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Some might argue that all wars are pretty dumb, being as they are a final resort to
diplomatic negotiations.
Indeed, when we look back at history with the benefit of hindsight, much of the bloodshed
and conflict in this world could have been easily avoided with a little bit of common
sense and diplomacy.
But some wars are just plain silly.
Today, we'll examine five wars that began with a bizarre misunderstanding, overreaction,
or drunken mistake, in this episode of the Infographics Show – Dumbest wars in History.
5) The Battle of Kororareka in New Zealand.
Although Maori chief Hone Heke was one of the first to sign the Treaty of Waitangi in
February 1840, he wasn't by any means a happy camper.
He objected to the change of the capital city to Auckland as well as changes to customs
British troops in 1844 were stationed in the town of Kororareka, New Zealand.
They flew the Union Jack flag over the town, and chief Hone Heke took offense, rode into
town, and felled the flagpole.
The troops erected a new flag pole and right on cue the chief chopped it back down again.
This happened a third time, and on the fourth erection, the British assembled armed guards
to keep watch of their flag.
On the 11th of March, 1845, Heke and his tribe rode into town once more and murdered the
inhabitants in cold blood.
The conflict dragged on for another 10 months.
As is typical in these battles, the British were outnumbered and outsmarted by the natives
but were able to send for reinforcements and eventually the British overcame Heke, but
the old chief had made his point.
4) The War of Jenkins' Ear began when English Privateer, Robert Jenkins, is said to have
crashed into parliament waving his severed ear in his hand and demanding a war with Spain.
Whether the ear in parliament story is fact or fiction is open to conjecture, but the
name of the war does, without a doubt, stem from the loss of Jenkin's ear.
He claimed his ear had been removed by a Spanish coast guard who had boarded his vessel.
Thus war began, mostly in the Caribbean, with fighting spreading across the Florida-Georgia
The war lasted from 1739 to 1748, and many more ears, limbs, and other body parts were
severed in the process.
3) The War of the Golden Stool.
The stool, made of gold (obviously), belonged to the Ashanti Empire in Africa and was believed
to be sacred.
The stool was thought to house the souls of the entire nation, the living, the dead, and
those yet to be born.
This stool was really a big deal to the people.
The exiled king was unable to protect his subjects and his stool, seeing as he was exiled,
so in 1896, the British governor Sir Frederick Hodgson stepped in and told the people that
he intended to claim the stool for the crown.
Not a good move.
The locals obviously weren't too impressed that the British were intent on casually stealing
all their souls, and assembled as many men and weapons as they could.
Meanwhile, the British set out to find the stool and claim it, but instead found themselves
under vicious attack by an army led by the mother of the exiled king.
The British troops were slaughtered.
All but a few survived, and those that did scurried back to town and barricaded themselves
in a small fort while the opposing forces grew to 12,000.
Another 3 months passed before the British had called in enough extra men and hardware
to tackle the restless natives.
They finally did so on July 12th, 1900, by which time the besieged British had been trapped
for weeks and had run out of food and ammunition
2) The Battle of Karansebes.
Two factions of the Austrian army scouting for Turkish forces clashed in this bizarre
drunken mix-up.
The Austrian hussars were setting up camp and decided to indulge in some schnapps that
they'd acquired from a group of gypsies.
Soon afterwards, some infantry from the same army saw the party and asked if they could
join in.
Not willing to share their booze, much arguing ensued and one soldier fired a shot.
Bad mistake, as the hussars and infantry began battling with one another.
To further confuse matters, some infantry began shouting "Turks Turks Turks!"
The factions of the same army continued shooting at each other, thinking they were firing at
the enemy.
When the Turks did finally arrive two days later, they discovered the dead, wounded,
and hungover Austrian soldiers, and easily took Karansebes.
The Football War.
This conflict between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969 followed a game of soccer between
the two football crazed nations.
El Salvador lost the game, and tensions rose between the two countries.
Sore losers El Salvador broke all diplomatic relations and sent over bombers disguised
as passenger jets, taking Honduras by surprise in a three day war that claimed the lives
of 3,000 people.
The United States swiftly intervened and brokered a ceasefire between the two countries.
Although underlying tensions such as economic equality existed between the two countries,
it was no doubt the game of soccer that led to the war kicking off.
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. So what do you think?
What's the dumbest reason anyone's ever gone to war?
Are all wars stupid?
Let us know in the comment section.
Also, be sure to watch our other video called - What You Should do if you Get Stopped by
the Police.
Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe, see you
next time
For more infomation >> Dumbest Reasons Why People Went To War - Duration: 6:01.-------------------------------------------
How To Monster Hunter - Duration: 2:38.
At last, I thirst for the Hunt!
The Hunt is life!
Don't worry little one, you'll learn the ropes soon enough!
Everybody has a first hunt. Stick with us and you'll live to see your second, your third and your hundredth!
Yeah, you'll do alright bud.
You've got your whetstones, and your... Palico...
This is it, young one! Just follow our lead!
You're new around here, right?
Well in that case...
Let me show you around!
You're beautiful.
I couldn't have done it without you.
Thank you.
Well, you've got better equipment now, so... it's a fair fight.
But Kevin, I love -
Why Researchers Put Crocodiles in a Brain Scanner - Duration: 4:55.
"You know, if you happen to be standing next to a crocodile, your first thought probably
isn't how similar you are to the crocodile"
Recently I came across this new study that put a crocodile in a brain scanner and played
it classical music.
And I was like...
You did what now?
But it turns out that this weird intersection of crocodiles and technology can teach us
something pretty cool about ourselves.
Like, when did we first develop the ability to perceive music?
[BrainCraft intro]
Over the years, we've figured out how our human brains process sound, like tones and
For example, listen to this song.
As you hear it, you process sound in a hierarchical way – First you register the basic acoustic
building blocks like frequency, harmonics, the duration and loudness of notes.
Next are the more complicated elements, like differentiating instruments and linking the
sounds with stored memories.
And then the most complex, like your behavioural response to the sound.
And there's a relationship between brain structure and sound complexity – the more
complex the sounds get, the more high-order brain areas activate.
But this isn't unique to our human brains – If I played this song to a bird, we'd
see the same thing happening in their brain too.
You and a songbird process music in a really similar way – which is pretty remarkable
considering on the tree of life, we branched off from each other hundreds of millions of
years ago, and our brains evolved down two seperate paths.
But what if... the ability to process music developed before that?
What if it came from a common ancestor?
And this is where the crocodile comes in.
Crocodiles are the oldest surviving relatives of modern birds.
And ancient crocodiles look pretty similar to the ones we know today.
If we took a quick trip back in time, say 100 million years
"There was sort of a form of crocodile that we would say, Oh that's some kind of a crocodile."
This is George Amato, the Director of Conservation Genomics for the American Museum of Natural
While they wouldn't look exactly the same as crocodiles do today, they would have
"An elongated snout, lots of teeth, the ability to be hidden at the shore underwater,
with most of your body underwater, just your nostrils and eyes up above."
Now crocodiles, birds and humans all shared a common ancestor around 300 million years
"It's a very sort of generic looking, thick limbed reptile, that really then gave
rise to mammals, archosaurs which are dinosaurs, and crocodilians and birds and then the other
This means they're a killer example to study if certain traits in our brains have been
conserved over time.
And in 2018, science has progressed far enough that we scan the brains of live reptiles.
I have been completely fascinated by your crocodile study you're involved in
Researchers in Germany and South Africa worked together to study how crocodiles respond to
sound – both tones and music.
Five young Nile Crocodiles were restrained, placed in an fMRI machine and exposed to different
auditory stimuli: simple chord noises and then complex sounds, like Bach's Brandenburg
Concerto No. 4, which has been used before in fMRI studies with birds.
The researchers found that simple tones activated their basic sensory areas, but complex sounds
like music activated additional regions.
So crocodiles process sound and music in a hierarchical way – just like humans and
It's been a preeetty long time since crocodiles, humans and birds branched off on the evolutionary
So your brain's ability to process music out of simple tones and decipher complex sounds
is something that likely emerged at least 300 million years ago.
Still, despite this commonality, you, an ancient giant crocodile and songbird probably have
different tastes
in music.
JUST IN! President Trump Just Surprised Traitor McCain With Perfect Going Away 'Gift' At Nashville R - Duration: 7:14.
Detroit : Connor+Hankเปิดอกคุย//ฉากจบทั้ง 2 แบบ [ซับไทย] - Duration: 10:07.
Atticus przedstawia popiersie Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego wykonane przez Władysława Wasiewicza - Duration: 2:25.
Antique shop Atticus presents a very effective bust
Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941)
from 1919,
made by Władysław Wasiewicz, sculptor, graphic artist and pedagogue (1888-1971).
The bust of bronze has a height of 23.5 cm with the base.
Wasiewicz completed the drawing course
at the Museum of Crafts and Applied Arts under Ignacy Łopieński
and the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts under Konstanty Laszczka.
He made portraits, figural compositions, medals,
he worked in plaster, wood, ceramics and bronze.
In 1928 he was awarded a gold medal
for the sculpture during the international exhibition in Paris.
Ignacy Paderewski was a pianist and composer,
a politician similar to the National Democracy,
and finally a social activist.
The beginning of his world pianistic career were:
concert in Vienna in 1887
and a tour around the US in 1891.
In addition, he became famous as
author of the opera "Manru",
"Symphonies in h minor" and piano miniatures
In the years 1917-18 in the United States
he was a delegate of the Polish National Committee,
having a significant impact on the diplomatic game about regaining Poland's independence.
And after her regaining and triumphant return to Poland, he remained
in 1919, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs.
It was he who - as a representative of Poland - signed the famous Treaty of Versailles,
which confirmed the recovery by Poland independence after the period of the partitions.
The bust comes from 1919, special for him,
at the peak of his political career.
Later he was the first Polish delegate to the Council of Ambassadors,
and then at the League of Nations.
At the end of life, during World War II,
he became the chairman of the National Council (from 1940), ie the Polish government-in-exile.
Please visit
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Let's Play Far Cry 5 Part 47
Xiaomi Yeelight Bedside Lamp - A lamp that is smarter than your smartphone - Duration: 6:58.
L'État offre VOS données à Google – Rumeur #2 - Duration: 7:21.
Volkswagen Golf 2.0 GTI | 5Drs | 1e Eig. | ECC | Cruise | Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:13.
Governo sanciona reoneração e publica medidas por diesel mais barato - Duration: 8:05.
O governo federal editou, nesta quarta-feira (30/5), edição extraordinária do Diário oficial da União (DOU) para formalizar várias medidas adotadas para garantir cumprimento do acordo com os caminhoneiros de conceder desconto de R$ 0,46 no preço do diesel, na bomba, a partir desta sexta (31)
A lista de ações publicadas inclui a sanção da lei de reoneração da folha de pagamento de setores produtivos, três medidas provisórias, o decreto que zera a Cide sobre o diesel e um outro decreto que, praticamente, acaba a devolução do Reintegra a exportadores
Mais sobre o assunto Gasolina, etanol e gás chegam a 91 pontos do DF. Confira 81 locais Feriado na fila: brasilienses amanhecem em postos à espera de gasolina Paralisação dos caminhoneiros perde força em todo o Brasil A sanção da reoneração da folha pelo presidente Michel Temer (MDB) veio com alguns vetos
Um deles já era esperado e se refere ao trecho do projeto de lei que zerava as alíquotas de PIS-Cofins sobre o óleo diesel até o fim deste ano
Além disso, o presidente vetou a permanência de alguns setores na política de desoneração da folha
Com isso, voltarão a ser reonerados segmentos econômicos, como as empresas estratégicas de defesa; de transporte aéreo de carga e de passageiros regular; de serviços auxiliares ao transporte aéreo de carga e de passageiros regular; de manutenção e reparação de aeronaves; de manutenção e reparação de embarcações e as do comércio varejista de calçados e artigos de viagem
Nos dois casos, tanto da isenção de PIS-Cofins quanto da retirada da desoneração da folha de alguns setores, Temer alega que os dispositivos aumentariam a renúncia tributária, o que vai de encontro ao esforço fiscal do governo
Medidas provisórias Para garantir o desconto no preço do diesel e conseguir fazer a compensação fiscal da medida, o governo ainda editou três medidas provisórias
A primeira revoga incentivos referentes a PIS/Pasep e Cofins para nafta e outros produtos destinados a centrais petroquímicas
A segunda dispõe sobre a concessão de subvenção econômica à comercialização de óleo diesel
A terceira abre crédito extraordinário em favor dos ministérios de Minas e Energia e da Defesa no valor de R$ 9,5 bilhões
Desse total, R$ 9,5 bilhões são destinados à subvenção ao diesel de uso rodoviário e os R$ 8 milhões, para operações de garantia da lei e da ordem
Cide Outra promessa feita à categoria dos caminhoneiros, o decreto que zera a Cide sobre o diesel também foi publicado na edição extra do DOU
O governo havia dito que editaria a medida depois que o Congresso Nacional aprovasse a reoneração da folha
Reintegra O governo também colocou o Reintegra na conta para conseguir bancar os benefícios aos caminhoneiros
Um decreto de Temer reduziu de 2% para 0,1% o tamanho da devolução que será feita aos exportadores
Pelo programa, o governo devolve parte dos tributos pagos por exportadores de produtos industrializados para compensar a redução de tributos federais
O programa de incentivo fiscal aos exportadores tem R$ 3,6 bilhões previstos no Orçamento de 2018
O Reintegra foi criado em 2011 com o objetivo de desonerar a cadeia exportadora
Com a necessidade de ajuste fiscal, porém, o benefício foi reduzido nos últimos anos
De 3% em 2014 passou para 1% em 2015, caiu para 0,1% em 2016 e 2% em 2017 e 2018
Pelo decreto, no entanto, a alíquota de 2%, que valeria durante todo o ano de 2018, só será aplicada até esta quinta-feira, 31
A partir de amanhã, a devolução já será de 0,1%. Para 2019, a expectativa é que o porcentual volte a 3% – se o governo não decidir revogar o programa de vez
Bolsa Caminhoneiro A Medida Provisória 839 publicada na edição extraordinária do DOU detalha o corte de gastos feito pelo governo para tentar acomodar o gasto extra de R$ 9,58 bilhões para bancar o subsídio ao diesel
A MP prevê o crédito já anunciado de R$ 9,5 bilhões para a chamada "Bolsa Caminhoneiro" e também cria o crédito de R$ 80 milhões para as Operações de Garantia da Lei e da Ordem (GLO)
O ato administrativo detalha os cortes pulverizados em várias áreas do governo para compensar o gasto extra
A MP também cita que o Programa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural Para Agricultura Familiar registrou corte de R$ 5,4 milhões, a Defesa Agropecuária registrou corte de R$ 2,9 milhões e a Pesquisa e Inovações para a Agropecuária, outros R$ 2,7 milhões
Na presidência da República, o Programa de Gestão e Manutenção da Presidência sofreu redução de R$ 1,7 milhão no Orçamento e a as ações de comunicação e transmissão de atos e fatos do governo federal perderam R$ 774,9 mil
Já as políticas de Igualdade e Enfrentamento à Violência Contra as Mulheres perderam R$ 661,6 mil
Zidane deja el Real Madrid | Sport News 24.7 - Duration: 20:11.
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GORDOFOBIA AO CONTRÁRIO: Magra demais ou gorda padrão 🤔ft. Karyna Rangel e JoyceShow - Duration: 4:07.
Hello guys and welcome to Just Drive
as you can see today I'm wearing a special jacket
from the Porsche Driving Experience
and I'm going to test this Porsche Cayman!
So, let's see together this Porsche Cayman 2.9
it's the restyling of the 987
the engine is the classic NA 6 flat boxer
the output is 265 hp, but...
this car has been modified by Porsche
and the car has now 280 hp
Nm are now 320 instead of 300
I give you some numbers about the performances,
the 0-100 is covered in 5.6 seconds and the top speed is 270 km/h
Talking about this nice color, this wrap is made by 3M.
Color's name is gloss sky blue
if you want some info about that
you'll find them in the description
This car has got many optionals
I'll tell you only the main ones
Sport Chrono Package
Sport Exhaust
another interesting optional is the Sport Design Package
as you can see here from the mirrors
and the package also includes
this awesome 19 inches black rims
front tires are 235/35 R19
and on the back there are 265/35 R19
Those cool rims
leave space to see the perforated discs and the Porsche calipers made by Brembo
4 pots on the front and 2 on the back
The Sport Design Package also includes the
black diffuser that we can see
and what I really like is the
black sport exhaust.
OMG that sound!
holy mary
how it brakes, how it brakes!
here we are into the Cayman
I've already test it with the owner during a long and nice drive
and guys, this car is...
spectacular, I really like it!
This is not the first Porsche I drive, I've driven the 911 991.2, the 718 S and so on.
this is the first Cayman that I test with this engine
and it's the first time I try a Porsche manual gearbox.
Let's talk about the engine first,
the engine as I told you before
had a little tuning kit
of 15 hp more or less
and 320 Nm of torque
so 20 Nm more than the stock version.
Obviously is a NA engine
the sound is amazing when you push hard on the pedal
and when it open the valve, I swear, it sounds so good!
Incredibile, I love it!
Talking about the engine delivery
obviously as a NA at low revs is dead
if you push hard at 3000 the car doesn't not really move
but we already know about that, more or less all the NA are like this...
but it's fantastic when it gets torque
when you get to high revs
at 4500 rpm
the car change its pace
and the progression 'till the red line is awesome!
Naturally, in order to drive it on a b-road
you've always to keep it at high revs,
2nd, 3rd always at high revs
because at low revs it has few toque
I talk you know about the gearbox because
I really couldn't wait to test a manual Porsche
6 gears
and it is fantastic!
I've tested the PDK on the 718
and the PDK is an incredible automatic gearbox
it's super fast and intuitive
I would be really doubtful
between choosing a manual or a PDK
on a Porsche
because I really like this gearbox
the gearshift grafts are very precise
the car is really addictive!
In my opinion a car like this
that is a quick car
but it doesn't have extreme performances
the manual gearbox is the best option!
You don't need to have the PDK for some tenths less
because it's a sporty car
quite fast
but for sure not a supercar
but in my opinion the manual gearbox makes the driving experience more complete.
Now I tell you how is it to drive
we are on some nice roads in the countryside
I drove it a lot before and now
I'm only recording to tell you how is it.
but I swear it's awesome to drive along the corners
First of all..
The mid engine, the position that distinguishes the car from the rivals
For example Audi TTS and TTRS that have the engine in the front
this car has got mid engine
and you can really feel the difference
the driving dynamic is really impressive.
The steering
Well, it's a really good steering
I really like it, but sometimes I've found the steering wheel
quite jerky
and sometimes is too light
it's a really good one,
but the 718's steering is better
you can feel the upgrade on it.
This car hasn't got the PASM
but even without it
but it's really precise
the car has a really good set up
and the handling is awesome
Talking again about the set up
I notice now that we are on a bad road
that the car despite the PASM's absence
and the sporty set up, it's quite comfy
you don't feel the damages of the road to much.
and it's a positive thing
Now I'd like to talk u about the brakes
sorry, but when the road is free this engine really wants to sing loudly!
Hard braking now
they are incredible
it seems that they never get tired
even after pushing hard on them for a long time
Porsches always have a perfect steering
and trying this one I can confirm that
the brakes are really good
I've got an excellent feeling with the brake pedal
but they do not fade.
Sometimes before it seems to me that I was going to long into the corners
but instead when I broke
the car was stopping in few meters.
With the controls ON
the car is really easy to drive even pushing hard you feel the electronics that cut the power
really easy to control
you don't risk to loose the tail
because electronics work perfectly.
The car is really comfy
and the black leather seat are really good
they are not too tough and the driving position is good
you can move the steering wheel, up down and forward to find the perfect driving position.
I can say that
I can not really find any weakness to this car
because the steering is ok
brakes are excellent
the handling is perfect
sound is amazing
maybe the only thing is the engine, I'd choose the Cayman S.
during the corner
if you keep the car at 4000 rpm
then you push down when you go out
simply stunning, comment below guys if you understood how much I like this car
I think you get it
I would never go down from this car
but now it's time to close the video
but I swear that I'll keep driving until the owner will force me to give him the car back
I can't really stop to drive it
guys as always I'd like to invite you
to follow on social media the guys that let me test the cars
this car has been given by Andre Petro
you'll find the link of instagram in the description
and follow pro drivers_it
guys I really liked this car
when we were driving around the city everyone was looking to us
I hope u enjoyed the video
please like
comment below what you think of this car and subscribe! Ciao!
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La confessione di Belen Rodriguez su Stefano De Martino e Fabrizio Corona | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:24.
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Belen Rodriguez, prima a scuola e poi senza veli su Instagram - Duration: 4:07.
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Premios Gardel 2018: el emotivo e inspirador discurso de Jimena Barón - Duration: 2:37.
Seconde nozze per Al Bano e Romina Power? Ma la Lecciso non ci sta - Duration: 3:47.
O que é REPROGRAMAÇÃO MENTAL? Benefícios e Perigos - Duration: 7:31.
Rimedi naturali a base di ananas facili ed efficaci - Duration: 8:10.
✅ Uomini e Donne, Tina rompe il silenzio sull'ex marito: "Lo porterò sempre nel cuore" - Duration: 1:41.
Colpo di scena a Uomini e Donne. Per difendere Giorgio dagli attacchi del pubblico, Tina si è messa in gioco personalmente rompendo il silenzio sul suo ex marito Chicco Nalli
I due, che hanno tre figli, si sono detti addio dopo 12 anni di matrimonio. "Io non parlerò mai male del mio ex marito - ha tuonato Tina - E' il padre dei miei figli, lo rispetto e quello che abbiamo vissuto insieme è una cosa grande che porterò sempre nel mio cuore
Se so che si fidanza ed è felice con un'altra donna, io andrò anche al suo matrimonio
Se lo vedo lo abbraccio, e lui non penserebbe che voglio tornare con lui". Kikò Nalli felice con Myr Garrido: "Tina è nel mio cuore, ma ora amo lei" Chicco Nalli sta vivendo da poco una nuova relazione con un'attrice spagnola, ma anche lui ha un rispetto profondo per la sua ex moglie
Tra loro un grandissimo affetto di cui per la prima volta la Cipollari, sempre riservatissima sulla sua vita privata, parla in tv
Volkswagen Golf 2.0 R 4-MOTION BLACK EDITION 271PK , NL Geleverd, Full options - Duration: 1:13.
The American people appreciate Trump's agenda: Rep. Blackburn - Duration: 3:58.
Dumbest Reasons Why People Went To War - Duration: 6:01.
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Some might argue that all wars are pretty dumb, being as they are a final resort to
diplomatic negotiations.
Indeed, when we look back at history with the benefit of hindsight, much of the bloodshed
and conflict in this world could have been easily avoided with a little bit of common
sense and diplomacy.
But some wars are just plain silly.
Today, we'll examine five wars that began with a bizarre misunderstanding, overreaction,
or drunken mistake, in this episode of the Infographics Show – Dumbest wars in History.
5) The Battle of Kororareka in New Zealand.
Although Maori chief Hone Heke was one of the first to sign the Treaty of Waitangi in
February 1840, he wasn't by any means a happy camper.
He objected to the change of the capital city to Auckland as well as changes to customs
British troops in 1844 were stationed in the town of Kororareka, New Zealand.
They flew the Union Jack flag over the town, and chief Hone Heke took offense, rode into
town, and felled the flagpole.
The troops erected a new flag pole and right on cue the chief chopped it back down again.
This happened a third time, and on the fourth erection, the British assembled armed guards
to keep watch of their flag.
On the 11th of March, 1845, Heke and his tribe rode into town once more and murdered the
inhabitants in cold blood.
The conflict dragged on for another 10 months.
As is typical in these battles, the British were outnumbered and outsmarted by the natives
but were able to send for reinforcements and eventually the British overcame Heke, but
the old chief had made his point.
4) The War of Jenkins' Ear began when English Privateer, Robert Jenkins, is said to have
crashed into parliament waving his severed ear in his hand and demanding a war with Spain.
Whether the ear in parliament story is fact or fiction is open to conjecture, but the
name of the war does, without a doubt, stem from the loss of Jenkin's ear.
He claimed his ear had been removed by a Spanish coast guard who had boarded his vessel.
Thus war began, mostly in the Caribbean, with fighting spreading across the Florida-Georgia
The war lasted from 1739 to 1748, and many more ears, limbs, and other body parts were
severed in the process.
3) The War of the Golden Stool.
The stool, made of gold (obviously), belonged to the Ashanti Empire in Africa and was believed
to be sacred.
The stool was thought to house the souls of the entire nation, the living, the dead, and
those yet to be born.
This stool was really a big deal to the people.
The exiled king was unable to protect his subjects and his stool, seeing as he was exiled,
so in 1896, the British governor Sir Frederick Hodgson stepped in and told the people that
he intended to claim the stool for the crown.
Not a good move.
The locals obviously weren't too impressed that the British were intent on casually stealing
all their souls, and assembled as many men and weapons as they could.
Meanwhile, the British set out to find the stool and claim it, but instead found themselves
under vicious attack by an army led by the mother of the exiled king.
The British troops were slaughtered.
All but a few survived, and those that did scurried back to town and barricaded themselves
in a small fort while the opposing forces grew to 12,000.
Another 3 months passed before the British had called in enough extra men and hardware
to tackle the restless natives.
They finally did so on July 12th, 1900, by which time the besieged British had been trapped
for weeks and had run out of food and ammunition
2) The Battle of Karansebes.
Two factions of the Austrian army scouting for Turkish forces clashed in this bizarre
drunken mix-up.
The Austrian hussars were setting up camp and decided to indulge in some schnapps that
they'd acquired from a group of gypsies.
Soon afterwards, some infantry from the same army saw the party and asked if they could
join in.
Not willing to share their booze, much arguing ensued and one soldier fired a shot.
Bad mistake, as the hussars and infantry began battling with one another.
To further confuse matters, some infantry began shouting "Turks Turks Turks!"
The factions of the same army continued shooting at each other, thinking they were firing at
the enemy.
When the Turks did finally arrive two days later, they discovered the dead, wounded,
and hungover Austrian soldiers, and easily took Karansebes.
The Football War.
This conflict between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969 followed a game of soccer between
the two football crazed nations.
El Salvador lost the game, and tensions rose between the two countries.
Sore losers El Salvador broke all diplomatic relations and sent over bombers disguised
as passenger jets, taking Honduras by surprise in a three day war that claimed the lives
of 3,000 people.
The United States swiftly intervened and brokered a ceasefire between the two countries.
Although underlying tensions such as economic equality existed between the two countries,
it was no doubt the game of soccer that led to the war kicking off.
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. So what do you think?
What's the dumbest reason anyone's ever gone to war?
Are all wars stupid?
Let us know in the comment section.
Also, be sure to watch our other video called - What You Should do if you Get Stopped by
the Police.
Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe, see you
next time
How To Monster Hunter - Duration: 2:38.
At last, I thirst for the Hunt!
The Hunt is life!
Don't worry little one, you'll learn the ropes soon enough!
Everybody has a first hunt. Stick with us and you'll live to see your second, your third and your hundredth!
Yeah, you'll do alright bud.
You've got your whetstones, and your... Palico...
This is it, young one! Just follow our lead!
You're new around here, right?
Well in that case...
Let me show you around!
You're beautiful.
I couldn't have done it without you.
Thank you.
Well, you've got better equipment now, so... it's a fair fight.
But Kevin, I love -
JUST IN! President Trump Just Surprised Traitor McCain With Perfect Going Away 'Gift' At Nashville R - Duration: 7:14.
Why Researchers Put Crocodiles in a Brain Scanner - Duration: 4:55.
"You know, if you happen to be standing next to a crocodile, your first thought probably
isn't how similar you are to the crocodile"
Recently I came across this new study that put a crocodile in a brain scanner and played
it classical music.
And I was like...
You did what now?
But it turns out that this weird intersection of crocodiles and technology can teach us
something pretty cool about ourselves.
Like, when did we first develop the ability to perceive music?
[BrainCraft intro]
Over the years, we've figured out how our human brains process sound, like tones and
For example, listen to this song.
As you hear it, you process sound in a hierarchical way – First you register the basic acoustic
building blocks like frequency, harmonics, the duration and loudness of notes.
Next are the more complicated elements, like differentiating instruments and linking the
sounds with stored memories.
And then the most complex, like your behavioural response to the sound.
And there's a relationship between brain structure and sound complexity – the more
complex the sounds get, the more high-order brain areas activate.
But this isn't unique to our human brains – If I played this song to a bird, we'd
see the same thing happening in their brain too.
You and a songbird process music in a really similar way – which is pretty remarkable
considering on the tree of life, we branched off from each other hundreds of millions of
years ago, and our brains evolved down two seperate paths.
But what if... the ability to process music developed before that?
What if it came from a common ancestor?
And this is where the crocodile comes in.
Crocodiles are the oldest surviving relatives of modern birds.
And ancient crocodiles look pretty similar to the ones we know today.
If we took a quick trip back in time, say 100 million years
"There was sort of a form of crocodile that we would say, Oh that's some kind of a crocodile."
This is George Amato, the Director of Conservation Genomics for the American Museum of Natural
While they wouldn't look exactly the same as crocodiles do today, they would have
"An elongated snout, lots of teeth, the ability to be hidden at the shore underwater,
with most of your body underwater, just your nostrils and eyes up above."
Now crocodiles, birds and humans all shared a common ancestor around 300 million years
"It's a very sort of generic looking, thick limbed reptile, that really then gave
rise to mammals, archosaurs which are dinosaurs, and crocodilians and birds and then the other
This means they're a killer example to study if certain traits in our brains have been
conserved over time.
And in 2018, science has progressed far enough that we scan the brains of live reptiles.
I have been completely fascinated by your crocodile study you're involved in
Researchers in Germany and South Africa worked together to study how crocodiles respond to
sound – both tones and music.
Five young Nile Crocodiles were restrained, placed in an fMRI machine and exposed to different
auditory stimuli: simple chord noises and then complex sounds, like Bach's Brandenburg
Concerto No. 4, which has been used before in fMRI studies with birds.
The researchers found that simple tones activated their basic sensory areas, but complex sounds
like music activated additional regions.
So crocodiles process sound and music in a hierarchical way – just like humans and
It's been a preeetty long time since crocodiles, humans and birds branched off on the evolutionary
So your brain's ability to process music out of simple tones and decipher complex sounds
is something that likely emerged at least 300 million years ago.
Still, despite this commonality, you, an ancient giant crocodile and songbird probably have
different tastes
in music.
Detroit : Connor+Hankเปิดอกคุย//ฉากจบทั้ง 2 แบบ [ซับไทย] - Duration: 10:07.
Вертолёт на Марсе [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:20.
Quand Kim Kardashian rencontre Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche : Internet s'enflamme - Duration: 2:26.
Let's Play Far Cry 5 Part 47 - Um... Can you Speak Up??? Lol :D - Duration: 1:01:53.
Let's Play Far Cry 5 Part 47
Atticus przedstawia popiersie Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego wykonane przez Władysława Wasiewicza - Duration: 2:25.
Antique shop Atticus presents a very effective bust
Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941)
from 1919,
made by Władysław Wasiewicz, sculptor, graphic artist and pedagogue (1888-1971).
The bust of bronze has a height of 23.5 cm with the base.
Wasiewicz completed the drawing course
at the Museum of Crafts and Applied Arts under Ignacy Łopieński
and the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts under Konstanty Laszczka.
He made portraits, figural compositions, medals,
he worked in plaster, wood, ceramics and bronze.
In 1928 he was awarded a gold medal
for the sculpture during the international exhibition in Paris.
Ignacy Paderewski was a pianist and composer,
a politician similar to the National Democracy,
and finally a social activist.
The beginning of his world pianistic career were:
concert in Vienna in 1887
and a tour around the US in 1891.
In addition, he became famous as
author of the opera "Manru",
"Symphonies in h minor" and piano miniatures
In the years 1917-18 in the United States
he was a delegate of the Polish National Committee,
having a significant impact on the diplomatic game about regaining Poland's independence.
And after her regaining and triumphant return to Poland, he remained
in 1919, prime minister and minister of foreign affairs.
It was he who - as a representative of Poland - signed the famous Treaty of Versailles,
which confirmed the recovery by Poland independence after the period of the partitions.
The bust comes from 1919, special for him,
at the peak of his political career.
Later he was the first Polish delegate to the Council of Ambassadors,
and then at the League of Nations.
At the end of life, during World War II,
he became the chairman of the National Council (from 1940), ie the Polish government-in-exile.
Please visit
Xiaomi Yeelight Bedside Lamp - A lamp that is smarter than your smartphone - Duration: 6:58.
L'État offre VOS données à Google – Rumeur #2 - Duration: 7:21.
Volkswagen Golf 2.0 GTI | 5Drs | 1e Eig. | ECC | Cruise | Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:13.
Governo sanciona reoneração e publica medidas por diesel mais barato - Duration: 8:05.
O governo federal editou, nesta quarta-feira (30/5), edição extraordinária do Diário oficial da União (DOU) para formalizar várias medidas adotadas para garantir cumprimento do acordo com os caminhoneiros de conceder desconto de R$ 0,46 no preço do diesel, na bomba, a partir desta sexta (31)
A lista de ações publicadas inclui a sanção da lei de reoneração da folha de pagamento de setores produtivos, três medidas provisórias, o decreto que zera a Cide sobre o diesel e um outro decreto que, praticamente, acaba a devolução do Reintegra a exportadores
Mais sobre o assunto Gasolina, etanol e gás chegam a 91 pontos do DF. Confira 81 locais Feriado na fila: brasilienses amanhecem em postos à espera de gasolina Paralisação dos caminhoneiros perde força em todo o Brasil A sanção da reoneração da folha pelo presidente Michel Temer (MDB) veio com alguns vetos
Um deles já era esperado e se refere ao trecho do projeto de lei que zerava as alíquotas de PIS-Cofins sobre o óleo diesel até o fim deste ano
Além disso, o presidente vetou a permanência de alguns setores na política de desoneração da folha
Com isso, voltarão a ser reonerados segmentos econômicos, como as empresas estratégicas de defesa; de transporte aéreo de carga e de passageiros regular; de serviços auxiliares ao transporte aéreo de carga e de passageiros regular; de manutenção e reparação de aeronaves; de manutenção e reparação de embarcações e as do comércio varejista de calçados e artigos de viagem
Nos dois casos, tanto da isenção de PIS-Cofins quanto da retirada da desoneração da folha de alguns setores, Temer alega que os dispositivos aumentariam a renúncia tributária, o que vai de encontro ao esforço fiscal do governo
Medidas provisórias Para garantir o desconto no preço do diesel e conseguir fazer a compensação fiscal da medida, o governo ainda editou três medidas provisórias
A primeira revoga incentivos referentes a PIS/Pasep e Cofins para nafta e outros produtos destinados a centrais petroquímicas
A segunda dispõe sobre a concessão de subvenção econômica à comercialização de óleo diesel
A terceira abre crédito extraordinário em favor dos ministérios de Minas e Energia e da Defesa no valor de R$ 9,5 bilhões
Desse total, R$ 9,5 bilhões são destinados à subvenção ao diesel de uso rodoviário e os R$ 8 milhões, para operações de garantia da lei e da ordem
Cide Outra promessa feita à categoria dos caminhoneiros, o decreto que zera a Cide sobre o diesel também foi publicado na edição extra do DOU
O governo havia dito que editaria a medida depois que o Congresso Nacional aprovasse a reoneração da folha
Reintegra O governo também colocou o Reintegra na conta para conseguir bancar os benefícios aos caminhoneiros
Um decreto de Temer reduziu de 2% para 0,1% o tamanho da devolução que será feita aos exportadores
Pelo programa, o governo devolve parte dos tributos pagos por exportadores de produtos industrializados para compensar a redução de tributos federais
O programa de incentivo fiscal aos exportadores tem R$ 3,6 bilhões previstos no Orçamento de 2018
O Reintegra foi criado em 2011 com o objetivo de desonerar a cadeia exportadora
Com a necessidade de ajuste fiscal, porém, o benefício foi reduzido nos últimos anos
De 3% em 2014 passou para 1% em 2015, caiu para 0,1% em 2016 e 2% em 2017 e 2018
Pelo decreto, no entanto, a alíquota de 2%, que valeria durante todo o ano de 2018, só será aplicada até esta quinta-feira, 31
A partir de amanhã, a devolução já será de 0,1%. Para 2019, a expectativa é que o porcentual volte a 3% – se o governo não decidir revogar o programa de vez
Bolsa Caminhoneiro A Medida Provisória 839 publicada na edição extraordinária do DOU detalha o corte de gastos feito pelo governo para tentar acomodar o gasto extra de R$ 9,58 bilhões para bancar o subsídio ao diesel
A MP prevê o crédito já anunciado de R$ 9,5 bilhões para a chamada "Bolsa Caminhoneiro" e também cria o crédito de R$ 80 milhões para as Operações de Garantia da Lei e da Ordem (GLO)
O ato administrativo detalha os cortes pulverizados em várias áreas do governo para compensar o gasto extra
A MP também cita que o Programa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural Para Agricultura Familiar registrou corte de R$ 5,4 milhões, a Defesa Agropecuária registrou corte de R$ 2,9 milhões e a Pesquisa e Inovações para a Agropecuária, outros R$ 2,7 milhões
Na presidência da República, o Programa de Gestão e Manutenção da Presidência sofreu redução de R$ 1,7 milhão no Orçamento e a as ações de comunicação e transmissão de atos e fatos do governo federal perderam R$ 774,9 mil
Já as políticas de Igualdade e Enfrentamento à Violência Contra as Mulheres perderam R$ 661,6 mil
Zidane deja el Real Madrid | Sport News 24.7 - Duration: 20:11.
Academy of Art University
'I Don't Know What The Hell You're Trying To Say,' Dr. Phil Says To Guest - Duration: 3:40.
Bazzi - Mine (Nitti Gritti Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:20.
♪ You so ******' precious when you smile ♪
♪ Hit it from the back and drive you wild ♪
♪ Girl, I lose myself up in those eye-eye-eye-eye-eyes ♪
♪ I just had to let you know you're mine ♪
♪ Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time ♪
♪ Feels like forever even if forever's tonight ♪
♪ Just lay with me, waste this night away with me ♪
♪ You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say ♪
♪ I'm so ******* happy you're alive ♪
♪ Swear to God I'm down if you're down all you gotta say is right ♪
♪ Girl anything I can do just to make you feel alright ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, I just had to let you know you're fine ♪
♪ Running circles 'round my mind ♪
♪ Even when it's rainy all you ever do is shine ♪
♪ You on fire, you a star just like Mariah ♪
♪ Man this feel incredible, I'll turn you into a bride, you're mine ♪
♪ Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time ♪
♪ Feels like forever even if forever's tonight ♪
♪ Just lay with me, waste this night away with me ♪
♪ You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say ♪
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI DynamicLine - Duration: 1:11.
Not Going Quietly, Roseanne Takes Aim At - Duration: 10:29.
Not Going Quietly, Roseanne Takes Aim At Enemies, Including Co Star Sara Gilbert
If you thought that Roseanne Barr was going to remain silent after being fired, then you
don't know Roseanne.
A day after being unceremoniously given the boot from her hit ABC show, the 65-year-old
comedian came out firing with both barrels, taking on her enemies with expert precision.
Barr took responsibility for her tweet to Valerie Jarrett, who served as an aide to
former President Barack Obama, that likened her to a mix between the Muslim Brotherhood
and someone from the movie "Planet of the Apes."
But she did blame her use of the sleep aid Ambien for her tweet.
"Guys I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me," she wrote in a since deleted
tweet on Wednesday.
"It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting — it was memorial day too — i
went 2 far & do not want it defended — it was egregious Indefensible.
I made a mistake I wish I hadn't but…don't defend it please."
"I think Joe Rogan is right about Ambien," she said.
"Not giving excuses for what I did (tweeted) but I've done weird stuff while on Ambien:
cracked eggs on the wall at 2am etc." Barr is set to appear on Rogan's podcast, "The
Joe Rogan Experience" on Friday.
Barr also took on her "Roseanne" costars as they threw her under the bus in the blink
of an eye.
"Roseanne's recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and
do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.
I am disappointed in her actions to say the least," Sara Gilbert, who played Darlene
Conner on the show, wrote.
"This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we've created a show that
we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love – one that is separate and apart from
the opinions and words of one cast member."
Roseanne's recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and
do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.
I am disappointed in her actions to say the least.
This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we've created a show that we believe
in, are proud of, and that audiences love— one that is separate and apart from the opinions
and words of one cast member.
Unreal," Barr responded as she watched a woman whose career she made take her apart.
She was equally stunned by a statement from Michael Fishman, who played DJ Conner, who
wrote "Today is one of the hardest days of my life.
I feel devastated, not for the end of the Roseanne show, but for all those who poured
their hearts and souls into our jobs, and the audience that welcomed us into their home,"
he wrote.
"My character was designed to represent the inclusive nature of my views.
To represent potions of society often marginalized…In this moment it is important to be clear.
We must stand up against bias, hatred, bigotry, and ignorance to make society a better place
for all."
Barr was unimpressed with the words of the actor who, like Gilbert, was catapulted to
superstardom by the show she created.
"I created the platform for that inclusivity and you know it.
And you throw me under the bus.
Nice!" she wrote.
The actress and comedian was also incensed by the fact that there are two sets of rules
in Hollywood.
One for conservatives and those who support President Trump and another for those who
toe the liberal line.
"I'm sorry 4 my tweet, AND I will also defend myself as well as talk to my followers.
so, go away if u don't like it.
I will handle my sadness the way I want to.
I'm tired of being attacked & belittled more than other comedians who have said worse,"
she wrote in one, since deleted, tweet.
"hey guys, don't defend me, it's sweet of you 2 try, but…losing my show is 0 compared
2 being labelled a racist over one tweet-that I regret even more," she wrote in another.
hey guys, don't defend me, it's sweet of you 2 try, but…losing my show is 0 compared
2 being labelled a racist over one tweet-that I regret even more.
The comedian also shared the tweets of others who highlighted things other famous people
have said.
People whose careers have not been destroyed for what they did.
Maybe if Roseanne had just lied about what she tweeted, blamed non-existent "hackers"
and stuck to what was obviously a bogus excuse for weeks, the media would have immediately
forgiven her.
It is understandable that many people found Barr's tweet offensive.
Whether she meant it as a race quip or not, only she knows, but one thing is certain.
The amount of forgiveness Hollywood gives someone for saying something offensive depends
on how far on the progressive scale their politics are.
Mokita - Love Alone (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:06.
alone this time
falling in love alone this time
I need to know that IÕm not
Falling in love alone this time
Falling in love alone this time
Tell me I'm falling alone
tell me I'm falling
Don't tell me I'm falling in love alone
don't tell me I'm falling
alone this time
falling in love alone this time
I need to know that IÕm not
alone this time
falling in love alone this time
I need to know that IÕm not
Before I say the things I want to
I wanna let you in but I donÕt know how to
If I seem closed off or distant its not personal
a few times before
You gotta know my hearts been broken
ThereÕs something different about you
I guess itÕs just something about you
Or open up so quick about my past
No I donÕt usually fall so fast
alone this time
falling in love alone this time
I need to know that IÕm not
alone this time
falling in love alone this time
I need to know that IÕm not
Before I say the things I want to
I wanna let you in but I donÕt know how to
If I seem closed off or distant its not personal
a few times before
You gotta know my hearts been broken
Before I say the things I want to
I wanna let you in but I donÕt know how to
And right now I donÕt know what that means
Now I know me and you feel some things
I still donÕt have the answers
Every goodbye left me searching for an answer
But when you found me I was so much more
Now IÕm not typically insecure
Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T SPORT 150 Pk. Leder Clima Windrek BlueTooth 6 maanden Bovag Vingerhoets Bla - Duration: 0:53.
Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T TEKNA - Duration: 1:09.
DVBBS & blackbear - IDWK (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.
Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta | RIJKLAAR PRIJS - Duration: 0:54.
Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T X-TRONIC CONNECT EDITION | NAVI | BLUETOOTH | CAMERA - Duration: 1:11.
Dr. Hill presents the Amavi Father's Day Collection - Duration: 3:26.
What Is The Best Diet For Singers? Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 6:29.
Hey guys, welcome back again to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the Proof is in the Singing!
I'm doing a whole series on answering questions from YouTube, from Facebook, from
All these different social media sources, that I want to do my best to give you my personal
I'm not a doctor, however I have a lot of information, I think that will help you.
The question here today was "What is the best diet for singers?"
Well, before we start any of this conversation, use some common sense.
Think about this.
If you put in sludge, sludge is going to come out.
If you eat cheeseburgers, and pizza, and chocolate milkshakes, and French fries and all these
different things, please don't expect a high-performance engine.
This isn't just about your voice.
This is about your whole body, and how your body functions, and your voice is part of
your body.
So just have some common sense here with me, guys, as we go through this for a second.
I actually love cheeseburgers and pizza…
Who doesn't?
But, in the end, if we stay with a plant-based diet, and we can have our body have maximum
nutrients to provide the tools that we need to be great at what we want to do, we are
going to win!
If we don't, we're going to come up with disease somewhere along the line.
So there are two books, they're great.
I know I've published this before, but I'm going to publish it again.
This one is called eat to live by Doctor Joel Fuhrman.
Check it out here.
This book is ROCK STAR.
And I'm not asking you guys to become vegans.
That's not even what I'm saying.
I'm just saying the closer we can stay to a plant-based diet, the healthier we can become.
There's another one here called Forks Over Knives.
Check this one out.
Here it is here…
Now this book is very similar.
You know, they have very similar things.
And the reason they are doing this is they're saying don't eat a bunch of red meat.
Don't eat a bunch of cheese.
Because, you know, when we eat cheese and we eat, even yogurt, like people are, like,
you know, yogurt's really good for you.
I mean, people do that because they think that the probiotic that's in yogurt is good
for them.
There is a lot of ways to get a probiotic, and you can do it in just fermented vegetables,
there's supplements you can take, or whatever.
If you're looking to minimize mucus, and just get good dietary health for singing,
you'll do what I say.
But there's a few more things here, too.
Come on, guys!
Let's be real about this!
Get some exercise!
Go out!
Go for a walk!
Go for a run!
Ride your bike!
Go for a swim!
Do something that, again, gets blood flow through the body, to where your body is able
to regenerate and rejuvenate itself to be able to support good immune function.
A couple more things…
I have a couple people that said you know when I eat 20 minutes before I sing, I feel
like I'm going to puke or, sorry, and I feel like I'm gonna regurgitate all of this
Well, have some common sense in that too, like wait…
Eat a whole hour before you sing, or more, an hour and a half before you sing.
Now some people get so worked up when they sing and they're so excited they'll wait three
hours or more.
Well, you need energy, you need some fuel to sing.
Do it an hour and a half before, and give yourself enough time, so that when you do sing that
you're not regurgitating this.
Another thing.
Don't drink a bunch of alcoholic beverages.
Now, everyone likes a good glass of wine, or a beer, or whatever your cocktail of choice
I'm not gonna say you can't do that.
What I am gonna say is that it dries out the cords.
So, if you're going to drink a lot of alcohol, you'd better be rehydrating your body with
a whole lot of water, or doing something else that's going to be able to give you back
the resiliency that needs to go in the cord, to re-feed the cord with moisture.
And, not only that, but if you do beverages that are carbonated, the carbonation also
makes you gurgle and regurgitate.
And you're going to go Awww and have all of this acid building up in the stomach.
One last thing.
And this is really important.
I like a good steak, guys.
I like a piece of pizza.
I'm not saying don't ever do this.
What I'm saying is, is before I go to bed, if I eat a big steak, and I can't digest
that steak, this is really important, because I build up acid reflux in my stomach, that
sends acid up into the throat that gnaws away at my vocal cords.
So please don't eat big fatty, you know, meat dishes before you go to bed.
Do it in the middle of the day, do it in the morning, midday, sometime like that.
If that's what you need to do, and I get it, because I do that too.
And I need meat.
And I need carbs, and stuff.
So again, I'm not vegan, though I subscribe to a plant-based, as much is I can, a plant-based
This will really, really help you.
Now the last thing is, is remember.
When I talk about dietary thing, or excuse me exercise things.
You know, if we don't exercise, we have to exercise our body and our voice and they
have to work together for this.
So if you're not willing to take the time to do the right things to eat right and exercise,
please don't expect a good result.
Sludge in, Sludge out.
Say it again.
If you're going to feed your machine, your whole body machine sludge, that's what you're
going to get out of it.
If you are willing to take some extra measures and just do the right thing, it will blow
your mind at how much your immune function will keep you from getting sick, building
up mucus on the cords, give you strength for when you sing, give you energy that you didn't
know you had…
All these things.
This is my recommendation, okay?
I hope you guys find this helpful.
Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the proof is in the singing!
Hey guys!
If you like what you heard, please like and subscribe to my channel.
And if you want to get notified when I have a new cool video come out, you need to go
to my channel and click on this little bell icon and it will actually notify you every
time I have a video come out.
Thanks guys!
Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Impression - Duration: 1:04.
What will you build for Cory the Guardian Water Turtle? - LEGO Elves - Duration: 2:06.
Hi, everyone. I'm Trixie from Lego Elves.
And today we're going to build a magical world for this water turtle.
Right now, we're on our way to find Naja.
She's an expert in turtles and she's in this cool aquarium.
So let's go find her.
- Hello, Trixie. - Hello, Naja.
- Thanks for meeting us. - You're welcome.
Our turtle lives in Elvendale and can control the water.
Where does your turtle live?
Our alligator snapping turtle comes from the south-eastern part of the US
and lives in rivers and lakes and also in swamps.
Can it also live on land?
Yes, actually. The females can go on land once a year to lay their eggs
that will later hatch into small babies.
Our turtle actually also has a baby.
It's called Calypso. Here it is.
How many babies can your turtle get?
Normally they lay about ten to fifty eggs at a time.
Whoa! That's a lot.
The water turtle is as old as Elvendale. How old can your turtle get?
Normally, they become about 20 to 70 years of age.
But rumour has it they can become more than 200 years old.
Whoa! That's old.
Thanks for teaching us about the turtles.
- It was my pleasure. - Let's go build.
♪ Whatever happens Wherever we go
♪ We are the Legend of Five unified And we know
♪ This is the way we're supposed to be
♪ This is the way We set the powers free
So here I have built a lift for baby Calypso.
And here I wanted to build 200 birthday cakes,
but I need your help.
So here's the first one.
Do you have any good ideas what to build for this turtle?
Then have fun and go in and share it on Lego Life.
Thank you for watching
and remember to check out our 360 Elvendale video.
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Вертолёт на Марсе [Новости науки и технологий] - Duration: 11:20.
How To Monster Hunter - Duration: 2:38.
At last, I thirst for the Hunt!
The Hunt is life!
Don't worry little one, you'll learn the ropes soon enough!
Everybody has a first hunt. Stick with us and you'll live to see your second, your third and your hundredth!
Yeah, you'll do alright bud.
You've got your whetstones, and your... Palico...
This is it, young one! Just follow our lead!
You're new around here, right?
Well in that case...
Let me show you around!
You're beautiful.
I couldn't have done it without you.
Thank you.
Well, you've got better equipment now, so... it's a fair fight.
But Kevin, I love -
MAJOR WWE Smackdown News! CM Punk Trial Update! | WrestleLuke News (ft. Oli Davis) May 2018 - Duration: 5:11.
Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davi-
Hello and welcome to the WrestleLuke News, featuring Oli Davis… in a minor role.
I feel weird about renaming th- CM Punk Trial Update
We are now two days into the CM Punk vs Chris Amman Ironman match at Cook County Courtroom
in Chicago, and WrestleZone's Nick Hausman has been diligently reporting onsite for day
2's events.
Amann is the WWE doctor Punk accused of clearing him to wrestle while injured and for misdiagnosing
a staph infection - one of the many reasons that caused Punk to walk out on the promotion.
Amann filed a defamation lawsuit against him seeking $1 million in damages, and now, four
years later, the trial is finally underway.
Amongst the revelations so far are: -Dr Amman admitted to giving Punk Z Paks - an
antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections - without recording that he had done so.
-Amman stated that he had not discussed the case due to HIPAA (which stands for the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), which safeguards private medical information.
-Amman is allegedly asking for compensation for emotional damages, damage that Punk's
legal team is arguing does not exist.
-And apparently during some parts of the trial, Punk reportedly booed and laughed out loud
- or in internet speak, "lol'd".
During the afternoon session, a series of text messages were shown, which included Amann
telling former ring announcer Justin Roberts that there are extensive records of everything
Punk has been diagnosed with and prescribed in WWE.
A group text with Amann, Chris Jericho Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler called the "NXT
Wannnabee Club" - new WWE faction confirmed! - where Ryder joked about Z Paks.
And finally, a text exchange between just Jericho and Amann, where the doctor said Punk's
health was nothing like how he had described.
This led to Punk's lawyer asking why he had decided to disregard HIPAA law in the
texts to Jericho - a law he had previously cited as the reason he had not discussed Punk's
health before.
The trial seems set for a few more gruelling rounds before any kind of settlement or verdict
is made.
But the $1 million in damages and various legal costs pales in comparison to WWE's
recent big money dealings...
SmackDown To Fox Details According to The Hollywood Reporter, Fox's
CEO Rupert Murdoch was instrumental in winning WWE over to his network, by saying their current
home NBCU was "embarrassed by your product" and that Fox would promote WWE programming
far more heavily across their other shows - which will be a huge benefit to SmackDown,
getting advertised on slightly more real sports with the NBA, MLB and NFL.
The report reveals that NBC had offered WWE $360million for over 10 years, which Fox absolutely
destroyed with an offer of over $1billion for over just five years.
So what will happen to the blue brand when it moves to Fox next Summer?
The Wrap is reporting that SmackDown LIVE will stay live on Friday nights, rather than
reverting to its pre-taped format from before the brand split.
I mean, it's called Smackdown Live, what did they think they were going to call it?
Smackdown 3 days ago…
WWE Stock Hits All Time High In the wake of SmackDown's big money deal
with Fox, WWE's stock reached an all-time high yesterday.
One stock - which is totally the technical term - was at one point worth $60.47.
For more fascinating WWE stock stuff, check our writer Kevin Cavanagh's
fascinating article by clicking the link in the video description below.
WWE Raw, May 28, 2018 Ratings But it's not all good news for WWE, as this
week's Raw received the show's second lowest rating since the start of 2016, only
drawing 2.49 million viewers.
How would the Montreal Screwjob have gone down if social media was around?!
Check out's brand new feature by clicking the link onscreen now, where Bret
Hart, Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels squabble like spurned lovers.
I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.
The Untold Truth Of TotalBiscuit - Duration: 5:08.
John Bain, better known to his millions of YouTube subscribers as TotalBiscuit, was one
of the top gaming critics on the internet.
Known for what he called "honest and informative commentary," TotalBiscuit won a Fan's Choice
Game Award in 2014.
But he was also a lightning rod for controversy over the course of his career, which was tragically
cut short when he passed away on May 24, 2018 at the age of 33.
Here's the untold truth of TotalBiscuit.
In 2005, TotalBiscuit met his future wife Genna at BlizzCon, an event centered around
Blizzard games.
The two married in the United Kingdom, and TotalBiscuit moved from his native England
to the United States to live with her and his stepson.
However, in 2008, he was detained by Homeland Security at the Los Angeles Airport and deported.
It wasn't until several years later that he finally was allowed to return to America to
be reunited with his family.
Overnight success
From 2005 through 2010, TotalBiscuit made a name for himself running World of Warcraft
So when he was laid off in 2010 during the worldwide recession, TotalBiscuit decided
to get serious about YouTube, hoping he could make enough money to survive.
It worked.
In an interview with Eurogamer, TotalBiscuit said that his decision to focus on YouTube
content covering the release of the 2010 World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm proved to
be a turning point, elevating his small channel into a worldwide brand.
"The popularity of the videos exploded overnight, quite literally."
The Mass Effect effect
In 2012, TotalBiscuit took center stage in the controversy over BioWare's decision to
release a downloadable expansion for Mass Effect 3 on the same day the game came out.
He felt that splitting the "From Ashes" DLC off from the main game was a pure cash grab,
arguing that people who paid for the game should be actually be able to play the entire
game without having to pay more to finish it.
To protest the decision, TotalBiscuit cancelled his order of the game.
BioWare pushed forward with the DLC release as planned, leading to fan outrage - and raising
TotalBiscuit's profile in the process.
Journalistic integrity
One of TotalBiscuit's pet issues was advocating for journalistic integrity in video gaming,
something that got him in hot water when he used it as an avenue to defend Gamergate.
That wasn't his only high profile controversy around journalistic integrity.
In 2014, TotalBiscuit revealed that Warner Bros. was only distributing advance review
copies of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor to YouTubers who also agreed to a paid branding
TotalBiscuit viewed this as an attempt to buy positive reviews.
Eventually the Federal Trade Commission forced Warner Bros. and their paid influencers to
post disclaimers revealing their relationship.
The controversy may have been personal for TotalBiscuit, as he had previously been targeted
by developer Wild Games after receiving an advance review copy of their release Day One:
Garry's Incident in 2013.
When TotalBiscuit posted a negative review of Day One, Wild Games responded by lodging
a copyright claim against the video in an attempt to force YouTube to remove it.
After a wave of backlash, they finally removed their claim and allowed the video to be posted
Anger management
In 2015, TotalBiscuit was again involved in a public dispute over game reviews after posting
on Twitter that the game Titan Souls was "absolutely not for me."
That sparked a rebuttal from the game's creator, Andrew Gleeson, who responded by gleefully
posting the tweet on his fridge as a trophy.
TotalBiscuit then bowed out, stating that he could no longer review the game as planned
because anything he said would be viewed as a personal attack.
However, his outraged fans took matters into their own hands, flooding the Titan Souls
Steam page with negative reviews.
The wasn't the only time TotalBiscuit's fans engaged in harassment.
And TotalBiscuit himself had a reputation early in his career for angrily engaging both
fans and detractors online, something that may have actually helped his popularity.
He told Kotaku,
"I've dealt, for the longest time that I can remember, with forums and communities and
[…] I don't think it's a secret to a lot of people online that I've had problems dealing
with that.
There have been several incidents where I've blown up at people, and there have been a
lot of drama incidents that are attached to my name."
In 2014, TotalBiscuit announced that he had been diagnosed with colon cancer and would
be starting chemotherapy.
By 2015, the cancer was in remission, but two years later it returned, and in 2018 he
revealed that this time it was expected to be terminal.
He posted on Reddit,
"When I went into hospital a week or so ago, it was accompanied by the news that conventional
chemotherapy's effectiveness had been exhausted.
[…] I'm currently coming to terms with the fact that I don't have long left."
He also announced his immediate retirement from game reviews, stating that he was no
longer physically up to the job, and expressed hope that his wife Genna would take over his
channels and continue his work.
John Bain passed away on May 24, 2018.
He was 33.
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