10 Super Sophisticated Gadgets Ready You Have Now
this time omlamis will discuss about modern technology
More and more technology is growing.
Innovators do not stop making new breakthroughs that are sometimes unthinkable.
They make innovations from everyday objects that will certainly help us move.
Includes 10 super sophisticated gadgets from this stunned future.
OmLamis has collected 10 gadgets that may never have occurred to us
As reported by Brightside,
10 this super powerful gadget you can buy
So if you're curious to try it out,
try searching in online store,
Smart Socks (Sensoria Fitness Socks) check in the video description
These smart socks can record your every activity
and it is more accurate than the fitness wristband.
This sophisticated socks can record every physical activity,
calculate how many calories are burned,
and can also determine what kind of shoes are suitable for your feet.
The Automatic Iron Machine (Effie Robot) checks in the video description
Now the clothes iron does not need to be complicated
just input the clothes to this machine and wait.
Clothes will be neat and ready to wear.
This machine can iron clothes with any material
ranging from synthetic materials, wool, even silk.
In one process,
this machine can iron 12 clothes at once.
Suitable for laundry business
Nutritionist (Panasonic CaloRieco) checks in the video description
From the looks,
this tool looks like a small oven that has a screen.
But he has a super-sophisticated function.
This tool is able to calculate how many calories from each food you eat.
The way is simply input the dish with food into this tool,
and you can see the results on screen or on your smartphone.
Smart Mirror (Espejo Inteligente) checks in the video description
This super-sophisticated mirror works like your personal dermatologist.
This mirror is able to analyze your skin condition from a scale of 0 to 100.
This mirror is also able to analyze the effects of cosmetic creams that you use,
and give skin care product recommendations for you.
Anti Jet Lag Glasses (Re-Timer) check in the video description
For you who like to travel,
these super sunglasses are perfect for you.
Our body has a system called a biological clock,
which will determine when we will begin to drowsy and when to wake up.
the use of this tool while traveling will help our biological clock
to adjust to the conditions at the destination.
Insomnia Robot Cushion (Somnox Sleep Robot) check in the video description
If you have trouble sleeping, try using this sophisticated pillow.
This robot pillow will help you fall asleep,
reduce anxiety, and also stress.
This pillow can adjust the rhythm of our breath and make us quickly drowsy.
Besides this sophisticated pillow can also play relaxation music for you.
Automatic Toothbrush (Blizzident 3d Flosser) check in the video description
When viewed from the form, mamang quite strange.
But this tool in the claim can cleanse more effectively than ordinary toothbrush.
The advantages of this tool is to clean all your teeth at once.
Rebelled all?
I mean all tooth decay
Portable Mini Tent (Pause Pod) check in video description
Pause This pod is made by a Swedish company.
The shape is not too big just enough for two people.
You can carry it anywhere in a medium sized bag
and use it for a short break.
Smart Eyeglasses (Eyejusters) check in the video description
These glasses are suitable for parents whose vision has begun to interfere.
These glasses can be adapted for the farsighted and farsighted.
The trick is enough to rotate the existing optical controls on the side.
Interactive Smart Refrigerator (The Family Hub Refrigerator) checks in video description
This smart innovation fridge from Samsung is very helpful activities in the kitchen.
He can provide recipe recommendations,
telling me what items are out in the refrigerator,
order online groceries,
can even play music and see the weather forecast.
That's 10 super sophisticated gadgets of the future that startled me.
Of the ten gadgets, you want to buy which one?
Do not forget to subscribe like or share and share your opinion in the comment field below
For more infomation >> PROTOTYPE READY TO SELL 10 Super Advanced Gadget Ready Now - Duration: 9:27.-------------------------------------------
Aciertos y errores de las invitadas en la boda de Luxemburgo - Duration: 7:29.
¿Cómo se orientan las palomas mensajeras? - Duration: 2:45.
✅ Explica EPN a Annan seguridad en proceso electoral - Duration: 1:56.
Ciudad de México (Agencia Reforma).-El Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto explicó al ex Secretario de la ONU, Kofi Annan, las acciones en seguridad que realiza su Gobierno y los estados para proteger el proceso electoral frente a la violencia
Sin dar detalles del encuentro que sostuvieron este jueves en Los Pinos, la Presidencia informó que también conversaron sobre transparencia y fiscalización en la elección
Por ejemplo, detalló cómo opera el Protocolo de Protección Personal para los Candidatos Presidenciales, a cargo del Estado Mayor Presidencial
Peña Nieto le agradeció su visita a México para participar como observador electoral en la elección del 1 de julio, pues consideró que su experiencia fortalecerá el proceso
Como parte de su misión en el País, Annan presentará ante representantes de la sociedad civil, académicos, observadores y medios su reporte final de la conferencia "Integridad Electoral en América Latina", realizada el año pasado en la Ciudad de México
De acuerdo con la Presidencia, el Premio Nobel de la Paz, acompañado de miembros de su Fundación, habló de su reconocimiento a la solidez de las instituciones electorales mexicanas
En el encuentro estuvo el Canciller Luis Videgaray, el Secretario de Gobernación, Alfonso Navarrete, y al Jefe de la Oficina, Francisco Guzmán
Watch Beat Shazam Season ...
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【Souly ft. Raela, KAiARi】Tokimeki Antenna (English Cover) Aikatsu! Photo on Stage - Duration: 1:55.
In this bag filled with only starts,
The sights outside are waiting, so come let us begin
On this map laid out before me,
Waits a thrilling antenna!
And on these same old days
Open the same old door
But today's light is something new; I find
Take a step out, and with your right
You'll start out fine! and find new sights!
In a sky I don't know
With towns I'll one day go
Where in the world could I have ended up?
But I can see what ties us for life--
I know for sure there's more in sight
I know! Like those fairy tales I read so long ago
I'll move ahead
We might be at the last page, but no one knows!
There's always an open show!
In this bag filled with only starts
The sights outside are waiting, so come, let us begin!
On this map laid out before me,
Waits a thrilling antenna!
Let's update here with something new!
Let's go see the world! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Opel Vivaro L1H1 *betimmering, navigatie, trekhaak* - Duration: 1:07.
김지현, 이윤택의 성폭행을 증언하다. - Duration: 5:24.
Tẩn Cổ Đời phòng trọ - Lê Trung - Tài Năng Sân Khấu - Duration: 3:01:50.
PROTOTYPE READY TO SELL 10 Super Advanced Gadget Ready Now - Duration: 9:27.
10 Super Sophisticated Gadgets Ready You Have Now
this time omlamis will discuss about modern technology
More and more technology is growing.
Innovators do not stop making new breakthroughs that are sometimes unthinkable.
They make innovations from everyday objects that will certainly help us move.
Includes 10 super sophisticated gadgets from this stunned future.
OmLamis has collected 10 gadgets that may never have occurred to us
As reported by Brightside,
10 this super powerful gadget you can buy
So if you're curious to try it out,
try searching in online store,
Smart Socks (Sensoria Fitness Socks) check in the video description
These smart socks can record your every activity
and it is more accurate than the fitness wristband.
This sophisticated socks can record every physical activity,
calculate how many calories are burned,
and can also determine what kind of shoes are suitable for your feet.
The Automatic Iron Machine (Effie Robot) checks in the video description
Now the clothes iron does not need to be complicated
just input the clothes to this machine and wait.
Clothes will be neat and ready to wear.
This machine can iron clothes with any material
ranging from synthetic materials, wool, even silk.
In one process,
this machine can iron 12 clothes at once.
Suitable for laundry business
Nutritionist (Panasonic CaloRieco) checks in the video description
From the looks,
this tool looks like a small oven that has a screen.
But he has a super-sophisticated function.
This tool is able to calculate how many calories from each food you eat.
The way is simply input the dish with food into this tool,
and you can see the results on screen or on your smartphone.
Smart Mirror (Espejo Inteligente) checks in the video description
This super-sophisticated mirror works like your personal dermatologist.
This mirror is able to analyze your skin condition from a scale of 0 to 100.
This mirror is also able to analyze the effects of cosmetic creams that you use,
and give skin care product recommendations for you.
Anti Jet Lag Glasses (Re-Timer) check in the video description
For you who like to travel,
these super sunglasses are perfect for you.
Our body has a system called a biological clock,
which will determine when we will begin to drowsy and when to wake up.
the use of this tool while traveling will help our biological clock
to adjust to the conditions at the destination.
Insomnia Robot Cushion (Somnox Sleep Robot) check in the video description
If you have trouble sleeping, try using this sophisticated pillow.
This robot pillow will help you fall asleep,
reduce anxiety, and also stress.
This pillow can adjust the rhythm of our breath and make us quickly drowsy.
Besides this sophisticated pillow can also play relaxation music for you.
Automatic Toothbrush (Blizzident 3d Flosser) check in the video description
When viewed from the form, mamang quite strange.
But this tool in the claim can cleanse more effectively than ordinary toothbrush.
The advantages of this tool is to clean all your teeth at once.
Rebelled all?
I mean all tooth decay
Portable Mini Tent (Pause Pod) check in video description
Pause This pod is made by a Swedish company.
The shape is not too big just enough for two people.
You can carry it anywhere in a medium sized bag
and use it for a short break.
Smart Eyeglasses (Eyejusters) check in the video description
These glasses are suitable for parents whose vision has begun to interfere.
These glasses can be adapted for the farsighted and farsighted.
The trick is enough to rotate the existing optical controls on the side.
Interactive Smart Refrigerator (The Family Hub Refrigerator) checks in video description
This smart innovation fridge from Samsung is very helpful activities in the kitchen.
He can provide recipe recommendations,
telling me what items are out in the refrigerator,
order online groceries,
can even play music and see the weather forecast.
That's 10 super sophisticated gadgets of the future that startled me.
Of the ten gadgets, you want to buy which one?
Do not forget to subscribe like or share and share your opinion in the comment field below
How Much Money Do You Want? Ask & Receive | Guided Meditation - Duration: 32:25.
Before we begin, lie down and get into a comfortable position.
Your environment should be somewhere quiet where you will not be disturbed.
Allow for your body to relax.
Quiet your mind.
Put aside any lingering thoughts or worries from the day.
Take notice of your breathing and start to slow it down.
Deeply breathe into your abdomen.
Exhale slowly.
With each breath, allow your awareness to increase.
Become more and more present in this moment.
Allow the oxygen to consciously fill your entire body.
Feel your vibration rising.
With each breath, your mind is becoming clearer.
Breathe in and become aware that you're breathing in
Breathe out and become aware that you're breathing out
Feel your mind and body being rejuvenated.
Feel your consciousness expand.
Continue breathing as you relax your body, starting at the crown of your head.
Release any tension as you exhale.
Now relax your forehead.
Your eyelids.
Soften your entire face.
Take a bigger, deeper breath as you relax the neck and shoulders.
Take note of how your body is now feeling.
Notice where any tension needs to be released.
Continue breathing as you release any tension from your back.
Relax your elbows and hands.
Your fingers.
Take a few more breaths until your entire body feels almost like it has melted.
Let us begin with expressing gratitude for all that we have.
Think of your successes.
Think of your victories.
No matter how big or how small.
Feel your appreciation for all of them.
Visualize all the money you have now.
No matter the amount.
See it right in front of you.
Touch it.
Feel the appreciation for this money
Once you start to deeply feel gratitude, see it as a beam of light illuminating from your
heart space.
Send this light of gratitude to the Universe with thanks.
Now, we are going to release any negative thoughts or beliefs associated with money.
You are replacing them with positive thoughts at the highest level.
Take a moment to gather any feelings of stress or worry about financial situations.
Releasing them will align you with the path of attracting money.
When you are ready to fully release, take in a deep, slow breath.
As you exhale, you are releasing lower, stuck energies.
In your mind's eye, watch them floating away.
Watch as they completely disappear into the air.
Repeat each affirmation out loud and with confidence:
I release resistance to wealth.
Money comes to me naturally.
Abundance and prosperity are my birthrights.
The money I want is coming.
I am positive about money.
I spend money with happiness.
Now visualize a moment of pure happiness.
A moment of feeling wonderful.
Full of joy.
It can be any moment you want it to be.
Continue visualizing this moment until you deeply feel true happiness in your heart space.
Your entire body is now emitting vibrations of a high frequency.
In your mind\'s eye, notice what these vibrations look like.
Watch as they soar out into the Universe.
The Universe is waiting for your request.
It is time t ASK the Universe for money.
How much money do you want?
There are no limitations to the amount.
Take a moment and think of the exact amount that you desire.
Say the amount out loud using the words 'I AM ATTRACTING ..... This, or something better.
It is done.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Now your entire being is vibrating in harmony with what you desire.
Know that the Universe will deliver it into your hands.
The manifestation cycle has now begun.
You must BELIEVE that you are getting it.
Have faith.
Have trust.
Know that the Universe has heard you.
You are supported.
You are loved.
You are nourished.
Believe that the money you desire is manifesting physically.
Your dreams of wealth are manifesting into reality.
Visualize yourself with this amount of money.
Doing this is allowing you to attract and receive money easily.
Do not worry about how it will come.
The Universe is bringing it to you in many ways.
Embrace your happiness about receiving this money.
Feel excitement.
Feel a powerful desire for this money.
Visualize any 1 reason why you desire this money right now.
You are consciously deciding to attract the money you want.
What are you doing with this money?
Visualize this in your mind's eye.
Be very detailed in this moment.
Feel the freedom and exhilaration.
Feel your wealth.
Feeling these emotions is the most important process of manifestation.
The Universe is delivering what You.
Elevate your confidence.
Now elevate it even higher.
Take the time you need to visualize and to feel.
Hold this feeling confidently and powerfully for the next 7 seconds.
Repeat the following affirmations out loud with confidence
The Universe is conspiring to make me wealthy.
The Law of Attraction is working for me right now.
I am a powerful magnet for money.
I create money and abundance through joy and self-care.
I am excited about money.
Money comes to me freely with ease.
You must now allow yourself to RECEIVE.
Know that your desires are being provided.
Your only task is to receive.
See the steps you are taking to create your wealth.
Welcoming new opportunities.
You are giving more power to the manifestation as you do this.
See yourself spending freely with confidence.
Acknowledge the source of your wealth.
Acknowledge your Creator with gratitude.
The more you give, the more you receive.
This is helping you attract more money.
Repeat these last affirmations out loud with confidence
I am receiving money-making ideas each day.
I am freely receiving checks in the mail.
My intentions to receive money are a reality.
I am open to new ways of earning income.
I am the creator of my success.
I am attracting more money freely from multiple sources.
I am living in an abundant universe.
There is enough for everyone.
It is done.
And so, it is.
Beginning with a deep inhale and exhale, take your time and slowly begin to bring energy
and vitality into your body through movement.
Begin by moving your toes slightly.
Continue with other small movements in your feet and your legs.
Do what feels most comfortable for your body.
Allow your small movements to grow into larger movements.
Slowly open your eyes when you feel ready.
Once you feel fully energized and revitalized, take as much time to enjoy the feeling of
the prosperity that is on its way
to you.
7 buoni motivi per mangiare i cetrioli - Duration: 8:16.
I Saw the Light by Hank Williams sung by Amanda Kay Howell and The Juke Box Band - Duration: 4:13.
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I wondered so aimless life filled with sin
I wouldn't let my dear savior in!
The Jesus came like a stranger in the night!
Praise the Lord, I saw the light!
I saw the light!
I saw the light!
No more darkness, no more night!
Now I'm so happy! No sorrow in sight!
Praise the Lord! I saw the Light!
I was a blind man
wondered alone
Worries and fears I claimed for my own.
Then like the blind man
that God gave back his sight!
Praise the Lord, I saw the light!
I saw the light!
I saw the light!
No more darkness
No more night!
Now I'm so happy!
No sorrow in sight!
Praise the Lord, I saw the light!
I was a fool to wander and stray
Straight is the way and
narrow the way
No I have traded the wrong for the right!
Praise the Lord, I saw the light!
I saw the light!
I saw the light!
No more darkness
No more night!
Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight!
Praise the Lord!
I saw the light!
(Spoken) Play it Jerry!
I saw the Light (Spoken) Everybody sing!
I saw the light!
No more darkness, no more night!
Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight!
Praise the Lord! I saw the light!
I saw the light!
I saw the light!
No more darkness, no more night!
Now I'm so happy, no sorrow in sight!
Praise the Lord, I saw the light!
Praise the Lord, I saw the light!
(spoken) I believe Scott saw that too.
Hyundai i30 CW 1.6i Style / Climate Control - Duration: 1:05.
Nasiona jadalne – 5 nasion i ich niezwykłe właściwości - Duration: 2:24.
1. Ziarna słonecznika.Nasiona słonecznika składają się w około 36% z oleju i 23% z białka. Są źródłem witamin E, B1, B2 i B3. Ponadto zawierają minerały takie jak potas, żelazo, magnez i fosfor.
Nasiona słonecznika dostarczają kwasów tłuszczowych omega-6, które są ważne dla metabolizmu komórkowego i dla zmniejszenia ryzyka chorób układu krążenia i sercowo-naczyniowych.
Dodatkowo zawierają dwa rodzaje błonnika, rozpuszczalny i nierozpuszczalny, który wspomaga prawidłowe funkcjonowanie jelit.
2. Nasiona dyni.Nasiona dyni są doskonałym źródłem białka. 100 g pestek tego warzywa pokrywa około 54% naszego dziennego zapotrzebowania na ten składnik codziennej diety!
Zawierają również niezbędne nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe (omega 3 i omega 6), które pomagają obniżyć poziom cholesterolu i pomagają w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu układu krążenia.
Nasiona dyni zawierają również witaminy z grupy B, witaminę E, kwas foliowy fosfor, magnez i żelazo, dlatego warto je jeść, jeżeli cierpimy na niedobór któregoś z tych składników.Zawierają także kurkubitacynę, która pomaga pozbyć się pasożytów z jelit.
3. Siemię lniane.Siemię lniane znane jest przede wszystkim z wysokiej zawartości kwasu alfa-linolenowego (część kwasów omega 3).
Ponadto dostarcza również bardzo różnorodnych składników odżywczych, takich jak węglowodany, błonnik, białka, witaminy B i E, wapń, magnez, fosfor i potas.
Wszystkie składniki odżywcze działają razem jako przeciwutleniacze, środki przeciwzapalne i antykoagulanty.Są również bardzo przydatne, jeśli cierpisz na zaparcia lub zapalenie jelit.
4. Nasiona chia.Ponadto mogą zmniejszyć ból stawów, przyspieszyć utratę wagi i poprawić pracę układu jelitowego. Pomagają nawet w zapobieganiu problemom sercowo-naczyniowym i cukrzycy oraz nie zawierają glutenu.
Warto jednak pamiętać, że nasiona chia mają bardzo wysoką kaloryczność: 100 g zawiera 500 kcal, więc powinieneś jeść je z umiarem.
5. Orzeszki ziemne.Te orzechy zawierają wysoki procent jednonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych (blisko 75%), które z kolei obniżają ryzyko zgonów spowodowanych chorobami serca.
Ponadto zawierają również albuminy, węglowodany, minerały (żelazo, wapń i fosfor) oraz witaminy (A i B1).
Orzeszki ziemne są bardzo pożywne i zawierają więcej białka niż inne rośliny strączkowe, a nawet mięso, co sprawia, że są doskonałą, dodającą energii przekąską.
Według badań, orzeszki ziemne zmniejszają ryzyko zachorowania na raka piersi i pomagają zmniejszyć wzrost komórek nowotworowych.
美國瞄準南海又射毒箭,中方:採取一切必要措施捍衛主權和安全 - Duration: 12:07.
Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Netto Deal - Duration: 0:45.
Hyundai ix20 1.4 i-Vision (Panoramadak, Cruise Control) - Duration: 1:07.
When Chai Is Life | Rickshawali - Duration: 5:00.
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Alright !
O..My hand is paining.
Let's go...
When Tea is Life...
Well , baby ! Wakeup...its 9 am
Hey ! Brother wait wait...Stop
want to go to that tea stall
Brother Can you give me little amount of tea in this?
Thank you !
Ya ya , coming...
What Happened?
Its All Over Varun...finished
What Happened Anisha?
Varun , I don't have much time now
But , before dieing my
one last wish is
Yes ! Say...
give me a cup of tea, please
Yes , I just come, ok !
Have it Anisha
Now I am Feeling fine
Thank you Varun.
ooh.. My...
Even if you too like tea , then press thumbsup for the video
And share in comment section, what flavor of tea you like , Spicy one , ginger tea, Strong tea,whatever you like share..
I like this plan tea.
Do share this video & subscribe it if have not yet..
#EwangeliarzOP | 29 maja 2018 | (Mk 10, 28-31) - Duration: 2:27.
[Eng Es PT Sub] BTS Actual "THANK YOU" after No.1 on Billboard 200 Love Yourself Tear FAKE LOVE - Duration: 2:46.
<Translation & Subtitles Made by JL_Kdiamond>
Two, three. Bang Tan! Hello, we are BTS!
RM: We heard that we might be No.1 but now that we heard the actual news of No.1 on Billboard 200, it feels unreal.
RM: I will cherish this happiness with BTS members a lot today. We are doing interview from our studio.
RM: and we will focus on the next album and music work right away.
RM: I would like to greet all the ARMY around the world with our gratitude. I will return all of this honor to you.
JIN: I am grateful to all who listened to our songs."
JIN: Because ARMYs were with us, we were able to do music and hit No.1 on Billboard 200.
JIN: I hope a lot more people also show interest in Korean culture along with BTS.
Suga: I have said we wanted to rank No.1 on Billboard 200, but I am really honored that it came true.
Suga: Out of alll, I want to say thank you to ARMY for making all these happen.
J-HOPE: I am happy that we ranked No.1 on Billboard 200.
J-HOPE: It feels unreal to see our album is above albums of all the famous world stars.
J-HOPE: I would like to sincerely thank our fans who made No.1 happen.
J-HOPE: I want to enjoy this great news with the members together.
JIMIN: These unbelievable things keep happening in a row.
JIMIN: I couldn't even believe performing comeback stage on Billboard, No.1 on Billboard 200 is surprising and surreal.
JIMIN: I am sincerely thankful to our fans ARMY who always support us.
JIMIN: I would like to express my gratitude towards the members who came this far working hard together.
V: We were able to do No.1 on Billboard 200 spreading our wings because of ARMY.
V: Thank you so much to ARMY and we will become BTS who ARMY can be proud of.
Jungkook: Charting No.1 on Billboard 200 with our official album for comeback brings even deeper meaning.
Jungkook: A lot of good news are happening in a row.
Jungkook: We will work harder and move forward for bigger dreams."
I wanted to become your comfort and move your heart
I want to take away your sadness, and pain
When you hate being yourself When you want to disappear forever
Let's make a door in your heart
Open the door and this place will wait Magic Shop
Dem Dragged Out Of Disney In Handcuffs - Duration: 15:49.
Dem Dragged Out Of Disney In Handcuffs Screaming Do You Know Who I Am?!
Yep, That's The Problem!
When anyone part of or associated with the government is arrested, the media loves to
drag it out into the open as long as it's a Republican member of the government.
If this story had happened to the wife of a notable GOP, like it did for this Dem, it
would be breaking news on every mainstream media outlet.
Analysts would be brought on shows to discuss why it's so hard to be married to a conservative.
In this case, only a small local news station out of Florida, where the incident took place,
covered the story and it's not a coincidence.
Disney World was certainly not the happiest place on earth for Amanda Soto, wife of Democrat
Congressman Darren Soto, who was hauled out of the park in handcuffs.
A massive park full of children definitely isn't a place for someone like her who was
rightfully removed.
According to ActionNewsJax.com, Deputies said Amanda Soto, 33, her mother and her husband
were visiting Disney Springs when an argument ensued between her and her mother, who also
was allegedly intoxicated.
Amanda Soto told a deputy she was trying to call an Uber to take her family home because
she could not drive, according to an arrest report.
When the deputy helped Amanda Soto and her mother get into the Uber, Amanda began yelling
at her mother, the Uber driver and the law enforcement officer, the report said.
The report said that when the Uber driver asked where she was going, Amanda Soto cursed
at the driver.
The Uber driver refused the group service as Amanda Soto continued to scream profanities
at the driver and at the deputy, according to the report.
According to the arrest report, the deputy escorted the group out of the Uber and tried
to calm Amanda Soto, who became increasingly upset, continued to scream profanities and
began crying hysterically.
Authorities said that despite the numerous number of times the deputy tried to calm Amanda
Soto, she remained agitated and repeatedly said her husband is a congressman, therefore
"She could do whatever she wants."
Darren Soto (D-Orlando), released the following statement regarding his wife's arrest: "My
wife, Amanda, has for years suffered from depression and been under medical care.
In accordance with her treatment plan and under her doctor's supervisor, she recently
stopped using her medications.
Yesterday, she drank too much and reached an argumentative state with a family member,
which led to (her) arrest.
She deeply regrets her actions and takes full responsibility for them."
Amanda Soto was released on bail Monday morning.
Congressman Soto's wife Amanda really echoes the feelings of the Democratic party, "I
can do whatever I want."
Seems like Hillary has made that same statement a few times.
That sentiment has actually reached the highest levels of the left.
They used the power to try and stop Trump from becoming president, by lies and scandal.
Using secret FISA courts and paying for a fake dossier.
It's all part of the liberal mindset.
While Amanda Soto was just saying what she had heard so many times before, it paints
a picture of the life she must lead inside the house of Democratic Congressman Darren
Soto's house.
They are just used to doing and getting whatever
it is
they want.
"Follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove" Location Fortnite Week 5 Challenges - Duration: 1:57.
Wassup guys, it's OmniPie here.
Welcome to another fortnite weekly challenge video where I show you exactly where the hidden
locations to get a free battlepass tier is so you can get that Omega skin quicker.
If you're watching this early, then you're awesome but the challenge is not out just
yet, it will be in a couple hours though, but I can show it to you early because it
was leaked by those sneaky data miners.
For this week, we have follow the treasure map found in Greasy Grove, here is the map
on screen for you guys to see, you donn't actually need to find it for this challenge
so don't worry about doing that.
The location is going to be right here on this mountain between Snobby Shores and Pleasant
I'm gonna go ahead and fly to the location right now so you guys will know exactly where
to go to get the battlestar when the challenge goes live.
While I'm doing that, it would be awesome if you could leave a like and subscribe to
the channel if you're new.
We are almost at 100 thousand subscribers which is a huge milestone and I appreciate
everyone of you for helping me get there, the support lately has been absolutely amazing.
I do a ton of helpful fortnite content that helps get you wins and play better, so definitely
hit that subscribe button if that's the content you'd like to see on youtube.
Alright so when we get close to the location, you can see that the map is more of a drawing
of this building rather than an actual map.
And ofcourse the battlestar should spawn on the X which is on top of the nose looking
part of this building.
So when the challenge goes live, you should be able to see the battlestar Icon appear
right here and interact with it.
Important things to remember, you have to buy the battlepass to do these challenges,
so if you don't see it, then you probably need to buy the battlepass and also don't
leave the game without dying or winning, if you have to go somewhere and can't finish,
just jump off the building like this so you can complete the challenge.
If the video was helpful, then tap the like and subscribe button if you're new and I'll
cya around.
越南曾在44年前侵佔中國這塊領土 中國強力回擊 收復領土 - Duration: 6:09.
誰還要與小小的台灣省交往? 「斷交」潮是必然的結果 - Duration: 12:44.
【Souly ft. Raela, KAiARi】Tokimeki Antenna (English Cover) Aikatsu! Photo on Stage - Duration: 1:55.
In this bag filled with only starts,
The sights outside are waiting, so come let us begin
On this map laid out before me,
Waits a thrilling antenna!
And on these same old days
Open the same old door
But today's light is something new; I find
Take a step out, and with your right
You'll start out fine! and find new sights!
In a sky I don't know
With towns I'll one day go
Where in the world could I have ended up?
But I can see what ties us for life--
I know for sure there's more in sight
I know! Like those fairy tales I read so long ago
I'll move ahead
We might be at the last page, but no one knows!
There's always an open show!
In this bag filled with only starts
The sights outside are waiting, so come, let us begin!
On this map laid out before me,
Waits a thrilling antenna!
Let's update here with something new!
Let's go see the world! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Dank Ad Reviewer 2019 - Duration: 0:50.
*Illuminati Music*
*sigh* Of course another fake button advertisement. Who falls for these?
Arie Luyendyk Jr & Lauren Burnham Still Together & Engaged | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:06.
Arie Luyendyk Jr & Lauren Burnham Still Together & Engaged | Heavy.com
Becca Kufrin's season of The Bachelorette hits ABC and her ex Arie Luyendyk Jr.
will be watching with his fiance Lauren Burnham, according to People.
Luyendyk even said that, "I'm actually pretty curious to see what her guys are like!".
On behalf of himself and Burnham, Luyendyk also told People, "We wish her the best of luck.
We're really excited to see how her journey unfolds.
I know that we're announcing our wedding really close to her premiere, but I think we wanted to do it now because we didn't want to have our announcement happen during her season, out of respect for her.
I know that she's happily engaged and we're really happy for her.".
In recent weeks, Luyendyk and Burnham revealed on The View that they have set a wedding date.
The two will wed at the Haiku Mill in Maui, on January 12, 2019.
And, Burnham has already moved to her future hubby's hometown of Scottsdale, Arizona.
Burnham has already gone dress shopping at Kleinfeld's in New York City and the venue is booked.
Luyendyk told People that, "We were driving across the country, and during the drive we were looking up different venues online.
This one just kept jumping out at us.
It was something that both of us really thought was so beautiful.
And it's not your typical Hawaii wedding — if you look at the venue, it's very old-world and looks very European with sort of a tropical twist.
It's exactly what we pictured as an ideal wedding venue.
We kept thinking about different options and Haiku Mill just kept coming up, so we got a date there and we're really excited.".
The real adventure starts now.
Gwaine is NOT drunk (Merlin) [Clean version of audio!] - Duration: 0:36.
[Merlin:] Mark! (Gwaine!)
I can't believe how drunk you are!
[Gwaine:] I am not drunk.
[Merlin:] Yes you are!
[Hunkalicious I mean Gwaine what:] I AM NOT DRUNK.
[Merlin:] Can you tell the time?
[Gwaine:] ...yes.
Like and subscribe bro.
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go watch another video fam do it
Nơi tốt nhất để học tiếng Anh Kevin Pham - Duration: 5:18.
Why Haven't You Started?
Students honor teen killed in crash - Duration: 2:16.
Rafale na Índia: queda da rúpia pode deixar contrato para o próximo ano fiscal - Duration: 3:49.
Últimas notícia de hoje : "A gente já tem o que queria", diz líder dos caminhoneiros no Rio - Duration: 5:32.
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 5/28/2018 | MSNBC News Today May 28, 2018 - Duration: 44:09.
Špulení rtů už nefrčí, je tady nový trend: Naučte se tvářit jakoslavné krásky - Duration: 1:31.
Los atributos de Dios (Parte 2) - Los decretos de Dios - Duration: 1:15:28.
Žena, která bude mít na povel Meghan: Drsoňka, co si nebere servítky! - Duration: 1:17.
PROTOTYPE READY TO SELL 10 Super Advanced Gadget Ready Now - Duration: 9:27.
10 Super Sophisticated Gadgets Ready You Have Now
this time omlamis will discuss about modern technology
More and more technology is growing.
Innovators do not stop making new breakthroughs that are sometimes unthinkable.
They make innovations from everyday objects that will certainly help us move.
Includes 10 super sophisticated gadgets from this stunned future.
OmLamis has collected 10 gadgets that may never have occurred to us
As reported by Brightside,
10 this super powerful gadget you can buy
So if you're curious to try it out,
try searching in online store,
Smart Socks (Sensoria Fitness Socks) check in the video description
These smart socks can record your every activity
and it is more accurate than the fitness wristband.
This sophisticated socks can record every physical activity,
calculate how many calories are burned,
and can also determine what kind of shoes are suitable for your feet.
The Automatic Iron Machine (Effie Robot) checks in the video description
Now the clothes iron does not need to be complicated
just input the clothes to this machine and wait.
Clothes will be neat and ready to wear.
This machine can iron clothes with any material
ranging from synthetic materials, wool, even silk.
In one process,
this machine can iron 12 clothes at once.
Suitable for laundry business
Nutritionist (Panasonic CaloRieco) checks in the video description
From the looks,
this tool looks like a small oven that has a screen.
But he has a super-sophisticated function.
This tool is able to calculate how many calories from each food you eat.
The way is simply input the dish with food into this tool,
and you can see the results on screen or on your smartphone.
Smart Mirror (Espejo Inteligente) checks in the video description
This super-sophisticated mirror works like your personal dermatologist.
This mirror is able to analyze your skin condition from a scale of 0 to 100.
This mirror is also able to analyze the effects of cosmetic creams that you use,
and give skin care product recommendations for you.
Anti Jet Lag Glasses (Re-Timer) check in the video description
For you who like to travel,
these super sunglasses are perfect for you.
Our body has a system called a biological clock,
which will determine when we will begin to drowsy and when to wake up.
the use of this tool while traveling will help our biological clock
to adjust to the conditions at the destination.
Insomnia Robot Cushion (Somnox Sleep Robot) check in the video description
If you have trouble sleeping, try using this sophisticated pillow.
This robot pillow will help you fall asleep,
reduce anxiety, and also stress.
This pillow can adjust the rhythm of our breath and make us quickly drowsy.
Besides this sophisticated pillow can also play relaxation music for you.
Automatic Toothbrush (Blizzident 3d Flosser) check in the video description
When viewed from the form, mamang quite strange.
But this tool in the claim can cleanse more effectively than ordinary toothbrush.
The advantages of this tool is to clean all your teeth at once.
Rebelled all?
I mean all tooth decay
Portable Mini Tent (Pause Pod) check in video description
Pause This pod is made by a Swedish company.
The shape is not too big just enough for two people.
You can carry it anywhere in a medium sized bag
and use it for a short break.
Smart Eyeglasses (Eyejusters) check in the video description
These glasses are suitable for parents whose vision has begun to interfere.
These glasses can be adapted for the farsighted and farsighted.
The trick is enough to rotate the existing optical controls on the side.
Interactive Smart Refrigerator (The Family Hub Refrigerator) checks in video description
This smart innovation fridge from Samsung is very helpful activities in the kitchen.
He can provide recipe recommendations,
telling me what items are out in the refrigerator,
order online groceries,
can even play music and see the weather forecast.
That's 10 super sophisticated gadgets of the future that startled me.
Of the ten gadgets, you want to buy which one?
Do not forget to subscribe like or share and share your opinion in the comment field below
Danny Glover presta solidariedade à família de Marielle Franco - Duration: 3:33.
Embaixador da Organizações das Nações Unidas (ONU) para os direitos humanos e as questões étnicas, o ator norte-americano Danny Glover conversou nesta segunda-feira (28/5) com Marinete Silva e Antonio Franco, pais da vereadora Marielle Franco (PSol-RJ), assassinada em 14 de março
O encontro foi organizado pela Comissão Popular da Verdade do Rio de Janeiro. Antonio Franco emocionou-se ao falar sobre a filha com o ator
"Minha filha foi covardemente assassinada porque defendia o povo pobre", disse. "A dor de todos nós que acompanhávamos o trabalho de Marielle é insuportável", reagiu Danny Glover
Mais sobre o assunto Marielle: Anistia questiona imparcialidade da Polícia Civil no caso Cine Curta Brasil terá filme sobre Marielle Franco e mulheres negras Anistia Internacional cobra solução para caso Marielle em comunicado Marielle Franco e o motorista Anderson Pedro foram assassinados a tiros no bairro do Estácio, região central da capital carioca
Eles saíam de um compromisso político quando o carro em que estavam foi alvejado
A vereadora era conhecida pela militância em favor das minorias e contra a ação das milícias no Rio de Janeiro
O crime ainda é investigado pela Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro. Vandalismo No fim de semana, um painel com a fotografia em preto e branco do rosto de Marielle Franco, produzido por voluntários e militantes de direitos humanos, foi pichado em São Paulo
Para os admiradores de Marielle Franco, o ato foi vandalismo, pois além da fotografia da vereadora ter sido pichada, as frases relacionadas às ações dela foram apagadas
O Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos (MNDH) repudiou a pichação e definiu o ato como de "intolerância e ódio"
Representantes do movimento em São Paulo apresentarão um ofício à Secretaria de Segurança Pública do estado, solicitando investigação
"Repudiamos o ato de vandalismo, que representa mais um ato de intolerância e de ódio porque o monumento representa a luta de Marielle pelos direitos humanos, pela igualdade de gênero, a luta contra a letalidade policial, contra o genocídio da população negra e periférica e pela livre orientação sexual", disse Julian Rodrigues, integrante do MNDH paulista
"Cobraremos das autoridades uma apuração e também nos solidarizamos à família da Marielle porque é um ato doloroso a sua memória", acrescentou
Presja ma sens! Muzeum Holokaustu Yad Vashem usuwa fałszywy napis pod zdjęciem o „polskiej policji". - Duration: 5:09.
Presja ma sens! Muzeum Holokaustu Yad Vashem usuwa „polską policję" z podpisu pod zdjęcie
Podpis pod fotografią pierwotnie mówił, że „niemiecka i polska policja" strzegła łódzkiego getta
Yad Vashem o swojej decyzji: „Chcieliśmy być precyzyjni" Yad Vashem Muzeum Holocaustu w Jerozolimie niedawno usunęło podpis na zdjęciu z okresu Holokaustu, które pokazywało polską policję „niby" strzegącą ludzi w getcie
Czytaj też: Na zdjęciu Żydów z łódzkiego getta widać człowieka noszącego nazistowski mundur ze swastyką
W tle znak ostrzegawczy w języku niemieckim brzmi: „Dzielnica mieszkalna dla Żydów
Wejście zabronione". Oryginalny podpis pod zdjęciem brzmiał: „Brama wjazdowa do getta łódzkiego, strzeżona przez niemieckich żołnierzy i polską policję 24 godziny na dobę"
Andrzej Pawluszek, sekretarz polskiego premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego, który w poniedziałek odwiedził Yad Vashem wspólnie z wicepremierem Jarosławem Gowinem, opublikował na swoim koncie na Twitterze: „tekst ostatecznie się zmienił"
Jednak to Jan Dziedziczak był pierwszym, który zwrócił, że to zdjęcie fałszuję historię Holocaustu i Polski
W połowie marca Jan Dziedziczak podczas pielgrzymki wspólnie z uczestnikami pielgrzymki do Ziemi Świętej, odwiedził Instytut Yad Vashem, w tym tamtejsze Muzeum, które przedstawia Zagładę Żydów, m
in. na terenach okupowanej przez Niemców Polski. Podczas zwiedzania na kontrowersyjny napis zwrócił uwagę jeden z weteranów, ppłk Tadeusz Michalski, żołnierz ZWZ-AK i powojennego podziemia niepodległościowego, który w czasie okupacji mieszkał w Łodzi
Napis w języku angielskim głosi m.in., że Niemcy wraz z „polską policją" pilnowali wejścia do łódzkiego getta
Weteran przypomniał, że w Łodzi, wcielonej do III Rzeszy Niemieckiej, w odróżnieniu od Generalnego Gubernatorstwa nie funkcjonowała „polska policja" (określana również jako tzw
policja granatowa; w jęz. niemieckim „Polnische Polizei im Generalgouvernement")
„Kiedy zobaczyłem ten napis, poprosiłem o natychmiastową interwencję naszą placówkę dyplomatyczną w Izraelu
Nie zostawimy tej sprawy i zrobimy wszystko, żeby ta informacja została natychmiast zmieniona" – powiedział Dziedziczak dziennikarzom
Polskie władze zwróciły się do Yad Vashem o zmianę podpisu pod tym zdjęciem, które zostało zrobione w łódzkim getcie, i zawierało odniesienie do polskiej policji
Pod presją kontrowersyjny napis został usunięty. Muzeum Yad Vashem poinformowało w poniedziałek, że po polskim wniosku przedmiot został zbadany, a podpis został zmieniony, usuwając wszystkie wzmianki o polskiej policji
Napis teraz brzmi: „Wejście do getta łódzkiego, strzeżone przez całą dobę przez niemiecką policję"
Przeczytaj też: Nczas.com/ haaretz.com
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