O casal de atores globais, Bruno Gissoni e Yanna Lavigne reataram a relação, e se casaram neste domingo (27), em um sítio em Praia Grande, na Ilha de Itacuruça, no Rio de Janeiro
A novidade foi divulgada pela mãe do ator, Ana Paula Sang, que em seu Instagram publicou um foto do casal
O casamento foi realizado no mesmo lugar em que aconteceu a festa de um ano de Madalena, filha dos atores
"Momento de muita MUITA MUITA EMOÇÃO! #casamentosurpresa #brunoeyanna", escreveu ela na legenda da foto
Confira! O casal havia se separado antes do nascimento da filha Madalena. Neste período em que estavam separados, sempre mantiveram a amizade e sempre trocaram declarações nas redes sociais
Os internautas ficaram surpresos com o casamento do casal: "Eu não acredito nisso, como eu torci para que voltassem", "Meu Deus, nosso casal pai amado chorando de emoção" e "Como assim eles voltam e já casam e ninguém ficou sabendo?", foram alguns dos comentários
For more infomation >> ✅ Bruno Gissoni e Yanna Lavigne reatam e se casam no Rio de Janeiro - Área VIP - Duration: 1:41.
Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-THP 110PK Shine NAVI/CAMERA/17INCH/PDC - Duration: 1:07.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 1:11.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Coupé 350 CGI ELEGANCE OPEN DAK, LEDER, GROOT NAVI, BI-XENON, LED VERLICHTIN - Duration: 1:07.
Citroën DS3 1.4 e-HDi Chic automaat - Duration: 1:08.
Últimas notícia de hoje : WADIH DAMOUS: LULA TEM QUE SAIR PELA FORÇA DO POVO - Duration: 1:40.
Peeling naturali fai-da-te - Duration: 8:41.
Do it Yourself: Homemade Carnation Mask - Duration: 3:36.
If you observe your face closely, will see small holes, which we call
of pores.
It is in these pores that the glands are located which produce sebum, a necessary fat
to prevent the skin from drying out. When These pores become clogged, either by
of sebum and dead skin cells, appear the inconveniences blackheads.
These little black dots are more common in oily skins, but appear in
all skin types. If you have enough blackheads on the skin, especially on the face, so this
video is for you. Let's teach a great mask to remove the blackheads without
brands. The mask is great for the skin because it contains ingredients such as:
Oil of Because of the nutritional power of
coconut, it is great for moisturizing the skin, leaving it soft, without clogging the pores of the
skin. In addition, it helps in the treatment of acne, burns, reduction of wrinkles
and can even be used as an exfoliant.
Saffron Similar to coconut oil, earth turmeric
is a great ally for skin health. This plant can be used in masks
to remove facial hair, treat acne, moisturize the skin and soften wrinkles.
Honey As with coconut oil, honey has properties
antibacterial, that fight acne effectively. In addition, honey is a great moisturizer
to the skin.
Now that you already know the main ingredients of the mask, see how to do it:
1 teaspoon of organic flour from your choice, 2 teaspoons of
turmeric powder; ½ teaspoon of honey 2 drops of essential oil (mint and
incense work well). If you have skin additive, add
2 teaspoons of yogurt
organic flavor. If you have dry skin, add
2 teaspoons of natural oil (coconut or almond are the best)
Mix all the powdered ingredients in a bowl until well blended,
then gradually add the ingredients humid (all except essential oils)
and gently stir to form a paste. Finally, mix the drops of essential oils
and enjoy your organic facial mask It's healthy.
게실염 치료법 ► Love In The MoonLight Plus ► https://goo.gl/rhN6Xp - Duration: 5:09.
Alimentos que provocam inchaço abdominal - Duration: 9:12.
[Maxberry Suplemento] Para que Serve? Funciona? Onde Comprar Max Berry? - Duration: 2:35.
Wie du geistlich reif wirst (1) – JoyceMeyer – Persönlichkeit stärken - Duration: 26:03.
Volkswagen Polo Polo 5DRS. 1.0 MPI Trendline AIRCO / BLUETOOTH / 16 INCH R-LINE - Duration: 1:11.
Cyberpunk 2077 News: Marketing Campaign + E3 Update - Duration: 17:20.
Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen Show!
I am your host the MadQueen!
On today's menu we have a couple of things for you, if you're here for the news please
go to the time stamp that you will see in the description because I have a couple of
things to clarify first and it's going to take some time to do so
If you're staying, grab your popcorn
So, I woke up Friday morning with a message from the Dungeon Master of my Discord Server
regarding some speculation that was going on, on the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit and associated
Discord Server, and I was like
According to this speculation or what I understood it was, I was supposed to have some privileged
information regarding what CD Projekt RED, the Polish studio that is developing Cyberpunk
2077, is going to be doing at E3 and I apparently revealed such information on a video that
I took down because I had an alleged NDA signed with them that I broke and I refused to explain
because my Discord server was turned private
You guys have a lot of imagination; and I love it
Introduction to this subject: I'm attending E3 this year, that was a last minute decision,
so the general assumption is that this means that I have some privileged information about
what is going on at E3 with Cyberpunk 2077
Because, as you know, I talk about everything on CD Projekt RED in this channel
and especially Cyberpunk 2077
So, first things first
because we're back with this subject again
I said this several times in the past and I honestly have no idea how to say it more
clearly: I do not work for CD Projekt, my channel is not endorsed by CD Projekt, I don't
have any connection with them whatsoever, I would love to but I just don't
I don't have any kind of privileged information regarding Cyberpunk 2077, if I can give you
so much news is because I spend an insane amount of time doing my research and I have
a lot of spies that follow this channel and send links my way to make it easier for me
to gather information, that's it
No hidden things, I know nothing
If they wanted to share info they would go to the guy that has a million subs, I'm
not even a news outlet, I'm just a glorified fangirl
I mean, I'm going blind in here
I may be taking a 12 hours flight to the other corner of the world and spending a money I
don't have to hear about Thronebreaker for all I know
I am assuming we'll see Cyberpunk there, I am the one taking that risk, and I expect
them at Sony's or Microsoft's conference, let's
be honest, officially I know exactly the same that you do
Which is nothing at all
So, as you can guess, no information at all is not something that you protect with an NDA
Second, but you turned the video down!
Yes, I did, and by the way, it's not the first time
So I was watching the video before going to sleep and I was "oh my god, I talk like
a robot" "I said this word wrong" "I said this other word wrong" "Everything is
wrong" "I'm such a lousy YouTuber"
Let's remove the video! From everywhere!
Let's pretend that no one saw that!
What do you want me to say? I'm human
I also have days like that, like all of you
I felt insanely stupid and I wanted the video out
Believe it or not, it requires a decent amount of confidence to sit in this side of the camera
and more knowing that you are expressing yourself in your third language, so I require a bit more
than the average confidence you need to have a YouTube channel and obviously most days
I just don't give a fuck, otherwise having a channel would be absurd, if I say "Insanely"
instead of "insane", well, you clearly understood what I meant
But also obviously is not always like that, and right now I'm not exactly at the peak
of my confidence, for reasons that I'm not going to share but I took this three weeks
break for a reason
So, yes, I just felt stupid and I didn't want to see this video again
And it was too late to make a correction video like I usually do when I take down a video
for the mistakes, it was like 4 am in the morning, so I thought about doing it on Friday
but I couldn't
And I honestly didn't think that no one was paying that much attention
And about users of the Cyberpunk Discord server trying to access my Discord to ask and couldn't
because it was set to private
No, it wasn't
It's the third time that this happens this year, I'm so sick of it, and if someone
has a solution I would really appreciate that you leave a comment and let me know
So, there is this checkbox when you create a link to your discord server to check if
you don't want the link to expire, but it just expires anyway
Third time this year
And you know what that means?
That means that I need to create a new link and then go video by video in all my fucking
channel changing the link to my Discord server in the description, in English and Spanish,
and it's… pretty frustrating
And I wasn't even aware that it happened again so, as I said before, if you know the
solution to this please leave a comment and let me know I will really appreciate the help in here
So, with all this said, I believe you can understand my reaction reading all the discussion
around like
Yes, that was approximately my face
This reminds me a lot of the situation we had when I put the first commercial out that
for one of those coincidences of life happened to coincide with the beep
Which obviously I had no idea was going to happen
People went crazy snd I just made the same face
So, the content of that video in case you came late and couldn't watch it: I'm going to E3!!
Last minute decision!!
CD Projekt confirmed that I will be able to earn a couple of restraint orders by entering
fangirling hard mode, which I didn't expect, because I have the mini me of channels, so
everything amazing
In the video I also asked for your help to fund this insane adventure, and thank you,
thank you, it was amazing to see that in the little time that the video was up such a lot
of people wanted to collaborate and did contribute to the cause, some even wrote me to apologize
that they didn't have a lot to give and I feel so humbled, just that you take the
time and effort to put whatever the amount you want to put in my Patreon, is insanely
appreciated, I don't have words
and it's not only a matter of money, is the support that is amazing and
I really appreciate it
Everything counts, everything
If you'd like to contribute to the cause you can either join our Patreon, with your
contribution you will unlock the exclusive videos there and, as you can guess, there
are also going to be exclusive videos during E3, and lots of pictures
You can also contribute via PayPal, you'll find the links to everything in the description
And again, thanks, you are amazing
And while you're on it, you can also join Discord because it seems that it's the only
way to be notified about new videos, YouTube doesn't notify subscribers about them anymore,
Twitter hides the tweets with links to most of your followers, so join Discord,
Yeah, I'll put the new link
this way next time I upload a video you can ignore it and it will be your decision
No one else's
Well, this was long
And now, for the news, but first a message from our sponsor
At Arasaka we value the safety of your home
Your new Arasaka Personal Home Scanner
is next generation theat detection equipment
that responds to potential threats in milisecods
to keep you and your family safe
This has been floating around since Thursday but I didn't want to cover it until I could
find a reliable official source
On May 24th, CD Projekt group, the company that owns the studio developing Cyberpunk
2077, made a conference to present the results for the first quarter of 2018, you can find
in the description a link to the full transcription that is hosted on CD Projekt's official website
And as you can guess, this conference had a Q&A
As you know, and if you don't I'm telling you now, there are four things that are "pending
an explanation", or a presentation, on the roof of CD Projekt: The changes of Gwent called
"Homecoming", the new mode of Gwent called Thronebreaker which we only have a teaser
from last year if I'm correct, I'm no expert in Gwent, Cyberpunk 2077 and a mysterious
AAA RPG we know nothing about
During the Q&A, the CEO of CD Projekt Adam Kiciński, removed Homecoming from the list
of things we were going to see this E3
But there's more A journalist from the Polish Press Agency
asked if the company is working on another RPG other than Cyberpunk, to which Adam Kiciński
answers that they are working on Thronebreaker, which has evolved into a fairly sizable RPG,
providing several dozen hours of gameplay
Which is odd
Because if you read the annual result summary when this mysterious RPG was last confirmed,
I believe it was published in February, you can find the PDF on their official website,
this new RPG was in a different category than Gwent, in the whole document you had on one
side that they talk about Gwent and Thronebreaker and in a different section they talk about
Cyberpunk 2077 and this other mysterious RPG, so I'm really confused in here
Because if Thronebreaker ends up being a AAA RPG, then it would be the fourth game of The Witcher?
or maybe all these changes don't change the base of the game
and Thronebreaker will still be a free-to-play game
I'm confused, I don't really know (yet)
Regarding the marketing campaign and this also goes in relation to the release date
of Cyberpunk 2077, quoting Adam Kiciński
we did muse about the length of the campaign
at a similar results conference some time ago, and noted that campaigns may be either
long or short; however, we're past these discussions now and we understand that we
will need to, or rather want to tell players a great deal about Cyberpunk.
It's a new release, a new world, and we want to share our vision for Cyberpunk
Thus, the Cyberpunk campaign will not be a short one
And when asked what did he meant by "short" and "long" marketing campaign, Kiciński adds
A short campaign would typically take several months
One example is Fallout 4, where the campaign took, I believe, five months between the announcement
and the release
That's what we would consider a short campaign
So, we were speculating for long about what did CD Projekt mean when they said they liked
the way Bethesda managed the campaign of Fallout 4, and as this is a studio that has an ear
on the ground and listens to what the community says, I feel like this question was directed
to fans more than to investors, as Kiciński started talking about this on his own initiative
This can be good news or bad news, depending on your take on it
Obviously, this means that those predictions that forecast a presentation this E3 and a
release later this year are wrong, so I failed my own Pizza Pool, even though as we discussed
several times in the past we're talking about a huge universe, that has an insane
amount of lore, this is a Cyberpunk setting but it's also a very specific Cyberpunk
setting and they need to explain it to make the game more accessible to prospective buyers,
because there are an insane amount of misconceptions about what we will find in the game, and obviously
letting people buy something expecting a different thing is not the wisest business strategy
if you expect sales in the long term, because
this way you will only have a bunch of disappointed customers
So why do I consider it good news?
Because for me this is also part of the experience, and having no info at all is excruciating
but being in the middle of a marketing campaign that's a whole different story, and I expect
them to do something something
What am I expecting?
Warning, this is pure and wild speculation, and not the first time I say this
I'm expecting an Alternate Reality Gaming
campaign, that is a type of campaign that uses cross-media convergence, meaning they
use different media platforms to create a real-world experience, this was used for example
on the marketing campaign of The Dark Knight, although obviously I'm not expecting something
as huge, because the Dark Knight was fucking insane
and involved 10 million players around the world
fucking insane
But I think this type of campaign totally suits a video game, especially an RPG video
game and especially this one, where you can pick so many sides, you can learn lore by
discovering things, you have the real world, you have the net, the elements are here
As I said, this is speculation, I've been speculating for this type of marketing campaign
for months, we'll see soon if the marketing campaign is also a game
That would be lovely
In terms of what are they going to see with the marketing campaign, the Reddit user Circuithead
found doing a reverse whois that back in 2012 CD Projekt RED registered multiple domain
names, some are the names of megacorporations that belong to the Cyberpunk 2077 lore, like
Trauma Team International, World News Service, Arasaka, or Militech
7 years later, with a quick google check you can see the domain names are still in use,
I'm going to put a link in the description with the Reddit thread for you to see the
domain names, maybe checking them again in the following weeks is a good idea
And I think the video is long enough for today, editing this will be long
Well, folks, thanks for watching as usual, I hope you found this information
useful and amusing, see you in next videos
and stay being amazing
L47-CM-LUCIDO(ルシード)「昔の親友篇」 - Duration: 0:31.
Dark Souls: Remastered. Да возгорится жопа. - Duration: 6:19:21.
식단에 추가하면 좋은 식물성 단백질 음식 8가지 | Abee Honey - Duration: 3:43.
Pt 5. Contraindicações ,coenzima Q10. - Duration: 1:03.
【JPOP】アップデート/miwa (歌詞:SUB対応/カラオケ:初級) - Duration: 4:19.
Opel Insignia 1.6 Turbo 5drs Executive - Duration: 1:10.
Renault Clio 1.5 dCi Authentique 5drs - Duration: 1:06.
The Last O.G. On TBS
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk First Edition - Duration: 0:47.
Alfa Romeo 156 Sportwagon 1.8 T.Spark Progression INRUILKOOPJE - Duration: 1:11.
Tidy Dye Station - How to Design a T-Shirt | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 9:25.
Tidy Dye Station - How to Design a T-Shirt | Xiaoling toys
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso PureTech 130 S&S 1.2 T. Selection - Duration: 0:55.
Abarth 500 1.4T Abarth 135pk - Duration: 1:06.
the clone (a shitty flipaclip animatic) - Duration: 0:28.
oooookay....Alex, why don't you
explain the situation to me in English please?
Some of us aren't French like you are.
(confused Alex) theres A CLONE OF ME AND-
Clone: HeY gUyS-
YoU gOnNa- WaNnA
gO pLaY sOmE gAaAaAmE bOi WiT mEeE? I wAs JuSt GoN-
*gun sound*
ᴴᵉ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵍᵒⁿⁿᵃ ʰᵘʳᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃⁿʸᵐᵒʳᵉ.
HAPPENING NOW: Giuliani Just Drove FINAL NAIL in Mueller's Coffin - Duration: 2:42.
HAPPENING NOW: Giuliani Just Drove FINAL NAIL in Mueller's Coffin.
Like many Americans, when Mueller's probe first started, Giuliani believed it was a
legitimate investigation searching for truth.
Granted, we all knew President Trump did nothing wrong, and soundly beat globalist Hillary
Clinton with his America First message, and were eager for Special Counsel Robert Mueller
to vindicate our president.
Sadly, that's not how this sham played out.
Mueller, an Obama Deep State crony, has turned the so-called "search for truth" into
a biased, political witch-hunt designed to "destroy" a duly elected American President.
Now, after being "inside" the investigation as President Trump's lawyer, and witnessing
the unfolding of #SpyGate, Giuliani has declared the Mueller investigation is illegitimate.
At this stage, after all we know about #SpyGate, it's laughable that Muller is still investigating
"collusion" after over a YEAR, with no evidence uncovered, while Obama's spy ring
is unraveling before America's eyes.
At this point, Giuliani pounded the FINAL nail in Mueller's Russia coffin.
It's seriously time to shut this illegitimate "investigation" down.
From Daily Caller Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on CNN's
"State of the Union" Sunday that he no longer believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller's
investigation into Russian collusion is legitimate.
Giuliani told CNN's Dana Bash that he thought the probe was legitimate before joining Trump's
legal team.
However, seeing scandals like "Spygate" and former FBI director James Comey leaking
his memos to the press made him believe that the impetus for the investigation was illegitimate.
"You get the Comey thing, which is a leak of a confidential memo, which is illegal for
an FBI official to do, and that becomes the basis for appointing Mueller," Giuliani
"I'm not saying Mueller is illegitimate, I'm saying the basis on which he was appointed
was illegitimate."
"So you think the Mueller probe is legitimate?"
Bash asked for clarification.
"Not anymore," he responded.
"I don't.
I did when I came in but now I see Spygate…"
Bash interjected to say that Spygate happened before Mueller was appointed, to which Giuliani
argued, "but it has to inform the decision to appoint Mueller — either it's evidence
or not."
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
Love Me Harder - Ariana Grande (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 4:14.
JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On - Duration: 12:21.
JUST IN: Trump Put All Gov't Workers On 30 Day Notice With Sudden Executive Order
President Trump has just issued a series of executive orders that potentially gut federal
employee unions' ability to negotiate with agency leaders and represent workers, as well
as reducing the time it takes for an agency to fire people for poor performance or misconduct.
I view this as a very good thing.
For far too long, government employees have felt safe from repercussions for not working
or for misbehaving.
This puts an end to that.
It looks like President Trump has had it with slackers in the federal government and he's
fixing that.
Shape up or ship out.
Trump is billing this as the first step toward broad civil service reform.
Three executive orders were issued that are aimed at making it easier to fire poor performers
and it orders harsher treatment of union representatives.
This step is long overdue and it will go a long way to eradicating corruption in the
government ranks.
It also sets the powerful unions back on their heels.
They will no longer operate like the mafia within our government.
"Today, the President is fulfilling his promise to promote a more efficient government
by reforming civil service rules," said Andrew Bremberg, director of the President's
Domestic Policy Council.
"Every year, the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey shows that less than one-third of federal
employees believe poor performers are adequately addressed by their agency.
These executive orders make it easier to remove poor performing employees, and ensure that
taxpayer dollars are more efficiently used."
The first thing on the agenda is reducing the time it takes to fire poor performers
and employees suspected of misconduct by standardizing the length of Performance Improvement Plans
to 30 days across the federal government.
Right now it varies agency to agency and takes somewhere between 60 and 120 days usually.
"A GAO report shows that it takes six months to a year to remove someone from government,
and can often take another nine months on appeal," an official said.
"[This] also encourages agencies to fire someone for misconduct when they've been
engaged in behavior that warrants it, instead of just suspending them."
Talk about cleaning house.
The official said the administration would also make performance a more important factor
than seniority when agencies undertake layoffs.
According to DML News:
"The second executive order directs federal agencies to renegotiate contracts with unions
representing government employees so as to reduce waste.
The anonymous administration official expressed hope that, for example, agencies could stop
having to pay expenses on both sides when unions undertake appeals on behalf of fired
"The third order aims to cut down on "official time," in which government workers who have
roles in the union, like helping colleagues file grievances, are allowed to perform those
roles during normal working hours for which they draw their usual salary.
(An analogous concept exists for private-sector unions.)
The order limits official time to 25 percent of their hours during the year."
Administration officials said they estimate the changes to labor relations policies could
save "at least" $100 million in taxpayer money.
That's very good news.
When asked about potential increased costs as a result of the decrease in official time,
which is often used to mitigate disputes before a grievance or civil litigation is filed,
an official claimed such actions would actually decrease.
Again… winning.
"Litigations and grievances, we expect those to be reduced quite substantially, although
our cost savings estimate doesn't factor that in," the official said.
"Once those are factored in, the savings would only be increased, not decreased."
And boy howdy, the unions are ticked over this.
American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox said in a
statement that the executive orders are a "direct assault" on union members' legal
"This is more than union busting—it's democracy busting," he said.
"President Trump's executive orders do nothing to help federal workers do their jobs
In fact, they do the opposite by depriving workers of their rights to address and resolve
workplace issues such as sexual harassment, racial discrimination, retaliation against
whistleblowers, improving workplace health and safety, enforcing reasonable accommodations
for workers with disabilities, and so much more."
Someone get that guy a tissue.
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) praised the move in a statement, calling it an important step
toward a more effective federal government."The hallmark of the American civil service is
our commitment to hire the best and the brightest to serve our fellow Americans," he said.
"These executive orders strive to make the federal government more efficient, not only
for the taxpayer, but for our great federal workers.
We have thousands of federal employees who work very hard for the nation; it's important
that their work is not frustrated by the poor performance of a small few."
That's exactly right.
Hire the best and fire those who do not do their jobs.
In a call with the media, AFGE officials said the union will consider all possible actions
to fight the executive orders, including litigation.
"My lawyers are already looking at what possible violations of the law are contained
within the executive orders, and we will take action accordingly," said AFGE General Counsel
David Borer.
"We haven't seen the final version yet, but we're preparing our analysis and we
will respond aggressively."
Tony Reardon, national president of the National Treasury Employees Union, said in a statement
said the executive order is not only an assault on unions but on "the nation's civil service
Rather than promote efficiency in the federal sector, the administration is demanding federal
workers lose their ability to challenge unfair, arbitrary and discriminatory firings and other
This would begin the process of dismantling the merit system that governs our civil service."
No sir, this begins a system that requires government employees to be responsible not
only for their work but their actions.
It's part of the Trump Doctrine and a welcome change.
Hunting Half Dollars - 2 more Boxes - Any Silver? - Duration: 9:23.
all right everyone it's Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got a couple of
boxes of halves to hunt today bittersweet last time I had Harrisburg
rolls in the boxes with the holes in them they did pretty good
Loomis hasn't been that great in the last couple weeks Harrisburg has been a
little bit better we've been having some good luck overall though so we'll
excited but anyway we're gonna crack into these let me get uh, heck let me go
ahead and open it in front of you i guess I'll get the first one opened up see if
there's anything in here worth talking about let's see if we have anything
worth chatting about yeah I don't really see anything that says silver for sure
let me these flip around and see what we got on the other side
well no silver Enders I'll tell you though we got a couple of rolls
we got literally one two four one two three maybe four rolls that are taller
than the rest and you know when I weigh them they say they have an extra coin so
think in maybe you know there's a whole bunch of silver in them or they're just
told they have an extra coin but anyway so it could be kind of coal mine made a
few bucks and extra rules other than that nothing in this box to speak of so
we'll crack into the next one hold on one second well I get this box out of
the way all right let's go ahead and see what's in this box see there's any
enders on it
still dreaming for the dream ender yeah I've got a box with a lot of good silver
Enders but I haven't had a crazy under in half dollars yet I guess I have the
87 NIFC which is kind of crazy but I mean silver well and that's a good sign
guys right there we got a silver ender I don't see any
more other things but that's a silver roll and we're gonna kick off with the
first box and say this box for last all right guys we're on a roll number five
and I got kind of an odd coin here I can't tell if it's silver or a little
bit gold-plated it's definitely different
it's just gold-plated and it's pretty toasty but it's an 83 P oh I see it now
it's one of those uh I think it's one of those JFK assassination commemorative
coins it's got the 1960 and 1980 I had a 25 year anniversary commemorative coin
this is a 20 year one so I didn't have this one that's pretty cool it's an 83 P
so I'll be checking for the no FG but it has an FG on there pretty cool find it's
not silver I knew it's a little bit different but I'll take it anyway
well we're zoomed to the end of the box because there's no silver in this box it
happens that's why you get the boxes you got to keep hunting kind of a crazy box
though look at this 22 NIFC's and we got almost every year 02 03 04 05
06 and it goes to 09 10 11 12 13 we got part of a Stonewall Jackson sticker
stuck to the front of this nifc 2013 phors and then we have two coins that
I've kept ones a Bicentennial but it's got some pretty good satin toning and
it's not in bad shape whatsoever and then of course that JFK assassination
commemorative gold-plated 1983 P it does have the FG but at the end of the day if
I'm gonna get sober skunked it's nice to get a bunch of NIFC's anyway that's
only the first box hopefully the second box that enter that I saw is silver and
maybe we find some silver in that box not feeling too optimistic though a it's
the Harrisburg rolls and B I just got silver skunked on the first box let's
get after it on the second box now guys we're on the fourth roll guys at the
second box this is the one I blame the silver we're working this way solely by
twentieth world but we're on the fourth roll and pretty sure we got a proof
right here 2004 s proof its clad though not silver but I'll take it
alright first find in the second box let's keep looking
nineteen rolls in we're on that roll but I'm hoping it's silver I'll let you know
what I find it could just be a dirty washed coin Oh silver okay good we do
have a silver and it was a silver ender I was scared on this edge guys I thought
wow it's just gonna be a water stain coin but it's not it's a silver it
was in water but we'll take it first silver of the two boxes to go along with
that 2004 proof in this box and three other nifc s so starting to get some
finds hopefully that's a mark of good things to come
that silver ender was here and the proof was here so maybe there's something on
this out of the box who knows let me get back to the hunt we
didn't get skunked roll 23 guys and we've got another silver
1969 Denver and it's two in the box roll 33 guys just cracked into it I think I
either got a proof or an nifc but we'll take a look at it it's just in
1990 oh well let's keep looking roll 39 guys roll 39 and we're on the
hot end of the box where I've been finding the silver and take a look at
this that looks like it could be a 90 percenter I've been wrong before though
and I'm wrong again but it is silver
1968 d sweet it's our 3rd silver of the box now we've got a 67 a 68 and 69 to go
along with a 2004 s proof and a whole bunch of NIFC's in this box and I'll
point out ever since I started looking for the 1974 double-die obverse we found
another one they're not in great shape I know it doesn't look bad right here but
when you zoom in on it it's pretty flat in the loop but it's definitely another 74
double die obverse I think I'm finding them because I am using a microscope and
b - most of the people that are looking for them unless it's in really good shape
they're probably not taking a look at 74 D'S unless the coins in great shape so
who knows but that's my third one so far in the last eight boxes let's get back
to the hunt maybe there's some more silver in this corner last roll of the box
guys and this is just gonna be chalked full of it looks like NIFCS we've
already got I think 16 or 17 in the second box after getting 22 in the
first this is probably gonna get it back up over 20 again yeah six more NIFC's
in that roll we'll see you in a second alright guys second box a half dollars
is done being hunted that's $1,000 in half searched we got twenty three NIFC's
in the second box after getting 22 in the first box 45 NIFCS and almost every
single year I think only O7 + 08 and then 15 and older or newer I
don't have so five years I didn't have from 02 we also kept that cool-toned
Bicentennial that commemorative kennedy got another 74 d-double die obverse 2004 s
proof and three silver coins a 67 68 and 69 40 percent wasn't an epic box by any
case or even both boxes put together wasn't epic but you know what that's a
lot of finds it's not a lot of silver but it's a lot of finds and it was a lot
of fun that's why I hunt that's why I always get two boxes from the banks that
I ordered from or I try to because you're gonna get skunked and sometimes
on a second box that'll make up for the whole search hopefully you enjoyed the
hunt with me if you did please give the video a thumbs up and as always everyone
thanks for watching
LoL//Live stream//ADCMain//beginner - Duration: 1:30:41.
Woman Delivers Pizza To Beat Up Trailer Unable To Ignore Distressing Sight She Finds Inside - Duration: 2:15.
BREAKING News From Nancy Pelosi… LOOK WHAT SHE SAID!!! - Duration: 2:18.
BREAKING News From Nancy Pelosi…
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi faced questions last week about where she stands, or kneels,
regarding the NFL's recently announced policy on national anthem protests.
Though she claimed to side with the players, her answers didn't sit well with many political
observers, Fox News reports.
"When the anthem comes on, you stand, If you do not want to stand, stay in the locker
If you come out on to the field, you kneel or you in other ways protest, you will be
~ CNN's Chris Cuomo
"Are you OK with this rule change by the NFL?," Cuomo asked.
"I would be more OK with it if they consulted with the players.
I don't think the players agreed to this.
This is the owners.
And by the way, it's the owners who would be fined," California (D) Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi is just another democrat that refuses to see reality and what the real issue is
with the NFL and the players that blatantly disrespect our nation and spit on our military
and LEO.
This is nothing more than the NFL Office attempting, in appearance, to show the fans that they
are now patriotic and embrace our national anthem, military, law enforcement and our
When in fact, by their own actions, they do not and never will.
RWT News on latest NFL lie in attempt to get "fans" back in the seats and take their
This is not a win for America and the blatant attempt to push the issue onto the owners
so that that the NFL now looks like the "Good Guys" and individual teams will look the
"Bad Guys" is pathetic and cowardly.
Nothing has changed, the hate and division is still rampant, the NFL endorses the spoiled
brats greedily taking our money and spitting on us at the same time.
Why the hell would anyone ever support the NFL ever again?
Do people truly have such little grit these days that they selfishly endorse such blatant
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
Hello guys, this is kodi best build back with you again with another great video
so in this video
I'm gonna show you how to install a great kodi build working well for kodi krypton any version 17
So guys first don't forget to subscribe to my channel and join me in the Facebook group and Facebook page and follow me on
Twitter and Instagram and don't forget to visit my website
for more
informations about kodi 17.6 builds on kodi 17.6 krypton
So guys today we're gonna install the salt life kodi build from the check the chipman tech build
It's really a great build for kodi krypton
Working well without any problem. You can install the salt life kodi build
itself life kodi built to your Amazon first stick or Nvidia shield or any other device easily and
Enjoy watching movies and TV shows without any problem
so guys you get the self Cody will go right here to
settings then
guys, check your system settings then add-ons if you a load announcer says
so hello it and press yes, and then guys press back and
You guys go to file manager click on it
If your Kodi is new and you don't have anything installed via - Cody, you will get profile directory and add source
If you use to install builds, you'll get your files
Right here your list of sources right here. So double click on add source
Then click none and just copy and paste the address from my website guys
To not miss any word
As you can see right here
Add-ons for me dot TK. So forward slash
It's better to copy and paste the address to put it right here
To avoid missing anything. If you miss any word, you will get error and you won't be able to install the this great
Build so guys you can write here anything you want press ok
Then back back to the home page guys
Scroll down to add-ons and click on it and here guys click on this little box in the top as you can see
then click on install from zip file and
Guys right here choose your file
Then click on login program Shipman tech wizard
Click on it
So the wizard is gonna be install it to your Kodi crap-ton
As you can see guys back and go to program add-ons you'll get
The wizard install it to your kodi
Just open it
I know you guys got built you get maintenance you get save data you got contact and settings click on builds
This is really a great
cody wizard
Shipment tech wizard it has a lot of things to install to your kodi
18 or holy Cripe Tom
it has a great builds for Cody Leia and
It ha it has 4 builds for Cody Leia and 5 builds for Cody crapped on. Hey guys
You got the self-life build click on it
And here I got the wizard updated
So here guys you got the install page you got the fresh install
If you have a previous built in solid to you Cody, and you got a lot of dem shit files
You got a lot of problems
running anything
So here guys get the fresh install if your cody is new and you don't have anything install idiot your cody
You got the standard install click on it
And then guys, press yes install it so
Your guys got it click yes install it as you can see
And then the download process is gonna be running and
It's gonna download the self-life build
version 1.1
So as you can see right here guys, don't press in this empty space or press on council if you do that
You've got to restart from 0
So be patient until everything is done, right?
Without any problem and you can run this great build to your cody and enjoy watching movies and TV shows
So here guys you got the download process done
and now it's installing your files as I said, don't press right here in this empty space or
Cancel if you do that, you have to restart the download process from 0
So it's a heavy bill you need 500 megabytes to install this gray code appeal
to your device
If you don't have enough space, don't try it
If you have a lot of space you can install this great build and enjoy watching movies and TV shows
So you guys you got everything done right without any problem now first close your Cody and
Restart it again in your Amazon first second
any other device to run this great amazing Kodi build and watch movies and TV shells without any
Here guys after installing this great amazing Kodi bill you got this great homepage
So the skin is made up base it on New York's
Silvo as you can see right here. We got movies and TV shows
Sections at once you got choose sections at once you get movies and Jewish TV shows together
here down you got bullies as you can see you got all the greatest movies and
most popular movies right now as
You can see you can watch any movie you want and here up guys. You got the widgets of all
Popular TV shows available right now. We got 100 arrow. You got cocky
This one is really amazing one. It's fantastic. You can watch it
especially if you like the karate so you guys it got all
The popular movies right now
So if you want to pick any movie
you can get it click on it as you can see and you will get the streaming source and
Here guys, you got the streaming links as you can see right here. You can pick anyone to watch this great movie
So if you have a faster internet you got the movie loading really fast
If you have a normal internet, you have to wait some seconds
So you guys get it working you got the Dunkirk as you can see you can watch it you can keep watching it all back
So it's a great movie working. Well without any problem
So as you can see here guys down. You got all the greatest scurry add-ons
You got popcorn chime all rhinos - wah, you got incursion. It got tsunami you got Neptune rising
So here guys, you can enjoy your life with this great movies and TV shows
section right here and
You guys got kids as you can see you got kids cave you got a lot of kids stuff right here
You can enjoy it with your kids and family
Here guys got documentaries
Here you can watch all your documentaries stuff in this great section
So here you can find
Anything you want history?
disasters crime mafia
Paranormal prison so you can pick anything
So you can pick history if you care about history
Documentaries and here guys, you can watch this grade
This great section
So you guys you got this great
Documentary working right here without any problem so you can keep watching on it
Here guys you got
IPTV and more
So you got some UK and US channels you got Skynet you got ducks bollocks TV one
Some of these channels are working and some of them are not for sure so not all the channels are working
And you guys get some channels working right here?
So you got Animal Planet you got discovery. You got a lot of channels right here
So you can pick any channel you want and try it
So if it works
that's what I want what we wanted to if it doesn't so wait until
the developer of this great Kodi add-on
update the sources of
Streaming links then they will work with you
So I think they are not working. I tried three Animal Planet's channels
So all of them are not working so we wish that
The developer of this build watch my video and fix the IP TV
To let all my subscribers and viewers of this video
Watch free live TV on this great build for sure and here guys got sports
As you can see you got to get some support channel here. We got geek off you got planet MMA
So you can watch this great sport here, but there is no more big sports section and this build
there is not
Supremacy sport is missing so it's a huge one
You got you got but you can watch
some sports right here in this section, but not that that
Big library of add-ons on the sports section. I'm not satisfied with the sports section right here
you need to
work on your sport section on this build if you wanna
Get more people installing this build
Here guys, you got music as you can see you can listen to music section here music is is really easy
You get a lot of things on music. It's not a big deal
You guys got I view quite as you can see right here. You got the eye view quiet you can know
What is happening?
Any channel you want to?
BBC or a TV
It's a great
TV quite as you can see right here, you got sky cinema guys. You got a
lot of channels
so family for we got
So you guys got this eye
view white
Here we got ups as you can see and then got system
so guys if you enjoyed this great video
don't forget to subscribe to my channel and
Share the video with your friends and family and don't forget to thumbs up in this video
I'll leave me your comment if you like this
Great build. Its a new for Cody
crap-ton, but it needs a lot of work to do by the developer change the dwell papers and
approve and
optimize the sports section and
live TV also
That's it guys. Thanks for watching me and see you tomorrow for another Kodi build
Apple Watch causing wrist pain ? Should you return it? (SOLVED) - Duration: 7:48.
Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.8-16V FIRST EDITION Clima+LM velgen - Duration: 1:04.
How to Quickly Do A One Page Business Plan - Duration: 4:26.
In this video, I want to share with you how to do a business plan on just one page.
And before I do, if you'd like to learn more about how to add six figures to your net profit,
in the next 90 days, go ahead and visit AntheaHorvat.com or click on the link below.
So entrepreneurs come to me, and I ask them, do you have a business plan.
And I kind of know the answer already.
It's a very rare thing that a lot of business owners have a business plan.
They had to go to funding from a bank, then it's just something that they kind of never
really get around to.
They know that they should do it, but they haven't done it.
Now, I could give you a 40 or 50 page template with lots of nice headings in there for you
go and fill out, but I just know that you're highly unlikely that you're ever going to
get around to that.
So, let me share with you a really quick and easy way to get everything down on one page
that you need for your business plan.
We call it the Now Where How process.
So the first thing you need to do is understand exactly where you are in your business.
You could do this doing a SWOT analysis.
That's looking at where are your strengths?
Where are your weaknesses in your business?
Where are your opportunities?
And where are your threats?
So pretty much going through each area of your business to get an understanding of where
your weaknesses are.
But here's the thing.
As a business owner, the low hanging fruit for you is pursuing opportunities out in the
marketplace where you can use your strengths.
I say to my clients, play to your strengths.
And so once you have a full understanding of where you are now, you're ready to think
about your business goals and where you want to be.
So, the next step is to look at where you want to be.
This includes your business vision, your business mission, your values, and your top goals.
Now, through working through your SWOT analysis, you're going to find some opportunities that
you want to pursue, some things in the marketplace that are there, ready for you to use your
strengths to go after.
My suggestion would be pick the low hanging fruit.
Whether you're going to get more customers, develop more products, or diversify, you want
to go for the most easiest strategy that's there for you.
I always say to my clients, think about it like you're walking through an orchard.
You want to get all the low hanging, ripe fruits off the tree first.
Remember the purpose of a business is not only to make a difference in the world, but
it is to make money.
So, go through, have a look at where you are, and define those things, your vision, what
your business is all about, your mission, what it sells, who it sells to, your point
of difference, and then get some business goals for the next 12 months around how much
you want to make in your business, the sales, what products you will sell, and who you will
sell them to.
You only need a few bullet points.
Keep it really simple.
Once you have your top level goals, then of course you can just do a to do list, the action
plan of how you're going to move from where you are now to where you want to be.
It's literally just an action list.
Don't let the concept of doing a business plan completely overwhelm you.
The thinking is really important.
The document is not important at all.
Once you've done the now, where, how, finally, and I'm going to say a dirty word here, I
know, you have to do a budget.
That is, you have to get the numbers together in a spreadsheet or in your accounting software
that projects the profit and loss in your business.
Again, it's probably not as hard as you may think it is.
One of the things I say to people is, you must learn to love the numbers.
They tell a business story.
So there you go.
No 20 page documents, just a simple one page, where you are now, where do you want to be,
a to do list with how you're going to get there.
Put that together with a budget, and you're done and ready to go.
To learn how to add six figures to your net profit in the next 90 days, visit AntheaHorvat.com
or click on the link below this video.
I've prepared a special three part video series for you where I share the formula I use to
transform my business, transform my results, transform my profits, transform my lifestyle.
It's also the same formula that I share with each and every one of my clients, and I'd
love to share that formula with you.
So go on over to AntheaHorvat.com or click on the link below this video.
Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI [removed]90pk) Navi/ Airco/ Cruise/ Elek.Pakket/ Mistl./ Dakrails/ - Duration: 1:11.
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