I invite you to a new adventure that will take place in the province of Cáceres
specifically in the Monfragüe National Park and El Valle del Jerte.
Maybe for many it is still an unknown area as far as cycling is concerned
Its potential is very high
and if you accompany me I will show you places, trails and environments
that you will find it hard to forget.
This area hides a wide variety of birds
such as the griffon vulture, the black stork or the imperial eagle.
As you can imagine
it was not only this that has brought us here
its climate and landscapes have been key to discovering
an ideal destination for mountain biking.
We have been able to enjoy a good riding session in the National Park of Monfrague
so it is time to move to El Valle del Jerte
also known as the pearl of northern Extremadura.
For more infomation >> Mountain Bike en Cáceres - Monfragüe y Valle del Jerte - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva. Beneficios, demostración y contraindicaciones. - Duration: 2:45.
Papá a toda madre | Capítulo 90 - Resumen - Duration: 4:02.
La comparación entre Irene Montero y la reina Letizia que hace el descarado Peñafiel - Duration: 5:35.
Papá a toda madre | Fabián vuelve a caminar tras su accidente - Duration: 1:32.
El reto Carrefour, ¿adivinas el precio de este desayuno? - Duration: 1:42.
25 Most Common English Verbs You NEED to Know - Duration: 13:21.
Are you read?
You sure?
Are you guys ready?
I hope so because today we are going to talk to you about the 25 most common verbs in English.
That's coming up.
How was that intro? You think that was kind of off the cuff like?
So today we are going to tell you the 25 most common verbs in English.
These are verbs you really, really, really need to know.
And this - these verbs - this list is from a study
that was conducted using the Oxford English Corpus,
which is basically a huge collection of written texts that were examined
so they could find out which ones are the most frequent.
So this is a list of the most frequently used verbs
which means these are verbs that you guys should know.
You really need to know them.
Super important. Very important verbs.
They're super important.
You should know these verbs.
You should know them.
Did we say that you should know these verbs?
You should know them. You need to know them.
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, so what we're going to do is we're going to give you...stop laughing.
Okay. So what we're going to do is we're going to
give you these 25 verbs.
But with each one, we will give you the conjugation.
So we'll give you the present tense form, the past tense, and then the past participle from of the verb.
What are the most frequently used verbs in English?
What are they?
We're going to tell you.
All right. Let's begin. So the number one verb - drumroll.
is, really to no surprise, the verb TO BE.
It is the most common verb in English.
So in the present, you would use IS or ARE depending on the subject.
The past WAS/WERE and the past participle is BEEN.
That's true.
You confirm you confirm that?
It's correct.
You agree?
He's not lying to you guys.
Number two is HAVE or HAS.
And in the past its HAD. Past participle also HAD.
Number three...the third most common verb in English is TO DO.
So in the present DO or DOES, in the past DID, and the past participle is DONE.
Number four...SAY.
Say or says.
TO SAY or SAYS. The past tense is SAID and the past participle also SAID.
Number five is TO GET.
So the present simple GET/GETS. The past tense GOT.
And the past participle can be either GOT or GOTTEN.
So got is the more common form in British English.
And Americans will sometimes say gotten.
So for example, because we are from the United States, we say gotten.
Number six is TO MAKE.
So that's MAKE/MAKES. Past as MADE.
What's the past participle?
I don't know why I keep forgetting these.
It's good practice for us.
Yeah. I guess.
Everyone has to memorize these, including native English speakers.
So everyone has to memorize.
Because there's a lot of irregular verbs.
Pretty much all of them are irregular verbs.
Number seven is TO GO.
And...so the present simple GO/GOES. The past tense is WENT and the past participle GONE.
Gone with the wind.
Gone somewhere.
With the wind.
Gone with the Wind.
That is a movie. Yes.
It's out of focus.
Number eight is KNOW.
Not no. But "to know."
Okay, let's backtrack.
Okay, number eight is TO KNOW.
In the present tense, we have KNOW/KNOWS.
In the past tense we have KNEW and in the past participle it's KNOWN.
We know.
Number nine is TO TAKE.
So in the present tense TAKE/TAKES.
In the past TOOK and the past participle is TAKEN.
No, not "tooken." TAKEN.
Listen to him.
Number ten...TO SEE.
You look like such a dork.
This is SEE. SEE.
Number ten is TO SEE.
Number ten is TO SEE.
I'm okay
Number ten is to...
Number ten is...
Number ten is TO SEE.
So in the present tense...like how we did that?
In the present tense...
We were working on that for a while.
A long time.
In the present is we have SEE/SEES.
And in the past it's SAW.
And in the past participle SEEN.
Out of the top ten, which is your favorite verb?
Do you know why?
I do know why because it's...first of all it sounds like another word.
So it's like, if you know one word you know two words.
And second because I like knowledge. I like to know things.
Are you going to ask me?
Do you care? You don't care what my favorite verb is.
I want to share my favorite verb.
Fine. What's yours?
I would say...I like GO.
Because it's kind of...
You're what? You're going.
No. It's just a good action. I just like the the action. Like, "Hey, let's go!"
Let's go. Let's go. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's go.
Let's continue our... let's continue our list.
Number eleven is TO COME.
So in the...
Number eleven is TO COME, so...
You're terrible.
Number eleven is TO COME.
So in the present simple you'd have COME/COMES.
In the past COME, and in the past participle is just COME...again.
She keeps laughing when I say, "Come."
It's a popular verb all right.
No. I'm sure.
To come.
Okay. You got to stop.
It's popular verb. People use it a lot.
People come and go all the time. They come and go. Don't they?
Yes, they do.
Are we done with the innuendos?
Okay, I like this one.
Number twelve is TO THINK.
So let's see. In the present tense we have THINK/THINKS.
Past tense we have THOUGHT, and past participle THOUGHT as well.
Number thirteen is LOOK.
So this is our first regular verb. Oh my gosh.
In the present simple LOOK/LOOKS.
In the past is LOOKED, so the past perfect is also LOOKED.
Regular verbs are awesome.
First regular verb.
Number fourteen TO WANT.
In the present tense, this is WANT/WANTS.
In the past WANTED, and in the past participle also WANTED.
Another regular verb. Wow, two in a row. Amazing.Incredible.
It's a good one TO WANT. I like it.
I want...to tickle Wes.
Number fifteen is TO GIVE.
So in present simple GIVE/GIVES.
In the past it is GAVE, and the past participle is GIVEN.
Are you sure?
Are you 100% sure?
Why? Is it not...
This is another regular verb. So number sixteen is TO USE.
In the present tense, this is USE/USES.
Past tense USED and past participle USED as well.
Rocking along with these regular verbs now.
Number seventeen - just when I say that - is FIND, another irregular verb.
So in the present simple we have FIND/FINDS.
Past tense is FOUND and the past participle is also FOUND.
Memorize it. Practice it. Use it.
Number eighteen is TO TELL.
Present tense...TELL/TELLS.
Past tense...TOLD.
And past participle...TOLD.
It is funny because these are...these are so common,
but at the same time thinking of the conjugation I'm still like - wait a second.
You have to think about it.
Wait, which is that? Wait, what's the past participle?
But if you have to say it in a sentence I think we'll say it quickly.
Yeah, yeah. It's no problem.
Number nineteen is TO ASK.
So present simple ASK/ASKS.
And the past is ASKED.
And the past participle ASKED as well.
It sounded like you said "assed."
Wait, let me say it again.
So the present is ASK/ASKS.
And the past is ASKED.
And the past participle is also ASKED.
I'm trying to get "asked."
I know I was laughing because your eyes are like bulging out.
Every time you say it you're like "ASKS."
And then it was ASKED.
That -ed has that T sound because the K is voiceless.
There we go.
Number twenty - it's another regular verb - in the present tense we have...
What's the verb?
Number twenty is TO WORK.
And this is another regular verb.
So in the present we have WORK/WORKS.
Past tense WORKED. Past participle WORKED.
Number twenty-one TO SEEM.
And the present SEEM/SEEMS.
In the past - because it's regular - SEEMED.
And the past participle is also SEEMED.
And it's true.
Number twenty-two is TO FEEL.
This one in the present tense is FEEL/FEELS.
Past tense FELT. Past participle FELT.
Twenty-three...TO TRY.
So we have TRY/TRIES in the present.
The past...TRIED and the past participle TRIED.
Ends with a -y so we use -ied.
Number twenty-four is TO LEAVE.
In the present tense this is LEAVE/LEAVES.
Past tense LEFT. Past participle LEFT.
And number twenty-five - the last of the most common English verbs - is TO CALL.
So we have CALL/CALLS in the present.
CALLED in the past, and the past participle is CALLED.
So out of all of these verbs, which one is your favorite now?
Is it still TO KNOW?
I think so actually. Oh no. Can I change my answer?
I like TO GIVE. I like give.
Okay. That's a good one.
That's funny because mine would be TO WANT.
I like TO WANT something. That's what I was going to say.
Number fourteen...TO WANT.
Yes. Next year, WANT - it's making its way to the top.
I like GIVE.
What about TO COME?
Now, what we want you to do is in the comments tell us which of these verbs is your favorite.
Or tell us which one that you think you use the most.
Which one is most common for you?
And write that in the comments. We want to know.
We hope you give us...
I'm trying to use your favorite verb.
Give us a comment!
We hope you enjoyed this lesson and know all of these
verbs and that you can conjugate these verbs because that is very important.
If you like this lesson, please give us a thumbs up.
And as always thanks for watching.
We'll see you next time.
Is that better?
Yeah, sure.
El cuerpo humano. ¿Qué se esconde debajo de la piel? - Duration: 0:31.
Hotel Finca Eslava, Antequera. Málaga - Duration: 1:34.
Espiel, navegar en el Embalse Puente Nuevo. Córdoba - Duration: 1:33.
Embalse La Colada. Hinojosa del Duque, Córdoba - Duration: 0:23.
"No quiero irme de este mundo sin que los argentinos estén unidos" - Duration: 4:06.
Por Amar sin Ley | Capítulo 59 - Resumen - Duration: 3:57.
1838-2018: the Liceu Conservatory at the Saló de Cent in Barcelona City Hall - Duration: 6:43.
Vous devriez boire de la limonade tous les jours - Duration: 6:02.
Tory Lanez Type Beat
Opel Zafira Tourer 2.0 CDTI 170pk Innovation Moet u zien!!! - Duration: 1:09.
Great Plains PD8070 – отзыв владельца о работе сеялки после 4 сезонов - Duration: 4:57.
MINUE - Jupiter Official M/V - Duration: 5:05.
Can't blame no other
Walking on thin ice
Whom is this happiness for
Asking through the cracks
Head against the ground Crying till I see the night sky
Why is it the stars are dancing in the dark
Narrowly passing the day
Singing a slight of hope
No existence without stain
All has a meaning
Following the melody
Dream without regrets
Tonight, this song with you
Wishing a hopeful song for someone
If I can smile even though it hurts
If I can lean, probably
With the Joy not complete
I would've been good
Narrowly passing the day
Calling you quietly
No existence without stain
All has a meaning
Following the melody
Dream without regrets
Tonight, this song with you
Wishing a hopeful song for someone
I'm talkin' to the moon
You lit me up
I feel you now
I met you in the dark
You lit me up
I feel you now
No existence without stain
All has a meaning
Following the melody
Dream without regrets
Tonight, this song with you
Wishing a hopeful song for someone
Quách Dũng mời đại ca Dũng Trọc và Hiệp Đen lấy lại Danh Dự |tin tức giang hồ| tv bodoi - Duration: 9:02.
12 ROMPLEY STEWART dali je PORESKA SLUŽBA legalni entitet 1od 3 Dan 3 Deo 2 - Duration: 11:54.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Beginners – WiFi deauther with ESP8266 OLED module - Duration: 4:39.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Beginners – WiFi deauther with ESP8266 OLED module
Arduino Project Tutorial For Beginners – Battery Capacitor - Duration: 1:57.
Arduino Project Tutorial For Beginners – Battery Capacitor
Arduino Tutorial For Intermediate – MQ 7 carbon monoxide detector module - Duration: 8:26.
Arduino Tutorial For Intermediate – MQ 7 carbon monoxide detector module
Opel KARL 1.0 ecoFLEX 75pk Edition | IntelliLink | PDC | - Duration: 1:11.
Man United star Scott McTominay reveals Sir Alex Ferguson's influence in choosing Scotland - Duration: 2:36.
Manchester United star Scott McTominay reveals Sir Alex Ferguson's influence in choosing Scotland
SCOTT MCTOMINAY has revealed the words of advice Sir Alex Ferguson had for him before pledging his international allegiance to Scotland.
Manchester United's Lancaster-born midfielder qualifies for the Tartan Army through his father, who hails from Glasgow.
He made won his first cap for Scotland in March after national boss Alex McLeish made him feel more wanted than his Three Lions counterpart Gareth Southgate.
But McTominay, 21, has revealed the true version of events and it appears United's legendary former Scottish manager had an influence.
Speaking to The Sunday Herlad, the starlet said: When I was in the development centres I was in and around The Cliff (the United training ground).
Alex [Ferguson] was there and he spoke to my dad.
After the memorial service for the Munich Disaster earlier this year he pulled me aside and told me: 'Make sure you do play for Scotland!'.
Fergie was not the only one to offer their advice to McTominay.
Current United chief Jose Mourinho was also on hands with some words to help him make his decision.
McTominay added: "I also spoke to my manager at Manchester United.
He told me to go and do whatever I needed to do.
His advice was to weigh up both sides and then go with whatever is in your heart.
I had already made the decision so it was reasonably simple. I took my decision and then we took things from there.
"It stands you in real good stead. With Jose and Sir Alex it is the confidence they can give you.
Their belief gives you a bit more confidence going into matches.
Kia Niro 1.6 Executiveline Nap Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:13.
GF15, Fabrizio Corona vs Barbara D'Urso: 'Studia' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:51.
Opel Astra INNOVATION 1.4T 150PK S/S -NAVI - CAMERA - CLIMATE - INNOVATION+ - Duration: 1:13.
U&D, registrata la scelta di Sara? Addio Lorenzo? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.
Kia Rio 1.2 ComfortLine / Sportline met Airco, Cruise en 7jr garantie - Duration: 0:53.
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI Executive 120pk - Duration: 0:54.
Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI 110pk Business+ Navi. - Duration: 1:09.
Kia Niro 1.6 GDi Hybrid 141pk DCT6 BusinessLine in nieuwstaat! - Duration: 0:54.
Grande Fratello, anticipazioni 29 maggio: una sorpresa per Veronica Satti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.
Hyundai i10 1.2 i-Drive Automaat NW Model APK 3-2020 - Duration: 1:11.
Mazda MX-5 1.6i Exclusive - Duration: 1:04.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY PACK | Airco | Bluetooth | Elek.ramen - Duration: 0:53.
3 Keys To Becoming the Go-To Expert - Duration: 4:35.
Renee Hassledine here from Share Your Passion.com.au.
And in this video, I wanted to share with you, the Keys to Success.
Okay, so there are 3 keys to success.
And the first of those is really owning your Zone of Genius.
Now this might be easier said than done and it did take me quite a long time to work this
out, but my Zone of Genius is taking the complex and making it simple.
Taking what is in someone's head, extracting that and turning it into something tangible.
Creating Intellectual Property Assets.
And for me that usually is in the form of visual models, but it could also turn into
checklists and spreadsheets and all that other sexy stuff.
But really what I focus on now is taking what's in someone's head and turning it into their
signature system or methodology and giving it a sexy picture.
So that's my Zone of Genius.
Now, how do I know that's my Zone of Genius, what are the clues for you if you're looking
for yours?
Now Zone of Genius really is something that's in your flow.
When you think about it, and what I probably resisted for so long, was I thought, "Why
would someone pay me for that 'cause it's so easy?"
Well, there's a clue.
Something that is my Zone of Genius is something that is easy for me because it's something
that is in my flow and it's not effort.
It's effortless.
So, think about that as a clue for you, where have you noticed that particular activities
are energising and in your flow?
So the other thing for me, the other clue was I've written a book called "Share Your
Passion" which is the 7 stages to turn what's in your head into leveraged products.
7 stage process.
Now stage 4 is all about the intellectual property assets, so this is the bit that I'm
talking about, right.
And every time I would teach this or work with a client on this process, I'd get to
stage 4 and I'd go, "This is the best bit, oh my god!
I love this bit.
I'm so excited, you're going to love it."
And I would get so excited.
That's another clue, right.
I am super pumped.
So where are you getting super excited in your business?
That's another clue for you.
And really, the other clue that I think we need to look for is go back to your childhood.
There are clues in your childhood.
For me, when I was a kid, when I was in primary school, and I would finish my work really
really quickly, the teacher actually paired me up with another student in the class, who
had down syndrome.
And my job was to help her with her work.
To take what was complex for her and simplify it so that she could understand it and get
her work done.
And I really thrived and loved that situation.
And again, what I was taking the complex and making it simple.
And it was just something that came really naturally to me.
So clues, look for clues and you will be pointed in the right direction of your Zone of Genius.
And I encourage you to actively look for that stuff, it's easy for me in hindsight now to
say that but clues.
You know: childhood, in your flow and so easy, and the bit that you get so excited about.
They're my 3 clues.
So look for your Zone of Genius.
The second key to success is having experience.
So, yes it might be in my flow, but if I had no experience to back this up, then, I wouldn't
have mastered my craft yet.
So once you've identified your Zone of Genius, you also need to back that up with having
experience and runs on the board with real life clients.
So that you can actually demonstrate proven results.
That's super important to succeed as the go to expert.
And finally, I believe, if you're going to be the go-to expert in your field, then you
need to leverage what is in your head by turning it into Intellectual Property Assets.
It's super super important that you can actually have a ripple effect and have a bigger impact
than you can with those one on one clients and trading time for money.
And really, taking what's in your head and turning it into Intellectual Property Assets
is a key to doing that.
So, those are my 3 keys to success.
I'd love to know what you think.
What stood out for you and what were the biggest aha moments?
I'm Renee Hasseldine from ShareYourPassion.com.au thank you so much for watching.
Welcome to the Game II - The Doll Maker Quest - Duration: 42:53.
Hello guys in this video we will try to beat The Doll Maker quest, Enjoy!
First we need to find the first code
Here's The Doll Maker's site
I will check the window when i click on a site
The window is now open. This site might contains a key
We need to watch for The Noir
I cannot found the code
But now we can farm hacks for the LOLPY DISC
I will talk for the hack farming technique later.
Wow first try :D
When i unplug and plug the WiFi Dongle i have disconnected from the network
Let's make it again
I will skip this part
Ok guys, i have money for the LOLPY DISC
Let's buy it
I think we will need one motion sensor
Ok guys i think it's ready
Let's go!
WOW, The Noir
It's dark
Here's the LOLPY DISC
It will need later
Let's enter The Doll Maker
WOW, The Deep Wiki II
We need to wait 5-10 mins
Here it is
This doll is very ugly
And The Doll Maker too :DD
The electricity gone off
The Doll Maker: Good evening. I...believe you've seen my work. I do hope you like it. However, I'm afraid this visit is not for pleasure. You see, obtaining the girls I seek for transformation has become...increasingly difficult, and I cannot risk my work by searching for new flesh myself. So...you will provide them for me. Find me a woman in this building and mark the door. I will do the rest. When I am ready for another, you will know. Do not fail me. Do not test me. And I will spare your life. Time is ticking. I left the marker on your door.
Here's the marker
Let's go to the lobby
I think the Noir can go here
Searching for girls :D
Okay i marked the door
Let's check more apartments
I will try to remember
The police is here :D
Ok, Let's go home
We need to wait The Doll Maker to give us the marker
I'm bored :D
lol again :D
Let's farm more hacks
Oops, The Noir is here
I think that, The Doll Maker turns the energy off again and again.
Let's talk about the hack farming technique
You need to open page that don't work and spam click on free WiFi and Refresh button. When you get hacked reset the WiFi Dongle for disconnecting from free network. This prevents the police from tracking you
Ooooops, The Doll Maker is here
He let me the marker again
OK... Next Apartment
Maybe 1004..
We need to wait again... Let's farm more hacks
If you want skip this part because it's boring...
OMG what is this noise
Maybe The Doll Maker kills the girl :X
OK. The marker is here again..
I forgot the apartment numbers
OK Guys, I hope i will get the achievement soon. If you want more videos. Like, Comment, Subscribe :D
Michelle Obama Launches - Duration: 15:20.
Michelle Obama Launches White-Hating Rant, It's So B*d Even Democrats Are Offended
Michelle Obama is known for being just as liberal and just as progressive as her husband.
There were even rumors she might run for president one day, but even she shot those allegations
down quickly.
However, that has never stopped her from making comments to the media, ones that are inappropriate.
At a recent event, she made remarks about politicians within the Republican Party that
were just disgusting, ignorant, and uneducated.
The Patriot Journal reported,
"Those of us who have been paying attention know that Democrats say one thing, and do
For years we've had to put up with their arrogant virtue signaling.
They think they get a badge for pretending to care about ending discrimination, racism,
and inequality.
Yet time and again, they are the ones that display the worst kind of discrimination and
racial hate.
They claim that everyone is equal, that everyone deserves the same respect.
But when push comes to shove, they reveal their true colors.
We discovered this recently when former First Lady Michelle Obama went on a hateful rant.
From The Resurgent: In what may be one of her most bizarre takes yet, the former First
Lady was speaking at a women's conference in Pennsylvania when this happened:
"She said the color and gender dichotomy in Congress was particularly noticeable when
she attended State of the Union addresses.
"On one side of the room, it's literally gray and white.
Literally, that's the color palette on one side of the room," Obama said.
"On the other side of the room, there are yellows and blues and whites and greens.
Physically, there's a difference in color, in the tone.
Because one side: all men, all white.
On the other side: some women, some people of color."
She said she would see that and think "no wonder people don't trust politics."
Yes, she just said that people don't trust politics because Republicans are just old,
white men.
But precisely what does age have to do with trust?
What does race have to do with trust?
There is no way to characterize these remarks fairly without acknowledging she is disparaging
people intentionally on the basis of age and race.
That's textbook ageism.
It's textbook racism.
Identity politics is not the sign of someone with grace.
And for anyone still hyperventilating over her DNC speech, disparaging people you disagree
with politically because of their age and race is the exact opposite of "going high."
Can someone please explain this to me?
How can someone who claims to care about equality attack someone over their race and age?
Is Michelle Obama that racist that she can't believe old white people can be good leaders?
She thinks she can pander to young people and people of color by throwing out those
bogus statements.
But it reveals her real feelings about millions of Americans.
It used to be thought that with age comes wisdom and experience.
But in Michelle's tiny mind, old people are useless and offer nothing to our society.
We used to be taught that a person's character was more important than the color of their
But Michelle Obama has no problem using identity politics to denigrate and insult people, because
of the color of their skin.
Pathetic, Michelle.
I know you were hardly a great First Lady, but I at least expected better from someone
of your stature.
And Democrats expect to win over people with this kind of hypocrisy?"
People were not very happy with her when she made those comments.
Especially those within the Republican party.
In response, the Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniels, of the Republican National Committee
slapped back at the former first lady over her comments.
She tweeted out the following message,
"It's unfortunate Michelle Obama would disregard the contributions of conservative
women and people of all backgrounds with one sweeping, false accusation," McDaniel tweeted
The Hill reported,
"The RNC chief was reacting to comments Obama made at the Pennsylvania Conference
for Women on Tuesday in which the former first lady took shots at Republicans who refused
to work with her husband for the duration of his presidency.
"What you can see is this real dichotomy — on one side of the room, it's a feeling
of color," Obama said Tuesday.
"On one side of the room, it's literally gray and white.
Literally, that's the color palette on one side of the room."
"On the other side of the room, there are yellows and blues and whites and greens.
Physically, there's a difference in color, in the tone.
… Because one side: all men, all white.
On the other side: some women, some people of color," she added.
Obama doubled down on her comments the next day at a marketing conference in Boston, telling
the crowd that women who voted against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the presidential
election betrayed their gender.
"Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice," Obama said
Share if you agree
Share if you believe that what Michelle Obama said was ignorant
5 Steps To Create Visual Models - Duration: 4:17.
Hi it's Renee Hasseldine here from ShareYourPassion.com.au.
And in this video, I wanted to share with you my 5 step process to take what's in your
head and turn it into a visual model.
So, here it is.
Okay, so the first step is asking quality questions.
So, let me give you an example to illustrate this.
Say you're creating your Educate Model.
Your Educate Model is all about showing your client how do they get from A (where they're
starting out when they're working with you) to Z (where they want to go, the ultimate
outcome for them, the solution that they want).
How do they get from A-Z.
An Educate Model will show them what they need to do to get from A-Z.
So the questions you want to be asking are: "Who is my ideal client?"
"Where do they start out?
(point A)" "Where do they want to end up? (point Z)" "What are all the things they need
to do to get from A-Z?"
And you simply extract all that information from your head, use post it notes, put one
idea per post it note, stick it up on the wall and there you go.
Now, say you've got 300 post it notes up on your wall, if you go to your clients and say
I've got a 300 step process to get you from A-Z" They're going to be like, "I'm going
to go to the person down the road who's got 5 steps" right because 300 is scary as.
So the next step is about chunking.
You've got your 300 steps, but you can't tell your client it's 300 steps.
We need to chunk those 300 into between 3 and 7 chunks.
Now I've found that this is the sweet spot between many many years of creating these
In NLP, they'll tell you that can have between 2 and 9 chunks, that that's how much the brain
can handle.
But, I actually find with the models, it works better to have between 3 and 7.
Now, having said that, there will be exceptions to the rule, but at the end of the day, for
Step 2, you want to be chunking that information.
You can't give them 300 steps, you want to chunk that into a manageable number of chunks.
Then say you've got your 5 steps created, your 5 chunks worked out, in step 3 you want
to then draft that into a picture.
You want to draft a model.
Have a little sketch.
Have a little play.
And turn that into something that's a picture.
Now you want to think about metaphors, you know.
So say for example in my Excite Model where someone wants to be the go-to expert in their
field, the shape of that is a rocket.
Because they want to take off.
So you can think about, depending on the type of model and what you want your clients to
feel when they're looking and experiencing this model, you can think about the different
shapes and metaphors that you might like to use.
So that's drafting it.
And step 4 is all about presenting it because before you go off and pay a graphic designer,
I actually think it's really important to even if it's on the back of a napkin with
someone over coffee drawing the model for them, explaining it, talking it through so
that you can actually get their feedback.
You can find out which bits are making sense and which bits aren't and which things might
need clarifying.
You might also tweak the language or change the order of how you want the information
to be presented.
And so I think it's really important to present your information, present your new model to
a real live audience.
And that can be in a one on one over coffee as I said or ideally you stand at the front
of a room with a whiteboard and you present it to a real live audience.
That would be my recommendation.
And finally, once you've done that, then you want to get it polished, then you want to
take your sketch that you've created and with your branding guidelines, get those created
into a sexy model.
A branded, sexy model with your colours, your fronts etc.
So there you have it, those are my 5 steps to turn what is in your head into a visual
I would love to know what did you think?
Do you have any questions?
Let me know.
Let's have a discussion about this.
I would love to know what model you're going to work on first.
Tell me in the comments.
I'm Renee Hassledine from ShareYourPassion.com.au.
Thank you so much for watching.
01 Back on track with Ivan Krastev - Take action! Just saying yes or no is not democratic! - Duration: 1:58.
Embark with us on a train ride with Ivan Krastev
and enjoy his sober analysis of the facts to consider
when acting for change.
These days people are in love.
And they're in love with referendums.
Go around Europe and you're going to see that
everybody believes that the only way people are going
to be heard in democratic politics is if you're going
to organise a referendum.
And everybody is going to say that in the vocabulary
of the people, there are only two words: yes and no.
I know where this drive for referendums comes from.
People have a good reason to be disappointed
with democracy the way it is.
But can we really live in a political system
in which there's only yes or no?
I still remember an old science-fiction story,
which I read when I was a child.
And this was the story about a country in which
on the day when the president was elected,
a bomb was put into his body.
And every citizen got a smartphone and after
every decision that the president made,
people voted yes or no.
And when three times there were more no-votes than yes-votes,
he was going to explode.
You can be sure, this president
would be very, very careful not to make a mistake
and to do what people want him to do.
My only question is:
are you going to call this regime a democracy?
Are we not afraid that by basically just making
political leaders do exactly what we want,
we can hurt ourselves?
The Presidents' Cypher - Duration: 3:21.
I'm Bill Clinton, always on a mission I got bombs to put the Balkans in submission
Yeah I got on with Monica but stay out of my business
I still got high approval, and low opposition 'Cuz I'm borderline, kinda fighting for
your rights with don't ask and don't tell, but how
else would I win a fight against all these republicans and all this
right wing hype?
I took it to the center, tryna win?
Don't take sides I brought the NASDAQ up along with NAFTA
Nearly made the debt disappear like abra- -cadabra, then y'all had to bring it back
Catch me on Arsenio Hall, playin' sax I passed an act to get you,
Back to work and I, I think it worked but uh,
But to sure I gotta Check the unemployment rate back in in 2001
4%, know who else can do that?
No one.
I'm the youngest of the bunch, let's just start with that
And it's a fact that I'm packed when dealing with commies
Tryna' send missiles and armies to threaten the states
World on edge everybody just waits Defcon 2 puttin' bombs on the planes
But I come in with the brains, let's cool the tension
Saved the world, got praise from the nation
Vietnam, start the special operations Soviets think they can win at the Space Race
But I'm JFK, and you know what I do Fundin' NASA 'til we orbit the Earth and
we land on the Moon
okay wtf
Who's in your residence?
It be the presidents Who set the precedents?
It be the presidents Where's the evidence America is excellent?
It be the presidents, witch, it be the presidents Who's in your residence?
It be the presidents Who set the precedents?
It be the presidents Where's the evidence America is excellent?
It be the presidents, witch, it be the presidents
I'm the trust bustin', muckraker regulator from the Big Apple
Got a life full of hype, time to give you an example
All started as a kid I was frail Too weak to do anything so I said screw it
Killed a bear in the wilderness Got rid of my tender skin
Showed the world I could do anything Like become the damn president
Set the precedent of badass for ages From the big stick to the rough riders, no Filipino
fighters gonna stop me But domesticity, I'm quite progressive
Against the companies tryna' be oppressive Aggressively targeting the robbering of barons
With the square deal and the Three Cs Cut Panama to transport goods easily
From Pacific to Atlantic Expanding the Navy, Europeans in a panic
Witch I'm Teddy Roosevelt, I'm running South America for all of these Hispanics
I'm the OG outsider for the common white man
Was outside the White House like "what a sad sight man"
When I beat a punk hickory cane in my right hand
Never gave a damn about a Cherokee Indian Imma' send 'em west with my Removal Act
I don't care if the Supreme Court says I can't be doin' that
F --- the Federal Bank too, ah, I shut it down
I ain't got respect for these institutions or the British Crown
My inauguration rager was a front pager Now these haters want Tubman on my 20- I hate her
I'm the real hero, the nation, I saved Her
South Carolina tried to dip, kept every last acre
I did a major favor for the white guys with no land
Plus I could win a duel even if I had no hands I mean I did it with a bullet in my chest
And still lived to be America's best ever president
心理測試:4個女孩,誰最有心機?測你的智商能不能讓你掙大錢 - Duration: 5:28.
用潛艇打中國島礁?美媒:越南有打贏對華戰爭的方案 - Duration: 7:31.
年僅50歲每天不停拍戲,最後被累死,身體器官全部捐獻,真偉大! - Duration: 3:34.
You Are The Path - Duration: 2:50.
Hey this is Robert Simic, The Billionaire Coach and today I have another deeper topic
for you.
The title is: you are the path.
The other day I was just wondering a bit and, out of nowhere, it really hit me… the idea
of how beautiful it is knowing... that we are in the process of discovering... that
we ARE the reality... instead of thinking that… we are IN one.
The whole thing is entirely constructed inside of us and effortlessly projected outwards....
so that we can experience more of ourselves, more of what's inside of us.
It's an opportunity to embrace it all, instead of reject it and… let go, as in "clean
up" of everything that is not aligned with our true self.
I often get asked this question: How do you know what is true you and what isn't?
Well, you see…it's very simple...
If it, and by it I mean a projection, a belief, a meaning… drains you, hurts you, feels
bad... than it's not yours.
It's not aligned with your true signature frequency, which means that… you learned
it, picked it up from other people, society, media and alike.
While whatever is aligned to your true self, to your true North, always energizes you and
you experience it as love, joy, excitement, passion, ecstasy!
So whenever you are experiencing the negative, it's your own neurology causing you those
feelings... creating them inside of you, in order to get your attention, wanting to show
you that you are "off the path", that you are heading in the wrong direction.
Choosing a path with a heart... is similar to choosing a path with least resistance.
Life is experienced as effortless, when we follow our hearts, when we choose to have
fun, choose joyful stuff and passionate explorations.
You are never drained when being on a path with a heart, whatever that is for you...
You see, you have this internal guidance system, that is always correct and guides you all
the time... through your emotions and many other ways.
You just need to… realize that... the seemingly shortest path to your desired destination
may be full of obstacles and resistance for you... and that getting to your desired goal
may be far easier and many times faster, if you were to allow yourself to even take the
seemingly longest path...
As with no resistance, you'd get there much, much faster.
And than again... the really cool thing is... realization... that it's not about the expected
outcome, nor the destination itself... if you were to really see it like I do... you'd
see yourself to...
BE the path, to BE… the journey itself, as the path... and that journey of self-discovery…
is what it was all about.
Good night dreamers and good morning awakened ones - my unconditional love to you all.
2. skulderklap gik til en ildsjæl i Sindal - Duration: 1:09.
Elite: dangerous Federation Dropship Tactical paint pack review - Duration: 7:23.
Hey it's Ricardo and welcome to elite dangerous beyond yes I'm still playing I
thought I'd take a look at the paint pack available for the Federation
dropship a great old ship now this tactical paint pack does provide you
with quite a few cool colors personally my favorite paint job this entire pack
is ice white or tactical white I think it's great
adds a little bit of I don't know I just think the ship looks a bit gangster in
it you know where's the cutter the cutter is white generally by default
this is drab old olive green you know it's Federation it's a hunk of metal
it's built for sort of like a military usage but having that just extra car
that white just kind of brings the entire model alive in my honest opinion
I think it's definitely worth well a look if you are a federation drop ship
pilot now I flew this extensively earlier on in the main game when I was
starting out I thought it was great it did it for me it was quite good in
combat and then a decent cargo space and it was a great deal big lump of pig iron
I could throw around and escape most scrapes and sizes but let let's go
through the colors I got them all named as well let's play some music relax grab
a biscuit and let's go through this pink pack
so here we go straight up we've got tactical crimson now I like a bit of a
washed out dusty red or crimson you could say I think this there's add a
little bit to the model a little bit dark but again I do like the white as I
already mentioned the ship's looking pretty good in it you know I think it's
great the sort of the tactical colors are sort of rich but then dusty to lend
themselves that sort of a camouflaged affair
there's pick out the details of the model as opposed to some of the other
darker colours that we're gonna see as we progress through the video now
tactical crimson I would say that's probably second favorite what with white
being the first the ship does look good it does look really good now next up
we've got tactical khaki yes a car key depending on how you want to say it very
military looking you know very sort of Desert Storm Desert warfare good for
soft landing on those planets those sandy planets attempting not to be
noticed now it's one of these things like you know the camouflage it actually
did something can afford you some sort of in-game advantage then sewing having
you your ship painted sandy brown or sandy yellow depending on where you
stand with this would be an advantage at the moment it's all cosmetic and it
looks good lighter than tactical crimson blob see not like the tactical white
this has got to be my number three favorite all-round paint pack for this
ship now we've got tactical olive green that's what it is
olive green not even entirely sure olives can be that so darker color they
should have called it tactical tactical field or tactical grass or just tactical
green tactical olive hmm still looking very military if that's your twist on
the game and you're flying in a military win and you're packing one of these
things then this is the paint pack for you
this is I've got to say it the fourth favorite paint pack in the tactical
paint pack series for this ship just pipping the tactical khaki to the post
now tactical graphite or gray tactical gray this is what it is again light
makes it look a little bit boring enough for the ships within the elite dangerous
galaxy a gray and there we have it tactical ice or a tactical white this
for me is why it's all about I've said it a few times in this video already I
think it's fantastic really lends itself to the model and looks a bit bling looks
a bit gangster it looks like it should have a nice big set of flashing spinning
rims on it to go with its blacked-out windows perhaps even a go-faster stripe
but you can get those anyway can you so yes
tactical ice on this drop ship is by far my favorite pink pack and well worth a
look if you're in the market to buy a pink pack
now as with all these they come at a price and are pretty bright as well but
Czech Elks sometimes frontier does have some sales on now tactical cobalt what
can I say about this color it's too dark too dark all round and you know the
cobalt blue affair I get it I do I really do get it it's it's like well
we've got to have a blue involved you know what should we call it or we'll
call it cobalt and that sounds really good and tactical so we'll call it
tactical cobalt but it's okay because when you're out in in camera mode no one
else can see the ship hmm needed something to enhance it it just perhaps
my least favorite of all the tactical packs that are involved with this
tactical paint pack for the Federation dropship you know it's not it's not
abusive it's it's not hard on the eyes just doesn't really lend itself to well
to the model anyway I've been Ricardo it has been a leak dangerous and the
federation dropship tactical pink pack thanks very much for watching and check
out for more videos in the series
嚇壞了台軍正準備試射飛彈,解放軍戰機突然出現 - Duration: 13:33.
Hyundai ix35 2.0i Style (1ste eig.!!/Climate/Sidebars/Trekhaak) - Duration: 0:50.
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Linea Sol VERKOCHT ! ! ! - Duration: 1:11.
Opel Vectra 2.0i-16V GL 5-DRS TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:04.
Opel Ampera 1.4I Leder Navi Ecc Pdc 17"LM Cruise Contr. - Duration: 1:07.
Why Haven't You Started?
Michał Szpak został ojcem chrzestnym , a teraz myśli o swoim dziecku [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:20.
Michał Szpak został ojcem chrzestnym , a teraz myśli o swoim dziecku
Michał Szpak chce zostać ojcem?.
Michał Szpak należy do niezwykle oryginalnych polskich artystów młodego pokolenia.
Sławę zdobył bardzo szybko i nadal jest w czołówce popularnych wokalistów.
Wielką siłą Michała jest także niewiarygodny sztab wiernych fanów, którzy za swoim idolem zawsze pójdą w ogień.
Fani, którzy śledzą profil Szpaka, wiedzą, że artysta wrzucił ostatnio na swojego Instagrama zdjęcie z dzieckiem.
Michał szybko rozwiał plotki, oznajmiając, że pozuje do zdjęcia ze swoim chrześniakiem Ignacym.
Rola ojca chrzestnego jest dla Szpaka niezwykle ważnym zadaniem.
Zatem podchodzi to niego bardzo poważnie.
Podczas Polsat SuperHit Festiwal 2018, jeden z portali plotkarskich zapytał Michała kiedy planuje zostać prawdziwym ojcem.
Na razie rola ojca chrzestnego w zupełności mi wystarcza.
To jest bardzo dobra rola dla mnie. .
Dziecko i założenie rodziny jest dla mnie bardzo miłą perspektywą, jednak zobaczymy jak to będzie.
– wyjawił Michał.
O Ruposhi Konnare singer Fazlur Rahman Babu(ও রুপসী কন্যা রে) Bangla Super Hit song - Duration: 4:35.
Marek Bukowski walczy po rozwodzie o dobre relacje z dziećmi! Nie jest łatwo! - Duration: 7:01.
✅ Ariana Grande muda o visual e volta a ser morena - Duration: 1:14.
No final do ano passado, Ariana Grande surpreendeu os fãs ao aparecer com o cabelo cinza
Pouco tempo depois, a cantora começou a circular com os fios platinados, mas ao que tudo indica ela estava sentindo falta da sua cor natural
No último sábado (26), Ariana publicou uma selfie em sua conta no Instagram, não dá para ver muito o seu cabelo, mas dá para perceber que ela voltou ao tom castanho
Os seguidores pareceram aprovar a mudança e a publicação já ultrapassou dois milhões de curtidas
DIY Blackhead Removal Goes Viral - Duration: 3:00.
Extreme Scoliosis Could Keep Bride from Walking Down the Aisle - Duration: 3:21.
Como modificar el menú inicio de Windows 10 - Duration: 5:15.
Bride-to-Be with Extreme Scoliosis Gets an Amazing Surprise - Duration: 5:24.
Doctors Refusing to Use a Computer at Risk of Losing License - Duration: 5:12.
25 Most Common English Verbs You NEED to Know - Duration: 13:21.
Are you read?
You sure?
Are you guys ready?
I hope so because today we are going to talk to you about the 25 most common verbs in English.
That's coming up.
How was that intro? You think that was kind of off the cuff like?
So today we are going to tell you the 25 most common verbs in English.
These are verbs you really, really, really need to know.
And this - these verbs - this list is from a study
that was conducted using the Oxford English Corpus,
which is basically a huge collection of written texts that were examined
so they could find out which ones are the most frequent.
So this is a list of the most frequently used verbs
which means these are verbs that you guys should know.
You really need to know them.
Super important. Very important verbs.
They're super important.
You should know these verbs.
You should know them.
Did we say that you should know these verbs?
You should know them. You need to know them.
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, so what we're going to do is we're going to give you...stop laughing.
Okay. So what we're going to do is we're going to
give you these 25 verbs.
But with each one, we will give you the conjugation.
So we'll give you the present tense form, the past tense, and then the past participle from of the verb.
What are the most frequently used verbs in English?
What are they?
We're going to tell you.
All right. Let's begin. So the number one verb - drumroll.
is, really to no surprise, the verb TO BE.
It is the most common verb in English.
So in the present, you would use IS or ARE depending on the subject.
The past WAS/WERE and the past participle is BEEN.
That's true.
You confirm you confirm that?
It's correct.
You agree?
He's not lying to you guys.
Number two is HAVE or HAS.
And in the past its HAD. Past participle also HAD.
Number three...the third most common verb in English is TO DO.
So in the present DO or DOES, in the past DID, and the past participle is DONE.
Number four...SAY.
Say or says.
TO SAY or SAYS. The past tense is SAID and the past participle also SAID.
Number five is TO GET.
So the present simple GET/GETS. The past tense GOT.
And the past participle can be either GOT or GOTTEN.
So got is the more common form in British English.
And Americans will sometimes say gotten.
So for example, because we are from the United States, we say gotten.
Number six is TO MAKE.
So that's MAKE/MAKES. Past as MADE.
What's the past participle?
I don't know why I keep forgetting these.
It's good practice for us.
Yeah. I guess.
Everyone has to memorize these, including native English speakers.
So everyone has to memorize.
Because there's a lot of irregular verbs.
Pretty much all of them are irregular verbs.
Number seven is TO GO.
And...so the present simple GO/GOES. The past tense is WENT and the past participle GONE.
Gone with the wind.
Gone somewhere.
With the wind.
Gone with the Wind.
That is a movie. Yes.
It's out of focus.
Number eight is KNOW.
Not no. But "to know."
Okay, let's backtrack.
Okay, number eight is TO KNOW.
In the present tense, we have KNOW/KNOWS.
In the past tense we have KNEW and in the past participle it's KNOWN.
We know.
Number nine is TO TAKE.
So in the present tense TAKE/TAKES.
In the past TOOK and the past participle is TAKEN.
No, not "tooken." TAKEN.
Listen to him.
Number ten...TO SEE.
You look like such a dork.
This is SEE. SEE.
Number ten is TO SEE.
Number ten is TO SEE.
I'm okay
Number ten is to...
Number ten is...
Number ten is TO SEE.
So in the present tense...like how we did that?
In the present tense...
We were working on that for a while.
A long time.
In the present is we have SEE/SEES.
And in the past it's SAW.
And in the past participle SEEN.
Out of the top ten, which is your favorite verb?
Do you know why?
I do know why because it's...first of all it sounds like another word.
So it's like, if you know one word you know two words.
And second because I like knowledge. I like to know things.
Are you going to ask me?
Do you care? You don't care what my favorite verb is.
I want to share my favorite verb.
Fine. What's yours?
I would say...I like GO.
Because it's kind of...
You're what? You're going.
No. It's just a good action. I just like the the action. Like, "Hey, let's go!"
Let's go. Let's go. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's go.
Let's continue our... let's continue our list.
Number eleven is TO COME.
So in the...
Number eleven is TO COME, so...
You're terrible.
Number eleven is TO COME.
So in the present simple you'd have COME/COMES.
In the past COME, and in the past participle is just COME...again.
She keeps laughing when I say, "Come."
It's a popular verb all right.
No. I'm sure.
To come.
Okay. You got to stop.
It's popular verb. People use it a lot.
People come and go all the time. They come and go. Don't they?
Yes, they do.
Are we done with the innuendos?
Okay, I like this one.
Number twelve is TO THINK.
So let's see. In the present tense we have THINK/THINKS.
Past tense we have THOUGHT, and past participle THOUGHT as well.
Number thirteen is LOOK.
So this is our first regular verb. Oh my gosh.
In the present simple LOOK/LOOKS.
In the past is LOOKED, so the past perfect is also LOOKED.
Regular verbs are awesome.
First regular verb.
Number fourteen TO WANT.
In the present tense, this is WANT/WANTS.
In the past WANTED, and in the past participle also WANTED.
Another regular verb. Wow, two in a row. Amazing.Incredible.
It's a good one TO WANT. I like it.
I want...to tickle Wes.
Number fifteen is TO GIVE.
So in present simple GIVE/GIVES.
In the past it is GAVE, and the past participle is GIVEN.
Are you sure?
Are you 100% sure?
Why? Is it not...
This is another regular verb. So number sixteen is TO USE.
In the present tense, this is USE/USES.
Past tense USED and past participle USED as well.
Rocking along with these regular verbs now.
Number seventeen - just when I say that - is FIND, another irregular verb.
So in the present simple we have FIND/FINDS.
Past tense is FOUND and the past participle is also FOUND.
Memorize it. Practice it. Use it.
Number eighteen is TO TELL.
Present tense...TELL/TELLS.
Past tense...TOLD.
And past participle...TOLD.
It is funny because these are...these are so common,
but at the same time thinking of the conjugation I'm still like - wait a second.
You have to think about it.
Wait, which is that? Wait, what's the past participle?
But if you have to say it in a sentence I think we'll say it quickly.
Yeah, yeah. It's no problem.
Number nineteen is TO ASK.
So present simple ASK/ASKS.
And the past is ASKED.
And the past participle ASKED as well.
It sounded like you said "assed."
Wait, let me say it again.
So the present is ASK/ASKS.
And the past is ASKED.
And the past participle is also ASKED.
I'm trying to get "asked."
I know I was laughing because your eyes are like bulging out.
Every time you say it you're like "ASKS."
And then it was ASKED.
That -ed has that T sound because the K is voiceless.
There we go.
Number twenty - it's another regular verb - in the present tense we have...
What's the verb?
Number twenty is TO WORK.
And this is another regular verb.
So in the present we have WORK/WORKS.
Past tense WORKED. Past participle WORKED.
Number twenty-one TO SEEM.
And the present SEEM/SEEMS.
In the past - because it's regular - SEEMED.
And the past participle is also SEEMED.
And it's true.
Number twenty-two is TO FEEL.
This one in the present tense is FEEL/FEELS.
Past tense FELT. Past participle FELT.
Twenty-three...TO TRY.
So we have TRY/TRIES in the present.
The past...TRIED and the past participle TRIED.
Ends with a -y so we use -ied.
Number twenty-four is TO LEAVE.
In the present tense this is LEAVE/LEAVES.
Past tense LEFT. Past participle LEFT.
And number twenty-five - the last of the most common English verbs - is TO CALL.
So we have CALL/CALLS in the present.
CALLED in the past, and the past participle is CALLED.
So out of all of these verbs, which one is your favorite now?
Is it still TO KNOW?
I think so actually. Oh no. Can I change my answer?
I like TO GIVE. I like give.
Okay. That's a good one.
That's funny because mine would be TO WANT.
I like TO WANT something. That's what I was going to say.
Number fourteen...TO WANT.
Yes. Next year, WANT - it's making its way to the top.
I like GIVE.
What about TO COME?
Now, what we want you to do is in the comments tell us which of these verbs is your favorite.
Or tell us which one that you think you use the most.
Which one is most common for you?
And write that in the comments. We want to know.
We hope you give us...
I'm trying to use your favorite verb.
Give us a comment!
We hope you enjoyed this lesson and know all of these
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Rising Costs of EpiPens Have Some People Making Their Own - Duration: 4:19.
Drs. Rx: Looking for a Brain Boost? - Duration: 1:32.
Childhood Cancer Survivor Undergoes Major Makeover - Duration: 5:18.
See Cancer Survivor's Incredible Transformation - Duration: 4:36.
El Smilodon, el fantástico "dientes de sable" - Duration: 5:23.
England forward Raheem Sterling defends gun tattoo - Duration: 2:41.
England forward Raheem Sterling defends gun tattoo
England footballer Raheem Sterling has defended his new tattoo of a gun, saying it has a deeper meaning and refers to his late father.
Anti-gun campaigners criticised the Manchester City forward after he shared a photo of himself with the tattoo of an M16 assault rifle on his leg. The image has been called totally unacceptable and sickening.
But Sterling said it reflects a vow he made to never touch a gun after his father was shot dead when he was a boy.
Sterling, 23, who will travel to Russia this summer as part of Englands World Cup squad, first revealed his tattoo in a photo posted to Instagram of himself in training with team-mates at St Georges Park.
Lucy Cope, who founded group Mothers Against Guns after her son was shot dead in 2012, said Sterling should not play for England unless he gets rid of the tattoo.
Speaking to the Sun newspaper, she said: This tattoo is disgusting. Raheem should hang his head in shame. We demand he has the tattoo lasered off or covered up with a different tattoo.
If he refuses he should be dropped from the England team. Hes supposed to be a role model but chooses to glamorise guns.. Sterling, who joined City from Liverpool for £49m in July 2015, responded on Instagram on Monday evening.
Former England player-turned-pundit Gary Lineker said Sterling was a terrific footballer with a brilliant work ethic, and called the Suns treatment of him disgusting. According to previous reports, Sterlings father was killed in Kingston, Jamaica.
Drs. Retail Therapy: Starting May 29 - Duration: 4:18.
Niestrawność – Co może się za nią kryć? - Duration: 6:38.
✅ José Loreto publica foto da mulher amamentando a filha de 1 mês e encanta - Duration: 2:45.
e José Loreto não escondem de ninguém que estão super felizes e ainda mais depois da chegada da pequena Bella, primeira filha do casal
Neste domingo, 27 de maio, o ator resolveu usar seu Instagram para postar uma foto de sua esposa amamentando a bebê
+ Mara Maravilha revela o que fará se o filho for gay e abre o coração: "Já fui vítima de vício" "Meus presentes da vida", escreveu o ator na legenda da foto, em que Débora aparece feliz amamentando a pequena, de apenas um mês e treze dias de vida
"Que papai do céu e os anjos abençoe muito vcs", desejou uma seguidora. "Nao existe momento melhor que esse!
Inexplicável!", comentou outra. Apesar de ter dado à luz há pouco tempo, atriz já revelou querer voltar ao trabalho
"O próximo personagem é para o fim do ano, em uma produção da Globo. E o marido também estará em uma produção do canal, mas não a mesma
Estou doida para voltar a trabalhar com o marido, mas não vai ser agora, nem ano que vem, mas nós dois estaremos em uma produção, cada um em um horário diferente", afirmou a morena
Débora contou também que ainda não está focada em voltar a forma física que tinha antes da gestação: "Bella fez um mês na segunda-feira e me perguntaram de quem é o bolinho
Por falar em bolo, zero dieta, não é? Estou me acabando! Como que emagrece assim? Mas eu também não estou bolada, não, com esse negócio de dieta, de voltar ao peso"
+ Após exigir seguranças para a Record e ignorar fãs, Fabíola Gadelha reage e surpreende nas redes sociais A atriz global brincou sobre a vida de mãe de primeira viagem
"Vou aproveitar os poucos minutos que me restam antes da criança acordar para mamar
E eu com meu sutiã de amamentação aparecendo", comentou elas nas redes sociais.
✅ Com 1 ano, filha de Bruno Gissoni e Yanna Lavigne escolhe seu próprio padrinho - Duration: 1:32.
Os dias de Bruno Gissoni têm sido de grandes emoções. O ator, que se casou com Yanna Lavigne em uma cerimônia surpresa no último domingo, 27, publicou um textão no Instagram para revelar que sua filha, Madalena, de apenas 1 ano, escolheu o tio Felipe Simas como seu padrinho
"Estamos quase no século 22. Já que eu havia escolhido um [padrinho], nada mais justo que deixar Madalena escolher o outro", escreveu o recém-casado
Pelo que Bruno contou, a nomeação não foi difícil, afinal, a pequena já demonstrava grande afeição ao irmão caçula da família Simas: "Não demorou muito pra ela se decidir, foi amor à primeira vista, ela fica toda dengosa quando vê o dindo, toda toda", declarou o pai coruja
"Mas como o irmão mais maduro da família, sabia que o convite tinha que partir de mim, ou dela mesma no caso", completou todo orgulhoso
________________________________________________________________ Márcia Sensitiva ensina simpatia para conseguir emprego e promoção no trabalho
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