I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for May 28, 2018.
Kylie Cosmetics is having a progressive website sale, ends TONIGHT
and her big sister Kim is also having a sale at her KKW Beauty site, 20% off everything
until midnight TONIGHT
Tarte is also hold a progressive sale on their website.
Use code Weekend to get up to 30% off Too Faced is also having a sale.
Up to 25% off using code SUPSUMMER.
Ashley Tisdale has now purchased her line, Illuminate by AshleyTisdale, from BH Cosmetics.
New items from the cruelty-free line should appear soon.
If you've been hoping for the Storybook Rose brushes in white with rose gold handles, your
opportunity is coming soon!
These seemingly magnetic shadows from Makeup Revolution are also coming soon
Revolution Pro introduces the NEW Blur Stick, a breathable primer that goes on clear to
create the illusion of even texture on bare skin.
Apply before foundation or use alone.
$15.00 at their site now.
That's it for now.
We'll see you here same time tomorrow!
Look for Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and don't forget our full-length weekly newscast,
What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!
For more infomation >> Memorial Day Sales + Storybook Rose Gold Brushes & Makeup Revolution Magnetics! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
เลือกเปลี่ยนคู่หูเป็นศัตรู เนื้อเรื่อง คอนเนอร์ ตอน 5 ซับไทย - DETROIT BECOME HUMAN CONNER PART 5 - Duration: 23:05.
Deadly crash shuts down I-4 - Duration: 1:29.
Calculus: Related Rates Cone Problem (calculus related rates problems) - Duration: 12:09.
Instant Tutoring @ MathCabin.com
51歲林憶蓮近照,拒絕男友N次求婚稱:只戀愛不結婚網友:真會玩 - Duration: 1:25.
林憶蓮,1966年4月26日出生於香港,畢業於香港瑪麗諾中學 在16歲的時候任香港商業二台兼職唱片DJ/廣播員,次年轉為香 商業二台全職唱片DJ,並加盟新力唱片有限公司,從而正式出道
在當時還沒有名氣的時候,便與張國榮合演首套電影《龍鳳智多 》。片中林憶蓮雖然只是飾演配角,但出色的表演,仍然讓觀眾認識 了這樣一個未來新星。次年,林憶蓮將自己的事業重點放在了主持人 中,主持過《新地任你點》、《東京音樂節》、《全日本紅白歌唱大 》等音樂節目
1992年林憶蓮與李宗盛首度合作,為電影《霸王別姬》合唱 題曲《當愛已成往事》。也正是經過長時間的接觸與交往,也讓李宗 為之痴迷,與相處十年的結髮妻子離婚,在1998年,兩人舉行了 禮,並誕下一女,名叫李喜兒
然而兩人在2004年結束了這段6年的婚姻。 離婚後的林憶蓮 然與其初戀情人陳輝虹交往過,但沒多久就又分手。在2010年, 憶蓮認識了比她小11歲的恭碩良。但在兩人交往期間,恭碩良數次 林憶蓮求婚,但都被林憶蓮拒絕了
從10年到現在,兩人也子啊一起交往了8年,兩人也是時常曬 兩人恩愛的照片,但是不少網友紛紛表示:「不以結婚為目的的談戀 都是耍流氓」「城裡人,真會玩」。對此你們怎麼看?
Takeways from Consensus 2018 - The Next BIG Thing in Crypto! - Duration: 17:02.
Hi guys.
In this video today I will tell you my takeaways from Consensus 2018,
what are my conclusions, and what is the next big thing in crypto.
Stay with me till the end of this video.
There will be a contest and something to win.
Several days ago I came back from New York, from the Consensus 2018.
There were all the movers and shakers from the crypto industry,
so we could learn a lot about the current development in the crypto world and about the future,
about the trends, about what is going on and what is going to happen next.
Let me give you my most important takeaways from this event.
Let's start with the most trivial ones:
one of the major roadblocks in crypto adoption is the user experience,
is the complicated user interface, the complexity of the technology.
On the software front there will be a lot of improvements in user experience, in user interface,
and that will drive the mainstream adoption.
This will remove complexity and make it easy for the everyday user,
for the average Joe to interact with this technology without having to know about this complexity,
without having to understand this technology fully, and nevertheless being able to use that technology.
Another trend that is going on is, as you know, regulation.
Generally there will be more regulation from the big players, from the big countries.
It has its advantages and disadvantages.
You will see the advantages later in this video.
The disadvantage is, of course, less things are possible in crypto, less things are possible in speculation,
and it will be more cumbersome, more difficult to speculate.
But there will be possibly more opportunities, as you will see.
On the other hand, there will be an array of small countries who want to use this crypto opportunity
to get investors into their country, to get the burgeoning, growing crypto industry into their country.
One of these new kids on the block is Barbados.
Keep an eye on these little countries, keep an eye on Barbados, and see this development.
If you want to found a company in this space,
if you want to go into business in this space, keep track of these developments.
The next trend is the interoperability, meaning the interaction between chains.
There are a number of blockchains and solutions specializing in connecting other blockchains,
in making blockchains talk with each other and work with each other.
All of that will play more and more of a role in the future.
In the long term, an average user will just use this technology
without even knowing on which blockchain it is executing or which blockchain he is actually using.
They will be completely interoperable.
This is the goal of the industry.
The next trend is stablecoins.
There have been a lot of rumors and gossip, a lot of bad and good news around Tether.
As you know, Tether was probably the first stablecoin in history.
But generally, stablecoins will play, in the short and middle term, a major role.
Why? Because they will be a stage in the transition to the full crypto world.
Between traditional money and crypto money, there are stablecoins.
Stablecoin means generally they are pegged 1:1 with some fiat currency (for example, dollar or euro).
They represent that dollar or that euro.
Whatever you may think about Tether or other stablecoins,
if they really are covered by the equal amount of money in their bank account or in their hand,
these cryptocurrencies remove the friction of the traditional banking system.
If you are a merchant, if you are a normal company right now, you have the choice either – or you can do both –
you can have a bank account or you can have a cryptocurrency wallet or several cryptocurrency wallets.
The problem is going between these two systems because it is quite cumbersome
and quite risky in the execution to change between these two systems right now.
For example, in order to buy a cryptocurrency, you need to transfer your money to a crypto exchange,
and it may take days for that.
It takes fees to process that.
It's the same with a credit card.
You need other parties involved in that, and so on and so on.
But you could hold that money, instead of in a bank account,
you could hold it as a stablecoin that represents the same amount of money in a crypto wallet.
Then you can trade with that immediately, or exchange between that and any other currency almost instantly.
It is just much quicker, much more efficient, and it just makes much more sense for companies.
So in the future, if companies want to accept cryptocurrencies, want to play in that field,
want to maybe pay in cryptocurrencies, holding money in stablecoins makes a lot of sense.
Or switching from bank accounts to stablecoins.
It removes a lot of friction, a lot of inefficiency,
a lot of risk from the whole infrastructure, from the whole system.
That's why more and more companies will issue stablecoins.
During Consensus, for example, Circle announced that it will issue a stablecoin based on the dollar,
and in the midterm, also on other currencies.
The next trend is visible in Steemit.
Steemit is a social network based on a cryptocurrency.
Ned Scott said they were the first to actually noticed
that cryptocurrencies can be distributed just like points on Digg.
In the future, we will see more and more connection between social networks and cryptocurrencies,
and social networks will drive the cryptocurrency distribution
and also will drive the cryptocurrency mainstream adoption.
The next big player in that space is Kik, with (correct me if I'm wrong) 50 million users.
They have issued their cryptocurrency, Kin
that is based on that social network or is connected to that social network
and will drive the incentives on that social network as well as, of course, the adoption of cryptocurrencies.
Other social networks are also playing with that idea to introduce cryptocurrencies
involved or based on these social networks.
This will be happening more and more in the next month and in the short/middle term.
The next thing, for people who invested in ICOs,
a lot of these high capitalize ICO projects will fail this or next year, so be prepared for that.
Maybe rescue your investments as soon as possible.
I was mentioning it a lot in my previous videos.
There are a lot of projects that just promise a lot,
and they have in their whitepapers not only things that are not implemented, that don't work,
but even hard problems that haven't been solved yet mathematically or technologically.
They promise in their whitepapers to solve these problems.
They have raised a lot of money, and some of them – many of them, most of them –
won't manage to provide on their promises.
They will burn all their money.
So be prepared for that.
Last but not least, and probably the most important takeaway
and I hope you have been waiting till that moment,
because this is probably the most important for investors
is the thing about security tokens.
What are security tokens?
Maybe you know the distinction between utility tokens and security tokens.
Utility tokens are tokens necessary to use an application
or maybe they give you an advantage in using that application, a discount or something.
These are tokens that have a functionality in some application.
Security tokens are tokens that are an investment vehicle.
They generally give you a promise of giving back to you some profit, maybe some dividend.
Maybe this is some equity in some company and so on and so on.
The problem until now was that these security tokens weren't regulated.
It was a very risky undertaking to issue security tokens due to all these AML/KYC requirements,
and also due to the unstable and unsure regulatory environment, regulatory situation.
People were either making sure that their token was really a utility token
(meaning not giving away any profits, any dividends)
or they were using a lot of judiciary tricks in order to make it possible to issue a token with security elements.
All these tokens prove to be extremely risky, not only due to the financial risk
of course, that goes together with any security that you use
but foremost of all due to the legal risk, because of this insecure regulatory framework.
Today, a lot of trends are coming together.
The regulatory situation is being clarified,
and it is more and more clear what processes you need in place in order to issue a security in different countries.
In some countries it is still unsatisfactory;
in other countries it is more satisfactory.
There are also initiatives to establish global standards for these issuances, for these so-called security tokens.
There are also platforms coming that will allow legally safe issuance of security tokens.
The thing is, most of the tokens people want to issue are actually security tokens.
The security market is a huge market.
The traditional stock exchange market, the traditional security market is a $73 trillion market.
The utility token market is much smaller.
Right now under 1% of all tokens are actually security tokens, but in a frame of 10 years,
most of the financial experts say the security tokens will amount to 50-95% of the total crypto market.
Keep in mind, the crypto market is growing.
So from under, let's say, $2 billion in security tokens right now,
we will go up to probably around $10 trillion in security tokens in 2028-2029, in 10 years.
From $2 billion to $10 trillion.
That is 5000x growth in that market.
So watch out for the developments, for the platforms offering security tokens
as soon as security tokens will become available.
Huge ICOs, there will be huge opportunities.
Kin was probably one of the ICOs that started that process, and there will be more and more coming.
Keep in mind, the traditional stock market is $70 trillion.
All of these stocks will come on blockchain.
Also, there will be a lot more security tokens available due to increased efficiency of the systems,
due to removed friction from the system,
so a lot more companies will decide to issue security tokens than decided to issue stocks.
It will be much easier to handle, it will be much easier to process,
and it will be much easier to deal with.
The internet turned the world into publishers, and blockchain will turn the world into investors.
Thanks to blockchain, the internet will become a worldwide stock market.
I can see you liked this video.
Give me a thumbs up, subscribe below, and don't forget to hit the bell button.
I talk here a lot about cryptocurrencies, about money, about my experiences with investing in cryptocurrencies.
I have been investing in this space since 2015.
I am a mathematician and I've studied cryptology, so I know what I'm talking about.
I talk also a lot about the psychology of entrepreneurship,
about how the most successful entrepreneurs in the world think.
I have interviewed 28 self-made billionaires and extracted their thinking principles.
I talk also about how to do the impossible, about my experiences with running ultra-marathons,
about doing the impossible.
I invite you to comments what you think about this topic,
what is your experience, what is your perspective.
Share this video with your friends, with your loved ones.
They will thank you for that.
I promised you a competition in the beginning.
Let's do the following: share this video on your social media, on Twitter, on Facebook,
with a quote from this video or with your comment, and add to that share two things.
First, add #thebilliondollarsecret so we can find your shares.
The second thing is add your Byteball address.
Among the most creative, the most effective shares,
I will choose several and will give away some Byteball bytes for them.
That's it for today.
Thank you. From Black Forest, I wish you a fantastic day.
Let's do something extraordinary today.
505 lat temu ukazała się pierwsza książka drukowana w j. polskim - „Raj duszny" - Duration: 2:21.
Among the Krakow printers who laid the foundations for the development of Polish printing,
today we will talk about Florian Ungler, because there is an opportunity for that.
Well, 505 years ago, on May 28, 1513.
he appeared - considered the first book printed in Polish
- "Soul's paradise" in the translation of Biernat from Lublin.
It was a work - a prayer book - typical of that period.
Ungler, one of the most important printers of his time, collaborated, among others
with other representatives of his profession with Lern, Heller or Szarfenberg.
The famous book by Ungler was a treatise on the Polish orthography of Stanisław Zaborowski (1514).
Thanks to establishing the graphic design of polish letters, the lack of which was an obstacle to the development of the Polish printed book,
this work was a key element allowing the development of Polish printing.
Ungler has published many well-known printed books of that era, including e.g.
Herbarist Stefan Falimirz "About herbs and their strength" (from 1534).
This publishing house is also considered to be
one of the first to provide a read and practical book to Polish readers.
This is illustrated by an interesting publication presenting the output of another publishing house that issued this time -
Maciej Szarfenberg's printing house.
Notebook "Polonia Typographica Saeculi Sedecimi [Polish stamping of the sixteenth century],
Monographs and reproductions of printing resources ",
includes a biography and a scientific study of the printing activity of Maciej Szarfenberg,
along with tables illustrating his achievements.
Hurry to love printed books, they leave so quickly
You can say paraphrasing a polish priest-poet.
Please visit www.atticus.pl for interesting old prints from the department under the same name.
這種兒童咳嗽,易被誤診為哮喘 - Duration: 4:49.
Peugeot 208 1.2 VTI ALLURE 5drs. - Duration: 1:12.
Suzuki Swift 1.2 DYNAMIC 5DRS "AUTOMAAT" AC/CRUISE/GEEN.IMPORT! - Duration: 1:11.
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT BASE AIRCO 5DRS AC/CV/RADIO.CD/63.000KM! - Duration: 1:10.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 5drs X-Joy | Navi | Leder - Duration: 1:09.
Škoda Citigo 5DRS ACTIVE PRO - PACK BLACK - AIRCO - Duration: 0:52.
Renault Clio 5DRS TCe90PK DYNAMIQUE NAV TREKH - Duration: 1:12.
Top Best PVP Player vs Player new fighting game on Android IOS under 100 MB 2018 - Fun ReviewbyNBAG - Duration: 1:57.
Namaste to all my beautiful smiling friends.
What is going on?
It's a bright sunny day & NBAG welcomes y'all to the FlingTown.
The name of this super exciting game is Fling Fighters.
Where you fling anything and everything you've got towards your enemy.
This looks like one hell of a game ain't it Dobby?
Yeah NBAG!!
They look happier than pigs in shit.
Okay!! alright.
Fling fighters, fellas is an amazing player vs player game available on Android & IOS.
You can challenge your friends or fight against the other players from all around the world.
Take your pick.
So basically, it's dodge & fling, dodge & fling & repeat until you or your enemy can't
take no more.
Hey NBAG, I challenge you for a fling fight.
Oh for heavens Dobby!!
Oh!! Common…
Your banana hit me in the eye.
Hold On!!
Now we r fine!!
Fling fighter has 40+ freaky characters to play with or against, 10 different maps for
strategic fight moves.
Traps & mechanics to avoid or use against your enemy.
I am intrigued.
This sounds real fun.
The gameplay is addictive, keeps you engaged throughout & makes you come back over n over.
It like comes in your dreams & calls you.
Hey NBAG get up!!
Let's have some fling fun.
Naah I am just zucking around.
Well fellas it's time for you to hit the play store.
Download the game, the link is in the description.
Do let me know what do you think of it.
I am waiting.
If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to leave a like.
Subscribe for a regular supply of super amazing gaming videos.
This is NBAG signing off for now.
Keep playing, Keep smiling, Stay motivated.
See you in the next video, until then it's a good bye.
Snow Tha Product, Castro Es...
Kate Middleton, Magdalena e Isabella de Dinamarca, las reinas de Inditex este fin de semana - Duration: 3:14.
Rinforzare le vene e combattete le vene varicose naturalmente - Duration: 6:21.
Cure efficaci e naturali contro il mal di testa - Duration: 8:37.
Uomini e Donne, ecco il motivo Tina Cipollari lascia di sasso Maria De Filippi - Duration: 3:56.
Uomini e donne: nessuna crisi tra Nilufar e Giordano, avvistamento a Napoli | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:09.
Barbara D'Urso e la risposta-shock: 'Uccido chi tocca mio figlio' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:41.
It starts!
almost left!
Hello !
Lory, if I knew I was carrying the rope, but he?
Give us the rhythm,
we hold the cadence!
all right denny?
all right!
So, we have to get up there?
to the little house!
Steep point
uphill infills
Alternative route
Sasso Simone and Sasso Simoncello
Here we have a puncture, today I do not work :)
How much is missing?
It's over! Hahaha
ask permission
ask permission!
Today's challenge, and pass as much as possible downhill
give you a minimum goal,
minimum target 35 ... 40
40 come on!
Al Bano e Romina, impazza il gossip: si risposano - Duration: 4:02.
Mara Venier, lascia Tu sì que vales e Mediaset ? Ecco chi la sostituirà !! - Duration: 1:59.
VLOG # 014 Luck is done with a lot of training and a lot of work - Duration: 4:01.
I have the document, the deed can be scheduled.
Okay Ricardo, see your soon, bye.
Whoever hits the wall first with the ball...
...gets a dinner from the other.
A lunch.
Okay? - Okay.
Let's practice the short game.
Putts is where you lose and you win games
Where you can do many extra shots
and we might loose games.
Before going to the field, make a short game before to see how the grass is.
Look at this, the precision, the man is in doping.
Whoever puts the ball first in this hole receives a dinner from the other.
There will be two ...
Feeling a crazy pressure now.
You have to put the ball closest to the hole.
And there are several techniques that I will do.
One is to make the ball rise, like a drop of water, and it drip.
The other most used
The ball on the right foot.
The angle becomes more closed.
We make the ball roll through the green to the hole.
This is the one I like the most.
We are here in the Department of Urbanism of the municipal chamber of Sintra.
We have come to raise the necessary document for a deed.
It is a certificate of allotment infrastructures.
The pre-contract agreement has already been done.
Only this document is missing to finalize this process of selling a house in Fontanelas.
I have the document, the deed can be scheduled.
Okay Ricardo, see your soon, bye.
Okay, we already have the missing document.
It was lacking a certificate of allotment infrastructures.
We have gathered all documents for the deed.
Gathering all the documents allows us to have a great autonomy.
A 360 ° view of what the real estate business is.
And that is also why our customers are satisfied with our service.
Tendremos mecánicas de Injustice 2 en MK11 ?? // Veremos modos de juegos previos en Morta Komba 11?? - Duration: 10:45.
Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI COLLECTION | NAVIGATIE | CLIMA | CRUISE | PDC | ALL-IN!! - Duration: 1:04.
Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 e-HDi Exclusive (PARK. ASSIST!!/Camera/Navig./Climate/16''Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:55.
Cristel Carrisi e la nascita di Kay: tutto sul nipote di Al Bano e Romina - Duration: 3:24.
Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Shine Automaat - Duration: 1:12.
Kate Middleton, Magdalena e Isabella de Dinamarca, las reinas de Inditex este fin de semanal - Duration: 3:38.
Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI 92PK LIGNE BUSINESS - NAV EUROPA - Duration: 1:13.
Compararse con otros duele | Alziur - Duration: 2:22.
Memorial Day Sales + Storybook Rose Gold Brushes & Makeup Revolution Magnetics! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:07.
I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for May 28, 2018.
Kylie Cosmetics is having a progressive website sale, ends TONIGHT
and her big sister Kim is also having a sale at her KKW Beauty site, 20% off everything
until midnight TONIGHT
Tarte is also hold a progressive sale on their website.
Use code Weekend to get up to 30% off Too Faced is also having a sale.
Up to 25% off using code SUPSUMMER.
Ashley Tisdale has now purchased her line, Illuminate by AshleyTisdale, from BH Cosmetics.
New items from the cruelty-free line should appear soon.
If you've been hoping for the Storybook Rose brushes in white with rose gold handles, your
opportunity is coming soon!
These seemingly magnetic shadows from Makeup Revolution are also coming soon
Revolution Pro introduces the NEW Blur Stick, a breathable primer that goes on clear to
create the illusion of even texture on bare skin.
Apply before foundation or use alone.
$15.00 at their site now.
That's it for now.
We'll see you here same time tomorrow!
Look for Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and don't forget our full-length weekly newscast,
What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!
เลือกเปลี่ยนคู่หูเป็นศัตรู เนื้อเรื่อง คอนเนอร์ ตอน 5 ซับไทย - DETROIT BECOME HUMAN CONNER PART 5 - Duration: 23:05.
Deadly crash shuts down I-4 - Duration: 1:29.
Calculus: Related Rates Cone Problem (calculus related rates problems) - Duration: 12:09.
Instant Tutoring @ MathCabin.com
Backpack of knitting yarn. Part 3. How to tie straps for a backpack? - Duration: 15:43.
51歲林憶蓮近照,拒絕男友N次求婚稱:只戀愛不結婚網友:真會玩 - Duration: 1:25.
林憶蓮,1966年4月26日出生於香港,畢業於香港瑪麗諾中學 在16歲的時候任香港商業二台兼職唱片DJ/廣播員,次年轉為香 商業二台全職唱片DJ,並加盟新力唱片有限公司,從而正式出道
在當時還沒有名氣的時候,便與張國榮合演首套電影《龍鳳智多 》。片中林憶蓮雖然只是飾演配角,但出色的表演,仍然讓觀眾認識 了這樣一個未來新星。次年,林憶蓮將自己的事業重點放在了主持人 中,主持過《新地任你點》、《東京音樂節》、《全日本紅白歌唱大 》等音樂節目
1992年林憶蓮與李宗盛首度合作,為電影《霸王別姬》合唱 題曲《當愛已成往事》。也正是經過長時間的接觸與交往,也讓李宗 為之痴迷,與相處十年的結髮妻子離婚,在1998年,兩人舉行了 禮,並誕下一女,名叫李喜兒
然而兩人在2004年結束了這段6年的婚姻。 離婚後的林憶蓮 然與其初戀情人陳輝虹交往過,但沒多久就又分手。在2010年, 憶蓮認識了比她小11歲的恭碩良。但在兩人交往期間,恭碩良數次 林憶蓮求婚,但都被林憶蓮拒絕了
從10年到現在,兩人也子啊一起交往了8年,兩人也是時常曬 兩人恩愛的照片,但是不少網友紛紛表示:「不以結婚為目的的談戀 都是耍流氓」「城裡人,真會玩」。對此你們怎麼看?
Takeways from Consensus 2018 - The Next BIG Thing in Crypto! - Duration: 17:02.
Hi guys.
In this video today I will tell you my takeaways from Consensus 2018,
what are my conclusions, and what is the next big thing in crypto.
Stay with me till the end of this video.
There will be a contest and something to win.
Several days ago I came back from New York, from the Consensus 2018.
There were all the movers and shakers from the crypto industry,
so we could learn a lot about the current development in the crypto world and about the future,
about the trends, about what is going on and what is going to happen next.
Let me give you my most important takeaways from this event.
Let's start with the most trivial ones:
one of the major roadblocks in crypto adoption is the user experience,
is the complicated user interface, the complexity of the technology.
On the software front there will be a lot of improvements in user experience, in user interface,
and that will drive the mainstream adoption.
This will remove complexity and make it easy for the everyday user,
for the average Joe to interact with this technology without having to know about this complexity,
without having to understand this technology fully, and nevertheless being able to use that technology.
Another trend that is going on is, as you know, regulation.
Generally there will be more regulation from the big players, from the big countries.
It has its advantages and disadvantages.
You will see the advantages later in this video.
The disadvantage is, of course, less things are possible in crypto, less things are possible in speculation,
and it will be more cumbersome, more difficult to speculate.
But there will be possibly more opportunities, as you will see.
On the other hand, there will be an array of small countries who want to use this crypto opportunity
to get investors into their country, to get the burgeoning, growing crypto industry into their country.
One of these new kids on the block is Barbados.
Keep an eye on these little countries, keep an eye on Barbados, and see this development.
If you want to found a company in this space,
if you want to go into business in this space, keep track of these developments.
The next trend is the interoperability, meaning the interaction between chains.
There are a number of blockchains and solutions specializing in connecting other blockchains,
in making blockchains talk with each other and work with each other.
All of that will play more and more of a role in the future.
In the long term, an average user will just use this technology
without even knowing on which blockchain it is executing or which blockchain he is actually using.
They will be completely interoperable.
This is the goal of the industry.
The next trend is stablecoins.
There have been a lot of rumors and gossip, a lot of bad and good news around Tether.
As you know, Tether was probably the first stablecoin in history.
But generally, stablecoins will play, in the short and middle term, a major role.
Why? Because they will be a stage in the transition to the full crypto world.
Between traditional money and crypto money, there are stablecoins.
Stablecoin means generally they are pegged 1:1 with some fiat currency (for example, dollar or euro).
They represent that dollar or that euro.
Whatever you may think about Tether or other stablecoins,
if they really are covered by the equal amount of money in their bank account or in their hand,
these cryptocurrencies remove the friction of the traditional banking system.
If you are a merchant, if you are a normal company right now, you have the choice either – or you can do both –
you can have a bank account or you can have a cryptocurrency wallet or several cryptocurrency wallets.
The problem is going between these two systems because it is quite cumbersome
and quite risky in the execution to change between these two systems right now.
For example, in order to buy a cryptocurrency, you need to transfer your money to a crypto exchange,
and it may take days for that.
It takes fees to process that.
It's the same with a credit card.
You need other parties involved in that, and so on and so on.
But you could hold that money, instead of in a bank account,
you could hold it as a stablecoin that represents the same amount of money in a crypto wallet.
Then you can trade with that immediately, or exchange between that and any other currency almost instantly.
It is just much quicker, much more efficient, and it just makes much more sense for companies.
So in the future, if companies want to accept cryptocurrencies, want to play in that field,
want to maybe pay in cryptocurrencies, holding money in stablecoins makes a lot of sense.
Or switching from bank accounts to stablecoins.
It removes a lot of friction, a lot of inefficiency,
a lot of risk from the whole infrastructure, from the whole system.
That's why more and more companies will issue stablecoins.
During Consensus, for example, Circle announced that it will issue a stablecoin based on the dollar,
and in the midterm, also on other currencies.
The next trend is visible in Steemit.
Steemit is a social network based on a cryptocurrency.
Ned Scott said they were the first to actually noticed
that cryptocurrencies can be distributed just like points on Digg.
In the future, we will see more and more connection between social networks and cryptocurrencies,
and social networks will drive the cryptocurrency distribution
and also will drive the cryptocurrency mainstream adoption.
The next big player in that space is Kik, with (correct me if I'm wrong) 50 million users.
They have issued their cryptocurrency, Kin
that is based on that social network or is connected to that social network
and will drive the incentives on that social network as well as, of course, the adoption of cryptocurrencies.
Other social networks are also playing with that idea to introduce cryptocurrencies
involved or based on these social networks.
This will be happening more and more in the next month and in the short/middle term.
The next thing, for people who invested in ICOs,
a lot of these high capitalize ICO projects will fail this or next year, so be prepared for that.
Maybe rescue your investments as soon as possible.
I was mentioning it a lot in my previous videos.
There are a lot of projects that just promise a lot,
and they have in their whitepapers not only things that are not implemented, that don't work,
but even hard problems that haven't been solved yet mathematically or technologically.
They promise in their whitepapers to solve these problems.
They have raised a lot of money, and some of them – many of them, most of them –
won't manage to provide on their promises.
They will burn all their money.
So be prepared for that.
Last but not least, and probably the most important takeaway
and I hope you have been waiting till that moment,
because this is probably the most important for investors
is the thing about security tokens.
What are security tokens?
Maybe you know the distinction between utility tokens and security tokens.
Utility tokens are tokens necessary to use an application
or maybe they give you an advantage in using that application, a discount or something.
These are tokens that have a functionality in some application.
Security tokens are tokens that are an investment vehicle.
They generally give you a promise of giving back to you some profit, maybe some dividend.
Maybe this is some equity in some company and so on and so on.
The problem until now was that these security tokens weren't regulated.
It was a very risky undertaking to issue security tokens due to all these AML/KYC requirements,
and also due to the unstable and unsure regulatory environment, regulatory situation.
People were either making sure that their token was really a utility token
(meaning not giving away any profits, any dividends)
or they were using a lot of judiciary tricks in order to make it possible to issue a token with security elements.
All these tokens prove to be extremely risky, not only due to the financial risk
of course, that goes together with any security that you use
but foremost of all due to the legal risk, because of this insecure regulatory framework.
Today, a lot of trends are coming together.
The regulatory situation is being clarified,
and it is more and more clear what processes you need in place in order to issue a security in different countries.
In some countries it is still unsatisfactory;
in other countries it is more satisfactory.
There are also initiatives to establish global standards for these issuances, for these so-called security tokens.
There are also platforms coming that will allow legally safe issuance of security tokens.
The thing is, most of the tokens people want to issue are actually security tokens.
The security market is a huge market.
The traditional stock exchange market, the traditional security market is a $73 trillion market.
The utility token market is much smaller.
Right now under 1% of all tokens are actually security tokens, but in a frame of 10 years,
most of the financial experts say the security tokens will amount to 50-95% of the total crypto market.
Keep in mind, the crypto market is growing.
So from under, let's say, $2 billion in security tokens right now,
we will go up to probably around $10 trillion in security tokens in 2028-2029, in 10 years.
From $2 billion to $10 trillion.
That is 5000x growth in that market.
So watch out for the developments, for the platforms offering security tokens
as soon as security tokens will become available.
Huge ICOs, there will be huge opportunities.
Kin was probably one of the ICOs that started that process, and there will be more and more coming.
Keep in mind, the traditional stock market is $70 trillion.
All of these stocks will come on blockchain.
Also, there will be a lot more security tokens available due to increased efficiency of the systems,
due to removed friction from the system,
so a lot more companies will decide to issue security tokens than decided to issue stocks.
It will be much easier to handle, it will be much easier to process,
and it will be much easier to deal with.
The internet turned the world into publishers, and blockchain will turn the world into investors.
Thanks to blockchain, the internet will become a worldwide stock market.
I can see you liked this video.
Give me a thumbs up, subscribe below, and don't forget to hit the bell button.
I talk here a lot about cryptocurrencies, about money, about my experiences with investing in cryptocurrencies.
I have been investing in this space since 2015.
I am a mathematician and I've studied cryptology, so I know what I'm talking about.
I talk also a lot about the psychology of entrepreneurship,
about how the most successful entrepreneurs in the world think.
I have interviewed 28 self-made billionaires and extracted their thinking principles.
I talk also about how to do the impossible, about my experiences with running ultra-marathons,
about doing the impossible.
I invite you to comments what you think about this topic,
what is your experience, what is your perspective.
Share this video with your friends, with your loved ones.
They will thank you for that.
I promised you a competition in the beginning.
Let's do the following: share this video on your social media, on Twitter, on Facebook,
with a quote from this video or with your comment, and add to that share two things.
First, add #thebilliondollarsecret so we can find your shares.
The second thing is add your Byteball address.
Among the most creative, the most effective shares,
I will choose several and will give away some Byteball bytes for them.
That's it for today.
Thank you. From Black Forest, I wish you a fantastic day.
Let's do something extraordinary today.
505 lat temu ukazała się pierwsza książka drukowana w j. polskim - „Raj duszny" - Duration: 2:21.
Among the Krakow printers who laid the foundations for the development of Polish printing,
today we will talk about Florian Ungler, because there is an opportunity for that.
Well, 505 years ago, on May 28, 1513.
he appeared - considered the first book printed in Polish
- "Soul's paradise" in the translation of Biernat from Lublin.
It was a work - a prayer book - typical of that period.
Ungler, one of the most important printers of his time, collaborated, among others
with other representatives of his profession with Lern, Heller or Szarfenberg.
The famous book by Ungler was a treatise on the Polish orthography of Stanisław Zaborowski (1514).
Thanks to establishing the graphic design of polish letters, the lack of which was an obstacle to the development of the Polish printed book,
this work was a key element allowing the development of Polish printing.
Ungler has published many well-known printed books of that era, including e.g.
Herbarist Stefan Falimirz "About herbs and their strength" (from 1534).
This publishing house is also considered to be
one of the first to provide a read and practical book to Polish readers.
This is illustrated by an interesting publication presenting the output of another publishing house that issued this time -
Maciej Szarfenberg's printing house.
Notebook "Polonia Typographica Saeculi Sedecimi [Polish stamping of the sixteenth century],
Monographs and reproductions of printing resources ",
includes a biography and a scientific study of the printing activity of Maciej Szarfenberg,
along with tables illustrating his achievements.
Hurry to love printed books, they leave so quickly
You can say paraphrasing a polish priest-poet.
Please visit www.atticus.pl for interesting old prints from the department under the same name.
這種兒童咳嗽,易被誤診為哮喘 - Duration: 4:49.
Peugeot 208 1.2 VTI ALLURE 5drs. - Duration: 1:12.
Suzuki Swift 1.2 DYNAMIC 5DRS "AUTOMAAT" AC/CRUISE/GEEN.IMPORT! - Duration: 1:11.
Peugeot 107 5DRS PACK ACCENT PLUS - AIRCO - AUDIO - Duration: 1:06.
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT BASE AIRCO 5DRS AC/CV/RADIO.CD/63.000KM! - Duration: 1:10.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 5drs X-Joy | Navi | Leder - Duration: 1:09.
Škoda Citigo 5DRS ACTIVE PRO - PACK BLACK - AIRCO - Duration: 0:52.
Renault Clio 5DRS TCe90PK DYNAMIQUE NAV TREKH - Duration: 1:12.
Top Best PVP Player vs Player new fighting game on Android IOS under 100 MB 2018 - Fun ReviewbyNBAG - Duration: 1:57.
Namaste to all my beautiful smiling friends.
What is going on?
It's a bright sunny day & NBAG welcomes y'all to the FlingTown.
The name of this super exciting game is Fling Fighters.
Where you fling anything and everything you've got towards your enemy.
This looks like one hell of a game ain't it Dobby?
Yeah NBAG!!
They look happier than pigs in shit.
Okay!! alright.
Fling fighters, fellas is an amazing player vs player game available on Android & IOS.
You can challenge your friends or fight against the other players from all around the world.
Take your pick.
So basically, it's dodge & fling, dodge & fling & repeat until you or your enemy can't
take no more.
Hey NBAG, I challenge you for a fling fight.
Oh for heavens Dobby!!
Oh!! Common…
Your banana hit me in the eye.
Hold On!!
Now we r fine!!
Fling fighter has 40+ freaky characters to play with or against, 10 different maps for
strategic fight moves.
Traps & mechanics to avoid or use against your enemy.
I am intrigued.
This sounds real fun.
The gameplay is addictive, keeps you engaged throughout & makes you come back over n over.
It like comes in your dreams & calls you.
Hey NBAG get up!!
Let's have some fling fun.
Naah I am just zucking around.
Well fellas it's time for you to hit the play store.
Download the game, the link is in the description.
Do let me know what do you think of it.
I am waiting.
If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to leave a like.
Subscribe for a regular supply of super amazing gaming videos.
This is NBAG signing off for now.
Keep playing, Keep smiling, Stay motivated.
See you in the next video, until then it's a good bye.
DC Superhero Girls™
Je sais pas si t'as vu... Jul a l'Eurovision ? #JSPSTV - Duration: 1:37.
#6 of 7 Entrepreneurial Story Loops that Sabotage - "I don't have enough _____" - Duration: 4:33.
Hi, there.
It's Jennifer Trask, Mindset Coach for Driven Entrepreneurs,
and today, we're talking about the second biggest story
of sabotage that entrepreneurs tell themselves ever,
and this is the sixth of seven stories
that I have put out in this series called Change Your Story,
Change Your Results,
and you can use #CYSCYR to find them.
Here's what's big about this one.
Okay, so I left the most famous two for last
'cause, you know, it's fun like that.
Okay, let's just dive in
because I don't care what you're trying to grow.
You've probably heard yourself say this one.
This is the "I don't have enough time" story,
very popular amongst people who are building a business
on the side, people who have kids, and basically any adult
who has a pretty full and busy life in today's society
and is just out there trying to make stuff happen, right.
Here's the thing with the "I don't have enough time" story.
It really is just a story,
and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
When you believe you don't have enough time, what happens?
You never have enough time for anything,
and all the things
that you would like to get done never get done,
but for those of you who have used this story,
I want to challenge you to look at your life
and look at the things that actually do get done
because I guarantee you the things
that are the most important to you get done.
So I have friends who, you know, I know.
There's one friend in particular I'm thinking about.
She has a full-time job.
She goes to school, and she has two kids,
and she's married, and she still works out,
and then I have other friends, people who I know,
who have, you know, a lot going on like she does,
and they say, "Well, I don't have time,"
and it's not that this friend has more time
than this other person does.
It's because working out is a high priority for her,
and so she makes it happen,
and this is one thing I've learned
about him is like we always get our musts,
and that's why the "I don't have enough time" story
is really just a story,
and what that really means for you is
that there's something else going on
around your business that has nothing to do with time.
It's usually because you don't feel capable,
or you're scared, or there's fear,
or you don't feel worthy or what have you.
There are deeper things going on.
The time is just the story you're telling yourself
so you don't have to look at the real issue.
Now, I'm not negating
that some people actually don't have a lot
of time to build their business.
You may only have one hour a day or a week or whenever,
but when you are fully committed, you make the time.
You find the time.
So if you have ever used this,
I encourage you to start some self-exploration
around why do you keep saying this to yourself
because, indeed, people always find the time
for the things that matter most to them.
Okay, so this is this one.
I would love if you left a comment,
or if you like this video, please share it with someone
because there are a lot of people
who need to hear this message,
and then stay tuned for the next video, the seventh story,
which I saved the best for last,
and this is all a part of the Change Your Story,
Change Your Results series that is really about digging in
to help entrepreneurs get rid of anything
that's holding them back so that you can go out there
and create the change and the business and the results
and the awesomeness in the world that you want to.
All right, thanks for being here,
and I'll see you in the next video.
Sad Mom Eats Alone On Mother's Day, That's When Restaurant Staff Takes Matters Into Own Hands - Duration: 2:38.
Sad Mom Eats Alone On Mother's Day, That's When Restaurant Staff Takes Matters Into Own
Mother's day is a special day for many mothers.
These women nurture and love, support and encourage their children.
For this one day every year, we honor these women who give so much of their lives and
themselves to those they see as their children.
But some women don't receive the proper recognition they deserve on this very special
of days.
Some children have lost their mothers.
Distance might separate mothers from their children.
Barbara Foy of Horry, South Carolina has a son; she hasn't heard from him in some time.
She thought perhaps he might call her on Mother's day.
Sadly, he didn't.
Barbara decided to treat herself to lunch at a local Ruby Tuesday's.
It was here when her day would do a complete 360.
While her server chatted with Barbara, she learned that the woman dining alone had no
one to celebrate Mother's day with.
Saddened and moved, Christianna Smith, Mariah Brown, and Kabria Hasty opted to do something
about it.
The servers put a gift basket together for Barbara; after they presented it to her, they
notified her lunch was on them.
A customer heard what the staff had done and gave her a rose too.
"I think we were all almost in tears by the end of the story," said Lauren Nave,
the restaurant's manager.
"We wanted to make sure that she knew how special she was on Mother's Day."
Foy plans to take the women out to a lunch date to repay them for what they did, but
she feels the impact they made on her is impossible to reciprocate.
Ruby Tuesday is trying to repay them, too: As a token of their appreciation, they're
giving Smith, Hasty and Brown $1000 each.
"This is a life-changing experience for me.
Those girls are so special, the managers, all of them — couldn't have shown me so
much kindness.
They told me I was part of their family," Foy said.
That night around midnight, Foy reached her son on the phone and told him about her day.
He was blown away.
Every mother should be treated like a queen and not just on Mother's day.
The folks at Ruby Tuesday's are rockstars for making Barbara feel so special at a time
when she needed it most.
Trump Administration Has LOST 1,475 Immigrant Children - Duration: 2:46.
In a report that came out last Friday, it was revealed that the Trump administration,
the Federal Government of the United States, has lost 1,475 migrant children that they
placed into custody after removing them from their parents.
Now, this story came out after the Trump administration announced their plans that once migrantS come
over into the United States, they were going to separate children from their parents.
And essentially right now, a lot of children are waiting in government warehouses for the
government to find out where to send them.
Now, these 1,475 missing children were actually separated from their parents in 2017 when
the Federal Government took about 7,000 or more children of migrants into custody.
1,475 children, human beings that the Federal Government was responsible for, the Trump
administration, and they've just lost them.
They don't know where they are.
They put them in custody.
They gave them to people and now they can't find them.
They don't know if they're still in the United States.
They don't know if they're still alive.
They just know that they separated them from their parents and now they're gone.
Here's what Republican Senator Rob Portman had to say about this issue of the almost
1,500 missing children in this country.
"It's just a system that has so many gaps, so many opportunities for these children to
fall between the cracks, that we just don't know what's going on."
That's very reassuring.
That's what you want to hear a senator tell you when you say, "Hey.
The government took about 1,500 and now they're gone.
Do you know where they are?"
"Oh, they fell through the cracks."
According to a documentary on PBS's front line, the government has actually been handing
over some of these children to known child sex traffickers.
So yeah, I think it's fairly important that we figure out where the hell these children
These children came over here with their parents.
The Federal Government separated them, which is also now the official policy, and then
they lost them.
They could have given them to dangerous, violent criminals.
They could have given them to sex traffickers as PBS says.
We don't know and neither do they.
And so far, it doesn't seem like anyone in the Federal Government is taking this issue
seriously or even trying to find out where these almost 1,500 missing migrant children
have gone to.
Dallas Fuel VICTORIOUS & the NYXL WINS $300,000 [Overwatch League News & Highlights] - Duration: 6:57.
4 Quick Ways to Save Money On Your Home - Duration: 3:44.
- Well, it's May,
and if you're like me, you're seeing for sale signs
in people's yards everywhere,
and it may be inspiring you to make a change.
But first, before you get ahead of yourself,
no matter where you are,
remember to be grateful for the roof over your head,
whether you want to remodel your house
or even buy a new one—
remember to be grateful.
Don't compare your house to everyone else's. Be content.
But, no matter which lane you fall in,
whether you want to do some remodel,
or maybe you want to sell your house,
we've got a great show for you today.
We've got a couple that did something crazy
to get out of debt, and you're gonna find out
what that is later in the show.
I also stop by the home of an amazing interior designer
here in Nashville, Flo Micklich,
and she's giving us some great tips
on how you can love the home that you're in.
I needed that; it was so good.
But first, we're going to talk
about four ways that you can save money
in your current house.
My papaw always said,
"The cheapest day you'll ever spend
on your house is on closing day.
It costs more to maintain it."
Wise words from Papaw.
So, if you're someone who loves
the home you're in and you're like,
"Hey, I don't wanna sell or remodel,"
here are four things that are so easy to neglect,
but could end up saving you money
in the long-run.
Number one is pest control.
It's, like, so gross to think about
'cause when I think of pest control,
I'm like, "Gross," like, ants in your house or
these guys.
He's, like, looking at me.
Oh, it's so gross.
He pooped in the cage, too.
You don't want that in your house.
But, the hard thing is, too,
you may not see these things
'cause you do think about
ants and bugs and, like, those guys,
but I actually had a friend
and a snake got stuck in their HVAC system,
and it stunk up their house for days.
Alright. Pop quiz.
If you were on Fear Factor, and you were,
like, in a big tub of snakes
or these guys, which one would you rather be in?
Comment below. I'm so curious.
Mine? Snakes, for sure.
Oh, gross, okay.
So, let's go back to talking about HVAC systems.
HVAC systems. (laughs)
Very important to maintain these
because this really can extend the life
of your unit.
You need to treat your HVAC system like your car.
You go get your oil changed on a regular basis,
so this is the exact same thing.
You need to get a professional to come out
and check out your HVAC unit every year
to make sure that it's running properly.
So, this will cost you around $100 a year,
but it's so much better than spending thousands
of dollars on a new unit altogether.
Winston's dad owns a heating and air company,
and so I called him and I was like,
"I need all your tips,"
so he said, "Do that, for sure,
and also change out your filters.
If you do this every 90 days,
every six months, it keeps it flowing easily as well."
That's what I got from our conversation.
I don't really understand how it works,
but change your filters.
Another great way to save money
is to get a smart thermostat
that you can program.
According to energy.gov,
turning the thermostat back just seven to 10 degrees
while you're at work or on vacation
can save you up to 10% on your energy bill.
And, last but not least,
the thing that's going to save you
the most money is to make sure that you're not overpaying
for your home insurance every month.
Most people just put their insurance on autopilot,
but it could be costing them.
So, if you're looking for a quick way
to save money, there are people on my website
that I recommend in the insurance world,
and they're saving their customers,
on average, $731 dollars a year on insurance premiums.
So, to find one that I recommend,
click the link in the description
to get a code today.
And make sure you have these basics covered
if you really want to save money
on your home and make sure that it's
in good shape over the long-term.
Rey Mysterio WANTS LATINO WWE Faction RETURN?! | WrestleTalk News May 2018 - Duration: 4:23.
Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.
What Is A Mark?
September 1st's All In is set to be a historic event in wrestling, the first time a North
American show has sold out 10,000 seats since WCW folded almost two decades prior, with
huge names Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, Cody Rhodes and even Arrow actor Stephen Amell.
But there's another, more depressing event happening at the same time: All Out, with
Vince Russo - who is arguably one of the reasons why no wrestling promotions have sold more
than 10,000 tickets to a show in 18 years.
After initially trying to get himself booked for All In's accompanying Starrcast convention,
All In organiser Cody replied: "We don't reward bad behavior.
Stay away from our event."
Cody has since explained that professional wrestling is for all, and accused Russo of
making homophobic comments in the past.
This prompted one fan to criticise Cody for taking "the side of the loser marks that
have killed wrestling."
- leading Cody to explain exactly what a mark is:
"Mark" means fan or customer.
So yea, that'll be the side I take.
Wrestling is doing pretty wonderful these days.
Onwards and upwards with every show.
I'll do you one better, Cody: Why is Mark?
And Rusev will do me one better: Why is John Cena?
Rusev CRUSH John Cena LoucheLeeSin posted a Rusev interview from
Bulgarian TV on Reddit last week, where the country's version of George Clooney answered
a question about his longtime rival, and physical embodiment of America, John Cena:
Are you excited about Bobby Lashley's three sister faction debuting on Raw, Rusev?
What about your wife Lana being in a ladder match?
How about Rey Mysterio leading a Latino wrestling faction in his WWE return?
Actually, that's pretty cool.
Rey Mysterio Wants WWE Faction Return Mysterio has been quite the free agent this
year - not only making cameo returns for WWE at both the inferior and Greatest Royal Rumbles,
but also by wrestling for numerous independent promotions and even appearing for New Japan.
Ever since his Royal Rumble return went down so well in January - the clip of it still
being one of WWE's most watched YouTube videos of the year - Rey has reportedly been
in talks with the promotion about a more permanent deal.
Negotiations have stalled, though, as Mysterio apparently wants to work a part-time schedule,
and WWE want him to appear more regularly.
Well now a new interview might've revealed what would finally get Rey to sign:
Thankfully we have interviewer Harry Ruiz's English summary of all those words I don't
recognise: "@reymysterio told me the only thing missing
with the latino talent in #WWE right now (@SinCaraWWE, @KalistoWWE, @AndradeCienWWE) is him, so that
way they could form a stable.
LWO 2.0 coming up?
Do it @VinceMcMahon!
#LuchaLibre" Si, si, si.
This could possibly tie in with the Latin America tournament WWE are reportedly looking
to run over the summer, although William Regal has explicitly denied those plans on Twitter.
But that's totally what he would say.
Was CM Punk's infamous pipebomb promo a shoot?
Find out all the backstage theories by clicking the video onscreen now!
And hit the notifications button to make sure you never miss a WrestleTalk episode.
I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.
Rachel Costanzo - Comfortable (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:27.
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
But in the end we always say
Make excuses, we go round and round again
When we gonna realize weÕre just comfortable
but itÕs comfortable
We both know that this ainÕt right
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
And on and on it goes
Cause I donÕt wanna be alone
Are you out or are you home
ItÕs always gotta be the same
And around we go again
I just gotta have you close
DonÕt need the highs donÕt need the lows
ItÕs so damn easy to pretend
Yeah we know how itÕs gonna end
But you never let the feelings in
You put tattoos upon your skin
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
LetÕs keep it comfortable
And on and on it goes
Cause I donÕt wanna be alone
Are you out or are you home
ItÕs always gotta be the same
And around we go again
I just gotta have you close
DonÕt need the highs donÕt need the lows
Habit will get what it deserves
I run to familiar places first
Just need someone there to hold my hand
Head for the softness place to land
The Axis Order of Battle for Operation Crusader 1941-42 WW2 - Duration: 31:55.
5 Reasons You Will Simply Notice If He Really Likes You - Duration: 3:36.
5 Reasons You Will Simply Notice If He Really Likes You
There are so many signs indicating that he actually likes you, all of that you can find
on the internet easily.
However, you may forget to notice the fact that it is actually so simple to know whether
he really likes you or not.
I told you, this is either a huge waste of time and energy, or you may not have enough
confidence, because deciphering whether or not a guy likes you is incredibly simple.
In fact, just one sentence is enough: when a guy likes you, it's obvious!
It really is as simple as that, but the fact that there are so many articles and videos
about this, and surely will be more in the future, we can assume that people love to
look at signs, maybe because it's easier to see, and so you can get a little bit more
of your confidence.
So, in this video I'm going to give you a simple list of signs that a guy likes you,
let's begin.
Oh, In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this
video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates
in the future.
#1 - First of all, they will not only text you back.
There will be follow-up questions, and the conversation is not only a chit-chat.
It is more meaningful since it tries to establish communication and relation better.
He starts to open up himself, and he also tries to know you better.
You will notice such situation easily.
Moreover, you also can bet that he will text you first.
#2 - He's going to be super nice
Someone who loves you, practically wants to be treated well.
This is why you will notice that he becomes very nice person to grab your heart.
Be aware though that someone nice may turn to be narcissists in the end.
You will notice that his love is pure by the way he talks.
If he often refer to himself, there is a small problem you have with him.
#3 - He shows something real
Words typically do not express anything but false promises.
That is why if you see him struggling to give you the best treatment and care, you should
realize that he loves you.
You need to see his struggle which is usually too difficult to infer.
#4 - No excuse
If he truly likes you, he will not make excuse for things he could not do.
Instead, he will be struggling to death to prove you that he is the best man in the world
for you.
However, you also need to know the difference between excuse and feeling sorry.
Sometimes man also has some limitations, and you need to understand that as well.
#5 - You will always in his mind
You know that through his actions, words, and emotion.
You can see that the world is nothing without you beside him.
You can feel and see that through the effort he has made to make you the queen of his life.
Well, those are some of the signs to notice when he really likes you, really, you are
going to notice most of those signs right away.
So, Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Mitch McConnell Saw The Evidence, And He Now Supports Mueller's Investigation 100% - Duration: 3:25.
Last week, Mitch McConnell attended the classified intelligence briefings that the White House
had called for, along with several other members of both the House and the Senate and members
of the intelligence community, including Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray.
After leaving the meeting, during which time they gave all the information about the alleged
spy in the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, as well as giving them information
about the basis for Robert Mueller's investigation, Mitch McConnell left that meeting, gave an
interview, in which he said, "I fully support these investigations that are currently going
on including the Robert Mueller investigation and the DOJ investigation into possible collusion
between Trump and the Russians."
After sitting through a meeting and seeing all the evidence that the rest of the public
doesn't get to see yet, Mitch McConnell emerged from that and said, "Yep.
I support these investigations."
How terrified must Donald Trump be right now?
Well, I'll tell you how terrified he is.
He's so terrified that he's continuing to push this already debunked conspiracy theory
that there was a spy placed within his campaign.
We all know what happened now.
We know that it was a guy from Cambridge University who used to work for Republicans who talked
to a few people in the Trump administration just to kind of gauge whether or not they'd
been compromised by foreign governments.
That's not really a spy.
That's just somebody making sure everyone on your staff is on the level.
He didn't even have any contact or questions about you.
But Mitch McConnell, hardcore Republican, right?
He's been the guy that's going along with Trump the whole time.
For him to leave a meeting where he finally got to see evidence as to why these investigations
are taking place and then saying, "Yes.
I fully support it," that tells me, and it should tell everybody in this country, that
there is obviously something there worth investigating.
I do not believe for one second that Mitch McConnell went in there, saw the evidence
was bogus, and then said, "Oh.
Yeah, yeah.
Keep doing this investigation."
If he thought this evidence was faulty or that it was untrue or that any of the intelligence
was gathered improperly, he would have immediately called for these investigations to end, upon
which other Republicans would have also called for the same thing.
That hasn't happened.
At this point, anyone calling for this Mueller investigation to end, anyone calling at a
witch hunt, a hoax, or a distraction, or a diversion, clearly understands that information
is going to come out that they do not want made public.
Whether it's within the Trump administration, whether it's within the media, or whether
it's just within a political party, if you're calling for this investigation to end prematurely,
then obviously you're terrified about what's going to be found.
Mitch McConnell saw some of the evidence and he fully supports it.
This isn't a guy that's been exactly going along with this investigation.
He's been a guy who's been in Donald Trump's pocket, much like Paul Ryan, but they both
saw that investigation.
Paul Ryan stayed quiet and Mitch McConnell reaffirmed his support for Robert Mueller.
If I were Donald Trump, I'd be pretty scared right about now.
9. Anpanman - BTS (Greek subs) - Duration: 3:50.
Marc Benjamin & JPB - Devil In Disguise (ft. Syon & Yung Fusion) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:25.
♪ Devil in disguise I recognize your face ♪
♪ You can try to hide but I notice anyway ♪
♪ A heart that dark can't be hidden from the light ♪
♪ You draw me in like a moth into the fire ♪
♪ I know that no love is perfect ♪
♪ I just figured I deserve it ♪
♪ Something a little more honest ♪
♪ Something a little more worth it ♪
♪ Why would you hurt me on purpose ♪
♪ You're only good on the surface ♪
♪ I thought we were Adam and Eve ♪
♪ But turns out you're the serpent ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ You're so full of promises ♪
♪ You may have fooled me once ♪
♪ But you won't fool me twice ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ You're so full of promises ♪
♪ You may have fooled me once ♪
♪ But you won't fool me twice ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ I fell for it ♪
♪ Need my heart back, give you 10 for it ♪
♪ Angel like you, go to hell for it ♪
♪ How you got me feeling ♪
♪ I might spell for it like ♪
♪ I, H-A-T-E-Y-O-U ♪
♪ Heart so cold I don't know you ♪
♪ Why tell me this is what you won't do ♪
♪ Then you do it and kill everything I'm close to ♪
♪ You don't wanna play those games ♪
♪ You don't wanna raise those flames (No no) ♪
♪ I don't wanna take those lies ♪
♪ Why you tryna take those lives (No no) ♪
♪ You the devil in disguise ♪
♪ You the devil in disguise my angel ♪
♪ You the devil in disguise ♪
♪ You the devil in disguise my angel ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ You're so full of promises ♪
♪ You may have fooled me once ♪
♪ But you won't fool me twice ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ You're so full of promises ♪
♪ You may have fooled me once ♪
♪ But you won't fool me twice ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
♪ Devil in disguise ♪
How to get free psn codes/ps4 games-free playstation codes - Duration: 3:00.
Giuliani on whether FBI improperly surveilled Trump campaign - Duration: 14:17.
joining me now is one of the president's personal lawyers Rudy Giuliani mr. mayor
welcome the Fox News Sunday I understand you spoke with the president just a few
hours ago it's he too eager for this summit to happen well sure he is and I
think he's positioned it brilliantly even even even his his opponent study of
that I mean he he wouldn't submit to that ridiculous comment about a new
meeting on the nuclear battlefield he cancelled it and now we have kim
jung-han back where he was before talking about wanting to do it meeting
with the leader of South Korea so I don't want to raise expectations but I
think the president's strategy has played out really brilliantly and the
most remarkable thing he can do it with all these interruptions that I have to
bring to him in Sheikh Sekulow from you know this in this totally rigged
investigation yeah but did he express the level of optimism with you and just
back to my question is he too eager to make this summit happen well no I mean
now somebody chill we couldn't do it wouldn't turn wouldn't have turned it
down wouldn't have canceled it I mean he this he's playing this like Ronald
Reagan played Reykjavik and I think his achievement will be as great or greater
when it's all finished but let's hope okay it might take six months Reykjavik
didn't happen in a day you're right about that and there will be stops and
starts along the way and we should be certainly aware of all that but you said
the summit needs to be decided before the mulher matter moves forward so let's
move to the mother matter now this weekend you said you would not go
forward with Muller until you understand what was happening with an informant
with the Trump campaign so sir what was this person doing with the campaign well
I mean I don't know that yet I haven't been told that I mean it just further
reiterates what I've come to conclude after two months of being in this and
the president obviously knew from the from very early on which is this is a
rigged I mean you've got 13 Democrats you've got a focus on things that didn't
happen know Russia collusion know obstruction just defending yourself and
now we're we're into the basis of it being illegitimate professor Calabrese
his article just a few days ago about he's questioning whether there
should even be an investigation because of the fact that they switched over from
counterintelligence to criminal and we don't I want to know did they get any
evidence in that counterintelligence probe I think they didn't so you know
you say don't think they did or they did not as you just referred to there do you
have that on good information because there were two classified briefings just
on Thursday of this week and I'm told no documents were shown no one's talked
about the briefing there was a short statement that was given by Adam Schiff
and he read that off of a piece of paper so what can you learn or perhaps now
what do you know about this informant well what I know is just where I
speculate not anything that's been said to me no one has shared it with me I'm
positive they shared it with the president but probably at this point
it's better than we don't know we have to know however before we can recommend
to the president whether to be interviewed when you look at the
backdrop of this rigged investigation when you look at how they treated
metaphor how they spun off into Cohen how they had chasing things in in the
Middle East I mean the reality is we're not going to sit him down if this is a
trap for perjury and until what convinced of that and if they don't show
us these documents what we just gonna have to say no let me emphasize he wants
to explain that he did nothing wrong it's us the lawyers who have to convince
him that this is a trap so take us inside that meeting with the president
then what do you tell him what does he ask you well what is that interchange
right first of all my job has been to try and negotiate grounds for an
interview and we've been doing it I mean we have a team now not only with Jay but
with with Jan Raskin and Marty Raskin she's taken the she's taken the load
really of doing the negotiating with with the mullah people but the reality
is that we've all become convinced even though we began with the hope that it
can be done in good faith that there's too much here now some of it is mullahs
fault some is it the whole whole thing with this
investigation that was going on which which we consider spying was done before
mullah got involved but it completely taints his investigation entirely you
believe yeah I mean what's the you got to ask what's the basis of the
investigation that and how about a leak Comey report that turns out to come from
a guy that I think is one of the biggest lies in the history of Washington well
let me get back to come in a moment James clapper said this about what
you're referring to on this informant this week
no they were not they were spying on a term I don't particularly like but on
what the Russians were doing trying to understand where the Russians
infiltrating trying to gain access trying to gain leverage and influence
well you called a spy they call it an informant what's wrong with the
government trying to figure what's wrong with the government trying to figure out
what Russia was up to nothing wrong with the government doing that everything
wrong with the government spying on a candidate of the opposition party that's
a Watergate spy gate I mean and without any warning to him and now to compound
that to make it into a criminal investigation bill that's why this is a
rigged investigation that's why president's been right from the
beginning way back when the president said there was surveillance of his
campaign turns out he was right it was it was human surveillance rather than
technical surveillance but surveillance nonetheless all right so your strategy
became clear back to James Comey you're gonna put the credibility of the
president up against the credibility of James Comey and almost every day this
week the president referred to Comey he said this just on Wednesday the FBI
is a fantastic institution but some of the people at the top were rotten apples
James Comey was one of them I've done a great service for this country by
getting rid of them by firing and so on that same on that same day James Comey
tweeted this you said facts matter the FBI's use of confidential human sources
the actual term is tightly regulated and essentially protecting the country
attacks on the FBI and lying about its work will do lasting damage to our
country how will Republicans explain this to their grandchildren so you're
putting james comey on trial and now listening
to you talk today you're also putting the government on trial based on the
investigation saying it's not legitimate I understand where you're coming from
mr. mayor but how does this end well first of all it isn't the government
it's James call me clapper Brennan the people who took this investigation and
turned it on a candidate look you can't say is spying on the Russians if what
you're trying to do is to show the Russians are colluding whatever the hell
that means with with with the Trump campaign so
that's mine turned on the Trump campaign when it did that the president should
have been briefed if he wasn't it would be an outrage and and then at that point
the Trump campaign should have been briefed to be asked to cooperate not
treated like criminals when there was no proof of any collusion now we're a year
and a half later and there's no proof of collusion so stop the investigation if
they do not do that does the president have to fire someone president's not
going to fire on it does that would be playing into their hands of playing a
victim Watergate there the Watergate there the people have committed the
crimes what what the what we have to do is go to court and and seek protection
from the court if we have to do that our first thing is we sure as heck are not
going to testify unless it's all straightened out unless we've learned
the basis of that Russian investigation they're not going to tell us because the
bases are going to turn out when it's spread to the Trump to be unethical or
illegal they're gonna have to tell us what they have found so far on the basis
of the investigation Russian collusion here's what they found zero nada nothing
president gee maybe they should wake up and realize the president is innocent
that's why he wants to testify and because of them we don't want him to
testify because they're not fair they have rigged this investigation against
him 13 Democrats angry as heck and some of them they're at Hillary Clinton's
funeral I mean when she was supposed to have a victory party we are a long way
from an interview aren't we well maybe maybe we're not a long way from deciding
we won't have one and then they're going to have to go on what they have
everybody's gonna find out that have anything hmm the week you said if the
summit matter is decided you could sit down in early July and maybe part of
Mother's report comes out in early September is that timeline still viable
it is if we could get over what seems to be fairly monumental problems that keep
growing not we don't create them bill they create they created the problem of
this what do you want to call it spy gate investigation improper
investigation of a candidate why does everybody get all upset when they invade
the Democratic National Committee Republicans do and now they've invaded
the Trump campaign nobody's angry no if you sit for an interview you could walk
into a perjury trap if you delay or if you say no based on your description
today Democrats can use this against Republicans in the midterm are you
essentially boxed in on that schedule well could be but I don't think so I
mean here's where we are we have to be lawyers the the four of us five of us
have to act like lawyers and we have to give him the legal advice he can make
the political judgment look I can put a different hat on and talk about that too
his approval rating is the highest it's ever been I believe the Democrats are
going up wrong alley here Republicans did this to Clinton and a backfire the
reality is the American people have come to the conclusion everybody else has
this investigation is rigged it's unfair and if they have to choose on on
impeachment or not with a president who's going to be making peace with
North Korea God willing and we should all be ready for that they're not
probably but we are I don't see this could really turn on them and they're
not gonna have their impeachment Congress that they want I have two more
questions for you in the time I have left here if you don't sit for an
interview in a good face of subpoena and I know you've said you'll challenge that
subpoena all the way the US Supreme Court where you believe he will win
because you believe you have the votes who is the fifth vote at the Supreme
Court for you today well I think on the constitutional issue it's a closed
question I think we win it as does Ted Olson who wrote an article
the Weekly Standard I think it was last week however on the OLC question namely
do they have the authority to do it we can't lose I think we get all votes
because the the Justice Department defines the authority of the independent
counsel he doesn't have his own authority Justice Department says cannot
issue criminal process to a sitting president that's the law basically all
over the world for a head of state I can't see how we lose that bill I mean
maybe in the Ninth Circuit I picked up not in a vehicle I picked up where the
comments over the week in your cities more likely to sit with chairman Kim
than he is to sit with Bob Muller listening to you probably borrow it I
you described probably barred that into a Korean perjury I mean just listening
to you I don't believe this interview will ever happen am I wrong sir
no if they can satisfy us it could happen he wants to do it so far since
I've been in this all I see are obstacles that they're putting in the
way starting with Cohen I mean what's that all about and then and then and
then going off on something about about the middle east and which turned out to
be a software that was turned down by the campaign I mean and now the spy gate
Wow we got to get and I don't think they're
gonna want to tell us about it because it's so damn embarrassing last class I
want to emphasize one more time yeah not to the FBI leadership at the time yeah
last question do you think you've given structure to his offense since you came
on board Tommy yeah I give you I think I did I think I think I took over a good
situation I think tie and and John Dowd had really done a good job they got out
of the way all the disclosure of documents and now we can sit in the
position and say you don't need him also a way to resist him the subpoena and I
think they had they had pretty much defined the fact that this interview had
it had to be on our terms well we can't do it so I think maybe I
gave it more structure I kind of have knowledge of him probably better than
they do him he and I have very good friends for 30 years yeah very and I've
worked very heavily on his campaign so I know I know this great desire he has to
testify but they also know this is an intelligent man
who's got a lot of other things to do and I can't stand it after this
interview is over later today I'll wait for him to call me
I can't interrupt what's going on with no I can't interrupt a briefing with
Bolton and Pompeyo and stuff this is not important enough mayor giulliani thank
you for your time thanks for spending part of your weekend with us thank you
Examining Wamuu | Character Study - Duration: 6:50.
I'm not sure how to approach this since the first I was going about it, I ended up
going on a tangent about Wamuu Vs. Joseph.
Trying to find the smallest amount of words to summarize how I'm feeling about this
before I talk about him.
I think the easiest thing to say is that, I love Wamuu.
Now, Wamuu's character to me in Battle Tendency is underutilized with how much I like him.
I would take a Wamuu OVA, and have it titled as The Pillar Men's Bizarre Adventure.
You could even remove Kars and ACDC and have it as Wamuu's Bizarre Adventure where it's
him roaming the earth looking for the strongest beings.
I'm just going to take a step back on this here, so I can talk about why.
The honorable archetype is probably one of my top favorite tropes that are done in anything.
When there's characters like Wamuu, Jonathan, Youpi, Kenshiro, All Might, Mumen Rider, Kuwabara.
I'm sure you can understand what area of character I'm getting at.
It's a trope that's believed to just be overdone and outplayed, when it's actually
a role that isn't fulfilled as well as you would think.
A lot of areas in fiction will try to recreate this character in a different way but will
fail due to the character holding no weight.
All the characters I mentioned here have huge defining moments and impactful roles in their
respective franchise and are extremely necessary.
Wamuu's character in Battle Tendency had the same amount of effect as Kars, debatably
more because of the between him and Caesar.
Yet every character interaction you have with him, you never really see Wamuu going out
of his way to star problems first.
Though if a fight was to be initiated, he won't hesitate to get through it to move
on, especially if he believes the person trying to fight him isn't worth it at that time.
He shows it in the first scuffle between him and Caesar.
Then you see when he's against some that's possibly worth his time, he's about getting
into it.
I also love that he's a warrior of time where certain things get ahead of him just
because of how people have adapted what was considered underhanded into tactics and he's
unaware of it and doesn't understand why it's done.
He also matches it because he believes in giving back the energy that's being put
out onto him, and that if his opponent isn't going to fight on the fair ground that he's
on, he can get onto their level.
You can see it as respect, but it's more so on just matching, punishing, and outdoing
his opponent.
Then there's his respect for living beings which is something that I truly admire about
him, but it's not what I focus on when I think of Wamuu.
It may be due to his genetics and being more like his parents no matter how he was raised,
but Wamuu being able to define himself as a character even when being raised by both
ACDC and Kars.
You should also be able to factor in how old Wamuu is, that connecting over how he was
still able to stand his ground mentally though all of it.
Wamuu had legitimately lived his whole life, being his own person, but still pledging his
allegiance to Kars.
It was respect for the men that have raised him, but that respect alone wouldn't make
him stop being who he is.
Even Kars acknowledges what kind of person Wamuu is and what he doesn't like being
Kars would respect it when Wamuu was living alongside of him.
Though he did disrespect Wamuu after death by cheating.
Off-topic, is what Kars did really cheating?
If we're to think about all that Joseph has done and what kind of person he is, is
what Kars did that far off?
Morally, probably wasn't ok, but in fighting with Pillar Men I would think morals are out
the window unless you're Wamuu.
Thinking about it too, he also wasn't doing anything
at all for the whole part.
Back onto the topic of Wamuu.
Without giving too much and going about it in an analytical approach because that's
what my character analysis videos are for.
Wamuu is a character I would love to see relived in the future, especially because I believe
that a lot of the villains and minor villains take after him like how every Joestar takes
after Jonathan in some way.
It's one of those things that JoJo is great at doing with the whole passing the torch
type of thing going on.
What's funny is that Wamuu lived under Kars and you would think there would be some sort
of parallel between him and Joseph.
Both character being unable to follow what history was behind them yet takes away in
the sense of certain aspects about who they respect.
Except that for Wamuu, he just holds a respect for Kars instead of taking from him.
I'm sure that Kars would original tell Wamuu to define himself but didn't want him becoming
who he was when he fought and died.
I love the guy, hopefully he gets a second chance at it all.
Jurassic World Alive Hack - Get Jurassic World Alive Cheats [DOWNLOAD MOD APK] - Android/iOS - Duration: 3:01.
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Sing With Compression - Vocal Fry - Gabriela Gunčíková - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 14:16.
Hey guys welcome back again to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy where the Proof is
in the Singing. we got a lot of requests for this one
it's how to sing with compression and vocal fry. Now it's kind of an
interesting subject for me because I've been discussing compression for like
over 25 years now and it's interesting to see that it's finally come around on
the internet now I don't know if it's people that have seen stuff that I've,
you know, talked about over the last at least a decade, and they're regurgitating
that, or whatnot, but I think the most important thing we can start with is
that no matter where you get your information, and especially on such a
sensitive subject like compression or distortion or vocal fry, make absolutely
certain that that vocal coach themselves can do it, and do it well, and that they
demonstrate other students that do it, and do it well. And I'm not talking about
just one little line, or you know, a ditty or 10 seconds here
I mean full-blown, three, four minute songs, and preferably, I mean, that you've
seen that they've toured and that they can do this in sustainable 10 songs, 11
songs, twelve songs, four, five, six nights a week for years on end. Now why I
say this is because we have a lot of people that have lost their voice in
fact most people, especially in the 80s and the 90s that used a lot of
compression have lost their voices completely for lack of knowledge of how
to, how to do this correctly. So let's start there. But so how to sing with
compression. Let's identify first what compression is, okay? It's the concept of
compressing air in the glottis. It's called glottal compression, or hyper-glottal
compression. Now there's lots of ways that people go at compressing a sound
and we're gonna get into vocal fry in a minute, because there's some do's and
don'ts with that. But the very first thing I want you guys to identify is, is
that it's not just that you can compress air and squeeze off a note and sound
like you're singing through a straw or something like that
you actually want to be able to take this idea of holding back the air and
compressing that air, because the overuse of air is the kiss of death to your
vocal folds. It's like taking a flame thrower of air your vocal folds.
It dries them out pretty quickly. Then they become swollen. Then you lose good cord
closure, and when that happens then all of a sudden you start ramming more air
just to get phonation or sound, and it becomes
vicious cycle that repeats itself, where you find yourself going hoarse after
three, four, maybe five songs, especially you know depending on how heavy you sing
this becomes exponential, depending again on how much distortion or how much
compression you want to use. So! But let's discuss what compression is so
compression is the idea that we hold our breath like I'm doing right now now you
probably don't realize I'm doing this but I'm holding my breath and I'm
talking to you at the same time now if you're really acute and keen you can
really hear that it's not like when I'm talking to you like this and expunging a
bunch of air. I'm actually holding my breath back and doing this. So! You start
on that premise, but it's far from the only thing we do, and let me explain why.
By the way, I have a singing course. It's called How To Sing Better Than Anyone
Else, and I cover all of this thoroughly in my singing course. It's not something
I can cover all right here in one quick tutorial, but at least you'll get a
flavor for what I'm talking about, so that if you do decide to take your
studies further, it will really help you understand why this is important. Now so
we have this this concept of cutting back the air, and it's not just that we
can control or stop the air itself. It's that we worked in good open throat
technique, or the idea of keeping the throat open, the tongue dropped, the
throat open, that we don't literally gag on our vowels, or, you know, start sound
like we're heaving up our vowels, or like I said singing through some tiny little
straw, or was pinching and squeezing and choking off the notes. See, that's what
most people do when they sing, especially if they start to sing loud or belt or
want to sing heavy with Distortion. Cause they ehhhhh... and they just kind of pinch and squeeze and
that. And that is a form of compression. Not good compression, but it's a form of
compression. What you want to do is you want to work in a daily regimen of
scales that allow you different vocal techniques or open throat
techniques for vowel placement of getting your vowels placed well first,
with strong diaphragmatic support, and then once those vowels are placed, you
can gently start to lean into a sound or kind of pushing into it a little bit to
start develop, start to develop this compression. Well this is also
important too, because we don't want to go straight from a clean sound to a
distorted sound. We're gonna really hurt ourselves. And this is this is kind of
crazy guys, because, like I said, I can't express this enough. Be
careful where you get your information from on the subject. People can parrot
things, they can read something on the internet, they can see someone else's
video and try to regurgitate that. If they can't really do it effectively
themselves and don't have other students doing it, run like your hair's on fire,
because this subject, it's an extreme sport, especially if you take it to it's
distorted components of it, and if you do this extreme sport, and you light your
hair on fire, and no one can tell you how to put it out you could you
could really seriously damage your voice. Now, even in cases like Adele, she uses a
form of compression and she's going through two surgeries now. The first one
she's had a while ago and now she's going through a second. Of course I know
she smokes a lot, I know she drinks, and some other things like that to
contribute to that, but also, though, it's just from singing incorrectly. And we've
seen a lot of surgeries lately as a result of this. So, let's get back to
compression. So we want to have really strong diaphragmatic support. Again, I
can't stress this enough. If you haven't seen my video on that, check it out. Again,
it's in my singing course in its hugely expanded version of that. But what we
want to do, is like I said, we want to learn to hold back the air. Kind of like
we're talking underwater. Hey, man! How's it going? Blooop! Pretty good. What are you doin'? Not bad! All right! Cool!
right? But we don't want to end it there because we don't, like as in the case of vocal fry' where people go ehhhhh!
Congratulations! All you did was choke off the cord. Okay? Now I'm not dissing
vocal fry, but I want to emphasize this. Now, that might be okay to help
understand the process of starting or initiating wanting vocal distortion and
you start with fry to kind of get the feeling in the throat just hear how it
sounds or whatever, and then you get away from that sound, and you open up the
sound. I want to give you an example of this really quickly, because I think this
might help you. One of my students, Gabriela Guncikova,
came to me many years ago. She was in a band called Maryland, and she did a
Nazareth song. She was a wonderfully talented person on her own, however Gabby
will be the first to admit that when she came to me, she was losing her voice
every single night, and only able to sing about three or four songs. So I want to
play this Nazareth clip for you right now. Check this out.
Alistair Birch from SBS Radio in Austrailia.
Can you tell us a little about the influence of Ken Tamplin on your music and...
Half my range and my technique! It would just work! I would I would be losing my
voice, and that time I had a problem with that I was I would sing for an hour and
I would lose my voice. This is something that's not happening anymore, because I'm
trained, and for rock singers especially, it's very easy, very easy to lose the
voice when you scream and you use so much of distortion. Okay, if you see you'd
say the average person would say wow man that was cool Ken what are you talking
about? I love that Distortion! Well if you get a chance and you go through all the
videos that I've done with Gabby, and you see how much I've opened up her voice
to maintain wonderful distorted sounds, wonderful compressed sounds, but
the roaring lion of openness: Number one: the ability to control the air. Number
two, and the range that she was able to get from not closing or clamping or
crimping down, like I said "singing through a straw", you know, closing down
and choking off the cords. All of a sudden she has range that she never
imagined she could have:
that comes through a series of exercises that I have in my singing course where
you have to continually do on on all your vowels, too. Do these different open
throat techniques to first initiate open throat, and then gently start to lean
into this sound. Now. Back to compression. So, within this compressed sound, we start
out very light on the compression. I don't mean light as in singing, I mean not using that much.
So in other words if I go hey... Right? I'm holding my breath. Hey... You know, you kind of
hear me cutting back the air, right? Well, there's a there's a deception in this in
that, and I'm gonna talk about this when I do a video on belting, as well, that
there's an idea that it sounds like when people are using distortion or growl or
anything, that they're just... the blood is coming out of the throat! of it's like a
throat bleed! Aaaah! Kind of a sound! Right? It's actually the opposite! It's that we
built up such quality resonance with the voice. Quality resonance with the sound,
that the voice has gotten bigger with less volume and less air, okay? So, let's
do this again. So, you can do it with me. Hold back the breath and go heeeeey...
You can hear me compress the sound. Now, I could use a lot of air and not compress at all.
You hear all that air that I'm using in this sound. like I said that's the kiss
of death it's like a taking a flamethrower of air
to your vocal folds and you only get four or five songs that way. So anyway so
as we start to compress this sound: Hey... Over time, when we sing and we maturate
the voice, and I don't want you guys doing this the first week, second week,
third week, stuff. Come on, guys! Think about this. It's like going to a gym and
working out. We're growing muscle structure here. You don't get to be The
Rock overnight. Right? You've got to go into the gym you've got to work
out, you've got to do this stuff correctly. So you go: Hey...
Then you kind of lean into it a little bit more...
Now! The genius of compression is, is that it
develops a beautiful tone, kind of that whiskey kkk kkkk kkk kind of sound that happens around
a voice of a singer that's been singing a long time. You say "man I love that guy's
tone! He just has that smoky, woodsy lightly gritty, distorted sound! I want
that sound!" It comes from doing this, this way
correctly. Right? Now you can end, up you know, like a Bruce Springsteen, you know
BORN In the U.S.A. I was...
You know, have this overly distorted, really unidentifiable, not, not sexy-beautiful, just kind of
powerful middle-America kind of sound. That's one way to approach it. Or you can
have a lot of versatility in the sound with different layers and shades of this
compression, like I've demonstrated over and over and over again in many of my
videos, where you can use certain amounts as much as you want. You could be clean
on the sound you could be a little dirty on the sound, you know: HEEEEY!
Or you could be, like, really dirty or
even like with the growl videos I have, check those out, where I'm just like, opening up
you know, some of the false vocal folds, relaxing those, and just really leaning
into his sound, you know, to kind of scream. Or do scream. So anyway, again you
guys, thank you for joining me! Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the proof is
in the singing, and I want to touch one more thing of fry. i forgot to almost mention
this, is that you can start with fry to understand the concept of distortion.
That's okay. But! You don't want to stay in fry, because if you stay in fry, then
you're, again: squeezing or crimping or clamping up: ehhhh!
you got this really, instead of heeeey yeah yeah! You have a really nice open thing
that you can come alongside with a big open throat sound, in order to give you
what you're looking for with compression. Okay? Thanks again for joining me. Ken
Tamplin Vocal Academy. Stop by my singers forums, man, we got 11,000 people in there
now, it's growing like a weed! If you like and you want to check out my course How
To Sing Better Than Anyone Else. Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy dot com! Check me out
on Twitter, Facebook, I'm all over the place! So until next time, guys! Peace. Out.
Hey guys if you like what you heard, please like and subscribe to my channel,
and if you want to get notified when I have a new cool video come out, you need
to go to my channel and click on this little bell icon, and it will actually
notify you every time I have a video come out! Thanks guys!
Allied Defense During Spring Offensives 1918 I THE GREAT WAR Special - Duration: 9:15.
Over the winter of 1917 and 1918, the mood among the Allied High Command was dark as
The Battle of Passchendaele had produced nothing but hundreds of thousands of casualties, and
the euphoria of the beginning of the Battle of Cambrai had been overwhelmed by the German
For the first time in two years, the Germans had the operational initiative, and the Allies
would need a new defense.
I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to a Great War special episode about the Allied Western Front
defenses in the spring of 1918.
Under the leadership of Philippe Petain, the French army had rallied in the second half
of 1917 after the mutinies of the early summer.
It was a real force with which to be reckoned, though morale was still low, and high command
could see that it was going to face a manpower crisis, so they were in no position to make
new offensives as 1918 began.
As for the British, Commander Sir Douglas Haig agreed to London's demand to postpone
any plans for a Flanders offensive and play defense.
We've mentioned in our regular episodes his manpower shortage - British PM David Lloyd
George was withholding hundreds of thousands of ready-for-action troops in Britain since
he was appalled by the slaughter of 1917 and thought Britain could win the war elsewhere
and at less of a cost in men.
So defense it would be, but that defense would be something new.
They had carefully studied the German defense in depth system of the Hindenburg Line and
set out to build a copy.
When I say a copy, I'm not kidding.
British pioneers, together with German POWs and the Chinese Labor Corps, embarked on a
colossal construction project to copy the German system down to the last detail, even
down to the anti-tank ditches, though they'd never faced a single German tank.
Like the Hindenburg Line, the British system would have a forward zone - the Red Zone,
which was only lightly manned and was to delay and break up the enemy attack.
The Blue Zone, a mile or two deep, would be the actual battle zone.
The Green Zone at the rear was the artillery and the counter attack troops, ready to strike
at the Germans trapped in the Blue Zone.
Thing is, just copying the system on paper led to some serious problems that Haig couldn't
really see.
The manpower shortage meant that regular troops had to work with the pioneers.
This was not only not so good for morale, it also meant that they didn't have time
for training in how to actually fight in the new system.
Soldiers felt unsafe in isolated strong points, officers didn't have experience in conducting
the counter attacks, and the already thin reserves were now spread out even further.
Haig thought the Germans would launch a slow burning offensive, much like the Western Front
offensives of the past few years, and he told London that the new system could hold out
for 18 days before he needed reinforcements.
However, a slow burning offensive was the last thing German Quartermaster General Erich
Ludendorff wanted.
British High Command knew he was building up for a big offensive all winter after the
Eastern Front went quiet, but they underestimated the force behind it and the German shock tactics.
However, when those attacks began in late March, where the British defense in depth
system was properly constructed and tactically implemented, it absorbed the brunt of them,
preventing a complete breakthrough in the northern sector of the British lines.
It was in the south, in Hubert Gough's sector, where the construction of the system was incomplete
and where it was poorly understood, that the German breakthrough happened.
The British infantry was packed in the forward zone, where it was annihilated by artillery
and then infiltrated by German storm troops who circumvented and isolated strong points.
Bernhard: Exactly!
Indy: Oh, hey, I didn't you see you there.
Well, actually I still can't technically see you but you know what I mean.
Bernhard: Right, right.
What a coincidence again, you are talking about the Kaiserschlacht and I am talking
about Stormtroopers on my channel.
Indy: Yes, such a coincidence.
You know, I never get tired learning about stormtroopers, I will definitely check out
our your video and I am sure our viewers will do the same.
Bernhard: Thanks Indy, see you around.
The British were also using tanks as defensive strong points, which turned out to be pretty
useless, and many tanks and tank crews were lost, while others preferred to bail out and
fight on foot with their Lewis Guns.
Anyhow, the British bore the brunt of that first wave of attacks.
The French reacted quickly; even before Haig asked for assistance, Petain had sent reserves
northward, but German raiding parties and diversion bombardments were hitting the French
all over Champagne, and Petain figured he was gonna get hit with a major attack as well.
He correctly surmised that Ludendorff had a lot of reserve divisions, but he couldn't
figure out where the attack would come, so he couldn't commit a large amount of French
troops to aid the British.
Like Haig, he advocated a defense in depth system, as well as modernizing the French
army with things like automatic weapons and mortars, but his system was less developed
than the British, because of skeptics like Ferdinand Foch, who didn't believe in its
So Ludendorff hit not only a blind, but an underprepared enemy.
Petain had remarked that, when Operation Michael hit the British March 21st, they had run like
the Italians at Caporetto, but his commanders, who didn't believe in defense in depth,
would make the same mistakes as the British and Italians had when it was their turn to
be attacked.
That attack was a sudden violent artillery bombardment by pre-registered guns, followed
by storm troop infiltration and a lightning fast, continued advance into open country.
The German army by that time was pretty exhausted though, and the Allies wavered but did not
fall as the spring went on.
The German army could deliver a punch, but it did not have the strategic oversight or
the stamina to exploit a reeling opponent.
They didn't have an operative goal, and they also didn't have cavalry or armored
vehicles to chase down the enemy.
They could only advance on foot and their supply system could not keep up with them
either, and as the offensives stalled and the Germans grew weaker, the Allies grew stronger.
And the Germans lost the battle in the air.
No matter how vicious the Red Baron's flying circus was, the Germans could not match the
Allied material superiority in planes, and this cured the Allied blindness.
The German shock attack was no longer a shock once the German lines had been meticulously
photographed from the air, and their radio codes cracked.
The Allies soon had a full picture of the German plans.
Morale was also a factor.
The Germans were certainly enthusiastic about the first few victorious days of the offensives,
but when they came across all of the material the British and French left behind in their
retreat, the seeds of doubt were sown.
The Allies had so much more stuff than the Germans did.
And the morale of the British and French actually rose during open warfare, as they escaped
the drudgery of the trenches.
And the French had their internal supply line.
They had maximized the effect of their rail system.
The Germans had to carry supplies over bombed out ground; the often double-tracked French
railways could easily move men and material from front to front.
Same problem with airfields.
The Germans couldn't just build new ones on bombed out or contested ground.
So the French and the British had the chance to establish new defensive structures and
rob the Germans of their shock advantage.
Defense in depth was often improvised over fields and villages, but the German inability
to disrupt the Allied supply system allowed Allied material supremacy to stem the tide.
By July, and the German offensive toward Reims, the allies knew when, where, and in what strength
the Germans would attack.
The German attack began as planned, but the storm troops smashed into only thinly manned
French forward lines.
The further the storm troops advanced, the more they were hit by machine gun fire from
hidden nests or defensive artillery.
Exhausted and bloodied, they emerged from the other side of the battle zone, and were
stunned by what they saw: there, just beyond the range of the German artillery, stood the
French Army in full force, guns ready.
The German offense had been beaten once and for all.
Definitely check out Military History Visualised and his video about German stormtroopers on
his channel.
If you want to see some more photos of the Entente Defenses on the Western Front, like
us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram.
And don't forget to subscribe, see you next time.
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