Well, the most important challenges that we have in urban distribution
are related directly with traffic.
Usually, there is a lot of traffic.
Starting with the restrictions on the highways,
when you are accessing the city,
the city access limitations
and once inside the city, the typical traffic in Barcelona.
mopeds, there are a lot of traffic of mopeds,
to the traffic of buses,
pedestrians, of course.
We need to be careful. They come out from everywhere.
In fact, we could say that distribution
is an obstacle course, right?
I choose gas trucks, on one hand,
because there is a substantial reduction
in terms of particle emissions.
Naturally, our customers and society
increasingly demand that transport be more eco-friendly
and, therefore, we need to offer this to them.
On the other hand, it makes things easier during times where there is a lot of pollution,
in order to access the cities,
to deliver our services to our customers.
There is also a great advantage in terms of the fuel price.
In our daily operations, nothing has changed at all.
We keep working as usual,
like with any other type of truck.
Speaking of challenges, the next five to ten years will be risky.
Changes happen so quickly that no one can anticipate them.
But it's clear that we are moving towards
increased regulations
and a greater diversity of transport fuels,
but there will be a lot of changes.
Actually, changes are constantly happening.
For more infomation >> Negotiating the Barcelona 'obstacle course' with a Scania gas truck - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
La Princesa Jazmín Cap.1 "La Criatura Del Bosque" Musicuento Mako Ray Jr - Duration: 3:34.
YO, ¿CÓMO VINE AL MUNDO? (Fray Pedro de los Reyes) - Duration: 5:56.
UEFA considers launching an investigation into Liverpool star Mo Salah 's injury ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 3:04.
The Union of European Football Association (UEFA) is considering launching an investigation
into Liverpool star Mohammed Salah's recent injury.
In an interview with BBC Radio on Tuesday, representative of UEFA announced that the
ethics committee has been following the incident since Saturday evening,
however they had not received any formal complaint against Ramos from neither Liverpool nor Salah
Salah could be seen crying as he was carried off the field in Keiv on Saturday, after Real
Madrid Captain Sergio Ramos injured his arm in a tussle during the Champions League final
which Liverpool lost.
Real Madrid ended the match 3-1 in their favor.
Salah left the field only 30 minutes from the beginning of the game.
It was later announced that Salah had sustained an injury in his left shoulder, and could
be seen having his hand in a sleeve.
The incident caused widespread anger at the Real Madrid captain, with many arguing that
Ramos maintained a rough playing style.
An online petition urging FIFA and UEFA to suspend Ramos for Salah's suffering reached
400,000 signatures in just two days after its launch, reported the BBC.
The petition was started by Egyptian Mohamed Salah Abdel-Hakeem, who accused Ramos of "intentionally
hurting" Salah.
"Sergio Ramos intentionally kept Mohamed Salah's arm under his armpit, causing dislocation
of his shoulder," the petition reads.
"Not only missing the rest of the game, but also missing the FIFA World Cup 2018."
"In addition he kept acting that Liverpool players fouled him falsely, causing the referee
to give Sadio Mane a yellow card he did not deserve.
Sergio Ramos represents an awful example to future generations of football players.
Instead of winning matches fairly, he uses tricks that defy the spirit of the game and
fair play."
"UEFA and FIFA should take measures against Ramos and similar players, using video recordings
of matches to keep the spirit of the game."
While the petition may have influenced the UEFA to launch the investigation into the
incident, it is by no way binding to any football body.
An Egyptian lawyer, Bassem Wahba, is also threatening to sue FIFA " for the physical
and psychological harm that Ramos gave Salah and the Egyptian people," the lawyer told
Sada El Balad channel, adding that the lawsuit could exceed $1 billion.
Brigitte Nielsen enceinte à 54 ans - Duration: 1:09.
How to type on a circle in Illustrator USEFUL FUNCTION - Type On A Path Illustrator ((BONUS VIDEO)) - Duration: 2:50.
what is up people welcome back to Satori graphics the home of graphic
design content right here on YouTube I never normally posted on Wednesday but
today have a bonus video on how to type on a circle in Illustrator the right way
I might bring a short bonus video here every single Wednesday because I thought
it'd be a good opportunity to bring a quick and short tutorial to some people
especially beginners so I'm gonna quickly show you how people normally
type on a circle illustrator then show you a function that most people don't
know exists when typing on a circle in Illustrator so firstly what designers
would do is select a stroke in the color palette and you can toggle between a
stroke and a fill by pressing Shift + X on your keyboard then press L for the
ellipse tool where you can find the ellipse tool in the tools panel and hold
down shift and click and drag to create a circle
he then can locate the type on a path tool here by holding down a click under
the type tool if you simply click on the circle with the type on a path tool
you're going to be able to type on the path pretty simple right but then you
can drag the text around the circle and flip it with the direct selection tool a
being the shortcut on your keyboard
however here is the real point of today's tutorial if you go up the top
and click type type on a path and then type on a path options you're gonna find
a new India opens in this window are a myriad of options but you can click
preview to see real-time changes as you scroll through them the first option
will flip the type on the circle which is a lot easier than using direct
selection tool the next set of options are all style options for the text
itself the really important staff are located at the bottom this would dictate
where the tax falls along the line so you can choose either to have your text
above the line below the line were exactly on the center of the line also
you can use a scissors tool to cut the circle in half before you type on it to
have two separate parts of the circle but there was my quick video on how to
type on a circle illustrator the right way let me know if you dig this bonus
video when I'm going to be back tomorrow with more in depth graphical design
content so until next time design your future today peace
The Girl - La diva di Hitchcock - Duration: 3:27.
Pippa Middleton enceinte : elle affiche ses premières rondeurs à Roland Garros - Duration: 2:40.
Space Hulk: Tactics - Overview Trailer - Duration: 3:03.
Space Hulk: Tactics is a turn-based tactics game
faithfully adapted from the classic board game
set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
It brings a unique twist on the classic formula
of man versus alien in desperate battle.
It is set aboard the labyrinthine
corridors of abandoned space ships
derelicts smashed and melded together
to form a gargantuan "hulk".
The Space Marine Terminators are proud
stalwart defenders of the Imperium
resplendent in ancient armor
that makes them nigh-invulnerable.
The Genestealers are an alien menace
who attack in endless waves, desperate for blood.
It is up to you which side you command
hand-crafting your force
from one of four Space Marine Chapters
or Genestealers from four Hive Fleets
Dozens of cosmetic customization options
let you pick the exact look of the units in your roster.
During a turn every action
shooting, guarding an area, launching a close assault
or anything else – costs action points for your units.
You must plan carefully to deal with blocked doors
malfunctioning weapons
cruel psychic powers and other hazards.
The Terminators have unique objectives on every map
from simply escaping to taking out key targets.
The Genestealers must wipe out the Terminators
before they can succeed.
The all-new card system gives you options in two ways.
Each card can grant unique effects
giving bonuses or extra powers
to individuals or your whole squad.
Cards can also be converted into extra action points
or on the Genestealer's side
used to deploy new, advanced Genestealers
with powerful special abilities.
Battle through two narrative-driven campaigns
one letting you play as the Genestealer infestation
for the first time in a Space Hulk game
while the other tracks the Blood Angels' attempt
to halt the alien menace.
You will move from the twisting corridors
of Imperial wrecks
to the unfamiliar constructions
of other races.
If you're confident in your command
jump into the online multiplayer
to test yourself against other players
or use skirmish mode
to continue your battles against the AI.
The easy to use map editor
lets you design your own missions
with various objectives.
You can set encounters amid the faded
gothic splendor of Imperial derelicts
the enigmatic ships of the Eldar
or the ramshackle deathtraps
built by Orks.
The choices are yours
in Space Hulk: Tactics, coming 2018...
to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC
Why Haven't You Started?
✅ Babiš ustoupil komunistům u sporné mise v Pobaltí. Víc vojáků tam nepošle - Duration: 3:17.
Babiš ustoupil komunistům u sporné mise v Pobaltí. Víc vojáků tam nepošleKSČM nemá problém s posílením misí české armády v Mali, v Iráku a v Afghánistánu
Po jednání vlády to ve středu novinářům řekl premiér v demisi Andrej Babiš (ANO), který s komunisty jedná o podpoře vlády pro druhý pokus o její sestavení
Sněmovna bude o posílení zahraničních misí jednat v pátek, podle Babiše ale na programu nebude debata o rozšíření kontingentu v Pobaltí, proti kterému má KSČM výhrady
KSČM kritizovala návrh vládního prohlášení chystaného kabinetu ANO s ČSSD kvůli závazku posilovat české zahraniční mise
Babiš ve středu uvedl, že o formulaci ještě jednal s předsedy KSČM a ČSSD Vojtěchem Filipem a Janem Hamáčkem
„KSČM nemá, jak jsem to pochopil, problém s navyšováním našich vojáků v Iráku, v Mali a v Afghánistánu," řekl Babiš
V Pobaltí by se podle něj počet vojáků neměl nyní měnit. Mandát pro armádu v Pobaltí platí do poloviny roku 2019
140 vojáků do Afganistánu, 70 do Mali Ještě letos by mělo v případě schválení návrhu odjet do Afghánistánu až o 140 vojáků více
Česká armáda má nyní v zemi mandát na 250 vojáků, kteří působí v Kábulu a na základně Bagrám
Nově by se měli vydat do province Lógar, kde by cvičili speciální jednotku afghánské policie, a do provincie Herát, kde by pomáhali s výcvikem afghánských vojáků
V Mali se má mandát zvýšit z 50 na 120 lidí. Česká armáda chce mít v zemi další jednotku, která by hlídala či doprovázela vojáky výcvikové mise Evropské unie
Působnost českého zapojení by se zároveň měla rozšířit i na okolní země takzvaného Sahelu, a to v souvislosti s připraveným novým unijním mandátem mise, který by měl začít v roce 2018
Do mise OSN, která také v Mali působí, by se mohl zapojit malý expertní tým. Tato jednotka by měla mít do 30 vojáků
Více vojáků, až 110 místo nynějších 65, má zamířit také do Iráku. Příští rok by do země mohla vyjet chemická jednotka
Armáda navíc čeká na vyjádření NATO, které v Iráku plánuje spustit vlastní misi. České jednotky by pak mohly být do této mise zapojeny a případně v ní i posíleny
Why Manchester United did not sign Fabinho | Transfer News Now #mufc - Duration: 2:34.
Manchester United passed on signing Fabinho to focus on specialist targets in the transfer
Fabinho joined Liverpool from Monaco on Monday night in a deal worth £39million but the
suggestion the Brazilian rejected an approach from United at any stage is false.
The MEN revealed last year that United manager Jose Mourinho had ruled out a move for Fabinho,
having identified Tottenham's Eric Dier and Nemanja Matic as his first and second-choice
defensive midfield targets.
Mourinho's preference was to recruit an established Premier League player, and Fabinho was also
partly dismissed because he was a converted midfielder, having begun his Monaco career
at right-back.
Dier was desperate to join United but Spurs refused to budge, and Chelsea eventually agreed
to allow Matic to reunite with Mourinho on July 31.
Mourinho has settled on Fred as his principal holding midfield target this summer, and United
would prefer to conclude a deal for the Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder, while he is in England
with the Brazil national team this week.
The MEN reported last week United are close to completing the signing of the 25-year-old
after he almost joined Manchester City in January.
United had no interest in signing Fabinho this summer or last, despite reports to the
Last June, an Italian journalist with close connections to Juventus erroneously claimed
the Brazilian had agreed to join United, after Juve officials failed to reach a breakthrough
with the versatile Monaco midfielder.
Last week, a French reporter claimed United were in discussions with Fabinho, but they
were not.
Clubs have previously fabricated United's interest in a player to smoke out a bidder,
and that tactic was used by Hoffenheim with Roberto Firmino in 2015, before he moved to
Despite intense speculation surrounding a Fabinho to United move, there was no concrete
evidence he was ever targeted by United under Mourinho, despite a clamour from a minority
of supporters.
TOWN HALL 12 100% CONFIRMED!! Clash of Clans TH12 Update - New Defence! - Duration: 2:10.
Town Hall 12 has now 100% been officially confirmed and you can upgrade it. That is
because the brand new defense at TH12 will be the Town Hall itself.
I'm going to explain everything you need to know in this video, I think that is
pretty special guys. All I would say is make sure to subscribe to the channel
and turn on notifications because as soon as I can bring you gameplay showing
this in action I will be sure to do that. As you guys know I am NDA so subscribing
to the channel is the only way you will see that update footage as soon as it is
released. Let's break down the brand new defense though. Make sure to leave a like
on the video if you're hyped and let me know what you think down in the comments.
As you can see Town Hall 12 at level 1 you will still get that defense it is a
Tesla that pops out the top of the TownHall, you don't have to upgrade
anything, you'll get it straight away, but as you have grade your Town Hall 12 you
can see that it kind of gets a little bit more meatier along the top. Before you
finally get to level 5, look at the size of that trapdoor,
the Tesla that pops out of this is huge guys. Honestly it does so much damage I
will be sure to bring you that gameplay and break it down as soon as I am
allowed to. Make sure to subscribe in order to see that, let me know what you
think down in the comments section I think this will change mechanics
massively. No longer can you just throw your Town Hall to the side, not really
thinking too much about it. It will now defend itself very much
like a regular Tesla popping up as soon as it does damage, as soon as it takes
damage, or as soon as you get to that 50%. I'm gonna leave it there guys, bring you
that gameplay as soon as I am allowed, I've been your host judo sloth and until
next time peace out.
Head Shoulder Knees And Toes | Song For Kids by Super KIds Network - Duration: 1:00:10.
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears And mouth and nose
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears And mouth and nose
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears And mouth and nose
Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes
Why do you Love Dogs so Much? - Duration: 2:25.
La scelta inaspettata di Sara andrà in onda mercoledì 30 maggio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.
Birthday Song for Vikas - Happy Birthday Song for Vikas - Duration: 1:14.
Birthday Song for Vikas
Underground of Monte Urpinu - Ex 68 ° Fuel Store ~ 06 May 2018 | Travel in Sardinia - Duration: 3:15.
Underground of Monte Urpinu - Ex 68 ° Fuel Store ~ 06 May 2018 | Travel in Sardinia
NEW Promising Doge Miner Join US, DogeSpeedMiner - Duration: 2:00.
hello everyone if you love dogecoin cryptocurrency this new project is for
you it's very simple buy one of the four miners and make a profit every day
depending on the version of the minor changes and referral program payments
from 20 DOGEcoin
payments are received very quickly about five to ten minutes in the statistics
section you can see the last 25 deposits and payments and here is my payment we
need to wait a little bit for the confirmation of the transaction the
project started on May 26 the minimum deposit of only 300 dogecoin is about $1
each deposit is valid for 30 days
as you can see the entire amount of 1062 dogecoin already in the wallet
and lastly our 1% new mining Bitcoin litecoin dogecoin and USD Bertoni the
project announced automatic payments of $1 good luck and big earnings to all
Uomini e Donne: Sara e Luigi sono una coppia, delusione per Lorenzo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:43.
Destroyer toy poodle Ten | 破壊王のトイプードルてん氏がおもちゃから綿を出す様子 - Duration: 4:35.
U&D, Nilufar smascherata: la dura reazione di Giordano, è finita? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:20.
Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI 110pk Business | Apple CarPlay | - Duration: 1:06.
La Doña Épisode 43 en Français - Duration: 38:16.
U&D, Nilufar confessa tutto in lacrime: la verità sul tradimento | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.
Registrazione la scelta di Sara: ecco cos'è successo e data di messa in onda | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.
Uomini e donne,Sara e Luigi dopo la scelta: ci sarà il viaggio? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.
Anticipazioni U&D: la scelta di Sara | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.
Birthday Song for Simran - Happy Birthday Song for Simran - Duration: 1:14.
Birthday Song for Simran
U&D, Trono classico: ecco chi ha scelto Sara Affi Fella | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.
Albin Lee Meldau - I Need Your Love - Duration: 3:37.
Tworzenie odkładów cz. I - Duration: 5:37.
"The best decision I ever made." - Duration: 2:04.
I studied a Master of Education at Monash University
and it's enabled me to improve myself
as well as the community where I was born.
I grew up in a poor and rural area of Indonesia.
In this part of Java, people make a living from sugar cane plantations,
from the rice fields, but
the only way to get out from this rural and poor area is education. That's the only way.
The organisation I founded is to support schools in rural areas. In what way?
First, in their leadership and management for the principals.
Secondly, the practice of teaching.
Active learning for teachers and lesson planning.
We developed a local team.
They will provide training to the other principals, to the other teachers ...
It's just like a cascading from national trainer to local trainer,
and then to principals and teachers and
the ultimate beneficiaries in this process are students.
Students feel like it's different, it's more enjoyable, more love in the classroom.
The result of all this process is the quality improvement.
If we improve the quality of education,
that means we develop the quality of the community.
And this is what we are doing now.
Vinter Äventyr i Kebnekaise Massivet - Duration: 12:32.
CAR REVIEWS - MAZDA RX-8 - Duration: 7:15.
so, CamSaw from what I know is
you are a frequent driver when it comes to Sepang Circuit
you compete in Time Attack events in Sepang Circuit
and you have won there as well
I also know that you have driven cars with different layout like
Front wheel drive, Rear wheel drive and Mid-engine Rear wheel drive
just curious, why would you choose a RX-8?
basically after the birth of my son I needed a four-door, four-seater car
so I have a few choices like
Altezza, E46 330i, and RX-8
and finally I choose the RX-8
because of the styling, high revving engine, 6 speed manual and also a reasonable price
before you bought this car did you ever consider
because its a rotary powered car it will give you some reliability issues?
buy first and think about that later
not wrong, for this car before you buy you must first see the engine condition
did the previous owner take good care of the car
all of this factor
for my case the previous owner is a careful owner so I'm not worried about anything
how long have you been driving this car?
a year
what's the different driving this RX-8 compare to some of the other cars
for this car
high rev is awesome
the ration of it's 6-speed transmission is good as well
stock suspension is a bit to the soft side
but if you use it to fetch your kids, get grocery or just cruise around it's totally fine
it can race and it can fetch my kid
a bit of maintenance issues at times can't e avoided
Cebu Travel Tips & Travel Advice | How to buy a boat ticket in the Philippines - Duration: 8:14.
and it's my first day in Cebu City I've been busy shopping working
organizing getting food and I have this spectacular sunset for the evening look at that
so when you grabbed your taxi giving him directions make sure he knows where you
going the meters the meter then starts 40 then goes up three meters 3.50
peso per 300 meters if unfortunately you should get a taxi
driver who refuses to put the meter on and says I'll give you a fixed price the
fixed price is never gonna be cheaper than the meter just ask him to put the
meter on or get out the text you find another taxi now the way they regulate
the airport makes that very unusual to happen but it does often happen in the
city and especially at the ports so don't be afraid to get out the taxi if
they don't put the meter on but otherwise they're fairly good make sure
the meter is running sit back and enjoy the traffic
okay and I've arrived at my accommodation let's have a look and see
that's a nice little studio apartment on the 14th floor and, I'll just close the door behind us it's
got a kitchen kettle microwave hot plate fridge and a freezer a huge TV seating
area there's a bed wardrobe and there in the corner there is the Internet
it's got wifi, I'll test that out balcony over the city that's not
a bad view hey? Look at that there's the waterfront hotel hopefully get a
nice sunset from here right yeah that looks good hey I'm gonna be here for a
few days based in Cebu City get some work done get some editing get a bit of
rest plan the rest of my trip in the Philippines now this looks like a great
place to do it doesn't it 14 floors up there's also apparently a swimming pool
a gym there's a shop downstairs I noticed so it's not bad and I will put the details
of the accommodation down below for you and the price and the contact details
I have feeling this was under $20 a night but I may be wrong there I'll let you know
what it's like living here for a little bit but it looks really nice comfy bed
and look at that I don't know what channels I've got but wow, I've got a big
enough TV oh I haven't shown you the bathrooms yet, I haven't found them yet oh hear they are
so there we go okay a separate big electric heated shower and opposite
is the toilet it's all immaculately clean and really good condition
very very nice a city of Cebu the queen of the South the biggest city in the
Visayas and the central hub for exploring the visayas it's a good place to
go there's lots of flights in and out of here too and ferries and boats and
there's quite a lot to do on Cebu in Cebu itself and around Cebu so let's make
ourselves at home and show you what the Visayas and Cebu is all about you know
what's gonna happen now don't you? I need food I am so hungry I'm gonna explore
the area I'm not exactly sure I know Ayala big center is stood and out the
window I can see a place that's super store so I must be able to get some food
very very closely so now
let's go eat!
Hi, how you doing? No I'm at ocean jet advanced booking counter now
this is near pier one , actually at pier 1 is where you buy the tickets for the day
but if you're planning in advance like I have and you're buying your tickets in
advance you come here advance ticket station it's just off the street all the
information about the tickets is posted up here there is the fare times to the
fares what you do is in these boxes in a box this is a bit of paper
pick up and you write in your destination where you going departure
date what fare you want because there's three
fares in your open air where you sit basically open on the top there's
tourist class which is aircon inside and then there's business class which is
like slightly more luxury bigger seats on the upper deck inside as well so you
write your information on there then you queue politely with the other people like this
and when you get to the front of the counter you hand in your ticket you make
sure they get the right dates for you and then they issue a ticket which I'll
show you later when I finish queuing and then you've got a ticket so it's you can
check the Oceanjet do have a good website online with all the information
on it's got the schedules, the prices, they do keep it fairly up to date, you can't
as far as I am aware book online yet you do still have to come for advanced bookings and book here
so you can get all the information online write it all down
then come here and queue and buy your ticket check your ticket money away you
don't need ID to buy your ticket but you do need ID when you check-in on the boat
so remember to take ID with you when you travel
hope that helps
Jerry Seinfeld - Tutti i premi sono stupidi (sub ita) - Duration: 5:23.
How to type on a circle in Illustrator USEFUL FUNCTION - Type On A Path Illustrator ((BONUS VIDEO)) - Duration: 2:50.
what is up people welcome back to Satori graphics the home of graphic
design content right here on YouTube I never normally posted on Wednesday but
today have a bonus video on how to type on a circle in Illustrator the right way
I might bring a short bonus video here every single Wednesday because I thought
it'd be a good opportunity to bring a quick and short tutorial to some people
especially beginners so I'm gonna quickly show you how people normally
type on a circle illustrator then show you a function that most people don't
know exists when typing on a circle in Illustrator so firstly what designers
would do is select a stroke in the color palette and you can toggle between a
stroke and a fill by pressing Shift + X on your keyboard then press L for the
ellipse tool where you can find the ellipse tool in the tools panel and hold
down shift and click and drag to create a circle
he then can locate the type on a path tool here by holding down a click under
the type tool if you simply click on the circle with the type on a path tool
you're going to be able to type on the path pretty simple right but then you
can drag the text around the circle and flip it with the direct selection tool a
being the shortcut on your keyboard
however here is the real point of today's tutorial if you go up the top
and click type type on a path and then type on a path options you're gonna find
a new India opens in this window are a myriad of options but you can click
preview to see real-time changes as you scroll through them the first option
will flip the type on the circle which is a lot easier than using direct
selection tool the next set of options are all style options for the text
itself the really important staff are located at the bottom this would dictate
where the tax falls along the line so you can choose either to have your text
above the line below the line were exactly on the center of the line also
you can use a scissors tool to cut the circle in half before you type on it to
have two separate parts of the circle but there was my quick video on how to
type on a circle illustrator the right way let me know if you dig this bonus
video when I'm going to be back tomorrow with more in depth graphical design
content so until next time design your future today peace
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort + - Duration: 1:10.
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:53.
Surprise Pakoda - Banaiye In Mazedaar Crispy Pakodon Ko Iss Ramzaan Aur Janiye Kya Hai Iskey Andar - Duration: 7:04.
Overvægt i tal - Duration: 1:06.
Paradigmeskifte i forståelsen af overvægt - Duration: 1:54.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 2018 Model! Nu leverbaar bij V Ekris - Duration: 0:44.
Negotiating the Barcelona 'obstacle course' with a Scania gas truck - Duration: 3:22.
Well, the most important challenges that we have in urban distribution
are related directly with traffic.
Usually, there is a lot of traffic.
Starting with the restrictions on the highways,
when you are accessing the city,
the city access limitations
and once inside the city, the typical traffic in Barcelona.
mopeds, there are a lot of traffic of mopeds,
to the traffic of buses,
pedestrians, of course.
We need to be careful. They come out from everywhere.
In fact, we could say that distribution
is an obstacle course, right?
I choose gas trucks, on one hand,
because there is a substantial reduction
in terms of particle emissions.
Naturally, our customers and society
increasingly demand that transport be more eco-friendly
and, therefore, we need to offer this to them.
On the other hand, it makes things easier during times where there is a lot of pollution,
in order to access the cities,
to deliver our services to our customers.
There is also a great advantage in terms of the fuel price.
In our daily operations, nothing has changed at all.
We keep working as usual,
like with any other type of truck.
Speaking of challenges, the next five to ten years will be risky.
Changes happen so quickly that no one can anticipate them.
But it's clear that we are moving towards
increased regulations
and a greater diversity of transport fuels,
but there will be a lot of changes.
Actually, changes are constantly happening.
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【大食い】ふぐ刺しでご飯9合!塩辛,うに,わさび,柚子コショウ[4.5キロ]5100kcal【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 7:03.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles why ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa the other day I had salted squid And I had these at the time but I didn't end up using them
And so today I intend to finish them off
fuguzashi urchin
fugu sashi wasabi
fugu sashi yuzu citrus and pepper
and fugusashi preserves
I bought these while I was in Shizuoka
And we also have this as well
doesn't open..
tadaa 9 cups of rice
So I will be eating 9 cups of rice along with these fugusushi preserves
These might look tiny But if you remember last time I had this I ate 9 cups of
rice with only 2 bottles of these
So despite being so tiny they're packed with so much flavor I'm sure I can eat all 9 cups with just these
itadakimasu time to put some of this rice into a bowl
tadaa it looks so yummy My older brother lives in shimane
And he sent me 30 kg of rice from that region and that is what I'm eating today
So firstly
this salted preserve one is probably the more basic flavor so lets maybe start with this guy
utterly luxurious flavored fugusashi straight from shimonosuke
oh so that's where these are from wait it says its from yamaguchi here as well.... WUT
but I bought all these when I was in Ito though...
well whatev's lets not sweat the details this is what it looks like
can I really? can I really really eat all 9 cups with only this much
I'm really starting to get worried here Oh well if I run out I'll maybe have some umeboshi pickles
this is the salted preserve version
You can really taste the fugu flavor
With a slightly spicy k it's a flavor that is nicely suited to go with rice
It really makes me ravenous for this rice
this is what it looks like
I also have one kilogram of miso soup
so hot
Second helping of rice
The spicy salted preserves is full of flavor and goes so perfectly with the sweet rice
I can eat this for days
Third helping I'm on my third helping with this tiny bottle
I think I want to wrap up this meal by making it into a porridge
Next we have yuzu citrus and pepper
You can really smell this yuzu citrus pepper it smells amazing
Fourth helping
It looks yummy
That refreshing yuzu citrus flavor is so yummy
And the pepper gives it a nice zing
The rice is so hot and steamy its making me so warm
Fourth helping (its her mistake not mine)
wait its my fifth helping?
its nice looking fugu meat How are these fugusashi made? are these fermented or
preserved by the salt ?
This is my sixth helping
Is this my seventh helping? maybe?
next some fugusashi with sea urchin
such luxurious its fugu and urchin in one
It really smells like sea urchin
fugu and urchin is a combination that you feel has been done before but hasn't
They've really paired sea urchin with many other dishes
You often see meat and urchin paired together they've made collabs with so many flavors
It legit taste like urchin
with the plump fugu its so yummy with its nice mouthfeel and all
8th helping? or is it?
I'm plowing through this rice at a nice pace
last up is fugusashi with wasabi
I don't really pick up that much wasabi aroma at all
I can catch a slight hint of it it doesn't sting the nostrils at all
This is what it looks like
its not hot at all and the wasabi flavor is very gentle and refreshing
This is all that I have left now so I think I'll make it into a porridge
I've added a packet of ochazuke to the rice and now I'll add to it the fugusashi wasabi
and the dashi broth
the edges of the fugu is changing it looks so yummy
They look so yummy
so delish
this porridge is the bestest its kinda hot though
its fugu porridge that I'm having how extravagant this is
Only this much remains itadakimasu
all done gochisosamadeshita
the fugusashi ... this bottled fugusashi tasted amazing
Until now I've only had fugu served as sashimi but this salted / preserved version was a first for me
and it tasted amazing it had a nice firm mouthfeel and it was so full of flavor
and that made it go so perfectly with some rice and it was so nice to finish it off as a porridge
It tasted so amazing once you all please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you
Want me to do or each please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
oh yeah I've been thinking about doing a Q&A so please leave your questions in my second channel
Negotiating the Barcelona 'obstacle course' with a Scania gas truck - Duration: 3:22.
Well, the most important challenges that we have in urban distribution
are related directly with traffic.
Usually, there is a lot of traffic.
Starting with the restrictions on the highways,
when you are accessing the city,
the city access limitations
and once inside the city, the typical traffic in Barcelona.
mopeds, there are a lot of traffic of mopeds,
to the traffic of buses,
pedestrians, of course.
We need to be careful. They come out from everywhere.
In fact, we could say that distribution
is an obstacle course, right?
I choose gas trucks, on one hand,
because there is a substantial reduction
in terms of particle emissions.
Naturally, our customers and society
increasingly demand that transport be more eco-friendly
and, therefore, we need to offer this to them.
On the other hand, it makes things easier during times where there is a lot of pollution,
in order to access the cities,
to deliver our services to our customers.
There is also a great advantage in terms of the fuel price.
In our daily operations, nothing has changed at all.
We keep working as usual,
like with any other type of truck.
Speaking of challenges, the next five to ten years will be risky.
Changes happen so quickly that no one can anticipate them.
But it's clear that we are moving towards
increased regulations
and a greater diversity of transport fuels,
but there will be a lot of changes.
Actually, changes are constantly happening.
Mazda 6 Sportbreak SKYACTIV-G 165 SKYLEASE GT RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:09.
Tre semplici ricette per preparare il tuo personale struccante casalingo... - Duration: 2:26.
El Supremo rechazará la extradición de Puigdemont si es solo por malversación - Duration: 3:06.
Demanding Cauvery Mangement Board, E Palaniswami-O Panneerselvam sit on hunger strike - Duration: 4:04.
Demanding Cauvery Mangement Board, E Palaniswami-O Panneerselvam sit on hunger strike
A Bench of the Supreme Court will listen to states contempt petition on April 9.
Chennai: In an effort to put pressure on the Centre, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E Palaniswami and Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam sat on a hunger strike on Tuesday demanding the formation of Cauvery Mangement Board.
Taking the law enforcement agencies by surprise, All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) leaders Palaniswami and Panneerselvam sat on the hunger strike at 8 am. The protest will conclude at 5 pm, reported news agency IANS.
They were later joined by several party members. Hundreds of people also gathered to protest against Centre's inaction to set up the Cauvery Mangement Board.
In districts too, junior ministers and party leaders held the protest. Meanwhile, a section of traders called for a statewide bandh on Tuesday, April 3. The hearing of state governments contempt petition in Supreme Court over the issue is on April 9.
The Supreme Court bench, comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices A M Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachud said,We understand Tamil Nadus difficulty of not getting water. We will resolve the issue.
List the matter for April 9. On Sunday, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) working president MK Stalin and other party leaders were detained in protest against Centre over the constitution of Cauvery Water Management.
Next day, two DMK workers – PT Murugesan and Singai Sadashivam – allegedly made self immolation bids in Coimbatore over the issue.
Th police also detained over 1,000 persons across the state in connection with protests, who were released later in the day.
The party has decided to observe a shutdown across Tamil Nadu on April 5 over the Cauvery issue and has asked AIADMK to join them.
On February 16, the top court in a verdict had reduced the Tamil Nadu`s share of Cauvery water from 177.25 thousand million cubic feet (TMC), which was less than 192 TMC allocated by a tribunal in 2007.
On the other hand, poll-bound Karnataka`s share of water was increased by 14.75 TMC. Tamil Nadu political leaders say the BJP is acting in favour of Karnataka, which is opposed to the CMB and where Assembly elections are due.
The Centre has failed to set up the board within six weeks of the Supreme Court`s February 16 order. The deadline ended on March 29.
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