hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today
we will talk about the next topic the new fashion superfood prevents the
attacks cholesterol and high blood pressure so do not go and
stay with us until the end of this video where we will be developing
this interesting topic now we go with the information
the dates are the fruits of the date palm and it contains multiple nutrients
very beneficial to health are also a great substitute for sugar
they contain high amounts of potassium fiber magnesium and vitamin b6 these are
the benefits of dates for our health number 1 dates
and the cerebrovascular problems the stroke or stroke is the
the first cause of death in women in Spain and the second in men in Europe
about 650 people die from this cause annually thanks to its high content
of potassium about six hundred and fifty-two grams per 100 grams that
assumes 20 percent of the recommended daily intake dates have been
become the best ally against strokes a study
performed in more than 90,000 women between 50 and 79 years old for more than 11
years it was discovered that women who consumed more potassium had 12%
less than likely to have a stroke and 16% less
of the probability of having an ischemic stroke
number 2 dates and cholesterol dates help reduce the levels of
cholesterol thanks to its high fiber content 16 points 7 grams of fiber per
every 100 grams that is 27 percent of the recommended daily intake
he betaglucan contained in the fiber of the dates dissolve forming a
sticky substance that sticks to cholesterol in food and prevents
be absorbed they also bind to bile acids
of the stomach that also contain cholesterol and cause the body to
eject as waste what eventually decreases cholesterol levels
number 3 dates and blood pressure according to doctor frank mc and the
doctor anna fields in a publication of the harvard heart publication
Incorporate nuts into your diet like dates or raisins can
contribute to improve the health of the heart therefore can help
decrease high blood pressure
number 4 dates and diarrhea or constipation
Another great benefit of dates is that it treats diarrhea and constipation
As we mentioned earlier, they are great sources of fiber, which allows
that the intestines work properly so if you suffer from
diarrhea or constipation we recommend you include the dates in your diet number 5
the dates and the heart the dates are rich in magnesium potassium and vitamin b6
everything necessary to have a balanced diet and a healthy heart the
potassium helps regulate the electrical impulses that generate a heart rhythm
constant as well as counteract the effects of sodium on blood pressure
Magnesium causes the muscles of the heart and blood vessels to
relax by facilitating the flow of blood throughout the body and reducing the
blood pressure vitamin b6 helps eliminate homocysteine from the blood
which is related to cardiovascular diseases
number 6 dates and iron dates have 109 milligrams of
iron per 100 grams that equals 11 percent of the
recommended daily intake so if you suffer from anemia or have the
Very low iron levels includes the dates in your diet since there are no excuses
You can buy dates at any supermarket and start consuming them
this way we come to the end of this easy remedies video 24
do not forget to leave us your comment subscribe to our channel give me
like and share it with your family and friends we upload material every day
see you in a next edition
For more infomation >> 🔴✅ESTE FRUTO PARTICULAR COMBATE LA PRESIÓN ARTERIAL ALTA Y EL COLESTEROL | QUE SON LOS DATILES - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
Candidato a diputado por el PRI bailó y besó a un burro | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:51.
Para Que Sirve La Pinguica Como Planta Medicinal Y Como Se Prepara, Pinguica Usos Curativos - Duration: 6:49.
Un Niño De 25 Años 🙆😇🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:25.
Investigan misterioso accidente aéreo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.
Arrestan a la esposa de El Mencho | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:39.
Llegaron restos de madre que murió en accidente aéreo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.
Migrante murió baleada por agente de patrulla fronteriza | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:28.
Lanzan el primer camión de carga sin conductor | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.
Policía salvó de morir de asfixia a una bebé | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.
Ancestral batalla de solteros en lodo usando taparrabos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:12.
How to Burn Belly Fat with Passion Fruit (Quick and Easy Recipe) - Duration: 3:29.
Anyone who has eaten passion fruit knows: its aroma and flavor are unmistakable.
Being a pleasantly sweet fruit and at the same time acidic time, it is widely used in cooking
to make sauces for salads and meats as well like delicious desserts.
But when you go to eat a passion fruit, probably eats the pulp and throws the shells
out, right?
Probably you did not know, but in the shell of passion fruit are most of their
phytonutrients, great friends of our health.
Among its benefits are prevention and fighting cancer, immune system support,
improvement in digestion, eye health, regulation pressure, soothing effect and even help
in weight loss.
In today's video we will explain how to use the passionfruit peel to help lose
weight faster.
The reason the passion fruit peel is excellent to lose weight is pectin.
This polysaccharide, when ingested, will a gel and lines the stomach, increasing the sensation
of satiation.
In addition, the gel is not absorbed by the digestion and ends up carrying the fats with you.
and glucose in food, eliminating them in the stool.
On account of the action on sugar, the bark passion fruit is also recommended for the
treatment of diabetes.
The best way to use passionfruit peel to lose weight is consuming the meal of
peel of passion fruit, which can be added to water or juice and also sprinkled on
the food.
In flour, the amount of pectin arrives to 20%, which guarantees an excellent result
for weight loss purposes.
Here's how to prepare the flour:
Wash the passion fruit well and cut it in half to remove all pulp;
Cut the peel into thin slices;
Put them into a shape and bake in a low temperature to dehydrate.
When you notice that they are half an hour, remove and let cool;
Finally, beat the dehydrated peels in the blender and store in a tightly closed pot.
The recommendation is that if you consume 3 tablespoons of soup per day.
You can also make tea, see how it's easy: Once you've bought or made
powder from the passion fruit peel, place the amount of a teaspoon of the powder in
a cup of boiled water, stir well and take warm.
You can add a little clove and cinnamon to give a special taste.
Remember that to get the desired effect, both for weight loss and for health
in general, it is important to maintain adequate healthy and balanced diet, and
physical activity daily.
Bello espectáculo de luz en la Ópera de Sidney | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:30.
Limón, aceite de oliva y vinagre de manzana: un remedio ideal para los cálculos renales - Duration: 9:12.
Maluma en la gran despedida de la Selección Colombia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:32.
Un documental para honrar a Rafa Márquez, gloria del futbol mexicano | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:23.
El paletero que se hizo próspero empresario en California - Duration: 2:20.
Se multiplica el reclamo sobre la muerte de joven guatemalteca - Duration: 2:13.
Espectaculares imágenes de las inundaciones en ciudad en Maryland - Duration: 0:39.
UN SÓLO SEÑOR - Duration: 7:46.
Download new trap rap beat
The Truth About Jawzrsize - 30 DAYS FACE TRANSFORMATION - Duration: 9:50.
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Hateful Teacher Just Sent Trump Foul Surprise At The White House, This Is Incredibly Wrong - Duration: 5:49.
Hateful Teacher Just Sent Trump Foul Surprise At The White House, This Is Incredibly Wrong.
A letter that was dated May 3rd and was printed on White House stationery was sent to Yvonne
Mason, 61, a former high school English teacher who retired last year.
She says she hasn't quite left "grading-paper mode."
That became obvious when the Atlanta Democrat scrawled notes across the letter bearing President
Trump's signature.
In the top left corner she sneered: "Have you all tried grammar & style check?"
I can't think of a ruder, more disrespectful thing to do after receiving a letter from
the White House.
You can bet she would not have done that to Barack Obama.
At the top right, she chided: "Federal is capitalized only when used as part of a proper
Except that is not correct in itself.
a style manual for the federal government calls for capitalizing "Nation", and "Federal"
when the words are used as a synonym for the United States.
This woman was just picking at this out of sheer hatred for President Trump.
It's disgusting.
Toward the bottom she wrote: "OMG this is WRONG!"
When Mason received the letter in the mail, she immediately pulled out her purple pen
to correct the offending piece.
She went even further and took a picture that she posted to Facebook, and then mailed back
to the White House.
"It was a poorly worded missive," she said.
"Poor writing is not something I abide.
If someone is capable of doing better, then they should do better."
We could certainly do better than to have this woman as a teacher.
Her manners need serious work as well.
Mason wrote to President Trump to ask that he visit each family of those, who died in
the shooting that killed 17 people at a high school in Parkland, FL, in February.
First off, that's not her place to request that.
Second, President Trump contacted many involved, and has been more interactive in the aftermath
of shootings than Barack Obama ever was.
"I had written to them in anger, to tell you the truth," she said.
"I thought he owed it to these grieving families."
It seems she has a lot of anger when it comes to politics.
Nothing is good enough for this woman.
From the New York Times:
"The letter she received did not address her concerns, she said.
Instead, it listed a series of actions taken after the shooting, like listening sessions,
meetings with lawmakers and the STOP School Violence Act, a bill that would authorize
$500 million over 10 years for safety improvements, at schools but had no provisions related to
"A sentence about a "rule" banning devices that turn legal guns into illegal machine
guns was unclear.
"Explain rule," she wrote."
"There was more, but she didn't correct everything.
"I did not mention the dangling modifier," she said.
"I focused mainly on mechanics."
""Nation" was capitalized, so was "states."
Ms. Mason circled both."
"However, a style manual for the federal government calls for capitalizing "Nation",
and "Federal" when the words are used as a synonym for the United States.
It says "State" should be capitalized when it is referring to the government or
In letters from Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush that constituents posted online,
words like "Nation" and "President" are capitalized."
Yvonne Mason, a retired high school teacher, wrote notes about grammar and clarity on a
letter she received from the White House.
After marking up the letter, she mailed it back.
The White House did not respond to a request from the New York Times for comment over such
a petty, trivial, nit-picking thing as this is.
I don't blame them.
The media won't report on the tremendous things the President does, which is a long
list in itself, but they will sure go on about how some jaded teacher doesn't like how
a letter was composed.
It's beyond ridiculous.
Mason crooned how awful the letter was compared to ones from other politicians.
Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, sent "beautiful" letters that
struck a tone that "makes me more important than him," she said.
It's all about her the woman is a narcissist and very, very bitter.
She has written to several legislators in South Carolina, where she taught Advanced
Placement English language and composition.
She evidently made a New Year's resolution and has written a postcard to the White House
every day since Jan. 1st.
This woman needs to get a life, seriously.
When she was teaching, she wanted to show her students that their voices mattered, even
if they weren't old enough to vote, she said.
"You're important.
You need to be a part of this, you need to pay attention to what's going on," she
It's a pity that she overlaid that with a leftist partisan attitude because she's
right on that point.
But she fails at carry-through.
When word spread about the corrected letter she had sent to the White House, Mason received
hundreds of messages from people across the country.
I bet she did.
Some were positive.
A lawyer in Houston wanted to know if she would be interested in looking over his appellate
briefs, that's a lawyer to stay away from.
Others were very unfriendly.
One person suggested she "must be a lonely bitter hag with a lot of cats."
I'm sorry, but that's just funny.
Mason claims she doesn't focus on the negativity.
"Let them have their day, bless their little hearts," she said.
"They aren't changing my mind."
Well, bless your heart you aren't changing ours either.
What do you think about this?
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top stories today.
things you (probably) didn't notice in grrr (mnet version) - Duration: 3:15.
smiley seungmin is the best seungmin
drummer boy hyunjin enters
changbin approves
idk what this is but i thought it was cute
a wild jisung appears
he go up
he go down (he's gonna shut this whole city down)
felix is fed up pt1
hyunjin does not like these antics
felix is fed up pt2
also cute
a wild chan appears as well
we love bros
jeongin and changbin say hi
cute pt3
hyunjin wants this wrapped up
cute pt5
can we just appreciate those grrRRRRAA's bc honestly i do
hello felix
protect this rapper
okay get ready yall this is my favorite part of this entire thing
get urself somone as supportive as felix
he looks like one of those inflatable things at a car dealership and i love it
there's nothing to point out here i just really love this part
this boy really T H R E W HIMSELF TO STOP HIM
heavy metal changbin appears
cute pt7
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guys it's just so cloudy outside today but I'm so excited for this vlog because
it's going to be a cook with me and kind of a wedding today I haven't even eaten
breakfast yet you guys so I'm gonna go downstairs and make breakfast
but I just want to mention to you guys I'm so excited in this video I'm working
with hellofresh I'm gonna show you guys a recipe I'm
gonna be cooking with them today they are a meal kit company so the delivery
meals right to your door I know that a lot of you guys with your busy
lifestyles it's just so hard to sometimes make time for cooking but a
lot of the meals you can cook under 30 minutes you don't have to spend a ton of
time in the kitchen in bath all the ingredients come pre-measured already
for you and every single thing is labeled there's like no way that you
guys can mess up on this so this we can actually have a really busy week so when
I saw that box to be honest with you I was relieved I was like okay I don't
have to meal prep this week I don't really have to do much because I have
three meals from them you guys will see how easy their website is to use they
offer three plans and you guys can see which one fits your lifestyle the best
and you guys will also notice that they do change their meals weekly which keeps
everything nice and interesting they have so many good looking meals you guys
are interested for three dollars off your first week at hellofresh visit
hellofresh comm and enter my promo codes death Macedo 30 it's time for my coffee
this is like the number one thing I have to do every single morning and I wasn't
kidding you guys when I said that I bought an actual box of their stevia off
of ebay but I actually have a link for Amazon so I will leave a link down below
for you guys and then I just kind of keep refilling this little tiny canister
over here and I use two of these in my coffees
guys probably always think that I use these all the time but I am using these
all the time because I absolutely love them these Lilydale turkey sausages I
like to bliss them up like I've shown you guys before it's just easier to cook
and it also makes me feel like I'm eating a lot more of it I'm gonna be
doing three of them my go-to omelet that I absolutely love
so I just rip a ton of spinach in here a little bit of onion powder you guys can
add actual cut-up onion then I put garlic track some salt in there's three
eggs in here but I only use one full one the other two I'm only using the whites
and that's a very good like calorie cutting tip that I can share with you
guys the whites are much less calories
with everything up
this is such an easy breakfast you guys this whole breakfast just let you guys
know is 210 calories - my coffee my coffee is like an extra 15 calories
delicious omelet is done I always serve it with a little bit of ketchup on this
side make sure you guys try this out I'm telling you you guys will love it I know
this does not sound exciting spinach omelet oh my god so exciting but it is
it's actually really really really good so while I eat my breakfast I'm gonna
catch up on some love and hip hop Atlanta for those of you who don't know
I actually watch it on mr. world premiere if you guys want to go in there
and check it out just wanted to show you guys the box and how it comes so it
comes in this box over here with their cute little logo on the front check this
out this is like a full-on interior cooler going on here so this is how they
come just like this inside of here and then at the very bottom they have given
me all the meat and they actually put ice packs at the bottom as well to keep
everything all nice and fresh I think I'm gonna be doing the yogurt and dukkha
crusted chicken that's the one that kind of stood out to me the most so the first
thing is these chicken breasts and it says here raised without the use of
antibiotics and added hormones that was the very first thing that I noticed so I
have to show you guys what happened sometimes I'm very impulsive
I just grabbed all of the papers and ripped I ripped the recipes in half and
then I'm like oh my god stuff I think that those are the recipes so I had to
like take it back up honestly stuff you are the words like
Pisces you are so horrible this is probably the best feature I love about
hallow fresh are they give you this step-by-step instruction card for your
recipe and it just shows you picture by pictures step by step a lot of people
don't feel confident when they're cooking and I just feel like this is
such an amazing thing that they do we have our yogurt I got this little tiny
white wine vinegar then we have some red onion in here you guys it's already
chopped up for you our Dukas by ace flavour chicken broth had a bell pepper
eggplant some parsley I love how this is packaged we got our bulgur wheat I'm so
excited to try this out and cook it up step by step so the first step is to
chop up all of our veggies so I have to cut the eggplant into 1-inch cubes and I
have to cut the bell peppers into half inch cubes and I'm gonna roughly chop
the parsley it says and then in a medium pot we're gonna put the broth
concentrate that they gave us and we're gonna put 3/4 cup of water inside of a
pot I'm just gonna put the three sporter cup of water gonna add our broth inside
of there I think this is gonna taste so good and their meals you guys they only
take around 30 minutes to do which is so amazing
so the next step already says to have a baking sheet so I just have my pan ready
over here and I'm just gonna drop my eggplant pieces on top
so it says once the water has come to a boil you have to add the bulgur inside
of the boiling water remove the pot from the heat then cover it and let the
bulgur sit for 15 to 16 minutes so we're just gonna add our packet of bulgur and
inside of there I'm just gonna give it a quick stir and we're gonna close it up I
did my onion instance as well the one that's already pre chopped that just
shows that they're aware that sometimes cutting onion can be such a pain it says
we need to drizzle oil on top but I'm just gonna use my olive oil Pam over
here and just spray it add salt and pepper and now we are going to put this
in the oven and bake it for 20 to 25 minutes halfway through we're gonna stir
these up and make sure that they get evenly cooked so it says to roughly chop
the parsley I'm just gonna grab a bowl and instead of chopping it I'm just
going to grab my scissors my little trick I love to use just cuz it's so
quick and easy so it's time to prep the chicken and it says just to kind of Pat
it dry with a little bit of paper towel I'm just going to lay it down and then
we're gonna mix our seasoning up so I have my dukkha over here my Dukas
white so as you guys can see like I was mentioning everything comes separately
and it's all individually labeled for you super easy so we're going to add
that in oh my god I have to smell this oh man there's like a burst of like a
bunch of Middle Eastern flavor in there add in top of our yogurt into there I'm
also gonna add some salt and pepper to a bit of pepper to mix up this mixture
okay looks really good so we're gonna add our
chicken inside of this bowl and we're gonna coat it and coating the chicken
just like that and our chicken breast is all coated okay so now it says transfer
the baking sheet and roast in the center of the oven so I'm gonna grab the
leftover yogurt it says and put it inside of a bowl here add half of your
parsley inside of this bowl with the yogurt I've also added two teaspoons of
water now we're gonna season it with salt and pepper
when veggies are golden brown remove from baking sheet and we're gonna mix
that all up love sauces so I'm so happy that this
sounds like a sauce so in this bowl we are going to add our bulgur it just to
first fluff it up and I've already done that so I'm just gonna add it in here
and in all of our roasted veggies rest of our parsley inside of there oh my god
that looks so good a tablespoon of the little bottle of white vinegar that they
gave us and says I'm 1 tablespoon of oil I'm actually going to skip that part
just because of my calorie intake that's myself in there mix this mixture all up
and show you guys as I mix it oh my god this looks so colorful how amazing our
crusted chicken looks look at that now I'm gonna chop this up into slices and
we are going to do our plate
the chicken was super easy to cook after the veggies were done baking I put it on
boil I flipped it in between and it got so golden on the other side as well oh
my god it just looks so good not going to be using as a fall entire breast just
because I am on my calorie deficit we are going to drizzle a little bit of our
yogurt sauce over top there like I said I am crazy about sauces so we're not
gonna be like super late with this and that's our finished plate I'm gonna
taste test this with you guys because I am so excited have to say it was so easy
to cook this recipe I love to step by step and I love the pictures I'm such a
visual person sorry I'm trying to find the perfect bite because that's what
stuff does she always has to find the perfect I always think it's so rude when
I don't like chewing but I have to taste those for you guys I'm just gotta do it
there's a ton of flavor in there I'm gonna go in for another bite if you guys
don't mind me let me just finish this bites I can finish talking you guys so
rude sorry I actually love that I'm not eating rice today I'm having bulgur
because normally I'm always eating rice you guys I keep wanting to say hella
fresh like I can't tell you how hilarious that is but I'm not gonna lie
like how old fresh was hella front I'm going to be making one of my favorite
favorite cold salads I'm gonna be doing a mango cilantro with apple salad and
I'm also doing some salmon on the side here and then I have
left over jasmine rice in that container and I'm just going to kind of put it all
so what you want to do is cut them into like sheets and obviously you're going
to run into the little seed in the center there but I just need you to cut
it into like sheets like that so do it this way if it's easier just to
tip you guys it's a lot better when the mangoes are actually very firm and
they're not super ripe like this but that's kind of all that they had a salad
does turn out much better if they are more firm you're just gonna grab the
slices and you are just going to do them into little parts want to slice them
into like these little slivers we are going to use an apple I don't really
like I'm not too picky about the Apple that I use I don't think the green ones
that's the only thing I would not do it would not do the green because the green
are very sour we are not gonna peel off the skin we're gonna cut it into thin
little slices like this and then we are going to chop it up just like we did
with the mango now we're gonna go ahead and chop a whole bunch of cilantro
inside of here I've just grabbed a bunch over here and again I'm gonna use my
kitchen scissors because that's my favorite I love cilantro you guys the
fragrance of cilantro I just love it I love the taste it pairs so well with the
sweetness of the mango we're actually gonna use a little bit of the white
vinegar that came with our package tablespoon and a half inside of there if
you're having this type of portion some salt over top the salt goes so well with
the sweetness thanks this all up oh my god I'm the Stoics that if you guys to
try this it is delicious like I don't think you guys understand and actually
this salad does take red onion I just didn't choose to put that in there today
if you guys like red onion the red onion gives it like this extra zest to the
salad I know this combination might sound weird but I actually found this at
a Mediterranean place I used to go pick up food on it and it really inspired me
to kind of try it at home as a little bit of that salt inside of it that's
cilantro with that kick and that really like I don't know it just has this crazy
flavor and then you have this is from the Apple and the mango oh my
god the combination all together it's literally its fireworks you guys have to
try this recipe we are having fire salmon the salmon tastes so good if you
guys want my salmon recipe I will leave the link up here above so that you guys
can check it out and I show you guys how I marinate it then I have a little bit
of jasmine rice I kind of minimized my portion of the jasmine rice just because
the mango salad is a little bit higher as well because mango does have calories
in it it's not like ultra super low so I just took away a little bit of the rice
plus the salmon is a little bit high too in calorie and then I have my really
really colorful taste you sell it on the side I feel like the dampness like the
humidity outside is just making my hair like a little bit frizzy I'm not gonna
lie I like a little bit frizzy for those of you who really like my waist I will
leave a tutorial up above or if you guys want to check it out that is basically
it for this vlog if you guys enjoyed make sure you guys give this video a big
thumbs up and also don't forget to subscribe to my channel I hope you guys
enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching and I will see my beautiful
babes next time
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I got two
I got one, i got two
I got one, i got two
I got
I got
I got
I got one, i got two, in the building with my crew
Niggas be like me now
Bitches the look me now
Rides in the city with my niggas in the tripping So fucked right now
Solo brillo por la aunsencia de to' lo que llevo lograo'
Me he jodido solo he luchado, like flash a todos he pasado
No los veo y ando relajado y si los veo nigga
check, check out
Yas le he ganado Los he superado
Con mi trap ganado
With my niggas, so high
Niggas so look at now
I got one, i got two, in the building with my crew
In the building with my crew,
niggas so look at me now.
Niggas so look at me now
Ladys the move and around
Listen the movie right now
Shake, shake, shake out bae
Niggas so look at me now
Ladys the move and around
Listen the movie right now
Shake, shake, shake out bae
Check on me
All these baby
Scream Snow B
High ma g
Prendo un
En la street
Check on me
All these baby
Scream Snow B
High ma g
Prendo un
En la Street
Niggas so look at me now
Ladys the move and around
Listen the movie right now
Shake, shake, shake out bae
Niggas be like me now
The bitches the look me now
Rides in the city with my niggas in the tripping
So fucked right now
I got one, i got two, in the building with my crew
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Bjørnar Moxnes (Rødt) kritiserer regjeringa i Color Line-saken - Duration: 4:58.
Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Luxury de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:07.
Lafayette MMA Fighter and Mother Killed in Crash - Duration: 0:20.
Hyundai i10 1.0 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:52.
BMW 1 Serie 118I * 92.432 Km * Leder * Nav i * Xenon * - Duration: 1:07.
6 problemi interni che si manifestano con i brufoli - Duration: 6:21.
Citroën C3 1.1I SKY RADIO - Duration: 1:04.
Citroën C3 1.4I EXCLUSIVE airco ecc - Duration: 0:50.
Casual→OTT, Spring/Summer LOLITA LOOKBOOK - Duration: 7:03.
Hello! Welcome back to my channel
This is my lolita Spring/Summer lookbook for 2018
I have four coordinates, from casual all the way up to OTT
<Even Mom Can't Tell if it's Lolita>
<Casual Lolita>
<Hime Lolita>
Alright let's start!
The points of the first outfit are simple silhouette and bright colors
Legend has it that, for normies,
the "extra-ness" of an outfit purely depends on how puffy the petticoat is
So I didn't wear any petticoat for this outfit
That means it's super casual, right?
But casual can be quite boring
So instead I play a lot with color and pattern
I'm wearing an OP from Emily Temple Cute
It's light purple, and has fruit pies all over it
which makes it perfect for Spring/Summer
The day I shot it, New York was kinda chilly
So I paired it up with this yellow cardigan
I love the bright color and the beautiful fruit embroideries
So the theme matches as well <3
Weather can be unpredictable at this time of the year
so I always bring a lovely cardigan with me
it's very functional, and adds fun to the coordinate
The second look is <Casual Lolita>
The dress is from Taobao brand "Claritte"
It's a white lacy one-piece dress
It has some interesting ruffle design on the sleeves
It's kind of a mix between lolita and normal lacy dress
I paired it with lace socks
You have to be extra careful when wearing all white
but it comes with some perks too!
First, if you wear white, your outfit will go with EVERY background
(It's true)
Second, white reflects light very well
which means that you will be glowing in low light situations
and over-exposed in others (like this)
The third look is <Hime Lolita>
I'm wearing the Rococo series from Taobao brand "Hinana"
It's an OP+bonnet set
The fabric is textured and quite thick
so the dress weighs very heavy
I'm wearing all three of my white petticoats
and yet it looks like it can fit three more
And the perks of wearing Hime lolita?
Well...you friends and family can easily spot you amid the crowd, so they won't lose you
And then...
you can take beautiful pictures!
And if you are wearing big bonnet like this one
it keeps the sun out
And you think this is as OTT as it goes?
Well, think again.
My last outfit is this big gown from Taobao brand "Morning Kiss"
It's called <Gone with the Wind>
and of course it's based on the dress Scarlett O'hara wore in the film
From the shoulder's design to the choice of fabric
it is quite true to the original
I really like the dark green velvet details
Well if you decided to wear this one out
the good thing is that...no one can come close, no matter how crowded the place is
I think people will form a circle around you
just kidding
The reason why I included it in this lookbook is that
I really wanted to wear it
but most importantly
compared to this, most lolita dresses will seem quite casual
so I hope you will have the courage to wear your favorite dress
and enjoy yourself in the beautiful weather
be it casual or OTT
So that's my Spring/Summer lookbook, from casual to OTT
Please like/comment/share/subscribe if you enjoyed it
I just finished my finals
and I can't wait to start more projects in the summer
please stay tuned! Bye!
Royal Honeymoon 'On Hold' As Duchess Meghan - Duration: 11:51.
Royal Honeymoon 'On Hold' As Duchess Meghan Pulls Fast One: I'm Working Big Event
The new Duchess of Sussex has pulled a fast one in her new mission to "change the world."
Meghan Markle says she's so excited to go straight to work in her new role as a "model
for feminists across the world."
The upcoming event that put the royal honeymoon on hold, which the new Duchess has labeled
as "work," will blow your mind.
The new Duchess of Sussex has wasted no time spinning her first PR coup as she paints herself
as a tireless, selfless, dedicated new royal who will forego her honeymoon to get straight
to work.
Over the last few days, rumors that Prince Harry and Meghan's honeymoon plans were
being kept secret has now evolved into the line, "Meghan's going straight to work,
taking on official duties for the people."
Many wondered what that meant.
So, the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex put their honeymoon plans "on hold" to embark
on their new mission to save the world.
That's how it was being reported in many news outlets late last night.
"No honeymoon for newlyweds Harry and Meghan – they're straight back to work," reported
The Guardian late yesterday afternoon.
Reporters were gushing over the new royal couple's amazing stamina and work ethic
to plunge right into official duties, depriving themselves of their honeymoon.
So, what is the big humanitarian event Meghan will be toiling at?
The Mirror reveals, "On Tuesday the couple will join Charles and Camilla on the lawns
of Buckingham Palace for a Prince of Wales 70th Birthday Patronage Celebration."
They add, "After a day that saw the couple seal their union with a kiss, process through
Windsor in a carriage and experience a moving wedding reception speech in their honor from
the Prince of Wales, they are expected to travel home to take up royal duties."
Yep, there you have it.
The strain of those official duties, aka "party going," seem so overwhelming, you wonder
how do they do it?
Yes, I'm being sarcastic.
There is no doubt Meghan's PR experience in spinning herself in the press is taking
precedence inside Kensington Palace.
The media outlets all having the same line, "going straight back to work," says this
was the Duchess of Sussex's PR move.
Meghan has spoken about wanting to "hit the ground running" in her big humanitarian
mission as a social justice warrior and feminist.
The problem is, her new resume on the official palace site seems a tad over the top and embellished.
Instead of detailing her real life's work as an actress, which she has been doing full-time
since 2002, the royal website paints her as a mix of Mother Teresa and Gloria Steinem.
Page Six reports, "The newly anointed Duchess of Sussex has a new bio up on the Royal Family
website – and it barely mentions her 15-year acting career, focusing instead on her charity
and activism work."
Page Six adds, "It details her interest in feminism, which started when she was 11
and successfully campaigned to change a Procter & Gamble TV ad for Ivory dish soap that used
sexist language.
It also mentions that she volunteered in a soup kitchen on Skid Row in her native Los
Angeles between the ages of 13 and 17."
The Skid Row gig coincides with her years at Immaculate Heart High School, where every
student must volunteer to do charity work as part of their graduation credits.
In other words, it's not an option.
We aren't implying her work in the soup kitchen wasn't noble, we are just putting
it in perspective.
You have to click the second "Biography" page on the royal website to read up on her
work on "Suits" – a show she was on for seven years, filming 100 episodes until
giving up her role to marry Prince Harry.
The truth is, the new Duchess didn't really start her adult "activism" until around
the time she entered Prince Harry's orbit through her Canadian contacts, and it was
seen as a calculated move to nab Princess Diana's son.
Duchess Meghan's closest friend of 31 years, Nikki Priddy, said, "All I can say now is
that I think Meghan was calculated — very calculated — in the way she handled people
and relationships.
She is very strategic in the way she cultivates circles of friends.
Once she decides you're not part of her life, she can be very cold."
Of course, Priddy recalls Meghan's vows to Engleson as her maid of honor.
Meghan told her first husband, "You are my forever love, I cannot imagine life without
Ms. Priddy remains extremely hurt and baffled by Meghan ending their 31-year friendship.
They met at age 6 and were inseparable until Meghan left for Canada to film "Suits."
When Meghan decided to divorce Trevor Engleson, she divorced her entire former life, including
Nikki Priddy.
Meghan called Nikki Priddy one last time just to tell her she was getting divorced and that
she might see it in the papers.
Nikki said, "I tried to get details from her, but she wouldn't tell me.
What came to light after Trevor and I spoke ended my friendship with Meghan."
Meghan then completely reinvented herself in Canada and never spoke to her childhood
friend again.
Within two months after separating from Engleson, she was already dating and quickly living
with celebrity chef Corey Vitiello.
Many say she was still involved with Vitiello when she met Prince Harry, but the Canadian
chef is too much of a gentleman to comment.
Getting back to the royal website, in large, bold font on the new "Duchess of Sussex"
page, it quotes her as saying, "I am proud to be a woman and a feminist."
Yet, during her unorthodox royal wedding speech, she gushed, "I have found my prince!"
However, she demanded the "vow to obey" be excluded from her wedding vows to Prince
The question for Meghan is this: What woman isn't a feminist in the traditional sense?
But, those "feminists," like the new Duchess of Sussex, who have to scream in big bold
letters, "I am proud to be a woman and a feminist," are rabid leftist activists hellbent
on supporting abortion up to nine months and who buy into this myth about the "white
patriarchy" keeping them down.
Whoever is running Kensington Palace better grow a backbone.
Meghan Markle now has reinvented herself for the second time in her life, this time as
the Duchess of Sussex.
Someone needs to explain to her that being a member of the British Royal Family is about
obeying the monarch — it's not an acting gig.
It's about service to others through charities and not the seeking of the limelight wherever
she goes.
Ajay Reviews: Solo A Star Wars Story - Duration: 9:43.
hey everyone I'm Aay Fry ready to review Solo a Star Wars story!
There will be some spoilers but I'll put that up after a spoiler warning.
So first, I really liked the movie for a lot of reasons first probably because of the
timing in my life hey mom yeah mom I'm sorry it's just I uh I I haven't figured
out how to process this or talk about it yet it was it's pretty sudden I've been
doing the same job for almost 10 years now in my life and I've been so lucky
this isn't like the worst thing that's ever happened to me
like think about a you and Dad are still alive Mickey - I've never really had any
major health problems and my heart broken a couple of times but that didn't
happen I never would have wound up was era so uh yeah this is uh not good and I
just I I don't know what to say or how to say it yeah yeah there was a meeting
request at 10:30 on Thursday morning the boss walked in said something about how
nice it was to work with us but programming's decided the show's
canceled I met with an HR person for five minutes and then went back and
cleaned out my desk I mean they cancelled Daily Planet the day before so
when I saw the meeting request but I knew what was up but before that I
really had no idea I thought to be going to e3 in San Diego comic-con this year I
don't know what to do with my summer right I really don't have any idea about
what to do about anything and I I'm sorry mom I probably should have called
the fans have been amazing like it is a blessing that I've worked the kind of
job where when it's over there's you know hundreds of people telling me that
they loved what I did and there's so much love coming in it's it's
overwhelming and I mean it hasn't just been from you know people who watched
the show either it's my friends and people that have met and worked with
over the years have reached out to me and it's been it's been really awesome
even someone who was actually in the shape of water which won the Academy
Award last year reached out to me sent me a direct message on Twitter it's so
weird to go from like liking someone's work to having them reach out to you
when you lose your job it's just been really overwhelming the love has been
crazy and it's helped me avoid you know feelings of despair honestly I'm feeling
a lot of things sad a lot job was really fun mom I loved it I got to travel all
over the world and meet and talk to interesting people they said I'm not
gonna get to do that anymore but you know I've had a feeling that was coming
for a long time now like whenever I'd meet someone and tell them mama TV show
host they'd be like oh that's cool and watch your show but I don't have cable
and I haven't had cable for like ten years and I always say yeah I know it's
amazing that I still have a job because no one watches TV anymore so you know I
can't really be upset I just got to be happy that I got to do what I got to do
for as long as I did but like any job the people that I've worked with over
the past ten years we're like my family and I'm I'm really gonna miss them
you know like SAS and JP or Erik or Shannon in studio or just trying to get
the guys to laugh between takes when Teddy wasn't beating me to it I'll get
to waffle Morgan anymore you can the Nelsons added beta asked for
a quick favor no more knowingly looking over at Griffin when we see Chrissy
caught in the mark for tax and I'm probably not gonna get stuck in the mark
for tags for a while now
I'm gonna miss April's creative ideas
the soft way that Michelle would say hello in the morning and pegs reacting
to stuff on her computer and then we'd all gather around watch together the
voiceovers that Elvis would write for me
Nigel's laugh Nigel's hugs more gathering and Jesse's at a beta play HQ
somehow I'm even gonna miss out Claire managed to stay happy and positive and
like not give me a hard time about still needing her help doing my Arriba after
years of doing Arriba every month it's the accounting software that we had to
use I am definitely not gonna miss doing that bullshit though I think they're
okay and actually really talked to Teddy and Morgan much since it happened
Teddy and I were doing pretty good Thursday morning I mean aside from mark
we've been there the longest and I think we both kind of like knew that we had to
stay strong for everybody you know make jokes and keep the atmosphere positive
like the captain setting an example as the ship goes down Morgan was doing okay
- he's been like the heart of a team
yeah yeah well I'm sure she's gonna be fine Teddy will be too sure no mom I'm
not scared I'm excited I mean I've been a national television show host for 12
years that qualifies me to uh okay so I like I'm I'm a little scared I guess the
industry is changing and I don't have a lot of skills beyond talking about
science fiction and fantasy TV shows and movies throwing the commercials and
interviewing celebrities without being too creepy I might go back to acting I
mean I'll be looking for any other TV show to host there's just not a lot of
them out there anymore I pitched some of my own ideas but I
don't know I really genuinely have no idea what happens next for me oh I'm
working on recording a review of the console and movie for my youtube channel
done I thought it was really good hit all the right notes it was funny thought
the cast was fantastic I agreed with how they handled the character I even kind
of came to accept Dalton what's-his-face is so low it was just kind of difficult
to watch I actually cried a few times because I waited about how Teddy used to
say Spice boys instead of saying spoilers right before I started watching
the movie and then the movies about how Chewie and Han become like partners and
adventure and I realized that for the past 10 years teddy has been my Chewie
I've been his I mean he would say Chewie but I've you know anyway we're not going
on any more adventures together and it's just the hard pill to swallow
no no Sarah's money Princess Leia Morgan is Lando obviously she's
fashionable and the coolest of the three of us yeah yeah and I should probably
get back to work I want to try to get this up on YouTube by 7:00 you know when
the show would have air addy and Natasha and some of our other most awesome fans
have something planned and I really want them to know how much they've meant to
me and that's for the past few years yeah
they'll be okay okay thanks mom I love you and I'll see you in the
future bye where do I start
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I IDOLS 5 deurs 111 dkm - Duration: 0:52.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I NOW airco 35 dkm - Duration: 0:51.
Snow Tha Product, Castro Es...
hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today
we will talk about the next topic the new fashion superfood prevents the
attacks cholesterol and high blood pressure so do not go and
stay with us until the end of this video where we will be developing
this interesting topic now we go with the information
the dates are the fruits of the date palm and it contains multiple nutrients
very beneficial to health are also a great substitute for sugar
they contain high amounts of potassium fiber magnesium and vitamin b6 these are
the benefits of dates for our health number 1 dates
and the cerebrovascular problems the stroke or stroke is the
the first cause of death in women in Spain and the second in men in Europe
about 650 people die from this cause annually thanks to its high content
of potassium about six hundred and fifty-two grams per 100 grams that
assumes 20 percent of the recommended daily intake dates have been
become the best ally against strokes a study
performed in more than 90,000 women between 50 and 79 years old for more than 11
years it was discovered that women who consumed more potassium had 12%
less than likely to have a stroke and 16% less
of the probability of having an ischemic stroke
number 2 dates and cholesterol dates help reduce the levels of
cholesterol thanks to its high fiber content 16 points 7 grams of fiber per
every 100 grams that is 27 percent of the recommended daily intake
he betaglucan contained in the fiber of the dates dissolve forming a
sticky substance that sticks to cholesterol in food and prevents
be absorbed they also bind to bile acids
of the stomach that also contain cholesterol and cause the body to
eject as waste what eventually decreases cholesterol levels
number 3 dates and blood pressure according to doctor frank mc and the
doctor anna fields in a publication of the harvard heart publication
Incorporate nuts into your diet like dates or raisins can
contribute to improve the health of the heart therefore can help
decrease high blood pressure
number 4 dates and diarrhea or constipation
Another great benefit of dates is that it treats diarrhea and constipation
As we mentioned earlier, they are great sources of fiber, which allows
that the intestines work properly so if you suffer from
diarrhea or constipation we recommend you include the dates in your diet number 5
the dates and the heart the dates are rich in magnesium potassium and vitamin b6
everything necessary to have a balanced diet and a healthy heart the
potassium helps regulate the electrical impulses that generate a heart rhythm
constant as well as counteract the effects of sodium on blood pressure
Magnesium causes the muscles of the heart and blood vessels to
relax by facilitating the flow of blood throughout the body and reducing the
blood pressure vitamin b6 helps eliminate homocysteine from the blood
which is related to cardiovascular diseases
number 6 dates and iron dates have 109 milligrams of
iron per 100 grams that equals 11 percent of the
recommended daily intake so if you suffer from anemia or have the
Very low iron levels includes the dates in your diet since there are no excuses
You can buy dates at any supermarket and start consuming them
this way we come to the end of this easy remedies video 24
do not forget to leave us your comment subscribe to our channel give me
like and share it with your family and friends we upload material every day
see you in a next edition
How to Burn Belly Fat with Passion Fruit (Quick and Easy Recipe) - Duration: 3:29.
Anyone who has eaten passion fruit knows: its aroma and flavor are unmistakable.
Being a pleasantly sweet fruit and at the same time acidic time, it is widely used in cooking
to make sauces for salads and meats as well like delicious desserts.
But when you go to eat a passion fruit, probably eats the pulp and throws the shells
out, right?
Probably you did not know, but in the shell of passion fruit are most of their
phytonutrients, great friends of our health.
Among its benefits are prevention and fighting cancer, immune system support,
improvement in digestion, eye health, regulation pressure, soothing effect and even help
in weight loss.
In today's video we will explain how to use the passionfruit peel to help lose
weight faster.
The reason the passion fruit peel is excellent to lose weight is pectin.
This polysaccharide, when ingested, will a gel and lines the stomach, increasing the sensation
of satiation.
In addition, the gel is not absorbed by the digestion and ends up carrying the fats with you.
and glucose in food, eliminating them in the stool.
On account of the action on sugar, the bark passion fruit is also recommended for the
treatment of diabetes.
The best way to use passionfruit peel to lose weight is consuming the meal of
peel of passion fruit, which can be added to water or juice and also sprinkled on
the food.
In flour, the amount of pectin arrives to 20%, which guarantees an excellent result
for weight loss purposes.
Here's how to prepare the flour:
Wash the passion fruit well and cut it in half to remove all pulp;
Cut the peel into thin slices;
Put them into a shape and bake in a low temperature to dehydrate.
When you notice that they are half an hour, remove and let cool;
Finally, beat the dehydrated peels in the blender and store in a tightly closed pot.
The recommendation is that if you consume 3 tablespoons of soup per day.
You can also make tea, see how it's easy: Once you've bought or made
powder from the passion fruit peel, place the amount of a teaspoon of the powder in
a cup of boiled water, stir well and take warm.
You can add a little clove and cinnamon to give a special taste.
Remember that to get the desired effect, both for weight loss and for health
in general, it is important to maintain adequate healthy and balanced diet, and
physical activity daily.
Palmeiras reduz elenco, mas aguarda possíveis chegadas no meio do ano|n123snow - Duration: 3:26.
Color Police Cars | Kids Fun Cartoon | Educational Video | If You Are Happy And You Know - Duration: 1:00:27.
If You're happy and you know it Clap your hands,
If You're happy and you know it Clap your hands,
If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it
If You're happy and you know it Clap your hands.
If You're happy and you know it Stamp your feet,
If You're happy and you know it Stamp your feet,
If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it
If You're happy and you know it Stamp your feet.
If You're happy and you know it Shout hurray!
If You're happy and you know it Shout hurray!
If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it
If You're happy and you know it Shout hurray!
If You're happy and you know it Snap your fingers,
If You're happy and you know it Snap your fingers,
If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it
If You're happy and you know it Snap your fingers.
If You're happy and you know it Do all 4!
If You're happy and you know it Do all 4!
If You're happy and you know it and You really want to show it
If You're happy and you know it Do all 4!
"Look at the beautiful star in the sky!"
Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are!
When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are!
Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are!
Messi sonha com Copa, mas demonstra cautela: "Há seleções melhores que nós"|n123snow - Duration: 8:08.
Cartão Bloqueado | RAPIDINHA COM ALAN MORAIS - Duration: 1:19.
[ENG SUB] Perhaps Love_Hua Chenyu_The Next S1 EP12_20170101_华晨宇_如果爱 - Duration: 5:24.
Mixed Excerpts from Musical Film "Perhaps Love"
The closer I am to you
The further I am from you
Hidden in the depths of my heart
But never spoken
Intentional or unintentional
With love or loveless
I thought that you understood me
You must hate me
Do you love me
You indecision to leave
Who are you struggling for
Whether truth or lies
I accept them all
If only you do love me
Happiness and grief
Both inseparable
You have mesmerized me
I have bewildered you
Dream within a dream
Let us never wake
From here on everafter
No more doubts and distrust
There is just one sentence I need
A sentence from the bottom of your heart
That you have always loved me
Still love me
Do love me
There is no love
There is no hate
Can't grasp it
Can't shake it
Not one of them are angles
In spite of their beauty and allure
In this cruel world
An insignificant ant
Does not have the right to sigh
The world is already dirty
What is there to fear
Pleasure or agony lasts only a moment
Heaven and hell as one
Dream wihin a dream
Let us never wake
From here on everafter
No more doubts and distrust
There is just one sentence I need
A sentence from the bottom of your heart
That you have always loved me
Perhaps you do love me
I do love you
I do love you
I do love you
You do love
Hida Furukawa Matsuri (Part 1) - Gifu - 飛騨古川祭 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 10:00.
Held each year during a three day period with its peak on April 19th and 20th,
the Hida Furukawa Matsuri is not only an national treasure since it has been designated as
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the government, but also an amazing festival (Matsuri)
strong in color taking place as early as 7 am and up to very late at night around 2 to 3 am.
What's unique here is not only the fact that this festival is actually divided into two different parts,
but it is also one of Japan's few festivals known for its rather intense tradition
that often turns into involuntary accidents due to its own nature.
During the first day (this video), known as the Okoshi Daiko, men, overflowed with emotions and energy,
parade around the street with drums mounted on poles announcing the start of the festival.
Through the early start of Okoshi Daiko, men do not hesitate to display their skills and agility by performing "Tombo"
or the dragonfly dance where you will see them literally flying and dancing on top of poles.
Then at dawn, every faction of Hida Furukawa gathers in the center of the city for a "Gentleman" fight where the goal is
for each faction to stay as close as possible to the main Taiko drum mounted on top of a float carried by close to hundred people.
Finally, we would like to give a special thanks to all the men of the Tonomachi faction of the City of Hida-Furukawa
for not only having us as special guests during the festival but also helping us making this video possible.
From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!
Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum Lifestyle,Bio,Career - Duration: 8:26.
Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum has been the Chairman of the Board at Noor Bank PJSC (formerly
Noor Islamic Bank PJSC) since June 25, 2011.
Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum serves as the Chairman of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Foundation, UAE National Olympic Committee, Dubai Cultural and Sports Club and Dubai Camels
Racing Club.
Since the 1980s, Sheikh Ahmed's family has been heavily involved in thoroughbred horse
Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum horse won the 1999 running of the Dubai Golden Shaheen in
his native Dubai.
Racing in the United Kingdom, his Thoroughbred racehorse Ameerat won the 2001 1,000 Guineas
and Mtoto captured the 1987 and 1988 runnings of the Eclipse Stakes
and Prince of Wales's Stakes plus the 1988 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes.
His horses have also won Group One races in Ireland, France, Germany and Italy including
the Irish St. Leger, Prix de la Salamandre, Grosser Preis
von Baden and the Derby Italiano
Ahmed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Born:Bur Dubai, Dubai
Occupation:Major General Title:Sheikh
Parent(s):Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum Major General Sheikh Ahmed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
(b. 1950 in Bur Dubai, Dubai) is the Deputy Chairman of Dubai Police & Public Security.
He is the current Chairman of the Al Wasl FC club located in Dubai.
Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum is the fourth and youngest son of the late ruler, Rashid
bin Saeed Al Maktoum (1912-1990).
His elder brothers Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Mohammed
bin Rashid Al Maktoum are the Deputy Ruler and Ruler of Dubai respectively.
CARINHA DE ANJO Cecília: grávida de Gustavo | RESUMO COMPLETO| Saiba HOJE TUDO que vai acontecer - Duration: 0:55.
Cartola FC: Dicas para mitar na rodada 8 VIDEO|x3and1baller - Duration: 8:05.
Confiança x Santa Cruz: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e online|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:53.
royals : Duke and Duchess of Sus guarded by cops with sub-machine guns - Duration: 5:38.
Harry and Meghan have made their first appearance at Prince Charles' 70th birthday party
BRITISH special forces are guarding the newly-married Duke and Duchess of Sussex with sub-machine guns amid fears the royal couple could be targeted by the Taliban
The threat is believed to be directly linked to comments former soldier Prince Harry made when he was a helicopter pilot
In 2013 he boasted of blowing "Taliban extremists to pieces" and confirmed he killed Taliban fighters
Asked whether he had killed on duty the Prince said: "Yeah, so lots of people have
The squadron's been out here.Everyone's fired a certain amount." He went on to say why it was necessary
"Take a life to save a life, that's what we revolve around, I suppose.If there's people trying to do bad stuff to our guys, then we'll take them out of the game, I suppose
" The comments caused a stir in British security and diplomatic circles at the time because of fears they could inflame the already tense situation in Afghanistan
But they are now also coming back to haunt him, according to a report in the Sun on Sunday
While the couple are already well protected at their normal home at Kensington Palace, their countryside home has been transformed into a fortress with the same level of anti-terrorist security provided at Buckingham Palace and that protects UK Prime Minister Theresa May and spy bases
Motion sensors and cameras are said to have been strategically placed on the property in a bid to catch any intruders
It has also been included on a list of properties where members of the public risk being jailed for six months if they are found trespassing
Villagers near the country pad in Cotswolds, in south central England, have reportedly been stopped and questioned by heavily-armed, specially trained officers
They are believed to patrol the estate on foot and in unmarked 4WDs.When Prince Harry first made the comments in 2013 they were met with the expected anger by the Taliban, who suggested he had a "mental problem" by comparing his role as a fighter pilot to a video game
In a Press Association interview, he said his job as co-pilot gunner was "a joy…because I'm one of those people who loves playing PlayStation and Xbox, so with my thumbs I like to think that I'm probably quite useful"
It was clear from the candid comments the importance he placed on military service
"I am the Queen's grandson and all that good stuff and I love representing her, but to be honest with you and as far as I see it, and as far as William sees it as well, our service towards our country in the military in whichever shape or form it takes will always come first
" A Taliban spokesman later told The Guardian: "I think he has a mental problem, that's why he is saying it is a game," he said
"These kind of people live like diplomats in Afghanistan, they can't risk themselves by standing against the mujahideen [holy warriors]
" The spokesman added: "He doesn't have the brain to know there is a war here" and accused him of lying about being involved in fighting
Before his marriage to Meghan Markle earlier this month there had been fears the couple's decision to ride in an open carriage procession around Windsor could provide an opportunity for anyone wanting to disrupt the wedding
They were protected by snipers who were on shoot-to-kill orders - were part of a £30 million security operation which became one of the most heavily-guarded events in history
Police had mapped the area, established risk profiles, and worked out the modus operandi of high-risk groups as part of their planning
A Kensington Palace spokesman told news.com.au they never comment about the security surrounding royal family members
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Dois homens foram presos em Paracatu (MG), no noroeste mineiro, por armazenarem e venderem combustível ilegalmente
Na casa onde estavam, havia 700 litros de gasolina estocados, sendo uma pessoa flagrada deixando o local com um galão
Mais sobre o assunto Governo usará polícia contra "infiltrados" em greve dos caminhoneiros Escolas públicas retomam aulas e ônibus circulam normalmente terça A Polícia Militar (PM) chegou ao endereço, no bairro Bela Vista, após receber denúncia anônima
A estocagem de combustível é considerada crime inafiançável. A gasolina era vendida pelos suspeitos a R$ 15 o litro
Todo o estoque que havia na casa foi entregue nesta segunda-feira (28/5) à prefeitura de Paracatu: a gasolina será usada nos serviços públicos essenciais, como em viaturas
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