The truth is Nigeria is already well completed as this I think - is okay for me I feel
for easy, I do number III as many as
Depends on where the couple is working what might be ideal for me might be a total nono for some other person
I believe that the copy should have what meal I'm filming
I think two three I think - even a boy and a girl ideal number of children
That's it's a personal thing if you have money you carve as many as you want
For me a minimum of two, let's say maximum of three depend on your capacity
I'd love to have three children maximum four, but our problem is not just of our population
We have so many different problems and if they can be tackled another population will be a problem
We are working in our revenue. You can afford to have like four three children
You can have more than four less than four depends on what you like
What if you are working in a place where your income is not sustainable?
It's better you have just one and give that one the best in life way of living this
difficult one female
Dream three males and one female to me. So if you get a child more than
two or three four
You have a lot of things to facing but now the country of ours I think
- is okey, I think
If they can't cater for them and love them
Equally most very I feel your financial status for if you want to ignore your financial status
Issues only for more than four or five. It's not all about having children everywhere taking care of kids
These days are very expensive is about you training them are giving them a better life
And you know, how one have kids I can take care of campy. They are feeling Dom them on streets
but if the government's like the legacy government has said for kids for marriage the government comes out and says this
Good and fine. There are some houses you go. You see kids kids kids kids lining up as Faline just about like a
Triangular form. I'm not in a committed relationship
With a man to just have kids and therefore companionship as well as other theme
No, it's not that it's just all about having a good life for those keys
I am my partner would decide when the time comes but I cannot decide for all the marriages. I can't decide for other unions
it's nothing as the house became picky picky became and all this contributes to the
Crime and atrocities going on around the society. No, we Africans. So you say one it can be risky
So you want to say three, you know?
You're pissed school fees
Pay your back pump pass if you have just two boys
You can maybe do three I'm gonna do
Two boys and a girl cuz don't do the one you look on this mullet and I use that lives in children
For house gear and house boy. You can't give that like five kids went
for like nursery schools now their schools are as high as like a hundred two hundred school fees is like
people's three months salary you have to pay the school fees at least rice in game and
With you have have or a boy and a girl the school, but if you are
Okay And well-to-do then go for three or four if you have the money like you can take care of them properly
You have five I think is a lot of body
What you do in any economy is right now it's not advisable to have more children. I can take care of based on this country
Such a deal another session
Boy and get in school. So it's whether you just have worn and enjoyed the person guy
Do you know how most positions you will feeling alone? You know how it sees? What if a
Long run god bless me mother mine expedition exact I have as many as I can even you as a man
How well have you been able to feed yourself not to talk about?
Punishing a child unless extra boxed Ovilus have a lot of money
Don't you put your children in a position where you know start stocking or what not selling feels good as no good
I started natural frustration and everything you should use family planning and about the symbols if you man expects me to take home wounds
For me not to have more than a certain number of kids. You should also be ready to go and get sniped
To not get me pregnant more than in the world kids. Did you enjoy the show?
this has been just asking on rivets if you loved it mutually fuller's across all our social media platforms and
If you want to be part of this show just follow us and hit us up in our DMS to join us next time
For more infomation >> How many children should a Nigerian couple be having today? #JustAsking Ep 8 - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
6º Sprint de Creación de Empresas UMH | Disabled Solutions - Duration: 1:00.
How To MAKE MONEY As A Designer On STEEMIT - Duration: 6:09.
today I'm gonna show you guys how you can make money using a platform called
steamit which utilizes cryptocurrency and it's actually very very easy for you
to use as a graphic designer and make some money so stay tuned as I explained
to you what steamit is how to use it and how to make money as a graphic
steam it pays both the content creators when their work has invited as well as
the people who curate the best content on the website by uploading other
people's work this is possible because the steamit platform is built on top of
a new kind of digital currency it's kind of like Bitcoin which is another kind of
digital currency has been around for quite a long time which I'm sure you
know about everyday new units of this currency are created by the network and
distributed by its users who can exchange these currencies for actual
real money in USD the longer that someone has been on Steam it and the
more steam power they have the more money they will give to other people by
voting their work the accounts and steamer that have a huge influence on a
lot of USD or steam dollars onion as Wales the whale accounts are the ones
that you want to have attention from and here we're gonna give you a post the
most value when they're actually updated so for example I uploaded a video
tutorial on D tube which is connected to steam it so when you post a video in D
tube is going to be posted on your steam account as well automatically but my D
Tube video was not voted by several different people but one of eight in
particular was D tube itself and seeing as that account has a lot of steam power
behind it and that one of them gave me the equivalent of around eighty dollars
in Steam currency this figure is going to fluctuate daily because the steam
cryptocurrencies do actually change in value compared to USD as any other
currency does so as you can see here on the d2 bifacial account you actually
have voted my video they have 67,000 followers if we go and look at their
wallets you're going to see that steam power and steam dollars are really quite
high but not only that the account estimated value is in over two hundred
and seventy thousand dollars USD now this is a prime example of a world
account on steam it that can give you value on your posts every single post
that you make on Steam it will be open for uploads and edits for seven days
after the seven days are up you're going to be awarded a large percent of your
money earned on that post which i think is around 75%
and when you do earn the Steam dollars by creating content you have three
different choices you can convert the steam dollars into steam and sell them
immediately on the open market for real money essentially cashing out
the second choice is you can hold on to the steam dollars which keeps the money
in the network and pays you 10% interest and the third option is you can exchange
your steam dollars for steam power if you want to invest in the future of the
currency and reap the biggest rewards this is the way to do it but let's look
at posting on Steam itself you don't have to post videos you can post imagery
or graphic design work when you get started you're gonna make very little of
a Sun money I'm a SAP have only been on Steam for two weeks and it takes you
engaging in the community commenting on Paris and adding people who you like and
the content you think is worthy steam is a community after all it's kind of like
a reddit but with money so the first way you can make money on steam as a graphic
designer is to post your work make sure you post engaging content that looks
professional and stands out so try not to simply post one image with a very
little text added to it what I do when I post my actual designs is I tend to post
a huge long image around four to five thousand pixels and height I'll add my
design process and captions as I go for the thumbnail make sure it's the first
thing attached to your post you can add five tags and the list of tags can be
found on the home page of steam it there are limited tile choices but have a look
through and find five relevant tags to your posts the second way to make money
on Steam as a graphic designer is an awesome awesome thing if you
search around your steamer on Google you can actually find accounts to have a lot
of steam power behind them that hold graphic design competitions I entered my
first competition last Saturday and the results are we gonna be given on Tuesday
the awards are often esteemed currency which of course you can cash out into
Bitcoin and then USD after it's all been said and done
there's quite a little bit of legwork to do to sign up to these contests but you
just need to read the bio and adhere to the regulations plus is free to do you
can see the contest here on page now so there was today's tutorial on how to use
steam as a graphic designer let me know what you guys thought to
this video write down the comment section below
and of course you did enjoy today's content drop a like and also share on
social media so the people can see it to steam it can be kind of complex and a
bit confusing when you get started but trust me paying some attention and
give it some time and you will see some rewards quite quickly if you know how to
use it like I said I've just been using it for two weeks and they've already
seen a substantial growth on my user base there and also money if you have
any questions or queries drop them down in the comment section below and also I
placed some links down there too for you to further your education and your
knowledge on how to use steaming subscribe to cetera graphics for weekly
graph design content and tuning tomorrow when I have the second episode of
typography Tuesday we're bringing you guys a video or tutorial that is based
around typography but anyway guys until next time design your future today peace
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Alexi Lubomirski opowiedział o współpracy z księciem Harrym i Meghan. Jacy są? - Duration: 4:22.
Can LG save its smartphone business? (Analysis) - Duration: 10:16.
This video was sponsored by Audible.
Get your first audiobook for free by going to
LG has lost a lot of its influence over the smartphone industry through years of declining
sales and profits, even as the rest of the industry achieved record growth.
To fix these issues, the mobile division now has a new president
And I went to Seoul, South Korea, to talk to a bunch of people from to see
how they plan to turn these negative trends around.
I'm Marton from TechAltar, you are watching the 34th episode of The Story Behind series,
and here's what I've found.
OK, before we start with the strategy, I really have to put LG's phones into context a little,
because I think we smartphone enthusiasts fundamentally get its scale wrong.
LG smartphones make up about 80 to 90% of LG's mobile communications business unit.
The rest is mostly audio products, wearables, and accessories.
This is one of five business units in a company called LG Electronics and last quarter it
was responsible for about 18% of its revenue.
Most of LG Electronics' revenue comes from home electronics like fridges, washing machines
and TVs, but they also sell things like Vehicle components.
And then LG Electronics is only one of many companies under the LG Corporation umbrella,
although it is the largest one, with about 40-50% of the revenues.
So overall, smartphones only make up somewhere between 5 to 9% of the total revenue of the
giant conglomerate known as LG Corporation.
Geographically, LG's two most important markets by far are North America and South Korea.
North America moves the most units, accounting for well over a third of LG's total shipments,
but here LG mainly sells lower end units with low prices and low margins.
In Korea it's the opposite: LG sells fewer phones, but most of them are flagships, and
therefore LG is more profitable here, accounting for over a third of LG's mobile revenue.
Talking of revenue, it has decreased for the company's mobile division by more than 20%
over the last five years, even though the market itself grew quite quickly.
Things aren't looking great.
Profitability seems even worse, where LG has been losing money for over 3 straight years
now as well.
2016 was their worst year, when the LG G5 performed spectacularly badly, and even before
that, LG's quality control problems, together with the increased competition from China
really put LG into a tough spot.
OK, so that's a super quick overview, and I think it's pretty clear that things have
to change for LG if it wants to turn things around.
Which the new president apparently wants to do.
So I talked to a bunch of people at LG, here are all the plans they would share with me.
Starting with products, there are two clear directions.
One is a returned focus on the basics, which they defined as ABCD.
Audio, Battery, Cameras and Displays.
LG will apparently stop focusing on being the first to bring random, risky technologies
to market, like modular designs or curved screens, which LG has done quite often in
the past, and will instead simply make sure that LG phones perform well in these core
Other companies like Samsung and OPPO had a similar change in mentality a few years
ago, and while we enthusiasts might prefer more experimental companies, it sort of makes
sense because smartphones are becoming a commodity and nowadays there is so little room for meaningful
differentiation now anyway.
The G7, which you can see my thoughts on right here, is a pretty good example of this new
It's just an evolution of the G6, not something radically new.
Also a part of this push for fixing the basics is an increased focus on software updates,
which LG says they opened a dedicated new software development center for.
They claim to push for more consistent and faster updates in the future, which was definitely
one of LG's weaknesses so far, although we haven't seen any proof of that just yet.
ThinQ branded artificial intelligence enhancements are supposed to give LG devices a differentiation
going forward, but for now I've found LG's actual AI capabilities fairly unimpressive.
Mostly just AI based scene detection and image enhancements in cameras, and sadly nothing
LG told me about their future plans really seemed like a breakthrough, but I guess only
time will tell how far they can push with AI.
In terms of marketing, LG told me that the promotional budget of LG Electronics as a whole
was mostly focused on on promoting OLED and 4K LG TVs, but since they
have gained enough market share in those categories, they will start prioritizing mobile phones
this year.
LG signed up BTS, Korea's most popular boyband to promote phones starting with the G7.
LG claims that this is their most expensive advertisement deal to date, and while it won't
do much for them in, say, Europe, it could give them a nice boost in Asia and to some
extent in the US, which, as you might remember, is where LG actually makes money.
Over the last few years, LG's marketing was fairly weak and got drowned out by more aggressive
brands like Samsung, Apple and Huawei though, so we will have to wait and see how hard they
really push this year.
LG's most counterintuitive and interesting strategy though might just be to wait.
Given that since 2017, the global smartphone market has stopped growing for the first time
ever, and given that most smartphone makers still aren't profitable, smaller and weaker
companies are soon expected to either go bankrupt or get bought by larger, more wealthy ones.
Consolidation is kind of inevitable.
Just think of HTC, which is being sliced up by Google, Nextbit, which was bought by Razer,
or smaller Chinese companies like Gionee and Meizu, which are slowly losing market share.
And given that LG is a large, diversified conglomerate, it can simply afford to wait
until the competition bleeds out.
While outlasting competitors, isn't the sexiest strategy, it might actually work for LG.
OK, so those are all of their plans.
How do I feel about them?
Well, a little mixed.
First, I think a focus on the ABCD basics plus better software support is going into
the right direction.
I don't see spectacular battery life improvements or or fantastic software support from the LG G7 yet, but let's
give this new mobile president a little bit of time.
I also find it a little hard to imagine what LG could meaningfully do better in AI
than Google, who owns the OS, or Samsung, who at least has more users and money couldn't do
but I guess more AI and better AI on LG phones won't hurt either.
So, the product strategy, while not groundbreaking, is generally going into the right direction.
But the rest, I'm not so sure about.
See, a good place for a brand to be is either on the premium end, like Samsung and Apple,
or on the value end, like OnePlus and Xiaomi.
Both are perfectly valid business models.
Obviously to sustain a premium brand you need a sales, marketing and customer support structure
that convinces people that your products are worth the premium.
On the budget end, you can save on, most, of those and you can offer your devices for
LG though, falls into this uncomfortable zone between the two.
They kind of want to appear premium, so they spend some money on these extras, but don't
commit to them fully, so consumers don't want to pay the premium prices.
Just look at their prices over time.
Here's the G6 on Amazon.
It's priced like a premium product at launch, rivaling the latest Galaxy phones, but then
gets discounted dramatically pretty much straight away, and in a few months it becomes a value
And it's a very similar story for other LG flagships.
I bought my G6, just 3 months after it was announced, for something like 380 Euros.
That's pretty much half price and this is a problem, because LG has to spend money like a premium brand,
but eventually sells phones with margins like a value brand.
This is obviously not a good business model, and LG really has to decide, at least in my opinion,
what they want to be.
If they want a premium brand, they should make a premium product and push it
just as hard as Samsung does.
If they are OK being a value brand, they should skip all the BS and start pricing
their phones like value phones right from the start.
To this end, LG telling us that they are finally taking mobile marketing a little more seriously could be
a good sign that they are actually becoming a premium brand,
but given their track record, I am a little doubtful.
The saving grace for LG for at least the next few years might come from the US government
being aggressive against ZTE and Huawei.
The US is LG's largest market by sales, and especially ZTE was already catching up with
them in fourth place, but with the recent tensions, LG might get a temporary pass.
So, really good timing for them!
But anyway, I am somewhat torn on LG's future overall.
They are still losing money, but the worst sales and profit declines seem to be over,
their device strategy is finally starting to mature, but they are focusing on a confusing
AI strategy, they finally say they will take marketing seriously, but none of their past
efforts suggest that they will succeed, and while LG certainly can afford to lose money
on smartphones until smaller competitors bleed out, or get banned, I don't see the fire,
the aggressiveness that other brands like Samsung or more recently, Chinese competitors
seem to have.
See, I can't really predict if LG will be able to turn its mobile business around, but I can
recommend a really, really, really good audiobook.
The Malazan Book of the fallen is my absolute favourite audiobook ever, and if you like
epic stories like the Lord of the Rings or the Game of Thrones series,
then I think you will absolutely love this one.
You can get this book or any other one from Audible's unmatched catalogue for free with
a 30 day trial membership by going to
That way you also let them know that I sent you and you help my show
With the membership, you get one credit for any audiobook in the catalogue, which
if you didn't like, you can return in exchange for another one
and if you did like, you can keep, even after you cancel your membership.
So go to or text TechAltar to 500-500 to get your first audiobook for
free and support my channel.
Love is not supposed to hurt. [5K] - Duration: 3:56.
I don't want normal, and easy, and simple.
I want...
I want painful...
Devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love. Don't you want that, too?
Love is not supposed to be painful or devastating.
Love isn't supposed to hurt, Liv.
I love you so much, my heart hurts.
Is that what love is supposed to feel like?
Like pain?
Until tomorrow.
Anne, please don't!
I'll be fine.
It's okay.
I lay in bed, every night
and I play our relationship over and over again in my head like a movie.
We meet. We fall in love.
We can't stop ourselves. We're meant to be.
I give up everything inside me and then it stops.
The movie just stops.
Did you regret it?
I went crazy when I was with you.
I can't let that happen again!
Love is not supposed to do that, you made me go mad!
You making me mad now, Effy.
And that's exactly what love's supposed to do.
You broke my heart.
And I hate you, because I still love you.
And I hate myself even more for it.
Leave me alone!
Please, after everything we've been to each other...
After everything we were!
Does that mean that it's over?
It's over.
Goodbye Bradshaw.
Goodbye Kydd.
I'll always love you, Elena.
And I'll always love you too.
And just because we are not together now, Finn Nelson...
Doesn't mean that we'll never be.
南海是中國人的地方 絕不允許外人進出自如 - Duration: 5:47.
Pierwsza miłość, odcinek 2709: Krystian i Witek pobiją się na ślubie! Którego wybierze Kalina - Duration: 1:58.
"Pierwsza miłość" odcinek 2709 po wakacjach 2018 - poniedziałek, 3.09.2018, o godz. 18 w Polsacie
Ślub Kaliny i Witka w 2708 odcinku "Pierwszej miłości", czyli ostatnim przed wakacyjną przerwą zostanie przerwany przez Krystiana!
Mimo wielu przeszkód Domańskiemu uda się dotrzeć do kościoła. Nie zważając na nic wywoła bójkę z Witkiem.
W 2709 odcinku "Pierwszej miłości" Krystian przekona ukochaną, że nie może być z Witkiem, bo przecież go nie kocha.
Powie Kalinie, że wcale jej nie zdradził z Hanią (Joanna Balas).
W końcu pan młody nie wytrzyma i wymierzy cios Krystianowi!
W centrum zamieszania będzie coraz bardziej zagubiona Kalina, która nagle wybiegnie z kościoła.
Na zewnątrz dojdzie do kolejnej ostrej wymiany zdań.
Co zrobi Kalina? Najpiew spoliczkuje Krystiana za to, że zafundował jej taką huśtawkę emocjonalną.
Później uderzy też Witka, bo dowie się, że narzeczony spiskował z jej ojcem Leonem (Zbigniew Dziduch).
Po awanturze Witek będzie przekonywał Kalinę, żeby wzięła z nim ślub, bo jego uczucia są szczere.
Ona jednak wybierze Krystiana. Ale o tym widzowie dowiedzą się dopiero w "Pierwszej miłości" po wakacjach 2018.
[Eng Es PT Sub] BTS members' Exclusive Interview Statement on #1 on Billboard 200! 방탄소년단 빌보드1위소감 - Duration: 2:35.
<Translation & Subtitles Made by JL_Kdiamond>
"We spread our wings because of ARMY"
BTS Statement for No.1 on Billboard 200
(Sports Seoul: Journalist Shin Hye Young
Group BTS stated their feelings through the Label Company for becoming the first Korean artist to rank No.1 on American Billboard 200.
On the 28, Big Hit Entertainment relayed BTS thoughts for No.1 on American Billboard 200.
RM stated, "I had so much to say, but now that we heard the news of No.1 on Billboard 200, it feels unreal.
I will cherish this happiness with BTS members a lot today, and I will focus on album and music work starting tomorrow."
He also stated, "I would like to greet all the ARMY around the world with our gratitude. I love you and we will become better BTS."
JIN stated "I am grateful to all who listened to our songs."
Because ARMYs were with us, we could achieve this, and with your strength, we were able to hit No.1 on Billboard 200.
I am honored to be No.1 with our album in Korean language.
I hope a lot more people also show interest in Korean culture along with BTS."
Suga said "I have said we wanted to rank No.1 on Billboard 200, but I am really honored that it came true.
First of all, I would like to thank ARMY the most. We will repay you with more amazing music that suits this position."
J-HOPE said, "I am happy that we ranked No.1 on Billboard 200 which was our dream."
"It feels unreal to see our album is above albums of all the famous world stars.
I would like to sincerely thank our fans who made No.1 happen.
I want to enjoy this great news with the members who went through hardship together."
JIMIN said "These unbelievable things keep happening in a row."
"I couldn't even believe performing comeback stage on Billboard, No.1 on Billboard 200 is surprising and surreal.
And out of all, I am sincerely thankful to our fans who support us and love us."
I would like to express my gratitude towards the members who came this far working hard together."
V said "We were able to do No.1 on Billboard 200 spreading our wings because of ARMY.
I can't imagine how high ARMY will let us fly. I am really thankful and we will become BTS who ARMY can be proud of."
Jungkook Said, "Charting No.1 on Billboard 200 brings even deeper meaning.
From Billboard Music Award to Billboard chart, the good news could be great strain,
I will not stay back but work harder and move forward for bigger dreams."
Meanwhile, American Billboard announced No.1 of BTS new album "Love Yourself Jeon Tear" as the first Korean artist on Billboard 200 chart through a column on the 27th.
You will remain the genuine BTS we've known from the beginning forever....
Panax Ginseng protiv stresa i umora - Neil McNulty - Duration: 1:07.
Gråkjær - Landbrugsbyggeri 3.000 - Randi Liverud i Norge - Duration: 1:20.
此人以"漢奸"自居 肆無忌憚地詆毀民族英雄 扭曲史實 該當何罪? - Duration: 9:50.
Scoprite il sesso del bambino con i seguenti metodi - Duration: 7:23.
How To MAKE MONEY As A Designer On STEEMIT - Duration: 6:09.
today I'm gonna show you guys how you can make money using a platform called
steamit which utilizes cryptocurrency and it's actually very very easy for you
to use as a graphic designer and make some money so stay tuned as I explained
to you what steamit is how to use it and how to make money as a graphic
steam it pays both the content creators when their work has invited as well as
the people who curate the best content on the website by uploading other
people's work this is possible because the steamit platform is built on top of
a new kind of digital currency it's kind of like Bitcoin which is another kind of
digital currency has been around for quite a long time which I'm sure you
know about everyday new units of this currency are created by the network and
distributed by its users who can exchange these currencies for actual
real money in USD the longer that someone has been on Steam it and the
more steam power they have the more money they will give to other people by
voting their work the accounts and steamer that have a huge influence on a
lot of USD or steam dollars onion as Wales the whale accounts are the ones
that you want to have attention from and here we're gonna give you a post the
most value when they're actually updated so for example I uploaded a video
tutorial on D tube which is connected to steam it so when you post a video in D
tube is going to be posted on your steam account as well automatically but my D
Tube video was not voted by several different people but one of eight in
particular was D tube itself and seeing as that account has a lot of steam power
behind it and that one of them gave me the equivalent of around eighty dollars
in Steam currency this figure is going to fluctuate daily because the steam
cryptocurrencies do actually change in value compared to USD as any other
currency does so as you can see here on the d2 bifacial account you actually
have voted my video they have 67,000 followers if we go and look at their
wallets you're going to see that steam power and steam dollars are really quite
high but not only that the account estimated value is in over two hundred
and seventy thousand dollars USD now this is a prime example of a world
account on steam it that can give you value on your posts every single post
that you make on Steam it will be open for uploads and edits for seven days
after the seven days are up you're going to be awarded a large percent of your
money earned on that post which i think is around 75%
and when you do earn the Steam dollars by creating content you have three
different choices you can convert the steam dollars into steam and sell them
immediately on the open market for real money essentially cashing out
the second choice is you can hold on to the steam dollars which keeps the money
in the network and pays you 10% interest and the third option is you can exchange
your steam dollars for steam power if you want to invest in the future of the
currency and reap the biggest rewards this is the way to do it but let's look
at posting on Steam itself you don't have to post videos you can post imagery
or graphic design work when you get started you're gonna make very little of
a Sun money I'm a SAP have only been on Steam for two weeks and it takes you
engaging in the community commenting on Paris and adding people who you like and
the content you think is worthy steam is a community after all it's kind of like
a reddit but with money so the first way you can make money on steam as a graphic
designer is to post your work make sure you post engaging content that looks
professional and stands out so try not to simply post one image with a very
little text added to it what I do when I post my actual designs is I tend to post
a huge long image around four to five thousand pixels and height I'll add my
design process and captions as I go for the thumbnail make sure it's the first
thing attached to your post you can add five tags and the list of tags can be
found on the home page of steam it there are limited tile choices but have a look
through and find five relevant tags to your posts the second way to make money
on Steam as a graphic designer is an awesome awesome thing if you
search around your steamer on Google you can actually find accounts to have a lot
of steam power behind them that hold graphic design competitions I entered my
first competition last Saturday and the results are we gonna be given on Tuesday
the awards are often esteemed currency which of course you can cash out into
Bitcoin and then USD after it's all been said and done
there's quite a little bit of legwork to do to sign up to these contests but you
just need to read the bio and adhere to the regulations plus is free to do you
can see the contest here on page now so there was today's tutorial on how to use
steam as a graphic designer let me know what you guys thought to
this video write down the comment section below
and of course you did enjoy today's content drop a like and also share on
social media so the people can see it to steam it can be kind of complex and a
bit confusing when you get started but trust me paying some attention and
give it some time and you will see some rewards quite quickly if you know how to
use it like I said I've just been using it for two weeks and they've already
seen a substantial growth on my user base there and also money if you have
any questions or queries drop them down in the comment section below and also I
placed some links down there too for you to further your education and your
knowledge on how to use steaming subscribe to cetera graphics for weekly
graph design content and tuning tomorrow when I have the second episode of
typography Tuesday we're bringing you guys a video or tutorial that is based
around typography but anyway guys until next time design your future today peace
Naturalne Leczenie Ostudy i Ciemnych Plam na Skórze - Duration: 4:43.
Ostuda – cechy typowe.Schorzenie to jest bardzo silnie związane z zachwianiem równowagi hormonów żeńskich – estrogenu i progesteronu. Stąd też, ostuda pojawia się bardzo często u kobiet w ciąży oraz tych, które stosują antykoncepcję lub terapię hormonalną w okresie menopauzy.
Czynnikiem niezbędnym do wystąpienia tego schorzenia jest ekspozycja na słońce, dlatego jest ono tak powszechne w sezonie letnim, czy u kobiet, które żyją w klimacie tropikalnym.
Inne przypadki spowodowane są wysokim poziomem stresu, występują jako efekt uboczny stosowania niektórych kosmetyków czy lekarstw, lub też ich występowanie jest rezultatem dziedziczenia lub złego funkcjonowania hormonów tarczycy.
Istnieje tylko jeden objaw ostudy: jest nim zmiana koloru skóry twarzy. Zmiana ta może powodować cierpienie lub niepokój związany z naszym wyglądem. Zaburzenia kolorytu skóry niemal zawsze oznaczają przebarwienia o jednolitym kolorze brązowym.
Zmiany te pojawiają się na czole, policzkach, nosie i górnej wardze. Zazwyczaj są one rozłożone symetrycznie po obu stronach twarzy.
Zabiegi medyczne mogą obejmować stosowanie kremów zawierających kwas kojowy i azelainowy, hydrochinon i tretinoinę; złuszczanie za pomocą preparatów sterydowych lub chemicznych miejscowo na zmiany;
w ciężkich przypadkach – zabiegi laserowe; zawieszenie terapii hormonalnych powodujących problem lub oczekiwanie na samoczynne ustąpienie zmian do końca okresu ciąży.
Po zakończeniu odpowiedniego leczenia, w większości przypadków, ostuda zanika w przeciągu kilku miesięcy. Problem może pojawić się ponownie, jeśli kobieta na nowo zajdzie w ciążę lub wznowi stosowanie hormonów.
Lekarze wskazują, że skutecznym środkiem zapobiegającym pojawieniu się zmian są dobre kremy z filtrem, które mają równocześnie działanie profilaktyczne – pomagają bowiem zmniejszyć ryzyko zachorowania na raka skóry i wystąpienia zmarszczek.Domowe sposoby na usuwanie ostudy lub ciemnych plam
Wystarczy zaledwie kilka prostych składników, aby w zaciszu własnego domu, w szybki i prosty sposób przygotować naturalne zabiegi służące usuwaniu brązowych plam na twarzy, które możesz zaobserwować u siebie jeśli jesteś w ciąży, bierzesz antykoncepcję lub leki na menopauzę.
Warto pamiętać, że ostuda jest wywołana wzrostem produkcji melaniny w skórze, która jest odpowiedzialna za nadawanie jej koloru.
Niektórzy sądzą, że ostuda częściej dotyka kobiety o śniadej karnacji, inni natomiast twierdzą, że schorzenie to dotyczy kobiet o oliwkowej cerze, jeszcze inni zaś, że najbardziej narażone są osoby o jasnej skórze.
Dobra wiadomość jest taka, że istnieją naturalne środki, które pomagają w rozwiązaniu tego problemu estetycznego.Domowy sposób z bananami: zmiksuj jednego banana i umieść papkę na powierzchni zmian na 15 minut. Powtórz czynność cztery razy w tygodniu. Na koniec, umyj twarz ciepłą wodą.
Domowy sposób z bakłażanem: Jeden bakłażan potnij w plasterki i usuń miąższ. Zrób kompres lub okład i umieść go na zmienionych miejscach na skórze. Zostaw na 15 minut i usuń go za pomocą wody. Czynność można powtórzyć do trzech razy w tygodniu.
Domowy sposób z czarnym balsamem: 4 lub 5 kropli powinno wystarczyć, należy je połączyć z jednym białkiem jajka. Dobrze wymieszaj miksturę i zastosuj bezpośrednio na powierzchni ciemnych plam na skórze – dwa razy dziennie, rano i wieczorem.
Domowy sposób z nadtlenkiem wodoru: przed pójściem spać przetrzyj twarz wacikiem nasączonym nadtlenkiem wodoru.
Maska usuwająca ciemne plamy: zmieszaj dwie łyżki mleka w proszku, 4 łyżki miodu pszczelego i 2 łyżki soku z cytryny – aż do utworzenia jednorodnej pasty. Rozprowadź maskę na twarzy i pozostaw na około 20 minut. Umyj twarz i pokryj ją warstwą jogurtu naturalnego. Pozwól mu działać przez kolejne 10 minut, a następnie umyj twarz.
Domowy sposób z cebulą i octem: zetrzyj jedną cebulę i wymieszaj z odrobiną octu. Zastosuj na ciemne plamy i zostaw na 15 minut. Jeżeli czujesz pieczenie lub skóra jest podrażniona, przemyj twarz wodą.
Ostuda – Porady.Osoby, które mają rodzinne predyspozycje do wystąpienia schorzeń skóry związanych z pojawieniem się ciemnych plam lub ostudy, powinny podjąć dodatkowe środki ostrożności, ponieważ jest to choroba dziedziczna.
Należy unikać słońca i stosować kremy o wysokim współczynniku ochrony przeciwsłonecznej, zwłaszcza gdy wybierasz się na plażę lub w góry, ale także w ramach codziennego użytku. Staraj się nie przyjmować pigułek antykoncepcyjnych oraz nie stosować terapii hormonalnej.
Podejmując decyzję o leczeniu ostudy należy być bardzo ostrożnym, nawet jeśli obejmuje ono tylko domowe sposoby. Należy pamiętać, że agresywne i silne leczenie może przynieść skutek odwrotny do zamierzonego i pogorszyć zmiany.Pojawienie się ciemnych plam występuje częściej u kobiet między 20 a 50 rokiem życia.
Całkowicie skuteczny lek na ostudę nie istnieje. Możliwa jest jednak zmiana rozmiaru i koloru plam, które mogą powrócić przy okazji następnej ciąży, jeśli ponownie zaczniesz stosować antykoncepcję lub pozwolisz na codzienną ekspozycję skóry na słońce bez odpowiedniej ochrony.
Największy problem wywołany przez ciemne plamy to ten natury estetycznej i ma on wpływ głównie na wygląd, ponieważ nie niesie ze sobą innych objawów, ani też nie przynosi szkodliwego działania dla organizmu.
W niektórych przypadkach, ciemne plamy mogą zniknąć same bez konieczności leczenia, na przykład – po porodzie.Istnieją profesjonalne zabiegi, które usuwają ostudę lub ciemne plamy, do których należy mikrodermabrazja, złuszczanie chemiczne i terapia laserowa.
Zabiegi te są zalecane tylko w najcięższych lub zaawansowanych przypadkach.Najlepszym sposobem na usunięcie ciemnych plam jest niezwlekanie z wizytą u dermatologa, zwłaszcza że swój wygląd można wtenczas poprawić w ciągu kilku tygodni.
Andrzej Gołota i historia jego małżeństwa z Mariolą - Duration: 8:30.
Citroën C2 1.4i Furio - Duration: 1:05.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5 drs. Summer Red metalic Achteruitrij camera - Duration: 1:11.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i Différence Nieuwe Distributieriem - Duration: 0:49.
特朗普攪局南海失敗 惱羞成怒 誓要挑釁中國底線至軍事衝突? - Duration: 8:29.
Alexi Lubomirski opowiedział o współpracy z księciem Harrym i Meghan. Jacy są? - Duration: 4:17.
Marcin Gortat nie liczy się z kosztami, kiedy chodzi o Alicję Bachledę-curuś! ... - Duration: 4:28.
New Incredibles 2 Trailer
Marcin Gortat nie liczy się z kosztami, kiedy chodzi o Alicję Bachledę-curuś! ... - Duration: 4:28.
único invicto, São Paulo vence o América em Minas|n123snow - Duration: 4:55.
Tchau, Brasil! Seleção deixa o país e viaja rumo a Londres|n123snow - Duration: 1:53.
Tchau, Brasil! Seleção deixa o país e viaja rumo a Londres|x3and1baller - Duration: 1:54.
AINDA O AMOR | Murillo Altafine - Duration: 3:25.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Príncipe e jurista de impeachment no PSL de Bolsonaro deixa partido quente - Duration: 5:08.
Como Fazer Autoaquiagem - Curso de Autoaquiagem (APRENDA) - Duration: 10:02.
【MUKBANG】 United Kingdom Cookies..etc!! [10 Items] [CARAMELWAFER TEACAKES..etc] 7423kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 10:36.
Grêmio afunda Ceará para subir para quinto|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:50.
Com dois de Nenê, São Paulo bate América-MG e entra no G4|x3and1baller - Duration: 6:54.
Naturalne Leczenie Ostudy i Ciemnych Plam na Skórze - Duration: 4:43.
Ostuda – cechy typowe.Schorzenie to jest bardzo silnie związane z zachwianiem równowagi hormonów żeńskich – estrogenu i progesteronu. Stąd też, ostuda pojawia się bardzo często u kobiet w ciąży oraz tych, które stosują antykoncepcję lub terapię hormonalną w okresie menopauzy.
Czynnikiem niezbędnym do wystąpienia tego schorzenia jest ekspozycja na słońce, dlatego jest ono tak powszechne w sezonie letnim, czy u kobiet, które żyją w klimacie tropikalnym.
Inne przypadki spowodowane są wysokim poziomem stresu, występują jako efekt uboczny stosowania niektórych kosmetyków czy lekarstw, lub też ich występowanie jest rezultatem dziedziczenia lub złego funkcjonowania hormonów tarczycy.
Istnieje tylko jeden objaw ostudy: jest nim zmiana koloru skóry twarzy. Zmiana ta może powodować cierpienie lub niepokój związany z naszym wyglądem. Zaburzenia kolorytu skóry niemal zawsze oznaczają przebarwienia o jednolitym kolorze brązowym.
Zmiany te pojawiają się na czole, policzkach, nosie i górnej wardze. Zazwyczaj są one rozłożone symetrycznie po obu stronach twarzy.
Zabiegi medyczne mogą obejmować stosowanie kremów zawierających kwas kojowy i azelainowy, hydrochinon i tretinoinę; złuszczanie za pomocą preparatów sterydowych lub chemicznych miejscowo na zmiany;
w ciężkich przypadkach – zabiegi laserowe; zawieszenie terapii hormonalnych powodujących problem lub oczekiwanie na samoczynne ustąpienie zmian do końca okresu ciąży.
Po zakończeniu odpowiedniego leczenia, w większości przypadków, ostuda zanika w przeciągu kilku miesięcy. Problem może pojawić się ponownie, jeśli kobieta na nowo zajdzie w ciążę lub wznowi stosowanie hormonów.
Lekarze wskazują, że skutecznym środkiem zapobiegającym pojawieniu się zmian są dobre kremy z filtrem, które mają równocześnie działanie profilaktyczne – pomagają bowiem zmniejszyć ryzyko zachorowania na raka skóry i wystąpienia zmarszczek.Domowe sposoby na usuwanie ostudy lub ciemnych plam
Wystarczy zaledwie kilka prostych składników, aby w zaciszu własnego domu, w szybki i prosty sposób przygotować naturalne zabiegi służące usuwaniu brązowych plam na twarzy, które możesz zaobserwować u siebie jeśli jesteś w ciąży, bierzesz antykoncepcję lub leki na menopauzę.
Warto pamiętać, że ostuda jest wywołana wzrostem produkcji melaniny w skórze, która jest odpowiedzialna za nadawanie jej koloru.
Niektórzy sądzą, że ostuda częściej dotyka kobiety o śniadej karnacji, inni natomiast twierdzą, że schorzenie to dotyczy kobiet o oliwkowej cerze, jeszcze inni zaś, że najbardziej narażone są osoby o jasnej skórze.
Dobra wiadomość jest taka, że istnieją naturalne środki, które pomagają w rozwiązaniu tego problemu estetycznego.Domowy sposób z bananami: zmiksuj jednego banana i umieść papkę na powierzchni zmian na 15 minut. Powtórz czynność cztery razy w tygodniu. Na koniec, umyj twarz ciepłą wodą.
Domowy sposób z bakłażanem: Jeden bakłażan potnij w plasterki i usuń miąższ. Zrób kompres lub okład i umieść go na zmienionych miejscach na skórze. Zostaw na 15 minut i usuń go za pomocą wody. Czynność można powtórzyć do trzech razy w tygodniu.
Domowy sposób z czarnym balsamem: 4 lub 5 kropli powinno wystarczyć, należy je połączyć z jednym białkiem jajka. Dobrze wymieszaj miksturę i zastosuj bezpośrednio na powierzchni ciemnych plam na skórze – dwa razy dziennie, rano i wieczorem.
Domowy sposób z nadtlenkiem wodoru: przed pójściem spać przetrzyj twarz wacikiem nasączonym nadtlenkiem wodoru.
Maska usuwająca ciemne plamy: zmieszaj dwie łyżki mleka w proszku, 4 łyżki miodu pszczelego i 2 łyżki soku z cytryny – aż do utworzenia jednorodnej pasty. Rozprowadź maskę na twarzy i pozostaw na około 20 minut. Umyj twarz i pokryj ją warstwą jogurtu naturalnego. Pozwól mu działać przez kolejne 10 minut, a następnie umyj twarz.
Domowy sposób z cebulą i octem: zetrzyj jedną cebulę i wymieszaj z odrobiną octu. Zastosuj na ciemne plamy i zostaw na 15 minut. Jeżeli czujesz pieczenie lub skóra jest podrażniona, przemyj twarz wodą.
Ostuda – Porady.Osoby, które mają rodzinne predyspozycje do wystąpienia schorzeń skóry związanych z pojawieniem się ciemnych plam lub ostudy, powinny podjąć dodatkowe środki ostrożności, ponieważ jest to choroba dziedziczna.
Należy unikać słońca i stosować kremy o wysokim współczynniku ochrony przeciwsłonecznej, zwłaszcza gdy wybierasz się na plażę lub w góry, ale także w ramach codziennego użytku. Staraj się nie przyjmować pigułek antykoncepcyjnych oraz nie stosować terapii hormonalnej.
Podejmując decyzję o leczeniu ostudy należy być bardzo ostrożnym, nawet jeśli obejmuje ono tylko domowe sposoby. Należy pamiętać, że agresywne i silne leczenie może przynieść skutek odwrotny do zamierzonego i pogorszyć zmiany.Pojawienie się ciemnych plam występuje częściej u kobiet między 20 a 50 rokiem życia.
Całkowicie skuteczny lek na ostudę nie istnieje. Możliwa jest jednak zmiana rozmiaru i koloru plam, które mogą powrócić przy okazji następnej ciąży, jeśli ponownie zaczniesz stosować antykoncepcję lub pozwolisz na codzienną ekspozycję skóry na słońce bez odpowiedniej ochrony.
Największy problem wywołany przez ciemne plamy to ten natury estetycznej i ma on wpływ głównie na wygląd, ponieważ nie niesie ze sobą innych objawów, ani też nie przynosi szkodliwego działania dla organizmu.
W niektórych przypadkach, ciemne plamy mogą zniknąć same bez konieczności leczenia, na przykład – po porodzie.Istnieją profesjonalne zabiegi, które usuwają ostudę lub ciemne plamy, do których należy mikrodermabrazja, złuszczanie chemiczne i terapia laserowa.
Zabiegi te są zalecane tylko w najcięższych lub zaawansowanych przypadkach.Najlepszym sposobem na usunięcie ciemnych plam jest niezwlekanie z wizytą u dermatologa, zwłaszcza że swój wygląd można wtenczas poprawić w ciągu kilku tygodni.
Unboxing Prêmio "Grand Gift Delivery Event" - SCS Software (enable cc) - Duration: 6:58.
Guys! Finally after a few months ...
SCS Software end of year promotion award has come and now we're opening!
Our Lady!
Okay, that's the prize, people! Bubble wrap, lol.
Lets go!
It's a Special Version of the American Truck Simulator with bonuses
and some gifts.
A wristband.
This is the invoice that is required.
Some stickers.
And here the t-shirt.
And here's the t-shirt!
Your print is on the arm and front.
I'll dress to see how it goes!
And now, let's open this one!
Thank you SCS! Thanks for the award!
It took to reach because ... Brazil ...
International orders I know how they are ... but arrived!
So, once again, thanks!
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