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For more infomation >> 1 Million Satoshi 0.01 BTC Live Withdraw | Earn Free Bitcoin Upto 200000 Satoshi Daily - AHK Online - Duration: 5:01.
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Talking Tom Gold Run HD - Talking Tom VS Agent Tom VS Soccer Tom World Chapionship 2018 - Duration: 12:12.
Talking Tom Gold Run
Soccer Tom World Chapionship 2018
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Renault Clio 1.4 16v privilege * 5DRS* - Duration: 1:11.
Chris Janson - New Video
Pan bauletto bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 5:30.
Loredana Lecciso e la foto con Al Bano: "Amore puro" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:11.
Temer anuncia acordo com caminhoneiros e diz que vai baixar o preço do diesel - Duration: 4:57.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Flávio Rocha e Álvaro Dias são os presidenciáveis que mais viajam - Duration: 2:26.
Tratamento da Dor Crônica com a Educação do Paciente - Clínica de Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 10:08.
Nadia Toffa ci ha lasciati? Ecco la risposta della Iena e le ultime novità - Duration: 4:09.
Jogadores e comissão técnica reforçam importância da torcida para o Fluminense|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:41.
GM irá lançar 20 novos carros em 4 anos - Duration: 1:01.
Uomini e donne oggi 28 maggio: in onda la registrazione in villa di Sara? - Duration: 3:01.
LEZIONI DI TEATO 43 ( La DIzione Che Passione 4 : regole della E aperta e chiusa) - Duration: 4:03.
Nadia Toffa morta? Ecco la sua risposta | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:33.
✅ Nina Moric a Domenica Live: 'Non devo essere aiutata, io sana e lucida. Corona non deve sputare od - Duration: 3:26.
Nina Moric a Domenica Live, ospite di Barbara D'Urso, replica a chi l'ha etichettata come una donna che ha bisogno di aiuto
Dice di stare bene e parla dell'odio di Corona. Fabrizio l'ha attaccata ancora una volta
Non deve parlare così della madre di suo figlio Carlos, la showgirl e modella croata lo sottolinea
Nina Moric è chiarissima. A Domenica Live dice: "La gente si ferma all'apparenza. Io non devo essere aiutata
La persona che può aiutare me stessa sono io. Io sono molto cattolica, ho molta fede
Voglio scusarmi con Cristiano Malgioglio. Io non sono fragile, non sarei nemmeno qui
Sono una donna fortissima. Con tutte le cose che ho passato nella vita, sono ancora in piedi
Io sfido chiunque a essere come me. Io sono l'esempio di donna che ce la farà sempre, a testa alta"
"Io sono una persona sana e lucida e combatto per mio figlio. Io sono in grado di intendere e volere - continua Nina Moric nel salotto di Domenica Live - Io sono una donna con le spalle larghe e non c'è nessuno in questo mondo che possa mettermi i piedi in testa
Sono una madre, una donna e merito rispetto. Ogni volta, mi rialzo in piedi e non smetterò di farlo
So quanto valgo. Quelli che giudicano sui social, sono i primi che andrebbero aiutati"
Poi parla dell'odio di Corona nei suoi confronti. Il 44enne in tv ha detto che le sue lacrime al GF gli sono parse pietose e che lei si sta facendo strumentalizzare da Barbara D'Urso, con la quale l'imprenditore non ha mai avuto un buon rapporto
VIDEO"Voglio bene a Fabrizio però non dovrebbe sputare odio verso la madre di suo figlio
Io non rinnego niente. Se tornassi indietro, farei le stesse cose perché da questo amore, è nata una meraviglia e questa meraviglia va protetta", chiarisce su Corona
La Moric non si dà pace per aver perso l'affidamento del figlio 15enne. "Ancora oggi, non ho una motivazione valida per la quale io non posso stare con mio figlio", fa sapere
E su Favoloso, con cui non è ancora tornata insieme, chiarisce: "Luigi? Deve pensare alla sua felicità, non alla mia"
4 strani frutti e ortaggi che forse non conoscete - Duration: 6:12.
Tumore alla bocca: sintomi, fattori di rischio e prevenzione - Duration: 7:25.
U&D, la scelta di Sara: ecco cos'è successo con Luigi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.
La tercera parte de los inscritos en Podemos vota para que se marchen Pablo Iglesias e Irene Montero - Duration: 2:31.
Dite addio alla gotta con questo potente rimedio naturale - Duration: 6:31.
Ringiovanite il corpo mangiando sedano - Duration: 7:36.
Renault Captur TCe 90pk Barista (LEER!!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:07.
Volvo XC60 T5 AWD R-Design - Luchtvering - 21" - Keyless - B&W Sound - Duration: 1:14.
Detroit : ConnorรอHank//ฉากจบทั้ง 2 แบบ [ซับไทย] - Duration: 11:30.
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仮想通貨リップルコイン6月高騰予想!アメックスリップル含むハイパーレッジャーブロックチェーン技術導入!今後XRP爆上げ開始?アマゾンの噂に続くRipple高騰材料!2018年5月最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:44.
Talking Tom Gold Run HD - Talking Tom VS Agent Tom VS Soccer Tom World Chapionship 2018 - Duration: 12:12.
Talking Tom Gold Run
Soccer Tom World Chapionship 2018
Android Gameplay
Renault Clio 1.4 16v privilege * 5DRS* - Duration: 1:11.
DC Superhero Girls™
You don't have to, you get to! :) - Duration: 7:30.
Hello. My name is Dana Bellamy and I'm the author of Raising Happy Hearts I'm the
mother of six and I just have a question for you. Do you sometimes deal with
depression? Do you sometimes have a hard time seeing the purpose and
the meaning of life? And do you just sometimes just be like, ahhh another day,
another day. Well, you're not alone because I've also dealt with
the same things in certain seasons of my life. And even though it wasn't
a like a conscious thought, but that's subconsciously how
I felt because I've been a stay-at-home mom for like 14 years. And
sometimes it can get really monotonous where you just wake up every day and
you clean the house, and you homeschool, you take care of your
children, and then you spend some time your husband and then the day's over. And
then you wake up the next day and that's the same thing, same thing, the same
thing, the same thing. And after a while it could just kind of get really
monotonous and you just kind of lose your focus on why you're
doing it and it can lead to some depression and I've had that at
certain times in my life. And someone described to me like I got my foot stuck
in a bear trap. And it's true. It was a trap of the enemy and I fell right into
it. And so I just wanted to encourage you with some ways that you can get out of
that and to really find purpose and meaning in your everyday life. And so let
me bring you back a few years three about four years ago you know I'd first
moved to Colorado and you know I had five kids at the time and you know it's
homeschooling I think it was three of them and you know I just I felt the way
that I was describing this just you know I had this like it's almost like this
cloud over my head that was just lingering and you know it's hard to find
joy and everything and I thought you know it was the summertime and I thought
you know in the fall I had I had applied to join Cara's Bible College in the fall
and so I was really looking forward today and I said you know once I go to
Karis Bible College you know it was a night course so I'd be with my kids
during the day and I'd have something to do at night so I thought you know once I
get to go Kerris you know I'll have something to
look forward to at night and you know I won't feel this depression anymore
so the fall came and I started going to Karis at night and it was an awesome
experience but I found I was still feeling the same way like nothing had
changed and so the Lord ministered to me is just
like it's not the external things that need to change for you to feel better
it's in your mind and when I realized that I had control over how I felt you
know I started paying attention to the thoughts that I had and instead of
having that feeling just like ah another day you know I just really started being
thankful for what I have you know and so I encourage you to do the same you know
stop thinking about what you're thankful for you know look at your children you
know be thankful that you get to spend time with them instead of thinking oh
man I have to do this start thinking I get to do this because you know that
there are so many people in this earth that have that are living through
terrible hardships and a lot of time because they're so far away you don't
realize how good you have it and so there's so much to be thankful for more
than what we you know even realize and so when I started changing my thoughts
and instead of thinking I mean I have to do this I have to do that and so I think
it meant I get to wake up in the morning and I get to spend time with my kids and
I get to teach them and I get to play with them and you know we have freedom
to do what we want to do and then I get to go to school at night you know when I
changed that you know and just resisted those thoughts of the enemy you know my
feelings just change like that because your thoughts well you're feeling sorry
your feelings follow your thoughts the thoughts come first and then the
feelings follow and if you don't think that's true if someone were to come in
right now and say hurry up you someone just stole your car you know you'd start
if you believe that you'd start having all these thoughts and all these you
know feelings and it wouldn't even be true and so it was because of those
thoughts that you had that gave you the you know the anger and the disbelief and
whatever you felt it came from the thoughts first whether it was true or
not and so a lot of the time is the perspective it's how we think about
things really is it really is how do we think about things like even last night
I was laying in bed and I was just concerned about you know something and I
said Lord what do you have to say about the situation and the Lord just gave me
a scripture he said cast your cares unto me because I care for you and I was like
you know you're right Lord and so whatever I was thinking about you know
instead of worrying about I just cast it onto him and I just thank you Lord that
you do care for me and you have the answer and I just trust you and I gave
it to him and every time that thought tries to come back now I say no I
already cast it on to the Lord and he's gonna take care of it because he loves
me and you have that same thing with the Lord and one more thing I wanted to
share with you another little testimony is you know last month you know I got to
you know co-lead a mission trip to Germany which I've mentioned before and
I'm sure you probably saw the videos and so when I got home you know I went to
bed cuz it was late and then when I woke up in the morning I was back to you know
the normal humdrum of life I had to homeschool my kids and I had to you know
make sure the house is clean and deal with the finances and make sure there's
food in the house and different things like that and so I was just laying in a
bed I was thinking ah cuz after the excitement of being in a
foreign country and you know ministering to you know so many people and all the
things that we did just coming back to the responsibilities and it wasn't my
children per se because I enjoy spending time with them it was just the
responsibilities that now I had to deal with again and I was just feeling like
oh this isn't fun and then the Lord I said Lord what do
you have to say about this and the Lord said make it fun that's all you say and
I was just like make it fun so I was thinking about that I'm not you know
what it doesn't have to be humdrum it doesn't have to be boring I don't have
to do the same thing every day all the time you I can just take my kids and I
can go outside I can go for a walk you know we can grab all their blankets and
put it on the ground and we can watch a movie together you know we can buy some
ingredients and make cookies together you know we can make stuff fun in the
house you know and so you know even when the Lord said that to me that
just gave me so much freedom you know you can just make your life fun just
make it fun just do what makes you happy you know be a blessing to people focus
more about on others than you do about yourself because when you focus on
yourself that can get to proceed because you're if you only think about yourself
and what you can get and what people are doing to you you know that will create
this downward spiral of depression but when you try think of how you can bless
other people and put your focus outweighs you know how you can be a
blessing you know that's where the joy comes because a lot that is more blessed
to give than to receive and that is a promise and it sure is and so I Swan to
encourage you if you're dealing with depression or negative thoughts you can
change that right here just start changing the thoughts that go through
your mind and then your feelings will follow and so I just encourage you to do
that because it works alright love you guys bye
Renault Espace 2.0 T Privilège 7 persoons - Duration: 1:05.
Hello everybody, we are The Babes
Well, today
we are doing a new reaction
you asked us to do it saying "where is she?"
and threat of death...
so, as we don't want to die
because we are too young, we decided to do this reaction
yes, and we are also cute and nice
go away from this channel if you don't like us!
I see you pressing the dislike button
why don't you come and say it straight to our face?
Imagine this guy be like:
"How did she get me?"
So we are reacting to Sohyang
And we also want to say
that one of our reaction to her
reached 120.000 likes
no sorry... views
I was also bragging
and I said it wrong...
120.000 views, thanks so much
they are a lot
for a channel like us... we are too losers
we are shocked
We didn't expect that
Thank you thank you!
If you haven't already watch it we are putting it in the description
or above
It's the reaction to Arirang Alone
Go and watch it because she is great
So you suggested many songs
We decided to do Mona Lisa, which was the most suggested one
We don't know this song
It's a surprise and we discovered from the screenshot
that she is singing with a mask
Wow, even in mask
she sing in whatever condition
we are so excited
so excited and curious
so let's start right away!
good start
wow, what is this?
how do we know it's her (:P)
King of the mask
singing with a mask...
It's totally her!
It's very rockish! Love it!
she has such a vibrato!
true, amazing vibrato
the voice is so good that seems autotune but it's live
the lyrics to this song are amazing
oh god
Love it so much!
I'm dying
this is so good!
that was so good
it's me when I beat my finger to a corner
she is singing in english now!
she is singing in english
She usually sings slow songs so this is incredible
she sings very rockish but the meaning of the song is deep
So rock
She nailed it!
Seems that she is speaking about a love
she tries to
understand it
she tries to understand the other person
if he/her loves her back
he/she never smiles or cries
so she doesn't get his/her feeling
So as the monalisa
you don't understand her expression
I love this so much
she also said
something like that
(translating the phrase in italian)
It's cool
This was our reaction, hope you liked it
I hope it too
and we do another reaction to Sohyang
We would do it anyway but press like!
Just remind us because we have a lot of requests
and we want to watch everything
and discover all these talents
and if we forget you go "Where is Sohyang!"
Press Like!
Subscribe to our channel!
ring the bell
I always ring the bell
See you for the next video!
Cool Eye Makeup & Eyeliner Tutorials Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:23.
Get Free V Bucks | How to get free fortnite skins v bucks | Fortnite free vbucks Xbox, PS4, PC - Duration: 3:48.
162 dB AROUND THE CITY. HUMMER LS APOCALYPSE. Interview with Arty - Duration: 13:14.
So, now they won't write sh*t in the comments?
Like, 'Hey, they park on the lawn!
Arty! [A]: Huh?
Did you park on the lawn again?
[A]: I did. Okay, now you tell 'em all to write 'You park on the lawn!'
It wasn't us who parked on the lawn, guys. It was the lawn that grew under the cars, see?!
I hope you were sitting here, on the edge? [A]: Yes, sure. See the gap?
I hope no one stuck to your butt? Whoever got stuck to your butt, wins two 12"s at once.
Arty! Since you're here, I gotta take a ride in the Hummer.
I missed it!
Dasha, have you got used already? [D]: To what?
Do you listen to it all the way up? [D]: Nay!
You don't? [D]: I'm not suicidal!
So, that makes me suicidal or what?
It tears up metal. Can you imagine what happens to your ears?
Do you even hear anything anymore? People naively think it affects your hearing.
I mean, with this pressure, you hear air fluctuations with your ear membranes...
Well, the correct term is eardrums.
Because it is one of the most sensitive parts of your body.
It is designed to hear sounds.
But when the bass kicks like that...
eardrums are by far not the only body part that perceives sound wave fluctuations.
So, you have the odds of going deaf equal to those of, say, shitting yourself,
going bananas... Your kidneys might hurt, or anything else.
Something's holding Arty back. Takes lotta time.
[A]: I just turned it off before coming here.
What HU is this? The 92? [A]: Yep.
What happened to the 99? [A]: It broke.
[A]: Goes blank after 162 dB.
So, you solved it the simple way, right?
This is the 2018 Hummer review.
I mean, maybe this will turn out a review.
Everything's the same here. [A]: Same for now!
Yes. Improvements are planed.
Why not? An old-style. Riding around the city.
People have been alsking a lot.
Except now we have a Samsung Galaxy S9 which films Full HD, 60 fps.
And, yes, I know that iPhone X can do that, too.
But we also have 960 frames, too.
What do I do, Arty? Hold it? [A]: Take it off.
Do you have duct tape? [A]: Just take it off. I'll look out of the window.
Hold it for now, then. [A]: I have a spare one.
How I recognize the good old Hummer.
No rides around the city. No Arty...
Do you realize there's been a winter?
Oh, you won a glass McDonald's, eh?
[A]: In Yelets. I think I broke it, no?
What do you mean? [A]: Does it rattle?
Well, it does now.
What's up with the 99? Does it work? [A]: Yes.
Would it work if I turn it on now? [A]: Try it. Yep. Everything works.
So, we've listened to music. Now we'll ask Arty a couple of questions.
If you didn't get it yet, at Alphard, Arty's the person responsible for... What do you do there?
[A]: I'ma brand manager.
HE's responsible for brand development in events like competitions - all formats, right?
Do you work with all of them? [A]: Yes, we do. All of them.
Plus blogging, social media presence.
You might've seen their collab with Garage 54
they installed the 32" sub into the roof of a Lada 2102.
That was Arty's curtesy.
You can check it all out in detail on the Alphard Group's channel.
It's just there are whinies to beg for more Arty in our videos.
There you go. There's even more Arty than ever. He's not gone anywhere. He's just on a different channel.
So, go to Alphard Group, subscribe to see even more of him there.
Okay, the new stuff. When are we to expect Sylvester and Arnold in stores?
[A]: If everything's okay, end of MAy, early June.
[A]: We're also expecting DB SA subwoofers to arrive.
[A]: Expecting new amps. A portion's been shipped already, to be precise.
[A]: We've already received Machete Sport amps, the 2k and the 2.5k.
[A]: And now we're waitting for the 4k and for 1500.2.
[A]: Those are brand new amps, made - well, produced - in China.
[A]: Our bodies, our schematics, completely.
What projects is Alphard preparing this year? Is Vik's Cadillac going to happen?
[A]: Vik's Cadillac's happening. They've just fixed it up big time.
[A]: There will be a Dodge and a long bus with six 21" subs.
[A]: And there's one more secret project. If things go well, you'll see it on June 12 in Krasnodar.
[A]: It's a very serious project. We're not telling you what it is.
Is the place set already? [A]: OZ Mall, Krasnodar.
[A]: This year, we have 120 demo-cars.
[A]: And those are big shot demo cars, with walls, with BPs.
So, Alphard rushed their way into the year 2018 relentlessly.
You people might not realize that Alphard's been growing in a geometric progression.
In sales, as well as in product introduction and sports.
This year, dunno, may be the pinnacle.
We might not see it any cooler because I can't imagine any more cars,
any results higher. Btw, what about the results, Arty?
What should we expect this year? Is there another world record coming up?
I think you have set one already, right?
Not exactly the format... [A]: Yeah. We set a record in RASCA,
[A]: Dan set a record of 170.2 dB in Advanced with his Terra.
[A]: And Loza set 173.2 dB @ 38 Hz.
[A]: That was a record, too. No one i the world has shown that result at that frequency.
It's a car you can LISTEN to. [A]: A car that can go 140-150 km (85-95 mp) easily.
Per hour? [A]: Well, yes. It goes faster that the Hummer.
My car goes 140 km/h (85 mph), too. The sound pressure's a bit less, tho...
[A]: Right! And we're waiting for another world record.
What about neodymium subs? The 21" ones from the '07. Is there more coming?
[A]: Yes, they are hitting the market. And DB SA 315 are coming soon, too.
[A]: They are already installed in our demo cars. Andrey Brovkin has four 15" already,
What's the result? [A]: 160.34 dB off a coffin box in the back
[A]: off AGMs and four 5500s.
[A]: There is already a car that's gonna have two 21",
[A]: Three in another one. And six of them in the Dodge.
This was LOUD NEWS [paid for] by Alphard.
Hey. Did you know we have a cat with balls hanging up there?
You didn't see it? [A]: Nope.
Check it out. You know what's my biggest question? Do you have the same one or not?
What is that thing under the balls? The tail?
Or is it... [A]: The cat's castrated.
No. Castration is when they snap the balls off.
So, is it the tail or what?
I hope you liked this mini-review.
Arty just happened to be in the hood with the Hummer.
We took a ide, listened to some music. A bit of wind, a bit of interview action with Arty.
If you wanna find out more, go to the Alphard Group channel.
Subscribe. They post a lot of Alphard news there.
We're launching the '13 soon. The '07 s already on, and it's in Moscow at the moment.
You're gonna hear about it soon. The Original one. The LOUD SOUND one.
Because, you know, there's a NON_LOUD_SOUND one now...
[A]: It's been through 5 competitions already, btw.
[A]: Went all the way to Volgograd, Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk, Oryol.
No one gives a crap. Tell us whose idea it was to put up lighting.
[A]: Zhenya did.
We didn't mention the Rolls Royce 'cuz the budget is really swag there.
Almost like another Rolls Royce. [A]: The budget's almost 700,000.
They're posting a review of that '07 really soon.
Go check it out. According to Arty, if Vik doesn't break it, the review's coming up this week.
That's it. This was LOUD SOUND. Subscribe, like, leave your comments.
Bye, everyone. Live LOUD.
Do you listen to it all the way up? [D]: I don't.
You don't? [D]: I'm not suicidal!
Elton John and David Furnish's Incredible Love Story - Duration: 4:21.
Check Out This Black Hair and Black Representation at the Royal Wedding 👏 [REUPLOAD] - Duration: 5:26.
The great thing about Serena is she rocked her cornrows.
So black women next time someone tells you your cornrows is ghetto, show them this picture
of Serena at the royal wedding to shut them up.
This is Nikki for Chic LadyT.
From Oprah Winfrey and Serena Williams to the bride herself and her mother, there was
definitely black representation at the Royal wedding.
This video showcases some of the highlights and nods to African American culture at the
On Saturday, May 19th 2018 many women who grew up watching fairy tale movies witnessed
a fairy tale first hand.
But this time it's real life and the princess is black.
Prince Harry and Megan Merkle officially tied the knot before royals and celebrities, and
all of the world.
And are now Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Prince Harry is...well...Prince Harry, and doesn't really need an introduction.
But let's talk about his wife!
I think his mom would be proud because this girl, while beautiful, is not perfect, and
their union seems to represent true love.
Which is what the late Princess Diana's message was all about before she died.
Rachel Meghan Markle is a 36 Year old American born actress.
She was married before for a little under 2 years before Prince Harry but that ended
in divorce.
Good thing for her because there was something even better and beautiful in store for her.
She is also older than Prince Harry who is 33 years old.
And as far as her race is concerned, Her mother Doria Ragland is black, and father, Thomas
Markle Sr is white.
She identifies as mixed race but like Obama and Tia and Tamera, we're calling you a black
There are many historical reasons as to why that we won't get into in this video.
But, if you are curious, research the backdrop of mixed children.
And how they were treated as slaves just like other blacks, in the past, and then you will
see why.
And if you're thinking of the one drop rule forget that, she's not 10%, she's 50% black.
Which is definitely beyond a drop.
So, we got a black woman in the royal family Y'all.
Nonetheless we respect what she identifies as, and black or not she is now royalty.
We also want to mention a few black stars who stepped out classy on Sunday.
Oprah Winfrey
Idris Elba and fiance Sabrina Dhowre
although many on social media have been criticizing her outfit, but I think it's appropriate for
the occasion.
And Serena Williams
The great thing about Serena is she rocked her cornrows.
So black women next time someone tells you your cornrows is ghetto, show them this picture
of Serena at the royal wedding to shut them up.
Also there was the young black violinist Kanneh-Mason who almost brought me to tears.
Black Minister Preached
Bishop Michael Bruce Curry
The black choir who sang "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King
Kingdom Choir
And let's not forget about Megan Merkle's mother Doria Ragland who is divorced from
her father and was her only relative at the wedding.
Her father suffered a heart attack and was unable to make it due to surgery but sources
say his heart was with her.
Can we get a hand clap for her mom's sister locs?
What do you think?
Did you think Idris fiance's Sabrina dress was inappropiate for the occasion?
Do you consider Megan Markle to be black like Obama and Tia & Tamera?
How do you feel about her marrying Prince Harry?
Let us know in the comment sections below.
9 Common Traits of People Who Might Be Born With Higher Frequency - Duration: 3:47.
9 Common Traits of People Who Might Be Born With Higher Frequency
People of higher frequency is actually hypersensitive people.
They are not only sensitive, but also empathic, intuitive, creative, and complex.
Despite those special characteristics they hold, higher frequency individuals often feel
alone since they comprise so little of the population.
However, it doesn't means they did nothing in this world, in fact, they did a lot of
contribution to the world.
You can say they live almost strategically in different parts of the globe as "light
workers," it says they carry out their important mission or "Cosmic Call to Action," which
is to help our species and planet survive and thrive as a more consciously awakened
There are some common traits of people of higher frequency.
In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this
video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates
in the future.
#1 - Desire to seek truth
They want to make sure that whatever they live in true reality.
They want to find and confirm the real meaning of life which is always related to people
around them.
#2 - Feeling the entities
Existences or entities are abstract things that not all people are aware of.
However, people of higher frequency can detect those entities and their surrounding elements.
A more attuned people of higher frequency even can see the entities clearly.
#3 - High goals
Hyper sensitive people actually always have a feeling that they achieve less than they
They have remarkable goals which are usually unachievable.
This, unfortunately, affects to some part of life such as relationship.
#4 - Mood swing
It is not like the version of narcissists though.
People of higher frequency tends to change their moods depending on environment and other
people around them.
They absolutely reflect the universe.
#5 - A unique moment
Sometimes they experience a brief moment of being awakened or conscious.
It is like an 'eureka' moment in which you are surprised as you know or learn something
#6 - Vivid dreams
People of higher frequency have tendency to be close to nature.
They basically live in quite different dimension than the rest of us.
They can have different dreams in which it is so clear that they control it just like
the real world.
#7 - Shedding period
It is an intense period where the people of higher frequency slowly throw away relationship,
responsibilities and priorities.
#8 - Time is faster
People experience time runs faster occasionally.
However, people with higher frequency tends to experience such condition often.
They are getting lost in daily activities.
Indeed, it is completely weird, but it is what they experience.
#9 - Enhanced awareness
They believe that things are not accidental.
There is always a reason behind an action.
There is also something that makes things happen.
Well, those are some of the common traits of people who might be born with higher frequency.
So, Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
How To Treat Diaper Rash Fast | Best Homemade Diaper Rash Cream (INDIAN VILLAGE ASMR VIDEO) - Duration: 3:11.
Hi friends this is Ramya from wildturmeric. In this video, I wanted to share
a clinically proven homemade diaper rash cream that helps start 93% of wound
healing in the first 6 hours of application. Able to heal diaper rash
with a simple homemade rash cream equal to prescription medication is amazing!
This cream is very gentle to be used on baby's skin and has no side effects at all.
I will leave the link to the research paper supporting these claims in the
description box below.
The first ingredient we need is bentonite clay. It's a healing clay got from the ash of volcanoes. Calendula extract is supposed
to be the most effective for diaper rash but bentonite clay has been proven to be
even more effective than calendula, this is because it draws out toxins very
effectively thus helping in very fast wound healing. You can buy bentonite clay
through online shops. I would suggest using only bentonite clay for best results.
The second ingredient we need is aloe vera juice, to make aloe vera juice
cut the leaf of an aloe vera plant. Wash, pat dry and remove the thorns on both
sides of the leaf. Now cut in half, scoop out the flesh and grind in a mixer
without adding any water to get a smooth juice. Aloe vera juice spoils very soon
but one amazing thing about this cream is when Aloe Vera juice is mixed with the
clay it does not spoil for three days if left at room temperature and don't use
store-bought Aloe Vera gel, it does not mix well with the clay and it is always
best to use fresh aloe vera juice. Aloe Vera helps heal the wound very fast.
The last ingredient we need is lavender oil. Lavender essential oil has
anti-inflammatory properties that helps bring down the inflammation and is very
very healing. You can order lavender essential oil easily through online shops.
I wanted to make this recipe into an ASMR video. We were going
through a very severe drought but now it has rained and the whole village looks
green and beautiful. We have these beautiful yellow flowers popping all over
the farm and I have taken this video using them as a background.
You can store this cream at room temperature for two to three days but it
is best to make it fresh every day. To use, apply a thin layer of this cream on
the affected area twice daily wash it off after an hour or two.
I hope you found this video useful. If you like to support me and this channel, please share this video
with your friends, it'll mean a lot to me. If you like to get detailed information
on herbs on days I don't post videos, press the notification button. Thank you
for watching this video :)
Hot, much like summer _ 052818 - Duration: 1:43.
Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.
It's the last Monday of May,... and you can definitely tell by the hot weather that summer
is right around the corner.
The weather is already this hot, I wonder how hot it'll get in our actual summer months.
Unlike the rest of the nation, Jeju and the southern regions are currently under cloudy
skies ,... with light showers of less than 5 millimeters expected.
Tomorrow's weather won't be too different from today, other than a few more clouds.
The whole country will be exposed to high UV rays again so try to stay safe when under
the sun.
Taking a look at our readings for tomorrow,...
Seoul will wake up to 18 degrees Celsius, Daegu and Gyeongju begin at 18 and 17 degrees.
The daily high in Seoul will hit 25 degrees, while Gwangju and Busan peak at 29 and 24
After tomorrow, the country will be under sunnier skies with hotter highs during the
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
Old MacDonald Had A Zoo | Songs And Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 20:37.
Old MacDonald has a wonderful zoo..
Lets go visit there..
Old MacDonald had a zoo.
And on this zoo he had a lion...E-i-E-i-O
With the Roar roar here and the roar roar there..
Here a roar there a roar everywhere a roar roar..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a gorilla...E-i-E-i-O
With then oak oak here and then oak oak there
Here a oak there a oak everywhere a oak oak...
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a elephant...E-i-E-i-O
When the trumpet trumpet here and the trumpet trumpet there..
here a trumpet trumpet there a trumpet trumpet everywhere trumpet trumpet..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a parrot...E-i-E-i-O
With a squawk squawk here and a squawk squawk there...
Here a squawk, there a squawk Everywhere a squawk squawk ..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a bear...E-i-E-i-O
With a growl growl here and a growl growl there...
Here a growl, there a growl Everywhere a growl growl.
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a crocodile...E-i-E-i-O
With a flash flash here and a flash flash there...
Here a flash, there a flash Everywhere a flash flash
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a wolf...E-i-E-i-O
With a howl howl here and a howl howl there...
Here a howl, there a howl Everywhere a howl howl..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
And on this zoo he had a hippo...E-i-E-i-O
With a grunt grunt here and a grunt grunt l there...
Here a grunt, there a grunt Everywhere a grunt grunt..
Old MacDonald had a zoo..
35 Stylish and Fun Summer Hammocks for Lazy Days - Duration: 4:22.
Opel Insignia ST BUSINESS+ 1.6T 170PK | LEDER | XENON | FULL OPTION - Duration: 1:07.
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