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W środowy wieczór, podczas sesji treningowej przed wyścigiem ulicznym na wyspie Man, doszło do upadku Dana Kneena
Brytyjczyk zginął na miejscu. Miał 30 lat. To pierwsza ofiara tegorocznej rywalizacji
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Pierwsze zawody w tym miejscu odbyły się w roku 1907 i przez wiele lat były one częścią motocyklowych mistrzostw świata
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Tegoroczna impreza rozpoczęła się fatalnie, bo od śmiertelnego wypadku Dana Kneena
30-latek zginął wskutek upadku, do którego doszło w środowy wieczór. Wcześniej Brytyjczyk wykręcił rekordowy czas okrążenia
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W poprzedni wieczór ustanowił najlepszy czas okrążenia na wyspie Man, co tylko potwierdzało, że może sięgnąć po wygraną w tegorocznej edycji
Nasze myśli w tym momencie są z dala od wyścigów. Są z rodziną i bliskimi Dana. Był bardzo popularnym zawodnikiem, który ciężko pracował na swój sukces
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Kneen pokazał się z dobrej strony już podczas zeszłorocznej rywalizacji na wyspie Man
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W ubiegły wtorek poprawił ten rezultat, jadąc średnio 132,258 mil na godzinę.Po wypadku Kneena na wyspie Man doszło do kolejnego incydentu
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Why I like Slow Travel - Duration: 2:27.
Some people asked me
How do you travel long and still have money?
I'll give you an answer:
Slow Travel.
(instrumental music playing)
(instrumental music playing ends)
Slow traveling is
when you are taking your time exploring around
in the areas when you are traveling
you're not rushing things through, like
3 days in Paris,
or 4 days in Hong Kong.
Just doing many things in so little time
it's different
You are taking your time to explore
not feeling stressed or rushed,
you're doing it in your own time, in your own way.
You see, I finished work and school (phhbbt)
I was just always so busy that makes me so tired
So, I don't want travel fast-paced
eh, I don't like it because
I don't want to get the travel slump
yeah, travel slump can happen!
so, what did I decide to do slow traveling?
I really like slow traveling, because
1: I won't feel so rushed to do everything every day
and feel exhausted from traveling
number 2:
I can connect to more people,
starting to learn deeply about their culture
and can develop deeper connection
number 3:
it is perfect for my bank (financially)
I can cook,
I can save more money for transportation,
and more money for attractions.
so what does that mean?
That means that I can travel
I am not telling you that you should try slow traveling
the reason is because
everybody have different commitments,
such as family, work, school or other things
important things that you have in your life.
Sometimes some people have finance difficulty
For example, if they already flew to Australia,
they probably can't afford to book a flight there again
so. That is understandable.
I understand that I am lucky and privileged
that I have the opportunity to do slow traveling
if you can, would you try slow traveling?
FluteTips 40 Why Can't I Get My Low C? - Duration: 3:08.
FluteTips 40 Why Can't I Get My Low C?
Hi, I'm Dr. Angela McBrearty of
Today's FluteTip is on: Why Can't I Get My Low C?
Sometimes you're going for that low C, and nothing comes out.
You know, you can't get it...
no matter how hard you try that Low C won't come out.
There are a couple of reasons why.
One of the simplest reasons why is...
Your Flute Needs to Get a COA.
And a COA is a clean oil and adjust.
Many times, I mean many many 90% of the time when I have students that can't get Low C
to come out it's because their flute is leaking.
And you're going to know that your flute is leaking when you play the Low C
with all your fingers down.
Other notes you might not catch it quite as easily
because they're different combinations of fingering.
But when you try for that Low C and nothing
comes out it's because something is leaking.
That is the most common reason.
I know that sometimes I thought
"oh I must be out of shape!"
I mean even me I can't get my Low C. It's not coming out very well,
it's just very weak or something.
And then I take it in and I get back a brand new flute.
I always feel that I have a brand new flute when I get it because I'm playing on it but
I've learned to adjust and I don't even realize
that it's starting to leak or a pad has been ripped.
And so, I get it back and all of a sudden that Low C pops out and I realize all along
it wasn't me, it was the flute.
So, get a regular maintenance.
With my students I say at the end of their school year.
Sometimes if they're really working hard on it they need it at you know the halfway point,
maybe Christmas break or something.
But you need to do that.
Another reason is you're blowing too hard.
When you're playing for that going for that Low C you don't need a lot of air...
even if I want to play a little bit louder I'm still holding in a whole lot of air.
So, try playing with a lot less air.
Keeping all that air held in and just let out a nice stream very very little a lot under
control keep it under control.
And see if you can get that Low C to come out.
Those are the most common reasons why your Low C is not responding.
But I would guarantee your flute probably needs a COA.
So, try that first.
That's today's FluteTip.
If you liked today's FluteTip press the like button, subscribe, and share with your friends.
FluteTips 40 Why Can't I Get My Low C?
Marmaris, Turkey! And Some Culture Shocks in Poland - Duration: 5:35.
Xem CĂN HỘ 300.000 USD dành cho NGOẠI KIỀU - VIỆT KIỀU khu ĐẢO NHÀ GIÀU 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 36:09.
How can I make my partner happier? - Duration: 6:21.
(upbeat music)
So the big question.
You're in a relationship, you got a boyfriend,
you got a girlfriend, you have a wife, you have a husband.
You've got some sort of partnership.
And I can't keep up with all the words for
partnership these days.
But you got somebody, let's just call it wife
for the purposes of this video
'cause I have a wife, okay.
So what do you do, how do you keep your wife happy?
There's four things I'm gonna say you need to do
in your relationship contract.
Yes, you need a relationship contract.
I know that's kind of harsh for some people.
They're like no, no, I don't have a contract for
my relationship, yes, you need one.
You got a contract with your boss.
You got a contract with your employer.
You're spelling out how many times you're gonna be working
and how many evenings, how many weekends, blah, blah, blah,
all that stuff, you don't have the same
thing for your relationship.
The thing that relationships thrive on is time together.
That's where you create energy.
That's where you create love.
That's where you create learning about each other.
So how do you do that, in this relationship contract.
The relationship contract needs to have four bullet
points on it, are you guys ready?
Number one, how much vacation are we
going to take together throughout the whole year.
The year is 52 weeks long.
You have to think if I'm married to wife,
my wife's name is Leslie,
how many weeks do we wanna have together?
How many weeks do we wanna have together,
maybe with our kids, maybe just the two of us
to be just together, that's an important number.
And it does not matter what your work contract is.
Your work contract might say you have one week vacation
or two weeks, I'm tell you right now,
if you need three weeks to have a healthy relationship,
that's a lot more important.
And you can take a sabbatical, you can take an unpaid leave.
You can take in lieu days, there's so many ways
to work around the strict little two weeks
that the company might give you.
You just have to ask them, you have to ask them.
You have to be willing to take them unpaid.
You have to be willing to take them in lieu.
You have to be willing to take them as a sabbatical.
I did that all the time for 10 years while I worked
at Walmart, that's how I could do stuff like this,
write books and talk to you guys.
It's important, think at the front of the year
how much time you'll wanna have together.
Number two, this is the counter weight.
How many days a year are you gonna be travelling for work?
I travel about 50 days a year.
That means, when you divide it by 12,
that means about four nights a month, I'm gone.
My wife and I had a conversation about that.
We thought how high is too high, how low's too low?
I get energy from that.
I get learning from that.
But then again, she's there alone with the kids.
How did we figure that out?
We came up with the number four, that number works for us.
You need to come up with your own number.
Number three, this is an important one for Leslie and I.
How many days per week or per month
are you gonna have just the two of you?
Just the two of you, you hear couples all the time
say oh, we go on date night on Friday.
And you also hear couples say we haven't
been on a date in 34 years since our kids were born.
Don't be one of those two couples.
Figure out what you need.
For me and Leslie and our two kids,
we have one day per week designated as a family day.
What's a family day, it means we have no cell phones.
I'm talkin' no cell phones.
That's a weird concept for a lot of people.
We don't know what's playing at the movies.
We don't know what the weather is.
We got no cell phones that means we have no interruptions,
no buzzes, no alerts, no texts, no notifications,
no wacky uncle droppin' in just to say hi,
no kid's birthday parties, nothing.
We got nothin' at all except for our family
and that gives us so much energy in our relationship.
How many nights do you need a week or a month
just the two of you and that means contracting in
a date night even once a month if you need it,
if you don't have it right now.
What you don't want is for one person to be saying
we never get to spend time together.
Or we just fall asleep in Netflix comas on the couch
every night, don't do that.
A date by definition means you get out of the house
and you do something interesting, that's a date.
Black Mirror season three on the couch falling asleep
is not a date, that's a lame date.
I don't even want the word date involved in that, okay.
And number four is you're still you.
You're still you, your partner's still your partner.
You need to specify how many nights out a week
you want for just you, okay.
I take one a week, a Neil's night out.
My wife, Leslie takes one a week.
It's called Leslie's night out.
Why do I have a night out with nobody else?
Because I get energy from it.
I might do something creative.
I might go see a Marvel Comic super hero movie
that she has no interest in by myself.
I might wander around a book store.
I might go out with a buddy that I haven't
had a beer with in forever, whatever it is.
I can do anything I want because it's my time
to get energy for myself and guess what I return
to the relationship with, more energy.
I'm a better dad, I'm a better husband before
and after I go because I know I'm gonna get a fill up night.
Plus I return with new stories.
You know what the hardest thing to do in a relationship is,
have new stories, have new experiences,
have something new that you did that the person
you're in a relationship with doesn't know about.
That is a great way to do it.
Let's remember where we are.
I'm talkin' about four bullet points
you need in your relationship contract
in order to make your husband or wife a little happier.
Those four things are planning out at the beginning of
the year how much vacation time you wanna have together,
that's travel time, time that you're gonna be away
with just you or with your kids.
I'm talkin' about coming up with the number of work nights
you're gonna be away per year.
That's another important one.
Then I'm talkin' number three.
How many family days do you have per week or per month
and finally how many you days do you have?
I have a Neil's night out once a week.
How many of those do you have?
Put those little parameters in. You can add different ones if you want.
In fact, in the comments below,
tell me if I missed one.
Tell me what you have in your relationship that works.
Tell me some deal, something you have written down,
something maybe you don't have written down
that is a great little rule that helps you
prosper inside your relationship.
The fact that you're here right now,
the fact that you're watching this video means you care.
And that's the biggest thing you need in order
to have a healthy relationship is people
vested in the relationship's health.
You're already here, I've given you four parameters.
Tell me what I missed below.
Subscribe to the channel if you can.
And you know what, thanks so much for watching.
(pleasant music)
Nightcore - 2002 - Duration: 2:36.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
A lady appeared to 6 children in 1981, they are the seers of Medjugorje, she told them
given 10 secrets, these are events terrestrial that will occur in the future
... There are good things and bad ones things ... there are secrets that concern
the visible sign that will leave the Lady at the end of appearances, as she promised
to the seers who asked for a sign for believe them ... there are secrets that
concern the death of the seers, there would be a secret that concerns Saint Joseph, there
has a secret that was canceled thanks to fasting and prayer and the seers have
cried for the last two secrets.
Mary dictated to a seer the story of his life, this little book will be published when
Mary will ask.
the secrets were written by a seer on a parchment, it is not currently legible
it will be at the desired moment by the Holy Virgin ... this parchment was written for
not that there is an error in the secrets ...
Mary is preparing us for the secrets ... some secrets are the consequence
of our sins
Apparently, the people who chose God and Mary as father and mother
nothing to fear secrets ...
So trust ...
Rain of flowers ...
During the appearances of Nancy Fowler in 1996, a rain of petals fell from
heaven, look at the pictures ... watch out, I does not claim that these appearances are true,
I'm just showing you the pictures It happened in Georgia above
Conyers, there were also those clouds that have weird behavior ...
You liked, so in the white area you can see more video by following the link ...
And in the red zone you can see the last video out ...
You also have the possibility to subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...
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Top 10 Scary Australian Urban Legends - Duration: 9:25.
Welcome back everyone to Most Amazing Top 10 - we are back with another Urban Legends
video, I have been taking the most requested country in each comments section and making
that my next video and today is the land down under.
Australia is unique in many ways, from its landscape to its wildlife - but some things
never change no matter where you are in the world.
Things that go bump in the night, scary spirits and the supernatural, these are stories which
follow you to the ends of the Earth - my name is Danny Burke and this is the top 10 scary
Australian Urban Legends …
Starting off at number 10 we have The Black Ghost of The Blue Mountains.
If you ever head through Victoria pass on Australia's Great Western Highway, keep an
eye out at night.
For more than a century, truckers have reported seeing the ghost of a child bride called Caroline
She was beaten to death by her ex boyfriend John Walsh in 1842 out in the pass.
Now, they say her tortured soul haunts those who pass by on a dark cold night.
Its claimed that the colder the night, the better.
When black ice covers the road, threatening to spin vehicles to their doom, everyone is
forced to slow down.
Once everyone is slow, Caroline is said to approach, ready to seek vengeance for her
gruesome death …
Next up at number 9 we have The Burning Airman.
During WW2, an Australian bomber plane crashed on the outskirts of Canberra, killing all
4 on board.
It would become known as the Canberra Air Disaster.
Years later, people in the area started reporting strange encounters in the woods.
They said unearthly lights could be seen near the old crash site.
Others heard the droning noise of a plane followed by a loud bang.
Then things got weirder.
A teenage girl ran screaming from the forest, saying she was being followed by a long dead
She said he was covered in fire and followed her to the edge of the forest.
More people began to report the same thing - horrific encounters that left people traumatised.
The stories have been enough to turn some people away from the forever for fear of seeing
the burning airman stalking them through the trees …
Moving on to number 8 now we have Kelly.
This is very creepy one that was shared on Reddit.
User Puppy2010 said they have relatives in the Northern Beaches of Australia, on the
country's east coast.
There, locals tell tales of a girl called Kelly who would appear in people's cars near
Oxford Falls if they were travelling alone past midnight.
She is said to be the spirit of a girl who died in a car crash there in the 1970s and
has haunted the road ever since.
For me, the scariest part of the story is that if you don't tell Kelly to get out - she
will take control of the car.
For those believe in the tale of Kelly, they worry for the travellers who have never heard
the story, and don't know to tell her to get out of the car ...
Next up at number 7 we have The Orchard Hills Mafia House.
This is a huge white mansion found out in greater Sydney.
You might say it was beautiful if not for the scary stories attached to it.
For some ghost hunters, no place in Sydney has more spirits that The Orchard Hills Mafia
Lights are said to flash off and on even when the building is empty.
From the outside, people have seen creepy shadows flicker behind the curtains.
Some people even claim that these shadows come outside and approach visitors, chasing
them down the drive with demonic grins on their faces.
Why are so many spirits said to live there?
Well that goes back to the buildings name.
It's called the Mafia house because it was said to be owned by members of a local mafia
They were rumoured to routinely execute informants and snitches in one of the upstairs rooms.
Between the murderous gangs and the spirits of their victims, many people choose to stay
well clear of the big white mansion …
Coming in at number 6 now we have The Hawkesbury River Monster.
In a lot of these urban legends videos, we've discussed creatures that bare a strange resemblance
to the loch ness monster - well, perhaps this is Australia's version.
The Hawkesbury river monster is said to be a snake large snake like creature with a long
leck, a large body and two sets of flippers with an eel like tail.
Locals tells fearsome tales of the beast and claim they have the proof to back it.
People point to the huge slide marks on the riverbanks pr the crushed and abandoned boats
with no owners.
Some say this is not a modern phenomena and that the monster is depicted in the ancient
aboriginal art of the area …
Moving on to number 5 now we have The Hands of Goodna Cemetery.
Located on the outskirts of Brisbane, Goodna Cemetery doesn't look to be out of the ordinary
at first.
Those who visit it though do so because they have heard the stories of what goes on there
after dark.
According to legend, there is some sort of -force- in the cemetery.
People describe it differently but one thing they all agree on is that this force does
not like visitors.
At night, people feel invisible hands punching and scratching them.
Its not just a light tap either, people say you'd know if the hands touched you … one
particularly scary story involves a local man who once tried to flee the cemetery in
his car - but the car wouldn't start.
He spent the night huddled in his car, trying to ignore the strange noises outside.
The next morning, he stepped out and found long scratch marks all the way down the side
of his car.
Something had been trying to get in, and get him …
Moving on to number 4 now we have Schneiders Alley.
In the early 20th century, Doctor Schneider life in Clifton Manor with his wife and child.
Their lives were uneventful until one day when tragedy struck.
Both the Doctors wife and child died in an accident.
The Doctor spiralled into madness.
At first it was just his personal life that was affected but then it began to bleed into
his work.
He would take his patients to a little log cabin near his house, where he performed surgical
experiments on them without anaesthetic.
The house saw him mutilate countless people.
The locals say that in the years since, theyve seen his disfigured patients wandering the
hills around the house and lurking in the alleys.
At night, distant screams can be heard from those still reliving their operations.
Some brave souls visit the house to try and catch
Next up at number 3 we have the Satanist.
The Kings Park in Perth draws in many visitors during the day but at night it plays host
to all kinds of spooky legends.
One of these is this Satanist.
Its said that on certain nights, a secret group of Devil worshippers descend upon the
park where they perform strange rites.
Occult symbols are drawn, effigies are burns and all kinds of demonic behaviour takes place
upon the grass slopes.
Some even say that human sacrifices take place there.
This legend has only been fueled by the reports of local homeless men going missing.
People believe that sleeping in the park after dark is inviting yourself to be killed in
the name of the demons that the cult worships …
Next up at number 2 we have The Macquarie Fields Station.
In the south west suburbs of Sydney lies a train station with a grizzly secret.
When the last train leaves Macquarie Fields station and the platform is empty, a fain
cry can be heard in the breeze.
Believers say the station is haunted.
For those that find the crying scary to hear - things only get worse.
Some say the crying eventually stops and then, after a short pause, it turns to blood curdling
screams of anguish.
On some occasions, people even see the ghost - a teenage girl roaming the platform with
dark blood covering her face.
She cries and cries then screams and screams.
For me though, the creepiest part is that sometimes, she stares right at you …
And finally at number 1 we have The Min Min Lights.
Those who have ventured to Eastern Australia's outback will often return with tales of the
Min Min lights.
On some nights, burning lights are said to appear in the distance but never getting closer.
They keep pace alongside the car but never get any nearer, almost as if they watching.
Some people believe that if you leave your car, they will stalk you through the Australian
But hey, don't take my word for it, unlike many of the other legends on our list, there
have been documented cases of the Min Min lights.
You can find footage on YouTube filmed by locals.
In 2003, a report suggested that the lights are just a trick of the light that appear
under certain conditions.
Others believe this only deepens the conspiracy - they say that the government is just trying
to shake people off the trail and not discover the true nature of the Min Min lights …
Alright guys, I wanna know which of those was your favourite - I think Australia might
have some of the best urban legends Ive heard so far.
Do we have any Ozzies watching?
Did I miss any good ones out?
Remember to request your country next for our urban legends series - I hope you have
a lovely day - my name is Danny Burke, thanks for watching guys and Ill see you all in the
next video …
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250 VINTAGE PADLOCKS PICKING SERIES - ABUS 85/50 - sub eng - Duration: 5:11.
Hello guyss, welcome back again
today I have a very nice padlock for you that my friend Foxxy sends me
redcatimagine, thank you very much Foxxy
it's an Abus padlock, it's a Vintage padlock
and it comes in its original box, I love it,
he knows that these locks are one of my weaknesses, and has hit one hundred percent
is the model number 85, of 50 millimeters
lets take a look
I have not picked it yet,
as you see is completely new
comes from an unsold stock
I imagine it dates from the 80s, or something like that, but I'm not sure
if Foxxy knows, that I commented and we will know all
I love the keys, here you can see them
with the letters in German
the shape of the hole, they are very beautiful, I show you the biting
there you can see, the first is quite long, the fifth shortest
It's not spectacular, but it's very beautiful,
the padlock works perfect,
there it is, it has a very strong spring, a spectacular snap
let's try to pick it
and we see how it behaves
I imagine that it is full of security pins like spools, serrated, or something like that
let's see if we can pick it
I'm going to use
one more adjusted
do not
I do not want to damage the keyway
I will use this homemade wrench,
and I'm going to start with the pick that I always use
a hook
an open one, from a cheap Chinese set, let's try...
from front to back, slight tension
first is binding
It gives a little rotation, and we set it
I have moved the light
second is binding, gives counterotation, make one click
third rotates, make a click
fourth gives counterotation
make a click and set, fifth make one click
and the false set is accentuated
it gives counterotation
it has make a clic, we have lost the false set, first nothing, second nothing
third nothing
fourth, touching the fourth the false set returns
fifth, we have not set it well
it gives counterotation
we go from the beginning
first is set, second is set,
third is binding
it gives counterotation
and it gives me the impression
yes, that is open
it seemed to me that the fifth one gave me feedback, but very soft
a very funny opening, as you have could see, with spools,
the feedback is pretty clear, it's clean
very nice to pick, I love it
a collector's item for me
I'll save it in my collection
number 85, of 50 millimeters, there you can see it,
perfect, I love it
Well, thank you very much Foxxy for send me this padlock,
you have hit one hundred percent
and this was the opening of this vintage 85/50 Abus padlock
I hope you enjoyed it, that it will be useful and thank you very much for your time
Entrevista com Joao Sabia em Amsterdam: 60 anos de Bossa Nova - Duration: 14:51.
He brought his "sambalanço" and dazzled the audience in Amsterdam
Joao Sabia, who has performed at the Bimhuis,
as the second concert of the "Brazilian music series" for the celebration of the 60 years of Bossa Nova,
showed that the artist and his music arrived in Europe for good.
I talked to him before and after his incredible concert
and you will watch now on Turnê Show.
Joao Sabia, it's a pleasure to have you here on Turnê Show
It's my pleasure. Thanks a lot for the invite to have this interview with you.
Welcome to Europe, although you have been already here in 2012, 2013 I suppose…
Yes, it's already the fifth time in Amsterdam,
Wow, fifth time?
Yes, in Europe is already the sixth time. Not only to play but also to have fun…
It doesn't hurt to come here so often, right?
Yeah, it doesn't hurt, specially coming to Amsterdam…
Joao, firstly I would like to ask about the rhythm "Sambalanco" that you do…
It's a mixture of Samba and Bossa Nova…
Do you agree that the mixture that you do, brings the people closer to the Bossa Nova music?
People that didn't live at the time of this music style?
Because the younger generation may think that the music is a bit too slow…
and mixed to the samba, makes it more interesting, more vibrant?
Yeah… well… we are talking about Bossa Nova, which is now 60 years old.
Yes, exactly....
And it's difficult to have such a strong style… the rock has changed over the decades, right?
And the Bossa Nova didn't.
It stayed like it used to be, right?
Didn't mix with too many styles, didn't adapt too much. It continues like the Bossa Nova.
"Sambalanco" is something quite old.
The word was invented by Carlos Lyra at the time he split from Ronaldo Bôscoli
and wanted to have a new "gang"
In the sixties…
Yes… there was new new gang, but the new name didn't work out at the time.
But then came a new generation. The work of Orlandivo and Ed Lincoln embraced this "Sambalanco" style,
also Jorge Benjor...
They were the second or third generation of Bossa Nova
and noticed that the music style had good energy, harmony, melody…
But they also wanted something to dance,
something more vibrating that could work for people going out and enjoy, not only usual concerts
so the "Sambalanco" started to be shaped in several ways....
but I cannot identify a definite form of it...
and people are very curious about the rhythm
and lately I have this feeling... well, in the last five years I've been focused researching the Bossa Nova
and bring it more and more to my music
and this "equation" of Sambalanco pleases me a lot
I've been feeling exactly what you've said
that people of my generation or even younger,
that goes to my concerts or know my work,
when I sing the biggest classics in this new format
they start to be more interested about the music style
and I believe this can bring a new generation to appreciate the Bossa Nova
and including new musicians to take part of this movement,
composing, playing more this repertory,
not only the generation that lived the movement or one generation close to it.
For example on your latest album, "Nossa Copacabana", in 2014 that you launched
which has an amazing sound, the Bossa Nova style...
This is a "Sambalanco" album
I really consider it as a "Sambalanco" album
It's a homage to Bossa Nova and to Copacabana
You practically recorded it in Copacabana, in your home, right?
Yes, at home. I did a lot of stuff in the studio but a lot in my bedroom.
Exactly! Is it true that you recorded many songs inside our closet?
As a matter of fact, I recorded all the voice parts for the album "Nossa Copacabana" inside my closet
because there is an "equation" of wood + blanket
this is something that became very usual nowadays
because you have the facility to have at home all the equipment to make good records
but there is always that moment that you need to go to the studio
not that you really have to go, but I like to "polish" the album, it pleases me
but I did a lot of stuff at home, the sound of the classic guitar...
and it was kind of my farewell to Copacabana because I live now in Sao Paulo
yes exactly, you have moved
after I finished the album I started my move to Sao Paulo
so I really love this album
because it's a homage to my people, my neighbourhood, where I was born and grew up,
to my grandparents, there is a song dedicated to them...
it's a very homelike album... even the cover it's a picture of me and my dad in Copacabana
yes, true! You as a child and your dad...
so, it was a very important moment for me
and on this album I could really define the "Sambalanco" on my musical history....
And the move to Sao Paulo?
what kind of influence it had on your musical style and your partnerships?
You also have the "Roda Fina"...
"Roda Fina"....
and we are here because and thanks to this project
which is a tribute to the Bossa Nova
we do it every Monday evening in Sao Paulo
with the same band that is here with me
and we receive friends, reverence this repertory and also try new things
and Sao Paulo for me was a great move
because Rio de Janeiro has this completely different style from Sao Paulo
it's more beach, coast life style, right?
Sao Paulo is more urban and way bigger
and also, more culturally diverse.
there are more things going on...
and I am very lucky
because I met great musicians, great singers that helped me a lot since I arrived in Sao Paulo
and today I have my band, my manager, office... everything is organised
an I really don't think about going back to Rio...
not really?
I just think about going back there to have fun, to see the family...
I'm also only three years in Sao Paulo, I'm in love...
you're still on honeymoon...
yes, honeymoon... who knows what is going to happen?
but what I could see until now I have adapted very well to Sao Paulo
and it was during this honeymoon with Sao Paulo that you made a song together with Luiza Possi
that is really happening on the radios!
the song "Me responda"
yes, "Me responda", exactly...
this song I wrote together with Gabriel Moura
who is a co-founder of "Farofa Carioca", together with Seu Jorge, singer and composer
he is a great friend and we wrote this song in 2010, a long time ago
and it's a bit different, there's no "Sambalanco" in this song
this is a romantic song, and I really like this type of songs
it reminds me of Roberto and Erasmo
the love songs
and I am very strong about it
even my new album, that I am about to release, when I come back to Brazil
and will be released in Japan on 18th July
wow in Japan!
Yes, will be released first in Japan
It's called "Joao" only "Joao", my fourth album
and on this album there is the song "Me responda" one of the singles
and also a couple other songs with same style
pop songs, that you play on the classic guitar and everybody sings together...
so I am very excited!
it's on the radio, I invited Luiza to take part of it
she like the song and she recorded it very fast on the studio
and we released the song to have a feeling how it would be received
and the "Radio Nova", which is a very important radio in Brazil for our music really embraced it
and it worked very well
I am always checking to see if it is going well on the radio....
and every week more radios are playing it
and for me is great as I am about to release the new album
and having the first single with Luiza Possi going well, right?
it's wonderful...
and you touch the subject about Erasmo Carlos style
and you played Erasmo Carlos in 2016 for a movie
yes, but the movie was still not released!
yes, the movie about Wilson Simonal's life was not yet released
and you have also done a lot of acting jobs in theatre, soap operas, series on Brazilian tv...
but the music is really your life, right?
yeah.... I consider myself as an artist
I work with art
yes, you work with art
I already produced stuff, I produced my album, really did. Executive Producer...
I have already done everything with regards to concerts, stage, etc...
and when I was part of the tv show "Fama" I got the opportunity to work as an actor
Have you ever thought about it?
I have done something on theatre, but always focused on being on stage to sing
not acting or something like that....
and then I had the opportunity to start with Fernanda Montenegro, my first job as an actor, right?
so it created a new and crazy universe in my head
and the work I was taking part in Globo
it's an honor, right?
to start and have your debut with Fernanda Montenegro!
But there was a moment that I saw that all my work as an actor take a lot of time
because it's no joke when you have to do a soap opera or a movie...
No, of course not
like is no joke to go on stage to sing to people or record an album
and there was a time on my career, specially when I left Rio de Janeiro
that I stopped my career as an actor so I could really focus
to focus...
to focus on music all the time...
and now, since I'm in Sao Paulo, this phase has already gone...
I started to work as an actor again...
they always call me
there is always something coming up and they call me
it's interesting, because I don't have this structure to take care of my acting career
so it is very nice, because I only do the things that really pleases me...
which pleases you...
has something to do with me, it's fun...
I love it, whenever they call me for a nice project and if I have the time
I do it, really happy...
now in this phase of my career...
the movie about Wilson Simonal was great, perhaps there are more things coming up
but for now I am here!
we will wait and see!
we are in Europe making this sound!
and now, what are the expectations? To finish our interview...
what are your expectations about the concert today in Amsterdam
continuing the celebrations of the 60 years of Bossa Nova
I think it's wonderful
I am very happy, that I accomplished something
it's a very special moment in my career, a milestone in my artistic history
I'm thinking about a career in Europe
to be able to take part on this tribute to Bossa Nova here in Europe never crossed my mind
I am very happy with this invite
since I was invited by Luana Ferreira to be here
the expectation started in my head
I believe this moment will be in my memory forever
I think I will be able to feel the smell of today, our conversation in 40 years like it is today, you know?
It's really an honor to be here
I know exactly how important Bimhuis is for the music scene in the Netherlands
not only the Netherland but Europe as well...
I was here two years ago, for the first time watching Roberta Sá singing
when I saw the concert hall for the first time, when I met Luana...
being here after such a long time is a huge accomplishment, very special for me
I am very happy and I believe that will be a very successful thing for my career and our work here
for sure!
and we will be here to watch this amazing concert
I count on you!
thank you so much Joao,
thank you Gisele!
it was a great pleasure
and we will meet you after the concert
for sure!
to know how it was for you!
it's going to be beautiful!
Guys, see you on the next Turne Show!!
bye bye!
Guys! After an incredible concert,
oh thank you....
sold out, everybody staying up singing
what do you have to say Joao?
Look, I have no words... I'm really emotional
it's a special evening in my life and I am sure that will be really important for my career
and a personal accomplishment, to be able to play our music, you saw it right?
people that don't speak our language
having fun with our music, just singing "lalaia"
I can only thank everybody
and everybody stood up and started dancing!
yes!! Even kind of ballroom dance!
It was a magical evening!
I hope everybody likes the video, the images
Everybody was able to see a bit of the concert
and we could "grab" him in the end to talk a bit about how exciting was the concert in Amsterdam
Exactly. I hope I can come back many times
I am really, I'm still...
very good, thank you very much Gisele!
you're still emotional!
thank you Joao!
and we will be waiting for you here in Europe many other times because what we saw here today....
was wonderful and we want more!
and I hope to be here many other times!
thank you!
thank you! I wish all success!
bye bye!!
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