The meaning of the word paranormal as you can probably guess relates to anything that
is above or beyond normal, things we can't explain or that defy scientific explanation.
When you see a movie that depicts household objects whirling about seemingly of their
own accord after four drunk teens got hold of a Ouija board, that's paranormal, as
is when some once-pretty girl in a white dressing gown with long black hair does a painful-looking
inverted crab on the kitchen floor.
But so are aliens for that matter, or those psychic mediums that tell you your long dead
Uncle Fred has it easy on the other side and he forgives you for stealing his collection
of rare marbles.
Today we'll look at some cases that still defy explanation, in this episode of the Infographics
Show, 10 most horrifying unsolved paranormal cases.
The Exorcism of…
If you are possessed by a demon, who do you call?
The Catholic Church of course, not Ghostbusters.
The church wrote the first guidelines on exorcism in 1614, and while these days it condones
looking for signs of mental illness in patients before strapping the victim to a bed and showering
them with holy water, exorcisms do still happen.
One of the most shocking cases was that of a young German girl called Anneliese Michel
(the inspiration behind the film The Exorcism of Emily Rose).
From 1975–1976 she underwent 67 exorcism sessions after revealing she heard voices.
Well, it's worse than that.
She crawled around eating bugs, and once bit the head off a bird.
On some occasions she drank her own urine from the floor.
She said she saw the devil and screamed most of the day, and she genuflected so much she
ruptured her knee ligaments.
She died from ill health after undergoing all those horrific exorcism sessions.
This is at number ten as it's almost certain she was mentally ill and not possessed, but
that's not really for us to say.
The Toxic lady This is the story of a woman called Gloria
In 1994, she was wheeled into a California hospital as she had been suffering from cervical
Only shortly after her arrival when staff were attending to her they noticed her body
looked very oily.
They then noticed her mouth smelled like garlic, or fruit, a weird smell they said.
On drawing blood, they saw little particles in it, and there was a smell of ammonia.
That's the moment one nurse passed out.
Others said they couldn't breathe, some had muscle spasms and in all five were hospitalized
– one in intensive care.
To this day no one knows what happened.
Was it mass hysteria or was it that the woman was emitting some kind of poison?
The Black Mausoleum This is the story of a mausoleum in Scotland
situated in a place called Greyfriars Kirkyard.
It's said to be one of the most haunted places in the world mainly because buried
in the mausoleum is a guy called Sir George Mackenzie, aka, bloody Mackenzie, a Lord who
was responsible for the deaths of many persecuted Presbyterians.
Next to his mausoleum is the prison where many of the victims died.
Scores of people visiting the sites have come out of the other end sometimes bruised, sometimes
burned, sometimes scratched.
Others fainted in there and some have been known to have broken bones on the tour.
In 2006, The Scotsman reported that there had been 450 documented attacks as well as
140 people who had collapsed.
Mass hysteria has been blamed again, but who knows.
Mass Dog Suicide Staying with Scotland there's a place in
the country just outside of Glasgow called the Overtoun Bridge.
It's been nicknamed "The Bridge of Death", because for some unknown reason dogs jump
off the thing.
At least 50 dogs have died on record after making the jump and another 600 survived the
They all jumped from the same spot, too, and always on a sunny day.
No one knows why the dogs would do this, but two theories have been put forward.
One, it's a ghost, or two, some strange smell makes the dogs do it.
Missing Girl Found both Alive and Dead This is the story of Little Pauline Picard,
a girl of two who went missing from her family farm in Brittany in France in 1922.
Her family searched frantically, but she was nowhere to be seen.
2 months later she was discovered wandering alone about 200 miles away.
The overjoyed parents did say the girl looked a little on the thin side and didn't seem
to speak Breton, but they took her home and life went on as normal.
Only a few weeks later a cyclist found a mutilated body near the farm, and next to it were the
clothes Pauline had been wearing when she went missing.
The hands, feet and head were missing from the body, and just close to it a man's severed
head was found.
Baffled police and locals had no idea what had happened, and the question everyone wanted
to know was who was the girl living with the family?
It didn't sit easy with the parents, who gave the girl to the Franciscan Sisters of
The Ouija Board You may have seen the recent Netflix Spanish
horror movie called Veronica, but you may not know it was partly based on a true story.
The police report said the case was a "a situation of mystery and rarity" and that
report was indeed real.
Known as the "Vallecas Case", it's a well-known story in Spain.
The story goes that an 18-year girl in Madrid called Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro had had
a séance at school using a Ouija board.
The seance was broken up but soon after the girl started to experience hallucinations
and seizures.
She said she was surrounded by tall shadows that followed her.
She later died in hospital, but it wasn't until a year later that police visited the
family home after the parents of the girl said strange things were going down there.
Indeed, three officers all said in their reports that they heard strange noises coming out
of nowhere, that a drawer opened by itself and that a crucified Jesus became separated
from its cross and began to drool.
It's one of few cases where police have confirmed what the victims said.
The Enfield Poltergeist A similar case was the Enfield Poltergeist
in the UK, when between 1977 and 1979 two sisters said something was haunting the house.
Many experts visited the house and said it was real, while others said the sisters had
quite cleverly made the whole thing up.
In fact, scores of people who visited the house – some official – said they saw
objects moving by themselves and they heard the children speaking in different voices.
Countless movies and documentaries have been made about this case.
One thing is for sure, if the girls did trick people, they must have been exceptionally
Amityville Amityville horror movies are not just a bunch
of movies based on nothing.
It's one of the best-known investigations led by Ed and Lorraine Warren, and a film
franchise that just keeps on giving.
The story is of the Lutz family who moved into a large Dutch colonial house in the area
of Amityville in Long Island in 1975.
What they found out just prior to them moving in was that a man called Ronald DeFeo, Jr.
had killed six of his family members in that very same house.
Apparently, they got a discount for that.
The new occupants soon began to see swarms of flies, welts appeared on some of the family's
bodies; they heard banging noises and members of the family would levitate.
Speaking of the time she was called in to cleanse the house, Lorraine Warren some years
later said, "It was absolutely horrible.
It followed us right straight across the country ... I will never go in the Amityville house
ever again."
The family didn't stay anyway, they moved out of the ostensibly haunted house after
28 days.
They let it be known about some of things that they experienced in the house – that
was similar to the movies – but said some details were too frightening to speak about.
The Mothman We apologize if you may have heard of many
of these stories, but the fact they have been made into movies is only testament to how
interesting they are.
The mothman was a creature of unknown origin that was seen by over 100 people in a town
called Point Pleasant in West Virginia in the mid-1960s.
This thing, described as a large bird or moth with wings, with some man in there too, was
seen a lot just before Point Pleasant's Silver Bridge over the Ohio River collapsed
in 1967 and killed 46 people.
It's also been seen in Chicago, with 21 sightings in 2017 alone.
Maybe it got bored of the south.
One woman was walking her dog and said she saw a "large man, probably 7 feet or taller
standing on the ground.
It was solid black, but what really stood out were the large, and I do mean large pair
of wings that were folded behind him."
A man working at Chicago International Produce Market described a thing with bright reds
eyes that he and his friends saw.
"I looked up and saw the biggest freaking owl I have ever seen!
I'm 6-foot, 2-inches, and I'm guessing this thing was at least a foot taller than
me," he said, adding, "It stood there for a minute or two staring at everyone before
shooting up into the sky and disappearing."
Multiple witnesses saw the same thing, which certainly is strange.
The Twins We'll finish with a very different tale.
The story is of two girls, Jacqueline (11) and Joanna Pollock (6), who both died in 1957
in Hexham, England, when they were hit by a car while they were walking to church.
The driver of the car was a woman who had decided to kill herself after being separated
from her own children.
She took a large quantity of aspirin and phenobarbitone and went for a drive, hoping to crash or overdose.
The sad irony is that she took two young lives.
The devastated parents prayed for more kids and two years later they were given two twin
girls that they named Gillian and Jennifer.
Halleluiah, a miracle it seemed.
One of the twins shared the same birthmark and the other had a birthmark where one of
the deceased sisters had a scar.
Apparently, the parents said both these girls liked the same things the other girls had
liked, and knew exactly which toy was theirs (the parents kept some of dead girls' toys).
When they were taken back to their old house in Hexham (they had since moved to another
part of England) the girls recognized the village and certain landmarks, and even knew
their way around.
Some stories say the girls even had the same nightmare, about being run down by a car.
They were, it seemed, one and the same as the daughters that had died.
Then these memories just faded as the girls got older.
Nonetheless, many have said this could be proof of reincarnation.
A Dr. Ian Stevenson wrote about the case in detail after spending a lot of time with the
You can see what he said in his book, "Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology
of Birthmarks and Birth Defects."
Tell us what you think about all these cases in the comments.
Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
For more infomation >> Missing Girl Found both Alive and Dead - The Most Horrifying Unsolved Paranormal Cases - Duration: 12:55.-------------------------------------------
Sen. Jeff Flake Offers More Empty Words But No Trump Stopping Actions - Duration: 1:12.
Obviously ordering
investigations is not a
legitimate use of presidential
>> Well, do you believe he's
abusing his power?
And, if you do, when does
that -- when does that get to
the point where you think
congress needs to do something
about it including potentially
looking at impeachment?
>> Well, let me just compliment
the congress in the last couple
of days.
The president had this diversion
tactic, obviously, with
so-called spy gate.
I don't think any of us were
referring to it in that way.
The congress, Republicans in
congress, said no.
To have a briefing like the
president wanted with just one
party was not right.
And so it wasn't just some of
the Democrats saying that wasn't
A lot of Republicans were saying
that as well.
So I saw the kind of pushback
that we need to have.
But it needs to happen more
When the president says things
that are just totally wrong,
it's the responsibility of
members of congress,
particularly those in the
president's party, to stand up
and say that is not right.
Truth is not relative.
And there are no alternative
Opel Corsa 1.0, 90PK, T. Color Edition ** Nieuw en Euro 3.500,- korting ** - Duration: 0:53.
Hyundai i20 1.2I I-MOTION AIRCO AUDIO 5DRS - Duration: 1:10.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 CHEER UP! BLUEMOTION 5Drs. - Duration: 1:07.
56歲杜德偉近照,嫌吳君如太胖而分手,娶小24歲嬌妻54歲喜得貴子 - Duration: 5:22.
說起杜德偉,大家都不陌生,他被譽為話語樂壇的「完美情人」,作 歌手,他一直都有著鮮明的個人特色,也一直扮演著潮流的先驅者、 驗者,音樂風格跨度之大無人能及。他用各種不同風格的歌曲,以及 時尚前衛的形象、叛逆不羈的性格,征服了一大批歌迷,至今受傷大 的喜愛
杜德偉,1962年出生於中國香港,1977年,高中一年級 杜德偉與同學組建了 Sidewalk 樂隊,杜德偉擔任主唱和 音吉他。之後,杜德偉連續兩年都參加了TVB主辦的第一和第二屆 業餘歌唱大賽」,都獲得了亞軍,而且還通過比賽認識了周華健,兩 也是建立了深厚的友誼
1980年,18歲的杜德偉遠赴加拿大求學,由於父親經商失敗, 道中落,他開始了半工半讀、自力更生的生活,憑藉著幾招三腳貓的 夫成了學校的「真人李小龍」,靠著教黑人同學「功夫」換來了學習 舞和說唱,並與黑人朋友共同組建舞團,四處參加表演
畢業後的杜德偉回到香港,在一家知名企業負責與美術和視覺相關的 計工作。 1985年,杜德偉參加了第四屆新秀歌唱比賽,他以 曲英文歌曲《Hello》擊敗了李克勤、周慧敏、草蜢等人,問鼎 軍
不過當時香港樂壇流行的是「痛苦男人」,唱的最多的就是苦情歌, 且加上當時唱片公司都比較保守,接受不了杜德偉的「超前」的音樂 格,於是即便拿了冠軍,人氣也是差了些。 而杜德偉一直都想堅 自己的唱跳風格,但是在當時的市場環境下,公司是不允許的
直到他第四張專輯裡的《夜班一點鐘》,才讓他如願以償的跳了舞。 說當時唱片公司認為杜德偉每次登台還要請四個伴舞,很不划算,所 並不支持杜德偉的唱跳風格。 1986年,杜德偉推出了第一張 語大碟《只想留下》,從這張專輯開始,他就在挑戰當時保守的樂壇 他也被香港媒體評價為「Yellow Soul」,即黃種人的靈 音樂
90年代初期,杜德偉和葉倩文合唱了《信自己》,當時的葉倩 也有西洋味,颱風大開大放,加上杜德偉靈動騷氣,兩人交相輝映, 以這首歌很受歡迎,並且獲得了1991年十大勁歌金曲獎
之後,杜德偉加入台灣滾石唱片,他才開始發國語唱片,不過剛開始 不輕易做舞曲。直到有次過年節目,他自己帶了四個舞者過去,表演 跳,現場反應超熱烈,滾石才開始鬆動,覺得舞曲也許是個不錯的嘗
而之後杜德偉遇上小蟲,算是讓他的事業更上一層樓了。199 年,小蟲創作了《鍾愛一生》讓杜德偉創下了極高的銷售佳績。當年 鍾愛一生》和可口可樂廣告曲《讓自己快樂》一併獲得為時下年輕人 喜愛的音樂作品,這也為杜德偉帶來了豐碩的名利,成為20世紀華 《西洋風》情歌史上唯一代表作,此曲風靡全台,成為男女訂情婚禮 唱的經典之作
之後,小蟲又為製作了全新 國語大碟《狂風》,該專輯在台灣地區 賣,創下了全亞洲銷售150萬張的響亮成績,專輯中《痴痴地等》 真的想你》以及《拯救地球》等多首名曲當時風靡一時,而杜德偉也 此被稱為「銷售天王」
1993年,杜德偉推出了《冒險遊戲》,改唱片曲風多元,有 展現歌手精湛舞技量身訂做的復古搖滾舞曲《GO GO CAT》 也有溫暖情歌《一起看月亮》。此外,《放一顆心》更是成為當季最 流行的深情傑作,而專輯銷量全亞洲100萬張,讓杜德偉穩坐歌壇 王的寶座,笑傲全亞洲
可以說在小蟲的幫助下,杜德偉一步步走向了事業的巔峰。小蟲 來說起杜德偉,也表示兩人就是惺惺相惜,杜德偉並不是原生的R& 歌手,是非常認真地學來的,而他聲音扁薄,靈巧迂迴,韌性超強, R&B謎之好聽
1999年之後,杜德偉推出的《情人》《跟著我一輩子》《脫 》都是紅極一時,主演的《第8號當鋪》也是在台灣創下了極高的收 率,在內地也獲得了成功。但是杜德偉卻在爆紅之時退出了娛樂圈, 至十年以後才推出了新專輯,不過反響卻很平淡,畢竟十年時間,歌 早已發生了翻天覆地的變化
而說起杜德偉的退出娛樂圈,只能怪他自己。2002年底,他在香 酒吧被臨檢警察搜出一支含有0.13克大麻的手捲菸,後以藏毒罪 罰4000港元。涉毒事件讓杜德偉人氣大跌,之後便漸漸沉寂了
杜德偉的事業還算是順利,而感情上卻是很曲折。在80年代末,杜 偉和吳君如傳出戀情,雖然那時候的吳君如還是個不出名專演「丑角 的小配角,但倆人的戀情在圈內被相當看好,然而不久後卻分手了
有人說是杜德偉嫌棄吳君如太胖,也有說杜德偉劈腿徹底傷了吳君如 心。而之後吳君如也確實發奮減肥了。吳君如常回憶:25年前我們 青梅竹馬,如今,各自都有自己的家庭,希望彼此都幸福!杜德偉還 與香港名模周汶錡相戀六年多,期間也是數度傳出分手,但都遭到了 人的否認,但在涉毒事件之後,兩人正式分手
結束這段長達六年多的感情後,杜德偉發表「不婚宣言」,他表示: 我喜歡戀愛的感覺,但不適合結婚。對我來說,愛情只有兩種結果, 是分手,二是永遠在一起,結不結婚都一樣
」2012年11月11日,杜德偉與小自己24歲的李曉冰結婚, 德偉自曝要比岳母還大一歲,首次見岳父時,4個小時度秒如年,緊 到整條內褲都濕了。2016年,54歲的杜德偉宣布喜得貴子,並 出一張與baby牽手的照片,分享初為人父的喜悅
年過半百生下兒子,網友送祝福的同時大呼:」真是寶刀未老啊!」 今的杜德偉已經56歲,不過保養得非常好,夫妻同框時也是毫無違 感。雖然事業不再輝煌,但為人夫、為人父的杜德偉滿足於現狀,知 常樂,生活幸福美滿,真是讓人羨慕
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Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSi e-Tron Pro Line Plus SCHUIFDAK/LEDER/7%BIJTELLING/EU23.500EX.BTW - Duration: 1:14.
✅ Preta Gil e marido beijam muito durante Bazar da Preta - Duration: 1:24.
Todos os anos a cantora Preta Gil comanda o tradicional Bazar da Preta, evento beneficente para ajudar instituições de caridade
Neste ano, é a primeira vez que o bazar está acontecendo em São Paulo e terá toda a renda revertida para a IKMR, que ajuda crianças refugiadas, e a Casa do Zezinho, que abriga crianças e adolescentes em situações de alta vulnerabilidade
Rodrigo Godoy, marido da cantora, foi prestigiar a amada e aproveitou para beijar muito em frente às câmeras
Preta também recebeu a visita da amiga Astrid Fontenelle, acompanhada do filho, Gabriel
O bazar vai até a próxima segunda-feira (28) o Shopping Cidade Jardim, em São Paulo
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How Olga Korbut Inspired a Generation of Gymnasts | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 5:08.
Gymnastics now, and, first up,
Tourischeva of the Soviet Union.
Ludmilla Tourischeva led the Soviet Union
to the team event gold medal
at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.
She would then go on to win gold in the prestigious
overall individual discipline.
At 20 years old, Tourischeva held world,
Olympic and European titles all at the same time,
and she ended her career with nine Olympic medals,
including four of the most precious metal.
She was a serene performer, consistently brilliant
and a popular team leader of the Soviet gymnastics team.
So why was the 1972 gymnastics competition best remembered
not for the performance of Tourischeva,
but for the emergence
of her 17-year-old team-mate, the girl who finished seventh?
Nicknamed the Sparrow,
the little Olga Korbut
was a promising star of Soviet gymnastics.
She caught the eye
from her very first appearance in Munich.
She had been training relentlessly from the age of 12
back home in Minsk, in modern-day Belarus.
Alongside Tourischeva,
Korbut helped the Soviet Union win gold
in the team event.
By the start of the individual all-round competition,
all eyes were on Korbut.
There was no social media in those days,
but it would be true to say
that Korbut phenomenon went viral.
Imagine a world without social media!
People actually talking to each other.
Watching on colour TV for the first time,
people around the world
stopped what they were doing
to watch this tiny girl from Minsk.
After the vault and floor exercises,
Korbut was in third place.
She was in serious contention to win a medal.
Next up, the uneven bars.
Two parallel bars set at different heights
with gymnasts soaring and swinging from bar to bar.
It requires control.
The judges looking for difficulty,
technique and composition.
Deductions are made for errors, pauses and steps on dismount.
Up until then, the uneven bars
had been Korbut's strongest discipline,
but not that day in Munich.
From the beginning, her routine went badly wrong.
Korbut was heavily marked down,
a score of 7.5 effectively ended her medal chances.
The tears were seen as a very public display of emotion
and it helped make her a household name.
Tears. Yep. That will work.
Make sure you click like
and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Tourischeva won the overall gold medal she deserved.
It was said of her she could perform on a battlefield.
It was Korbut however who won people's hearts,
and she had the support of millions
when it came to the individual events.
On the balance beam,
she pulled off a stunt no-one had ever seen before
in international competition.
It was a sensational performance and it won her gold
in that discipline.
Korbut followed it up with an extraordinary display
on the floor.
A second gold.
On the uneven bars,
she made mistakes in the qualification round,
but made it through to the finals,
and it was now that she pulled off her boldest manoeuvre yet.
No gymnast had ever scored a perfect ten before,
but surely this sensational performance had earned it.
The judges thought not and awarded Korbut 9.8.
Spectators thought there had been a huge mistake.
The judges stuck to their decision.
It was still enough to give Korbut a silver medal.
The audacious backwards somersault
became known as the Korbut Flip.
But in 2009, the move was banned.
You will never see this done at the Olympic Games.
It was just too dangerous.
Thankfully, the Flip was not Korbut's only legacy.
She quickly became a role model for young gymnasts.
In Britain alone, some 2.5 million took up the sport,
a pattern repeated all over the world.
The Korbut phenomenon demonstrated
the power of the Olympic Games, or, in this case,
a young girl from Minsk to grab the attention of the globe.
The Most Savage Celebrity Audience Reactions Ever - Duration: 5:09.
Thanks to the internet, savage celebrity reactions can become viral sensations before the event
they're attending is even over.
From eye rolls to outbursts, it's all fair game for the memeverse.
Whether these famous folks were swept up in the moment or their expressions were simply
misunderstood, these displays of emotion became fertile ground for web entertainment.
Here are some of the most savage celeb audience reactions.
Taylor Swift
When singer Harry Styles was on stage with One Direction presenting at the 2013 VMAs,
his ex, pop star Taylor Swift, was caught apparently mouthing the words "Shut the f--k
up" to her BFF, Selena Gomez.
Savage, right?
Swift's pal Ed Sheeran tried to clear the whole thing up by claiming Swift was actually
reacting to Gomez's speculation that Miley Cyrus would win an award that Gomez was up
Whether it was towards Styles or Cyrus, Swift wasn't holding back that night.
But this wasn't the only time Swift got caught on camera.
There was also the time when Gomez kissed Justin Bieber backstage at The Billboard Music
Awards, and Swift was caught looking totally grossed out.
Blue Ivy
Thanks to Beyoncé's internet-shattering pregnancy announcement at the 2011 VMAs, Blue Ivy was
a viral celeb before she was even born.
Since then, Blue Ivy has stolen the spotlight just about every time she's been in it, including
at the Grammys in 2018, when she was caught in the audience apparently trying to stop
her parents from clapping.
Samuel L. Jackson
If there's any celeb we expect to constantly dish out savage audience reactions, it's Samuel
L. Jackson, and over the years, he has not disappointed.
When he lost the Oscar for his role in Pulp Fiction to Martin Landau in 1995, Jackson
was caught on camera visibly exclaiming, "S--t!"
Speaking with Deadline in 2012, Jackson still seemed just as salty about that loss, saying,
"I was thinking, I didn't know it was a thing where if you get nominated for a few times
you automatically get one.
I thought it was supposed to be about impact."
Faith Hill
After losing Female Vocalist of the Year to Carrie Underwood at the 2006 CMAs, Faith Hill
responded by throwing her arms up in the air and appearing to scream, "What?"
As savage as it may have looked, Hill later told People that it was, quote, "unimaginable"
to her that her joke would be misconstrued.
Underwood herself confirmed all of this to CMT News, saying,
"I knew she didn't mean it.
[…] She called me immediately and said, 'It's no big deal.
I'm so sorry.
I was just messing around, and it was sort of a joke gone bad, and I would never disrespect
Leonardo DiCaprio
When actor Leonardo DiCaprio appeared to shrink away from Lady Gaga as she walked past him
to accept her award for Best Actress in a Miniseries at the 2016 Golden Globes, the
internet went absolutely wild.
Entertainment Tonight told him all about the viral moment backstage.
"That's trending, huh?"
"That's trending.
You see how quick it happens."
"I just didn't know what was passing me, that's all, I was like 'Whoa!'"
Fortunately, the "Born This Way" singer and DiCaprio were both good sports about the whole
The Titanic star told ITV's This Morning,
"We were laughing at it at the after party!"
Bill Murray
When Bill Murray lost his only Oscar nomination to Sean Penn in 2005, his disappointment was
Moments before, as he was announced as a nominee, Murray rolled his eyes and looked as if he
already knew the outcome.
Ten years later, Murray told Charlie Rose that he was actually surprised by the loss.
"I won all the prizes on the way to it.
I had some funny things I was gonna say, you know.
I was ready to go."
Murray went on to say that in retrospect, he was glad he lost, noting the trend of Oscar
winners who have struggled for years after they win the big prize.
Brie Larson
Oscar winner Brie Larson's savage reaction came in the form of a sort of silent protest.
After presenting Casey Affleck with the Oscar for Best Actor for his performance in Manchester
by the Sea, Larson graciously accepted a hug, but moments earlier, she refused to clap after
reading his name.
Viewers quickly noticed the snub and leapt to the conclusion that Larson was signaling
her feelings about Affleck having previously been accused of harassment.
Speaking with Vanity Fair, Larson shed a bit more light on the subject, saying,
"I think that whatever it was that I did onstage kind of spoke for itself.
I've said all that I need to say about that topic."
Tommy Lee Jones
In an interview with Howard Stern, funnyman Jim Carrey claimed he bumped into Tommy Lee
Jones at a restaurant back in 1995, and Jones allegedly told Carrey that he "hated" him.
"I was like, 'Wow, ok ,well what's going on man?'
And he said, uh, 'I cannot sanction your buffoonery.'"
Cut to 18 years later at the 2013 Golden Globe Awards when Jones was still clearly not a
fan of buffoonery.
This time it was Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig's bit about Jones' film Hope Springs
that seemed to stir up the same unfriendly emotions.
His ice cold glare was all that was needed to express how he truly felt.
Christian Slater
At the 2017 Golden Globes, Tom Hiddleston's rambling acceptance speech was criticized
by some as too self-congratulatory and culturally insensitive - and actor Christian Slater's
seemingly savage reaction to Hiddleston's remarks went totally viral.
Though Slater has yet to publicly reflect on his dumbfounded facial expression, Hiddleston
has since apologized for his remarks, writing on Facebook, in part, "I completely agree
that my speech at the Golden Globes last night was inelegantly expressed.
In truth, I was very nervous, and my words came out wrong."
Thanks for watching!
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Previsões Junho 2018 - Touro - TOURO COMUNICATIVO - Duration: 1:50.
Tell me: what is Uranus doing in your life?
In June he wants to see you full of great ideas and making contacts, moving around.
This gets pretty strong after the 13th.
But it's also after the 13th that things at home get a bit weird, because of a female
figure, that makes you mad.
If you live with your love, that can be the person, regardless of his/her gender.
My tip: two stubborn guys, in spite of all they believe, can negotiate well.
And be careful not to let these things at home affect a lot of decisions you have to
make in your career.
Your favorite subject, money, is nice at the beginning of the month, when you can, through
your networking, achieve a nice increase or replacement.
But nothing happens if you just keep sending resumes, without any idea of how the market
is or without asking for help for your contacts.
Take note: to communicate a lot: the whole month; dealing with a tense figure at home:
after the 13th; money coming in: all month, but more strongly at the beginning of the
You're super communicative - why don't you tell your friends about Augúrio?
Tell them to subscribe our channel and also follow our Facebook and Instagram profiles,
as our website.
Tomorrow we'll be back with Aries and Cancer forecasts.
Hated - Veneno (Video Oficial) - Duration: 2:29.
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Missing Girl Found both Alive and Dead - The Most Horrifying Unsolved Paranormal Cases - Duration: 12:55.
The meaning of the word paranormal as you can probably guess relates to anything that
is above or beyond normal, things we can't explain or that defy scientific explanation.
When you see a movie that depicts household objects whirling about seemingly of their
own accord after four drunk teens got hold of a Ouija board, that's paranormal, as
is when some once-pretty girl in a white dressing gown with long black hair does a painful-looking
inverted crab on the kitchen floor.
But so are aliens for that matter, or those psychic mediums that tell you your long dead
Uncle Fred has it easy on the other side and he forgives you for stealing his collection
of rare marbles.
Today we'll look at some cases that still defy explanation, in this episode of the Infographics
Show, 10 most horrifying unsolved paranormal cases.
The Exorcism of…
If you are possessed by a demon, who do you call?
The Catholic Church of course, not Ghostbusters.
The church wrote the first guidelines on exorcism in 1614, and while these days it condones
looking for signs of mental illness in patients before strapping the victim to a bed and showering
them with holy water, exorcisms do still happen.
One of the most shocking cases was that of a young German girl called Anneliese Michel
(the inspiration behind the film The Exorcism of Emily Rose).
From 1975–1976 she underwent 67 exorcism sessions after revealing she heard voices.
Well, it's worse than that.
She crawled around eating bugs, and once bit the head off a bird.
On some occasions she drank her own urine from the floor.
She said she saw the devil and screamed most of the day, and she genuflected so much she
ruptured her knee ligaments.
She died from ill health after undergoing all those horrific exorcism sessions.
This is at number ten as it's almost certain she was mentally ill and not possessed, but
that's not really for us to say.
The Toxic lady This is the story of a woman called Gloria
In 1994, she was wheeled into a California hospital as she had been suffering from cervical
Only shortly after her arrival when staff were attending to her they noticed her body
looked very oily.
They then noticed her mouth smelled like garlic, or fruit, a weird smell they said.
On drawing blood, they saw little particles in it, and there was a smell of ammonia.
That's the moment one nurse passed out.
Others said they couldn't breathe, some had muscle spasms and in all five were hospitalized
– one in intensive care.
To this day no one knows what happened.
Was it mass hysteria or was it that the woman was emitting some kind of poison?
The Black Mausoleum This is the story of a mausoleum in Scotland
situated in a place called Greyfriars Kirkyard.
It's said to be one of the most haunted places in the world mainly because buried
in the mausoleum is a guy called Sir George Mackenzie, aka, bloody Mackenzie, a Lord who
was responsible for the deaths of many persecuted Presbyterians.
Next to his mausoleum is the prison where many of the victims died.
Scores of people visiting the sites have come out of the other end sometimes bruised, sometimes
burned, sometimes scratched.
Others fainted in there and some have been known to have broken bones on the tour.
In 2006, The Scotsman reported that there had been 450 documented attacks as well as
140 people who had collapsed.
Mass hysteria has been blamed again, but who knows.
Mass Dog Suicide Staying with Scotland there's a place in
the country just outside of Glasgow called the Overtoun Bridge.
It's been nicknamed "The Bridge of Death", because for some unknown reason dogs jump
off the thing.
At least 50 dogs have died on record after making the jump and another 600 survived the
They all jumped from the same spot, too, and always on a sunny day.
No one knows why the dogs would do this, but two theories have been put forward.
One, it's a ghost, or two, some strange smell makes the dogs do it.
Missing Girl Found both Alive and Dead This is the story of Little Pauline Picard,
a girl of two who went missing from her family farm in Brittany in France in 1922.
Her family searched frantically, but she was nowhere to be seen.
2 months later she was discovered wandering alone about 200 miles away.
The overjoyed parents did say the girl looked a little on the thin side and didn't seem
to speak Breton, but they took her home and life went on as normal.
Only a few weeks later a cyclist found a mutilated body near the farm, and next to it were the
clothes Pauline had been wearing when she went missing.
The hands, feet and head were missing from the body, and just close to it a man's severed
head was found.
Baffled police and locals had no idea what had happened, and the question everyone wanted
to know was who was the girl living with the family?
It didn't sit easy with the parents, who gave the girl to the Franciscan Sisters of
The Ouija Board You may have seen the recent Netflix Spanish
horror movie called Veronica, but you may not know it was partly based on a true story.
The police report said the case was a "a situation of mystery and rarity" and that
report was indeed real.
Known as the "Vallecas Case", it's a well-known story in Spain.
The story goes that an 18-year girl in Madrid called Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro had had
a séance at school using a Ouija board.
The seance was broken up but soon after the girl started to experience hallucinations
and seizures.
She said she was surrounded by tall shadows that followed her.
She later died in hospital, but it wasn't until a year later that police visited the
family home after the parents of the girl said strange things were going down there.
Indeed, three officers all said in their reports that they heard strange noises coming out
of nowhere, that a drawer opened by itself and that a crucified Jesus became separated
from its cross and began to drool.
It's one of few cases where police have confirmed what the victims said.
The Enfield Poltergeist A similar case was the Enfield Poltergeist
in the UK, when between 1977 and 1979 two sisters said something was haunting the house.
Many experts visited the house and said it was real, while others said the sisters had
quite cleverly made the whole thing up.
In fact, scores of people who visited the house – some official – said they saw
objects moving by themselves and they heard the children speaking in different voices.
Countless movies and documentaries have been made about this case.
One thing is for sure, if the girls did trick people, they must have been exceptionally
Amityville Amityville horror movies are not just a bunch
of movies based on nothing.
It's one of the best-known investigations led by Ed and Lorraine Warren, and a film
franchise that just keeps on giving.
The story is of the Lutz family who moved into a large Dutch colonial house in the area
of Amityville in Long Island in 1975.
What they found out just prior to them moving in was that a man called Ronald DeFeo, Jr.
had killed six of his family members in that very same house.
Apparently, they got a discount for that.
The new occupants soon began to see swarms of flies, welts appeared on some of the family's
bodies; they heard banging noises and members of the family would levitate.
Speaking of the time she was called in to cleanse the house, Lorraine Warren some years
later said, "It was absolutely horrible.
It followed us right straight across the country ... I will never go in the Amityville house
ever again."
The family didn't stay anyway, they moved out of the ostensibly haunted house after
28 days.
They let it be known about some of things that they experienced in the house – that
was similar to the movies – but said some details were too frightening to speak about.
The Mothman We apologize if you may have heard of many
of these stories, but the fact they have been made into movies is only testament to how
interesting they are.
The mothman was a creature of unknown origin that was seen by over 100 people in a town
called Point Pleasant in West Virginia in the mid-1960s.
This thing, described as a large bird or moth with wings, with some man in there too, was
seen a lot just before Point Pleasant's Silver Bridge over the Ohio River collapsed
in 1967 and killed 46 people.
It's also been seen in Chicago, with 21 sightings in 2017 alone.
Maybe it got bored of the south.
One woman was walking her dog and said she saw a "large man, probably 7 feet or taller
standing on the ground.
It was solid black, but what really stood out were the large, and I do mean large pair
of wings that were folded behind him."
A man working at Chicago International Produce Market described a thing with bright reds
eyes that he and his friends saw.
"I looked up and saw the biggest freaking owl I have ever seen!
I'm 6-foot, 2-inches, and I'm guessing this thing was at least a foot taller than
me," he said, adding, "It stood there for a minute or two staring at everyone before
shooting up into the sky and disappearing."
Multiple witnesses saw the same thing, which certainly is strange.
The Twins We'll finish with a very different tale.
The story is of two girls, Jacqueline (11) and Joanna Pollock (6), who both died in 1957
in Hexham, England, when they were hit by a car while they were walking to church.
The driver of the car was a woman who had decided to kill herself after being separated
from her own children.
She took a large quantity of aspirin and phenobarbitone and went for a drive, hoping to crash or overdose.
The sad irony is that she took two young lives.
The devastated parents prayed for more kids and two years later they were given two twin
girls that they named Gillian and Jennifer.
Halleluiah, a miracle it seemed.
One of the twins shared the same birthmark and the other had a birthmark where one of
the deceased sisters had a scar.
Apparently, the parents said both these girls liked the same things the other girls had
liked, and knew exactly which toy was theirs (the parents kept some of dead girls' toys).
When they were taken back to their old house in Hexham (they had since moved to another
part of England) the girls recognized the village and certain landmarks, and even knew
their way around.
Some stories say the girls even had the same nightmare, about being run down by a car.
They were, it seemed, one and the same as the daughters that had died.
Then these memories just faded as the girls got older.
Nonetheless, many have said this could be proof of reincarnation.
A Dr. Ian Stevenson wrote about the case in detail after spending a lot of time with the
You can see what he said in his book, "Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology
of Birthmarks and Birth Defects."
Tell us what you think about all these cases in the comments.
Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
Sen. Jeff Flake Offers More Empty Words But No Trump Stopping Actions - Duration: 1:12.
Obviously ordering
investigations is not a
legitimate use of presidential
>> Well, do you believe he's
abusing his power?
And, if you do, when does
that -- when does that get to
the point where you think
congress needs to do something
about it including potentially
looking at impeachment?
>> Well, let me just compliment
the congress in the last couple
of days.
The president had this diversion
tactic, obviously, with
so-called spy gate.
I don't think any of us were
referring to it in that way.
The congress, Republicans in
congress, said no.
To have a briefing like the
president wanted with just one
party was not right.
And so it wasn't just some of
the Democrats saying that wasn't
A lot of Republicans were saying
that as well.
So I saw the kind of pushback
that we need to have.
But it needs to happen more
When the president says things
that are just totally wrong,
it's the responsibility of
members of congress,
particularly those in the
president's party, to stand up
and say that is not right.
Truth is not relative.
And there are no alternative
Opel Corsa 1.0, 90PK, T. Color Edition ** Nieuw en Euro 3.500,- korting ** - Duration: 0:53.
Hyundai i20 1.2I I-MOTION AIRCO AUDIO 5DRS - Duration: 1:10.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 CHEER UP! BLUEMOTION 5Drs. - Duration: 1:07.
56歲杜德偉近照,嫌吳君如太胖而分手,娶小24歲嬌妻54歲喜得貴子 - Duration: 5:22.
說起杜德偉,大家都不陌生,他被譽為話語樂壇的「完美情人」,作 歌手,他一直都有著鮮明的個人特色,也一直扮演著潮流的先驅者、 驗者,音樂風格跨度之大無人能及。他用各種不同風格的歌曲,以及 時尚前衛的形象、叛逆不羈的性格,征服了一大批歌迷,至今受傷大 的喜愛
杜德偉,1962年出生於中國香港,1977年,高中一年級 杜德偉與同學組建了 Sidewalk 樂隊,杜德偉擔任主唱和 音吉他。之後,杜德偉連續兩年都參加了TVB主辦的第一和第二屆 業餘歌唱大賽」,都獲得了亞軍,而且還通過比賽認識了周華健,兩 也是建立了深厚的友誼
1980年,18歲的杜德偉遠赴加拿大求學,由於父親經商失敗, 道中落,他開始了半工半讀、自力更生的生活,憑藉著幾招三腳貓的 夫成了學校的「真人李小龍」,靠著教黑人同學「功夫」換來了學習 舞和說唱,並與黑人朋友共同組建舞團,四處參加表演
畢業後的杜德偉回到香港,在一家知名企業負責與美術和視覺相關的 計工作。 1985年,杜德偉參加了第四屆新秀歌唱比賽,他以 曲英文歌曲《Hello》擊敗了李克勤、周慧敏、草蜢等人,問鼎 軍
不過當時香港樂壇流行的是「痛苦男人」,唱的最多的就是苦情歌, 且加上當時唱片公司都比較保守,接受不了杜德偉的「超前」的音樂 格,於是即便拿了冠軍,人氣也是差了些。 而杜德偉一直都想堅 自己的唱跳風格,但是在當時的市場環境下,公司是不允許的
直到他第四張專輯裡的《夜班一點鐘》,才讓他如願以償的跳了舞。 說當時唱片公司認為杜德偉每次登台還要請四個伴舞,很不划算,所 並不支持杜德偉的唱跳風格。 1986年,杜德偉推出了第一張 語大碟《只想留下》,從這張專輯開始,他就在挑戰當時保守的樂壇 他也被香港媒體評價為「Yellow Soul」,即黃種人的靈 音樂
90年代初期,杜德偉和葉倩文合唱了《信自己》,當時的葉倩 也有西洋味,颱風大開大放,加上杜德偉靈動騷氣,兩人交相輝映, 以這首歌很受歡迎,並且獲得了1991年十大勁歌金曲獎
之後,杜德偉加入台灣滾石唱片,他才開始發國語唱片,不過剛開始 不輕易做舞曲。直到有次過年節目,他自己帶了四個舞者過去,表演 跳,現場反應超熱烈,滾石才開始鬆動,覺得舞曲也許是個不錯的嘗
而之後杜德偉遇上小蟲,算是讓他的事業更上一層樓了。199 年,小蟲創作了《鍾愛一生》讓杜德偉創下了極高的銷售佳績。當年 鍾愛一生》和可口可樂廣告曲《讓自己快樂》一併獲得為時下年輕人 喜愛的音樂作品,這也為杜德偉帶來了豐碩的名利,成為20世紀華 《西洋風》情歌史上唯一代表作,此曲風靡全台,成為男女訂情婚禮 唱的經典之作
之後,小蟲又為製作了全新 國語大碟《狂風》,該專輯在台灣地區 賣,創下了全亞洲銷售150萬張的響亮成績,專輯中《痴痴地等》 真的想你》以及《拯救地球》等多首名曲當時風靡一時,而杜德偉也 此被稱為「銷售天王」
1993年,杜德偉推出了《冒險遊戲》,改唱片曲風多元,有 展現歌手精湛舞技量身訂做的復古搖滾舞曲《GO GO CAT》 也有溫暖情歌《一起看月亮》。此外,《放一顆心》更是成為當季最 流行的深情傑作,而專輯銷量全亞洲100萬張,讓杜德偉穩坐歌壇 王的寶座,笑傲全亞洲
可以說在小蟲的幫助下,杜德偉一步步走向了事業的巔峰。小蟲 來說起杜德偉,也表示兩人就是惺惺相惜,杜德偉並不是原生的R& 歌手,是非常認真地學來的,而他聲音扁薄,靈巧迂迴,韌性超強, R&B謎之好聽
1999年之後,杜德偉推出的《情人》《跟著我一輩子》《脫 》都是紅極一時,主演的《第8號當鋪》也是在台灣創下了極高的收 率,在內地也獲得了成功。但是杜德偉卻在爆紅之時退出了娛樂圈, 至十年以後才推出了新專輯,不過反響卻很平淡,畢竟十年時間,歌 早已發生了翻天覆地的變化
而說起杜德偉的退出娛樂圈,只能怪他自己。2002年底,他在香 酒吧被臨檢警察搜出一支含有0.13克大麻的手捲菸,後以藏毒罪 罰4000港元。涉毒事件讓杜德偉人氣大跌,之後便漸漸沉寂了
杜德偉的事業還算是順利,而感情上卻是很曲折。在80年代末,杜 偉和吳君如傳出戀情,雖然那時候的吳君如還是個不出名專演「丑角 的小配角,但倆人的戀情在圈內被相當看好,然而不久後卻分手了
有人說是杜德偉嫌棄吳君如太胖,也有說杜德偉劈腿徹底傷了吳君如 心。而之後吳君如也確實發奮減肥了。吳君如常回憶:25年前我們 青梅竹馬,如今,各自都有自己的家庭,希望彼此都幸福!杜德偉還 與香港名模周汶錡相戀六年多,期間也是數度傳出分手,但都遭到了 人的否認,但在涉毒事件之後,兩人正式分手
結束這段長達六年多的感情後,杜德偉發表「不婚宣言」,他表示: 我喜歡戀愛的感覺,但不適合結婚。對我來說,愛情只有兩種結果, 是分手,二是永遠在一起,結不結婚都一樣
」2012年11月11日,杜德偉與小自己24歲的李曉冰結婚, 德偉自曝要比岳母還大一歲,首次見岳父時,4個小時度秒如年,緊 到整條內褲都濕了。2016年,54歲的杜德偉宣布喜得貴子,並 出一張與baby牽手的照片,分享初為人父的喜悅
年過半百生下兒子,網友送祝福的同時大呼:」真是寶刀未老啊!」 今的杜德偉已經56歲,不過保養得非常好,夫妻同框時也是毫無違 感。雖然事業不再輝煌,但為人夫、為人父的杜德偉滿足於現狀,知 常樂,生活幸福美滿,真是讓人羨慕
DC Superhero Girls™
Opel Corsa 1.0, 90PK, T. Color Edition ** Nieuw en Euro 3.500,- korting ** - Duration: 0:53.
Alfa Romeo 145 2.0-16V T.Spark QV - Duration: 1:07.
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDi First Edition Airco Cr.Control Navi+Camera 16"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:13.
Saab 9-3 Sport Estate 1.8T VECTOR met Leer - Duration: 1:12.
Opel Mokka 1.4 T EDITION - AIRCO - NAVIGATIE - 17" LMV - TREKHAAK - CRUISECONTROL - - Duration: 0:54.
Melania Took Michelle's Nasty Bloated Stash She Left Behind, And Just Threw It All Into The Dumpster - Duration: 5:18.
PRICELESS: Melania Took Michelle's Nasty Bloated Stash She Left Behind, And Just Threw
It All Into The Dumpster!
There is a stark contrast between former First Lady Michelle Obama, and the current First
Lady Melania Trump.
Something that is glaringly obvious in their work.
The American people have fallen in love with Melania and that is not going to stop.
One of those reasons is embodied in one of her recent actions.
She's a conservative, through and through who's fiscally responsible.
And her most recent actions show that.
Fox News reported,
"Melania Trump is embracing a more active and public schedule, as first lady but she
still runs one of the leanest East Wing operations in recent history.
According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has
significantly reduced the number of aides, on the first lady's office payroll in comparison
to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.
During then-President Barack Obama's first year in office, 16 people were listed working
for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.
This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June.
Their salaries totaled $486,700.
The details are contained in an annual report the White House sends to Congress showing
the names, positions and salaries of all its personnel.
Both the Obama and Trump administrations acknowledged several additional staffers beyond, those
listed in the report with the term "first lady" in their titles.
But even counting all those employees 24 for Michelle Obama, and nine for the current first
lady Melania Trump's office is relatively small.
It's an approach her spokeswoman says is intentional.
"As with all things that she does, she is being very deliberate in her hiring, focusing
on quality over quantity," communications director Stephanie Grisham said in an email.
"It is important to her that the team is a good fit for what she wants to accomplish
as first lady, and that everyone works well together.
She also wants to be mindful, and responsible when it comes to taxpayer money."
While the 2009 annual report listed 16 staffers for Michelle Obama, her press secretary said
at the time the staff actually included 24 people.
A 2009 story said Obama's 24 aides might have broken records.
"That may indeed be the largest of any first lady, but Hillary Clinton, with 19 staffers,
and Laura Bush with at least 18 and perhaps more, weren't far behind,"
Grisham told Fox News this week there are nine people working in the East Wing under
Melania Trump, a few more than listed in the annual report.
According to those personnel reports, Melania Trump's staffers include a chief of staff,
a communications director, a deputy chief of staff and a deputy director of advance.
Michelle Obama's staff included those same positions and a slew of others: additional
press aides, a director of policy and projects, a personal aide, a traveling aide and a director
of correspondence.
Michelle Obama's office did not return a request for comment.
But the larger staff is likely due in part to Michelle Obama entering the East Wing with
a more aggressive agenda, and embracing initiatives like her Let's Move! child obesity campaign.
During the first few months of the Trump presidency, Melania Trump and son, Barron, remained in
New York as he finished the school year.
But she has noticeably ramped up public activity in recent weeks, including hosting a roundtable
discussion on the opioid crisis, and traveling with her husband to tour the destruction of
hurricanes, and meet with the victims of the Las Vegas murder.
"She is more like a Pat Nixon or a Bess Truman than a Hillary Clinton or a Michelle
Obama," Andrew Och, a first lady historian who was a producer for the C-SPAN "First
Ladies: Influence and Image" series, said of Melania Trump.
Och noted that there is no formal job description for a first lady and each one defines their
Melania Trump, he said, does not come from the world of politics and "clearly does
not feel the need for the larger staffs that her predecessors have had."
The first lady's office isn't the only place in the White House, where the Trump
administration has trimmed staff positions.
When the White House personnel report was released in June, Forbes reported 110 fewer
employees under Donald Trump than Barack Obama, and said the projected four-year savings resulting
from the cuts could be more than $22 million."
This is a perfect example of productivity.
Melania Trump can be just as effective if not more than the former First Lady, and still
spend less money.
Something that Democrats have never understood.
Because spending more money correlates with them to being more efficient.
Which is not the case.
It is a drain on the budget.
The President no doubt had an influence, however small, on this decision.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Opel Mokka 1.4 T COSMO NAVI-AIRCO - CRUISECONTROL -PARKEERHULP - 10409 KM - Duration: 1:12.
Glitching Odyssey「Super Mario Odyssey 🌙 」 - Duration: 43:14.
Nightcore → Money | ISAAC LEE「Lyrics」 - Duration: 2:45.
Nightcore → Money | ISAAC LEE「Lyrics」
One Email Just Revealed The Hidden Truth - Duration: 11:37.
One Email Just Revealed The Hidden Truth About Trump Colluding With Russia
Robert Mueller, the Democrats, and journalists have been on the collusion trail for two years.
Now a smoking gun in the form of an email has surfaced.
And it proves the one truth about collusion that the anti-Trump media and Robert Mueller
don't want to hear.
Anti-Trump forces have long believed former Trump advisor Roger Stone was the key to proving
collusion with Russia.
During the campaign, Stone claimed an association with WikiLeaks which many in the media believed
proved he had advanced knowledge of the alleged Russian hacks into the DNC and Clinton campaign
chairman John Podesta emails.
Stone had testified that New York City radio host Randy Credico was his intermediary with
And newly released emails show Stone had asked Credico for emails that WikiLeaks may have
possessed about Hillary Clinton sabotaging a peace deal in Libya back in 2011.
The Wall Street Journal reports:
18, 2016, MESSAGE, MR.
ON AUGUST 20, 2011," MR.
The media initially reported this as a bombshell, but it quickly blew up in their face.
If Stone had been colluding with the Russians, then why was he working through Credico—and
why did he have to go to him for what WikiLeaks had?
Wouldn't Stone have simply coordinated with his Russian handlers or WikiLeaks directly
to get that information?
That he did not shows Stone has no connections to Russia or WikiLeaks.
Stone's communications also never mention Russia, Podesta, or the DNC.
And the Journal also reports that both Credico and Stone flatly state no information exchanged
As more information emerges, some evidence has emerged that Stone may have merely engaged
in hyperbole when he described his contacts with WikiLeaks in 2016.
A twitter direct message from WikiLeaks to Stone revealed the anti-privacy group had
insisted Stone stop falsely claiming a relationship with them.
The emails with Credico show that Stone was anything but a Russian agent in league with
Moscow, so if Mueller and the left are hanging their collusion case on Stone, then they are
holding no cards.
We will keep you up to date on any new developments
this story.
Missing Girl Found both Alive and Dead - The Most Horrifying Unsolved Paranormal Cases - Duration: 12:55.
The meaning of the word paranormal as you can probably guess relates to anything that
is above or beyond normal, things we can't explain or that defy scientific explanation.
When you see a movie that depicts household objects whirling about seemingly of their
own accord after four drunk teens got hold of a Ouija board, that's paranormal, as
is when some once-pretty girl in a white dressing gown with long black hair does a painful-looking
inverted crab on the kitchen floor.
But so are aliens for that matter, or those psychic mediums that tell you your long dead
Uncle Fred has it easy on the other side and he forgives you for stealing his collection
of rare marbles.
Today we'll look at some cases that still defy explanation, in this episode of the Infographics
Show, 10 most horrifying unsolved paranormal cases.
The Exorcism of…
If you are possessed by a demon, who do you call?
The Catholic Church of course, not Ghostbusters.
The church wrote the first guidelines on exorcism in 1614, and while these days it condones
looking for signs of mental illness in patients before strapping the victim to a bed and showering
them with holy water, exorcisms do still happen.
One of the most shocking cases was that of a young German girl called Anneliese Michel
(the inspiration behind the film The Exorcism of Emily Rose).
From 1975–1976 she underwent 67 exorcism sessions after revealing she heard voices.
Well, it's worse than that.
She crawled around eating bugs, and once bit the head off a bird.
On some occasions she drank her own urine from the floor.
She said she saw the devil and screamed most of the day, and she genuflected so much she
ruptured her knee ligaments.
She died from ill health after undergoing all those horrific exorcism sessions.
This is at number ten as it's almost certain she was mentally ill and not possessed, but
that's not really for us to say.
The Toxic lady This is the story of a woman called Gloria
In 1994, she was wheeled into a California hospital as she had been suffering from cervical
Only shortly after her arrival when staff were attending to her they noticed her body
looked very oily.
They then noticed her mouth smelled like garlic, or fruit, a weird smell they said.
On drawing blood, they saw little particles in it, and there was a smell of ammonia.
That's the moment one nurse passed out.
Others said they couldn't breathe, some had muscle spasms and in all five were hospitalized
– one in intensive care.
To this day no one knows what happened.
Was it mass hysteria or was it that the woman was emitting some kind of poison?
The Black Mausoleum This is the story of a mausoleum in Scotland
situated in a place called Greyfriars Kirkyard.
It's said to be one of the most haunted places in the world mainly because buried
in the mausoleum is a guy called Sir George Mackenzie, aka, bloody Mackenzie, a Lord who
was responsible for the deaths of many persecuted Presbyterians.
Next to his mausoleum is the prison where many of the victims died.
Scores of people visiting the sites have come out of the other end sometimes bruised, sometimes
burned, sometimes scratched.
Others fainted in there and some have been known to have broken bones on the tour.
In 2006, The Scotsman reported that there had been 450 documented attacks as well as
140 people who had collapsed.
Mass hysteria has been blamed again, but who knows.
Mass Dog Suicide Staying with Scotland there's a place in
the country just outside of Glasgow called the Overtoun Bridge.
It's been nicknamed "The Bridge of Death", because for some unknown reason dogs jump
off the thing.
At least 50 dogs have died on record after making the jump and another 600 survived the
They all jumped from the same spot, too, and always on a sunny day.
No one knows why the dogs would do this, but two theories have been put forward.
One, it's a ghost, or two, some strange smell makes the dogs do it.
Missing Girl Found both Alive and Dead This is the story of Little Pauline Picard,
a girl of two who went missing from her family farm in Brittany in France in 1922.
Her family searched frantically, but she was nowhere to be seen.
2 months later she was discovered wandering alone about 200 miles away.
The overjoyed parents did say the girl looked a little on the thin side and didn't seem
to speak Breton, but they took her home and life went on as normal.
Only a few weeks later a cyclist found a mutilated body near the farm, and next to it were the
clothes Pauline had been wearing when she went missing.
The hands, feet and head were missing from the body, and just close to it a man's severed
head was found.
Baffled police and locals had no idea what had happened, and the question everyone wanted
to know was who was the girl living with the family?
It didn't sit easy with the parents, who gave the girl to the Franciscan Sisters of
The Ouija Board You may have seen the recent Netflix Spanish
horror movie called Veronica, but you may not know it was partly based on a true story.
The police report said the case was a "a situation of mystery and rarity" and that
report was indeed real.
Known as the "Vallecas Case", it's a well-known story in Spain.
The story goes that an 18-year girl in Madrid called Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro had had
a séance at school using a Ouija board.
The seance was broken up but soon after the girl started to experience hallucinations
and seizures.
She said she was surrounded by tall shadows that followed her.
She later died in hospital, but it wasn't until a year later that police visited the
family home after the parents of the girl said strange things were going down there.
Indeed, three officers all said in their reports that they heard strange noises coming out
of nowhere, that a drawer opened by itself and that a crucified Jesus became separated
from its cross and began to drool.
It's one of few cases where police have confirmed what the victims said.
The Enfield Poltergeist A similar case was the Enfield Poltergeist
in the UK, when between 1977 and 1979 two sisters said something was haunting the house.
Many experts visited the house and said it was real, while others said the sisters had
quite cleverly made the whole thing up.
In fact, scores of people who visited the house – some official – said they saw
objects moving by themselves and they heard the children speaking in different voices.
Countless movies and documentaries have been made about this case.
One thing is for sure, if the girls did trick people, they must have been exceptionally
Amityville Amityville horror movies are not just a bunch
of movies based on nothing.
It's one of the best-known investigations led by Ed and Lorraine Warren, and a film
franchise that just keeps on giving.
The story is of the Lutz family who moved into a large Dutch colonial house in the area
of Amityville in Long Island in 1975.
What they found out just prior to them moving in was that a man called Ronald DeFeo, Jr.
had killed six of his family members in that very same house.
Apparently, they got a discount for that.
The new occupants soon began to see swarms of flies, welts appeared on some of the family's
bodies; they heard banging noises and members of the family would levitate.
Speaking of the time she was called in to cleanse the house, Lorraine Warren some years
later said, "It was absolutely horrible.
It followed us right straight across the country ... I will never go in the Amityville house
ever again."
The family didn't stay anyway, they moved out of the ostensibly haunted house after
28 days.
They let it be known about some of things that they experienced in the house – that
was similar to the movies – but said some details were too frightening to speak about.
The Mothman We apologize if you may have heard of many
of these stories, but the fact they have been made into movies is only testament to how
interesting they are.
The mothman was a creature of unknown origin that was seen by over 100 people in a town
called Point Pleasant in West Virginia in the mid-1960s.
This thing, described as a large bird or moth with wings, with some man in there too, was
seen a lot just before Point Pleasant's Silver Bridge over the Ohio River collapsed
in 1967 and killed 46 people.
It's also been seen in Chicago, with 21 sightings in 2017 alone.
Maybe it got bored of the south.
One woman was walking her dog and said she saw a "large man, probably 7 feet or taller
standing on the ground.
It was solid black, but what really stood out were the large, and I do mean large pair
of wings that were folded behind him."
A man working at Chicago International Produce Market described a thing with bright reds
eyes that he and his friends saw.
"I looked up and saw the biggest freaking owl I have ever seen!
I'm 6-foot, 2-inches, and I'm guessing this thing was at least a foot taller than
me," he said, adding, "It stood there for a minute or two staring at everyone before
shooting up into the sky and disappearing."
Multiple witnesses saw the same thing, which certainly is strange.
The Twins We'll finish with a very different tale.
The story is of two girls, Jacqueline (11) and Joanna Pollock (6), who both died in 1957
in Hexham, England, when they were hit by a car while they were walking to church.
The driver of the car was a woman who had decided to kill herself after being separated
from her own children.
She took a large quantity of aspirin and phenobarbitone and went for a drive, hoping to crash or overdose.
The sad irony is that she took two young lives.
The devastated parents prayed for more kids and two years later they were given two twin
girls that they named Gillian and Jennifer.
Halleluiah, a miracle it seemed.
One of the twins shared the same birthmark and the other had a birthmark where one of
the deceased sisters had a scar.
Apparently, the parents said both these girls liked the same things the other girls had
liked, and knew exactly which toy was theirs (the parents kept some of dead girls' toys).
When they were taken back to their old house in Hexham (they had since moved to another
part of England) the girls recognized the village and certain landmarks, and even knew
their way around.
Some stories say the girls even had the same nightmare, about being run down by a car.
They were, it seemed, one and the same as the daughters that had died.
Then these memories just faded as the girls got older.
Nonetheless, many have said this could be proof of reincarnation.
A Dr. Ian Stevenson wrote about the case in detail after spending a lot of time with the
You can see what he said in his book, "Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology
of Birthmarks and Birth Defects."
Tell us what you think about all these cases in the comments.
Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
Is it good to pop my blister? - Duration: 1:04.
- Hey, it's Rebecca here with this week's
60 Second Blister Tip, and today,
I'm answering the question, is it a good idea
to pop your blister.
Well, it is and it isn't.
I kind of like popping blisters, not for fun,
but because it can help them heal quicker
and make them less painful.
But it's only ever a good idea to pop a blister
if you know what you're doing and you've got the right gear
and you know how to use that gear
because if you pop a blister and you can't clean your hands,
you can't put an antiseptic on your blister,
you don't have a Band-Aid or some sort of dressing,
then you're just asking to get an infection.
So if you don't have the right gear
or you don't know how to use it or you just don't know
what you're doing, then definitely do not pop a blister.
But I'm to saying never pop a blister.
Sometimes it's a good idea, and I can show you how to do it.
(uptempo music)
Senator Hatch Faced President Trump, And What He Just Said Made Reporters Gasp - Duration: 1:34.
Senator Hatch Faced President Trump, And What He Just Said Made Reporters Gasp.
Moments ago, President Trump welcomed home Joshua Holt, the American jailed in Venezuela
for two years.
During the emotional meeting, which took place at the White House, Senator Orrin Hatch faced
the President and took the media by surprise by what he said.
Hatch is heard telling the President, "This couldn't have happened without you.
And he continued:
"When you look back over your tenure in the presidency, this is just one of the many
great things you're doing."
"And to know that we can rely on you, and count on you, and talk to you, and meet with
you…these are all very important things.
We love you, boy, and we want to support you every way we can."
That was truly incredible to hear out of a senior member of Congress like Orrin Hatch
who has served for over 40 years ,and witnessed several presidencies.
This isn't the first time Hatch has voiced his admiration of President Trump.
Right after Trump's tax plan was signed into law, Hatch said Trump could go down as
the best President ever.
Do you think all members of Congress should take note of what Orrin Hatch said to President
Trump ,and consider working with him more closely?
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today
FUN AT THE PARK ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 3:06.
Ahhh, hello... she's busy.
So right now we are headed to the park with a friend.
Maybe some other people I'm not sure, but at least one of our friends is going.
So yeah, should be fun.
We have a bunch of stuff packed and ready.
Probably play games, like yard games
maybe play a board game or something, not sure.
Should be fun.
Hopefully he does okay. We'll see.
Good driver... paying attention to the road.
Alright I have to buckle up. Bye!
Finally, made it to the park.
He is sleeping which is good. Let him rest.
So now we're just waiting for our friend to show up.
That's about it.
Set up our blanket.
If he wants... well if he wakes up and wants to roll around he can do that.
Yeah, so now we're just waiting.
Right now we just took him out for a walk and he fell asleep
so we're gonna let him sleep for a little bit.
He's so cute. I'm really hot!
I turned off the AC and it's like really hot in here.
So I might have to turn it back on. I'm hot.
Hey sorry, next day. I totally forgot to end the vlog last night.
Anyways... just uh,
went home, chilled out for a bit,
ate some and played with Mikko.
We had a really hard time getting him to sleep last night.
Well, I mean...
getting him to "go to sleep".
Not sleeping overnight.
He actually did really well and slept overnight.
Woke up like once, but anyways
I'll talk more about that in the next vlog.
So see you "tomorrow".
♫ ♫♫
"TROPHY" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Lit Dope Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 4:31.
"TROPHY" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Lit Dope Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL
Checkout Discription Down Bellow For GiveAway Instructions 😊
[Non Copyrighted Music] Simon More - Sunset Palm Trees [Tropical House] - Duration: 3:08.
BreakingCopyright: Music for videos YouTube Music Library
BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube YouTube Music Library
Today on BreakingCopyright: Simon More
No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) Simon More - Sunset Palm Trees
EXPOSED FBI's Secret 'Spy Program' Has a Very Dark and Sinister Past - Duration: 11:10.
EXPOSED FBI's Secret 'Spy Program' Has a Very Dark and Sinister Past
The FBI "spy program" that disgraced former FI Director James Comey is defending, and
what was used to spy on the Trump campaign, is not so "happy and awesome" as Comey
or Obama's other Deep State cronies say.
The FBI "spy program" has a long and sorted past of protecting killers and jailing innocent
This is the same program that Obama's former spy chief James Clapper said President Trump
should be "happy" about.
From The Federalist
Following reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used at least one spy
to secretly surveil members of the Trump campaign, fired former FBI director James Comey lashed
out at critics of his agency's activities during the 2016 election.
"Facts matter.
The FBI's use of Confidential Human Sources (the actual term) is tightly regulated and
essential to protecting the country," Comey tweeted on May 23.
"Attacks on the FBI and lying about its work will do lasting damage to our country."
While Comey's record on truth-telling is decidedly mixed, he is correct that facts
matter and that the FBI's use of informants is governed by strict guidelines.
How and why many of those guidelines came to be are important facts that the American
public deserves to know as it considers revelations that the FBI used wiretaps and spies to surveil
Donald Trump's presidential campaign, his transition, and perhaps even his presidential
Those guidelines, many of which the Government Accountability Office found were not being
followed as recently as 2015, were put in place after rogue FBI agents working in the
Boston field office routinely worked to cover up murders committed by their informants.
You might say they were the direct result of justifiable attacks on the FBI for unconscionable
violations of the public trust.
In fact, years-long violations of the rules about the FBI's use of secret spies have
led to massive investigations across every branch of government, including a multi-volume,
3,528-page congressional investigative report in 2003, a scathing 314-page report from the
Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general in 2005, and even a scathing 228-page, $102
million ruling against the government in 2007 after a federal judge ruled that the FBI deliberately
withheld evidence, leading to the wrongful convictions of four men, in order to protect
a mob informant.
(Three of the men were originally sentenced to death; two died in prison awaiting justice
for a crime they didn't commit.)
The 2007 ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Gertner, which the federal government chose
not to appeal, reads more like a John Grisham novel than it does a legal dictum.
In her introduction, Gertner made clear that the horrific miscarriage of justice perpetrated
under the guise of the FBI's confidential spy program wasn't the result of innocent
missteps by a few bad apples, but was instead a coordinated conspiracy involving the rogue
agents, their supervisors, and even the FBI director himself.
What Having A Dog Does To Your Brain And Body - Duration: 4:42.
- [Narrator] Puppies, they're the furry friends
we take for granted.
But, how does having one affect us?
(upbeat music)
- My name is Meg Olmert and I'm the author of
"Made For Each Other: the biology of the human-animal bond."
Our journey with dogs began about 45,000 years ago
according to the latest archeological evidence.
It preceded many hundreds of thousands of years
with a more casual, and perhaps distant, pragmatic
relationship with wolves as well.
But about 45,000 years ago we start to see the bones change
and indications that A, dogs are certainly living with us.
And that living with us appears to have had certain
effects on their biology and their physiology.
That is what enabled them to
become our best friends.
- [Narrator] How does this relationship work?
- There is a feedback system that both neurochemically
and psychologically and behaviorally
that sets up between you and your pet.
And how good you are to your pet
is often exactly reflected back.
Although, what I would say
is they tend to be wildly generous.
More generous than we are.
So, that is why, you know, they'll be wagging their tail,
you know, thrilled to see you when you come home
or if it's a cat it's purring.
And you may be very distracted but they aren't.
You are the greatest thing they ever saw
if you've developed this relationship.
If you've earned it.
You have a different relationship with your own pet
versus your, even your neighbor's pet, because it's,
that's your closer family.
It's a different kind of bond and when they do FMRI studies
just like a mother will have certain brain regions
light up very strongly in the dopamine
and oxytocin rich areas when they look at a picture
of their baby versus just another infant.
When you look at a picture of your dog versus another dog,
you see the same thing.
If you love dogs you're gonna get this reward
to a degree whether you are looking at your dog or not.
Do therapy dogs work?
Well they certainly can.
Dogs can do amazing things.
With our program Warrior Canine Connection
we work with service members
and veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
We have the patients who say, "This dog
is better than any drug I ever took.
I didn't sleep for five years until this dog
slept next to me."
- [Narrator] What happens to your body
when you're with your dog?
- [Meg] Your heart rate comes down,
your blood pressure comes down,
your heart rate variability which is the ability
of the heart to duck and dive
and respond to stress improves.
You release oxytocin, the opioids,
adrenaline, and serotonin.
So, all of these great reward chemicals
and anti-stress chemicals can be released
in both you and the pet.
- [Narrator] What is oxytocin?
- Oxytocin is a very ancient chemical.
It's in all social mammals.
There's variations on it that you find in birds
and in turtles, and in worms.
And it most effectively is known for releasing breast milk
and creating labor contractions.
That's what it was first known for.
So in a sense, it is the quintessential mammalian hormone
since live birth and production of breast milk identifies us
as mammals and mammary glands, et cetera.
About 25 years ago they discovered that besides the oxytocin
receptors and cells in the body that are producing oxytocin
in the breast and the uterus, lo and behold,
it's produced throughout the brain and in all the areas
that control behavior and emotion.
So what was it doing there?
And what they discovered was that it was talking to other
classic brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin,
and dopamine and adrenaline, and the opioid system.
And it was setting up, by doing that, this perfect
mental physiologic state of calm.
It is the most powerful drive and it creates the bond
that lasts a lifetime.
That's how strong it is.
(happy music)
13 Signs You Could be Anemic - Duration: 5:33.
13 signs you could be anemic
The signs of iron-deficiency anemia can often be subtle and vague, but it's the most common
form of anemia.
In fact, 237,000 visits to the emergency room result in a primary diagnosis of the condition,
according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Iron is an essential mineral so if you lack it, your body can't make enough healthy
red blood cells.
Those red blood cells carry hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein that delivers oxygen from
your lungs to the rest of your body's tissues.
It's a good idea to know the symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia especially since they
can often take time to develop.
Here are 14.
Fatigue Fatigue is usually the first sign of anemia,
but it's not just that sluggish feeling you get from burning the midnight oil or stress.
"It's a different kind of fatigue—people will complain about being 'bone tired,'
" said Dr. Dana Cohen, an integrative physician with a private practice in New York City.
So if you're exhausted 24/7, can't seem to make it past dinner and it's affecting
your quality of life, see your doctor.
Paleness One of the best ways to tell if you're anemic
is to look at the mucous membranes of your eyes, also commonly referred to as the water
line above your lower lashes.
This is a vascular area so if it's pale, it's a good sign that you're not getting
enough red blood cells to other areas of your body either.
Your face, the palms of your hands and under your nail beds may also look pale, said Dr.
Jack Jacoub, a medical oncologist and hematologist at MemorialCare Cancer Institute at Orange
Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, Calif.
Shortness of breath If you feel like you can't catch your breath,
especially during exercise, while climbing the stairs or when you're lifting something,
it's a good sign that your body isn't getting the oxygen it needs.
Feeling faint, lightheaded and dizzy are common too.
Heart palpitations If your heart is racing, you're having palpitations
or hear a whooshing sound in your ears when you lie down, it could mean that your heart
is in overdrive.
"You're pumping faster to try to get more oxygen," Cohen said.
What's more, an irregular heartbeat or heart murmur are more pronounced when you're anemic.
Anxiety A racing heart can make anyone feel anxious,
but if anxiety is new for you, has intensified or there seems to be no other reason for it,
it could be a sign that you're anemic.
Numbness Since your body will pull blood from your
extremities to feed the places it needs to, you might have a numb or tingling feeling
in your hands and feet or you may feel cold all the time, Cohen said.
Heavy periods and irregular bleeding The most common cause of iron-deficiency anemia
in women are uterine fibroids, especially those located on the inside of the uterine
cavity which can cause heavy, irregular and painful bleeding, said Dr. Kecia Gaither,
a maternal fetal medicine specialist and director of perinatal outreach at Montefiore Medical
Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.
Polyps inside the uterus can cause heavy, painful periods too.
Strange cravings Some people with an iron-deficiency anemia
crave and have a habit of chewing ice.
It's not clear why, but a study in the journal Medical Hypotheses suggests that it may give
a boost in mental sharpness the same way a cup of coffee does.
Some people may even have cravings for paper and clay too.
Brain fog If you're having trouble concentrating,
remembering things or don't feel as sharp as you did in the past, it might not just
be age, but a lack of iron, Jacoub said.
Headaches Tension headaches and migraines are common,
but if you notice you're having headaches more often or nothing you do seems to alleviate
the pain, see your doctor.
Restless Leg Syndrome It's estimated that up to 10 percent of
people in the U.S. have restless leg syndrome, a neurological disorder that can cause uncomfortable
sensations in the legs and other parts of the body and an uncontrollable urge to constantly
Although the association is not well understood, about 15 percent of people with the condition
also have iron deficiency, according to John Hopkins Medicine.
Pregnancy risks Although iron-deficiency anemia is common
during pregnancy, left untreated, women have a higher risk for premature and low birth
weight babies.
The primary reason women are more likely to be iron deficient during pregnancy is due
to the normal increase in water in the body.
"Even though you have the same number of red blood cells, there's more volume for
them to circulate around," Gaither said.
Plus, iron stores can be depleted because they're needed for the placenta and the
If you had an iron-deficiency prior to pregnancy or are having multiples, your risk is even
Hair loss According to the American Academy of Dermatology,
80 million men and women experience hereditary hair loss, or what's known as male pattern
If you notice more hair in your brush or your hair is thinning, it might be that you're
It could also be a vitamin deficiency or a hormonal condition like hypothyroidism so
bring it up to your doctor.
Black stools Dark, tar-colored stools, blood in the stool
or bleeding from the rectum could signal anemia.
Yet it could also be a GI condition like Crohn's disease or stomach or colon cancer so it's
important to see your doctor immediately.
Abdominal discomfort or a change in your bowel habits are also important signs to look for.
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