What a crazy first episode welcome to The Bachelor highlight show and we're coming to you live from Nick's a Los Angeles, California
Before we get into tonight's highlights. Let's check back with the winning couple from last season ari and Becca. Oh,
Wow, it's beautiful
Excuse me once again
Mrs. Becca, yeah a little more, okay
Well, I don't know if that was just confusing or boring
Let's get right into tonight. If you keep things off Becca gets words of wisdom from past bachelors girl
You got to keep it 100 lot bad stuff that's happened in this place. So I've brought some sage to cleanse
No, y'all. I brought some sage. We're into more than that
Whatever guys I brought a doobie
Who would ever go on this show
So many great looking guys tonight. Let's take a look back at some of our favorites. Hi Becca, I'm Colton
I have a charity for cystic fibrosis. I love dogs and I'm a former professional football player. So basically I'm
What do you think you know, Becca
There's an old
Real-estate term that we use in the biz. I
Always put 20 down. Those are some great looking men, but our absolute favorite and we didn't think this was possible makes Robbie Hayes
Look masculine our favorite
Jordan the heartbeat of a gentleman noisy shoes water
It's a slob of a gentleman the skin of a gentleman obviously suit coat and a feel that connection with someone
I feel that tangy feeling I just rattles around in my head right where my brain should be
Things really good crazy when he's wearing a suit. Oh
Do you don't even look at me? Dude? Don't even don't even look at me. Honestly, I will never date you
Chicken suit
Skin of an idiot. He's going all the way
Setting the franchise record for quickest to the right reasons
Hey, man, I heard you here for the wrong reasons I'm here for the right reason I heard you were here for the wrong
I'm here for the right reason seriously made. Why are you here? Let's get famous. Oh, thank god Vito and
With the most intense cringe of the night. Here's Jay. Just look it's been a really transformative year for me
I stopped drinking Jager bombs socially like you're not drinking anymore. I stopped drinking Jager bombs. I said I want to get to know you
Like this isn't working out look I don't want to force it but I'm gonna force it
I don't know if you know this about me but I want the most romantic guys I've ever met
Tune in next week, we'll be covering the first shark attack in bachelor history
Nick Viall, Dean Unglert and Jared Haibon give their parody recap of Becca's season of The Bachelorette 2018. Subscribe to our channel for more exclusive content from Bachelor Nation!
For more infomation >> Nick Viall's Bad Chiller Highlight Show #Episode 1 | The Bachelor Insider - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
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Estrenos Reggaton JUNIO 2018 - Reggaeton Mix 2018 Maluma, Becky G, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, Ozuna - Duration: 1:24:30.
Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
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Download new trap rap beat
The UAE Is Winning The War In Yemen | Yemen 11 - Duration: 4:30.
Hey there.
The missiles that keep raining down on Saudi Arabia make it clear that that country's
three year adventure in Yemen has been a complete failure.
But the Saudis have an ally that's also trying to take Yemeni territory, and they
are not failing.
Today we are going to talk about what the United Arab Emirates is doing to Yemen.
Those who oppose the war on Yemen talk a lot about Humanitarian issues, as we should.
But in our last Yemen video we covered something we should pay more attention to, and that's
the way that the Saudi coalition's failed war on Yemen flagrantly breaks one of international
law's most important traditions.
It's basically a war of conquest.
Saudi Arabia's war of conquest is failing.
The UAE's is not.
You can find all kinds of interesting reporting that suggests that Saudi Arabia's Crown
Prince Muhammad Bin Salman is being manipulated by the UAE's crown Prince, Muhammad Bin
I don't know how much of that I believe, but if you look at the current map of the war
in Yemen it looks a lot more likely.
The Saudis are spending billions of dollars a month to get missiles dropped on their cities,
while the UAE is running off with some of the most strategic territory in the world.
The Saudis are focused on crushing the Houthis, who control most of the parts of Yemen that
aren't desert.
This conflict is a savage meat grinder, but the front lines haven't moved in a significant
way in years.
What's much more interesting is what's happening to the parts of Yemen the Houthis don't control.
Saudi Arabia and the UAE are supposedly allies in this conflict, but it doesn't really look
like that on the ground.
Saudi Arabia and the United States like to pretend that President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi
is in control of the parts of Yemen that aren't controlled by the Houthis.
This was never true.
He has spent the majority of the conflict in Saudi Arabia, and in January 2018 his forces
lost control of Aden, the supposed capital that the Saudi coalition had captured for
him in 2015.
But this president of nothing wasn't kicked out of Aden by the Houthis, he was defeated
by militias sponsored by the United Arab Emirates.
All the most useful bits of Yemen are beginning to look similar.
Each non Houthi province is run by a different, highly complex mix of groups, some of which
are sponsored by Saudi Arabia and some by the UAE.
In some provinces the different groups work well together, and in some provinces they
fight each other.
Saudi supported forces tend to dominate in the provinces where the fighting against the
Houthis is fiercest.
The UAE is playing a longer game.
Aden, which their forces now mostly control, used to be one of the most important ports
in the world.
When the UAE fights, it focuses on the coasts and Islands that sit on one of the world's
most important trading routes.
For decades now the UAE has been trying to set itself up as the crossroads of the world,
with ports airlines and commercial hubs like Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Some claim that they are interested in crushing Yemeni shipping competition.
The UAE may or may not be able to use this war to permanently take Yemeni territory,
but they are definitely trying to do so.
Recently Saudi Arabia has been pushing back against this a bit, landing troops on Socotra,
an island that the UAE took from Yemeni forces a couple months back.
But that's not the only Yemeni island the UAE controls, and they are also getting more
powerful on the coasts.
While Saudi Arabia and the US get more and more caught up in their unwinnable war against
the Houthis, the UAE is quietly building an Empire on one of the world's most important
sea routes.
That's not something that should be happening in 2018.
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Uomini e donne oggi: Giorgio lascia il programma - Diretta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:04.
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30 Great Ideas for Small Gardens - Duration: 3:43.
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The Championship
Talking Tom Pool Android Gameplay
Level 360-370
Diriliş Ertuğrul 120.Bölüm 2 Tanıtımı Altyazılı - Duration: 0:43.
U&D, Gemma e Tina fanno pace: ecco cos'è successo in studio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.
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Hill Climb Racing 2 НЕУДАЧНАЯ БИТВА БОССА и ТЕСТ нового авто Мультяшная игра про машинки гонки - Duration: 9:42.
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다시 찾은 태극마크' 김영권 "이제 정신 차려야죠" - Duration: 3:04.
✅ Nicolas de Tavernost (M6) : Son épouse accidentée, deux joggeurs percutés - Duration: 2:10.
L'information est révélée par Closer. D'après le magazine, l'épouse de Nicolas de Tavernost, président du directoire de la chaîne M6 depuis 2000, s'est retrouvée impliquée dans un accident de la route survenu dimanche 27 mai 2018 à Paris
Caroline de Tavernost était au volant de sa voiture dans le quartier du 7e arrondissement de la capitale, sur le pont de l'Alma, lorsque deux joggeurs ont été percutés par son véhicule
"Sur le point de s'arrêter à un feu rouge, Caroline de Tavernost a remis un coup d'accélérateur quand elle a vu le feu passer au vert
Gênée par la présence d'un bus sur la file de droite pour avoir une vue d'ensemble parfaite, la conductrice de 60 ans n'a pas vu débouler sur sa droite deux joggeurs en train de traverser", écrivent nos confrères
Si l'épouse du dirigeant n'a pas été blessée, le choc a été plus rude pour les deux piétons
Touchée à l'épaule, la femme a "atterri sur son pare-brise", tandis que l'homme qui l'accompagnait est tombé au sol, "heurté par le capot"
L'histoire ne dit pas si leur état a nécessité l'intervention des secours. En 2013, Caroline de Tavernost avait posé au côté de son époux sur le tapis rouge du Festival de Cannes pour la première du film La Vénus à la fourrure
Mariés depuis de longues années, ils sont parents de quatre enfants : Antoine, Sibylle, François et Marguerite
한동희의 '숙제 검사', 달라진 1군 무대를 만들까 - Duration: 4:16.
After Maryland Floods, Locals Ask 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go?' - Duration: 1:31.
I migliori esercizi per tonificare le gambe - Duration: 8:03.
Measure Cosmic Rays from your Desktop! - Duration: 8:51.
Every hour of every day, a thin cosmic rain of charged particles collides with the earth's
atmosphere, some of which eventually reaches the surface.
Until recently, observing and measuring cosmic radiation was the domain of physicists
in fancy laboratories.
But now, thanks to a group of scientists at MIT and the National Centre for Nuclear Research
in Warsaw, even a dork in the garage like me can be a citizen particle physicist.
Hey I'm Grady and this is Practical Engineering.
Today we're building a Muon Detector.
This video was sponsored by XOD - more on that later.
Behold the CosmicWatch Desktop Muon Detector - or at least the pieces of one.
This project was designed as an education tool for a "novice high school student,"
so I'm a little bit outside of my skill level.
But, who am I to deny you the incongruity a civil engineer soldering tiny components
to a circuit board while talking about cosmic radiation?
Before we get into the engineering behind the device, first we need to know a little
bit about cosmic rays (or at least our current understanding of them, because there is still
a lot of mystery behind their origin).
Spread throughout our galaxy, and indeed the entire universe, are stars.
On occasion, those stars explode creating supernovae, and when they do, they eject a
tremendous amount of interstellar material, also known as star stuff.
This material is traveling so quickly that it generates a shock wave of superheated plasma.
These shockwaves are believed to be the origin of most of the universe's comic rays.
The superheated plasma accelerates the particles to unimaginable speeds, and some eventually
reach the earth.
When they slam into the earth's atmosphere, they produce a slew of secondary particles
with crazy names like pions and kaons that eventually decay into muons that can survive
the trip through the atmosphere and even penetrate into the earth's crust.
Scientists observe and measure muons and other cosmic radiation to learn more about the universe
with fantastically complex and expensive equipment, but this detector opens that door to any student
or citizen with a soldering iron and a good magnifying glass.
As fun as it is to dive into particle physics, the coolest part of the CosmicWatch project
is the engineering.
The device uses interesting components and clever circuity to make it possible to detect
and count these cosmic rays.
And it all starts with the scintillator, a piece of plastic with a very special ability
to absorb the energy of a radiation particle and re-emit that energy as light.
As a muon passes through the scintillator, a burst of light is created.
It's not enough to see with the naked eye, but it can be detected by the attached photomultiplier,
which is essentially a super-sensitive solar panel capable of measuring even just a single
The photomultiplier converts the burst of light from the scintillator into an electric
But, this signal is extremely short - less than a microsecond - which is hard to detect.
The CosmicWatch uses an Arduino to measure the signal, but it can only take a measurement
about once every 6 microseconds.
You can see how easy it would be for the arduino to miss the Muon pulses.
So the CosmicWatch includes a peak detector circuit to amplify and stretch out the signal
so that it can be detected by the arduino.
This shot from the oscilloscope shows the output from the peak detector in yellow.
If I zoom in on the time scale, you can see how short the actual pulse from the photomultiplier
Once the arduino detects a pulse, it sends a signal to this LED to let you know.
The arduino can count the amplitude and number of pulses to measure the average detection
rate, it can record each pulse on a memory card, and it can even send the data over USB
to your computer.
I built two detectors, which makes it possible to measure the direction of a particle and
helps eliminate false triggers from other types of radiation.
When operated in coincidence, a muon is only recorded if it was detected by both devices
at the same time.
In this shot, the bottom detector is the slave which only blinks if it detects a muon at
the same time as the master above.
Now that the detectors are assembled and working, it's time to do some science, and there
is a lot of science that can be done here.
This is such a great educational tool, because the measurements are so simple.
Most of the experiments you can do are really asking the same question: does this particular
parameter affect the rate and or intensity of cosmic rays detected?
Spencer published some very cool experiments he used to test out the detector, including
how the rate changes at ground level vs. down in a mine and how much the detection rate
increases during a flight on an airline.
But, you know how much I like to make cool graphs, so I also designed a few of my own
experiments to test out.
First I know that Muon formation happens in the atmosphere, and I also know that some
atmospheric properties like temperature and stability change through the course of the
So I hypothesized that there might be a measurable difference in muon detection between day and
To test this out, I left the detectors running in the same spot for 24 hours.
I started the count at 6:30am when I left for work and reset at 8:00pm to leave it overnight.
The rates and measured intensities were almost identical, suggesting that, if there is a
difference in detection rate between day and night, it is only a small effect.
The null hypothesis prevails.
Next I wanted to test how the direction affected the detection rate.
You can leave these detectors blinking on your desk, but it's still hard to imagine
the cosmic rays passing through your personal space if you don't know what direction they're
coming from.
My guess was that most would come from directly overhead because it's the most direct path
through the atmosphere.
I set up the detectors one on top of each other for a day, then side by side for a second
My results agreed with Spencer's that the detection rate from side to side was about
half of that from straight up.
This chart shows the probability that a muon would exceed a certain amplitude, and you
can see that the measurements from the horizon had more low-energy detections than from straight
My last experiment, obviously, needed to be related to concrete because I said I was going
to keep making videos about concrete and then made a muon detector instead.
My hypothesis was that layers of concrete would provide some shielding and attenuate
the detection rate.
So, I left the detectors in coincidence mode running in my car and parked on a different
level of the parking garage at work for three days.
Measuring only the particles coming from straight up, there was a small but obvious reduction
in the detection rate for each layer of concrete in the parking garage above my car.
I love this project because it takes something that is not just invisible, but maybe unknown
to most people, and makes it so tangible and approachable.
If you're an educator, this is an awesome tool for exploring the scientific method because
the experimental design is fairly simple, the data collection is easy, and the subject
matter is fascinating.
Huge thanks to Spencer and the other folks associated with CosmicWatch who developed
this awesome device and helped me with this video.
Check out the link to their website in the description.
Thank you for watching, and let me know what you think!
Getting started in electronics can be intimidating at first.
If you're using microcontroller boards in your projects like the Arduino in the Muon
Detector, you not only have to learn about circuits but also about writing code.
With XOD, you don't need to be a programmer to use a microcontroller.
With its visual programming language and well-written tutorials, you can get started on awesome
projects with almost no learning curve.
Building programs visually with nodes makes controlling your electronics projects fun.
XOD is open source, and best of all, it's completely free.
To get started, go to XOD.io or just click the link in the description below.
Thank you for watching and let me know what you think!
Bucket List Cruise: The Panama Canal - Duration: 8:35.
I really enjoyed our trip through the Panama Canal!
I got up about 4 AM and went right out on deck.
And it was about 8 PM before I came back in.
I literally didn't want to miss a thing.
I hope this video did a good job of showing you what I saw that day.
I'm Jim Zim.
You'll find many other cruise ship videos on my YouTube channel...
As well as some interesting videos about the model trains that I like to play with when I'm not on a cruise.
These are a few suggestions of videos I think you might like.
Underground Temple Of Secret Rituals - Telangana, India - Duration: 4:28.
Hey guys, this is an ancient underground temple near Warangal Fort, it doesn't have a name
and is completely abandoned.
This is an isolated place and gets no visitors and is estimated to be at least 800 years
I am gonna take you inside the temple and we can see some very strange details and secret
rituals happening inside the temple.
The temple is located at the underground level, and there is only one side that this completely
open, and on all the other sides, it is totally covered with dirt.
It has a very low ceiling, and it gets lower and lower as we go into the main chambers.
What's really fascinating is that, this place shows evidence of strange rituals.
On the floor, you can see a lot of chicken feathers, alcohol bottles, and pieces of lemon
stuck on a thin rod.
Of course we can assume that some guys were just drinking and cooking here, but you can
also see religious items like saffron powder strewn all over the floor, and also matchsticks
and candles.
This means there was some kind of a black magic ritual performed here.
Locals say that a group called 'Kapalikas' gather here during new moon nights and indulge
in strange rituals including meat eating and drinking.
The term Kapalika means "Skull-Men", these people carry human skulls and are sometimes
even known to worship skulls.
Remember, I showed you the temple of crystal skull a few weeks back?
This temple is very similar in appearance to that one, and I think there could be a
connection between the two.
What's intriguing about this temple is that even though it is abandoned, it doesn't have
any bats, but is home to a lot of insects, here is a lizard and as we go into the main
chamber, we begin to see a lot of spider webs.
There are huge spiders all over the walls.
The entrances are very short, less than 5 feet.
This chamber has no deities, no idols and is completely empty.
The only fascinating part is the ceiling which has a nice spiral design.
But this temple has 2 main chambers and I am gonna go inside the next chamber and try
to identify what the main deity would have been.
You can see that the floor of this chamber is completely destroyed, but this broken uprooted
stone structure is actually a lingam.
So, this was definitely a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.
I wonder why these stone structures were completely demolished and why this temple was abandoned.
You can see rich paintings on the walls and the ceiling, and this must have been a very
beautiful place with lots of visitors, many centuries ago.
And I have already shown you these pillars, made of multiple blocks and how they were
joined in my previous video.
I hope someday, the government can restore this temple to its original shape.
Please share this video with your friends to spread awareness about abandoned ancient
I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching.
Don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates.
Please give this video a thumbs up and I will talk to you soon.
So WIll I - Duration: 1:01.
A business training exercise shows how people look at the same task in
different ways a line is drawn on the floor and one person stands on either
side of the line the purpose is to get one person to convince the other without
force to cross the line some players almost never convince one another to
cross the line but others simply say if you'll cross the line
so will I they exchange place as they both win this is a good illustration the
importance of cooperation as the world gets smaller and more complex there's
nothing wrong with compromise that benefits both parties not the compromise
of convictions but cooperation that makes an organization function well much
more can be accomplished if two parties are willing to help one another reach
their goals are you standing on one side of a line and insisting that people on
the other side cross to your side this moment in time is brought to you by
Clark Fowler electric visit us at Clark Fowler electric dot com or call three three
zero two six two zero nine zero six
Why I created Succeeding in Singapore - Duration: 2:53.
#7 of 7 Entrepreneurial Story Loops that Sabotage - "I don't have enough _____" - Duration: 6:43.
Hello, it is Jennifer Trask, Mindset Coach
for Driven Entrepreneurs.
And welcome to this video on the most popular story
that entrepreneurs tell themselves
that sabotage their success.
This is the seventh of seven stories that sabotage.
All a part of the Change Your Story,
Change Your Result series that is out now.
Use #CYSCYR to find them all 'cause they're amazing.
I left the most popular for last
'cause why not, right?
So what is it?
What is the most sabotaging story
entrepreneurs tell themselves?
You probably guessed it by now.
It is the very popular I Don't Have Enough Money.
Also known as I can't afford it.
I really wanted to dig into this one.
it's really popular
and it's really not true.
So, just like as we discussed
in the I Don't Have Enough Time
these are just belief systems.
They are not actually your reality.
Now, before I get a lot of comments,
but Jennifer look at my bank account,
I really don't have the money.
We will address this, don't worry.
Hold tight, I'm coming.
But here's the thing.
As you continue to say yourself
like I don't have enough money, I can't afford it,
I want to do this, I want to do that
but I just don't have the money, I don't have the resources.
As you continue to tell you this story
that will continue to be your experience
because as we know we create our own reality.
And the more we tell ourselves things,
the more the universe says, okay, keeps giving us things
that reinforce the story we're telling ourselves
which is the sabotage loop
which of you haven't seen the video
you can use #CYSCYR to find it.
But I digressed.
So here's what happens when you keep telling yourself that.
The coach you want to hire, the next course you want to do,
you want to go to that networking event.
All this stuff that costs money,
that will help you grow your business,
you don't do it.
Now this is the problem,
because you need to invest in yourself
in order to grow your business.
here's something I want
if you're telling yourself this,
here's a suggestion to turn this around.
I'm not negating that sometimes there's something you want
and you actually can't afford it, okay?
So, let's say there is an event you want to go to
and you got to get on a plane and hotel
and buy the ticket and all that stuff.
And maybe you just don't have the money.
I want to challenge you to do two things.
One, get creative and ask yourself,
well, how could I afford this?
And then two,
even if you can't do that thing right now,
what can you do?
Because oftentimes, there's a lot of things you can do.
It might not look exactly like what you want to do.
But you can do it, it's right in front of you.
But because you're in constant
I can't afford it, I can't afford it,
you can't even see all the things that are in front of you.
Now the other thing is,
if you're watching this, you're an entrepreneur
which means you own a business, which guess what?
You sell things.
And what happens when you sell things?
You get income.
So, oftentimes it is never about your actual resources.
It's how resourceful are you willing to get.
Now, here's the thing.
If you allow the I can't afford it
or I don't have enough money objection
to keep stopping you from building your business
and getting the things you need
in order to help you grow your business,
then you've got other stuff going on.
That's just the bandaid cover up,
to make you feel better in the moment,
to help sooth the see I can't afford it if this doesn't work
and the story you're telling yourself
when ultimately, this has more to do
with fear around growing your business for whatever reason.
So, I really want you to explore this.
it will perpetuate itself if you don't stop it.
And the reality is there are countless number
of amazing entrepreneurs
who have built amazing businesses starting
with nothing or even negative.
Like I started my business in the negative.
I just finished MBA school
and had a really nice debt I owed the bank.
And then I invested in my business so then I had even more.
But I am not a rare case, this happens to so many people.
Yet people continue to move on and thrive
and get resourceful and grow businesses.
So, if this is a story you use on a consistent basis
or even sometimes, I want to let you know that
that's hiding something deeper.
And that's the thing you need to get to.
And that's why I am doing this series.
Because I want people to be able to realize
oh, okay, I better dig into this thing
that's it actually covering up.
And if you want help with that,
this is all about helping entrepreneurs change their stories
so they can change their results, you got to message me.
'Cause I have something good for all the entrepreneurs
who are ready to make change.
And who wants some support doing it
because change takes a bit of time.
And you need to become aware of the things
that are holding you back.
That was one of the goals of this video series.
To see what actually was holding you back.
And that's what we're going to dig into in this program.
So, make sure you message me
so I can tell you more about it.
And you can stop these stories once and for all
so you can go out there and be the catalyst
for change you came to be.
And get the results you want.
Have the business that you want.
Because it really is only
a perspective shift away.
Alright, now that's it.
Be sure to share this video with someone if you liked it
or you think that they can benefit from it.
And comment and let me know if you can relate to this
I don't have enough money story.
Alright, thanks for being here.
Oh and we'll see you in the next video, there's more coming.
Use #CYSCYR to find out more.
The Future is Better Than You Think - Peter Diamandis | #TomFerryShow - Duration: 23:48.
- Do you believe that right now
is the single greatest time in the planet
to be alive and doing what you do professionally?
If the answer is yes, you're going to love this interview.
(light music)
Hey, welcome to the Tom Ferry show.
Today, I'm doing something very special.
I had a really good fortune of spending some time
with Dr. Peter Diamandis.
Now, you may or may not have heard of this guy.
He is the founder of a thing called the X Prize,
extraordinary foundation, as well as the author
of two amazing books, Abundance and Bold.
You've heard me talk about him,
especially if you see me live in the last 12 months.
Today, I call Peter a friend and a mentor,
and what you're about to be exposed to
is what Fortune Magazine calls
one of the 50 greatest leaders of our generation,
someone that is an exponential thinker, out of the box.
And I get him to relay 100% of all his strategies
to you and your business.
So, get ready to have your mind be expanded
and enjoy my interview with Dr. Peter Diamandis.
Alright, so I'm super excited guys.
Dr. Peter Diamandis, pleasure Peter.
Thank you so much for being here.
- A pleasure, pal.
- So for the people that have never been exposed
or read your two books which I've been
promoting forever aggressively,
who is Dr. Peter Diamandis?
- So I'm someone who believe we're living
in the most extraordinary time ever in human history.
I focus on the exponential technologies
such as computations, sensors, networks,
AI, robotics, 3D printing, blockchains, synthetic biology.
All of these technologies that are
really creating this extraordinary world we're in.
And I think we're constantly barrage
by negative news I call
CNN: The Crisis News Network, you know that?
And it's true, we're bombarded by negative news,
because every news agency is vying for attention.
They're job is deliver our eyeballs to their advertisers.
And at the end of the day, if you look at the actual data,
we're living during the most peaceful time
ever in human history.
Over the last hundred years, the per capita income
for every nation in our planet is tripled,
the lifespan is doubled, and doubled again,
the cost of food is dropped 30 fold,
energy is dropped a hundred fold,
transportations thousands of fold,
communications millions if not billions of fold.
And it's amazing.
I mean, just think about what each of us
has on this device, right?
It's like the world's knowledge.
Millions of dollars of capabilities
to a video conferencing, books, libraries,
everything we want on this thing,
and it's just awesome.
- So why do you think,
and I mentioned to you that,
you guys have heard me say this before,
that in many cases, the entire real estate agent
is based upon this fear:
owners are afraid managers are gonna leave.
Managers are afraid their agents are gonna leave,
and agents are afraid that buyers
and sellers are not gonna buy.
So the vast majority of our listeners
are very growth mindset,
like they're the kind of people
that you want to work with, right?
They're fun, they're energetic,
they're thinking about the future,
but someone's watching this right now
that's probably in the state of panic,
and they hear you say that this is
the most extraordinary time of the planet to be alive.
And they're like, he doesn't understand my problems.
What do we say to that person
that may get them out of that thinking?
Do you have any data, any stats?
- Yeah, so I mean, first of all,
everyone of us is more empowered than ever before
to solve our problems.
It used to be that if our problems
have gotten much higher lever, they're complicated.
But for example, now you can ask the world, right?
I guarantee you, the problems that you have
are not only your problems,
that there are other entrepreneurs
or real estate agents around the world,
and you can find out how they've solved it
if you take the time to go and ask.
So that's the first thing.
There's actually more capital flowing
than any time ever in human history,
massive amounts of capital, right?
Some people might be knowledgeable
and thinking about cryptocurrencies,
but there'll be probably $10 billion
of initial coin offering, ICOs, capital flowing
and sovereign wealth funds
that nations are starting to invest in.
I mean, think about here in California,
who's purchased most of the homes?
It's been like expats out of China,
or out of Dubai, or out of Saudi Arabia.
So these, you know, money is flowing from around the globe
to quality real estate.
And at the end of the day, our tools that we have
to solve problems are higher quality.
We're gonna see artificial intelligence coming in.
I mean, I'll give you a vision five,
seven, ten years from now.
One of my favorite movies is Iron Man,
and when you see sort of Iron Man with J.A.R.V.I.S,
this AI shell that he's speaking to,
we're all gonna have our version of J.A.R.V.I.S.
We're gonna have this AI
that you're gonna give permission
to read your emails, listen to your conversations,
watch what you're eating, look at your blood chemistries,
all of this information,
and it's gonna be integrating this information.
And you're gonna give it permission
because it's going to analyze it
and help you all the time,
like I'm having conversations,
I want to remember what your kids names are,
your birthday is, and my AI will be able
to bring this up on my augmented reality googles or glasses.
But it's more than that.
You're gonna be able to have an AI
that is your intelligent partner
to say, you know, what do you think I should do here?
- How do we solve this?
- How do I solve this, right?
So think about the notion of how we've gone
from thinking about 'I need to go and look up a fact,'
and you'd hop on your car, drive to the library,
look in that old card catalog
try and find the book, and then there's maybe a chance
the library had the book that was large enough,
and you have to order it,
it will come to you, you read it,
and then you look at it and it's not in that book.
And today, it's couple of keystrokes
or better yet an audio conversation, you know.
And you've got the answer,
and not only do you have the answer,
you have a hundred variations of the answer.
And so we've demonetized, dematerialized,
and democratized access to information.
The next layer is gonna be adding access
to wisdom and knowledge on top of that information.
My business partner and friend, Ray Kurzweil,
who, you know, I brought A360 a number of times,
just brought a new Google product,
which is sort of talk with books.
And so they scanned and digitized and digested
a hundred thousand books.
And you can ask a question of any
of this hundred thousand books,
and the AI will look at all of those books
and find the best contextual answer,
and you can have a conversation with the author
in one sense in this virtual setup.
- Are you listening to this?
- So I want you to think about the notion that
an AI is gonna be your personal intelligent assistant.
And we're beginning to see that.
We see that with Alexa in the home right now.
- Alexa, exactly.
- And it's just moving so fast.
- Who was the company...
First off, I went to Abundance 360 and it was,
I said to you a couple of days ago,
the first opening session,
I could have walked away and I had an after work on.
It was extraordinary.
But then all of the companies and all the people
that you introduced us to,
they were just panning a picture, guys.
They were showing us this is how it's working,
3D printing, et cetera.
There was a company there and I can't remember the name,
but it was essentially take everything you know
and put it in the cloud
so people could access you.
- Yeah, Rival Theory.
- Rival Theory.
- Yeah, a friend of mine is the chairman of that company,
so they're working with Tony Robins right now.
I am excited about the company.
I wanna work with him as well.
So Tony is a perfect person, right?
He's got thousands of hours of video and books
and audio recordings, and so, an IA can effectively
digest your knowledge.
- Yes.
- And parse it, and then you
for your community the same thing, right?
And so imagine an audio version first
and a video version later
where someone can ask you, "Hey Tom, tell me about
"what I should do in this scenario,"
or whatever it might be,
and know that that AI representation of you
is able to deliver an answer at 99.99% accuracy
of what you would deliver,
unless it was a completely new subject
that you'd never commented on,
and then it'll interpolate as best it can.
- This is the most exciting time on the planet to be alive.
- It is.
- This definitely freaks some people out,
and a whole bunch will be watching this
six or seven times and share it with it
with their kids and their friends.
What about the real estate industry?
- Listen, the fact of the matter is
every industry is always changing all the time.
And if you're not changing with it,
if you're not trying to reinvent yourself,
then you're moving backwards.
And we've seen real estate change a bunch,
and we're gonna see, you know,
I believe in the next decade, we're gonna create
more wealth than we have in the last hundred years,
just to put perspective on it.
We're also gonna transform every aspect of our lives.
And will real estate industry change dramatically
in 30 years, 20 years, 10 years?
You know, it's somewhere in that period of time.
What are we gonna start to see?
We're gonna start to see AI become the agent best tool
and buyer's best tool.
We're starting to see the web,
but imagine the web 10x faster, bigger.
But I imagine a scenario where I'm gonna put on
my VR googles and there'll be a digitized home.
Now VR has been, virtual reality has been
in a doldrums and in the desert but it will come out.
The technology's gonna be getting better
and layered with AI.
But today, the idea of going and seeing a home
on a Sunday between one p.m. and five p.m.
and if you miss that window, it's a pain in the neck.
Eventually, I wanna be able to go and visit
the home at three o'clock in the morning
but have an AI version of you show me around.
But I wanna say what is does house look like
with my furniture in it and be able to see that?
- Turn the fire place on.
Can I see the neighbors?
- Right. - What's it look like
in a sunny day?
- If I invested $50,000 of landscaping,
what would that look like, right?
And be able to re-visualize it
to customize it to your personal needs.
And we're gonna see AI play a role.
We're gonna see virtual and augmented reality play a role.
We're gonna see blockchain play a role.
One of the conversations going on
in the blockchain community right now,
we'll talk more about it at A360 this year,
is how do you tokenize a piece of real estate
where, in fact, there are a hundred owners
of a piece of real estate?
And the ability to transact and sell
my hundredth share rapidly is an instant capability,
and people flowing into and out of that.
And at the end of the day, we're gonna have
to educate ourselves about these technologies
and utilize these technologies.
Yes, the basics will still be there.
Yes, a personal relationship,
yes, I just bought a home.
- Yeah, 'cause some of them,
wait a minute, am I gone?
- No, you're not gone for a while,
but let's be clear, eventually,
I think all of the every job will change.
It's not the next five years.
I think we'll start see inklings of this in a decade,
so 20 or 30 years, yes.
But at the end of the day, personal human relationships
are still critically important, right?
Yes, I just bought a home.
Yes, it was through an agent.
- You didn't use a robot.
- I didn't use a robot.
I did use whatever it was, Redfin out,
looked at it for the first time,
but it was a human that actually did all the paper work
and transacted it and made me feel comfortable
and all of those things.
Humans are important part of the equation,
though I'll be showing some technologies today
that make AIs look more like humans.
We'll see.
So listen, change is coming.
And there's a lot of other changes.
One of my favorite interesting impacts on real estate
is today, I live in Santa Monica,
and it's an expensive real estate area, right?
And I live there because I hate commuting
and my offices are exactly 12 minutes away.
Now, I could get two or three times the house for the dollar
if I was willing to commute an hour.
- Yes.
- I hate driving.
But autonomous cars are gonna change everything, right?
So my drive time in the future
may become my most coveted time,
because I'm meditating, sleeping,
catching up an emails as my autonomous car
is driving back and forth.
And then on top of that, we have all of the electric
flying cars that are coming online.
And those will make my hour commute
a 12 minute vertical takeoff, vertical landing trip.
And then there's Hyperloop.
- That, okay, do you remember,
I wanna say it was November, December of last year
pre-A360, I was able to ask you that question.
What about the person that's living in Nevada
who's gonna work in Orange County, California?
Hyperloop makes it...
How far away are we from that?
- Not too far away.
So Hyperloop, as you know, is this idea that...
Imagine a long tube where you suck the air out of it,
so it's a vacuum.
There's no drag.
And you put a passenger module in there,
and it goes on in electromagnetic rails, if you would.
It's levitated.
And the vision or the engineering models
are Hyperloop traveling at 1200km/hr,
faster than a commercial jet.
So instead of me going to Las Vegas airport,
going through TSA, taking off,
gaining altitude, landing, going through LAX,
which I hate, and then coming to my location,
instead, you go on to a Hyperloop
city center to city center.
And instead of a four-hour drive,
it's an 18 minute commute, right?.
- Isn't it just the modernization of trains?
- It is.
It's a modern day train
that is taking advantage of all the exponential technologies
at super high speeds.
And so, there's a test-track out of Las Vegas right now.
Richard Branson just came on as our chairman of the company,
and we re-branded it Virgin Hyperloop One.
So it's not a matter of if;
it's only a matter of when.
And so, you'll start to see even bedroom commutees
that are someone buys a large piece of real estate
and says we're gonna create a Hyperloop
directly into downtown LA or downtown Orange County
or wherever the case might be.
And we're gonna create 5,000 homes
and run back and forth.
And so you are a seven minute Hyperloop from work,
and you walk to work.
You walk to the Hyperloop and you walk to work.
It's a much more pleasant experience.
- The future just sounds so exciting.
- It is!
And we're living in it right now.
- Exactly, so back up just for, you know,
'cause now, there's gonna be a whole bunch of people
whose brains are popping
and I can't wait to read the comments on YouTube
and Facebook and anything else.
I'm gonna just shameless self-promotion here.
You need to buy these two books are read them.
I think I bought at least a thousand copy of these.
- So you're the guy who did that.
- Yes, that was me, yes.
You sold a thousand and five copies.
No, this sell gazilions of copies.
Take them just on a journey really quick about the X Prize.
- So the realization is we're alive
during a day and age where small teams can do
what only the largest governments
and corporations could do.
I grew up, born in the '60s,
grew up inspired by Star Trek and by Apollo.
Right, Apollo showed where we were,
Star Trek is where we're going,
and I wanted desperately to become an astronaut as a child.
And when I finally met a bunch of astronauts
and got to know that their chances of be...
They were one in a thousand applicants are selected.
And then even those who were selected
to become astronauts by NASA,
half of them have never flown,
because the flight opportunities aren't there.
I joked they're called penguins
because they've wings but don't fly.
And it's my such a passionate desire and dream
to open up space.
And I read one day that Charles Lindbergh in 1927
flew from New York to Paris
not on a whim but to win a $25,000 prize.
And I said, that's interesting.
So this Frenchman Raymond Orteig
put up 25,000 bucks for the first person
to fly between New York or Paris or Paris to New York.
Nine teams spent 400,000 trying to win
this guy's $25,000 bucks.
I'm saying that's brilliant.
You pay only on success.
And I said that's it.
I'm gonna create a prize for private space flight,
and that's the way I'll create
the private spaceships so I can go.
And I called it the X Prize,
'cause I had no idea who's gonna put up the money.
X was a variable to be replaced by the sponsors.
- I've heard this story exactly.
- Funny, right? - Yes.
- And so at the end of the day,
it took me the better part of a decade
to find the Ansari family who funded it.
We called it the $10 million Ansari X Prize
in Anousheh and Amir's honor.
And it drove 26 teams who spent a hundred million dollars
going after the $10 million dollar purse.
The winning team was a group called
Mojave Aerospace Ventures run by Burt Rutan,
backed by Paul Allen, built SpaceShipOne.
Richard Branson came in and bought the rights
to create Virgin Galactic,
and I've got a ticket to fly with Richard on his vehicle,
which will fulfill that childhood dream.
And so today, our question is,
what is a problem in the world
that's not being solved,
and how do we incentivize the world to attack it?
How do we incentivize more teams to go and make it,
make a dent in that universe,
bend reality to their will?
And so we've launched about $150 million as prizes.
$200 million are in the works.
We've got one that's, you know,
a few that are interesting for the real estate community,
one that we just announced as called the Avatar X Prize.
And this is all Nippon Airways, the Japanese airlines.
Amazing that they said,
"So what's gonna disrupt our future?
"And how do we, in fact, embrace it,
"inspire and use it, right?"
Here's the attitude of someone
who knows the future is changing,
but rather than just sort of let back
and let it happen to you,
how do you instead embrace it
and be the change and take advantage of that?
So instead of getting into an aluminum airplane
and flying some place, what's gonna disrupt that?
So we came up with the idea of Avatars.
Imagine a robot that I'm at home in my pajamas right now.
I'm not really here with you.
At home, I've got a VR goggles on.
I've put on a haptic suit,
and I occupy that robot.
And so as I'm at home looking around,
the robot here is looking around.
As I reach out to shake your hand,
it reaches out to shake your hand.
And at the end of the day,
I've effectively Ubered myself, my senses,
my actions into this robot.
And that will translate into a world in which
you know, everybody's got
one of these Avatars in their home.
If their plumbing is broken, a plumber can sort of pop in
and go and fix it.
A physician come in and look at you
ultimately for emergencies.
If there's a nuclear power plant,
the avatar can go in there.
If there's a burning house...
So it's that, kind of, how do we move,
get the right people to the right places
very rapidly, instantly at the speed of light?
- Okay, and if you guys think this is crazy,
what do you think GoToMeeting is right now?
What do you think Zoom Technology is?
And at A360, walking around and seeing the robots...
- Yes, beam robots.
- Right, beam robots cruising around
where I can be sitting in my office in New Port beach,
but my robot could be live in Australia
doing a talk for me.
It's coming.
- Or even Facetime, right?
- Exactly.
- It's free.
How awesome is that?
I mean, we tend to have like, "Oh my God, that's crazy.
"That will never happen."
And it happens, then we take it for granted.
I mean, that's just the way we're wired.
It's crazy.
- So if you give just kind of in closing one piece of advice
to these extraordinary entrepreneurs
in the real estate world,
what's the last piece of advice you'll share?
- So listen, you're mindset is your most important asset,
how you think the world is going.
If you're negative, if you're fearful,
what kind of investments are you gonna make
with your money and your time,
and how you're gonna grow?
Your mindset's key and then educate yourself is key, right?
How do you keep yourself abreast
at what the technologies are?
If nothing else so that you can start to,
when they become available,
you're one of the first agents to say,
"Yeah, I wanna experiment with that."
If you have a mindset which is so retrospective,
you're fearful of the future
versus anticipating and being excited about the future,
then how do you educate yourself?
Where do you go to find out
what's going on in augmented reality,
in robotics, in AI and so forth?
In fact, one of the communities I created,
and I invite your agents to consider it,
it's the abundance of digital community, right?
We've got the Abundance 360,
which is for CEOs like yourself
and it capped and it sells out to you in advance.
Abundance Digital is my community
of like-minded entrepreneurs, self-employed people
where I spend time everyday with them in the community
to educate them on what is going on here.
So that's a much lower cost option
about keeping yourself in an abundance mindset
and keeping yourself learning
about exponential technologies.
And they can Google Abundance Digital.
Okay, if you go to diamantis.com,
you can go there.
But I also got a ton of content and blogs.
You can sign up for free.
But it's about educating yourself, alright?
You are your mindset and your knowledge
is your most important asset.
And this is the most extraordinary time ever to be alive
for you, for your kids, for the world.
- Yes, yes.
Hey, well, I gotta say for everybody watching,
you're probably gonna wanna watch this
three or four times.
Go watch more of what he's doing on YouTube.
I mean, I've seen your Bold talk
that you did with Joe Polish probably 40 times.
That was the original inspiration to join A360,
so to my community, you know I love you.
I'm gonna keep bringing you people
that think differently, think bigger.
Buy and read these books ASAP, and thank you.
- My pleasure. - Appreciate it my friend.
- Thank you.
- Hey, thanks so much for watching
this interview with Dr. Peter Diamandis.
I can't wait to read your comments.
Post them below, and this maybe a show
you wanna send to a friend.
Maybe someone in or out of the business
who's a different thinker like you and I
who's interested in solving the world's biggest problems.
Hey, thanks so much for watching.
If you're like me and you know we need to be
at two to three great events a year
to keep the momentum in our business going,
click the link below and let's do together.
Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.3i LS 5-Deurs*Airco*Elek Pak*Nap*Netjes*Weinig Km - Duration: 1:11.
Seat Cordoba 1.4i Vigo - Duration: 1:08.
The design of Olympic Games Logos | Design Focus - Duration: 7:04.
You want your hosting of the world to feel worthy.
There are so many deliverables within the Games,
there are so many, that if you start thinking of that upfront,
you will be paralysed.
All we could think of was,
let's get everybody to agree on a agree on a mark.
Because that identity has to work on everything.
It has to be stitched, televised,
it has to be functional in every possible capacity.
The identity becomes the linchpin
for thousands of individual design projects.
It connects everything from the mascots
to the sports pictograms,
to the theme of the Games.
And ultimately reflects what the story is.
This emblem should be global look.
Not only a small, Japanese community kind of image,
because it's a history.
Olympic Games is a history,
for every country.
You want to promote your country,
but you also have to keep in mind
that this is a gathering of the world.
Too much ra-ra for your country needs to be played back,
just a little bit in it. But it still, at the same time,
needs to expose your culture.
And it still needs to talk to your own legacy
and your own heritage.
If you look at the Athens logo that was ultimately selected,
it was that crown of laurel leaves on the blue background.
It very much relates back to Greek culture.
It picked up on all those connotations and touch points
and really kind of helped people look at it and go
"Oh, OK. Well, it's not Switzerland."
Rio is a wonderful example.
People in a circle, holding their hands,
And at the same time
showing the mountain from Rio,
that is a symbol of the city,
and bring all this together in the colours of the country.
This is the essence of what a logo could be.
As far as Sochi was concerned
it's quite an interesting geography, where it is
the mountains literally come down to the lake.
And, actually, when you look at the final logo,
it is actually a reflection.
.ru was indicative of the that time we are in,
in terms of the Games itself were going to be
more digitally recorded than any other Games previously.
We needed to make sure not only that we were celebrating
the city itself in the mark,
but then the wider vocabulary,
which celebrated the patterns and the cultures of Russia.
This is where it became national.
For a lot of people, when we think of Mexico,
of course we think of great athletes
that were the stars of this edition,
but at the same time, we have in mind the emblem
and all that was created by Lance Wyman.
Ramirez Vasquez said,
"We don't want to do anything that looks like a Mexican
"sleeping under a cactus with his sombrero pulled down."
He said, "That's not Mexico now,
"and we want to develop a contemporary programme."
Now, growing up here in New York,
I didn't know much about... I know they had pinatas,
but I didn't know much about the culture at all.
So, the first week we spent
over at the museum of anthropology.
And when I started getting in touch
with the history of Mexico City,
I mean, it was amazing.
I was like a kid in a toy box,
It was just incredible.
Lance worked with other great Mexican designers,
and gave himself over to this entire culture,
and allowed it to sort of just flow through him.
And it came out beautifully.
There had been a tradition, in recent Games,
of doing a competition.
That's the route we took, where we basically
asked designers across the country and around the world
to participate and provided a brief about
what we wanted the Games to be all about.
This idea of welcoming the world,
and the warmth of Canadians,
was perfectly distilled into this emblem that we selected,
which was of an inuksuk.
Inuksuk being rock structures
that the Inuit people of the north used
as a means of communicating with others.
The Olympic committee in Barcelona,
they made the briefing.
The symbol or the logo has to represent the city
that's Mediterranean,
colourful, that is dynamic,
that has always believed in sport.
And I said, "OK."
I said, "Well, this is something.
"I don't know. It's a jump."
And I said, "OK, it's a jump.
"It's the jump that they want for Barcelona."
Barcelona wasn't known.
At that time, it had very little international influence.
So this is the launching of Barcelona as a city.
I love Salt Lake because the patchwork of the symbol
looked like an American Indian symbol.
You see a snow-capped mountain,
crossed skis,
you see a sunset,
you see a Native American symbol,
and you see in reverse, a snowflake.
And then Nagano.
It looks like a bursting snow flower
against a mountain top that was snow-capped.
And each one of the petals is representation
of an Olympic event.
A downhill skier, the luge, a ski jump.
But the other thing that was really kind of wonderful
was that, in many respects, it looks like a burst.
And Nagano is the home of fireworks.
At the closing ceremony, they were able to produce fireworks
that would burst out in that Nagano symbol.
With Atlanta, it was a 100th year centennial.
The symbol's a torch on one inspection.
When you look closer, you see the 100,
and part of the flame are stars,
which represent the athletes.
And the top part of the flame is a perfect gold star,
which reaches perfection.
The whole concept of what the Olympics stands for
is coming together and celebrating perfection
and achievement.
And being a part of that was extremely exciting.
The gold star,
the Olympic medal for the designer,
is seeing it happen,
getting it produced, being able to be a part of it.
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Lewandowska o trudach macierzyństwa: "Nad wanienką leciały mi łzy, zasypiałam na dywanie"
Dla Anny Lewandowskiej urodzenie dziecka stało się idealną okazją do powiększenia swojego biznesu o portal dla mam, na którym daje kobietom porady dotyczące wychowania dziecka, ubierania go i przestrzegania zdrowej diety.
Z okazji Dnia Matki na stronie Baby by Ann pojawił się wywiad z Lewandowską, który przeprowadziła Kasia Burzyńska.
Oczywiście rozmowa od początku do końca jest lukrowaną laurką pod adresem żony Roberta.
Czytamy w niej, jak silna, mądra i zmotywowana jest Anna pomimo wielu trudów, jakie niesie za sobą macierzyństwo.
Z wywiadu można dowiedzieć się m.
, że Lewandowska świadomie dbała o ciało przed i w trakcie ciąży, dzięki czemu urodziła naturalnie.
W porodzie pomagała jej też.
Matka Boska, której Anna ofiarowała swój stan błogosławiony.
Dowiedzieliśmy się też, że z powodu porodu Robert spóźnił się na trening.
W dalszej części wywiadu celebrytka opisuje moment, gdy po raz pierwszy wzięła córkę na ręce.
To było coś niesamowitego.
) Przytulałam ją, kangurowałam, później to samo robił Robert - wspomina Anna.
Lewandowska twierdzi, że urodzenie Klary jeszcze bardziej scementowało jej związek z piłkarzem.
Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy, że dziecko może złączyć dwoje ludzi jeszcze bardziej.
Klara wydobyła z nas ogromne pokłady miłości, umocniła nasze uczucia, teraz jesteśmy jeszcze silniejsi.
Więź matki i córki jest nie do podrobienia, najpiękniejszym naszyjnikiem kobiety są rączki dziecka, ale więź córki z ojcem też jest niezwykła i głęboka.
Klara jest córeczką tatusia! - mówi 29-latka.
Mimo że dziecko Lewandowskiej ma dopiero rok, Anna twierdzi, że jej córka jest uzdolniona muzycznie i już próbuje grać na flecie i pianinie, ma swoje ulubione piosenki, a nawet specjalnie skomponowaną dla niej kołysankę.
Odkąd dostała flet, próbuje na nim grać.
Podobnie jest z pianinem.
Jej ulubione piosenki to Mam tę moc i Możesz wszystko, lubi też Sylwię Grzeszczak, .
Klarcia lubi też, jak moja mama śpiewa jej kołysankę skomponowaną specjalnie dla Klary, przez wspaniałego kompozytora i przyjaciela rodziny, Andrzeja Krauze - z tekstem Ewy Żylińskiej - chwali się Lewandowska.
Następnie żona Roberta wyznaje, że po narodzinach córki była tak zmęczona, że słaniała się na nogach.
Nieprzespane noce, Robert grający co trzy dni.
Na początku nie miałam pomocy, często zasypiałam na dywanie, gdzie popadnie.
Byłam sama.
Bałam się, że ze zmęczenia zasnę przy Klarze.
Pamiętam jak po trzech tygodniach pojechałam na zakupy sama, nie było mnie 40 minut.
To był wyczyn! Nagrywałam przyjaciółkom filmiki, że wyszłam z domu.
Po zakupy spożywcze - opisuje.
Anna wspomina też traumatyczny moment, gdy musiała sama wykąpać dziecko, bo Robert pojechał na zgrupowanie.
Kiedy już to się stało, nad wanienką tak mi łzy leciały, tak płakałam, że Robert pojechał, że będziemy przez tygodnie same i że to on zawsze kąpał Klarę.
Bardzo mi było smutno.
Najgorsze jednak dla nas były nieprzespane noce.
W pewnym momencie miałam wrażenie, że chodzę na czworakach, nie wiedziałam jak się nazywm.
Dodatkowo dochodziły jeszcze moje obowiązki zawodowe i domowe - żali się.
Na szczęście posiadanie córki to nie tylko koszmar nieprzespanych nocy i łzy nad wanienką.
Anna twierdzi, że odkąd urodziła Klarę, ma więcej seksapilu.
Przy okazji zareklamowała swój portal.
Jak urodziłam, poczułam się bardzo kobieca, pewna siebie.
Okazuje się, że nie tylko mężczyzna dodaje kobiecie seksapilu.
Teraz prowadzę dużo warsztatów z budowania pewności siebie.
(.) Na tym fundamencie powstało też Baby by Ann.
Motywowanie, inspirowanie, pokazywanie, jakie jesteśmy wspaniałe, mądre i niezwykłe.
Przecież bycie mamą to urodzenie cudu bożego - mówi.
Anna pochwaliła się też swoimi metodami wychowawczymi.
Jest dzieckiem pełnym energii, cały czas uśmiechniętym, tańczącym, radosnym, wdzięcznym, że jest na tym świecie.
Wydaje mi się, że to jest zasługa naszego podejścia do niej, wychowania.
Postanowiliśmy sobie, że nie krzyczymy w jej obecności, wciąż się do niej uśmiechamy, witamy ją codziennie pocałunkami, więc i ona rozdaje pocałunki wkoło, puszcza oczka.
To jest takie dziecko.
Mam przeczucie, że Klara będzie miała jakąś misję w życiu - przepowiada Lewandowska.
Na koniec Anna dodała, że poród potraktowała jako wyzwanie sportowe oraz wyznała, że chce mieć kolejne dzieci, bo czuje do tego powołanie.
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How to Use Xero without Bank Feeds (Plus a Bonus Trick!) - Duration: 8:23.
hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder of catching clouds the leader in e-commerce
accounting today I want to show you how to use Xero without bank feeds I've
already done a video about how to use Xero with bank feeds but you know
sometimes you've got a bank that's from like the 1980s it doesn't talk to any of
the other tools out there so usually it's in like small towns local banks and
things like that but there is a workaround for actually working with the
bank even if there's no direct connection setup so I'm going to show
you how to do that first you're going to log into your bank
you're gonna go try and see if you can download the data because it's just
faster and easier if you go to download you'll get different types of files Xero
takes o FX q FX QB o Qi f and CSV in my experience if you can grab one of these
quicken or QuickBooks files it actually is going to go a lot faster you won't
have to do quite as much data manipulation in fact I don't think you
can do data manipulation you download it you import it and it works but I want to
show you how to use the CSV file because even if you download and here let me
just pop over here and do it so when you download this file it's gonna give you
dates and descriptions and amount you'll notice that all the expenses are
negative numbers and there aren't any positive numbers here if there was like
a payment or something like that it would show up as a positive number so
you just need to be aware of that the good thing about CSV files is you don't
even need to download it from anywhere you could just like pull open your Excel
program or Google sheets type in some information that you need into your
system really quickly and then download it as a CSV and pop it into Xero so
that's exactly what we're gonna do here you'll notice that all these dates the
years have four digits that is easier for the system to understand but we're
just going to take this raw thing that they sent over and we're going to import
it so so you can get here from either the
dashboard or you go to manually import statement or you can find a drop-down to
import a statement it all get you to the same place which is this screen that
says import bank transactions you can download a CSV template if you want to
but you don't need to because you you're gonna map where all the different fields
are gonna go so it doesn't really matter what order it's in and we're just gonna
go find that file okay so I found the file and I'm gonna import it and it'll
take you to a screen that's really pretty straightforward if you need help
you can look at their little getting started guide but here's basically what
you care about you want to record your transaction based on the transaction
date the description you might want as description or you might want it as
payee it kind of depends how the information downloaded actually I'll
just press description the only two fields that you really definitely need
are the amount and the date everything else is kind of superfluous it helps but
it's not necessary and actually if you have an account code and you've got a
tax type it does something super cool which you can see in this tips video
right here okay so after you've looked at this you can look down here and see a
preview here if the transaction is showing up as a debit and it's an
expense then you know you've got stuff going the right way if however this is
showing up as a credit and shows up over here you want to cancel this change the
signs on your CSV file and try doing it again
okay so in this case we're just going to import this actually and you can scroll
through and you can see how everything is going to come through just so you can
make sure that you like how it looks so when you hit save it's going to give you
a little window that says hey we imported everything and nothing was a
duplicate yay and you say okay and then once that happens you'll have exactly
the view that you would have if it was directly connecting to the bank and
pulling in feed from there okay so that's really
quick and easy let me show you one bonus tip
which will help you if you happen to have a CSV file so let's let's pretend
actually imma show you how to undo this - lets go to bank statements and go to
statements if you click on that it gives you a list of all the transactions let's
say you accidentally imported this twice we're just going to delete the entire
statement and it's gone and you can just start over so it's nice and clean and
easy like that but let's say when we went to import it all the all the digits
like all the signs were going the wrong way
okay I'm going to show you how to fix that okay so I went in this file I
changed all the signs so they're positive instead of negative that we're
importing this file again with the signs changed when we import it you'll notice
first of all it's going to entirely skip that screen with the mapping on it
because Xero already knows it says hey I've seen this file before I know how to
map stuff already because you already told me so if you're always importing
things in the same format then you can skip that step second thing I want to
point out is that all of the transactions are now showing up as
received money instead of as spent money as it had been before which makes sense
because we changed the sign so that's what you would expect but let me show
you one other thing so what happens if you import the statement and then you
realize after you've imported it oh I meant for the transaction or for the
description field to be the payee or you know something got mapped wrong well if
it skips that mapping field then you're kind of like uh what do I do
that's not good okay so I'm actually gonna go in here and delete what we did
just so that I can start over again and delete that entire statement all right
so let me show you what you need to do okay so here's your file actually I'm
going to change these back to what it was before just cuz I'm an
accountant and stuff like that bugs me this is fake data I'm not even using it
in the file but you know alright okay so what you want to do is you want to trick
the system and what we're gonna do is we're gonna switch the columns around so
that it thinks that it's a whole new file and I would recommend changing this
first column for sure I'm not exactly exactly positive how it figures it out I
just know like if I just move some stuff around it kind of blows its mind and and
things about it so okay okay I'm going to actually add in a new column here
with a new heading just to make it even more confused and there you go so shift
the columns around add in a new column maybe change the name of the headings
like just do do what you can to just confuse zero but if you just shift it a
little bit then it will redo the mapping and you can fix it and see it's back to
a debit thing right there so I hope you liked this video if you did please like
comment share if you haven't already please subscribe
catch you later
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