The Four Friends
Retold by BookBox
Far from any town,
there was a forest,
in which all the animals and birds
lived together peacefully.
The forest was home to
four inseparable friends:
a deer,
a tortoise,
a crow and a mouse.
Every evening they met
to discuss the events of the day.
But one day,
the deer became very frightened.
are laying traps
Is there anything we can do
to escape?"
"Yes there is," the crow cried out.
"As our friend
the mouse knows!"
The crow began telling everyone
what he had seen.
"Just the other day,
I saw the most amazing thing.
A flock of doves
got trapped
in a hunter's net,
their wings flapping wildly.
Then suddenly,
all together, the doves
picked up the net
in their beaks
and flew into the sky.
And where did they go?
Straight to our
friend the mouse!
With his sharp teeth,
he tore the net to pieces.
Free at last,
the doves flew away.
They were very grateful
to our friend."
After the story ended,
the deer went in search of water while,
the deer went in search of water while,
the three friends
started nibbling
on the fruits, shrubs
and leaves of the forest.
They chatted
late into the night,
still waiting
for the deer to return.
But the deer was
nowhere to be seen,
and the friends
began to worry.
At dawn,
while the others called out
to the deer, the crow flew
in every direction looking for her.
In a clearing,
he spotted the deer
with her foot
caught in a net.
"Don't worry," he told her
"We'll think of something."
The crow
rushed back to his friends.
The tortoise had an idea:
hop quickly
on the crow's back."
And they flew off
to rescue the deer.
Without wasting time,
the mouse bit through the net.
Just then, the anxious tortoise
reached the spot.
"Why did you come here?
If the hunter returns,
you'll never escape!"
the deer exclaimed.
And the hunter did return!
Hearing his footsteps,
all of them ran away,
but the tortoise
was too slow.
The hunter picked him up
and tied him to a stick.
"Oh no! Because of me,
poor tortoise is in trouble,"
said the deer.
Suddenly, the deer leaped up
and ran to the pond
near the path.
She lay down
absolutely still,
while the crow
pecked at her.
When the hunter
dropped the tortoise
and picked up the deer,
the mouse quickly
cut the cords
and released the tortoise.
While the tortoise slipped
into the water,
the deer darted off
and the crow simply flew away.
The hunter trembled with fear.
He had never seen
an animal come back to life.
Thinking that the forest was
he ran for
his life.
The four friends
went home
and were happy
to be together again.
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Isabel Pantoja denuncia a Las Mellis y les pide 500.000 euros - Duration: 3:17.
La guerra entre Las Mellis y el clan Pantoja no tiene fin. Si bien hace unos meses era Kiko Rivera quien denunciaba a Raquel y Bibi por informar esta última de una supuesta insinuación por parte del DJ cuando ya estaba casado con Irene Rosales, pidiéndoles 150
000 euros, ahora ha sido su madre, Isabel Pantoja, quien ha seguido sus mismos pasos
Ha sido Bibi quien en directo ha contado para 'Socialité' que el martes 22 de mayo tanto ella como su hermana recibieron una citación de la demanda de la tonadillera, en la cual les pide 250
000 euros a cada una. Un total de medio millón que la artista pediría por una frase que Las Mellis pronunciaron en ese mismo programa en relación a unas fuertes palabras de Pantoja hacia Dulce
Según afirmaron las hermanas hace unos meses, Isabel Pantoja habría amenazado a la que fuera niñera de su hija Chabelita con las siguientes palabras: "Como te levantes de aquí, te juro que te arrastro por los pelos escalera abajo"
María Patiño se interesó por conocer la implicación de Dulce en caso de que Raquel y Bibi quisieran contar con su presencia en el juicio como testigo
"Creo que sí, que podemos contar con ella", alegó Bibi. No obstante, explicó que "no la voy meter en un compromiso si ella no lo considera"
Ante todo, Dulce mantiene una excelente relación con Chabelita, por lo que ayudar a Las Mellis en contra de su madre podría resultar perjudicial
No tiene arregloLa mala relación de Las Mellis con el clan Pantoja es tal que incluso tienen vetada la entrada a Cantora
Bibi tiene muy claro su calificativo hacia la matriarca: "Está loca". Pese a todo, las cantantes no tienen ningún miedo "a nada ni a nadie", y no se arrepienten ni de sus palabras ni de sus actos
Según ha afirmado Bibi en el programa de Patiño, dialogar no es una opción, ya que "no cogen el teléfono a nadie" y "la palabra dialogar no entra en su vocabulario" "Si no dialogan entre ellos, ¿cómo van a dialogar con sus amigos o examigos?", espetó la exconcursante de 'Supervivientes'
Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA - Duration: 3:17.
Es Noticia: Champions League Se encuentra usted aquíINICIO // Universal Deportes // Más deportes // Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA Golden State se impuso a Houston en el séptimo juego para avanzar a las Finales de la NBA; enfrentarán a los Cavs por cuarta ocasión consecutiva AFP
28/05/2018 23:05 Universal Deportes -A +A Los Warriors y los Cavaliers se enfrentarán otra vez por la corona de la NBA
Golden State derrotó 101-92 a los Rockets de Houston, para avanzar a las Finales de la NBA y, por cuarta ocasión en fila, se enfrentará a Cleveland
Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant y Klay Thompson se medirán al mejor jugador de estos Playoffs, LeBron James, por el trofeo Larry O´Brien
La máquina del entrenador Steven Kerr busca su tercer título en cuatro años, pero lo que más quiere la franquicia californiana es impregnar su estampa entre las dinastías de la Liga, como la de Celtics, en la década de los 60; Bulls, en los 90, Lakers, al principio de este milenio
Primero, estará James, hambriento de revancha por el año pasado, cuando Warriors los fulminó en cinco duelos
"Son un nuevo equipo que el año pasado", destacó Curry. "Nosotros nunca habíamos estado en un lugar así [siete partidos en una serie de Conferencia]
Tendremos que trabajar mucho; no es fácil ganar un campeonato". El tridente de Golden State hizo polvo a Houston con el contragolpe
Durant fue el líder en puntos con 34, Curry aportó con una decena de asistencias y Thompson firmó 19 unidades
A pesar de que los Rockets tuvieron un gran primer tiempo, donde lideraron los cartones, con una ventaja de 11 puntos, no aguantaron el ritmo de los campeones de la NBA
El primer juego de las Finales de la NBA arrancan este mismo jueves, en Oakland. Tanto Cavaliers como Warriors llegarán calientitos para la cuarta serie consecutiva que se disputan el trofeo Larry O´Brien
Artículo Cavs avanzan a la final de NBA tras vencer a Celtics en juego 7 Universal Deportes LeBron James y compañía ya esperan rival entre Warriors y Rockets TAGS Warriors, Golden State, Cavs, Cavaliers, Houston, Rockets, Finales de la NBA Opinión Giovani, el crack que nunca fue El Fondo del Meollo Gerardo Velázquez de Léon Ganar Mónaco viste #EnLosOjosdeGiselle Giselle Zarur Final llena de anécdotas Condenando Líneas Gustavo Calderón COMENTARIOS MÁS EN Elecciones 2018 Ir a la sección de Elecciones 2018 Reclaman protocolo de seguridad tras muerte de ex edil en Sonora Andrés y Ricardo, pretendientes incómodos en miniserie de Nueva Alianza Así canta Mikel Arriola NOTICIAS DEL DÍA Ir a la portada Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA Reclaman protocolo de seguridad tras muerte de ex edil en Sonora Aburrido empate entre México y Gales VIVEUSA Otra famosa que lleva las axilas sin rasurar Efectos indeseables del refresco en tu salud Michelle Obama sorprende con foto de su juventud
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Jay-Z Type Beat
G'day beautiful tube of U'ers it's Monday the 27th mine and this is basically our
setup what are we doing guilt ever drive after a bit of a wreck a night
yeah we're gonna head up to the struck bogeys guys we stopped up in a few deer
signs do you places where I know where there's a few wallows and whatnot so
just check sound on the foot for the future coming weekends and
weekends up after that just to see what the conditions live we have enough votes
right so obviously if you can shake the lounge is much good to store get there's
a few places up there to light up points we can you can actually sit up quite out
for a deer so anyone we're going to check it out killing two birds one stone
all right okay My gods just 20 degrees
but she's getting 20 degrees lost three nice beautiful little bit of weed cranky
days guys hopefully yeah she's my thoughts bring you back here we are guys
at the car park of Polly McQueen's day visitors area there's the drop old
toilet I've taken you here before
there's not that much deer much access for land for stalkers so so I don't
really come up this order and there's so much family you know the nieces and
nephews come up here for a picnic go for a swim in the summer but it's cracky and
it's a great spot just bring around here
mrs. moose interactive where
look at the formation of those boulders just imagine how ancient they are
there's a story to this place where what's it all about love yeah and on a
horse and carts and in those days there was no bridge so you have to go down
down this way yep down across this okay yep okay you can basically see the road
across there guys yep this isn't gonna end good for Polly is it why is that so
we didn't find Polly what about the horse and cart that doesn't sell this
place to you what else will the real
show about the wing guys see these a few days of winter
beautiful there you go how might obviously a local trading not
about you guys but there's something about the sound of water going over
inside of the cliff no water for that wonderful sound I just love it used to
be able to get access in here but they put a gate on I used to be able to drive
down here in the Pajero and get it right at the front and sunbathe or not
audience I'm over to the wife and the least and nephews and the girls will lay
out on their towels in the summertime but now they're put a goat on you still
loud in here obviously just contrive it
few old trucks
so this is where I'll probably come down pull this
on our way to Euro ah to see a husband who was in the hospital you rubber the
boat I catch her the fish she's come down there
the carts obviously shall itself for I don't know the wheels come off or
whatever enough she's uh she's gone into the pondage thanks for coming even great
and that was the end of poor Polly how stunning is that though guys I
since summer you just pumped your tails down here like I said before you should
drive the car down pocket there and yeah actually I actually should swim Ponte ch
even in even in the summertime she's actually really quite cold but it's my
say she'll be what kind of what kind of time what kind of here are we talking
about love Oh 1718 yeah what a cracking spot though hey yeah I just said that so
I said I used to drive the car in and you see up there guys that spectacles
with a cast carpark we've come across the bridge they're over here there's
some barbecue areas and tables and chairs and stuff and they look brand-new
they used to have all they've always been there but they've obviously changed
about put new ones in but we're hit over that way anyway if I can get across this
side I wasn't what you up and over the top but yeah this is the seventh Creek
right Oh police the home resting place of Polly god rest her soul Oh
cube it you can you imagine being a kid around here growing up around here
that's the best time ever when yeah anyway guys I'm gonna stop you now and
I'm going to go over the other side without going ice over tit and I'll
bring you back on the other side
you made it
pick materia the area don't camp here
but no no but these tables look fairly new there's an 80 fire pit with a
barbecue plate
big girls lean over that one cracking spot here we go native fish of the seven
creeks mercury perch trout cold northern river black fish dodging carp and
mountain galaxies galaxy oh sorry southern pygmy perch experinece my guys
over to the seven creeks wildlife reserve bottom queens david to the
center so you can see where that is girl falls reserve up here look awesome tawny
checker burrows obviously and the white faced heron there's a little local
folklore surrounding how the waterhole got its name the most commonly accepted
version has told his locust ref boggy tabloid tarot table and histories that
the name derives from a nearby resident named Polly because you do not have a
poly because he did not have a beard okay
the association with the site specifically relates to the serum
have an accidentally drove in his wagon he says he's okay it's a bloke wagon and
a team of horses into the watering hole attempting to well attempting the
treacherous crossing over the rocks before the construction the first
bridges believe that McQueen and his horses all tragically perished in the
deep water the water hole is reported to be up to nine metres deep who tell yours
yo yo man we got your one he's folklore anyway
hey guys we go back to the car and we slink on this rough bogie chuckling have
a cuppa might even have a we're going to do these waterfalls and yeah go check
for a bit of Sun what a cracking spot
so we're in the town of Strasburg a village I'd say and obviously sheep
farming in the district has been very important over the years so this is the
town you can hear there's a school over in the background I went from that
there's the CFA that's the local fire brigade CFA Country Fire Authority for
all the ones on up from Australia and then this one says erected in memory of
the pioneers of Strasbourg in district also it's a very mountainous hilly
country and pioneers would have been tough in the old days that's the
community hall forest fire danger today moose what is what's the fire danger
today yeah let's say if you look behind you you'll see the fire danger is very
high maybe because it's just so dry and then over behind you there is the
chef a boys will put it up every day yeah
general store and cake
all right moving on right yeah the light bloomers up they shut up all right yeah
let's get out of here onwards oh my gosh sorry for the wind we're up Indian
country now me and my boys old stalking rounds very very loud underfoot sorry
for the wind and what the deer will do obviously afternoon Sun and they'll bed
down spots just like that into the tree line away from the ready I a nice little
patch will hold in the canopy where they can sit the subtle pop afternoon nectar
boy side of the gully
like of color boys I've been up here no doubt chasing deer I'll top themselves a
little fire just beautiful
I'll take your hand
small plane going overhead your local farmer
get out - the more of a smoky Valley all the farmers have got their fires going
who's he think miss Missy
yep so I could head down the galley all right bring you back
GSM vs CDMA - Difference between CDMA and GSM - Duration: 2:46.
GSM and CDMA are two dominant technologies for mobile communication.
These two technologies differ in the way calls and data travel over the mobile phone networks
take place.
On comparing both the technologies GSM has some limitation, when the call quality is
concerned but still has more flexibility and an easy implementation relative to the CDMA
The major difference between the two lies in terms of the technology they use, security
factors, their global reach and the data transfer speeds.
In this video i will go to show you difference between GSM and CDMA technology.
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communication.
CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access.
GSM operates on the wedge spectrum, called a carrier is divided into a number of time
slots and each user is assigned a different time slot, so that until the ongoing call
is finished, No other call have access to this.
CDMA is based on spread spectrum technology which makes the optimal use of available bandwidth.
It allows each user to transmit over the entire frequency spectrum all time.
The GSM network operates in the frequency spectrum of 850MHz and 1900MHz.
The CDMA network operates in the frequency spectrum of 850MHz and 1.9G Hz.
GSM uses EDGE data transfer technology.
CDMA has faster data technology as EVDO ready data transfer technology is used.
A SIM card is required for the working of GSM device.
CDMA phones do not have these pulses.
GSM offers a maximum download speed of 384 Kbps.
CDMA offers a maximum download speed of 2 Mbps.
Signals can be detected as the GSM signals are concentrated in the narrow bandwidth.
The signals cannot be detected easily in CDMA.
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Why Do We All Need To Drink Wheatgrass Juice Daily │ Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice - Duration: 3:03.
Health Benefits Of wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is one of Natures purest of elixirs.
As the name implies, it is part of the wheat family, however, it does not contain gluten.
This is because wheatgrass has been sprouted and no longer carries gluten or other allergic
That means that it�s benefits can be enjoyed by celiacs and other gluten intolerance sufferers
In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of wheatgrass.
So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.
Number 1.
Weight Loss.
Many people have started adding wheatgrass juice to their diet as a quick and convenient
way to boost weight loss.
Wheatgrass contains thylakoids, which are tiny compartments found in plants that contain
chlorophyll and absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
While there is no evidence that wheatgrass itself could increase weight loss, several
studies have found that supplementing with thylakoids could enhance satiety and increase
weight loss.
Number 2.
Lowers Cholesterol In High Fat Diets.
cholesterol as well as a positive improvement in good . It also dilates the blood pathways
which reduces blood pressure.
The study also showed a significant rise in the appearance of Vitamin C and glutathione.
Glutathione is one of our bodies most powerful antioxidants and is concentrated mostly in
the liver, making it an essential part of the body's natural detoxifying processes.
Number 3.
Reduce Cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found throughout the body.
While you need some cholesterol to make hormones and produce bile, too much cholesterol in
your blood can block blood flow and increase your risk of heart disease.
Several animal studies have found that wheatgrass may help lower cholesterol levels.
In one study, rats with high cholesterol were given wheatgrass juice.
Number 4.
Kill Cancer Cells.
Thanks to its high antioxidant content, some test-tube studies have found that wheatgrass
may help kill cancer cells.
According to one test-tube study, wheatgrass extract decreased the spread of mouth cancer
cells by 41%.
Some research indicates that wheatgrass juice may also help, when combined with traditional
cancer treatment, minimize adverse effects.
Number 5.
Really Hungry.
OK, so I should tell you that I decided my daily wheatgrass shot would be my breakfast.
Don't ask me why I did this when I easily could have downed it along with my usual peanut
butter-topped apple.
I guess I thought that having wheatgrass on an empty stomach would be the best way to
feel the effects.
But I have to admit, I've made better decisions in my life.
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Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 3 Wifi Module Firware Upgrade
Little Do You Know- Cover - Duration: 3:09.
Alahna Ramby
Isn't she SO good?!
She's been in Honor Choir...
She's been in plays...
She sings ALL the time!!!
Plus, she's absolutely ADORBS!!
Subscribe to my Channel
To see more
of Alahna Ramby
And...Me, MJ
We are working on our next song, so SUBSCRIBE to see what we have in store for you....
Nhìn sướng con mắt | Tiktok VN, TQ | Người đẹp Tik tok | girls dancing |【抖音】上百万双击视频 | 美女抖音集合 抖奶 #2 - Duration: 3:32.
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⚠️ I am David and This is My Channel - Like - Duration: 0:11.
By Jorg Geo David
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Why Do We All Need To Drink Wheatgrass Juice Daily │ Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice - Duration: 3:03.
Health Benefits Of wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is one of Natures purest of elixirs.
As the name implies, it is part of the wheat family, however, it does not contain gluten.
This is because wheatgrass has been sprouted and no longer carries gluten or other allergic
That means that it�s benefits can be enjoyed by celiacs and other gluten intolerance sufferers
In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of wheatgrass.
So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.
Number 1.
Weight Loss.
Many people have started adding wheatgrass juice to their diet as a quick and convenient
way to boost weight loss.
Wheatgrass contains thylakoids, which are tiny compartments found in plants that contain
chlorophyll and absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
While there is no evidence that wheatgrass itself could increase weight loss, several
studies have found that supplementing with thylakoids could enhance satiety and increase
weight loss.
Number 2.
Lowers Cholesterol In High Fat Diets.
cholesterol as well as a positive improvement in good . It also dilates the blood pathways
which reduces blood pressure.
The study also showed a significant rise in the appearance of Vitamin C and glutathione.
Glutathione is one of our bodies most powerful antioxidants and is concentrated mostly in
the liver, making it an essential part of the body's natural detoxifying processes.
Number 3.
Reduce Cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found throughout the body.
While you need some cholesterol to make hormones and produce bile, too much cholesterol in
your blood can block blood flow and increase your risk of heart disease.
Several animal studies have found that wheatgrass may help lower cholesterol levels.
In one study, rats with high cholesterol were given wheatgrass juice.
Number 4.
Kill Cancer Cells.
Thanks to its high antioxidant content, some test-tube studies have found that wheatgrass
may help kill cancer cells.
According to one test-tube study, wheatgrass extract decreased the spread of mouth cancer
cells by 41%.
Some research indicates that wheatgrass juice may also help, when combined with traditional
cancer treatment, minimize adverse effects.
Number 5.
Really Hungry.
OK, so I should tell you that I decided my daily wheatgrass shot would be my breakfast.
Don't ask me why I did this when I easily could have downed it along with my usual peanut
butter-topped apple.
I guess I thought that having wheatgrass on an empty stomach would be the best way to
feel the effects.
But I have to admit, I've made better decisions in my life.
Tips & Tricks - Duration: 1:59.
Hey guys welcome to Wizz House Comedy
Today I'm going to show you some tips and tricks
So, this is Wizz I'm Warren. He's going to show you some tricks
Hopefully you get to know how to teach them. So I started by
Telling him to sit down. I was talking to him everyday
24/7 he comes with me. I'm at work at the moment
He needs to get to know your dog and you need to be patient as well. So
To get him exited you need to get the attention.
From Wizz, like this... ouhu Wizz ohuu
look what I have my friend
hahaha 3.2
Clap hands, clap hands
like this, you start clap hands like this
turn, turn, like this. YES YES
Good job! Go get it!
aaa hahaha
you need to get the attention, you know you need to get him exited!
you need to talk with your dog, you need to think about
What he's thinking, you need to get to know your dog well 1, 2
come wizz 3, 2, 1.. get it!
Clap hands.. nice, talk.. talk
talk... talk.. talk
Good job turn nice, down..
Good job now. I'm going to show you some videos this is the first episode
We`r going to show you some tricks and tips how to teach your dog. I hope you like this video.
If you do, please hit that like button and subscribe to our channel.
LASER // LASER DIODE - Duration: 3:02.
greetings to one and all watching this video.
let us learn about the term A laser diode.
A laser diode, injection laser diode , or diode laser is a semiconductor device similar
to a light-emitting diode in which the laser beam is created at the diode's junction.
Laser diodes are the most common type of lasers produced, with a wide range of uses that include
fiber optic communications, barcode readers, laser pointers, CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc reading/recording,
laser printing, laser scanning and light beam illumination.
A laser diode is electrically a PIN diode.
The active region of the laser diode is in the intrinsic region, and the carriers (electrons
and holes) are pumped into that region from the N and P regions respectively.
While initial diode laser research was conducted on simple P-N diodes, all modern lasers use
the double-hetero-structure implementation, where the carriers and the photons are confined
in order to maximize their chances for recombination and light generation.
Unlike a regular diode, the goal for a laser diode is to recombine all carriers in the
I region, and produce light.
Thus, laser diodes are fabricated using direct band-gap semiconductors.
The laser diode epitaxial structure is grown using one of the crystal growth techniques,
usually starting from an N doped substrate, and growing the I doped active layer, followed
by the P doped cladding, and a contact layer.
The active layer most often consists of quantum wells, which provide lower threshold current
and higher efficiency.
Laser diodes form a subset of the larger classification of semiconductor p-n junction diodes.
Forward electrical bias across the laser diode causes the two species of charge carrier – holes
and electrons – to be "injected" from opposite sides of the p-n junction into the depletion
Holes are injected from the p-doped, and electrons from the n-doped, semiconductor.
(A depletion region, devoid of any charge carriers, forms as a result of the difference
in electrical potential between n- and p-type semiconductors wherever they are in physical
Due to the use of charge injection in powering most diode lasers, this class of lasers is
sometimes termed "injection lasers," or "injection laser diode".
As diode lasers are semiconductor devices, they may also be classified as semiconductor
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Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA - Duration: 3:17.
Es Noticia: Champions League Se encuentra usted aquíINICIO // Universal Deportes // Más deportes // Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA Golden State se impuso a Houston en el séptimo juego para avanzar a las Finales de la NBA; enfrentarán a los Cavs por cuarta ocasión consecutiva AFP
28/05/2018 23:05 Universal Deportes -A +A Los Warriors y los Cavaliers se enfrentarán otra vez por la corona de la NBA
Golden State derrotó 101-92 a los Rockets de Houston, para avanzar a las Finales de la NBA y, por cuarta ocasión en fila, se enfrentará a Cleveland
Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant y Klay Thompson se medirán al mejor jugador de estos Playoffs, LeBron James, por el trofeo Larry O´Brien
La máquina del entrenador Steven Kerr busca su tercer título en cuatro años, pero lo que más quiere la franquicia californiana es impregnar su estampa entre las dinastías de la Liga, como la de Celtics, en la década de los 60; Bulls, en los 90, Lakers, al principio de este milenio
Primero, estará James, hambriento de revancha por el año pasado, cuando Warriors los fulminó en cinco duelos
"Son un nuevo equipo que el año pasado", destacó Curry. "Nosotros nunca habíamos estado en un lugar así [siete partidos en una serie de Conferencia]
Tendremos que trabajar mucho; no es fácil ganar un campeonato". El tridente de Golden State hizo polvo a Houston con el contragolpe
Durant fue el líder en puntos con 34, Curry aportó con una decena de asistencias y Thompson firmó 19 unidades
A pesar de que los Rockets tuvieron un gran primer tiempo, donde lideraron los cartones, con una ventaja de 11 puntos, no aguantaron el ritmo de los campeones de la NBA
El primer juego de las Finales de la NBA arrancan este mismo jueves, en Oakland. Tanto Cavaliers como Warriors llegarán calientitos para la cuarta serie consecutiva que se disputan el trofeo Larry O´Brien
Artículo Cavs avanzan a la final de NBA tras vencer a Celtics en juego 7 Universal Deportes LeBron James y compañía ya esperan rival entre Warriors y Rockets TAGS Warriors, Golden State, Cavs, Cavaliers, Houston, Rockets, Finales de la NBA Opinión Giovani, el crack que nunca fue El Fondo del Meollo Gerardo Velázquez de Léon Ganar Mónaco viste #EnLosOjosdeGiselle Giselle Zarur Final llena de anécdotas Condenando Líneas Gustavo Calderón COMENTARIOS MÁS EN Elecciones 2018 Ir a la sección de Elecciones 2018 Reclaman protocolo de seguridad tras muerte de ex edil en Sonora Andrés y Ricardo, pretendientes incómodos en miniserie de Nueva Alianza Así canta Mikel Arriola NOTICIAS DEL DÍA Ir a la portada Warriors avanzan a la final por el título de la NBA Reclaman protocolo de seguridad tras muerte de ex edil en Sonora Aburrido empate entre México y Gales VIVEUSA Otra famosa que lleva las axilas sin rasurar Efectos indeseables del refresco en tu salud Michelle Obama sorprende con foto de su juventud
"Alla fine è successo davvero...". Simone Coccia, nessuno se lo aspettava - Duration: 5:57.
È una strana edizione del Grande Fratello, questa. Gli sponsor che se ne vanno, livelli di trash inimmaginabili, atti di violenza e bullismo all'interno della casa, insulti, nudi, personaggi dal livello culturale pari a zero, i due Ken umani
Insomma, alla fiera del trash, per tre soldi, nessuno comprò niente. E ci mancherebbe altro, commenta qualcuno
Nel frattempo tuttavia, le cose vanno avanti, il gioco continua e come diceva il grande Freddy Mercury – non certo in un contesto come questo – "The show must go on"
Ora però è toto scommesse sul probabile vincitore del reality. Chi sarà? Per i bookmakers non c'è alcun dubbio
Simone Coccia è il primo finalista del Grande Fratello 15 e i bookmaker lo piazzano al primo posto sulla lavagna del vincente, a 2 volte la scommessa su Snai
Il compagno della deputata Stefania Pezzopane, che è anche entrata nella Casa per sostenerlo, ha scavalcato Alberto Mezzetti, ora a 3 volte la posta
Sul podio anche Matteo Gentili ed Alessia Prete, tra cui è sbocciato l'amore: la vittoria, per entrambi, si gioca a 7,00
Doppia cifra, a 10,00, per Danilo Aquino, con Veronica Satti a 12,00 e Filippo Contri a 20,00
Ultima Lucia Orlando, in lavagna a 25,00. Le cose cambiano se cambiamo bookmakers
Su altri canali infatti, il preferito dagli italiani sembrebbe il tarzan di Viterbo Alberto Mezzetti
(Continua dopo la foto) Ed ecco che in queste nuove classifiche è proprio il favorito a 2,50
Seguono Simone Coccia con 3,25; Alessia Prete con 6,00; Matteo Gentili 6,00; Danilo Aquino 10,00; Veronica Satti 12,00; Filippo Contri 20,00; Lucia Orlando 25,00
Insomma come "la si mette la si mette", l'unica cosa certa sembra la sconfitta pesantissima della Orlando
Nel frattempo il clima nella casa non è dei migliori. Proprio Simone Coccia, primo finalista di questa edizione del Grande Fratello, ogni giorno sottolinea trionfante di non avere più niente da perdere
Nelle precedenti sere è stato criticato da tutti gli inquilini della casa per aver rifiutato la prova collettiva e quindi per aver impedito a tutti di vincere il premio in palio
La reazione più pesante è arrivata da Filippo Contri, che lo ha anche minacciato
Il fidanzato della Pezzopane ha scatenato malumori e polemiche perché ha detto no al Grande Fratello boicottando la prova che tutti dovevano superare singolarmente
(Continua dopo le foto) Ognuno di loro, infatti, aveva una missione da portare a termine per il bene della collettività
Ragazzi e ragazze hanno intuito che l'ex spogliarellista non avrebbe rispettato le regole del gioco perché, essendo già in finale, non rischia di essere nominato o eliminato
Uno a uno si sono scagliati tutti contro di lui. Filippo durante la discussione ha addirittura minacciato di essere pronto ad alzare le mani per far uscire fuori la verità
Ha anche proposto di fargliela pagare buttando i suoi vestiti in piscina. Chissà se questa cosa cambierà ulteriormente le quote
Staremo a vedere. Ti potrebbe anche interessare:
Isabel Pantoja denuncia a Las Mellis y les pide 500.000 euros - Duration: 3:17.
La guerra entre Las Mellis y el clan Pantoja no tiene fin. Si bien hace unos meses era Kiko Rivera quien denunciaba a Raquel y Bibi por informar esta última de una supuesta insinuación por parte del DJ cuando ya estaba casado con Irene Rosales, pidiéndoles 150
000 euros, ahora ha sido su madre, Isabel Pantoja, quien ha seguido sus mismos pasos
Ha sido Bibi quien en directo ha contado para 'Socialité' que el martes 22 de mayo tanto ella como su hermana recibieron una citación de la demanda de la tonadillera, en la cual les pide 250
000 euros a cada una. Un total de medio millón que la artista pediría por una frase que Las Mellis pronunciaron en ese mismo programa en relación a unas fuertes palabras de Pantoja hacia Dulce
Según afirmaron las hermanas hace unos meses, Isabel Pantoja habría amenazado a la que fuera niñera de su hija Chabelita con las siguientes palabras: "Como te levantes de aquí, te juro que te arrastro por los pelos escalera abajo"
María Patiño se interesó por conocer la implicación de Dulce en caso de que Raquel y Bibi quisieran contar con su presencia en el juicio como testigo
"Creo que sí, que podemos contar con ella", alegó Bibi. No obstante, explicó que "no la voy meter en un compromiso si ella no lo considera"
Ante todo, Dulce mantiene una excelente relación con Chabelita, por lo que ayudar a Las Mellis en contra de su madre podría resultar perjudicial
No tiene arregloLa mala relación de Las Mellis con el clan Pantoja es tal que incluso tienen vetada la entrada a Cantora
Bibi tiene muy claro su calificativo hacia la matriarca: "Está loca". Pese a todo, las cantantes no tienen ningún miedo "a nada ni a nadie", y no se arrepienten ni de sus palabras ni de sus actos
Según ha afirmado Bibi en el programa de Patiño, dialogar no es una opción, ya que "no cogen el teléfono a nadie" y "la palabra dialogar no entra en su vocabulario" "Si no dialogan entre ellos, ¿cómo van a dialogar con sus amigos o examigos?", espetó la exconcursante de 'Supervivientes'
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