fiance. Quite the contrary, I'm happy to do it - for you!
You always gave me an alibi whenever I met with Hanna. My brother is persecuting you.
Right. Give me a suggestion how I can change that.
Cuz otherwise I'm just going to have to adjust to dealing with it
You don't have to do that
We'll terminate the engagement
Carla, you can't possibly be serious?!
I mean, that's... that's very considerate of you, but I'm coping fine here at Königsbrunn
== But I see what you're constantly having to put up with on account of me. == Oh, it's not even worth mentioning, really!
Yes it is! Don't you get it? I have a guilty conscience!
You don't need to, though! I'm happy to do this for you!
And I appreciate that. But I've drawn you into my fabricated stories quite long enough.
== Well, what then? You want to out yourself?? == Yes - no! I just don't know, Bernd!!
Carla, don't do it
I mean, what would the press say, hm? And your father??
You see? You're worrying about ME again. Think about YOURSELF for once!
== Ach. == You're foregoing a relationship of your own.
As an unemployed have-not, the women won't exactly be chasing after me
What, you're worried about your job?
Obviously! Ansgar will fire me before you've even uttered the word 'separation'!
I'll make sure that doesn't happen. You won't suffer any repercussions just because we've ended our arrangement.
Tell that to your brother!
Yes, I will. You can count on it.
Go ahead and stay. We're talking about you.
Specifically about your future in the Holding
I still don't understand why you want to terminate our engagement. I can live with the arrangement just fine.
Well, I have to agree - he's right about that
Why do you want to unleash an avalanche when it isn't even necessary?
Because I want to be fair to Bernd And so should you.
But whether separating is a solution...? If you ask me - you two should get married.
Excuse me, what?!
Ansgar, I don't understand you! I thought you couldn't stand him?
Sorry, Bernd
And now you want us to get married?
Yeah, that's right, I don't like him
And nothing about that has changed
However, I do have to admit that in the Holding he hasn't been doing so bad
Yeah, uh--
What's much more key, of course, is that he's loyal to you
And - that your welfare... is incredibly important to him
And I'm very grateful to him for that. But I can't ask him to constantly only consider me.
All due respect to your concern, Carla, but you also have to be thinking of your own future
If you separate now, then it all starts all over again
Father will hope that you'll finally find Mr. Right
Well, and if there IS no one...?
I will manage that
Ah, you're going to out yourself after all?
I've already tried. But I simply don't have the heart to do it!
I've been deceiving Father too long for that
Oh, Carla, in all of this - I'm only thinking of you
But look - it isn't going to do you any good, now, if Father is constantly dredging up potential husbands for you, right?
In Bernd, however... you've found a friend who sticks by you
So then, why not marry?
== Yeah-- == All right fine, I'll consider it.
But then you have to promise me you'll finally accept him as a member of the family, and that you won't harass him anymore
Well, I really have no clue when I might have ever done that! But please, fine by me.
Good. I need time to think about it.
Well, if anybody cares for my opinion, I'm game for anything
So, one for you too?
No, thank you. I'm surprised you even asked.
I was raised well
I hadn't particularly noticed that before. And now you want Carla and me to marry. What's this all about?
Oh, you know what? Some fake husband is going to ensconce himself here sooner or later anyway.
So why not you?
Well, if I recall correctly, you were wanting to take me down on account of the kidnapping
Who knows, maybe that's exactly the reason you're my favorite choice for... 'brother-in-law'
== You mean for 'useful idiot', right? == Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're the one who said that.
Although - since you were so kind as to out yourself on that tape, as mastermind of the kidnapping...
Without that cassette tape you'd have nothing on me
Oh please! It isn't just the weapons that decide the fight, but also the intelligence with which one goes after his opponent.
Someday... someday I'm going to get you--
You know - as long as, at any time, I can put you in prison, I'm pessimistic about your chances of that. I have you in my hand.
== I got it. == Well, that's a good thing then.
Welcome to the family
I know you aren't supposed to wake somebody who's sleepwalking, but...
Oh, sorry, I was kind of lost in thought
== Is something bothering you? == No no, it's just a case at the clinic.
But I don't want to bend your ear about work
== Do you have a moment anyway? == Sure, what is it?
I have to make an important decision and I'd really like to hear your opinion on it
At the moment, I'm really not a very good adviser
'Adviser'? Is someone here seeking an adviser?
Yeah yeah, it's all right, I don't want to impose, if you'd rather talk to Leonard, then--
No, nonsense! I'm very grateful to you for your support.
Well then, I'll see you guys tonight
I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings
Yeah, it's all right
So, you're still deliberating about getting married, hm?
Sometimes it's actually helpful to try thinking out loud. Why don't you just come with me and tell me everything?
I'm not such a terrible listener, hm?
But what happens if he falls in love with someone?
Oh, Carla, please! If you're able to be discreet, then certainly he can be too.
You know what? Don't ask me, ask him right now, hm?
Ansgar, please
Mr. von Beyenbach! Would you have a minute?
== Yes. == Well...
We're talking about the marriage
Ansgar is talking
That works out well, I wanted to talk to you about it again myself
There's uh... there's someone in my life who... who means more to me than anything else
My daughter Vanessa
She's had to lead a pretty vagabond life because of me, and I'd like to...
... offer her a real home, a kind of family
So then you really want this marriage?
Yes, very much so
Oh, have I just missed a major meeting?
Depends on your view. Carla and Bernd just notified me of a very important decision.
Carla and Bernd... are going to get married
Well then...
... to the bridal couple
I confess, even though you are engaged, this news still comes as somewhat of a surprise
But naturally I sincerely congratulate both of you
== Thank you. == Thank you.
Oh, is there something to celebrate?
Well, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but I uhm... really need to speak with Mr. von Beyenbach
Oh, you'll excuse me?
What's up?
... please don't believe that I'm trying to meddle, but...
Are you really certain that Bernd von Beyenbach is the man for the rest of your life?
Well now, I initially had kind of my own reservations about Bernd, as well, but...
... I have to say I've come to revise my opinion. Well, and if they love each other...
Father, I've really thought this over well
Please, Carla, you don't have to justify yourself
Von Lahnstein
I would have to take a look. One moment, please. - The auction house.
Sorry, I'm interrupting again
Father, I think you really could have been somewhat happier on Carla's behalf
Yeah... well, but do the two of them really have to get married right away?!
I think that once somebody gets to know Bernd a little better, they discover he's actually a fairly decent fellow
Well, if even YOU say that, then...
Well, they have my blessing
I thought you couldn't stand Beyenbach?
That's not so important anymore
And what do you expect to get out of backing the marriage?
I could picture that Carla would then no longer necessarily be considered the ideal successor in line for the Holding
Just because she isn't furnishing the ideal son-in-law? Your father is hardly going to decide against her on account of that.
No. Naturally I'll have to nudge that along a bit.
Aha! And how?
I would say that's a family affair
Fact is that Carla fell for my trap
And she's going to bitterly regret that
And how do you hope to discredit Carla in your father's eyes with this marriage?
I mean, that Bernd had your sister kidnapped - that only harms HIM
And it harms you to worry about things that aren't your business
You'd be better off worrying about the next delivery from Mr. Rush
Yes, this time the illegal money is coming in a statue of Buddha. It was stuck in customs until ten minutes ago, but your--
== I'll take care of it, Count Lahnstein. == Wonderful.
Your father sent word around that he has something to announce
Is there some special reason for that, apart from the quarterly report?
I do believe so. And I'm fairly confident you will receive his announcement with great interest.
Well, that was quite an interesting meeting, hm?
== Yeah well... == The account books are really in great shape.
== To which you have contributed not inconsiderably, Ms. Jones. == One does what one can.
AllMedia is really generating outstanding revenue
== The quarterly report was overall extremely informative. == One does what one can, Ms. Jones.
And motivating my employees with these figures is naturally a welcome secondary aspect
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends...
It is a great joy to me, today, to be able to inform you that Mr. von Beyenbach...
and my daughter Carla...
... will soon be exchanging vows
I wish for both of you, that you... will be equally as happy...
... as my wife and I are
And to that I bid everyone raise a glass
Well, what are you wracking your sweet little brains over?
There's no gift idea that seems to want to come to mind
== I wish you the best. Good luck. == Thank you.
Thank you very much!
新政府新作風 一週可以做這麼多…… - Duration: 18:43.
Flight 666 - Movie - Duration: 1:29:11.
Detenidos siete menores y un joven de 18 años por quemar vehículos en Villalba - Duration: 2:54.
*Mu*ere* uno de los trabajadores de Metro de Madrid que desarrolló cáncer por estar expuesto al - Duration: 2:48.
Hosteleros y vecinos sobre las futuras restricciones al tráfico: "Al madrileño se le expulsa del - Duration: 9:51.
[EXO][新聞]180527 官方認證一級功臣樸燦烈「窮遊」創下整頻道同時段收視一位! - Duration: 4:00.
Comment éviter d'avoir un mail considéré comme spam - Duration: 6:19.
Volvo V90 D3 150pk Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:13.
Volkswagen Tiguan €3.000 prijsvoordeel 1.4 TSI 4Motion Highline Business R 150 pk DSG (vsb 19415) - Duration: 0:55.
Singing in Canon || Wolfgang Ep. 17 - Duration: 1:05.
*Presley sighs*
*Singing monotonously* Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...
...Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
*Louder* Row, row, row, your boat...
PRESLEY: ...Gently down the stream-- SESH: Row, row, row your boat...
Wh- What the hell, Sasha!
What do you mean "what the hell"?
Wh-- You ruined the song!
SESH: That's how the song goes! That's what you're supposed to do! PRESLEY: No it is not! Of course-- Are you kidding me!?
SESH: I didn't ruin it, YOU ruined it!! PRESLEY: Serious? Oh COME ON!
*Spooky Groove Theme Music*
Donald Takes $1 6B And 4,000 Jobs From - Duration: 15:49.
Donald Takes $1.6B And 4,000 Jobs From Overseas, Gives It To Southern Stat
President Trump has done an amazing job at ensuring that Americans are treated best first
and foremost.
That Americans are given first consideration in the job market, that Americans are given
priority over illegal aliens.
Which is exactly why President Trump worked to get a Toyota Mazda plant in Alabama.
It will cost approximately $1.6 billion.
This will mean that jobs will be created and new business will be invigorated.
Breitbart News reported,
"On Wednesday at an event at the RSA Activity Center, Gov. Kay Ivey (R-AL) made it official
when she announced Toyota-Mazda would be building a $1.6 billion factory in northern Alabama's
Limestone County outside of Huntsville.
"Today is indeed a great day in the state of Alabama," Ivey proclaimed.
"As governor, it is my honor and privilege to announce that Mazda and Toyota have chosen
Alabama as the home of their new production plant."
The announcement was met with a stand ovation just blocks from the Alabama State Capitol,
where legislators are convening the state's annual legislative session.
The plant will add 4,000 new jobs with average salaries of $50,000 annually and the plant
will have the capacity to produce 300,000 cars annually.
The governor touted the state's "talented" workforce and the partnership that gave the
state the spotlight.
"The partnership between Toyota and Mazda will expand innovative automotive manufacturing
in Alabama," Ivey said.
"Their decision to locate this new facility in Huntsville is a testament to the talented
workforce in our state.
We are proud that this partnership puts Alabama on the forefront of technology in this dynamic
global industry."
The Mazda-Toyota announcement is accompanied by additional good news for the Yellowhammer
A day earlier in her state of the state address at the Capitol, Ivey announced firearms manufacturer
Kimber was building a facility in nearby by Troy, AL.
"News of our economic successes seem to be a daily occurrence," Ivey said.
"In fact, I am proud to announce this evening that Kimber Firearms will build a 38 million
dollar production facility in Troy, bringing with it 366 new jobs.
These are good, high-paying jobs, and will enable more of our citizens to provide for
their families while taking part in the rich history of the Second Amendment.
We are proud and honored to welcome Kimber to Alabama.""
This also comes at a time when the United States auto industry sales are in a downturn.
In 2017, new vehicle sales decreased 2 percent after it had hit an all-time high the previous
It does not take into consideration the anticipated tax and incentive package associated with
the potential infrastructure package.
This new factory could help to alleviate these problems.
Reuters reported,
"A Toyota spokesman declined to comment, except to say an announcement was expected
A Mazda spokeswoman also declined to comment.
In recent months, the companies had narrowed their choices down to sites in Alabama and
North Carolina.
Local media last month said the leading site under consideration was in northern Alabama's
Limestone County, near Toyota's large engine plant in Huntsville.
In September Toyota announced a $106 million technology upgrade for the Huntsville plant.
A Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville website for the "Huntsville Mega Site" touts the
fact it has been "certified as development-ready."
The commerce chamber, local and state officials declined to comment on Tuesday on plans for
the plant.
A year ago, President-elect Trump criticized Toyota and threatened hefty tariffs against
the Japanese automaker if it built its Corolla sedan for the U.S. market in Mexico.
"Toyota Motor said will build a new plant in Baja, Mexico, to build Corolla cars for
Build plant in U.S. or pay big border tax," Trump posted on Twitter in early 2017.
Toyota and Mazda announced plans for a new plant in August.
Toyota said it would shift production of Corollas from Canada to the new venture rather than
in Guanajuato, and would build Tacoma pickups in Mexico instead.
Mazda plans to build new crossover SUVs at the plant.
Trump praised the joint venture announcement, saying in August on Twitter: "Toyota & Mazda
to build a new $1.6B plant here in the U.S.A. and create 4K new American jobs.
A great investment in American manufacturing!"
In October, Toyota said it would scale back investment in a planned plant in Mexico by
30 percent to $700 million and cut planned annual capacity in half to 100,000 vehicles
as it shuffles its production plans to meet market demands.
Toyota has 10 U.S. plants in eight states in an arc running from West Virginia through
Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas.
Toyota and Mazda announced a capital alliance in August and are exploring joint development
of technologies for the basic structure of competitive electric vehicles."
What is even more powerful about this new development is that it has been placed in
the south.
While Boston, Washington D.C., New York City, and the larger cities along the coast have
had their economies reinvigorated many parts of the Midwest and the South have suffered.
This will be an amazing opportunity for those in rural communities to get job opportunities.
Share if you agree
Share if you believe that what President Trump did was right
Share if you think that these new jobs created by the new plant will be great for average
working Americans
Share if you agree this is for the benefit of the American people
Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 2 Web Thermometer - Duration: 5:08.
Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 2 Web Thermometer
President Trump Just Made Stealth Move Against Sharia Law In 18 States – This Is Huge - Duration: 4:40.
Warface: Мечта любого Хедшотера? ПКП «Печенег» - Duration: 10:52.
Superstar SMTown - Tips #9 - New Challenge System - Duration: 0:43.
Hello, I'm LUMINØUS. Welcome to Superstar SMTown!
This video's going to show you about... 'New Challenge System'
How does it work? Let me show you.
At the music select screen, you will see the blue button besides 'Mission/Group' button.
Tap 'Challenge' button to go to the challenge song instantly.
You will see 'the check mark' above 'Hard mode'. It means that you can play the challenge with 'Hard mode' only.
Anyway, 'Easy mode' and 'Normal mode' doesn't take that challenge at all.
So how does it really works?
According to 'New Challenge System', Challenge will lock the hardest difficulties you unlocked.
For example, I unlocked 'Diner - KANGTA' on 'Easy' and 'Hard'.
So I will get only 'Hard' for 'Diner - KANGTA'.
Now you can give up challenges by 'tapping X button.'
After you gave up, there're no rewards for this challenge but you don't have to waste your headphones.
So if you want to give up, tap 'Give Up' button.
and confirm again.
And that's all!
Thanks for watching! Hope you enjoy this video!
Please like, subscribe! for more contents about Superstar SMTown and other games.
Which contents should I do next? Let me know in the comments.
More tips are coming soon! See you next time!
How I Make Money Online
Renault Grand Espace 2.0T INITIALE Leer Panoramadak Navigatie - Duration: 1:06.
Learn English Grammar: Superlative Adjectives - Duration: 17:08.
Today I'm going to teach you about something that's super: Superlatives.
Are you a bit confused about superlatives?
Don't worry, I'm here to teach you.
Now, understand I'm teaching you with adjectives, not adverbs, because that's a whole other lesson.
So, superlatives as adjectives - they're the best.
We don't say: "They're the goodest" for a reason.
What we have to understand about superlatives are: There can be only one superlative.
If you're looking at another grammar called comparative, there have to be two things to compare.
For example, red and blue; purple and yellow.
But with superlatives there's only one thing.
And what we're telling you is that this one is number one.
This one is the best.
There's no other competition for this adjective.
So, the way that we make superlatives, you're going to have two choices.
You can either put: "the" plus your adjective plus "-est", or you can put: "the" plus "most"
plus your adjective.
So, how do you know which adjective will get "est" and which one will get "the most"?
I'll tell you.
We get to play a game.
We get to do something very fun called counting syllables.
First of all, we have to understand what a syllable is.
A syllable is a vowel sound, or how long the word is.
So, when we count syllables we have to be very careful, and we're only going to count
the vowel sounds of the words; not the vowels because this gets confusing.
Once we have counted the vowel sounds, we use "est" or "the most".
So let's do some simple examples and I'll tell you our game.
The first one: How many syllables or how many verb sounds...?
Or vowel sounds do we have in the word "beautiful"?
If we simply count the vowels, we've got one, two, three, four...
Oo, we've got five vowels, but in English, "beautiful" is not five syllables, it's only
three because if you have two or three vowels together, they're only going to make one vowel
So, in English, the word "beautiful" is only three syllables.
If we look at this word: "gentle", we don't say: "gentl-e", but because it's "le" together,
this is going to make another syllable sound, so we say: "gentle".
This one is two syllables, this one is three.
What about this one?
First of all, count the vowels.
How many vowels are there?
One, two.
Because the vowels are separated with consonants, the vowels are not together, we can actually
count these as two: "na-rrow".
Two syllables.
We have this word: "busy".
Bzz, busy bee.
"Busy", again, one syllable...
Sorry, one vowel sound, one vowel sound is two.
"Hungry", one and one, this is two.
This one's easy, there's only one vowel, there's only one vowel sound, so it's going to be
one syllable.
"Happy", two vowels, two syllables.
You understand?
Try and do these ones.
Now, be careful, in English if we have an "e" at the end of the word, we don't say it.
So we don't say: "blu-e", we just say: "blue".
So in this, how many syllables are there?
How many vowel sounds?
So we just say: "blue", the "e" is silent.
My favourite colour is two syllables: "pur-ple".
Again, I told you if it ends in "le" we're going to actually put another syllable here.
This is an exception to our vowel-counting rule.
So we say: "purple".
"Good", how many syllables?
"Good" has two vowels together, but it only makes one sound.
"Bad" has one.
What about this one?
We don't say in English: "larg-e", we say: "large".
So, again, because the "e" is silent this only has one syllable.
And a lot of people get confused, but there's only one.
And this one, easy: "big".
So, if you look at our words, the very first thing that we're going to do is we're going
to count the syllables, we're going to count the vowel sounds.
Three, two, one.
Now, this is how we have to figure out: When do we use "est" and when do we use "the most"?
This part is easy.
If your word is small...
So if your word has one syllable, it's always going to be "est".
So, we say: "The bluest".
That's very strange.
Ronnie, how can something be bluest?"
Well, colour is an adjective, so you can say: "Wow, that's the bluest sky I've ever seen
in my life.
It's beautiful."
We can use colours with this because colours are adjectives.
So, it might sound weird for you at first, but it's completely normal, just like me.
If your word is small and it has one syllable, you're going to use "est".
If your word has more than one syllable, then you're going to use "the most".
So, one, one, one, one, one - we'd put "est"; two, three, two, two, two, two, one - we would
put "the most".
So, "beautiful" would become: "the most beautiful", because it has three.
With everything in English, we have some exceptions, and exceptions make things a little bit more
difficult to understand.
As a basic rule, if you have one syllable, we add "est"; if we have more than one syllable,
we're going to put "the most"; but then we get these crazy words that end in a "y".
So: "hungry", "busy", and "happy", these all have two syllables but it doesn't matter,
because if you have your adjectives that ends in a "y", we think: "Okay, well, it's more
than one, we use 'the most'", oh no, not in English grammar.
If it...
If your adjective ends in a "y", we always change it to "iest".
We never use "most" with "y".
We can only change the "y" to "i" and add "est".
So: "busy", even though it's two syllables, we don't say: "the most busy", we actually
have to say: "the busiest", and we always need to put "the".
"Hungry", because it ends in a "y", we're going to say: "the hungriest".
I'm the hungriest teacher on the planet.
"Happy", again, because it ends in a "y", we can't say: "more happy".
We're going to say: "iest", "happiest".
Are there any ones that end in a "y" here?
So, when we do this, the first thing that I would do, even before I count the syllables,
is I would look for any of my adjectives that end in a "y".
As soon as they end in a "y", it's always "iest".
Those ones are easy.
Now, as you know, everything in English is crazy and people like to talk about things,
and sometimes rules are a little bit foggy which means sometimes they don't make sense.
So, there's another exception to the one-syllable or more-than-one-syllable rule, and it is
adjectives that end in: "er", "le", "or", or "ow".
For example: "gentle" ends in "le", "narrow" ends in "ow".
Because these two end with these endings, we're going to make it "est".
Now, if you said: "the most gentle", nothing happens because people debate this.
People say: "Do we say: 'the most gentle', or do we say: 'the gentlest'?"
A lot of people, it's a grey area, which means that grammar people fight over it.
Don't fight; choose which one you like the most.
But this is a rule that sometimes-not always-we follow.
So: "gentle" will become: "the gentlest".
Again, if you said: "more gentle"...
You might hear people say: "more gentle", and hey, that's fine; they've chosen rule
number two.
So we say: "the gentlest".
"Narrow", because it ends in an "ow", we would say: "the narrowest".
These are the exceptions to our two-vowel sound rule.
"Sad", what do you guys think?
"Sad" has one syllable, so we're going to add "est", so I would say: "That is the saddest
dog I've ever seen."
And this is another thing that's confusing: Sometimes we make the consonant double, sometimes
we don't.
We're not doing spelling, so let's worry about that in a whole new lesson.
"Happy", because it ends in a "y", we put: "the happiest".
"Purple", what do you guys think about "purple"?
Because "purple" ends in "le", we're going to say: "the purplest".
Okay, if you look down here, we have two more exceptions.
The first one is "good" will change to: "the best".
We don't say: "goodest".
That even sounds funny.
And look it, look it, look it: I didn't write: "They're the goodest", I wrote: "They're the
So, "good" and "bad" are exceptions.
These guys are the rebels.
We're like: "We're not even going to do this or this; we're going to have our own category
and 'far' is coming with us, because we're special".
"Good" will always say: "the best".
Do you guys know a singer called Tina Turner?
Really old.
"Simply the best..."
She's using superlatives - she's the best.
"Bad", we don't say - one syllable: "the baddest".
We have to say: "the worst".
So I can say: "Wow, that was the worst song Ronnie has ever sang.
She really needs to take singing lessons."
This word: "large", "large", as I told you, the "e" is silent, it has one syllable, so
you're going to use what?
Would you use A or B?
One syllable, would you use: "the largest" or do you think we say: "the most large"?
The answer is "largest" because there's one syllable, we would say: "Wow, that is the
largest pizza I've ever eaten."
And "big", again, one syllable, we would say: "the biggest".
So, the other exception is "far".
And this is one...
"Far" is just like: "Do you know what, 'good' and 'bad'?
I'm not even playing your game.
I'm going to do something completely crazy and I'm going to give you two choices."
You can say: "the farthest" or you can say: "the furthest".
Both of these are the same, but the only difference is we just put a "th".
So it's not that crazy, but it's just the spelling is different.
So, "far", you can say: "the farthest".
It's whatever you feel more comfortable with.
So if you want to use "furthest", go ahead; if you want to say "farthest", awesome.
The only difference is the spelling of the word, which is a big difference.
So, the next time someone asks you or you have a test about superlatives, what you're
going to do first of all is you're going to pay special attention to the exceptions of
our rules in English.
The "y" always changes to an "iest".
Doesn't matter how many syllables.
Rule number two: If you want to remember it like that, that's easy, but it's not all the time.
And definitely: "good", "bad", and "far", these ones will never change; these are 100%,
you cannot change them to anything else.
"The badderest" doesn't work.
So, the first thing that you're going to do with your list of adjectives is you're going
to look for your exceptions.
The second thing you're going to do, where the fun begins, is you're going to count the syllables.
You're going to count the vowel sounds.
Be careful with silent e's.
After that, we decide: If it's a one-syllable word, the word is small, you're going to put
"the" with the adjective and "est"; if the word is more than one syllable, you're going
to put: "the most" plus your original adjective.
So, be careful because sometimes I hear or I see this: "Oh my god, that person was the
most beautifullest person I have ever seen."
Well, guess what, ladies and gentlemen?
You can't have both.
You can only have one.
You can't say: "the most beautifullest".
It's difficult to say.
So, be careful: You can never put these two together; you can only use A or B. You can
never say: "the most beautifullest".
"The most farthest", never.
"The most biggest", it's wrong.
You will hear people say this; maybe children will say or people will say it to be funny,
but this - be careful, it's something that I see a lot and it's a big mistake.
When you're speaking, enjoy your superlatives, you're doing the best job ever.
And I am gone.
Đồng hồ chính hãng OP992-9AGK-T trăng khuyết mạ vàng sang trọng - Duration: 0:45.
The Power of God Is Present to Heal You - Duration: 21:05.
(Singing) I know my God has made the way for
me. I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Jesus has compassion for you, and He's provided
everything you need. Receive from Him today. Join Kenneth
Copeland on the Believer's Voice of Victory as he shares how the
power of God is present to heal and deliver you.
KENNETH: Matthew 8, "When he came down
from the mountain, great multitudes followed him.
And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying,
Lord, if you will, you can make me clean." Now, here is a guy
that did not know whether it was his will or not. Now, this man
believed that He could. Now, the man that brought his lunatic son
didn't know that He could. He said, "If you can do anything."
So he wasn't--the reason he wasn't all that sure is because
His disciples didn't get any results. Amen. But now, this man
believed that He could. He just didn't know whether He would or
not. Now, put yourself in this leper's position. We know, from
Luke's account--Luke's a physician. He said he was full
of leprosy. He's--he's hours before dying. Stinks. Those
nasty running sores. Filthy, filthy, dirty clothes. Nobody
will get--can't get anywhere close to him. It's been a long
time since anybody has said to him, "I will," anything. We're
going to see something about Jesus here. Are you ready?
(Audience Agrees) Oh, I love You, Lord. Thank You, Lord.
Jesus put forth his hand and touched him before He said, "I
will." There ain't nobody touched him. Nobody has touched
him. Now, we find, from one of the other accounts, that the man
was on his face. He wasn't on his knees, he was on his face.
Jesus got down there in the dirt with him and got in his face and
said, "I will" as He touched him, and then He said, "I will."
AUDIENCE: Amen. Hallelujah. KENNETH: Oh,
ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. Oh, my, my, my, my, my. And you have
some idea that He's not willing to get in your deal with you?
He's already in there if you'll just-- "Well, Brother Copeland,
I just don't know what else to do." Well, that's praising time
is when you don't know what else to do. (Agreement & Applause)
Are you spending enough time with Him? Which are you spending
the most time on, the television or Jesus? You're going to have
to ask yourself that question. I mean, whether you're sick or
not, you're going to have to ask yourself that question, because
if you're not spending any time with Him, sickness is coming.
Amen. There's a difference between being healed and being
well. You can get healed from a situation and still not be well.
Well, I wish I had time to dig around in that, but no.
Immediately, the leprosy departed. Now, Mark 1. Mark 1
and 40th verse, "There came a leper to him, beseeching him,
kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If you will, you can
make me clean. Jesus, moved--moved with compassion--"
AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Compassion creates a feeling,
but it is not a feeling. It is a person. Compassion is a
manifestation of love Himself. Compassion moved Him. AUDIENCE:
Yes. KENNETH: Hallelujah. That same God--the Scripture says in
the Psalms, "He's filled with compassion." In many cases, the
same word translated "mercy" is translated "compassion." So many
cried out to Him and said, "Have mercy on us," and it's healing
they were crying for. "But I don't know. I just fouled this
thing up. I don't know what's wrong." Well, hey, sweetheart.
Mercy's what you're looking for. That's the word you're looking
for. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: And the 4th chapter of
Hebrews is where you're looking for. "Come boldly--" (Audience
Agrees)--where? AUDIENCE: Amen. To the throne. KENNETH: "And
obtain--" AUDIENCE: Mercy. KENNETH: It doesn't same, "Come
and cry." "Come and obtain--" (Audience Amens) What? Grace and
mercy. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: "Come obtain." What did David
say? "Mercy. Mercy follows me." AUDIENCE: All the days--
KENNETH: All the days. It's just following around after you all
the time. Well, I've got some news for you. Mercy's living in
you. AUDIENCE: Amen. (Applause) KENNETH: It was following him.
I--we keep plugging these things in here because we're still
settling the question forever that healing belongs to you,
deliverance belongs to you. AUDIENCE: Amen. (Applause)
KENNETH: Praise God. The ball is in your court. AUDIENCE: Yes.
Hallelujah. KENNETH: Amen. (Audience "Amens") And it's not
the trying to get Him to, it's the receiving from Him.
(Audience Agrees) Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. All
right, now then, Luke 5, same case. There are--for the benefit
of your study, there are 19 individual healings in Matthew,
Mark, Luke, and John. Now, it looks like there's a lot more
than that, but like in this case here, it's recorded three
different times. And each one has a little different insight.
And you put them all together and you have the picture of it.
So, of course, there are an incalculable number of people.
We only have--in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we only have
this little snapshot of three and a half years of ministry.
And what we have and what we're studying is only right at 30
days. So John said, "If it was all recorded, the world couldn't
hold the books." (Audience Murmurs) But when we get to
heaven, we can read them all. (Laughs) (Audience Agrees) Got
plenty of time. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: I want to see them all,
man. Amen. (Audience "Amens") Yeah, thank You, Jesus. Now,
here in Luke 5:12, "It came to pass, when he was in a certain
city, behold a man full of leprosy: seeing Jesus fell on
his face." "Well, now, Brother Copeland, one said he kneeled
and the other said he fell on his face?" Which is true? Both.
AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Both. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus.
(Audience "Amens") Just so you know. (Cheers & Applause) And at
my age, you have to be healed to do that, you know? (Laughter &
Applause) So--ha-ha-ha. "If you will, you can make me clean. He
put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will: be thou
clean." Now, a more literal and more expressive translation of
that in each case is, "Well, of course, I will." Their
translation is translated that way. He didn't just say, "I
will." He said, "Well, of course, I will. That's why I'm
here, bubba." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: "That's what I came to
do. I didn't--I didn't--that's why I came. I came here just for
you." AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "I came here to put my hand on you.
I came here to get down here in the dirt with you. I came down
here to get this leprosy off you and give you your life back."
AUDIENCE: Amen. Glory to God. Amen. KENNETH: "That's why I
came. That's why I'm here." Amen. (Audience "Amens") And
that's what He's doing today. That's why He's here this
morning-- AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: --is to get right here
in the dirt and the mud and the tears with you and me this
morning. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Oh, the glory's here.
AUDIENCE: Dear God. KENNETH: Something happened just as I
said that. Oh, Lord Jesus. Whatever it is, just take it.
AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Just take it, dear God. Take it.
Emphysema. (Heavy Breathing) Go on and breathe. (Heavy
Breathing) Glory to God. And you just--whomever that was just
said, "I never thought I'd--I never thought I'd see the day. I
never thought I'd see the day that I could breathe like this
again." Asthma's gone. Glory to God. Gone, it's gone. (Applause)
It's gone. Now then, as far as I know, this'll be the last one
that we talk about this morning, but let's go over to Matthew 9.
Matthew 9--now, each one of these, Matthew and Mark and
Luke, each one of them has something very, very important.
Matthew 9:2--well, we have to read the first verse. "He
entered into a ship, passed over, and came into his home
city--his own city." And that would be? AUDIENCE: Capernaum.
KENNETH: And He is at? AUDIENCE: Home. KENNETH: Home. "Behold,
they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed:
and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy;
Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee." Cheer up. I'm
saying this to you this morning, "Cheer up." (Cheers & Applause)
I don't--I don't care if you--you're a--if you're hurting
like you've been snake bit. Cheer up! (Audience "Amens") "I
don't have anything to be cheered about." Yeah, you do.
Jesus is here. Cheer up! (Cheers & Applause) "Well, what do I got
to be cheered about?" Your sins are forgiven, that's what you've
got to be cheerful about! (Audience "Hallelujahs") Your
sins are forgiven. He has forgiven you. (Agreement &
Applause) AUDIENCE: Woo-hoo! Hallelujah. KENNETH: All He's
waiting on now to you--is for you just to confess it and
receive the forgiveness. (Audience Agrees) He's forgiven
you. AUDIENCE: Yes. Amen. KENNETH: "You don't know what I
did." I don't know what you did. I don't care what you did. He's
forgotten it. Why don't you? AUDIENCE: Amen. That's right.
KENNETH: Just confess the sorry thing and go on about life.
(Audience Agrees) He said, "I, even I am he who is--for my own
sake--" not your sake. "For my own sake, I am he that blotted
out your transgressions." And I will remember your sins--
TOGETHER: --no more. KENNETH: If He remembers your sin, He can't
bless you. And He's all about blessing you. He has forgotten
it. It's been wiped out. Now, all you need to do is wipe it
out of your consciousness by laying hold of the blood of
Lamb! Hallelujah. (Audience Agrees) Hallelujah. (Cheers &
Applause) Glory, glory, glory. "And while you stand praying,
forgive, if you have ought against any." That's the
nastiest sin of the bunch. (Audience Agrees) Hallelujah.
That, and worry. Mark 2, "And again he went home after some
days; and it was noised that he was in the house." Where has
this been all this time that we've been reading Matthew,
Mark, Luke, and John? It was there all the time. (Audience
Agrees) AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: But I--I really believe
this. It's just now time for us to begin to get a hold of some
things, lately. AUDIENCE: Amen. Yes. KENNETH: Get very personal
with Him. He's calling you to be very personal with Him.
AUDIENCE: Yes. Amen. KENNETH: Amen. (Audience "Amens") Why
don't you let Him come to your house? (Agreement & Applause)
Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. AUDIENCE: Thank You, Jesus.
KENNETH: Ha-ha-ha, thank You, Lord. Glory to God. "Straightway
many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room
to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he
preached the word to them." You hear that? Make note of that.
The first one, He said, "Be of good cheer, your sins are
forgiven." The second one, "He preached the word to them." Now,
I used to think this was a hostile crowd, but it was not.
He was not in their house. They were in His house, and they had
come from the whole countryside around there. Amen. AUDIENCE:
Amen. KENNETH: And, you know Jairus, His friend, the leader
of the synagogue in Capernaum, probably had something to do
with it. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord. So, notice here, "They
came to him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of
four. And when they could not come nigh unto him for the
press, they uncovered the roof where he was. He saw their
faith, he said to the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be
forgiven thee." Well, we know He said, "Cheer up." Now--and get
the picture. He's standing here. (Laughter) You know He didn't
wait till they got on the ground. "Hey, boy, cheer up!
Your sins are forgiven!" And he's thinking, "I should have
known that." (Laughs) Huh? Come on. This was big in the eyes of
Jesus, and it's big in the eyes of this man because two out of
three recorded it. Cheer up! AUDIENCE: Woo! KENNETH:
Hallelujah. Glory. AUDIENCE: Glory. KENNETH: "But there were
certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their
hearts, Why does this man thus speak blasphemies? who can
forgive sins but God only? And immediately when Jesus perceived
in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he
said unto them, Why reason you these things in your heart?
Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins
be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, take up your bed, and
walk? But that you may know that the Son of man hath power on
earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) I say
unto you," using words as healing tools--what'd He do when
He did that? He released His faith and anointing. He said,
"Arise, take up your bed, and go your way into your house.
Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before
them all; insomuch they were all amazed, and glorified God,
saying, We never saw it on this fashion." It didn't say they
immediately took counsel on how to kill Him. This was not a
hostile crowd. Oh, they were amazed. Oh. Amen. Now, Luke 5,
we're going to get another piece to this miracle. Verse 17, "And
it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching--" So
now we know that He preached and He taught, right? (Audience
Agrees) Say, "He preached--" (Audience Repeats) "--and He
taught the Word. Well, one said, "He taught," the other one said,
"He preached the Word." All right, "There were Pharisees and
doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every
town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem--" that's what we
mentioned a moment ago "--and the power of the Lord was
present to heal them." (Audience Agrees) Of course, the Lord--the
power of the Lord was present to heal them. Jesus was there.
AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: The Holy Spirit, the healer Himself, was
there. Jesus said, "It's the Father that dwells within, he
does the works." What was the problem? How come they didn't
make the connection? Faith cometh by
hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.
Как пользоваться приложением Прорыв Pride int. Трансформация жизни через приложение - Duration: 3:47.
S. Korea's Moon says more simple inter-Korean summits like the 2nd Moon, Kim meeting could happen - Duration: 2:51.
After meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Saturday...
President Moon Jae-in has emphasized the importance of being able to meet more easily and casually
with Mr. Kim from now on.... and has ordered his aides to come up with the necessary measures
to make his goal a reality.
Our blue house correspondent Moon Connyoung has this report.
May 26, 2018 "One of the greatest scenes from the first
summit was your crossover to the North for 10 seconds.
I feel bad that I don't get to welcome and treat you properly; the way I would have wanted
"Chairman Kim's popularity has soared in South Korea.
I think the fact that the leaders of South and North Korea could so easily meet up at
Panmunjom like this opens up a new era for inter-Korean relations.
Once unimaginable... in fact, up until this past weekend, that is... this kind of a casual
meeting is what the rest of us may witness more often in the future between leaders of
two sides separated by the most heavily fortified border in the world.
Or it's at least what South Korean President Moon Jae-in hopes for.
Speaking to his top aides two days after his unannounced face-to-face with North Korean
leader Kim Jong-un on the northern side of the Demilitarized Zone - the border area that
separates the two Koreas - President Moon ordered necessary arrangements be made for
future meetings of such... as he plans to make these "a normal routine between friends."
"The latest inter-Korean summit was extra meaningful in that the leaders easily got
in contact, easily made an appointment and easily met to discuss urgent matters without
complicated procedures and formalities, just like a casual meeting."
. The South Korean president asked his aides
to come up with measures... keeping in mind that similar instances could happen in the
future... to ensure there are no gap in the line of military
command, keeping national security council members on stand by, making sure there are
balanced on-spot media coverage as well as notifying
related countries before and after such meetings.
"Holding regular formal summits, such as the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit at Panmunjom this
past April or the one scheduled in Pyongyang this fall, are extremely important for the
development of inter-Korean relations."
"The South Korean president who's long held such vision believes what would really expedite
the advancement of cross border relations between the two Koreas are these impromptu
meetings between the two leaders on either side of the border... on needs basis.
Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.
BREAKING: Trump Just Found The FBI - Duration: 12:40.
BREAKING: Trump Just Found The FBI Secret Mole In The White House, BIGGEST SCANDAL
Democrats have a track record of doing whatever it takes when it comes to winning and keeping
their power.
The 2016 Presidental election was something to remember.
The Democrats put up the most corrupt candidate while the GOP eventually had their front-runner
Donald Trump.
Debbie Wasserman Shultz ( DNC Chair ) at the time handed Hillary Clinton the nomination
without hesitation.
America knew who Hillary Clinton was, and knew exactly what she was capable of.
The far left wing of the party didn't want Clinton they wanted Vermont Senator Bernie
"Socialist" Sanders who was cheated out of the nomination by Clinton, and the DNC.
Sanders conceded in defeat and encouraged his voter base to support Clinton.
That wasn't going to happen.
The Clinton camp knew they had to do something, and boy did they make a complete mess of it
Russian meddling stories emerged, the media turned completely on Trump and gave Clinton
pass after pass.
It was set in stone that Hillary Clinton would be the 45th President of the United States.
The voters weren't stupid and elected Donald J. Trump.
News started to drip out that Hillary Clinton was cheating her way to the Presidency, and
the voters were the only ones that didn't want her in.
The media and every single special interest out there wanted Hillary Clinton because she
had power, and could give them everything they wanted.
Political influence was the biggest sponsor of the Clinton's.
Just recently it's been discovered that The FBI wanted Clinton to become President,
and sent a 73-year-old spy into the Trump campaign to report back anything that was
The 73-year-old academic reportedly has deep ties to American and British intelligence,
having served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations, the New York Post reported.
President Trump tweeted Friday that confirmation of an FBI plant in his campaign would become
the nation's "all time biggest political scandal."
"Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political
purposes, into my campaign for president," Trump wrote.
"It took place very early on, and long before the phony Russia Hoax became a "hot" Fake
News story.
If true – all time biggest political scandal!"
The New York Times and Washington Post reportedly have known of Stefan Halper's identity for
weeks, but chose not to reveal his name.
Then on Thursday, the Daily Caller named Halper in the opening paragraph of its report.
The Washington Post said it received warnings from U.S. officials that revealing Halper's
identity posed a security risk.
–Fox News
So who exactly is Stefan Halper?
According to Newsweek:
A U.S. citizen with doctorates from Oxford and Cambridge, Halper served in the Nixon,
Ford and Reagan administrations before becoming a fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge,
where he is a Senior Fellow of the Centre of International Studies.
He was also a consultant on Russia and China policy issues to an internal Pentagon think
tank known as the Office of Net Assessment, according to public records cited by NBC News.
In the 1980s, he was reportedly involved in a spying operation for the Reagan campaign
that involved agents passing classified foreign policy documents from the Carter White House
to the Republican candidate's team.
Halper reportedly flew Trump foreign policy aide Papadopoulos to London and quizzed him
on alleged Russian efforts to boost the Trump campaign and undermine Democrat opponent Hillary
Page told NBC that he met with Halper and did not find his encounters with the academic
Papadopoulos has not commented publicly on the reports, though sources close to him told
the network that Papadopoulos had met with Halper in 2016.
Liberal Outlets like "Mother Jones" recently put out a headline that reads "In Huge Disappointment,
the FBI's Super-Secret Trump Informant Looks to Be . . . Stefan Halper".
We call this "Trump Derangement Syndrome" where the media knows everything is a lie
and hopes they can lie their way into convincing the American people they made a huge mistake
choosing Donald Trump, and he's a horrible man despite his track record of being in office.
The economy is booming, Americans received a huge tax cut, Government is becoming more
transparent thanks to President Trump on Twitter, and his Press Secretary keeping the media
in check on a daily basis and making sure they know the facts.
Paul Krugman called it "Treason" to out Halper, but was completely trashed by Steve
Robinson on Twitter.
Others have noted that Halper, a longtime asset of MI6 and US Intelligence – is a
rabid Trump hater who openly supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 US election.
"I believe [Hillary] Clinton would be best for US-UK relations and for relations with
the European Union," Clinton is well-known, deeply experienced and predictable.
US-UK relations will remain steady regardless of the winner although Clinton will be less
disruptive over time," Halper, who served as deputy assistant secretary of state for
political-military affairs and senior adviser to the Department of Defense and the Department
of Justice, said.
–Zero Hedge
Jack Posobiec brought Halper's hate for Trump out in the spotlight when he tweeted
a BBC article with Audio of Halper claiming how much he loved Hillary Clinton and Hated
Donald Trump.
When will the media realize the American people have caught on to their Fake News?
The constant Trump bashing has turned more viewers off than Rosie O'Donnelle's Twitter
President Trump has been fully vindicated several times, and yet we're still dripping
out more, and more lies and scandals brought on by the Deep State, and Hillary Clinton's
Campaign including the DNC, and The Clinton Foundation.
Let's hope AG Sessions has a plan, and knows exactly how to nail Hillary Clinton to the
wall and bring down the deep state!
Entitled Punk Proves His Hate For America In Front Of Trump At Wreath Ceremony– Instantly Regrets It - Duration: 6:22.
Concierge Collection Guestroom Survival Kit Twin - Duration: 9:44.
[한글자막] 셀카 안찍는 하마베 미나미 - Duration: 1:46.
5 Quick Ways to Look More Stylish and Put Together | Fashion for Women over 40 - Duration: 4:12.
Hi guys! We're back today with some helpful tips and tricks for all those
busy moms out there who want to look more stylish but don't have a whole lot
of time to put in. Which is pretty much all the time. Exactly. If you're one of
those moms who maybe hasn't been really putting yourself on the priority list
and kind of taking care of yourself. These are gonna be some five quick and
easy tips to kind of get you back into the game and feeling better and more
confident about yourself. So first things first, you got to start at the top. You're
not going to look stylish and pulled together if your hair looks like a hot
mess and these are two of my best friends. As a matter of fact I use them
this morning, dry shampoo. So we've got the powder dry shampoo and the spray dry
shampoo. This one I feel like is really good at soaking up that oil. And this one
helps to give you a little bit more texture. So this is great if you want to
freshen up that day two, day three, day old blow-dried hair. Another trick is
adding some curls. Another trick I use quite regularly. Or slicking your hair
back in a nice sleek ponytail. But whatever you do, the hair has gotta look
good because if the hair doesn't look good nothing's gonna look good. The second tip
that we have for you is tucking in your shirt. Now that's something I definitely
won't ever go out of the house without doing. I really feel like it helps me.
Multiple ways to tuck in your shirt but the one that we love to do personally is
the little front tuck. Kind of helps to conceal any of those areas that you're
feeling a little unconfident about. A little muffin top. It really helps to kind
of define your waist to make you look a lot more polished.
Number three is add a belt. So after you've done your full tuck or your half tuck of
your shirt and you've added some definition to your waist. A belt is
really gonna take it up a notch and add a little something to your look. So just
throwing on a simple belt, a statement belt, will really add a little bit of
finish a little bit of polish. It's just a great accessory that not a lot of
people utilize but it can really change up a look. I think it also helps to
define the waist. Absolutely. Tip number four is adding an
accessory. So that can either be a scarf or a necklace or maybe some chandelier
earrings or some bracelets. It's those little details to your outfit that
really helped to kind of pull everything together and add more of a polished look.
Absolutely even a simple t-shirt is gonna look a lot more stylish with a
scarf or a statement necklace. So a standout accessory is a good one. Number
five is to choose a simple classic shoe, something that's going to look more
streamlined and polished with your outfit. So instead of this, something like
this. A classic ballerina flat in a neutral shade is really going to be
versatile enough to wear with any of your looks and it's really going to make
you look a lot more polished than wearing your athletic sneakers with your
outfit. Yeah I don't really miss the opportunity to add an interesting shoe
to your outfit. It really just kind of helps to add a detail that sometimes gets very
easily overlooked because you're so quickly just trying to run out the door.
Absolutely and this can be just as comfortable as a gym sneaker. So as long
as you're choosing the right shoe with some comfort and padding on it, it's
really not any more difficult than just throwing on your sneakers. And it
definitely changes up your look. Makes you look a lot more stylish and a lot
more polished. We hope these five simple tips will help
you when you're short on time and trying to get out of the door. So that way
instead of looking like this.
You could be looking like this.
So if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and join
the Mommies Makeup and Moscato family. And we'll see you next week! Bye!
A Good Dream - Movie - Duration: 1:41:52.
Zaz , France Gall Best Songs Collection - Zaz, France Gall Grands Succès - Duration: 1:11:13.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
포도효능..포도의 효능과 포도칼로리에 대한 포스팅입니다. | Healthcare 24.7 - Duration: 6:55.
Sarciadong Alumahan aka "Fish Sarciado Masarap Garantisado" - Duration: 2:51.
hello everyone welcome to another episode of foodie Pinoy we're going to
cook Fish Sarciado using Alumahan we can call thisFish Sarciado masarap
garantisado I have a fun fact
do you know the English for alumahan its mackerel let's proceed with the
cooking here are the ingredients
rub salt in the fish and set aside for 30 minutes before frying
after 30 minutes until golden brown
set aside the fish and prepare the sauce
put some oil in the pan and sauté the garlic onion and tomatoes once the
tomatoes soften add the water season with salt pepper sugar and soy sauce
bring to the boil then add the eggs and fish simmer for one minute and serve
immediately here's our fish sarciado masarap garantisado enjoy
support our channel by hitting the subscribe button and liking this video
thank you
Pinkalicious and Peterrific - Pink Lemonade/Pink Shoes - Duration: 25:03.
포항 원룸서 남녀 3명 숨진 채 발견 경찰 사인 조사 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:14.
After Hospitalization, Melania Surfaces On Memorial Day To Deliver Special Message - Duration: 6:16.
Why Do We All Need To Drink Wheatgrass Juice Daily │ Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice - Duration: 3:03.
Health Benefits Of wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is one of Natures purest of elixirs.
As the name implies, it is part of the wheat family, however, it does not contain gluten.
This is because wheatgrass has been sprouted and no longer carries gluten or other allergic
That means that it�s benefits can be enjoyed by celiacs and other gluten intolerance sufferers
In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of wheatgrass.
So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.
Number 1.
Weight Loss.
Many people have started adding wheatgrass juice to their diet as a quick and convenient
way to boost weight loss.
Wheatgrass contains thylakoids, which are tiny compartments found in plants that contain
chlorophyll and absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
While there is no evidence that wheatgrass itself could increase weight loss, several
studies have found that supplementing with thylakoids could enhance satiety and increase
weight loss.
Number 2.
Lowers Cholesterol In High Fat Diets.
cholesterol as well as a positive improvement in good . It also dilates the blood pathways
which reduces blood pressure.
The study also showed a significant rise in the appearance of Vitamin C and glutathione.
Glutathione is one of our bodies most powerful antioxidants and is concentrated mostly in
the liver, making it an essential part of the body's natural detoxifying processes.
Number 3.
Reduce Cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found throughout the body.
While you need some cholesterol to make hormones and produce bile, too much cholesterol in
your blood can block blood flow and increase your risk of heart disease.
Several animal studies have found that wheatgrass may help lower cholesterol levels.
In one study, rats with high cholesterol were given wheatgrass juice.
Number 4.
Kill Cancer Cells.
Thanks to its high antioxidant content, some test-tube studies have found that wheatgrass
may help kill cancer cells.
According to one test-tube study, wheatgrass extract decreased the spread of mouth cancer
cells by 41%.
Some research indicates that wheatgrass juice may also help, when combined with traditional
cancer treatment, minimize adverse effects.
Number 5.
Really Hungry.
OK, so I should tell you that I decided my daily wheatgrass shot would be my breakfast.
Don't ask me why I did this when I easily could have downed it along with my usual peanut
butter-topped apple.
I guess I thought that having wheatgrass on an empty stomach would be the best way to
feel the effects.
But I have to admit, I've made better decisions in my life.
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