*Fridge door opening and closing*
*Spooky Groove Theme Music*
For more infomation >> All Quiet || Wolfgang Ep. 16 - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Memorial Day 2018: From Shell-Shock to PTSD, a Century of Invisible War Trauma - Duration: 10:07.
Memorial Day 2018: From Shell-Shock to PTSD, a Century of Invisible War Trauma
In the wake of World War I, some veterans returned wounded, but not with obvious physical injuries.
Instead, their symptoms were similar to those that had previously been associated with hysterical women – most commonly amnesia, or some kind of paralysis or inability to communicate with no clear physical cause.
English physician Charles Myers, who wrote the first paper on "shell-shock" in 1915, theorized that these symptoms actually did stem from a physical injury.
He posited that repetitive exposure to concussive blasts caused brain trauma that resulted in this strange grouping of symptoms.
But once put to the test, his hypothesis didn't hold up.
There were plenty of veterans who had not been exposed to the concussive blasts of trench warfare, for example, who were still experiencing the symptoms of shell-shock.
(And certainly not all veterans who had seen this kind of battle returned with symptoms.).
We now know that what these combat veterans were facing was likely what today we call post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
We are now better able to recognize it, and treatments have certainly advanced, but we still don't have a full understanding of just what PTSD is.
The medical community and society at large are accustomed to looking for the most simple cause and cure for any given ailment.
This results in a system where symptoms are discovered and cataloged and then matched with therapies that will alleviate them.
Though this method works in many cases, for the past 100 years, PTSD has been resisting.
We are three scholars in the humanities who have individually studied PTSD – the framework through which people conceptualize it, the ways researchers investigate it, the therapies the medical community devises for it.
Through our research, each of us has seen how the medical model alone fails to adequately account for the ever-changing nature of PTSD.
What's been missing is a cohesive explanation of trauma that allows us to explain the various ways its symptoms have manifested over time and can differ in different people.
Nonphysical repercussions of the Great War.
Once it became clear that not everyone who suffered from shell-shock in the wake of WWI had experienced brain injuries, the British Medical Journal provided alternate nonphysical explanations for its prevalence.
A poor morale and a defective training are one of the most important, if not the most important etiological factors: also that shell-shock was a "catching" complaint.
– (The British Medical Journal, 1922).
Shell-shock went from being considered a legitimate physical injury to being a sign of weakness, of both the battalion and the soldiers within it.
One historian estimates at least 20 percent of men developed shell-shock, though the figures are murky due to physician reluctance at the time to brand veterans with a psychological diagnosis that could affect disability compensation.
Soldiers were archetypically heroic and strong.
When they came home unable to speak, walk or remember, with no physical reason for those shortcomings, the only possible explanation was personal weakness.
Treatment methods were based on the idea that the soldier who had entered into war as a hero was now behaving as a coward and needed to be snapped out of it.
Lewis Yealland, a British clinician, described in his 1918 "Hysterical Disorders of Warfare" the kind of brutal treatment that follows from thinking about shell-shock as a personal failure.
After nine months of unsuccessfully treating patient A1, including electric shocks to the neck, cigarettes put out on his tongue and hot plates placed at the back of his throat, Yealland boasted of telling the patient, "You will not leave this room until you are talking as well as you ever did; no, not before… you must behave as the hero I expect you to be.".
Yealland then applied an electric shock to the throat so strong that it sent the patient reeling backwards, unhooking the battery from the machine.
Undeterred, Yealland strapped the patient down to avoid the battery problem and continued to apply shock for an hour, at which point patient A1 finally whispered "Ah." After another hour, the patient began to cry and whispered, "I want a drink of water.".
Yealland reported this encounter triumphantly – the breakthrough meant his theory was correct and his method worked.
Shell-shock was a disease of manhood rather than an illness that came from witnessing, being subjected to and partaking in incredible violence.
Evolution away from shell-shock.
The next wave of the study of trauma came when the Second World War saw another influx of soldiers dealing with similar symptoms.
It was Abram Kardiner, a clinician working in the psychiatric clinic of the United States Veterans' Bureau, who rethought combat trauma in a much more empathetic light.
In his influential book, "The Traumatic Neuroses of War," Kardiner speculated that these symptoms stemmed from psychological injury, rather than a soldier's flawed character.
Work from other clinicians after WWII and the Korean War suggested that post-war symptoms could be lasting.
Longitudinal studies showed that symptoms could persist anywhere from six to 20 years, if they disappeared at all.
These studies returned some legitimacy to the concept of combat trauma that had been stripped away after the First World War.
Vietnam was another watershed moment for combat-related PTSD because veterans began to advocate for themselves in an unprecedented way.
Beginning with a small march in New York in the summer of 1967, veterans themselves began to become activists for their own mental health care.
They worked to redefine "post-Vietnam syndrome" not as a sign of weakness, but rather a normal response to the experience of atrocity.
Public understanding of war itself had begun to shift, too, as the widely televised accounts of the My Lai massacre brought the horror of war into American living rooms for the first time.
The veterans' campaign helped get PTSD included in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-III), the major American diagnostic resource for psychiatrists and other mental health clinicians.
The authors of the DSM-III deliberately avoided talking about the causes of mental disorders.
Their aim was to develop a manual that could simultaneously be used by psychiatrists adhering to radically different theories, including Freudian approaches and what is now known as "biological psychiatry." These groups of psychiatrists would not agree on how to explain disorders, but they could – and did – come to agree on which patients had similar symptoms.
So the DSM-III defined disorders, including PTSD, solely on the basis of clusters of symptoms, an approach that has been retained ever since.
This tendency to agnosticism about the physiology of PTSD is also reflected in contemporary evidence-based approaches to medicine.
Modern medicine focuses on using clinical trials to demonstrate that a therapy works, but is skeptical about attempts to link treatment effectiveness to the biology underlying a disease.
Today's medicalized PTSD.
People can develop PTSD for a number of different reasons, not just in combat.
TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記 No.490【distract】 - Duration: 1:03.
ライバルは「スカイライン GT-R」! - Duration: 2:39.
EGYPT 2018: RELEASE OF AN EAGLE IN THE WILD!!! GOODBYE DUSYA!!! (English subtitles) - Duration: 15:17.
Dusya knows that I'm taking her today. I already told her everything. I removed the stand. Now the morning all still asleep.
Dusya already knows that today she will go. Dusenysh. You know, you wait. She is waiting. She's already prepared.
Prepared and already sitting just waiting. Dozing, but waiting.
We carry Dusya dressed, gathered. We're going to the park now. Let's go to Dusya.
At last the day has come, we are carrying Dusya. I wrapped it around, put a klabuk on her head.
Now we will try to release it. She gave Dene money so that he could buy food for Iftar. And we're going to let Dusya go.
I hope that we will succeed. I hope that Dusya will fly away all the same. I want to see how it flies away.
Because I did not wait until tomorrow. I think that today is better.
Initially, when I saw Dusya in the store. I just had a desire to pull it out from there.
Just get her out of this store out of this dirt. Where she was fed every three days.
And after she came home she wanted to wash, clean it somehow. Those. bring her into a divine appearance.
And accordingly I watched many different videos on this topic. How people train birds, etc.
Then my dad threw me a book called "Falcon on the glove." And I began to read about these birds.
Not exactly about this one. About predatory birds. How much they are highly developed creatures. And how they exist in the wild.
How do they create a pair of male and female. As the male feeds the whole family. How he takes care of the female and how he brings her food. Her and the children.
And the more you read, the more you understand how highly developed they are.
When the bird can sit for a few hours motionless, and then at one point break with a stone down to grab the prey.
How they return to the same places. How they live with the same partners throughout their lives.
How they fly high. We do not understand this. After I started reading this book, I just had this feeling.
How can this bird that flies high in the sky. Which cuts through the air. How can you train her?
Because after I brought it, I began to apply all these methods of training. Feed with gloves.
And I had a thought. Is it necessary to tame the bird that God created wild in nature? And God gave her everything for her to exist herself.
Beak, claws, keen vision, brain. Those. Is it necessary to do this? Is this humane in relation to the animal?
I think not. Because after you have tamed it, it becomes dependent on you. And it turns out we are responsible for those whom we have tamed.
This is your responsibility for this animal. Tamed bird. I for some reason had an association with slavery or serfdom.
When slaves and serfs lived before ..... (Arab.) Stop (driver) Close the door
I had an association with serfs. When people lived serfs or slaves.
And then after the abolition of serfdom or when slaves were given free rein, many of them continued to live which were their masters.
And throughout their lives they continued to work for these people and did not go anywhere from them. Therefore it is like slavery. It's like slavery I believe.
Do you feel Dusya? Dusya is nature, there is a lot of food, yes Eya? Aya: Yes. There are many birds here.
The most important thing for Dusi is to fly away somewhere far and never to return to people.
Never get caught by people. And to live freely. I wish her free flight and the most important thing is never to fall into the hands of people. Never.
Create yourself a family. Find yourself a caring male, who will take care of her for the rest of his life. Give God, Lord.
I ask God to keep it. That she never came across. So that she would never come across anyone and live alone.
And in this park there are many birds. A lot of birds. I hope that she will cope.
A few days ago I went to this seller, from whom I bought Dusya. And he told me that they caught her.
That she was not originally. She was not born extemporaneously. She was caught. She was caught in Marsa Matruh.
Those. she is fit to live herself. God grant.
Malyak: Why is it so scary? There's nobody here.
There are no people because now the Maghreb is close and now everyone will eat. Now I'll give camera to Aya.
Dusenysh. Dusenysh. Eya and Malyak: We will miss you. Wait, wait, we'll shave you all off with your puts.
Wait, wait, you'll go now. Where are my scissors? Malyak and Aya: Bye. Dusya we will miss you.
I cut off the putsch. Aya: I'll sit down and my legs are tired. I cut off the putsch. Such dust is strong. Malyak: How beautiful you are.
Aya: While Dusya's going to be bored. Malyak: Dosenka, you will fly. Very beautiful. That's it. Fly.
Malyak: Well done. She sat down on a branch and sat down. Aya: Dusya sat down. There are crows. Aya: Let's see where she is.
Aya: Here I see her. I can see it too. Malyak: Well done, the eagle.
The most important thing is that we let her go. She can find her sustenance. Malyak: Dusya. She will not be lost. Aya: And where is Dusia? I do not see her.
She will not be lost. Malyak: Dusya? There are many birds. She will catch her food.
We wish Duse that she flew away and never returned. Malyak: Dusya? Well, where are you, we are looking for you.
And will you shoot the kog? You can and do not shoot. Suddenly, something will be scared away at that moment. Sometimes it's better not to break the magic. It is better to let it freeze.
Ford Fiesta 1.25 60 PK TITANIUM 5drs Airco automatisch | Bluetooth | cruise control | parkeersensor - Duration: 1:11.
Kia cee'd 1.4 16v X-TRA 5drs - Duration: 0:53.
Opel Astra 5drs 1.0 Turbo Innovation (Navigatie / Opel Eye) - Duration: 1:06.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5Drs. Airco, Lm velgen, Achterspoiler - Duration: 1:11.
Raise Adventurous Eaters
【ポルシェ新型ミッションE最新情報】電気自動車発売日は2019年!SUVや発売日、価格、スペックは? - Duration: 14:45.
LMC Musica 470 E - Duration: 0:49.
Internautas apontam semelhança entre Miss Paraíba e cantora do Fifth Harmony; confira - Duration: 1:28.
Juntos! Bruno Gissoni e Yanna Lavigne se casam em cerimônia surpresa - Duration: 5:01.
【ポルシェ新型ミッションE最新情報】電気自動車発売日は2019年!SUVや発売日、価格、スペックは? - Duration: 14:55.
Mercedes-Benz 190 1.8 E (109pk) Automaat!/ Radio-CD/ C.V./ Trekhaak/ N.A.P! Onderhoudsboekjes! - Duration: 1:09.
Últimas notícia de hoje : CORREIA: PARENTE TEM QUE SAIR ANTES QUE O BRASIL EXPLODA - Duration: 2:28.
Street Fighter V - Trailer de Revelação de Cody - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 2:48.
Os benefícios de consumir uma maçã por dia - Duration: 5:52.
Zé Felipe, filho de Leonardo, conta que já fez sexo com três mulheres ao mesmo tempo e dispara: - Duration: 3:43.
Hopi menos benta na barkunan di fruta venezolano - Duration: 1:48.
[COMING UP] K-pop Comeback Agenda: 28 May 2018 — K-POPNL - Duration: 1:51.
Dutch K-pop News (K-pop Nederland) K-pop Comeback & Concert Agenda Week of 28 May 2018
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks of This Week
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks After This Week
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Comebacks in July
Shown info might differ.
Upcoming K-pop Concerts in The Netherlands
Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!
Upcoming K-pop Concerts in Europe
Are you going to a concert? Be careful where you buy your tickets!
Missing something? Let us know in the comments.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Keep Changing Their Honeymoon Plans - Duration: 2:11.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Keep Changing Their Honeymoon Plans
Months before the royal wedding, British tabloids were speculating that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would likely honeymoon in Namibia, Africa, but mere days after the ceremony, E! News refuted the rumor. So does anyone know where the couple is going?.
Royal expert Omid Scobie told Elle that he personally thinks the couple will still head to Africa, as it's "the one side of the world where Harry says he feels like he can be himself.
"He has laid roots there and has a huge amount of love and respect for the African continent," Scobie said.
"The couple have been keen to explore other countries in Africa, and I'm certain we will see them do that on this honeymoon.".
But in a report about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's prospective trip to the beachside town of Noosa in Queensland, Australia — that apparently would not be a part of their honeymoon — The Sun speculates that the couple is honeymooning in Botswana and Hawaii, and that they have plans to enjoy a "mini-moon" in Ireland.
In their defense, the royal couple has good reason to keep their honeymoon location under wraps. Scobie told Elle that once media catches wind of a royal honeymoon destination, the couple is told to pick out a new secret spot.
"The honeymoon destination has changed a few times since they started planning," Scobie said. "If a location leaks prior to travel, it compromises their safety on the trip, and they'll be advised by their protection team to change plans.".
[Karaoke beat] Mình Cùng Nhau Đóng Băng - sáng tác Tiên Cookie, Thùy Chi - Duration: 4:16.
'Total Bellas': Nikki Bella and John Cena Consider Calling off Their Wedding - Duration: 4:12.
'Total Bellas': Nikki Bella and John Cena Consider Calling off Their Wedding
Nikki Bella knew something was off in her relationship with John Cena even prior to her split with her longtime beau just weeks before their May wedding.
During Sundays all-new episode of Total Bellas, Bella was busy planning her upcoming nuptials, but couldnt manage to get excited about things like trying on wedding dresses and throwing an engagement party.
I thought youre supposed to be excited about this, she admitted to cameras while trying on gowns. And for me, Im just like, lets make this quick. Theres just something thats not feeling right..
Cena attempted to calm his fretting fiancée prior to their lavish engagement party, but she still struggled to keep a smile on her face throughout what was supposed to be a joyful event.
The engagement partys here, but I feel so overwhelmed, I honestly feel like Im about to have an anxiety attack, she told the cameras.
Theres just so much going on, and not only that, but just inside theres a lot going on. I feel like Im on this rollercoaster of emotions..
When Cena joked to her that she could still call off their wedding, she eerily responded, I have until [wedding date May 5] to do that. She eventually would announce that they had called off the wedding on April 16.
Her anxiety was only exacerbated by her sister-in-laws announcement at her engagement party that she and her husband were pregnant with their second child.
Woah. Another person around me is having a baby, Bella told the cameras after walking away from the happy crowd.
I just know deep down I wanna have a baby. and I feel like I cant live the rest of my life not having one..
Cena has been staunchly against having children throughout their relationship, but after the split, he admitted on NBC News Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda that he was reconsidering his stance.
For anyone out there speculating on whats going, on, I love her, I wanna be with her, I wanna make her my wife, I wanna be the father of her children, he said.
But even he noticed something was up with his bride-to-be during Sundays episode, asking her what was wrong while they were scouting out locations for the ceremony. Its then that serious cracks started to show in the couples relationship.
For some reason, since Birdies been born, and Ive spent a lot of time with Birdie, its brought up these feelings of wanting to be a mom.
I dont know if i would regret it later on in life if I wasnt, she told Cena. But I love you so much, and I feel thats always been worth sacrificing it for..
Going into such a permanent agreement, Nikki said she had been pulling away to soul search about giving up her dreams of motherhood.
I would never force you not to be a mom, Cena told his fiancée, adding, Im not sure we should go through with this.
Biondo e la storia d'amore con Emma Muscat ad Amici 17 - Duration: 2:29.
"È nata per caso, è successo tutto in maniera naturale. All'inizio non ci stavamo neanche simpatici (ride ndr) poi è scattato qualcosa
Noi siamo due persone molto riservate, non volevamo neanche uscisse fuori solo che in un contesto del genere è stato impossibile tenere nascosta la nostra storia
Era da tanto che non provavo delle emozioni così forti. È stata una fortuna incontrare Emma
Io non so cosa sia l'amore, ma il nostro è un sentimento molto forte, non riesco a descriverlo
Io so per certo che ci tengo tanto a lei, è davvero fondamentale per me", ha raccontato il rapper
E non solo. Biondo ha anche affrontato la polemica per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo dell'autotune: "Ho cercato di vivermi al meglio questa esperienza, senza pensare troppo alle critiche che comunque mi sono servite per dare ancora di più, ho sempre cercato di guardare il lato positivo della situazione
Ognuno è libero di dire quello che vuole. Io sono entrato sapendo che sarei stato criticato ma fortunatamente ho avuto l'opportunità di farmi conoscere anche grazie a questo"
"Io lo auguro a Emma, Irama ed Einar, sono tre persone d'oro. Spero però che vinca Emma", ha concluso in merito a chi potrebbe vincere il talent show
Photo Credits Facebook
Governo, il no di Mattarella: cosa succede adesso? - Duration: 3:08.
Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, YoonA, Yuri, Sunny, and Hyoyeon heading to France for a reality show - Duration: 1:25.
Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, YoonA, Yuri, Sunny, and Hyoyeon (aka the ones that remained at SM Entertainment) will be coming together for a reality show
The girls will be heading to France to film a reality show while they're on vacation together
They'll e showing fans an honest, friendly side of themselves as they enjoy and kick back in France
SEE ALSO: [RECAP] Identity LA 2018 and Exclusive Interview with Headliner Hotel GarudaThe air date of the show is so far yet unconfirmed, so stay tuned for more
Girls' Generation,Taeyeon,Yuri,YoonA,Hyoyeon,Sunny,
Luisa María Quintero R -Vidéo de français - Duration: 2:09.
Land Rover Range Rover Velar 2.0T 300 R-DYNAMIC HSE AWD / LUCHTVERING / HEAD-UP - Duration: 1:13.
Land Rover Range Rover Velar 2.0D 240 R-DYNAMIC SE AWD / LUCHTVERING / PANO / DAB - Duration: 1:13.
All Quiet || Wolfgang Ep. 16 - Duration: 1:27.
*Fridge door opening and closing*
*Spooky Groove Theme Music*
Memorial Day 2018: From Shell-Shock to PTSD, a Century of Invisible War Trauma - Duration: 10:07.
Memorial Day 2018: From Shell-Shock to PTSD, a Century of Invisible War Trauma
In the wake of World War I, some veterans returned wounded, but not with obvious physical injuries.
Instead, their symptoms were similar to those that had previously been associated with hysterical women – most commonly amnesia, or some kind of paralysis or inability to communicate with no clear physical cause.
English physician Charles Myers, who wrote the first paper on "shell-shock" in 1915, theorized that these symptoms actually did stem from a physical injury.
He posited that repetitive exposure to concussive blasts caused brain trauma that resulted in this strange grouping of symptoms.
But once put to the test, his hypothesis didn't hold up.
There were plenty of veterans who had not been exposed to the concussive blasts of trench warfare, for example, who were still experiencing the symptoms of shell-shock.
(And certainly not all veterans who had seen this kind of battle returned with symptoms.).
We now know that what these combat veterans were facing was likely what today we call post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
We are now better able to recognize it, and treatments have certainly advanced, but we still don't have a full understanding of just what PTSD is.
The medical community and society at large are accustomed to looking for the most simple cause and cure for any given ailment.
This results in a system where symptoms are discovered and cataloged and then matched with therapies that will alleviate them.
Though this method works in many cases, for the past 100 years, PTSD has been resisting.
We are three scholars in the humanities who have individually studied PTSD – the framework through which people conceptualize it, the ways researchers investigate it, the therapies the medical community devises for it.
Through our research, each of us has seen how the medical model alone fails to adequately account for the ever-changing nature of PTSD.
What's been missing is a cohesive explanation of trauma that allows us to explain the various ways its symptoms have manifested over time and can differ in different people.
Nonphysical repercussions of the Great War.
Once it became clear that not everyone who suffered from shell-shock in the wake of WWI had experienced brain injuries, the British Medical Journal provided alternate nonphysical explanations for its prevalence.
A poor morale and a defective training are one of the most important, if not the most important etiological factors: also that shell-shock was a "catching" complaint.
– (The British Medical Journal, 1922).
Shell-shock went from being considered a legitimate physical injury to being a sign of weakness, of both the battalion and the soldiers within it.
One historian estimates at least 20 percent of men developed shell-shock, though the figures are murky due to physician reluctance at the time to brand veterans with a psychological diagnosis that could affect disability compensation.
Soldiers were archetypically heroic and strong.
When they came home unable to speak, walk or remember, with no physical reason for those shortcomings, the only possible explanation was personal weakness.
Treatment methods were based on the idea that the soldier who had entered into war as a hero was now behaving as a coward and needed to be snapped out of it.
Lewis Yealland, a British clinician, described in his 1918 "Hysterical Disorders of Warfare" the kind of brutal treatment that follows from thinking about shell-shock as a personal failure.
After nine months of unsuccessfully treating patient A1, including electric shocks to the neck, cigarettes put out on his tongue and hot plates placed at the back of his throat, Yealland boasted of telling the patient, "You will not leave this room until you are talking as well as you ever did; no, not before… you must behave as the hero I expect you to be.".
Yealland then applied an electric shock to the throat so strong that it sent the patient reeling backwards, unhooking the battery from the machine.
Undeterred, Yealland strapped the patient down to avoid the battery problem and continued to apply shock for an hour, at which point patient A1 finally whispered "Ah." After another hour, the patient began to cry and whispered, "I want a drink of water.".
Yealland reported this encounter triumphantly – the breakthrough meant his theory was correct and his method worked.
Shell-shock was a disease of manhood rather than an illness that came from witnessing, being subjected to and partaking in incredible violence.
Evolution away from shell-shock.
The next wave of the study of trauma came when the Second World War saw another influx of soldiers dealing with similar symptoms.
It was Abram Kardiner, a clinician working in the psychiatric clinic of the United States Veterans' Bureau, who rethought combat trauma in a much more empathetic light.
In his influential book, "The Traumatic Neuroses of War," Kardiner speculated that these symptoms stemmed from psychological injury, rather than a soldier's flawed character.
Work from other clinicians after WWII and the Korean War suggested that post-war symptoms could be lasting.
Longitudinal studies showed that symptoms could persist anywhere from six to 20 years, if they disappeared at all.
These studies returned some legitimacy to the concept of combat trauma that had been stripped away after the First World War.
Vietnam was another watershed moment for combat-related PTSD because veterans began to advocate for themselves in an unprecedented way.
Beginning with a small march in New York in the summer of 1967, veterans themselves began to become activists for their own mental health care.
They worked to redefine "post-Vietnam syndrome" not as a sign of weakness, but rather a normal response to the experience of atrocity.
Public understanding of war itself had begun to shift, too, as the widely televised accounts of the My Lai massacre brought the horror of war into American living rooms for the first time.
The veterans' campaign helped get PTSD included in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-III), the major American diagnostic resource for psychiatrists and other mental health clinicians.
The authors of the DSM-III deliberately avoided talking about the causes of mental disorders.
Their aim was to develop a manual that could simultaneously be used by psychiatrists adhering to radically different theories, including Freudian approaches and what is now known as "biological psychiatry." These groups of psychiatrists would not agree on how to explain disorders, but they could – and did – come to agree on which patients had similar symptoms.
So the DSM-III defined disorders, including PTSD, solely on the basis of clusters of symptoms, an approach that has been retained ever since.
This tendency to agnosticism about the physiology of PTSD is also reflected in contemporary evidence-based approaches to medicine.
Modern medicine focuses on using clinical trials to demonstrate that a therapy works, but is skeptical about attempts to link treatment effectiveness to the biology underlying a disease.
Today's medicalized PTSD.
People can develop PTSD for a number of different reasons, not just in combat.
ライバルは「スカイライン GT-R」! - Duration: 2:39.
EGYPT 2018: RELEASE OF AN EAGLE IN THE WILD!!! GOODBYE DUSYA!!! (English subtitles) - Duration: 15:17.
Dusya knows that I'm taking her today. I already told her everything. I removed the stand. Now the morning all still asleep.
Dusya already knows that today she will go. Dusenysh. You know, you wait. She is waiting. She's already prepared.
Prepared and already sitting just waiting. Dozing, but waiting.
We carry Dusya dressed, gathered. We're going to the park now. Let's go to Dusya.
At last the day has come, we are carrying Dusya. I wrapped it around, put a klabuk on her head.
Now we will try to release it. She gave Dene money so that he could buy food for Iftar. And we're going to let Dusya go.
I hope that we will succeed. I hope that Dusya will fly away all the same. I want to see how it flies away.
Because I did not wait until tomorrow. I think that today is better.
Initially, when I saw Dusya in the store. I just had a desire to pull it out from there.
Just get her out of this store out of this dirt. Where she was fed every three days.
And after she came home she wanted to wash, clean it somehow. Those. bring her into a divine appearance.
And accordingly I watched many different videos on this topic. How people train birds, etc.
Then my dad threw me a book called "Falcon on the glove." And I began to read about these birds.
Not exactly about this one. About predatory birds. How much they are highly developed creatures. And how they exist in the wild.
How do they create a pair of male and female. As the male feeds the whole family. How he takes care of the female and how he brings her food. Her and the children.
And the more you read, the more you understand how highly developed they are.
When the bird can sit for a few hours motionless, and then at one point break with a stone down to grab the prey.
How they return to the same places. How they live with the same partners throughout their lives.
How they fly high. We do not understand this. After I started reading this book, I just had this feeling.
How can this bird that flies high in the sky. Which cuts through the air. How can you train her?
Because after I brought it, I began to apply all these methods of training. Feed with gloves.
And I had a thought. Is it necessary to tame the bird that God created wild in nature? And God gave her everything for her to exist herself.
Beak, claws, keen vision, brain. Those. Is it necessary to do this? Is this humane in relation to the animal?
I think not. Because after you have tamed it, it becomes dependent on you. And it turns out we are responsible for those whom we have tamed.
This is your responsibility for this animal. Tamed bird. I for some reason had an association with slavery or serfdom.
When slaves and serfs lived before ..... (Arab.) Stop (driver) Close the door
I had an association with serfs. When people lived serfs or slaves.
And then after the abolition of serfdom or when slaves were given free rein, many of them continued to live which were their masters.
And throughout their lives they continued to work for these people and did not go anywhere from them. Therefore it is like slavery. It's like slavery I believe.
Do you feel Dusya? Dusya is nature, there is a lot of food, yes Eya? Aya: Yes. There are many birds here.
The most important thing for Dusi is to fly away somewhere far and never to return to people.
Never get caught by people. And to live freely. I wish her free flight and the most important thing is never to fall into the hands of people. Never.
Create yourself a family. Find yourself a caring male, who will take care of her for the rest of his life. Give God, Lord.
I ask God to keep it. That she never came across. So that she would never come across anyone and live alone.
And in this park there are many birds. A lot of birds. I hope that she will cope.
A few days ago I went to this seller, from whom I bought Dusya. And he told me that they caught her.
That she was not originally. She was not born extemporaneously. She was caught. She was caught in Marsa Matruh.
Those. she is fit to live herself. God grant.
Malyak: Why is it so scary? There's nobody here.
There are no people because now the Maghreb is close and now everyone will eat. Now I'll give camera to Aya.
Dusenysh. Dusenysh. Eya and Malyak: We will miss you. Wait, wait, we'll shave you all off with your puts.
Wait, wait, you'll go now. Where are my scissors? Malyak and Aya: Bye. Dusya we will miss you.
I cut off the putsch. Aya: I'll sit down and my legs are tired. I cut off the putsch. Such dust is strong. Malyak: How beautiful you are.
Aya: While Dusya's going to be bored. Malyak: Dosenka, you will fly. Very beautiful. That's it. Fly.
Malyak: Well done. She sat down on a branch and sat down. Aya: Dusya sat down. There are crows. Aya: Let's see where she is.
Aya: Here I see her. I can see it too. Malyak: Well done, the eagle.
The most important thing is that we let her go. She can find her sustenance. Malyak: Dusya. She will not be lost. Aya: And where is Dusia? I do not see her.
She will not be lost. Malyak: Dusya? There are many birds. She will catch her food.
We wish Duse that she flew away and never returned. Malyak: Dusya? Well, where are you, we are looking for you.
And will you shoot the kog? You can and do not shoot. Suddenly, something will be scared away at that moment. Sometimes it's better not to break the magic. It is better to let it freeze.
TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記 No.490【distract】 - Duration: 1:03.
Ford Fiesta 1.25 60 PK TITANIUM 5drs Airco automatisch | Bluetooth | cruise control | parkeersensor - Duration: 1:11.
Kia cee'd 1.4 16v X-TRA 5drs - Duration: 0:53.
Opel Astra 5drs 1.0 Turbo Innovation (Navigatie / Opel Eye) - Duration: 1:06.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5Drs. Airco, Lm velgen, Achterspoiler - Duration: 1:11.
Land Rover Range Rover Velar 2.0T 300 R-DYNAMIC HSE AWD / LUCHTVERING / HEAD-UP - Duration: 1:13.
Volvo V60 2.0T Kinetic | Navigatie | Cruise- en Climatecontrol | - Duration: 1:12.
Nightcore - All On Me | Lyrics - Duration: 2:26.
I don't know why I still love you
But here I am at your door
Nobody hurts me like you do
Still, I keep coming back for more
Ain't a secret that you're no good for me
But I can't stop getting caught in your gravity
And I can keep making excuses and say that it's you
But it's honestly, probably
All on me
All on me, yeah, yeah
And I can keep making excuses
And say that it's you
But it's honestly, probably
All on me
All of my friends try to tell me
How you're just a waste of time
I know you way beyond fixing
But deep down I'm hoping I might
Ain't a secret that you're no good for me
But I can't stop getting caught in your gravity
And I can keep making excuses and say that it's you
But it's honestly, probably
All on me
All on me, yeah, yeah
And I can keep making excuses
And say that it's you
But it's honestly, probably
All on me
All on me, yeah, yeah (yeah)
All on me, yeah, yeah
And I can keep making excuses
And say that it's you
But it's honestly, probably
All on me
All on me, yeah, yeah
Thank you for watching (。◕‿‿◕。)
6 Ways Empaths Sabotage Their Relationships Without Noticing - Duration: 4:02.
6 Ways Empaths Sabotage Their Relationships Without Noticing
No one wants a failed relationship.
However, sometimes things happen even without you realize it.
If you are an empath, you may not know that these 6 things actually can make relationship
crumble into pieces.
While one might arguing that being an empath is really nice with such a gifted ability,
but in relationship, they might not have an easier time than others in navigating the
emotional feelings.
Unlike any other people, the mind and heart of an empath function differently, and because
of that, their relationships can often fall into atypical patterns.
So, it is decided then that being an empath is actually difficult, especially when it
comes to relationship.
Truthfully, just like any of us, some of empaths relationship are healthy, and others might
But keep in mind that an empath is more likely to experiencing some relationship problems
than a non-empath might be.
And by any means, they will also respond to these problems in an unusual ways, and sadly
it's not always healthy, which is why an empath often sabatoge their relationships.
So, here's the 6 ways an empath will sabotage their relationships without noticing.
In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this
video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates
in the future.
#1 - Thinking for your partner
Empaths are known for their hyper sensitivity to feeling.
Moreover, they also do not like any conflict.
However, conflicts do happen, and it is necessary to solve it.
Empaths, however, often generate assumptions based on the mind-reading skillset.
It is not ideal since they will miss the opportunity of conversation between the empaths and the
#2 - Speaking for your partner
Another problem lies on your ability to read your partner's mind.
It is also part of yourself that you like to help others.
Unfortunately, if you're always spoil your partner by giving what they want without them
asking, it actually disrupts the possibility of communication.
After prolonged period, the partner or even you start to think that the silence creates
Emotional needs sometimes require heart-to-heart conversation, and you should make sure it
is provided.
#3 - Not Looking After Your Needs
Another simple yet can be fatal character is related to how you take care of yourself.
Most of the time, you just want to take care others.
Though it is sometimes good, it turns out to be disadvantageous later on.
If you are wondering why, it is because there is always a glimpse demand of attention from
your partner that you will never receive.
#4 - Compromises your need
In time of emotional escalation, it is absolutely not an ideal situation.
However, a relationship can be ruined as the empaths always compromising their needs and
their demands even though they may bring positive impacts to their relationship.
#5 - Not expressing yourself
This is a not-really nice trait from empaths.
They tend to be silent as they can read what people want easily.
However, their needs are not achievable since people or universe around them do not know
what the empaths want.
#6 - Broken boundaries
Relationship requires understanding from two-sided parties which eventually has their own interest.
Empaths, unfortunately, do not like crossing their boundaries especially when it comes
to beliefs.
Well, those are the 6 ways an empath will sabotage their relationships without noticing.
So, Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
After Grad Speech At Naval Academy - Duration: 10:23.
After Grad Speech At Naval Academy, Trump Puts Obama To Shame With 1 Gesture
After giving a tremendous commencement speech to Navy graduates in Annapolis, Maryland,
on Friday, President Donald Trump left a "yuge" impression on the crowd as he performed one
gesture that put Barack Obama to shame.
You won't want to miss this.
The President opened his speech by congratulating the "amazing class of 2018" as the crowd
cheered at his remarks.
"To the men and women about to be commissioned as Ensigns in the Navy and 2nd Lieutenants
in the Marine Corps, let me say on behalf of the entire nation, we could not be more
proud of the United States Naval Academy class of 2018, thank you," Trump said.
As Trump celebrated the accomplishments of the graduates, he focused on his administration's
mission in regards to the United States Armed Forces, saying, "We have begun the great
rebuilding of the U.S. military."
True to his word, the President notably signed a spending budget on Tuesday, December 12,
2017, which included $700 billion in military funding.
The President also reminded the graduates of what is most important to him when it comes
to the safety and security of the United States.
"We will have the strongest military that we ever had," he said.
"And, when did we ever need it more?"
Trump remarked.
I could not agree more with our President.
After our military took devastating hits in funding during Barack Obama's presidency,
there were some very serious concerns that we were not even capable of defending our
country on two fronts.
This is part of the legacy of former President Obama and his Democratic supporters in Congress.
Trump didn't beat around the bush when it came to describing his strategy for military
"The best way to prevent war is to be fully prepared for war," the President said, according
to the Navy Times.
He added that if "a fight must come, there is no other alternative" than "victory."
This is a far cry from the passive persona of Obama and his never-ending America shaming
During his speech, Trump didn't forget to remind the graduates of how important it is
to uphold the fighting spirit of the United States military.
"You don't give up, you don't give in," he said.
The President also emphasized his commitment to our beloved veterans in his speech.
After delivering his remarks, the President decided to perform one gesture that really
put Obama to shame.
According to Daily Caller, Trump demonstrated his love and admiration for our military by
offering to shake the hands of every single graduate — more than 1,000 midshipmen.
"I was given an option.
I could make this commencement address, which is a great honor for me, and immediately leave
and wave goodbye.
Or, I could stay and shake hands with just the top 100," Trump said.
"Or I could stay for hours and shake hands with 1,100 and something.
What should I do?
What should I do?"
Trump then exclaimed, "Stay!
Okay, I'll stay!"
And, that is exactly what he did.
Our president shook the hand of over 1,000 Navy graduates, thanking each of them and
congratulating them as they made their way through the line.
Our President is downright exceptional and his consistent support for our military puts
Obama to shame.
Following the ceremony, the President prepared to leave but stopped to take a photograph
with a Marine, his wife, and their two children.
This is a president who takes pride in our military, and although he has a million things
to get done, he makes time to show his appreciation for their service to our country.
In my opinion, Barack Obama hated our military and despised the fact that he encountered
them on a daily basis.
It was quite obvious that, in comparison to other presidents, Obama did the minimal when
it came to supporting our military.
It was one of the most significant indicators that Obama wanted to see America grow weaker.
Thank God, we finally have a president who has the same admiration for our active military
and veterans that we do.
Luxury | Joe Pera Talks With You | Adult Swim - Duration: 0:28.
Joe: Luxury...
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Learn Colors With Street Car on a Slider Toy 3D - Colors For Kids - Duration: 2:36.
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Johanna Konta: Media doesn't make it easy for me, says British number one - Duration: 4:59.
Johanna Konta: Media doesn't make it easy for me, says British number one
Johanna Konta has won 11 and lost 11 of her matches in 2018. Britains Johanna Konta says being reminded of her poor French Open record by the media does not make it easy for her at Roland Garros.
Konta, seeded 22nd, was beaten 6-4 6-3 by Kazakhstans Yulia Putintseva - her fourth successive first-round loss at the tournament. The British number one has never won a main-draw match in Paris.
I dont think it helps if it keeps being said: Oh, she hasnt done well there before, she said. However, Kontas results on her least favourite surface over the past two years mean it is unsurprising they have been highlighted.
She only won two matches on the red dirt last summer and, although she showed encouraging signs in Madrid and Rome earlier this year, it has been compounded by her loss against world number 93 Putintseva.
Her form on this surface contrasts sharply with her success on grass, where she reached the Wimbledon semi-finals last summer, and the three WTA titles she has won on hard courts.
After losing to Putintseva, she asked journalists whether they felt it was fair to keep bringing up her previous form in the main draw at Roland Garros.
If every time you went in to work - because, obviously, you travel - and lets say for a few years your pieces of writing have been crap every time when you come into Roland Garros.
And then your colleagues start to say: You know, you really suck around that time. And that happens, you know, for a few years. How would you guys digest that?.
Its not something I would like to buy into, and I dont think I do. However, you guys dont make it easy..
In the build-up to this years tournament, Konta attempted to build positivity by highlighting her victories in the qualifying competition for Roland Garros in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
She qualified for the main draw in 2015 - when she was ranked 143rd - going on to lose to the higher-placed Czech Denisa Allertova in a hard-fought, three-set match.
However, defeat by Putintseva means she has been eliminated by players ranked much lower in each of the past three years.
Out of my four main draw matches that Ive played here, this is probably the one Im most disappointed in terms of the level that I played, Konta said.
So, for me, this one is a bit harder to take in that way. Analysis.
Russell Fuller, BBC tennis correspondent. It was so welcome to hear what Johanna Konta really thinks: leaning back in her chair, with her arms behind her head, she conjured up an analogy aimed at her immediate audience.
It revealed her frustration at some of the conclusions the media draw, and it served as a reminder of how difficult it can be to shut out the surround sound.
On court at the moment, it seems to be a case of taking two steps forward, and then one step back.
Konta is never likely to be a player who is able to adapt her game plan significantly during a match, but a little more subtlety and conservatism would not go amiss at times.
DIVINE 5 SPEC LIO VS SIL LIO SLAR MIR - Duration: 8:56:14.
What oldest monkey doing on Bellina baby? | Why doing so surprise like this | Monkey Daily 890 - Duration: 10:29.
Cavs vs. Celtics Live Stream: How to Watch Game 7 Online - Duration: 5:06.
Cavs vs. Celtics Live Stream: How to Watch Game 7 Online
LeBron James can earn his eighth straight trip to the Finals with a win tonight.
The Celtics haven't lost at home in the playoffs.
LeBron James hasn't lost a conference finals series in eight years.
Something has to give tonight when the Celtics host the Cavs in a winner-take-all Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals.
The game is scheduled to start at 8:30 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast on ESPN.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch the game live on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Cavs Celtics Live Stream Options for Game 7.
Hulu With Live TV: In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu now also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including ESPN.
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
DirecTV Now: ESPN is included in all four of DirecTV Now's channel packages.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial no matter what package you choose, and you can then watch the game live on your computer via the DirecTV Now website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the DirecTV Now app.
WatchESPN: You can also watch the game on your computer via ESPN.com, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the WatchESPN app.
You'll need to sign in to a cable provider in order to watch these streams, but if you don't have that, you can sign up for one of the above options and then use your Hulu or DirecTV Now credentials to sign in and watch on ESPN's platforms.
Cavs vs. Celtics Game 7 Preview.
The home team has won every game this series, and most of them haven't even been close.
The Cavs opened up an early double-digit Friday night in Game 6 and held it throughout, cruising to a 109-99 victory and setting up a Game 7 showdown.
LeBron James was dominant as ever in Game 6, going off for a series-high 46 points and narrowly missing his second triple-double of the series.
James, though, has been up-and-down in the three games played in Boston.
He was dominant in Game 2, scoring 42 points and nothing a triple-double with 12 assists and 10 rebounds.
But he scored only 15 points in Game 1 and 26 in Game 5.
If the Cavs are going to win on the road for the first time all series, it'll likely require a monster performance from James.
Among the keys for Boston: The performance of Jayson Tatum, especially as it relates to his ability to get to the free-throw line.
Tatum had 24 points and 7 rebounds in Boston's 96-83 victory in Game 5, when he went 7-for-8 from the line.
In Boston's Game 6 loss on Friday, Tatum had only 15 points, and didn't attempt a free-throw.
Sportsbooks monitored by OddsShark.
com have Boston as a slight 2-point favorite, indicating bettors expect a down-to-the-wire game.
Emily Weinman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Duration: 10:21.
Emily Weinman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
A Philadelphia woman is facing a number of charges and police officers have been placed on desk duty following a violent arrest on a Wildwood, New Jersey beach Memorial Day Weekend.
The original video was captured by a beach-goer who said she "woke up" to witness what looks like a brawl or fisticuffs between Emily Weinman and police officers.
Screams of "stop resisting" and "I didn't do anything," can be heard as police struggle with, then punch, the 20-year-old.
Here's what you need to know:.
The Video Shows Weinman Kicking an Officer & Officers Then Punching Her Multiple Times as She Tries to Get Her Arms Free While Yelling She Didn't Do Anything Wrong.
Originally posted to Twitter by Alexis Hewitt, a beach-goer who said, "I was sleeping on the beach and I woke up to this.
i can't believe it," the video has been viewed on Twitter more than 2 million times and has been widely shared.
Hewitt agreed the video could be shared and asked that it be credited.
In the 54-second video, people can be heard yelling for Weinman to "stop resisting" as she is punched repeatedly in and about the back of her head.
A baby can be heard crying and several voices yelling at once.
On her Twitter, Hewitt said that the incident happened at 4:11 p.m.
at the Wildwood beach.
She said "Just putting it out there I'm only sharing what I saw happen directly in front of me.
I am not anti-police I'm just sharing what I saw.".
When asked, Hewitt said she "spoke to the family after she was arrested.
And they said that all that happened after she passed a breathalyzer test and she didn't want to give her last name because they didn't have a reason for it since she passed.".
Weinman can be heard saying "…"You're not allowed to hit me like that …choke me like that …I didn't do anything wrong.
" …" as another woman's voice can be heard pleading with her to "stop resisting.
Weinman Wrote a Facebook Post Telling Her Side of the Story.
You can read Weinman's full, now-deleted Facebook post below:.
So, I decide to go on the beach with my daughter, her father and friend.
I had alcohol, it's Memorial Day weekend and 90 percent of people are underage drinking on the beach, without a doubt.
Two cops approach me on a their four wheelers and ask me and my friend how old we are, we gave them our ages.
Then, we got breathalized, and it came back negative.
I told them I wasn't drinking and the alcohol was clearly closed/sealed, which the cops seen.
They still stayed, the one cop following me when I walked away to go make a phone call after they did what they had to do.
like okay, they did their job and I cooperated Therefore I asked them don't they have something better to do as cops than to stop people for underage drinking on the beach, saying to that there's so much more serious stuff going on… the cop said, "I was gonna let you go but now I'll write you up" and he asked my name.
I did not do anything wrong and anything could've been written down on that paper so I wouldn't give it to him.
At that point I was told if I don't give it to him he's going to arrest me.
I told him I have my 18 month old daughter with me and there's no need for all of it and that again, I'm not gonna give him my information knowing I didn't do anything wrong.
He told me he's arresting me and started coming towards me to put handcuffs on me.
I cautiously was backing up from him (facing him) and yelled for my daughters father.
(he was playing in the ocean with our daughter at the time).
I tripped and fell and the cop tackled me to the ground and smashed my head into the sand.
At that point I blacked out and fought any way possible trying to get up and push him off me.
Thats when he head locked me me by his arm around my neck, punched on me in my head and then he head locked me again but this time choking me, I was gasping for ear.
Yes, i know I should've gave him my name.
I was partly wrong in a way but I was scared; Like I said I didn't do anything wrong and anything could've been written on that paper, the whole situation was iffy and I didn't trust it.
especially being aware of the fact of how grimy law enforcement can be now a days.
& honestly, I can say if I took even a sip, then I would've gave them my information and called it a day; I'm underage, so I know better.
But this whole situation was handled wrongly and blew out of proportion all because these pigs didn't do their jobs the way they were TRAINED to do so.
maybe that's just how they train them nowadays, who knows with the world we live in today Now, I'm over here with a sore body, banging headache and the thought of ever trusting a police officer again if anything were to happen in the future.
That's what we call them for right? We are supposed to feel safe and trust our police officers for anything.
Oh, did I mention that they didn't even take the beer (like they're supposed to since we were underage) and finish getting my friends info?? They obviously were there to stir the pot.
I know I'm not the first this happened too and definitely am sure that I will not be the last!!.
Wildwood Police Say They Launched an Internal Affairs Investigation & the Officers, Who Have Not Been Identified, Have Been Reassigned to Administrative Duty.
In a statement released Sunday, the Wildwood Police Department said it has "received reports of a video on various social media sources, regarding an incident that occurred on the Wildwood beach yesterday afternoon with our officers.
An "internal affairs investigation was immediately initiated into this matter and the involved officers have been reassigned to administrative duty pending the outcome of a full on thorough investigation," it reads.
Wildwood Chief of Police Robert N.
Regalbuto "finds this video to be alarming, he does not want to rush to any judgment until having the final results of the investigation," the statement reads.
Police are asking for witnesses, especially those with "supporting video that could assist us with this investigation" to contact Wildwood Police Det.
Kenneth Gallagher at 609-522-0222.
Police said the Cape May County prosecutors office and the "professional standards unit will also be assisting in this investigation.
Wildwood's Mayor Suggested Weinman Provoked the Incident, Which He Called a 'Shame,' & He Said Body Camera Video Will Show Her Insulting & Spitting on the Officers.
Wildwood Mayor Ernie Troiano Jr.
told Philly.com that police bodycam footage will show Weinman allegedly insulting and spitting on police.
He said a Wildwood police officer didn't decide "to beat her up." But when asked about the possible use of excessive force, Troiano demurred and declined comment since he didn't have all the facts.
"We don't like to see anyone get hit, period.
But then again, when you have someone who's aggressively attacking you or spitting at you … I wasn't there.
Couple's 240 Sq. Ft. SIP Tiny House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:05.
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Hyper ni Vanana ft. MisterCMT | Vanana Vlogs - Duration: 7:51.
Hi Guys, hello
Today, (umm)What are we going to do?
To start the day being energized,we have VITER Energy!!! Yeeessssss
I'll just take one mint.
So, yaaaay! We're here at...
What's the name of this place?
Harbor, whatever...
We're just gonna eat dimsum
And my energy is soooo...
Our food isn't here yet cause we just finished ordering it.
We're still waiting
We can't vlog here so much because everything is written in Chinese, we feel like we're outside the country, not in America
Even, Scott can't vlog so much
The one that we go, like TENTEN, they serve the dumplings in a pushcart and then you can just choose whatever you like unlike here you have to order it.
One indicator that we're really a filipino, is that we have a Dyahe piece. there's only one piece left in every dish we had, we still can't eat it.
So now we're here at 99 Ranch Rowland Heights
Look at this big milk tea
Oh, This ain't a milk tea, it's just tea
Actually, I ordered Milk tea
Because I thought that everything said on the menu was Milk tea
turns out, it wasn't
It was just tea, so all I can taste now is sweetness
You know the feeling that you're looking for a taste of milk but there's none.
Anyway, It's still delicious
And my energy is still so high, I don't what else I could do to consume the energy
in my body
There's a need to do so much more
The Viter energy mint was so effective that it really gives you so much energy
You won't feel any tiredness
So, we're here again back at the car
As in, it's now 4pm and look its a beautiful day!
after you eat, you should have been feeling so sleepy, but you ain't sleep at all because of the adrenaline or energy brought by Viter Energy
We don't even know how can we be tired anymore because of the effect of Viter energy in us
hi guys oh yes so it's already 9 p.m. here
So, its just up to this moment that its now kickin in that Im being tired
And my energy is being consumed already
i already feel tired because of talking
When I got home by 4pm, Scott dropped me at my house.
So, I arrived here at the house by 4pm-ish and then my energy was still high
But after that, I was supposed to edit this vlog, but of course because I missed my family who lives in the Philippines
We just talked and last like 3 hours
Of course, thats the life when you're away from your family
That's why we ended up talking for 3 hours
And also, I got tired because while you are talikng, you're already consuming energy
which applies to me, that I really get tired of talking and talking rather than doing something
As my first impression with Viter Energy Mint, its so effective
you won't feel any tiredness, you'll just be hyper
with that, i'll also discuss to you what is viter energy mint?
So, this is it! The Viter Energy Mint, this is a wintergreen flavor
When I took a mint earlier, it really tasted a mint flavor, ofcourse haha
It also says, that it is Dietary supplement
boosts energy and freshen your breath, so this is the packaging, of how it looks like, umm its also sugarfree
the container it's a with this package has 20 pieces with the net weight of .63 ounce
or 18 grams
two viters = one cup of coffee so if you're a coffee lover and you don't want
because even you are a coffee lover, sometimes you avoid to have your teeth turned into yellow
So, if you're a fan or into taking mints or gum,
you could have this vital energy - candy or something but if it's a mint
So yeah, auper! If you're an active person that you should definitely have this because
it's very effective
So, those are my thoughts for this Viter Energy
I hope you guys like this video and give it a thumbs up and also comment down
below of what other kind of videos you want me to do and see on my channel and also if you haven't been
subscribed to my channel please subscribe and and also click the
notification bell button for more updates on my uploaded videos so your
guys and I hope you enjoyed your day and thank you for watching and God bless
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