Obama's team said it had Russian meddling 'under control' until Trump won, says GOP
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said Thursday that senior Obama administration officials assured
Congress in September 2016 that Russian meddling would not stop the U.S. from holding a legitimate
election, but changed their tune after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.
After that happened, Democrats started arguing that Russian meddling was a huge threat to
the legitimacy of the 2016 vote.
"I was actually in the briefing in September of 2016, we were briefed by Lisa Monaco, Director
Comey, and Secretary Johnson," Johnson told CNN.
He was referring to former homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, former FBI Director James
Comey, and former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.
"They were telling us that they had evidence of Russian interference, they tried to hack
into voter files," Sen. Johnson said.
"They entire tone, what they were requesting in that meeting is, they had it under control,
they were dealing with the states, and they wanted us to go out and communicate that this
was going to be a legitimate election because they had it under control," he added.
"That was exactly what they were trying to do a couple of months before the election."
"But then, basically from their perspective, the wrong person got elected, and all of the
sudden, this is the greatest threat to our democracy that has ever occurred," Johnson
"There's a fair amount of hypocrisy that has occurred during this timeline."
Johnson spoke just hours before top Trump administration officials were set to brief
lawmakers on what they know about how the origin of the investigation into Trump's alleged
links to Russia.
Trump and his allies say the investigation is being pushed by Democrats to delegitimize
Trump's presidency, and some charge the Obama administration was using an informant
close to the Trump campaign.
For more infomation >> Obama's team said it had - Duration: 10:20.-------------------------------------------
ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ ВИДЕО ПЕРЕД... l Aurora 80W Squonk Mod l by Hcigar l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:42.
Okay-ushki. Hello everyone, friends! Let's unbox this white packaging. On it is written Towis Aurora
On the reverse side we have information about the product, a little bit info about the company and certificates with scratch code for authenticity check
Under the cover we are met by the envelope, inside of it we have User Manual in English/Chinese and Warranty card
Box mod is in a plastic bag
Extra plastic 7ml bottle
Extra silicone tube
And MicroUSB-USB cable for charging battery inside of the box mod
So, friends. Now a little bit of specs. Mod is made out of zinc alloy and available in 3 colors - SS, Black and Red
Mod can fit atomizers with diameter up to 24mm, Hcigar 80W board which support Power Mode and TC Mode for popular wire materials
Main feature of this box mod is support of 3 types of batteries - 18650, 20700 and 21700 without any adapters
Also mod comes with two 7ml bottles and can be charged by 2A current
And now, friends, we are getting to the detailed look. As always, we start from the top and in order, so here we have squared metal connector, which is held by 2 screws
In the center of it we have spring-loaded pin with a hole for squonking. Pay attention at the connector - let's test the fitting
Okay, after we put 24mm RDA we won't see any issues - there is no any overhangs etc
Even 24.5mm atties looks fine
But if we put 25mm atomizer we will instantly get overhangs on the sides. Though you still can use it, but mod is for fitting atomizers up to 24mm in diameter
Let's continue overview. This is battery door with a window for squeezing the bottle. Also this door hides battery compartment
On this side we also have the door and under this door we have a mechanism for changing battery compartment
This side is blank and on this side we have the control panel - Fire button, screen of the board, +/- and menu buttons, MicroUSB slot
This side is also blank, but we can see notches for removing doors
Okay, first door is held by 8 magnets - 4 magnets on the door and 4 magnets on the main body
And here I have an issue - this door is wobbling from side to side, up and down, right and left. It plays in all directions
And beneath this door we are met by 7ml bottle and battery slot
If we remove this door, we will get access to the changing of battery types - here we have a plastic slider, which will open or close this panel
So, what is happening inside in the moment when you move that slider? Right now we can insert 18650 battery, but if we move this panel we will be able to use 20700 and 21700 batteries
Yes, with this simple solution Hcigar think up the adaptation for batteries without those silicone adapters and other stuff. Simply slide this panel right or left
Now, regarding the bottles. As I said in the kit we have 2 bottles - one is made of silicone, other one is made of plastic
Pay attention on the extra plastic bottle - it have a special cap, which completely shut it, so we can carry extra e-liquid
And after unscrewing this cap you are able to fill this bottle and use it in a mod, but, of course, you will have to swap top part from silicone bottle to this one
Let's test how silicone bottle works. To do it let's press on the bottle, shut the air intake and remove the fingers. As you can see it holds vacuum well
Yes, by the way, take a notice - for plastic bottle we don't need that metal base, because this bottle have its own plastic thread
Now let's test plastic bottle and do the same steps. But, unfortunately, plastic bottle fails at the vacuum retention and easily suck the air, apparently from sides
So it's better to use silicone bottle
So, friends, let's test different types of batteries. First goes 18650 and we install it negative side up. And after that click Fire button several times and mod is turning On
Now slide the panel to the side and try 20700 battery, insert it the same way. Battery doesn't rattle and sits good
One two three four five
And box mod is turning On
And last type of batteries is 21700. It inserts the same way - negative side up.
One, two, three, four, five
Box mod is turning On as well and I can say, that 21700 is sit more firmly compared to 20700
Okay, now let's take a look at the board. As you can see, on the screen we have all the information we need - it's TC mode, which is disabled, Power mode, which is enabled, battery life indication, wattage, which can be adjusted by +/- buttons
Preheat preset - right now it's Normal, resistance, voltage and Settings
Okay, to browse on the screen you need to click Menu button. Press it like so and here the blue stripe is appearing. Now you can you can scroll it up or down
Here we can change the mode - TC to Power mode and vice versa
Moving forward. We can adjust Temperature limitation
Next function is swapping C to F. Next wire selection - at the moment it's Ni, press and select Ti or SS and press again to apply
Next is wattage for TC. So press, adjust and apply settings by Menu button
And the lowest tab is Settings. Click and here we have Screen off, Brightness, Auto off - time before box mod will turn off and Language selection - English or Chinese
And About tab - here we have information about the board and manufacturer. Also in About tab we can perform Factory reset
Okay, in Power mode we can adjust the wattage - up to 80W at max with 1W increments
Also we can select Preheat preset - Normal, Powerful, Soft and Normal again. And get into the Settings
So overall, friends. This is simple and, I can say in advance, good board
Now let's fill up the bottle a little bit. I will fill it just a little, because I'll be using RDTA by Asmodus
Insert the bottle like so. It's better to push it, so it will fit in its slot
And now squeeze the bottle
We wait till liquid will start to fill the tank
As you can see something is happening there. Yeah, liquid began gradually filling the tank
And it's good. It means, that bottle is working
So, friends. I think it's time to get back to face-time and discuss pros and cons of this box mod
Thanks for your attention in close up
Let's roll
Folks, check out the Frankenstein I made
Black doors, metal body. It looks...weird
On top I have squonk RDTA Nefarius by Asmodus and the bottom is our today guest
So, let's discuss its pros and cons
And first con I'll give for rattling doors, which wobbles right and left, up and down. In all directions. You can hear it and it's not pleasing at all
Next con is sorta under the question. Hcigar could've made the fit wider - it's 24.5mm, they could've made it 25mm, but for some reason they didn't
Honestly, I don't really like, when battery is seen through that window, they should've either make this window smaller or shift it. So as it is now - I don't like it
And last con I'll give for plastic bottle, which can work only as carriage reservoir for liquid, because it fails as the squonk bottle
Okay, I'm done with cons, let's talk about nitpicks
Box mod is pretty big. It's powered by single battery. Yes, it can work with 21700, but compared with Pulse, for example, it looks like so
As you can see Pulse is like 10mm less in height
This box mod is having almost the same size as the box mod, which is powered by 3*18650, where batteries is positioned like so. Yes, it's thinner, but in terms of width it's about the same
As it says - not for all. There is people who like small stealth box mods, there is people who like big box mods. And people have different palms. I have average palm and box mod is fitting pretty well, I can connect the fingers
It's time to talk about pros
First pro I'll give for versatility in terms of supported battery types and for realization of adaptation for different batteries
It means you don't need any silicone adapters-condoms and other stuff. Just slide that panel and you can use different type of batteries
Next pro I'll give for the great board. This board was in previous Towis, I don't remember the name of it, it was with touch screen, but it had the same functional. And I like it then and I like it now
A- what are you vaping right now?:D
I want to give it a pro for quality of manufacturing if doors are excluded. I really want Hcigar to fix that issue with doors, which should sit firmly and don't wobbling in all directions
Because when you hold it. Yeah, I got back to doors. It's the main and the biggest con for me in this box mod. These wobbling doors
Decent capacity - 7ml. Though I think they could've done it bigger. Look - bottle is standing on sort of pedestal. If they could've cut it a little, though it's possible it somehow the board is connected with it and guys couldn't make it otherwise
Or they has adjusted to the certain bottle type. But like always - we want it all, more and cheaper
Next pro I'll give for fast charge by 2A current. It's fast, it's good...It's good
And last pro I'll give for nice and soft buttons with firm click. Great buttons, I'm completely satisfied.
Yes, by the way, Fire button have ribbed surface, but in the same time it's very nice. This surface isn't sharp and it's very easy to find Fire button by the finger. Pro for buttons
Overall, folks. We're done with discussion of pros, cons and nitpicks, so now it's time to talk about price
I'll take the price from heavengifts.com, where I have the personal coupon code ALEX15, which gives you 15% discount on all wares on Heaven Gifts site
So, with that 15% discount this box mod will cost 48.5$ and I think it's a great price. It's a nice price for a box mod with great board, decent bottle capacity, it supports different types of batteries and it have nice design by Hcigar
Overall - the price is fine. That's all
Okay, let's summarize. Is it a competitor to something? I think it's taking its own place, a place of a box mod which supports all standard battery types. And yes, I liked low price of this box mod
I want to say big thanks to Hcigar for sending me this box mod for review
I wanna thank YOU for your attention
Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)
Also don't forget to hit the Like button, subscribe to my channel and share this video with your friends
And I have a little news for you - I'm going to the vacation. I'll be away for like 10 days, so in this period nothing will be happening on the channel. I think a little vacation for my channel won't hurt
So I wish everything good for each one of you. Have a great time and have a good rest
Alex from VapersMD was with you
I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long
Take care of yourself and your mods
Vsem poka poka
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 16 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:05:00.
Marhaba Ramadan by Dr Farhat Hashmi مرحبا رمضان
Khush Aamdid Ramadan by Dr Farhat Hashmi خوش آمدید رمضان
Istiqbal e Ramadan by Dr Farhat Hashmi استقبال رمضان
Sass aur Shohar k Rawayye se Tang Aurat kia kary by Dr Farhat Hashmi شوہر اور ساس کے روئیے سے تنگ عو
Zakat Ki Fazilat by Dr Farhat Hashmi ذکوتہ کی فضلیت
Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 16/2 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:10:23.
Zakat Ki Fazilat by Dr Farhat Hashmi ذکوتہ کی فضلیت
Sass aur Shohar k Rawayye se Tang Aurat kia kary by Dr Farhat Hashmi شوہر اور ساس کے روئیے سے تنگ عو
Istiqbal e Ramadan by Dr Farhat Hashmi استقبال رمضان
Khush Aamdid Ramadan by Dr Farhat Hashmi خوش آمدید رمضان
Marhaba Ramadan by Dr Farhat Hashmi مرحبا رمضان
Ilary Blasi condurrà un nuovo programma dopo il GF Vip e Le Iene? - Duration: 4:23.
Ti presento i miei gatti: ❤ Lady e Oscar ❤ e la mia vita con loro - Duration: 5:58.
hello MiciGatti and MiceGatte! this is a video a little particular because I would like
that we knew each other better here on the Miciogatto community, in fact there
I invite you to comment below this video, telling me a bit about yours
cats, when you have adopted them, as you do they call and even some anecdote about
they, and I in this video I speak to you one po of Lady and Oscar, which are my two
kittens, and I want to tell you a bit about them. She is
the Lady and he is Oscar, I am a brother and sister and this year in July 2018
they turn 8! they are two foundlings, one my friend sent me the pictures of the
litter of a stray catia close up at his house
and so I became their mother. From little ones were cute and naughty,
they destroyed the whole house for me luck then you are a bit
Even if I'm brother and sister I'm very different, both of appearance and of
character, Oscar and a mussel cat, always stuck to me, is lazy, sleepy and
awkward, the maximum of his game e lean on the top while new
the game.
He is fat and eaten and likes to do spite and his sister. You leave
cuddle in every way, the maximum of life for him are the grated crumbs
vigorous on your back, it's a cowardly cat, here you see him as he just goes to hide
he feels it's going to rain, and of course like all cats loves boxes! Ah ehmmmm
it's also a fetishist who loves feet! The Lady and more minute, it has a bit 'the character, that is
wants to cuddle only when you like it, and if you exaggerate, worse for you! The Lady loves
looking at the world from above, is agile and naughty and always needs to
interact with the game, otherwise yes bored!
Lady and Oscar among them have a relationship a little bit particular,
sometimes they hate each other, and sometimes they do by hand! My day with them begins
opening the door of my room, when they come in and give me a good morning. There
I used to sleep outside the room otherwise who slept with le
raids that they do at dawn! After pampering the pappa is awakening
of obligation, they are very hungry! as if not they had the croquettes available
all night long!
after the baby food the Lady sits down for the her nappy of beauty, while Oscar
It keeps me company while I do it Breakfast.
Also in the bathroom and you will know it well, with two cats are never alone!
But now you have to get to work for to be able to live and buy the croquettes,
but obviously always in the company of the Lady! But some break is necessary, not yes
he can work all day! Then I have them play with numerous e
fantastic games that I buy for them ....
and as you see, I am not at all interested! Even in the moment of yoga
the help of Lady and Oscar is absolutely necessary to take positions
And after so much effort during the day it's time for evening cuddles and then
everyone on the sofa to live exciting moments of intimacy!
Needless to say, I adore them are mine family!
MiciGatti, I hope he did pleasure to know a little better Lady and
Oscar and I hope this video will you we even did a little 'smile!
put a like if you liked it and subscribe to the youtube channel of MicioGatto!
See you next time hello micigatti and micegatte!
"NO. México NUNCA pagará por un muro. Atentamente, México": mensaje de Peña Nieto a Trump - Duration: 0:40.
Porsche Panamera 3.0 S E-HYBRID Keyless Go Schuifdak Bose Sportchrono Nw.Pr. € 144.454 - Duration: 1:12.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CDI AUTOMAAT AVANTGARDE - Duration: 1:12.
✅ Grande Fratello 15 semifinale: chi è stato eliminato e chi sono i finalisti - Duration: 3:40.
Grande Fratello 15 cosa è successo nell'ultima puntata? Eliminati e finalisti della semifinale La semifinale del Grande Fratello 15, condotta come sempre da Barbara d'Urso, è stata ricca di televoti e colpi di scena
Chi sono gli eliminati della puntata? Danilo Aquino e Filippo Contri. Il primo è uscito sconfitto dal televoto settimanale: a volere fuori l'idraulico è stato il 35% dei votanti
Filippo è uscito invece sconfitto dal secondo televoto, quello che lo ha coinvolto con Matteo e Alberto
Ma come si è arrivati a questo secondo televoto? La d'Urso ha chiamato Matteo e Alessia Prete, gli unici due concorrenti a non essere mai stati nominati dagli altri concorrenti nel corso del programma
I due sono stati sottoposti al giudizio degli altri gieffini (ad esclusione di Simone Coccia, già finalista), che hanno espresso una preferenza tra i fidanzati
Ad avere la peggio è stato il calciatore che, finito al televoto, ha deciso di portare con sé Alberto e Filippo
Matteo Gentili eletto secondo finalista del Grande Fratello Al televoto tra Matteo, Filippo e Alberto si votava per eleggere il secondo finalista
Ne è uscito vincitore l'ex fidanzato di Paola Di Benedetto, che ha ottenuto il 43% delle preferenze
Al secondo posto si è piazzato Alberto, che ha avuto il 31% dei voti mentre terzo Filippo con il 26%
Alla fine è stato proprio il fidanzato di Lucia Orlando a lasciare la Casa del Grande Fratello
Subito dopo sono state decretate la terza e quarta finalista, che sono rispettivamente Alessia Prete e Lucia
Simone e Matteo hanno scelto chi portare con sé in finale: il primo ha optato per Alberto e il secondo per Alessia
Le due ragazze rimaste – Lucia e Veronica – sono finite al televoto e hanno avuto la possibilità di nominare un altro concorrente per questa sfida
Le giovani hanno scelto Alessia, per vivere così una gara tutta al femminile. Alessia e Lucia altre finaliste; Alberto e Veronica al televoto Dall'ultimo televoto della semifinale del Grande Fratello, sono uscite vincitrici Alessia e Lucia
La figlia di Bobby Solo, che è stata la meno votata, è rimasta in casa ma è ora al televoto con Alberto
Televoto che resterà aperto per tutta la settimana e che verrà chiuso solo all'inizio della puntata finale
Finale che, come scritto nei giorni scorsi, è stata anticipata a lunedì 4 giugno
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI ELEGANCE - Duration: 1:12.
Buscan esclarecer el caso de adolescente de 14 años que murió a manos de un policía de Los Ángeles - Duration: 2:15.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 CDI EDITION SPORT AMG - Duration: 0:55.
シェフラー アウディRS3で1196ps フォーミュラE用モーターで改造 - Duration: 2:47.
"Dijimos que ese número subiría": Rosselló sobre estudio de 4,645 muertes en Puerto Rico tras María - Duration: 2:08.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 1:05.
黑色黃金!印度寺廟賣「發」,狂賺1.8億! - Duration: 2:36.
Parlare in pubblico senza emozionarsi: facciamo chiarezza - Duration: 3:13.
Learn to sew and cut curtains - Duration: 3:25.
Welcome to my channel "Made among the oaks".
Here is a new tutorial.
Hello, my name is María Isabel and I'm going to make a curtain.
I bought the fabric.
To know how much fabric is needed, you have to measure the space between the brackets of
the curtain rod.
In my case, it was a meter and a half and I bought double measure of fabric: three meters.
The problem is how will I cut so much fabric.
The first thing is to measure the height, from the curtain rod to the bottom and add fifteen
cm more to sew a tape like this one that enable us to hang the curtain.
To measure it, I have measured it well, adding 15 cm more, I have pulled out a thread, because if
you do not do so, it is impossible to cut it straight.
In this case, the thread has not broken, if it does, you pull out another thread and
then, I can cut it straight and I cut it all the width through.
Then, I'm going to have to cut it in the middle [there are two panels]
In this case, as there are these stripes, well they are going to serve me to cut it out.
You have to cut the curtains in half and you can cut them here in the middle of the stripes
so that one pannel and the other are completely symmetrical and then at the top,
fold the fabric 15 cm , it is only to show how, and you place the tape
2 cm from the top edge.
Once this is done, the sides are sewn, first fold a little bit and then again
and sew along the sides.
I have to apologize because I made a mistake
The part of the sides must be sewn before flipping the top and
then the tape is sewn on it, as you can see
Be careful not to sew the cords, I have tied a knot at the end of the cords
and then you can sew this part without sewing the cords
Once you have done that, you pull up the cords adjusting the tape to the width of the rod.
Well, see you soon.
Renault Clio Estate 0.9 TCE 90PK DYNAMIQUE Trekhaak! Airco/LMV/Cruisecontrol/Bluetooth/Boordcomputer - Duration: 0:53.
Anticipazioni U&D: la scelta di Sara - Duration: 4:49.
【ジャガー Fタイプ Rダイナミック 試乗】スポーツカー戦国時代を予感させる4気筒…中村孝仁 - Duration: 8:54.
Renault Espace TCe 200pk Dynamique EDC (7PERS.!!/R-link/Climate/Park. sens./Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:13.
Obama's team said it had - Duration: 10:20.
Obama's team said it had Russian meddling 'under control' until Trump won, says GOP
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said Thursday that senior Obama administration officials assured
Congress in September 2016 that Russian meddling would not stop the U.S. from holding a legitimate
election, but changed their tune after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.
After that happened, Democrats started arguing that Russian meddling was a huge threat to
the legitimacy of the 2016 vote.
"I was actually in the briefing in September of 2016, we were briefed by Lisa Monaco, Director
Comey, and Secretary Johnson," Johnson told CNN.
He was referring to former homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, former FBI Director James
Comey, and former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.
"They were telling us that they had evidence of Russian interference, they tried to hack
into voter files," Sen. Johnson said.
"They entire tone, what they were requesting in that meeting is, they had it under control,
they were dealing with the states, and they wanted us to go out and communicate that this
was going to be a legitimate election because they had it under control," he added.
"That was exactly what they were trying to do a couple of months before the election."
"But then, basically from their perspective, the wrong person got elected, and all of the
sudden, this is the greatest threat to our democracy that has ever occurred," Johnson
"There's a fair amount of hypocrisy that has occurred during this timeline."
Johnson spoke just hours before top Trump administration officials were set to brief
lawmakers on what they know about how the origin of the investigation into Trump's alleged
links to Russia.
Trump and his allies say the investigation is being pushed by Democrats to delegitimize
Trump's presidency, and some charge the Obama administration was using an informant
close to the Trump campaign.
ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ ВИДЕО ПЕРЕД... l Aurora 80W Squonk Mod l by Hcigar l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:42.
Okay-ushki. Hello everyone, friends! Let's unbox this white packaging. On it is written Towis Aurora
On the reverse side we have information about the product, a little bit info about the company and certificates with scratch code for authenticity check
Under the cover we are met by the envelope, inside of it we have User Manual in English/Chinese and Warranty card
Box mod is in a plastic bag
Extra plastic 7ml bottle
Extra silicone tube
And MicroUSB-USB cable for charging battery inside of the box mod
So, friends. Now a little bit of specs. Mod is made out of zinc alloy and available in 3 colors - SS, Black and Red
Mod can fit atomizers with diameter up to 24mm, Hcigar 80W board which support Power Mode and TC Mode for popular wire materials
Main feature of this box mod is support of 3 types of batteries - 18650, 20700 and 21700 without any adapters
Also mod comes with two 7ml bottles and can be charged by 2A current
And now, friends, we are getting to the detailed look. As always, we start from the top and in order, so here we have squared metal connector, which is held by 2 screws
In the center of it we have spring-loaded pin with a hole for squonking. Pay attention at the connector - let's test the fitting
Okay, after we put 24mm RDA we won't see any issues - there is no any overhangs etc
Even 24.5mm atties looks fine
But if we put 25mm atomizer we will instantly get overhangs on the sides. Though you still can use it, but mod is for fitting atomizers up to 24mm in diameter
Let's continue overview. This is battery door with a window for squeezing the bottle. Also this door hides battery compartment
On this side we also have the door and under this door we have a mechanism for changing battery compartment
This side is blank and on this side we have the control panel - Fire button, screen of the board, +/- and menu buttons, MicroUSB slot
This side is also blank, but we can see notches for removing doors
Okay, first door is held by 8 magnets - 4 magnets on the door and 4 magnets on the main body
And here I have an issue - this door is wobbling from side to side, up and down, right and left. It plays in all directions
And beneath this door we are met by 7ml bottle and battery slot
If we remove this door, we will get access to the changing of battery types - here we have a plastic slider, which will open or close this panel
So, what is happening inside in the moment when you move that slider? Right now we can insert 18650 battery, but if we move this panel we will be able to use 20700 and 21700 batteries
Yes, with this simple solution Hcigar think up the adaptation for batteries without those silicone adapters and other stuff. Simply slide this panel right or left
Now, regarding the bottles. As I said in the kit we have 2 bottles - one is made of silicone, other one is made of plastic
Pay attention on the extra plastic bottle - it have a special cap, which completely shut it, so we can carry extra e-liquid
And after unscrewing this cap you are able to fill this bottle and use it in a mod, but, of course, you will have to swap top part from silicone bottle to this one
Let's test how silicone bottle works. To do it let's press on the bottle, shut the air intake and remove the fingers. As you can see it holds vacuum well
Yes, by the way, take a notice - for plastic bottle we don't need that metal base, because this bottle have its own plastic thread
Now let's test plastic bottle and do the same steps. But, unfortunately, plastic bottle fails at the vacuum retention and easily suck the air, apparently from sides
So it's better to use silicone bottle
So, friends, let's test different types of batteries. First goes 18650 and we install it negative side up. And after that click Fire button several times and mod is turning On
Now slide the panel to the side and try 20700 battery, insert it the same way. Battery doesn't rattle and sits good
One two three four five
And box mod is turning On
And last type of batteries is 21700. It inserts the same way - negative side up.
One, two, three, four, five
Box mod is turning On as well and I can say, that 21700 is sit more firmly compared to 20700
Okay, now let's take a look at the board. As you can see, on the screen we have all the information we need - it's TC mode, which is disabled, Power mode, which is enabled, battery life indication, wattage, which can be adjusted by +/- buttons
Preheat preset - right now it's Normal, resistance, voltage and Settings
Okay, to browse on the screen you need to click Menu button. Press it like so and here the blue stripe is appearing. Now you can you can scroll it up or down
Here we can change the mode - TC to Power mode and vice versa
Moving forward. We can adjust Temperature limitation
Next function is swapping C to F. Next wire selection - at the moment it's Ni, press and select Ti or SS and press again to apply
Next is wattage for TC. So press, adjust and apply settings by Menu button
And the lowest tab is Settings. Click and here we have Screen off, Brightness, Auto off - time before box mod will turn off and Language selection - English or Chinese
And About tab - here we have information about the board and manufacturer. Also in About tab we can perform Factory reset
Okay, in Power mode we can adjust the wattage - up to 80W at max with 1W increments
Also we can select Preheat preset - Normal, Powerful, Soft and Normal again. And get into the Settings
So overall, friends. This is simple and, I can say in advance, good board
Now let's fill up the bottle a little bit. I will fill it just a little, because I'll be using RDTA by Asmodus
Insert the bottle like so. It's better to push it, so it will fit in its slot
And now squeeze the bottle
We wait till liquid will start to fill the tank
As you can see something is happening there. Yeah, liquid began gradually filling the tank
And it's good. It means, that bottle is working
So, friends. I think it's time to get back to face-time and discuss pros and cons of this box mod
Thanks for your attention in close up
Let's roll
Folks, check out the Frankenstein I made
Black doors, metal body. It looks...weird
On top I have squonk RDTA Nefarius by Asmodus and the bottom is our today guest
So, let's discuss its pros and cons
And first con I'll give for rattling doors, which wobbles right and left, up and down. In all directions. You can hear it and it's not pleasing at all
Next con is sorta under the question. Hcigar could've made the fit wider - it's 24.5mm, they could've made it 25mm, but for some reason they didn't
Honestly, I don't really like, when battery is seen through that window, they should've either make this window smaller or shift it. So as it is now - I don't like it
And last con I'll give for plastic bottle, which can work only as carriage reservoir for liquid, because it fails as the squonk bottle
Okay, I'm done with cons, let's talk about nitpicks
Box mod is pretty big. It's powered by single battery. Yes, it can work with 21700, but compared with Pulse, for example, it looks like so
As you can see Pulse is like 10mm less in height
This box mod is having almost the same size as the box mod, which is powered by 3*18650, where batteries is positioned like so. Yes, it's thinner, but in terms of width it's about the same
As it says - not for all. There is people who like small stealth box mods, there is people who like big box mods. And people have different palms. I have average palm and box mod is fitting pretty well, I can connect the fingers
It's time to talk about pros
First pro I'll give for versatility in terms of supported battery types and for realization of adaptation for different batteries
It means you don't need any silicone adapters-condoms and other stuff. Just slide that panel and you can use different type of batteries
Next pro I'll give for the great board. This board was in previous Towis, I don't remember the name of it, it was with touch screen, but it had the same functional. And I like it then and I like it now
A- what are you vaping right now?:D
I want to give it a pro for quality of manufacturing if doors are excluded. I really want Hcigar to fix that issue with doors, which should sit firmly and don't wobbling in all directions
Because when you hold it. Yeah, I got back to doors. It's the main and the biggest con for me in this box mod. These wobbling doors
Decent capacity - 7ml. Though I think they could've done it bigger. Look - bottle is standing on sort of pedestal. If they could've cut it a little, though it's possible it somehow the board is connected with it and guys couldn't make it otherwise
Or they has adjusted to the certain bottle type. But like always - we want it all, more and cheaper
Next pro I'll give for fast charge by 2A current. It's fast, it's good...It's good
And last pro I'll give for nice and soft buttons with firm click. Great buttons, I'm completely satisfied.
Yes, by the way, Fire button have ribbed surface, but in the same time it's very nice. This surface isn't sharp and it's very easy to find Fire button by the finger. Pro for buttons
Overall, folks. We're done with discussion of pros, cons and nitpicks, so now it's time to talk about price
I'll take the price from heavengifts.com, where I have the personal coupon code ALEX15, which gives you 15% discount on all wares on Heaven Gifts site
So, with that 15% discount this box mod will cost 48.5$ and I think it's a great price. It's a nice price for a box mod with great board, decent bottle capacity, it supports different types of batteries and it have nice design by Hcigar
Overall - the price is fine. That's all
Okay, let's summarize. Is it a competitor to something? I think it's taking its own place, a place of a box mod which supports all standard battery types. And yes, I liked low price of this box mod
I want to say big thanks to Hcigar for sending me this box mod for review
I wanna thank YOU for your attention
Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)
Also don't forget to hit the Like button, subscribe to my channel and share this video with your friends
And I have a little news for you - I'm going to the vacation. I'll be away for like 10 days, so in this period nothing will be happening on the channel. I think a little vacation for my channel won't hurt
So I wish everything good for each one of you. Have a great time and have a good rest
Alex from VapersMD was with you
I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long
Take care of yourself and your mods
Vsem poka poka
DC Superhero Girls™
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T CONNECT EDITION *Trekhaak* - Duration: 0:53.
Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T 150pk Sport Leder/Ecc/Pdc/17inch - Duration: 1:07.
Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDi L2 DC C.LINE / T. EDITION / DSG - Duration: 1:06.
LES RATS T "LA CLEF" - Duration: 2:32.
Funny Paw Patrol Ride on Power Wheel Tractor Excavator to help women Washing car Cars video for kids - Duration: 4:23.
Funny Paw Patrol Ride on Power Wheel Tractor Excavator to help women Washing car Cars video for kids
Meghan Markle's mother gets back to her day-to-day life after the royal wedding - Duration: 2:31.
How Do I Talk To A Seller About Creative Financing? - Duration: 3:53.
Hey, it's Joe.
I've got another question here.
This one's from Will Mitchell.
Will, and this is a long question so I'm going to read it and then you know, try to
answer all the different aspects of it.
"The issue I'm having is I don't have any idea what to say, nor do I have any of
the paperwork you talk about using when you're doing creative financing."
You can get the paperwork, if you get my book "Automated Real Estate Investing" it's
$3.00, it's on amazon, and it'll give you the For Rent Method paperwork.
The subject to paper work and all that paperwork is in either "The PushButton Method" "The
Pushbutton Automarketer" or the mentor program.
"I have a seller that is interested in selling her vacant property that has been sitting
and it needs a few repairs.
Here's the situation.
The house is vacant but in pretty good overall shape.
Needs minor repairs, owner's an elderly lady and consults with her son-in-law.
She initially told me she wanted to repair the property and rent it out.
Then she said she may want to sell it.
She's all over the place.
I told her that I would follow up with her in a few months, four to be exact.
On my follow up she told me that she still didn't know.
I followed up a month later, she said she didn't make a decision yet.
I ended up telling her that I can buy it for cash and I would take care of the repairs.
I made her an offer of $130K.
The property is worth between $235K and $240K. She wanted two weeks to think about it.
Today I called her back and she said she can't do $130K but she'd consider doing $160K
or $165K. She said that she still owes $140K on it.
Now, I'm thinking that this could still be a wholesale deal, but she is also a good
candidate for creative financing because she wanted to sell, but also wanted to rent it
for the monthly income.
She still has a loan to pay off so that led me to believe that she would be open to selling
it on a lease option or subject to."
I absolutely agree.
This would be a good lease option deal.
You could get her somebody who's paying her the market rent, whatever that market
rent happens to be.
And she could have income on this property, probably above and beyond what she's paying
on the monthly payments.
So, she'd have cash flow on that property.
You could also buy it subject to.
If you got it for $140K and your monthly payment on that loan is below market rent, then you're
going to have some cash flow in that property and you could take the property, rent it out
and you could put that into your portfolio.
You'd also sell that property on a lease option, so let's say you get $5,000 or $10,000
or $15,000, when you sell that property, and then you start getting rent and monthly income
from that for the next three years and if they exercise the option you make a chunk
of money depending on how much you raise the price by and how much you pay her for it.
Well, actually you'd make a big chunk.
Because if you're buying it subject to for $140K you're going to make about $100K on
the back end which would be a pretty nice deal.
But even if she wanted $160K you could also do that as a multi-mortgage and give her her
$20K of equity on a second mortgage that you could put on that property.
So, you could take the deed, put a second mortgage on the property, you make those payments
to her, make them first mortgage payments to her, make sure that those two payments
together are below market rent.
And make sure that you also pay attention to the taxes on the property because most
taxes on residential property when it's owner-occupied are less than if they're
In Indiana it's 1% for owner-occupied and it's 2% for non-owner-occupied, so whenever
I take over a subject to, I know that my taxes are going to at least double, sometimes more
than that because there's also some other deductions that you get for owning a property.
Anyway, keep all that in mind and good luck.
Hope that helps.
Fix You - Coldplay (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 5:07.
Spring 2018 Netplay Tournament: Bomberman '94 = Week 9 - Duration: 2:13:25.
Aliens Gonna Take You | Schoolies Cartoons | Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:08:34.
Aliens Gonna Take You High
The Most Effective Way to Sell - Duration: 1:44.
Online Marketing Learnings
...or mistakes.
Whenever I have a month where I don't run a webinar
I made a mistake of not running a webinar.
Let me tell you that webinars are
one of the most powerful, most effective ways
to get people educated on your product
if you have a complex software product like LinkResearchTools
then you want to use a method to show them.
There is a saying that says
You cannot sell what you cannot show.
And me as a founder, I know the product, I can show it,
I can demonstrate it.
Doing that in a webinar, combined with a Q & A
regarding online marketing or SEO questions
such as, "What's Google up to?"
is a perfect way of selling, if you want
of presenting the product, of getting people engaged,
getting them interested.
Webinar technology has been around forever
and I've been doing that since 2009,
on a regular basis.
You could even take that webinar and if you use a proper product you could record all that
and publish that webinar as a recorded video, later on for people to look at.
And here is the kicker...
You can also use the same material to train people.
To train people on your team, new team members.
You can even use that material and we do that
to disqualify, non-engaged job applicants.
So we give people that apply for a job
part of our material and make them consume it
and ask for a feedback.
How's that?
So I just gave you a trick to make money, to make sales,
to train your team and to find better team members.
You can thank me later.
Going On A Lion Hunt | Nursery Rhymes | By KiiYii! - Duration: 6:14.
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
Tall grass! Tall grass!
Can't go over it Can't go over it
Can't go under it Can't go under it
Can't go around it Can't go around it
Have to go through it Have to go through it
Swish swish swish swish
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
A river! A river!
Can't go over it Can't go over it
Can't go under it Can't go under it
Can't go around it Can't go around it
Have to go through it Have to go through it
Splash splash splash splash
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
A cave! A cave!
Can't go over it Can't go over it
Can't go under it Can't go under it
Can't go around it Can't go around it
Have to go through it Have to go through it
Shh shh shh shh
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
Back through the cave! Shh shh shh shh
Back through the river! Splash splash splash splash
Back through the long grass! Swish swish swish swish!
"Phew-y! we're home safely!"
[Let's sing it again]
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
Tall grass! Tall grass!
Can't go over it Can't go over it
Can't go under it Can't go under it
Can't go around it Can't go around it
Have to go through it Have to go through it
Swish swish swish swish
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
A river! A river!
Can't go over it Can't go over it
Can't go under it Can't go under it
Can't go around it Can't go around it
Have to go through it Have to go through it
Splash splash splash splash
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
A cave! A cave!
Can't go over it Can't go over it
Can't go under it Can't go under it
Can't go around it Can't go around it
Have to go through it Have to go through it
Shh shh shh shh
Going on a lion hunt Going on a lion hunt
Gonna *snap* a big one Gonna *snap* a big one
I'm not scared I'm not scared
What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day!
Oh no! Oh no!
Back through the cave! Shh shh shh shh
Back through the river! Splash splash splash splash
Back through the long grass! Swish swish swish swish!
"Phew-y! we're home safely!"
The Ingraham Angle 05/30/18 2AM | May 30, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 37:22.
Coast Guard Heroes - Duration: 41:30.
『galactic BOLLORELA!』 「VOCALOID Original」 - Duration: 2:51.
Bollo-, Bollore-, Bollorela! / a pun between "bollera" (bulldyke) and Barbarella
Intergalactic bounty-huntress
If the loot really worth it, she's so practical
What a handy girl! She knows every trick
With her mighty clam-cannon, she's ready for any fight
"Heterobasicoids" / pun between "basic straight" and "Metroid"
"Space Queens"
they got nothing to do
Tramp-Diva, femi-cosmonaut,
Cis-patriarchy won't stop you this time
If you tell me "Bollore-, Bollorela"
I'll tell you that sexism is tearing appart
Fighting for sexual freedom
and pay equality in all the "Universio"
Bollore-, Bollorela
Aw - this girl is second to none
But ain't a girl anymore-
Almost in her 30's and she's still single
Bollorela (x3)
She's so left on the shelf
Bollorela (x3)
dem call her "Bollorela"
Bollo-, Bollore-, Bollorela! (x3)
She's by her own - ain't give a fuck about feminism
She's a dyke too though, but a lil' bit more bre-
Well endowed to reach all her goals
Her jugs are bigger than two whole planets
So much working with the Space Queens
for an ugly-free galaxy
She's a shallow diva with two massive missiles
I say "Tortillatrix" (another name with a lesbian pun)
Barely moral
She would sell her mama for a deluxe beauty cream
'cause we're reaching a certain age
I say "Tortillatrix" = Calamity
Alpha female of cyber-glam
Be careful if you're wearing cheap clothes when she's around
If so, she's gonna quick your butt so bad
*Reggaeton growling
Space Influencer
"Tortillatrix" / "Tortillera" (cake eater) + Dominatrix
*Another reggaeton growling
Sidereal Trending-Setter
90% of the fun was lost in this translation. SOWY.
TriggS Games! Touhou Hisoutensuko Alice Margatroid - Duration: 28:50.
Since there were no votes in the previous vid...
I decided to do a speedrun through...
Arcade Mode as Alice
There are a few problems, though
Hot weather caused my laptop to overheat a bit
So expect the FPS to drop sometimes
I'm doing a speedrun to make it easier to add these
Alice: Komachi again?!
Triggs: You again?!
Alice: She was the first fight in the previous...
Alice: ...Touhou video.
Triggs: Don't worry!
Triggs: Just use a bunch of dolls!
Komachi: This FPS is terrible!
Alice: FIRE!
Utsuho: And bullets and lasers...
Youmu: And some of them have swords.
Triggs: Did I mention...
Triggs: She has strong spell cards.
Komachi: What happened to...
Komachi: "Just play as Marisa!"
Triggs: I didn't want to?
sans: he was asleep
Triggs: Shut up, sans!
Komachi: Why?!
Triggs: Watch the previous video!
sans: and vote in the card on screen
Triggs: What card?
sans: that card
Triggs: Okay?
Alice: Fire in the hole!
Triggs: No hit!
Komachi: So many dolls ;-;
Triggs: WITCH!
Marisa: *Ordinary Magician*
Reisen: And lasers!
Triggs: See?!
Triggs: She's a witch!
Triggs: BURN HER!
Alice: My eyes!
Triggs: My framerate!
Remilia: Where's the tea?
Sakuya: Didn't Suika break in last night?
Remilia: Oh, right.
Remilia: Can you go get some more then?
Sakuya: As you wish
Flandre: What's this?
Meiling: WAIT!
Meiling: That's a mandrake!
Mandrake: *pop*!
Sakuya: I'm back
Sakuya: What happened?!
Remilia: Flan found another mandrake
Sakuya: I'll go get the medicine for Patchouli
Triggs: I'm back from my coffee break!
Triggs: What happened to Patchy?
Alice: Another mandrake
Triggs: Is Sakuya getting the medicine?
Marisa: Yep.
Marisa: These dolls are creeping me out.
Utsuho: I know, right?!
Triggs: (-_-)zzzzz
Alice: How'd you not dodge that?
Marisa: There's a lot of dolls!
Triggs: I'm gonna get another drink
Alice: So...
Alice: How was your weekend?
Marisa: Borrowed another book from...
Marisa: Patchy's library.
Triggs: Is the fight almost over yet?
Alice/Marisa: Yep.
Triggs: Finally!
Alice: What happened?
Triggs: FPS died.
Triggs: Got it working now!
Meiling: Falcon...
Meiling: Punch!
Triggs: XD
Alice: Boo!
Alice: Grenade!
Triple Backflip +9000 Points!
Quintiple Backflip +25000 Points!
Meiling: The dolls have swords?!
Alice: Fight those!
Alice: There's a reason I'm called...
Alice: The Rainbow-colored Puppeteer
Sanae: Are those dolls like tiny robots?
Alice: What?
Sanae: If there are no robots in the outside world...
Sanae: Then it makes sense that...
Sanae: There could be in Gensokyo
Alice: They're just dolls
Sanae: I barely damaged you!
Triggs: The FPS will be better tomorrow...
Alice: Hi, Reimu
Reimu: What are you doing here?
Alice: Triggs is going through Arcade Mode
Reimu: Didn't he do that the other day?
Alice: He noticed that the views were good...
Alice: Though, no one has voted who goes next yet.
Alice: So he just went for me
Reimu: So many beams
Alice: Cool, right?
Yuyuko: Greetings, Alice.
Alice: Incoming!
Triggs: That's a lot of butterflies
Triggs: Lots of dolls vs lots of butterflies?
Triggs: Sounds fun!
JURASSIC WORLD 2: FALLEN KINGDOM Trailer 2018 | Chris Pratt | Jeff Goldblum | Easter Egg Trailer - Duration: 3:25.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
B.A. Pass 2 official trailer 2018 | New Bollywood Movie | Movies Trailers | B.A Pass 2018 - Duration: 2:01.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
✅ Sasha Pieterse Gives a 180 Look at Her Gorgeous Dress In First Post-Wedding Pic - Duration: 2:00.
When Sasha Pieterse said she had a "princess dress" for her wedding, she wasn't kidding! The Pretty Little Liars alum showed off her gorgeous off-the-shoulder wedding gown in an Instagram video on Tuesday
In the slow-motion 180-degree look at the dress, Pieterse and her new husband, Hudson Sheaffer, wear their wedding attire while gold confetti rains down around them
In the caption, she referenced the fairytale feel of the day. "A few days ago I married the man of my dreams at a Castile in a faraway land in front of my closest friends and family
swoon ✨," she wrote. "I apologize in advance for the amount of wedding and honeymoon documentation to follow
"The 22-year-old actress married Sheaffer in a ceremony at a castle in Ireland on Sunday
ET's Katie Krause caught up with Pieterse earlier this month, where she dished on her wedding plans and dress choice, inspired by the castle location
"It was like this ball gown and it was off the shoulders and it was beautiful and that's actually where I went," she said
"It's the location. If I'm gonna do a princess dress, that's where I'm gonna do a princess dress
Alien Man by Mugler Fragrance Review - Duration: 7:55.
Stay with me while I review the latest
creation and much awaited new fragrance
from Mugler which is the Alien Man.
Welcome to Ellie Smells, and today I'm joined
by a very special guest, and this is
Timbo who you've heard me talk about a
lot of times on our videos on our
Channel! And today we are going to be
reviewing the Alien Man, the latest
creation from Thierry Mugler. And this
one was launched literally a couple of
weeks ago. So May 2018, and it's the
male counterpart to the lady's Alien
which was launched in 2005. So we're
going to spray it anyway so that Tim can
try it on his skin and just see how it
settles and see what he feels to it.
Hello Tim, say hello? [Tim] Hello Tim![Ellie] and then you can spray
that on you! So just a little bit about
Thierry Mugler himself. He was born in
France, he's a French a fashion designer
and also a directo,r and he's really well
known for creating the black dress worn
by Demi Moore in Indecent Proposal, bet
you didn't know that Tim? [Tim] I don't watch those kind of films!
[Ellie] so anyway this fragrance was created by Jean Christophe
Haerault, who's made fragrances for
Balenciaga and also Chopard and Mugler
to name a few. So we've heard quite a lot
about the Alien man and this one is
classed as a woody leather aromatic or
even an oriental woody. But it's supposed
to be created in three 'vibrations' and
the top notes are the electric vibration.
So in there, are you picking anything out
in particular? I think initially it
smells quite sweet! [Tim] It's sweet, I'm
getting a lot of powder! [Ellie] Yeah well it's
in the top notes you've got beechwood,
you've also got dill, and you've got star
anis. Now star anis is where you get that
licoricey sweet. But definitely you
can pick the dill out and it's quite
herbal, you can definitely pick up the
aromatic essences. So that's like the
electric part, the electric vibration. And
then there's a sensual heart vibration!
And that's because in there you've got
leather.Are you picking the leather out
because you love leather don't you? [Tim] I can
smell the leather in it! [Ellie] and it's also
got cashmere and wood, which is also in
the ladies Alien the Parum, and it also
has osmanthus which is like a floraly
note. So although it's a masculine
fragrance, you do get some florals in
there. What's it smelling like on your
skin? Yeah, you see that I can definitely
get that right
leatheryness on there, that might just be
skin Tim- haha! [Tim] Anyway, as you know I do
like leather fragrances! It does remind
me a little bit of the Bentley Intense
and I really like Bentley Intense, but this is, it's similar
but it's sweet! [Ellie] And when you first tried
it the other night you liked it, didn't
like it, and then loved it, once it
settled didn't you. [Tim] It took a while to
settle, the first burst I really liked it!
Ever so fresh! It's not what you're
expecting at all, not from a Mugler
fragrance anyway! It's quite mature isn't
it? It's like, grown up? [Ellie] That first burst is electric 'bzzz'
I would say you've got the sensual nurse
But then you've got magnetic in the base
which is white amber. So - all together
it definitely is more woodsy and
aromatic. I would say! [Tim] It is.
[Ellie] and now that this is dried down it's really
quite clean and fresh. So when do you
reckon you would wear this then? [Tim] To be
honest though, I think this would be
something that you'd wear every day.
I was reading a lot of the
reviews of it and a lot of people were
saying they were disappointed or the
expecting more.
But I think they've sort of put
in a curveball here, brought in something
that's quite grown up! I'd wear this for
work! [Ellie] I think people associate
Mugler with sort of like really 'out
there' sort of fragrances. so I think that
they thought that this was going to be
something really obscure? Whereas I think
this is a really wearable fragrance and
I think, like you, that it could be
something that you could pop on during
the day, wear it in the evening, it's
definitely got that-that I think... it's
not overpowering but it is sort of like
quite a powerful and a seductive fragrance.
[Tim] At first I thought it wouldn't be that
long-lasting either, but after I've worn
it,the following morning I could still
smell it, and it was quite nice!
[Ellie] I think it's definitely a fragrance that
grows on you the more you smell it!
It's quite addictive the more you want
to smell it.
so you'd be quite happy to wear that then?
[Tim] I'd be very happy to wear that! I think
one of the things that makes it
addictive is, as I said there's that real
animalistic... and you just can't help but...
[Ellie] That might be something like part of the
leather, I mean you like that anyway
don't you? [Tim] I do [Ellie] so I would say that
anybody that may be likes those leathery
fragrances such as the Fahrenheit, some
of the Armani fragrances, the Bentley or
even the Valentino Uomo, this would be a
really good fragrance to to try. We also
thought that this had sort of
essences of the Zadig and Voltaire which
we've actually done a review about
earlier if you want to take a look at
that? But yeah, I'm loving this one! I
think this one's going to do really well
and I think it's quite surprising
because it is quite different![Tim] It is and
not in the way that everybody's
expecting![Ellie] Yeah, pleasantly different!
[Tim] It is, very much so! [Ellie] And at the moment, if
you want to show them what they're going
to get, gift with purchase? So there is a
lovely gift with purchase which is this
wash bag, and just open the wash bag,
and in there a little surprise which ones that Tim?
[Tim] can I put my glasses on? [Ellie] I shouldn't do this to him!
[Tim] It's an Alien Man Mugler hair and body
shampoo. [Ellie] So the lovely thing about that
is that you're able to layer it which is
going to make the fragrance last on the
skin longer, but the fact that you can
just put it all over
[Tim] Excellent, I like layering! [Ellie] So that's going to
be really good. So go along, try this out
pick up a sample, and this is going to be
really fantastic because we've got
Father's Day coming up next month in
June so this might be a really good buy.
So go and check this out, let me know
what you think to it? Whether you agree
with Tim who likes a leathery fragrance?
This is Tim's first time on camera
with me. Did you enjoy it Tim? Anyway, don't
forget to Like and subscribe to our
Channel and also to leave your comments
and we'll see you again soon on Ellie Smells
Say bye Tim! [Tim] Bye Tim! [Ellie] Bye!
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