Good afternoon, my friends. Once again, here is Rodrigo Romo with Intergalactic Confederation programme
Today's issue is quite controversial, raised by some people
which I made a live video two days ago at Instagram
about the intraterrestrial Resistance Movement connected to a group
against the Illuminati. So, this group from M45
originally is named Axel Command
this Axel Command was formatted originally in Pleiades M45
many million years ago when six central human and humanoid groups
saved from Avyor/Vega by Onara
settled within M45 and evolved
and with time would face Reptilians, Insectoid, Xopatz
and the Black Dragon Order.
So, they succeeded in unifying and faced many military issues
during the Pleiadian as well as Orion's wars
so, this group has been present on Earth since 1975
So, this is what happens
technically, this group found on Earth's timeline
many reincarnated agents, here humanly speaking
acting as worldwide, corporate, government, military leaders
which we know as Shadow Government, connected to the Illuminati
Vatican, Cabal, and all these groups that are part of the Conspiracy Theory
and Shadow Gorvernment. So, in 1975
the TIME Command of these six groups
from Pleiades, arrived on Earth
to identify the exiles who were acting here on Earth
and they verified the presence of many agents
from the rebel groups from Orion, reptilians, xopatz
draconian and Black Dragon Order members, connected to the high government,
military, political and corporate helm, acting basically within the worldwide economic structure.
Leading to inharmonious matters within our society
and consequently many other problems that we know today are created
by the use of fear and anxiety to make money.
So, this Resistance group
that has been openly spread by the entity named Cobra
Nobody has met him, but he is real,
He is not an anomaly, he is real
and he is connected to many intraterrestrial groups
who have escaped from Lemuria and the Great Flood
and catastrophes that the Earth faced a long time ago.
so, they formed an alliance among the Pleiadians from the Time Command, Axel
plus the intraterrestrial beings who do not agree with
the Shadow Government actions, vulgarly named Illuminati.
So, they formed an alliance
to try to confront them and to disestablish the Illuminati's political, economic and technological actions
by using the means they posess to fulfill their actions here on Earth.
So, what happens, then.
The group of people connected today to the Illuminati,
Cabal Oder, the Vatican, military structures or
so called Sinister Secret Government (Shadow Government)
is composed of beings exiled from Capella, Black Dragon Order,
Rigel, Maldek, Thuban, Elniaph, Orion, Sirius,
Tau Ceti and from other places.
Including many Galactic Alliance renegade agents and from other structures.
These beings feed from psychic, mental energy,
they act like vampires towards the worldwide population
So, this resistance movement does not agree with
these activities or the Earth's government status
creating the movement, with the name "resistance", as an opposition.
And with time, this movement has been growing,
attracting, gathering people from the surface
to joing and belong to this whole structure.
Although, this structure is complex. Here is why.
Because these beings are totally unknown.
They are people you have no idea where they come from, who they are
and if they really belong to this movement.
So, this is really confusing for a normal person
when contacted, he/she does not have parameters to know
if he is being actually contacted by someone from the Resistance, or not.
And there is another problem:
the conflict of this existence with the Illuminati
does not involve only Earth's political issues.
It also involves political issues
concerning political government issues from the Galactic Alliance,
Pleiadian Federation, Anunnaki Federation,
and the 22 Delegations.
So, for all these organizations, the human species
in general, is a guinea pig for genetic research
and a lab in all senses.
So, they are not a Christic Resistance Group
a resistance group searching, in fact, for the christic stellar consciousness. It is nothing like that.
It is literally a resistance group
interested to alleviate political issues on the timeline
and to rescue their power, lost in the middle of this whole game.
and this is the complex part, when you get into a story without having any idea where you are stepping into.
So, today, the Galactic Alliance, mentioned so often by Corey Goode,
has around 35 stellar groups taking part.
They are 35 Federations, from the 108 Federations connected to Alcyone
belonging to this Galactic Alliance, that operates on our Moon.
Their headquarters operate on the dark side of the Moon,
at that 11 km tall building, that has already been shot.
That is where the Galactic Alliance operations headquarters is located.
Where since 1992 the Americans, the Russians, the British, the 4th Reich,
and others, vote, sit down and collaborate with each other.
So, the matter is that they are not solving political issues concerning the Earth.
They are solving THEIR political issues.
And this Resistance Movement is against
many Galactic Alliance political positions, because
the Galactic Alliance is supporting the Shadow Government.
Precisely due to the racial segregation,
segregation of these over 8 million human beings living out of the planetary reality,
being financed through the worldwide corruption
and all the diversion of funds around the world
that subsidise financialy their secret programs.
So, the rebel movement or the Resistance
is not concerned with the Earth's problems.
It is not worried just with the mankind,
but it is worried about the matters of power
with internal issues that might benefit their position within this political context.
And this is another factor, strange to most people
In a certain way, humankind is being used once again
as a puppet in this whole game.
This is very difficult to determine
because we do not have real access
to what is being decided, what is being done
and what the basis are for the allegations of the works of the Light, or not. Right?
Approximately 23% of the Earth's population
physically incarnated
are former members of the Stellar Command.
They belong to groups from Sirius, Orion, Pleiades,
Canopus, Arcturus, etc.,
who came here for some reason,
some process, to incarnate,
to develop projects related to research, rescue projects,
medical research, clinical, psychological, genetic projects, etc.,
or to work on the earth at the climate or environmental level.
So, when these people, or many of you who are watching, arrived on Earth,
arrived here before the Capela and Tau Ceti exiles did.
At that time, there wasn't a Frequency Barrier as active as it is today.
So, there wasn't the same problem as we have today
with the Frequency Barier with its different layers
and sensory blocking tiers.
So, you had free pass to come and go
you could come and incarnate - or not -
or stay in the astral plane, at the telluric level of the Earth
without getting involved into the biological process itself.
Some did, others didn't.
Around 87 thousand years ago,
when the Capelins and Tau Cetians arrived here,
due to many sensory and energy anomalies,
and also due to many conflicts,
this group ended up creating the Umbral (The Lower Zone)
and a dense Astral level.
And for security reasons, to avoid contaminating the neighboring planets
with "thought-forms" and also a possible escape from these beings to the astral plane
the Frequency Barrier was formatted.
Then, from this, most of the 23%, who are basicaly us,
got stuck by the Frequency Barrier and we could not get out anymore.
Then, some got stuck into the incarnational wheel
because they lost their stellar consciential memory
and others stayed in the etheric levels, the Light Temples as some of you call them
And with time, had incarnational experiences
and due to emotional and endocrine factors,
which the greater differential of our human terrestrial structure
homo-sapiens is the high emotional-endocrine level that was lacking at stellar levels
which got us trapped, due to our own emotions, to the reincarnational cicle
And then, the Anunnakis with their personal issues and fights,
ended up creating the reincarnational context to pay for carma and suffering, etc..
So, the intraterrestrial Resistence group and the Pleiadian group Axel mentioned by Cobra,
is based on a very important political matter
that I am going to explain here
to place the Earth within the Intergalactic Federation context
or within the context of the politically active federations acting at stellar levels.
So, here is the difference.
to place the humankind within the stellar context does not mean ascension of the soul.
It means to position it politically active within an interestellar political game
similar to the UN towards its country members.
So, the Resistence group does not agree with
the situation where the humankind is not aware of the stellar reality,
nor the extraterrestrials who are called Gods, who format a religion.
So they are against the religions,
they are against the current structure that imprisons the human consciousness
and the human society living inside a hologram as if there were only us in the whole universe.
neglecting the stellar hierarchies and our own origins
connected to the Anunnaki and to other stellar groups.
So, they want to change it.
But, in order to change it, they are messing with the Illuminatti power line
and with the Shadow Government.
Because the power owned by the Illuminatti and the Shadow Government
generates money
generates profits within a slavery economy like ours.
Once this rebel or resistence group is able to change it,
the human economy will change as well.
So, the Illuminati and the Vatican power as well as the whole structure involved would cease to exist as it is today.
Here is the point. The resistance movement itself is not negative nor positive.
it simply wants to change the operational, political, social and consciential standards of humanity.
They are not light beings searching for the soul's ascension
and its reintegration with the Higher Self.
Meaning, that they are not beings looking for the inner Christic path.
Note that they are not evil beings.
They are phisical beings who are fighting to include the Earth within an open and straight stellar context.
So, this goes against the Illuminati's desire.
The questions is: are you resonant with their position?
Are you resonant with their proposal?
So, what happens frequently.
Unfortunately, I have access to few things that Cobra has published recently
so I am not sure if it/he was ever open
and straight forward about the existing political issue.
So, I can not give my opinion, because I've never gotten involved.
This is the first time I am expressing my opinion towards a situation,
which I have said before: do not get involved if you do not feel deep in your heart
that you must get involved with this matter.
Because, in fact, you will be reconnecting with Federations political issues
while, as an incarnated human being, we don't have any cognitive perception
and it is easy to be deceived.
It's easy to make contracts with beings who do not represent this existence
or do not represent your ascension.
That's why this theme is so complex.
The Resistance proposal is basically, briefly
to set the humanity free from the current Matrix Control System. Period.
What is the price to pay for it?
How much is it going to cost?
If our Matrix Control System determines religions, political status,
economic status, and an omniscient and omnipresent power
due to the control technology of satellites, etc.
To break with it is not that simple.
The resistance proposal is a physical, material proposal.
It is not ascensional.
That's why when they published that when you make the pact with them, you would be left for dead,
you would desappear from your family and move into a intraterrestrial reality,
you will, in fact, develop paramilitary actions
you will be located in cities, buildings, structures to confront,
to destroy programs, to interact and interfere directly with MIB agents,
American and Russian Government Military members
4th Reich, whatever.
You will be trained as a paramilitary with technical skills, to perform accordingly.
That's why you would have to leave your physical reality,
your family and everything else, because otherwise there will be physical retaliations
against your family members.
That' why the question is: Are you willing to join a game like this?
What is your position?
Note that I am pointing out only what hasn't been clarified before.
I have nothing against this resistance movement, but I have nothing in favor, too.
Because I understand their position, I am not against them,
I think they are correct, but the price an incarnated human will pay
to get involved, is high, because he is not fully aware of where he is getting into.
The thing is, that they should play openly,
the Resistence proposal should be clearer
to those who are being attracted to join this work.
The fact as Teresa (Yanaros) reports in her post, that I received a little while ago,
is very complex because you give up your family,
you give up everything you own.
Not everyone is able or capable to do something like that.
So, once again, I believe that humanly speaking
it is a huge mistake.
For those who have kids, have family,
for those who have emotional ties
won't be ready to accept a proposal like this.
But a lonely person, who does not have a family, nor kids,
and is fed up with this life, then he/she might fit into the profile
to accept a proposal such like this.
So, the point is not to criticize
what was published by Cobra.
The point here is to clarify what is hidden,
that was not mentioned.
Similarly to when you sign a contract without reading it,
or part of it is missing.
Those who are watching, who are my students,
you have the anchoring.
So, I think it is more practical to work in a "hidden" resistance
using Apometry along with your anchoring,
with your Exu (guides), Caboclo, Commanders,
with all the hierarchy you know we have
in parallel to what this group is doing,
plus a resistance work connected to the Stellar Command aiming ascension,
instead of joining this conflict.
Because in reality, you will be strengthening your conflicting contracts
along the Pleiadian, Orion timeline, involving Draconians,
Reptilians, Xopatz, Greys, Zetas,
4th Reich, 3rd Reich, and other unknown matters.
So, my point is,
before questioning or even criticizing,
because the point here is not to criticize, it is to clarify.
Is this proposal resonant in your heart?
Is it resonant in your heart to be part of a Resistance movement?
There is another resistance group acting on Earth, here in Brazil,
they are the Guardians of the Earth.
They are a very active group, no problem.
But not everyone is emotionally prepared. Why?
When you openly declare confrontation to the Control Matrix System,
it will beat you up.
It will come after you, harming you emotionally, your finances, your health and family.
That's why at the Resistance proposal you have to give up everything,
you disappear, you are given for dead,
and consequently, there is no retaliation.
Because you won't belong to the physical society anylonger.
But those who belong to the physical society,
and take a position against the goverment
a position of shock, of war,
raising the sword of the archangel Michael to hit someone,
is creating a stance of shock, confrontation,
it is a position that may effectively, create a retaliation for you.
a meaninful retaliation from an energy point of view, as well as emotional,
and physical.
So, the idea of this video is to help you with this matter.
And one more question: who is who in this whole game?
We know who.
I've been talking a lot with people from Canada and United States,
because it was through them that I got in touch with this subject, many people terrified
and by the time I positioned myself, it was interesting, I got over 6,000 hits in one day in my Instagram and website.
So, I repeat, this is not a criticism or an attack on anyone.
This is only to explain, so you can understand that there is in fact a resistance movement,
it is real and it is not new
The Resistance is a movement that tries to create a structural reality
to the humanity, associated to the stellar context.
But this means to collapse all human religions,
all religions will fall appart,
all the gods from the past will become effectively extraterrestrials
and here is a huge problem.
We all become a genetic laboratory
of the Anunnaki or the 22 Delegations'.
And what is more serious, God ceases to exist.
"God" becomes "Gods" in plural.
And a huge part or the humanity is not ready to face this truth
for this configuration.
So, the Resistance Movement is interesting,
but it confronts the establishment,
facing issues that probably 80%, 75% of the world population
are not yet ready to accept and live with these terms,
not to mention the breakdown of an entire operational economic model,
social and political that involves all religions and the issues concerning Power.
So, it would remove the power from one side and distribute it among other groups.
And this has created a large conflict among the factions that use the spirituality,
channelers and mediums to express themselves.
So, Cobra, whoever he is, because he does not reveal himself,
is doing his job, he is publishing and offering a proposal,
although, he is not being clear and straight forward
with those who read his material.
By other hand, those who criticize and speak against him,
end up creating conflicts.
Creating what I mentioned before: "dividing to conquer".
This is not the way.
I believe the members of this movement, when watching this video translated into English,
should be more objective, more straight forward and honest with those
who they are contacting, to create a base structure
with more foundation.
Because those who claim to be members of this movement
don't know what they are doing.
They do not have access to information.
Most channelers don't know what they are getting involved into.
This is it, basically. And those who are watching,
before anything, feel in your hearts, the messages, all the information that is being published
and projected within this context, and other subjects as well.
It is through you heart that you will set yourself free from your contracts
and the aspects that are not too nice in your lives.
I hope this has helped to clarify a little,
thanks a lot and see you in our next video.
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