Gymnastics now, and, first up,
Tourischeva of the Soviet Union.
Ludmilla Tourischeva led the Soviet Union
to the team event gold medal
at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.
She would then go on to win gold in the prestigious
overall individual discipline.
At 20 years old, Tourischeva held world,
Olympic and European titles all at the same time,
and she ended her career with nine Olympic medals,
including four of the most precious metal.
She was a serene performer, consistently brilliant
and a popular team leader of the Soviet gymnastics team.
So why was the 1972 gymnastics competition best remembered
not for the performance of Tourischeva,
but for the emergence
of her 17-year-old team-mate, the girl who finished seventh?
Nicknamed the Sparrow,
the little Olga Korbut
was a promising star of Soviet gymnastics.
She caught the eye
from her very first appearance in Munich.
She had been training relentlessly from the age of 12
back home in Minsk, in modern-day Belarus.
Alongside Tourischeva,
Korbut helped the Soviet Union win gold
in the team event.
By the start of the individual all-round competition,
all eyes were on Korbut.
There was no social media in those days,
but it would be true to say
that Korbut phenomenon went viral.
Imagine a world without social media!
People actually talking to each other.
Watching on colour TV for the first time,
people around the world
stopped what they were doing
to watch this tiny girl from Minsk.
After the vault and floor exercises,
Korbut was in third place.
She was in serious contention to win a medal.
Next up, the uneven bars.
Two parallel bars set at different heights
with gymnasts soaring and swinging from bar to bar.
It requires control.
The judges looking for difficulty,
technique and composition.
Deductions are made for errors, pauses and steps on dismount.
Up until then, the uneven bars
had been Korbut's strongest discipline,
but not that day in Munich.
From the beginning, her routine went badly wrong.
Korbut was heavily marked down,
a score of 7.5 effectively ended her medal chances.
The tears were seen as a very public display of emotion
and it helped make her a household name.
Tears. Yep. That will work.
Make sure you click like
and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Tourischeva won the overall gold medal she deserved.
It was said of her she could perform on a battlefield.
It was Korbut however who won people's hearts,
and she had the support of millions
when it came to the individual events.
On the balance beam,
she pulled off a stunt no-one had ever seen before
in international competition.
It was a sensational performance and it won her gold
in that discipline.
Korbut followed it up with an extraordinary display
on the floor.
A second gold.
On the uneven bars,
she made mistakes in the qualification round,
but made it through to the finals,
and it was now that she pulled off her boldest manoeuvre yet.
No gymnast had ever scored a perfect ten before,
but surely this sensational performance had earned it.
The judges thought not and awarded Korbut 9.8.
Spectators thought there had been a huge mistake.
The judges stuck to their decision.
It was still enough to give Korbut a silver medal.
The audacious backwards somersault
became known as the Korbut Flip.
But in 2009, the move was banned.
You will never see this done at the Olympic Games.
It was just too dangerous.
Thankfully, the Flip was not Korbut's only legacy.
She quickly became a role model for young gymnasts.
In Britain alone, some 2.5 million took up the sport,
a pattern repeated all over the world.
The Korbut phenomenon demonstrated
the power of the Olympic Games, or, in this case,
a young girl from Minsk to grab the attention of the globe.
For more infomation >> How Olga Korbut Inspired a Generation of Gymnasts | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 5:08.-------------------------------------------
"Apuñaladas Mortales - Primera Parte" | EL INCOMODO FANFIC DE AGUS Y MILO #EP 6 - Duration: 14:51.
Un autobús urbano de Barcelona atropella a un peatón y continúa su ruta - Duration: 4:00.
Matrimonio y los bienes materiales - Pr. Jardel Fernandes - Duration: 10:38.
Puyol al Barcelona, tras el título del Madrid: "Tenemos que reflexionar' - Duration: 1:06.
Harry, el príncipe que ama a los niños - Duration: 1:58.
#Decisión2018 Elecciones presidenciales 2018 - Duration: 6:11.
Primera imagen de Meghan Markle vestida de novia - Duration: 1:43.
10 Looks For Long Hair - Men's Long Haircut Styles - Duration: 8:59.
- Okay so you've finally grown your hair out,
it's long, luscious, and beautiful,
but now what do you do with it?
Good question, in this video I'm going to be showing you
10 different variations that I've
been doing with my long hair lately.
(swish) (swish)
Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.
My name's Thomas if you're brand new here
and I make style and hair related videos
every single week here on YouTube.
If you are brand new, I have been growing my hair out
for over a year now and my hair's finally long
and I can finally start doing different things with it.
And the purpose of this video today is just to show you
10 different variations of hairstyles that I've been doing
while my hair has been longer.
I'm really excited to show you these
and I'm actually wearing one right now,
we're going to get into that later, but yeah.
So stay tuned and let's get into it, okay? Boom.
So the first hairstyle on my list,
I've called this "wild and free."
The reason I call it wild and free is because
during the growing out process I was kind of like,
"Aw I can't wear this out because it's just so puffy
and it doesn't grow down, it grows out.
But now my hair has finally gotten
to a length of like 13 inches.
It actually, when I don't wear this hat
and I tuck it behind my ears,
I can actually wear my hair down now
without it looking too ridiculous.
So wild and free has become my new favourite
and literally, I'll just put my hair products in,
let it air dry, and let it hang down,
and I'm actually not afraid to go out in public
with it anymore so wild and free all the way,
that is number 1. Woo hoo!
Trust me, if you are one of those people as well
that's dealing with the growing out,
like it's actually growing out and not down,
just keep in there, hang in there,
because when it gets to a certain length,
it will go down and you will have the benefits of it.
You've just got to wait and persevere.
Hairstyle number 2 is probably a little bit cliche,
probably a little bit obvious,
but hey I'm going to throw it in there anyway
because it is a long hairstyle and it is the man bun.
I'm obsessed with the man bun,
I've just started doing a series on my channel
about man buns so if you have a man bun,
make sure you subscribe and come back for that.
But, the man bun definitely
has a million different variations
and I do think it's a hairstyle
that a lot of guys with long hair will be championing.
So yeah, it's really cool. Duh, man bun.
The next long hairstyle on the list is a tri-braid.
Obviously over the last couple of years
I've been trying out braids and actually learning
how to do it myself on my own head,
and that is a very fun thing.
Once you get past that point,
you can actually play around
with millions of different styles.
But this one is the tri-braid,
so I'll do one braid here on the side,
one braid on the top, one braid on the back,
and tie it all into one at the back.
It's technically another man bun variation
but it's actually a very cool look and it's different,
and if you can do it yourself,
there's something about being able to do your own braid
that is so, like, yeah, I did that.
I've got a few videos about braiding as well,
I might leave a card up there for you to go and check it out
but if you know how to braid your own hair,
you've definitely got one up on the competition
and it's something that I would recommend,
so get into it.
Look number 4 on the list is one
of my new favourites actually,
this one's great for anybody
that's dealing with the out stage.
Again, it's another Pinterest one that I've seen.
Save it once, see it a million times,
this one I'm calling "the buff look."
The buff look is very, very cool, it's like,
I think only guys with really, really curly hair
can pull this one off.
And its best look is when your hair
is at like probably I think the 5 inch mark.
It's literally just a bit of face
with big curly hair that covers the eyes
and it looks insane.
It's actually like this hair
I've got right now but all over
and it's a real like alternate, grungy look
but I, for some reason I love it.
I've tried to recreate it myself,
there's going to be a few pictures floating over the screen
right now of my version of this,
but I've also seen it a lot on Pinterest.
And I would recommend this for anybody
that's got that big, out, bushy hair
that's trying to get it longer,
Because you can actually still
make yourself look really, really
good while you're in that stage.
It's just about making the most of what you've got.
Look number 5 is the broad brimmed hat look.
That's the exact look I'm wearing right now.
I actually have never worn a hat like this on my channel.
I actually want to know what you guys think of this look
in the description box below, comment box,
sorry I always call it the description box.
And, yeah, this is pretty much the buff look
but combed back a little bit
with a hat chucked on top of it.
If you guys follow me on Snapchat,
I went to Couran Cove a couple of weekends ago
and my friend Tom, funnily enough his name is Tom,
it was his birthday, and he had a hat just like this
and I was like, "Can I borrow that for a minute?"
Anyway, I tried it out and this is the look I got.
So I went and bought my own
and I actually think it looks really groovy,
really alternate, and it's something
that I just have never really worn before.
Thumbs up for the broad brimmed hat look.
The next hairstyle on the list is the Jon Snow highballer.
You'll recognise this from my first man bun monthly series.
This is one of my favourite man buns that I've seen
and ever since Game of Thrones,
I've always been in love with Jon Snow's hair.
And, yeah, since my hair's gotten a little bit longer,
I thought, "Fuck it, let's try it, let's try this look out."
And I really like it on myself
and I would encourage anybody else to go for it as well.
The highballer Jon Snow.
(makes swish noise) (swish)
And for long hairstyle number 7,
so this one's a really cool one,
I've never really worn this look either.
This look only really works for me
when I've got my hair straightened,
but I call this one "the Thor."
Typically because it looks a little bit Thor-like,
or Chris Hemsworth, like if I looked
like him that would be great.
Um, no, this hairstyle is really cool.
It's kind of, I don't know,
it's almost a little bit Legolas as well
with the ponytail at the back
but all the long flowy hair down the side of the head.
I really, really like this look.
I've never really worn it either
until my hair got to a certain length,
and now that it's at that length,
I'm really playing with those styles
and I really, really like this look.
And long hairstyle number 8 is the man pony.
So I've documented this before in my video
about 10 looks with an undercut, I documented the man pony.
But I only wore the man pony
when I had the disconnected undercut
and I looked like Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
However, now that my hair's full length,
when I wear the man pony,
it actually gives me a really different look.
If I'm honest, I don't particularly like this look
that much on me,
but I do think some guys out there can really rock it.
I mean, the pictures that I got of it, yeah,
they're pretty cool because I sit there
until I get the right selfie, but yeah.
I don't know, the man pony was definitely going to be
on the list because I think it's groovy.
I just don't particularly like it on my own head.
But it's definitely one to put in the list.
Moving onto hairstyle number 9,
this one's one that I like to think
that I kind of created myself,
but really I kind of copied it
from really old school footage that I've seen before.
I call this one "the Vegemite scroll."
It's actually a, I don't know,
it reminds me of an old wench-y hairstyle.
It's kind of like all I do is literally
like coil my hair up on the sides,
chuck a couple of bobby pins in it,
and then legit looks like a scroll.
(laughing) It's pretty funky.
I can understand why most guys
probably won't want to wear this
because it might look a little bit feminine or whatever,
but I'm so alternative this is probably a hairstyle
that I would just chuck in my hair
and waltz around the house in,
or I would probably, you know,
wear it at a Youtube event
or something where I really had to make a statement
about the kind of stuff that I do.
And it's just like a really random one
that I thought I would chuck in here
because yeah, why not? The Vegemite scroll.
Who doesn't love Vegemite?
I actually don't, I don't like Vegemite.
And for long hairstyle number 10,
this one is called "the Beyonce."
Typically because it is big, curly, wild, and crazy.
We all know our Queen Bey has very, very crazy hair
and I actually started to get this look
after doing the wash-and-go routine,
so with the Jane Carter solution,
the shea butter, and the flax seed gel.
I just noticed it would give me really, really in-depth curl
but with a lot of volume as well.
Like I literally, I could have been Beyonce's twin.
So that's why I called it that one.
And I have been wearing that one a lot more as well.
It doesn't, I can't really wear
that one as the wild and free,
it doesn't really sit down when I do that method on it,
it goes out and big,
so, yeah, that's why I called it the Beyonce.
But that one definitely had to be on the list too
because I have been playing around with that
and I don't know, I think big, curly, crazy hair
is really in right now.
It's just my thing, I love it, clearly.
Alright guys and that is it for my 10 long hairstyles.
I really hope you enjoyed that
and I hope that gave you some inspiration.
This is what these videos are all about.
I just kind of want to bring variety to you
so you can see what's out there and what might work for you.
You might never have seen some of these hairstyles
and want to go give them a try.
I really recommend anybody with like medium to long hair,
get one of these hats, you will freaking love it.
This is probably my favourite one of the whole video.
But yeah, so that's what I've got for you
and please let me know what your favourite hairstyle was
in the comment section below
because I'm always interested to hear.
And that's it.
If you are keen to see my man bun monthly series,
make sure you subscribe and come back once a month.
I'm still going to be, I'll be refining like
what week and each month it's going to be coming out.
That's, maybe you can let me know what you'd prefer
in the comment section below.
But yeah, make sure you stick around for that
because I'm really excited about that content
and again, if you haven't joined the Facebook group,
make sure you head down to the description box
and you'll be able to find a link there.
All you have to do is ask to join,
answer 3 questions, and then boom, you're in.
So, yeah, that's it.
Have a really good week and I'll see you next time.
(explosion sound)
La increíble imagen de Messi que dio la vuelta al mundo - Duration: 1:29.
✅ Rebecca de Alba causaría separación de Luismi y Yazbek - Duration: 1:28.
México. La conductora zacateana y exreina de belleza Rebecca de Alba habría sido la causante de que Mariana Yazbek y Luis Miguel terminaran su romance, en los años 80
Lo anterior es lo que plantea la periodista Claudia de Icaza. En uno de los episodios de la serie de Luis Migue se dejó ver que la ruptura amorosa entre "El sol de México" y Mariana Yazbek fue provocada por Alejandro González Inárritu y Stephanie Salas
De acuerdo a una entrevista que circula en You Tube, en la plataforma "De historia en historia", Claudia de Icaza revela que ni Alejandro, ni Stephanie tuvieron que ver en que Luis Miguel y Mariana Yazbek terminaran su relación de pareja
En ese momento la fotógrafa tiró su servilleta al suelo y captó en infraganti a la conductora, acariciando con el pie a "El Sol", por lo que esta podría ser la verdadera razón del rompimiento de Mariana y Luis Miguel
Colombia vota en unas elecciones marcadas por la división entre izquierda y derecha - Duration: 9:25.
1 comentariosVer comentarioColombia ha celebrado este domingo las primeras elecciones presidenciales en paz desde hace más de medio siglo
El acuerdo alcanzado por el mandatario Juan Manuel Santos con la guerrilla de las FARC a finales de 2016 ha marcado la jornada electoral
Su futuro podría estar en juego. La corrupción que ha salpicado al país por escándalos como Odebrecht y la crisis en la vecina Venezuela son las otras dos preocupaciones que han impulsado a la sociedad a votar
"Hoy toca ejercer nuestro derecho, son las elecciones más importantes desde hace mucho tiempo", piensa Jorge, que ha ido con su mujer y su hija a votar en un colegio del centro de Bogotá, en el barrio de la Candelaria
Recuerda que en 2014 el voto estaba entre Santos y el líder de la derecha, el ex presidente Álvaro Uribe, a través de su candidato Óscar Iván Zuluaga
"Entre la paz y la guerra", dice a coro toda la familia. "Este año nos jugamos otra vez que la paz no se muera, por eso votaremos por Gustavo Petro"
Este discurso no sólo se escucha en la capital de Colombia. En el país no se recuerda una batalla tan polarizada como la de este año entre la izquierda que representa Petro y la derecha de Iván Duque, el candidato favorito en las encuestas y que representa al uribismo
Estos dos extremos han desplazado de la terna de favoritos a otras opciones más moderadas, que ocupan el centro político
Pese a ello, ni Duque ni Petro parecen capaces de lograr la mayoría de votos (el 50% más uno) para ganar en primera vuelta este domingo
Hay dos nombres que podrían colarse entre los dos más votados y llegar a la segunda vuelta el 17 de junio
Son Sergio Fajardo, ex alcalde de Medellín que ha centrado su campaña en la educación como arma de transformación social, y Germán Vargas Lleras, ex vicepresidente con Santos, heredero de una maquinaria política que podría garantizarle grandes apoyos que no registran las encuestas
Para ello, necesitan una votación alta en un país donde las previsiones de abstención superan el 50%
La división en la sociedad se escenifica en Bogotá de una forma tremenda. En los barrios del sur y en la zona histórica del centro es difícil encontrar votantes de la derecha
Los sectores populares tienen un buen recuerdo de los años (entre 2012 y 2015) en que Petro fue el alcalde de la capital, cuando promovió diversas políticas sociales
"Es el único que representa un cambio real en un país tan desigual", coinciden diversas voces con las que hablamos
Colombia es uno de los países más desiguales del mundo, con unas elites que han controlado el poder político y económico desde hace varias generaciones
La mayoría de la población vive en zonas rurales, muchas veces en lugares mal comunicados donde no se garantiza el acceso a educación y salud
La ruptura en dos mitades que escenificó el Plebiscito sobre el acuerdo de paz en 2016 ha beneficiado a los dos extremos políticos, que usan el discurso del miedo y el odio
Esa desigualdad también es geográfica. "Trabajo en los barrios del norte de Bogotá y la mayoría de mis clientes me han dicho que votarán por Iván Duque", dice Carlos Mauricio, un señor mayor que conduce un taxi desde hace 12 años
Con él recorremos en esa dirección (hacia el norte) la carrera séptima, una de las principales vías de tránsito de la ciudad
Según nos alejamos del centro el espectro de opciones políticas se va abriendo. En el barrio de Chapinero, donde se ha asentado en los últimos años una población joven y bohemia, de clase media alta, se ven en los cristales de las casas carteles de apoyo a Fajardo y Humberto De La Calle, el más veterano de los cinco candidatos, que lideró la negociación del proceso de paz
En las encuestas aparece a la cola, no llega al 5%. "A mí De La Calle me parece un tipo honesto, que hizo un trabajo muy importante por la paz en este país
Pero apoyarle sería tirar mi voto porque no tiene opciones. Votaré por Duque porque no quiero que Petro convierta a Colombia en Venezuela
Eso sería horroroso, ellos eran nuestro vecino rico y ahora vienen a puñados acá huyendo de sus políticos", dice Carlos Mauricio, al volante, quien confiesa que vive en el sur, en una zona muy pobre, pero tiene "miedo de perder lo poco" que tiene
Al llegar a la Zona T, un área comercial en los barrios residenciales del norte, el paisaje es totalmente distinto
En un edificio de pisos de lujo hay banderas de Colombia con la cara de Vargas Lleras
Una señoras se pasean con unos carteles gigantes con frases en contra de Petro: "No queremos castochavismo
No más impunidad" . Desde la derecha, critican a Petro le por la amistad que tuvo con Hugo Chávez y no toleran que vaya a respetar los "privilegios" que Santos dio a los líderes de las FARC tras dejar las armas, algunos de los cuales harán política desde el Congreso
"Si no hubiera sido por el extremismo que hay en la política este año, yo hubiera ido por Fajardo, es un hombre honesto y bien preparado
Pero toca ir por Duque para que Petro no gane", dice Arturo, que sujeta con una correa a dos perros, lleva gafas oscuras y habla muy bajito, mirando a los lados
Como él, mucha gente en Colombia confiesa que tiene miedo, otros se debaten entre la esperanza y la incertidumbre
El próximo inquilino del Palacio de Nariño tendrá que tomar decisiones muy importantes, que van a definir no sólo la política interna del país durante los próximos cuatro años sino el papel que el país jugará en la región
El resultado de estas elecciones determinará cuál será la orientación de la economía a medio plazo, hasta qué punto habrá un compromiso real para combatir la corrupción en Colombia (donde el escándalo de Odebrecht ha salpicado a la clase política) y se tomarán decisiones vitales respecto a la distribución de la tierra, el conflicto que provocó la aparición de las guerrillas a mediados del siglo XX
Además, tendrá que tomar una posición respecto a la crisis en Venezuela y sobre la relación con Estados Unidos, que ha tenido en Colombia un aliado estratégico desde finales del siglo pasado
✅ Detienen por homicidio a candidato del PRI en Morelos - Duration: 1:36.
Cuernavaca, Morelos.- Ayer a mediodía, en Amacuzac, Jorge Miranda Abarca, presidente con licencia y candidato a la alcaldía, fue detenido en su domicilio por elementos de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) por los delitos de delincuencia organizada, secuestro y homicidio
De acuerdo con Diario de Morelos, tras la detención, Miranda, quien busca la reelección por el PRI, vinculado al cártel de "Los Rojos" fue trasladado a la Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación de Delincuencia Organizada (SEIDO) en la Ciudad de México
Miranda Abarca es sobrino de Alfonso Miranda Gallegos, candidato a la presidencia municipal de Amacuzac, por la coalición "Juntos Haremos Historia" (Morena, PT y PES), quien fue detenido el domingo 6 de mayo del año en curso por los delitos de delincuencia organizada, secuestro y homicidio calificado
Como es sabido "Los Rojos" es uno de los cárteles que opera en la zona Sur de Morelos, en donde según autoridades apoyó económicamente a varios alcaldes y donde tiene amenazados a otros ediles, a quienes presuntamente extorsiona y les "cobra piso"
Download new trap rap beat
[2nd Place] SoNE1 at DDR 2018 Original Choreo K-Pop Medley - Duration: 7:28.
Hey Aggies.
Hope you're having a great picnic day.
Welcome to Davis's one and only K-POP radio show: SoNE101.
Tonight, we'll be taking requests.
but we'll start off the night HOT with "Where" by Killagramz
During the song, we were taking some call requests
and you're our lucky caller Becky Kim. WASSUP BECKY!
ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod We're live!
I'd like to request a song for my crush Tristan.
Wait, I wasn't supposed to say the name.
But anyways...
Can you play something like that's like sweet and like sultry kind of you know.
Aight Becky. I got the perfect song for you girl.
Listen to this ~smooth~ remix of 4 Walls by f(x)
Don't just get any kimchi, get SoNEKimchi.
SoNEKimchi is not FDA approved.
You might experience instances of upset stomach, shortness of breath, intense sweating,
disappointment, tongue removal, and in some cases, DEATH.
MC Ding is about to sign out
But before our final song, here's one last rhyme to end your picnic day.
I'm gonna keep in real concise, SoNE101 is gonna finish it nice.
Kimchi is red, We are too.
Let's end it off with the rest of the crew.
MINI 1.6 ONE MINIMALIST BUSINESS LINE | Climate-ctrl | Cruise-ctrl | LM-velgen | Mistlampen - Duration: 1:05.
how to host any website, unlimited free web hosting 2018 - Duration: 13:14.
COMEY COMES CLEAN! Drops B*mb On Lynch & Obama Says Exactly What They Pressured Him To Do - Duration: 5:44.
Drops Bomb On Lynch & Obama Says Exactly What They Pressured Him To Do.
The controversy surrounding former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James
Commey, and President Obama and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch seems to never die down.
Right when it starts to quiet it comes right back again.
Mainly because there is always some type of new development, that comes about because
of the investigation.
Now former Director Comey dropped another bombshell that people are not going to like.
The Daily Wire reported,
"During his much-anticipated testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday,
former FBI Director James Comey made a claim that highlights the hypocrisy of the Democrats
accusations against President Trump.
Barack Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch, said Comey, attempted to pressure him
to portray the investigation into Hillary Clinton, as simply a "matter" rather than
a true "investigation" as it of course was.
"At one point, the Attorney General [Lynch] told me not to call it an investigation but
instead to call it a matter, which confused and concerned me," the former FBI director
told the committee Thursday.
"But that was one of the bricks in the load that led me to conclude I have to step away
from the Justice Department, if we're to close this case credibly."
This is not the first time Comey has mentioned that Lynch tried to get him to downplay the
Clinton investigation, but in the midst of the Democrat/media frenzy over Trump's alleged
pressuring of Comey to drop the Flynn "matter," the former FBI director's statement made
under oath exposes the egregious double standard in a glaring way.
"This comes on the heels of Comey saying he largely scrapped the Clinton investigation
because of Lynch's private meeting with Bill Clinton," notes Erick Erickson.
"That sounds way more like obstruction of justice than Trump just asking Comey if he
might wind down the Flynn investigation when Comey did not do so afterwards."
In yet another example of the Democrats' hypocritical double standard, as former Bush
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer notes, while the Democrats and their colleagues
in the media cry "obstruction" over Trump's request for "loyalty" from Comey, they
didn't seem to have any problem with Obama AG Eric Holder calling himself Obama's "wingman":
Lynch was not the only unexpected casualty of the day.
Also caught in the line of fire was the establishment media for its increasing reliance on unnamed
sources, whom Comey explained often simply do not fully understand the information they
are illegally leaking.
In particular, the New York Times came out of the hearing with its credibility diminished
after Comey blew up its Feb. 14 "bombshell" on the potential collusion of Trump's associates
with Russian agents, a report he agreed was "almost entirely wrong.""
Comey made it clear when he was giving his sworn testimony that he felt that many news
stories and classified information that was released to news outlets were false.
Furthermore, that accounts of the Russia investigation in regards to collusion were overexaggerated
and falsified in order to sell news stories.
Confirmation that even Comey knew that there is misleading information out there in the
media on both sides of the aisle.
Most recently Comey came out and rejected and spoke against Congressional and Senate
Republicans for their comments on the investigation and concerns over the legitimacy of leaks
and information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
CNBC reported,
"Former FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday weighed in for the first time on reports of
an informant investigating President Donald Trump's campaign, saying that lies and attacks
on the law enforcement agency "will do lasting damage to our country."
In a pair of tweets, Comey defended the use of confidential human sources — "the actual
term," he said — as being "essential to protecting the country."
Comey then went on the offensive, suggesting that Republicans in positions of political
leadership were attacking the FBI dishonestly.
"How will Republicans explain this to their grandchildren?" he asked.
Comey, who was fired by Trump in May 2017, did not mention the president by name in the
Wednesday morning tweets.
But Comey's statements came shortly after Trump, also on Twitter, decried "SPYGATE"
as potentially being "one of the biggest political scandals in history!"
The Wednesday morning diatribe was not the first time Trump spoke out about the alleged
informant, who reportedly interviewed multiple Trump campaign associates as part of the FBI's
probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
In a Friday tweet, Trump claimed, without providing evidence, that "at least one FBI
representative" had been "implanted, for political purposes," in his campaign.
A New York Times report published later that day said there was no available evidence to
suggest that the informant had been "implanted," or that the person's work was politically
On Sunday, Trump took action against the alleged use of an informant, demanding that the Justice
Department investigate whether his campaign had been "infiltrated or surveilled" for
"Political Purposes.""
At this juncture, it is abundantly clear that James Comey has zero credibility.
When he lost his job he went to the paid speech circuit, took up television appearances, and
wrote a book.
If that does not scream attention seeking I am not quite sure what does.
Beyond anything else, his actions indicate that he has never done or wanted to do what
is in the best interests of the American people.
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Mother Lost Her Son In Afghanistan And NEVER Got Call From Obama,Look What She Just Got From Melania - Duration: 6:20.
Mother Lost Her Son In Afghanistan And NEVER Got Call From Obama, But Look What She Just
Got From Melania.
Memorial Day weekend has commenced with the holiday just tomorrow.
As we all prepare to honor the sacrifice made by so many families, whose loved ones have
put their lives on the line in the defense of our country, it is time to look back on
those individuals.
With an administration that truly values that sacrifice, there is no room for anything less
than gratitude.
Which is exactly what First Lady Melania Trump showed when she interacted with a Gold Star
Via IJR:
"The loss of a child is an intensely painful and forever life-altering event, that can
shake a parent to the very core of their being, especially if that is an untimely one.
Jill Stephenson lost her son U.S. Army Ranger Benjamin Kopp, and she knows all too well
what that pain is.
In 2009, Jill received the worst possible news for a parent with their child deployed
overseas could ever receive.
Her son had been injured, suffering a gunshot wound to the leg.
She remembers her first thought was that he was going to lose the leg.
Jill states "When I got the call Ben was shot, my heart fell into my stomach.
I was told he was shot in the leg and had undergone surgery and was recovering.
My first thought was that he lost his leg."
However, the injury turned into a series of worst-case scenarios in the eight days, that
followed his admittance to Walter Reed Medical Center.
Knopp's body, eventually gave out due to the extent of his injuries.
He was just twenty-one years old.
As a means of keeping her son's memory alive and in an effort to help her process her grief
eight years ago, Jill states that she has found a means to cope and to heal through
sharing her son's story of selfless sacrifice.
She states she lives with the memory every day and that will never go away, however,
sharing him with others, what he did, and what he was about, helps her continue to heal.
Through that grieving process and sharing of her son's story, Jill became a part of
Transition Assistance Program.
Transition Assistance Program is a program that helps military families with the grieving
process, when a service member is killed in action.
To this day, she still continues her work in advocacy for veterans issues all across
the country.
She has made at least two trips to Arlington National Cemetery annually, since her son's
passing eight years ago.
The visits fall in mid-December for Wreaths Across America and over Memorial Day weekend.
With Memorial Day coming up in just a few weeks the mainstream media is ramping up,
their continuous nonstop bashing of President Donald Trump ramping up into high gear.
Many of the mainstream media continue to bash President Trump for his comments, about Barack
Obama not calling families of our fallen military.
Many in the media and all over Twitter lost their collective minds accusing President
Trump of lying saying, Obama most certainly did call families of fallen military.
In fact, they protested so much the Washington Post did a fact-check…
"From our perusal of news reports and news databases, we could not find any contemporaneous
evidence that Obama spoke about such calls, or that the White House announced he had called
WaPo quickly noted Obama had, on several occasions, met with the families of fallen soldiers.
However, this is something that President Trump has also done as well as sending out
Yet while several members of the administration said they "recalled" such phone calls,
no records were found.
WaPo did, however, find a record of one soldier, Sergeant Sean Collins.
"Still, in early 2011, the family of one fallen soldier, Sergeant Sean Collins told
Fox News they had requested a call from Obama, and were told his schedule was too packed
for a conversation."
Meanwhile, Jill states she did not get a phone from the Obamas.
However, what she did get may be infinitely more personal, and much more heartfelt.
Jill stated "I never got a call.
The Obamas never sent these, either."
She then shared a simple, yet powerful and heartfelt letter she received from First Lady
Melania Trump, just after Memorial Day in 2017 that touched her deeply."
The letter that the First Lady sent to her read as follows,
"Dear Ms. Stephenson,
I wish to offer my heartfelt gratitude for the sacrifices you have made, and the high
price you and your family have paid to help ensure our freedom.
As a mother, you bear the burden of war in a very personal way.
I want to take a moment, on Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, to honor you and your
son, Corporal Benjamin Kopp, who laid down his life to protect us, our country, and all
we hold dear.
His sacrifice will never be forgotten.
I hold you close to my heart and keep you in my prayers.
Melania Trump"
In just a few short paragraphs, Melania Trump demonstrates what grace and class look like
as she extends the compassion of a nation to a grieving family, extending her hand to
thank them personally for all they have done to help keep this nation safe.
There is not much else needs to be said, as the first lady's personalized message to
Jill Stephenson on behalf of her son's ultimate sacrifice speaks volumes.
Meanwhile, as usual, the Obamas silence speaks volumes as well."
When someone loses a child there is nothing that can be done, that will change the pain
they are in.
Because nobody can bring back their child.
However, one can at least try to bring happiness in the dark cloud they are traveling through.
Yet, the Obama family could not even do that.
How hard would it have been to just send them a card?
not hard at all and with minimal effort.
But First Lady Melania Trump certainly did it.
It goes to show how classy, dignified and filled with love the Trump administration
is for veterans, and servicemembers and their families.
They were willing to go out of their way to do something as small as writing a letter
in remembrance of their son.
Something their predecessors never did.
It indicates where their priorities really are.
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Trump Secures Release of Yet Another American Prisoner Held Abroad - Duration: 1:44.
Trump Secures Release of Yet Another American Prisoner Held Abroad.
Good news!
President Trump has secured the release of yet another American held prisoner abroad.
Utah's Josh Holt was released from a prison in Venezuela, where he was held without trial
on a trumped-up weapons charge, after arriving in the country to marry is the girlfriend
who he met online.
From Town Hall
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) announced Saturday that the Trump administration has secured
the release of Joshua Holt, 26, from captivity in Venezuela after he was held there for almost
two years.
BREAKING: Senator Hatch has secured the release of Utahn Josh Holt from Venezuela.
Holt, a Mormon, flew to Venezuela to marry Thamy Holt, who he had met online.
Venezuela claimed Holt had weapons in his new wife's family's apartment.
He and his wife have been held without a trial since 2016.
President Trump celebrated the development in some tweets Saturday as the newly released
couple are expected to land in D.C. this evening.
Good news about the release of the American hostage from Venezuela.
Should be landing in D.C. this evening and be in the White House, with his family, at
about 7:00 P.M.
The great people of Utah will be very happy!
Looking forward to seeing Joshua Holt this evening in the White House.
The great people of Utah are Celebrating!
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USA facts today.
buten un binnen regionalmagazin 20180326 1927 cut - Duration: 4:21.
Nightcore - All I Have ~ (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:03.
This video include lyrics on screen
What is the SHUTDOWN FOR 1000 KILLS ENEMY? League of Legends Experiment! - Duration: 2:48.
Hello everyone, what's up?
So today's video is gonna be about the shutdown gold in League of Legends.
So few days ago there was a post on Reddit on the frontpage asking how much gold you
can actually get with the shutdowns?
And there were some people speculating that the gold is unlimited there.
And according to the sources, it should be unlimited.
Someone said that the highest shutdown gold, the highest gold for a kill they got was 1300.
So, what we thought we would do is we will try to see how much shutdown, or how much gold
for a kill I should say will we get if we get a shutdown on a target with 1000 kills.
So that's what we did.
We hopped into the custom game, me playing the jinx vs 5 other feeders.
So I kept penta-killing them to get as many kills as possible.
My minions were obviously pushing because I had higher level than them and as you know
minions scale with levels too.
And at some point one of the guys had to defend the base, so I can keep getting more kills.
So the Sivir went to get her waveclear duty and I kept quadra-killing the other guys,
until I finally got 1000 kills.
So it took me like an hour to get those 1000 kills and there comes the BIG MOMENT.
How much gold will we get for a target with 1000 kills?
So the way we did it is we had everyone attacking me so they get assists and then Sivir killing me.
So right now you can see what exactly happened.
The results were pretty disappointing.
As you can see Sivir indeed only got 1300 Gold, so it doesn't seem like it is infinitely
And what's even more disappointing is that the guys that actually got the assists on
that kill only got 38 gold.
So that's not a lot of gold for killing a target that had 1000 kills, I must say.
And if you are wondering how many kills you need to have to be able to give 1300 gold
to the enemy, the answer is 33.
So if I had 33 kills, the result would be the same, as I had with 1000 kills.
So sadly it doesn't scale infinitely, so they couldn't buy themselves a nice Lamborghini
or anything like that, so that's pretty disappointing.
So if you kill a target with 1000 kills, you get 1300 gold, and if the enemy target has
just 33 kills you also get 1300 gold.
So whenever you see an enemy on the 33 killing streak, go ahead and kill them, you won't
be able to get more gold for the kill anyway.
So yeah that's pretty much it.
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or clicking the notification button, the bell.
Or if you don't like my content, you can unsubscribe or maybe you can dislike the video, it's all
up to you.
Thank you guys so much for watching, take care and have a good day
Urban Sketching with Gouache | Behold I Make All Things New (Revelation 21:5) - Duration: 9:39.
Welcome to Art That Plays and Prays.
If you're new here, let me introduce myself.
I'm Ginger.
I love God and I love art, so I built this channel to get my hands dirty with paint while
my mouth talks about God.
We'll do just that today.
This video is the first of my urban sketching series.
Urban sketching is just like journaling, but instead of jotting down words, you're drawing
cityscapes and memorable scenes you discover as you travel.
You can sketch outdoors, like on location, or you can take a photo and draw from the
comforts of your home, which is what I did with this one here.
You start with a rough pencil drawing.
Draw the scene as you perceive it.
Choose only the parts you want to focus on.
There's no need to over-analyze the details.
In my sketch here, I just drew basic geometric shapes and lines.
Even my perspectives are out of whack and look amateurish, but that's okay.
Urban sketching is not about perfection anyway.
It's an art form that looks beautiful even when it looks unrealistic and messed up.
After drawing, I applied a wash of gouache.
That's so rhyming!
Wash of gouache.
You can use watercolor if you want.
Gouache is more opaque, so it actually presents more complications if you apply it on top of ink.
The ink lines get covered up.
And that's the reason why I started this process with paint instead of starting it off with
ink, which is the more common practice among sketchers, urban sketchers.
Anyway, if you notice, I'm applying gouache randomly.
I'm creating blocks of color to define elements of the scene, like gray for the road, red
for the roof, yellowish beige for the walls of the buildings.
I'm not getting into too much details.
I'm just playing around, very roughly.
Sometimes, I don't have pigments loaded on my brush.
I just swipe plain water on the paper and just let the water work its magic and move
across boundaries for that watercolor effect.
If you're going to do this, feel free to follow the original color values of the cityscape
or change the tones using your own color palette.
It's up to you.
If the roof shingles, for example, are clay orange, but you want to paint it cadmium red,
go ahead.
It's your art.
You call the shots.
When the paint washes are done, pick a fine liner pen that dries permanent, one that won't
bleed when you pass a wet brush over it.
Use that ink pen to draw the details of your painting.
You can trace over your initial sketch and keep it simple.
Or you can add more intricate line values.
Play around with thick lines and thin lines.
Add squiggly lines, or cross-hatches.
Do whatever.
The more line variations you put, the more interesting the sketch looks.
It's all up to you.
Now, as you watch me work here, I want to talk about the verse in Revelation 21 which
says, "Behold, I make all things new."
That verse came to my head immediately after I saw a picture of this town in Germany, which
is what I'm sketching here.
It's a place in Germany.
That verse just popped in my head, maybe because Germany has a different kind of architecture.
The scene I saw is something new and unique compared to the buildings and houses I see
in Canada where I live.
Going to a new place and experiencing a new type of adventure in a different country,
leaves you with a feeling of hope and wonder.
If you read your bible and follow the context of this verse – "Behold, I make all things
new" – you'll know that it's talking about the end of the age, when God will wipe
away our tears, when there'll be no more pain, and all former things will be gone.
God will make things new.
But what about the here and now?
Does this verse only give us hope for the future, like at the end of our life?
What about our circumstances now?
Can't we have the hope of newness now?
Can we dare to tell God, "Lord, I want change to happen in my life now.
I want suffering to be gone now.
Do I have to wait until your second coming for such hope to come?"
While I was reflecting on this verse, I looked back at my life and realized how this line
kept showing up during critical times, whenever I was in deep trouble.
Each time I suffered, in my prayer time, the Lord would point me to this verse, either
directly from the bible or through some of my devotional readings.
It felt like God was talking to me and saying, "Ginger, this problem you're facing now
is temporary.
So hang tight.
Soon, I will make all things new."
God gives us doses of hope by promising that change will happen soon.
It may be a physical change, or a spiritual restoration, or some other form of renewal.
I don't always know.
But hearing God say, "I will make all things new.
I will be your God.
You will be my people.
I will wipe your tears away," Now hearing all of that, isn't it enough to replenish
our lost energies?
It gives you enough hope to move forward again, despite the crosses that still weigh oppressively
on your shoulders.
Friends, I want to share with you a short analogy.
When you're travelling to a new country, before you reach your destination, isn't
it that you go through so much hassle first?
First you have to pack your luggage.
Then you go through the hassles of immigration and customs.
Sometimes you're harassed by questions.
Then you squish your body in that narrow economy seat that has a legroom meant for kids.
Your ears pop with the air pressure.
Turbulence hits the plane and you wonder if you'll ever make it out alive.
Before you step out of the plane into the newness of your paradise destination, you
had to go through all of that trouble.
But you didn't mind the inconvenience because you knew that what awaits you on the other
side is immensely beautiful.
Well that's the same thing with our life.
If you're going through a difficult time now, I hope you realize that it's God working
to bring that sense of newness in you.
Before it gets better, you have to travel through turbulence first.
Before you see the beauty on the other side, you need to carry some burdensome luggage first.
Your suffering has a reason and purpose for your future.
Every heartbreaking day in your life was meant to create something new in you.
Maybe God wants you to have a new heart.
Maybe God is trying to remove your resentments and give you a new spirit by allowing you
to go through pain first.
Whatever it is, just remember … God cannot create something new in you, unless He breaks
down what's old.
That process of breaking … we call that suffering … but God calls that renewal.
He is restoring you by breaking you first.
Just like a new building cannot rise unless the rundown structures are torn down first.
God has to throw away the decayed wood and rusted steel and replace them with a fresh
So friends, the next time you're about to open your mouth to curse your sufferings,
bite your tongue and put a hold on that complaint.
Read back this verse to yourself as a reminder of the purpose of your pain.
Read it back, again and again … "Behold, I am making all things new."
God is making all things new.
Because there, my friend, is where your hope lies.
Thank you for joining me in this creative worship.
This is again Ginger of Art That Plays and Prays.
See you next time.
Until then, I encourage you to be a blessing to others.
Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Comfort de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:08.
Opel ADAM 1.2 Glam AIRCO, I LINK, CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.
Letters to an Asexual #58 (romantic attraction vs. societal pressure to date) - Duration: 22:20.
Hey folks, it's time for another Letters to an Asexual, this is number 58.
Today I'm going to answer a video request I received from an anonymous Tumblr user.
And this is what they wrote to me.
"Have you ever heard about asexuals not knowing the difference between wanting to actually
date and the societal pressure to date?
Maybe a video idea?
I feel like it's led me to do things I wouldn't have done otherwise.
And I always think back and struggle to understand if I was really interested in them to begin
This is like, an excellent question because um, it actually becomes pretty nuanced, uh,
to tell the difference between what do I intrinsically want to do and what do the messages I'm receiving
in society make me think I want to do?
And sometimes those two things are not all that different.
But when we get to a point where we know enough about something like being aromantic to be
able to consider this is actually an option, then sometimes we can start to puzzle out
what really comes from us and what we're being conditioned to believe.
I'm gonna tell you a story about when I was a little kid.
Um, so, like a lot of y'all, uh, probably will recognize uh, this, uh, phenomenon: when
you're a weird kid, uh, sometimes you don't make friends all that easily.
In my case, it was probably mostly because I was a little bit shy and um, a little bit
nerdy, and I preferred to talk to adults or much older kids, and the kids who were my
own age, I had trouble relating to them or they scared me or they wanted to do things
that I didn't like or didn't understand, but I, I couldn't express to them very well uh,
what I didn't like about it, so ya know, I wasn't a popular kid, um, and I really didn't
hit my stride with finding ways to connect with other people that liked what I liked
and whose company I enjoyed until um, early high school, really.
So um, I felt like because there were these pressures to make friends and don't be lonely,
and this perception if you don't have many friends then it must be that you're lonely,
um, I thought "Oh, well, I must be lonely."
But it was really confusing as a kid because I don't really remember feeling lonely.
I remember feeling like I must be a disappointment.
I must be the laughingstock of the school.
I must be, like, a person that everybody wants to mock or everybody thinks is a reject.
And you know, that's a hurtful thing to internalize.
But when it came down to it, I didn't really sit around wishing I had somebody to pay attention
I wanted to be reading or doing something else fun, and those were not things that I
chose to do because I was trying to drown out sorrows or trying to retreat from my problems.
It's just, I genuinely wanted to be doing those things.
And being social was pretty exhausting, really.
Um, and when I got a little older, it wasn't because I wasn't good at it, you know, I can,
I can connect with people pretty well these days, and you know, that started when I began
to understand how to connect with other people over what we had in common and uh, how to
give and take.
Um, and when I was able to connect with other people and make friends and had opportunities
to invite people over or be invited to things, I still found myself pretty exhausted by uh,
long periods of interaction or if there was a lot of large groups, a lot of noise, a lot
of effort put forth in uh, keeping up social interaction, you know, it turned out I was
just an introvert.
I preferred my solitude.
And um, even though I like individual people and sometimes can feel really fulfilled by
my relationships with other people, I just don't really crave company the way I think
extroverts do.
And in our society, you know, if you live by yourself, or you spend a lot of time alone,
that's practically synonymous with being pathetic.
Or it's synonymous with more outgoing people wanting to help you change that, as if it
must be something you'd want to change if you could, and that the only people who claim
that they don't wanna change that are just liars who wanna save face.
And I feel like, you know, going back into the subject that I was asked to talk about:
relationships are a lot like that.
We feel like if we are not in them, it's because we failed to be.
And um, on top of the fact that that's not true in some of our cases, um, I don't understand
what makes people want to mock people who want to be in relationships but can't be.
I mean, that's not nice.
Ah, why do you want to make fun of somebody who is already being taught that they're a
failure or being taught that uh, you know, their life, their, their, uh, choices, have
led them to something really unenviable?
What feels good about telling that person, "Ya know, you really suck at life"?
It's just, why would you want somebody to feel like that because of your words?
I'm sure it's already hard enough if that actually is how they feel.
But for me, um, I think because I went through that as a kid, and went through everybody
expecting me to wish I had more friends and I really didn't, I had already realized by
high school that, you know, I liked my individual friends but I didn't crave, just, random friendships,
I didn't wish I was in more friendships and have more uh, um, social interaction than
I did.
Um, so--I had been through that, I had already figured that out, about myself, so when it
came to the relationships question, I think it was an easy extension from that concept
to say "this is not something I intrinsically want to do."
Um, and I think I, for that reason, I was luckier than most in that most people absolutely
grow up being fed this idea that everybody connects with other people in a romantic way,
and everybody wants to be married, wants to form at least a relationship with another
person to have a household together, if not also have children, which is very common as
well, this idea that you do that because you're gonna be starting a family, and that's gonna
involve raising children together.
And I mean, things are changing somewhat with the idea of what an acceptable family is,
but there is still a pervasive belief in our society that being single is temporary if
you can help it.
And you don't even have to say anything between the word "single" and whatever you say next
for somebody who's talking to you to feel like they should apologize, "Oh, I'm sorry
to hear that," or they may immediately start giving you suggestions for where you can meet
people or asking if you've tried this, that, or the other, and it doesn't even occur to
them that maybe some of us are single because we want to be.
Uh, and that's disappointing, uh, to have that conversation with someone.
But even people who are a little nicer about it, I think that they still believe it's a
I think a lot of them still think we're making it up because we don't wanna admit that we
wish we could find someone.
And at least in my case, ah, I've had so many situations where I had to be really mean to
people to get them to understand that I really did not wanna go there with them, and it wasn't
out of fear, it wasn't because I didn't like the person in a non-romantic way, it was because
I literally want to be single for my whole life.
And that is not an answer you're allowed to fill in on the scan-tron in your life as a
person this society.
Uh, so, I think that the only exception is people who are very dedicated to a craft or
a career, and again, it's perceived as you're doing this instead, you're this because you've
got to pour all of your tension into something that'll take your mind off how lonely you
Um, and I absolutely agree with this anonymous person who sent me this Tumblr message, that
I have tried things that I wouldn't have tried if um, messages from media and from people
around me and from examples I see in society hadn't made me think this is something I need
to try, and um, relationships are just like a default.
People think of course you'd want to be in this specific kind of life arrangement.
And it doesn't even seem to occur to a lot of folks that there are other options.
Not just being single, but being in relationships that are not romantic, or um, raising a family
with people that you're not romantically involved with.
There's a lot of alternate options and I wish that we could hurry forward in the progression
of society's perceptions of relationships so that we could get to this point where all
kinds of different arrangements are seen as relatively equal, rather than okay, these
are these weird people's alternate version of the real thing, which is a cross-gender
partnership in which you get married and have children.
Um, so, um, let me look at this question again and see if I've covered, let's see, have I
heard about asexuals not knowing the difference between wanting to actually date and the societal
pressure to date.
Hah, I guess I have a little more to say about that.
Like I said in the beginning, it can be really nuanced to separate what do I feel from what
has society told me I'm supposed to be feeling.
Um, some of y'all who are asexual and/or aromantic, tell me if you've experienced this: Like,
you have a date with someone and you went on the date because they asked you out, and
it was their idea, and you thought, "eh, why not?
I have this opportunity to try this out, let's see if I like this.
Let's see if I like the person.
Let's see what it's all about."
And then you spend the experience wondering "Is this that thing I heard about in the movies?
Is this kissing supposed to feel good at this point?
Is it supposed to be this boring?
Or is it supposed to be this gross?"
Um, "Why don't I hear music from Heaven coming down?
Why don't I feel tingly?
Why don't I feel excited about this person?
Why do I just kinda want it to be over?"
Um, we're comparing our actual experience with what we've been told we're supposed to
And I think even if you're not asexual or aromantic or both, um, lots of people have
that experience, like "Oh wow, I've seen this in so many movies and now I'm doing it!"
But it's kinda like, for a lot of them it's like a fulfillment of that dream, they're
like "Now it's finally my turn!
And it was great!"
Whereas for us, a lot of the times, it's confusing, and it's disappointing.
And um, we then have to wonder, well, did I do something wrong so that I don't like
Because everybody makes it seem like this is great, so was I judgmental, was I just
scared, was this the wrong person?
Was this the wrong gender?
Um, was I just not ready?
Will I be ready in a couple of years?
What should I do differently next time?
Maybe I should be more assertive.
Maybe I should be less assertive.
Uh, we second-guess ourselves a lot when it doesn't pan out how we're told it's supposed
to pan out.
And um, yeah, that can be um, it can be really disorienting, and if I can get this across
to some of the folks who watch my videos that are not asexual or aromantic themselves, how,
uh, I think a lot of people underestimate the power of these societal messages when
they do not fit you--how lost you can feel when your experience doesn't measure up.
Um, there is so much power in expectation.
And this goes all the way to, um, permanent relationships where you marry the person,
raise a family with them, like some aspects of that but you're kind of trapped with other
aspects of it that you never wanted, and you're forced to feel like, well, that's your problem,
you just are wrong, you feel wrong, and you can't talk to anyone about it, because those
feelings are shamed and minimized, and if you, if you feel romantically attracted to
someone but not sexually attracted to them, you're not supposed to talk about that, because
that would be rude, or that would be offensive to them, that would make them feel like they're
not attractive, it would make, that would make them feel like they're bad at sex, when
it's not really about them, a lot of times it's about how your orientation works.
But you're not allowed to say that, because then your love for them, which you do feel,
is called into question.
Um, for those of us who are aromantic, it's a little bit different, because a lot of us
avoid relationships, um, you know, we don't let ourselves get into romantic relationships
that last a long time because we feel wrong about it, but I mean, there are a lot of aromantic
people who have ended up in relationships that they feel like they can't leave because,
you know, those messages were very loud and they do care about the person, they just don't
feel about them the way that society led them to believe they would if they had a relationship
with them, and if they had other positive feelings about them.
Um, so it's really hard to describe to people who never had a problem with these messages
how pervasive and how powerful those messages are in uh, making us change the way we live
our lives.
When you get those "supposed-to's" that don't fit you, there is this alienation that comes
crashing down that just, it makes you feel like you can't talk to other people about
it, and it makes you feel like, ah, there's just something fundamentally wrong with who
you are.
This is why we need language.
This is why we need community.
This is why we need to have these conversations.
Because without them, we ARE very alone in ways we don't wanna be.
Even we wanna be alone.
If that makes sense.
So, with that, um, I encourage you to talk more about nuanced feelings that you feel.
Find out if other people are experiencing these things with regard to relationships
or sexual orientation.
Don't feel like this is something you can't share with someone, even if you feel like
it's gonna be an unpopular perspective.
Like, folks who have wanted to talk about, "Yeah, maybe because I'm autistic and I'm
asexual, then those two things, maybe they're more related than I thought they were," or
people who are transgender, I've heard some of them say, "I don't like to talk about that
I identified as asexual before my transition, and now that I've transitioned and I'm more
comfortable with who I am, I'm realizing that I do feel those attractions, and I feel like
I'm casting doubt on asexuality because it was a phase for me, and it was an element
of not really knowing myself or not being able to live my truth."
You know, these kinds of perspectives, lots of people are feeling them!
And if we don't talk about them, then we won't find out that lots of other people are going
through that, and it's totally a legitimate thing that you don't have to deal with by
yourself, and you don't have to feel like it's wrong or that you need to seek counseling
to get past it, because if it's part of who you are, why do you need to get rid of it?
So, um, as a person who wants to be single and has no romantic feelings toward other
people, and has no problem being alone, I mean, I wish I was alone more than I, more
than I am!
Um, but like, as a person who is in that situation, um, I still sometimes feel pressured from
outside, and um, I feel like people are still looking at me as if I failed to human properly.
And it's still, it is painful to be interpreted that way.
Um, and I'm glad that I have people to talk to about why it's completely fine to live
the way that I do.
Um, I'm not gonna say, like, oh, I crave validation for this, because that's not really what it
is, but um, those messages are drilled into you pretty early and pretty often, about what
your life is supposed to look like.
And uh, those of us who question some of the more fundamental aspects of human life, um,
we sometimes need help to be strong.
Because we certainly had a lot of "help" to be weak.
Um, to have our true feelings chipped away at and derided and questioned so that only
the strongest of us have felt like we're allowed to stand the way that we want to.
And um, those who are not given access to community, access to language, access to support,
a lot of them just end up getting swallowed up in uh, situations that do not let them
live their authentic lives, and we never hear about it because they don't feel free to speak.
I'd like to see a lot less of that happening in the future, and um, it all starts with
these conversations, so keep having them, guys.
All right, well, I've rambled long enough for this one.
I think I'll just end here and I'll see y'all next time, okay?
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[LOONA] Yves x The Hunger Games - Duration: 0:41.
"Hope is the only thing stronger than Fear."
"You've got to go through it to get to the end of it."
"Any last advice?"
"Stay alive."
What Having A Dog Does To Your Brain And Body - Duration: 4:42.
- [Narrator] Puppies, they're the furry friends
we take for granted.
But, how does having one affect us?
(upbeat music)
- My name is Meg Olmert and I'm the author of
"Made For Each Other: the biology of the human-animal bond."
Our journey with dogs began about 45,000 years ago
according to the latest archeological evidence.
It preceded many hundreds of thousands of years
with a more casual, and perhaps distant, pragmatic
relationship with wolves as well.
But about 45,000 years ago we start to see the bones change
and indications that A, dogs are certainly living with us.
And that living with us appears to have had certain
effects on their biology and their physiology.
That is what enabled them to
become our best friends.
- [Narrator] How does this relationship work?
- There is a feedback system that both neurochemically
and psychologically and behaviorally
that sets up between you and your pet.
And how good you are to your pet
is often exactly reflected back.
Although, what I would say
is they tend to be wildly generous.
More generous than we are.
So, that is why, you know, they'll be wagging their tail,
you know, thrilled to see you when you come home
or if it's a cat it's purring.
And you may be very distracted but they aren't.
You are the greatest thing they ever saw
if you've developed this relationship.
If you've earned it.
You have a different relationship with your own pet
versus your, even your neighbor's pet, because it's,
that's your closer family.
It's a different kind of bond and when they do FMRI studies
just like a mother will have certain brain regions
light up very strongly in the dopamine
and oxytocin rich areas when they look at a picture
of their baby versus just another infant.
When you look at a picture of your dog versus another dog,
you see the same thing.
If you love dogs you're gonna get this reward
to a degree whether you are looking at your dog or not.
Do therapy dogs work?
Well they certainly can.
Dogs can do amazing things.
With our program Warrior Canine Connection
we work with service members
and veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
We have the patients who say, "This dog
is better than any drug I ever took.
I didn't sleep for five years until this dog
slept next to me."
- [Narrator] What happens to your body
when you're with your dog?
- [Meg] Your heart rate comes down,
your blood pressure comes down,
your heart rate variability which is the ability
of the heart to duck and dive
and respond to stress improves.
You release oxytocin, the opioids,
adrenaline, and serotonin.
So, all of these great reward chemicals
and anti-stress chemicals can be released
in both you and the pet.
- [Narrator] What is oxytocin?
- Oxytocin is a very ancient chemical.
It's in all social mammals.
There's variations on it that you find in birds
and in turtles, and in worms.
And it most effectively is known for releasing breast milk
and creating labor contractions.
That's what it was first known for.
So in a sense, it is the quintessential mammalian hormone
since live birth and production of breast milk identifies us
as mammals and mammary glands, et cetera.
About 25 years ago they discovered that besides the oxytocin
receptors and cells in the body that are producing oxytocin
in the breast and the uterus, lo and behold,
it's produced throughout the brain and in all the areas
that control behavior and emotion.
So what was it doing there?
And what they discovered was that it was talking to other
classic brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin,
and dopamine and adrenaline, and the opioid system.
And it was setting up, by doing that, this perfect
mental physiologic state of calm.
It is the most powerful drive and it creates the bond
that lasts a lifetime.
That's how strong it is.
(happy music)
[ENG] What Is 'Jimin-ssi' To Jungkook/ Suga Forgot His Studio Password| BTS Aladdin Fansign 180527 - Duration: 13:25.
SG: Someone else knows it too, he opened the door and came in
RM: This hyung (Suga) was really funny, he forgot the password of his own studio , so he couldn't enter his studio for 2 days.
J: I was so shocked
RM: He forgot the password after our overseas tour.
JM: He was just standing in front of the door trying to recall it, and saying to himself 'Ah, what was it?' SG: To be more specific, It was for 4 days.
SG: For around 4 days i couldn't enter my studio.
RM: We had to call a locksmith. SG: In the end we just took off the lock.
Jin: Lastly, Jiminie RM: Jimin-ssi
JM: To the last member to be officically announced before debut, Jimin, why was taehyung's debut kept a secret?
RM: Ooh this is sensitive topic (Jokingly) JK: V hyung waited for a really long time
RM & JM: Why is that so, Taehyung?
Tae: Please ask that to the Bang Shi Hyuk Pd-nim
JM: Taehyungie really wanted to be revealed quickly. Jin: That's right.
JM: This is a question, but (he wanted to read this comment) " I'm really happy that BTS are my first and last singers, let's go together for a long time." Thank you so much for choosing us.
JK: Thank you everyone~ RM: Let's go together for a long time
JM: Thank you for being our 1st ARMY & being an ARMY till the end
SG: Yes, Thank you.
RM: Right, just like this, our first fansign...
Q: To jungkook, "Jimin-ssi" is?
JM: what is it? i'm curious too
JK: I don't know.. When calling Jimin-ssi..
JM: good to pronounce?
JK: Yes.. But this Jiminie...ssi with Gyeongsangdo satoori accent would be, Jwimin-ssi.. It gives a stronger feeling
Q: To jungkook, "Jimin-ssi" is?
JM: what is it? i'm curious too
JK: I don't know.. When calling Jimin-ssi..
JM: good to pronounce?
JK: Yes.. But this Jiminie...ssi with Gyeongsangdo satoori accent would be, Jwimin-ssi.. It gives a stronger feeling
JM: when eating.. and sleeping.. He also called (me) Jimin-ssi.
JM: So now when (i'm) watching any video, i could hear Jimin-ssi in it .. It's weird
Q: Does only Yoongi Oppa know the password of his studio?
SG: Someone else knows it too, he opened the door and came in
RM: This hyung (Suga) was really funny, he forgot the password of his own studio , so he couldn't enter his studio for 2 days.
Jin: I was so shocked
RM: He forgot the password after our overseas tour.
JM: He was just standing in front of the door trying to recall it, and saying to himself 'Ah, what was it?' SG: To be more specific, It was for 4 days.
JK: Someone said my voice grew deeper... Fans: All right!
JK: Is that a good thing?
JK: Can I go to the radio (to be a DJ) now?
JK: Goodnight~ (imitating radio show hosts' greetings)
JH: Try talking to the mirror, who are you~!? Everyone look at who you are... face yourself, here, look at yourself...
JK: Please give me the mirror too~
JK: Please give me the mirror, Sunshine (Hyung).
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AK Computer Network
Have Done This Video
Irá o Brasil comprar o T-50? Fotos para ver, fatos para debater - Duration: 6:57.
Bancando o Águia (Sherlock Jr., 1924) | Filme completo | Legendado | HD - Duration: 44:34.
7 Brazilian habits that Americans will never understand - Duration: 12:31.
Hello, I'm Carina! Welcome to English in Brazil.
Hello! So welcome to English in Brazil.
Where are you from?
I am from Acworth, Georgia, in the United States.
I am from Chicago, in the United States.
I am from Houston, Texas.
So I'm gonna share some fun facts about the Brazilian culture.
What you have to do is basically react to what I say, okay?
And say if it's the same in the United States or if it's different,
give your opinion about it. Okay?
Okay. Sounds great!
So the first thing about Brazil
is that we like kissing and hugging people.
Let me explain.
When we meet someone, it's very common
to give a hug, a little hug, not like a warm hug,
but a little hug.
If two men meet, they give a little hug or a pat on the back.
So what do you think about it?
So can I give two emotions? So with the hug,
definitely I smile, I love hugs. The kissing...
I don't know. I'm not a fan of the kissing and I think most
Americans, due to our culture, and the fact that we are very aware
of cognizance of space,
I think most Americans would be taken aback by that and
they would not enjoy that as much, especially women. Now,
there are some men that would love to be kissed by Brazilian women.
That would be their ultimate fantasy, yes.
America not so much kissing going on. If you kiss,
that's like kind of a big deal. If like, my friend's wife or something
came and kissed me on the cheek, that would be kind of strange.
Let me just explain, it's not like a kiss, you don't put actually your lips
on the cheek, it's like this,
-you know? -Okay, that's good, that's good.
Like France, like a little...
Yeah, exactly!
Well, that's interesting.
If you try to kiss a girl during meeting her in the United States,
that would not go over well.
What would happen?
You'd probably get smacked.
Oh really? Even on the cheek?
Yeah, on the cheek... People will take offense
to something like that if they're not expecting.
If you know the person well then it might be okay.
So what should we do when we meet an American?
When you meet an American that's
general to do a handshake, with meeting a woman.
Shaking hands is the general event.
Okay, shaking hands.
If you are meeting someone from the United States,
I would definitely suggest, you know,
making eye contact and a smile and a nod.
We're big fans of just the nod.
To acknowledge the person, "hello!"
Saying "hi", and that's pretty much it.
The second fact is that we talk very close
and we like touching people, it's common for us.
Like, we touch , "hey, man! you know what?"
It's common for us.
Talking close...
So we like our distance in the US when we're discussing
things with one another.
Down in the South, where I live, in the southern United States,
some touching is okay, some like touching on the back,
but people like their personal space here.
Yeah, in America, we have a term for that.
We call them "close talkers".
You could hear, like, people might say:
"Oh that guy's nice guy, but real close talker."
There's a term called "elbow room". It's like I need my elbow room.
Like if you're at a crowded like bar or something,
like people don't like that.
I mean, some people of course, but in general, middle of America,
normal style. It's like...
Okay, hello! Yeah. Okay. You stay there, I stay here alright?
The custom is different, you know, different Americans,
different experiences from their family.
So other Americans might not be as adjusted to that.
I think some of my friends,
from Latin American countries, that are Americans,
they're used to, you know,
touching relatives and family members.
So a high-five or we do the little where you...
Just the knuckles,
but softly and gently because we are a litigious society
and you do not want to be sued by an American.
I wouldn't like to be sued by an American.
You have to take your money out of the bank.
Oh my God! Look at that! It's so cute!
The third fact about Brazil...
is that we brush our teeth after lunch.
We take our toothbrush and toothpaste to work
and then we brush our teeth, in the bathroom at work.
Oh my gosh! That's some serious dental hygiene.
Look at that teeth! It's beautiful!
Oh gosh, yeah, we'll...
Generally just brush in the morning and at night, but like
brushing at lunch time, I don't think I've ever brushed at lunch time.
I love it! That's how a Texan would say it.
And with my British accent:
I think it's wonderful! And if you're talking,
you're coming from New York, I love personal hygiene.
Like, get out of here, like teeth are beautiful.
You gotta take care your teeth. That's what I'm talking about.
Yeah, I definitely have seen it happen, but that's not common.
In America,
normally, you take some gum, would be more common.
Yeah, to have some gum after lunch.
Fact number four is that we take several showers a day.
So it's not only one shower...
Many people will usually take two, at least two showers a day:
in the morning, before they go to work,
and then at night, before they go to bed.
Okay, well...
Definitely during the summer time, two a day is the standard.
It gets really hot down here in the south, but generally
just one a day during the winter and spring.
I think I'm...
I shower a lot.
I'm about once a day. That's about common.
Twice a day, I can not do.
For me, my skin gets too dry if I shower too many times in a day.
But that's good! Sounds like Brazil has good hygiene.
The personal part, I would say awesome, wonderful,
taking lots of showers, great hygiene...
However, as an educator, I just taught about conservation
and the 3 R's: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Using so much water, that kind of goes against,
you know, conserving energy and saving water.
We do have to take care of the planet.
You're right!
I couldn't agree more.
She has a planet!
And the fifth fact is that we finish emails and conversations,
phone conversations with "kisses" and "hugs".
Like "xoxo"?
We actually write "kisses".
What would you think of a girl
who sent you like, "beijos" at the end of a message?
I would think that she liked me or something. Yeah, like it was...
What would you write instead? Write or say?
More like, "sincerely", "from Matthew".
Or you just write your name. Sometimes you just like: "Hi Carina,
thank you for meeting, blah blah blah blah, Matthew."
You know, you don't even say anything.
Oh gosh, okay.
Yeah, we're definitely a little more...
I don't want to say like placing each other away from each other,
but we're not so affectionate with how we speak to each other,
especially in a business standpoint. If we're talking to someone
professionally, you know, it's not like, "oh, love you!"
Yeah, we wouldn't do it with a complete stranger, of course,
but between friends and sometimes even at work we say:
"Ok, beijo! Um abraço pra sua família."
A big hug to your family. We usually say that, but
what would you say instead then?
Um, you would just say "take care", "have a nice day"...
You know, just general phrases, nothing too affectionate
unless you know the person very, very well.
It's interesting!
I, like... Just to friends?
-Yeah, usually to friends -I was about to say...
that the climate of America with workplace, you know, kisses and hugs,
it's kind of not the place.
But with friends... I've never written a friend,
but say kisses and hugs... Maybe I should!
I'm learning something here.
Maybe, I would have more friends if I tried the Brazilian
to write with kisses and hugs.
Oh, that's one of my favorite ones! We clap our hands when we sing
happy birthday.
So it's not like, ♪ happy birthday...
It's like, ♪ happy birthday!!!!
What do you think?
I wish we had birthdays like that. No, it's...
♪ Happy birthday...
The song drowns to your head.
We usually sing happy birthday to you and we don't clap.
I think maybe that would help with our rhythm,
maybe if we added the claps.
Yeah, we don't do that.
Actually we go crazy at the end of the song.
This is the Brazilian way of singing happy birthday.
Yeah, we don't that.
The last one is that...
We don't flush our toilet paper because our plumbing system is not
prepared for that.
So we actually have a trash bin, right next to the toilet,
and that's where we put our toilet paper.
Look at her face.
A tissue! What's on that tissue, Brazilians?
We don't flush our toilet paper.
Well, it's definitely very different than here.
If you put, you know, your waste into the trash nearby, that would be
very strange for somebody unknowing, but no like
all of our piping accepts all the paper so that would...
So it seems strange but it's actually there's nothing.
American way,
I'm not sure about Canada or England, or something, but yeah,
we always flush.
So I think most Americans, they would be surprised.
Yeah, it would be shocking. It would be shocking.
It's so common for us, that's weird.
Thank you very much! I hope you liked to learn
a little bit more about our culture.
Yeah, absolutely!
Good bye, Brazilians!
Thank you so much.
I love learning about your culture.
Yeah, thank you for having me, Carina. And hello to everyone! Yay!
Thank you. I learned a lot about Brazilian. And to you,
Brazilian students, just keep on learning!
And I look forward to receiving a hug and a kiss on the cheek and...
Not going near your toilets.
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10 Looks For Long Hair - Men's Long Haircut Styles - Duration: 8:59.
- Okay so you've finally grown your hair out,
it's long, luscious, and beautiful,
but now what do you do with it?
Good question, in this video I'm going to be showing you
10 different variations that I've
been doing with my long hair lately.
(swish) (swish)
Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.
My name's Thomas if you're brand new here
and I make style and hair related videos
every single week here on YouTube.
If you are brand new, I have been growing my hair out
for over a year now and my hair's finally long
and I can finally start doing different things with it.
And the purpose of this video today is just to show you
10 different variations of hairstyles that I've been doing
while my hair has been longer.
I'm really excited to show you these
and I'm actually wearing one right now,
we're going to get into that later, but yeah.
So stay tuned and let's get into it, okay? Boom.
So the first hairstyle on my list,
I've called this "wild and free."
The reason I call it wild and free is because
during the growing out process I was kind of like,
"Aw I can't wear this out because it's just so puffy
and it doesn't grow down, it grows out.
But now my hair has finally gotten
to a length of like 13 inches.
It actually, when I don't wear this hat
and I tuck it behind my ears,
I can actually wear my hair down now
without it looking too ridiculous.
So wild and free has become my new favourite
and literally, I'll just put my hair products in,
let it air dry, and let it hang down,
and I'm actually not afraid to go out in public
with it anymore so wild and free all the way,
that is number 1. Woo hoo!
Trust me, if you are one of those people as well
that's dealing with the growing out,
like it's actually growing out and not down,
just keep in there, hang in there,
because when it gets to a certain length,
it will go down and you will have the benefits of it.
You've just got to wait and persevere.
Hairstyle number 2 is probably a little bit cliche,
probably a little bit obvious,
but hey I'm going to throw it in there anyway
because it is a long hairstyle and it is the man bun.
I'm obsessed with the man bun,
I've just started doing a series on my channel
about man buns so if you have a man bun,
make sure you subscribe and come back for that.
But, the man bun definitely
has a million different variations
and I do think it's a hairstyle
that a lot of guys with long hair will be championing.
So yeah, it's really cool. Duh, man bun.
The next long hairstyle on the list is a tri-braid.
Obviously over the last couple of years
I've been trying out braids and actually learning
how to do it myself on my own head,
and that is a very fun thing.
Once you get past that point,
you can actually play around
with millions of different styles.
But this one is the tri-braid,
so I'll do one braid here on the side,
one braid on the top, one braid on the back,
and tie it all into one at the back.
It's technically another man bun variation
but it's actually a very cool look and it's different,
and if you can do it yourself,
there's something about being able to do your own braid
that is so, like, yeah, I did that.
I've got a few videos about braiding as well,
I might leave a card up there for you to go and check it out
but if you know how to braid your own hair,
you've definitely got one up on the competition
and it's something that I would recommend,
so get into it.
Look number 4 on the list is one
of my new favourites actually,
this one's great for anybody
that's dealing with the out stage.
Again, it's another Pinterest one that I've seen.
Save it once, see it a million times,
this one I'm calling "the buff look."
The buff look is very, very cool, it's like,
I think only guys with really, really curly hair
can pull this one off.
And its best look is when your hair
is at like probably I think the 5 inch mark.
It's literally just a bit of face
with big curly hair that covers the eyes
and it looks insane.
It's actually like this hair
I've got right now but all over
and it's a real like alternate, grungy look
but I, for some reason I love it.
I've tried to recreate it myself,
there's going to be a few pictures floating over the screen
right now of my version of this,
but I've also seen it a lot on Pinterest.
And I would recommend this for anybody
that's got that big, out, bushy hair
that's trying to get it longer,
Because you can actually still
make yourself look really, really
good while you're in that stage.
It's just about making the most of what you've got.
Look number 5 is the broad brimmed hat look.
That's the exact look I'm wearing right now.
I actually have never worn a hat like this on my channel.
I actually want to know what you guys think of this look
in the description box below, comment box,
sorry I always call it the description box.
And, yeah, this is pretty much the buff look
but combed back a little bit
with a hat chucked on top of it.
If you guys follow me on Snapchat,
I went to Couran Cove a couple of weekends ago
and my friend Tom, funnily enough his name is Tom,
it was his birthday, and he had a hat just like this
and I was like, "Can I borrow that for a minute?"
Anyway, I tried it out and this is the look I got.
So I went and bought my own
and I actually think it looks really groovy,
really alternate, and it's something
that I just have never really worn before.
Thumbs up for the broad brimmed hat look.
The next hairstyle on the list is the Jon Snow highballer.
You'll recognise this from my first man bun monthly series.
This is one of my favourite man buns that I've seen
and ever since Game of Thrones,
I've always been in love with Jon Snow's hair.
And, yeah, since my hair's gotten a little bit longer,
I thought, "Fuck it, let's try it, let's try this look out."
And I really like it on myself
and I would encourage anybody else to go for it as well.
The highballer Jon Snow.
(makes swish noise) (swish)
And for long hairstyle number 7,
so this one's a really cool one,
I've never really worn this look either.
This look only really works for me
when I've got my hair straightened,
but I call this one "the Thor."
Typically because it looks a little bit Thor-like,
or Chris Hemsworth, like if I looked
like him that would be great.
Um, no, this hairstyle is really cool.
It's kind of, I don't know,
it's almost a little bit Legolas as well
with the ponytail at the back
but all the long flowy hair down the side of the head.
I really, really like this look.
I've never really worn it either
until my hair got to a certain length,
and now that it's at that length,
I'm really playing with those styles
and I really, really like this look.
And long hairstyle number 8 is the man pony.
So I've documented this before in my video
about 10 looks with an undercut, I documented the man pony.
But I only wore the man pony
when I had the disconnected undercut
and I looked like Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
However, now that my hair's full length,
when I wear the man pony,
it actually gives me a really different look.
If I'm honest, I don't particularly like this look
that much on me,
but I do think some guys out there can really rock it.
I mean, the pictures that I got of it, yeah,
they're pretty cool because I sit there
until I get the right selfie, but yeah.
I don't know, the man pony was definitely going to be
on the list because I think it's groovy.
I just don't particularly like it on my own head.
But it's definitely one to put in the list.
Moving onto hairstyle number 9,
this one's one that I like to think
that I kind of created myself,
but really I kind of copied it
from really old school footage that I've seen before.
I call this one "the Vegemite scroll."
It's actually a, I don't know,
it reminds me of an old wench-y hairstyle.
It's kind of like all I do is literally
like coil my hair up on the sides,
chuck a couple of bobby pins in it,
and then legit looks like a scroll.
(laughing) It's pretty funky.
I can understand why most guys
probably won't want to wear this
because it might look a little bit feminine or whatever,
but I'm so alternative this is probably a hairstyle
that I would just chuck in my hair
and waltz around the house in,
or I would probably, you know,
wear it at a Youtube event
or something where I really had to make a statement
about the kind of stuff that I do.
And it's just like a really random one
that I thought I would chuck in here
because yeah, why not? The Vegemite scroll.
Who doesn't love Vegemite?
I actually don't, I don't like Vegemite.
And for long hairstyle number 10,
this one is called "the Beyonce."
Typically because it is big, curly, wild, and crazy.
We all know our Queen Bey has very, very crazy hair
and I actually started to get this look
after doing the wash-and-go routine,
so with the Jane Carter solution,
the shea butter, and the flax seed gel.
I just noticed it would give me really, really in-depth curl
but with a lot of volume as well.
Like I literally, I could have been Beyonce's twin.
So that's why I called it that one.
And I have been wearing that one a lot more as well.
It doesn't, I can't really wear
that one as the wild and free,
it doesn't really sit down when I do that method on it,
it goes out and big,
so, yeah, that's why I called it the Beyonce.
But that one definitely had to be on the list too
because I have been playing around with that
and I don't know, I think big, curly, crazy hair
is really in right now.
It's just my thing, I love it, clearly.
Alright guys and that is it for my 10 long hairstyles.
I really hope you enjoyed that
and I hope that gave you some inspiration.
This is what these videos are all about.
I just kind of want to bring variety to you
so you can see what's out there and what might work for you.
You might never have seen some of these hairstyles
and want to go give them a try.
I really recommend anybody with like medium to long hair,
get one of these hats, you will freaking love it.
This is probably my favourite one of the whole video.
But yeah, so that's what I've got for you
and please let me know what your favourite hairstyle was
in the comment section below
because I'm always interested to hear.
And that's it.
If you are keen to see my man bun monthly series,
make sure you subscribe and come back once a month.
I'm still going to be, I'll be refining like
what week and each month it's going to be coming out.
That's, maybe you can let me know what you'd prefer
in the comment section below.
But yeah, make sure you stick around for that
because I'm really excited about that content
and again, if you haven't joined the Facebook group,
make sure you head down to the description box
and you'll be able to find a link there.
All you have to do is ask to join,
answer 3 questions, and then boom, you're in.
So, yeah, that's it.
Have a really good week and I'll see you next time.
(explosion sound)
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Ezhel does not fall in our hearts
If you want to finish the rap, you can not get rid of it
Ezhel is also on our rap
The expression is also our will
Hani everyone is free music
Do not block our freedom
Must be every instance
Then the arrays must be removed
Give it back to me
Ezhel will come out with fire
When there are so many negative examples
Do not be a negative duck
Because of the drug passing in the country
Do not replace Lords
Calculate the end result
I went to the last ticket was cut
Even praising praise is free
Erosive arabesque rappers are free
I want to ask now
So where's justice?
If Ezhel was bad, he would not have been so supportive
He loved him so much that nobody put him in his place
But ezhel did not do anything
Charged without crime
Justice has proven itself to itself
Ezhel does not fall in our hearts
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Ezhel is also on our rap
The expression is also our will
Hani everyone is free music Do not block our freedom
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Stymulacja łechtaczki – poznaj 4 sposoby - Duration: 3:39.
Próba skutecznego zaspokajania potrzeb seksualnych kobiety i dostarczania jej przyjemności nie jest prosta. W rzeczywistości nie wystarczy mieć „dobrych intencji", aby osiągnąć ten cel. Stymulacja łechtaczki może być uprawiana różnymi technikami, których nie warto przegapić.
Wiemy, że doprowadzenia kobiety do orgazmu nie jest łatwe, a do osiągnięcia tego potrzeba również dobrej komunikacji między partnerami. Jednak wiemy również, że stymulacja stref erogennych twojej partnerki może znacznie ułatwić ten proces.
Istotne jest poznanie kobiecej anatomii, a szczególnie bardzo wrażliwych miejsc kobiety, które oddadzą pełnię doznań, a tym samym sprawią, że partnerka odczuje przyjemność. Oczywiście, u każdej kobiety jest inaczej.
I nie ma instrukcji, która określa wszystkie tajemnice. Z każdym przyjemnym ruchem na łechtaczce wszystko to można podsumować jako eksperymentowanie i innowację.
Idealna stymulacja tych obszarów może doprowadzić twoją partnerkę do orgazmu. Właśnie dlatego chcemy przedstawić ci 4 najlepsze techniki na stymulację łechtaczki.
Ważne jest, aby pamiętać o kilku podstawowych poradach. Częścią osiągnięcia sukcesu w procesie stymulacji ciała kobiety jest nie tylko poświęcenie czasu na jego podziwianie, ale także podejmowanie małych kroczków w celu dostarczenia przyjemności.
Pamiętaj, że łechtaczka jest niezwykle wrażliwa i właśnie z tego powodu zaleca się utrzymywanie progresywnego rytmu pod względem intensywności stymulacji.
Wskazane jest, aby zwiększyć częstotliwość ruchów i całować łechtaczkę przedłużonymi, mokrymi pocałunkami, a wszystko to zachowaniem całkowitego spokoju, aby dać kobiecie więcej przyjemności.
2. To nie film pornograficzny.Być może produkcje dla dorosłych, lepiej znane jako filmy porno, mogą stymulować niektóre pary, a także w pewnym stopniu pomóc przełamać pewne bariery. Należy jednak pamiętać, że są one przesadne i nierealistyczne.
Jeśli chcesz zaoferować partnerce niezapomniany koktajl namiętności i orgazmu, techniką, którą powinieneś użyć jest wyobraźnia i pieszczoty.Nigdy nie należy nadmiernie pobudzać łechtaczki lub traktować tego obszaru bez uwzględnienia delikatności i czułości. Czasami mniej oznacza lepiej.
Tak więc, najlepiej zastosować poniższe wskazówki:Oddziel nogi i delikatnie całuj intymne części kobiety.Unikaj silnych lub szorstkich podmuchów, które byłyby niewygodne i utrudniałyby stymulację.
Utrzymuj mokre pocałunki przez dłuższy czas i daj swobodę wyobraźni w kwestii posługiwania się palcami.W trakcie stymulacji łechtaczki patrz na partnerkę.
3. Stymulacja łechtaczki, czyli ssanie i stymulacja językiem.Jeśli wykonałeś wszystkie poprzednie kroki i chwila jest odpowiednia do wprowadzenia odrobiny rytmu i kreatywności, nie wahaj się rozpocząć ssania.Kiedy zaczniesz tę czynność, zauważysz, że partnerka pojękuje z większą intensywnością.
Technika ta polega na wysysaniu obszaru łechtaczki przy niskim ciśnieniu i utrzymywaniu jej w jamie ustnej przez krótkie odstępy czasu, a następnie delikatnego „klepnięcia" końcówką języka, gdy zauważysz, że w wyniku stymulacji obszar zaczyna lekko puchnąć.
Co warto wziąć pod uwagę:Musisz znać odporność na wrażliwość, którą twoja partnerka jest w stanie znieść.Zastosuj tę technikę, gdy ekscytacja z pierwszych etapów stymulacji została przedłużona.Nie naciskaj językiem na łechtaczkę bardziej, niż jest to możliwe.
Wykonując tę technikę można ją łączyć używając jednego lub kilku palców w tym samym czasie w którym wykonujesz tę praktykę.Jeśli nie operujesz rękoma, możesz użyć ich przy stymulacji innych części ciała kobiety.
4. Stymulacja łechtaczki, czyli Palce, język i nawilżenie.Jeśli udało ci się już stworzyć atmosferę pełną namiętności, jedynym ograniczeniem może być to – wynikające z braku wiedzy. Kiedy więc stosujesz tą technikę, kiedy ssiesz łechtaczkę, używaj również palców.
Jeśli podczas stymulacji łechtaczki lekko ją pieścisz językiem i nie wydaje się to wystarczające, palce oraz nawilżenie dostarczane przez język są idealnymi elementami, które pomogą przyspieszyć osiągnięcie orgazmuprzepełnionego dawką przyjemności i maksymalnej stymulacji.
Jak powinieneś wykonywać ten krok?Jeśli przyspieszyłeś już szybkość i częstotliwość ruchów języka, spróbuj dostarczyć kobiecie przyjemności korzystając z palców.
Krok po kroku możesz zacząć penetrować partnerkę palcami jednej ręki i użyć drugiej, aby wykonać małe, ale delikatne ruchy okrężne na łechtaczce.Bardzo stymulująco działa na kobietę wydawanie przez partnera lekkich jęków (nawet jeśli masz zajęte usta), ponieważ czuje się ona bardziej swobodnie i łatwiej osiąga stymulację.
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