Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 30 2018

so the evening is now ice and there will be no more To connect the two right-wing and left-wing families, they

me in a hive through a partition right there where the dark dark side is

type of person who perry in the winter she already went on the mend

good and brought honey and on the left I visited that one and the yogi who

my cutout flew out of the box with barren uterus

but passed 12 days of eggs no uterus left Nobles means they did not come back they are sitting

without uterus so I will not cover them with points now and

we will use an accelerated method to combine these two halves that is, you jump out

To join the ayra yogi in that family reason that the ek is now weak already

there was no uterus to run them on the second the circle of sweetness is completely weakened therefore

as for me it means that they will be more correct to unite the evening all the bees flew

I will connect with the help of a fragrance water with addition

Here is such a chunk of a heap before the heap rather presented me

my home was donated to bees so you can use all sorts of different in handfuls

type of cologne essential oils there's nothing wrong with that, so now

You can connect them through the newspaper Of course, but

Through the veil the mask can turn out to be a cup because here the whole bee flying

young bee there is almost no one about him I'm a bee

absolute flying bee uterus is not very fond of the new

so you can plant them, but the womb families who can join

the children will want to be in the tangle It's not to be hit but it's clearly not in our

interests on a notebook, a forager and that they all

The same family smelled this family and they are confused about where they come from

Will understand the smell of reddit who will pass time and they will already begin to live amicably a method

completely working thread for the lazy can They are actually niners because between

we must disassemble

climbed under his arms my joy wants to sting me there

there is no that there you will survive it not here frameworks

listen substitute the frames on the edge with honey

life easier they unfortunately missed the womb of life

Who do you do that the uterus does not arrive after flying around the story is quite frequent

our jai in this matter is equal to I'm used to not even upset the present

there were three young uterus in three families went all at meals at one time

one came around okay working eggs lays a2 did not come one of the

two which is not audible 2 is more powerful by its Let's start on the top three, let's still consider

gate them queen cells without problems to find ball bottom course

DJs run them on the second lap all equally that they were sentenced and so were

weak these balloons lower no

white scurf on the worked this framework gave her man another

family open brood hero did not fly away will tie them to smoke more than once under

revealed everything well lost the uterus and laid it on this framework

fistula or black stands immediately visible hive opened white wax on

there is no such thing as the so-called science means family does not work means family

something she lacks in the deplorable condition pulled out for a steel board

and we will spray

gait the other half one room we no longer need

go to the second part of the project press if we sprinkle and about the family who

this hello will be attached in general there is one family rule that

join should be no larger than

more than 30 percent of the family who she joins what i attach royo

to the family of the tour the yogi must be compiled only 30 percent of the forces are 7 that I

now it is joined differently by bees who are connected by rivers can

swing their rights can not be so It turns out that the practitioner is a large uterus

therefore, this is it is

because if you join through rosette very often when the family that

connects or is affiliated with currency bee ends in disaster for

grades could fall into a ball and accordingly

from the cup usually go out womb invalids and now the world

aromatic substances good knowledge and while they are split

dressed whose scent they will not be up to the uterus

usually such an adventure passes successfully so that's all this family had seven frames

brood now they are strengthened by that district committee

a weak two weeks two to three weeks and expenses will be at uterus frames 89 and it is possible

will make a challenge or better do We will look at the

circumstances like will the uterus when there will be no honey will not be

Decide what to do with them Here's the situation on the

present day let me down mat edge young took off

It's back but it's not back now. they have a common smell because their

scraped with a fragrance and when the flavor will cease to be effective

8 I will already get a common smell for them and They will not fight well, in any case

when I sprinkled it was noticeable that they between themselves do not fight if

frame immediately without flavor will be slaughter will be slaughter or will not be

tomorrow will be seen in the morning will be To take out tours from the lower

there is no such inspection Poor beehive bees are those who

returned from the fields after I blasphemered I sprinkled the shutter somewhere else left

flying bee that will return until the very topic is not here it returns to

your house returns Its an outlet and there is a complete mess all

swelling all drunk the smell of the family is different and why for the fillet

and flew home and then such a surprise some incomprehensible bees live quite

in another way they do not know what is happening with them do and these poor little bees

which have a family smell which they sprinkled back with

fields now stand cancer and are asked to His own family is asked because

arrived The smell of the family is so different

will you go and they will ask to sleep somewhere where it is necessary here they arrived with

some honey from that deviates rush to ask in their own

family as you gambling a spectacle when in family drink grief all comes well nothing

not the next morning the ashes become shallow and everything will be yours he will be sobered by it alone

and the second will not start tomorrow morning normally work here the next day

Lunch next day no corpses dead body visits do not discard the population

fought at night and it means everything is good he can be seen as beehive

fly to their cell and there is not closed the poor twisted turned

and flies into the summer of this family which is attached and because they have

smell chihiro dynaco

Here it is visible edge bees never before and nonviolence is not super now their uterus

appeared brood and began to carry Peru before this did not carry in general an adventure

with alcohol successfully succeeded throughout visibility

For more infomation >> Пьяные Пчёлы.... Сводим семью при помощи алкоголя. - Duration: 11:22.


フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.


Why Nobody Likes the Latest Republican Healthcare Plan - Duration: 11:31.

Why nobody likes the latest republican Health Care plan the Cassidy Graham bill is supported by most congressional republicans and the

White House but consumer groups insurers and the medical community oppose it

the latest republican Health Care plan to repeal a ban a care appears to be almost dead on arrival and there may be a good reason for that

nobody in the health industry likes at this bill is as bad as or worse than the others lean the

Preston president of consumer health first told health line

the Cassidy Graham bill as it's known basically would give power to the states to form their own Health Care Systems in addition it would

reduce Medicaid funding across the nation and provide the money as block grants to states to do with what they wish

it would also redistributes some of the funds mostly from states that expanded their Medicaid programs to those that didn't

the bill would take effect in 2020

the block grant funding for Medicaid would expire in 2027

a vote on the legislation is expected this week in the senate

the senate finance committee will hold a hearing today on the bill tomorrow

the senate homeland security and gov't affairs committee is also scheduled to hold a hearing

CNN is also hosting a town hall tonight featuring Senator Lindsey Graham are South Carolina and senator bill Cassidy are Louisiana

the bills cool authors as well as Senator Bernie Sanders I Vermont and Senator Amy clough boot SHR dei Minnesota

the bill must be approved before Saturday or republicans lose the opportunity to approve the plan on a simple majority of 51 votes

after that date the bill can face a filibuster and could need 60 votes to pass

Health Care industry opposition although many republican politicians still support the bill it's

tough to find any group in the Health Care profession who will back it

the past week america's Health Insurance plans a hip came out against it

in a letter to the senate a hip President Merrill lined the tavenner listed six principles her

organization feels a new healthcare bill should meet

the Graham Cassidy Heller Johnson proposal fails to meet these guiding principles and would

have real consequences on consumers and patients she wrote

officials at the blue cross blue shield association were also critical

in a statement the association said

although we support providing states with greater flexibility in shaping healthcare options for their residents we share the significant

concerns of many healthcare organizations about the proposed Graham Cassidy bell

the American Hospital association of home also weighed in the sting several reasons why it opposes the bill

we believe that coverage could be at risk for tens of millions of Americans under the

Graham Cassidy proposal a ha President Rick pollack said in a statement

we continue to urge senators to work in a bipartisan Mana to address the challenges facing our Healthcare System the American

Medical association AMA also doit in the chorus of criticism

similar to proposals that were considered in the senate in July

we believe the Graham Cassidy amendment would result in millions of Americans losing their Health Insurance coverage

destabilize Health Insurance markets and decrease access to affordable coverage and

Kerr said AMA chief executive Officer Dr. James Almonte are in a statement

the American academy of pediatrics top had similar concerns

as a pediatrician I am fearful for my patients and the uncertain future they would face under the Cassidy Graham healthcare proposal

said at President Dr. Fernando stein in a statement

I must speak out against this dangerous ill conceived policy on behalf of our 66,000 pediatrician pediatric surgical specialist and

pediatric medical sub specialist members and stop it from advancing

these organizations are joined by dozens of consumer groups and other health related organizations in a position to the legislation

in addition the public doesn't seem enamored by the latest republican attempt to repeal the affordable care act out to a survey released last

week by public policy polling stated that 50% of those questioned opposed the Cassidy Graham bill while 24% supported it

the poll also reported that 54% approve of the act of I'll 38% disapprove

a New Washington post a BC News poll showed that 56% of Americans prefer a banner care to the latest GOP Health Care reform plan

so what specifically is so bad about the Cassidy Graham bell tower to the states the bill would eliminate the individual mandate

requirement where people who don't buy Health Insurance face a penalty on their income tax returns

it also eliminates the employer mandate that requires larger companies to offer affordable insurance coverage to their employees

the main provision though is giving states the power to craft their on Health Care Systems

through a waiver process states could keep or even add provisions to the at the structure

states such as California could move Torretta single payer system

states could also decide to drop certain that the requirements

that includes the provision that prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions

it also includes provisions that allow children to stay on their parents Health Insurance until age 26 as well as allowing insurance companies to

create expensive high risk pools or charge enrollees extra for a lapse in coverage

in theory a state could eliminate all of the Zak the protections and that doesn't sit well with a lot of Health Care professionals

the waivers are very broad Krista Sloan a senior manager at cavalier Health Consulting firm told health line

you could have vast differences from state to state in fact slow notes you could end up with 50 different plans and each of the 50 states

Sloan said such a setup might discourage large Nationwide insurers from participating in regional or state marketplaces they might just

decide to provide only employer backed Health Insurance

California congressman eric's wall well be double and who has been one of the more

vocal critics of Cassidy Graham said such a situation would be chaotic

you need national standards to swallow well told health line

this would actually be worse than chaos

it would also be costly to Sloan said the legislation does give states some leeway in

setting up plans although he can't find much else positive

states would enjoy the flexibility

I can see some states doing some innovative things

he said the citizens council for health freedom CC H chef is infirm opposition to Arab am a care they want the Federal gov't out of the

healthcare business one of their primary recommendations as to give states the authority over their Health Systems

that even this group opposes the Cassidy Graham bell Tyler bray's the CC eight chefs president and cofounder

said the Cassidy Graham is on the right track that there are too many strings attached to its provisions pandit still keeps the Federal gov't in

the Healthcare System it doesn't do what republicans promised they would do

she told health line it's just the republican version of the ack a Medicaid funds

the Cassidy Graham bill would reduce Federal Health funds over the next decade from the

current projected $489,000,000,000 to $215,000,000,000

according to a report issued last week by Ava Lear in addition

the report says that 34 states and Washington

DC would experience funding cuts while 16 states would see funding increases

Sloan said this would be accomplished by changing the formula for distributing these funds

for starters the Medicaid money would be part of the overall block grants given to states to spend on health programs

in addition he said part of the money would be based on how many low income residents a

state has instead of how many low income residents are being served in health programs

this system Sloan said

would provide additional money for states that didn't expand their Medicaid programs under the act and less money for states that did

supporters of the bill say the funding reductions would force to states to be more efficient with their Health Care dollars

however Preston of consumer health first isn't buying it

it punishes states like Maryland that provided for its residents she said

school will seize the same problem

it reward states for not taking care of the poorest of their citizens he said

Sloan adds that the overall cut in Medicaid funding will create other problems

it will be challenging for states to cover as many people

he said you can all least REC to dollar so far in healthcare he said people who are just under

the level to qualify for Medicaid might see that coverage go away

that person is going to be at risk of not having that money

Sloan said these issues led all 50 Medicaid State directors to come out in a position to Cassidy Graham last week

the votes don't seem to be there these and other problems are continuing to a road support for the republican proposal

Graham and Cassidy defended their plan on ABC this week on Sunday

they said they would push ahead with a vote this week

graham's office didn't respond to a health line request for an interview for this story

the vast majority of republicans in Congress still support the bill to does President Donald trump

this past week the president said any GOP senator who votes against the Cassidy Graham bill will been known as the republican who

saved a Palma Care nonetheless republicans need AV revolt they can get all 47 democrats

as well as the independent senders are opposed to bill

that means if even three republicans vote know the bill will lose

so far senator and Paul are Kentucky and senator john Mccain of Arizona have announced they will vote against the bill

on Sunday Senator Ted Cruz art access said at the moment republicans don't have my vote for Cassidy Graham

on Monday afternoon Senator Susan Collins our main announced she will vote no on the bill

and Senator Lisa Murkowski

are Alaska hasn't said yet whether she will vote in favor of the legislation

in an effort to woo Murkowski republican senate leaders have added a provision to the Cassidy Graham bill that would exempt a Las

cap as well as Montana from Medicaid spending That would be imposed on other states

For more infomation >> Why Nobody Likes the Latest Republican Healthcare Plan - Duration: 11:31.


Bubbles in Bubble Bath-4 Surprises-Fun play time with Blaze, Paw Patrol, and Surprise Eggs - Duration: 11:46.

Manna what are you doing?

Manna Bubbles Car

Bubble car?


Guess what guys, I have another surprise


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Now its time for more FunTime With Zain

Wow! Bubbles!

Hi Kids, today we are going to play with toys in the bubble



Wow its cold

I am in pool pants

i like it

Bubbles, Yay!!


That Looks Fun!

So you guys I have another Surprise for you


do you like your surprise?


Oh Wow! It is your...

Blaze and the Monster Machine Track

yes it is



Oh yeah, Manna wants cars

so, here comes the cars


Let's Play..

Mine is the Monster Truck first, wow!

That was awesome.


Wow! pop all the bubbles

Blaze and the Monster Machine Track, lets try

Kids its got bubbles now

On its track

Let's try again

What? Now the car got...

Car is gone

The Car is gone

Yup, I am going to find it

Oh, Car!

Found it

Its all bubbles, and my hands are bubbles

Mama Bubbles

You can blow it out kids, like this if you want

Wow! Firetruck got bubbles


Hi, I got bubbles on my back

Ahh! I am falling

Ahh! I got marbles on me

Not on my face, not on my face

Manna what are you doing?

Manna Bubbles car

Bubbles and car?

Well gues what guys, I have another surprise


Alright guys! are you ready?


Do not open your eyes

Oh Manna is cheating

Manna close your eyes


Ready Guys?

Yeah, Ready

Ready, set, go!

Wow! Bubbles in Bubble bath!

Oh, so many bubbles guys

So many bubbles

It's Bubble with Bubble Bath


The car is in the bubbles

Kids, Look it's on the tree now

Stuck on the tree

It looks like Bubbles enjoying the bath

on the whole world



Wow! that's a lot of bubbles guys

Yeah, and one on my hand like a caterpiller

Oh it does look like a caterpiller

A really big one!


Look at Manna

That is so cute

Alright, its time for Surprise number 3

Alright guys are you ready?


Tell me what it is, I can not guess what it is

Do don't know what it is?


Surprise Egg

Surprise egg

Look at Manaal's foot

Okay! Ready, Set, Go !!!

Wow! it's a Pirate Ship

Oh, it sunk!

Wow! Covered with bubbles

Oh Manna, Look..

Wow! Marshall


And I have another one, CHASE!!


Look, it has a sinker


and it's Sinking

Bubbles, Sink Marshall

On the Pirate Ship

On the Pirate Ship

Pirate Ship


Bubbles, Marshall!


Marshall, Peek a Boo

Peek a Boo

I am racing

Look, look

I am Parking, I am Parking


I am going now!

Paw Patrol is on the Roll


Ship Wash I mean!


Wow! I am all washed up

Now ready to go!

Sea Patrol is on the roll

Sea Patrol, sea patrol



We are getting some bubbles on the the Pirate ship

Wow! No! don't do that!

I am sinking now!

Bubbles are sinking me, Ahh...

So.. I have another surprise for you guys

Are you ready?


Manna Put your hands out

Don't Open your eyes, don't open your eyes

Ahh.. Manna opened her eyes

Zain put your hands out

Wow its Dark Raider Surprise Egg

Oh nice so you guys

Manna has a red surprise egg

And Zain has black Dark Raider

Manna, Johnny Johnny yes papa

Johnny Johnnu yes papa?

Thanks Mom

You're Welcome guys

So, Lets open your surprise eggs


Wow! This is

the Pop Rocks

Oh nice

Its a really Yummy Candy

Put it in the water

Lets see what Zain got

Zain got Dark Raider Candy

Let's see it Zain

Wow! Nice!

You know what we are going to do?

So there are two of them

Two of these and two of those

So what we are going to do is we are going to share

Zain's going to get one Pop Rocks and one of these Candy

And Manna is going to get the other Pop Rock and the Other Candy!


I am going to put it in the Pirate Ship

Fill the Water

Did you guys have fun today?


Was it Fun?




Bye Kids dont forget to like this Video


Spill Water, Bye!!!!!


Dark Raider also says Bye, BYE!!

I am going to get some good guys!


For more infomation >> Bubbles in Bubble Bath-4 Surprises-Fun play time with Blaze, Paw Patrol, and Surprise Eggs - Duration: 11:46.


Daddy is in Ice cream. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:33.

Help me!





How was your today?

do you know what it is?

Oh . it is candy


Oh . I finish candy

After eating candy, I want to eat ice cream


What happened to my stomach?

This is the magic box haha


Oh! it is working.

What is next one?




So sweet!

I am full

but I want to eat more ice cream.

Where is this place?

So cold

Help me

I want to make a new ice cream

Help me



Save me!

For more infomation >> Daddy is in Ice cream. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:33.


わざとじゃないよ!飼い主を水の中へ突き落してしまった犬の心配する後姿【癒される】 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> わざとじゃないよ!飼い主を水の中へ突き落してしまった犬の心配する後姿【癒される】 - Duration: 2:06.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V AMBIANCE 5DRS AIRCO/ELRM/CV/RADCD/TOERENT. - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V AMBIANCE 5DRS AIRCO/ELRM/CV/RADCD/TOERENT. - Duration: 0:52.


Watch The Four: Battle For St...

For more infomation >> Watch The Four: Battle For St...


ĐÔI TẤT ĐANG YÊU - Phim Hoạt Hình Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> ĐÔI TẤT ĐANG YÊU - Phim Hoạt Hình Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 4:40.


Brasileirão, dinheiro em caixa e novo gerente-executivo: a terça do Fluminense|n123snow - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Brasileirão, dinheiro em caixa e novo gerente-executivo: a terça do Fluminense|n123snow - Duration: 5:03.


Golden State Warriors e Cleveland Cavaliers vão à final da NBA, mais uma vez|n123snow - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Golden State Warriors e Cleveland Cavaliers vão à final da NBA, mais uma vez|n123snow - Duration: 7:07.


Una Vita, spoiler all8-06: il ritorno di Celia, Liberto e Rosina sposi - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Una Vita, spoiler all8-06: il ritorno di Celia, Liberto e Rosina sposi - Duration: 4:02.


ポルシェ初の電気自動車「ミッションE」、2020年に国内発売決定 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> ポルシェ初の電気自動車「ミッションE」、2020年に国内発売決定 - Duration: 2:36.


✅ Uomini e Donne oggi: la scelta di Sara, le reazioni di Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:33.

Oggi Uomini e Donne: Sara sceglie Luigi, il video di Lorenzo Uomini e Donne oggi va in onda con l'attesissima scelta di Sara

Quest'oggi, 30 Maggio 2018, il Trono Classico ci regalerà moltissime emozioni e sorprese

Prima di occuparsi della Affi Fella si affronta il problema di Nilufar, Giordano e l'ex corteggiatore Stefano

Successivamente entrano Mastroianni e Riccardi. Maria manda in onda i filmanti dei migliori momenti che i due uomini hanno trascorso insieme alla tronista

In tutto ciò, la diretta interessata non è presente in studio e entra solo quando i ragazzi escono

Viene poi trasmesso il video di ciò che è accaduto in villa. Il primo ad incontrare Sara è Lorenzo

Parlano molto e si confrontano su ciò che hanno vissuto insieme, ma alla fine non arriva alcun bacio

Arriva poi il momento di Luigi. Il ragazzo è molto emozionato e la Affi Fella lo sorprende con una chiamata del tutto inaspettata

La ragazza chiama sua madre e la passa al corteggiatore. Lui è senza parole e non sa cosa dire

Dopo poco arrivano i primi baci appassionati. Lorenzo esce dalla stanza da cui stava seguendo il tutto e urla contro Mastroianni e la tronista

Una volta finita l'esterna, Sara invita nuovamente Luigi. Stavolta si vedono alla SPA e le cose vanno ancora meglio

Si scambiano baci di fuoco e decidono anche di spegnere le telecamere. Nel vedere tutto ciò, Riccardi piange e dice di aver capito di averla persa per sempre

Quando è il suo momento, lui chiude la porta e dice di non voler più vedere la ragazza

Successivamente, lei lo raggiunge di nuovo e parlano, finché non viene chiuso il collegamento e Mastroianni si mette a dormire

Uomini e Donne: Lorenzo innamorato di Sara, lei sceglie Luigi Finito il video della villa entra Sara

Il primo a cui parla è Lorenzo. Lei gli comunica che non è lui la scelta e lui afferma di essere convinto che la ragazza abbia fato una scelta di testa e non di cuore

Alla fine se ne va, ma prima afferma di essersi innamorato. A Luigi dice che è la scelta per svariati motivi e lui la prende e la bacia senza pensarci troppo

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne oggi: la scelta di Sara, le reazioni di Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:33.


✅ Uomini e Donne oggi: la scelta di Sara, le reazioni di Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:33.

Oggi Uomini e Donne: Sara sceglie Luigi, il video di Lorenzo Uomini e Donne oggi va in onda con l'attesissima scelta di Sara

Quest'oggi, 30 Maggio 2018, il Trono Classico ci regalerà moltissime emozioni e sorprese

Prima di occuparsi della Affi Fella si affronta il problema di Nilufar, Giordano e l'ex corteggiatore Stefano

Successivamente entrano Mastroianni e Riccardi. Maria manda in onda i filmanti dei migliori momenti che i due uomini hanno trascorso insieme alla tronista

In tutto ciò, la diretta interessata non è presente in studio e entra solo quando i ragazzi escono

Viene poi trasmesso il video di ciò che è accaduto in villa. Il primo ad incontrare Sara è Lorenzo

Parlano molto e si confrontano su ciò che hanno vissuto insieme, ma alla fine non arriva alcun bacio

Arriva poi il momento di Luigi. Il ragazzo è molto emozionato e la Affi Fella lo sorprende con una chiamata del tutto inaspettata

La ragazza chiama sua madre e la passa al corteggiatore. Lui è senza parole e non sa cosa dire

Dopo poco arrivano i primi baci appassionati. Lorenzo esce dalla stanza da cui stava seguendo il tutto e urla contro Mastroianni e la tronista

Una volta finita l'esterna, Sara invita nuovamente Luigi. Stavolta si vedono alla SPA e le cose vanno ancora meglio

Si scambiano baci di fuoco e decidono anche di spegnere le telecamere. Nel vedere tutto ciò, Riccardi piange e dice di aver capito di averla persa per sempre

Quando è il suo momento, lui chiude la porta e dice di non voler più vedere la ragazza

Successivamente, lei lo raggiunge di nuovo e parlano, finché non viene chiuso il collegamento e Mastroianni si mette a dormire

Uomini e Donne: Lorenzo innamorato di Sara, lei sceglie Luigi Finito il video della villa entra Sara

Il primo a cui parla è Lorenzo. Lei gli comunica che non è lui la scelta e lui afferma di essere convinto che la ragazza abbia fato una scelta di testa e non di cuore

Alla fine se ne va, ma prima afferma di essersi innamorato. A Luigi dice che è la scelta per svariati motivi e lui la prende e la bacia senza pensarci troppo

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne oggi: la scelta di Sara, le reazioni di Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:33.


✅ Grande Fratello 15 semifinale: chi è stato eliminato e chi sono i finalisti - Duration: 3:40.

Grande Fratello 15 cosa è successo nell'ultima puntata? Eliminati e finalisti della semifinale La semifinale del Grande Fratello 15, condotta come sempre da Barbara d'Urso, è stata ricca di televoti e colpi di scena

Chi sono gli eliminati della puntata? Danilo Aquino e Filippo Contri. Il primo è uscito sconfitto dal televoto settimanale: a volere fuori l'idraulico è stato il 35% dei votanti

Filippo è uscito invece sconfitto dal secondo televoto, quello che lo ha coinvolto con Matteo e Alberto

Ma come si è arrivati a questo secondo televoto? La d'Urso ha chiamato Matteo e Alessia Prete, gli unici due concorrenti a non essere mai stati nominati dagli altri concorrenti nel corso del programma

I due sono stati sottoposti al giudizio degli altri gieffini (ad esclusione di Simone Coccia, già finalista), che hanno espresso una preferenza tra i fidanzati

Ad avere la peggio è stato il calciatore che, finito al televoto, ha deciso di portare con sé Alberto e Filippo

Matteo Gentili eletto secondo finalista del Grande Fratello Al televoto tra Matteo, Filippo e Alberto si votava per eleggere il secondo finalista

Ne è uscito vincitore l'ex fidanzato di Paola Di Benedetto, che ha ottenuto il 43% delle preferenze

Al secondo posto si è piazzato Alberto, che ha avuto il 31% dei voti mentre terzo Filippo con il 26%

Alla fine è stato proprio il fidanzato di Lucia Orlando a lasciare la Casa del Grande Fratello

Subito dopo sono state decretate la terza e quarta finalista, che sono rispettivamente Alessia Prete e Lucia

Simone e Matteo hanno scelto chi portare con sé in finale: il primo ha optato per Alberto e il secondo per Alessia

Le due ragazze rimaste – Lucia e Veronica – sono finite al televoto e hanno avuto la possibilità di nominare un altro concorrente per questa sfida

Le giovani hanno scelto Alessia, per vivere così una gara tutta al femminile. Alessia e Lucia altre finaliste; Alberto e Veronica al televoto Dall'ultimo televoto della semifinale del Grande Fratello, sono uscite vincitrici Alessia e Lucia

La figlia di Bobby Solo, che è stata la meno votata, è rimasta in casa ma è ora al televoto con Alberto

Televoto che resterà aperto per tutta la settimana e che verrà chiuso solo all'inizio della puntata finale

Finale che, come scritto nei giorni scorsi, è stata anticipata a lunedì 4 giugno

For more infomation >> ✅ Grande Fratello 15 semifinale: chi è stato eliminato e chi sono i finalisti - Duration: 3:40.


✅ Uomini e Donne oggi: la scelta di Sara, le reazioni di Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:33.

Oggi Uomini e Donne: Sara sceglie Luigi, il video di Lorenzo Uomini e Donne oggi va in onda con l'attesissima scelta di Sara

Quest'oggi, 30 Maggio 2018, il Trono Classico ci regalerà moltissime emozioni e sorprese

Prima di occuparsi della Affi Fella si affronta il problema di Nilufar, Giordano e l'ex corteggiatore Stefano

Successivamente entrano Mastroianni e Riccardi. Maria manda in onda i filmanti dei migliori momenti che i due uomini hanno trascorso insieme alla tronista

In tutto ciò, la diretta interessata non è presente in studio e entra solo quando i ragazzi escono

Viene poi trasmesso il video di ciò che è accaduto in villa. Il primo ad incontrare Sara è Lorenzo

Parlano molto e si confrontano su ciò che hanno vissuto insieme, ma alla fine non arriva alcun bacio

Arriva poi il momento di Luigi. Il ragazzo è molto emozionato e la Affi Fella lo sorprende con una chiamata del tutto inaspettata

La ragazza chiama sua madre e la passa al corteggiatore. Lui è senza parole e non sa cosa dire

Dopo poco arrivano i primi baci appassionati. Lorenzo esce dalla stanza da cui stava seguendo il tutto e urla contro Mastroianni e la tronista

Una volta finita l'esterna, Sara invita nuovamente Luigi. Stavolta si vedono alla SPA e le cose vanno ancora meglio

Si scambiano baci di fuoco e decidono anche di spegnere le telecamere. Nel vedere tutto ciò, Riccardi piange e dice di aver capito di averla persa per sempre

Quando è il suo momento, lui chiude la porta e dice di non voler più vedere la ragazza

Successivamente, lei lo raggiunge di nuovo e parlano, finché non viene chiuso il collegamento e Mastroianni si mette a dormire

Uomini e Donne: Lorenzo innamorato di Sara, lei sceglie Luigi Finito il video della villa entra Sara

Il primo a cui parla è Lorenzo. Lei gli comunica che non è lui la scelta e lui afferma di essere convinto che la ragazza abbia fato una scelta di testa e non di cuore

Alla fine se ne va, ma prima afferma di essersi innamorato. A Luigi dice che è la scelta per svariati motivi e lui la prende e la bacia senza pensarci troppo

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne oggi: la scelta di Sara, le reazioni di Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:33.


Uomini e Donne, Nilufar ammette la tresca con Stefano: arriva la frecciatina di Nicolò Ferrari - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Nilufar ammette la tresca con Stefano: arriva la frecciatina di Nicolò Ferrari - Duration: 2:04.


Liburan Di Pulau Rahasia Dengan Vloggers dan Hijabers!! - Duration: 11:17.

Hi guys good morning!

It's so early right now, only 6 AM and I am going to...

a secret location~ but I don't wanna tell you where I'm going

But I'll give you a hint... where do you think I'm going?

There's sand...

There are shells...

Isn't this so cute? It's a braided blue bag

Inside there are important documents

and secretive

You guys just come with me today on my adventure

And my back hurts being bent like this

Coz the tripod is too low

So the ride was 2 hours long, pretty long

So that's kind of a hint... where do you think we are?

Where are we Vero?

We are in Tiger Island!!

It's so pretty here, it's an eco-friendly island

They really put importance on the earth

The waters are super clean, let me show you guys!

Guys, our activity is about to begin now, what do you think we'll be doing?

The first activity is to decorate tumblers!

We are gonna use glitter because it stands for sparkling white skin

Has to be blue ok, to be on brand for Wardah

Hi to the two cameras! We are roommates and we are double recording

No we want to reveal our room

By the way, a lot of people requested for us to collab again for a video

Yeah, this is our collab! 30 second collab

We are team brown with Nadya!

My hostess while at Beautyfest Asia

With Bella, Fira, and Nanda

Come back to your homebase Nadya!

Thank you for your effort!

Yay now I should be Wardah's brand ambassador!

Hi guys so now we are in a sleep-mode vibe

And I feel very fresh after showering

But I haven't washed my face

Because I wanna show you Wardah's newest product

Wardah Perfect Bright Creamy Foam

So it says here that...

To clean, freshen, smoothen, moisturize, and brighten

Ok let's try it out guys! First Impression

I want to wash my face from the water in this teacup

Please leave a like for our effort!

And usually with cleansers,

I like to make my own foam

Turns out this is very easy to make foam with

Coz I learned from a skincare expert

that if you make foam it is less abrasive to the skin

So I wash my face with foam, not the cleanser directly

It's easier too

Now I will wash it off and be right back with the results

After washing, my face feels

bouncy and moisturized

and not very dry

I think it's nice to use for everyday

And now I will test it

I want to use micellar water

and see if there's makeup residue on my skin

Since I used quite a lot of foundation and concealer for the full day

So if the cleanser can't remove makeup, that's a no-no for me

Turns out it's totally clean guys!

A plus for Wardah. Turns out they really are innovative.

Let's begin!

Wardah moisturizer Perfect Bright

with SPF 28

It can moisturize

and protect your skin from the sun

It has UVA and UVB filter

which is important for us who are always in the sun

Don't forget to bring it to the neck too

because our necks need love too

Why am I speaking with this voice?

I do not know

This can also brighten the skin

it has brightening powder and 7 white actives

Which I will write here because I won't be able to remember all of them

I will do the rest of my makeup and update you on my activities today

I have no idea what we are doing today

Now we are about to do a treasure hunt

and I was given Team Bright

Let's go Team Bright! Here's Miss Competitive

There will be 15 products here

Team Wardah will hide Team Bright's products

And everytime you hide a product

you have to write a clue too

We are supposed to hide Team Perfect's stuff

We can only hide it at that hut, or this hut

We can hide it in the boat, or the ocean

So my strategy is that

I am hiding behind a place

where I WONT be hiding the product

and I will secretly go to the trash area

"You are trash! I'm so pissed"

Is that a good clue?

It's like clear but also not clear

What are you guys whispering about?

Who are you talking about?

Our clue: we are close to water source

Vero you are so smart

All about water

I haven't showered for a week

So the winner is... PERFECT!

So you guys already saw

the closing after a super competitive treasure hunt

She hid our product so insanely difficult

Oh right I forgot we were in different teams

What can I say, I'm competitive

and Ididnt want them to find it,

It was a success because they found all four except for mine

Are you annoyed Kay? -I am

But we really couldn't find the other team's products

We could only find three

Afterwards, we had a photoshoot on a boat so we all have the same pic

If it's all the same pic, you guys know why

Now we are at the villa packing

We want to rest for a bit coz it's so hot

and we wanna go home to Jakarta

where I will meet Gwen, Napkin, and Rochi

For more infomation >> Liburan Di Pulau Rahasia Dengan Vloggers dan Hijabers!! - Duration: 11:17.


六月女兒「眼白幾乎消失」萌樣不科學~「水汪汪電眼」讓全部人瞬間融化 - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> 六月女兒「眼白幾乎消失」萌樣不科學~「水汪汪電眼」讓全部人瞬間融化 - Duration: 7:49.


U&D, la scelta di Sara è Luigi: il video di Raffaella Mennoia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> U&D, la scelta di Sara è Luigi: il video di Raffaella Mennoia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


U&D, Trono classico: ecco chi ha scelto Sara Affi Fella | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> U&D, Trono classico: ecco chi ha scelto Sara Affi Fella | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


Bonolis a cuore aperto: "Prima maternità di Sonia molto difficile" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Bonolis a cuore aperto: "Prima maternità di Sonia molto difficile" - Duration: 2:54.


Право Аллаха, нарушать которое нельзя ни в коем случае - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Право Аллаха, нарушать которое нельзя ни в коем случае - Duration: 10:06.


Como ocultar las aplicaciones usadas o instaladas recientemente en Windows 10 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Como ocultar las aplicaciones usadas o instaladas recientemente en Windows 10 - Duration: 4:03.



Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> ABSTRACT ART PAINTING DEMONSTRATION | Goa - Duration: 4:35.


잠자는 아이들 옆에서 조용히 핸드폰하기! 나다린의 미공개 사진을 공개합니다!!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:32.

Watch my cell phone secretly ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> 잠자는 아이들 옆에서 조용히 핸드폰하기! 나다린의 미공개 사진을 공개합니다!!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:32.


Grande Fratello: Matteo e Alessia favoriti per la vittoria finale: i dettagli - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello: Matteo e Alessia favoriti per la vittoria finale: i dettagli - Duration: 6:56.


Renault Talisman Estate TCe 150pk Intens EDC (R-link/Climate/Cruise/Park. sens./Lichtm. velg) - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Renault Talisman Estate TCe 150pk Intens EDC (R-link/Climate/Cruise/Park. sens./Lichtm. velg) - Duration: 0:55.


Volvo V40 2.0 T3 R-DESIGN 17INCH/NAVI/BLUETOOTH/PARK ASSIST - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 T3 R-DESIGN 17INCH/NAVI/BLUETOOTH/PARK ASSIST - Duration: 1:09.


Volvo S60 1.6 T3 R-Design VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 1.6 T3 R-Design VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:09.



For more infomation >> Volvo V40 D2 R-DESIGN NAVI/17INCH/TREKHAAK/BLUETOOTH/HIGH PERF. SOUND - Duration: 0:55.


R.Depardon & C.Nougaret, "Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, A Beautiful Elsewhere" - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> R.Depardon & C.Nougaret, "Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, A Beautiful Elsewhere" - Duration: 2:37.


Detroit : KaraมาหาZlotko//ฉากจบทั้ง 5 แบบ [ซับไทย] - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Detroit : KaraมาหาZlotko//ฉากจบทั้ง 5 แบบ [ซับไทย] - Duration: 12:10.


เพื่อนหรือหุ่นยนต์ เนื้อเรื่องคอนเนอร์ตอนจบ ซับไทย - DETROIT : Become Human CONNER Bad Ending - Duration: 13:42.

For more infomation >> เพื่อนหรือหุ่นยนต์ เนื้อเรื่องคอนเนอร์ตอนจบ ซับไทย - DETROIT : Become Human CONNER Bad Ending - Duration: 13:42.


Пьяные Пчёлы.... Сводим семью при помощи алкоголя. - Duration: 11:22.

so the evening is now ice and there will be no more To connect the two right-wing and left-wing families, they

me in a hive through a partition right there where the dark dark side is

type of person who perry in the winter she already went on the mend

good and brought honey and on the left I visited that one and the yogi who

my cutout flew out of the box with barren uterus

but passed 12 days of eggs no uterus left Nobles means they did not come back they are sitting

without uterus so I will not cover them with points now and

we will use an accelerated method to combine these two halves that is, you jump out

To join the ayra yogi in that family reason that the ek is now weak already

there was no uterus to run them on the second the circle of sweetness is completely weakened therefore

as for me it means that they will be more correct to unite the evening all the bees flew

I will connect with the help of a fragrance water with addition

Here is such a chunk of a heap before the heap rather presented me

my home was donated to bees so you can use all sorts of different in handfuls

type of cologne essential oils there's nothing wrong with that, so now

You can connect them through the newspaper Of course, but

Through the veil the mask can turn out to be a cup because here the whole bee flying

young bee there is almost no one about him I'm a bee

absolute flying bee uterus is not very fond of the new

so you can plant them, but the womb families who can join

the children will want to be in the tangle It's not to be hit but it's clearly not in our

interests on a notebook, a forager and that they all

The same family smelled this family and they are confused about where they come from

Will understand the smell of reddit who will pass time and they will already begin to live amicably a method

completely working thread for the lazy can They are actually niners because between

we must disassemble

climbed under his arms my joy wants to sting me there

there is no that there you will survive it not here frameworks

listen substitute the frames on the edge with honey

life easier they unfortunately missed the womb of life

Who do you do that the uterus does not arrive after flying around the story is quite frequent

our jai in this matter is equal to I'm used to not even upset the present

there were three young uterus in three families went all at meals at one time

one came around okay working eggs lays a2 did not come one of the

two which is not audible 2 is more powerful by its Let's start on the top three, let's still consider

gate them queen cells without problems to find ball bottom course

DJs run them on the second lap all equally that they were sentenced and so were

weak these balloons lower no

white scurf on the worked this framework gave her man another

family open brood hero did not fly away will tie them to smoke more than once under

revealed everything well lost the uterus and laid it on this framework

fistula or black stands immediately visible hive opened white wax on

there is no such thing as the so-called science means family does not work means family

something she lacks in the deplorable condition pulled out for a steel board

and we will spray

gait the other half one room we no longer need

go to the second part of the project press if we sprinkle and about the family who

this hello will be attached in general there is one family rule that

join should be no larger than

more than 30 percent of the family who she joins what i attach royo

to the family of the tour the yogi must be compiled only 30 percent of the forces are 7 that I

now it is joined differently by bees who are connected by rivers can

swing their rights can not be so It turns out that the practitioner is a large uterus

therefore, this is it is

because if you join through rosette very often when the family that

connects or is affiliated with currency bee ends in disaster for

grades could fall into a ball and accordingly

from the cup usually go out womb invalids and now the world

aromatic substances good knowledge and while they are split

dressed whose scent they will not be up to the uterus

usually such an adventure passes successfully so that's all this family had seven frames

brood now they are strengthened by that district committee

a weak two weeks two to three weeks and expenses will be at uterus frames 89 and it is possible

will make a challenge or better do We will look at the

circumstances like will the uterus when there will be no honey will not be

Decide what to do with them Here's the situation on the

present day let me down mat edge young took off

It's back but it's not back now. they have a common smell because their

scraped with a fragrance and when the flavor will cease to be effective

8 I will already get a common smell for them and They will not fight well, in any case

when I sprinkled it was noticeable that they between themselves do not fight if

frame immediately without flavor will be slaughter will be slaughter or will not be

tomorrow will be seen in the morning will be To take out tours from the lower

there is no such inspection Poor beehive bees are those who

returned from the fields after I blasphemered I sprinkled the shutter somewhere else left

flying bee that will return until the very topic is not here it returns to

your house returns Its an outlet and there is a complete mess all

swelling all drunk the smell of the family is different and why for the fillet

and flew home and then such a surprise some incomprehensible bees live quite

in another way they do not know what is happening with them do and these poor little bees

which have a family smell which they sprinkled back with

fields now stand cancer and are asked to His own family is asked because

arrived The smell of the family is so different

will you go and they will ask to sleep somewhere where it is necessary here they arrived with

some honey from that deviates rush to ask in their own

family as you gambling a spectacle when in family drink grief all comes well nothing

not the next morning the ashes become shallow and everything will be yours he will be sobered by it alone

and the second will not start tomorrow morning normally work here the next day

Lunch next day no corpses dead body visits do not discard the population

fought at night and it means everything is good he can be seen as beehive

fly to their cell and there is not closed the poor twisted turned

and flies into the summer of this family which is attached and because they have

smell chihiro dynaco

Here it is visible edge bees never before and nonviolence is not super now their uterus

appeared brood and began to carry Peru before this did not carry in general an adventure

with alcohol successfully succeeded throughout visibility

For more infomation >> Пьяные Пчёлы.... Сводим семью при помощи алкоголя. - Duration: 11:22.


フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.


Why Nobody Likes the Latest Republican Healthcare Plan - Duration: 11:31.

Why nobody likes the latest republican Health Care plan the Cassidy Graham bill is supported by most congressional republicans and the

White House but consumer groups insurers and the medical community oppose it

the latest republican Health Care plan to repeal a ban a care appears to be almost dead on arrival and there may be a good reason for that

nobody in the health industry likes at this bill is as bad as or worse than the others lean the

Preston president of consumer health first told health line

the Cassidy Graham bill as it's known basically would give power to the states to form their own Health Care Systems in addition it would

reduce Medicaid funding across the nation and provide the money as block grants to states to do with what they wish

it would also redistributes some of the funds mostly from states that expanded their Medicaid programs to those that didn't

the bill would take effect in 2020

the block grant funding for Medicaid would expire in 2027

a vote on the legislation is expected this week in the senate

the senate finance committee will hold a hearing today on the bill tomorrow

the senate homeland security and gov't affairs committee is also scheduled to hold a hearing

CNN is also hosting a town hall tonight featuring Senator Lindsey Graham are South Carolina and senator bill Cassidy are Louisiana

the bills cool authors as well as Senator Bernie Sanders I Vermont and Senator Amy clough boot SHR dei Minnesota

the bill must be approved before Saturday or republicans lose the opportunity to approve the plan on a simple majority of 51 votes

after that date the bill can face a filibuster and could need 60 votes to pass

Health Care industry opposition although many republican politicians still support the bill it's

tough to find any group in the Health Care profession who will back it

the past week america's Health Insurance plans a hip came out against it

in a letter to the senate a hip President Merrill lined the tavenner listed six principles her

organization feels a new healthcare bill should meet

the Graham Cassidy Heller Johnson proposal fails to meet these guiding principles and would

have real consequences on consumers and patients she wrote

officials at the blue cross blue shield association were also critical

in a statement the association said

although we support providing states with greater flexibility in shaping healthcare options for their residents we share the significant

concerns of many healthcare organizations about the proposed Graham Cassidy bell

the American Hospital association of home also weighed in the sting several reasons why it opposes the bill

we believe that coverage could be at risk for tens of millions of Americans under the

Graham Cassidy proposal a ha President Rick pollack said in a statement

we continue to urge senators to work in a bipartisan Mana to address the challenges facing our Healthcare System the American

Medical association AMA also doit in the chorus of criticism

similar to proposals that were considered in the senate in July

we believe the Graham Cassidy amendment would result in millions of Americans losing their Health Insurance coverage

destabilize Health Insurance markets and decrease access to affordable coverage and

Kerr said AMA chief executive Officer Dr. James Almonte are in a statement

the American academy of pediatrics top had similar concerns

as a pediatrician I am fearful for my patients and the uncertain future they would face under the Cassidy Graham healthcare proposal

said at President Dr. Fernando stein in a statement

I must speak out against this dangerous ill conceived policy on behalf of our 66,000 pediatrician pediatric surgical specialist and

pediatric medical sub specialist members and stop it from advancing

these organizations are joined by dozens of consumer groups and other health related organizations in a position to the legislation

in addition the public doesn't seem enamored by the latest republican attempt to repeal the affordable care act out to a survey released last

week by public policy polling stated that 50% of those questioned opposed the Cassidy Graham bill while 24% supported it

the poll also reported that 54% approve of the act of I'll 38% disapprove

a New Washington post a BC News poll showed that 56% of Americans prefer a banner care to the latest GOP Health Care reform plan

so what specifically is so bad about the Cassidy Graham bell tower to the states the bill would eliminate the individual mandate

requirement where people who don't buy Health Insurance face a penalty on their income tax returns

it also eliminates the employer mandate that requires larger companies to offer affordable insurance coverage to their employees

the main provision though is giving states the power to craft their on Health Care Systems

through a waiver process states could keep or even add provisions to the at the structure

states such as California could move Torretta single payer system

states could also decide to drop certain that the requirements

that includes the provision that prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions

it also includes provisions that allow children to stay on their parents Health Insurance until age 26 as well as allowing insurance companies to

create expensive high risk pools or charge enrollees extra for a lapse in coverage

in theory a state could eliminate all of the Zak the protections and that doesn't sit well with a lot of Health Care professionals

the waivers are very broad Krista Sloan a senior manager at cavalier Health Consulting firm told health line

you could have vast differences from state to state in fact slow notes you could end up with 50 different plans and each of the 50 states

Sloan said such a setup might discourage large Nationwide insurers from participating in regional or state marketplaces they might just

decide to provide only employer backed Health Insurance

California congressman eric's wall well be double and who has been one of the more

vocal critics of Cassidy Graham said such a situation would be chaotic

you need national standards to swallow well told health line

this would actually be worse than chaos

it would also be costly to Sloan said the legislation does give states some leeway in

setting up plans although he can't find much else positive

states would enjoy the flexibility

I can see some states doing some innovative things

he said the citizens council for health freedom CC H chef is infirm opposition to Arab am a care they want the Federal gov't out of the

healthcare business one of their primary recommendations as to give states the authority over their Health Systems

that even this group opposes the Cassidy Graham bell Tyler bray's the CC eight chefs president and cofounder

said the Cassidy Graham is on the right track that there are too many strings attached to its provisions pandit still keeps the Federal gov't in

the Healthcare System it doesn't do what republicans promised they would do

she told health line it's just the republican version of the ack a Medicaid funds

the Cassidy Graham bill would reduce Federal Health funds over the next decade from the

current projected $489,000,000,000 to $215,000,000,000

according to a report issued last week by Ava Lear in addition

the report says that 34 states and Washington

DC would experience funding cuts while 16 states would see funding increases

Sloan said this would be accomplished by changing the formula for distributing these funds

for starters the Medicaid money would be part of the overall block grants given to states to spend on health programs

in addition he said part of the money would be based on how many low income residents a

state has instead of how many low income residents are being served in health programs

this system Sloan said

would provide additional money for states that didn't expand their Medicaid programs under the act and less money for states that did

supporters of the bill say the funding reductions would force to states to be more efficient with their Health Care dollars

however Preston of consumer health first isn't buying it

it punishes states like Maryland that provided for its residents she said

school will seize the same problem

it reward states for not taking care of the poorest of their citizens he said

Sloan adds that the overall cut in Medicaid funding will create other problems

it will be challenging for states to cover as many people

he said you can all least REC to dollar so far in healthcare he said people who are just under

the level to qualify for Medicaid might see that coverage go away

that person is going to be at risk of not having that money

Sloan said these issues led all 50 Medicaid State directors to come out in a position to Cassidy Graham last week

the votes don't seem to be there these and other problems are continuing to a road support for the republican proposal

Graham and Cassidy defended their plan on ABC this week on Sunday

they said they would push ahead with a vote this week

graham's office didn't respond to a health line request for an interview for this story

the vast majority of republicans in Congress still support the bill to does President Donald trump

this past week the president said any GOP senator who votes against the Cassidy Graham bill will been known as the republican who

saved a Palma Care nonetheless republicans need AV revolt they can get all 47 democrats

as well as the independent senders are opposed to bill

that means if even three republicans vote know the bill will lose

so far senator and Paul are Kentucky and senator john Mccain of Arizona have announced they will vote against the bill

on Sunday Senator Ted Cruz art access said at the moment republicans don't have my vote for Cassidy Graham

on Monday afternoon Senator Susan Collins our main announced she will vote no on the bill

and Senator Lisa Murkowski

are Alaska hasn't said yet whether she will vote in favor of the legislation

in an effort to woo Murkowski republican senate leaders have added a provision to the Cassidy Graham bill that would exempt a Las

cap as well as Montana from Medicaid spending That would be imposed on other states

For more infomation >> Why Nobody Likes the Latest Republican Healthcare Plan - Duration: 11:31.


Bubbles in Bubble Bath-4 Surprises-Fun play time with Blaze, Paw Patrol, and Surprise Eggs - Duration: 11:46.

Manna what are you doing?

Manna Bubbles Car

Bubble car?


Guess what guys, I have another surprise


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Now its time for more FunTime With Zain

Wow! Bubbles!

Hi Kids, today we are going to play with toys in the bubble



Wow its cold

I am in pool pants

i like it

Bubbles, Yay!!


That Looks Fun!

So you guys I have another Surprise for you


do you like your surprise?


Oh Wow! It is your...

Blaze and the Monster Machine Track

yes it is



Oh yeah, Manna wants cars

so, here comes the cars


Let's Play..

Mine is the Monster Truck first, wow!

That was awesome.


Wow! pop all the bubbles

Blaze and the Monster Machine Track, lets try

Kids its got bubbles now

On its track

Let's try again

What? Now the car got...

Car is gone

The Car is gone

Yup, I am going to find it

Oh, Car!

Found it

Its all bubbles, and my hands are bubbles

Mama Bubbles

You can blow it out kids, like this if you want

Wow! Firetruck got bubbles


Hi, I got bubbles on my back

Ahh! I am falling

Ahh! I got marbles on me

Not on my face, not on my face

Manna what are you doing?

Manna Bubbles car

Bubbles and car?

Well gues what guys, I have another surprise


Alright guys! are you ready?


Do not open your eyes

Oh Manna is cheating

Manna close your eyes


Ready Guys?

Yeah, Ready

Ready, set, go!

Wow! Bubbles in Bubble bath!

Oh, so many bubbles guys

So many bubbles

It's Bubble with Bubble Bath


The car is in the bubbles

Kids, Look it's on the tree now

Stuck on the tree

It looks like Bubbles enjoying the bath

on the whole world



Wow! that's a lot of bubbles guys

Yeah, and one on my hand like a caterpiller

Oh it does look like a caterpiller

A really big one!


Look at Manna

That is so cute

Alright, its time for Surprise number 3

Alright guys are you ready?


Tell me what it is, I can not guess what it is

Do don't know what it is?


Surprise Egg

Surprise egg

Look at Manaal's foot

Okay! Ready, Set, Go !!!

Wow! it's a Pirate Ship

Oh, it sunk!

Wow! Covered with bubbles

Oh Manna, Look..

Wow! Marshall


And I have another one, CHASE!!


Look, it has a sinker


and it's Sinking

Bubbles, Sink Marshall

On the Pirate Ship

On the Pirate Ship

Pirate Ship


Bubbles, Marshall!


Marshall, Peek a Boo

Peek a Boo

I am racing

Look, look

I am Parking, I am Parking


I am going now!

Paw Patrol is on the Roll


Ship Wash I mean!


Wow! I am all washed up

Now ready to go!

Sea Patrol is on the roll

Sea Patrol, sea patrol



We are getting some bubbles on the the Pirate ship

Wow! No! don't do that!

I am sinking now!

Bubbles are sinking me, Ahh...

So.. I have another surprise for you guys

Are you ready?


Manna Put your hands out

Don't Open your eyes, don't open your eyes

Ahh.. Manna opened her eyes

Zain put your hands out

Wow its Dark Raider Surprise Egg

Oh nice so you guys

Manna has a red surprise egg

And Zain has black Dark Raider

Manna, Johnny Johnny yes papa

Johnny Johnnu yes papa?

Thanks Mom

You're Welcome guys

So, Lets open your surprise eggs


Wow! This is

the Pop Rocks

Oh nice

Its a really Yummy Candy

Put it in the water

Lets see what Zain got

Zain got Dark Raider Candy

Let's see it Zain

Wow! Nice!

You know what we are going to do?

So there are two of them

Two of these and two of those

So what we are going to do is we are going to share

Zain's going to get one Pop Rocks and one of these Candy

And Manna is going to get the other Pop Rock and the Other Candy!


I am going to put it in the Pirate Ship

Fill the Water

Did you guys have fun today?


Was it Fun?




Bye Kids dont forget to like this Video


Spill Water, Bye!!!!!


Dark Raider also says Bye, BYE!!

I am going to get some good guys!


For more infomation >> Bubbles in Bubble Bath-4 Surprises-Fun play time with Blaze, Paw Patrol, and Surprise Eggs - Duration: 11:46.


Daddy is in Ice cream. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:33.

Help me!





How was your today?

do you know what it is?

Oh . it is candy


Oh . I finish candy

After eating candy, I want to eat ice cream


What happened to my stomach?

This is the magic box haha


Oh! it is working.

What is next one?




So sweet!

I am full

but I want to eat more ice cream.

Where is this place?

So cold

Help me

I want to make a new ice cream

Help me



Save me!

For more infomation >> Daddy is in Ice cream. Playground. Magic. Kids. Toy. Family Fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:33.


わざとじゃないよ!飼い主を水の中へ突き落してしまった犬の心配する後姿【癒される】 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> わざとじゃないよ!飼い主を水の中へ突き落してしまった犬の心配する後姿【癒される】 - Duration: 2:06.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V AMBIANCE 5DRS AIRCO/ELRM/CV/RADCD/TOERENT. - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V AMBIANCE 5DRS AIRCO/ELRM/CV/RADCD/TOERENT. - Duration: 0:52.


DC Superhero Girls™

For more infomation >> DC Superhero Girls™


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100PK DESIGN EDITION - GARANTIE 2024 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100PK DESIGN EDITION - GARANTIE 2024 - Duration: 0:54.


フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> フォルクスワーゲン「T-Roc」の高性能モデルと思しきプロトタイプ車両が路上に出現! 「T-Roc GTI」あるいは「T-Roc R」か!? - Duration: 4:09.


JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On 30 Day Notice With Sudden Executive Order Overnight(VIDEO)!! - Duration: 3:35.

JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On 30 Day Notice With Sudden Executive Order Overnight

well the president making it easier to fire federal workers all rise Judge

Andrew Napolitano is here and well the swap will it let it happen well I mean

this is an area Charles where the president has absolute authority and

it's it's the length of time between the filing of a complaint or the recognition

of some misbehavior and when disciplinary action is taken right now

it's 120 days you keep your job nothing happens for a hundred twenty days the

president is shortened that the 30 days so my hat is off to the president

because he's dealing with a civilian work force of three million people very

few of whom are Republicans very few of whom worked for him or appreciate what

he's doing for the government and one of the promises he made which is

intractable for him to do you call it draining the swamp he really means

shrinking the federal work force and making it work better and more efficient

here because there are 80 federal unions judge I'm just curious how this all

developed because taxpayers spent according to the GAO 175 million dollars

in the last fiscal year too for federal workers who do union duties full-time I

don't even do the job we pay them to to go to wash second that's the second of

these how is this all developed well how was a development because nobody has

interfered with it because the president's have feared the union's

Republican contractual right I once had a contact with Ronald Reagan and I sent

the message sell the post office yes information came back we're terrified of

the Postal Union yes no matter which party is in power it's a fear of the

voting bloc of the unions Donald Trump does not fear that because the second

executive order he signed limits the amount of time that a federal employee

can work on Union Affairs rather than government affairs to business like

regulations we saw that with Wisconsin that was the bit you know the collective

bargaining powerful the union's get the more powerful they get you know it's

the state of Wisconsin did not collapse when this has certainly thing the blow

will come I think in the next two weeks when the Supreme Court rules that the

Constitution prohibits the states from forcing public workers to join unions

forcing them to join you need to pay dues right yeah to join to join right

now they pay dues but they can deduct a portion of the dues that go to political

campaigns of which they disapprove right this is to say you don't have to join

the union this will really be this go and this will go for federal workers

birds out of it okay the federal challenge hasn't happened yet okay

because that's you know not really the last big strong block for these unions

anyway it's correct they've joined all dramatically in a private way they get

their numbers is using the force of the government to compel membership they

can't provide a service that people want where they were join it's so draining

the swamp and pathetic and ridiculous sorry extra slacker listen that's right

the bureaucracy is marbled in there big time and this is a big way of jarring it

loose yes absolutely thanks a lot I always appreciate here later guys

thank you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On 30 Day Notice With Sudden Executive Order Overnight(VIDEO)!! - Duration: 3:35.


Liburan Di Pulau Rahasia Dengan Vloggers dan Hijabers!! - Duration: 11:17.

Hi guys good morning!

It's so early right now, only 6 AM and I am going to...

a secret location~ but I don't wanna tell you where I'm going

But I'll give you a hint... where do you think I'm going?

There's sand...

There are shells...

Isn't this so cute? It's a braided blue bag

Inside there are important documents

and secretive

You guys just come with me today on my adventure

And my back hurts being bent like this

Coz the tripod is too low

So the ride was 2 hours long, pretty long

So that's kind of a hint... where do you think we are?

Where are we Vero?

We are in Tiger Island!!

It's so pretty here, it's an eco-friendly island

They really put importance on the earth

The waters are super clean, let me show you guys!

Guys, our activity is about to begin now, what do you think we'll be doing?

The first activity is to decorate tumblers!

We are gonna use glitter because it stands for sparkling white skin

Has to be blue ok, to be on brand for Wardah

Hi to the two cameras! We are roommates and we are double recording

No we want to reveal our room

By the way, a lot of people requested for us to collab again for a video

Yeah, this is our collab! 30 second collab

We are team brown with Nadya!

My hostess while at Beautyfest Asia

With Bella, Fira, and Nanda

Come back to your homebase Nadya!

Thank you for your effort!

Yay now I should be Wardah's brand ambassador!

Hi guys so now we are in a sleep-mode vibe

And I feel very fresh after showering

But I haven't washed my face

Because I wanna show you Wardah's newest product

Wardah Perfect Bright Creamy Foam

So it says here that...

To clean, freshen, smoothen, moisturize, and brighten

Ok let's try it out guys! First Impression

I want to wash my face from the water in this teacup

Please leave a like for our effort!

And usually with cleansers,

I like to make my own foam

Turns out this is very easy to make foam with

Coz I learned from a skincare expert

that if you make foam it is less abrasive to the skin

So I wash my face with foam, not the cleanser directly

It's easier too

Now I will wash it off and be right back with the results

After washing, my face feels

bouncy and moisturized

and not very dry

I think it's nice to use for everyday

And now I will test it

I want to use micellar water

and see if there's makeup residue on my skin

Since I used quite a lot of foundation and concealer for the full day

So if the cleanser can't remove makeup, that's a no-no for me

Turns out it's totally clean guys!

A plus for Wardah. Turns out they really are innovative.

Let's begin!

Wardah moisturizer Perfect Bright

with SPF 28

It can moisturize

and protect your skin from the sun

It has UVA and UVB filter

which is important for us who are always in the sun

Don't forget to bring it to the neck too

because our necks need love too

Why am I speaking with this voice?

I do not know

This can also brighten the skin

it has brightening powder and 7 white actives

Which I will write here because I won't be able to remember all of them

I will do the rest of my makeup and update you on my activities today

I have no idea what we are doing today

Now we are about to do a treasure hunt

and I was given Team Bright

Let's go Team Bright! Here's Miss Competitive

There will be 15 products here

Team Wardah will hide Team Bright's products

And everytime you hide a product

you have to write a clue too

We are supposed to hide Team Perfect's stuff

We can only hide it at that hut, or this hut

We can hide it in the boat, or the ocean

So my strategy is that

I am hiding behind a place

where I WONT be hiding the product

and I will secretly go to the trash area

"You are trash! I'm so pissed"

Is that a good clue?

It's like clear but also not clear

What are you guys whispering about?

Who are you talking about?

Our clue: we are close to water source

Vero you are so smart

All about water

I haven't showered for a week

So the winner is... PERFECT!

So you guys already saw

the closing after a super competitive treasure hunt

She hid our product so insanely difficult

Oh right I forgot we were in different teams

What can I say, I'm competitive

and Ididnt want them to find it,

It was a success because they found all four except for mine

Are you annoyed Kay? -I am

But we really couldn't find the other team's products

We could only find three

Afterwards, we had a photoshoot on a boat so we all have the same pic

If it's all the same pic, you guys know why

Now we are at the villa packing

We want to rest for a bit coz it's so hot

and we wanna go home to Jakarta

where I will meet Gwen, Napkin, and Rochi

For more infomation >> Liburan Di Pulau Rahasia Dengan Vloggers dan Hijabers!! - Duration: 11:17.


Chuck Schumer's Crying Like A Baby After - Duration: 12:19.

Chuck Schumer's Crying Like A Baby After Sarah Destroys Him With Nasty Surprise

Senator Chuck Schumer attempted to politicize President Donald Trump's comments on MS-13

gang members being "animals" by comparing them to "our great-great-grandparents coming

to America."

Well, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders utterly destroyed Schumer with a nasty

surprise, making him cry like a big baby.

Don't miss this.

Are the Democrats and the mainstream media just plain stupid or do they collectively

try to score points against President Donald Trump, knowing their arguments are completely


That's the question that probably plagues our beloved press secretary Sarah Sanders

when she has to deal with these buffoons.

In case you missed it, the Democrats — along with their partners in crime, the mainstream

media — have been on a roll trying to make a point about President Trump calling MS-13

gang members "animals."

Most Americans in the country are baffled by such stupidity.

What's wrong with calling murders and rapists "animals"?

Well, idiots like Chuck Schumer think they are scoring big points.

Take for example his tweet on this subject.

"When all of our great-great-grandparents came to America they weren't 'animals,'

and these people aren't either," posted Schumer.We all know Senator Schumer directs

many in the mainstream media, along with Jimmy Kimmel, to score points for him.

That's what happened during today's presser where Sarah Sanders got called out by one

of Schumer's lap dogs.

Zeke Miller, the White House correspondent for the Associated Press, followed up for

Schumer at the press conference, asking, "What did the president mean when he said some immigrants

weren't people, they were animals?"

If you're like me, you must be wondering, do these media parasites know how incredibly

stupid they sound?

No one believes Trump called immigrants "animals," right?


This is the idiotic game played by the left to pump these sound bites into the consciousness

of Americans, many of whom aren't paying close attention to what is really going on.

It feeds the "Trump's a racist" narrative.

Luckily, we have a press secretary who gives hellfire to these lamestream media nutjobs

and their masters like Chuck Schumer.

Twitchy reports, "The media and liberals have intentionally been presenting President

Trump's comment about MS-13 'animals' out of context, but at today's White House

press briefing, Sarah Sanders let the press and Dems have it while taking the president's

comment a step further."

Sarah blew their minds by doubling down on Trump's statement.

She said, "Ah, the president was very clearly referring to MS-13 gang members who enter

the country illegally and whose deportations are hamstrung by our laws.

This is one of the most deadly gangs that operate with the motto 'rape, control, and


At that point, she was pissed off and added, "If the media and the liberals want to defend

the MS-13, they are more than welcome to … ah frankly, I don't think the term the president

used was strong enough.

MS-13 has done heinous acts.

It took an animal to stab a man 100 times and rip his heart out."

Sarah was on a roll, and the press room was completely silenced.

She continued, "It took an animal to hit a woman they were sex trafficking 28 times,

so hard it indented part of her body, and it took an animal to kidnap, drug, and rape

a 14-year-old Houston girl.

Frankly, I don't think the term 'animal' goes far enough."

She ended by saying the president should use his platform and every law at his disposal

to stop these animals.

It was no contest.

Poor Chucky and his media buddy Zeke Miller were left crying like babies, whining like

two-year-olds who had been spanked and put to bed without their supper.

Americans are done with the White House press corps and their leftist agenda.

Conservative activist Kambree Kawahine Koa tweeted, "RT if you think @PressSec should

pull credentials to ALL media outlets that edited the MS-13 comment to fit their radical

Democrat narrative.

They don't deserve to step one foot in WH pressroom."

That tweet has over 2,900 "favorites" at the time of this report, proving people

are sick and tired of the game playing.

We want a free press.

We need a free press.

The problem is the mainstream media has turned into "Pravda," which was the official

newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Russians, under the Soviet regime, were only allowed one source of news, which wasn't

news, it was pure propaganda.

They'd risk their lives to have radios to reach Western Europe so they could pick up

the BBC and hear real news.

Amy Zeek's tweet makes our point as she posted, "Absolutely [get rid of fake news


A sound bite is as dangerous as anything these days."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is fighting the good fight for all of us who

love America.

But, quite frankly, it's time certain fake news reporters, who are colluding with the

Democrats, are thrown out of the White House press corps.

Until then, it's good to see that Cryin' Chucky and his little fake news helpers got

spanked today.

If they keep it up, Sarah will no doubt be forced to throw them out of the White House

for good, and to that, we say, good riddance!

For more infomation >> Chuck Schumer's Crying Like A Baby After - Duration: 12:19.


Aaron Ramsey drops hint about Arsenal future : I haven't spoken to Unai Emery yet ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:04.

Aaron Ramsey has hinted he is now ready to sign a new deal after admitting he cannot

wait to work under Unai Emery at Arsenal.

The Spaniard was announced as Arsene Wenger's successor this month and Ramsey is a big fan

of the appointment.

Arsenal interviewed several candidates for the role, including Ramsey's former team-mate

Mikel Arteta, before Emery established himself as the obvious choice from the board's perspective.

Ramsey's current deal expires next summer and there has so far been very little progress

in talks between the player and club over a new contract.

But speaking from America where Ramsey is on international duty with Wales, the 27-year-old

dropped a massive hint he wants to stay at Arsenal after the change in management.

'Of course,' Ramsey responded when asked he was excited to work with Emery.

'I haven't spoken to him at all yet, but I think it's an exciting time for the club.

I can't wait to get back there now.'

Contracts expiring have been a constant problem at Arsenal since Alexis Sanchez ran down his


Arsenal lost the talented attacker to Manchester United for nothing and had been worrying Mesut

Ozil would adopt a similar approach before he signed a new deal.

Emery is not expected to have a huge say on transfers, as Sven Mislintat takes over much

of that responsibility at the club.

Arsenal hope to sign Sokratis Papastathopoulos and Stephan Lichtsteiner this summer in a

bid to strengthen a suspect backline.

For more infomation >> Aaron Ramsey drops hint about Arsenal future : I haven't spoken to Unai Emery yet ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:04.


우리나라의 골든이글 훈련기 판매가 저조한 5가지 이유 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> 우리나라의 골든이글 훈련기 판매가 저조한 5가지 이유 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 10:33.


Approach and landing runway 27 Amsterdam airport Schiphol (AMS EHAM) - Duration: 17:28.

CPT is Captain FO is First Officer

CPT Well, I see nice shower of rain there....North of uh... "Den Helder".

FO Heiloo yes...

Good for the garden..... It is a pretty serious one.

It's looks very wet!

Yeah.... thats going fine there.

CPT: Have you already got reception of the ILS? Shall I give you the ILS?

FO: Yeah please do so.

FO: There's another traffic.

FO: I'm not sure if they put us in between.

CPT: I don't know... perhaps in-between these

FO: BVB identified and 267 final course.

CPT: Now I would like to know what you choose.

FO: It should be Flaps 2 but the speed is close enough.

PO: can you live with this... (speed 184kts iso 180)

CPT: yes...

CPT: Yes I expect us to proceed behind this one.

FO: We will pass Almere now.

CPT: Indeed we are just above Almere!

FO: Can you put this on top including course 267?

FO: 15nm final.... yeah..

Thats possible.

FO: Yesterday behind a heavy aircraft we where on 18nm final

FO: I would actually capture the localizer in LNAV.

CPT: Thats possible when you have wings level.

CPT: There is something 700ft beneath us.

FO: a small aircraft

CPT: Helicopter or so....

FO: Is it getting cold in here Michaël?

CPT: No, you are now warm I presume "Captain" hahaha

CPT: No I am joking...

FO: I am getting a little cold at the moment.

CPT: Shall I increase the temperature?

FO: Just a little bit please.

FO: Yeah it is a assigned speed so I will keep it for now.


FO: He probably knows what he is doing.

FO: "Nice and smoggy here"... Lovely!

CPT: What where the normal speeds? 180kts till 6nm, 160kts till 4nm?

FO: yep... something like that.

FO: He talked about an Embraer... What did he say about the Embraer?

CPT: That the Embraer already reduced to final approach speed.

FO: Than I think we are still a bit high on the speed... CPT: exactly.

FO: Than I will reduce to speed 15.

FO: And I will now go manual if you are OK with that. CPT: Yes

FO: Please set 3000ft for the missed approach.

FO: Flaps 30 and I will continue to further reduce to final approach speed.

FO: Set Final Approach Speed (FAS)

FO: Well... I really don't see anything!....

CPT: 988ft FO: Wow... stabilized.

FO: Approach lights!

CPT: ah... There is a traffic 3nm behind us.

FO: Set FAS 150kts. A little bit more than expected.

FO: I am just a little below glide.... 3 red....

FO: Clear on the left?

CPT: Yes

CPT: Do you have the taxi chart already?

FO: not yet, but I think it will be inside "the fork"? CPT: Yes sir....

CPT: The second...

FO: Top... thanks a lot.

CPT: Everything is done.

FO: Where you helping me during the landing flare?? Did I see that right?

CPT: Well.... I thought, what is he going to do...

FO: you thought, what is he doing... what is he doing?

CPT: You did well.

CPT: I was happy you kept the thrust....

CPT: I know you can fly very well. So....

FO: It doen't matter...

CPT: I didn't push or something... did I?

FO: No not at all... but I noticed you made a reflection with your hands...

CPT: oh... 4 aircraft!

CPT: one, two, three, four.... FO: So!

FO: Holy shit... this is looking seriously!

CPT: Look they are embarking a A330 with busses.

FO: Oh... thats new for me.

CPT: I will just make a call to the technical department (TD)

FO: Just out of curiosity, why are you calling TD?

CPT: Just to tell them we have a good aircraft.

CPT: TD the "SM" with a good aircraft parked on D48 later on.

TD: Thanks, see you later on the ground..

CPT: We are already landed.... What do you think about that!

TD: Nice...Enjoy the ride... Oh I can already see you!

CPT: Ok, bye!

FO: I have to admit that I don't call TD when there is nothing wrong.

But I think in the books it says you still have to make a call...

FO: I is good you're doing that.

Thats what I also did in the early days...

CPT: Well I think it is better this way.

FO: Thats a nice wing! CPT: Yes it is a nice wing....

Of the A350...

FO: I had yesterday afternoon exactly the same scenario.... but than with a Boeing 787 in front of me.

FO: Entering via A9... is that correct?

FO: We can switch off an engine...

CPT: We can do that.

CPT: You are doing well... You get paid to do this...

FO: exactly

We saved three droplets of fuel...

FO: I'll push the MASTER CALL away...

CPT: Yes... we will be clear on the left... FO: Nice...

CPT: What did he say??

CPT: I will switch off the Turnoff lights..

FO: You can switch all lights to off.

CPT: really?

FO: Yes...

CPT: Than I will do that...

FO: The guidance is just switched on...

discussion of vehicle within the redline or not... (It was just outside the redline)

CPT: Your girlfriend is waiting for you.....

FO: Nice... Funny.... Good idea of how she would look like...

FO: Damn!... NO!!!

CPT: Yes...

(FO just stopt too early)

CPT: And I only came.....

FO: You missed it by only 20cm...

FO: Just keeping the thrust under 40%

Otherwise the engine doesn't like that...

Well.... almost passed everything...

For more infomation >> Approach and landing runway 27 Amsterdam airport Schiphol (AMS EHAM) - Duration: 17:28.


Listen and Repeat the English Sentences - Learn American English 2018 - Duration: 1:03:16.

⏩⏩⏩ Don't foget Subcribe now !

For more infomation >> Listen and Repeat the English Sentences - Learn American English 2018 - Duration: 1:03:16.


【大食い】ふぐ刺しでご飯9合!塩辛,うに,うに,わさび柚子コショウ[4.5キロ]5100kcal【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 7:03.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles why ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa the other day I had salted squid And I had these at the time but I didn't end up using them

And so today I intend to finish them off

fuguzashi urchin

fugu sashi wasabi

fugu sashi yuzu citrus and pepper

and fugusashi preserves

I bought these while I was in Shizuoka

And we also have this as well

doesn't open..

tadaa 9 cups of rice

So I will be eating 9 cups of rice along with these fugusushi preserves

These might look tiny But if you remember last time I had this I ate 9 cups of

rice with only 2 bottles of these

So despite being so tiny they're packed with so much flavor I'm sure I can eat all 9 cups with just these

itadakimasu time to put some of this rice into a bowl

tadaa it looks so yummy My older brother lives in shimane

And he sent me 30 kg of rice from that region and that is what I'm eating today

So firstly

this salted preserve one is probably the more basic flavor so lets maybe start with this guy

utterly luxurious flavored fugusashi straight from shimonosuke

oh so that's where these are from wait it says its from yamaguchi here as well.... WUT

but I bought all these when I was in Ito though...

well whatev's lets not sweat the details this is what it looks like

can I really? can I really really eat all 9 cups with only this much

I'm really starting to get worried here Oh well if I run out I'll maybe have some umeboshi pickles

this is the salted preserve version

You can really taste the fugu flavor

With a slightly spicy k it's a flavor that is nicely suited to go with rice

It really makes me ravenous for this rice

this is what it looks like


I also have one kilogram of miso soup

so hot

Second helping of rice

The spicy salted preserves is full of flavor and goes so perfectly with the sweet rice

I can eat this for days

Third helping I'm on my third helping with this tiny bottle

I think I want to wrap up this meal by making it into a porridge

Next we have yuzu citrus and pepper

You can really smell this yuzu citrus pepper it smells amazing

Fourth helping

It looks yummy

That refreshing yuzu citrus flavor is so yummy

And the pepper gives it a nice zing

The rice is so hot and steamy its making me so warm

Fourth helping (its her mistake not mine)

wait its my fifth helping?

its nice looking fugu meat How are these fugusashi made? are these fermented or

preserved by the salt ?

This is my sixth helping

Is this my seventh helping? maybe?

next some fugusashi with sea urchin

such luxurious its fugu and urchin in one

It really smells like sea urchin

fugu and urchin is a combination that you feel has been done before but hasn't

They've really paired sea urchin with many other dishes

You often see meat and urchin paired together they've made collabs with so many flavors

It legit taste like urchin

with the plump fugu its so yummy with its nice mouthfeel and all

8th helping? or is it?

I'm plowing through this rice at a nice pace

last up is fugusashi with wasabi

I don't really pick up that much wasabi aroma at all

I can catch a slight hint of it it doesn't sting the nostrils at all

This is what it looks like

its not hot at all and the wasabi flavor is very gentle and refreshing

This is all that I have left now so I think I'll make it into a porridge

I've added a packet of ochazuke to the rice and now I'll add to it the fugusashi wasabi

and the dashi broth

the edges of the fugu is changing it looks so yummy

They look so yummy

so delish

this porridge is the bestest its kinda hot though

its fugu porridge that I'm having how extravagant this is

Only this much remains itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

the fugusashi ... this bottled fugusashi tasted amazing

Until now I've only had fugu served as sashimi but this salted / preserved version was a first for me

and it tasted amazing it had a nice firm mouthfeel and it was so full of flavor

and that made it go so perfectly with some rice and it was so nice to finish it off as a porridge

It tasted so amazing once you all please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you

Want me to do or each please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI

oh yeah I've been thinking about doing a Q&A so please leave your questions in my second channel

For more infomation >> 【大食い】ふぐ刺しでご飯9合!塩辛,うに,うに,わさび柚子コショウ[4.5キロ]5100kcal【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 7:03.


Drake's Girlfriend: Is the Rapper Dating Anyone? | - Duration: 3:35.

Drake's Girlfriend: Is the Rapper Dating Anyone? |

Drake currently does not have a girlfriend, according to popular celebrity dating website, Who's Dated Who.

Over the past several months, Drake — whose real name is Aubrey Graham — has been spotted out and about with a few different women, but he hasn't made anything official.

Drake isn't one to go public with a relationship.

Although he has been seen with various women on his arm — and he's been on-again/off-again with Rihanna for several years — he doesn't seem to be ready to settle down.

Here are the women that Drake has been linked to in recent months:.

Malaika Terry.

  Nice 4 what A post shared by Malaika (@malaikaterry) on Apr 17, 2018 at 6:49pm PDT.

Earlier this month, Drake was rumored to be dating Instagram model Malaika Terry.

The two were seen together in Toronto and it didn't take long for rumors to fly.

"The 31-year-old rapper was spotted out in his Toronto hometown with a woman who has been identified as 22-year-old model Malaika Terry.

The pair visited Cafe Nervosa with an entourage of bodyguards in tow," the Daily Mail reported.

A source went on to tell the outlet that Drake was "ready to settle down" with Terry.

Sophie Brussaux.

  A post shared by rosee divine (@frenchrosebud2) on Apr 10, 2015 at 8:26am PDT.

News that Drake has a "secret son" with former porn star Sophie Brussaux hit a fever pitch on Monday, May 29.

The rumors, which stemmed from claims made by Brussaux herself last year, were brought to the forefront by rapper Pusha-T, after he outed Drake as Brussaux's baby daddy in his new song, "The Story of Adidon.".

Beyond the baby daddy rumors, there has been some chatter that Drake had reconnected with Brussaux and that the two have been working on their relationship in an effort to raise their son together.

 Reka Nagy-Miticzky.   Hiii.

For more infomation >> Drake's Girlfriend: Is the Rapper Dating Anyone? | - Duration: 3:35.



In August 1944,

in between the towns of Falaise, Argentan and Chambois,

the Allies encircled the Germans in what's known

as the Falaise Pocket.

Today, we'll learn about this battle,

which ended the operations in Normandy,

by visiting the Montormel Memorial.

By the end of July 1944,

two months after the landing,

the Allies couldn't advance the front in Normandy.

Then, the Americans came up with the successful Operation Cobra,

that took the fight to Brittany.

As a desperate attempt to stop this advance,

on August 7th, the German Army launched

a counterattack towards the Mortain Sector

that was a total failure.

With this new situation, the Allies had the opportunity

to encircle the enemy by the rear on the south

and to advance on them on the north,

since in their failed counterattack

the Germans had eased the pressure on the Caen Sector.

On August 12th,

when the Americans, with the French 2nd Armored Division at the front,

liberated Alençon and then arrived at the gates of Argentan,

is considered the date in which the encirclement began,

known in military terms as a pocket.

In its interior, the German 7th Army and a Panzer Army were trapped.

About 150 000 soldiers total.

From the north, the Canadian 1st Army reduced

the size of the pocket to an area of about 18 X 9 mi

advancing towards Falaise, which would be liberated in August 17th.

To learn more about the final battle in Normandy,

we're meeting Stéphane, Director of the Montormel Memorial,

strategically situated on top of Hill 262.

- Hello Stéphane. - Hello, Oscar.

It's nice to be in this high area,

to better understand the Falaise Pocket.

It was here, that 77 days after the landing,

the Battle of Normandy ended

due to the encirclement of two German armies present in the battle.

What's interesting is

that all the Allies that fought in Normandy

are present:

the Americans, the French from the 2nd Armored Division,

the British, the Canadians,

and more astounding or "exotic", the Polish on top of this hill,

who made formed the cork that'd prevent the Germans

from escaping the pocket.

Inside the pocket, there were all kinds of German units:

the Wehrmacht, the SS, the paratroopers.

including high officials like Paul Hausser

commander of the 7th Army, who was also trapped

and had to escape by foot.

All of the German army present in Normandy was represented.

To better understand the battle, I propose a visit to the Memorial.

Shall we?

The Battle of Normandy wasn't reduced to the Americans, British, and Canadians.

There were also Poles.

They landed on August 1st, and fought between Caen and Falaise.

They played a major role in the Falaise-Chambois Pocket.

In this showcase, we feature Polish material from the course of the war.

We're in contact with the Warsaw Museum.

They're interested in featuring the Polish presence in the war

an all fronts.

The texts in the museum are not only in French, English, and German,

but also in Polish.

We get many visitors from Poland.

More each time.

The visit of the Polish President in 2014 stands out.

That's why the descriptions, besides being in French, English, and German,

are also in Polish.

You can tell that Stéphane is passionate about this battle.

By touring the museum him, the pieces come to life.

and we can better understand the development of the Falaise Pocket.

By the way, the name of this battle

is owed to British historiography and it's not completely accurate.

As we'll see in today's episode,

the fights didn't take place around the city of Falaise.

That's why the battle has been increasingly referred to

as the Falaise-Chambois Pocket.

Stéphane is taking us to the latter town

to begin our historic tour.

The Falaise Pocket was closed here in Chambois, right?

That's right. I was here.

On the 19th at 19h to be exact.

It was when the Anglo-Canadian, with the Poles, from the north

contacted the troops on the south

formed by the Americans and the French of the 2nd Division.

This encounter happened on August 19th,

a few yards from here.

A young American officer named Waters,

commander of the G Company from the 90th Division's 395th Regiment,

and on the Polish side, Mayor Zgorzelski.

Waters narrated this encounter.

He explained that he was young, only 24 years old, and scared.

In the middle of the road, he saw a tall man in British uniform.

That's how the Poles dressed.

He realized that he had just reached the Poles.

And said, "with the honor of the US on my shoulders."

"I find courage, I come close despite the danger, and extend my hand."

The pocket was closed.

This place is very important.

One of the most well-known.

Due to a photo taken on the 19th at noon.

What's interesting, besides the place barely changing,

is the capture of German Captain Rauch.

Well, it's believed that that was his name.

But his identity isn't clear.

He symbolizes the German Army's defeat,

with the capture of this officer with his boots and cap.

We can also see the Canadian officer in charge,

Major Currie.

He was decorated with the Victoria Cross.

Very important for the Canadians.

When the Canadians got here, they captured the bridge

next to a church.

The Germans didn't counterattack until the night of the 19th/20th.

They made the Canadians fall back over the hill.

There were heavy combats here for two days.

After the failed German counterattack on the west

Marshal Von Kluge, commander of the German forces in the North of France

had realized the danger of being trapped in the pocket,

so he asked for authorization from Hitler himself

to retreat his troops to the east.

But his request led to his dismissal,

also motivated by his alleged involvement

in the failed attempt against the Führer on July 20th.

When his successor, Marshal Model, asked for the same authorization

five days later, Hitler agreed.

So it began, for the German troops,

a retreat that'd become an escape against the clock.

To be able to escape before the pocket closed definitely.

The Moissy ford symbolizes the German defeat.

The German Army, desperate to cross the Dives River

used this ford.

It seems relatively easy,

but you must imagine the constant bombing

and the traffic jams.

100 000 soldiers tried to crossed the Dives River.

There were few ways.

They rushed here, under artillery fire and crossed the ford.

On the water, there were broken vehicles

as others crossed as fast as possible.

A witness told me that if soldiers crossed by foot

the vehicles didn't stop.

The infantry had no choice.

They had to go through this bridge.

It was the only way to cross the river

without risking being ran over.

But the problem was that on each artillery pause

a hundred soldiers would rush to the bridge.

To cross quickly, waiting for an artillery pause

the Germans didn't hesitate to start knife fights.

The same witness, who crossed on a Panther tank,

remembers seeing soldiers fighting with bayonets

to be the first to cross.

It must've been hell.

One of the battle's controversies

was related to General Omar Bradley,

commander of all the American land forces,

when he stopped the fast advance of his troops

as to avoid entering the sector assigned to the British

and avoid friendly fire.

And also to avoid giving up their position.

Generals, like Patton, criticized such restraint at the time.

There are even those that said

that the delay in closing the pocket

allowed the escape of a great number of German soldiers,

who desperately kept fighting to open a way to the east,

to cross the Dives River.

This bridge was the second escape route.

This double bridge was another route, in addition to the ford.

On the other side there's another bridge.

But this one could withstand the weight of the Panthers, about 45 t.

Though it's hard to believe, the bridge wasn't destroyed.

It's the one that the Germans used to cross.

This area also sustained heavy bombings.

What's surprising is, that in spite of it,

the church still stands, and these houses too.

that existed at that time.

When shooting at moving troops,

the Allies used special munitions:

shells that explode on the air

releasing the shrapnel.

They'd hit the walls, broke roofs and windows,

but didn't destroy the houses.

Those that were, were destroyed by the fire due

to contact with vehicles on fire.

We have a photo of that time taken in this same spot!

We can see two Panther tanks turned over the ditch.

There was a third one on the other side.

Those tanks tried to cross.

We don't know how they were destroyed.

Or what unit they belonged to:

maybe the 2nd Panzer Division or the Leibstandarte.

They are an example of the defeat,

along with the cars, horses...

The losses were huge.

So you can get an idea,

when they redid the road two years ago,

they found a German paratrooper helmet.

There's still lots of buried material.

We're at "The Corridor of Death".

It wasn't just a road.

It's a route that consisted of three roads.

The Germans took over the three.

A German veteran of the famous corridor told me

that the vehicles drove on two or three lanes.

They stopped for long periods of time.

When horses died, when a vehicle was destroyed,

or broke down,

they had to clear the road.

If they were heavy, they'd go up the slope through the fields

to pass the obstacle.

He told me that to travel the corridor's 4 mi,

from the river to the foot of the hill,

they took 12 hours.

That's crazy.

And all this under constant bombing.

It was very hard.

That's why they called it "The Corridor of Death".

It left it's mark.

And of those 4 mi, you brought us to this one

because there are war remains.

Why are we here?

The locals say that the tanks sometimes

would go up the slope to go around the vehicles.

A tank, with its 45 t, would go over the slope.

Here we can see how the bushes were moved.

We're at the bocage.

Usually, bushes are on the edge of the road.

Here, they were separated.

The crossing of German vehicles, especially tanks,

transformed the landscape.

The Corridor of Death

is one of the most powerful and iconic images

from the Battle of Normandy.

Traveling on the same path,

it's impressive to imagine that for a few days

these calm roads witnessed so much destruction.

The only possible exit for the Germans trapped in the pocket

was on the east end, the area of Mont Ormel,

where we started the episode today.

It was British Field Marshal Montgomery,

commander of all the Allied land forces in Normandy,

who compared the Falaise Pocket to a bottle,

the cork being the Polish 1st Armored Division,

that had to endure the push of thousands of Germans

trying to open escape routes.

We're at the center of the Polish apparatus.

If we imagine the pocket as a huge bottle,

the Poles are the cork.

The cork's at Hill 262 N.

The Germans knew that the Poles were covering the exit,

and mounted several counterattacks from inside the pocket,

especially Meindl's paratroopers.

But they also attacked from the outside.

The "Das Reich" Division was in charge of attacking the Hill.

Despite everything, the Poles endured.

But it was tough.

They had no other choice but to reduce their line of defense

regrouping at the Hill's top.

The Germans had the chance to escape.

Out of the 100 000 encircled Germans,

it's been estimated that about 50 000 escaped

from both sides of the hill.

The Poles ran out of ammo.

I asked a veteran if they could see the Germans passing by.

"Yes, but with no weapons, what could we do?"

"Throw rocks?"

With their attacks, the Germans managed

to force the Poles to retreat.

But the mainly avoided the bombing of the exit

due to the risk of friendly fire.

So they escaped from the artillery.

On the morning of August 21st,

the Canadians joined the Poles in the attack,

at this height, around noon.

From that moment on,

not only was the pocket closed again,

but the also brought ammo.

The Poles could now shoot when they saw the Germans go by.

That's when the battle ended.

The pocket was firmly closed.

Practically, no German soldier could escape.

The end of the battle was Dantesque sight.

There were 10 000 German bodies.

What's more astounding,

is that the German Army was horse drawn.

They used many horses.

About 10 000 also died.

The sanitary situation was horrendous.

Between the soldiers and the horses' corpses, and even cows,

the stench could be detected from 6 mi away.

Swarms of flies literally covered the field.

Kids had to be sprayed to protect them.

When eating, they had to cover themselves to avoid the flies.

Finally, the British engineers arrived with bulldozers and opened pits,

where they buried the bodies of both, men and horses

to get rid of them.

Besides the bodies,

it was shocking to see all the abandoned material.

The Germans left behind tanks,

vehicles, guns...

by the dozen, even hundreds.

The French Army took everything that was reusable.

Tanks and guns.

The scraps were sold to scrap dealers all over the state.

It took almost 20 years to clear the field.

The last scraps over the field,

in Trun,

the famous Morat Field,

were taken to Germany during 2002 and 2003.

Some Germans took about 300 tons,

including 70% of a Tiger tank.

It's incredible.

The battle ended on August 21st, at noon.

The German losses were high:

10 000 deaths, 40 000 prisoners,

and about 50 000 escaped.

The German Army wasn't completely destroyed.

But was left in disarray.

The battle was very important.

It would speed up the war.

It took the Allies 77 days to get here.

On August 25th, four days after, Paris was liberated.

Brussels followed, on Sept. 3rd.

The German front completely crumbled.

The Allies won the Battle of France,

and the Battle of Germany began.

We don't want to be negative, but it's a shame

that many visitors settle on visiting the coast

and the on D-Day, and don't go beyond.

It's worth it to go further inland,

and go to museums such as the Montormel Memorial

to better understand the key battles of the war.

Thanks for coming.

We thank you for the existence of museum like this one.

Well, until next time!

For more infomation >> THE FALAISE POCKET AT MONTORMEL MEMORIAL (Normandy) - Duration: 19:23.


COPD vs CHF Similarities and Differences - Duration: 6:55.

Top vs. CHS similarities and differences

what do copped and CHS have in common

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease topped and congestive heart failure see H.F.

Can leave you feeling short of breath

these two serious conditions to share many symptoms and common risk factors

however the causes and treatments of each differ significantly caught does a term for

several types of serious rest the writ or a conditions that Block Air flow to the lungs

the two main copped conditions are chronic bronchitis and emphysema with bronchitis

the Airways' that extend from your trachea into your lungs become irritated

emphysema occurs when serious damage is done to the tiny air sacs in your lungs where a oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged

these diseases leave your lungs unable to work at full strength the making it difficult to brave

see H.F. occurs when your heart becomes too weak to pump blood through your body

when blood isn't pumped out of the heart effectively

fluid levels build up a or become congested

when blood backs up a or polls in the heart the heartbeats more rapidly and expands to handle the greater volume of blood

this makes heart failure worse

similar symptoms shortness of breath and wheezing are symptoms of both copped and see H.F.

Breathing difficulties are usually experienced after physical activity and tend to develop gradually

at first you may notice feeling out of breath after simple activities such as climbing a set of stairs

as copped and CHS force and shortness of breath or wheezing may occur with little physical effort

a chronic cough is one of the main symptoms of topped the cough can sometimes bring up

mucus from your diseased airways it can also be a dry cough

people with CE H.F. also tend to have a dry cough that produces sputum sputum is mucus that may also contain blood POS or bacteria

topped can also produce tightness in the chest

see H.F. doesn't lead to chest tightness

but you may feel your heart beating irregularly or rapidly in your chest

different origins while they share some common symptoms

copped and CHS develop from different causes

the single most common cause of cop does smoking

a history of smoking doesn't guarantee you'll get cupped but it increases the likelihood of developing rest era Tory problems

smoking is also a risk factor for heart disease and see H.F.

Some cases of cop may be attributed to breathing secondhand smoke or inhaling chemicals in the workplace

a family history of cop can also increase your likelihood of developing the condition

heart failure can be caused by coronary artery disease can add this disease occurs when the

blood vessels in the heart become blocked which can cause heart attacks

other causes of heart failure include diseases of the heart valves

high blood pressure and diseases of the heart muscle

treatment and lifestyle

there's no cure for a either cop Dorsey H.F.

So treatment aims to slow the progression of the diseases and manage symptoms

because smoking can contribute to copped and see H.F.

Quitting smoking will improve your health

whatever your condition regular physical activity is important to strengthen your heart and lungs

that both copped and CHS can limit what types of exercises you can do

talk with your Dr. About activities that are safe

and what precautions you should take before and during exercise

top people with copped and people with CHS forgiven different medications

a common cop medication is a brown coddle a tear this medication relaxes the muscles around your airways making breathing easier

short acting bronc of electors can last up to 6 hours and are usually recommended for times when you're more active

long lasting brown caught a litters can last up to 12 hours and are used every day the

severity of your copped will determine what type of brown cut a litter is best for you

if you have severe cop you may also need inhaled glucocorticoid a steroids

these are steroids that help minimize inflammation in your airways see H.F.

CHS can involve the use of several medications

the city litters help your heart by widening blood vessels and lowering blood pressure

this helps reduce the burden on your heart other key medications include die to read ICS

which reduce the amount of fluid and sodium in your body

they can also help lower blood pressure

a drug called die docs and strengthens heart contractions and can be an important part of CE H.F. treatment as well

and tea coagulant medications may also be used to treat see H.F.

These medications can help reduce the risk of blood clots

for cases of severe CHS and cupped oxygen therapy is often used

this therapy delivers oxygen to the lungs through a two bit in the nose prevention the

main preventive measure to avoid cop days to never smoke or to stop smoking

many products and therapies can help people quit smoking

ask your Dr. About these methods or look for programs in your community or at your local hospital

not smoking can also help preserve heart health

other steps to help lower your risk of CE H.F. include managing your blood pressure and cholesterol

either through medications or lifestyle changes

exercising most days of the week eating a diet that's low in saturated fats

added sugars and sodium

eating a diet that's rich in fruits

vegetables and whole grains

having regular checkups and following your doctor's advice may also help prevent cup see H.F.

And other serious health problems

outlook topped and CHS far serious conditions that affect your breathing and can affect your activity in life

although both have similar symptoms and risk factors

copped affects your lungs and see H.F. affects your heart

different medications are used to treat each condition

however eating healthy

getting plenty of exercise

and quitting smoking are good treatments for both

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