hello friends my name is esther and you are in the channel of esther and her world of crochet
let's make this blouse
my first advice is to visualize the full video before starting
can be made in any size
my recommendation is very small thread for 1.75 mm crochet
I have used Egyptian cotton number 5 for crochet 2,5mm
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we started
The first thing we have to do is measure the outline of the body as wide as we want
we give you 30 more chains than we need
We make 3 chains that correspond to 1 high point
in the 4th 1 high point
we make a total of 3 high points
from here 3 chains
we jump 4 points and we make 5 high points
repeat this sequence 3 chainlets jump 3 points and 5 points high
we do it until we have the width that we need
I have my 90 cm
the round ends with 2 high points
you see that I have left over these points we leave them like this and continue
we put straight and close in the 3rd chain with 1 slipped point
we will always start with 3 chainlets
and always on each high point 1 high point
in the second round 2 chainlets 1 low point and 2 chainlets
we repeat 5 high points 2 chainlets and low and 2 chainlets
we close with 1 slip stitch and start with 3 stitches
point on point
2 cadentas 1 low point and 2 chains 5 high points
these 3 laps are the ones that have to be repeated now we would do the first
repeat the 3 laps until opting for the length that we want
I have given a total of 7 laps
we always finish on lap number 1
5 high points and 3 chainlets
let's change the drawing
this is what we are going to do
two points at the same stitch point and two closed stitches together by jumping 1 stitch
it's easy now I explain it
we start with 3 chains and at the same point 1 point high
from here repeat
1 chain jump 1 point
1 high point unfinished jump 1 chain 1 high point unfinished and close together
it remains like a V the other way round
chain we jump 1 point and we make 1 point 1 cadenta and 1 point in the same point as if it were a V
we repeat 1 chain and one (V to the reverse) and 1 chain and a V
we repeat
is to repeat until the end
we always have to finish with (V to the reverse) if it is not like this
we close with slipped point
turn 2 of this drawing
now we are going to see it
always start all the same 3 laps 3 chains and 1 point at the same point
at the next point 1 point
we make the (V to the reverse) in the chains
in the V at the point 1 point and in the chain 1 point 1 chain and 1 point 1 point in the following
we repeat
one (V backwards) in the chains
in the V 1 point at the point inside the V we make another V and 1 high point in the next point
we give the whole round
now it is to repeat these two laps
we finish and we always start the same
Now the spin 1 chain we jump 1 point and the next 1 point unfinished we jump 1 point and 1 high point unfinished we close together
1 chain, jump one point and in the next we make the V 1 high point 1 chain and 1 point in the same
always the V goes inside the V
now the (V to the reverse) goes on the (V to the reverse)
Repeat these 2 laps until the length you want
I have given 11 laps
I finished with lap 1
let's start another drawing
we are going to make 5 chain arches we jump 2 points and in 3º we make low
One thing that you have to keep in mind is that the number of arcs has to be multiple of 6
there must be either 36 arcs or 42 or 48 or 54 etc. you have to adjust to give you multiples of 6
first I have divided into 2 so that in this section of multiplo of 6 and then the other side seemed easier
I had to adjust for each part
in some I have jumped 2 points in other 3 to adjust
finish at the point of departure with 1 slip point
we started with the drawing of the pineapples
we go with points slid to the center of the arc
3 chains and in the same arch 1 point high
we jump a bow and at the low point we make 1 stitch 3 stitches and 1 stitch
we jump 1 arch and in the next arch 2 high points 2 chains and 2 high points
in the next arc we start with the pineapple 2 high points 2 chains and 2 high points
2 chains 1 low point in the bow 3 chains 1 low point in the next arch and 2 chains
in the next arc we start with the pineapple 2 high points 2 chains and 2 high points
the center of the pineapple we jump 1 arc and in the low point we make 1 high point 3 chains and 1 high point
we jump a bow and in the next we close the pineapple with 2 high points 2 chains and 2 points
this is to repeat
now we make the 2 chainstones the low point 3 chains the low point and the 2 chainstones
we always end up with 2 points and 1 high point
in this way we always leave from the center
we always start with 3 chains and 1 point
1 chain and where are the 3 chains 7 high points
This is the center of the pineapple 2 chains and a fan of 2 points 2 chains and 2 points
to go to the next pineapple we make 2 chains and low point in the next arch and 2 chains and we start the next pineapple
We start again the first time at the beginning a range of 2 points 2 cadentas and 2 points
in this round in the center of the pineapple 7 high points
we finished the pineapple with a fan 2 stitches 2 stitches and 2 stitches
to separate the pineapples 2 chains 1 low point and 2 chains
all the laps are finished with 2 points and 1 high point in the 3rd chain
third round 3 chains and 1 point to start the pineapple
in the center of the pineapple 1 chain 1 point, 1 chain 1 point ........
we make a chain and finish the pineapple with a fan 2 points 2 chains and 2 points
just in this round we started the next pineapple
just repeat the whole pineapple
4 turn
I have already started the fan and in the center
we are going to make bows of 3catenetas and 1 low point in the hole of the chain
We finished with 3 chains and 1 fan
to separate from the next pineapple we make 1 chain
from the 5th round the center always works the same 3 chains 1 low point etc .....
will vary the separation of the pineapples
the first round of arcs were 5 now will come out 4 the next 3 the next 2 .....
this always the same
we close with the fan
the separation in this round is 1 chain as the previous one
I have been advancing the pineapple is always the same work each round will leave us 1 arc less
in the 4th and 5th rows we separated with 1 chain
in the 6th 2nd chain and in the 7th chain 3
in the 8th round 5 chains 1 low point and 5 chainlets
we are on lap 9
we make the fan 3 chains 1 low point and 3 chainlets
and we close with the fan
and from here to move on to the next pineapple always 5 cadentas 1 point under 5 cadentas 1 point under 5 cadenetas
for each round we will get one more bow
return number 10
we make a fan and the next fan we have already closed the pineapple
to go to the next 5 chains 1 point low .......
turn 11 in the fan 2 points then 2 chains and 2 points in the next fan
and we separated with 5 chainlets, 5 knots of chain ...
we finished round 11
with 1 sliding point in the 3rd chain
we go with points slid to the center of the chains
We went up with 3 chains and 1 point we started again with 5 chains 1 low point .....
and between the high points 2 high points
this round will be to pass the tie if you want more width you do it in double high point
we are going to make 2 points in 1 arc and 1 chain and 2 points and 2 chainstones repeated this sequence
1 time we make 1 chain and another chain 2
we ended up with 1 slip point
we start with the drawing above
It is very simple
round 1 1 chain 1 low point at the same point
we make 1 chain and in the 4th point we make 2 high points 1 chain and 2 high points
1 cadenet in the 4th point 1 point low
reptimos 1 chain at the 4th point a 2 points 1 chain 2 points and at the 4th point 1 point low
We finished with 1 slip point
these fans have to be even numbers and then distribute them
the even turns are worked by the reverse we rotate
we start with 3 chains and 2 high points in the same point
the drawing is done the same but in another position
we make 1 chain inside the fan 1 point under 1 chain and in the low point 2 points 1 chain and two points
we repeat
all the laps are going to be the same, starting in a different way
we are going to work one lap of the right and the ota of the reverse
one round starts with low point and another with 3 high points
to the length you want
we are going to make neckline and cuff
I have put marker in half separating front and back equal parts
paraa divide sleeve with a marker on each side of 1 drawing
from the marker we attach thread
1 chain and we start with the fan we go to the other marker
we are already reaching the marker
I finish with 1 point low
we turn and we go with points slid to the center of the fan
we have another decrease now we work normal to the other side
we are reaching the end of the turn
we arrived alone until the center of the fan with 1 low point
for me the armhole is enough if you want to keep decreasing you go again with points slid to the center of the fan
I do not want more decreases so from here on, go straight
we started with 3 chains and 2 high points and we continued normal
we are already finishing the lap and we make 3 high points
I from here do the neckline when you want
we count the arcs
if they are odd you have to leave in the center odd number and if they are even in the center number even
I'm 9 so in the center I leave 3
I go straight with 1 low point and continue the round
I have reached the marker
I finish with 1 point low in the score
we will always finish with a fan and 1 point low
when we go we will go with a slipped point to the center of the fan
remember in the straight armhole and neckline to decrease until we have 1 fan
we reptil the decreases
in the straight armhole and in the neckline decreases
when we are left with only one fan it is to continue straight
I already have only the fan
now all the laps 3 chains 1 fan and 1 high point
repeat until you have the length that we need
let's do the same thing on the other side and the back is the same
we have sewn the suspenders and we are going to make an edge
3 chains are made and 2 high points in the same point
I knock it down and adjust it to the point we make 1 point low
we repeat 3 chains and two high points we knock it down and 1 low point
it is very simple and my pretty we will give all the return and also in the contour of the armhole
we are already at the end of where we started we are going to go down
remember that at the beginning we left these chains unmade
This is a good trick because we do not have to count strings
in this way I do not have too many chains or lack me and I do not have to start over
Carefully, we undo
with a lotooooo careful and one
in the third chain one
Let's do the same thing we did when we started the pineapples
remember that we started doing a round of 5-chain arcs and multiple arcs of 6
I have done 5 laps as above
let's close the pineapples separately
now 3 chains 1 high point 2 chains and 2 high points
the center points are the same as above
and we finish with the fan
we turn and we go with points slid to the center of the fan
do not squeeze much the deliquested points
we repeat fan the center of the pineapple and the fan
we repeat rotate and slip stitches
we are closing until the end
let's do this in all the pineapples
we close with 3 chains 1 high point and 2 high points in the next
we will do the following and all the same
Termination work satisfied with the work
it's easy, you just have to be careful
the beauty of the work is all the drawings that it takes
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more information in the description of the video
the next you will love being attentive
a kiss I wait for you in the next chao
For more infomation >> crochet blusa ligera verano 2018 how to do blouse ( with subtittles several lenguage) - Duration: 59:35.-------------------------------------------
Últimas noticias de Catalunya, Quim Torra y Puigdemont - Duration: 3:55.
Chiqui afirma en 'Socialité' que el Maestro Joao y Luismi tienen una relación... - Duration: 3:08.
Sinusitis maxilar: síntomas y tratamiento - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 8:52.
Hidroxicloroquina: indicaciones, contraindicaciones y efectos secundarios - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 7:37.
¿Qué puede causar visión borrosa y cómo tratarla? - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 8:51.
Reportaje de Innova+ (Vocento): Nuevo RGPD, en el corazón de los datos de acens - Duration: 3:22.
Patrimonio de Hinojosa del Duque, Córdoba - Duration: 1:05.
Amigurumi doll hair tutorial - How to attach doll hair - Duration: 10:19.
Hi, dear crocheters!
How are you? My name is Fernando
welcome back to GanchiGurumi.
I don't know if you sometimes attached hair
to your amigurumi one by one
with small knots.
If so, you surely noticed it is so tiring
and the work is really slow.
So today I'm showing you how to attach the hair
at the same time you crochet the head.
This way you also avoid the knots
that are so bothering.
You'll see how useful this method is
to work quickly and save time.
Ok, let's begin!
This was all!
You've seen it is so simple
to crochet and attach the hair
at the same time.
You just need some patience and practice
to get used to fingers work! LOL
As always, I'd thank you if you Like this video
and share it in your social media.
Don't forget to follow me in mine
to see all my pics and projects.
Subscribe to my channel and set notifications on
in the little bell below.
Thanks for watching and
see you in the next vid!
Rahola pierde los formas a gritos con Sardá en la radio catalana: "¡No jodamos!" - Duration: 2:31.
GOODBYE Lill-Babs: Livslånga vännernas sista farväl till Lill-Babs - Duration: 2:34.
Sebastian Yatra Grandes Exitos 2018 - Las Mejores Canciones De Sebastian Yatra - Duration: 1:14:30.
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How to use our miniscanner - Duration: 1:31.
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Thanks for watching.
Doda i Emil Stępień na imprezie dla celebrytów. Ale czułości! - Duration: 2:18.
Uomini e donne, la scelta di Sara: il pianto dopo le dure offese | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.
U2 - Best Of U2 - Best Classic Rock Songs Of U2 - Duration: 2:04:41.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
꿈' 이룬 이승우, 행복했던 A매치 데뷔전 - Duration: 4:45.
狠心拋棄張衛健後,嫁豪門卻隱忍老公偷吃12年,如今51歲越來越美! - Duration: 3:41.
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Birthday Song for Mahesh
Birthday Song for Manu - Happy Birthday Song for Manu - Duration: 2:04.
Birthday Song for Manu
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이청용, 엉덩이 타박상…훈련 참여 여부는 미정 - Duration: 2:33.
U&D, la scelta di Sara:ecco quando viene trasmessa su Canale 5 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.
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Seat Ateca 1.4 EcoTSI 150pk Xcellence + Technology2 + 18 inch + Alcantara - Duration: 1:10.
Tragedia przed ślubem Meghan Markle i księcia Harry'ego! Zginął na miejscu! - Duration: 2:36.
Doda i Emil Stępień na imprezie dla celebrytów. Ale czułości! - Duration: 2:18.
Crazyflie 2.0 - Autonomous Systems I project - Duration: 2:11.
Take off!
Clear rotors, taking off!
Identify chair!
Target acquired!
Land on chair!
Runway in sight!
Threat identified!
Threat neutralized.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Panoramic Automaat G3 - Duration: 1:11.
[MMD Undertale AU] jump in de CaAc ft. Cross Sans (Original Motion) - Duration: 0:21.
I got a gun
No more Inks
Ink Gotta die
Wake up with no--
I can, I--
Baby bEaNs
Join yo PENis and !@#$%^&*
*scp 4000 - Cross Sans the Skeleton - Object Class : Keter - Special : Ear Rape*
in de CaAc~!
복길엄마김혜정 이승을 떠나다...사람들은 슬퍼! - Duration: 4:32.
Citroën C3 1.4i-16V X-TR - Duration: 1:07.
Honda CR-V 2.0i-16V LS - Duration: 1:03.
[MV] Jane Jang(장재인) _ Seoul Noir(서울 느와르) - Duration: 3:29.
The words you threw as if you spilled them
They often shoot me
Bang bang my heart
While I'm bleeding
You kiss me noir love
Oh I ah ah ah bang bang
I'm so mean I know it
Again I ah ah ah bang bang
When I shoot you again
You'll spill your love
Tell me you're crazy about me
That you can't hold me
So you want to shoot me
You hurt me again
Cupid's on my side
It's hovering I blow your mind
The relationship with people as we pass by each other
Everything is in vain um
Bang bang my heart
While I'm bleeding
You'll leave me noir Seoul
Oh I ah ah bang bang
It's so in vain you know it
Again I ah ah ah bang bang
When I shoot you again
Got in slow motion in raw
Tell me I changed
Different from the beginning
I'm going crazy
You hurt me again get high
Cupid's on my side
It's hovering I blow your mind
Against people and distrust
I'm surviving
I doubt you
Even if I try
The words you threw as if you spilled them
They often shoot me
Bang bang my heart
While I'm bleeding
You'll leave me noir Seoul
Financial Conditions in the US. | Juliette Declercq Expert View | Real Vision - Duration: 2:50.
And what it does to the Fed, is they don't have to worry about growth anymore, because
there is a sort of Trump's foot on the economy.
The problem is that it sort of creates a vicious circle, where if equities go up, you have
real rates going up as well, and now the dollar going up as well.
One thing I really recommend this year is to be very tactical, not be married with any
So I'm Juliette Declercq.
And I founded JDI Research about three years ago now.
The company is a niche, macro, top-down research company, which helps institutionals and high
net worth investors to make decision using my macro background.
My particularity is that I'm a trader at heart.
And, basically, it's a trader writing for traders.
So the simple answer to that question, and one of my motto at JDI Research, is that better
a good chart than a 10-page waffle.
So I'll put out my first chart, which shows financial conditions and SPX.
And you can see on that chart that there's been a clear breakdown between financial conditions
and SPX.
And the reason for that is a great shift in the Fed's reaction function, which is actually
due to Trump, and Trump's fiscal package.
What I mean by that is that now the Fed sort of knows for sure that growth is going to
be sustained in the next two years.
There's going to be a bit less than a 1% fiscal impulse this year, and a bit more than a 1%
fiscal impulse next year.
And what it does to the Fed is that they don't have to worry about growth anymore, because
there is a sort of Trump's foot on the economy.
The issue is what they have to worry about now is, firstly, the fact that inflation is
now on target.
And, secondly, what some are calling this mandate, which is financial stability.
So we've move to a regime where the Fed was sort of worried about whether reflation was
sustainable, to a regime of fear against inflation, and what may come up next, and also the third
mandate, which is financial stability.
The issue with worrying about financial stability is there might be a different mutual rate
for the mutual rate that is basically going to stop Wall Street from continuing higher,
and the mutual rate that is basically related to the real economy, which balances investment
and savings.
So as the Fed, when you're trying to now go from targeting this mutual rate, which is
unfortunately probably much higher than the economy's mutual rate, you will end up backfired.
This will basically end up backfiring on the Fed.
The problem is that it sort of creates a vicious circle, where if equities go up, you have
real rates going up as well, and now the dollar going up as well.
And that is self-defeating, and basically causes the equity risk premium to move up,
and financial conditions to tighten again.
And if equities go down, the issue is that I think we've all sort of understood now that
the Fed's line in the sand, as far as the equity market is concerned, is a long way
down the beach.
So that means you probably are moving to bear market to really see a federal lend.
So the bottom line is that the trade this year is real yields going higher.
So the way I envisage the end of the cycle is instead of seeing the sort of normal, optimism-driven,
blow off top in equities, I think we're going to see a blow off top in real yields.
驻云南武警某部火力中队开展迫击炮实弹射击训练 - Duration: 3:11.
Citroën Nemo 1.4i Multispace - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:12.
Kia Picanto 1.0i-12V ISG First Ed. 5-Drs ECC Cr.Control Navi+BT 14"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:12.
中国两艘航母能与美国一艘超级航母对抗吗? - Duration: 13:18.
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol 5 persoons - Duration: 1:05.
日本准备用此军事基地与中国别苗头,只因发生了这两起事件 - Duration: 11:14.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I BLUE, AIRCO, NL, BOEKJES, SPORTIEF ... TOP ONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:08.
Hot weather, showers expected _ 052918 - Duration: 1:48.
Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.
It's definitely cloudier than yesterday but the UV rays are just as strong.
Under the hot weather, the unstable atmosphere has created rain clouds that will shower sporadically
over the northern part of the nation.
There won't be much rain, but I suggest you have an umbrella handy.
The UV rays will be strong again tomorrow,... and in the urban areas, the ozone concentration
will also greatly increase.
In fact, there was even an ozone advisory issued in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province
today, so try to stay indoors during the peak hours.
The nation will have similar readings Wednesday,...
Seoul will wake up to 16 degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Gyeongju both start off at
18 degrees.
Seoul will top out at 24 degrees during the day, Gwangju will hit 27, and Busan will peak
at 25 degrees.
Clear and hot weather will continue for the time being.... and on Friday as we head into
June,... the daytime temperatures in Seoul will rise even higher.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
Want to Lower Baby's Risk of Allergies Here's What to Feed Him! - Duration: 2:05.
Want to lower babies risk of allergies here's what to feed him
like exercising regularly and getting more sleep eating fish is one of those get healthy tips that were reminded of daily if some magazine
article isn't singing the omega three praises of salmon then our doctors are encouraging us to throw some nutrient rich sardines into a solid
it's enough to make your eyes glaze over I know mine do but according to an article on Boston.com new research may just be enough
to convince us to finally put fish on our family's dinner table more often
a recent study of 4000 babies in Sweden found that eating some fish in infancy
especially before nine months may lower your child's risk of food allergies
acts Maya asthma and hay fever by a staggering 25%
and that decrease is long lasting researchers saw that it was still present in kids who are well into adolescence
now all my first thought when I read that was
allergies or not there's no way I could have coaxed my baby into keeping that many fish tacos
but it turns out a little salmon or tile AP or pollack goes a long way
researchers saw the Lauer Driscoll of allergies in babies who only had two fish meals a month and number a I can come for doubly manage
one thing to keep in mind before you hit the grocery store
fish contain toxins like mercury
so choose one's low in mercury
like salmon catfish trout soul hunt Ailey be a and stick with FDA recommended serving amounts 812 ounces a week for you have and
to three child sized portions a week for your baby
Pikmi Pops - Out Now
✅ Kim Kardashian defende o marido sobre ter abandonado obra de caridade - Duration: 2:46.
Há alguns anos, Kanye West deixou o amigo e rapper Rhymefest cuidando da organização sem fins lucrativos Donda House Inc
, fundação em homenagem à sua falecida mãe, que ajuda a financiar a juventude carente de Chicago
Agora o rapper acusou Kanye e Kim de terem abandonado a causa, e não ter mais brindado apoio à organização
Kim não aguentou as acusações e foi ao Twitter criticar Rhymefest e defender o marido: "Você tem a audácia de usar o nome da mãe de Kanye para tentar lançar uma luz negativa sobre Kanye (
) Você está abusando do nome de Kanye e pediu a Kanye para doar para você, então pare com sua falsa política comunitária e mentiras
A verdade é que você não conseguiu sustentar a fundação.", acusou Kim. Ela revelou a verdadeira razão pela qual Rhymefest atacou Kanye: "Você estava tentando fazer com que Kanye ouvisse suas sub-batidas
", criticou, dizendo que Rhymefest está apenas chateado porque Kanye não o colocou em um de seus novos álbuns
"Você pensou que você era realmente digno de estar neste álbum", escreveu colocando emojis de gargalhada
Kim afirmou que sua família planeja tirar a fundação de Rhymefest: "É melhor você acreditar que vou fazer da minha missão tirar Donda's House de você e deixar meus filhos administrarem da maneira que deveria ser executada!"
O rapper respondeu às acusações de Kim e confirmou o que ele havia dito desde um princípio: "Ei @KimKardashian que bom saber de você
Aqui está minha resposta pic.twitter.com/dWvwZfr1b5". Na imagem compartilhada, ele publicou uma declaração escrita, na qual acusa Kim e Kanye de 'falta de interesse ou apoio' nos esforços da Donda's House
Ele também diz que Kanye recentemente procurou por ele para seu novo álbum e não o contrário
Evangelio de hoy, Martes 29 de Mayo del 2018 - Duration: 4:46.
Bruna Marquezine vai cair em desgraça nos próximos capítulos da novela 'Deus Salve o Rei' - Duration: 3:56.
【太鼓の達人】ドンとカッだけで譜面を当てるクイズ! - Duration: 12:22.
Rebeliom do Inframundo - #NOMIMOSPOLOREGHO (Prod. Movementss) - Duration: 3:40.
【MUKBANG】 Matsuya's New Spicy Cheese Potato Beef On Rice, Tartar Chicken..Etc [8Items]7000kcal[CC] - Duration: 5:55.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! a matsuya haul featuring 3 of their limited edition dishes
tarutaru chicken bento X 2 bibin bowl X 2
beef and cheese on rice X 2 and since they looked so yummy I picked up some
onion and beef bowl X 2
8 dishes in total the one that I'm excited about is this cheezy beef bowl
Their hamburger bowl with brown sauce that I had of theirs was super delish as well
meat and beef go perfectly together (yep... she probably meant to say cheese)
itadakimasu the cheese hardens right away so lets eat it first
these matsuya bowls often come with this black pepper
its not black pepper its black chili
Just look at this it looks so yummy The stuff in the middle is potato
cheese is the bestest
cheese and potato are a perfect pairing
slightly sweet and nestled in fluffy potatoes is this cheese..... its so yummy
meat is also so yummy as well
Since we have this meat it goes so nicely with the rice
matsuya's meat is so tender and with a nice amount of fat I totes love it so much
This salad came with the tarutaru chicken meal but whatevs I'll eat it now
tastes so good with rice as well
Second helping When cheese gets cold it gets hard right away
but since the potato is so fluffy its still very yummy
this meat is so good
next up is this tarutaru chicken meal
lets add some of this chili
the chicken looks so yummy
I love the flavor of the sauce on it the sweet and savory sauce goes so nicely with the chicken
And even has onion
Since there's so much sauce lets Pour it over the rice
The rice taste so good with the added sauce
next we have this bibin bowl this seems like its a callback menu item
The runny egg looks so yummy
burdock and kimuchi/kimchee/gimchee/kimuchee beef and spinach
all sorts of things are in here
looks so yummy
the spicy kimchee/kimuchi/gimchee is covered by the egg its so yummy
You're supposed to mix up this bibimbap
Get to taste all sorts of different vegetables its so good
last up is is the onion and egg bowl with beef
its got this egg on top
this one comes with black sesame
It smells amazing
The egg looks so pretty
I love the taste and Aroma of the onion it gives a nice fresh mouthfeel and taste
the egg really helps mellow out the flavors
Last mouthful itadakimasu
the one I liked the most was the cheezy potato and beef bowl
I love the flavor of potato and cheese together and beef bowls are so yummy of course
they're yummy on their own as well but its so awesome putting both of those yummy things together
the tartar chicken meal and bibin bowl were yummy as well It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try
And as always thank you for watching If there's anything you want me to do or you just please tell
me in the comments section below if you like this video Please set the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
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