Arduino Project Tutorial For Beginners – Gmail Notifier
For more infomation >> Arduino Project Tutorial For Beginners – Gmail Notifier - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
キャンプ中の親子にご飯をもらった野良猫。その後、姿を消したと思ったら…驚き!! 【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:15.
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Arduino Project Tutorial For Intermediate – Fritzmeter Standalone Internet Bandwidth Meter
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Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma To Shoot For Zero's Climax At This NASA Facility - Duration: 3:15.
Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma to shoot for Zero's climax at this NASA facility
We exclusively revealed to you how the climax of Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif and R Madhavans Zero will take place on Mars.
And looks like the team are finally shooting for it in America! Yes, according to our source, the team is currently in USA and they have started shooting for a 45 day long schedule at a NASA facility in Alabama.
According to reports, the team is shooting at the US Space and Rocket Centre in Huntsville, Alabama.
They will not only use the inside of this NASA facility, but also a few rocket models/prototypes in its premises to shoot certain sequences.
The Mars and the shuttle sequence will also be shot in America and it will surely be a visual treat for everyone across the world.
For those of you who dont remember, let us tell you that the makers of the film chose to have the climax of Zero on Mars because of a very logical reason.
As our source had revealed to us exclusively earlier this year, With Zero having several elements of sci-fi, the makers wanted to give it a befitting end.
So you will see the climax of the film take place on Mars.
While you might think this is very strange, there is actually a quite logical reason to why the climax will take place on Mars and you will come to know about it while watching the movie..
From what we hear, this will mostly be the final schedule of the shoot, unless the movie needs some patchwork.
Post this 45 day shoot, SRK and Aanand L Rai will sit on the edit and complete the Vfx work, which is quite a lot, considering they are showcasing SRK as a dwarf and also have a climax on Mars.
Anyway, with the film set to release on December 21, stay tuned to BollywoodLife as we get you all the dope and updates about Zero right here.
„Terror nie ustaje" – 75. rocznica masowych egzekucji Polaków w ruinach getta warszawskiego - Duration: 17:09.
W połowie maja 1943 r. dogasały walki w warszawskim getcie. Jego ruiny miały posłużyć niemieckim okupantom do przeprowadzenia masowych egzekucji Polaków
Do jednej z największych zbrodni doszło 75 lat temu, 29 maja 1943 r. Jej ofiarą padło ponad pół tysiąca więźniów Pawiaka
Upadek powstania w warszawskim getcie oraz zrównanie z ziemią całego obszaru „byłej dzielnicy żydowskiej" nie oznaczał końca dramatu, którego świadkiem była ta część okupowanej stolicy
Wśród ruin getta pozostały dwa więzienia zarządzane przez gestapo i SD. Budynki więzień na ul
Dzielnej i Pawiej poprzez morze ruin zostały odizolowane od pozostałej części miasta
Wśród mieszkańców Warszawy szczególnie złą sławą cieszył się Pawiak. Więzienie w tym miejscu powstało jeszcze w XIX w
Po 1939 r. przejęli je Niemcy, którzy zamienili je w więzienie śledcze gestapo. W ocenie historyków ze 100 tys
osób, które przeszły przez Pawiak podczas okupacji, 37 tys. straciło życie. Kolejne 60 tys
wywieziono do obozów koncentracyjnych i obozów pracy. Miejscem masowych egzekucji więźniów Pawiaka były Palmiry lub inne miejsca straceń w lasach wokół stolicy
Transport setek więźniów wymagał jednak zaangażowania wielu środków i silnej obstawy SS lub żandarmerii
Istniało również duże ryzyko ucieczki niektórych więźniów lub próby ich odbicia przez organizacje podziemne
Niewygodne dla Niemców mogło być także odkrywanie przez okolicznych mieszkańców lub struktury Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego masowych grobów oraz publikowanie informacji o nich w prasie konspiracyjnej
Czytaj też: Opustoszały teren getta sąsiadujący z więzieniami był więc dużo lepszym miejscem wykonywania masowych egzekucji
„Doktor Hahn [Ludwig Hahn – komendant niemieckiej policji bezpieczeństwa i służby bezpieczeństwa] mówił mniej więcej tak: skorzystajmy z Grossaktion [akcji likwidacji getta] dla wykańczania również Polaków
W getcie zginęło i będzie nadal ginęło bardzo wielu Żydów. Wszędzie poniewierają się tam trupy, więc gdy dojdzie do tego jeszcze kilka tysięcy Polaków, to i tak nikt niczego nie będzie mógł sprawdzić" – stwierdził w rozmowie z Kazimierzem Moczarskim Jürgen Stroop
Bezpośrednią odpowiedzialność za organizowanie egzekucji w getcie ponosi Stroop, pełniący wówczas obowiązki dowódcy SS i policji w Dystrykcie Warszawskim
Pierwszej wielkiej egzekucji na terenie getta dokonano 7 maja 1943 r., jeszcze w trakcie walk w getcie
Tego dnia naprzeciwko, przy Dzielnej 27, rozstrzelano grupę ok. 95 więźniów Pawiaka i innych więzień
Wśród ofiar było wielu zasłużonych działaczy społecznych, naukowców i sędziów, m
in. uczestnik III Powstania Śląskiego Roman Perczyński. Część z zamordowanych była oficerami AK
Prawdopodobnie tego dnia zginął również cichociemny ppor. Jan Hörl. Cztery dni później w tym samym miejscu dokonano kolejnej egzekucji, w której zginęli przerzuceni na teren Generalnego Gubernatorstwa dywersanci Polskiej Partii Robotniczej
Już 9 maja wiedza o egzekucjach na terenie getta przedostała się do mieszkańców Warszawy
W swoim dzienniku ekonomista i konspiracyjny publicysta Ludwik Landau zapisał: „Terror nie ustaje
Słychać ostatnio o wypadkach zwolnienia pewnej liczby osób z Pawiaka – ale też o nowym rozstrzelaniu więźniów, ok
80 mężczyzn wraz z kilkunastoma kobietami przewiezionymi skąd indziej". Terror, o którym wspomina Landau, nasilił się m
in. z powodu kilku przeprowadzonych w tym czasie spektakularnych akcji Armii Krajowej; m
in. 6 maja Tadeusz Zawadzki „Zośka" wraz z Maciejem Bittnerem „Maćkiem" w mieszkaniu przy ul
Mokotowskiej dokonali likwidacji SS-Oberscharführera Herberta Schultza z gestapo
Sam „Maciek" został zamordowany w ruinach getta po aresztowaniu 28 lutego 1944 r
Czytaj też: W następnych dniach maja w ruinach getta odbywały się kolejne, mniejsze egzekucje
Prawdopodobnie 13 maja w getcie zamordowano Kazimierza Smoleńskiego, wybitnego chemika, profesora Politechniki Warszawskiej
15 maja cele więzienia na Dzielnej ponownie zapełniły się więźniami. W obławie w słynnej kawiarni Fuchsa na Filtrowej aresztowano kilkadziesiąt osób
Dwa dni później, w nocy z 17 na 18 maja, na Pawiak przywieziono ok. 640 osób aresztowanych w domach w różnych częściach miasta
Wśród nich było bardzo wielu członków konspiracji. Więźniów odizolowano od pozostałych przetrzymywanych na Pawiaku i niemal natychmiast rozpoczęto przesłuchania
W przeciwieństwie do większości innych śledztw więźniów nie przewożono na al. Szucha
„W dawnej piekarni na oddziale VII zobaczyłem raz przeniesionych z przesłuchania trzech ciężko poranionych i skatowanych więźniów, z których jeden, nazwiskiem Grzelak, robotnik z Grochowa niedługo skonał" – pisał Leon Wanat, więzień Pawiaka w latach 1940–1944, świadek w powojennych procesach funkcjonariuszy gestapo
Mimo ścisłej izolacji więźniów w dniach 19–28 maja z Pawiaka udało się przemycić wiele grypsów
W jednym z nich uwięziona na „Serbii" (oddziale kobiecym) Wanda Wilczyńska pisała: „Tempo jest wściekłe, widać, że chcą jak najszybciej wykończyć tę sprawę
Te same osoby brane są [na przesłuchania] 3–4 razy dziennie. To, co teraz urządzają, to istna katownia, ok
60 proc. kobiet wraca zbitych. Wszystkie pobicia bardzo ciężkie, całego ciała. Po pobiciu rannym stosuje się na okaleczałe ciało drugą porcję w południe i znowu to samo – wieczorem
Gdy pomimo to nie mogą osiągnąć zeznań – poją wódką aż do wymiotów. Skatowane kobiety, upadające, mdlejące siłą ciągną na powtórne badania"
Wielu więźniów było mordowanych już na Pawiaku. „Dnia 20 maja przeniesiono do kostnicy czterech zamordowanych mężczyzn, nazwiska nieznane
Są zmasakrowani tak, że nie rozpoznałyby ich nawet rodziny […] System badań jest tak makabryczny, że niektórzy strażnicy Ukraińcy nie wytrzymują nerwowo, i reagują płaczem i histerią na to, co widzą" – pisano w jednym z grypsów przesłanych w tych dniach z Pawiaka
„W sobotę 29 maja wywołano i zgrupowano na dziedzińcu Pawiaka ok. 600 osób (przeważnie z ostatnich aresztowań)" – czytamy w jednym z raportów działających w więzieniu komórek konspiracyjnych
Więźniów zgrupowano na dziedzińcu więzienia i podzielono na 30-osobowe grupy. „Po wyprowadzeniu wywołanych z cel na dziedziniec korytarzowi kazali ich rzeczy, jak palta, czapki, ułożyć przed drzwiami cel, skąd rzeczy te zostały wywiezione do magazynu
Tego samego dnia ok. godz. 11 było słychać w getcie ogromną strzelaninę" – wspominał jeden z więźniów
Kolejne informacje na temat losu wywiezionych przekazali więźniom ukraińscy strażnicy, którzy, jak pisał Leon Wanat, „wygadali się, że transport ten w całości zlikwidowano w kilku punktach getta, a dla zatarcia śladów zwłoki pomordowanych spalono na stosach drzewa oblanych naftą
Parę dni czuć było na Pawiaku dym i swąd palących się ciał". Czytaj też: Zdaniem badaczki dziejów Pawiaka Reginy Domańskiej w tych dniach w egzekucjach wśród ruin getta zginęło co najmniej 530 więźniów
Według Władysława Bartoszewskiego zginęło ok. 600 więźniów z Pawiaka, więzienia na Rakowieckiej i cel w siedzibie gestapo na Szucha
Imienna lista ofiar liczy ponad 250 nazwisk. Wśród nich są urzędnicy, naukowcy, działacze polityczni, żołnierze i oficerowie AK, artyści, przedwojenni policjanci; również wiele kobiet, m
in. Janina Zglińska, przedwojenna instruktor Przysposobienia Wojskowego Kobiet. W czasie wojny tworzyła Kobiece Zespoły Saperskie AK
Jak podkreślał Władysław Bartoszewski w fundamentalnej monografii „Warszawski pierścień śmierci 1939–1944", egzekucje z 29 maja i kontynuowane 30 maja były największą jednorazową zbrodnią popełnioną na terenie miasta przed wybuchem Powstania Warszawskiego
„Masakra była nie pierwszą i będzie – nie łudźmy się – nie ostatnią zbrodnią niemiecką w Polsce
Czy zbrodnie te spełnią stawiany im przez Niemców cel, czy stłumią w kraju akcję przeciwniemieckiego oporu? Tylko głupota pruska może mieć w tym względzie nadzieję
Skutki masakry pawiackiej będą wręcz przeciwne: pomnożą szeregi Polski podziemnej setkami nowych fanatycznych mścicieli, wzmocnią wśród narodu całego pragnienie sprawiedliwej odpłaty i odwetu" – pisał „Biuletyn Informacyjny" z 10 czerwca 1943 r
Wydaje się, że opinie redaktorów najważniejszej gazety podziemnej podzielali Niemcy
W przeciwieństwie do wielu innych egzekucji nie zdecydowali się o jej ogłoszeniu, mimo że wydrukowali obwieszczenia
Pierwszą reakcją Polski Podziemnej były działania Organizacji Małego Sabotażu „Wawer"
Na murach Warszawy pojawiły się napisy „Pawiak pomścimy". Wydrukowano i rozrzucono ok
40 tys. ulotek informujących o zbrodni w ruinach getta. Mordy w okolicach Gęsiej i innych ulic otaczających Pawiak trwały w kolejnych miesiącach, aż do likwidacji więzienia na Pawiaku
Do ostatniej udokumentowanej zbrodni doszło 13 sierpnia 1944 r. Liczba ofiar egzekucji jest szacowana na co najmniej kilkanaście tysięcy
Najwyższe szacunki sięgają 20 tys. Cytaty ze źródeł pochodzą z monografii Władysława Bartoszewskiego „Warszawski pierścień śmierci 1939–1944
Terror hitlerowski w okupowanej stolicy" w wydaniu z 2008 r. oraz Reginy Domańskiej „Pawiak – kaźń i heroizm" z 1988 r
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Il direttore d'orchestra che ha legato la sua storia a tanti programmi di successo si è spento a 82 anni Si è spento a 82 anni il maestro Pippo Caruso, che era nato a Belpasso (Catania)
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Ha legato la sua storia a programmi televisivi di grande successo, condotti dal suo amico e mentore Pippo Baudo, come varie edizioni del Festival di Sanremo, Fantastico, Serata d'onore, Numero Uno, Domenica in e altri ancora
Insieme a Baudo, ha contribuito al lancio di Heather Parisi e Lorella Cuccarini. La notizia è stata confermata all'ANSA da Pippo Baudo, che si è detto "distrutto per la perdita di un carissimo amico"
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Era una carissima persona e un artista straordinario al quale ero legatissimo. Mi mancherà"
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I am sorry.
What? What?! What's up with that?!
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Wouldn't people know who they love and why they love them?
I am here as someone who has gone through what Osman is going through.
In the first one, ten years of my life were gone; in the second one, my life was gone.
Those who leave make a clean break..
... but what about those who are left behind?
I have loved you very much...
... but I cannot love for two.
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Driving Mercedes AMG GT R on Lucca's walls and OFFROAD | 1000 Miglia 2018 - Duration: 10:04.
stop, stop, stop..I know what you're thinking about:
the usual clickbait title...this is not the case
here I am, driving the Mercedes AMG GT R
here I am driving the GT R on Lucca's walls
and what about offroad driving?
I'll show you at the end of the video, first let me tell you
about this great experience while driving a dream car
585 hp, this number is often enough to impress
and this is the power of AMG GT R's V8
but I don't really like numbers, I prefer sensations
and on the subject of feelings this amg gt r really knows how to excite
she knows how to get you,
she knows how to convince you to tell your 1000 Miglia partner,
Mirco Scarchilli from Mercedes-Benz Italy,
no, I'll never leave the pilot's place again. I'll never get off this AMG GT R
So let's leave the numbers aside
and let's talk about one of the protagonists of this AMG GT R, the automatic dual clutch transmission
The dual clutch trasmission, working togherer with AMG GT R's electronics, is able to change
the driving dynamic of this supercar
If yout set the driving mode on Comfort
you will be impressed by how the car is also manageable in the city
You don't believe it?
I drove in the historic centers of Rome and Siena and above the walls of Lucca
and the AMG GT R was as easy to drive as a small car
managing gear changes without letting them feel
impressive if you consider what she's capable to do if you change the driving mode
Sport+, the most extreme of driving modes, if we exclude "Race", too extreme for the road
Everything change: the dual clutch trasmission is ready to make us exploit all the power
exhaust valve's will open
the sound changes from a "quiet" sound in Comfort mode
and it turns into the roar of a beast
dark and full-bodied, with crackles when you lift the gas pedal
so rewarding that make us forget that the radio is playing our favorite song
the throttle is ready to react to the whim of the most reactive driver,
the steering is direct and instantaneous responds to a great chassis
with a weight distribution 53/47%
and most of the weight is withing the wheelbase
Thanks to this setup and weight distribution
the GT R reacts immediately, becoming almost nervous when you drive near your limit
for example, when you get carried away during the "1000 Miglia"
to please a child who asks you "let me hear the sound of this supercar"
You immediately feel that the GT R reacts abruptly, you are about to intervene on the gas pedal
but the life-saving electronics anticipate your intervention and bring you back in trajectory
in a heartbeat
take care that not all supercars are capable
of make you feel how the car behaves and, the same time, have a reactive electronics
usually one feature excludes the other
in most cases, electronics intervenes and makes it impossible for you to perceive the behavior of the car
with AMG GT R you can feel everything
in a split second, when time seems to slow down like in movies,
you understand what you did wrong but at that point the electronic control has already intervened
When you switch to "Race" mode, if you're a good driver, you can take full advantage of it's performance
as long as you understand "her" and treat "her" as a queen of the green jungle, that hell called Nurburgring that gave it birth
AMG GT R has four wheel steering
that help us when we drive in and outside the city
In the city rear wheels turn in opposite direction, so that AMG GT R become extremely nimble and agile if you consider "her" size
When driving outside the city, rear wheels turn in the same direction as front wheels,
a vantaggio della stabilità. It seems like magic, the wheelbase virtually changes from short to long
helping us in the maneuvers in the city and in the tight mix
When you drive fast, the wheelbase stretches
helping us in stability in high-speed corners
It's incredible how AMG GT R can, thanks to 4WS, "change" it's wheelbase
changes its behavior depending on the driving situation
It seems like driving two different cars
With a button you change the suspension response:
AMG GT R doesn't have a soft setup
but suspensions reponse changes when you change the driving mode
that affects also the engine, steering and gearbox
AMG GT R is capable of a good comfort even when you drive in the city, or when you face potholes
I've driven the AMG GT R for more than 11 hours in two days and I was not tired
The sports seats are excellent and enveloping
and they guarantee the necessary comfort even for city driving
The dual clutch trasmission and gearbox is capable of reading our mind
changing gear exactly when we intend to
AMG GT R as a minor flaw
the touchpad and the gear lever are not so easy to reach with your hand
it's a flaw that I noticed also on Mazda MX-5
but on the mx-5 there was no room for the arm, on the GT R, instead, there's plenty of room
so that by pulling back the arm you can reach the controls
behind you can found the exhaust pipe hat I dubbed "trinity", from the celestial sound that characterizes it
and uses noble materials such as titanium and carbon fiber
AMG GT R also sports active aerodynamics with the front panels that open and close depending on the speed
moreover the car has a good visibility
characteristic that is often overlooked on supercars
Behind the wheel of the GT R you can see all the front nose
despite the width of the car
The Germans managed to do a great job with the design
They started with a very special design,that stands out,
and they managed to differenti ate the design compared to the average of the supercars
During 1000 Miglia, many people made appreciations even when the car was in the middle of a Ferrari gathering
AMG GT R is a car loaded with technology
and sports a great engine that never lacks of power and torque
all this is flanked by an extreme ease in everyday driving
I did not want to believe it at the beginning
Let me know with comments if you have pictures of me driving the AMG GT R during the 1000 Miglia
and let me know what do you think about this GT R
キャンプ中の親子にご飯をもらった野良猫。その後、姿を消したと思ったら…驚き!! 【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:15.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Intermediate – Fritzmeter Standalone Internet Bandwidth Meter - Duration: 4:50.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Intermediate – Fritzmeter Standalone Internet Bandwidth Meter
Kia Picanto 1.0 Cvvt Comfort Pack 5drs - Duration: 1:06.
Citroën C1 1.0 5DRS COLLECTION AIRCO TOPSTAAT! - Duration: 1:05.
Opel Astra 1.6 16V 5DRS EXECUTIVE - 74DKM - KEURIG - Duration: 1:12.
Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma To Shoot For Zero's Climax At This NASA Facility - Duration: 3:15.
Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma to shoot for Zero's climax at this NASA facility
We exclusively revealed to you how the climax of Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif and R Madhavans Zero will take place on Mars.
And looks like the team are finally shooting for it in America! Yes, according to our source, the team is currently in USA and they have started shooting for a 45 day long schedule at a NASA facility in Alabama.
According to reports, the team is shooting at the US Space and Rocket Centre in Huntsville, Alabama.
They will not only use the inside of this NASA facility, but also a few rocket models/prototypes in its premises to shoot certain sequences.
The Mars and the shuttle sequence will also be shot in America and it will surely be a visual treat for everyone across the world.
For those of you who dont remember, let us tell you that the makers of the film chose to have the climax of Zero on Mars because of a very logical reason.
As our source had revealed to us exclusively earlier this year, With Zero having several elements of sci-fi, the makers wanted to give it a befitting end.
So you will see the climax of the film take place on Mars.
While you might think this is very strange, there is actually a quite logical reason to why the climax will take place on Mars and you will come to know about it while watching the movie..
From what we hear, this will mostly be the final schedule of the shoot, unless the movie needs some patchwork.
Post this 45 day shoot, SRK and Aanand L Rai will sit on the edit and complete the Vfx work, which is quite a lot, considering they are showcasing SRK as a dwarf and also have a climax on Mars.
Anyway, with the film set to release on December 21, stay tuned to BollywoodLife as we get you all the dope and updates about Zero right here.
„Terror nie ustaje" – 75. rocznica masowych egzekucji Polaków w ruinach getta warszawskiego - Duration: 17:09.
W połowie maja 1943 r. dogasały walki w warszawskim getcie. Jego ruiny miały posłużyć niemieckim okupantom do przeprowadzenia masowych egzekucji Polaków
Do jednej z największych zbrodni doszło 75 lat temu, 29 maja 1943 r. Jej ofiarą padło ponad pół tysiąca więźniów Pawiaka
Upadek powstania w warszawskim getcie oraz zrównanie z ziemią całego obszaru „byłej dzielnicy żydowskiej" nie oznaczał końca dramatu, którego świadkiem była ta część okupowanej stolicy
Wśród ruin getta pozostały dwa więzienia zarządzane przez gestapo i SD. Budynki więzień na ul
Dzielnej i Pawiej poprzez morze ruin zostały odizolowane od pozostałej części miasta
Wśród mieszkańców Warszawy szczególnie złą sławą cieszył się Pawiak. Więzienie w tym miejscu powstało jeszcze w XIX w
Po 1939 r. przejęli je Niemcy, którzy zamienili je w więzienie śledcze gestapo. W ocenie historyków ze 100 tys
osób, które przeszły przez Pawiak podczas okupacji, 37 tys. straciło życie. Kolejne 60 tys
wywieziono do obozów koncentracyjnych i obozów pracy. Miejscem masowych egzekucji więźniów Pawiaka były Palmiry lub inne miejsca straceń w lasach wokół stolicy
Transport setek więźniów wymagał jednak zaangażowania wielu środków i silnej obstawy SS lub żandarmerii
Istniało również duże ryzyko ucieczki niektórych więźniów lub próby ich odbicia przez organizacje podziemne
Niewygodne dla Niemców mogło być także odkrywanie przez okolicznych mieszkańców lub struktury Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego masowych grobów oraz publikowanie informacji o nich w prasie konspiracyjnej
Czytaj też: Opustoszały teren getta sąsiadujący z więzieniami był więc dużo lepszym miejscem wykonywania masowych egzekucji
„Doktor Hahn [Ludwig Hahn – komendant niemieckiej policji bezpieczeństwa i służby bezpieczeństwa] mówił mniej więcej tak: skorzystajmy z Grossaktion [akcji likwidacji getta] dla wykańczania również Polaków
W getcie zginęło i będzie nadal ginęło bardzo wielu Żydów. Wszędzie poniewierają się tam trupy, więc gdy dojdzie do tego jeszcze kilka tysięcy Polaków, to i tak nikt niczego nie będzie mógł sprawdzić" – stwierdził w rozmowie z Kazimierzem Moczarskim Jürgen Stroop
Bezpośrednią odpowiedzialność za organizowanie egzekucji w getcie ponosi Stroop, pełniący wówczas obowiązki dowódcy SS i policji w Dystrykcie Warszawskim
Pierwszej wielkiej egzekucji na terenie getta dokonano 7 maja 1943 r., jeszcze w trakcie walk w getcie
Tego dnia naprzeciwko, przy Dzielnej 27, rozstrzelano grupę ok. 95 więźniów Pawiaka i innych więzień
Wśród ofiar było wielu zasłużonych działaczy społecznych, naukowców i sędziów, m
in. uczestnik III Powstania Śląskiego Roman Perczyński. Część z zamordowanych była oficerami AK
Prawdopodobnie tego dnia zginął również cichociemny ppor. Jan Hörl. Cztery dni później w tym samym miejscu dokonano kolejnej egzekucji, w której zginęli przerzuceni na teren Generalnego Gubernatorstwa dywersanci Polskiej Partii Robotniczej
Już 9 maja wiedza o egzekucjach na terenie getta przedostała się do mieszkańców Warszawy
W swoim dzienniku ekonomista i konspiracyjny publicysta Ludwik Landau zapisał: „Terror nie ustaje
Słychać ostatnio o wypadkach zwolnienia pewnej liczby osób z Pawiaka – ale też o nowym rozstrzelaniu więźniów, ok
80 mężczyzn wraz z kilkunastoma kobietami przewiezionymi skąd indziej". Terror, o którym wspomina Landau, nasilił się m
in. z powodu kilku przeprowadzonych w tym czasie spektakularnych akcji Armii Krajowej; m
in. 6 maja Tadeusz Zawadzki „Zośka" wraz z Maciejem Bittnerem „Maćkiem" w mieszkaniu przy ul
Mokotowskiej dokonali likwidacji SS-Oberscharführera Herberta Schultza z gestapo
Sam „Maciek" został zamordowany w ruinach getta po aresztowaniu 28 lutego 1944 r
Czytaj też: W następnych dniach maja w ruinach getta odbywały się kolejne, mniejsze egzekucje
Prawdopodobnie 13 maja w getcie zamordowano Kazimierza Smoleńskiego, wybitnego chemika, profesora Politechniki Warszawskiej
15 maja cele więzienia na Dzielnej ponownie zapełniły się więźniami. W obławie w słynnej kawiarni Fuchsa na Filtrowej aresztowano kilkadziesiąt osób
Dwa dni później, w nocy z 17 na 18 maja, na Pawiak przywieziono ok. 640 osób aresztowanych w domach w różnych częściach miasta
Wśród nich było bardzo wielu członków konspiracji. Więźniów odizolowano od pozostałych przetrzymywanych na Pawiaku i niemal natychmiast rozpoczęto przesłuchania
W przeciwieństwie do większości innych śledztw więźniów nie przewożono na al. Szucha
„W dawnej piekarni na oddziale VII zobaczyłem raz przeniesionych z przesłuchania trzech ciężko poranionych i skatowanych więźniów, z których jeden, nazwiskiem Grzelak, robotnik z Grochowa niedługo skonał" – pisał Leon Wanat, więzień Pawiaka w latach 1940–1944, świadek w powojennych procesach funkcjonariuszy gestapo
Mimo ścisłej izolacji więźniów w dniach 19–28 maja z Pawiaka udało się przemycić wiele grypsów
W jednym z nich uwięziona na „Serbii" (oddziale kobiecym) Wanda Wilczyńska pisała: „Tempo jest wściekłe, widać, że chcą jak najszybciej wykończyć tę sprawę
Te same osoby brane są [na przesłuchania] 3–4 razy dziennie. To, co teraz urządzają, to istna katownia, ok
60 proc. kobiet wraca zbitych. Wszystkie pobicia bardzo ciężkie, całego ciała. Po pobiciu rannym stosuje się na okaleczałe ciało drugą porcję w południe i znowu to samo – wieczorem
Gdy pomimo to nie mogą osiągnąć zeznań – poją wódką aż do wymiotów. Skatowane kobiety, upadające, mdlejące siłą ciągną na powtórne badania"
Wielu więźniów było mordowanych już na Pawiaku. „Dnia 20 maja przeniesiono do kostnicy czterech zamordowanych mężczyzn, nazwiska nieznane
Są zmasakrowani tak, że nie rozpoznałyby ich nawet rodziny […] System badań jest tak makabryczny, że niektórzy strażnicy Ukraińcy nie wytrzymują nerwowo, i reagują płaczem i histerią na to, co widzą" – pisano w jednym z grypsów przesłanych w tych dniach z Pawiaka
„W sobotę 29 maja wywołano i zgrupowano na dziedzińcu Pawiaka ok. 600 osób (przeważnie z ostatnich aresztowań)" – czytamy w jednym z raportów działających w więzieniu komórek konspiracyjnych
Więźniów zgrupowano na dziedzińcu więzienia i podzielono na 30-osobowe grupy. „Po wyprowadzeniu wywołanych z cel na dziedziniec korytarzowi kazali ich rzeczy, jak palta, czapki, ułożyć przed drzwiami cel, skąd rzeczy te zostały wywiezione do magazynu
Tego samego dnia ok. godz. 11 było słychać w getcie ogromną strzelaninę" – wspominał jeden z więźniów
Kolejne informacje na temat losu wywiezionych przekazali więźniom ukraińscy strażnicy, którzy, jak pisał Leon Wanat, „wygadali się, że transport ten w całości zlikwidowano w kilku punktach getta, a dla zatarcia śladów zwłoki pomordowanych spalono na stosach drzewa oblanych naftą
Parę dni czuć było na Pawiaku dym i swąd palących się ciał". Czytaj też: Zdaniem badaczki dziejów Pawiaka Reginy Domańskiej w tych dniach w egzekucjach wśród ruin getta zginęło co najmniej 530 więźniów
Według Władysława Bartoszewskiego zginęło ok. 600 więźniów z Pawiaka, więzienia na Rakowieckiej i cel w siedzibie gestapo na Szucha
Imienna lista ofiar liczy ponad 250 nazwisk. Wśród nich są urzędnicy, naukowcy, działacze polityczni, żołnierze i oficerowie AK, artyści, przedwojenni policjanci; również wiele kobiet, m
in. Janina Zglińska, przedwojenna instruktor Przysposobienia Wojskowego Kobiet. W czasie wojny tworzyła Kobiece Zespoły Saperskie AK
Jak podkreślał Władysław Bartoszewski w fundamentalnej monografii „Warszawski pierścień śmierci 1939–1944", egzekucje z 29 maja i kontynuowane 30 maja były największą jednorazową zbrodnią popełnioną na terenie miasta przed wybuchem Powstania Warszawskiego
„Masakra była nie pierwszą i będzie – nie łudźmy się – nie ostatnią zbrodnią niemiecką w Polsce
Czy zbrodnie te spełnią stawiany im przez Niemców cel, czy stłumią w kraju akcję przeciwniemieckiego oporu? Tylko głupota pruska może mieć w tym względzie nadzieję
Skutki masakry pawiackiej będą wręcz przeciwne: pomnożą szeregi Polski podziemnej setkami nowych fanatycznych mścicieli, wzmocnią wśród narodu całego pragnienie sprawiedliwej odpłaty i odwetu" – pisał „Biuletyn Informacyjny" z 10 czerwca 1943 r
Wydaje się, że opinie redaktorów najważniejszej gazety podziemnej podzielali Niemcy
W przeciwieństwie do wielu innych egzekucji nie zdecydowali się o jej ogłoszeniu, mimo że wydrukowali obwieszczenia
Pierwszą reakcją Polski Podziemnej były działania Organizacji Małego Sabotażu „Wawer"
Na murach Warszawy pojawiły się napisy „Pawiak pomścimy". Wydrukowano i rozrzucono ok
40 tys. ulotek informujących o zbrodni w ruinach getta. Mordy w okolicach Gęsiej i innych ulic otaczających Pawiak trwały w kolejnych miesiącach, aż do likwidacji więzienia na Pawiaku
Do ostatniej udokumentowanej zbrodni doszło 13 sierpnia 1944 r. Liczba ofiar egzekucji jest szacowana na co najmniej kilkanaście tysięcy
Najwyższe szacunki sięgają 20 tys. Cytaty ze źródeł pochodzą z monografii Władysława Bartoszewskiego „Warszawski pierścień śmierci 1939–1944
Terror hitlerowski w okupowanej stolicy" w wydaniu z 2008 r. oraz Reginy Domańskiej „Pawiak – kaźń i heroizm" z 1988 r
(PAP) Czytaj też:
DC Superhero Girls™
[aruvn] When I saw you, I knew, I won't ever be the same, can't explain what I'm feeling
[aruvn] Now I'm trapped in a time freeze, everything around me's stopping for a minute, hey
[aruvn] Unsure and confused, but I'm curious, 'bout the things you could do, babe
[aruvn] Falling deeper, I need you to show me the way, I've been patiently waiting
[arcee] Stop, baby don't stop Baby, please, uh baby don't stop
[arcee] If you want it, too, then give me a sign (too) It's me and you so, baby don't stop
[arcee&aruvn] Stop, baby don't stop Baby, please, no baby don't stop
[arcee&aruvn] If you want it bad, give it to me good Just me and you, so baby don't stop
[arcee] Play play play play play, airplane to Paris
[arcee] Stay, clay, French Kiss, dough, I'm gonna knead your body
[arcee] Rothko, Auguste Rodin, Claudel, and you'll be the model
[arcee] Bend and break and mold you, All day holding, put your hands on it
[arcee&aruvn] Baby don't stop Come on come on come on come on come on
[arcee&aruvn] Baby don't stop
[arcee] Like a rose, I bloom underneath your touch and then I feel so alive
[arcee] You got me underneath your spell, and I'm enchanted babe, I need you to come to me
[aruvn] Taking over my senses, shaking & anticipating, I
[aruvn] Just feel so right, oh baby won't you give it to me now
[arcee] Stop, baby don't stop [aruvn] Don't stop
[arcee] Baby, please, no, baby don't stop [aruvn] No no no no
[arcee] If you want it, too, then give me a sign [aruvn] Don't stop
[arcee] It's me and you so baby, don't stop
[arcee&aruvn] Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever let you go, I'm gonna get that [aruvn] (I won't ever let you go, I'm gonna get that)
[arcee&aruvn] Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever let you go, I'm gonna get that [aruvn] (Ooh yeah, Oh I'm gonna get that)
[aruvn] Stop, baby don't stop [arcee] Cotton, wind, blow, blouse
[aruvn] Stop, baby don't stop [arcee] Hair, flower, aroma, scent
[aruvn] Stop, baby don't stop [arcee] Cold, eyes, ice, dive
[aruvn] Stop, baby don't stop [arcee] Touch, warm, melt, lips
[aruvn] Baby, I just feel so right
[aruvn] Baby, I just feel so nice
[aruvn] If you want me, it's a sign
[aruvn] Oh, baby, give it to me, yeah [arcee] Alright
[arcee] Stop, baby don't stop [aruvn] Don't stop
[arcee] Baby please, no, baby don't stop [aruvn] Baby don't stop, no
[arcee] If you want it bad, give it to me good [aruvn] Good, oh
[arcee] Just me and you, so baby don't stop [aruvn] Baby don't stop
[arcee] Stop
[arcee] Body to body together me gusta eso, mi amor [aruvn] Baby don't stop me, no
[arcee] Wanna get down with you now, se siente rico, te quiero [aruvn] Baby don't stop today
[arcee] Just get yourself rocking now, oh [aruvn] Baby, don't stop me, no
[arcee] Estoy loco mi dulce coco [aruvn] Baby don't stop today
[arcee&aruvn] Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever let you go, I'm gonna get that [aruvn] (I won't ever let you go, I'm gonna get that)
[arcee&aruvn] Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever let you go, I'm gonna get that [aruvn] (Don't stop it, babe, yeah yeah)
[aruvn] Pipapipapa pipapalulapipapa [arcee] Stop, baby don't stop
[aruvn] Pipapipapa pipapalulapipapa [arcee] Stop, baby don't stop
[arcee&aruvn] Stop, baby don't stop
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Alfa Romeo Spider 2.0-16V T.Spark Lusso - Duration: 0:52.
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100PK COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVI - GARANTIE 2024 - Duration: 0:54.
Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi Navigator Airco Navi+Camera+BT 17"LMV Trekhaak 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:12.
Kia cee'd 1.0T-GDi/120pk GT-Line Navi+Camera Xenon Keyless Trekhaak 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:09.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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Nothing to shout about: The English We Speak - Duration: 2:21.
Health | Off the Air | Adult Swim - Duration: 11:09.
[ Panting rhythmically ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Panting ]
[ Alarm clock blaring ]
[ Electronic noises ]
[ Noises continue ]
[ Feedback ]
[ Interference ]
[ Electronic sounds ramp up ]
[ High pitch tone ]
Hey, what's up, guys?
Zach Trevor here.
It's 4:00 a.m. It's a new day.
We're gonna tear it up and get fit.
Now, a lot of you have been asking in the comments,
so here you finally have it -- a video where I show you
what I put in my body and what my fitness regiment is.
Alright. Let's get it, baby.
Alright, now first things first, a smoothie!
A smoothie!
That's my roommate.
Alright, now I like to think of breakfast as superfood city,
so we're gonna go to the fridge, which is a little bit
like superfood Home Depot.
[ All echoing each other ]
Now, I buy most of these ingredients fresh,
'cause once this stuff starts going bad,
you're gonna lose all those good, good micro nutrients.
Alright, let's grab these ingredients.
So you're gonna want to build your smoothie
based on your needs.
This week, it's protein week,
so this smoothie is gonna be packed with chia.
You're gonna want to layer it on your blender.
So very, very simple --
it's just gonna be chia, kale, peanut butter, repeat.
All: Chia, kale, peanut butter, repeat.
[ Slowed down ] Chia, kale, peanut butter, repeat.
[ Waves crashing ]
[ Wave booms ]
[ Creature breathing deeply ]
Ho! Whoa!
[ Groaning ]
[ People straining ]
[ Car honks ]
[ Screams ]
[ Creature groaning ]
[ Sizzling ]
[ Crowd chatters ]
[ Siren wails ]
[ Loud crash ]
[ Door chime ringing ]
[ Clamoring ]
[ Crowd chatters ]
[ Treasure tinkling ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Honking horn ]
[ Crickets chirping ]
[ Straining ]
[ Groans ]
[ Gagging, quacks ]
[ Humming ]
Hm? [ Gasps ]
[ Grunting, straining ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Straining ]
[ Groans, sighs ]
[ Grunts ] Ah-ha!
[ Panting ]
[ Quickening footsteps ]
Oh, ohh!
[ Panting ]
[ Grunting, chomping ]
Ha-ha. Ha-ah.
[ Panting ]
Oh. [ Chuckling ]
♪ Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-human ♪
♪ Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-human ♪
♪ If I were human ♪
♪ I'd be so happy just to be born ♪
♪ Wouldn't need to be some kind of unicorn ♪
♪ I am sure I'd be human if I could ♪
♪ If I were human ♪
♪ I'd wake up every day a new man ♪
♪ Even in the middle of a ruined land ♪
♪ There's a chance ♪
♪ I could love a human just like you ♪
♪ Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-human ♪
♪ Human ♪
♪ Human ♪
♪ If I were human ♪
♪ I'd ride my bike to factory every day ♪
♪ Every night I'd ride back to the home we made ♪
♪ And I would say ♪
♪ "This simple human life is good!" ♪
How to Get free v bucks | Fortnite Free Vbucks | How to get free V-Bucks (Xbox, PS4, Mobile, PC). - Duration: 4:13.
Free Vbucks Fortnite | How to get v bucks | Free Fortnite Skins | Free V Bucks Fortnite PS4,XBOX. - Duration: 4:18.
OnePlus 6 Avenger's edition Unboxing and Quick look - Duration: 8:08.
hey this is Sreehari from mr. phone and we recently unboxed and reviewed the oneplus 6 you
can find that video somewhere linked here but today we received the Avengers
edition one plus six so this is an addition that a lot of people are
excited about and we are going to unbox this right now and also the one plus six
Avengers Edition phone is going on sale today so you'll find the link in the
description if you do want to go and book your one plus six you can do that
with the link in the description so without any further ado I am as excited
as you are let's get into this unboxing
so now let's get into the box and let's take the plastic film apart am i cutting
through the right side okay I think we've gotten into the books yes so
removing the plastic cover the first thing that is very clearly visible is
the Avengers logo in a carbon fiber Kevlar look and it is indicative of how
the back of the oneplus X is going to look so that is the front there's this
one plus logo and a Marvel logo and at the back it's pretty clean with just the
specifications so you have the 256 GB version coming with the Avengers Edition
and it's a carbon black so you just in a while realize why it's called the carbon
black let's it will fall any minute so that is the
box let's keep that aside and here is the avengers' infinity war Edition and
Arion here on camera is getting real excited so there's the phone the front
looks pretty normal it's like any other one plus six but the back as you can see
that's that's the most unique one plus six look so it's a glass back it's still
a glass back but there is a Kevlar pattern under the glass and it looks
really cool so other different other differences that you'll find is the
Avengers logo which is very clearly visible and a golden alert slider so
this is a gold and Black Edition for the one plus six so if you are a fan of the
gold and black color or clearly if you're a fan of Avengers then you should
surely get this so there's the golden accented alert slider we will keep the
phone aside for a bit I'll keep it like this we take a look at what else we get
inside the box so this okay this opens up like that and is there anything
inside no I don't think so let's take this aside so that's so very unique
unboxing experience so here yes we get a special note it says okay it says a lot
of things basically you can take a look at it and if you want you can pause the
video and read if you want to I'm not going to waste time on it so I think you
all also need the surprise of reading it yourself when you buy the phone so if
you are buying the phone don't read this read this on your own let's keep that
aside and this is the stock - charger that you get with any one plus phone and
that's what you get inside this box then you also do get a red colored cable that
also comes with any other one plus box so this is pretty normal standard stuff
here inside the box we get a sim tool and a case so the thing I am very sure
that all of you are seeing the thing that's below this box but let's not
reveal that right now here is the box with all the regulator information if
you want me and open this but it's all the standard
stuff and maybe some stickers yes so you have Avengers one cool-looking stickers
from Avengers but let's keep that aside but here is the sweet little Iron Man
case sweet little Iron Man case that you can put on the 1 plus 6 so here is the
case and it fits perfectly if I may the buttons look really good there's also an
the shape the case is very good so far Avengers edition fan this is a dream
come true if you buy the phone let's also turn this on turn the phone on and
let's just keep that aside while we take a look at the last thing that we get
inside this box so let's see if there is any special Avengers animation that's
going to UM it's not yet come so let's just keep it here and now removing this
and also removing this same tool here is the golden plaque that you get with an
Avengers edition 1 plus 6 so this is from Thor so this is Thor so there
oneplus has released a lot of Avengers edition boxes and in all of them you'll
find plaques from different characters and Avengers and if you if you manage to
get all of them together and it makes an Avengers logo and you will get a special
gift from one plus if you do that so here is our thoughts back and the little
interesting thing is from all the people that have got this box in India all of
them have gotten tall I have never seen anyone get anything else so I'm not
really sure what oneplus is trying to do with it but let's hope that we try and
get all of these pieces together so now we've booted up the 1 plus 6 Avengers
Edition 1 plus 6 and it has the Iron Man case on and coming straight to the home
screen we see an Avengers edition wallpaper first photo other than that we
can also see a cool little clock widget which has also been customized to set
with the whole theme of this thing but I think we going into wallpapers will find
a lot of Avengers edition wallpapers so there's Thanos these are okay these are
Infinity stones according to our Ian and they're also you get a lot of
one-plus stock wallpapers but I don't think you're going to apply that
wallpaper when you have such cool wallpapers hitting on your smartphone
looking at the notifications panel you'll see this cool little theme which
follows the theme of the phone so as you saw the gold accent that's the exact
same color that you'll find in all the settings so the whole UI has been
treated a little to go with the whole theme of the phone so you will find that
in the settings also here going into customizing will also find that thing
here so going to themes there is the default theme there is light the default
theme is what once comes with every one plus 6 there's light and dark theme that
also come with every one plus 6 but this has a special option which is the
Avengers edition theme and that is what it is running right now so I think
that's pretty cool like the Star Wars edition last year there's no Easter eggs
or any that I know of right now I have seen a lot of unboxings for this phone
but I haven't come across any Easter Egg other than the case in a case and the
plaque but yes that's all that comes with the Avengers edition yes and the
other extra feature that you get with the Avengers edition phone is obviously
the storage so you have 242 GB free on this phone and that's crazy so you get
256 GB version with the 1 plus 6 so that was the unboxing and a quick first look
at the Avengers edition one plus 6 I'll take the case off so that you can take a
look at this beauty so that is the one plus 6
Avengers Edition with the Kevlar back the gold accents and the beautiful
Avengers Edition theme inside so with that we come to an end of this unboxing
and first look the Avengers edition is going on sale today so there's a link in
the description and you can go ahead and buy your one plus 6 Avengers Edition
right now so that's it for this one thank you so much for watching this
this is sreehari from mr. phone and I'll catch you in the next one
Advertisement free music enjoyment on YT without adblocker - that's how it works! - DIY JIG - Duration: 4:54.
today it's not about tinkering but about advertising
youtube as you may know YouTube channels deserve the advertising
change by this advertising a little money
on average per view about 0.001 euro extremely little, however
this advertising will only be paid out if the viewer also looks at the advertisement
if you deserve the advertising clicked away the video maker has nothing and the
advertisers don't have to pay for it either.
most videos I watch myself are actually from my subscription list
and although I have an adblocker installed, I have
switched it off on youtube so that I can can reward the video producer
so I'm gonna take a look at the advertising but only if not the
full video as commercial then I actually click it off.
On the other hand, I also like to listen to music on youtube and use
like this mix-list this one most of the time on this site if you have
a music video is already playing here is always a suggestion with
of a music list and you can use and keep it running.
the annoying thing is that then this stream again and again
is interrupted by advertising and this You can handle a little trick.
because, as I said, the advertiser must only pay if the viewer sees the advertisement
that means, if you don't look at the advertising
then the advertiser must pay nothing for it either
then you ask yourself the question. can youtube even know if I'm watching the ad or not.
and in fact that works, and that is when
start such a music stream then you will probably be the first to see an advertisement
you can click it away but then you can
just open a new tab and press the let music play in the background. youtube
knows this tab is in the background and that no one can see it now either.
and because no one can see it. they also do not advertise and if they
do not deliver any advertising, the advertisers also pay nothing and
they don't get advertising either. this means this music stream won't be
interrupted by advertising and you can listen to music for hours
without being bothered with advertising. so it's easy to start the
music stream and change to another tab
which is then in the foreground then you can read your emails or whatever
and the music runs in the background which they don't see but which is in music
it is not so important you can listen to it without any
advertising break i hope you enjoyed this tip
and you can put a comment in the section below
if that worked for you. thank you very much for seeing
İstanbullu Gelin / Istanbul Bride Trailer - Episode 52 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:50.
I am sorry.
What? What?! What's up with that?!
What's up with walking out without saying anything to anyone?!
I walked stubbornly even though I knew that I was not loved.
If my son did not love your daughter, would he be left as a wreck after her leave?
Wouldn't people know who they love and why they love them?
I am here as someone who has gone through what Osman is going through.
In the first one, ten years of my life were gone; in the second one, my life was gone.
Those who leave make a clean break..
... but what about those who are left behind?
I have loved you very much...
... but I cannot love for two.
Potato Pancake Recipe in Hindi by Indian Food Made Easy - Duration: 5:41.
Potato pancake recipe is very easy and a time saver recipe, when you want to cook something quickly, this is a perfect option
These are all the ingredients we need for potato pancake recipe
For potato pancakes recipe we have peeled and chopped 3 potatoes
Which we will blend in a blending jar
Along with this we are adding 50 grams spinach leaves
We are adding spinach to change color of pancakes
Add quarter spoon of salt
Add a little water and blend it
We made this fine mixture by blending potatoes and spinach together
Its green color is all natural, we have not used any food color in it
Filter this mixture to separate all water from it
Put the filtered mixture in a bowl
It is not as liquefied as before by taking away all the water from it
Water we got from the mixture will have a solid layer at bottom
This is potato starch, we will add this starch back in to the pancake mixture
Water we took out of the pancake mixture can be used for making any sabzi or for kneading flour
Now for making potato pancake mix we have quarter spoon of black pepper
Half spoon of chat masala
Add quarter spoon of salt and mix it well together
We added just quarter spoon of salt now, because we added quarter spoon of salt earlier too.
Potato pancake mixture is ready
To make pancakes apply some cooking oil on a hot flat pan
Add a little pancake mix on to the pan and shape it with a spoon
Sprinkle some cooking oil on top of the pancakes
These are cooked at the bottom
Decorate on top of pancake with some paneer cheese and some tomato bits
You can decorate however you like
Flip and cook from other side too
Apply some cooking oil on sides and on top of pancakes
Flip and cook from both sides every now and then
When they appear to be a bit brownish in color, they are ready to serve
Serve these easy to make and soft potato pancakes with tea and tomato ketchup
If you liked my video, then please press the like button below
And do subscribe to my channel
And do press the bell icon so you don't miss any of my new videos
Thank you
【MUKBANG】 Matsuya's New Spicy Cheese Potato Beef On Rice, Tartar Chicken..Etc [8Items]7000kcal[CC] - Duration: 5:55.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! a matsuya haul featuring 3 of their limited edition dishes
tarutaru chicken bento X 2 bibin bowl X 2
beef and cheese on rice X 2 and since they looked so yummy I picked up some
onion and beef bowl X 2
8 dishes in total the one that I'm excited about is this cheezy beef bowl
Their hamburger bowl with brown sauce that I had of theirs was super delish as well
meat and beef go perfectly together (yep... she probably meant to say cheese)
itadakimasu the cheese hardens right away so lets eat it first
these matsuya bowls often come with this black pepper
its not black pepper its black chili
Just look at this it looks so yummy The stuff in the middle is potato
cheese is the bestest
cheese and potato are a perfect pairing
slightly sweet and nestled in fluffy potatoes is this cheese..... its so yummy
meat is also so yummy as well
Since we have this meat it goes so nicely with the rice
matsuya's meat is so tender and with a nice amount of fat I totes love it so much
This salad came with the tarutaru chicken meal but whatevs I'll eat it now
tastes so good with rice as well
Second helping When cheese gets cold it gets hard right away
but since the potato is so fluffy its still very yummy
this meat is so good
next up is this tarutaru chicken meal
lets add some of this chili
the chicken looks so yummy
I love the flavor of the sauce on it the sweet and savory sauce goes so nicely with the chicken
And even has onion
Since there's so much sauce lets Pour it over the rice
The rice taste so good with the added sauce
next we have this bibin bowl this seems like its a callback menu item
The runny egg looks so yummy
burdock and kimuchi/kimchee/gimchee/kimuchee beef and spinach
all sorts of things are in here
looks so yummy
the spicy kimchee/kimuchi/gimchee is covered by the egg its so yummy
You're supposed to mix up this bibimbap
Get to taste all sorts of different vegetables its so good
last up is is the onion and egg bowl with beef
its got this egg on top
this one comes with black sesame
It smells amazing
The egg looks so pretty
I love the taste and Aroma of the onion it gives a nice fresh mouthfeel and taste
the egg really helps mellow out the flavors
Last mouthful itadakimasu
the one I liked the most was the cheezy potato and beef bowl
I love the flavor of potato and cheese together and beef bowls are so yummy of course
they're yummy on their own as well but its so awesome putting both of those yummy things together
the tartar chicken meal and bibin bowl were yummy as well It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try
And as always thank you for watching If there's anything you want me to do or you just please tell
me in the comments section below if you like this video Please set the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Q! My Dance(맞춤): VICTON(빅톤) _ TIME OF SORROW(오월애 (俉月哀)) - Duration: 4:04.
Q! My Dance Challenge
(If they get the right answers to the quiz)
(Dance to their title track)
(If they fail)
(Randomly dance)
(If they have correct answers to more than four questions)
(It's party time)
(VICTON, dance as much as you want)
(Q! My Dance The 1st quiz)
Go for it
(Q. What kind of gold that suits the thieves the best?)
I know this
Here's the answer
(Mime hint)
Creeping out (Salgeum Salgeum)
Here it comes
(Defend the VICTON's song)
- Yes - How did you make it?
(Q! My Dance The 2nd quiz)
Let's get ready for our choreography
Hanse will be correct Prepare for TIME OF SORROW
- I feel burdened - Stand in the formation
Hey, stand, Hanse
Not Twose, Hanse
(Subin is frozen)
(The mood was killed)
(Q. What's the sound when the King of logic shoots a gun?)
Here's the answer
Won two Kak Kak
(Correct answer: Tadang Tadang)
(What was the sound of a stream?)
(Expressing a painful stream)
Is this music?
(Like the flowing stream, promotion of the new song is running away)
Hey, I got you
(Q! My Dance The 3rd quiz)
I'll guess correctly and dance to 'TIME OF SORROW'
(Q. What kind of words come up in your mind?)
Shovel, 10,000 won and dog
That's the right answer
(What does this gesture mean?)
Here's the answer Shooting
(Correct answer: Sapsalgae dog)
(VICTON is grooving to Taryeong
(Rather than promoting its new song)
(Q! My Dance The 4th quiz)
I'm Subin
(Yeah, our cutie)
I'll show you the power of young blood
(Q. Read this sentence correctly)
Subin, you can do it
Subin is talking down
Here's the answer
Seung Woo, have a piece of cold watermelon
If you sit in the corner of the room You'll be the chewed gum
Seung Woo
(Our song 'TIME OF SORROW' is playing)
(Q! My Dance The 5th quiz)
l'll do my best
Go for it
(Q. What do you associate with these words?)
(Deadpool, animal, Kakao Talk)
What's this?
(Correct answer: RYAN/lion)
(VICTON is strengthening its determination by burning RYAN)
We've done this so many
It's more difficult than I thought
Can't we dance to 'TIME OF SORROW' today?
(Q! My Dance The 6th quiz)
'TIME OF SORROW' Wish it success
Let's trust him Trust our leader
(Q. What's the popular phrase in the movie 'Black Panther'?)
- Six letters - Bro, this
Wakanda Forever Here's the answer
Wakanda Forever
(I think I'm obsessed with 'TIME OF SORROW')
(VICTON Forever)
(Q! My Dance The 7th quiz)
I'll show our dance to 'TIME OF SORROW'
Go for it
(Q. What's the opposite to 'Adults know'?)
Nanana nan of Big Bang
Here's the answer 'Fxxk It'
Am I doing well?
(Please love 'TIME OF SORROW')
(4 correct answers out of 7 questions Success)
(Make some noise)
Since we succeeded the mission
We're able to show you the verse 1 of 'TIME OF SORROW'
Straight after, music start
(VICTON is puzzled)
(It's okay, it's EDM
(What's this?)
Let's go party
(Party time We mixed EDM with 'TIME OF SORROW')
6 Struggles That An Empath Faces Daily (That Most People Never Notice) - Duration: 3:15.
Empathy is a valuable asset for persons.
It keeps the persons to be aware of surrounding.
It also makes them a good place to tell stories because they will listen.
Unfortunately, it also has dark sides that people may not know.
For instance, empathy often get in our way to moral reasoning and philanthropic service.
Empathy makes us too emotionally attached into people and things that near and dear
to us, even people that we don't even know before.
Of course it can be useful, but it's also very dangerous.
If you often feel empathy towards others, you might be able to relate into some of these
So, here are some of the difficulties of being an empath that people rarely see.
In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this
video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates
in the future.
#1 - Unable to handle emotion
Empaths listen so many problems and they also offer the most suitable for them.
Unfortunately, it can be a burden that cannot be controlled.
This happens because sometimes empaths think too much especially if the problems they are
trying to handle is pretty much similar.
#2 - Exhausting
Dealing with emotional problem is mentally exhausting.
The information from other people is sometimes too complicated to make sense.
This illogical link is confusing and exhausting to be solved.
Moreover, extended exposure to negative energy makes everything worse.
#3 - People use them
People with empathy usually have a lot of friends.
However, some of them only use the empaths for counseling.
This one-sided relationship is pretty common.
However, it makes the empaths feel stressed out.
#4 - Self-negligence
Empaths typically love to help others.
Unfortunately, it is unhealthy for the empaths themselves.
You can imagine that they do not have time for themselves which eventually leads to low
life satisfaction.
#5 - Difficult to fall in love
Empaths rarely fall in love because it makes their live complicated.
Moreover, after listening to series of stories from broken-hearted people, they keep their
feelings to themselves.
Not all people actually can persuade empaths to be in relationship.
However, it does not mean it is impossible.
#6 - They have burden
Sometimes, it is just impossible to solve people's problem in single siting.
In fact, it even takes days to eventually makes problem solved.
Throughout the duration, the empaths have burden which they cannot get off their mind.
Well, those are some of the difficulties of being an empath that people rarely see.
So, Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
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