hey welcome back in today's video I know it's been a minute but I'm back now oh
and my back while I was on break it seems there was a little bit of
controversy nothing big it was a minor thing but I
just feel like I need to speak on it so get ready for the tea
speaking of my stalker you guys know that I had a stalker
it was a very disturbing thing it wasn't funny but thinking back on it it's hard
for me to not crack a smile when I do talk about it because I never thought I
would have a stalker in a million years and it got it got so severe that I
actually had to talk to the authorities about it because the people the person
the person the girl was reaching out to my friends and my family and taking
pictures of me on my live streams and it was getting it was getting pretty creepy
well I decided to take a couple days off because I had a lot of work a lot of
work to do for you guys but oh and I got a lot done and I'll
show you that in a minute but while I was on break somebody else another
person that would that was stalking me and hear me out there they were at it a
while back what I did was I have a Facebook page the RIP Zilla Facebook
page I don't use it that much at all as if you guys follow it you'll know that I
don't updated as much as I update everything else and I accidentally
commented on one of my posts on my personal Facebook account and when I did
this there were several of you guys that added me as a friend and without
thinking I added you and I should not have added you guys on my personal
Facebook account but rather than delete the six or seven
people that I accidentally added I talk to you guys cuz you guys know I don't
mind talking to you guys it was just my personal Facebook account it's got my
friends and my family on there my in real life and you could easily find out
where I live and it is a really dangerous situation for the most part
everyone that I talked to I still talk to we've built a really great friendship
there was one person however that was trying to do YouTube and they were
asking me advice and it was no problem for me to give him advice I didn't see
this person as a big deal but when I went on vacation and I kind of heard it
from other people in the community that this person was leaking information
about me that other people just shouldn't know things about my friends
things about my family doxxing stalking that's what it does is
stalking what's the difference I had this girl that was a stalker she was
taking pictures of me that were not public and posting out there and this
person would did the same thing they took my picture that was not public and
posted it on their their YouTube thumbnails and it talked about me and
put my name in their titles in their descriptions tags and everything and
released messages between me and this person from a personal Facebook account
like like I said I accidentally added six or seven to you guys and so far the
relationships between us have been pretty great like I've never had a
reason to worry otherwise I would have removed you now I
might have to remove all you guys sorry in advance because this person took
personal informations and just like throwing it out there and it's not right
that's stalking it's it's really bad it first started with they were they
were saying to people that but Noah was not caught bad I don't have time to do
that and it's clear to see if you stack the content up next to each other
there is no copying it's completely different there's no way he's he this is
somebody that was helping it but because of us helping him he used it as an
opportunity to tell other people well I'm friends with him on social media oh
he sub to my channel oh he did all this game ain't got nothing to do is I'm just
a good guy and I'm like trying to like just help the guy out like I have
multiple conversations in the personal diems where I'm like helping him out and
that's all it is is just help in fact the difference between mine his content
is visual I spend eight to twelve hours on my videos where he maybe takes
fifteen minutes and I felt bad because I always wanted to share my wisdom with
him because he was an aspiring YouTube channel and I just wanted to do
everything I could to just help the guy out that's all I wanted to do you know
that's what I'm about and I was gonna actually spend thousands of dollars for
him and buy him new stuff just not because of anything other than that's
the type of stuff that I do so while I was on vacation and I was making the
discord channel and I made the the suicide prevention channel the awareness
all the wareness channels of the me2 movement all those things for you guys I
made the emotes everything for live streams this guy was name-dropping using
my name in his videos for views there is no other reason why he would do that but
it was for views like how do I know that well here's the thing if you're watching
guy if you're watching anybody who watched his video leave me alone
it's as simple as that I don't want you to bother me I'm busy I have since
blocked this person from all social medias my YouTube channel and everything
and I asked you like I asked the girl that stalked me well you need to stop I
had to reach out to the authorities with her I will do it with you
it this is serious you're putting me in danger you're putting my friends and
you're putting my family in danger and you're ruining it for everyone like I
make it a point to reach out to my audience my community and have that
close connection and you're showing me how dangerous that it can be and I was
wondering why didn't other content creators talk more closely to their
community is this why is it because the disrespect of the the the fear of what
could happen because it's it's pretty scary and I'm gonna say it again like
stop stop reaching out to me stop doing this it's it's bad the content that you
did make has more dislikes than likes you might be making a couple dollars off
of it that might be your angle you might be getting a couple subs off of it
because you're you're dropping information that you should not have and
that is very illegal out of personal conversations that you had with me out
of the kindness of my heart I read a little bit in the comment section of
that video when somebody calls you out on it you ask them well what makes you
think that you can't play the neutral on this my friend you what you did is wrong
what you did is stalking what you did is stealing private information and I'm
asking you one more time I'm not making videos about you I'm not even saying
your name in this video I'm not doing any of that so stop using my name in
your video for views stop using my personal information you're endangering
me and my family and you're ruining it for the rest of the community
and that's all I'm gonna say on it now it's time to show you what did I do
on my days off well we got a discord channel the discord channel is awesome
clearly we got the server info but what I'm most proud of is I have the suicide
prevention we can all help prevent suicide it's got all the things you need
the risk assessment standards the Lifeline policy for helping callers and
then I also have the me to which is an amazing channel it's the me to movement
was founded in 2006 to help survivors of sexual violence it's got everything you
need the resources the websites and I really like it and the community itself
is such a positive community I've made emojis on that myself you got my head
you got Greg you got we even have an Ikea emoji a hype emoji we have the me
two emoji the suicide prevention emoji really cool emojis but what I'm most
proud of is that I also got professional designers to make the emojis for live
YouTube chat and that is the coolest thing this is them right here as you can
see we have the ripply the band the hammer the bad oh you lie you get the
hammer we got this fidget spinning a truth for truth we have the Mars our
real heart that you guys requested we have the rip logo with the rep at the
Greg logo with the Greg we've got the sinking ship
we have greg emojis more emojis just really fun stuff that those can only be
used for sponsors it's and this is the sponsor list I really took a liking to
discord it's it's one of the better social medias that I've ever messed
around with but that being said guys it's good to be back and I think we're
gonna go live this weekend I'm thinking about going to the aquarium with a back
scenes pass to show you all the cool animals in there so be looking forward
to that and as interesting as this is man is it
ever so interesting I'm more interested in what you think's once you go ahead
leave your creative and/or interesting responses in the comment box below
there's always brothers and sisters it's good to be back and I'll see you in the
next video I mean I'm just trying to do it's easy man respect people's respect
people's boundaries be a good it's not hard to just be nice and courteous and
that I mean that's one of the building values of the community that I've
created here just be good to people man that's how you got to do because this
channel loves you
For more infomation >> Speaking of "My Stalker" - Duration: 11:19.-------------------------------------------
Primal Carnage: Extinction | I AM THE KILLING MACHINE! | #52 - Duration: 11:41.
You will be mine!
Mine mine mine!
Give me a chocolate!
Sneaky... ;)
I love the kill sound effect :)
This jump was too high :'D
I don't want your drugs x_x
Nice shoot!
I'm gonna slap you. ;)
Hmm... I forgot how to make a Taunt animation 0,0
Bad timing! for the Taunt animation!
This is not a jump
Ninja raptor: LVL 100
Are you in the game or not?
It moves!
Aaaand It's dead.
Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 , AIRCO , ZIJ BARS , LEDER BEKL ,SCHUIFD L+R , - Duration: 1:12.
CAPITOL REPORT: BIll Signing Ceremony Brings 2018 Session to a Close - Duration: 28:31.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 16v VVT-i 5drs - Duration: 1:04.
Opel Crossland X 1.2 T 110PK ONLINE EDITION NAVI DEMO - Duration: 1:09.
Peugeot 108 1.0 68 PK E-VTI ACTIVE 5drs Airco | Bleutooth | LED dagrijverlichting * lage kilometerst - Duration: 1:04.
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
KitCaster - Review, Doubts and Clean Sound of the Kit's Guitar - Duration: 21:18.
[Music] Hi guys, JJJ, Jojo Jack back with the
kit that I've buid, my KitCaster diy!
Today we'll solve some doubts that arise during the project,
talk about the result and show the sound that most people asked for
the clean sound. I put an example in the last video
but today I'll show you the sound without effects,
its pure sound, directly to the amp I'll record here, near the speaker center
slightly off center and a few inches apart
so we can hear it with the best fidelity, its pure sound.
One of the things that show up as a doubt in comments was
this connection between body and neck I didn't film this part...
I recorded a lot of stuff, but sometimes some details escapes...
this detail here is something I like to do and I explained on
comments: I make this two holes bigger
and the others tight. Some people
commented about this... the screw here when it enters the body
and start to enter the neck. If the fit here is very tight
if it's doing some kind of force at the body, when it
reaches the neck if some tiny part of the screw remains at the gap
it does not bring the neck really close to the body, the gap remains here
because the screw is part here, part there and part in the middle.
It's all very subtle, but it is a detail to
try to bring the neck as close as possible to the body, to improve sustain and
the structure. Not everybody do that, not all factories,
some people do make holes larger for the
screws to pass through the body completely and just start to screw at the neck
so it brings the neck well tight to the body. What I do? I do this 2 holes
bigger, not a big hole, just a little bigger
that the screw, so it'll not screw, it'll pass loosely, and the other 2
screws I do a tight hole, so the screw will be attached to the body
tightly, so when I put the plate
here I screw these 2 bigger holes first so they can
bring the neck very close to the body and then I put the other two
in this diagonal here. That's what I do: first bring the neck
close and then join everything tight: body with screw and
screw with neck. It's a technique I do for long time.
One thing I felt necessity to do after a while playing
I had to put this thing here the second string tree between these
strings. The 4th was OK, but the 3rd was with an angle very
soft, which is making the string kinda muddy
so I had to put this thing here. Other thing I
want to emphasize, I already said, but I want to make it clear:
this finish I did, with dyeing and tru-oil is
very thin and not much protective... anything can scratch it,
dent it, or punch it. Other thing
was much commented in the videos was about the painting,
dyeing, actually... It would be better
start at the middle and then going darker
little by little to the edges, well was my first sunsburst attempt...
I started from the edges would be better actually, as must people
said, start with the lighter color in the middle and then go to the edges
which could gave a passage more gradual, but my result is not
that inedited... as I showed a Fender style sunburst from
the 60's the division of the colors was more or less
strong as mine, after some time, they started to do
a more gradual dyeing with a degrade, but the initial style
of Fender was sort of hard as mine, the division between the colors.
But I really think that would be better if it had a softer change in color
well, was my first time with this...
Next time I do better... Other thing I want to say is about
these areas more clear here
this is not a a defect of my work, this is because
the wood is clearer here, the wood is figured like that. It was
a dyeing, not a painting so it happens at some places
like here, or here. Here is darker. This
wood is other piece of wood, and it was
darker or absorbed more the dye than the other pieces
by its side that's why it would be nice to have
a unique piece of wood a the body, because we would have a uniformity
in the result. Other thing I left to talk on this video
is about the guitar setup... It was hard, because
it is a little... how can I say... a little
high here. I didn't want to reduce this thing down here because when
we try to sand this, neck or body,
the risk of getting things wrong is huge! And it is so tight and straight
I prefer to keep this and let the neck a little higher. And what
happens when the neck is a little higher? Well, no big deal, right? We can
compensate with higher saddles... But they are a bit
higher that I like... Indeed, when I lift them, they start to look awry...
They are under the strings pressure, so I had to remove or
loosen the strings and adjust the saddles slowly until I reach the right position.
I think it's a little too high... anyway, I managed to setup properly
this part here. The pickups I lift them almost the maximum
they support, because when the neck is a little higher than normal
this thing happens: the pickups stay farther the strings, so
I had to lift them all way up. Would be more interesting
reduce this height here, but... I can do that anytime I want,
just remove the neck, sand a little the neck is easier than
the body, but there is a chance of not getting very flat and I'am thinking
if I want to run that risk. And, If I do, after the sanding
I should redo all the finish of this part here again...
boring... don't know if I want to do that... Probably I'll let like this, it's set up,
on the edge, but it is setup. Other thing is this nut here. I reduced it
a little as I said before I removed it and sanded a little
its back until it gets right.
It was too high, so I made this reduction from behind and
put it again. Other thing related to the setup was the truss rod I had to
loosen a little. I had to do that because the neck was too tense,
too flat like this, so I loosen a bit
and it came up a bit and now it's correct
now the setup is OK with all heights (pickups, strings, bridge)
everything the roght way including this gap here
in the bridge front, which is normal allowing the tremolo
bar to go up to raise the pitch instead of lower it
so we can make the movement up or down. People also asked me if
something went bad with the parts, they want to know about the kit quality.
Let me clear that: the strong point of this very kit
is body and neck. Well, the pickguard is also cool, 3-ply
pearl style... The rest is kinda "simple". But there is nothing here
that is not working. Everything I put in this guitar worked.
Anyway, some parts are really simple.
The plastics here, the pickups
the bridge, with a small block, the jack plate is very
thin, the tuners are simples and light weight, but
everything worked. There is nothing here that had to be replaced,
including the pots, the electric stuff is also very
simple (you saw the pots), but there is no noise, all is fine.
The switch is working. So, the answer to the question "How are the parts?"
is "The parts are simple, but functional". This is the most honest answer I can give.
But it can get better. The pickups sound can be better.
The tuning, although is fine, can be improved, so
I'm really thinking about some upgrades on
this guitar. Not that it is bad, but it can be better.
Other question that happened a lot: "Where to buy?". I answered many times
to whom asked. I didn't splurge about that
because I wanted to be free to say whatever I feel and to be honest
about the kit. I didn't want to expose anyone.
And I also didn't receive any money to do that. I bought it.
I spent my own money. It was bought from a seller on Mercado Livre, which can be
anyone, even if it's not selling now. Could even not be there anymore.
Actually... I knew - some people told me -
and I confirmed that there is no more Strats there!
Just other types of guitar kits, not Strats. I think I had
something to do with that! Well, if anybody is interested in
me to do a reviews of anything, OK... provided that it is honestly and clear.
But I don't accept money to do anything. No way. Don't even
ask, because the answer will be "No". Other question that people asked me was
"Was it worth it?" Yes. "How much you spent?" Well, nothing beyond
the price of the kit. Obviously, I had to use some tools and stuff,
but I already had those things. About other kits, some people wanted
to know. I have no idea... I can't talk about
something I didn't test. All I'm saying and opining is related to
this particular kit and this particular guitar, because I don't know
about the others, even if is the same model. So,
I'm just telling my experience. Well, nobody asked me
about this, but I think that some people may want to
know the height here, because it is important to who wants
to chance the bridge. It's more or less 4 cm (about 1.5")
of thickness. One thing I didn't say:
those 3 springs that were straight
now I put in "V" shape: the two at the borders in diagonal because
I saw that the bridge needed a little more tension. It was too
high before. Other thing: I put the tremolo bar
here, but without some stuff inside to make it more stable.
I made a video about that, I'll put the link...
Anyway, this will not interfere on sound.
Let's take a look here. First the pots here to
check how they are. To do this, I'll use
the middle pickup Let's check the volume...
No noise [Music]
The volume pot is OK, now the tone of the neck pickup...
No noise. Now the tone of the middle...
Also without noise. The electric part is working fine. The switch...
neck... neck and middle... middle... middle and bridge... bridge...
[Music] Everything is fine with the
eletric part. Now let's check the
sound. There is no effect at all. Just guitar to amp.
No compression, no reverb, no distortion. People wanted to hear
its clean sound, so... let's start with the bridge... now bridge and middle...
[Music] just the middle... middle and neck...
just neck...
Let's check the tremolo bar if it's working and not
detuning the guitar. There is a common concern about this. About
the tremolo to destroy the guitar tuning, affecting the whole system when we use it.
Let's check it out.
When used in a light way it didn't screwed the tuning. Let me use it
a little harder... [Music]
Well, there is a little detune here, just a little
detune. [Music]
Not too much... [Music]
So, it detuned a little, but not much. There are ways to set the
guitar for the tremolo don't detune it too much. There are some hacks.
I'm not using the ultimate one, though... which is to "lock" the bridge.
It's completely free to use the tremolo, going up or down,
and not detuning it. [Music]
It's almost all tuned, in fact...
These strings that came I think they are
very thin. 009 or maybe 008... Very thin strings.
I don't know about their quality. Maybe they're not
so great, but there are no rust (although this is not the only factor
to be concerned) Well, I'll put some good strings
here someday and check if something changes
with the guitar behaviour. I surely will do some
upgrades here, but this will be on other video. I tried to remember
all things people asked and wanted to see. If there's something
more, some doubt still in the air, please
put on the comments and I can answer later
on future videos. Till the next!
See ya!
Ecco perché i nostri Nonni non avevano allergie alimentari…e NOI SI - Duration: 4:29.
Uomini e Donne: come sta Nilufar dopo il 'caos' scatenato dal suo ex? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:57.
Uomini e Donne, Sara sceglie Luigi: la reazione del suo ex ragazzo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:07.
Acidente em submarino nuclear russo deixa 20 mortos e 22 feridos - Duration: 6:14.
Lójico - LUZES (Prod. Purp & dj bombay) - Duration: 2:43.
Tabela Campeonato Brasileiro: Vasco vence e Botafogo perde; veja os resultados|x3and1baller - Duration: 7:08.
Peugeot 208 1.6 E-HDI 92PK ACTIVE 5-Deurs! Navi/Cruise/Airco/Bluetooth/PDC/Boordcomputer/Radio-MP3/E - Duration: 1:06.
Peugeot 108 1.0 68 PK E-VTI ACTIVE 5drs Airco | Bleutooth | LED dagrijverlichting * lage kilometerst - Duration: 1:04.
Citroën DS3 1.4 e-HDi Chic automaat - Duration: 1:08.
Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI FEEL - Duration: 0:52.
Cookie de Chocolate | 🍫CHOCÓLATRA, essa receita é pra você! - Duration: 5:24.
Francesco Totti e Antonio Cassano sul campo insieme per beneficienza - Duration: 4:20.
Últimas notícia de hoje : FUP: COM NOVO AUMENTO DA GASOLINA, PARENTE AFRONTA O POVO - Duration: 3:11.
Flamengo x Bahia: saiba como assistir ao jogo ao vivo na TV e online |x3and1baller - Duration: 5:05.
I just want to say screw all the casters for not believing in us and hopefully you guys believe in us in the playoffs but
Then you tell all the fans who stayed up to watch us in America right here anywhere in the world
We thank you guys, and we love you from the bottom of our heart
Thank you very much. Wow. Do we have to be such little dipshit s'alright? I yeah, why is he such little dipshit?
I predicted them to win. I did it at the beginning of the day
But even when there's a boss, we don't put me in the same basket as these guys
Why do they take it like it's a personal attack? Like we're coming after them and their bloody livelihoods, mate
We're just looking at Counter Strike. We're looking at what information we have and we're making a call based on that. I like that corner
He will bring out the off the scouts get Ronan all this can't be real life
Cameron's gonna know well, I guess he's like, well guys nothing else is working for me
I'm not known to be an oppa, but I'm gonna give it about best shot. I've got no armor, but the sniper
Snatch he's coming for him though
Can really can achieve quite a devout husband
He'll go down
Hated it, I think they ran right into that careful. Oh, we're up. Perfect
Ho chinky boys Isis realizing it
Out of all, the people that we've played against I feel like this is the type of team in the streams, thank you
I feel like maybe I should throw it onto the way but
No way
No way
Music clutch
there's bolts with one twist with the big trade but fur just pounces and now we can set up the crossfire with cold who's getting
Aggressive along the wall. He's chiming in there's time
There's only 5 seconds on the clock and ilish has to go for the plant cold. Sarah's gonna end it with the knife
The statement and you could see standing up immediately
Sk-gaming are through to the quarterfinals you go. I think like a left foot skin one like yeah. I think he'd be into that
But like in a manly way obviously yeah a manly leopard you get like you get like oh
That's a nice neck it stack. Well there goes ooh set his purse his leopard skin
Look at this long and wait at the center bomb site leave that snacks. Yeah
Yeah, that is snacks and he's gonna get flaming at least study didn't clear. That's the bottle my lord. He misses everything. That's a
Nails on a chalkboard feeling. I'm not really sure execute boy and a couple of shots for some reason
He's having to smile
For ice
Trying to hold car for a sec. I
Want to be still?
see the boy I wanted that's
Gonna watch bit. I think he's
Good. Sure. Yeah, just think about another cost
Get some C's ads get the scout out on Stewie
See if you can create a market Matt magic just a low econ chance of winning this so that's great start
That is a beautiful start from Stewie
Yeah, I forgot that bird, bitch
Not gonna happen but fugly has taken up this position he's got to free at all free doubles up on headshots at the end
I'm in one apiece coming back. Can you flash it?
Possible talking about the one a min
I'm gonna leave one's going door ones the ones door to one a min cut. Is this smoked off? Yeah
Don't die gone don't die to come now today
So I won't want Polish being struggling one is certainly exceeded our expectations Chris Jake oh
Go Chris J for massive kills and what utter beast up? Yeah 1v for
mp3 inside to say bombs that effectively funny first time the secondhand purse maybe
He wishes
Good luck, and he might make it happen a1 b3 now Pampas from inside the site now leaves it in a1 b1 with execute
He's - three or four kills he needed to win this round he has to bomb down
He's not ready for execute around on short, but he's played this perfectly
wrapping around through long
And secure it without AK it
clears out the bomb site and pisses wrapped all the way back around and
There was no fate that Hampus could pull this back
And he's gonna manage to do it Hampus. That's filled
Burgess pounces and now we can set up the crossfire with cold who's getting aggressive along the wall. He's chiming in there's time
There's only 5 seconds on the clock and elite has to go for the plan Colts air is gonna end it with the knife
The statement and you can see standing up immediately
1613 and I like to try baby
Incredibly triangle the whole eating around or to make it a four-to-one advantage
So you're saying there's a chance
Not like this. Oh
Not like this 4v1 clutch turned 1v1 for vanity and he kisses the door
Hero needs to stand at vanity one before clutches for the 1600 light
1v1 knife
Inside the bomb site tops on the bomb. I said have a kid
He's relying that Freddie Peaks, but he's actually sticking it he scoped in this is perfectly. Here's the scope
So he thinks he's off the bomb. That's just gonna do it a full 10 second defused
And Team Liquid they're gonna buy themselves a seventh-round
That is beautiful
I love it when that's how you go for the dps table the often so strong to have in those sort of scenarios
Yeah, just completely Bates in Freddie
Back bomb outside
Daddy coming to you. Okay, I'm on time here. No one's an outside player truth Center player get the bomb and just rushing. Oh, okay
Just leave you
See this one in there so come on see waiting for your contact to decide where I go
I'll just walk in and just keep outside
I'll bomb done
I'll plant it in the lane puts a back line. Okay?
Yeah, I'm walking towards it or no it's planted from there
He's outside coming see
One that's a fucking one tab go
And it will be down upon coming in
They have time to try and take him down and you might punish them for a great shot
But remember self, let's not gonna walk out formats vox, 'ok should secure the round of this one
I don't see myself winning this on five HP. That's so high. But he stays alive for now
Matt deaths is actually quite promising three kills in total for MSL
Bomb has been planted that smoke is not on it. He's hoping at best
He can
Disappear within it's the timing of that smoke was
Exceptional because MSL was trying to put them all on top of the ball
Instead boxer can now get inside of it use that to his advantage of all the time has gone and I myself has been evasive
Just all I say that just woken up. He's got it just barely that bombs gonna go off. Oh
That's really well played by myself
Online Logo Creator - How to Make a Logo Online - Duration: 6:47.
You've set up your store and added some fantastic products that will fly off the shelves.
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Canva This is a popular online design tool, often
used to create images for social media.
But Canva can also be used to create a logo for your ecommerce store.
Canva has many of the features you'll find in professional design programs like Photoshop.
Unlike Photoshop, however, Canva's drag and drop interface is extremely simple and
intuitive to use.
Canva comes with over 100 logo templates to choose from.
And, it also comes with a huge selection of stock images that you can use to create your
The best part?
You can download your finished, high-res logo for free.
Number 3.
Ucraft Ucraft is a website builder that also offers
a free online logo creator.
The logo creator is available for anyone to use, even if you're not using Ucraft to
build your website.
Ucraft allows you to create a logo with the help of different fonts, colors, icons, and
Their interface is simple, making it easy to create and export your logo design in minutes.
Ucraft does ask that you create an account to use the service.
It also charges $12 if you'd like to download your design in SVG format.
However, it's totally free to download your design as a high-resolution PNG file with
a transparent background.
If that's what you're after, check out Ucraft to design a professional-looking logo.
Number 4.
The Hipster Logo Generator As you'd expect, this quirky logo creator
generates logos in a hipster style.
It's not for everyone, but if your ecommerce store caters to a younger crowd, this tool
is perfect.
The tool is super simple to use, and asks you a series of questions to bring your logo
design to life.
As with Ucraft, you do have to pay to download a high resolution SVG file, in this case $10.
But, it's completely free to download a PNG file of your finished design.
Number 5: MarkMaker This clever logo creator generates design
options based on the name of your company and your industry.
How does it work?
First, you heart the logo designs that you like most.
Then, the software will register the style of design you like the most, and show you
more designs tailored to your preferences.
Once you find the design template you like best, you can hover your mouse over it and
click the pencil icon to edit the logo to your heart's content.
Best of all, MarkMaker allows you to download your design absolutely free, as either a PNG
or SVG file.
Number 6: LogoType Maker This free online logo creator is ideal for
startups and small sized companies on a budget.
Simply input the name of your company and choose your industry, and the tool will present
plenty of logo templates for you to browse.
Once you've found a logo template you like, customize the shapes, colors, and fonts.
You do have to pay to download your design in SVG format.
But again, you can download your finished design as a PNG or JPG for free.
Number 7: Logaster Once again, with this tool, you start by inputting
the name of your company, along with your industry.
Then the tool will show you logo examples to choose from.
Once you've picked a template to start with, you can edit the color, text, and icons, before
you save your finished design.
It costs $9.99 to download your finished design as a high resolution file, but you can download
a smaller version of your design for free.
Number 8: Vectr This free graphic design software is a bit
more complex than the other options we've mentioned.
But it's still easy to use, even if you're not a design whiz.
One great thing about this program is that you can work with it online, or you can download
the program to your computer for free.
Vectr also has live editing, so you can collaborate on your design in real-time, or share your
progress with your team.
Plus, if you ever get stuck, Vectr has a helpful user guide and tutorials to help.
The best part?
Every design you create is available to export in high resolution for free.
Last on our list of free online logo creators is…
Number 9: Free Logo Design This free logo generator has a wide range
of professional-looking templates.
Like the other tools we mentioned, you start by inputting your company name and industry.
Then, the tool will provide templates for you to work with.
You can also create a template from scratch by selecting the 'start' button.
Free Logo Design charges for a high resolution file of your logo design.
But, you can download a low resolution file for free if you create an account.
Okay, so now you know of 9 tools that you can use to create a professional-looking logo
for your ecommerce business…
Let's run through some key points to consider when designing your logo.
First off, research your competitors.
This is a great way to get some inspiration, and it helps you differentiate your logo,
so that your store stands out.
Also, don't make your logo too complex.
95% of the world's top brands use just one or two colors in their logos.
And often, one simple icon or shape is all you need.
For a more professional-looking logo, try to avoid using generic clipart, or overused
Also, avoid any design elements that are trendy right now, but might look dated in a couple
of years time.
And, don't forget to make sure your logo still looks good in black and white, and small,
or large.
Lastly, once you've created a couple of designs, be sure to get some honest, constructive
Try posting a few design options on Facebook and get your friends to vote on which one
they prefer.
This should help you to hone in on that winning logo design for your ecommerce store.
Okay, that's all for now.
It's time to pick one of these free online logo creators and start designing!
But before you go, do you have any tips for creating a professional-looking logo?
Let us know in the comments below, and I'll reply with my thoughts!
Thanks for watching, and if you liked this video, be sure to hit the subscribe button,
and turn on the notification bell for more.
And until next time, learn often, market better and sell more.
✅ Prima fucilata al governo, la Gelmini apre il fuoco: profezia horror su Salvini. "E Berlusconi..." - Duration: 1:48.
L'unico commento alla nascita del governo di M5s e Lega da parte di Forza Italia arriva con le parole di Maria Stella Gelmini, che commenta quanto accaduto su Facebook
"Dopo quasi 90 giorni di crisi post-voto, sembra ci siano i numeri per far nascere un esecutivo politico
Forza Italia sarà all'opposizione di questo esecutivo giallo-verde - pericolosamente a trazione grillina, a giudicare dal contratto programmatico - e incalzeremo gli amici della Lega affinché al centro ci sia il programma presentato dalla nostra coalizione agli italiani lo scorso 4 marzo"
Parole, quelle della Gelmini, che prevedono un futuro nerissimo per Salvini, stretto nella tenaglia grillina
"Il presidente Silvio Berlusconi -riprende la capogurppo azzurra alla Camera - ha a cuore i problemi reali del Paese
Per questo ci batteremo per pensioni più eque, per le famiglie, per le imprese, per i giovani, per la sicurezza e per tasse più basse
Faremo battaglie dalla parte dei cittadini, saremo le loro sentinelle nelle Aule di Camera e Senato", conclude la Gelmini
Mini Doom 2 PC (2018) - análise / review [PT] - Duration: 4:36.
Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-DESIGN NAVI/ECC/PDC/CRUISE/LMV - Duration: 1:13.
China, Russia want Trump to fail with North Korea: Rep. Duffy - Duration: 5:53.
Speaking of "My Stalker" - Duration: 11:19.
hey welcome back in today's video I know it's been a minute but I'm back now oh
and my back while I was on break it seems there was a little bit of
controversy nothing big it was a minor thing but I
just feel like I need to speak on it so get ready for the tea
speaking of my stalker you guys know that I had a stalker
it was a very disturbing thing it wasn't funny but thinking back on it it's hard
for me to not crack a smile when I do talk about it because I never thought I
would have a stalker in a million years and it got it got so severe that I
actually had to talk to the authorities about it because the people the person
the person the girl was reaching out to my friends and my family and taking
pictures of me on my live streams and it was getting it was getting pretty creepy
well I decided to take a couple days off because I had a lot of work a lot of
work to do for you guys but oh and I got a lot done and I'll
show you that in a minute but while I was on break somebody else another
person that would that was stalking me and hear me out there they were at it a
while back what I did was I have a Facebook page the RIP Zilla Facebook
page I don't use it that much at all as if you guys follow it you'll know that I
don't updated as much as I update everything else and I accidentally
commented on one of my posts on my personal Facebook account and when I did
this there were several of you guys that added me as a friend and without
thinking I added you and I should not have added you guys on my personal
Facebook account but rather than delete the six or seven
people that I accidentally added I talk to you guys cuz you guys know I don't
mind talking to you guys it was just my personal Facebook account it's got my
friends and my family on there my in real life and you could easily find out
where I live and it is a really dangerous situation for the most part
everyone that I talked to I still talk to we've built a really great friendship
there was one person however that was trying to do YouTube and they were
asking me advice and it was no problem for me to give him advice I didn't see
this person as a big deal but when I went on vacation and I kind of heard it
from other people in the community that this person was leaking information
about me that other people just shouldn't know things about my friends
things about my family doxxing stalking that's what it does is
stalking what's the difference I had this girl that was a stalker she was
taking pictures of me that were not public and posting out there and this
person would did the same thing they took my picture that was not public and
posted it on their their YouTube thumbnails and it talked about me and
put my name in their titles in their descriptions tags and everything and
released messages between me and this person from a personal Facebook account
like like I said I accidentally added six or seven to you guys and so far the
relationships between us have been pretty great like I've never had a
reason to worry otherwise I would have removed you now I
might have to remove all you guys sorry in advance because this person took
personal informations and just like throwing it out there and it's not right
that's stalking it's it's really bad it first started with they were they
were saying to people that but Noah was not caught bad I don't have time to do
that and it's clear to see if you stack the content up next to each other
there is no copying it's completely different there's no way he's he this is
somebody that was helping it but because of us helping him he used it as an
opportunity to tell other people well I'm friends with him on social media oh
he sub to my channel oh he did all this game ain't got nothing to do is I'm just
a good guy and I'm like trying to like just help the guy out like I have
multiple conversations in the personal diems where I'm like helping him out and
that's all it is is just help in fact the difference between mine his content
is visual I spend eight to twelve hours on my videos where he maybe takes
fifteen minutes and I felt bad because I always wanted to share my wisdom with
him because he was an aspiring YouTube channel and I just wanted to do
everything I could to just help the guy out that's all I wanted to do you know
that's what I'm about and I was gonna actually spend thousands of dollars for
him and buy him new stuff just not because of anything other than that's
the type of stuff that I do so while I was on vacation and I was making the
discord channel and I made the the suicide prevention channel the awareness
all the wareness channels of the me2 movement all those things for you guys I
made the emotes everything for live streams this guy was name-dropping using
my name in his videos for views there is no other reason why he would do that but
it was for views like how do I know that well here's the thing if you're watching
guy if you're watching anybody who watched his video leave me alone
it's as simple as that I don't want you to bother me I'm busy I have since
blocked this person from all social medias my YouTube channel and everything
and I asked you like I asked the girl that stalked me well you need to stop I
had to reach out to the authorities with her I will do it with you
it this is serious you're putting me in danger you're putting my friends and
you're putting my family in danger and you're ruining it for everyone like I
make it a point to reach out to my audience my community and have that
close connection and you're showing me how dangerous that it can be and I was
wondering why didn't other content creators talk more closely to their
community is this why is it because the disrespect of the the the fear of what
could happen because it's it's pretty scary and I'm gonna say it again like
stop stop reaching out to me stop doing this it's it's bad the content that you
did make has more dislikes than likes you might be making a couple dollars off
of it that might be your angle you might be getting a couple subs off of it
because you're you're dropping information that you should not have and
that is very illegal out of personal conversations that you had with me out
of the kindness of my heart I read a little bit in the comment section of
that video when somebody calls you out on it you ask them well what makes you
think that you can't play the neutral on this my friend you what you did is wrong
what you did is stalking what you did is stealing private information and I'm
asking you one more time I'm not making videos about you I'm not even saying
your name in this video I'm not doing any of that so stop using my name in
your video for views stop using my personal information you're endangering
me and my family and you're ruining it for the rest of the community
and that's all I'm gonna say on it now it's time to show you what did I do
on my days off well we got a discord channel the discord channel is awesome
clearly we got the server info but what I'm most proud of is I have the suicide
prevention we can all help prevent suicide it's got all the things you need
the risk assessment standards the Lifeline policy for helping callers and
then I also have the me to which is an amazing channel it's the me to movement
was founded in 2006 to help survivors of sexual violence it's got everything you
need the resources the websites and I really like it and the community itself
is such a positive community I've made emojis on that myself you got my head
you got Greg you got we even have an Ikea emoji a hype emoji we have the me
two emoji the suicide prevention emoji really cool emojis but what I'm most
proud of is that I also got professional designers to make the emojis for live
YouTube chat and that is the coolest thing this is them right here as you can
see we have the ripply the band the hammer the bad oh you lie you get the
hammer we got this fidget spinning a truth for truth we have the Mars our
real heart that you guys requested we have the rip logo with the rep at the
Greg logo with the Greg we've got the sinking ship
we have greg emojis more emojis just really fun stuff that those can only be
used for sponsors it's and this is the sponsor list I really took a liking to
discord it's it's one of the better social medias that I've ever messed
around with but that being said guys it's good to be back and I think we're
gonna go live this weekend I'm thinking about going to the aquarium with a back
scenes pass to show you all the cool animals in there so be looking forward
to that and as interesting as this is man is it
ever so interesting I'm more interested in what you think's once you go ahead
leave your creative and/or interesting responses in the comment box below
there's always brothers and sisters it's good to be back and I'll see you in the
next video I mean I'm just trying to do it's easy man respect people's respect
people's boundaries be a good it's not hard to just be nice and courteous and
that I mean that's one of the building values of the community that I've
created here just be good to people man that's how you got to do because this
channel loves you
Primal Carnage: Extinction | I AM THE KILLING MACHINE! | #52 - Duration: 11:41.
You will be mine!
Mine mine mine!
Give me a chocolate!
Sneaky... ;)
I love the kill sound effect :)
This jump was too high :'D
I don't want your drugs x_x
Nice shoot!
I'm gonna slap you. ;)
Hmm... I forgot how to make a Taunt animation 0,0
Bad timing! for the Taunt animation!
This is not a jump
Ninja raptor: LVL 100
Are you in the game or not?
It moves!
Aaaand It's dead.
Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L1H1 , AIRCO , ZIJ BARS , LEDER BEKL ,SCHUIFD L+R , - Duration: 1:12.
CAPITOL REPORT: BIll Signing Ceremony Brings 2018 Session to a Close - Duration: 28:31.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 16v VVT-i 5drs - Duration: 1:04.
Opel Crossland X 1.2 T 110PK ONLINE EDITION NAVI DEMO - Duration: 1:09.
Peugeot 108 1.0 68 PK E-VTI ACTIVE 5drs Airco | Bleutooth | LED dagrijverlichting * lage kilometerst - Duration: 1:04.
How I Make Money Online
Don't Drill Healthy Teeth! No Dentist Smile Makeover by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 11:25.
I understand why people are afraid of cosmetic dentists and you should be
drilling your teeth down to cones or stumps is so permanent why would anyone
drill perfectly good teeth I knew very fast that drilling was not for me I just
wanted to look better or do something different why would I want to do
anything to my teeth that's not reversible and that's why I say no to
drilling I've done my research and the technology it's changed and it's
changing every single day just look at the people who receive dental veneers
the five or ten years ago today they would make a different choice for me
it's all about choice either drill or bill I'm Kimberly Kloss I chose bill
veneers by brighter image lab
how'd you hear about us I was on Instagram and there was this social
media you know person that I loved her teeth and she was just really real about
you know how she approached getting you know a better smile and I looked at her
YouTube and on her YouTube videos she had she was one of your clients I was so
intrigued I had to you know I was brought to mhm your web page and I was
just like it was almost like automatically I felt like my perspective
had changed upon you know getting a sense of doing veneers just so impressed
that there she avoided doing the drilling and the step-by-step process
that it would take that's so invasive that to me I like it because his high -
yes that's incredibly deceptive oh my god what happens is is they showed the
before they show the after but they never show the ride home and the
difference is when they saw before and after it's a deceptive position like
before and after it's like these are your teeth and now these are your teeth
drilled down and so there's really not an after past that because the third
picture is here your here's your teeth when you apply a veneer here's how we
hide your teeth but the before and after should be real teeth cone teeth my
entire life I have growing up I had you know pretty
baby teeth and my dentist always said that and it stuck with me because when
my teeth came in the way that they did I was not as pleased you just want a
different yeah and so it's like and that's one of the theories that we get
into is that nobody should drill healthy teeth yeah that's terrifying to me
what they do is they drill a tooth to grind it down but it the grinding comes
from the drill and so we just say stay away from the drill we all the time see
people who send us their cases you want to know if they can get their veneers
removed because they want to go back to what
they had my can't when you said that you didn't want to drill then that got my
attention like for instance I don't know if you
know but I think you told me already Invisalign jump out of him yeah
the reason because oh my god it was the biggest mistake ever it was not what
what I tell people is is that there you know you you have to know what to expect
if your teeth didn't come in fully they don't continue to come in fully
I mean straighten them don't make them nicer just makes it more obvious and
sometimes if they're not shaped right they have to be straighter teeth and you
makes it more obvious oh I really need cosmetic and so most people go straight
from braces straight into cosmetic which they could have bypassed it and so
especially for things if you've done it 10 years ago or even five years ago the
choices we make today for those same veneers are so different in color and
shade and translucency and a bunch of things so why commit yourself to
something that's going to fit in its backdating the technology has changed
why continue to do the service that I want to show you something on your smile
okay you have almost no changes the shape of this one in this one's
underdeveloped this is probably one of those cases that are strictly cosmetic
like and but if you could make those changes on a case like this you can do
any case and so I can't believe this is really happening
those are my impressions those are my teeth those are gonna go in my mouth
he's always how they work this is supposed to be your mouth
if it on and so that's where we take it from oh the best thing to do is try it
have to take a deep breath I it's gonna feel weird no I can't even describe
since I have like this is a big moment for me because since I have been like a
little girl on I have always had such since I was 6 years old and my front
teeth came in and this tooth has always been such an insecurity of mine and I
never smiled with my teeth and it's you know maybe it's all a mental thing that
I just like I can't believe this moment is really here
you gotta let the camera see this is unreal
you look amazing I came from amazed look how shiny they were like so perfect and
shiny I can't notice in your Instagram your lip to lip on almost everything and
and my family always gives me such a hard time and it's always been an
insecurity thing you're not having a problem smile now or I mean now we're
talking I'm never gonna do the duck face again we're talking I just learned that that was the real face
I thought it duck made hide oh they look perfect I can't believe it
do you mind changing other ones please I always tell people wait three or four days
before you get used to the bottom but some people get adjusted the first and
they were the second one it all depends on how good it looks should look so real
but it's gonna feel big and it's gonna feel right so let's look at it so what
it is
Push them down they should be tight
oh my god I can't believe this no that's a lot you get used to how does it feel it's crazy big it
was great I can't believe this you know a large percentage of the people that
come to me and never came to me to look good whenever one time I asked to look a
bit better I'm a young lady in Ohio called me and
said I need I mean a really great smile it was Brittney yeah I watched it and
she's like you can do this then she was in the dentist for four years and he
couldn't fix her smile and so that's what we really got on let's make these
more perfect so with that I'm getting to see the word for the first time I don't
get to see it up this close I have to tell you something else people are gonna
ask we don't know each other and we're never ready for today right instagrammed
one time yeah I reached out to you I don't even always reaching out to you I
didn't know who I was reaching out to because I think it's like a Saturday or
Sunday morning it was a Sunday morning you didn't try these on before today oh
and so with that like I this is unreal nothing I liked about you graduated from
college these smart girls that they do their
work they don't drill you obviously don't have people take you to know any
cosmetic dentist in Florida if you wanted to make that choice you could have easily
made it and it wasn't an accident that you put that in our first message like
I'm not drilling so this helped me and I'm thinking how does she know to say
that like I'm always concerned that somebody in my office might have heard
me say it's they go I was just telling this but but we were looking at trying
to start a campaign that is don't drill and I knew you were doing your
investigations and I knew that you could make other choices
and I know there's a time where you didn't want to make any mistakes you got too many people
coming in but I will tell you I have been here for the last 15 minutes or so
and I don't see anything about you that's going to have anything but
positive on you making an impression or where you no longer have the negative I
don't think you're ever going to worry about that one tooth being too small it
looks perfect now let me see there perfect perfect like the tips match
exactly bite for bite it's still way hard for you to believe I can feel the
energy of shock this is insane crazy your parents are gonna see you for
graduation your mom's gonna see you for Mother's Day and you're gonna walk your
stage you're gonna have your friends yeah there might be one more I have to
oh these are my these people will judge me
uh-uh smiling the entire way down we did pretty good we did pretty good I have to
see it again pretty good you did good way to go
They look like matching teeth I know Kariann always had the best teeth she's my twin I got robbed
can you believe it they look so good I know you're the person I'm showing how do they feel amazing
don't they look amazing KK? You're smiling! you're smiling That's awesome I know
Learn more at brighterimagelab.com
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso PureTech 130 S&S 1.2 T. Selection - Duration: 0:55.
Volvo V70 2.4 T COMFORT LINE 200PK! YOUNGTIMER!!/ Cruise/ Clima/ Mistl./ 16"LMV/ Trekhaak - Duration: 1:12.
Opel Crossland X 1.2 T 110PK ONLINE EDITION NAVI DEMO - Duration: 1:09.
Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T BOSE® PERSONAL® EDITION *FULL OPTIONS + LED + AVM + Ultimate Pack* - Duration: 1:14.
Volkswagen Eos 2.0 T-FSI 200PK Navi/Leder - Duration: 1:13.
Without Warning - Metal Detecting A "Peaceful" Place - Duration: 32:36.
I stopped at a quiet and peaceful place...
I wonder if there are any finds...
Should I pull out my metal detector?
What a stupid question.
Just a moment please...
It's full of iron...
A hopeless case.
No, every signal is iron (my DISC is set to "3").
This is something else.
First good target.
They are coming...
Right behind those trees.
It sounds like two!
It's a white helicopter, the camera can't capture it.
What is going on?!
It flew behind the tree on the left!
They must be dumping chemicals!
Where is my target?!
The wind is blowing in my direction!
It's time to leave!
I don't want to be sprayed with chemicals!
Sounds like they are leaving.
I couldn't smell anything (but you never know).
The chemicals could be odorless.
I'm very angry...
I will move away from this location into the forest.
Please read the description below the video for more info.
Just a piece of foil.
I'm escaping into the woods.
I have to create distance between the "contaminated" zone.
Actually I'm one small step from aborting this hunt and leaving...
It's another piece of foil I guess.
The object is deep.
Here it comes...
Whatever it is, it looks old.
I have to leave it here. I can't take care of any more iron.
It's a old lead bullet.
A button.
GPS (POI) #1.
It's already out.
Another object made of lead.
It's a shotgun cartridge.
This is not a musket ball...
A small dumbbell for hamster?
My assistant from the avatar will find use for it.
I don't know if I should continue...
...my aura has been completely disturbed with this "attack".
Is this tree smiling?
A piece of lead?
A button right at the surface.
Hmm, is this an old path, or something else...
Right on target...
This must be the target.
~13" (33 cm) deep.
It's a big button.
From a pen.
It could have been a button.
A concave button.
A big musket ball.
I'm on my way out.
It's a lighter.
No! Not my lens!!!
It is a button.
Right at the surface.
I think, it's a WWI button.
But from which country?...
It shows a lion.
I will show you pictures at the end.
I apologize about the camera angle.
Lead - maybe a former musket ball.
I quit.
I'm still in a bad mood because of the previous incident.
It had negative impact on my hunt.
The lighter.
The musket ball?
More lead.
Hmm :).
The big musket ball.
A button.
Oink oink.
Another button.
The concave button.
A religious button?
The "normal" button.
A small dumbbell.
The huge button.
And the military button (with a lion).
My assistant will work out.
And treasure - detecting time: 1h:35min
Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job - Duration: 5:50.
Roseanne's Co-Star Has Jaw-Dropping Message For Her 24 Hrs After Losing His Job.
Although Roseanne Barr apologized for her offensive tweet, the number one sitcom in
America is now off the air.
As you all know by now almost immediately after the tweet, ABC Entertainment President
Channing Dungey made the decision to pull the plug on the show, calling the tweets "abhorrent,
repugnant and inconsistent with our values."
There is clearly a double standard here.
ABC or Disney clearly has an agenda, and when Roseanne apologized this should have been
the end of it since to date no one has ever apologized to President Trump, or us, his
supporters for all the nasty and evil things that have been said about him, and us.
Since it's a known fact that you get to know a person's character best when they
are put to the test, although most of her younger costars came out immediately against
Roseanne, her most important co-star, John Goodman, who is beyond a doubt the best actor
on the show, decided to remain silent on the mess.
According to Fox News Goodman said in an interview, "I'd rather say nothing than to cause
more trouble, I don't know anything about it.
I don't read it."
This followed a very gracious tweet by Barr:
Roseanne continued by apologizing to those who had lost their jobs because of her comment.
That included John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf, as she also condemned cast members who threw
her under the bus.
Funny how the ones who condemned her, without naming names are the ones who haven't been
heard up, since the last time Roseanne was on the air back in 1997, except for Sarah
Gilbert who was last seen on a couple of episodes, on the largely popular far-left tv show "The
Big Bang Theory" years ago.
Roseanne added, "I'm not a racist, I never was & I never will be," she wrote Wednesday.
"One stupid joke in a lifetime of fighting 4 civil rights 4 all minorities, against networks,
studios, at the expense of my nervous system/family/wealth will NEVER be taken from me."
This is what Hollywood agrees with, and this list is tame since it's only from the Oscars:
President Donald Trump was the primary target for leftist Hollywood celebrities during the
Oscars, as he, his family, or his administration was mentioned negatively fifteen times during
the ceremony.
Show host Jimmy Kimmel noted the Oscars broadcast was being watched "by more than 225 countries
that now hate us," thanks to Trump.
Kimmel thanked Trump for bringing Hollywood together, "Remember last year when it seemed
like the Oscars were racist?" he asked.
"That's gone, thanks to him."
Kimmel welcomed Isabelle Huppert, a French actress who was nominated for best actress:
"I'm glad Homeland Security let you in tonight.
I really am," he joked.
Kimmel referred to Trump's calling actress Meryl Streep "overrated", after her anti-Trump
speech during the Golden Globe and led the audience in a standing ovation for the actress.
"Nice dress, by the way.
Is that an Ivanka?"
Kimmel asked Streep.
Kimmel joked that Donald Trump tweets on the toilet.
"Some of you will get to come up on this stage tonight and give a speech, that the
President of the United States will tweet about in all caps during his 5 a.m. bowel
movement tomorrow," he told the actors.
"And I think that's pretty darn excellent, if you ask me."
Kimmel referred to Trump's repeated attacks on "fake news", and added a joke about
Trump's fake tan: "If there's anyone here from CNN, or the LA Times or New York
Times if you work for anything with the word Times" in it, even Medieval Times I'd
like to ask you to leave the building right now," he said.
"We have no tolerance for fake news.
Fake tans, we love."
"And now, for something that is very rare nowadays: a president who believes in both
arts and sciences," Kimmel joked as he introduced Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs.
Kimmel's stunts included live-tweeting to Trump twice during the Oscars."U up?"
he asked, as it was clear that Trump had not tweeted yet.
He also tweeted the hashtag "hashtag MerylSaysHi" to the president.
"We're so sorry about what happened in Sweden last week," Kimmel said, joking about
Trump's mention of attacks in the country.
Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal criticized Trump's promise to build a wall.
"As a Mexican, as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human being, I am against
any form of wall that wants to separate us," he said.
Kimmel joked that Dr. Strange was also nominated as secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
making fun of Trump's pick of Dr. Ben Carson to lead that agency.
Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs alluded to Trump's campaign promise to secure the
borders: "Tonight is proof that art has no borders, art has no single language, and
art does not belong to a single faith," she said.
Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi protested Donald Trump's travel ban by not attending
the Oscars.
"My absence is out of respect for the people of my country and those of the other six nations,
who have been disrespected by the inhumane law that bans entry of immigrants to the U.S.,"
he said in a statement that was read during the ceremony.
Barry Jenkins, the director of the film Moonlight, which won Best Picture, promised to help people
suffering during Trump's presidency: "All you people out there who feel like there's
no mirror for you, that your life is not reflected, the Academy has your back; the ACLU has your
back; we have your back; and for the next four years, we will not leave you alone.
We will not forget you," he said.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
🔴 State of decay 2 - Duration: 2:06:57.
Super Mustache Sunshine「A Hat in Time MODDED Playthrough 🎩🔧 Ep3」 - Duration: 53:19.
The Secret To Making The Best Mashed Potatoes - Duration: 5:10.
There's a reason mashed potatoes regularly sit in the number one spot on the list of
America's favorite Thanksgiving side dishes — they're somehow creamy and fluffy at the
same time, delectably buttery, and happen to provide the perfect vehicle for gravy.
But great potatoes shouldn't be reserved for one day a year.
Whether it's a huge holiday feast or just a weekday dinner with the kids, you want to
put your best foot forward when it comes to this beloved side dish.
Here's how.
First things first you have to choose the
best potatoes for mashing if you want the best mashed potatoes.
You have two solid choices: Russets, also called Idaho, are high in starch,
have a low moisture content and don't hold their shape well, which works to your advantage
for mashing to light, fluffy perfection.
Yukon golds, which have a medium starchiness, are sometimes preferred over Russets for their
creaminess and flavor, but can lack fluffiness.
To keep your mashed potatoes light as air while getting a flavor boost at the same time,
use equal parts Russets and Yukon Golds.
Boiling a pot of potatoes might seem as simple
as boiling water, but there's a bit more to it than that.
To start, you want to be sure to cut the potatoes into similarly sized pieces, otherwise they'll
cook unevenly.
Then unlike with spaghetti, where you let the pot come to a boil before adding the pasta,
you want to start the cooking process with the potatoes in the water.
And make sure the water is cold to ensure the whole pot comes up to temperature together
and salty.
Mashed potatoes are supposed to be creamy
and fluffy, not gummy and gluey.
A few lumps can be overlooked - some even prefer it - but a bowl of paste-like potatoes
just crosses the line.
The most likely reason mashed potatoes go from heavenly clouds to a gluey mess is because
they're over-processed.
While it might be tempting to make quick work of a big batch with a food processor or a
hand mixer, it's not the best for the tubers.
The machines break down the potato's cells, which causes a release of starch not optimal
for keeping things airy.
For rustic mashed potatoes, a hand-held masher,
or even a fork, works just fine.
This method is best for small batches when you can't be bothered to bust out the more
complicated tools.
For smooth-ish potatoes, a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment is a good way to
Because the paddle doesn't have sharp edges, it won't give you a totally smooth consistency,
but it also doesn't cause the dreaded release of starch.
It's particularly useful for larger batches.
For the smoothest potatoes, drag your food mill or ricer out from the back of the cabinet.
These tools will give you the fluffiest result, and bonus, if you don't feel like peeling
potatoes, they'll do the work for you.
Before you run those Russets through the ricer,
there are two things you need to do, if your goal is the fluffiest mashed potatoes you
ever did see.
First, after you've boiled the potatoes, drain the water from the pot.
Then return the drained potatoes to the same pot without the lid, and put it back over
medium-low heat to allow any remaining water to evaporate.
Then second, sprinkle a pinch of baking powder over the potatoes.
This helps to form air pockets while mashing, and voila, you've got extra fluff.
Most of us make mashed potatoes by adding
cold butter and milk - or cream - to the bowl and going to town with the masher.
If we're feeling fancy, maybe we simmer the milk and melted butter together on the stovetop
That seems like a lot of extra work, but here's a case for actually dirtying two extra pans
- and the butterific end result makes it more than worth our while.
Chef and cookbook author Diane Morgan explained the reasons to Food52, saying that the better
method is to heat the butter and milk separately, and add the warmed butter to the potatoes
She revealed: "The [butter] fat absorbs into the cells of
the potato, which have swelled and pulled apart from one another.
Then, the milk loosens and flavors the potatoes.
[...] That means you end up with a butterier tasting potato dish."
By infusing your cream or milk with additional
flavors while simmering, you can add another layer of goodness to the final dish.
Think about things like crushed raw garlic or chopped shallots or peppers, hearty herbs
like rosemary, thyme, or bay leaves, or a cautious serving of whole spices like peppercorns.
Next time you make potatoes, think inside
the box - the broth box, that is.
When you make soup, you probably use broth as your base for extra flavor.
So why not do the same for your mashed potatoes?
Chicken or vegetable broth is a great cooking liquid, and adds a ton of flavor to the potatoes
in the cooking process.
Just follow the same method you usually would, bringing the broth and potatoes to a boil
There are endless ways to jazz up an otherwise
ho-hum batch of potatoes.
Adding a bit of tanginess gives this classic a whole new life.
Think about additions like cream cheese or sour cream, which add a ton of extra creaminess,
Herbs are another great option.
Chives, basil, tarragon, or parsley will give mashed potatoes a vibrant, fresh flavor.
Of course, you really can't go wrong with cheese.
And don't forget the bacon.
Never forget the bacon.
Thanks for watching!
Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus check out all this other cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Top 10 Scary Kid Toys That Came To Life - Duration: 5:54.
Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet!
I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am talking about the Top 10 Scary Kids Toys
That Came to Life… this isn't just some fun Toy Story stuff…these are malicious
toys that want to bite or kill you.
There are a lot of dolls on this list, I guess spirits like to inhabit humanoid forms.
10 - Cabbage Patch Snack-time Doll These little she devils must have been possessed!
Around in the 90s, these children's dolls were supposed to eat things like plastic chips.
They had motorized mouths and would chomp away on fake food.
Unfortunately a number of the dolls seemed to come to life and eat their owners hair.
One incident in South Carolina made headlines when a the battery powered doll ate the hair
of a three year old girl, Carly Mize, who was left partially bald after the savage attack.
A similar thing happened to a 7 year old in Indiana.
Clearly the dolls were in it together.
Less of a toy I guess rather than play apparatus but check out this swing with a life of its
own at number 9 - A Rhode Island Dad uploaded a video of a possessed
swing to facebook in 2016 saying his kids didn't want to go to that playground anymore.
You can see a blue swing going wild in the footage!
Dad Scotty Denton wrote that there wasn't any wind, and captioned the video We're
at the playground, and the kids don't want to go anymore because look at this s—t,….
Swings alive.
Only explanation.
8 - This doll came to life on camera…uh oh!
This seems to be some kind of parent cam where they can watch their kid play when they aren't
in the room… that scary black mirror stuff aside, here we have footage of a girl playing
when her doll in the corner comes to life by moving its head several times.
7 - Mandy Creepy baby doll Mandy is thought to be alive
or possessed somehow!
The owner donated her to the Quesnel Museum in Canada but prior to that, she would be
awoken nightly by the sounds of a baby crying.
Often when she went to investigate, she found an open window.
Keen to be rid of the scary doll, Mary was given to the museum, where she reportedly
began stealing staff and volunteers lunches.
She's hungry.
I get that.
Well this is pretty ironic…we have a Woody Toy at number 6
Famously in Toy Story wood and pals come to life, well…turns out it might be legit.
This video has had over 2.7 million views on Youtube…although a lot of people are
saying that the dad in the video is clearly just trying to entertain his kid…which may
be the case…so really this is kind of more cute than scary.
Jokes on us if its real though.
Another video with HUGE views at number 5 We have Teddy Bear that came to life and spoke
Check this out – this Teddy Bear is laying on a bed, the way teddys do, like good bed
time friends.
Buuut then he starts moving and climbs on his sleeping buddy.
Like mate….
Get off my face…seriously though…you're smothering me!
Urm…get a load of this living doll at number 4
Why so many dolls!
This is one of the worst of them all.
As if this vampire child doll wasn't spooky enough, it was legit found in a graveyard
with a baby bottle filled with what looks like blood in it.
Sure it may be all a huge prank… but look at this dolls eyes.
It has seen things.
It knows things.
The eyes follow the camera where ever it goes and it is very unsettling!
3 - Sarita Sarita is a creepy blonde doll who looks like
a cute 90s fashionista but actually is alive and wants to scratch you!
The Nunez family from El Callao in Peru say that the doll Is a menace and has been plaguing
them for 7 years, during which time she seems to have had a life of her own, moving around
at night as she sees fit.
Apparently, she often makes strange praying sounds.
Throw her out…throw her out!
2 - This toy cat is possibly possessed by the Devil!
Uploaded to Youtube in 2014 – footage of this toy cat freaking out is pretty insane.
Watched 10 thousand times, we see the cat having a spasm, meowing like a mad thing,
twisting its head all crazy.
Then at the end, it straight up looks at the camera.
1 - Real life Chucky Let me give it to you straight, this battery
operated doll seems to work without batteries and nobody has any chill about it, which is
very very understandable.
Footage of the doll emerged in 2017 when its owners in Peru uploaded her talking and moving
sans batteries to youtube.
The doll seems to realise it has no batteries in it and it says "Where Am I".
It even turns and winks.
Like honey you terrify me.
So there we have it, that was the Top 10 Scary Kids Toys That Came To Life…
What do you think to this list?
I am your host Rebecca Felgate.
Thumbs up.
Hanging out and stuff - Duration: 1:11:48.
Online Logo Creator - How to Make a Logo Online - Duration: 6:47.
You've set up your store and added some fantastic products that will fly off the shelves.
There's just one problem: You're struggling with your branding — and in particular,
your logo.
But, you're not sure how to design one.
So, what do you do?
Hey everyone, it's Jessica with Oberlo, and today we're going to share the top 9 totally
free online logo creators available in 2018.
And make sure to stay with us until the end.
We've got great tips on how to use these tools so that your logo stands out.
Number 1.
Hatchful by Shopify Hatchful is a mobile app for iOS and Android
that helps you to build your visual brand identity from scratch.
To use Hatchful, simply download the app and answer a few questions about your business.
Hatchful will then suggest logos from hundreds of available templates.
Once you've chosen a template you like, you can customize the colors and fonts.
The main benefit of Hatchful is that it's not just a logo maker.
You can use Hatchful to download all of the brand assets you need, including perfectly
sized images for your social media accounts.
Hatchful is free to use, although you might want to explore the premium logo templates
you can buy within the app.
Number 2.
Canva This is a popular online design tool, often
used to create images for social media.
But Canva can also be used to create a logo for your ecommerce store.
Canva has many of the features you'll find in professional design programs like Photoshop.
Unlike Photoshop, however, Canva's drag and drop interface is extremely simple and
intuitive to use.
Canva comes with over 100 logo templates to choose from.
And, it also comes with a huge selection of stock images that you can use to create your
The best part?
You can download your finished, high-res logo for free.
Number 3.
Ucraft Ucraft is a website builder that also offers
a free online logo creator.
The logo creator is available for anyone to use, even if you're not using Ucraft to
build your website.
Ucraft allows you to create a logo with the help of different fonts, colors, icons, and
Their interface is simple, making it easy to create and export your logo design in minutes.
Ucraft does ask that you create an account to use the service.
It also charges $12 if you'd like to download your design in SVG format.
However, it's totally free to download your design as a high-resolution PNG file with
a transparent background.
If that's what you're after, check out Ucraft to design a professional-looking logo.
Number 4.
The Hipster Logo Generator As you'd expect, this quirky logo creator
generates logos in a hipster style.
It's not for everyone, but if your ecommerce store caters to a younger crowd, this tool
is perfect.
The tool is super simple to use, and asks you a series of questions to bring your logo
design to life.
As with Ucraft, you do have to pay to download a high resolution SVG file, in this case $10.
But, it's completely free to download a PNG file of your finished design.
Number 5: MarkMaker This clever logo creator generates design
options based on the name of your company and your industry.
How does it work?
First, you heart the logo designs that you like most.
Then, the software will register the style of design you like the most, and show you
more designs tailored to your preferences.
Once you find the design template you like best, you can hover your mouse over it and
click the pencil icon to edit the logo to your heart's content.
Best of all, MarkMaker allows you to download your design absolutely free, as either a PNG
or SVG file.
Number 6: LogoType Maker This free online logo creator is ideal for
startups and small sized companies on a budget.
Simply input the name of your company and choose your industry, and the tool will present
plenty of logo templates for you to browse.
Once you've found a logo template you like, customize the shapes, colors, and fonts.
You do have to pay to download your design in SVG format.
But again, you can download your finished design as a PNG or JPG for free.
Number 7: Logaster Once again, with this tool, you start by inputting
the name of your company, along with your industry.
Then the tool will show you logo examples to choose from.
Once you've picked a template to start with, you can edit the color, text, and icons, before
you save your finished design.
It costs $9.99 to download your finished design as a high resolution file, but you can download
a smaller version of your design for free.
Number 8: Vectr This free graphic design software is a bit
more complex than the other options we've mentioned.
But it's still easy to use, even if you're not a design whiz.
One great thing about this program is that you can work with it online, or you can download
the program to your computer for free.
Vectr also has live editing, so you can collaborate on your design in real-time, or share your
progress with your team.
Plus, if you ever get stuck, Vectr has a helpful user guide and tutorials to help.
The best part?
Every design you create is available to export in high resolution for free.
Last on our list of free online logo creators is…
Number 9: Free Logo Design This free logo generator has a wide range
of professional-looking templates.
Like the other tools we mentioned, you start by inputting your company name and industry.
Then, the tool will provide templates for you to work with.
You can also create a template from scratch by selecting the 'start' button.
Free Logo Design charges for a high resolution file of your logo design.
But, you can download a low resolution file for free if you create an account.
Okay, so now you know of 9 tools that you can use to create a professional-looking logo
for your ecommerce business…
Let's run through some key points to consider when designing your logo.
First off, research your competitors.
This is a great way to get some inspiration, and it helps you differentiate your logo,
so that your store stands out.
Also, don't make your logo too complex.
95% of the world's top brands use just one or two colors in their logos.
And often, one simple icon or shape is all you need.
For a more professional-looking logo, try to avoid using generic clipart, or overused
Also, avoid any design elements that are trendy right now, but might look dated in a couple
of years time.
And, don't forget to make sure your logo still looks good in black and white, and small,
or large.
Lastly, once you've created a couple of designs, be sure to get some honest, constructive
Try posting a few design options on Facebook and get your friends to vote on which one
they prefer.
This should help you to hone in on that winning logo design for your ecommerce store.
Okay, that's all for now.
It's time to pick one of these free online logo creators and start designing!
But before you go, do you have any tips for creating a professional-looking logo?
Let us know in the comments below, and I'll reply with my thoughts!
Thanks for watching, and if you liked this video, be sure to hit the subscribe button,
and turn on the notification bell for more.
And until next time, learn often, market better and sell more.
His work and nothing more - Synthesia Cover - Duration: 3:37.
Utterson: This is not the man I knew, there's something deeply troubling you
How long do you plan to hide away here?
This increasing isolation only adds to your frustration
and it could endanger your career!
Jekyll: John, I don't need you to turn on me as well.
More than ever now I need a friend.
Can't you see and don't you know I've been through hell?
Don't condemn what you don't comprehend!
Henry, I'm not questioning your motives here,
but is what you are seeking worth the price?
You've turned your back on everything you once held dear.
You're choosing to ignore your friend's advice!
You have your work and nothing more.
You are possessed. What is your demon?
You've never been this way before.
You've lost the fire you built your dream on.
There's something strange, there's something wrong.
I see a change. It's like when love dies.
I who have known you for so long,
I see the pain in your eyes.
Utterson: There was a time you lived your life Jekyll: Have I become
Utterson: and no one lived the way that you did. Jekyll: Have I become
Utterson: You had a plan, you found a wife, Jekyll: Have I become
Utterson: You had a plan, you found a wife, Jekyll: my work and nothing more?
Utterson: You saw the world as very few did. Jekyll: my work and nothing more?
Utterson: You had it all. The overall. Jekyll: my work and nothing more?
Utterson: You had it all. The overall. Jekyll: I know that's not
Utterson: You seemed to know just what to live for Jekyll: I know that's not
Utterson: but now it seems you don't at all. Jekyll: I know that's not
Utterson: but now it seems you don't at all. Jekyll: what I'm living for.
Utterson: You have your work nothing more. Jekyll: what I'm living for.
Emma: Father, you know Henry won't just walk away.
The only way he knows is straight ahead.
Sir Danvers: Emma, you've not heard a single word I've said.
My fear is he's in over his head.
He could lose control and that I dread.
There has been talk.
They say he's gone too far.
He's locked himself away in his own world pursuing this insanity.
Emma: It is his work.
Sir Danvers: It's more than work, he is obsesssed.
The man is driven.
Emma: Just give him time, I ask no more.
His work's a crime to be forgiven.
Sir Danvers: There's something strange. Unless I'm blind.
I see a change of a bizarre kind.
Emma: There's not at all, don't be unkind!
The problem's all in your mind.
Jekyll: Emma, Emma Utterson: Have you become Sir Danvers: He has his work and nothing more.
Jekyll: Emma, Emma Utterson: Have you become Sir Danvers: He is obsessed. The man is driven.
Jekyll: Emma, Emma Utterson: Have you become Emma: Just give him time, I ask no more.
Jekyll: Emma, Emma Utterson: your work and nothing more? Emma: Just give him time, I ask no more.
Jekyll: Emma, Emma Utterson: your work and nothing more? Emma: His work's a crime to be forgiven.
Jekyll: Emma, Emma Utterson: your work and nothing more? Sir Danvers: He's chasing dreams he'll never find.
Jekyll: And I will prove if I'm ever permitted to Utterson: I know that's not Sir Danvers: He's chasing dreams he'll never find.
Jekyll: And I will prove if I'm ever permitted to Utterson: I know that's not Sir Danvers: I see a change of a bizarre kind.
Jekyll: And I will prove if I'm ever permitted to Utterson: I know that's not Emma: There's not at all, don't be unkind!
Jekyll: Things are not wrong just because they are new. Utterson: what you're living for. Emma: There's not at all, don't be unkind!
Jekyll: Things are not wrong just because they are new. Utterson: what you're living for. Emma: The problem's all in your mind.
Jekyll: I pray I may find my way. Utterson: I pray you may find your way. Emma: Still, I pray every day Sir Danvers: Dear, I pray, every day
Jekyll: I pray I may find my way. Utterson: I pray you may find your way. Emma: Henry may find his way. Sir Danvers: Henry may find his way.
Jekyll: I pray I may find my way. Utterson: I pray you may find your way. Emma: I pray he may find his way. Sir Danvers: I pray he may find his way.
Jekyll: I pray I may find my way. Utterson: I pray you may find your way. Emma: I will pray, every day Sir Danvers: I will pray, every day
Jekyll: I pray I may find my way. Utterson: I pray you may find your way. Emma: Henry may find his way. Sir Danvers: you two may find your way.
Jekyll: I pray I may find my way. Utterson: I pray you may find your way. Emma: I pray you may find your way. Sir Danvers: I pray you may find your way.
"ƏMRAH DADAŞOV Qara paltarli qadin !" - Duration: 2:20.
These 5 Things A Psychic Will Never Reveal To You - Duration: 3:42.
These 5 Things A Psychic Will Never Reveal To You
by Conscious Reminder
This particular topic is a sensitive one and just because of that it is also a widely contested
And there would be as many individuals who disagree with one or more points in this list
as the ones who agree on them.
But it can be safe to assume that this can be a most basic list of things that a Psychic
doesn�t reveal to their clients.
Predicting the death of a person, whether you or someone you know
Now this is one topic that can pop up very frequently, and yet almost all Psychics try
to avoid it vehemently.
They feel it is pointless to predict the death of a person because all it will do is make
them worry the rest of their life away.
Not to mention that the Psychics too are limited in their powers and their predictions might
be overruled by higher powers.
Hence they find it best to ignore such questions.
Telling the outcome of an illness This one is a direct corollary of the previous
Matters of illness are by default related to matters of life and death.
And as much as a Psychic�s power can give them an insight about your mental or physical
situation, they do not want to make uncalculated assumptions about your health.
The reason is simple, a Psychic is not a Doctor and so expecting them to diagnose or treat
your illnesses is wrong.
They will almost always tell you to go see a trained professional, even if they have
a very strong inclination of what might be bothering you.
Predicting the winning lottery number This is often the cynic�s wit, asking Psychic�s
to predict the winning lottery number.
Well a lottery number is based on an infinite permutation and combination of numbers, and
thus the possibilities too are infinite.
As opposed to that, our life choices and situations are gloriously limited.
It is much easier for a psychic to evaluate how certain actions will impact your life
and they can guide you likewise.
When it comes to lottery, they can tell you if it�s your lucky day or not and other
little details.
At the end of the day, you winning the lottery depends totally on your luck.
How else would you explain the bad luck of the people who had the winning ticket but
lost it in almost funny accidents!
It is all about luck.
Hinting or saying that you can�t change your destiny
No Psychic will say that there is nothing you can do that can change your fate.
They know that even their predictions are based on your current path in life and can
change if you take decisive action towards changing your path.
Telling the exact time and date of some incident or occurrence
There are so many things that people want to know about.
When will they get the promotion, when will they meet their soulmate and so on.
It is possible to give an approximate range of time when these things can occur but almost
impossible to pinpoint exactly when.
Anyone who tells you any different is not being a 100% sincere.
Top 10 Korean Movies You Shouldn't Watch with Your Parents - Part 1 - Duration: 4:09.
A housewife becomes enraged with jealousy over her husband's affair.
She attempts to take revenge but ends up inflicting a fatal wound to the son,
and then disappears into the night.
A husband loses his job and begins spending his days at home,
while his wife is secretly having an affair with an old boyfriend.
He gradually pieces together the evidence of his wife's infidelity,
and is devastated by what he finds.
A beautiful but cynical noblewoman makes a bet with her free-spirited cousin
that he can have sex with her
if he is able to seduce a young woman of great virtue.
He accepts the challenge with enthusiasm
though not suspecting the nasty trap he is walking into.
A servant falls in love with a girl whom his master also desires.
He successfully wins her heart and body,
but under the condition that he will help her to get married to his master.
Everything seems to go as planned until the master discovers their relationship.
A man and a woman meet on a blind date.
They soon fall into love and bed.
But because of their differing views on marriage the woman marries another man,
leading the two to a moral dilemma.
This film tells the story of a ruthless debt collector
who cripples his non-paying clients in order to collect the insurance money.
The brutality of his day-to-day life
is interrupted by the appearance of a woman who claims to be his mother.
The film tells the story of a Catholic priest,
who decides to take part in an experiment
to find a vaccine for a deadly virus.
The experiment goes horribly wrong
and a blood transfusion turns him into a vampire
with an insatiable lust for human blood.
Physical and psychological changes
lead to his affair with a wife of his childhood friend
who is repressed and tired of her mundane life.
This film is about a homosexual king
persuading his lover to sleep with the Queen to produce an heir.
After experiencing sexual intimacy,
they cannot control their lust for each other and a romance begins.
The insanely jealous King realizes his master plan backfired
and some tragic consequences follow.
The Handmaiden tells the tale of a young Japanese Lady
living on a secluded estate,
and a Korean woman who is hired to serve as her new handmaiden,
but who is secretly involved in a conman's plot
to defraud her of her large inheritance.
This film follows the story of a businessman
who is imprisoned in a cell for 15 years
without knowing the identity of his captor or his captor's motives.
When finally released,
he finds himself still trapped in a web of conspiracy and violence.
His own quest for vengeance becomes tied in with romance
when he falls in love with an attractive young female sushi chef.
IT'S OFFICIAL: Stormy Daniels Just Lost Her Lawyer - Duration: 2:48.
IT'S OFFICIAL: Stormy Daniels Just Lost Her Lawyer.
Pornstar Stormy Daniels just suffered another HUGE BLOW in her case against President Trump
and his attorney Micheal Cohen.
Her sleazy lawyer Michael Avenatti just took a huge beating in court yesterday and has
now withdrawn from representing Stormy in the case against Michael Cohen.
From The Hill
Michael Avenatti has withdrawn his request to represent adult-film star Stormy Daniels
in the case centered on the FBI raid of President Trump's attorney Michael Cohen.
Shortly after a conference hearing Wednesday in a federal district court in Manhattan,
Avenatti withdrew his request to weigh in on the case.
Cohen is reportedly being investigated, among other things, for the $130,000 he paid Daniels
ahead of the 2016 presidential election to keep quiet about the affair she says she had
with Trump.
Avenatti reportedly faced tough questions during the hearing from federal District Judge
Kimba Wood, who told him in court on Wednesday he would have to stop his "publicity tour"
if he wanted to participate in the case.
Cohen's attorneys fought hard to keep Avenatti from joining the case, arguing in court filings
that he's has created a "carnival atmosphere" by making public statements and doing national
TV appearances in which he's shared nonpublic information and made misrepresentations about
Earlier this month, Avenatti released bank records leaked to him that showed several
companies had paid Cohen through a shell company for consulting services.
Wood reprimanded Avenatti in court, according to multiple media reports.
"You cannot declare your opinion as to Mr. Cohen's guilt, which you did.
You would not be able to give publicity to documents," Wood said, according to the
New York Daily News.
"You're entitled to publicity.
I can't stop you — unless you're participating in a matter before me."
Wednesday's court conference was scheduled, in part, to discuss the issue of what materials
seized from Cohen are protected under attorney–client privilege.
Wood has assigned a special master in the case to review the documents that were seized
to determine what's privileged.
The judge said in court Wednesday that the review must be completed by June 15 and any
remaining material would be turned over to a government "taint-team," the New York
Daily News reported.
In the document Avenatti filed in court Wednesday, he said he is withdrawing his request to intervene
and will re-file it, if necessary, at a later time.
what do you think about this?
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Trump Tweets He Wishes He Didn't Pick Sessions As Attorney General - Duration: 2:53.
Trump Tweets He Wishes He Didn't Pick Sessions As Attorney General
by Tyler Durden
In a Wednesday morning tweetstorm, President Trump stated that he wished he had picked
someone else to be his attorney general, after extensively quoting from an appearance by
outgoing House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy on Fox News.
Rep. Trey Gowdy, �I don�t think so, I think what the President is doing is expressing
frustration that Attorney General Sessions should have shared these reasons for recusal
before he took the job, not afterward.
If I were the President and I picked someone to be the country�s chief law enforcement
officer, and they told me later, �oh by the way I�m not going to be able to participate
in the most important case in the office, I would be frustrated too...and that�s how
I read that - Senator Sessions, why didn�t you tell me before I picked you.
There are lots of really good lawyers in the country, he could have picked somebody else!�
And I wish I did!
Trump's comment was sparked by a Tuesday NYT report the president had asked Sessions to
reverse his decision to recuse himself from overseeing the Russia investigation.
Curiously, in the same Fox segment, Gowdy said he is now "more convinced" that the FBI
acted appropriately in its handling of the investigation into Russian interference in
the 2016 election and possible connections to Donald Trump's campaign.
Gowdy's comments come as President Trump continued to attack the department and the bureau over
the handling of the Russia investigation.
"I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want
them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald
Trump," the South Carolina Republican said in an interview on Fox News.
Gowdy also said in the interview that Trump is not a target of the ongoing Russia probe
and told Fox, "President Trump himself in the Comey memos said if anyone connected with
my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it, and it sounds to me
like that is exactly what the FBI did.
I think when the President finds out what happened, he is going to be not just fine,
he is going to be glad that we have an FBI that took seriously what they heard."
It is unclear if Trump's latest confirmation that he "wishes" Sessions was not his AG will
be spun as further attempts to influence the Mueller investigation of "Russian collusion",
now well into its second year.
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