Here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you
can become more than you are that's the challenge and of course the other side
of the coin reads unless you change how you are you'll always have what you got
everybody hopes things will get better everybody hopes poor people hold that
ought to tell you something it means the future does not get better
by hope it gets better by planning
if you wish to be successful study success if you wish to be happy
study happiness if you wish to be wealthy study wealth don't leave it to
chance make it a study some people just go
through the day with their fingers crossed see that won't do it you've got
to study the things that can change your economic social spiritual personal life
if you don't like how it is for you change it if it doesn't suit you change
it if it doesn't please you change it if it isn't enough change it and I
challenge you to do that because you can change see you don't ever have to be the
same again after tonight only by choice
get around successful people and listen now you can also learn from unsuccessful
people take notes on both negative and positive on the negative the notes are
called what not to do and you got to learn what not to do as well as what to
do so learn from the negative as well as the positive okay
find out what poor people read and don't read it okay that's good information
learn from the negative
but now you can also learn from the positive get around successful people
listen to what they say listen to how they say it it's important
we've all got about 16 waking hours practice listening those 16 hours and I
say practice listening because listening isn't easy I found out it's easier to
talk than it is to listen but if you will practice listening the
16 hours you're awake sure enough from surprising sources comes great ideas
in sales training we teach if you want to learn sales listen to the kids kids
have got to be the master sales people of all time
they have no equal father tells his young son no you cannot have an ice
cream cone 30 minutes later he's looking out more that be 30 minutes worth
listening to they got moves you wouldn't believe
persistence runs deep like the ocean and the kids never took a class on how to
overcome objection they already know how they don't need classes you tell kids no
that's right on by they give you three good reasons just say no it goes right
on by they give you three more they're masters so listen and learn now here's
some of the best advice I've got for the whole evening it won't get any better
than this this is it poor people ought to take rich people
out to dinner and listen
that's some of the best I got if a guy's not doing well one of the first things
he ought to do is find a guy that is doing well and offered to buy him his
dinner spend 50 60 80 hundred dollars go for the full nine course start him on
the juices Noire d'oeuvres get him started talking the salad takes 15
minutes keep it rolling biggest steak in town takes 45 keep it rolling
pour on the dessert stretch that meal out about two hours if you get a
successful person to eat and talk for two hours they're liable to drop ideas
in your lap change your life multiply your income by two by three by five but
you're right poor people don't usually take rich
people out to dinner that's the problem the guy said he's rich let him buy his
own dinner I'm not coming up with any money
he says besides you work where I work but the time you struggle home it's late
you're lucky to get your own supper let alone run around trying to find a rich
man to feed and the guys behind on his house payment good worker hard workers
sincere but you got to be better than since the air work hard you wind up
broke you got to be better than a good worker you got to be a good listener and
remember what you read and what you hear put the good stuff in your journal now
here's the third way to find out how to change your life and that's to observe
you can pick up a lot of ideas just by watching get around successful people
and watch here's why success leaves clues watch how the man shakes his watch
how the lady responds people who do well do certain things over and over and over
and over and if you're clever you can pick them up watch it all if a guy is
making $10,000 a month I'd watch how he walks maybe that's it copy his funny
little walk somebody says well that's kind of a
silly walk say it's 10,000 I haven't got the money yet but I got
the walk it's bound to start somewhere what I asked you tonight is to be
unusual and be a good observer of what's going on you can pick up ideas that can
change your life starting tomorrow just be a more careful observer now remember
there's two ways to see one is called sight see with your eyes the other one
is called insight see with your mind see with your eyes you'll see things see
with your mind you'll see answers put your eyes and your mind to work and the
best advice on developing sight and insight is pay attention don't miss
anything in the weekend seminar we teach one of the greatest fatalities to
success is preoccupation lack of concentration the guy's mind wanders see
you wind up average you've got to learn to zero in and concentrate I read a good
article one time Reader's Digest the title was wherever you are be there
excellent don't miss anything now we've lingered a little bit long on
number one here for personal development find out how things work but it's so
very important finding out and I've given you three ways to find out now
here's the second step to personal development
okay number one let's find out how things work here's number two go to work
you must now take action on what you found out in doing business around the
world we call it game plan put together your game plan one of the
major things we teach on the weekend seminars game plans how to game plan
your office if you're in sales you need a game plan kids need a game plan you
need a home game plan social game plan a business game plan
everybody needs game plans financial independence game plan your investment
game plan don't think in your head put it on paper don't operate out of your
mind operate from paper I often ask somebody
what are you gonna do the next six months and somebody starts to tell me I
say no don't tell me show me show me your game plan for the next six months
then I can look at things and maybe I can help
but you got to operate from paper put it on a game plan take action on what you
found out now here's the best word I know of to go with action massive C
that'll change everything massive action is called the cure-all
if you're gonna make calls make a few thousand if you're gonna make contacts
make a few thousand if you're gonna knock on doors knock on a few thousand
see that'll change everything here's the language of the poor
I'll try at a time or two and see what happens it's the way poor people talk
the guy says well I'll give it 30 days 30 days you could guess his bank balance
you've got to have a better game plan so here's one of the major things to do
starting tomorrow take a look at your game plan if it isn't loaded with
massive action change it tomorrow action
the formula really works like this pick up a good idea take heavy action pick up
a couple of good ideas take heavy action that's the formula for sex success heavy
it's a good thing we can edit all this right the formula for success take heavy
action on a good idea right that's the ratio now here's the key don't wait till
you've learned two or three thousand things because that way you'll use up
all the time and you could wind up smart and broke and hey it's okay to be dumb
and broke but if a guy's smart and broke that's pitiful
don't let your learning lead to knowledge you'll become a fool let your
learning lead to action you can become wealthy and there's many kinds of wealth
I understand that not just money money's one of the least of all values I know
some people with a lot of money that are very poor Evita sings as for fortune and
as for fame they are illusions they're not the solutions they promised to be so
there's all kinds of wealth but to get a big share coming your way you've got to
have a heavy action game plan now here's the third step to personal development
and we'll wrap up personal development step number three it's just a little
caution and all through life we need little cautions this one simply says
don't try to beat the system
find out how it works work it but don't try to beat it
some people learn just enough to start slicing it shading it thinning it
cutting corners and looking for cheap answers see don't fall for that you'll
wind up with a cheap life find out how it works best and do it that way
even though it seems to take a little longer do it right don't compromise with
right now under this step here's another key be a quick learner
don't let it take long to teach you
learn quick don't run at the wall too many times
learn quicker one guy said he broke his nose seven times in the same place
somebody says looks like you'd stay out of that place learn quicker now the
third point here is don't be stubborn see some people won't change you and
when a better way comes they say well I've been doing it this way 30 years hey
be ready for change if it's a better way go for it
but don't try to beat it or you'll be like the guy that went to Las Vegas he
didn't have much money so he didn't want to risk his money gambling but he gets
to Las Vegas and the jackpot bells are ring and the money's flowing the lights
are flashing and he can't help himself he's got the gamble but instead of
gambling with his cash he decides to play the money mental gambling game and
the brilliant scheme he worked out goes like this
he'd pick a number like number three mentally he would bet a certain amount
of money on the number and whether it Werner lost he would jot down that
amount in his little pad I would have won five dollars if I'd have made that
bet just to keep track of it win or lose that way come midnight he can calculate
how he's doing win or loser how much only not his money keep his money just
play this mental gambling game so here he is around the gambling table
everybody else shell not their hard-earned cash he's got this brilliant
scheme instead of betting with his money he's betting with his mind and he lost
his mind
which means don't try to beat the system I guess okay we have covered personal
development by the way it's the longest subject so take heart the rest of them
are a lot shorter
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