Hey everybody we're brother! I'm Terry.
I'm Terrell and we are back with another reaction video!
and everybody
We are about to react to
Terrell wants to say to all of our brazilian followers
Thank you
Right now we want to do a notification shout out and I want to shout out
I also want to say hello to
Thank you
And I would love to shout out
We hope you all enjoy this video. Give us more videos to react to.
We want you all to like, comment and maybe subscribe or whatever!
Turn on your post notifications where the bell is at so you can be apart of the notification squad!
And join the family!
Here we go!
Really shaucy
Yeah man
Oh Jesus
Yes Lord!
Break it down
Alleluia alleluia
Mauro Henrique, your voice is amazing. You're very anointed.
We love you. You're amazing. You're very anointed.
I really thought that this video was brilliant
I thought this video was
A lot
I thought this video was
I just felt like this video was full of compassion and love
about the Savior
about us resting in his arms
He sang with a lot of emotion
You could fill Mauro's compassion in the song and that's what I love. I felt Mauro's heart. Mauro Henrique's heart
I felt his heart
That was amazing.
Hope you guys enjoyed this video.
Give us more videos to react to
We want you guys to like, comment and maybe subscribe or whatever!
Turn on your post notifications where the bell is at so you can be apart of the notification squad!
and join the family
For more infomation >> Mauro Henrique | Em Teus Braços (Acústico) (REACTION) - Duration: 8:42.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.4 BUSINESS + / 1e EIGN. / NAVI / DEALER ONDERH. !! - Duration: 1:06.
Lemons, Medicinal summer - Duration: 4:06.
Health Network, For Public Health
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Lemons, Medicinal summer
The parts of the melon tree, as young as it was when they were old, were used as medicaments.
In particular, melon plants are low in heat, usually in the summer.
Sweet melon and other sweet bitter melon, there are melons and melons.
This song is about melon.
Han is Ty, and many other names are local.
The scientific name is Luffa cilindrica (L) Roem, of the Cucurbitaceae.
In terms of taste, most of the books record the average, sweet, fruit, nuts, peels, rope, fiber, easy, private bitter taste, cold.
But experienced bookkeepers, like the whole melon tree, have a cool salary.
Therefore, it is advisable to eat cooked melon, should not be fried.
In general, melon tree heat, blood, detoxification, except low, inflammation, hemostatic, reduce back pain, joints.
Treatment of skin diseases, chlamydia, itching, boils, pea, acne, freckles, wrinkles, respiratory diseases, rhinitis, throat, bronchi cough with phlegm, urinary, urinary not normal due to low heat.
Ingredients:baby berries to eat, every 100g of edible parts, 0.8 to 1.2g of protein, 0.2 lipid, 3.04g of glutamic acid, vitamins:carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, PP.
Calcium, phosphorus, iron.
Melon fruit:
1. Hot food:fresh melon soup, good for people working in the field, under the hot sun, prevention heat stroke.
2. Crab soup, jute vegetable:cool folk food, hot summer heat dissipated, to eat enough rice, help children and old people to maintain health.
3. Porridge for the elderly and children in the summer:take 30g of cooked rice, add 1 sliced melon into small pieces.
Eat less salt or sugar.
This porridge cool blood, except the wind, detoxification, communication, blood circulation, except talk.
Suitable for people with chronic obstructive airway disease, skin ulcers, and so on.
4. Summer skin protection:Freshly chopped fresh melon, chopped, put in a clean jar for overnight, extracted melon juice secreted, rubbed on the face, protecting the skin as a cosmetic.
5. Dermatitis due to contact, allergy, facial langze:remove the melon leaves, drain puree with salt, put on the wound.
6. Wrinkles on the face:squeeze the fresh melon mixed with honey, rub the face, can be mixed with cucumber juice to apply the same.
7. Freckles:200g dried melon, water canning powder.
Bleeding hemorrhoids, hot thirst:250g melon, lean pork 100g basil, seasoning seasoning.
Or juicy fruit 120g, tofu soft 280g, cooked soup.
9. Dairy:fresh melon cooked manicure, or chicken feet, make a lot of milk milk, or 10g melon, a carp, 100g rice.
Boil fish with water, cook porridge with sliced peeled slices.
Doctor:Deputy Thuy Huong.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
又一星二代出道 葉倩文是他的繼母 如今出國語歌用手機拍MV - Duration: 6:57.
Eddy Mitchell tacle Johnny Hallyday et défend Laeticia - Duration: 1:38.
5月30.31,6大生肖迎賺錢大好時機,一定要把握 - Duration: 5:29.
Jorge Rial volvió a la tele y contó qué pasó con su hija Morena - Duration: 7:13.
Un face-à-face entre deux puissances - Duration: 4:17.
✅ Iván Báez hará historia con el triunfo ver en San Ignacio - Duration: 2:34.
San Ignacio, Sinaloa.- A 15 días de haber iniciado una campaña histórica en la búsqueda de la Presidencia Municipal de San Ignacio, Iván Ernesto Báez Martínez, candidato del Partido Verde Ecologista de México, sigue recibiendo muestras de apoyo para consolidar el proyecto de progreso y desarrollo del municipio que viene planteando a los habitantes de la sierra y la costa del mismo
En su agenda diaria que marca visitas y recorridos por pueblos y comunidades desde temprana hora hasta altas horas de la noche, Báez Martínez es reiterativo en decirles a los ciudadanos que: "somos un equipo joven, un equipo diferente que, lo mismo que les duele a ustedes nos duele a nosotros", a la vez de pedirles su confianza a través del voto para hacer historia con un triunfo contundente y así poder construir un buen futuro para San Ignacio
Quien porta la bandera verde asegura que para que la gente viva mejor necesita inversiones y fuentes de empleo, así como de funcional infraestructura en los servicios públicos para que sean de calidad, asimismo, para que los jóvenes puedan tener una mejor educación se les tiene que dotar de las herramientas necesarias, por lo que propone hacer las gestiones pertinentes una vez ganando para que se instale internet en todas las plazas públicas
Iván Báez en cada saludo, de frente y sin titubeos les expresa a los sanignacenses que está volteando a ver las necesidades que existen en los asentamientos a los que llega, como ha sido el tema de la generación de empleos e inversiones para que detonen la economía en el municipio
"Hay muchos proyectos productivos, solo hay que enseñarle a la gente a bajarlos; existen sociedades mercantiles que pueden facilitar la instalación de empresas aprovechando los recursos naturales de la región que no han sido explotados", precisa
De las peticiones más recurrentes que le hacen a quien será a partir del 1 de julio el próximo Alcalde de San Ignacio destacan: mejorar los servicios de salud, más seguridad pública, obras de drenaje y agua potable, impulso al deporte y a la cultura, así como al sector pesquero, a la minería, atracción de inversiones y un fuerte empuje al turismo para aprovechar las bondades que ofrecen los pueblos legendarios que se enclavan en el municipio
Vir The Robot Has Arrived. A...
스노든, 이번엔 지하 UFO 'U.T' 문서 공개 - Duration: 3:47.
Brazil vs Argentina , Attack 2 Team Viewers , Messi & Neymar fans Comedy FIFA World 2018 - Duration: 2:45.
FIFA World Cup inauguration excitement
BMW 3 Serie 2.0 I 318 105KW Business Line | NAVIGATIE | - Duration: 1:05.
Wheels On The Bus | Little Eddie Nursery Rhymes by Kids Tv - Duration: 3:10.
Let's go on the bus ride!
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
All through the town.
The driver on the bus go move on back..
Move on back
Move on back
The driver on the bus go move on back..
All through the town.
The people on the bus go up and down
Up and down
Up and down
The people on the bus go up and down
All through the town.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
All through the town.
The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;
All through the town
The mommies on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush.
Shush, shush, shush.
The mommies on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;
All through the town
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
That was such a Fun ride wasn't it
What Happen When You Eat 4 Walnuts │ Everyday Health Benefits Of Walnuts - Duration: 3:04.
Health Benefits Of walnuts.
All nuts are healthy, but if you have to choose, walnuts is one of the best you can eat.
Research has proven it�s benefits can help prevent many chronic diseases.
It is a simple food that you can eat as a snack or add to a smoothie or a salad.
A handful of walnuts daily can provide your body with a plethora of essential minerals
and vitamins especially manganese, thiamine and folate.
In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of walnuts.
So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.
Number 1.
Risk of breast cancer.
Eating about 28 walnut halves a day provides antioxidants and phytosterols that may help
reduce the risk of breast cancer, according to a study at the Marshall University School
of Medicine in West Virginia.
Mice were fed a daily diet with the human equivalent of two ounces of walnuts.
Compared to mice fed a control diet, the walnut eaters had significantly decreased breast
tumour incidence and a slower rate of tumour growth.
Number 2.
Induces sleep.
Walnuts contain a compound called melatonin, responsible for conveying messages regarding
the cycle of light and dark to the body.
Since melatonin is already synthesised by the body, consumption of walnuts increases
the blood levels of melatonin, thereby inducing sleep.
That�s why eating walnuts can be a great way to improve sleep.
Number 3.
Can Improve Heart Health.
Walnuts have a component called ellagic acid which works against the accumulation of fat
inside arteries.2 Fat deposits inside arteries, called plaque, harden over time and narrow
your arteries, sometimes even rupturing and blocking blood flow entirely.
This leads to high blood pressure and associated heart disorders like stroke or heart attack.
Number 4.
Great for pregnant women.
Mothers-to-be who eat a diet rich in fatty acids such as those found in walnuts can reduce
the baby�s chances of developing food allergies, researchers say.
The research found that if a mother�s diet contains a certain group of polyunsaturated
fatty acids, the baby�s gut develops differently.
The PUFAs are thought to improve how gut immune cells respond to bacteria and foreign substances,
making the baby less likely to suffer from allergies.
Number 5.
Can Support Brain Health.
Walnuts can help with age-related deterioration of the brain, delaying the onset and slowing
down the progression of Alzheimer�s disease.9 The nut contains nerve-protecting antioxidants
like polyphenols, n-3 a-linolenic fatty acid, folate, and vitamin E which all prevent nerve
damage caused by free radicals.
Měření emisí - podle špatné české metodiky nevyhovuje 95 % dieselů - Duration: 0:42.
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ABC Songs For Children Nursery Rhymes For Kids abc song and color for baby - Duration: 5:16.
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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (Mission 12 Blood Brothers) Game play , walkthrough - Duration: 14:57.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (Mission 11 Eye of the Storm) Game play , walkthrough - Duration: 15:26.
sub and like
my channel
Ramzan Special Chaat Recipes by Breakfast Recipe - Duration: 10:56.
Best Recipe
By Breakfast Recipe
TCHAMI | I completely froze when meeting Carl Cox - Duration: 1:05.
Carl Cox に会った時だね。
かなりShitty な状況だったね
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I Am Fatmira (English narration) - Duration: 7:37.
Cukrzyca – jak ją leczyć stewią i cynamonem? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 8:49.
010 Can i bring an Ipad to my MSL interview? - Duration: 2:19.
Hi, welcome back to our 10th episode of the medical science liaison YouTube channel
my name is Martijn Bijker and I'm the founder of the global medical science
liaison training company called "from SCIENCE to PHARMA" before we start make
sure you subscribe to this channel for future episodes so let's get started
today, number 10 question number 10 is can I
bring an iPad to an interview. Interesting question because things
become - normally in the past you will take a notepad with pen and paper and a
lot of things become more digital even your the MSL job, when you talk to
doctors you might have your laptop with you instead of a paper or an iPad those
things are kind of evolving maybe I'm old-fashioned but I don't think you
should bring an iPad to your interview. You might have your notes on there, your
questions or you might want to scribble down but it looks kind of odd if you
open your iPad and almost like if you are there going to scroll check your
emails and do something else so I've heard
I heard medical directors having interviewed people who brought
their iPad and opened it up and thought: what's happening is he going to check his email
so I would definitely not suggest you bring your iPad so just
bring a little letter what's it leather binder with paper
and pen make sure you have a good-looking pen not one from
McDonald's or something else just decent decent Parker Pen for
instance have some questions ready maybe a few printouts bring your CV in case
you need to walk it walk them through your CV or I even at once they
had a jammed printer they didn't have their CVs of me and they told me I said I just
got here two extra copies here's one for you he's one for you so bring some
backup prints with you and have it all nice here nice letter binder so no iPads
definitely no iPhones turn them off fully off no vibrating and on that so
keep the electronics at a minimum in your interview so I hope it works so
give us a thumbs up five star rating if you like to translate this video be my
guest and look forward to having you on our
11th episode very soon chase
Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Vision Clima/Cruise/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:11.
Hyundai i30 1.6i Dynamic Automaat 5drs 28.650 km - Duration: 1:05.
Honda Accord 2.0I ELEGANCE LIMITED EDITION Automaat - Duration: 1:12.
Hyundai i20 1.2I Dynamic - Duration: 1:12.
Honda CR-V 2.0I ELEGANCE Automaat Automaat, navigatie, parkeercamera, cruise control Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:07.
Bisexual Man Embraces Sexual Fluidity. - Duration: 6:53.
My name is Ben Gibson and I'm from Andrews, Texas.
I found love when I was 16 with a girl I met in high school.
And it was probably one of the best times of my entire life.
We rode four-wheelers.
We were with together - we were with each other all the time.
We'd even fell asleep on the phone together.
It ended a few years into it because I was still exploring my sexuality, still, with
her, and I happened to cheat on her with a guy.
I guess after that was the beginning of me trying to figure out what my sexuality was.
Years later, I met a guy in West Texas that - I was still super closeted - and I met a
guy that I caught some feelings for.
And it was the first time that I kind of realized that, I was like, well, I can actually feel
for a guy too?
That's crazy.
I thought I could only do that with - do that with a girl.
I guess going through the experience of dating him was - it was kind of eye-opening in that
I was faced with this decision and I was telling myself that I either I had to be with a girl
or I had to be with a guy.
And if I was with a girl, then I would just be straight, and if I was with a guy, then
I would just be gay.
Then I - and if I was with a guy, then I would choose to come out, if I was with a guy, if
I fell in love and wanted to be with a guy.
So I moved to Austin and moved Austin to start my first business and start life over here
because I wanted to get away from my hometown for a little bit.
And there was a an evening I was spending with my friend - a very close friend and already
I got to know very well and trust him.
Such a good heart that he has.
And, kind of, and he was one of the first people I was really opening up to about the
struggle between - of my sexuality.
I remember having a conversation in his living room and we were just talking about the philosophy
of sexuality, right, like what is it and, like, how does it work.
Just through that conversation, he just brought up an idea that sexuality is potentially fluid.
And that word - fluid - meaning that you can change and that it maybe it's not the same
forever or maybe that it's not concrete.
That idea really sparked something in me.
After kind of going through that and walking into this idea more that I'm potentially bisexual
and that maybe it could be a thing that I just own that, but I wasn't really ready to
say that or to tell everybody that.
I got into a relationship not too long ago and was, like, kind of tired of the feeling
of being torn and with having just one sex, honestly.
Like, if I'm with a man - because I would date a guy and I would think about or desire
to be with a woman.
Or if I was dating a woman, then I'd want - desire to be with the guy.
And so I decided, hey, well maybe the solution is a polyamorous relationship.
And I thought that that might be a cool thing to try, so I tried that.
Through exploring polyamory, I realized that it wasn't so much about me wanting to be with
both sexes at the same time.
It was more about me of being more comfortable with myself and being able to express that
with whomever I was with.
I have a routine of journaling in the morning but this morning, I'm journaling about - I'm
journaling about relationships and looking for love and how it's gonna play in my life.
And just leaving this polyamorous relationship, it just kind of clicked that if I am not able
to - if I'm not able to express with anyone that I'm ever with how I feel about my sexuality,
then I'm not going to be able to have an authentic relationship.
So I put a text message together - right then, I put a text message together and sent it
to the remaining people who didn't know that I was queer: my mom, my brother, my older
sister, and, I think, my dad.
Just want to let you know I'm bisexual and I don't know if I'm going to marry a man or
a woman but I hope you can accept this about me.
I'll give you some time.
I understand it can be difficult.
Love you, Ben" And sent it.
As soon as I came out to them, I realized that it was, for me, it wasn't about them.
In this whole life that I was living was for them - like this suppression, this holding
back - was for them.
It was very recent for me, so I'm still kind of moving to that.
And I'm still moving through on learning how to express myself sexually.
I'm getting more comfortable.
I'm taking steps towards finding my voice and just being more accepting of myself of
I would say to anyone out there that may be experiencing a fluid sexuality that you can
figure it out.
You just have to keep trying and keep learning and keep trying to express yourself with your
closest ones.
And through that, you'll find some peace.
You'll find some answers.
Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon 2.0I Handgeschakeld Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:12.
Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Clima/Cruise - Duration: 0:52.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Design Sport, Snel Leverbaar, LM velgen - Duration: 1:13.
BMW 3 Serie 2.0 I 318 105KW Business Line | NAVIGATIE | - Duration: 1:05.
BMW 5 Serie 520i Business Line Edition I NAVIGATIE PROFESSIONAL/17"ALU./LEDER - Duration: 1:06.
Carl Verheyen interview: Strat players have a more personal sound - Duration: 2:12.
7万大军直指边境!叙利亚誓将叛军一举歼灭,以色列要撕破脸皮了 - Duration: 7:22.
Why Media Lies About PewDiePie - Duration: 2:56.
जाने परफेक्ट स्वादिष्ट गुजराती हांडवो कैसे बनाये | handvo gujarati recipe | handvo gujarati recipe - Duration: 7:38.
Hi friends , today i will show instant Gujarati Handvo Recipe.
Kindly subscribe for the latest recipe. So lets begin the gujarati Handvo!
I have taken sooji 100gms(fine one), 50gms besan, I have taken a few vegetables like fine chopped carrots 100gms, 100gms cauliflower, 50gms capscicum, curd 100gms(whisked and smoothen)
1tbs red chili powder, 1tbs turmeric, 1tbs salt, 1pkt Eno fruit salt, Ginger-garlic paste(with 3-4 green chilies), Black mustard seeds, curry leaves, white sesame seeds, a little refined oil.
In a bowl pour sooji, besan, curd and whisk everything well.
Add water a little and mix, we will not add water at once but gradually.
Salt, red chili powder, turmeric, ginger-garlic paste with chilies that we made and the vegetables-carrots, cauliflower, capsicum and mix everything well.
It is a very healthy recipe and kids love it.
Friends we have mixed everything well and we will let it rest for 10mins.
After 10mins, we will add Eno and a little water on top of it and mix it well.
If you want then instead of Eno one can use 1/2tbs baking soda.
Batter is ready lets turn the gas on. Now pour 2tbs oil and heat up.
A little mustard seeds, white sesame seeds, curry leaves and fry a little.
Now lets pour the batter in and level in nicely.
Now turn the gas on medium heat and cover and cook for 15mins.
Remove the lid and check. Its cooked nicely and its dry from above.
We need to turn and cook the other side. Do not use ladle as it might break it so we will use a plate
You can see its nicely cooked so we will prepare tadka for the other side in the same way.
Pour oil and a little black mustard seeds, sesame seeds, curry patta and fry a little.
Now place the Handvo again and cook for 15mins on medium flame.
Lets check it. Turn the gas off. We cooked it for 15mins on medium flame so lets check it whether its cooked nicely or not.
Its perfectly cooked and lets cut it.
Handvo is perfectly cooked!
Friends do not rush while cooking handvo as the batter is heavy so it takes time to cook.
Do not use ladle to turn always use a plate as it might break. Handvo is not available everywhere so do prepare and enjoy once.
Conselhos para emagrecer o seu rosto - Duration: 11:35.
Właściwości guanabany, o których nie wiedziałaś - Duration: 6:54.
Live Inspired. Vlog Episode 176: Why's It All Bad? - Duration: 3:04.
Well hello my friends!
Welcome to Live Inspired with John O'Leary, the Wednesday morning vlog!
I had the great opportunity and the honor, the pleasure of staying up late two nights
ago with one of my kids.
We happened to be watching the evening news.
Beth and I, my wife and I, don't watch it very frequently, but this little boy and I,
his name is Patrick, were watching it.
And at one of the commercials, he looks over at me and asks a question that i never really
Here it is:
"Dad, why's it all bad?"
Dad, why's it all bad?
We had been watching two segments of the evening local news.
I hadn't really been paying attention, but then when he brought it up, I realized that
literally every single story that they had been covering,
Breaking news!
The news of the day, the news of the local community, the news of our state, the news
of our government broadly, and the news of our globe.
All of it to this point was bad.
Two segments in.
And so what I did right then is I turned off the TV, I looked into Patrick's eyes, and
I reminded him that it's not.
My friends, I think what we need to do from time to time in our own lives is to shut off
that news.
It is to quit reading the front page.
It is to quit watching the evening news.
It is to quit paying attention to the fear-mongering and those who are only pointing out the fires
up north and the shootings down south and everything going on that is negative in our
And to be reminded that it's not all bad, Dad.
That there is reason for hope.
That there are men and women who see problems, just like the news sees, but rather than complaining
about it, or shining a bright light onto it, they're actually bold enough to do something
about it.
There are these men and women in the community doing this, and I think our call as Live Inspired
leaders is to do likewise.
To start in our own homes, our own synagogues, our own churches, our own places of work,
to step forward this week and each week to not just focus on the problems and all that
is wrong, but to focus on the solutions and our role in living into it.
This week in our inspired community, in our podcast, we interviewed Rachel.
Rachel Cruze, she is the daughter of Dave Ramsey, she's a phenomenal speaker, she's
got a phenomenal story, and she was a phenomenal guest on our Live Inspired Podcast.
If you want to tune into positive news and deep sincere inspiration and next steps in
your life, I encourage you right now to check out our Live Inspired podcast.
This week's is a good one with Rachel Cruze.
You're going to love it.
My friends, it's not all bad.
This is good news.
For this time and until next time, this is John O'Leary.
Today is your day.
Live Inspired.
🔴LIVE #11 League of Legends - How League of Legends Can Help You Predict the Future🎮 - Duration: 1:26:03.
Quick Updates | Odd-Eyes Deck (June 2018) [Duels & Deck Analysis] Post Banlist - Duration: 15:03.
We invite you to visit the YouTube channel of our friend "Cazador Raro"
Yu-Gi-oh! Channel focused on Unboxings and collection cards.
Link to the channel in the description of the video.
Enjoy the video!
Presented by El Exordio del Duelista
Quick Updates | Odd-Eyes (June) 2018
Offensive Deck focused on Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon, that will let us summon more Odd-Eyes from the Deck to finish the duel quickly.
Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon will be key in the deck with Sky Iris, because it let us summon easily Odd-Eyes
Monsters from the Deck to establish a strong field presence to win quickly with our high ATK Odd-Eyes Monsters.
Neville z Harryho Pottera do toho praštil: Blonďatou krásku si vzalz donucení a zuří! - Duration: 1:17.
Linh Hồn Ngàn Năm - Phim Thần Thoại Thái Lan - Phim Hay - Duration: 1:20:45.
Mauro Henrique | Em Teus Braços (Acústico) (REACTION) - Duration: 8:42.
Hey everybody we're brother! I'm Terry.
I'm Terrell and we are back with another reaction video!
and everybody
We are about to react to
Terrell wants to say to all of our brazilian followers
Thank you
Right now we want to do a notification shout out and I want to shout out
I also want to say hello to
Thank you
And I would love to shout out
We hope you all enjoy this video. Give us more videos to react to.
We want you all to like, comment and maybe subscribe or whatever!
Turn on your post notifications where the bell is at so you can be apart of the notification squad!
And join the family!
Here we go!
Really shaucy
Yeah man
Oh Jesus
Yes Lord!
Break it down
Alleluia alleluia
Mauro Henrique, your voice is amazing. You're very anointed.
We love you. You're amazing. You're very anointed.
I really thought that this video was brilliant
I thought this video was
A lot
I thought this video was
I just felt like this video was full of compassion and love
about the Savior
about us resting in his arms
He sang with a lot of emotion
You could fill Mauro's compassion in the song and that's what I love. I felt Mauro's heart. Mauro Henrique's heart
I felt his heart
That was amazing.
Hope you guys enjoyed this video.
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Feminismo, representatividade negra e LGBT: veja destaques de Cannes 2018. Fotos - Duration: 5:41.
A edição de 2018 promete entrar para a história de Cannes. Além dos tradicionais looks glamourosos e dos penteados com personalidade que cruzaram o tapete vermelho francês, o tom feminista ganhou destaque no festival
O júri foi presidido por uma mulher, a atriz Cate Blanchett, depois de quatro anos e pela 12ª vez nos 71 anos de evento e, desde a abertura, a questão da igualdade de gênero foi abordada em diferentes momentos
Desigualdade é evidenciada em escadaria No sábado consecutivo à abertura, aconteceu um protesto que se tornou uma das imagens mais representativas da edição deste ano
Em prol da igualdade de gênero, 82 mulheres da indústria cinematográfica, entre atrizes, como Salma Hayek e Kristen Stewart, produtoras e cineastas subiram as escadarias do Palácio dos Festivais
O número de participantes fazia referência à quantidade de filmes assinados por mulheres que foram indicados à premiação em todos os 71 anos do renomado evento na Riviera Francesa
A título de comparação, são mais de 1.600 trabalhos dirigidos por homens que já passaram pelo festival
Em determinado momento, pararam no meio das escadas, simbolizando que, ainda nos dias atuais, as mulheres enfrentam dificuldades no mercado
No último dia de festival, a italiana Asia Argento destacou em seu discurso o assédio sofrido por ela em edição anterior
"Em 1997, aqui mesmo em Cannes, fui estuprada pelo produtor Harvey Weinstein. "Eu tinha 21 anos
Este festival era o lugar onde ele caçava. Eu quero fazer uma previsão: Weinstein nunca mais será bem-vindo aqui de novo
Ele viverá em desgraça, afastado da comunidade do cinema, que um dia o abraçou e encobriu seus crimes", afirmou
Festival tem maior presença negra Outro destaque em Cannes nesta edição foi um aumento de artistas negros, apesar da ainda evidente desigualdade racial no mesmo
Quatro dias depois do protesto pela maior presença feminina no festival, 16 atrizes negras subiram juntas as escadas no mesmo local e questionaram a dificuldade de atrizes negras conseguirem papeis de destaque por conta do preconceito
Com looks Balmain, cujo estilista - Olivier Rousteing - é negro e tem valorizado a maior representatividade no mundo fashion
O ato integrou o lançamento do livro Noire N'est Pas Mon Metier (Negra não é minha profissão, em tradução livre), de Aissa Maiga, no qual artistas relatam o racismo nos bastidores do cinema
Em outro dia do festival, as protagonistas do filme queniano "Rafiki", Sheila Munyiva e Samantha Mugatsia, aliaram estilo e representatividade ao red carpet no dia 09 de maio
Dirigido por uma mulher, Wanuri Kahiu, o longa é o primeiro do Quênia indicado ao festival francês, mas foi banido no país de origem, por ter temática LGBTQ
Cannes ganhou pitada verde e amarela Em 2018, o cinema brasileiro também marcou presença no festival: com o longa "O Grande Circo Místico", de Cacá Diegues, Mariana Ximenes e Bruna Linzmeyer cruzaram a Croisette e apresentaram o novo trabalho ao grande público
O documentário "Chuva é Cantoria na Aldeia dos Mortos", da brasileira Renée Nader Messora e do português João Salaviza também agitou o red carpet: premiada na mostra "Um Certo Olhar" do festival e gravada gravada no Tocantins, com indígenas Krahô, a produção luso-brasileira se destacou por conta da crítica de seus produtores e elenco ao genocídio dos nativos brasileiros e às demarcações em terras indígenas
Outro highlight nacional em Cannes foi a passagem de Bruna Marquezine. Famosa desde a infância em produções nacionais, a atriz fez sua estreia na 71ª edição do evento e, com looks cheios de estilo, roubou a cena até na imprensa internacional
Confira esses e mais momentos na galeria acima. (Por Marilise Gomes)
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