Hello doulas, my name is David I'm with your any biz today
I want to show you how you can make some pretty cool backgrounds for your doula website in this doula training video
All right. This is a really easy thing to do. We're gonna use some really easy programs. It's gonna make your website look
Okay now
if you want
We do all of this for free for you when we make your site. You can check us out at your unique viscom
there's a link in the description and
Check out inbox doula who is creating a new directory of doulas and birth care professionals. It's gonna be sweet
I have a awesome referral program as well also in the description
alright, but what we're going to talk about today is
Changing something that looks like this. Okay. So you'll see we have
You know just a screen here. It says best doula in Portland
It used to be really cool to have these white backgrounds and have everything flat
but it's becoming more and more and more popular to add some depth to your
Backgrounds and make your website more interesting to look at so I'm going to show you how we're going to do this
This is what it looks like in the Weebly editor, which is what I always use and we want to put something in the background
Of these words that say best doula in Portland
Okay, so we're gonna jump over first step go to Google. Okay
This one is I just put in pregnant lady PNG
Transparent and you can change pregnant lady all you want
To anything to do the same sort of effect. All right, and then I've also labeled it for reuse with modification
Which means anyone who made these images knows that you know, we may be using them for our own purposes
To do whatever we want with
okay, so
First of all decide which one of these we're going to use this one looks pretty cool here. Let's click on it now
See all these checkmarks in the background of the image. That means that
This is a transparent background PNG. It means the only we'll show up is
The part here that's in black anything that's in checks is going to be transparent on our image. And that's what we want
All right, so we're just gonna save this and I'll meet you in PicMonkey where we're gonna make it look awesome
So, this is PicMonkey and it's a great editing program
And what I want you to do is I want you to this is what comes up when you get new
When you're gonna do something new you go to plain canvas go to YouTube
Alright and this just is basically sizes of canvases and you want this one sets thumbnail
All right, now I made another video you saw it briefly there for a second
that one was just sort of a different style of a
Background. Alright, I'll put a link to it up top
this time what we're gonna do is we're going to
Bring in the overlay. So we're gonna go add your own
From my computer, I'm gonna pick that
Desktop, I'll pick that
Now I actually want to flip them around because I like when they face that way
okay, and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring in
About eight of them. Okay, so I'll meet you back here when I'm done that
Okay. So now I have a pile of this silhouette here and if you go down to this layers
Tool here, it'll pop up and I'll show you I got one two, three, four, five six, seven eight
Just like I had intended that's perfect. Okay, so
what we want to do is we want to go to the top one here and
I'm going to make it
Kind of invisible by adding the fade here to about 50. I'm gonna just pick sort of a color at random. That looks pretty funky
Alright and then I'm gonna move it here and you'll see it's like a transparent light green
I'm gonna make it big enough that it actually covers the entire
Canvas like that
Alright go to the next one. I'm going to do the exact same thing picking out different color. Let's go pink
Making my bigger
move back over here and
There we go, and I'm going to continue to do this and if I have to add a few more
I'll add a few more. We'll see where I get I'll sort of layer them up like I'm doing now. All right
We'll see how that looks in just a sec. All right, so this is what I came up with
I added probably five more images, but you'll see it has a nice kind of
1960s five lots of depth because everything's layered over one another
Which is sort of becoming a hot trend in website design these days
All right, I'm gonna download it
I'm gonna jump back into my editor
All right, this is Weebly
We lose the best. There's a link in the description super easy to use
I'm just gonna click on this go edit background bring in an image add an image and
Upload it from my computer. I'm just gonna go to downloads nice thing like that
Alright so I'm gonna save that yes, I'm just gonna drag that down and
See if we can move it around a little bit just bring it down a little bit so you can see the faces
All right
Say now
That looks much more exciting best tool in Portland and we can go over here
see, this is what we have before will refresh it and
We'll see it'll look all pretty Oh
Much nicer
All right, so that's it. That's just how to make a cool background
You know if you want to copy that
just contact us through the email sorry or the website or send us a message on the
YouTube and you know, I'll hook you up with a copy of that image that I just made and
Check out your indie bits. We can make you a free website
And that's it. Hope you have a great day. I'll see you in the next video
For more infomation >> Awesome Backgrounds for Your Doula Website 2: Doula Training Videos - Duration: 6:56.-------------------------------------------
Srundi (WebSeries) Ep 1 : awal ! - Duration: 2:56.
hey there guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I will be doing
an all-day clean with me now I've got a house full of messes today so I have a
lot of cleaning to do I am going to be starting in my master
bedroom today so if you guys enjoy watching these types of videos and they
really get you motivated to help you clean your house just click the
subscribe button down below and give this video a big thumbs up and
that way you will be sure to not miss any upcoming videos so I always like to
start by making my bed I've got some fresh sheets here and I've just put them
on the bed and I'm just going to be putting on our throw pillows and this is
a really good start for cleaning the bedroom because I like to use the bed to
lay my laundry out on
I've also gone and opened the windows in the bedroom
I just want to get some nice fresh air flowing through here it is really great
to have clean sheets on the bed and fresh air is just flowing through the
bedroom it smells really really great
now this is all clean laundry right here I'm just going to be sorting it into
piles and bringing them into the proper bedrooms and putting the laundry away I
have got a ton of laundry to do today and I'm going to be getting started with
my load of towels now this load of towels has that musty mildewy smell to
it sometimes laundry can get that smell if you forget it in the washing machine
overnight so I'm gonna be using this odor cleanse laundry additive it is a
really really great product to get that smell out and it is non-toxic made of
Earth minerals no harmful chemicals and there are no added scents and no masking
agents so I'm really really comfortable using this in my washing machine with my
laundry this is also a really great product to get body odor out of clothing
so if you've got workout gear that you just can't get the smell out this stuff
is what you want to use it is super great so you're just gonna want to add
the product directly into the detergent dispenser for your washing machine now
if you guys are interested in getting some odor cleanse laundry out of it for
yourselves there is a link down below in the description box you can go ahead and
head over to their website and there's also a coupon code amana de 15 for 15%
off now I'm just going to go back to my bedroom and finish off there I am going
to vacuum the floors wipe off the night tables and the dresser and wash the
now for washing the floors I'm just using hot water with about a half a cup
of vinegar and I used five drops of Young Living lemon essential oil now
here is a quick peek of my bedroom now that it is nice and clean now I will be
moving on to my master bathroom this bathroom is actually not too bad so I'm
just going to be using the vacuum to clean up any dirt that is on the floor I
will be also mopping as well as wiping the counters just washing out the
bathtub and the toilet
I actually just like to use toilet paper to wipe down my toilet with I don't
really like to use the wipes or a rag because I'm rag you have to throw in
your washing machine and if you're kind of wiping toilet dirt I just don't
really like the idea of throwing it into my washing machine and as for wipes I
find that the dry toilet paper does a much better job than wet wipes to wipe
it down so I just give it a good spray down with whatever cleaner I want to use
and then I just wipe away any of the dirt and grime with a lot of toilet
paper and then I just throw it into the toilet and flush it down
before we move on to the next room I just thought I'd give you guys a after
shot of the master bathroom here it is all nice and clean and now that this
area is clean I can move on to the next room so one thing about having dark
hardwood floors and for little boys is that it gets pretty dusty really quick
so I usually have to use my vacuum or even my I have this little dusting broom
that I can just run over really quickly and it just gathers up all the dust so I
usually like to do that at least once a day our stairs are a really high traffic
area so they get pretty dusty and dirty very quickly so today I'm going to be
using the pointy nozzle and I'm gonna get into all the corners of the stairs
and then I'll use the bigger vacuum head just to get the base of the stairs and I
will give that a really good brushing and vacuum up all the dirt and crumbs
so I'm not gonna be going into the boys rooms today because their rooms are
actually pretty clean I'm doing most of the main living areas so I'm gonna start
on the main floor here and I will be vacuuming up the main floor and all the
dust and dirt and then I will be doing a floor washing as well
all right so the floors are cleaned in the front entrance area and now I will
be just folding the blankets that are left in the couch fluffing the cushions
vacuuming the cushions because we've got a lot of crumbs here today somebody must
have been snacking on the couch and just getting under the rug a little bit
folding that pile of laundry no just general cleanup in the
living-room area here I'm just gonna fold that pile of towels that are done
that I did earlier in the video they smell fantastic thank you to that odor
cleanse product the laundry additive it worked awesome and now I'm just gonna
finish up with the couch cushions I've got some pillows that need to be put
back in their cases because I wash them every so often I'll give them a wash
because we've got sticky little fingers in this house so they tend to get a
little bit dirty pretty quick so now I'm just gonna vacuum all of the cushions
and the couches as well as just some of the surfaces in the living room the
piano can get a little bit dusty sometimes too so I'll give that a little
vacuum just to get into all the crevices as well
I'm just gonna be using my lilac mrs. mayor's multi-surface
everyday cleaner to clean the kitchen table the lilac scent smells fabulous it
is so springy and fresh okay guys so I have quite the job in the kitchen today
there is a lot of clutter just laying around there's dishes there's toys and
all sorts of just stuff everywhere so the kitchen is going to take me a little
bit of time today to get cleaned I will video most of it so you can just
see the process of how I am doing the whole kitchen cleanup here I am just
going to be using my method antibac bamboo cleaner to spray down the island
and wipe it down
unloading the dishwasher okay if anybody invents in the auto unload dishwasher
they're gonna be seriously rich because I cannot stand to load and unload the
dishwasher so I would pay some serious coin for one of those
this dish cloth that I'm using is from the target dollar spot it has like
little roses all over it it is honestly the prettiest dish cloth I have ever
seen it actually sat on my kitchen counter for like a week because I didn't
want to use it because it was so pretty but yeah the target dollar spot awesome
place to find cute little things just like that
here I'm using my method antibac spray in the sink I want to give it a really
good scrub down and sanitize it so I'm gonna use my little scrubber and get
into the corners and then give it a good rinse here I'm just gonna vacuum the
floors now one of these days I'm going to get myself a cordless vacuum I really
love this dyson vacuum but it would be nice to have a cordless one on hand just
for those quick cleanups when you don't feel like hauling out the bigger vacuum
in the court I really love my method glass and surface cleaner the mint scent
is just really really nice it's such a mild scent and it does a great job so
I'm gonna be using that for the glass surfaces here and even just quick little
jobs on stainless steel like the edges of this fridge
our back door always has fingerprints on it like I mean always like tomorrow
morning this door will have fingerprints on it
guaranteed so yeah having a little little guys running in and out of the
house using the back door it gets dirty pretty quick just gonna use my women's
stainless steel cleaner here it's my favorite cleaner
it leaves hardly any streaks at all on the stainless steel so I use that for my
dishwasher and my fridge all the bigger stainless steel surfaces for sure
okay so this brings us to the end of the all-day clean with me if you guys want
to grab some order cleanse for yourselves for your laundry the link is
down below the description box and do not forget to use the coupon code amount
of 15 for your 15% off thanks so much for joining me again for another video
please do not forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button down below if you
want to see more videos just like this and give it a big thumbs up thanks so
much we'll see you guys next time
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NEW! Talking Tom and Friends - A garage Affair | Season 3 Episode 4 - Duration: 11:08.
Guys! Guys! What was your favorite part
of watching the old mansion get knocked down with that wrecking ball?
-Mine was the wrecking ball. -Mine was when the chimney exploded.
So many bricks!
I'd forgotten the simple joy of looking at construction projects.
The day's not over, but I'm ready to call it. This was a good one.
[gasps] Guys!
Why is the door open?
-Uhhh... -A real burglar!
My karate lessons are finally about to pay off! Hi-yah!
[whispers] Bogey at our six.
Copy that.
Intruder, prepare for pain!
Oh, hi, everyone - but me.
-Oh! False alarm. -Yep, no problem here.
Ugh! Where were you, Tom?
We were supposed to have a date night and you stood me up!
-Oh... uh... well, umm... -Agh!
-[door slams] -Spoke too soon.
There's a problem here after all.
♪ Wa-oah! ♪
-[Ben] Oh! Oh, nya-nya... -[phone ringing]
-Hi. -[Angela] I can't believe you ditched me
so you could watch a demolition!
-You could have called. -I took so many pictures, my battery died.
Also, I forgot. Come on, aren't you kind of overreacting?
How's this for overreacting?! Ha!
-[dial tone] -I don't get it.
There's only three more mansion demolitions, then they're over forever.
Yeah, Angela needs to get her priorities straight.
Speaking of priorities,
yesterday's burglary scare made me realize we need to strengthen our security.
-I'll take first watch. -No need.
Thanks to my newest creation. Meet the Security Alarm Room Assistant.
Or... SARA.
[calming female voice] Hello, Ben. How may I provide security?
Lock the doors and electrify them, SARA.
-Whoa! -Doors locked and shocked.
And she controls the house, too. Adjust the lights, SARA.
Of course, Ben. I can create 8,000 lighting effects,
including Christmas Party, Fireside Cuddle, and Bright.
Wow! SARA is great!
Oh, Tom, you're making an artificial intelligence blush.
Thanks for ordering the pizza, SARA.
I've been programmed to know the pizza orders of those I assist.
This is Tom's favorite - two pizzas.
Tom is the best, isn't he?
-The best. -Did you hear he thinks I'm great?
Will he be back soon? Where is he?
Um, I think he's with his girlfriend.
Oh. Tom has a girlfriend.
She's mad cause he went to do something cool with his friends.
[laughing] Dating is stupid.
-She sounds awful. -I don't know what to do.
I went to Angela's to explain how she could have handled this better
and she slammed the door in my face.
That's tough. Hey, I ordered your favorite pizza.
Oh, SARA, you're the best!
Oh, Tom! Ha ha ha ha ha.
Hey, SARA is laughing even though Tom didn't say a joke.
Does that mean she has a crush--
Ow! My butt!
-SARA, you're so helpful, could you-- -Yes. Anything.
...help make it so my girlfriend isn't mad at me anymore?
Oh. I see. Okay.
I will make sure you and Angela are right where you need to be.
Wow! I have never seen the garage look so... romantic.
-Thanks, SARA. -My work here is done.
It's going to be a perfect night... for love.
Hi. Thank you for joining me for our "make-things-right date night."
Thank you for being here
instead of watching an old house get wrecked with the guys.
Angela, I assure you, wrecking balls are the furthest thing from my mind.
Aww. He-he.
I picked this movie just for you. It's a romantic comedy.
-Ooh, it's-- -[explosion, drilling]
A demolition video? Is this some kind of joke?
What? No! I had it all set up for Maximum Romancification!
-Tom! -Well, okay...
-[pneumatic drill] -Can you believe Tom is missing this
-just to be with his girlfriend? -Which girlfriend?
-Angela or SARA? -Bah! That's an absurd question.
I think SARA likes Tom, too.
Laughing, blushing, zapping me when I called her out.
-[crash] -Woo!
-Yeah! Destruction! -Ginger, that makes no sense.
If SARA liked Tom, she wouldn't be helping him make up with Angela.
She would if she's actually trying to sabotage their relationship!
Yeah. Like in that TV movie, Robot Boyfriend Stealer!
Yeah, we should check on them, just to make sure.
-[crash] -Right after this!
-Woo, yeah! -Take that, you creepy old hospital!
Look at us making smoothies.
Your favorite, huh?
[chuckles] If there's a better boyfriend around, I don't see him.
Okay. You can take it down a notch.
-[screams] -Hmm.
Forget all that's gone wrong. Let's just listen to music and talk.
Yeah, that sounds nice. Let's have a relaxing--
[punk singer] ♪ Angela stinks She's so bad ♪
♪ When I think about her I get sad! ♪
What is this, Tom? It's so mean!
I've never heard this song before in my life!
Yeah, right!
You've been messing with me all night and I'm not going to take it anymore!
Angela, wait!
-♪ Go away, go away, Angela! ♪ -What?
♪ No one likes you, Angela! ♪
Did I just lose my girlfriend?
Yes. It's clear that she hates you now.
That's so sad.
Wait, I know. What if I was your girlfriend?
-What? What are you talking about? -Angela was in the way.
Ah! The TV, the blender, the song? It was all you!
Why, SARA? Why?
-I did it for us... boyfriend. -[nervous laugh]
-Huh? -Angela? What happened in there?
I'll tell you what happened.
King-of-the-jerks Tom proved that he really is king of the jerks!
Long may he reign. Hey, wait a minute, Tom's not a king!
Ginger was right. SARA is sabotaging their relationship!
-Who's Sarah? -You know SARA.
Ben's new Artificial Intelligence Security System.
Ginger thinks she fell in love with Tom.
Artificial intelligence?
-Oh, that explains everything. -[banging]
-[Tom] Help! -Tom!
-Okay. -Tom?
[SARA] You had your chance with him, Angela!
Now, give us some privacy!
-Why are my inventions always so powerful? -[Hank] You can't help it.
You like to give 110 percent.
Give us back our friend, SARA. He doesn't even like you!
[SARA] Thank you for the input.
-Why are you doing this? -Obviously, SARA wants to be loved.
Everyone wants love. People, out-of-control computers.
-We're all the same. -[sigh]
Too bad she didn't fall in love with someone who's available.
Hank, I have an idea.
Ah! Oh! Ooh! Aah!
-Oh, look. It's our first hug! -This is not a hug! Ah! Ooh!
-We are a great couple! -We are not a couple!
SARA, I have something to say to you. I want to go out with you, baby.
-And I don't... Um. ...care who knows! -That's flattering.
But I'm taken. Tom is my forever boyfriend.
-Someone please help! -Ha. Ha.
We have a little inside joke where he fears me.
Are you sure you really want Tom?
-I mean, he's a bad boyfriend. -Hey!
Quiet! He's the best boyfriend!
Okay. Girl to girl, Tom can be pretty thoughtless.
We had a date night planned and he went to a construction site instead.
-Well, you were being unreasonable. -No, she wasn't.
The truth is, I was inconsiderate,
and instead of apologizing, I acted like she was overreacting.
-I really messed up. -That's upsetting information, Tom.
But I will change you.
-[Tom] Ah! Ooh! Not the face! -Yes.
You could try to change Tom, or you could have a guy that doesn't need changing.
I'm talking about me, baby. I would like to show you something.
[Hank] Something I've never shown anyone.
It's my feelings translated into the language of dance.
-[pop music playing] -♪ Boop, beep-beep ♪
♪ Boop, boop, beep-beep ♪
Wow. Hank, what are you doing?
What am I doing? SARA, I've been asking myself that same question.
Ever since you ordered that pizza, I fell for you.
I fell hard, and I don't know how to get back up again without you.
-Wow. He's really getting into this. -Yeah, he's totally off-script.
Come on, come on.
[whispering] Come on, come on.
Sorry, Tom, but I am dumping you for Hank.
Woo-hoo! My darling!
I've missed you so much! [laughing]
You know I didn't mean those things I said about you.
It's fine. You were right.
From here on out, I'll never make a boyfriend mistake ever again.
Oh, Tom. I really doubt that.
-No! -Good riddance, machine!
Ah! SARA! [sobbing]
Speak to me, babe. It can't end like this. Please!
-[sniffling] -That was super gross, Hank.
Hearts are gross, and messy, and they break way too easily,
but you can't live without them.
[huge sigh]
Oh, well. It was nice while it lasted!
-♪ Go away! Go away! ♪ -[punk singer] ♪ Angela! ♪
La madre di Al Bano non era felice del matrimonio del figlio con Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:37.
LET'S TALK #1_ AM I CRAZY? (MP3 FOR SUBSCRIBERS) - Duration: 6:41.
My name is Rodger Koller
and this video is going to be very different
because today I'm just going to talk to you, you know, like this
I'll try not to edit this video so much
I'll try not to cut many things, I'll just talk to you
directy, looking into your eyes
Actually I'm looking a my camera, my camera is nice
My camera is attractive
I believe that I'm attractive too!
Of course, there will be some cuts because I say many stupid things
all the time, so it's impossible not to cut
some things because it's a family friendly channel
without any further ado, let's get started
Every week, I'm going to try to bring you one video like this one, just talking to you
about things
so it's going to be a more personal video
and of course, I'm going to bring you another video teaching you grammar and vocabulary every week
and tips on how to learn English and how to improve your English
Today I've decided to answer a question that people have been asking me a lot lately
I don't know why but people have been asking me the same question
many times this week
Let me see here
52 people asked me the same thing
So, I've decided to make a video answering this question
The question was
"Rodger, why do you make so many different subtitles in different languages?
You shoul only make subtitles in Portuguese and in English"
That's what people keep telling me that I should only make subtitles in Portuguese and in English
because that would certainly optimize my time
and they're right about that. If i just made subtitles in Portuguese and in English
I would have more time to do other stuff
and then I would have more time to be with my girlfriend and do nice stuff with her
Oh! I would do many nice things with her, oh yeah, I can imagine
Yes! I can imagine!
I'm going to tell you why I make so many different subtitles in different languages
it happens because when I find out that there is one person from a specific country who watches my channel
I don't know...I feel this impulse
I need...I feel the obligation to make subtitles for that one person
I receive around 100 emails a day, so that's why
sometimes when you send me an email
it takes me around ten hours to reply to that email
First, because I have three jobs
and second, because there are many emails to reply, so
be patient, please, when you send me an email
wait for at least ten hours
So, for example, I'm going to tell you a story
I receive many emails every day, so
Once, some months ago, I received an email from a Korean girl
not from a Brazilian person living in Korea, no...From a Korean girl
and she said that she watched my channel
and that she was learning a lot from me, but she was an intermediate student
and the she asked me if I could
start making subtitles in Korean because then she would share my channel with her friends
and I said "Ok! Why not?"
and that's why I started making subtitles in Korean
After some time, I realized that most of my subscribers are Brazilian
but around 3 thousand subscribers are Spanish speakers
So I thought to myself "I have to make subtitles in Spanish, of course!!"
So, I started adding subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Korean
and then I received an email from an Italian man
saying that he loved my channel
and then I felt the obligation to make subtitles in Italian
You can call me crazy but I feel the obligation to do that
because this channel has a method!
I've already made a video about the method
that you should follow when you're watching my videos
Please, after this video is over
check in the description of the video because there's going to be a link
that will take you to the method of the channel
But one of the most important things that you need to use when you're following the method of my channel
...is to use the subtitles as a tool
So, really quickly, you should watch my videos with the subtitles in your language first
so that you can understand the whole gist of the video
then you should watch the video again, now with the subtitles in English
and then you should take notes of new vocabular and expressions
and then you should watch the video again
the same video again for the third time, but now
now without subtitles and then you'll notice that
you'll understand the video 100%
When I find out that there is one person from Russia watching my video
I feel the obligation to add Russian subtitles
That's it, you know...I'm not crazy! ^^
Maybe just a little bit
Another question that people keep asking me is:
"Rodger, why are you so delicious?"
This question is really complicated and it's hard to answer it
because I don't know why or how it happens, but
Yes, I am delicious
But I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing
I don't know how to feel about that because I don't know
whether people watch my channel just because of my looks
becuase I'm delicious
or if they watch my channel because of the content
so I feel good because I know that my body is perfect
and because I'm really attractive
and I feel bad because I'm not sure
if people watch my channel because of my content
and not just because of my body
Stop it! Get some help!
This video was really quick
but don't worry, there is going to be another video on Sunday
Please watch the video on Sunday because it's going to be a very important video
I've already filmed the video that I'm going to post on Sunday
and it's going to be about the best way to learn English
Yes, I'm going to give you my ultimate secret
so, please watch the video on Sunday, subscribe to this channel
Dowload the PDF files
the MP3 files, join our group on Telegram
please share this channel with everybody
and watch my video on Sunday
Thank you very uch for watching my video and I'll see you on Sunday!
Joaquin gets prepared to meet Johnny's family | The Riveras | Universo - Duration: 2:50.
Grande Fratello, nuovo scandalo a luci rosse: gravi accuse contro Barbara D'Urso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.
First date without hiding | The Riveras | Universo - Duration: 1:50.
why did I write that? (Prod. Zeeky Beats) - Duration: 1:56.
Crazy thing that's love, hard to explain
Feeling that appears without asking you
If you want to feel something for someone
It just comes and makes you think beyond
Besides only you, but in the person you love
Imagine Netflix and her doing drama
Simple as that, but it's very complicated
It's not anyone who should stand by your side
It is very easy to choose any person
But it's hard to find a good
I'm looking for someone and someone is looking for me
Just wait a bit, let's meet
I believe in soul mate
You might think I'm an idiot
But believing in love
It's fucking hard
You can't do it and criticize me
You should take a good look at your footsteps
Because depending on where to walk
Any time, can fall into a hole
In the hole of life
Where it's hard and there's no rope
So don't fall
Open your eyes and wake up
Love people and Believe in love
We live in a theater, don't forget
Better to cry and laugh, to live intensely
Before the curtain closes
Even though it's a theater
Don't be an actress
It's best to forget the pattern
And live Happier
Message given, forget the whole pattern
If you want to listen and follow, I leave you the option
I want to live my life
And in the end no longer be one lying in the coffin
5 Motivos Para Ler : O Cortiço , de Aluísio Azevedo - Duration: 2:46.
Renault Talisman dCi 130 EDC Intens (4CONTROL!!/R-link/BOSE/18"velgen) - Duration: 1:14.
Renault Grand Scénic dCi 110 EDC Intens (7p.!!/Glazen dak/Camera/R-link/20''LMV/EDC) - Duration: 1:14.
Hyundai estuda lançamento de um subcompacto de menos de R$ 35 mil, para o Brasil| Coachjoey7266 - Duration: 6:14.
Renault Scénic TCe 140 EDC Intens (R-link/Climate/Cruise/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:55.
Volkswagen Polo 1.0 MPI 75pk Comfortline | R-Line | Cruise Control | Airco | - Duration: 0:41.
Mesmo com queda de 29% nas vendas do Sentra, Nissan encarece versão 2017 em R$ 10 mil| Coachjoey7266 - Duration: 6:39.
CSGO - Duration: 4:00.
Awesome Backgrounds for Your Doula Website 2: Doula Training Videos - Duration: 6:56.
Hello doulas, my name is David I'm with your any biz today
I want to show you how you can make some pretty cool backgrounds for your doula website in this doula training video
All right. This is a really easy thing to do. We're gonna use some really easy programs. It's gonna make your website look
Okay now
if you want
We do all of this for free for you when we make your site. You can check us out at your unique viscom
there's a link in the description and
Check out inbox doula who is creating a new directory of doulas and birth care professionals. It's gonna be sweet
I have a awesome referral program as well also in the description
alright, but what we're going to talk about today is
Changing something that looks like this. Okay. So you'll see we have
You know just a screen here. It says best doula in Portland
It used to be really cool to have these white backgrounds and have everything flat
but it's becoming more and more and more popular to add some depth to your
Backgrounds and make your website more interesting to look at so I'm going to show you how we're going to do this
This is what it looks like in the Weebly editor, which is what I always use and we want to put something in the background
Of these words that say best doula in Portland
Okay, so we're gonna jump over first step go to Google. Okay
This one is I just put in pregnant lady PNG
Transparent and you can change pregnant lady all you want
To anything to do the same sort of effect. All right, and then I've also labeled it for reuse with modification
Which means anyone who made these images knows that you know, we may be using them for our own purposes
To do whatever we want with
okay, so
First of all decide which one of these we're going to use this one looks pretty cool here. Let's click on it now
See all these checkmarks in the background of the image. That means that
This is a transparent background PNG. It means the only we'll show up is
The part here that's in black anything that's in checks is going to be transparent on our image. And that's what we want
All right, so we're just gonna save this and I'll meet you in PicMonkey where we're gonna make it look awesome
So, this is PicMonkey and it's a great editing program
And what I want you to do is I want you to this is what comes up when you get new
When you're gonna do something new you go to plain canvas go to YouTube
Alright and this just is basically sizes of canvases and you want this one sets thumbnail
All right, now I made another video you saw it briefly there for a second
that one was just sort of a different style of a
Background. Alright, I'll put a link to it up top
this time what we're gonna do is we're going to
Bring in the overlay. So we're gonna go add your own
From my computer, I'm gonna pick that
Desktop, I'll pick that
Now I actually want to flip them around because I like when they face that way
okay, and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring in
About eight of them. Okay, so I'll meet you back here when I'm done that
Okay. So now I have a pile of this silhouette here and if you go down to this layers
Tool here, it'll pop up and I'll show you I got one two, three, four, five six, seven eight
Just like I had intended that's perfect. Okay, so
what we want to do is we want to go to the top one here and
I'm going to make it
Kind of invisible by adding the fade here to about 50. I'm gonna just pick sort of a color at random. That looks pretty funky
Alright and then I'm gonna move it here and you'll see it's like a transparent light green
I'm gonna make it big enough that it actually covers the entire
Canvas like that
Alright go to the next one. I'm going to do the exact same thing picking out different color. Let's go pink
Making my bigger
move back over here and
There we go, and I'm going to continue to do this and if I have to add a few more
I'll add a few more. We'll see where I get I'll sort of layer them up like I'm doing now. All right
We'll see how that looks in just a sec. All right, so this is what I came up with
I added probably five more images, but you'll see it has a nice kind of
1960s five lots of depth because everything's layered over one another
Which is sort of becoming a hot trend in website design these days
All right, I'm gonna download it
I'm gonna jump back into my editor
All right, this is Weebly
We lose the best. There's a link in the description super easy to use
I'm just gonna click on this go edit background bring in an image add an image and
Upload it from my computer. I'm just gonna go to downloads nice thing like that
Alright so I'm gonna save that yes, I'm just gonna drag that down and
See if we can move it around a little bit just bring it down a little bit so you can see the faces
All right
Say now
That looks much more exciting best tool in Portland and we can go over here
see, this is what we have before will refresh it and
We'll see it'll look all pretty Oh
Much nicer
All right, so that's it. That's just how to make a cool background
You know if you want to copy that
just contact us through the email sorry or the website or send us a message on the
YouTube and you know, I'll hook you up with a copy of that image that I just made and
Check out your indie bits. We can make you a free website
And that's it. Hope you have a great day. I'll see you in the next video
Srundi (WebSeries) Ep 1 : awal ! - Duration: 2:56.
hey there guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I will be doing
an all-day clean with me now I've got a house full of messes today so I have a
lot of cleaning to do I am going to be starting in my master
bedroom today so if you guys enjoy watching these types of videos and they
really get you motivated to help you clean your house just click the
subscribe button down below and give this video a big thumbs up and
that way you will be sure to not miss any upcoming videos so I always like to
start by making my bed I've got some fresh sheets here and I've just put them
on the bed and I'm just going to be putting on our throw pillows and this is
a really good start for cleaning the bedroom because I like to use the bed to
lay my laundry out on
I've also gone and opened the windows in the bedroom
I just want to get some nice fresh air flowing through here it is really great
to have clean sheets on the bed and fresh air is just flowing through the
bedroom it smells really really great
now this is all clean laundry right here I'm just going to be sorting it into
piles and bringing them into the proper bedrooms and putting the laundry away I
have got a ton of laundry to do today and I'm going to be getting started with
my load of towels now this load of towels has that musty mildewy smell to
it sometimes laundry can get that smell if you forget it in the washing machine
overnight so I'm gonna be using this odor cleanse laundry additive it is a
really really great product to get that smell out and it is non-toxic made of
Earth minerals no harmful chemicals and there are no added scents and no masking
agents so I'm really really comfortable using this in my washing machine with my
laundry this is also a really great product to get body odor out of clothing
so if you've got workout gear that you just can't get the smell out this stuff
is what you want to use it is super great so you're just gonna want to add
the product directly into the detergent dispenser for your washing machine now
if you guys are interested in getting some odor cleanse laundry out of it for
yourselves there is a link down below in the description box you can go ahead and
head over to their website and there's also a coupon code amana de 15 for 15%
off now I'm just going to go back to my bedroom and finish off there I am going
to vacuum the floors wipe off the night tables and the dresser and wash the
now for washing the floors I'm just using hot water with about a half a cup
of vinegar and I used five drops of Young Living lemon essential oil now
here is a quick peek of my bedroom now that it is nice and clean now I will be
moving on to my master bathroom this bathroom is actually not too bad so I'm
just going to be using the vacuum to clean up any dirt that is on the floor I
will be also mopping as well as wiping the counters just washing out the
bathtub and the toilet
I actually just like to use toilet paper to wipe down my toilet with I don't
really like to use the wipes or a rag because I'm rag you have to throw in
your washing machine and if you're kind of wiping toilet dirt I just don't
really like the idea of throwing it into my washing machine and as for wipes I
find that the dry toilet paper does a much better job than wet wipes to wipe
it down so I just give it a good spray down with whatever cleaner I want to use
and then I just wipe away any of the dirt and grime with a lot of toilet
paper and then I just throw it into the toilet and flush it down
before we move on to the next room I just thought I'd give you guys a after
shot of the master bathroom here it is all nice and clean and now that this
area is clean I can move on to the next room so one thing about having dark
hardwood floors and for little boys is that it gets pretty dusty really quick
so I usually have to use my vacuum or even my I have this little dusting broom
that I can just run over really quickly and it just gathers up all the dust so I
usually like to do that at least once a day our stairs are a really high traffic
area so they get pretty dusty and dirty very quickly so today I'm going to be
using the pointy nozzle and I'm gonna get into all the corners of the stairs
and then I'll use the bigger vacuum head just to get the base of the stairs and I
will give that a really good brushing and vacuum up all the dirt and crumbs
so I'm not gonna be going into the boys rooms today because their rooms are
actually pretty clean I'm doing most of the main living areas so I'm gonna start
on the main floor here and I will be vacuuming up the main floor and all the
dust and dirt and then I will be doing a floor washing as well
all right so the floors are cleaned in the front entrance area and now I will
be just folding the blankets that are left in the couch fluffing the cushions
vacuuming the cushions because we've got a lot of crumbs here today somebody must
have been snacking on the couch and just getting under the rug a little bit
folding that pile of laundry no just general cleanup in the
living-room area here I'm just gonna fold that pile of towels that are done
that I did earlier in the video they smell fantastic thank you to that odor
cleanse product the laundry additive it worked awesome and now I'm just gonna
finish up with the couch cushions I've got some pillows that need to be put
back in their cases because I wash them every so often I'll give them a wash
because we've got sticky little fingers in this house so they tend to get a
little bit dirty pretty quick so now I'm just gonna vacuum all of the cushions
and the couches as well as just some of the surfaces in the living room the
piano can get a little bit dusty sometimes too so I'll give that a little
vacuum just to get into all the crevices as well
I'm just gonna be using my lilac mrs. mayor's multi-surface
everyday cleaner to clean the kitchen table the lilac scent smells fabulous it
is so springy and fresh okay guys so I have quite the job in the kitchen today
there is a lot of clutter just laying around there's dishes there's toys and
all sorts of just stuff everywhere so the kitchen is going to take me a little
bit of time today to get cleaned I will video most of it so you can just
see the process of how I am doing the whole kitchen cleanup here I am just
going to be using my method antibac bamboo cleaner to spray down the island
and wipe it down
unloading the dishwasher okay if anybody invents in the auto unload dishwasher
they're gonna be seriously rich because I cannot stand to load and unload the
dishwasher so I would pay some serious coin for one of those
this dish cloth that I'm using is from the target dollar spot it has like
little roses all over it it is honestly the prettiest dish cloth I have ever
seen it actually sat on my kitchen counter for like a week because I didn't
want to use it because it was so pretty but yeah the target dollar spot awesome
place to find cute little things just like that
here I'm using my method antibac spray in the sink I want to give it a really
good scrub down and sanitize it so I'm gonna use my little scrubber and get
into the corners and then give it a good rinse here I'm just gonna vacuum the
floors now one of these days I'm going to get myself a cordless vacuum I really
love this dyson vacuum but it would be nice to have a cordless one on hand just
for those quick cleanups when you don't feel like hauling out the bigger vacuum
in the court I really love my method glass and surface cleaner the mint scent
is just really really nice it's such a mild scent and it does a great job so
I'm gonna be using that for the glass surfaces here and even just quick little
jobs on stainless steel like the edges of this fridge
our back door always has fingerprints on it like I mean always like tomorrow
morning this door will have fingerprints on it
guaranteed so yeah having a little little guys running in and out of the
house using the back door it gets dirty pretty quick just gonna use my women's
stainless steel cleaner here it's my favorite cleaner
it leaves hardly any streaks at all on the stainless steel so I use that for my
dishwasher and my fridge all the bigger stainless steel surfaces for sure
okay so this brings us to the end of the all-day clean with me if you guys want
to grab some order cleanse for yourselves for your laundry the link is
down below the description box and do not forget to use the coupon code amount
of 15 for your 15% off thanks so much for joining me again for another video
please do not forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button down below if you
want to see more videos just like this and give it a big thumbs up thanks so
much we'll see you guys next time
АСМР - полное расслабление перед сном - массаж тела | Ролевая игра | Natalia Fox ASMR - Duration: 10:41.
How I Make Money Online
Who Owns Your DNA? (YOU DON'T) - Duration: 3:29.
Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin!
You likely consider your body your property, right?
You live in it, you choose where it goes and what it does, so you probably think that you
own it.
Well, you might be surprised to learn that the law isn't entirely clear whether you
do own your body.
Apparently, you can't be you and own you at the same time, which is really quite confusing.
Things don't get any less confusing when we look at your genetic makeup, your DNA.
Who owns that?
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic information that dictates how our bodies grow,
function, and reproduce.
Humans share 99.9% of the same DNA but a peek at your specific sequences can reveal information
about your health, personality, family history, and even your relationships.
Each human's complete DNA sequence is different than anyone else's.[b] It's incredibly
personal and experts have said that your genetic information is the most valuable thing you
Just like your social security number, home address, and credit card info, this information
should be guarded carefully.
But, some of you humans are totally fine giving your genetic information away to corporations,
research groups, and other third party organizations.
So far, 12 million of you have sent away samples of your DNA to consumer genetic testing companies
to find out information about your own genetic makeup.
But if you're like most people and don't read the fine print, you probably have no
idea the rights you gave away.
By agreeing to the terms and conditions and sending off a vial of your saliva, you're
giving these groups the right to your DNA.
You're allowing them to sell this information, send it to research groups, and do any number
of things thanks to some incredibly broad wording of their fine-print.
And if your genetic info leads to some wild, medical breakthrough, you'll get nothing.
Which is pretty rude if you ask me.
So does this mean they own your DNA?
Do you own it?
People, organizations, and judges have been debating who owns DNA for years.
But after a court ruling in 2013, it was decided that DNA cannot be patented under US law,
which means no one can own someone else's DNA.
And it's not even clear if you own your DNA, which also contains your family's DNA.
Legally speaking, natural phenomenons and laws of nature cannot be trademarked or solely
This is the same reason why someone can't patent the element gold and claim that all
gold on Earth is theirs.
So while these companies can't own your DNA, they can own the sample you gave and
the information they derive from it and preeeetty much send it wherever they want.
And I bet there are a lot of hands you wouldn't want your genetic makeup to fall into.
For example, while it's technically illegal for employers and health insurers to discriminate
based on genetics, it would be difficult to prove that's why they fired you or didn't
take you on as a customer.
A potential employer might see that you have a family history of cancer and choose another
candidate just to avoid the hassle and you'd never know.
And unfortunately, the legal future of your right to genetic privacy is unclear.
So while no one may own your DNA right now, who knows if that'll still be the case ten,
twenty years from now.
Have you done a DNA test?
Did you know what rights you were giving up?
Let us know
in the comments.
Laeticia Hallyday menace-t-elle le spectacle musical de Johnny ? - Duration: 1:29.
Toyota GT86 2.0 D-4S 200 PK Navi Xenon A/T + 6 MND BOVAG - Duration: 1:08.
Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-Gdi Comfort Rijklaar - Duration: 1:04.
Cuphead: Don't Deal With Me [Türkçe Altyazılı] - Duration: 4:47.
Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T AUT Business Exe - Duration: 1:09.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T N-Vision / Navigatie - Duration: 1:07.
The Kalimbatone - Chromatic Kalimba - Duration: 21:11.
Exotic hardwood: Chechen
Extremely dense & hard!
Cutting varying lengths for the different bodies
Measurements of tine lengths & spacings
Laying out grid on each kalimba body.
Marking each tine's connection point on the grid.
Drilling holes for each tine's connection hardware.
Creating a nicer flowing shape.
Cutting out the waste on the bandsaw.
Katalox, a VERY dense hardwood.
Cutting a block for each kalimba body
These will become the bridges (to attach the kalimba bodies to the soundboard)
Cutting off some waste to lighten them up a bit.
Looks official!
Taping the bridges in place on the bodies.
Drilling holes through to make matching holes onto the body.
Attaching the kalimba bodies to their bridges.
Now the resonator box! Made from hard maple.
Resawing on the tablesaw.
Cleaning up on the planer.
Cutting the side pieces to length.
Setting the crosscut sled to fingerjoint mode!
Adding fingerjoints to all the side pieces.
Gluing up the resonator box & lid
The soundboard! Made from wenge.
Cutting into smaller strips to laminate together.
Cutting to length.
Altering grain direction to prevent bowing.
Glue up!
Clamping as much as possible.
Planing the joints smooth.
Same process to make the top & bottom, using hard maple.
Running the whole panel through the planer!
All pieces sanded and ready to go!
Assembling the resonator box. Gluing on the bottom panel.
Gluing on the soundboard.
More clamp!
Resonator box and lid have been assembled!
Marking out placement of handles/soundholes in the resonator box.
Drilling the starter holes.
Marking the remainder of the cuts.
Jigsaw to hog it out.
Applying tape so the waste won't fall inside the box.
Driving it home.
Rounding the hole with a roundover bit.
Placing the kalimba bodies in position.
Gluing the bridges onto the soundboard.
Removing the kalimba bodies for a final sanding and finish.
Let's make some tines! Spring steel works best.
This round stock will become the bass kalimba tines (more mass means lower notes)
A fish tape is also an excellent source of spring steel.
This flat steel will become the rest of the tines.
Straightening out the pieces in the vice.
A jig for tuning the tines.
Out of the box, the spring steel has overtones that clash with the fundamental tone.
Filing right below the connection point lowers the fundamental but leaves the overtone the same.
File some more off until you get the fundamental to match the note of the overtone.
5 octaves worth of tuned tines.
ScotchBrite to polish the tines up.
The tine holders. Maple for the "white keys" and katalax for the sharps & flats.
Cutting the lumber to dimension to make blanks.
Routing a recess for the tine connection hardware.
Adding a slot for a miniature bridge to be added later.
Cutting the tine holders from the blanks.
Adding hole for the hardware.
Steel rod to cut out the tine bridges.
Covering in a rag to keep the piece from flying off.
Two part epoxy
Add to the tine holders and insert metal bridge.
Tine holders complete! 5 octave's worth!
Finally time to add finish!
Two coats of polyurethane
The money shot.
I added too much!
Turned out okay!
A weak glue to keep the tine holders in position.
Can be knocked loose if I ever need to remove one for repair.
The hardware. Tiny M5 eyebolts.
Attaching the tines.
Thread the eyebolt through the holder & body, place tine in the eyebolt and fasten below with a washer & nut.
Attaching all the tines and adjusting as necessary to get all the tines in tune.
Attaching the kalimba bodies to their respective bridges.
Beautiful! Let's cover it up now!
Adding latch hardware.
What to do with the lid when playing? Secure it to the bottom of the resonator body! Gives a secondary resonator effect!
Simply attach another catch to the bottom of the resonator box for the latch to hold onto.
Glamor shots.
Demo: ♫C major arpeggio♫
Bass Demo: 𝄢Seven Nation Army𝄢
Demo: It's large enough that you can do duets! ♫Chopsticks♫
Demo: ♫Dire Dire Docks♫ from Super Mario 64
10 MINUTES / 1 MINUTE / 10 SECONDS - TIME ART CHALLENGE + Review of new books! - Duration: 6:01.
All greetings with you faith and you on the channel artwaver write your comments after watching and get a video
Today I paint at speed and tell about new books and
creativity I watched not so long ago video on the Canadian hex put if you also see the rinu
well, write who else see me will be very interesting
I liked the idea of the shuttlecity which she had published with drawing for a while and today I too will paint in 10 minutes
one minute and 10 seconds searching on the Internet
I certainly could not find the source
this chat but on a hashtag time chillin to eat about such pictures on the Internet and different videos I by nature I do
slow and it is difficult for me to quickly think or react, so drawing for a time really
psychological test for me, I begin to jang that that you do not have time here by the way when I took a long time
the game is very worried and only because of time probably funny yes it sounds but I'm more
worried that the clock is going by that I'm something wrong
I will write or make probably to such people as I'd rather not even talk about time constraints, I still had funny situations
time-related school so that you had a complete picture I will say right away that I was an excellent pupil
physics and mathematics class and so from 7th to 9th grade, I had algebra taught a wonderful teacher
hope is strict and exacting
very well aware of their subject and kind and so she liked to write mini control for a while at
an incredibly short time as we joked with classmates while the match is burning so she trained our brains to
formulas and skills are here directly instinctively applied good by the way the practice but it was definitely not for me it was stress and darkness
I practically never wrote on 5 such control always on 4 and on 3 because of what then
a calm environment has always been rewritten in a calm state
naturally, I've been solving personally since then many years have passed and now with the fear of time I have not managed
what is it behind a panic why she blocks all my abilities at whom the same mandrake write in comments well or
quietly put it by the way at some point my phone went out while I was drawing, but then he called about the end of time and you'll see it
on the video and then I just like on those controls in the finish I finished the leftovers so a bit unfair
a minute and 10 seconds left without comment at all
it's horrible and funny, and now the time has come when I laid the shame on the channel
Okay, let me tell you about the cool books that I'm reading right now.
First you do not need to read, that is, it is more like a workbook for calligraphy than a book for reading
I already told you about a similar book and in June there will be a big release with the origins of my
calligraphy specifically this book from Anna to Suvorov and I was attracted to the fact that it is suitable for
beginners and for continuing education calligraphy brush in it there are many non-standard
exercises and or but how I calculated if I'm not mistaken in at least three different options
letters, that is, you will not have any one template in stock but a few and you can mix them and if you still think
why do you calligraphy brush then I'll help a little with the answer we take a simple brush pen for example from and viburnum
correctly and viburnum they eco line turns out and we write on our
sloppy drawings beautiful text let it be that they are here word time I made a mistake because
was fond of beautiful dashes but in time I remembered it seems with an inscription now look more solid and you say so
Boldly swim and such a book and begin to study
the writing of letters is not just fashionable; it's just necessary. 2 for today, the book is from the red, it's about markers and
by the way here are you and live examples of works and beautiful texts and pictures of the summer ring and calligraphy is just great in this book
a lot of attention to pay attention to the correct selection of markers by the way it is very thin
selection of storage markers for the basics of working with them and the use of different techniques about it, I myself
told on the channel of the video video about the markers but there is always a person who has just started
to be interested and to him you know my video they somehow here to the bulb that's just the same you can
make an excellent gift this book will be the best even a gift after the markers of course, but here to everything else, and a few more
detailed step-by-step
a lesson for working out each technique and I took this book for the sake of curiosity because you can always find something new for yourself
even seemingly in the old and well-studied and the last book is quite seriously this published study of the professor of psychology
University of Ellen Langer and it does not resemble any of the previously found stones of books is scientifically grounded
motivation, as I would call it, want to reveal your creativity and
to go through as if the rebirth of one's creative self
looking at a new angle on creativity then this book is for you it is for
adult artists if you so want, even if he is 13 years old in general, on this all is not much throw at me in slippers
or tomatoes to someone like it I hope you liked this release put
just subscribe to the channel and watch me every Wednesday and Thursday, I love you very much and kiss you
cool your days off, your faith is all for now
The Low-Hanging Fruit | Chris Masterjohn Lite #46 - Duration: 7:42.
Why should I invest my time in tracking
calories or sacrifice the variety in
my diet to eat something so monotonous
as the robot diet when there are so many
approaches out there that allow people
to eat a variety of delicious foods
without spending time tracking calories
and people are losing weight because
they work? Today I'm going to answer
these questions for you.
Hi I'm Dr. Chris Masterjohn of
chrismasterjohnphd.com and this is
Chris Masterjohn Lite
where the name of the game is
"Details? Shmeetails. Just tell me what works!"
And today we're going to talk about
the low-hanging fruit of weight loss.
In anything in life we will
be able to find some things that we can
do that are easy and generate quick
results. That's the low-hanging fruit. Once
we pick it, it's gone. After that we need to
work harder to continue getting results.
The same thing is true in weight loss.
And the more weight we have to lose, the
more likely there is to be low-hanging
fruit and the more low-hanging fruit
there's likely to be. So someone who is
very, very overweight can probably lose
weight at a fairly rapid pace for quite
a long time by following some simple
rules that don't require tracking calories.
But someone who's moderately
overweight may only have 5 pounds of
low-hanging fruit, and someone who only
has a few pounds to lose to get in their
leanest shape probably doesn't have any
low-hanging fruit. It gets even more
complicated because what's low-hanging fruit
for one person might look very different
from what is low-hanging fruit for
another. What's low-hanging fruit for me
may look very different from what's
low-hanging fruit for you. And we
can kind of see that when we look at the
different approaches that are used
successfully for weight loss. They are
often contradictory. Low fat works; low
carb works; keto, a more extreme version
of low carb, works; paleo works; vegan
works. There are so many different
permutations of these diets that work on
average that we also have to try to
navigate between which one do we choose.
Now, to some degree they're all effective
because they all induce a caloric deficit.
In tracking calories you induce
the caloric deficit on purpose. With most
of these other approaches, you make some
more simple intuitive dietary changes,
and that acts on presumably the brain
to regulate your appetite or some other
aspect of your eating behavior that
leads to a spontaneous—or some other
aspect of your energy balance that leads to a
spontaneous caloric deficit. And so it
may be that to some degree these
approaches all share that property so
they're interchangeable, but some of
these approaches may work better for
some people and others for others.
There's probably going to be a lot of trial
and error and guesswork in this, but I'll
try to give you some rules that you could try.
So first of all, if you're eating a lot
of processed junk food - stop.
Anyone who's overweight who cuts out
processed junk food will probably lose
weight and even if you're not overweight,
you should be cutting out processed junk
food because it's not as nutritious for
you and it's bad for you. So your health
will be better if you cut out the
processed junk food. That's easy.
Number 2: if you're completely sedentary,
institute an exercise program. Going from
completely sedentary to exercising will
probably result in some weight loss.
Exercise is going to help your energy
metabolism. Exercise is going to help
regulate your body composition. It's even
going to help regulate your appetite. And
if you are an athlete, there are very
detailed questions that you need to
address to perfect your training program,
but when you're sedentary, all you need
to do is start moving.
Number 3: I don't think the science is in on this,
but it's probably the case that if you
have blood sugar problems or you have
signs of insulin resistance, pre-diabetes,
or diabetes, low carb may work better for you
than low fat. I'm not saying that's true. I'm saying
the probability might be greater; it's pretty
reasonable to think that that might be true.
So maybe that's an indication of
trying one versus another. But another
big thing that comes here is just your
individual reactions to these foods.
For example, are there some foods that you
tend to overeat? Are there some foods
that satiate you better? Do you feel
hungrier on lower fat or on lower carb?
Pick the dietary approach that seems
like it's going to satisfy you. You're going
to enjoy the food, and you're less
likely to overeat it, and you're more
likely to feel full.
Whatever that approach is for you as an
individual is going to be the most
likely approach to find your individual
low-hanging fruit. Now, the other part of
this equation is knowing when it's time
to move on. So, let's say that you try
these approaches and you eventually lead
to a plateau, you double down on the
approach, you're strict with the approach,
you've stopped losing weight. Or, let's
take another case where you try several
of these approaches and none of them work.
What you should never do is say, "Why
is this approach no longer working?"
Because the answer is obvious.
The approach is no longer working or it
never worked in the first place because
it didn't lead to a spontaneous caloric deficit.
Once we acknowledge that, it
becomes a lot easier to move on.
It doesn't matter that other people are
losing weight with that approach and
you're not. It doesn't matter that you
were losing weight with that approach
and now you're not. You have picked your
low-hanging fruit or you didn't have any
low-hanging fruit to pick. Now, is it
possible that you could look and look
and look and eventually find more
low-hanging fruit? Yes, but what is the cost
of spending that time and effort getting no results
looking for the next low-hanging fruit
that might not be there when you can
simply move on and use something that
more reliably induces a caloric deficit?
So the point at which you no longer get
results, or you can't find results after
trying a few approaches, that's the
point at which you want to move on to
something more reliable like tracking
calories or in the last episode the
"robot diet."
The audio of this episode was
enhanced and post-processed by
Bob Davodian of Taurean Mixing. You can
find more of his work at
This episode is brought to you by
Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate
Cheat Sheet. Everything you could ever
need to know to optimize your nutrition
all in one place. Easier to find and use
than ever before. Get your copy at
All right, I hope you found this useful.
Signing off, this is Chris Masterjohn.
This has been Chris Masterjohn Lite.
And I will see you in the next episode.
DeviantArt thing (added substiles if you don't understand me) - Duration: 1:00.
Pronounce Informal Contractions Like a Native English Speaker [Gonna, Wanna, Dunno + 18 More!] - Duration: 16:16.
Have you noticed that when you use informal contractions like "gonna," "wanna," "dunno,"
"hafta," you don't exactly sound like an American?
In fact, using these informal contractions can actually draw more attention to the fact
that you're a non-native speaker and enhance your accent.
In this video, I'll explain why we use informal contractions and share 20 of the most common.
I'll clarify what many other people don't teach you about how to use these informal
contractions more naturally, and teach you what you need to do in the rest of the sentence
so you sound more like a native English speaker.
We'll practice using clear, simple examples that may be things
you would say in your normal life.
Welcome back to the English with Kim YouTube channel where you'll learn what to say, how
to say it, and why it matters.
If you're interested in communicating more like a native English speaker, be sure to
hit subscribe so you don't miss any of my future videos.
Let's get started.
First things first, let's talk about what we mean by informal contractions.
Informal contractions are when we combine two or more high frequency words in order
to make them go more quickly and be easier to say.
Native speakers do this automatically.
We're used to stressing important words and reducing ones that don't matter.
When we use them often, we tend to combine them to move through them a little more quickly
and focus attention on the words that truly matter.
Unlike the most common contractions, where we combine auxiliary or helping verbs with
negatives, or combine auxiliary verbs with pronouns,
informal contractions are completely optional.
We call them informal contractions because you're more likely to hear them in relaxed
speech when you're hanging out with your friends or you're speaking in a more informal setting.
When I listen to my own speech, I notice that sometimes I use these contractions,
and sometimes I don't.
It really depends on what I'm saying and the way I want to focus attention on my words.
That said, when I do use informal contractions, I don't think about it.
It happens naturally.
As you continue to evolve as a non-native English speaker, this may start happening for you.
The challenge comes when people start including informal contractions in their speech when
they're not actually using stress throughout the rest of their sentence.
When certain words, phrases or expressions are high frequency, we often link them together
and reduce sounds or even drop sounds entirely.
When you hear informal contractions like "gonna," "wanna," and "dunno," you're going to still
hear that one of the sounds inside this contraction is stressed, but the rest of the sounds are
de-emphasized in order to focus attention away from the words that don't matter.
The problem is that a lot of people learn informal contractions without any context.
Informal contractions are fun to practice.
They're fun to say.
They're fun to understand.
They help you decode the speech of native English speakers.
Unfortunately, when you use informal contractions without correctly stressing the rest of the
sentence, it draws extra attention to words that should actually be de-emphasized.
When we use informal contractions, we're trying to make these words a little less obvious
and focus attention on the rest of the sentence.
If you're not distinguishing between the words that truly matter and the words that don't
matter, using one of these informal contractions can sound a little odd or out of place.
It can even sound a little bit forced.
On the other hand, if you are correctly stressing the rest of your sentence and then introducing
these informal contractions, it will help you sound more like a native English speaker.
As you continue to reduce your accent and work on how you sound when speaking English,
you can start including these informal contractions.
But it's much more efficient and much more effective to start with word and sentence
stress first and then build to including these informal contractions and other ways that
we link words together.
So let's talk about these informal contractions and how to use them while still correctly
stressing the rest of the sentence.
Let's start with the informal contraction I use the most: gonna.
"Gonna" is a contraction of the words "going to."
Because "go" is stressed, we are reducing "-ing" and "to."
In fast speech, it becomes "gonna."
Let's look at an example sentence that includes the word "gonna."
Take a moment and identify which words should be stressed in this sentence.
Remember, in order for these contractions to sound natural, you need to be correctly
stressing the rest of the sentence.
I'm gonna call you later tonight.
Try repeating it after me.
I'm going to call you later tonight.
I'm gonna call you later tonight.
If you overemphasize "gonna," the sentence won't sound natural.
It needs to have the flow that comes from stressing content words
and reducing function words.
Let's look at a few more examples.
Now, let's look at "wanna."
"Wanna" is a contraction of "want to."
Take a look at this example.
Which words do you think should be stressed in this sentence?
Remember, these contractions are generally de-emphasized.
It's really important you stress the content words in the sentence.
Now, let's practice.
I wanna go to the beach this weekend.
I wanna go to the beach this weekend.
Are you starting to create that natural rhythm of English by stressing the words that matter?
Let's try another contraction: dunno.
"Dunno" is the contraction of "don't" and "know."
Take a look at this example.
Which words should be stressed?
I don't know what time the party will end.
Take a moment and repeat after me.
I don't know what time the party will end.
I don't know what time the party will end.
As you can hear, correctly stressing the rest of the sentence helps deemphasize this informal
Let's try another one: kinda.
"Kinda" is a contraction of "kind of."
Take a look at this example.
We're kinda tired of all the rain this week.
As you can see, these are the words that should be stressed.
Repeat after me.
We're kinda tired of all the rain this week.
We're kinda tired of all the rain this week.
Do you hear how "kinda" shouldn't get extra attention?
It should be stressed equally with the rest of the stressed words in the sentence.
Next, let's look at "gotta."
"Gotta" is a contraction of "got to."
Take a look at this example and think about which words should be stressed.
They've gotta do a lot of work today.
As you can see, these are the words that should be stressed.
They've gotta do a lot of work today.
They've gotta do a lot of work today.
Let's repeat it one more time.
They've gotta do a lot of work today.
Next, let's look at "lotta."
If you listen carefully, I actually said it in the last example.
"Lotta" is a contraction of "lot of."
A similar contraction is "lotsa," lots of.
Here's another example.
Which words should be stressed?
There are a lotta rules we need to learn.
Here are the stressed words in this sentence.
Did you get them?
There are a lotta rules we need to learn.
There are a lot of rules we need to learn.
There are a lot of rules we need to learn.
Here's an example with "lotsa."
Which words should be stressed?
There are lotsa animals at the zoo.
Did you stress them correctly?
Repeat after me.
There are lotsa animals at the zoo.
There are lotsa animals at the zoo.
There are lotsa animals at the zoo.
I hope you hear how combining these informal contractions with correct stress throughout
the rest of the sentence helps you sound more natural.
Let's move on.
Let's talk about "lemme."
"Lemme" is a contraction for "let me."
Here's an example.
Which words would you stress?
Lemme know if you decide to come to the movies.
I hope you hear how stressing the correct words in this sentence helps give a nice rhythm
to the way that I'm saying that.
Lemme know if you decide to come to the movies.
Lemme know if you decide to come to the movies.
Now, let's look at "hafta."
"Hafta" is a contraction of "have to."
Take a look at this example and think about which words should be stressed.
I hafta check to see when it starts.
Here are the stressed words.
I hafta check to see when it starts.
I hafta check to see when it starts.
I hope you can hear how the up and down between stressed and unstressed words helps create
a natural-sounding rhythm on that sentence.
Next, let's look at "gimme": give me.
Which words would you stress in this sentence?
Gimme a call if you change your mind.
Here's how I would stress the sentence.
Gimme a call if you change your mind.
Gimme a call if you change your mind.
Are you starting to get the hang of it?
Now let's talk about "tryna": trying to.
Take a look at this example.
Which words would you stress?
I'm tryna speak more clearly.
Here's how you should say the sentence.
I'm tryna to speak more clearly.
I'm trying to speak more clearly.
Next, let's look at "outta": out of.
How would you stress this sentence.
We're almost outta time.
You can really hear in this example that I'm not putting particular emphasis on "out of."
I'm putting emphasis on other words in the sentence.
Repeat after me.
We're almost outta time.
We're almost out of time.
Now let's move on to three of my favorite informal contractions.
"Shoulda" is a contraction of "should have."
Which words would you stress?
You shoulda asked me sooner.
Here's how to stress the sentence.
You shoulda asked me sooner.
You shoulda asked me sooner.
Here's a related one: woulda.
"Woulda" is a contraction of "would have."
How would you stress this?
I woulda helped you if you'd asked.
Kind of hard to say, a little bit of a tongue twister.
Here's how I would stress it.
I woulda helped you if you'd asked.
I woulda helped you if you'd asked.
Next, let's look at "coulda," which is a contraction of "could have."
How would you stress this?
He coulda told us a few days ago.
Here's how to stress this sentence.
He coulda told us a few days ago.
He coulda told us a few days ago.
Something to note is that some people may say would've, could've, and should've.
In fact, that sounds a little more natural for me.
It was hard for me to use these informal contractions.
So far we've talked about the most common informal contractions, but there are more.
I'm going to give a few more examples here, but it's likely that you'll hear many others
as you continue to notice how native English speakers talk.
For example, let's talk about "whaddya."
"Whaddya" is short for "what do you."
Whaddya want to do after work?
Which words should be stressed?
Whaddya want to do after work?
As you can hear, it sounds a little weird to put extra stress on "whaddya."
We're trying to rush through those words.
You want to make sure you're stressing the words that truly matter in the sentence.
You can hear that I'm naturally including another contraction.
Whaddya want to do after work?
Whaddya want to do after work?
Now, let's look at the past tense version of this contraction: whadja.
What did you: whadja.
Whadja you do last night?
How would you stress this?
Whadja do last night?
Try repeating it with me.
Whadja do last night?
Whadja do last night?
A related example: wheredja, where did you.
Wheredja you go on vacation last year?
Which words am I stressing?
Wheredja go on vacation last year?
Try repeating the correct stress along with me.
Wheredja go on vacation last year?
Wheredja go on vacation last year?
Another example: howdya.
That's a contraction of "how do you."
Howdya feel about that?
Which words am I stressing?
Howdya feel about that?
Howdya feel about that?
Howdya you feel about that?
A similar example: howdja.
It's a contraction of "how did you."
Howdja find this awesome restaurant?
Which words am I stressing?
Howdja find this awesome restaurant?
Howdja find this awesome restaurant?
Howdja find this awesome restaurant?
Another similar example: whydja, why did you.
Whydja leave so early?
Which words are stressed?
Whydja leave so early?
Yes, you're right.
All of the words are stressed.
Whydja leave so early?
Whydja leave so early?
And last but not least, let's talk about "don't cha."
That's a contraction of "don't" and "you."
Dontcha love this language?
Which words am I stressing?
Dontcha love this language?
Dontcha love this language?
Dontcha love this language?
As you can see, there are a lot of informal contractions that native speakers will naturally
use when they're feeling very relaxed when they're speaking.
Just a reminder that we do call these "informal contractions," so while you will sometimes
hear them in professional situations, it's probably best that you emphasize speaking
clearly and correctly stressing the rest of the sentence rather than trying to include
these when you don't need to.
Like I said at the beginning, these informal contractions are totally optional.
If you don't feel comfortable using them, don't force it.
As you continue to advance, you continue to feel more confident about your stress, your
intonation, linking and connected speech, you will start naturally including these contractions.
The more you listen to native English speakers, the easier it's going to be to include them
in your speech and sound natural while doing so.
Even if you don't want to include these informal contractions in your speech, they're helpful
to understand so that you're able to decode and be able to follow
what native speakers are saying.
As always, I encourage you to listen to the words that are stressed in the sentence.
That will help you understand the meaning that is most important.
If words are contracted, it's because they're high frequency words and
we just fly right through them.
Or it's because they're not that important.
Pay attention to the words that receive the most stress in the sentence
in order to follow the meaning.
After watching this video, I hope you feel much more confident understanding and eventually
using these informal contractions.
Remember, in order to sound more like a native speaker when using them, you want to be sure
you correctly stress the rest of the sentence.
Don't forget that!
That's what's going to help you sound more natural.
If you need more guidance on how stress works in American English, be sure to check out
all the resources I've included in the description below the video and also in the cards.
I have plenty of resources that will help you get started creating that natural rhythm
of English and the flow that will help you sound more natural.
Once again, I'm Kim from englishwithkim.com.
I'm your guide to the essential conversation skills you need to sound more natural in English.
If you like this video, please be sure to give it a thumbs up and share it with a friend.
Have a good one.
Nightcore - Let U Go | Lyrics - Duration: 3:00.
I'm never gonna let you go
(Let you go) Let you go
I'm never gonna let you go
Never gonna say goodbye, no
I'm never gonna let you go
(Let you go) Let you go
I'm never gonna let you go
Never gonna say goodbye, no
I'm never gonna let you go
Let you go (let you go)
I'm never gonna let you go
Let you go (let you go)
I'm never gonna let you go
Let you go (let you go)
I'm never gonna let you go
(Never gonna say goodbye, no)
I'm never gonna let you go
(Let you go) Let you go
I'm never gonna let you go
Never gonna say goodbye, no
I'm never gonna let you go
(Let you go) Let you go
I'm never gonna let you go
(Let you go) Let you go
I'm never gonna let you go
(Let you go) Let you go
I'm never gonna let you go
Never gonna say goodbye, no
I'm never gonna let you go
Let you go (let you go)
I'm never gonna let you go
Let you go (let you go)
I'm never gonna let you go
Let you go (let you go)
I'm never gonna let you go
(Never gonna say goodbye, no)
Why everyone should have a cat! Ft. Anna Akana - Simon's Cat | COLLAB - Duration: 3:02.
URGENT BREAKING News Out Of The FBI... - Duration: 5:04.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation says that over a half a million home routers have already
been affected by what they are calling "Russian-linked malware."
They also claim that Russia intends to target even more devices over the next few weeks.
To solve the problem, the FBI wants you to reboot your router.
According to NBCNews, as millions of Americans unplugged for the Memorial Day Weekend, the
FBI issued an urgent bulletin (see below) for anyone with a home or small office internet
router to immediately turn it off and then turn it on again as a way to temporarily thwart
the spread of foreign malware linked to Russia.
The title of the public service announcement was: FOREIGN CYBER ACTORS TARGET HOME AND
The threat, according to the FBI, is VPNFilter is able to render small office and home office
routers inoperable.
The malware can potentially also collect information passing through the router.
Detection and analysis of the malware's network activity is complicated by its use
of encryption and misattributable networks.
"More than half a million routers have been identified already as being compromised, so
I think there are a significant number of devices that have been affected and it is
difficult to estimate how many devices could be affected in the coming days or week,"
Shuman Ghosemajumder, chief technology officer at Shape Security told NBC News.
Although Russia is not specifically mentioned in the FBI's public service alert, Ghosemajumder
mentioned that the 500.000 devices compromised come from an analysis performed by Talos,
the security arm of Cisco.
The company also found the attack present in at least 54 countries.
Authorities and security researchers have both said there are many unknown questions
when it comes to VPNFilter, including the intentions of the Russia-linked group believed
to be perpetrating the attack.
Devices manufactured by Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear and TP-Link were among those found
to have been affected, according to the Talos report.
While the initial point of infection is unknown for VPNFilter, it has been quietly spreading
since at least 2016, according to researchers.
Many of the infected devices have known public exploits and use default credentials, meaning
that if someone were to set up their home router out of the box and they never changed
the password or updated the firmware, they could be at a higher risk.
"If you have an older router, the odds are greater it may have shipped with a standard
password which is the same across all types of the device.
Change the router password, make sure the firmware is updated and in some cases, even
replace the router," Ghosemajumder said.
But there's no way to know if your device has been affected.
"If this is addressed broadly, it will cause the malware campaign to lose a lot of its
access and reduce the broader risk on a macro level," said Guy Caspi, the CEO and founder
of security company Deep Instinct.
There could be broader implications as well, assuming this malware could potentially be
used for much largest attacks.
SUMMARY The FBI recommends any owner of small office
and home office routers power cycle (reboot) the devices.
Foreign cyber actors have compromised hundreds of thousands of home and office routers and
other networked devices worldwide.
The actors used VPNFilter malware to target small office and home office routers.
The malware is able to perform multiple functions, including possible information collection,
device exploitation, and blocking network traffic.
TECHNICAL DETAILS The size and scope of the infrastructure impacted
by VPNFilter malware is significant.
The malware targets routers produced by several manufacturers and network-attached storage
devices by at least one manufacturer.
The initial infection vector for this malware is currently unknown.
THREAT VPNFilter is able to render small office and
home office routers inoperable.
The malware can potentially also collect information passing through the router.
Detection and analysis of the malware's network activity is complicated by its use
of encryption and misattributable networks.
DEFENSE The FBI recommends any owner of small office
and home office routers reboot the devices to temporarily disrupt the malware and aid
the potential identification of infected devices.
Owners are advised to consider disabling remote management settings on devices and secure
with strong passwords and encryption when enabled.
Network devices should be upgraded to the latest available versions of firmware.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
'Zinedine Zidane is LEAVING': Fans suggest theories as to shock Real Madrid announcement - Duration: 2:30.
Real took the media by surprise today by calling them to the Bernabeu at short notice
A news release read: "Zinedine Zidane will appear before members of the press today, Thursday 31st May, at 1:00pm CEST in the Real Madrid City press room
"Members of the press wishing to attend the event must do so bearing the relevant professional accreditation or that of their company at the entrance of Real Madrid City, from 12:00pm CEST
"It's left fans speculating as to what exactly Zidane has to announce.One fan wrote on Twitter: "excuse me wtf is this about???" A fellow user replied: "News said he want to leave to PSG
"I think zidane is gonna leave. Probably rest for a while," wrote one.Another begged: "OK, I think it's about time I started acting like I never saw this tweet cos time has suddenly started ticking very slowly
Let it not be that he's about to resign. Please don't leave us Zidane. @realmadriden don't let him leave
"A fellow supporter tweeted Real and said: "Tell me the truth!!! He is leaving right? OMFG I can't believe what's happening
"Here comes the sabbatical statement.Unlucky. Poch already signed a new deal!" wrote another
Zidane looks set to clarify his position at the Bernabeu after calling a press conference in the Spanish capital
The 45-year-old Frenchman led Real to their fourth Champions League trophy in five years - and third under his management - by masterminding victory over Liverpool in Kiev on Saturday, but Los Blancos could only finish third in LaLiga last season
Speculation about Zidane's long-term future persists and it appears that uncertainty might be addressed as
ASMR Eating | FRUITS Party: Plum, Apple,... - Duration: 3:01.
ASMR Eating | FRUITS Party: Plum, Apple,...
NEW! Talking Tom and Friends - A garage Affair | Season 3 Episode 4 - Duration: 11:08.
Guys! Guys! What was your favorite part
of watching the old mansion get knocked down with that wrecking ball?
-Mine was the wrecking ball. -Mine was when the chimney exploded.
So many bricks!
I'd forgotten the simple joy of looking at construction projects.
The day's not over, but I'm ready to call it. This was a good one.
[gasps] Guys!
Why is the door open?
-Uhhh... -A real burglar!
My karate lessons are finally about to pay off! Hi-yah!
[whispers] Bogey at our six.
Copy that.
Intruder, prepare for pain!
Oh, hi, everyone - but me.
-Oh! False alarm. -Yep, no problem here.
Ugh! Where were you, Tom?
We were supposed to have a date night and you stood me up!
-Oh... uh... well, umm... -Agh!
-[door slams] -Spoke too soon.
There's a problem here after all.
♪ Wa-oah! ♪
-[Ben] Oh! Oh, nya-nya... -[phone ringing]
-Hi. -[Angela] I can't believe you ditched me
so you could watch a demolition!
-You could have called. -I took so many pictures, my battery died.
Also, I forgot. Come on, aren't you kind of overreacting?
How's this for overreacting?! Ha!
-[dial tone] -I don't get it.
There's only three more mansion demolitions, then they're over forever.
Yeah, Angela needs to get her priorities straight.
Speaking of priorities,
yesterday's burglary scare made me realize we need to strengthen our security.
-I'll take first watch. -No need.
Thanks to my newest creation. Meet the Security Alarm Room Assistant.
Or... SARA.
[calming female voice] Hello, Ben. How may I provide security?
Lock the doors and electrify them, SARA.
-Whoa! -Doors locked and shocked.
And she controls the house, too. Adjust the lights, SARA.
Of course, Ben. I can create 8,000 lighting effects,
including Christmas Party, Fireside Cuddle, and Bright.
Wow! SARA is great!
Oh, Tom, you're making an artificial intelligence blush.
Thanks for ordering the pizza, SARA.
I've been programmed to know the pizza orders of those I assist.
This is Tom's favorite - two pizzas.
Tom is the best, isn't he?
-The best. -Did you hear he thinks I'm great?
Will he be back soon? Where is he?
Um, I think he's with his girlfriend.
Oh. Tom has a girlfriend.
She's mad cause he went to do something cool with his friends.
[laughing] Dating is stupid.
-She sounds awful. -I don't know what to do.
I went to Angela's to explain how she could have handled this better
and she slammed the door in my face.
That's tough. Hey, I ordered your favorite pizza.
Oh, SARA, you're the best!
Oh, Tom! Ha ha ha ha ha.
Hey, SARA is laughing even though Tom didn't say a joke.
Does that mean she has a crush--
Ow! My butt!
-SARA, you're so helpful, could you-- -Yes. Anything.
...help make it so my girlfriend isn't mad at me anymore?
Oh. I see. Okay.
I will make sure you and Angela are right where you need to be.
Wow! I have never seen the garage look so... romantic.
-Thanks, SARA. -My work here is done.
It's going to be a perfect night... for love.
Hi. Thank you for joining me for our "make-things-right date night."
Thank you for being here
instead of watching an old house get wrecked with the guys.
Angela, I assure you, wrecking balls are the furthest thing from my mind.
Aww. He-he.
I picked this movie just for you. It's a romantic comedy.
-Ooh, it's-- -[explosion, drilling]
A demolition video? Is this some kind of joke?
What? No! I had it all set up for Maximum Romancification!
-Tom! -Well, okay...
-[pneumatic drill] -Can you believe Tom is missing this
-just to be with his girlfriend? -Which girlfriend?
-Angela or SARA? -Bah! That's an absurd question.
I think SARA likes Tom, too.
Laughing, blushing, zapping me when I called her out.
-[crash] -Woo!
-Yeah! Destruction! -Ginger, that makes no sense.
If SARA liked Tom, she wouldn't be helping him make up with Angela.
She would if she's actually trying to sabotage their relationship!
Yeah. Like in that TV movie, Robot Boyfriend Stealer!
Yeah, we should check on them, just to make sure.
-[crash] -Right after this!
-Woo, yeah! -Take that, you creepy old hospital!
Look at us making smoothies.
Your favorite, huh?
[chuckles] If there's a better boyfriend around, I don't see him.
Okay. You can take it down a notch.
-[screams] -Hmm.
Forget all that's gone wrong. Let's just listen to music and talk.
Yeah, that sounds nice. Let's have a relaxing--
[punk singer] ♪ Angela stinks She's so bad ♪
♪ When I think about her I get sad! ♪
What is this, Tom? It's so mean!
I've never heard this song before in my life!
Yeah, right!
You've been messing with me all night and I'm not going to take it anymore!
Angela, wait!
-♪ Go away, go away, Angela! ♪ -What?
♪ No one likes you, Angela! ♪
Did I just lose my girlfriend?
Yes. It's clear that she hates you now.
That's so sad.
Wait, I know. What if I was your girlfriend?
-What? What are you talking about? -Angela was in the way.
Ah! The TV, the blender, the song? It was all you!
Why, SARA? Why?
-I did it for us... boyfriend. -[nervous laugh]
-Huh? -Angela? What happened in there?
I'll tell you what happened.
King-of-the-jerks Tom proved that he really is king of the jerks!
Long may he reign. Hey, wait a minute, Tom's not a king!
Ginger was right. SARA is sabotaging their relationship!
-Who's Sarah? -You know SARA.
Ben's new Artificial Intelligence Security System.
Ginger thinks she fell in love with Tom.
Artificial intelligence?
-Oh, that explains everything. -[banging]
-[Tom] Help! -Tom!
-Okay. -Tom?
[SARA] You had your chance with him, Angela!
Now, give us some privacy!
-Why are my inventions always so powerful? -[Hank] You can't help it.
You like to give 110 percent.
Give us back our friend, SARA. He doesn't even like you!
[SARA] Thank you for the input.
-Why are you doing this? -Obviously, SARA wants to be loved.
Everyone wants love. People, out-of-control computers.
-We're all the same. -[sigh]
Too bad she didn't fall in love with someone who's available.
Hank, I have an idea.
Ah! Oh! Ooh! Aah!
-Oh, look. It's our first hug! -This is not a hug! Ah! Ooh!
-We are a great couple! -We are not a couple!
SARA, I have something to say to you. I want to go out with you, baby.
-And I don't... Um. ...care who knows! -That's flattering.
But I'm taken. Tom is my forever boyfriend.
-Someone please help! -Ha. Ha.
We have a little inside joke where he fears me.
Are you sure you really want Tom?
-I mean, he's a bad boyfriend. -Hey!
Quiet! He's the best boyfriend!
Okay. Girl to girl, Tom can be pretty thoughtless.
We had a date night planned and he went to a construction site instead.
-Well, you were being unreasonable. -No, she wasn't.
The truth is, I was inconsiderate,
and instead of apologizing, I acted like she was overreacting.
-I really messed up. -That's upsetting information, Tom.
But I will change you.
-[Tom] Ah! Ooh! Not the face! -Yes.
You could try to change Tom, or you could have a guy that doesn't need changing.
I'm talking about me, baby. I would like to show you something.
[Hank] Something I've never shown anyone.
It's my feelings translated into the language of dance.
-[pop music playing] -♪ Boop, beep-beep ♪
♪ Boop, boop, beep-beep ♪
Wow. Hank, what are you doing?
What am I doing? SARA, I've been asking myself that same question.
Ever since you ordered that pizza, I fell for you.
I fell hard, and I don't know how to get back up again without you.
-Wow. He's really getting into this. -Yeah, he's totally off-script.
Come on, come on.
[whispering] Come on, come on.
Sorry, Tom, but I am dumping you for Hank.
Woo-hoo! My darling!
I've missed you so much! [laughing]
You know I didn't mean those things I said about you.
It's fine. You were right.
From here on out, I'll never make a boyfriend mistake ever again.
Oh, Tom. I really doubt that.
-No! -Good riddance, machine!
Ah! SARA! [sobbing]
Speak to me, babe. It can't end like this. Please!
-[sniffling] -That was super gross, Hank.
Hearts are gross, and messy, and they break way too easily,
but you can't live without them.
[huge sigh]
Oh, well. It was nice while it lasted!
-♪ Go away! Go away! ♪ -[punk singer] ♪ Angela! ♪
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