點擊右上角「關注」每天了解最新TVB資訊本文編輯劇透社:Ja kson日前,鄭伊娜跟未婚夫潘靜祖又在社交網站上甜蜜放閃,這 閃光彈相信比夏日艷陽還有耀眼,她留言寫道:「我們沒喲可以去說 弄什麼顏色,但誰知完成後髮型師原來分別幫我們弄了個情侶發色, 是襯到絕一絕!朋友都笑我們,說見到我們要戴太陽眼鏡
」 不過似乎也是,鄭伊娜自從宣布跟交往不到一年的男友訂婚後 兩人似乎就像連體嬰一樣,去到哪裡都跟在一起,她還特意選在愚人 公布,想先看看大家的反應。她說:「我收到幾百個留言說恭喜我, 都有回覆說謝謝大家的祝福,應該會在年底擺酒,在日本行禮,應該 回來香港擺酒
」 回想起當時求婚的情景,鄭伊娜也是甜笑到合不攏嘴,她說: 他帶了我去日本一個好秘密,好漂亮的地方,那裡有白色的教堂,他 像超人一樣一個人搞定了所有的東西,有花、有戒指、有跪地,還設 了一本裡面有我們所有照片的本子
」 看到鄭伊娜如今幸福的模樣,不禁想起當年她曾經到美容公司 醫學美容療程被人搞到「爛面」,用了幾年時間,吃了幾千顆藥才慢 恢復了9成,至今她也仍然不敢進行戶外活動,嚴重影響她的日常生
現在鄭伊娜跟未婚夫整天一起,相信兩人也可以拍檔一起賺錢, 伊娜也表示十分感興趣,她說:「當然沒問題,拍廣告、MV甚至出 動都沒問題,而廣告在婚紗跟瘦身都ok,希望大家可以找我們拍
For more infomation >> 亞姐出身 曾因醫美事故遭爛面 如今34歲即將成為人妻 - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 5drs Airco/ECC/Navigatie/Electr ramen V+A/Cruise/LMV/Trekhaak! - Duration: 1:07.
Fiat Panda 1.2 EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO/CV/ELRM/STB - Duration: 0:52.
Suzuki Swift 1.2 Airco/Lichtmetaal/5Drs - Duration: 1:06.
Ford Fiesta 1.0 STYLE NAVI AIRCO 5DRS - Duration: 1:10.
Mesmo com queda de 29% nas vendas do Sentra, Nissan encarece versão 2017 em R$ 10 mil - Duration: 6:37.
Após pedido de vista, TRF-4 suspende análise de apelação de Dirceu - Duration: 2:29.
A 8ª Turma do Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região (TRF4) deu início, nesta quarta-feira (30/5), ao julgamento da segunda apelação criminal do ex-ministro da Casa Civil José Dirceu
Mas a sessão foi suspensa, após pedido de vista do desembargador federal Victor Luiz dos Santos Laus
Não há prazo para o julgamento ser retormado. Segundo o processo, Dirceu teria recebido R$ 2,1 milhões em propinas por meio de contrato da Petrobras com a empresa Apolo Tubulars
Mais sobre o assunto Dirceu fica na cela de Luiz Estevão, Celso Jacob e João Rodrigues José Dirceu está preso na Papuda, onde vai cumprir sua pena José Dirceu se entrega, faz exame no IML e vai para a Papuda Vigilante: "Enquanto Dirceu é preso, Moro confraterniza com tucanos" Na ação, também são réus o irmão de Dirceu, Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira e Silva; o ex-diretor da Petrobras Renato Duque – ambos já foram condenados em outros processos – e os sócios da construtora Credencial Eduardo Aparecido de Meira e Flávio Henrique de Oliveira Macedo
Dois executivos da Apolo Tubulars denunciados nesse processo, Carlos Eduardo de Sá Baptista e Paulo Cesar Peixoto de Castro Palhares foram absolvidos em primeira instância
No entanto, o Ministério Público Federal (MPF) recorreu ao TRF-4, pedindo condenação também da dupla
De acordo com a sentença proferida em 8 de março, a Apolo Tubulars teria superfaturado contrato de venda de tubos para a Petrobras e repassado parte do valor a Renato Duque e José Dirceu
Para disfarçar o repasse, Dirceu e Luiz Eduardo teriam usado a companhia Credencial para ser receptora de cerca de R$ 700 mil
(Com informações do TRF-4)
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet Automaat | COMAND | Parkeerassistent - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat | Comand | Multibeam | Parkpilot - Duration: 1:07.
Audi A3 Sportback E-tron EXCL.BTW! S LINE 7% prijs incl. btw: 28.919,- - Duration: 1:07.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat | Comand | Multibeam | Parkpilot - Duration: 1:01.
Dalex - Exotico (Official Video) - Duration: 3:23.
Perché non USI COSÌ il tubetto vuoto anziché BUTTARLO? 😜 riciclo creativo tutorial - Duration: 3:04.
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to Vivi with Letizia.
In a video of some time ago I had done it see how to reuse an empty tube
of mayonnaise to create door-mentine or door handbag candy.
Today, however, we see how we can reuse in a nice and useful way and also a little ... "particular"
the empty tomato concentrate tube.
I hope this project, even if it is so special, you like it, let me know
what do you think about it in the comments I also wait for you on Vivi with Letizia NaturalMente,
Live with Letizia Viaggi and Vivi with Letizia - The Group and we'll see you next time.
Studiantenan di Feffik ta rabia cu gobièrnu - Duration: 0:47.
Ramzan Mubarak Status | Ramzan Dua Status - Duration: 0:34.
Islamic Whatsapp Status
在金命召喚下,能夠成為富貴之人的四大生肖 - Duration: 6:42.
L'Infanzia Perduta Di Giangi - Duration: 10:55.
Proprietà curative del nopal - Duration: 8:43.
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SkyActiv-G 120 GT-Luxury 2WD 1Eig.4-2017,Leer,Navi,Bose - Duration: 0:55.
Ingresa en Ibiza una turista tras ser víctima de una sumisión química - Duration: 3:14.
El 'prostituidor', el compañero de trabajo, el que enseña el piso para alquilar...los otros - Duration: 7:52.
Zoido afirma en Intxaurrondo que será "imposible" que los etarras blanqueen su historia - Duration: 5:28.
Ex-BBB Gleici conta que namorado, Wagner, é mais romântico: 'Diz mais eu te amo' - Duration: 4:48.
Naiara Azevedo adota cabelo mais claro: 'Deixa o visual mais moderno' - Duration: 4:45.
Roberto Justus parabeniza filha, Rafa, por trabalho na escola: 'Amorzinho' - Duration: 4:10.
ERC y PDeCAT optan por el 'sí' en la moción de censura con los presos en la recámara - Duration: 5:42.
DROOD E IBRAHIMI - Duration: 1:19.
Volkswagen Beetle 1.4 TSI 150PK DSG Sport R-edition - Duration: 1:12.
Volvo XC40 T3 156pk R-Design - Luxury - Versatility- Connectivity - Duration: 1:06.
Дисс на роскомнадзор — SmWlf [SamWolf] - Duration: 3:54.
亞姐出身 曾因醫美事故遭爛面 如今34歲即將成為人妻 - Duration: 1:41.
點擊右上角「關注」每天了解最新TVB資訊本文編輯劇透社:Ja kson日前,鄭伊娜跟未婚夫潘靜祖又在社交網站上甜蜜放閃,這 閃光彈相信比夏日艷陽還有耀眼,她留言寫道:「我們沒喲可以去說 弄什麼顏色,但誰知完成後髮型師原來分別幫我們弄了個情侶發色, 是襯到絕一絕!朋友都笑我們,說見到我們要戴太陽眼鏡
」 不過似乎也是,鄭伊娜自從宣布跟交往不到一年的男友訂婚後 兩人似乎就像連體嬰一樣,去到哪裡都跟在一起,她還特意選在愚人 公布,想先看看大家的反應。她說:「我收到幾百個留言說恭喜我, 都有回覆說謝謝大家的祝福,應該會在年底擺酒,在日本行禮,應該 回來香港擺酒
」 回想起當時求婚的情景,鄭伊娜也是甜笑到合不攏嘴,她說: 他帶了我去日本一個好秘密,好漂亮的地方,那裡有白色的教堂,他 像超人一樣一個人搞定了所有的東西,有花、有戒指、有跪地,還設 了一本裡面有我們所有照片的本子
」 看到鄭伊娜如今幸福的模樣,不禁想起當年她曾經到美容公司 醫學美容療程被人搞到「爛面」,用了幾年時間,吃了幾千顆藥才慢 恢復了9成,至今她也仍然不敢進行戶外活動,嚴重影響她的日常生
現在鄭伊娜跟未婚夫整天一起,相信兩人也可以拍檔一起賺錢, 伊娜也表示十分感興趣,她說:「當然沒問題,拍廣告、MV甚至出 動都沒問題,而廣告在婚紗跟瘦身都ok,希望大家可以找我們拍
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 5drs Airco/ECC/Navigatie/Electr ramen V+A/Cruise/LMV/Trekhaak! - Duration: 1:07.
Fiat Panda 1.2 EDIZIONE COOL AIRCO/CV/ELRM/STB - Duration: 0:52.
Suzuki Swift 1.2 Airco/Lichtmetaal/5Drs - Duration: 1:06.
Ford Fiesta 1.0 STYLE NAVI AIRCO 5DRS - Duration: 1:10.
Mesmo com queda de 29% nas vendas do Sentra, Nissan encarece versão 2017 em R$ 10 mil - Duration: 6:37.
Após pedido de vista, TRF-4 suspende análise de apelação de Dirceu - Duration: 2:29.
A 8ª Turma do Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região (TRF4) deu início, nesta quarta-feira (30/5), ao julgamento da segunda apelação criminal do ex-ministro da Casa Civil José Dirceu
Mas a sessão foi suspensa, após pedido de vista do desembargador federal Victor Luiz dos Santos Laus
Não há prazo para o julgamento ser retormado. Segundo o processo, Dirceu teria recebido R$ 2,1 milhões em propinas por meio de contrato da Petrobras com a empresa Apolo Tubulars
Mais sobre o assunto Dirceu fica na cela de Luiz Estevão, Celso Jacob e João Rodrigues José Dirceu está preso na Papuda, onde vai cumprir sua pena José Dirceu se entrega, faz exame no IML e vai para a Papuda Vigilante: "Enquanto Dirceu é preso, Moro confraterniza com tucanos" Na ação, também são réus o irmão de Dirceu, Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira e Silva; o ex-diretor da Petrobras Renato Duque – ambos já foram condenados em outros processos – e os sócios da construtora Credencial Eduardo Aparecido de Meira e Flávio Henrique de Oliveira Macedo
Dois executivos da Apolo Tubulars denunciados nesse processo, Carlos Eduardo de Sá Baptista e Paulo Cesar Peixoto de Castro Palhares foram absolvidos em primeira instância
No entanto, o Ministério Público Federal (MPF) recorreu ao TRF-4, pedindo condenação também da dupla
De acordo com a sentença proferida em 8 de março, a Apolo Tubulars teria superfaturado contrato de venda de tubos para a Petrobras e repassado parte do valor a Renato Duque e José Dirceu
Para disfarçar o repasse, Dirceu e Luiz Eduardo teriam usado a companhia Credencial para ser receptora de cerca de R$ 700 mil
(Com informações do TRF-4)
Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort Navi/Clima/Cruise - Duration: 1:12.
Volvo XC90 2.5 T AWD Summum Automaat Navi NL Auto NAP - Duration: 1:14.
Hyundai Kona 1.0T Comfort Plus Pack! DEMO - Duration: 1:07.
2004 T'Wolves v Lakers - Duration: 59:55.
Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Black ED. ACTIE! - Duration: 1:08.
Hyundai i30 1.0 T-Gdi First Ed Nav/Clima/Cruise/ACTIE! - Duration: 1:12.
Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-Gdi Comfort Rijklaar - Duration: 1:04.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T 140pk EDITION | 5-P | Cruise Control | Navigatie | Rijklaarprijs! - Duration: 0:52.
Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T AUT Business Exe - Duration: 1:09.
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 314 CDI KA 432.194 3,5 t - Duration: 0:53.
Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR Navi+Camera+BT+USB 17''LMV Cr.Control 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:08.
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T FIRST EDITION Cr. Control 18"LMV Ecc-Airco DAB+BT+Camera LED 5jr.G - Duration: 1:08.
How To Shatter Crystal💎 (INDO SUBTITLE🤓) | Growtopia - Duration: 10:02.
I don't know (the audio sucks) - Duration: 7:22.
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2019 Acura RDX: First Drive — Cars.com - Duration: 3:48.
with its third-generation redesign of the RDX acura pushed the envelope in a
lot of areas for its compact luxury SUV and there are a lot of welcome
advancements but one area acura went too far let's break it down in two separate
Auto Show videos we cover exterior styling and some interior aspects of the
redesigned RDX be sure to check those out now we've had a chance though to get
behind the wheel now last year's big v6 has gone in its place is a 2-liter
turbocharged forest owner you might recognize from parent company Honda in
the Accord and the Civic Type R in the RDX it makes 272 horsepower 280
pound-feet of torque pairs with a new 10 speed automatic transmission as such
there's a little bit of lag off the line but then quick bursts of power thanks to
nice short gearing the 10 speed automatic is very decisive there's very
little gear hunting it just gets you in the right here at the right time overall
a very nice refined drivetrain now super handling all-wheel drive that was in the
first generation RDX it skipped out the second generation its back and there's
an immediate effect you can really kind of slide the tail around work the car
through a lot of sweeping curves a lot of fun to drive
nice solid precise steering as well you pay for that a little bit in terms of
ride quality but a lot of that has to do with this particular car that we have
right now this is the a spec it's got the big wheels the 20 inches and it
doesn't have the adaptive shock absorbers which are optional available
on the top trim level of the RDX as such a little bit busy perhaps too firm for
an SUV shoppers but you know if you've got the a spec that kind of knew what
you were getting into that's the sporty version of this vehicle we'd like to
drive those adaptive shocks or the smaller wheels the 19 maybe those would
improve things now the drivetrain wasn't the only thing
that really was a welcome improvement in pushing the envelope for her Acura this
interior really does kind of fall together nicely this is off of accurate
rescission cockpit concept from the Auto Show a few years back just a lot of kind
of wraparound materials here there's a big center console might annoy taller
drivers who don't find enough room here but I actually do have enough room to
spread out I'm about six feet tall here and it doesn't really imp in on utility
either there's a lot of space to store things around the cupholders a nice big
area here behind underneath the armrest and more space here underneath where the
gear selector is a little bit of excessive real estate taken up by that
gear selector in this drive mode selector but otherwise very interesting
and nice materials here too there's nice overlapping
stitching here for what looks like leather actually is vinyl Acura had me
fooled now where did accurate fall short in trying to push too far it's with this
multimedia setup we previewed this at the Auto Show you can kind of go into a
deeper dive there it's called the true touchpad interface and it's just kind of
a true aggravation here's what you do you can basically just really point to
things instead of having to kind of use a cursor like you'd have to do in
certain other competitors systems to kind of use this as a touch pad for what
you're seeing up here on the standard 10.2 inch screen but we don't like this
in other cars that have it from Lexus for example they do something like this
really similar inaccurate a little bit better maybe but still we just want a
regular touch screen now that fussy multimedia system might be a
deal-breaker for some shoppers but there's plenty to like about this
redesign RDX and Acura did a lot to push the brand into a new direction which it
really needs in a very competitive segment with excellent alternatives like
the new Volvo xc60 stay tuned the RDX goes on sale in June of 2018 you can
find plenty more information on it on cars calm
Young Girl Throws First Pitch At Coors Field With Prosthetic Hand - Duration: 0:37.
Teacher And Student Funny Jokes By Talking Tom || Talking Tom Funny Videos || Fun Bhajana - Duration: 1:53.
Teacher And Student Funny Jokes By Talking Tom
Mope.io Mole Creates The Army Of Bees!! Mope.io Beta - New Bee Update // Beta Suggestions #2 - Duration: 4:39.
Morning Coffee: Is Diversity Important - Duration: 11:59.
What's up?
So I got some good coffee. This morning I want to talk about
diversity. Is diversity important. Let me tell you about my experience with that.
I'm from a really small town in East Texas called Emory Emory
By God, Texas, that's where I'm from the population sign said
813 people some of the best people that I've ever known are in that town. So here's what happened with me
I made a decision to join the military and my decision to join the military was out of desperation
what I did was I I left and went to college for three semesters until I partied my way out of that and
Then I moved back home and when I moved back home, that's when things really got started to get bad
I knew that if I didn't get out of there if I didn't leave
Then I was gonna wind up in a bad situation
so I took off and my
Recruiter talked me into this job. That was for smart kids. I was a linguist, so I went to language school
So at language school they were going to teach me
Vietnamese, I learned Vietnamese
Crazy, so I'm at this school on the coast of California and let me tell you what that was. Like I
Grew up in Emory, Texas, and if I had the window open at night
It's a good you know when I was going to sleep I could hear crickets
Coyotes and cows. That's what I could hear, right?
When I was in Monterey, California Monterey Bay up on the hill prime real estate
Overlooking the bay the ocean the Pacific Ocean. I'm laying in the barracks with my window open there and I could hear seal it seals
Barking at the bay. It's it was just
incredible the difference and
Keep in mind at the Defense Language Institute where I was at at the time
I think they they taught somewhere between 40 and 50 foreign languages and all of the instructors are
From that country my teachers were from Vietnam
so I wound up and
Probably the most diverse
community in all of the military and
For the first year in the Air Force at a DLI at this language school. I
compared everything
to Emory and the things that I would say was this isn't how the real world works and
I was calling the real world
How it was there
Now think about that for a second the real world
So my real world my experience of the world
up to that point in my life and what I had accepted as what is
Was Emory the way that it was there?
And this isn't really specifically about Emory at all
it's about my experience and
eventually, I found out that my experience up to the point to where I joined the the big Air Force the Air Force is a
Big place and then I'm at this language school where there's so much
diversity and people in thought and belief and
Getting to know these cultures and getting to know these people
It was incredible I found out that my experience
Up to the point that I joined the military was this was really small
Compared to the real world. The real world wasn't where I came from
that was just a small tiny experience and I had entered into a much bigger world and
one of the things that occurred to me at some point along the way is
this if
You want to fully experience your life?
And I don't care where you live. You can live in Emory. You can live in New York City. You can still have
diverse experiences of life and all you know
And really one of the easiest things you can do is open a book and read, you know
Watch a documentary of some kind just learn about other things and let me tell you gee rafi
That era in which you were born the community you were born into all of these things
Have influenced who you are
Completely all the way down to the very fiber of your being
These things have influenced who you are because you me or anyone if we were born on the other side of the world
500 years ago everything would be different
Everything would be different. So it's important to understand that there are different
Experiences there are different types of people and and and the key word. There is understanding
Let me tell you something. I didn't try Chinese food till I was 17 and I liked it
okay, and then when I got to the Defense Language Institute
And I was studying Vietnamese one of my best friends and he's still one of my best friends today
Jason Williams is his name. He was a Thai linguist
So he was learning Thai and I tried Thai food for the first time when I was 21 22 years old
I tried Thai food Thai food is my favorite food and
Listen to this it's so it's so fucking simple
But it's you if you don't pay attention to your life's experience. Sometimes you're gonna miss some very
important lessons
Until we wake up to the experience of our life we're gonna have the same
Undesirable things happen over and over and over again. So
Wake up a little bit pay attention and here's something very small
But it's very profound and it applies to everything
Thai food is my favorite
food I
never tried it until I was like 21 22 years old and
Guess what if I would have never tried Thai food, I would have never known
That it was my favorite food
If you don't try things if you don't get outside of the box that has been primarily
Constructed for you not by you
the trick is
recognising that and start dismantling
The parts that don't serve you that are causing you to be stuck in
Whatever area that you're stuck
Dismantle that shit and build it back up
yourself with new and diverse
Experiences because if you never try it you're never gonna know your favorite thing to do
Could very well be bungee jumping or skydiving
But if you never try it, you'll never know. There's no way
That you can experience the fullness of life
without diversity most of the time the things that we
don't like
Disagree with are the things that we simply don't understand
period so
Understanding if we're going to come together
Right and and and tear down all the different things that divide us and separate us if we're gonna come together
Then we got to get to know each other. I'm a firm believer that if if we get to know each other
we're gonna find that and we're gonna get that we're gonna click that's what's gonna happen and
it's all about just
Understanding other people. The reason that a diversity is so important
The reason that we all need it in our lives is number one so we can come together
Understand each other better
Understand each other to the point to know that we all really are kind of looking for the same thing
So we can come together as a diverse community
To address diverse problems with diverse solutions. So that's one reason diversity is important
The other reason is because you will not experience the fullness of life unless you try new things
Unless you get to know about other things unless you learn about other things try new things
experience new people new places new
Conversations and you just might find out that
Those people the new places the new conversations the new things that you experience just might be
Your very favorite thing so is diversity important
Absolutely. One of the things I like to say is diversity is one of the best teachers and it will help us experience the
fullness of life and the things that I'm about
awareness of your box and
the parts that help you in the parts that don't and once we figure out the parts that don't help us and
We take responsibility for those things and stop
other things other people other groups other ideas take
responsibility for that
because until you can say I did this I
Live in this box and I'm allowing this box to be my experience
Until you can say I did this you can't you don't have the power to change it
You don't have the power to do anything about it. So first is awareness. Next is personal
responsibility and then once you take responsibility
You have to take action don't you you have to take action if you don't do anything
nothing's gonna happen if nothing changes nothing changes, right and
I'm also about about understanding each other getting to know each other
Appreciating the diversity of us coming together as a diverse community
On common ground with a common goal of just well first of all
just loving each other loving each other and coming up with diverse solutions to diverse problems and
breaking down
That we've all created
like sometimes I think about
The conflict that we have in the world and and the world that we've constructed and it just blows me away
You know
Borders and not just borders, but we're gonna build walls to keep people out. We made all this shit up
We made all of this up
We created all of these boundaries and you know what it kind of comes down to you because I'm better than you that's why
You can't come here because we're better than you. We're right you're wrong and
It's just so ridiculous
We're not better than anybody
So I'm about coming together
awareness responsibility action and then breaking down this
bullshit that we've created breaking down these barrier bull shit barriers, we created and coming together as
the human race
That's it
Please take what you need and leave the rest. Bye
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