Memorial Day 2018: The VA Hospital Final Salute Tradition
Death is never easy.
Even when expected, a person's death leaves a void for those who remain.
As a physician, it is especially difficult for me when one of my patients dies.
I practice medicine at one of America's approximately 160 Veterans Affairs hospitals, so my patients are all veterans.
The VA system – the largest integrated health care system in the United States – cares for approximately 9 million veterans, men and women who were willing to sacrifice greatly for our country.
News about transitions at the very top of the VA put me in a reflective mode, thinking about the core reason that we do what we do at VA health care facilities around the nation.
As a VA doctor, it is sometimes difficult to read the frequent criticism about the VA and its hospitals without getting dejected, but, fortunately, most of us are inspired by those who entrust us with their care and their lives.
Abraham Lincoln, in his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865, gave the VA its mission: "To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.
I've been involved in caring for veterans since my first days in medicine, through many changes.
As a medical student and resident, I cared for World War I veterans.
They are now all gone.
I am now always honored to care for World War II veterans, most of whom have also passed.
Next will be veterans of the Korean War (like my father-in-law), Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
It was these men and women who bravely served this country and who kept it free and open to people like me and my family – immigrants who were looking for better lives.
I did not sit in the foxhole with them or parachute into jungles, but I still have a duty.
My duty is to provide America's veterans with superb medical care, delivered in a humane, compassionate and high-quality manner.
The Final Salute.
When a veteran dies at our VA hospital, we all feel the loss.
Even though I have been caring for veterans for over two decades in four different VA hospitals – as a medical student, resident, fellow and now as an attending physician – I only recently witnessed a ceremony that is both beautiful and heart-wrenching.
It is known as the Final Salute, and it is done for veterans who die under our care.
After pronouncing death, the patient's family is called and comes in to see their loved one.
The body is placed on a gurney and is draped with Old Glory, the symbol of our freedom.
As the body and family are led out of the hospital room to the exit, "Taps" is played – the signal for the health care workers, and, especially, their fellow soldiers, to come to the doors of their rooms.
Civilians stand with their hands on their hearts.
Veterans give the military salute, standing if they are able.
For me as a civilian, I am reminded of how lucky others and I are that we get to care for these men and women, who all too often are forgotten and are struggling with demons.
Rituals and ceremonies are important links to the past, and they are reminders of what it takes to improve tomorrow.
Being a VA doctor gives me pride, no more so than when I watch how our VA honors those veterans who have died.
Veterans deserve top priority.
As the headlines point out, however, the VA should strive to provide the best care anywhere.
Even though studies have found that overall VA care is comparable to and often better than non-VA care, the VA needs to do much more to make the VA a model system for not just this country but the entire world.
I think that President Donald Trump's call to increase the VA budget for fiscal year 2019 is a step in the right direction.
Not only will extra resources provide veterans more choices for care, but they also will help prevent veteran suicides, reduce opioid use, and expand cutting-edge VA research on prosthetics and veteran safety.
Most Americans and politicians can agree on at least one thing: support for veterans.
Support for veterans has, fortunately, remained bipartisan.
Despite the change of leadership currently happening in the VA secretary's office – and the continued controversy the role of the private sector could and should have in providing care to veterans – my plea from the field is that our elected leaders continue to do right by veterans.
My colleagues and I – the men and women who have the privilege to care for America's heroes in VA health care facilities around the country – are honored to provide the high-quality and compassionate care veterans deserve from the moment they leave the service to the time of their Final Salute.
Sanjay Saint, George Dock Professor of Medicine, University of Michigan.
This article was originally published on The Conversation.
Read the original article.
For more infomation >> Memorial Day 2018: The VA Hospital Final Salute Tradition - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
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Six common diseases during summer transfer - collection - Duration: 4:26.
Health Network, For Public Health
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Six common diseases during summer transfer - collection
Respiratory, flu, dengue fever, pinkeye, and so on, are common diseases, when the weather turns summer to autumn.
Parents need to know how to prevent, to protect children from the risk of disease.
1. Respiratory diseases:acute upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia.
When there is a high fever for more than 3 days, shortness of breath, rapid breathing or chest pain, or more tired children every day, the child should go to the doctor for examination and counseling.
Prevent respiratory diseases in the fall:keep body warm, wear masks on the street, avoid wearing too thick clothes, sweat more to lead to cold.
Personal hygiene. Wash hands with soap.
2. Flu.
Symptoms of the disease are nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, headache, dizziness, cough, sore throat, anorexia, and so on, should take the patient to the doctor for examination, counseling, effective treatment , complications and relapse.
Dengue fever.
Be sure not to use an antipyretic drug that contains aspirin, or ibuprofen, if you suspect dengue fever, as it can increase the risk of bleeding.
Only use Paracetamol fever antipyretic, then quickly transfer to the hospital in time.
4. Hand and foot disease.
Signs characteristic of the disease are fever, sore throat, mucosal and skin lesions, mainly in the form of scalds, commonly seen in the palms, feet, pillows, buttocks, and so on.
Complications of the disease such as encephalitis, meningitis, myocarditis, pulmonary edema, if not detected early and timely treatment.
Prevent the source of infection, wash hands with soap several times a day, cleaning toys, if possible wash the toys with soap, and so on.
5. Red eyes.
The disease is red with one eye, then it spreads to the other, the person feels uncomfortable, looks like sand in the eyes, many tears, swollen eyelids, bumps, aches, tears, and so on.
To prevent red eye, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands with soap and clean water.
Use towels, pillows, washbasin.
Towels, towels, clean laundry with soap, sun exposure to kill the disease.
Bring salt water 0.9% daily.
Limit exposure to people with eye pain.
Do not buy eye drops yourself, or take other people's medications when they are sick.
Do not make strawberry leaves, betel leaves, because they can cause more serious infections.
Note that corticosteroids, which can soothe fast, but are at risk for complications of keratitis, therefore, when not prescribed by the doctor, absolutely not used.
6. Stomach disease.
Many studies show that in the fall, people with stomach problems, will increase the risk and relapse symptoms
Due to the stimulation of cold air, the amount of blood in the blood increases, gastric acid excreted in the gastrointestinal tract, the contractions are strongly compressed, reduced resistance, and adaptability to the body's climate.
In addition, stress, especially over-stress, or stress eating, often causes abdominal pain.
At first, functional abdominal pain, can gradually cause ulcers, and so on.
Prevention, stomach ache people need to wear warm, exercise to reduce the possibility of disease
Do not eat too much, do not eat too much, and should be divided into several meals, avoid learning overload, not watching TV, play more, and so on.
According to Bach Mai Hospital.
The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
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Melania's Not Taking It Anymore Swings Back With Huge Message About Her Husband, Takes Big Hit For I - Duration: 5:35.
Melania's Not Taking It Anymore Swings Back With Huge Message About Her Husband, Takes
Big Hit For It.
The media would have you believe things are awful between President Trump and First Lady
Nothing could be further from the truth.
If you watch how thoughtful the President is around his wife, always helping her and
looking at her adoringly and the love in her eyes for her husband, you would know this
is not the truth.
It's hateful propaganda that the media never used as a weapon against Barack and Michelle
Obama, although there was far more cause to.
Melania has had it with the lies and the false rumors being spread by the media and the left
about her marriage.
The constant fake news is getting really old and tiresome.
The "hit she took for it" was being called fake news and a liar for the message she sent
the world, about her marriage and her love for President Trump.
Melania is a fantastic mother and she is dedicated to her husband and marriage, and she is adamant
about it.
She's also obviously very happy in that role, despite what the left constantly says.
The First Lady just had major surgery, which by the way President Trump was in attendance
for as far as I know.
He checked on her constantly.
The media is all in a dither saying she has not been seen for more than two weeks.
Well, she had kidney surgery to remove a fibrous growth.
She spent about five days in the hospital and is now recovering in the White House.
It's no wonder she's not up and around to be seen.
Give it a rest already.
This has nothing to do with their marriage.
Under a kidney procedure such as the First Lady's, doctors block a blood vessel in
order to stop blood flow to a specific area and stop a patient from bleeding.
After she returned to the White House, she thanked people for their good wishes.
"Our office has received thousands of calls and emails wishing Mrs. Trump well, and we
thank everyone who has taken the time to reach out," the White House said in a statement.
"Melania has been suffering under the weight of constantly finding out new and horrible
things about her husband's past, and he seemingly can't even be bothered to spell
her name correctly, a woman he's been married to for 13 years and change.
That little blunder proved one of a few things: Either he manually spelled it wrong like a
moron, or he types her name so infrequently that his phone's spell check doesn't automatically
guess what he's saying or perhaps worst of all, an aide wrote the tweet."
"Perhaps that's why tweets are surfacing tonight about Melania moving back to New York
following her "kidney surgery", on May 14th at Walter Reed Medical Center."
"But maybe the biggest proof of all that Melania has her bags packed, or at least plans
to in the near future is that the First Lady has changed the location indicator, on her
personal Twitter account back to New York City, where she lived before she moved into
the White House with Barron after his school year ended."
First off, that's pretty much the entirety of that report, which is just lame beyond
The Trumps have a home in New York City, just as they do in Florida and in DC right now
at the White House.
Melania's official FLOTUS Twitter account she uses for her duties has Washington D.C.
as her location.
Her personal account has always had New York as the location.
Stop picking at every little thing on their social media accounts.
You people just make stuff up anymore for clicks.
Trump made a typo on Melania's name and that means he doesn't love her?
Give me a break when I text, auto-correct sometimes gets by me and my spelling is hilarious.
And theirs is too and they know it.
Heck, sometimes I misspell my own name.
Most of the accusations in Trump's past are baseless and made up.
The rest, people are just maliciously guessing at.
Trump and Melania obviously love each other or they would not be together still.
And you know what?
It's none of anyone's business but theirs.
It amazes me the amount of gossip, and hate mongering coming from the left and how nonexistent
the recognition of President Trump's accomplishments are.
He's virtually kept all his promises and has radically made things better for all of
us since he's been in office, but you'd never know it to look at the media.
You never see the pics where Melania stumbles in heels on the White House lawn, while heading
to the helicopter and President Trump being right there to catch her.
You don't see the loving looks they give each other at various events.
You don't hear the kind words spoken between them when a live mic is accidentally left
At least the media is hoping you don't.
But Americans are paying attention.
I know I do and I see and hear it all the time between the First Couple.
They are not on the verge of breaking up and I highly doubt the separate bedrooms rumor.
In fact, I don't believe anything coming out of the media anymore and most of America
is in agreement with me.
Melania Trump is doing great after her kidney surgery, President Trump said Friday, but
what the media focused on was that the First Lady had not been seen lately.
"She's doing great.
Right there.
She's doing great," he said on the White House lawn Friday morning before he left to
give the commencement address at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
"She's looking at us, right there," he added and pointed to a window in the White
House residence above him.
She's recovering and being the beautiful woman that Melania is, she won't want to
be seen until she's fit for duty.
As for the love between them, it is an untold fairy tale in many respects.
And it belongs to the Trumps, no one else, so knock off the lies already.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
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Keremcem Darısı Başımıza dizisi setinden paylaştı DİZİ HABERLERİ | 29.05.2018 01:28 | 2 saat önce Show TV'nin yeni yaz dizisi Darısı Başımıza'nın çekimleri başladı
Başrolleri Ozan Dolunay ve Elif Doğan'ın oynayacağı dizinin setinden Keremcem fotoğraf paylaştı
Show TV'de başlayacak olan "Darısı Başımıza" dizi çekimlere başladı. Baş rolleri Ozan Dolunay ve Elif Doğan canlandıracak olan dizi "Darısı Başımıza" güçlü senaryosu ve usta oyuncu kadrosuyla dikkat çekti
Alaçatı'da başlayan dizinin çekimleri İstanbul'da devam edecek. Keremcem ise bu gün sosyal medya hesabı Instagramdan "İlk set günü hayırlı olsun
yakında" notuyla paylaşımda bulundu. Gold Film'in yapımcılığını üstlendiği, senaryosunu Deniz Dargı'nın kaleme aldığı, yönetmen koltuğunda Hasan Tolga Pulat'ın oturduğuShow TV'nin merakla beklenen yeni dizisi "Darısı Başımıza" Ozan Dolunay, Elif Doğan ve Devrim Yakut'u buluşturdu
Dizinin oyuncu kadrosunda Açelya Topaloğlu, Özgün Karaman, Nergis Kumbasar, İbrahim Kendirci, Sevinç Erbulak, Dilek Çelebi, Ulvi Alacakaptan, Yüksel Ünal, Burak Can, İlay Erkök, Gizem Ergün, Eda Başlamışlı gibi güçlü isimler de yer alıyor
PARTNERÜnlü yıldız ve genç sevgilisi herkesin içinde. Ünlü oyuncu Ufak Tefek Cinayetler'e veda etti Eşkıya Dünyaya Hükümdar olmaz 105
yeni bölüm fragmanı: Ayrılık çanları çalıyor!
中電14所重大關鍵技術改變世界格局,殲20裝備「隱身雷達」 - Duration: 5:33.
hey guys this is Monday's weigh-in I didn't do a weigh-in
last Monday because I had some digestive issues and I just wasn't feeling really
good I was prepping all last week for a dry fast I would get like 33 hours into
the dry fast and then I would you know what a juice or eat so each time that I
start started and stopped I would do a salt water flush that next morning and
then begin doing a water fast or dry fast
whatever was convenient at the time all last week was a dry fast thing
unsuccessful with it so there was two times last week that I did a dry fast
and I decided not to do salt water flush before I started to dry fast and I got a
little bit backed up from the foods and stuff that I was eating so what happened
was when weighing came in I was constipated and I did a weigh-in and I
was stuck at 183 as well so I got all that worked out this week I'm all you
know back in shape I'm gonna get on the scale see if I lost
any weight let's see like I said today is day 28 May 28 2008 eeen let's get on
the scale and get this number rolling I have not done a scale weigh in video
since starting my juice fast so let's do it now so I'm at 180 3.6 so basically I
have not lost any weight I'm still on a stall
I was 183 the last time I weighed in but I'm
not at all I'll get back on and show you I'm not at all um unhappy because I'd
rather be at a stall then gain weight I rather stay at the comment weight that I
am at because it's not like um I gained any weight and my body is still doing
something eating the dead skin cells in the body from the rapid weight loss
I have lost a total of 65 pounds and I have 23 pounds total left to move out of
the 88 pound that I had to lose so not a bad deal that I lost 65 total pounds
since January 11th 2018 I've lost again 65 pounds and I was 88 pounds up on
January 11th and I've lost 65 pounds of the 88 pounds and I have 23 more pounds
to lose I cannot wait to this part of the journey is over the weight loss part
of it so I can go to Phase two which is maintenance in be over with this so I'll
see you on Monday next weigh-in if you're not subscribed to my Instagram
followers of viewers please subscribe to the YouTube
excuse me YouTube channel and shit and like this video and make it a favor and
I'll see you guys in the next video
這國向印度開放馬六甲咽喉港口 直言:平衡中國 - Duration: 10:37.
Melania's Not Taking It Anymore Swings Back With Huge Message About Her Husband, Takes Big Hit For I - Duration: 5:35.
Melania's Not Taking It Anymore Swings Back With Huge Message About Her Husband, Takes
Big Hit For It.
The media would have you believe things are awful between President Trump and First Lady
Nothing could be further from the truth.
If you watch how thoughtful the President is around his wife, always helping her and
looking at her adoringly and the love in her eyes for her husband, you would know this
is not the truth.
It's hateful propaganda that the media never used as a weapon against Barack and Michelle
Obama, although there was far more cause to.
Melania has had it with the lies and the false rumors being spread by the media and the left
about her marriage.
The constant fake news is getting really old and tiresome.
The "hit she took for it" was being called fake news and a liar for the message she sent
the world, about her marriage and her love for President Trump.
Melania is a fantastic mother and she is dedicated to her husband and marriage, and she is adamant
about it.
She's also obviously very happy in that role, despite what the left constantly says.
The First Lady just had major surgery, which by the way President Trump was in attendance
for as far as I know.
He checked on her constantly.
The media is all in a dither saying she has not been seen for more than two weeks.
Well, she had kidney surgery to remove a fibrous growth.
She spent about five days in the hospital and is now recovering in the White House.
It's no wonder she's not up and around to be seen.
Give it a rest already.
This has nothing to do with their marriage.
Under a kidney procedure such as the First Lady's, doctors block a blood vessel in
order to stop blood flow to a specific area and stop a patient from bleeding.
After she returned to the White House, she thanked people for their good wishes.
"Our office has received thousands of calls and emails wishing Mrs. Trump well, and we
thank everyone who has taken the time to reach out," the White House said in a statement.
"Melania has been suffering under the weight of constantly finding out new and horrible
things about her husband's past, and he seemingly can't even be bothered to spell
her name correctly, a woman he's been married to for 13 years and change.
That little blunder proved one of a few things: Either he manually spelled it wrong like a
moron, or he types her name so infrequently that his phone's spell check doesn't automatically
guess what he's saying or perhaps worst of all, an aide wrote the tweet."
"Perhaps that's why tweets are surfacing tonight about Melania moving back to New York
following her "kidney surgery", on May 14th at Walter Reed Medical Center."
"But maybe the biggest proof of all that Melania has her bags packed, or at least plans
to in the near future is that the First Lady has changed the location indicator, on her
personal Twitter account back to New York City, where she lived before she moved into
the White House with Barron after his school year ended."
First off, that's pretty much the entirety of that report, which is just lame beyond
The Trumps have a home in New York City, just as they do in Florida and in DC right now
at the White House.
Melania's official FLOTUS Twitter account she uses for her duties has Washington D.C.
as her location.
Her personal account has always had New York as the location.
Stop picking at every little thing on their social media accounts.
You people just make stuff up anymore for clicks.
Trump made a typo on Melania's name and that means he doesn't love her?
Give me a break when I text, auto-correct sometimes gets by me and my spelling is hilarious.
And theirs is too and they know it.
Heck, sometimes I misspell my own name.
Most of the accusations in Trump's past are baseless and made up.
The rest, people are just maliciously guessing at.
Trump and Melania obviously love each other or they would not be together still.
And you know what?
It's none of anyone's business but theirs.
It amazes me the amount of gossip, and hate mongering coming from the left and how nonexistent
the recognition of President Trump's accomplishments are.
He's virtually kept all his promises and has radically made things better for all of
us since he's been in office, but you'd never know it to look at the media.
You never see the pics where Melania stumbles in heels on the White House lawn, while heading
to the helicopter and President Trump being right there to catch her.
You don't see the loving looks they give each other at various events.
You don't hear the kind words spoken between them when a live mic is accidentally left
At least the media is hoping you don't.
But Americans are paying attention.
I know I do and I see and hear it all the time between the First Couple.
They are not on the verge of breaking up and I highly doubt the separate bedrooms rumor.
In fact, I don't believe anything coming out of the media anymore and most of America
is in agreement with me.
Melania Trump is doing great after her kidney surgery, President Trump said Friday, but
what the media focused on was that the First Lady had not been seen lately.
"She's doing great.
Right there.
She's doing great," he said on the White House lawn Friday morning before he left to
give the commencement address at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
"She's looking at us, right there," he added and pointed to a window in the White
House residence above him.
She's recovering and being the beautiful woman that Melania is, she won't want to
be seen until she's fit for duty.
As for the love between them, it is an untold fairy tale in many respects.
And it belongs to the Trumps, no one else, so knock off the lies already.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
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An eerie video has been submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) recently, and it shows
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In the initial moments of the video, the alleged evil spirit was seen resting on the ground
and later it shoots up to the sky in the most mysterious manner.
As the video went viral, spiritualists started claiming that this could be a solid proof
of the existence of soul.
The soul is yet to get salvation, they reason out.
"Evil spirits on the move.
It's time to armor up in Jesus name!
Plead the blood of Jesus over your homes and stay prayed up.," a YouTube user.
On the other hand, alien buffs and UFO enthusiasts have a different story to tell.
According to these conspiracy theorists, the object featured in the video might be a cloaking
UFO which came from the deeper space.
These theorists argue that aliens have very advanced technology to stay invisible and
that they can even shape-shift, if necessary.
However, skeptics are not convinced with either the alien or ghost theory.
They brushed it aside as an anomaly in the video probably caused by a bug in the camera
They also suggest that the object spotted might be actually an insect sitting in the
camera lens.
"Another one of these videos again!
This must be their first time owning a camera with night vision.
That is clearly an insect on the lens.
You can even see its legs moving as it crawls up the frame.
I have a camera on my house and I see all kinds of weird stuff on it at night but 95%
of the time it's either insects, rain or dust," commented Caramel Reese, a YouTube user.
FÓRMULA 1 2010 - I N T R O D U Ç Ã O - Duration: 12:52.
Senado dá urgência a projeto que elimina PIS-Cofins sobre diesel até o fim de 2018 - Duration: 4:05.
Senadores reunidos no plenário durante a sessão desta segunda-feira (28) (Foto: Waldemir Barreto/Agência Senado) O Senado aprovou nesta segunda-feira (28) um pedido de urgência para o projeto que elimina a cobrança de PIS-Cofins sobre o óleo diesel até o fim deste ano
Na prática, com a decisão, a proposta será incluída na pauta de votações e pode ser analisada mais rapidamente pelo plenário
O presidente do Senado, Eunício Oliveira (MDB-CE), não falou em data de votação, disse somente que o projeto será apreciado oportunamente
A eliminação do PIS-Cofins foi incluída pela Câmara, na semana passada, no projeto que trata da reoneração da folha de pagamentos de 28 setores da economia
A medida, sobre a qual ainda não há acordo entre os partidos, seria uma tentativa de buscar recursos para amenizar as perdas da União com descontos nos preços do oléo diesel
Neste domingo (27), o presidente Michel Temer anunciou, entre outras medidas, a redução de R$ 0,46 no litro do diesel numa tentativa de por fim à greve dos caminhoneiros, que já dura oito dias
Segundo o Ministério da Fazenda, diante disso, o governo pode subir tributos para compensar o preço do diesel mais barato
Impactos da medida Há divergências em relação ao impacto financeiro da medida. Defensores da proposta dizem que o governo deixará de arrecadar cerca de R$ 3 bilhões
No entanto, políticos contrários ao projeto dizem que o impacto negativo pode chegar a R$ 14 bilhões
Na Câmara, a articulação feita por Rodrigo Maia contrariou governistas que pretendiam retirar da composição de preço do diesel somente a parcela referente à Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico (Cide)
Pauta 'limpa' Mais cedo, nesta segunda, o Senado analisou medidas provisórias (MPs) que estavam trancando a pauta de votações
Esse tipo de medida, editada pelo governo, tem força de lei assim que é publicada no "Diário Oficial", mas precisa ser analisada pelo Congresso para virar uma lei em definitivo
A partir de um determinado período, as MPs trancam a pauta de votações do plenário
Por isso, para analisar a urgência do projeto da reoneração, os parlamentares precisaram analisar as medidas provisórias
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