Thank you friend in May, the total amount of your donations was $ 185, thanks to everyone, you are making this channel together
border control of Georgia
hands up!
"teacher" on the red Skoda
motorcyclist in the hospital
person there
right-hand drive
oh mommy!
nissan driver went to heaven
the rear wheel is as wide as hell!
hold on!
how many taxi drivers in this series!
yourbunnyday! OK, bye blyat
Well we are alive
the ambulance is to blame for everything
amazing, no one was hurt
yourbunywrote blyat!
oh bleen!
tvoyu damn division!
no, there is a hindrance on the right
blyat you fucking Yoba!
drunk pilot
I suggest going into the basement
fell on the car. Ruslanchik!
I'm scared
hell, a new car! a hole in the roof
stunned, he bought this car last week and did not insure
new car? Yes Ruslanchik got a problem
stunned. I filmed on video. And if there is no insurance?
in my opinion this is a young bird
show videos to friends
go away!
We need to go faster
upload a dove to the Internet
yes, but if we do not crush it. then you can
Do you want to wash a bird?
I want to get rid of it
he likes. drive him How will I do this? We'll crush it. Do not worry, do not crush
and where is it?
the bird took off
For more infomation >> Stupid driving mistakes #215 (May 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 13:36.-------------------------------------------
あの「ハチロク」に乗れる! カーレンタル東京がAE86をラインアップに追加 - Duration: 2:58.
今日は何の日: #5月31日 を振り返る カワサキ「ニンジャ」対日産「GT-R」、勝ったのはどっち? - Duration: 2:54.
Peugeot 107 1.0 12v 5drs. Millesim 200 Airco/Org. audio/Elektrisch pakket - Duration: 1:03.
Ford Fiesta 1.0 65 PK STYLE 5drs Airco | Bleutooth | Navi - Duration: 1:04.
Kia Picanto 1.0 5drs Seven - Duration: 0:44.
SpongeBob and Sandy
Grêmio x Fluminense: transmissão ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 6:09.
Hamilton e Coulthard com os 'Red Arrows' - Duration: 0:59.
아우디가 공개한 e-트론 콰트로..새롭게 적용된 신기술은? - Duration: 4:49.
Após voltar com Lucas, Fãs DETONAM Ana Lúcia e Ela Dá a MELHOR RESPOSTA - Duration: 1:51.
아우디가 공개한 e-트론 콰트로..새롭게 적용된 신기술은? - Duration: 4:40.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 Combi 300 TE AIRCO 7 PERS. SCHUIFDAK LEDER TEMPOMAAT - Duration: 1:11.
[서울모터쇼] 벤츠, E클래스 쿠페 등 35개 모델 전시..역대 최대 - Duration: 6:08.
아우디가 공개한 e-트론 콰트로..새롭게 적용된 신기술은? - Duration: 4:53.
波妞开心的用手戳泡泡,光着脚手足无措的踩草地上,让人捧腹大笑 ✔ - Duration: 6:04.
BMW líder de satisfação; Mercedes é a pior - premium - Duration: 1:02.
Hairstylist explica novo cabelo de Vanessa Giácomo: 'Long bob com franja sólida' - Duration: 5:08.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Sindipetro-NF: 25 plataformas aderiram à greve dos petroleiros - Duration: 2:23.
Rosalía Iglesias y Luis Bárcenas, un vis a vis nada más entrar en prisión - Duration: 3:14.
Citroen C4 Cactus nacional: detalhes adicionais divulgados - Duration: 1:57.
ONDE NASCEM OS FORTES QUINTA 31/05 CAPÍTULO 23 | Resumo Completo |O que vai acontecer hoje - Duration: 0:58.
Subaru XV 2019 chega reestilizado no Brasil por R$ 115 mil - Duration: 1:17.
Toyota líder em satisfação do cliente; Fiat é a pior - Brasil - Duration: 1:24.
[서울모터쇼] 포르쉐, 신형 파나메라 라인·GTS..4도어 스포츠 세단 - Duration: 4:04.
[Bookcube] 'Someone Else's BL Cartoon' Animation –ep08 - Duration: 3:23.
Original Webtoon BOBARIEE <Someone Else's BL Cartoon>
Production BOOKCUBE
Someone Else's BL Cartoon - ep08
Are you sick?
You got red ears. You, cutie.
Let me go.
What's so embarrassing?
Are they close?
It seems so. They are a mismatch I think.
Son, are you doing your study well?
… I am.
Stop nagging him. He might get timid.
There are some stories I heard.
Son, you are hanging with a bad child recently, is it true?
Jae-beom's mom told me.
This isn't the time for that.
Your teacher told me that you skipped the makeup classes at school.
You refused your tutor with an excuse for the makeup classes. You haven't studied lately, have you?
…Yes, I have.
I told you to stop.
He's now 3rd grade of middle school and old enough to judge things.
Leave him alone so that he can break off with those who are useless in his life.
Those who are usless in my life…
Yeah, it is true that I didn't study hard just haning around with Gyu-bin.
But I'm doing my best… Ha...
Performance?! Why now… What should I do?
Search 'BOOKCUBE' online now for next episode!
001 - Agulhas - Duration: 9:28.
Subaru XV 2019 chega reestilizado no Brasil por R$ 115 mil - Duration: 1:17.
Volvo V40 D2 R-DESIGN Sensus-Touch | Navi | PDC | Airco | ECC - Duration: 1:14.
Últimas notícia de hoje : STF decide: transportadoras têm 15 dias para pagar R$ 141 mi em multas - Duration: 2:31.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI BlueMotion R-Line 105pk Climate/Navi/Stoelverw/PDC/Xenon - Duration: 1:08.
Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Dynamic | Navi | PDC | Safety Sense | L.Sensor | R.Sensor | - Duration: 1:09.
Trump signs 'right to try' drug bill - Duration: 4:41.
Stupid driving mistakes #215 (May 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 13:36.
Thank you friend in May, the total amount of your donations was $ 185, thanks to everyone, you are making this channel together
border control of Georgia
hands up!
"teacher" on the red Skoda
motorcyclist in the hospital
person there
right-hand drive
oh mommy!
nissan driver went to heaven
the rear wheel is as wide as hell!
hold on!
how many taxi drivers in this series!
yourbunnyday! OK, bye blyat
Well we are alive
the ambulance is to blame for everything
amazing, no one was hurt
yourbunywrote blyat!
oh bleen!
tvoyu damn division!
no, there is a hindrance on the right
blyat you fucking Yoba!
drunk pilot
I suggest going into the basement
fell on the car. Ruslanchik!
I'm scared
hell, a new car! a hole in the roof
stunned, he bought this car last week and did not insure
new car? Yes Ruslanchik got a problem
stunned. I filmed on video. And if there is no insurance?
in my opinion this is a young bird
show videos to friends
go away!
We need to go faster
upload a dove to the Internet
yes, but if we do not crush it. then you can
Do you want to wash a bird?
I want to get rid of it
he likes. drive him How will I do this? We'll crush it. Do not worry, do not crush
and where is it?
the bird took off
あの「ハチロク」に乗れる! カーレンタル東京がAE86をラインアップに追加 - Duration: 2:58.
今日は何の日: #5月31日 を振り返る カワサキ「ニンジャ」対日産「GT-R」、勝ったのはどっち? - Duration: 2:54.
Peugeot 107 1.0 12v 5drs. Millesim 200 Airco/Org. audio/Elektrisch pakket - Duration: 1:03.
Ford Fiesta 1.0 65 PK STYLE 5drs Airco | Bleutooth | Navi - Duration: 1:04.
Kia Picanto 1.0 5drs Seven - Duration: 0:44.
How I Make Money Online
Papillion NE Back Pain Relief - Don't Wreck Your Back Getting Out of Bed - Duration: 3:18.
Hi, I'm Dr. Rodney White with Sarpy Chiropractic. Today we're going to teach you
how to get out of bed properly. It seems like a silly little thing but anyone who
has back pain will tell you, or will agree with this, how hard it can be to
get up in the morning. And what this is also going to do is those who don't
currently have back pain, is going to protect you because as you've seen in
some of our other videos the first hour, but especially the first few minutes of
the morning is when we're at most risk because our disks in our spine hydrate
overnight and they expand and then as soon as you start bending and putting
pressure on them you're at the most risk for those disks to bulge and herniate
and get inflamed. So let's run through a couple of the don'ts before we hit the
do's. So most people when they wake up in the morning start just immediately trying
to sit up and they might look like this and they can't get up and their back is a
bit stiff and it hurts and they end up doing all of this thing; it puts a lot of
pressure and strain on your low back. So many people are going to get sore from
doing that. Then what people will try and do if they can't get up that way, they'll
often then try and sit up and then they'll throw the legs off and try and
throw themselves up like that. Now again that's a very explosive force on the low
back, but now it's even worse because you're adding a twist and if you've seen
some of our other videos you'll know the worst pressure on the back is when we
bend; we hold something out in front of us because it creates pressure; and then
we twist. Well, that's what you're doing here if you just throw the legs off. Now
my spine is twisted, now I'm throwing myself up which is the same as bending,
and it's the equivalent with us holding something out in front of me. So if
you're someone like this who struggles to get out of bed, you're never sure how to
or you have pain, then this is what we want you to do, and this is what
everyone should do, but especially you guys who are hurting. So when you first
wake up, first scoot to your side okay? Get to this position if you're not
already. now you can bring your feet off the table and you can push your way up
like this. Now all our pressure is coming from onto the side of our spine and there's
no bending there at all. So I'll show you that again.
So we go from our back, we scoot the hip under so we're on our side, use your hand
here and here, and your legs here if you have to, or if it's sometimes easier to have
them hang off, push yourself up. Let the legs slip off and there we go, and then
just sit for 10 seconds just to let everything calibrate, let all that
gravity push down and then we can get up and start our day! Then we just slide off
the bed and off we go. So hopefully this video
has helped you in some way, please share this one because while it seems like a
silly little movement there is a lot of people who come to Chiropractors like us
with pain because they've thrown their back out every day getting up out of bed.
So as always like we said share this, please like our Facebook page if you haven't
already, we have a lot of content like this there and also subscribe to our YouTube
channel if you could - we constantly are updating that with new videos and
we're constantly adding to our series of things like how to vacuum, garden and all
these day-to-day things that people don't realize they're damaging their spine
with. That's all we have today, we'll see you next time!
Sending an Anagram | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 0:57.
- [Alex] Sending an Anagram.
- Sending an Anagram, 200.
- [Alex] Former South African policy: paid hater.
- What is apartheid?
- [Alex] Yes.
- Sending an Anagram, 400.
- [Alex] Selfless dedication or private prayer: dove into.
- What is devotion?
- [Alex] That's the word.
- Anagram for 600.
- [Alex] Fancy term for a nose job: pain shortly.
- What is rhinoplasty?
- [Alex] Yes, you're on the plus side now.
- Sending an anagram, 800.
- An energetic person: Monday.
(buzzer rings)
What is dynamo? Dynamo.
- Let's do Sending an Anagram for 1000.
- [Alex] Totally absurd: opposes truer.
- What is preposterous?
- [Alex] Yes.
Harry and Meghan forced to return of their wedding gifts - Duration: 2:17.
Uma Wants Mal's Unconditional Friendship - Part 36 - Descendants Star Darlings Disney - Duration: 10:57.
Disney Doll Story
I heard you transformed.
I had to see you myself.
You finally got your wings.
How did you lose your wings?
Was it really King Stephens who did it?.
It is exactly as it is told.
While I was sleeping, he ripped my wings out.
id it hurt?
How did you not notice?
Why didn't you fight back?
I want you to dump Ben.
I love him.
Do it before he rips out your wings too.
This is King Stephen's dagger?
Are you really going to do it?
Clip Mal's wings.
If I have to.
I'm going to go see Mal.
I have to see her myself.
Will you come with me?
No, he won't.
He said he will find a happy ending for me.
So did King Stephen.
Don't get tricked by his sweet words.
It's different.
Ben really loves me and I love him.
I must get rid of Ben before he has a chance to rip your wings out.
Is it done?
My ship is back to a sailable condition.
Can you fly to Starland and pick up Uma?
Not yet.
I need a rocket booster.
By the way, where is Evie?
I brought you here because I need ideas.
I don't know of any magic that can turn Mal back to a human.
We can always rip out her wings.
Like my grandfather did to Maleficent.
I want to avoid that.
Mateo and I could search through Maruvian magic and see if there is anything that can
help Mal.
Do that for us.
We already knew Mal will turn into Maleficent.
It was only a matter of time.
Just let her be.
Ursula walks around with tentacles.
Fairy Godmother walks around with her wings.
Remember the great war?
Maleficent wanted to wipe out all human race.
That's not going to happen.
We are all humans too.
Most of her friends are humans.
Actually, there is something we could try.
Evil queen.
Everybody said you perished.
Evil Queen.
You can't let anyone else know that I'm still alive.
Then Evie is no longer the Evil Queen.
Remember, Carlos came back from Starland with an infection.
Yeah, negative wish energy.
We assumed that Mal could absorb it because Uma could absorb it.
Yeah and Mal took it out of me.
that's the thing.
Mal wasn't ok afterward.
Mal started to transform.
So it was all my fault.
I think the answer is Uma.
Yeah, she could absorb negative wish energy like it was nothing.
She said it made her feel powerful.
Where is Uma right now?
She is still stuck up in Starland.
Are you still there?
I want you to destroy the Wish House in Starland.
I'll do as you wish.
Who are you talking to?
My master.
who is your master?
I must complete my mission.
Starland must become ours.
What are you doing?
Destroying this wish house.
Come in.
Come in.
Are you sure this works?
I have spoken to Uma before.
Are you there?
What will I get in return for my silence?
What do you want?
Can you get rid of Red Queen for me?
Why is she after you?
Well, let's just say I might have tricked her.
What have you done?
I need to free my people.
Now you will flood Earth with your kind.
Not to mention, Mal will get super powerful.
That's our wish.
Mal decided to become our master.
I said I will become your master.
It is already decided.
Only Mal is worthy enough to be our master.
She is one and only Mistress of Evil.
You are ok.
Of course I'm ok.
What happened to your wings?
What wings?
I never had any wings.
Lonnie, maybe you got this wrong.
Mal didn't turn.
What do you want?
Are you alright?
It's a total mess up here.
I'll get a rescue ship ready and come for you soon.
Everybody said that.
Everybody, but apparently everything else is more important than me.
That's not true.
The ship is almost ready.
So what did you want to talk about?
You want me to absorb negative wish energy from Mal?
I heard you can do it.
I've never done it, but I could probably do it.
So will you do it?
What do I get in return?
What would you like?
I'll grant anything within my power.
Here is Ravenstone.
This was what you were looking for.
Where did you find it?
Does it matter?
You said you will make the rocket boosters for us if we can get this for you.
we need to know who had it.
We can't tell you.
We need to protect her identity.
It's ready.
The trap is ready.
What trap?
The trap for the Darklings and their master.
What will happen to them?
You will have to ask King Beast but probably nothing good.
I want friendship.
Unconditional true friendship from Mal.
But friendship isn't something we can give you.
It has to be earned.
You heard my wish.
I want to be Mal's best friend and the only best friend.
How is Mal doing?
Considering everything, I think she is taking it well.
I don't know how to ask for this, so
Just say it.
What is it?
I think Uma can save Mal.
By absorbing the negative wish energy from Mal.
Jane thinks it can really work.
Uma wants something in return.
Doesn't she?
She asked to be Mal's best friend and her only best friend.
I brought the crystal ball.
Maybe you can talk to Uma.
Oh no, you found out, didn't you?
Evil Queen is alive.
I know.
Your secret is safe with me.
By the way, the ship's ready.
what ship?
You promised you will get onboard my ship to Starland.
No I didn't.
Yes you did.
You promised to use your magic for me.
Eh hem.
Something's not quite right about you too.
Who really are you?
I heard you can help Mal.
Then did you also hear what I want in return?
We can both be her best friends.
Who's to say she can only have one best friend?
You and Mal are a mystery to me.
How someone could be so close for so long.
Why Mal?
There isn't even a curse you can break with friendship.
Not like true love.
I know, but I know you get your powers from friendship.
So you are doing this because you hate me.
I don't hate you.
But let's be honest.
I'm more powerful than you.
Mal needs me more than you.
Have you seen Mal?
Why are you looking for Mal?
I must find her.
Search this entire area.
Why did you just lie to Red Queen?
Why would Red Queen want Mal?
If Red Queen had to move her army of hearts to find Mal, this can't be good.
I want to know what it feels like.
To have an unconditional true friendship.
Something that lasts a lifetime.
Thick and thin.
Truer than love.
I can be your best friend.
I can give you what you want.
You are friends with everybody.
It's almost meaningless.
That's not true.
More doesn't mean less.
Not when it comes to friendship.
I want Mal's friendship.
I can't force it upon Mal to like you.
Then help me.
Make me her friend.
Do your magic.
Give me what I want.
there you are.
You must have found out by now what happened to Mal.
My feelings for Mal is sincere.
I can't let you hurt my daughter.
I think there is a way to get rid of Mal's wings without clipping it off.
You think Mal needs to be fixed, don't you?
I didn't mean it like that.
Tell me the truth.
Do you have King Stephens dagger?
Your words are sweet.
Mal is still too innocent and she will believe all of your words.
I'm not King Stephen.
I do not have any other motive behind my words.
I was tricked once.
I will not be tricked again.
Uma wants to be your friend.
She is my archnemesis.
Not to mention, she tried to break us apart.
She might just be the only one who can save you.
Turn you back to a human.
I don't want to turn back to a human if it means losing you.
I can't go back to being your enemy.
Do you want to live like this forever.
What do I have to do for Uma?
I don't know.
Promise me.
You will give this a try.
CJ's ship will leave for you soon.
I don't know how we became archnemesis.
It was such a long time ago.
I can't even remember.
Isn't that how it is with all enemies?
Over time, we are blinded by hate, we forget how it all began in the first place.
Maybe we can start over?
I hope you come back home safely.
I'll wait for you.
Cute Open Sol 24ft Tiny House on Wheels by SimBLISSity Tiny Homes - Duration: 1:50.
Cute Open Sol 24ft Tiny House on Wheels by SimBLISSity Tiny Homes
Tokyo Nakano Japan (11. Vlog) - Duration: 10:09.
basically this is a Japanese term for a person who has an obsessive interest
commonly in Anime or Manga fandom
or it could also describe any other person with a hobby or interest that he is obsessed about
there are a few areas in Tokyo
where you can find memorabilia for Otaku culture
The most commonly known is Akihabara, the heart of Otaku
but today, I like to show you Nakano Ward in Tokyo
If people, of course I do not want to generalize
but if people call you Otaku, it is not a compliment
even if it comes with a big laugh
recently there was a study in 2013
a lot of people do not associate Otaku negatively anymore
but from my experience
it is very often mention
I want to say, not a positive way
Actually it (the negativity to the Otaku term) came from a serial murderer in the 80's
who killed little girls
"The Otaku Murderer"
but personally I do not think this is associated with that
it has more to do
how people
are seen in public
So, you have the salary man on one hand and than the Otaku on the other hand
with pink hair and a very fancy outfit etc.
What do you think?
If you translate Otaku from Japanese to English, nerd will come up
if you translate Japanese to German, Aussenseiter comes up
which is translated into English as outsider
definitely, I think, there is a confusion about it
so, I would not count on it, that this is a positive thing to be called Otaku in Japan
in my time in Japan I have never had any personally contact with a person who is described to be otaku
well, what I want to say is
this is not mainstream in Japan
also a lot of people describe Japan as that
secondly, what you will see in the video
a lot of junk
pretty, stimulating, appealing, exciting, revealing, profitable, inspiring, entertaining, enthralling junk but junk
but junk
to end the explanation of Otaku from my point of view
Otaku starts when it gets obsessive
in collecting this kind of memorabilia
for me junk
and if this is the highest priority in life
and maybe when this person start to stop socializing
so, I think it is a negativ term in Japan
So, last Friday we had Premium Friday
which is the Friday in Japan when the Salary Man goes early home
to spent time with the family
and hopefully make babies
we past that experience
and my husband wanted to show me the area where he lived
when he went to University
it happen to be Nakano Ward
So, I hope you like today's episode
it is now around 5.30pm in Japan
and I have to prepare dinner now
see you next time
台灣海巡船要裝火箭炮和反艦彈,加強火力藏兵於民 - Duration: 5:33.
Spring 2018 Netplay Tournament: Bomberman '94 = Week 9 - Duration: 26:32.
BREAKING: Roseanne Is Already Making A Comeback With Stunning New Announcement - Duration: 4:24.
Roseanne Barr suffered a setback when ABC canceled her show over a Tweet that caused
a few people to complain.
While a few folks subjectively were offended by what Roseanne said, others ignored it and
continued about their day.
However, someone at ABC didn't like what Roseanne said about Valerie Jarrett and used
the Tweet as an excuse to cancel her show.
In the action of canceling the show, the station also caused numerous others to lose their
jobs as well.
When ABC canceled the Roseanne show, they caused others to lose their jobs and it was
all over a Tweet that a few people simply didn't like.
Canceling an entire show, causing numerous people to lose their jobs, and providing the
country with more evidence of the sickly double standard that's saturating our country with
thoughtless boycotts and nonsense complaints of being offended.
After all is said and done, it was ABC who caused people to lose their job even though
their ratings were acceptable and their audience enjoyed the program.
Roseanne isn't letting this get to her though.
She's already making her own comeback just a day after losing her show.
She's taken to Twitter, the place in which her previous comment was discovered and caused
ABC to lose their minds, and she's showing that great-American resilience.
She's making a comeback by taking responsibility for her actions and reminding her fans that
they simply need not make excuses for her or come to her defense.
She's showing her resilience to being cut from her own show and allowing ABC to sever
so many people from their jobs and no longer bringing back the show for the next season,
even though they were renewed.
Conservative 101 wrote more about her comeback: "It has been a horrible day for 'Roseanne'
fans around the world.
ABC canceled the hit show 'Roseanne' after the lead Roseanne Barr tweeted a very politically
incorrect tweet about former Obama official Valerie Jarrett.
However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
After the show was canceled, Barr apologized on Twitter.
"I deeply regret my comments from late last night on Twitter.
Above all, I want to apologize to Valerie Jarrett, as well as to ABC and the cast and
crew of the Roseanne show.
I am sorry for making a thoughtless joke that does not reflect my values – I love all
people and am very sorry," wrote Barr.
"Today my words caused hundreds of hardworking people to lose their jobs.
I also sincerely apologize to the audience that has embraced my work for decades.
I apologize from the bottom of my heart and hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive
me," wrote Barr.
After her apology, she announced that she is not done for yet.
She even has a guest appearance on an interview show this Friday.
"Don't feel sorry for me, guys!!-I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people,
and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due
to my stupid tweet.
I will be on Joe Rogan's podcast friday," tweeted Barr.
"hey guys, don't defend me, it's sweet of you 2 try, but…losing my show is 0 compared
2 being labelled a racist over one tweet-that I regret even more," she wrote."
The next step for Roseanne and her crew is to see if another network picks up her show.
They will wait while other networks make a decision, mostly determining how many viewers
they can gain by signing on the show as needed.
If a network realizes they can pick up an extra few million viewers, then perhaps it's
worth picking up the show.
If the networks think like businessmen and put politics aside, then they'll see that
signing Roseanne's show will bring them new viewership.
Keep in mind that many of the writers for the Roseanne show fall on the left side of
The show staff has numerous people from various political agendas and the outcome is that
they all work together and provide an entertaining show that millions of fans enjoy greatly.
The staff of Roseanne's show is evidence that people of multiple political backgrounds
can happily work together and provide a product worth watching – which was evident by the
ratings the show so greatly endured.
Roseanne will bounce back and it's thought that someone will eventually pick up the show.
Shall executives from any network sign the Roseanne show, then they'll likely have
made a wonderful decision.
Whoever picks it up will automatically be graced with millions of new viewers.
Learn Colors for Children to with Street Vehicle Toy Car Water Sliders 3D - Colours Toys for Kid - Duration: 2:42.
Thank you watching video.
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John Goodman Looks Despondent After 'Roseanne' Cancelation | - Duration: 5:29.
John Goodman Looks Despondent After 'Roseanne' Cancelation |
Actor John Goodman was spotted out and about on Tuesday, May 29, looking rather depressed.
Paparazzi caught up with Goodman, who was walking his dog in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he lives.
The actor, who has been part of the Roseanne cast for several years, didn't look too happy in the snapshots posted by TMZ.
Goodman played the role of Dan Conner on the popular sitcom, which was recently rebooted.
The show's wild success earned it a green light for another season, which was set to air in the fall.
According to Variety, Roseanne ended its first season as the "No.
1 scripted primetime television series in the 18-49 demo, according to Nielsen live-plus-same say numbers." However, following a Twitter tirade from lead actress, Roseanne Barr, ABC decided to pull the show from its lineup.
In one of Barr's tweets, the actress took aim at former Barack Obama aide, Valerie Jarrett, calling her the offspring of the "Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes." The racist comment sparked major controversy on social media with thousands of Twitter users calling for ABC to pull Roseanne from the air.
A few hours later, a decision was made.
"Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show," ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey said in a statement released.
Barr released an apology for her tweet.
"I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans.
I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks.
I should have known better.
Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.
I am now leaving Twitter," Barr wrote.
She continued on a Twitter rant on Wednesday.
While Goodman and the rest of the Roseanne cast are now out of a job, The Hollywood Reporter confirms that many of the actors involved with the show will still earn their due paychecks.
"Per multiple insiders, reps for the stars, including Sara Gilbert, Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman, who recently negotiated new deals for the 11th season at $350,000 an episode (up from $250,000 a year before and still shy of Barr's estimated $500,000 per-episode fee), are expecting to still be compensated for the season since, as many note, 'their options were exercised.' Or at least that's the case they intend to make if ABC opts not to pay them for the jettisoned season.
'They'll lawyer up if they have to,' says a source with ties to the show.".
Goodman has not commented publicly on Barr's tweets or Roseanne's cancellation.
Actress Sara Gilbert posted the following reaction to Barr's bothersome tweets.
"Roseanne's recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.
I am disappointed in her actions to say the least.
This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we've created a show that we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love— one that is separate and apart from the opinions and words of one cast member," Gilbert tweeted.
The Ingraham Angle 05/30/18 10PM | May 30, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:07.
Suzuki Alto 1.1 GL - Duration: 1:03.
#298 easy flower rangoli|simple flower rangoli designs|Simple Kolam with 9 Dots|Muggulu chukkala art - Duration: 3:40.
Daily Rangoli Designs
Breaking News - The fittest England team of all time? Southgate out to copy Pep - Duration: 7:09.
Gareth Southgate will send his troops into battle against Tunisia on June 18 with one clear directive: be proactive, not reactive
It is a message that has been drummed into the players since they reported for duty on May 20
Southgate has had enough of seeing England being passive on the world stage. At Euro 2016 when Eric Dier gave England the lead in their opening game against Russia, they should have put their foot down on the accelerator
Instead they drew 1-1. Similar instances have riddled England's history at major tournaments
The team meetings at St George's Park over the past week-and-a-half have been designed to ensure that doesn't happen on Southgate's watch
And players have no choice but to listen, with mobile phones forbidden during squad debriefs
At their Staffordshire training base, Southgate and his staff have got England's players working on a pressing game
The manager has developed a good relationship with Pep Guardiola and fans can expect England to adopt City's possession-based pressing style in Russia, though there are doubts over whether they have the technical quality to make such a stylish statement
But Southgate's team have had tailored sessions to ensure players have sufficient energy levels to execute the strategy he wants
Each player was provided with a training schedule adjusted for the number of games they played last season
Central defender Harry Maguire started all 38 Premier League games for Leicester and was pulled out of training earlier this week to ensure he isn't overloaded before Saturday's friendly against Nigeria at Wembley
Team cohesion drills, which include short and sharp sprints, have been used increasingly during camp
At the moment sessions generally don't last more than 90 minutes. If on occasion they train twice in a day, players will complete a light morning session before an afternoon of weights and mobility work
Training has been designed to maintain rather than gain fitness. Avoiding muscular injuries has been another key consideration
One of the key reasons England opted against holding their pre-tournament camp abroad was to lower the risk of injury
With travelling comes unnecessary fatigue. With fatigue comes injury. And travelling means you miss at least two days of training
Tactical and shape work will be increasingly phased into sessions the closer it gets to the big kick-off
Southgate, though, has already taken his players through some pattern-of-play work in small-sided games and will look at continuing his experiment of playing Kyle Walker on the right of three centre backs
Off the pitch, camaraderie is said to be very encouraging. Players have been at pains to stress that club divides within the squad no longer exist and an agreement between players not to bring phones down at dinner time has helped create an atmosphere of togetherness
It has also been pointed out to Sportsmail that all players made a point of shaking hands in the moments before kick-off in the March friendlies against Holland and Italy
Southgate is leaving no stone unturned as he attempts to repair England's tarnished reputation
The definitive list of staff joining the team in Russia next month will be ratified by the FA next week
In addition to Southgate's closest lieutenants Steve Holland and goalkeeping coach Martyn Margetson, the England manager will take a host of specialist staff in search of finding every advantage during the tournament
Lead performance coaches Ben Rosenblatt and Bryce Kavanagh - who will also play a key role in players nutrition - will certainly be on the plane
So will self-proclaimed 'world's No 1' striker coach Allan Russell and the FA's psychology expert Pippa Grange
It is understood the FA have considered installing a mobile cryotherapy chamber at their Russian training base to aid team doctor Robin Chakraverty and lead physio Steve Kemp's team
Players already have use of an altitude chamber and hydrotherapy suite at St George's Park, and squad members have also undergone vigorous tests for asthma as part of their preparations
The message is that this will be the best prepared England squad ever to travel to a World Cup
Deb Guyot Labradorite and Herkimer "Diamond" Quartz 32" ... - Duration: 2:59.
Banana Cinnamon Muffins - Duration: 4:41.
Hi welcome to Tasty Choice. I am Raji
Today I am going to make muffins which are very tasty and
easy to make.
Its main ingredients
are banana and cinnamon.
I took it from Betty Crocker
Recipes.Now let us look at how we make it.
Let us start making muffins.
First, we should preheat the oven
with 375 degree farenheit or
190 degree celsius.
After that, put paper cups into
muffin pan.
I am going to make 12 muffins
After we put the paper cups,
we should put the pan aside.
Now let us look at the
This is
1 2/3 all purpose flour (maida),
2/3 cup of sugar,
1/2 cup of oil
2 eggs,
2/3 cup of
banana which is mashed in the mixy(blender)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
and 1 teaspoon vanilla essence.
Next we have to mix all the ingredients.
For this,
first we should mix
and eggs
with wire wisk.
let us put the mashed banana,
and vanilla essence into it and then mix it.
Now it is mixed well.
Now we should put the rest of the
and mix it.
Let us mix baking soda,
cinnamon powder,
and then add maida little by little
and mix well.
Now I mixed all the ingredients very well.
Next thing is to pour
the mixture
into the muffin cups.
Each should be only
2/3 cup full.
It has to be filled like this .
I am going to bake
this in the preheated oven.
It will take 17 to 21 minutes to get baked.
After 17 minutes, we can check whether
it is ready or not using a knife.
If the knife is seen clean, it is ready.
Then we should take it out from the oven.
It shouldn't get over baked.
Now our muffins are ready .
It took 17 minutes get it baked.
If you like this recipe, please don't forget
to subscribe and like. Thank you.
Uber adds panic button for U.S. customers, with driver button to come later - Duration: 4:16.
Uber rolled out a U.S. customer panic button and Trusted Contacts safety features nationwide.
Both tools are accessible from the Uber app home screen.
Swipe up on the new safety center icon and tap "911 assistance."
You will have to tap again to confirm the call.
Uber's director of product management, Sachin Kansal, told The Verge the extra tap is required
to minimize accidental 911 calls.
With the second tap the car's make, model, license plate number, and current location
display on the app screen while the app dials 911.
When the operator answers, the rider can explain the problem and relay the car's information.
An investigative reporter with Today had an exclusive first test of the new panic button.
The reporter read the displayed car location information to the 911 operator, and police
arrived within five minutes.
Because passengers can get unruly or endanger drivers, Uber also announced plans to introduce
a driver emergency button following the passenger 911 call button.
When you don't want the driver to know you're calling 911
Uber is teaming with RapidSOS in a pilot program for automatic location sharing with 911 services.
Six U.S. cities will have a more advanced version of the emergency button, with location
and car-specific information.
Riders in Denver, Colorado; Charleston, South Carolina; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Naples,
Florida; Tri-Cities, Tennessee; and Louisville, Kentucky will be first with the advanced version.
Nashville will be the next city with the advanced notification capability, Today reported.
When Uber riders in the listed cities tap the advanced emergency button, the 911 operator
will automatically receive the rider's name and the car's make, model, color, license
plate number, and exact location.
With that capability, even if a rider can't talk or doesn't want to be heard speaking
to the 911 operator, the emergency call would go out and help would be dispatched.
Let others know where you are Uber's Trusted Contacts feature lets U.S.
riders designate up to five friends or family members to share real-time Uber trip location
Contacts will be able to follow along as the trip progresses and know when the rider reaches
the destination.
The app sets up reminders to turn on sharing during each trip.
A nighttime option lets users share Uber trips in the evening only.
Earlier this year, the ridesharing company's CEO Dara Khosrowshahi announced the emergency
button and other safety services would be coming soon.
"Helping keep people safe is a huge responsibility," Khosrowshahi wrote in a company news release
at the time, "and one we do not take lightly.
That's why as CEO, I'm committed to putting safety at the core of everything we do."
Uber originally introduced an in-app panic button in India in 2015.
The addition was precipitated when Uber service was suspended in several Indian states after
an Uber driver was accused of rape by a female passenger in New Delhi.
At the same time, Uber also added what it termed a 'safety net' tool that let Uber
riders in India share trip information and location with up to five contacts — the
early version of the new Trusted Contacts feature.
[MV] P!SCO - 清澈的湖水裡有魚 Fish in the Clear Lake น้ำใสไหลเย็นเห็นตัวปลา แหวกว่ายไปมาดูไหวๆ - Duration: 4:44.
[Bookcube] 'Someone Else's BL Cartoon' Animation –ep08 - Duration: 3:23.
Original Webtoon BOBARIEE <Someone Else's BL Cartoon>
Production BOOKCUBE
Someone Else's BL Cartoon - ep08
Are you sick?
You got red ears. You, cutie.
Let me go.
What's so embarrassing?
Are they close?
It seems so. They are a mismatch I think.
Son, are you doing your study well?
… I am.
Stop nagging him. He might get timid.
There are some stories I heard.
Son, you are hanging with a bad child recently, is it true?
Jae-beom's mom told me.
This isn't the time for that.
Your teacher told me that you skipped the makeup classes at school.
You refused your tutor with an excuse for the makeup classes. You haven't studied lately, have you?
…Yes, I have.
I told you to stop.
He's now 3rd grade of middle school and old enough to judge things.
Leave him alone so that he can break off with those who are useless in his life.
Those who are usless in my life…
Yeah, it is true that I didn't study hard just haning around with Gyu-bin.
But I'm doing my best… Ha...
Performance?! Why now… What should I do?
Search 'BOOKCUBE' online now for next episode!
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