Here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you
can become more than you are that's the challenge and of course the other side
of the coin reads unless you change how you are you'll always have what you got
everybody hopes things will get better everybody hopes poor people hold that
ought to tell you something it means the future does not get better
by hope it gets better by planning
if you wish to be successful study success if you wish to be happy
study happiness if you wish to be wealthy study wealth don't leave it to
chance make it a study some people just go
through the day with their fingers crossed see that won't do it you've got
to study the things that can change your economic social spiritual personal life
if you don't like how it is for you change it if it doesn't suit you change
it if it doesn't please you change it if it isn't enough change it and I
challenge you to do that because you can change see you don't ever have to be the
same again after tonight only by choice
get around successful people and listen now you can also learn from unsuccessful
people take notes on both negative and positive on the negative the notes are
called what not to do and you got to learn what not to do as well as what to
do so learn from the negative as well as the positive okay
find out what poor people read and don't read it okay that's good information
learn from the negative
but now you can also learn from the positive get around successful people
listen to what they say listen to how they say it it's important
we've all got about 16 waking hours practice listening those 16 hours and I
say practice listening because listening isn't easy I found out it's easier to
talk than it is to listen but if you will practice listening the
16 hours you're awake sure enough from surprising sources comes great ideas
in sales training we teach if you want to learn sales listen to the kids kids
have got to be the master sales people of all time
they have no equal father tells his young son no you cannot have an ice
cream cone 30 minutes later he's looking out more that be 30 minutes worth
listening to they got moves you wouldn't believe
persistence runs deep like the ocean and the kids never took a class on how to
overcome objection they already know how they don't need classes you tell kids no
that's right on by they give you three good reasons just say no it goes right
on by they give you three more they're masters so listen and learn now here's
some of the best advice I've got for the whole evening it won't get any better
than this this is it poor people ought to take rich people
out to dinner and listen
that's some of the best I got if a guy's not doing well one of the first things
he ought to do is find a guy that is doing well and offered to buy him his
dinner spend 50 60 80 hundred dollars go for the full nine course start him on
the juices Noire d'oeuvres get him started talking the salad takes 15
minutes keep it rolling biggest steak in town takes 45 keep it rolling
pour on the dessert stretch that meal out about two hours if you get a
successful person to eat and talk for two hours they're liable to drop ideas
in your lap change your life multiply your income by two by three by five but
you're right poor people don't usually take rich
people out to dinner that's the problem the guy said he's rich let him buy his
own dinner I'm not coming up with any money
he says besides you work where I work but the time you struggle home it's late
you're lucky to get your own supper let alone run around trying to find a rich
man to feed and the guys behind on his house payment good worker hard workers
sincere but you got to be better than since the air work hard you wind up
broke you got to be better than a good worker you got to be a good listener and
remember what you read and what you hear put the good stuff in your journal now
here's the third way to find out how to change your life and that's to observe
you can pick up a lot of ideas just by watching get around successful people
and watch here's why success leaves clues watch how the man shakes his watch
how the lady responds people who do well do certain things over and over and over
and over and if you're clever you can pick them up watch it all if a guy is
making $10,000 a month I'd watch how he walks maybe that's it copy his funny
little walk somebody says well that's kind of a
silly walk say it's 10,000 I haven't got the money yet but I got
the walk it's bound to start somewhere what I asked you tonight is to be
unusual and be a good observer of what's going on you can pick up ideas that can
change your life starting tomorrow just be a more careful observer now remember
there's two ways to see one is called sight see with your eyes the other one
is called insight see with your mind see with your eyes you'll see things see
with your mind you'll see answers put your eyes and your mind to work and the
best advice on developing sight and insight is pay attention don't miss
anything in the weekend seminar we teach one of the greatest fatalities to
success is preoccupation lack of concentration the guy's mind wanders see
you wind up average you've got to learn to zero in and concentrate I read a good
article one time Reader's Digest the title was wherever you are be there
excellent don't miss anything now we've lingered a little bit long on
number one here for personal development find out how things work but it's so
very important finding out and I've given you three ways to find out now
here's the second step to personal development
okay number one let's find out how things work here's number two go to work
you must now take action on what you found out in doing business around the
world we call it game plan put together your game plan one of the
major things we teach on the weekend seminars game plans how to game plan
your office if you're in sales you need a game plan kids need a game plan you
need a home game plan social game plan a business game plan
everybody needs game plans financial independence game plan your investment
game plan don't think in your head put it on paper don't operate out of your
mind operate from paper I often ask somebody
what are you gonna do the next six months and somebody starts to tell me I
say no don't tell me show me show me your game plan for the next six months
then I can look at things and maybe I can help
but you got to operate from paper put it on a game plan take action on what you
found out now here's the best word I know of to go with action massive C
that'll change everything massive action is called the cure-all
if you're gonna make calls make a few thousand if you're gonna make contacts
make a few thousand if you're gonna knock on doors knock on a few thousand
see that'll change everything here's the language of the poor
I'll try at a time or two and see what happens it's the way poor people talk
the guy says well I'll give it 30 days 30 days you could guess his bank balance
you've got to have a better game plan so here's one of the major things to do
starting tomorrow take a look at your game plan if it isn't loaded with
massive action change it tomorrow action
the formula really works like this pick up a good idea take heavy action pick up
a couple of good ideas take heavy action that's the formula for sex success heavy
it's a good thing we can edit all this right the formula for success take heavy
action on a good idea right that's the ratio now here's the key don't wait till
you've learned two or three thousand things because that way you'll use up
all the time and you could wind up smart and broke and hey it's okay to be dumb
and broke but if a guy's smart and broke that's pitiful
don't let your learning lead to knowledge you'll become a fool let your
learning lead to action you can become wealthy and there's many kinds of wealth
I understand that not just money money's one of the least of all values I know
some people with a lot of money that are very poor Evita sings as for fortune and
as for fame they are illusions they're not the solutions they promised to be so
there's all kinds of wealth but to get a big share coming your way you've got to
have a heavy action game plan now here's the third step to personal development
and we'll wrap up personal development step number three it's just a little
caution and all through life we need little cautions this one simply says
don't try to beat the system
find out how it works work it but don't try to beat it
some people learn just enough to start slicing it shading it thinning it
cutting corners and looking for cheap answers see don't fall for that you'll
wind up with a cheap life find out how it works best and do it that way
even though it seems to take a little longer do it right don't compromise with
right now under this step here's another key be a quick learner
don't let it take long to teach you
learn quick don't run at the wall too many times
learn quicker one guy said he broke his nose seven times in the same place
somebody says looks like you'd stay out of that place learn quicker now the
third point here is don't be stubborn see some people won't change you and
when a better way comes they say well I've been doing it this way 30 years hey
be ready for change if it's a better way go for it
but don't try to beat it or you'll be like the guy that went to Las Vegas he
didn't have much money so he didn't want to risk his money gambling but he gets
to Las Vegas and the jackpot bells are ring and the money's flowing the lights
are flashing and he can't help himself he's got the gamble but instead of
gambling with his cash he decides to play the money mental gambling game and
the brilliant scheme he worked out goes like this
he'd pick a number like number three mentally he would bet a certain amount
of money on the number and whether it Werner lost he would jot down that
amount in his little pad I would have won five dollars if I'd have made that
bet just to keep track of it win or lose that way come midnight he can calculate
how he's doing win or loser how much only not his money keep his money just
play this mental gambling game so here he is around the gambling table
everybody else shell not their hard-earned cash he's got this brilliant
scheme instead of betting with his money he's betting with his mind and he lost
his mind
which means don't try to beat the system I guess okay we have covered personal
development by the way it's the longest subject so take heart the rest of them
are a lot shorter
For more infomation >> Jim Rohn: Programming Yourself for Success ( Jim Rohn Training ) - Duration: 14:42.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : Marun diz que Procon vai fiscalizar redução de preço do diesel - Duration: 6:25.
Aliexpress Haul #3 - Duration: 15:03.
Hey everyone.
Welcome back to my channel.
If you're new here my name is The Pretty Witch.
I'm all about fashion, beauty and testing out really cool gadgets and just making a
complete idiot and being a dork of myself.
So if you're into that make sure you go ahead hit that subscribe button for me.
Also be sure to hit that little bell notification as well so you don't miss out on any of my
latest videos.
So today I'm coming at you with another Aliexpress haul.
Now Aliexpress is one of my favourite places to find really unique trending products and
they're super affordable.
Like I don't even understand how the stamp from China doesn't cost more than the actual
product itself but hey I'm not complaining.
If you're not quite sure what Aliexpress is or how it works etcetera be sure to check
out my very first video.
I also have done a couple other hauls as well so be sure to check out those videos.
I will put all those links down below for you.
So as some of you know I haven't been feeling well over the last couple of months so anything
I've been getting in the mail from Aliexpress I've been kind of putting away in a box to
save for you when I'm ready to make this video so I do have a lot of stuff.
I have a big box full of stuff which we probably won't get through in this video so I will
probably break it up into another haul video for you.
So be sure to stay tuned for that.
So if there's any products you see and you would like to get comment down below and I
will try my best and send you the link for that item.
So first item up I have is this gorgeous piece of body jewelry.
Now I don't think I will actually wear this out in public.
This is probably likely more for a photoshoot of some sort.
These babies probably really won't hold it up so it's most likely just for decoration
in a photo for me but I'm sure there are some girls out there that it would look so fabulous
on underneath a blazer or just yeah underneath a dress just peaking out.
It would look so sexy.
Isn't this gorgeous?
So basically these are supposed to cover the goods and then the chains would wrap around
the body to hold you in place but like I said I would probably recommend this for somebody
probably with a bit of a smaller chest because it's definitely not meant as like a bra or
anything supportive.
It's more decorative.
Now because the nice weather is finally here I had to go ahead and pick up a nice bikini
from Aliexpress.
So here are the bottoms.
I just love the pattern on this.
In the picture online the girl was wearing this bathing suit under this gorgeous white
crochet kind of beach cover up and it just looked absolutely beautiful.
So I'm so excited to try that out.
Stay tuned to any of my Instagram or social media accounts to see any of my pictures wearing
any of these items.
Again I will put all those social media links down below for you.
So another item I picked up is this really cute bodysuit.
It's got a really low back.
Now the thing with Aliexpress is you do have to be careful because the stuff comes from
China so they're sizing tends to be really small.
But these last couple of items I have purchased including that bathing suit and this bodysuit
I actually have found they're really true to size.
So if there's anything you do have questions about or you're uncertain about make sure
you check out the reviews on that product.
Another item that fit true ro size and is absolutely adorable is this little Barbie
sports bra.
Now this did come in a variety of other colours.
I think there's a neon green and an orange so hopefully I can get all those as well.
So I also picked up a bunch of these kind of beanie style touques or hats or whatever
you want to call them.
I know it's not kind of that really cold weather but I still think that they're basic enough
that you can add them to any kind of outfit no matter what season it is.
So I picked up a black one, an olive one, a purple one and a red one.
So I think it's super cute.
So you can fold it over so it's more fitted or you can kind of like have it hanging back
more so it's more loose and kind of like beanie style.
So Aliexpress is a place that I love to get a lot of my hair accessories from especially
because I use a lot of them in my photos on my Instagram for all my makeup looks.
Now a lot of places like forever 21 h&m ectera.
These hair accessories you're probably going to be spending about ten to fifteen dollars
whereas on Aliexpress you're probably going to find them for about two to five dollars.
So I picked up a few more of the kind of hippy boho floral headbands.
I also bought these lace bunny ears from Aliexpress.
Now if you do follow me on social media you have definitely seen me wearing these before
in a couple of photos.
I don't know if you can see.
I'm going to bend down.
So they're super cute.
They're wired so you can adjust which way you want the ears to bend and the.
It's got this cute little veil to give you some extra sexiness or mystique.
So Aliexpress is another favourite place for me to get all my really fancy cute cell phone
I refuse to spend thirty dollars on a cell phone case.
I usually don't spend more than about five dollars on a cell phone case from Aliexpress.
Now the ones I am going to show you I barely got any use out of them.
They are so cute and I'm so disappointed but I ended up getting the new iphone eight plus
so none of these cell phone cases fit so I had to order a whole bunch of new ones.
So obviously stay tuned to another video for those ones.
Here's some of the really cute ones.
This is like a little kind of spray paint bottle one.
Then here's a little poison bottle.
On it it says fine mix of unicorn blood witches brew and broken hearts.
So that's super cute.
Now this cell phone case probably isn't everyone's style but I just thought there was something
so unique about it.
It just looks like it's covered in tassels.
It's all just rubber.
And then I love my bling.
This case is absolutely gorgeous.
I'm so sad that I can't use it anymore but look it how beautiful that is.
Oh my god.
I just love it.
I also got these really kind of trending mirrored sunglasses.
I also picked up these really super adorable headphones.
These are probably more for a fashion statement than practicality because they have like this
long cord which headphones nowadays you would get wireless which I do have a few pairs of
those as well and you can also find those on Aliexpress as well.
But like I said this is definitely more of a fashion statement.
So these hot pink headphones.
Now I'm also known on my Instagram for wearing a ton of wigs for all my makeup photos so
Aliexpress is definitely the place to go if you're looking for a really affordable trending
colourful wig.
So I grabbed this kind of ombre yellow.
I don't even know how you would describe the colour.
It's more like yellow green.
But yeah it does start from like a brown or greyish colour and then it fades to this golden
yellow colour.
Now another super cute accessory I picked up was for this kind of Halloween video I
was making.
It was like a very fifty shades inspired tutorial.
So I was basically replicating Miss Steele's look from the ball from fifty shades darker.
That's the second one?
Whatever the second one is.
Anyways so if you haven't seen that video I will also put that link down below.
Anyways so I picked up the masquerade mask.
So if you definitely have like a costume party or anything then Aliexpress is definitely
the place to go for any kind of costume accessories as well.
So I have become a huge fan of doing my own nails and saving money that way.
I love looking fabulous on a budget.
So I kind of do my own press on nails.
You can also buy the fake nail tips off Aliexpress as well.
But I did pick up some like 3D nail accessories just to add bling to my nails.
So I'm not quite sure if you'll be able to see them through the package or not but I
picked up these.
They're like little gun pistols.
I'll see if I can try and add like a photo somewhere up around here.
I also picked up these kind of cute cupcake ones with a little flower on them.
I also got these really cute like tassel ones.
They got like a rhinestone on the top of them and then this dangling pink fringe.
And these are super cute.
I got pineapples.
Now I picked up this really cute adorable heart shaped makeup brush cleaner.
So basically what you do is.
Hold on let me grab a brush for you.
I'm knocking everything over.
Okay so basically what you do with this is you would add your regular makeup brush remover
gel or whatever you use to clean your brushes and then under water you would just circle
the brush onto here and all these little grooves and edges are just going to help your brush
get more clean.
Now I did pick up an extra one of these because I am including it in my giveaway.
If you haven't heard about my giveaway or seen it yet I'm also going to put that video
down below for you as well.
Now here are just a few random fashion accessories for you.
So this is a super cute ring.
It's got like a little fringe ball on it.
How you doin?
Also grabbed this pearl bun holder.
So you would just put your hair up basically in a bun.
You could probably use it on a ponytail as well and then you would just wrap this around
and then hold your bun in place and make your bun look super cute and fashionable.
Now these are my absolute favourite.
I have been dying for Spring and Summer to finally arrive so that I can wear these.
These are my lemon earrings.
Oh my gosh I love these so much.
There is a matching bracelet and headband as well so I'm probably going to grab those
as well.
This accessory is super cool
I wish I was wearing the proper shirt so I could really show you how it works.
I will try and put a picture up somewhere.
But basically these are jewelry for your collar.
So if you were wearing one of those collared blouses you would just stick one on each end
of the corner of your collar.
I also got these really kind of super cute rhinestone blingy ear cuffs.
So it would just kind of go on the tip of your ear like that.
I grabbed another kind of pair of earrings.
I forget the actual name for these.
Anyway so they are the ones where like one side fits on the top.
Let me just take out my earring.
It might make it easier to show you.
So it's basically one of those earrings where one side.
I don't know how to explain it but anyways there's a stud I would put through on this
side and it's got bling on it so it would hold that in place.
I also grabbed a pair of super cute pineapple earrings.
Now these are up for grabs in my giveaway as well.
Check out these super cool earrings.
They're so pretty.
Those are really fashionable and trendy.
I can't wait to use these in some sort of photo.
I got another really cute pair of earrings and these are like a crescent moon kind of
I also grabbed another ear cuff.
Now this is a large one so this would go on your whole ear.
Next up is this really cool floral hand ring.
The only thing that's weird about this is that.
Like it doesn't lay flat.
Or am I supposed to.
Ohhh maybe I'm supposed to bend it so it curves and fits my hand.
I'm an idiot.
I don't know.
Anyways so you can do whatever you want with it.
I just think it's weird kind of when you move your hand the leaf part sticks up a bit.
I also picked up this super cute adorable fringe bracelet.
This also comes in a variety of colours as well.
Here's a completely random accessory because I'm a super nerdy organized person and I love
my sticky notes so I picked up a couple pads of these post it notes but they're marble.
Like how pretty are those?
So body jewels and crystals are a huge trend this year.
People are really into like the unicorn and mermaid look and especially for Coachella
people like to wear these so I picked up some really awesome body glitter and face jewels
so I'll just show you some those.
This is obviously a sternum one.
These are your boobies in the picture and there is some nipple cover up ones if you're
And then just a couple packs of coloured body glitter.
And some other body accessories that I love to play around with are some temporary tattoos
so I picked up these lips.
And for the queen herself.
Okay so that's it for the end of this video.
But like I said there are a ton more products that I do have to get through which I will
save for another upcoming video.
So stay tuned for that.
But I do have to thank you guys so much for always tuning in and watching and supporting
my channel.
I really truly appreciate it.
Definitely check out some of the videos that I talked about and posted the links for down
Also be sure to susbscribe to my channel and follow me on all my social media links.
Thank you guys again so much for watching and I'll see you next time.
年度風雲車賣破16萬台! 歐洲人想得跟我們不一樣?Peugeot 3008 2018 - Duration: 13:20.
Resident Evil - Revelations. Эпизод 3. В поисках двери и выхода. - Duration: 34:41.
Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk, Innovation ** Zeer luxe Crossland X ** - Duration: 1:12.
Subaru Justy 1.0 COMFORT S, 5DRS, AIRCO! - Duration: 1:11.
Peugeot 207 1.6-16V XS PACK 5DRS / Climate Control / Trekhaak / LPG Onderbouw - Duration: 1:12.
Chris Janson - New Video
Curcuma e miele d'api: un rimedio dal valore inestimabile - Duration: 6:14.
Al Bano, Romina e le repliche: le lunghe vacanze della Rai | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:26.
Sospeso Uomini e donne: ecco cosa va in onda in estate | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:44.
Prima Watercolor Confections Review Part 1 - Duration: 7:53.
guide to pentagon shinwon - Duration: 4:27.
Populismo Penal Midiático - Duration: 2:58.
Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI 92pk Collection ECC/Navigatie/Zenith dak - Duration: 1:08.
Peugeot 2008 1.2 e-VTi 2-Tronic 82pk Allure AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:09.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:04.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Active CABRIO! - Duration: 1:11.
Peugeot Partner 1.6 E-HDI Airco Automaat - Duration: 0:52.
Para impedir avanço da greve, Temer tenta convencer caminhoneiros com proposta - Duration: 4:44.
Projeto do Dia - Canteiro elevado Parte 3/ Project of the Day - Elevated Garden Bed - Duration: 6:19.
Hi everyone Welcome to Batistenha Homestead, I am Joselito,
I am Rhaylan and I am Iva. Well welcome the third part of our
project of the day, which is to make this raised bed. Today we'll put this screen and plant
some little plants here, then join us.
We already put the screen around, now let's do some
finishes here and we will work on the door, without a door, it's no use
squirrels will keep coming in. And let's work.
And now they're nailing the screen to the door, say hi Rhaylan, hi people. say hi Joselito, then guys
we have a helper today, very good.
only these?
We already have a stoper
I do not think any squirrels are going to be able to open it, we're going to go through a plot if we have to.
guys we have already put our door,
we put a provisional lock here, and Let's plant some things today.
Look, we already have some Roma tomatoes and let's go also plant a zucchini
squash, and that's it. So let's plant.
Look, Iva had already planted these mint,
some friends we spoke look have it planting the right not to let the roots
expand a lot, I'll show you how we did it.
we actually planted with the vase,
we use the vessel in the intention of contain the roots so as not to spread too much
Let's see if it will work.
Let's continue today is a good day there is not too much sun
It's a good day to plant.
People for today are just us plant here some zucchini tomatoes. Then by
today is just us, we still have these here to plant
I'm going to take it, and leave it right here, it's already protected by the screen.
I'll take my gadget that still has some little plants there to put
there. So no squirrel will enter here little animal will not go in there will be everything
protected. Thank you for joining us here at
Batistenha Homestead, if you have not signed up, sign up for
channel give your likei to us, it's a lot important that you give the like, which you
share our videos with your family with friends.
Many thanks again I am Joselito I am Rhaylan and I am the Iva
see you next time
Prima Watercolor Confections Review Part 2 No Line Watercolouring - Duration: 6:04.
hi this is Debbie and this is part two one review of prima watercolor
confections I will link part 1 of the video in the youtube description below
where you will find a first look and my thoughts on the tropical senescence prim
Colonel Walter kind of confections pallets but part two this review I will
be using the Prima watercolor confections palettes to paint a floral
greeting card with a no-name watercolor style this is my favorite way to use
watercolors and as such I felt that it would test the paints to the fullest in
a style that I was comfortable with I will say however that whenever you use
new supplies be it paints brushes or paper it does take some time and
experimenting to get used to the way they react as each has its own
individual properties he wouldn't drive a Ferrari and expected to behave the
same way as a Lamborghini not that I've driven either both of ugliest cars and I
would love to drive them but each would give a unique experience onto this cart
then I'm using the stunning large floral arrangement from the beautiful flower
set from Simon Says Stamp but place the stamp in the Misti along
with a piece of arches cold press watercolor art I need to clean the stamp
which I did so with hero arts ultra clean and so previously tried out the
start with black ink I never clean my stamps unless I
absolutely have to however as I wanted to stamp the image
with a light ink it was necessary to clean the stamp up a bit first our use
done tickling and distress ink to stamp the image you think is light in color
and water reactive so it would disappear when painted to give a no line
watercolor look I stamped the image multiple times until I could see the
detail and the flowers or still being subtle and it won't dominate the
painting I choose the color palette of the lovely muted adore from the essence
palette along with coconut from the tropicals palette for the leaves are
combined palms and tiki to give a nice tea saturated green for the leaves which
turned up the muted colors I've chosen for the flowers I don't know why it's
taken me so long to discover this but I recently started painting with two
brushes one for the paint and one for the damp brush of water previously I
used to add the concentrated paint and then rinse my brush off slightly to
blend the paint out however so much of the paint ended up in my water jar which
was such a waste using two brushes means that I can keep the paint on my
dedicated paint brush to add concentrated spots of color to areas
where you'd expect shadows and deeper color such as the base of petals or
where one petal overlaps another I can then use my brush which is just done
with water to draw out the color over the rest of the petal and blend it to
the lightest shades with the lightt sitting it I moved to round the flowers
and the wet and dry technique I'm adding paint directly to the card and then
drawing it out with a damp brush this technique is a great way to get lots of
contrast between the deepest darks and the airy lights as I mentioned in part 1
of this review of prima water her confections the paint's remot easily
given concentrated color which dilutes out beautifully but only oddity I found
was that the paint's didn't blend out the distress ink as easily as I'm used
to instead the painting too claimed the ink
silently to create lines in the shade of the paint for example the shading lines
of the stamp petals seemed to absorb some of the adorn paint to give shading
lines in a mid shade of a door although unusual didn't mind this effect
and later on when they had to details to the petals and leaves by accentuate to
the shading lines further whilst on the petals dry I've moved on to the leaves
with my mixture of plums and tiki from the tropicals palette and I'll also
thought in just Tiki for the stains I ended this brown while the Leafs were
still wet to get that lovely blending of the two colors when they meet for truth
the bloom so choose juice coconut or warm yellow color and led the green into
flower receptacle at the base of the Bert bleed into the yellow and I also
wanted to touch Pattaya for warmth however later on I turned to hippies cos
which when added to a coconut gives a peachy go to the flowers for the leaf
spring dropping down at the bottom to the arrangement and mix palms and
coconut to give a slightly more yellow-green mixing colors that we used
elsewhere in the painting I find this a cohesive feel to the color palette again
I brought in a touch of tiki for the stand while the leaves are still wet and
I love how the two colors blended together for the stems of the flowers I
used coconut and tiki with the Nomad water curling style where
you don't have visible minors to help define
from another it's important to use every trick available to create definition so
shadows and highlights burying color and saturation detail my lines versus areas
with more open space or these pieces of the information give the impression of
dimension and had the eye to see the form of the flowers and leaves are you
selected the paint at least but is an IOC used a solution of perfect pearls
towards bhakti splatters to when the panel was dry and run it through my die
cutting machine with a stitched rectangle dye my head of foam adhesive
to the back of the panel and I did it to a card base cut and scored from hundred
pounds Neenah Desert Storm card I chose the sentiment from the beautiful flower
set and placed in the misty with a piece of slate card art routed the card with
anti-static powder bag to help prevent embossing powder randomly sticking to
the cart and then stamp the sentiment in clear embossing ink before sprinkling
with white embossing powder tapping off any excess on heat setting I trim the
sentiment to a skinny manner and added over the water colored panel with foam
adhesive finally I added a trio of crystal reflection sequins held in place
with new beau deluxe adhesive and that completes my note on watercolor card
using the stunning beautiful flower set from some system along with the fun
tropicals and essence prima water cut confections palettes
I'll leave links in the YouTube description below to the products that
I've used today as well as the link to the coordinating blog post over at won't
do to design calm and also pop one of this video looking in more detail at the
pre mortar colors I want to thank you for joining me today if you've enjoyed
this tutorial I'd be delighted if you subscribe to this channel thanks and
I'll see you next time
UNBOXING... SOFFITEIR! #CheBelPistolotto - Duration: 9:24.
3 MINUTOS PARA AFINAR AS PERNAS GORDAS EM CASA! [COMPLETO] 7 Exercícios para Pernas Definidas - Duration: 3:20.
Volvo V40 2.0 D4 R-DESIGN BUSINESS - Duration: 0:54.
Volkswagen Beetle Cabriolet 2.0 TSI Sport (automaat) / R-LINE / LEDER / NAVI - Duration: 1:07.
Renault Espace TCe 200pk Dynamique EDC (7PERS.!!/R-link/Climate/Park. sens./Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:13.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 R-line Edition - Duration: 1:05.
Stunning Blue Sanibel Tiny House on Wheels | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 5:55.
Jim Rohn: Programming Yourself for Success ( Jim Rohn Training ) - Duration: 14:42.
Here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you
can become more than you are that's the challenge and of course the other side
of the coin reads unless you change how you are you'll always have what you got
everybody hopes things will get better everybody hopes poor people hold that
ought to tell you something it means the future does not get better
by hope it gets better by planning
if you wish to be successful study success if you wish to be happy
study happiness if you wish to be wealthy study wealth don't leave it to
chance make it a study some people just go
through the day with their fingers crossed see that won't do it you've got
to study the things that can change your economic social spiritual personal life
if you don't like how it is for you change it if it doesn't suit you change
it if it doesn't please you change it if it isn't enough change it and I
challenge you to do that because you can change see you don't ever have to be the
same again after tonight only by choice
get around successful people and listen now you can also learn from unsuccessful
people take notes on both negative and positive on the negative the notes are
called what not to do and you got to learn what not to do as well as what to
do so learn from the negative as well as the positive okay
find out what poor people read and don't read it okay that's good information
learn from the negative
but now you can also learn from the positive get around successful people
listen to what they say listen to how they say it it's important
we've all got about 16 waking hours practice listening those 16 hours and I
say practice listening because listening isn't easy I found out it's easier to
talk than it is to listen but if you will practice listening the
16 hours you're awake sure enough from surprising sources comes great ideas
in sales training we teach if you want to learn sales listen to the kids kids
have got to be the master sales people of all time
they have no equal father tells his young son no you cannot have an ice
cream cone 30 minutes later he's looking out more that be 30 minutes worth
listening to they got moves you wouldn't believe
persistence runs deep like the ocean and the kids never took a class on how to
overcome objection they already know how they don't need classes you tell kids no
that's right on by they give you three good reasons just say no it goes right
on by they give you three more they're masters so listen and learn now here's
some of the best advice I've got for the whole evening it won't get any better
than this this is it poor people ought to take rich people
out to dinner and listen
that's some of the best I got if a guy's not doing well one of the first things
he ought to do is find a guy that is doing well and offered to buy him his
dinner spend 50 60 80 hundred dollars go for the full nine course start him on
the juices Noire d'oeuvres get him started talking the salad takes 15
minutes keep it rolling biggest steak in town takes 45 keep it rolling
pour on the dessert stretch that meal out about two hours if you get a
successful person to eat and talk for two hours they're liable to drop ideas
in your lap change your life multiply your income by two by three by five but
you're right poor people don't usually take rich
people out to dinner that's the problem the guy said he's rich let him buy his
own dinner I'm not coming up with any money
he says besides you work where I work but the time you struggle home it's late
you're lucky to get your own supper let alone run around trying to find a rich
man to feed and the guys behind on his house payment good worker hard workers
sincere but you got to be better than since the air work hard you wind up
broke you got to be better than a good worker you got to be a good listener and
remember what you read and what you hear put the good stuff in your journal now
here's the third way to find out how to change your life and that's to observe
you can pick up a lot of ideas just by watching get around successful people
and watch here's why success leaves clues watch how the man shakes his watch
how the lady responds people who do well do certain things over and over and over
and over and if you're clever you can pick them up watch it all if a guy is
making $10,000 a month I'd watch how he walks maybe that's it copy his funny
little walk somebody says well that's kind of a
silly walk say it's 10,000 I haven't got the money yet but I got
the walk it's bound to start somewhere what I asked you tonight is to be
unusual and be a good observer of what's going on you can pick up ideas that can
change your life starting tomorrow just be a more careful observer now remember
there's two ways to see one is called sight see with your eyes the other one
is called insight see with your mind see with your eyes you'll see things see
with your mind you'll see answers put your eyes and your mind to work and the
best advice on developing sight and insight is pay attention don't miss
anything in the weekend seminar we teach one of the greatest fatalities to
success is preoccupation lack of concentration the guy's mind wanders see
you wind up average you've got to learn to zero in and concentrate I read a good
article one time Reader's Digest the title was wherever you are be there
excellent don't miss anything now we've lingered a little bit long on
number one here for personal development find out how things work but it's so
very important finding out and I've given you three ways to find out now
here's the second step to personal development
okay number one let's find out how things work here's number two go to work
you must now take action on what you found out in doing business around the
world we call it game plan put together your game plan one of the
major things we teach on the weekend seminars game plans how to game plan
your office if you're in sales you need a game plan kids need a game plan you
need a home game plan social game plan a business game plan
everybody needs game plans financial independence game plan your investment
game plan don't think in your head put it on paper don't operate out of your
mind operate from paper I often ask somebody
what are you gonna do the next six months and somebody starts to tell me I
say no don't tell me show me show me your game plan for the next six months
then I can look at things and maybe I can help
but you got to operate from paper put it on a game plan take action on what you
found out now here's the best word I know of to go with action massive C
that'll change everything massive action is called the cure-all
if you're gonna make calls make a few thousand if you're gonna make contacts
make a few thousand if you're gonna knock on doors knock on a few thousand
see that'll change everything here's the language of the poor
I'll try at a time or two and see what happens it's the way poor people talk
the guy says well I'll give it 30 days 30 days you could guess his bank balance
you've got to have a better game plan so here's one of the major things to do
starting tomorrow take a look at your game plan if it isn't loaded with
massive action change it tomorrow action
the formula really works like this pick up a good idea take heavy action pick up
a couple of good ideas take heavy action that's the formula for sex success heavy
it's a good thing we can edit all this right the formula for success take heavy
action on a good idea right that's the ratio now here's the key don't wait till
you've learned two or three thousand things because that way you'll use up
all the time and you could wind up smart and broke and hey it's okay to be dumb
and broke but if a guy's smart and broke that's pitiful
don't let your learning lead to knowledge you'll become a fool let your
learning lead to action you can become wealthy and there's many kinds of wealth
I understand that not just money money's one of the least of all values I know
some people with a lot of money that are very poor Evita sings as for fortune and
as for fame they are illusions they're not the solutions they promised to be so
there's all kinds of wealth but to get a big share coming your way you've got to
have a heavy action game plan now here's the third step to personal development
and we'll wrap up personal development step number three it's just a little
caution and all through life we need little cautions this one simply says
don't try to beat the system
find out how it works work it but don't try to beat it
some people learn just enough to start slicing it shading it thinning it
cutting corners and looking for cheap answers see don't fall for that you'll
wind up with a cheap life find out how it works best and do it that way
even though it seems to take a little longer do it right don't compromise with
right now under this step here's another key be a quick learner
don't let it take long to teach you
learn quick don't run at the wall too many times
learn quicker one guy said he broke his nose seven times in the same place
somebody says looks like you'd stay out of that place learn quicker now the
third point here is don't be stubborn see some people won't change you and
when a better way comes they say well I've been doing it this way 30 years hey
be ready for change if it's a better way go for it
but don't try to beat it or you'll be like the guy that went to Las Vegas he
didn't have much money so he didn't want to risk his money gambling but he gets
to Las Vegas and the jackpot bells are ring and the money's flowing the lights
are flashing and he can't help himself he's got the gamble but instead of
gambling with his cash he decides to play the money mental gambling game and
the brilliant scheme he worked out goes like this
he'd pick a number like number three mentally he would bet a certain amount
of money on the number and whether it Werner lost he would jot down that
amount in his little pad I would have won five dollars if I'd have made that
bet just to keep track of it win or lose that way come midnight he can calculate
how he's doing win or loser how much only not his money keep his money just
play this mental gambling game so here he is around the gambling table
everybody else shell not their hard-earned cash he's got this brilliant
scheme instead of betting with his money he's betting with his mind and he lost
his mind
which means don't try to beat the system I guess okay we have covered personal
development by the way it's the longest subject so take heart the rest of them
are a lot shorter
Últimas notícia de hoje : Marun diz que Procon vai fiscalizar redução de preço do diesel - Duration: 6:25.
Aliexpress Haul #3 - Duration: 15:03.
Hey everyone.
Welcome back to my channel.
If you're new here my name is The Pretty Witch.
I'm all about fashion, beauty and testing out really cool gadgets and just making a
complete idiot and being a dork of myself.
So if you're into that make sure you go ahead hit that subscribe button for me.
Also be sure to hit that little bell notification as well so you don't miss out on any of my
latest videos.
So today I'm coming at you with another Aliexpress haul.
Now Aliexpress is one of my favourite places to find really unique trending products and
they're super affordable.
Like I don't even understand how the stamp from China doesn't cost more than the actual
product itself but hey I'm not complaining.
If you're not quite sure what Aliexpress is or how it works etcetera be sure to check
out my very first video.
I also have done a couple other hauls as well so be sure to check out those videos.
I will put all those links down below for you.
So as some of you know I haven't been feeling well over the last couple of months so anything
I've been getting in the mail from Aliexpress I've been kind of putting away in a box to
save for you when I'm ready to make this video so I do have a lot of stuff.
I have a big box full of stuff which we probably won't get through in this video so I will
probably break it up into another haul video for you.
So be sure to stay tuned for that.
So if there's any products you see and you would like to get comment down below and I
will try my best and send you the link for that item.
So first item up I have is this gorgeous piece of body jewelry.
Now I don't think I will actually wear this out in public.
This is probably likely more for a photoshoot of some sort.
These babies probably really won't hold it up so it's most likely just for decoration
in a photo for me but I'm sure there are some girls out there that it would look so fabulous
on underneath a blazer or just yeah underneath a dress just peaking out.
It would look so sexy.
Isn't this gorgeous?
So basically these are supposed to cover the goods and then the chains would wrap around
the body to hold you in place but like I said I would probably recommend this for somebody
probably with a bit of a smaller chest because it's definitely not meant as like a bra or
anything supportive.
It's more decorative.
Now because the nice weather is finally here I had to go ahead and pick up a nice bikini
from Aliexpress.
So here are the bottoms.
I just love the pattern on this.
In the picture online the girl was wearing this bathing suit under this gorgeous white
crochet kind of beach cover up and it just looked absolutely beautiful.
So I'm so excited to try that out.
Stay tuned to any of my Instagram or social media accounts to see any of my pictures wearing
any of these items.
Again I will put all those social media links down below for you.
So another item I picked up is this really cute bodysuit.
It's got a really low back.
Now the thing with Aliexpress is you do have to be careful because the stuff comes from
China so they're sizing tends to be really small.
But these last couple of items I have purchased including that bathing suit and this bodysuit
I actually have found they're really true to size.
So if there's anything you do have questions about or you're uncertain about make sure
you check out the reviews on that product.
Another item that fit true ro size and is absolutely adorable is this little Barbie
sports bra.
Now this did come in a variety of other colours.
I think there's a neon green and an orange so hopefully I can get all those as well.
So I also picked up a bunch of these kind of beanie style touques or hats or whatever
you want to call them.
I know it's not kind of that really cold weather but I still think that they're basic enough
that you can add them to any kind of outfit no matter what season it is.
So I picked up a black one, an olive one, a purple one and a red one.
So I think it's super cute.
So you can fold it over so it's more fitted or you can kind of like have it hanging back
more so it's more loose and kind of like beanie style.
So Aliexpress is a place that I love to get a lot of my hair accessories from especially
because I use a lot of them in my photos on my Instagram for all my makeup looks.
Now a lot of places like forever 21 h&m ectera.
These hair accessories you're probably going to be spending about ten to fifteen dollars
whereas on Aliexpress you're probably going to find them for about two to five dollars.
So I picked up a few more of the kind of hippy boho floral headbands.
I also bought these lace bunny ears from Aliexpress.
Now if you do follow me on social media you have definitely seen me wearing these before
in a couple of photos.
I don't know if you can see.
I'm going to bend down.
So they're super cute.
They're wired so you can adjust which way you want the ears to bend and the.
It's got this cute little veil to give you some extra sexiness or mystique.
So Aliexpress is another favourite place for me to get all my really fancy cute cell phone
I refuse to spend thirty dollars on a cell phone case.
I usually don't spend more than about five dollars on a cell phone case from Aliexpress.
Now the ones I am going to show you I barely got any use out of them.
They are so cute and I'm so disappointed but I ended up getting the new iphone eight plus
so none of these cell phone cases fit so I had to order a whole bunch of new ones.
So obviously stay tuned to another video for those ones.
Here's some of the really cute ones.
This is like a little kind of spray paint bottle one.
Then here's a little poison bottle.
On it it says fine mix of unicorn blood witches brew and broken hearts.
So that's super cute.
Now this cell phone case probably isn't everyone's style but I just thought there was something
so unique about it.
It just looks like it's covered in tassels.
It's all just rubber.
And then I love my bling.
This case is absolutely gorgeous.
I'm so sad that I can't use it anymore but look it how beautiful that is.
Oh my god.
I just love it.
I also got these really kind of trending mirrored sunglasses.
I also picked up these really super adorable headphones.
These are probably more for a fashion statement than practicality because they have like this
long cord which headphones nowadays you would get wireless which I do have a few pairs of
those as well and you can also find those on Aliexpress as well.
But like I said this is definitely more of a fashion statement.
So these hot pink headphones.
Now I'm also known on my Instagram for wearing a ton of wigs for all my makeup photos so
Aliexpress is definitely the place to go if you're looking for a really affordable trending
colourful wig.
So I grabbed this kind of ombre yellow.
I don't even know how you would describe the colour.
It's more like yellow green.
But yeah it does start from like a brown or greyish colour and then it fades to this golden
yellow colour.
Now another super cute accessory I picked up was for this kind of Halloween video I
was making.
It was like a very fifty shades inspired tutorial.
So I was basically replicating Miss Steele's look from the ball from fifty shades darker.
That's the second one?
Whatever the second one is.
Anyways so if you haven't seen that video I will also put that link down below.
Anyways so I picked up the masquerade mask.
So if you definitely have like a costume party or anything then Aliexpress is definitely
the place to go for any kind of costume accessories as well.
So I have become a huge fan of doing my own nails and saving money that way.
I love looking fabulous on a budget.
So I kind of do my own press on nails.
You can also buy the fake nail tips off Aliexpress as well.
But I did pick up some like 3D nail accessories just to add bling to my nails.
So I'm not quite sure if you'll be able to see them through the package or not but I
picked up these.
They're like little gun pistols.
I'll see if I can try and add like a photo somewhere up around here.
I also picked up these kind of cute cupcake ones with a little flower on them.
I also got these really cute like tassel ones.
They got like a rhinestone on the top of them and then this dangling pink fringe.
And these are super cute.
I got pineapples.
Now I picked up this really cute adorable heart shaped makeup brush cleaner.
So basically what you do is.
Hold on let me grab a brush for you.
I'm knocking everything over.
Okay so basically what you do with this is you would add your regular makeup brush remover
gel or whatever you use to clean your brushes and then under water you would just circle
the brush onto here and all these little grooves and edges are just going to help your brush
get more clean.
Now I did pick up an extra one of these because I am including it in my giveaway.
If you haven't heard about my giveaway or seen it yet I'm also going to put that video
down below for you as well.
Now here are just a few random fashion accessories for you.
So this is a super cute ring.
It's got like a little fringe ball on it.
How you doin?
Also grabbed this pearl bun holder.
So you would just put your hair up basically in a bun.
You could probably use it on a ponytail as well and then you would just wrap this around
and then hold your bun in place and make your bun look super cute and fashionable.
Now these are my absolute favourite.
I have been dying for Spring and Summer to finally arrive so that I can wear these.
These are my lemon earrings.
Oh my gosh I love these so much.
There is a matching bracelet and headband as well so I'm probably going to grab those
as well.
This accessory is super cool
I wish I was wearing the proper shirt so I could really show you how it works.
I will try and put a picture up somewhere.
But basically these are jewelry for your collar.
So if you were wearing one of those collared blouses you would just stick one on each end
of the corner of your collar.
I also got these really kind of super cute rhinestone blingy ear cuffs.
So it would just kind of go on the tip of your ear like that.
I grabbed another kind of pair of earrings.
I forget the actual name for these.
Anyway so they are the ones where like one side fits on the top.
Let me just take out my earring.
It might make it easier to show you.
So it's basically one of those earrings where one side.
I don't know how to explain it but anyways there's a stud I would put through on this
side and it's got bling on it so it would hold that in place.
I also grabbed a pair of super cute pineapple earrings.
Now these are up for grabs in my giveaway as well.
Check out these super cool earrings.
They're so pretty.
Those are really fashionable and trendy.
I can't wait to use these in some sort of photo.
I got another really cute pair of earrings and these are like a crescent moon kind of
I also grabbed another ear cuff.
Now this is a large one so this would go on your whole ear.
Next up is this really cool floral hand ring.
The only thing that's weird about this is that.
Like it doesn't lay flat.
Or am I supposed to.
Ohhh maybe I'm supposed to bend it so it curves and fits my hand.
I'm an idiot.
I don't know.
Anyways so you can do whatever you want with it.
I just think it's weird kind of when you move your hand the leaf part sticks up a bit.
I also picked up this super cute adorable fringe bracelet.
This also comes in a variety of colours as well.
Here's a completely random accessory because I'm a super nerdy organized person and I love
my sticky notes so I picked up a couple pads of these post it notes but they're marble.
Like how pretty are those?
So body jewels and crystals are a huge trend this year.
People are really into like the unicorn and mermaid look and especially for Coachella
people like to wear these so I picked up some really awesome body glitter and face jewels
so I'll just show you some those.
This is obviously a sternum one.
These are your boobies in the picture and there is some nipple cover up ones if you're
And then just a couple packs of coloured body glitter.
And some other body accessories that I love to play around with are some temporary tattoos
so I picked up these lips.
And for the queen herself.
Okay so that's it for the end of this video.
But like I said there are a ton more products that I do have to get through which I will
save for another upcoming video.
So stay tuned for that.
But I do have to thank you guys so much for always tuning in and watching and supporting
my channel.
I really truly appreciate it.
Definitely check out some of the videos that I talked about and posted the links for down
Also be sure to susbscribe to my channel and follow me on all my social media links.
Thank you guys again so much for watching and I'll see you next time.
年度風雲車賣破16萬台! 歐洲人想得跟我們不一樣?Peugeot 3008 2018 - Duration: 13:20.
Resident Evil - Revelations. Эпизод 3. В поисках двери и выхода. - Duration: 34:41.
Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk, Innovation ** Zeer luxe Crossland X ** - Duration: 1:12.
Subaru Justy 1.0 COMFORT S, 5DRS, AIRCO! - Duration: 1:11.
Peugeot 207 1.6-16V XS PACK 5DRS / Climate Control / Trekhaak / LPG Onderbouw - Duration: 1:12.
DC Superhero Girls™
Küchenprofi[t] einig´schaut im Hotel Stefanie_Stadt Wien - Duration: 3:25.
Küchenprofi[t] einig´schaut im Hotel Stefanie_Teaser - Duration: 0:29.
Renault Trafic T 900 IJscowagen - Duration: 1:10.
Cute Tiny House Ready for Completely Off-grid Living - Duration: 1:59.
Cute Tiny House Ready for Completely Off-grid Living
Liverpool will open formal negotiations with Lyon this week over the possible
transfer of Naville fecker as per a report in like website
according to the French outlet the 24 year olds is interested in a move to
Anfield both out of respect for his current employers he won't discuss any
personal terms with the Reds until a feat has been agreed with lyin' lyin'
value fecker at 60 million euros and will not consider selling him for any
amount lower than their asking price Liverpool have shown in the past that
they can be tough negotiators in the transfer market so it remains to be seen
if they are willing to meet the asking price for the Lyon
[FMV] HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANNA ONE PARK JI HOON| Cảm ơn cậu vì đã xuất hiện trong cuộc đời mình... - Duration: 3:49.
Baseball Stadium Issues Warning Against Singing National Anthem, What Fans Did Instead Made O....... - Duration: 8:37.
Baseball Stadium Issues Warning Against Singing National Anthem, What Fans Did Instead Made
Officials Regret It
This is enough to bring a tear to the eyes of the toughest Patriotic Americans among
And at the same time, it goes to show how we who are stuck here living in California
might elect evil people into office, but as American Citizens are still alright.
Last night at a baseball game Fresno California before Clovis High played Buchanan Friday
night for the Central Section softball championship, the announcer representing the section stated
there wouldn't be a national anthem prior to the game.
So the crowd did what all Americans should do when faced with such an asinine conundrum,
after a loud chorus of boos they rose to their feet and sang it anyway.
And no one could, or would even dare to try to stop them.
Breitbart News reported that as the people sang the players stopped their pregame warmups
to turn around and face the American flag that waved beyond the center-field wall.
When the song was over, the crowd burst into a round of applause and then the teams went
on to play ball.
After the game, the event coordinator Bob Kayajanian of the Central Section "almost"
apologized by making a statement that it was a mistake on his part.
"The national protocol is the first game of the session you have the national anthem,"
he said.
"The games after that are just played.
We got caught (off-guard).
Both the teams turned to face the field and they all started singing the national anthem.
They started to play some music and the people took that as the national anthem and they
all started singing, which I think is obviously a wonderful thing to show off their patriotism.
"We try to follow with what normally gets done.
It's all a learning experience for everyone and (going forward) we're playing the national
anthem at every game."
How is love of country a so-called "learning experience Mr. Kayajanian?
On a side note.
This makes me proud to be a lifelong Californian, and God knows I don't have many opportunities
to say that.
Although our land here is without a doubt one of the most majestic and fruitful of all
God's creations our politicians here are evil, and they carry disdain for all that
is good, wholesome and American.
But our people are just the same as anywhere else in the nation, we have love of country,
our family, and our creator.
And I know in my heart that someday our elected officials will reflect what we are, Patriot
At last count, nearly a dozen local governments in California have voted to oppose what is
known as the state's "sanctuary law" — Senate Bill 54 — escalating tensions
over the long-divisive issue of illegal immigration in the Golden State.
The law, passed last year, aims to protect some immigrants in the country illegally by
limiting cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities.
alifornia is believed to have the largest population of undocumented immigrants, and
the state is on the front lines of the resistance to the Trump administration.
But the recent wave of opposition to California's opposition to the administration is turning
some heads.
Much of it began in the small Orange County suburb of Los Alamitos, where the city council
passed a measure last month to opt out of the "sanctuary" law.
"I don't like the direction California is [going]," says Warren Kusumoto, mayor
pro tem of the city.
Orange County Supervisors Revolt Against California's Sanctuary Law
Kusumoto decided to draft the initiative because he said Los Alamitos is caught in the middle
of a national political fight and is being asked to work under conflicting laws.
The small city of 11,000 also has close economic ties to the federal government.
It is home to several companies with large federal contracts as well as a U.S. military
But there are also bigger symbolic reasons at play.
Kusumoto is frustrated more broadly with state policies on everything from taxes to immigration.
"As a state, we've squandered away what the Greatest Generation provided for us,"
he says.
Kusumoto is a Republican and Japanese-American — in his words, a product of immigrants.
"I believe my grandparents did it the right way, they were able to immigrate, become naturalized
eventually and citizens," he says.
"Why is that not the right way for anybody to come over here as immigrants?"
In some Southern California suburbs, and in many rural areas, there is mounting frustration
that views like Kusumoto's are being crowded out by liberal cities that have gone to battle
with President Trump.
"When you start to legislate that we cannot cooperate or communicate with another law
enforcement partner, that is problematic," says Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes.
Last week, the sheriff's office began posting the release dates of inmates online, using
an existing database, they say, to alert federal immigration authorities to potential issues.
That move was widely seen as an open defiance to the state government in Sacramento.
Sheriff officials had loudly opposed SB-54 when it was under consideration last year.
"We shouldn't be mixing public safety with politics," Barnes says.
"And there's a crossover that keeps happening that is becoming more politically driven [that
is] disregarding the public's safety."
Still, it is clear that at least the undercurrent of this recent backlash in Southern California
is also political.
"It's the dying gasp of Orange County's nasty brand of conservativism that's infected
the body politic of the United States for far too long," says Gustavo Arellano, a
longtime liberal columnist here.
One reason the wave of conservative opposition has turned some heads is that pundits had
been predicting that Orange County in particular was beginning to turn blue.
In the 2016 presidential race, for instance, the county voted Democratic for the first
time since 1936.
The demographics have changed dramatically since the 1990s.
Whites are now in the minority in the county.
But Arellano says more diversity doesn't necessarily mean it's more Democratic.
Many of the city councils — and the Orange County Board of Supervisors, which voted to
join the Trump administration's lawsuit against California — are still controlled
by Republicans.
And 2016 may have been an anomaly, he says.
"Ultimately, the Orange County dream is suburbia, and suburbia turns even the most
fresh-off-the-boat person from Mexico or whatever into a rock-ribbed Republican," Arellano
So the national political divide is just as sharp — and complicated — in Southern
California as it is anywhere else.
At heated public hearings, you can see a mix of local grass-roots activists from both sides
mingling with Trump supporters who travel from meeting to meeting, some from as far
away as Arizona.
"Put the lives of Americans and American safety first," said Jennifer Harrison, of
Phoenix, who testified this week at a hearing in Escondido.
"Americans have dreams too."
Earlier this week, Escondido became the latest city to pass a resolution condemning California's
sanctuary law, voting to file a legal brief in support of the Trump administration's
lawsuit against the state.
In Los Alamitos, where the recent backlash began, Warren Kusumoto says he was surprised
by all the attention that his council's "opt out" ordinance got.
He also resents that some on the left have cast his city as some sort of anti-immigrant
"I may be anti-illegal immigration, but I don't hate people," Kusumoto says.
Los Alamitos leaders aren't sure whether their decision will hold up if it's challenged
in court.
But, they say, it has started a much-needed debate."
what do you think about this?
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guide to pentagon shinwon - Duration: 4:27.
25 Most TERRIFYING Demons In Folklore - Duration: 10:21.
A common part of folklore is the idea of terrifying demons, lurking in the shadows.
Since antiquity, different people and cultures from around the world have told stories of
dark forces at work, corrupting and plaguing people's minds, causing them to do horrific
You might be surprised by the types of spirits and demons out there.
From female demons to devil dogs, there's a huge list of demons and what they do.
Of course, this folklore would have a variety of purposes.
Sometimes they were told to children to scare them, and other times people simply believed
the demons were real and worshiped them, often sacrificing their children to them as an offering.
Whatever the case, the moral of the story was clear - demons were powerful forces that
should not be trifled with.
I'm Mike with List25 and Here are 25 Most Terrifying Demons In Folklore.
Yuki-onna Yuki-onna is a type of spirit known in Japan
as "yokai."
These spirits are the closest thing to demons in Japanese folklore, and Yuki-onna doesn't
mess around.
She's also called "The Snow Woman" with an icy and pale appearance.
She appears in snow storms, elegantly drifting from place to place.
While she might seem beautiful, you wouldn't want to get near her.
She feeds on human souls, sucking them out of their mouths until they become hard as
Asag This demon comes from Sumerian legend.
He kills humans with fever and head diseases and is so horrid looking that he has the power
to make fish boil alive in their own waters.
His companions are his rock children that were born from his union with mortal women.
Flauros Flauros is a terrifying female demon who knows
past, present, and future and burns her victims alive.
When she appears to her enemies, she floats in the air without wings and can change her
blonde hair to a blood red.
Furfur Also known as Furcifer, which means "Scoundrel"
in Latin, this demon is said to be the Count of Hell, leading 26 legions.
He speaks in a hoarse voice, has a fiery tail, and usually appears as a stag.
He is said to be able to make men and women fall in love and also has command over great
The Dullahan In Irish folklore, the Dullahan is a fierce
and terrifying demon that rides on horseback after sunset during certain festivals.
A headless horseman, the Dullahan rides in black and holds his head up high with his
hand to see far distances.
If you have the misfortune of watching him ride by and you keep looking, a bucket of
blood will be splashed on you, or you'll be struck in the eye.
Asmodeus In Persian folklore, this demon was considered
"The Demon of Wrath" and was also frequently called Aeshma-deva.
He appeared in the apocryphal Book of Tobit that appears in some versions of the Bible.
The character Sarah was tormented by this demon.
Each time she tried to marry, he would kill her husband before they could have intercourse.
Leyak This horrifying demon is from Balinese myth
and can appear as a normal human during the day, but at night, it changes its appearance
into a ghastly severed head with menacing fangs and eyes.
It hovers around with its entrails still hanging beneath it.
Usually, it haunts graveyards, feeds on corpses, and also hunts pregnant women and children
to suck their blood.
Abaddon aka Apollyon While the term Abaddon typically describes
a place, this name is given as the name of a demon...and not just any demon; he rules
over the bottomless pit and can command an army of locusts to torment people.
Mephistopheles Within German folklore, you will find the
demon Mephistopheles.
He's credited to be Lucifer's right hand man and apparently sold his soul for infinite
knowledge and magic.
Now as the Devil's main man, he harvests damned souls and bargains with those who also wish
to sell their souls.
Nian In Chinese folklore, the beginning of the
New Year ushered in the arrival of Nian, a demon with the body of a bull and the head
of a lion.
Because there was nothing to eat, Nian would visit human villages and eat livestock and
people living there.
Eventually, however, Nian was defeated by a Taoist monk and became his mount.
Lilith As a demon from the ancient Sumerians, Lilith
is truly one of the oldest known demons around.
While some think she first appeared in the Epic of Gilgamesh, she also was in Jewish
texts around the same time.
She's said to be a dark spirit with a dangerous sexuality that spawned thousands of other
In Rabbinic myth, Lilith was the first wife of Adam but the marriage didn't work so God
created Eve, instead.
Krampus Popular in Germanic folklore, this demon is
essentially the polar opposite of Santa Klaus.
With long horns on his head, sharp teeth, and a nasty long tongue, he comes for all
the bad children around Christmastime on December 5th.
This dreaded day is called krampusnacht.
Wearing bells and chains, he sometimes captures kids and takes them away from their parents
Kelpie Coming from Scottish legend, the Kelpie are
demons that appear as humans but can also take the form of a horse.
Every lake in Scotland has a kelpie spirit, even Loch Ness.
While some kelpie can be beautiful and majestic creatures, others are known to prey on humans.
Ronwe Ronwe, also called Ronove, is considered the
Great Earl of Hell and commands twenty legions of demons.
He takes old people, old animals, and the decrepit near death.
Buer With a lion's head and five goat legs around
it like spokes on a wheel, Buer is the great president of hell and rules 50 legions.
He was first mentioned in Johann Weyer's "Pseudomonarchia Daemonum" and is a mentor in moral philosophy
and herbalism.
Kiyohime In Japanese folklore, this demon is one of
the most famous examples of a honnari hannya - a demon woman who attained a high level
of power.
In the tales about her, she transforms into a giant, fire-breathing serpent.
Cerberus Originally coming from Greek mythology, eventually
Cerberus became known as a demon in Third Circle of Hell that tormented the souls of
A large three-headed dog, it has massive talons that can tear its victims to shreds.
Belphegor A lieutenant from Hell, this demon is said
to have been sent by Satan to deceive and seduce humanity.
He'll frequently take the form of a beautiful woman to lure his victims, but will also appear
as an ugly monster with huge, sharp teeth, long horns, and leathery flesh.
Euronymus Euronymus originally came from Greek mythology
but was demonized under Christianity.
He's said to devour blue-black skinned corpses.
As such, he has been named the demon of cannibalism and the prince of death.
Malphas This demon is a grand-president of hell, governing
40 legions.
He appears as a large raven or in human form and will receive sacrifices but ultimately
will also deceive the sacrificers.
Behemoth Thought to originate from Egyptian folklore,
this demon is a spirit of the desert and might be inspired from a water buffalo.
He rules over gluttony and is the butler and high cupbearer of hell.
Usually, he'll appear as a fat elephant or whale.
Adramelech Appearing in Hebrew and Babylonian texts,
Adramelech is an idol god of the sun.
His name literally means, "King of Fire."
He appears with the head of a mule, the body of a man, and large peacock feathers.
His worshippers would often sacrifice their own children to him.
Beelzebub Coming from the Canaanite demon "Baal," Beelzebub
is mentioned in the Synoptic Gospels as the prince of demons.
He's also been called The Lord of Flies because, in many appearances, he was said to look like
a fly.
Many demonologists call him the Supreme Chief of Hell, and others have stated that he is
just behind Satan in power and crime.
Leonard Some believe this demon was mentioned in Leviticus
16:8 about Azazel and is called the "Grand Master of the nocturnal orgies of the demons."
With three horns, a black goat face, and wings, this demon is called "The Black Man" and is
a demon of the first order and can take on many forms, including an evil tree, a bloodhound,
and a black bird.
Lucifer Meaning "light-bearer," this demon is the
most well known and the most terrifying.
In Biblical tradition, Lucifer was one of the Seraphim that rebelled against God and
was cast out of heaven.
His name, of course, carries a weight of irony since he shuns the light.
In some cultures, Lucifer is not equal or one in the same to Satan.
Instead, he rules over Satan.
Ancient Egypt and Babylonia had similar demons called Sata and Zu, both of whom were cast
out and fell to Earth.
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Great Features Grandpas Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Florida - Duration: 2:37.
Great Features Grandpas Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Florida
Jim Rohn: Programming Yourself for Success ( Jim Rohn Training ) - Duration: 14:42.
Here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you
can become more than you are that's the challenge and of course the other side
of the coin reads unless you change how you are you'll always have what you got
everybody hopes things will get better everybody hopes poor people hold that
ought to tell you something it means the future does not get better
by hope it gets better by planning
if you wish to be successful study success if you wish to be happy
study happiness if you wish to be wealthy study wealth don't leave it to
chance make it a study some people just go
through the day with their fingers crossed see that won't do it you've got
to study the things that can change your economic social spiritual personal life
if you don't like how it is for you change it if it doesn't suit you change
it if it doesn't please you change it if it isn't enough change it and I
challenge you to do that because you can change see you don't ever have to be the
same again after tonight only by choice
get around successful people and listen now you can also learn from unsuccessful
people take notes on both negative and positive on the negative the notes are
called what not to do and you got to learn what not to do as well as what to
do so learn from the negative as well as the positive okay
find out what poor people read and don't read it okay that's good information
learn from the negative
but now you can also learn from the positive get around successful people
listen to what they say listen to how they say it it's important
we've all got about 16 waking hours practice listening those 16 hours and I
say practice listening because listening isn't easy I found out it's easier to
talk than it is to listen but if you will practice listening the
16 hours you're awake sure enough from surprising sources comes great ideas
in sales training we teach if you want to learn sales listen to the kids kids
have got to be the master sales people of all time
they have no equal father tells his young son no you cannot have an ice
cream cone 30 minutes later he's looking out more that be 30 minutes worth
listening to they got moves you wouldn't believe
persistence runs deep like the ocean and the kids never took a class on how to
overcome objection they already know how they don't need classes you tell kids no
that's right on by they give you three good reasons just say no it goes right
on by they give you three more they're masters so listen and learn now here's
some of the best advice I've got for the whole evening it won't get any better
than this this is it poor people ought to take rich people
out to dinner and listen
that's some of the best I got if a guy's not doing well one of the first things
he ought to do is find a guy that is doing well and offered to buy him his
dinner spend 50 60 80 hundred dollars go for the full nine course start him on
the juices Noire d'oeuvres get him started talking the salad takes 15
minutes keep it rolling biggest steak in town takes 45 keep it rolling
pour on the dessert stretch that meal out about two hours if you get a
successful person to eat and talk for two hours they're liable to drop ideas
in your lap change your life multiply your income by two by three by five but
you're right poor people don't usually take rich
people out to dinner that's the problem the guy said he's rich let him buy his
own dinner I'm not coming up with any money
he says besides you work where I work but the time you struggle home it's late
you're lucky to get your own supper let alone run around trying to find a rich
man to feed and the guys behind on his house payment good worker hard workers
sincere but you got to be better than since the air work hard you wind up
broke you got to be better than a good worker you got to be a good listener and
remember what you read and what you hear put the good stuff in your journal now
here's the third way to find out how to change your life and that's to observe
you can pick up a lot of ideas just by watching get around successful people
and watch here's why success leaves clues watch how the man shakes his watch
how the lady responds people who do well do certain things over and over and over
and over and if you're clever you can pick them up watch it all if a guy is
making $10,000 a month I'd watch how he walks maybe that's it copy his funny
little walk somebody says well that's kind of a
silly walk say it's 10,000 I haven't got the money yet but I got
the walk it's bound to start somewhere what I asked you tonight is to be
unusual and be a good observer of what's going on you can pick up ideas that can
change your life starting tomorrow just be a more careful observer now remember
there's two ways to see one is called sight see with your eyes the other one
is called insight see with your mind see with your eyes you'll see things see
with your mind you'll see answers put your eyes and your mind to work and the
best advice on developing sight and insight is pay attention don't miss
anything in the weekend seminar we teach one of the greatest fatalities to
success is preoccupation lack of concentration the guy's mind wanders see
you wind up average you've got to learn to zero in and concentrate I read a good
article one time Reader's Digest the title was wherever you are be there
excellent don't miss anything now we've lingered a little bit long on
number one here for personal development find out how things work but it's so
very important finding out and I've given you three ways to find out now
here's the second step to personal development
okay number one let's find out how things work here's number two go to work
you must now take action on what you found out in doing business around the
world we call it game plan put together your game plan one of the
major things we teach on the weekend seminars game plans how to game plan
your office if you're in sales you need a game plan kids need a game plan you
need a home game plan social game plan a business game plan
everybody needs game plans financial independence game plan your investment
game plan don't think in your head put it on paper don't operate out of your
mind operate from paper I often ask somebody
what are you gonna do the next six months and somebody starts to tell me I
say no don't tell me show me show me your game plan for the next six months
then I can look at things and maybe I can help
but you got to operate from paper put it on a game plan take action on what you
found out now here's the best word I know of to go with action massive C
that'll change everything massive action is called the cure-all
if you're gonna make calls make a few thousand if you're gonna make contacts
make a few thousand if you're gonna knock on doors knock on a few thousand
see that'll change everything here's the language of the poor
I'll try at a time or two and see what happens it's the way poor people talk
the guy says well I'll give it 30 days 30 days you could guess his bank balance
you've got to have a better game plan so here's one of the major things to do
starting tomorrow take a look at your game plan if it isn't loaded with
massive action change it tomorrow action
the formula really works like this pick up a good idea take heavy action pick up
a couple of good ideas take heavy action that's the formula for sex success heavy
it's a good thing we can edit all this right the formula for success take heavy
action on a good idea right that's the ratio now here's the key don't wait till
you've learned two or three thousand things because that way you'll use up
all the time and you could wind up smart and broke and hey it's okay to be dumb
and broke but if a guy's smart and broke that's pitiful
don't let your learning lead to knowledge you'll become a fool let your
learning lead to action you can become wealthy and there's many kinds of wealth
I understand that not just money money's one of the least of all values I know
some people with a lot of money that are very poor Evita sings as for fortune and
as for fame they are illusions they're not the solutions they promised to be so
there's all kinds of wealth but to get a big share coming your way you've got to
have a heavy action game plan now here's the third step to personal development
and we'll wrap up personal development step number three it's just a little
caution and all through life we need little cautions this one simply says
don't try to beat the system
find out how it works work it but don't try to beat it
some people learn just enough to start slicing it shading it thinning it
cutting corners and looking for cheap answers see don't fall for that you'll
wind up with a cheap life find out how it works best and do it that way
even though it seems to take a little longer do it right don't compromise with
right now under this step here's another key be a quick learner
don't let it take long to teach you
learn quick don't run at the wall too many times
learn quicker one guy said he broke his nose seven times in the same place
somebody says looks like you'd stay out of that place learn quicker now the
third point here is don't be stubborn see some people won't change you and
when a better way comes they say well I've been doing it this way 30 years hey
be ready for change if it's a better way go for it
but don't try to beat it or you'll be like the guy that went to Las Vegas he
didn't have much money so he didn't want to risk his money gambling but he gets
to Las Vegas and the jackpot bells are ring and the money's flowing the lights
are flashing and he can't help himself he's got the gamble but instead of
gambling with his cash he decides to play the money mental gambling game and
the brilliant scheme he worked out goes like this
he'd pick a number like number three mentally he would bet a certain amount
of money on the number and whether it Werner lost he would jot down that
amount in his little pad I would have won five dollars if I'd have made that
bet just to keep track of it win or lose that way come midnight he can calculate
how he's doing win or loser how much only not his money keep his money just
play this mental gambling game so here he is around the gambling table
everybody else shell not their hard-earned cash he's got this brilliant
scheme instead of betting with his money he's betting with his mind and he lost
his mind
which means don't try to beat the system I guess okay we have covered personal
development by the way it's the longest subject so take heart the rest of them
are a lot shorter
Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries In The Sahara Desert! - Duration: 10:36.
From megalithic monuments older than Stonehenge, to strange natural formations, here are 7
secrets of the Sahara Desert!
Desert Cones The thing about secrets is that once they're
uncovered, they're not a secret anymore.
But, near El Gouna, Egypt, in the sands that surround the area, there is a "secret" that
keeps getting rediscovered.
You see, in 2014, people used Google Maps to look at the Sahara Desert and its surrounding
areas and noticed some odd cone shaped markings in the sand.
As they zoomed out, they noticed a massive pattern that was too precise to be random.
The "cones" were actually forming a spiral pattern.
But what was even more surprising was the size, it was 100 feet in diameter in the center,
and the area that contained the spiral was a million square feet.
So what was it??
Of course everyone was speculating it was the remains of a newly discovered civilization
or ancient aliens.
Well, ironically, it was a human who did this.
You see, this pattern was actually an art piece done in 1997.
It's called "Desert Breath", and was made under the watchful eye of Danae Stratou.
It apparently took years to make, which given the desert setting I can believe.
Ironically though, people keep forgetting about it, which is why when it was "rediscovered"
in 2014 it caused a stir.
Hopefully people will remember it this time, but if not, it's not the worst thing in the
The Nabta Stones When it comes to building things that are
theoretically impossible for the times, the Egyptians hold the record.
In southern Egypt there are ancient megalithic structures that are believed to be a type
of calendar circle.
The stone structures of Nabta Playa are considered by archaeologists to be the oldest known astronomical
alignments of megaliths in the world.
What's more, the people of Nabta Playa apparently dragged them over 1 kilometer to their final
resting place even though the stone blocks are over 9 feet tall.
Still not impressed?
Well, if you compare these to Stonehenge, this humongous stone complex was made thousands
of years before that.
Not only did it have a megalithic calendar marking the summer solstice and the constellations
in the night sky.
There were also stone circles, tombs, slabs of stones and other things archaeologists
are still uncovering.
There are so many questions when it comes to these stones.
Why did the Egyptians feel the need to build these?
How long did it take them?
What exactly did they do there?
Even though it dates back at least 7000 years, it was only rediscovered in 1972.
It's Not Exactly What You Think Let's start off with some interesting facts
about the Sahara Desert that you might not have known.
For example, even though it is considered the largest desert on Earth, that's technically
not true.
Antarctica is scientifically a desert too, a snow desert, but one nonetheless.
But still, if we're talking sand deserts, the Sahara is king.
By the way, "Sahara" means "desert" in Arabic.
Which means the name translated is literally "desert desert", which is why technically
you should just say "The Sahara" but no one is going to call you out on it, unless
they are super annoying.
In English you can say it.
Another fun fact, while the Sahara is known for its heat, as it should be, the nights
in the Sahara are the exact opposite at certain months of the year.
Between December and February, it can actually drop to below freezing temperature, sometimes
way below.
And there's even been cases of snow covering certain sand dunes.
Cool huh?
Also, despite the deserts reputation for harshness and death, it actually has a lot of fertile
lands in it.
You just have to know where to look.
Oasis aren't everywhere mind you, but it's enough to make you wonder how it happened.
Some of it is man-made, while other aspects of it are caused by underground rivers.
Because of this, over a thousand species of plants live in the Sahara.
Oh, and one last thing.
The Sahara?
Technically isn't made up of all sand.
About 30% of it is pure sand, and the rest is gravel.
The more you know, right?
The Magic Lake When you are dehydrated and have been wandering
around the desert for a while, you might start seeing things that are aren't there, like
a lake.
A mirage can be very deadly depending on how you react to it.
But, imagine people's surprise when an actual lake appeared near Tunisia in 2014, and not
only was it real, it was massive.
How massive?
Well, about 2.6 acres in size, and about 54 feet deep.
The appearance of this lake has baffled many since its arrival.
But for the locals, it's a godsend.
The temperature in the area where the lake is, which is 25 kilometers from Gafsa, Tunisia,
can easily get above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so why roast when you can take a dip in a
massive lake?
And because of its size, it could fit a lot of people.
While investigations are still going on to find out how the lake was formed, one popular
theory suggests that it was because of an underwater spring that was unearthed because
of mining operations.
The problem here is that the area is known for Phosphate mines, so if the water came
up through those mines, it could be radioactive.
Another problem is that soon after the waters arrival, the color of it went from a pure
turquoise to a sludgy green.
Now, there's not real sludge in the water, it's actually algae, which is a sign that
the water itself is not getting replenished.
Because of this development, there have been warnings that disease could be gotten from
swimming in the water.
This hasn't been proven yet though, and the lake is still open for business by decree
of the Tunisian government.
Though they have sent warnings about swimming in it.
Desert Glass Glass is something you most likely see every
single day.
It's used to make windows, windshields, glasses, and so many more things.
But, you wouldn't expect to find it in certain places.
Like for example, in the worlds' biggest desert.
Yet, that's exactly what happened.
December 1932, a man named Patrick Clayton, who worked for the Egyptian Geological Survey,
was driving through the Sahara, and he heard something that didn't sound quite right.
Driving on sand is a relatively soft experience, right?
But, instead, he heard a crunching sound.
So, he stopped the car and looked under his tires to find there was glass underneath them.
And not ordinary glass, but pure glass.
Glass with a yellow-green tint, that apparently had iridium in it.
Sand can be turned into glass.
That's pure science.
However, to do so, you'd need to raise the temperature to 3300 degrees Fahrenheit, and
while the Sahara is certainly hot, it's not that hot.
In fact, you'd have to start digging to the Earth's core to find temperatures like that.
Naturally, once this glass was discovered, it launched an investigation as to what happened
to cause this, and the explanations given are both cosmic and terrifying.
One explanation is that this sand-to-glass event occurred via a meteorite impact.
The force and heat of the impact could have been enough to turn the sand to glass.
However, scientists debate whether this is true because there were other desert meteor
impact sites that don't have that same glass.
And some of these sites don't have the signs of a meteor strike.
The other explanation is really out there, but it does have some evidence.
Some believe that an ancient weapon caused an event that raised the temperature to the
degrees necessary to turn sand into glass.
Why do they say that?
Well, when the New Mexico atomic bomb tests were being done, glass was formed from the
An engineer saw these shards of glass, and noted they were similar to the ones in Africa,
which he had seen...50 years before.
Now, the problem with this theory is that the "event" that caused the Sahara Desert
glass to form would've had to have been much more intense than those nuclear bombs.
So, the question remains, how did the glass get formed?
I don't know, and many are still trying to find out the answer to that question.
Kingdoms Beneath The Sand One of the biggest things that the Sahara
Desert is known for is it's sand.
It's everywhere!
The sand has helped hide and preserve some interesting secrets.
Looking at it from above, we have found some very old secrets.
Satellite imagery has found some very interesting markings in the desert.
These marks are very direct and specific, and they look kind of like pyramids.
Very, very old pyramids.
Here's the problem, they aren't Egyptian pyramids, they appear to be much older.
So that begs the question, what exactly are we looking at here?
More questions arise when you see that there are more of these massive imprints in the
sands of the Sahara.
Some are triangular but others are circular, and the size of these imprints are massive.
Some are estimated to be 100 feet wide, and others are 300 feet wide.
A running theory is that these were once part of an ancient civilization, one that existed
long before the Egyptians or other native tribes that lived in the areas that now make
up the Sahara.
Getting even deeper into the lore, some people think that these structures are proof of the
Great Flood mentioned in the Bible and the story of Noah.
They see this as proof that all kingdoms were "washed away" during the flood, and that these
imprints are the remains of what used to be there.
You might be asking me right now, "Why hasn't this been researched yet?"
Expeditions were planned, but they just never got off the ground, and until one of them
is fully funded, this is hands down one of the biggest secrets and mysteries that the
Sahara holds.
The Eye Of The Sahara I definitely saved the best for last, because
this mystery is something that's been around for quite some time, but was only discovered
once we started taking pictures from space.
I give to you, the Eye of the Sahara.
Let's start off with size, this "eye" is massive, in fact, it's 25 miles across, which is why
it can be seen from space.
Why were astronauts looking for it in space?
In 1965, the Gemini IV team were told to look for potential impact craters from meteors,
as they could help tell the history of Earth in many ways.
So, when the "Eye of the Sahara" was found, they thought it was that.
But, once they started studying it, they realized that wasn't the case because there wasn't
enough melted rock in the area.
The current theory actually comes from Canada, where they believe that several geological
instances came together to form this natural beauty.
And make no mistake, this thing, whatever it is and regardless of how it was formed,
is beautiful.
That's what makes it so mysterious, only the desert knows how this thing was made.
The "eye" has become a landmark of sorts in the desert, and even the astronauts in space
came to love the eye because it broke up the monotony of looking at sand for such a long
Either way though, no matter how the Eye of the Sahara was formed, or what it is exactly,
it most definitely is a treasure to be appreciated.
Thanks for watching!
Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!!
Traditional African Djembe and Drums - Duration: 59:00.
Balafon Funerals
Drums of Dyoro
Wrestling Drums
Balafon of Rejoicing
Koto Drum
Sedi Alama
Gboro Drums
Balafon of Rejoicing
Sen Anlat Karadeniz / You Tell All Blacks Sea - Episode 19 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.
Tonight will be our last night as seperated.
If Vedat did this to you, squeeze my hand, alright?
God damn it! God damn it!
- Did you also bring home a woman with child?! - Oh my, oh God!
Asiye, bring me my gun! I swear I will shoot you if that is true!
- I will get Cemil out of prison. - The man shot you in your heart.
Actually, it is not him who shot me in my heart.
While we are so close to ruin Kaleli family, we cannot let them win.
It has been decreed that...
... Yiğit Sayar's..
... parental rights...
COUP D'ÉTAT IN ITALY - Democracy in Italy doesn't exist! - SUB ENG - Duration: 7:53.
Good evening to everyone. In six years in Parliament I didn't ever see a think like that...
You must know that today it was prevented to us to form the changing government.
And not because we was stubbornly hardened on Paolo Savona, not for that,
but because the President of the Republic Mattarella doesn't like people like Savona is: everyone that in their life, like important personalities, experts,
people that are involved with their academic life, that was involved in reflections about €uro and Europe,
who criticized these arguments is not accepted as Minister of the Republic.
So, if this is the reason, it means that we have a huge problem in Italy, that is called "democracy".
This is NOT a free democracy, if we are in these conditions. I was a real evaluator of the President of the Republic Mattarella, but this choice is unintelligible for me.
It's unintelligible because we tried with all efforts: we did a contract of government: in that contract there was NOT the exit from €uro, but the modification of the treaties about Europe,
in that contract there was a review about some European rules, this is true
We composed a majority and the whole government team. It means that we today were there with all the names of the ministries,
we discussed around a table, on the basis of that contract we decided together who would have to take a ministry and who another one, in order to realize the change for this country:
we were ready to abolish Fornero law, to modify law contracts (the super-precarious ones)... we had to fix many things: immigration, economic problems...
How many things have we planned? They didn't allowed us to do these. Still, we together represent about the 60% of people's consent in Italy,
we represent two political forces that won the general elections, still now these political forces, Lega and M5S, together have the majority in the Parliament!
We expressed Conte as Prime Minister, we formed the government team, we were ready to govern and we received as answer: "No".
Now... what is this no? Why no? Because the problem is that the rating agencies in whole Europe were worried about a person that was selected as Minister of Economy?
The issue was that in whole Europe the investors were worried? So say us it! Let's say clearly that IN THIS COUNTRY IS USELESS TO VOTE,
Even if people give more than the 50% of consent to two political forces that want to change the situation and to represent for the Italians the Italians' interests,
at the end a way to stop all this is always found.
It's untollerable, it's an institutional clash never seen before. And I want to say it clearly:
we can't stay still looking and saying: "Ok, let's vote again". Yeah, let's vote again, and then what will happen?
We'll re-take Savona in front of the President Mattarella, and even if we would have the 80% he will say "No" again.
Why? Because during his life he criticized €uro: a person who was minister in 1990's now he's no more valid!
He was good when he was with Ciampi, now that he is with M5S he's good no longer. But it's not Savona the point, I would that everyone know this,
and we have to say it to as many people as possible. It's not a name the point: the point is a way to interpret Italy. Italy has sovereignty on itself yes or no?
For us yes, it is, because "Sovereignty belongs to the people" [1st Article of Italian Constitution]
And if this is the point, if the start of a M5S-Lega government is to be prevented,
if the start of the changing government is to be prevented, they have to say us it clearly, because today thay demonstrated it.
I am very angry, you can imagine how much time we dedicated for the formation of this government:
we spent more than 80 days, we're working for tens and tens of days together, and not only the political part of the movement:
technicians, legislatives, communication... we'are working since morning to evening in order to assure a good government to this country,
but the truth is that they are doing everything possible to prevent a government with the M5S.
And when I say: "They are doing", I mean who hope so, who row against and who allow others to influence them.
And I cannot accept that the Italian Minister of Economy is choosen by other counties or those rating agencies which didn't inform us about the 2007 crisis
making lose savings to millions of people in all the world. These guys would have to choose who must be the Minister of Economy in a changing government?!
I don't know what will happen during the next few months: we there are and there will be always the M5S, but for sure with a totally different awareness.
I would like to end this video by reading the list, because is the list that Giuseppe Conte consigned to Mattarella...
And now as conclusion of this video I would read it to you, because it's a big deal.
Prime minister: Giuseppe Conte.
Vice Prime Minister, and Minister of Economic Development, of Labour and Social Policies: Luigi Di Maio.
Vice Prime Minister, and Minister of Interior: Matteo Salvini.
Ministers without portfolio: Relationship with the Parliament and Direct Democracy: Riccardo Fraccaro.
Public Administration: Giulia Bongiorno.
Regional Affairs and Autonomies: Enrica Stefani.
Minister for the South: Barbara Lezzi.
Minister for the disability: Lorenzo Fontana.
Minister for the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation: we chose an ambassador, Luca Giansanti.
Minister of Justice: Alfonso Bonafede.
Minister of Defence: Elisabetta Trenta.
Minister of Economy: Paolo Savona.
Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies: Gian Marco Centinaio.
Minister of Infrastructure and Transport: Mauro Coltorti.
Minister of Education, Universities and Research: Marco Bussetti.
Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism: Alberto Bonisoli - I indicated him during the electoral campaign.
Minister of Health: Giulia Grillo [she is not relative of Beppe Grillo].
Secretary of the Council of Ministers of Italy: Giancarlo Giorgetti.
This was the government team that tomorrow morning could have sworn in Quirinale
What is the bottom line? It's that in this country you can be a criminal convicted for tax evasion [Silvio Berlusconi],
you can be Angelino Alfano, you can be a person under investigation for corruption,
you can be a person that blemished himself even for crimes linked to public administration or to mafia presence in the public administration and in the institutions, ... and you can be minister.
But if you criticized €uro and Europe, then you cannot permit yourself even only to think to be the Minister of Economy in Italy. But it's not over yet. Bye.
Signs People Are Jealous Of Your Relationship Watch Out For These 6 Signs - Duration: 3:49.
Signs people are jealous of your relationship
Watch out for these six signs. Are you in a relationship that makes other people jealous of you?
Have you got compliments that sound more like taunts?
If you aren't sure here are some signs that will tell you if people are jealous of your relationship
It is always a beautiful feeling to be in a perfect
dreamy relationship
Sometimes it also gives little choice to know that people envy your relationship
Passive-aggressive statements from people people who are jealous will often give you passive-aggressive comments as a response to anything you say
Whether you talk good or bad the only reaction you get is yeah, right
you are not allowed to say you had a bad day at work because people instantly relate it to your
Relationship and wonder how she can have a bad day
To your relation problems aren't given too much importance another very common sign that people are jealous of your relationship
Is that whenever you confide in friends about little things that might have gone wrong they just ignore
Your friends react as if it is no big deal and it will be sorted. This clearly means there is jealousy a
Couple who are in a perfect relationship cannot have any problems now, can they?
This is the general attitude and it only means one thing and that is jealousy
Baseless rumors about you or your partner if you have heard people talk round and crap about you
Your relation or your partner instead of getting bothered you should be happy that this is stemming out of pure jealousy
You will hear a million times that your partner isn't as perfect as you think years. He is cheating. He flirts and several other things
Do not fall for these and just smile at these rumors and jealous banters
When people fill your mind with thoughts and there are these really shady people who create pointless drama only to see you guys fight
For instance, isn't that tress your girl is wearing really short
Isn't he talking a little too much to that girl are all sentences that are said to fill your mind with negative thoughts
Stay away from such people. They just can't see you guys happy
5 when people tell that they are jealous now, this one is a direct way of expressing
We know you didn't realize until now but when people say I am so jealous of you they actually mean every word of it
That is not just another empty compliment
you have hardly had people to share good news with you avoid sharing a good news with certain people because you know
They are least interested
Well, the least interest is because they are jealous
They do not want to hear about your romantic dates the gifts that who partner gave you or the surprises they plan for you
All these mushy good talks just annoy them and that is a sign is jealousy
You might as well share this with people who truly care you and your happiness
Thanks for watching the video subscribe this channel for more videos
Can You Sue Uber? What Happens If a Friend or Family Member is Involved in an Accident? | Attorney - Duration: 2:05.
Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies determine how they handle an auto accident claim based on 3 scenarios:
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Under this scenario, Uber generally will not accept liability for the accident. So you'll
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for Uber related accidents.
2) The second scenario is when an accident occurs while an Uber driver is en route to
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Therefore, Uber may not accept liability under this scenario.
3) The third scenario is when the Uber driver causes an accident while a passenger in his/her
If an accident occurs under this scenario, Uber will generally accept liability for the
As you can see, dealing with Uber after an accident can be very tricky.
But don't worry, the attorneys at Council & Associates have handled numerous claims
against Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies. So contact us immediately so we can help you
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Good Morning Song | Videos And Songs For Children - Duration: 2:39.
Good Morning Song
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