Good morning!
It's a new week again and
it's Saturday May 26th
and I'm going to take you to Emporium
The weather is super nice over here
It's 12.45pm and we're going a little later
because it's going to be 30 degrees
First we're going to enjoy the weather
getting ready and then we go to the festival.
I'm excited because I've never been to Emporium before
I'm wearing a nice set of Chiquelle
it's a Swedish brand
and since a while also online at The Netherlanda
I will write the links down in the description and
It's a nice suit
I also got another matching set and a dress
This is the denim dress
with a belt
Very nice but a little too warm for today
so I will show it to you an other time.
This is the other lounge suit
Very nice!
And now we're going to eat.
Look who we've got here!
Calm down!
We're going to Emporium, a little later then we planned.
Half past 6
And we're going to rave.
But not for a moment.
But for life.
We're on our way finally.
Finally, it's happen to me!
Our outfits.
Last Saturday Imara and I were invited by
to go to Emporium.
So we made this video also for them.
Don't forget to follow them on their instagram.
The link is in the description.
We were not over there for the whole day because
it was 30 degrees over here.
Luckily the festival was besides a lake so
in the night we felt a fresh breeze.
We were over there around half past 6.
We stood most of the time at the Hardstyle MainStage.
Phutur Noize
Digital Punk vs. B-front
Warface had to play over there.
We stood at the Fast &Furious stage for a while.
Rebelion had to play over there.
The atmosphere was very nice over there.
Everyone was super happy.
Headhunterz was playing the best set I think.
And he also played the Defqon.1 Anthem
I had not expectations of Emporium so
I had a great day!
The stages were looking very nice, especially the hardstyle Star Wars stage.
It's a nice location for a festival.
Next week we will take you to Intents Festival
One of the best weekends of the year besides Defqon.1 and Decibel
We're super excited and you can find us over there the whole weekend.
And we're going to take you.
We also want to do some challenges
so if you have a nice idea for us
let us know in the comments.
Maybe we pick yours
Don't forget to like and subscribe at our channel.
Don't forget to follow our Instagram,
and we see you next week back on the Aftervlog.
For more infomation >> EMPORIUM FESTIVAL - AFTERVLOG #135 - Duration: 15:29.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : Petrobras e AGU querem que TST julgue greve de petroleiros ilegal - Duration: 2:38.
Kevin, Roman and Portal 2 | Stream from May 26 2018 [GER] - Duration: 22:27.
[Kevin]: Roman, you're again the fat one
[Roman]: Yes, naturally
You know, how I look
We already talked about that
[K] But I don't look like a pinecone
[R] You mean, like a cone?
[K] Yeah like a cone
[R] A suppository
[K] A suppository maybe but not a cone. *And Roman is thinking*
(R: Some parts were cut because this would be then a 30-minute-video)
(R: But hey, we began with the 4th cahmber of the 4th chapter)
(R: After we finished the 4th chapter, I played Sonic Mania again but there were no "in-the-video-putting"-parts)
(R: And the audio cut out because... I don't know)
(R: But next video will be a DDGTLC-video[in german, of course])
(R: And for the people, who wants to know how fast these parts are, it's 6-times)
(R: And audio is back)
(R: We really needed 30 minutes for this puzzle)
(R: And now we got a plan)
[R] *something*... the yellow one
[K] That was again a *Something with birth*
[R] Yeah, that was...
Yeah, we want
[K] Wait a moment
[R] Wait...
An interesting thing I see there
Ok. Press the button. Press the button
On the button, now
Stay on there
Wait, wait. I come to you because...
[K] I save the cube but kill you
[R] And now we can...
Yes. exactly what I wanted
[K] Die Roman, die die die.
[R] I go better, for security reasons
Because NOW
And we only took 4 minutes for that, nice
(R: Is this a GTA reference?)
Yes, I want... (R: Later..)
You'd have to shoot the portals now...
here and I go in there
[K] But I can- Oh no no NO
[K] Can I? Can I? Can I?
[R] Wait a moment, I'm thinking the 'how'
*Roman is thinking*
Go through your portal, go through your portal
Go through your portal
The yellow one
Now come over
Now come over to me with the other
[K] I didn't to anything but...
[R] No. Yes, yes
But somehow funny
We took 30 minutes for the first one...
... and then...
... and the others in 2 minutes
[K] It was even worse yesterday.
We really were just
*I don't know* a half hour
[R] Yeah. A half hour asking "How can we do that?"
and the answer was "We must crash into the other"
[K] Wait, I jump down
[GLaDOS] Yes i know, YOU did this Blue. Don't be so proud
[R] I didn't do that. He commited suicide. (R: IN-GAME, YOUTUBE!)
We must, somehow get over here with the beam
But that is the problem because we can't
I got the feeling, this takes another 30 minutes (R: Nope, it doesn't)
And I'm too smal for...
*Roman got an idea*
Now I know, why it's like this
Stay on that thing
*Roman is now in the "Trollspiral"*
On the button, on the button
Stay on the damn button
[K] You're on the Trollspiral
[R] Wait, wait, wait
Go to...
go to the spring
I want to try something
[K] Where?
[R] To the spring over there
On your side to the spring
Yes, go to the spring (R: I hate saying things multiple times)
[K] I'm out. You can stay here
[R] Wait
I try something
[K] But I can do that
No, I like my Roman *Roman is not amused*
*aka Chamber 8*
*Talking about Portal 2*
[R] Wait, you make a portal here
and then here
Don't do something stubid
I know now, I know now
Right, now I'm playing "GameBoy" buuut...
Now the game can start
[K] Should I play or you?
[R] No, no, no, I'm the "GameBoy"-
"Gamemaster" here
I'm like GLaDos "KILL IT!"
[R] Good, with the corpse
*Thinking strategically for getting over there*
[K] Gestures must be
Without gestures, without me
[R] A gesture without me is a gesture without you
[K] Why am I dead? I didn't do anything.
*Fail a la Kevin*
I hate you
[K] I thought, I can make it
[R] Yes. Or we could put A PORTAL OVER THERE!
What did you say?
You shoot one from yours
*Strategical thinking*
*Roman got an idea*
(R: The sixth was cut because it was a "I-try-something"-attempt)
*Getting excited because of killing robots and getting a solution*
[R] What did you say?
*Kevin is sad but Roman is not amused*
(R: There is something in the end!)
because I thought you were smart
But NO
Kevin has to be a Kevin
婚後5年膝下無兒女 TVB資深綠葉被問急澄清有心有力 - Duration: 1:57.
日前,香港藝人鄭世豪到電台為自己的新歌《有心無力》進行宣傳, 表示這首歌寫的並非自己的故事,而是想表達如今有很多想對被人伸 援手的人,自己卻有心無力什麼都做不了。 不知道各位記得鄭世 自資出的歌曲《仍堅持》嗎?一直熱愛唱歌的鄭世豪每年都會參加T B慈善的表演嘉賓,因為只有那個時候才可以上台一展歌喉
一直在無線擔任綠葉配角的鄭世豪,內心藏著一個音樂夢。 直到 加《星夢傳奇》並勇奪第二名,之後就加盟到星夢娛樂唱片,以為終 可以大展拳腳的鄭世豪最後卻因為沒有推出過歌曲而不獲續約
離開星夢之後,鄭世豪便自資推出了《仍堅持》,MV請來一眾觀眾 見的TVB綠葉客串演出。結果成功引起觀眾共鳴及迴響,最後鄭世 憑著該歌曲橫掃各大頒獎典禮新人獎項。 而這次又出新歌的鄭世 ,不少粉絲網友都表示期待新作品快點出街
雖然沒有交代為何選題會是有心無力,但鄭世豪透露出自己心中的有 無力:「我好喜歡逛街頭小店,可惜樓價租金問題,小店生存機會越 越少,我們能做到的確不多,唯有見到類似的小店都會逛逛,怎麼樣 得買點東西支持一下
」 確實,香港的樓價高非朝夕的問題,在這樣大環境下的問題我 確實是無能為力,能做的就是趁還有這些街頭小店存在的時候,光顧 持希望能夠為店鋪生存出一份力。其實這也是一種支援,只是更多的 心
之後,鄭世豪又被問到造人的人生大計劃時,卻笑笑口即刻表示 「在這方面我絕對是有心有力,只想我們暫時想享受二人世界,所以 有計劃,我們兩公婆都覺得無所謂,不過,我要強調我是有心有力的 」 據悉,鄭世豪與太太結婚已經5年了,圈中不乏婚後三年抱兩 藝人,但結婚5年依然還想享受二人世界,確實讓人著急
✅ Kylie Jenner presenteia fã com algo que você jamais imaginaria - Duration: 1:31.
É comum nos depararmos com ídolos que retribuem o carinho de fãs por meio de autógrafos, fotos, e até mesmo um post em suas redes sociais
Desta vez, Kylie Jenner fugiu dos padrões ao presentear o seu fã número um. A apresentadora deu de aniversário para Johnny Cyrus uma bolsa estimada em R$7,5 mil
A marca é a das mais conhecidas trata-se da famosa Louis Vuitton. Com 145 mil seguidores na rede social, Cyrus é, sem dúvida, o fã mais famoso de Jenner
Ele tem várias tatuagens dedicadas à caçula - e multimilionária - da família Kardashian-Jenner, incluindo o logotipo da Kylie Cosmetics em seu ombro e uma linha de amostras de Lip Kit em seu antebraço
O modelo da bolsa Apollo Backpack da marca francesa é uma das mais requisitadas e conhecidas pela tradicionalidade
仮想通貨リップル2018年6月爆上げ!?クウェート最大銀行KFHと提携イベント!リップルコイン6月爆上げ予想とは?XRPのさらなる好材料最新情報!アマゾン証券化に続くRipple最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:14.
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ecoFLEX 95pk 5drs Selection - Duration: 1:04.
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET EASY Climate Control / 5DRS / Trekhaak enz. - Duration: 1:02.
Watch The Four: Battle For St...
Dokumentar Shqip - Lufta e Pare Boterore - Fakte Interesante - Duration: 6:24.
The First World War was the devastating war in the history of mankind. All
began after the murder of Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife by Serbian nationalist.
However, before the killing several countries had sought to expand their territories by
opposing the expansion of other empires and avoiding losses from the wars
The past. An Albanian documentary showing many real stories and real events
from the First World War
-The leaders of Germany, Russia and Britain had family ties between you and you now
think that these interesting facts are not true. Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany
and King George 5 of England were the first Cousins, King George and Nicholas II of Russia
former Cousins and also Nicholas II and Wilhelm II were the third cousins. Also with
Interestingly, this strange event of these three emperors was the posterity of the King
George II of England. Kusherinjte maintained the rivalry and alliance until the time
they did not believe that the murder of Franz Ferdiand of Austria would come to an end
in a war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, which was allied with Germany and Serbia
allied with Russia. Russia was allied with France and France allied with Britain.
- The first World Cup began officially on July 28, 1914, the day when Austria-Hungary announced
war on Serbia. Nicholas II asked Wilhem II to stop the war because the war against
Serbia would also involve Russia. Wilhem replied that war was not
there was nothing political was a vengeance for the assassination of the archbishop. Wilhem and Nikolla
so they were cousins and they continued to swap telegrams. Wilhem said the troops
Austro-Hungarians marched in Belgrade, Serbia without attacking Serbs and waiting until Serbia
to destroy the group that had killed Franz Ferdinand of Austria. But still
did not reach an agreement. There was nothing to delay or to start the war. Me 1
August Germany declared war on Russia.
Russia would never have been a communist country if Vladimir Lenin did not come
in power. His political ascension would not have happened if the two Russian revolutions did not
would have happened. And those revolutions would not have happened if the First War
it would not happen. Nicholas II made a big mistake when handing over the emperor's control
his wife Aleksandra and not the prime minister. She was a German and Russia was fighting
against Germany. In February 1917 inflation and food shortages caused
the protests that quickly swerved into a revolution. An interim government took over
but did nothing to resolve the complaints that had caused the revolution. a
Second Revolution led by Vladimir Lenin of the Bolshevik Party in November of the year
1917 rammed the government and brought Vladimir Lenin into power. Lenin started negotiating with me
Germany who ended up in Russia's involvement in World War I.
- The First World Cup changed forever European and Asian borders. Which took us
the fall of the three empires. German, Ottoman, and Russian crushed at the end of the war. Poland
became independent of the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary was divided into Austria, Hungary,
Qekoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Austria handed the land to Italy and Qecoslovakia. Bulgaria abolished
its coastline in the Mediterranean Sea in Greece. Hungary lost most of our land
Qekosllovaki. The Ottoman Empire had suffered most damages.
-America entered the war when it declared war on Germany on April 7, 1917. Before the start of the war
German was the second spoken language in the United States. Then the German language was removed
many American schools and German books were made law-abiding. feeling
anti-German arrived to the point where German potatoes were exchanged with American potatoes.
The First World Cup had brought many interesting events. It had even begun
first use of machine guns. As the War was progressing, the fronts were also created. Front
the longest was from Belgium to France and to Switzerland. It was impossible to go
around the front, so the only solution was frontal attacks. That was a mission
because the throne was protected with machine guns.
-What no one was winning and no one was losing, both sides continued with attacks
also appearing tanks. England and France had secretly constructed tanks by
hoping to break the deadlock. But the tanks left because of command problems
and control that quickly broke down. Germany used to exploit this error by doing so
create anti-tank weapons. But it was not enough to stop thousands of tanks by
making Germans to be delivered. Initial tanks were called land ships.
The First World Cup was not called the First World War. No one knew that a war
World Two would start. In America it was called the European War because the American newspapers
began to use the name World Warfare when the US was involved in the war. It was believed war would
end the evil of the German state. Despite the World War I was called
even the Great War for Civilization.
Pasta tonno e ricotta bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 4:10.
La sangrante comparación que hace Peñafiel entre Letizia e Irene Montero - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 4:34.
Últimas notícia de hoje : PETROBRAS AFUNDA 9% E SOBE PRESSÃO SOBRE PARENTE - Duration: 1:49.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Petrobras e AGU querem que TST julgue greve de petroleiros ilegal - Duration: 2:38.
Should I Buy the Abarth Biposto for €25.000? [Sub ENG] - Duration: 11:05.
Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and today we go for a ride with a rather spicy 500, the Abarth Biposto!
As you know it's not the first time I'm driving the Abarth Biposto
but driving an Abarth 500 is always a fun experience, as you know I own an Abarth 500 since many years and there must be a reason if I have it since so long!
A couple of years ago I had the chance to test the Abarth Biposto which was an interesting experience because the Abarth Biposto
is the most expensive Abarth 500 that money can buy and obviously I found it a car with its positive but also negative sides.
and maybe one of its biggest defects is the price because we're talking about a 500 that starts at 40k €
and if you want it full options, it's not impossible to spend a whopping 60k €!
But I noticed that over the years the market has changed and now it's possible to buy an Abarth Biposto for less than 30k €,
just think that last year a friend of mine bought a delivery miles Biposto for 25k €,
and this one I'm driving - I'm not telling you the price - but it's close to that.
If the Biposto priced at 40k € is not worth it to me, I think we talk about it at 25-30k €
this could also potentially be my future car to replace the Abarth because honestly I love my Abarth and maybe if I had to replace it would be with another one!
And what an Abarth!
I remind you this is a pocket rocket that weighs slighty less than 1000kg and by looking the interior you realize where Abarth worked to take the kilos off
for example there's no radio, no AC, we have lighter seats, there's no even back seats!
If I turn my head I see a cage that has replaced the back seats by making the car even more stiff.
By removing the back seats also the soundproofing is lower, compared to a standard Abarth 500 and we can appreciate even more the noise of the Akrapovic exhaust which is not so bad!
And trust me that with a weight of less than 1000kg
The 1.4L turbo produces 190hp and 250nm of torque even though with this turbo which is the same of my Abarth,
Abarth could've dare more and add 20-30hp that we would have appreciated for sure.
if I had to replace my Abarth with a Biposto, I admit it would be challenging to daily drive it because it's summer, there's 24 degrees and it feels like to be in a steam bath!
Let's say that driving a car with such sporty suspensions, no radio, no AC, it's challenging! I think it's the right car to drive on weekends and have fun.
And of course, manual gearbox! Here we have a 5-speed transmission, love the aluminium pedals I'd love to buy it also for my Abarth
also because it's not just beautiful to look at but, these wider pedals help to heel-toe.
It's a shame this Abarth is not fitted with the dog-rig gearbox which I remind you it's a whopping 10k € option!
If many Abarth Biposto aren't fitted with this option it's because at first, it's a very expensive option and second, I heard lots of critics about that gearbox
that it's very delicate that on a long run, it tends to break down.
This manual gearbox is the same my Abarth and I think they could have done the gear stick shorter.
but overal Abarths in general are fun cars to drive that always put a smile on you and driving this Abarth Biposto is an experience,
because driving such pumped up Abarth gives you the feeling to be driving a small racecar and it really offers lots of satisfactions behind the wheel.
These tight and winding roads are the habitat of the Abarth, these are roads where you truly have fun.
Whenever you smash the foot on the throttle this tiny 1.4L turbo engine has a bit of turbo lag but above 3000rpm it shows its rage!
and the Akrapovic behind offers an envolving exhaust note that motivates you to push this tiny engine to the redline!
Driving around these winding roads I can appreciate the Sabelt seats because these seats are not just beautiful to look at but also great for the sports driving,
look at how they hold your side, around these corners I didn't feel buffeted like I could feel with the standard seats of the Abarth.
But these supensions mixed up with these seats, I'm not sure I would want to use the Biposto for long journeys!
The Abarth 500 has the chassis of the Panda so it has its limits but Abarth has done lots of improvements on the Biposto
by making this car even more fun and performing!
And I repeat, I think this car priced between 40-60k € is excessive,
if we start to talk about 25-30k € I think it could be an interesting option that I might consider as future purchase.
Finally I'm out the steam bath and let's have an exterior and interior look of the Biposto.
This matte grey paint stands out to the eye and makes the Biposto truly menacing, just look at how much carbon fibre on the side skirts,
Front bumper and also on the rear diffuser, look also at the beautiful titanium Akrapovic tips!
At first the Biposto was available only with this colour, then they make a few more special editions available in yellow and red but
this matte grey is the colour that suits best to the Biposto because there's no other Abarths available with this colour and
all this carbon, dark wheels, this paint make this Abarth truly menacing and enraged to look at.
The standard Abarth comes on 17" whereas this one OZ 18" wheels that makes the car even more beautiful to look at,
here we may see Brembo brakes that are the same as my Abarth, these brakes are very good and offer a great breaking power.
By opening the trunk we may see how much space we have behind the front seats, obviously
everything replaced by this cage.
You think there's so much space but in every corners the luggages will inevitably fly over the cockpit!
And this is said on a personal experience!
Let's have a look also at the very racing, very naked interior of the Biposto.
Nice also the Sabelt seats with 695 Biposto embroidered.
I show you closely also the beautiful aluminium pedals that I mentioned earlier, i also like the aluminium seats!
I spent a truly fun morning with the Abarth Biposto and and for these prices on the second hand market why not,
I keep it in consideration as a potential future replacement of my Abarth!
I thank Luca, the owner of this beautiful Biposto for letting me drive it for the morning,
Make sure to Like the video if you enjoy it, subscribe to my YouTube if you haven't yet and as always thanks for watching, ciao!
Uomini e donne, il rifiuto di Sara tra lacrime e accuse | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.
Uomini e Donne: oggi la scelta più attesa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.
Uomini e Donne: Nilufar avrebbe ingannato la redazione, la confessione a U&D | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.
Jorge Rial volvió a Intrusos e hizo el desgargo más duro en vivo: "Me dio vergüenza ver a mi hija" - Duration: 5:19.
Uomini e donne oggi 30 maggio la scelta di Sara: un rifiuto sorprendente | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:13.
Sem Guerrero, Cueva e Farfán resolvem e Peru vence amistoso pré-Copa|n123snow - Duration: 4:19.
U&D anticipazioni, Nilufar confessa: 'Si, io e Stefano siamo stati insieme' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.
Cartoons in papier maché by Vicente Silva - TOP 100 - Duration: 2:50.
hola me llamo marcela gonzalves
Este es el canal y hoy comienza el top 100
el top 100 es una lista de los más increíbles artistas y arte que la gente quiere compartir con usted
y hoy la gente va a empezar por un. artista que conocemos allí en el instagram
el nombre de él es vicente silva y él es pintor y escultor de la artesanía contemporánea
utiliza reciclables en sus trabajos
y valoriza mucho la cultura nordestina
que ya ha ganado varios premios en las muestras que ya participó
y tiene esculturas dispersas en varias tiendas en brasil
y hace un trabajo singular retratando al escritor Ariano Suassuna y sus personajes
como Juan Grillo y Chicó del Auto de la Compensada y nosotros particularmente
nos gusta mucho el trabajo de Vicente y por él usar materiales reciclables va contra nuestro arte también
trabajamos con la papeleo y utilizamos materiales reciclables también
es ahí, esperamos que usted tenga gustado
deje su "disfrutar" si usted por nuevo en el canal se inscribe para no perder ningún vídeo
Y da una navegación para conocer nuestro arte también
si usted conoce a alguien que hace un trabajo muy legal
Presentes para nosotros, escribir aquí en los comentarios
gracias por haber asistido y hasta siguiente vídeo
Técnico da Alemanha proíbe sexo e redes sociais durante a Copa|n123snow - Duration: 2:12.
Citroën C3 1.4 E-HDI COLLECTION AUTOMAAT TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:53.
Peugeot 108 1.0 5-DRS E-VTI Aut. (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:53.
Peugeot 108 Envy 1.0 E-VTI 5drs - Duration: 1:11.
Preciso trocar as chaves ao alugar um imóvel? - E agora, Raquel? - Duration: 1:11.
💥 WINTERMUTE - Monster pc finds home! [Eng sub] - Duration: 9:53.
Evangelio de hoy, Miercoles 30 de Mayo del 2018 - Duration: 5:08.
EMPORIUM FESTIVAL - AFTERVLOG #135 - Duration: 15:29.
Good morning!
It's a new week again and
it's Saturday May 26th
and I'm going to take you to Emporium
The weather is super nice over here
It's 12.45pm and we're going a little later
because it's going to be 30 degrees
First we're going to enjoy the weather
getting ready and then we go to the festival.
I'm excited because I've never been to Emporium before
I'm wearing a nice set of Chiquelle
it's a Swedish brand
and since a while also online at The Netherlanda
I will write the links down in the description and
It's a nice suit
I also got another matching set and a dress
This is the denim dress
with a belt
Very nice but a little too warm for today
so I will show it to you an other time.
This is the other lounge suit
Very nice!
And now we're going to eat.
Look who we've got here!
Calm down!
We're going to Emporium, a little later then we planned.
Half past 6
And we're going to rave.
But not for a moment.
But for life.
We're on our way finally.
Finally, it's happen to me!
Our outfits.
Last Saturday Imara and I were invited by
to go to Emporium.
So we made this video also for them.
Don't forget to follow them on their instagram.
The link is in the description.
We were not over there for the whole day because
it was 30 degrees over here.
Luckily the festival was besides a lake so
in the night we felt a fresh breeze.
We were over there around half past 6.
We stood most of the time at the Hardstyle MainStage.
Phutur Noize
Digital Punk vs. B-front
Warface had to play over there.
We stood at the Fast &Furious stage for a while.
Rebelion had to play over there.
The atmosphere was very nice over there.
Everyone was super happy.
Headhunterz was playing the best set I think.
And he also played the Defqon.1 Anthem
I had not expectations of Emporium so
I had a great day!
The stages were looking very nice, especially the hardstyle Star Wars stage.
It's a nice location for a festival.
Next week we will take you to Intents Festival
One of the best weekends of the year besides Defqon.1 and Decibel
We're super excited and you can find us over there the whole weekend.
And we're going to take you.
We also want to do some challenges
so if you have a nice idea for us
let us know in the comments.
Maybe we pick yours
Don't forget to like and subscribe at our channel.
Don't forget to follow our Instagram,
and we see you next week back on the Aftervlog.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Petrobras e AGU querem que TST julgue greve de petroleiros ilegal - Duration: 2:38.
Kevin, Roman and Portal 2 | Stream from May 26 2018 [GER] - Duration: 22:27.
[Kevin]: Roman, you're again the fat one
[Roman]: Yes, naturally
You know, how I look
We already talked about that
[K] But I don't look like a pinecone
[R] You mean, like a cone?
[K] Yeah like a cone
[R] A suppository
[K] A suppository maybe but not a cone. *And Roman is thinking*
(R: Some parts were cut because this would be then a 30-minute-video)
(R: But hey, we began with the 4th cahmber of the 4th chapter)
(R: After we finished the 4th chapter, I played Sonic Mania again but there were no "in-the-video-putting"-parts)
(R: And the audio cut out because... I don't know)
(R: But next video will be a DDGTLC-video[in german, of course])
(R: And for the people, who wants to know how fast these parts are, it's 6-times)
(R: And audio is back)
(R: We really needed 30 minutes for this puzzle)
(R: And now we got a plan)
[R] *something*... the yellow one
[K] That was again a *Something with birth*
[R] Yeah, that was...
Yeah, we want
[K] Wait a moment
[R] Wait...
An interesting thing I see there
Ok. Press the button. Press the button
On the button, now
Stay on there
Wait, wait. I come to you because...
[K] I save the cube but kill you
[R] And now we can...
Yes. exactly what I wanted
[K] Die Roman, die die die.
[R] I go better, for security reasons
Because NOW
And we only took 4 minutes for that, nice
(R: Is this a GTA reference?)
Yes, I want... (R: Later..)
You'd have to shoot the portals now...
here and I go in there
[K] But I can- Oh no no NO
[K] Can I? Can I? Can I?
[R] Wait a moment, I'm thinking the 'how'
*Roman is thinking*
Go through your portal, go through your portal
Go through your portal
The yellow one
Now come over
Now come over to me with the other
[K] I didn't to anything but...
[R] No. Yes, yes
But somehow funny
We took 30 minutes for the first one...
... and then...
... and the others in 2 minutes
[K] It was even worse yesterday.
We really were just
*I don't know* a half hour
[R] Yeah. A half hour asking "How can we do that?"
and the answer was "We must crash into the other"
[K] Wait, I jump down
[GLaDOS] Yes i know, YOU did this Blue. Don't be so proud
[R] I didn't do that. He commited suicide. (R: IN-GAME, YOUTUBE!)
We must, somehow get over here with the beam
But that is the problem because we can't
I got the feeling, this takes another 30 minutes (R: Nope, it doesn't)
And I'm too smal for...
*Roman got an idea*
Now I know, why it's like this
Stay on that thing
*Roman is now in the "Trollspiral"*
On the button, on the button
Stay on the damn button
[K] You're on the Trollspiral
[R] Wait, wait, wait
Go to...
go to the spring
I want to try something
[K] Where?
[R] To the spring over there
On your side to the spring
Yes, go to the spring (R: I hate saying things multiple times)
[K] I'm out. You can stay here
[R] Wait
I try something
[K] But I can do that
No, I like my Roman *Roman is not amused*
*aka Chamber 8*
*Talking about Portal 2*
[R] Wait, you make a portal here
and then here
Don't do something stubid
I know now, I know now
Right, now I'm playing "GameBoy" buuut...
Now the game can start
[K] Should I play or you?
[R] No, no, no, I'm the "GameBoy"-
"Gamemaster" here
I'm like GLaDos "KILL IT!"
[R] Good, with the corpse
*Thinking strategically for getting over there*
[K] Gestures must be
Without gestures, without me
[R] A gesture without me is a gesture without you
[K] Why am I dead? I didn't do anything.
*Fail a la Kevin*
I hate you
[K] I thought, I can make it
[R] Yes. Or we could put A PORTAL OVER THERE!
What did you say?
You shoot one from yours
*Strategical thinking*
*Roman got an idea*
(R: The sixth was cut because it was a "I-try-something"-attempt)
*Getting excited because of killing robots and getting a solution*
[R] What did you say?
*Kevin is sad but Roman is not amused*
(R: There is something in the end!)
because I thought you were smart
But NO
Kevin has to be a Kevin
婚後5年膝下無兒女 TVB資深綠葉被問急澄清有心有力 - Duration: 1:57.
日前,香港藝人鄭世豪到電台為自己的新歌《有心無力》進行宣傳, 表示這首歌寫的並非自己的故事,而是想表達如今有很多想對被人伸 援手的人,自己卻有心無力什麼都做不了。 不知道各位記得鄭世 自資出的歌曲《仍堅持》嗎?一直熱愛唱歌的鄭世豪每年都會參加T B慈善的表演嘉賓,因為只有那個時候才可以上台一展歌喉
一直在無線擔任綠葉配角的鄭世豪,內心藏著一個音樂夢。 直到 加《星夢傳奇》並勇奪第二名,之後就加盟到星夢娛樂唱片,以為終 可以大展拳腳的鄭世豪最後卻因為沒有推出過歌曲而不獲續約
離開星夢之後,鄭世豪便自資推出了《仍堅持》,MV請來一眾觀眾 見的TVB綠葉客串演出。結果成功引起觀眾共鳴及迴響,最後鄭世 憑著該歌曲橫掃各大頒獎典禮新人獎項。 而這次又出新歌的鄭世 ,不少粉絲網友都表示期待新作品快點出街
雖然沒有交代為何選題會是有心無力,但鄭世豪透露出自己心中的有 無力:「我好喜歡逛街頭小店,可惜樓價租金問題,小店生存機會越 越少,我們能做到的確不多,唯有見到類似的小店都會逛逛,怎麼樣 得買點東西支持一下
」 確實,香港的樓價高非朝夕的問題,在這樣大環境下的問題我 確實是無能為力,能做的就是趁還有這些街頭小店存在的時候,光顧 持希望能夠為店鋪生存出一份力。其實這也是一種支援,只是更多的 心
之後,鄭世豪又被問到造人的人生大計劃時,卻笑笑口即刻表示 「在這方面我絕對是有心有力,只想我們暫時想享受二人世界,所以 有計劃,我們兩公婆都覺得無所謂,不過,我要強調我是有心有力的 」 據悉,鄭世豪與太太結婚已經5年了,圈中不乏婚後三年抱兩 藝人,但結婚5年依然還想享受二人世界,確實讓人著急
✅ Kylie Jenner presenteia fã com algo que você jamais imaginaria - Duration: 1:31.
É comum nos depararmos com ídolos que retribuem o carinho de fãs por meio de autógrafos, fotos, e até mesmo um post em suas redes sociais
Desta vez, Kylie Jenner fugiu dos padrões ao presentear o seu fã número um. A apresentadora deu de aniversário para Johnny Cyrus uma bolsa estimada em R$7,5 mil
A marca é a das mais conhecidas trata-se da famosa Louis Vuitton. Com 145 mil seguidores na rede social, Cyrus é, sem dúvida, o fã mais famoso de Jenner
Ele tem várias tatuagens dedicadas à caçula - e multimilionária - da família Kardashian-Jenner, incluindo o logotipo da Kylie Cosmetics em seu ombro e uma linha de amostras de Lip Kit em seu antebraço
O modelo da bolsa Apollo Backpack da marca francesa é uma das mais requisitadas e conhecidas pela tradicionalidade
仮想通貨リップル2018年6月爆上げ!?クウェート最大銀行KFHと提携イベント!リップルコイン6月爆上げ予想とは?XRPのさらなる好材料最新情報!アマゾン証券化に続くRipple最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:14.
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ecoFLEX 95pk 5drs Selection - Duration: 1:04.
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET EASY Climate Control / 5DRS / Trekhaak enz. - Duration: 1:02.
DC Superhero Girls™
Le gouvernement va-t-il renforcer les ghettos ? - Monkey - Duration: 2:51.
EMPORIUM FESTIVAL - AFTERVLOG #135 - Duration: 15:29.
Good morning!
It's a new week again and
it's Saturday May 26th
and I'm going to take you to Emporium
The weather is super nice over here
It's 12.45pm and we're going a little later
because it's going to be 30 degrees
First we're going to enjoy the weather
getting ready and then we go to the festival.
I'm excited because I've never been to Emporium before
I'm wearing a nice set of Chiquelle
it's a Swedish brand
and since a while also online at The Netherlanda
I will write the links down in the description and
It's a nice suit
I also got another matching set and a dress
This is the denim dress
with a belt
Very nice but a little too warm for today
so I will show it to you an other time.
This is the other lounge suit
Very nice!
And now we're going to eat.
Look who we've got here!
Calm down!
We're going to Emporium, a little later then we planned.
Half past 6
And we're going to rave.
But not for a moment.
But for life.
We're on our way finally.
Finally, it's happen to me!
Our outfits.
Last Saturday Imara and I were invited by
to go to Emporium.
So we made this video also for them.
Don't forget to follow them on their instagram.
The link is in the description.
We were not over there for the whole day because
it was 30 degrees over here.
Luckily the festival was besides a lake so
in the night we felt a fresh breeze.
We were over there around half past 6.
We stood most of the time at the Hardstyle MainStage.
Phutur Noize
Digital Punk vs. B-front
Warface had to play over there.
We stood at the Fast &Furious stage for a while.
Rebelion had to play over there.
The atmosphere was very nice over there.
Everyone was super happy.
Headhunterz was playing the best set I think.
And he also played the Defqon.1 Anthem
I had not expectations of Emporium so
I had a great day!
The stages were looking very nice, especially the hardstyle Star Wars stage.
It's a nice location for a festival.
Next week we will take you to Intents Festival
One of the best weekends of the year besides Defqon.1 and Decibel
We're super excited and you can find us over there the whole weekend.
And we're going to take you.
We also want to do some challenges
so if you have a nice idea for us
let us know in the comments.
Maybe we pick yours
Don't forget to like and subscribe at our channel.
Don't forget to follow our Instagram,
and we see you next week back on the Aftervlog.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 DIG-T TEKNA *Panoramadak + 1e eigenaar + 163PK* - Duration: 1:13.
ఇలా చేసారంటే మీ డ్రైవేఇంగ్ లైసెన్స్ గోయిందా జాగత్త | DRIVING LICENCE TEST TOP TRICK DON'T MISS IT - Duration: 1:00.
helmet is very important
Saab 9-5 Estate 2.0t Linear leder / stoelverwarming / trkhk / pdc / clima / xenon / parrot / 2006 - Duration: 1:07.
Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Navigatie · Automatische airco · 18"LM velgen - Duration: 0:55.
Volkswagen T-Roc Style 1.0TSI/115pk · Active info display · Executive pakket · Lane assist - Duration: 1:13.
Europa by Reason - Available as a VST and AU Plugin - Duration: 2:10.
A flagship instrument bears that distinction for a reason.
It's more powerful.
More innovative.
And it doesn't just look the part... it is the part.
It's the synth that makes your sound, because of the sound it makes.
And now Reason's flagship synthesizer is about to become yours too - however you make music.
Introducing Europa by Reason - now available as a VST and Audio Unit.
Harnessing the power of wavetable synthesis, Europa by Reason is all about waveform manipulation.
With three Spectral Engines, you can create layers of shapeshifting waveforms, dynamic
waves that respond to keyboard performance, or even your OWN custom loaded samples and
Use the modifiers to further warp your sounds.
Europa by Reason's Spectral Filter goes way beyond simple analog filters, from traditional
curves that now go to new extremes all the way to intensely complex shapes you've never
heard before.
Even load your own samples and sweep through the waveform for evolving resonance curves.
Activate the harmonics processor to sculpt, stretch, and modulate the overtones of your
sound with surgical precision.
Pair all that together with assignable LFOs, endlessly tweakable envelopes, fat sounding
analog filters, powerful built in effects, an advanced programmable modulation matrix,
and a unison section to make your sounds even BIGGER - and you'll see why Europa by
Reason is about to become your flagship synthesizer too.
Europa by Reason - available now as a VST and Audio Unit.
Gov't introduces new bidding methods to support innovative growth - Duration: 1:54.
The South Korean government's dedication to support innovative growth and improve the
job market doesn't end there.
Another new measure includes, making changes to the national contract law.
Kim Hyesung explains how it would work.
The government is putting forward a revised bill on bidding methods.
The finance ministry says the revision to the national contract law includes a so-called
'competitive dialogue bidding system' to help foster purchases of innovative goods and services.
Under the system, bidders will directly communicate with the ordering body to identify the best
way to satisfy their needs and to find the most qualified bidder.
The government will also allow private contracts between R&D manufacturers and government institutions
to help public purchases of innovative goods.
"Introducing a competitive bidding system is a move in the right direction that will
help raise quality.
But private contracts don't have a bidding system.
There would need to be more specific criteria and evaluation methods for private contracts.
Otherwise, it could open the door to corruption or bribery in the contract winning process."
To prevent purchases of low cost, low quality goods, the ministry says existing low-cost
bidding contracts on goods below 210 million Korean won, or 194-thousand U.S. dollars,
will be abolished.
Instead, the government will apply competitive bidding methods for startups and venture companies
on contracts below 100 million won, or around 92-thousand dollars.
There will also be clearer standards on contract unit prices.
In addition, social enterprises and companies that create more jobs will be given extra
bidding benefits.
For companies with a history of labor law violations, bidding qualification limits will
be extended from one month to three months.
The revised bill is expected to be proclaimed and implemented later this year.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
Top 10 Beautiful Eye Makeup Looks & Tutorials 2018 - Duration: 6:39.
Cipriano de Rore: Amor ben mi credevo - Analysis - Duration: 23:08.
Hello and welcome to Early Music My name is Elam Rotem
and today we'll analyse together a beautiful madrigal by Cipriano de Rore: Amor, ben mi credevo.
In the Early Music Sources Youtube series
we have often discussed the elements that underpin early musical composition,
such as modes, cadences, solmization, durum and molle,
and the way in which these elements were described in earlier times.
In this episode we will use these tools in order to analyze one little gem by Cipriano de Rore.
If you haven't watched these former episodes, you might want to check them out.
The aim of this episode is to try and understand why Rore composed the way he did,
based on the assumption that if we better understand why he did it, and exactly what he did,
it might help us when performing the piece.
Before we can start with the analysis, we should first agree on what exactly it is that we are analyzing;
what the sources of the piece are and how we have decided
to present them for the purpose of our analysis.
The madrigal Amor ben mi credevo is found
in the first book of four part madrigals by Rore, published in 1550.
See the footnote for the surviving editions, copies and online digital reproductions.
As you know, in the 16th century scores were generally not in use and were rarely printed.
Music was published in separate partbooks, one book for each part.
However, as Rore's compositions were highly regarded,
in 1577 a score of his four part madrigals was published.
It is one of the first and rare cases from that period of score printing.
It was made to allow instrumentalists play the pieces, as well as for the study of counterpoint.
If you lived at that time and wanted to analyze one of these pieces, this print was quite a privilege,
as otherwise you would have to make your own score out of the separate part books.
However, this rare and expensive score lacks a very crucial element - the text of the madrigals.
As you will see later in the episode, most of Rore's compositional decisions are motivated by the text.
So for our purpose, and for your convenience, we will use a modern score,
with the text and with our favorite clefs, and have the originals on the side only for reference.
The first thing that Rore did, before even writing the first note of the madrigal,
was to examine the poem. Let's have a look at it.
We'll now hear the poem recited by Giovanna Baviera in its original Italian,
which you can follow in the English translation:
Amor (cupid), I truly believed that you bound my lady and me with the very same rope,
so that the desire would be one and the ardor immortal.
but alas, I see her free and liberated from these amorous knots,
and surrounded by a thousand pleasures,
while I live more tied and captive than ever,
deprived of any pleasure, full of torments,
I stay alive, yet my life is extinguished.
Rore decided to divide this text into three parts,
we know this thanks to the places he put substantial cadences in the music, as you will soon see.
In the first part we are introduced to the gloomy situation where the speaker is talking to Amor (or cupid),
speaking of what he believed to be the truth about the lady he loves.
In the second part we hear about the lady; how she is free from the bonds of love.
And in the third, the speaker speaks of himself, and how miserable he is.
Keep this structure in mind when we look at the music.
Now that we know the text, we can go on and endeavor to understand
why Rore composed the things the way he did.
As a first step, let's try to recognize the mode in which the piece is composed.
To determine the mode of the piece, we'll first check its beginning and ending:
it starts with each of the voices having E as their first note,
and ends rather weirdly, but still with E in the lowest voice.
Based on this alone, at this point we can be quite sure that we are dealing with some mi mode,
either phrygian, the third mode, or hypophrygian, the fourth mode.
If we check the ranges of the voices, one of the markers of modes according to the sources,
we find a rather perfect example of the ranges of the third mode.
The next thing would be to check the degrees upon which substantial cadences take place.
Later on we'll get into the details of the cadences,
but for now it is sufficient to show that at the end of the first part there is a cadence on A,
and at the end of the second part there is a cadence on C.
The end, as we said, is rather unusual, but closes on E.
According to most sources, cadences on E, A and C are used in pieces that are in the fourth mode,
and not on the third mode.
At this point one must be reminded of the inconsistency
in regard to modes as displayed in the sources.
And this is the case even before we get into the descriptions of the affects of each mode,
where things get even more subjective, and more contradictory.
Nevertheless however, in many descriptions the fourth mode is described as appropriate
for amourous, mournful and sad subjects, just like the poem of this madrigal.
We can only imagine what Rore might have said
if we had asked him in which mode he had written this madrigal and why.
For now, we will just stick with what we know:
the piece is in some mi mode, and, based on the text,
Rore believed it to be appropriate for sad and amourous subjects.
Now that we examined the text and the mode,
we can finally delve into the actual music.
Feel free to pause the video for a minute and bring a big cup of coffee - you might need it.
"Amor, I have truly believed that you bound my lady and me with the very same rope,
"so that the desire would be one and the ardor immortal."
For the first line of the text, the voices enter in an imitative manner one after the other.
The second line however, is presented using pairs of voices:
first the canto and basso, and then the alto and tenor.
On the word "legati", tied, there are ligature, suspensions.
And on the word "laccio", rope, there are little circular melismas, emulating its form.
As you see, word painting can sometimes be rather literal.
At this point there is also a little cadence on C, but it is a rather weak one:
it is only a tenor cadence (as opposed to an authentic one),
it is short, it is on a weak beat, and the little "laccio" in the tenor
makes sure the music goes on, that it does not stop.
The fact that the cadence is weak corresponds with the poet's intentions,
as we are in the middle of a text line,
and Rore didn't allow disruption of the musical flow in such situations.
After climactic high notes in the canto and alto on the word "ardor",
a stronger cadence arrives.
Although the bass an d tenor disappear on the finalis
it is nevertheless a rather strong cadence:
it is authentic, it is long, and it is on a strong beat.
Although also here there is a little ornamental "tail" in the alto,
the longer rests in each of the voices before the next line starts
help in defining this moment as an ending of a section.
By the way, the finalis of the canto part is a high e'' in all the sources
and not a' as written here.
I consider it to be extremely unusual and unlikely
that on the unaccented last note Rore would jump to the highest note of the range
and create something that seem like parallels fifths.
Therefore I believe it to be a mistake and corrected it to a'.
I might be wrong of course, and you might choose to perform the original high e'.
Before everything is forgotten, let's listen to a performance of it up to this point.
Now we are entering the next part:
"But alas, I see her free and liberated from these amorous knots,
"and surrounded by a thousand pleasures."
On the words "lasso", alas, Rore used suspensions.
This was a common treatment for this word, and it remained such until the 17th century.
In this case, Rore also play on the fact that the word "lasso"
is similar to the solmization syllables "la" "sol".
Anyway, The last one is the most severe of them all as it includes a major sixth
- the harshest of all consonant intervals in Renaissance terms.
The degree of harshness is intensified when the canto touches the f-sharp
and at the same time there is a major sixth between the basso and alto.
In this case, Rore doesn't interpret a certain word,
there is nothing especially harsh in the word "libera", free,
he evokes instead the harsh situation of the speaker.
After presenting a playful syncopation in all the voices
for the words "mille piacer", thousand pleasures,
there are three cantizans figures one after the other:
first in the canto, then in the tenor, and then once again in the canto.
The first two times the other voices do not "cooperate" with this cantizans figure
and create instead rather harsh deceptive cadences to F.
Stepwise movement between two major harmonies, in this case G major to F major,
was considered to be harsh.
The second time it is even harsher, as on the penultimate step there is also a major sixth,
creating a medieval sounding progression.
Such "ancient" sounding progressions were considered harsh and crude in that period,
and were used only when such harsh affects were sought after.
On the last cantizans figure, finally, all the parts "comply"
and a strong cadence to C is created.
Also here, as in other cadences, there is one voice that ornaments and leads us forward.
Let's listen to this second part of the madrigal.
Now, in this last part, the speaker tells us how he feels about the situation:
"And I, live more tied and captive than ever,
"deprived of any pleasure, full of torments,
"I stay alive, yet my life is extinguished."
As in the transition between the first and second parts,
also here there are pauses in each of the parts.
In order to emphasize the fact that now we are talking about
the lonely lover, however, the tenor starts alone: "ed io", "and I".
Then, the other voices join him and almost sing together.
In fact, the voices are actually together only very shortly;
usually there is always some voice that does not move with the other voices.
For Rore, having all the voices sing a passage together,
note after note with the same text syllables is a very strong effect,
one that should be only be used rarely.
Indeed, for Rore, this kind of movement which is almost together, is already very strong.
And for us, the listeners, this sudden slow and clear declamation of the text
draws our attention to what is about to come.
Before we can discuss the next bit,
we have to talk shortly about a special notation mean Rore is using here - hemiolia maggiore.
This phenomenon is described in many sources and is mostly interpreted
by performing three blackened semibreves in the time of two normal ones;
as big triplets if you like.
When interpreted in this way, the outcome is rather messy and foreign to the music of Rore.
Have a listen to the computer playing this interpretation.
In other four part madrigals where hemiolia maggiore is used,
it is used in all the voices at the same time,
and the effect of two simultaneously sounding meters does not occur.
While it is definitely possible that Rore meant this confusing effect,
and in this way wanted to express the suffocating feeling of "legato e preso", tied and captive,
there is yet another possible interpretation.
In some sources it says that
when such hemiolia is not applied to all of the voices at the same time,
the notes with the hemiolia should be "squared" into the meter of the piece.
It could very well be that this is what Rore intended,
and that his singers knew exactly how to do it.
This solution does not take anything from the word painting,
as ligatures are still used with the word "legato", tied.
This is the solution I prefer.
Check the footnote for more information about this phenomenon.
Now we arrive at the most fascinating point in the madrigal
which exhibits two extremely peculiar progressions:
first on the text "privo d'ogni piacer", deprived of any pleasure,
and immediately after on "pien di tormento", full of torments.
On the word "piacer" there seem to be a cadence:
there are bassizans, tenorizans, and cantizans.
But because of the way it is composed,
there is no possibility of adding a ficta to the cantizans
and making this progression truly a cadence
This quasi cadence without a leading tone is very unsettling,
but quite fitting to the words: "deprived of any pleasure".
Its continuation is even more unsettling:
on the words "full of torments", as there are some very harsh suspensions.
Their harshness is, if you will, doubled
because they appear both in the canto and alto, sixth and fourth
The first time it even exhibits a major sixth, which is very harsh.
But the thing that really "stings" our ears
is the tenor voice that clashes with the other voices.
Normally, if there is a suspension of a sixth, it is in place of a fifth,
so the fifth is not taken by another voice.
Or if the suspension is a fourth, it's in place of a third,
and then the third will not be taken by another voice.
But in this case, during the suspension of the sixth and the fourth, the tenor sings a fifth.
This is probably the harshest note it can assume on that moment.
The next note is as bad,
as the tenor is on the third while the alto is still sustaining its fourth.
Rore demonstrated how many "torments" he can express with only four voices,
but we are not quite finished.
What happens on the next bar is almost bizarre:
If we only look at the bass, it seems as if it is making an authentic cadence to E.
However, an authentic cadence to E is not really a possibility in the 16th century.
This would necessitate the tenorizans to be altered from f to f-sharp,
as well as a d-sharp in the cantizans.
Two things that are not at all part of the standard musical vocabulary of that period.
In another episode we showed that even in Monteverdi's times, half a century later,
he used authentic cadences to E only twice in his Orfeo,
and then only with very good reasons at extremely harsh moments.
But going back to Rore,
in his canto part he touches the f-sharp, the note that might have been a tenorizans,
but then, together with the tenor part,
runs away and disappears into nothing on the next strong beat.
The alto, which could have been theoretically a cantizans if altered to d-sharp,
leaps down a fifth, making it impossible for it to form a cantizans close.
The listener is left feeling disappointed and confused,
thereby entering into the depressing mood of the last line of the poem:
"I stay alive yet my life is extinguished".
Here Rore uses a typical phrygian melodic line: mi fa mi la sol fa mi.
While normally lines end and relax on strong beats,
this line always finishes abruptly on a weak beat,
giving expression to the idea that something has been extinguished.
Then, and as was common in this period,
there is an exact musical repetition of the last lines of the text.
In this case it is welcome, as it will allow us a to listen again
to the sequence of unusual and interesting progressions.
Now we only have to discuss the very end of the piece.
Very often, the final progression of pieces in phrygian modes
do not display cadences according to our definitions,
and conclude only with a plagal progression where the lowest voice moves from A to E.
This is also what happens here,
but it all goes very quickly and abruptly, and the bass and tenor end alone.
Rore took the idea of life that is spento, spent or extinguished, to an extreme.
It leaves the listener without the resolution he or she seeks,
just like the speaker in the poem.
Let's listen to this last part of the madrigal
Assuming that you are not asleep by now, thanks for watching,
I hope you enjoyed it!
Many thanks for my colleagues at Profeti della Quinta for their singing
and for Giovanna Baviera for her recitation.
Don't forget to check the special page on our website
with all the footnotes and other extra information.
Feel free to comments, share, and like. See you next time at Early Music!
The Real Reason Why Kate And Prince William Can't Hold Hands - Duration: 2:12.
Ever wonder why Kate and Prince William are rarely seen acting lovey-dovey in public?
Well, apparently there's very real reason for their lack of PDA.
While there are the occasional candid shots of the two being in physical contact with
one another, they mostly tend to keep some distance between them in public, and there's
a reason.
Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton follow the lead of his grandmother, Queen
Elizabeth II, who has long set an example for how royals should behave in public.
The queen, who has rarely been photographed smooching her own husband, Prince Philip,
has kept things very professional during her long-lived reign, treating her royal status
less as a birthright and more as a job.
As such, she and her "co-workers" can't just go around holding hands with their significant
They need to keep it together and get work done.
As body language expert Robin Kermode told the Daily Mail:
"The Queen rarely holds hands with her husband in public and this seems to have set an unwritten
precedent for the other royals."
So, when William and Kate are out performing their royal duties, they're not just a couple
- they're also representatives of the British monarchy.
And they need to act like it.
"I felt very, very, very privileged, yeah."
Plus, it's obvious that William and Middleton love one another and don't need to demonstrate
the seriousness of their relationship to the world - they've had three kids together and
seem to be genuinely affectionate for one another even without holding hands in front
of the public.
As Kermode put it:
"They do not seem to feel the need to prove their love – particularly when on official
state business.
They come across as a strong, independent couple and while they are always on show,
they do not feel the need to 'show' their love for each other to the world."
Perhaps unfairly, William's younger brother, Prince Harry, has a little more leniency when
it comes to getting flirty with his lady love and new wife, Meghan Markle, as he's currently
sixth in line to the throne and likely won't ever be crowned king.
It's worth noting that there are no set rules about showing affection in public for the
royal family.
So, we may still see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge getting cozy in the future, depending
on the occasion.
For example, it's perfectly acceptable for the couple to act lovingly toward one another
after welcoming a new addition into their family, as the two were spotted holding hands
while leaving the hospital with their third child, Prince Louis, in April 2018.
At the time, William was also photographed putting his arm around his wife as she cradled
their newborn.
If there's ever a time to sidestep protocol, that was it.
Thanks for watching!
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GM Korea factory to close after 22 years in operation - Duration: 0:34.
After 22 years of operation, GM Korea's factory in Gunsan will close tomorrow.
Part of an agreement reached by the Korean government and General Motors on how to rescue
GM's local subsidiary.
After the auto giant announced on February 13th... its plan to shut down its Gunsan plant,
the local community and the South Korean government tried to push ahead with their plan to get
the factory back online.
Unfortunately such efforts came up short.
The factory will officially shut down on Thursday.
However, it hasn't been operating for almost three months since the closure was announced.
Why it isn't crazy to believe in Unicorns! - Calista - Duration: 1:02.
The Right Candidate for the Vampire Facelift®, and Why it Can't Replace Surgical Facelifts - Duration: 6:29.
The Vampire Facelift has gained a lot of attention for its somewhat controversial name.
The term "vampire", being associated with a youthful appearance by using your own blood.
The term can be confusing, particularly the word facelift which should be clarified.
I'm Dr Amiya Prasad.
I'm a Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon and Fellowship Trained Oculofacial Plastic & Reconstructive
I've been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.
I've been a member of the Vampire Facelift Network for many years, and I've been a
resource for media periodically when question arise about the procedure after someone famous
brings attention to it.
It's important to clear some misconceptions about this procedure.
The most common misconception with the Vampire Facelift is that it can actually replace a
surgical facelift, without surgery.
This is not the case.
A surgical facelift lifts descending tissue and skin upward, while tightening the muscles
below facial tissue.
I generally perform surgical facelift for patients about 60 years and older who have
significant signs of facial aging and tissue descent.
The procedure called Vampire Facelift as practiced by trained and certified members of the Vampire
Facelift network consists of 2 elements.
The first being a single syringe or 1 cc of a hyaluronic acid filler such as Restylane
or Juvederm to elevate from the underlying bone or soft tissue to enhance areas such
as the brows tear trough, or cheeks.
Dr. Runels who invented this name and procedure explained that the lift is the tissue being
lifted outward as opposed to a surgical lift which is more upward.
The second component of the Vampire Facelift is the use of platelet-rich plasma, or PRP
which is derived from your blood, hence the Vampire name.
PRP is harvested from your blood, which is first drawn like it would be for a routine
lab test.
To concentrate the PRP, the blood is spun in centrifuge, separating the heavier, red
blood cells from the clear, yellowish plasma.
The plasma is rich with blood platelets, hence the name.
Platelet-rich plasma contains a host of wound healing and growth factors, which are needed
when you have a cut.
These same factors can be used to improve the skin from by using the same wound healing
elements to build collagen and improve blood supply.
PRP can also be made into a thicker form with a gel-like consistency by adding calcium,
which makes it to a more viscous form called platelet-rich fibrin matrix, or PRFM.
Essentially, you're improving appearance by adding volume with a hyaluronic acid filler
and improving skin quality and luster with PRP.
There is also a well established benefit from combining hyaluronic acid with platelet rich
The Vampire Facelift as a procedure by itself is best for people in their thirties and early
This is a time when facial volume loss becomes more significant along with changes in the
A surgical facelift is more suited for significant skin and tissue descent seen in your 60s and
In between, when the face has significant volume loss, but limited skin and tissue sagging,
I recommend a volume enhancing procedure called Structural Volumizing.
This involves placement of longer lasting fillers at the level between the bone and
overlying muscles.
The Vampire Facelift doesn't involve any significant recovery or healing time.
Patients can feel and appreciate benefits of immediately.
The benefits of PRP will be ongoing for several months afterwards.
The Vampire Facelift is considered a "lunch time procedure", and patients often return
to work right after.
Closing: The Vampire Facelift has created greater awareness of the benefits of PRP or
platelet rich plasma for more youthful skin which when combined with the volume enhancing
benefits of hyaluronic acid filler can help the right candidate look better.
It is not an alternative for a surgical facelift nor is it enough for more significant facial
volume loss which would require more cosmetic filler than a single syringe.
I hope you found this information helpful...thank you for your question
Summer heat, heavy showers in the south _ 053018 - Duration: 1:41.
Hello I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.
It was hot today, and the air cleared up, but smog will flow in this evening, so you
should have your masks ready.
It was sunny all afternoon in Seoul, but Gangwon-do and the southern provinces have been getting
some showers due to instability in the atmosphere.
Those showers will bring down between 5 and 20 millimeters along with thunder and lightning.
Tomorrow, we start the month of June,... and it's going to be hot under a scorching sun,
so apply a good amount of sunblock and don't stay out for too long because the UV and ozone
levels are going to be shooting up.
The morning of June 1st in Seoul will begin at 14 degrees Celsius.
Daegu starts at 16, and Gyeongju at 15.
As for the day time, Seoul tops out at 27 degrees, Gwangju hits 28, while Busan looks
a little cooler at 24 degrees.
Get ready for summer because the mercury won't be coming down much anytime soon.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
What Happens When You Eat 40 Teaspoons of Sugar a Day for 2 Months - Duration: 3:01.
This is what happens when you eat 40 teaspoons of sugar a day for two months
at some point in even the most vigilant health nuts have probably wondered what would happen if they ditched their clean meeting diets
and started eating like the rest of the western world of how much weight would you actually gain have and more importantly
how crappie would you actually feel
Australian actor and Director Damon Gama decided to find out and Chronicles the results in his new documentary
that sugar film opens in selected U.S. cities July 31 and available on I2 owns the and more at fat suber
for 60 days gamma abandons his pay Leo style diet for one that packs 40 teaspoons of added sugar per day
the amount that mirrors the intake of most Australians
that twist none of the sugar can come from expected sources like candy cookies
or other treats instead
gamma has to get all of his added sugar from packaged foods that are widely considered to be good for you
think serial granola bars fruit juice
flavored yogurt frozen meals or any of the surprising foods that list sugar as the first ingredient the story that unfolds feels a lot like
2000 fours super size me gamma in lists a cadre of experts to track his weight cholesterol
liver function and more
at the start he's healthier than average and his docs all issue the usual warnings that his experiment isn't just crazy
it could be dangerous exactly how dangerous
though is anyone's guess
which is part of the reason why even though you sort of know how this story's dinner and you can't stand to look away while gamma's
sugar fed belly balloons at nearly the same rate as his pregnant girlfriends who sticks to her clean eating ways throughout
seriously there's no way you won't cringe when you watch him dump spoonfuls of the sweet stuff onto a plane chicken breast to illustrate
just how much sugar is in the package chicken meal and then taking a cloying
crunchy bite and when you see the 17 year old kid whose daily mountain dew habit means he needs to have 26 teeth pulled and wear
dentures for the rest of his life you kind of want to cry
which is why in the end that sugar film lot just leave you feeling really good about your own diet it'll leave you feeling sad
kissed off and kind of shocked as to how big food still has so many people fooled about the
garbage that their eating and getting sicker and sicker as a result
Usopp draws Jolly Roger of Straw Hats | One Piece 18 | Multi-Sub | HD | #124 - Duration: 2:21.
Foolish pirates.
You'd knowingly attack the invincible fleet
commanded by Captain Usopp-sama of the Going Merry?!
Attack them, men! Attack!
C'mon, you guys. Show some interest in other people...
All done!
Look! A pirate flag!
Now that Usopp's joined and we have four people,
we need to have our own mark!
That's our mark?
Whadya think? Nice, huh?!
A pirate flag is a symbol of death. A symbol of fear!
I do sense fear, though... Fear of your talent.
Wish you would've told me first!
Don't forget about me, the gifted artist!
Gifted artist?
I've drawn graffiti on walls for 50 years straight!
When it comes to painting, I'm in a league all my own!
Awesome! 50 years?!
That means he's an old man now!
Not only that, he must have 5 or 6 grandkids by now!
That's awesome, too!
Alright! Behold this work of art!
Who told you to make your flag?!
I guess that's more like it.
Wow, it's pretty good!
Yeah! It's good! I like it!
So this is our mark...
Alright! Usopp! Draw one on the sail, too!
Alright! All done!
Now the Going Merry pirate ship is all set!
N. Korea, U.S. still have wide gap in views on denuclearization of Peninsula: Unification Minister - Duration: 0:43.
South Korea's unification minister says...
North Korea and the U.S. still have a wide difference in views on the denuclearization
of the Korean Peninsula,... but it's possible to narrow that gap.
Meeting with the EU ambassadors to Seoul on Wednesday,... Cho Myoung-gyon said... even
after Pyongyang and Washington agreed to hold a summit,... they weren't well aware of each
other's stances and therefore had some temporary ups-and-downs.
But Cho said President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un are both taking part in
the ongoing discussions with a top-down approach,... raising the possibility that the two sides
could find some middle ground.
The minister added... the Seoul government thinks it's best to strike the deal at once...
to sort out North Korea's denuclearization and the U.S. guarantee of regime security.
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