Hello everyone!!!
One important thing in writing a song is......
So today we have Karen that will help us with the song
she helped in writing the song as well
Please introduce yourself
My name is Karen
I'm 19 years old and single!
She is still single guys!!!
If you are interested, you can approach me
so we've been working hard on this song
it's not a full song yet
but hopefully you guys like it
Here we go!!
Okay guys!!! Hopefully you do like the song
As I mentioned before, it's not a full song yet
If you do like it, please let us know on the comment section below
or say "me likey likey"
If you guys do like it....
We're gonna proceed on to create the full song
So it'll all depend on your hands
OK, thank you guys!!! Byeeeee
For more infomation >> Let's sing a song!!! (part 2) - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Dark Souls: Remastered. Да возгорится жопа. - Duration: 6:19:34.
Soy Luna - Loco Enamorado | Luna & Matteo | Lutteo | Video Con Letra | HD - Duration: 3:33.
Como tomar a Coenzima Q10? Final. - Duration: 0:50.
directo con musica e vuelto - Duration: 6:23.
Renault Twingo 1.0 SCE 70pk Collection (1STE EIG.!!/Airco/R&Go NAV.) - Duration: 0:43.
2018's Best New Lyricist
Atores da GLOBO SE REVOLTAM com a Contratação de Ana Clara e Motivo IMPRESSIONA - Duration: 1:08.
Ministro do Supremo convoca reunião com Forças Armadas e dá indireta a Lula - Duration: 4:27.
Danielle Winits de cara lavada: vaidade, maturidade e fama de 'sex symbol' - Duration: 6:54.
Matrimonio Harry e Meghan: svelato il motivo per cui al sì" sono scoppiati a ridere | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:56.
Vagas na Nestlé: ESTÁGIO | VAGAS #03 - Duration: 3:09.
A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: Natálio Vassoler - Duration: 2:18.
PR _ o que são cache e cookies como limpar cache e cookies - Duration: 1:41.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. What are cache & cookies. how to clear ,remove, delete, cache & cookies.
When you use a browser, like Chrome, it saves some information from websites in its cache.
and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading. or formatting issues on sites.
How cache & cookies work.Cookies are files created by sites you visit.They make your online experience easier by saving browsing data.
The cache remembers parts of pages, like images, to help them open faster during your next visit.
Clear cache & cookies,On your computer, open Chrome.At the top right, click More. Click More tools. and then Clear browsing data.
At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time. Next to "Cookies and other site data".
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Some settings on sites get deleted. For example, if you were signed in, you'll need to sign in again.
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Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com.
Últimas notícia de hoje : MANIFESTO INTERNACIONAL PEDE A LIBERDADE DE LULA - Duration: 5:18.
✅ Anticipazione Il Segreto: il figlio di Candela e Severo scompare - Duration: 3:22.
Il Segreto anticipazioni: Carmelito scompare, Candela e Severo sotto shock Nelle prossime puntate de Il Segreto, Candela e Severo vivono momenti drammatici
La dolce pasticcera si lascia impietosire dallo stato di salute di Venancia, la quale rivela di essere vicina alla morte
Al termine di un ennesimo malore, la moglie del Santacruz aiuta l'ex suocera e poi confida alle sue amiche che non chiederà alla donna di lasciare Puente Viejo
Il colpo di scena arriva durante il matrimonio di Carmelo e Adela. Il piccolo Carmelito accusa una febbre improvvisa e così Candela è costretta ad affidarlo alle cure di Venancia
Quest'ultima decide di non partecipare all'evento e resta insieme al neonato. La pasticcera, intanto, dichiara di non voler prendere parte alle nozze, ma poco dopo viene convinta da Severo a lasciare Carmelito a Venancia
Non appena il matrimonio finisce, i due coniugi Santacruz tornano a casa e qui si trovano di fronte a una scena inaspettata
Venancia è riversa per terra e quando si sveglia dichiara di aver perso i sensi dopo essere stata colpita alla nuca
Anticipazione Il Segreto: nessuna traccia di Carmelito Non solo, Candela e Severo notano subito la culla del loro bambino vuota
Non c'è più alcuna traccia di Carmelito e nessuno sembra sapere dove sia finito. La pasticcera è scioccata per quanto accaduto e si lascia andare a un urlo di dolore, talmente forte che i compaesani giungono nell'abitazione che si trova sopra la pasticceria
Il sergente Cifuentes avvia subito le ricerche del piccolo, sebbene non si abbia alcuna pista da seguire
Severo sospetta subito di Donna Francisca e va ad affrontare alla Villa. Qui parla con Raimundo, attraverso il quale comprende che la dark lady non è coinvolta con la sparizione di suo figlio
Infatti, sappiamo che la Montenegro è impegnata con la scarcerazione di Saul. A questo punto, Candela, in preda al panico, accusa Severo di quanto accaduto
Infatti, più volte, la pasticcera ha chiesto al marito di lasciare Puente Viejo. Anticipazioni Il Segreto: Candela accusa Severo, il colpevole è sotto i loro occhi Candela se la prende duramente con Severo, per non averle dato ascolto quando lei avrebbe voluto raggiungere Lucas a La Granja
La pasticcera, inoltre, rivela di non voler più vivere senza suo figlio. Il colpevole della sparizione di Carmelito è proprio sotto i loro occhi
Ricordiamo che Venancia è l'unica a conoscere tutta la verità.
#DrumCam Especial - Teu Amor - DVD24Horas - Duration: 3:44.
LMC Musica 470 E - Duration: 1:06.
Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 E-VTI 82 AUTOMAAT SHINE NAVI-CAMERA-17'' CROSS - Duration: 1:06.
Além de Alice - SO2E2 - Recordações | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 9:06.
I think I really wanted a popcorn
Do you want me to go and make it?
Hun, no, I do it
Are you sure?
Pause the movie!
Ok, I will
I already paused ...
Hahaha I can see
What? Do you want me to go make the popcorn?
Hum no
Who would say?
We here. Could you imagine?
Sometimes I'm afraid to wake up from this dream.
It's not a dream
It's real, okay?
It's real
It's real, okay?
And my desire to eat popcorn is real too!
Ohh hahahaha
I'm going for it!
Don't press play!
Don't press play! I'm watching you!
I thought this idea was great!
And you Alice?
Alice I'm talking to you!
Oh sister, sorry!
What did you say?
Did you hear anything I said?
I didn't hear anything you said, my bad
In what world is your head, huh?
Oh sister, I don't even know...
I don't even know in which world my head is
But talk ...
Hey, missing girl!
Hey dude!
Are you visiting here ??
Actually I came back to live here!
Ow! Really!?
I'm gonna live with my sister again!
I'll see you always!
Let's go out, to reminisce about the old days
Let's do this, I need to relax!
Yeah ! Let's do it!
I'm going up, ok Alice?
Ok, sure!
Bye Helena!
Wow, what's up? Why did you talk that?
Nothing Alice.
I just don't want you to get stuck in any more confusion! Fine!?
Let's go inside, come on!
So, are you free today?
I resigned ...
I couldn't work with Anna anymore ...
Hmm, so it means that you're free today !?
Yes, I'm! Do you wanna do something??
Yes, I do!
Where should we go?
(bell rings)
Ju, the bell rang here, I'll see who it is, and then I'll call you back, okay?
Ok! Kisses!
Can I come in?
What do you want here?
Can I come in!?
Sit here. Please...
Speak soon what you want, I don't have time.
I wanted to say sorry
for everything I did to you,
you didn't deserve any of that.
Glad you recognize that, right ?!
But we are not getting back together, if that's what you want to know.
Think about it...
We get along so well, we have such wonderful chemistry,
let's not let this fight end us ...
Ohh! Oh!
Get out of here!
Get out of my house now!
Sorry Isa, did I hurt you??
Isa, I'm sorry!
Get OUT!
I don't want to see your face ever again!
Ohh! OMG!
God damn it ! What a fright!
Fearful girl!
Come here, come here, come here!
Come watch the movie with us, come!
Yeah Heitor, come here!
Do you believe this girl is making me watch horror movie ??!
What face is that?
Oh, nothing...
just work stress.
Come here! Come de-stress with us!
The movie is great, this girl here is afraid!
No. I don't want to disturb the couple ...
You're always together now, huh ...
Hey, this girl doesn't let me go Heitor, I cannot stand this one anymore, jesus! haha
Come here Heitor!
No, really girls, thanks.
I'm dying of a headache.
I'm going to bed to see if this pain go away, okay?
Anything you need, we're here, okay?
Go relax!
He scared you! Haha
He knocked exactly the time the man was coming!
I think this guy is going to die!
Oh for sure!
When is not the protagonist.
I don't want to watch this movie anymore!
"Nothing and no one can destroy the love I feel for you.
If time is in our favor, nothing will be able to separate us.
Forever, your Patrick ".
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel Premium 5-drs. LED/LIMITER/MEDIA/BLUETOOTH - Duration: 1:10.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi S&S Feel - Duration: 1:07.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Airscape Feel - Duration: 0:52.
Mortal Kombat SM #4 - Nova habilidade! Confusão e arrastões. ( PT-BR, legendei diálogos ) - Duration: 24:14.
directo con musica e vuelto - Duration: 6:23.
Gripen na República Tcheca: condições mais vantajosas são por tempo limitado - Duration: 2:37.
Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R II 2.0TDI/150pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · 19"L - Duration: 1:07.
SUPER BEAVER、新曲「ラヴソング」のMVでウォークマン(R)とコラボ - Duration: 3:00.
Let's sing a song!!! (part 2) - Duration: 4:23.
Hello everyone!!!
One important thing in writing a song is......
So today we have Karen that will help us with the song
she helped in writing the song as well
Please introduce yourself
My name is Karen
I'm 19 years old and single!
She is still single guys!!!
If you are interested, you can approach me
so we've been working hard on this song
it's not a full song yet
but hopefully you guys like it
Here we go!!
Okay guys!!! Hopefully you do like the song
As I mentioned before, it's not a full song yet
If you do like it, please let us know on the comment section below
or say "me likey likey"
If you guys do like it....
We're gonna proceed on to create the full song
So it'll all depend on your hands
OK, thank you guys!!! Byeeeee
Dark Souls: Remastered. Да возгорится жопа. - Duration: 6:19:34.
Soy Luna - Loco Enamorado | Luna & Matteo | Lutteo | Video Con Letra | HD - Duration: 3:33.
Como tomar a Coenzima Q10? Final. - Duration: 0:50.
directo con musica e vuelto - Duration: 6:23.
Renault Twingo 1.0 SCE 70pk Collection (1STE EIG.!!/Airco/R&Go NAV.) - Duration: 0:43.
DC Superhero Girls™
Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Black ED. ACTIE! - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.5T AUT Business Exe - Duration: 1:09.
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDi Comfortplusline Navigator met Airco en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:12.
Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDi 5-zits X-Line met Clima, Cruise, Navi en 7 jr garantie - Duration: 1:06.
Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDi 5-zits X-Line met Clima, Cruise, Navi en 7 jr garantie - Duration: 1:13.
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDi Comfortplusline Navigator met Airco en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:11.
T-ROCカブリオレ2020年発売開始か!VW新型コンパクト・オープンSUVの価格とスペックは? - Duration: 9:06.
Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDi 5-zits X-Line met Clima, Cruise, Navi en 7 jr garantie - Duration: 1:06.
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso PureTech 130 S&S 1.2 T. Selection - Duration: 0:55.
Volkswagen T-Roc 1.5TSI/150pk Sport · Panoramadak · 18"LM velgen - Duration: 1:00.
Obama Blindsided By Huge Investigation Into, Who He Gave $48 MILLION To Hours Before Exiting White H - Duration: 8:08.
Obama Blindsided By Huge Investigation Into, Who He Gave $48 MILLION To Hours Before Exiting
White House.
Corruption until his very last day in office!
According to two sources and State Department grant records, in the final days of the Barack
Hussein Obama administration, a $48 million State Department grant to a for-profit company
for IED, and other bomb removal services in Syria was rushed for approval.
This grant has received scrutiny just a few weeks into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's
This type of bombing and ordnance removal is considered extremely dangerous work, but
critically important for the safety of returning communities which were displaced, by the Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria.
Since these terrorist organizations tend to leave IED booby traps, intended to maim or
kill returning families or government workers.
Late in the summer of 2016, a joint effort by foreign non-governmental organizations,
NGO, from Western Europe, local Iraqi groups, and Janus Global Operations, worked under
State Department funding to clear bombs in Iraq.
Janus, a for-profit company which is coined to be the largest munitions management, and
demining company in the world.
And it present time the only American company which specializes in this type of work.
In 2016 alone they cleared thousands of explosives planted by ISIS in Ramadi.
Then comes Optima which is a British company that calls itself the "leaders in explosive
threat mitigation."
In mid-2016 Optima was surveying an area in Fallujah littered with IED and planning a
major clearing operation.
Now here is where things get interesting.
Despite the expertise and experience of these two companies and others operating in the
region, in the final days of December 2016, as the Obama regime was coming to a end, state
department officials in the Office of Near East Asia, Office of Assistance Coordination
facilitated funding for a non-competitive grant to Tetra Tech.
Tetra Tech is an engineering company which specializes in construction management, and
has vastly limited experience in munitions and ordnance clearance than Janus, Optima,
or NGOs such as HALO Trust, FSD/Crosstech, Mechem, and others.
And this is the first time Tetra Tech has worked with The State Department's PMWRA
Needless to say all this has raised a few eyebrows.
Could this be another one of the Obama Regime's kickbacks?
We will just have to wait and see.
Here is more on this via The Free Beacon:
"According to the website USAspending.gov, the State Department's PMWRA Office provided
the grant money for "Syrian Conventional Weapons Destruction", with the funds doled
out in tranches for work performed over the course of two years and two months.
The first award of $8 million was provided Dec. 29, 2016, with another $8 million coming
March 29, 2017.
The State Department doled out another $30 million May 5, 2017, and provided the final
$2.4 million Sept. 21, 2017.
While the publicly available grant award information is currently listed for $48 million, it was
eventually worth more than $150 million as Germany and other countries directed funds,
to Tetra Tech for Syria's IED clean-up efforts, sources said.
A Defense One report in August 2016 noted that the State Department had just secured
$86 million, from 26 countries for demining efforts over the next three years.
The awarding of a "no-bid" grant, instead of allowing several companies to compete for
a government contract through the paper-intensive, and time-consuming government bidding process,
raised immediate questions about the project's selection process in the government contracting
community, the sources said.
Patrick Kernan, a government contracting attorney who previously served as the chief of contract
fiscal law for the Multinational Force in Iraq as a U.S. Army Judge Advocate General,
said a U.S. government agency providing a grant to a large, for-profit company is unusual
and raises legal red flags.
Whether it broke any laws or State Department procedures and rules, he said, would depend
on internal paperwork and whether the officials involved precisely followed all the agency's
grant rules.
"[It] sounds like a way to circumvent the strict sole-source contracting rules, by pushing
money into a grant process," which provides far less oversight than the regular contracts,
he said in an email.
"It sounds like a pretty broad problem that needs some legislation to fix."
Usually grants are awarded instead of contracts to NGO, and other entities for projects aimed
at benefitting the public good, instead of simply providing a service to the U.S. government.
However, critics say federal agencies are increasingly doling out grants, as a way to
streamline the process and provide lucrative contracts to a select contractor, and avoid
subjecting the contractor to the competitive bidding process.
The grants are doled out as a way to streamline the process, and provide lucrative contracts
to a select contractor and avoid subjecting the contractor to the competitive bidding
The practice has drawn scrutiny from government inspectors general.
In one case in 2007, the Labor Department's inspector general found that 90 percent of
non-competitive grants, examined in detail (35 out of 39) were processed in a way that
did not conform with proper procedure.
If the PMWRA truly believed a grant was warranted, critics question why it didn't ask other
private commercial companies, with more experience in IED clearance to set up special NGOs to
bid on the project.
Critics of the Tetra Tech IED removal grant also question a subsidiary of Tetra Tech's
hiring of a low-level program coordinator who worked at PMWRA, as the administrative
assistant to PMWRA Office Director Stanley Brown until the end of 2017.
Late last year or early this year, the PMWRA coordinator was hired by Tetra Tech subsidiary
PRO-telligent to serve, as a "grants management specialist" for the State Department's
Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination, according to the employee's
LinkedIn profile.
That NEA office initiated plans to award the $48 million grant to Tetra Tech, before PMWRA
signed off on it.
The grants management specialist position helps with "internal and external oversight"
of U.S. foreign assistance programs in the Middle East.
U.S. laws bar a former government employee involved in the procurement of a government
contract worth $10 million, or more from going to work for the company who received the contract
for one year.
Those laws, however, specifically apply to contracts, not grants, according to Kernan.
Most contract workers even those that help staff State Department offices are largely
exempt from the revolving-door laws, he said.
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics, which provides ethics guidance to all federal employees,
points out that there is a criminal conflict of interest statute prohibiting a government
employee from "participating personally and substantially, in an official capacity,
in any particular matter that would have a direct and predictable effect on the employee's
own financial interests."
"Even in the government contract context, there are ways to get around those rules,
so it is a real fact-specific inquiry," Kernan told the Washington Free Beacon.
Questions on Tetra Tech's safety record arose after the high-profile death of one
of its employees while he was clearing bombs ISIS left in Raqqa, Syria, in October last
The employee was a 41-year-old British bomb disposal expert, who had spent 20 years in
the British Army's bomb disposal units in Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Tetra Tech's spokeswoman Charlie MacPherson referred all of the Free Beacon's questions
to the State Department."
What do you think about this?
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top stories today
CBS, Viacom can't survive separately: Charlie Gasparino - Duration: 5:08.
Rav Eliyahu Ben Haim (NY Av Beit Din) Public Support of Rabbi Yaron Reuven - Duration: 3:42.
I know Rabbi Yaron Reuven...May HaShem protect him and give him long life...
He has great middot, is a Talmid Chacham (Torah Scholar)...Baruch HaShem...
He serves as an example of how a person who has done Teshuva should live...
He came from a place where he didn't grow up learning Torah...And yet got to a great level (in Torah)!
Baruch HaShem we need to strengthen him and support him...
We take pride in him, that he came from our very own Sephardic community...
A man that so talented and contributing...
And (as the verse says)..."And I am looking for my brothers"...
we ask you to support him and assist him...You know how hard is life in America...
And he is sacrificing himself for the sake of the general public...
And so the general public has to support him...As the Gemara says...
''The public needs to take care of it's own people.'' This is an obligation
There is this story that was once told by the Lubavitcher Rebbe...
He used to receive a small salary...And when people asked him why...
He said he wants to teach the people that the people that sacrifice for their communities, the communities must take care of them.
He (Rabbi Yaron) is also a great Talmid Chacham and has brought Jews closer to Judaism...
And also helped many non-Jews to become Jews...Thus , benefiting the masses!
There were young men that sadly went out with non-Jews...
Baruch HaShem (Praise G-d) that he brought them closer to Judaism...And also...
And when the time were appropriate he helped their spouses get proper conversions...
And Baruch HaShem they ended up raising beautiful Jewish families...
Therefore I always tell him (Rav Yaron) to be strong and forthright...
Not to ever run or be scared of anybody!...
Usually always when someone is successful, they have many opponents...
This is the rule of this world!...
The Gemara says that if everyone loves a person (and no one hates him)...This is not a good sign...
That's why I always tell Rav Yaron to never worry...
And thus, I keep telling Rabbi Reuven, strengthen and fortify in your way, never run or be scared of anyone, and continue in your path!
Spread Torah among the multitude and bring Jews closer (to Torah)...
And if by chance a Jew goes out with a non-Jew...If they (the non-Jew) truly are in the path of Torah keeping Shabbat and the mitzvot...
They are permitted to start keeping all the mitzvot in a proper manner...And I tell him that you are doing the right thing to bring them closer (to Judaism)...
And if a couple is already married and they have kids...
And the spouse wants to keep all the 613 mitzvot without a doubt...
To help them out is a great deed indeed...
There is a great answer given by Rav Chaim Ozer zt'l..
By Rav Ovadia zt'l...
That if a Jew has already fallen prey to the impurity (of intermarriage) and wants to do Teshuva (repentance)...
but his wife now genuinely desires to observe the Torah and mitzvot...
It's a big mitzvah to bring them closer (to Judaism)...
Unless, if the person is a Kohen...If he is a Kohen then there is no such permission ...
A Kohen is forbidden to be with a converted woman...But if he is a normal Jew, then for sure, go ahead, get them closer.
And as you (Rav Yaron) keep spreading the Torah day and night, a great blessing will be upon you!...
By getting the sons closer to their father in heaven!...
As the Torah says...''You are children to HaShem your G-d''...We are His children!...
When a Jew sins G-d forbid, there is a great sorrow for the Shechina (Divine Presence)...
Therefore, all the Jews that you bring closer to G-d, a blessing will be upon you...
May HaShem bless you and you succeed getting higher and higher at your holy duty...Amen ve Amen!
Storm Team 8 Forecast 6 p.m., 052918 - Duration: 2:35.
IB Fifth Graders Tackle Critical Issues - Duration: 2:29.
20 minutes west of Denver
(Bell rings)
The buzz for these fifth graders…
"So, when the queen bee lays the eggs..."
is how a field trip, can be so much more than 'ooohing and ahhing'
"Don't be afraid to touch it."
over holding a queen bee.
"What is one way anyone can help?"
They're 'bee'searching – colony collapse disorder, or CCD -
and how they can help save our beloved pollinators – the honeybees.
"Spread your wings and get to know people."
Meanwhile in downtown Denver at the Emily Griffith Campus...
"When Denver Public School(s) began, there hadn't been a Civil War yet."
Another group of students learning about another critical issue: discrimination in education.
"Denver was one of the first cities in the north to go all the way to the Supreme Court
with the desegregation case."
These aren't field trips.
They are excursions… connecting Brown International Academy students to professionals.
Interviews they mostly arranged, for projects they developed.
"What can we do to help stop discrimination in education?"
It's the centerpiece of their final project as International Baccalaureate Primary Years
students at Brown.
"Discrimination in Education."
A culmination of everything they've done from Kindergarten through fifth grade.
"Throughout the whole process you think, 'Is this going to come together?"
Wendy Edwards is a fifth-grade teacher at Brown who says, the students become the teachers.
"In a normal day we tend to guide them through their learning even if it has to do with research.
But in this project, they are held to a higher standard because they have to do this on their own."
Those interviews, add weight to their real world projects.
"Bee extinction is a real problem."
Revealing to these students a real need to take these things on – right now.
"All students have access to education but there is still a gap... achievement gaps..."
"They can make a change, they can have action.
And I think it's just beyond anything we could ever teach them in a classroom because they
learn it themselves."
Teachings they share with the community at a final presentation.
"Now I know how to stop it, and like, how not to discriminate people..."
Lessons they'll take with them for life.
"And it just becomes mind blowing."
For DPS Features, I'm Ben McKee
Laser holography kit that can fit in a backpack can project holograms into your brain - Duration: 5:03.
Laser holography kit that can fit in a backpack can project holograms into your brain
by: Ethan Huff
The ability to implant artificial thoughts, memories, and sensory experiences into people�s
brains isn�t that far off, according to new reports.
Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley are working on a new technology that
they say will one day make it possible to perform virtual brain implants � all from
a device that they claim will be small enough to fit into an ordinary backpack.
Known as �holographic brain modulation,� the technology involves the use of light to
alter brain function, all by projecting holographic images into brain cells.
Using advanced technological trickery, these holograms basically fool the brain into thinking
that it felt, saw, or sensed something that wasn�t actually there.
The flashes of light that the device creates act as tiny control units for operating brain
neurons, effectively simulating experiences and life events that never occurred in reality.
But the holographic implants make it seem as though they did, and patients would theoretically
have no clue one way or another.
Researchers say that such technology could be beneficial in helping patients with post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), for instance, overcome negative and damaging experiences by artificially
replacing them with pleasant ones.
Another potential benefit involves helping blind people to �see,� and paralyzed people
to �feel touch.�
Holographic brain implants have the potential to �imprint� pretty much any type of brain
programming that a person wants, whether it be happy memories, positive achievements,
and even the erasure of negative memories and experiences.
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Tests on mice found that the application of optogenetics, as it�s called, or the use
of light to control cells in living tissue, was able to effectively synthesize a variety
of brain activity patterns in the animals.
The mice were basically tricked into believing that they had felt, seen, or sensed various
stimuli that weren�t actually there � which was precisely the goal.
As these tests were being performed, researchers at UC Berkeley monitored the mice�s neural
activity in real time, observing what was taking place as various implants were being
From this, they learned which neurons to turn on, and which ones to turn off, in order to
achieve a desired outcome.
�This has great potential for neural prostheses, since it has the precision needed for the
brain to interpret the pattern of activation,� stated lead author Alan Mardinly, a postdoctoral
fellow in the UC Berkeley lab of Hillel Adesnik, about the findings.
�If you can read and write the language of the brain, you can speak to it in its own
language and it can interpret the message much better.�
Giving people �new� brains is a recipe for human disaster
Those who�ve seen the 2004 film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind will recall
that artificial brain reprogramming was this movie�s entire premise.
A doctor with the ability to erase people�s bad memories and reprogram their brains using
similar-type technology discovers that it isn�t exactly foolproof, and can actually
ruin people�s lives.
This story line was obviously fictitious, as was the technology at the time.
But now it seems that it�s on the verge of becoming a reality � as well as presenting
some of the exact same problems.
It all sounds good in theory, but what happens when the programming fails, or when new imprinted
memories are incongruent with older ones that are real?
It�s like trying to play God, and some researchers are dead set on doing so in the name of �science.�
They think it�ll work without creating problems � but as is usually the case with human
pride and arrogance, it�ll more than likely unleash a Pandora�s box of horrors that
has the potential to forever change the course of human existence.
Just In: Susan Rice's $50 Million Secret Just Revealed From Obama And It's A Huge Problem - Duration: 4:51.
Just In: Susan Rice's $50 Million Secret Just Revealed From Obama And It's A Huge
At the end of 2017, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, that served under President
Obama became embroiled in controversy.
Rice made headlines in the international news outlets for her intentional "unmasking"
of several officials within the campaign of Donald Trump.
But what she also made headlines over was for her salary.
Rice has a net worth of approximately $50 million yet was only making $172,000 a year.
The Washington Post previously reported on it and alleged that the millions of dollars,
in net worth came from various inheritances as well as personal investments for Rice and
her husband.
However, as of five years ago those inheritances equaled $20 million.
Meaning that there is an additional $30 million, that is unaccounted for that she made during
her time in the White House.
During her service, she spent a large part of her time in the administration opposing
In 2012, NPR wrote that Rice owned stock in TransCanada.
Which was the company responsible for the Keystone XL project, that the administration
This means that while the President was deciding whether to oppose it, or support it Rice had
a vested financial interest in it.
CDP reported,
"According to the NPR article, she owns stock valued at somewhere between $300,000,
and $600,000 in TransCanada.
Furthermore, they state, "about a third of Rice's personal net worth is tied up
in oil producers, pipeline operators, and related energy industries north of the 49th
parallel, including companies with poor environmental, and safety records on both U.S. and Canadian
Remember how the Obama administration was pushing for "clean energy?"
Apparently, that means only to United States citizens, and not the people that are supposed
to govern them.
The Post does try to say that there is nothing shady about Rice's dealings with the oil
They say that the connections "go back 20 years" when she was working somewhere else.
However, the stunning hypocrisy is real among Democratic voters, who are clamoring about
climate change, yet never mention a word about what Rice was involved in.
It also represents a huge conflict of interest.
Rice's wealth has essentially doubled since 2012.
How many other things was she investing in while being an adviser to the Obama administration?
It's easy to think that her wealth had increased due to the fact, she was advising Obama on
certain issues.
It was clear that Rice was set to be somewhat of a human shield for Obama's failures,
starting with the Benghazi incident.
Those eventually rose until the "unmasking" scandal came to light.
It was so bad that Judge Andrew Napolitano, often dubbed "America's Judge," was
calling for Rice to be arrested and jailed.
Rice was also brought up during the Syrian strike that President Trump did back in April.
The strike was about the gassing that had been going on.
That brought up a conflicting narrative, as Rice stated in January that claimed the gas
had been removed from Syria.
The conflicting reports left two solutions, and neither proved well for Rice.
A life in the public sector pays very well, but it doesn't make people extremely wealthy.
Rice's net worth has to be called into question, especially if Trump wants to continue to "drain
the swamp" of the people that are there.
Her career was filled with scandals, but this is just adding more fuel to the fire."
The American government is not a playpen for the rich and wealthy.
It is not an opportunity to become rich and make money.
As many have said before if you leave public service richer than you were before, than
you are not doing it correctly.
Because that is not meant to be the purpose of public service, it is meant to be service
for the betterment of the American people.
Anyone who takes advantage of that should be ashamed of themselves, because there is
no honor is taking advantage of the American people.
This is symbolic of what the Obama administration represents.
Corruption, conflicts of interest, and power struggles.
While the Democratic party has pointed the fingers at Republicans for their "tax cuts
for the rich", and for "selling out to corporate interests" in reality, they are
no better and are exactly the same.
The only difference is that they pretend to be different in the media, and in front of
everybody else.
Because the truth is is that they socialize with Hollywood predators, like Harvey Weinstein
and Bill Cosby while preaching equality and justice and there is no honor in any of that.
What do you think about this?
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Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! Legal Action Is Finally Coming And The Timing Couldn't Be Better! - Duration: 12:57.
Trump Just Got PRICELESS Justice! Legal Action Is Finally Coming And The Timing Couldn't
Be Better!
As more is revealed about the level of corruption and the degree of conflict of interest that
exists within Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, it becomes more abundantly clear Mueller's
many actions are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. President Donald Trump
is now suggesting that "angry Democrats" on special counsel Robert Mueller's team
could potentially face legal action over these "conflicts of interest."
President Trump states – "The 13 Angry Democrats in charge of the Russian Witch Hunt
are starting to find out that there is a Court System in place that actually protects people
from injustice…and just wait 'till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts
of Interest!" Naturally, CNN was quick to point out that
President Trump did not provide proof of the alleged conflicts. Yet, CNN themselves has
previously reported that several members of Mueller's team have donated to Democrats,
several exclusively so. A handful more either worked directly with or for Hillary Clinton
or Barrack Obama in some prior capacity. Russia's meddling in the 2016 election also has been
the subject of several Republican-led congressional inquiries.
President Trump has suggested this probe is being drug out as a means to damage Republican
chances at reelection. Several leaked questions that Mueller is interested in asking President
Trump are related to possible obstruction of justice actions. President Trump states
that such questions amount to a "setup and trap" and that it would "seem very hard
to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened!"
Last month, President Trump also stated on "Fox & Friends" that he might "at some
point" step in and take action against the Justice Department, which is overseeing the
special counsel investigation. Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by President
George W. Bush, and the man who appointed him as special counsel, Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein, was appointed by current President Trump.
Meanwhile, Rep. Louis Gohmert (TX-R) from Texas' 1st congressional district attempted
to shed some light on Mueller's rather long, troubling, and sordid history of illicitly
targeting innocent people.
Gohmert states – "Judging by Mueller's history, it doesn't matter who he has to
threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get to allege something or, for that matter,
anything. It certainly appears Mueller will do whatever it takes to bring down his target
— ethically or unethically — based on my findings.
What does former Attorney General Eric Holder say? Sounds like much the same thing I just
said. Holder has stated, "I've known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he's
just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can."
Holder does know him. He has seen Mueller at work when Holder was obstructing justice
and was therefore held in Contempt of Congress. He knows Mueller's FBI framed innocent people
and had no remorse in doing so."
Gohmert describes Mueller's disreputable, twisted history and how it speaks to the character
of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully-elected
President. He explains – "Any Republican who says anything resembling, "Bob Mueller
will do a good job as Special Counsel," "Bob Mueller has a great reputation for
being fair," or anything similar; either (a) wants President Trump indicted for something
and removed from office regardless of his innocence; (b) is intentionally ignorant of
the myriad of outrageous problems permeating Mueller's professional history; or (c) is
cultivating future Democrat votes when he or she comes before the Senate someday for
a confirmation hearing."
From his early years as an FBI Director, Gohmert describes how Mueller was given a pass in
oversight hearing from most Republican members of Congress. This allowed him to avoid answering
any tough questions. Gohmert states they were continually told – "Bush appointed him."
so it was okay to proceed. He also describes how glaring problems because evident very
The Boston Globe noted Mueller's connection with the Whitey Bulger case in an article
entitled, "One Lingering Question for FBI Director Robert Mueller" during his FBI
tenure. The Globe stated this –
"[Mike] Albano [former Parole Board Member who was threatened by two FBI agents for considering
parole for the men imprisoned for a crime they did not commit] was appalled that, later
that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as
an assistant US attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters
to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men
framed by FBI lies. Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger
was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow
graves along the Neponset…"
During this time Mueller was the head of the Criminal Division as Assistant U.S. Attorney,
and then later as Acting U.S. Attorney. No explanation as to exactly WHY Mueller insisted
on keeping the defendants in prison that FBI agents—in the pocket of Whitey Bulger—
had framed for a m****r they did not commit can be found anywhere. Perhaps not good people
themselves, nevertheless not guilty of these crimes. However, it is indicative of a larger
and more insidious pattern demonstrating Mueller's penchant for convicting and putting people
in jail he disliked, even if they were innocent of the charges, much more so than he was with
ferreting out the truth.
Mueller bore no responsibility for $100 million paid to the defendants who were framed by
FBI agents under his control either. As the Boston Globe noted – "Thanks to the FBI's
corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men,
two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison."
Of note, The New York Times had this to say of the relationship –
"In the 1980's, while [FBI Agent] Mr. Connolly was working with Whitey Bulger, Mr.
Mueller was assistant United States attorney in Boston in charge of the criminal division
and for a period was the acting United States attorney here, presiding over Mr. Connolly
and Mr. Bulger as a 'top echelon informant.'
Officials of the Massachusetts State Police and the Boston Police Department had long
wondered why their investigations of Mr. Bulger were always compromised before they could
gather evidence against him, and they suspected that the FBI was protecting him."
Frankly, if Mueller had no knowledge that the FBI agents he employed were actively engaging
in criminal activity, then he was so blind as to be woefully unfit for any type of criminal
case supervision. Either way, Mueller actively helped to contribute to the damages as he
helped to frame individuals by working to prevent them from being paroled from prison
even while their charges were in the process of being completely thrown out of court.
Notice also the evidence of a pattern throughout Mueller's career: the leaking of information
to disparage Mueller's targets. In the Whitey Bulger case, the leaks were too organized
crime — the Mafia. One the most fundamental tenets of our Republic is that of the rights
of an individual to be free from "unreasonable searches and seizures." An arrest is a seizure
of your person. Anyone imprisoned has to have committed a specific crime for which they
are found guilty. Yet Mueller has literally made a mockery of everything this country
stands for – as Gohmert points out Mueller has the anti-Santa Claus list; and, if you
are on his list, you get punished even if you are framed.
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