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This is East Asia—comprised of China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan—and this is Europe.
2.4 billion people live in these two areas—a third of the world's population.
More impressively, each of these two regions have a GDP of about $20 trillion.
Combined, just these countries account for half of the world's economic activity.
They are two of the world's most dense, most developed, and m ost economically interlinked
regions and are home to the world's largest and most influential cities yet laying between
them is just one country—Russia.
This more of less means that one country controls whether Europe can get to Asia and vice versa
and for a while, they couldn't.
During the cold war, almost universally, non-soviet airlines were not allowed to fly over the
Soviet Union.
This proved a huge barrier to travel.
In the 1950's, flying on BOAC, which later became British Airways, the fastest route
from London to Tokyo involved leaving London at 10am on Friday and stopping in Rome, Beirut,
Bahrain, Karachi, Calcutta, Yangon, Bangkok, and Manila before finally arriving in Tokyo
at 6am on a Sunday.
All in all, that was 36 hours and 10,000 miles of travel to get between two cities 6,000
miles apart and that was also their fastest service on the Comet jet plane.
Their slower and cheaper propeller plane service would leave London on a Sunday and not arrive
in Tokyo until Thursday after 88 hours of travel.
It was just hugely inefficient but there was a better way—over the Arctic.
SAS was the first to develop routes overflying the Arctic but other airlines soon followed.
These routes were first used to get to the American west coast faster.
This involved developing new navigation systems to overcome the issue of traditional magnetic
compasses not working properly in the high north.
In the 1950's no commercial airplane had the range to fly to the American west coast
non-stop but with SAS's new polar route they would take a relatively quick route from
Copenhagen stopping in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland and Winnipeg, Canada before arriving in Los
This cut what was previously a 36 hour trip down to 22.
With SAS having proven that commercial flights over the Arctic were both safe and commercially
viable, other airlines quickly followed not only setting up routes to the American west
coast but also to the far east.
The most direct route from London to Tokyo flies over Siberia, but since that airspace
was closed airlines chose another way—the other way around the world.
In 1960, only 40,000 people lived in Anchorage, Alaska and Alaska had just became a state
the year before, but its airport emerged as a crucial stopping point between Europe and
BOAC's thrice weekly polar route from London to Tokyo would leave Heathrow at 1:45 pm,
arrive in Anchorage nine and a half hours later, stop for an hour to refuel, and then
fly the remaining seven hours to Tokyo.
All in all, it was timetabled to take only seventeen and a half hours—half of what
the trip took before.
It was as drastic a reduction in travel time as when Concorde cut New York to London flights
from six hours to three.
BOAC wasn't the only one.
All the major European carriers set up routes to the far east via Anchorage in the 1960s
and 1970s.
While Anchorage sees only a few dozen daily commercial flights mostly to the continental
US today, in the 1970s it was served by Air France, SAS, KLM, Iberia, Lufthansa, Japan
Airlines, Korean Air, and more.
This tiny town in Alaska quickly became one of the most connected and cosmopolitan areas
of the world with passengers and flight crews from all around the world stopping over all
because of where it was.
As aircraft became more advanced with longer range, there were a few airlines that managed
to avoid stopping in Anchorage on their way from Europe to East Asia.
Finnair, for example, starting flying from Helsinki to Tokyo non-stop in 1983 by flying
in international airspace north of Russia over the North Pole.
This made what is today a nine hour flight thirteen hours but it was still faster than
stopping in Anchorage.
Overwhelmingly, though, airlines continued to fly through Anchorage.
Eventually, though, the Soviet Union did of course fall in 1991 and with that Russia started
to grant overflight rights to European and East Asian airlines.
They first had to modernize and anglicize their air traffic control system.
All international pilots and air traffic controllers worldwide speak English but before, since
there were few international flights over Russia, the Russian air traffic controllers
didn't speak english.
Once the changes were made, airlines quickly switched to flying non-stop from Europe to
Asia over Siberia.
That left Anchorage largely deserted.
The airport built a large and modern international terminal in 1982 to handle all the traffic
passing through the airport but then, less than ten years later, all those airlines that
kept the airport busy left in droves.
Today, that international terminal, built to handle hundreds of flights per month, only
sees a flight every few days.
Russia, meanwhile, is prospering thanks to the opening up of its airspace.
Flying to Asia over Siberia saves airlines huge amounts of time and money so Russia therefore
charges airlines huge amounts of money to do so.
Exact numbers vary by airline and are kept secret, but for each roundtrip flight between
Europe and Asia, Siberian overflight fees are believed to account for up to $100 of
a single passenger's ticket price.
Russia has an enormous amount of power by controlling this airspace and they use it
to their advantage.
133 countries have signed the International Civil Aviation Organization's Transit Agreement
which essentially allows any airline from any country to fly through the signatory's
airspace but Russia, however, has not, so they can pick and choose which country's
airlines get to fly through their airspace.
The country can and has used its airspace as a geopolitical weapon—in 2014 they threatened
to shut down their airspace to European Union airlines in response to sanctions, in 2017
they threatened to close the airspace to Dutch airlines in response to a reduction in landing
slots for a Russian airline at Schiphol airport, and in April 2018 they tacitly threatened
to close their airspace to US airlines in response to US military action in Syria.
But Russia not only decides which countries can fly in its airspace, it also decides which
specific airlines.
There is more or less a rule that only one airline per European country can overfly Russia.
There are certainly exceptions—both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic are London based,
for example, but both overfly Siberia on their routes to Shanghai and Hong Kong, but Air
France is the only French airline with Siberian overflight rights, Lufthansa is the only German
airline with overflight rights, Iberia is the only Spanish airline with overflight rights,
and so on and so forth.
For the longest while, this wasn't a problem.
European countries aren't that big and few had more than one intercontinental airline
but nowadays, however, that's changing.
We're seeing more and more budget airlines competing with the large, established carriers
on long-haul routes but, with this system of overflight permissions, the legacy carriers
more or less have a monopoly on east Asian routes.
SAS, for example, operates out of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden and they have Siberian
overflight rights that take them to destinations like Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai.
SAS is therefore the only Scandinavian airline allowed to overfly Siberia.
But also in Scandinavia is Norwegian Air.
As one of the largest low-cost airlines in the world, Norwegian has pioneered long-haul
budget flying mainly focusing on flights from major European cities to the US.
The airline has said, though, that it wants to expand eastwards.
They already have flights from Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm to Bangkok and from London
to Singapore, but these destinations are far enough south that they don't involve flying
over Siberia.
The airline has repeatedly applied for Siberian overflight rights and repeatedly been denied.
They argue that SAS does not operate any flight from Norway to Asia so they should be granted
permission as the only Norwegian airline but, since SAS is partially registered in Norway,
Russia isn't granting permission.
Norwegian does have a subsidiary legally registered in the UK but its unlikely that Russia would
grant overflight rights to this since British Airways and Virgin Atlantic also have overflight
Norwegian airlines also has a subsidiary based in Ireland which does not have an airline
with Siberian overflight rights but, SAS also has a subsidiary based in the country which
could mean that Russia will deny rights to this subsidiary too.
As of now, Russia has not granted overflight permission to any budget airline.
Others have tried—Icelandic airlines Wow Air and Icelandair have attempted to negotiate
overflight rights—but Russia views overflights as a way to make money and wants to charge
fees that would make it impossible for a low-cost airline.
For now, Wow Air has planned to start flights from Reykjavik to Delhi, India which, in a
direct routing would fly over Russia but can route around Russia by only adding 45 minutes
in extra flight time if an arrangement isn't made before flights start in December 2018.
Russia is a powerful politically-savvy country that knows that these overflight rights are
a huge negotiation tool.
Pulling the rights of a country's airline would be a huge financial blow and granting
rights is also a huge advantage.
Competition, though, is good for the consumer and this current system stifles it.
Until Russia starts granting overflight rights to budget airlines, nonstop flights to Asia
will stay expensive.
The fact that this shortcut over Siberia is now open at all, however, saves millions of
passengers yearly enormous amounts of time and money.
Watching this ten-minute video of our technological progress might make you think that we got
here in one giant leap, but that, of course, is not the case.
We had to develop new navigation systems to work around old-school compasses, build airports
to help planes refuel, and extend the range of aircraft.
The problem of advancing enough to be able to fly non-stop to the other side of the world
was huge but it was broken down and approached in small steps.
Brilliant works in a similar way—breaking a problem down, identifying the relevant concepts,
thinking clearly through each part, and building it back up to the conclusion.
In this manner, super complex topics like number theory or calculus can be easily understood
by anyone.
My favorite from Brilliant is their logic course, which starts simple, but then builds
up your skills so you can solve seemingly impossible problems.
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Thanks for watching and we'll see you again in three weeks for another Wendover Productions
For more infomation >> The Most Valuable Airspace in the World - Duration: 10:48.-------------------------------------------
USA vs Syria - Who Would Win? Military Comparison - Duration: 4:41.
The United States of America has a landmass of 3.8 million sq miles (9.8 million sq kilometers)
and a population of 325.7 million.
Syria, which is officially known as the Syrian Arab Republic, has 18.4 million people with
a landmass of 72 thousand sq miles (185,000 kilometers squared).
The US dwarfs Syria in terms of size and population, but how does that translate to the military
capability of these two nations?
That's what we'll be exploring today, in this episode of The Infographics Show:
USA vs Syria.
The most recent figures we could find for the Syrian defense budget are from 2011 with
a figure of 2.5 billion.
As for the US, president Donald Trump recently proposed an increase to the military budget
to $681 billion.
Of Syria's 18.4 million people, there are only 150-178,000 active personnel.
The US military, on the other hand, has a little over 2 million personnel, of which
1.28 million work as active personnel, and 800,000 are reserves.
It also has some of the best special forces outfits in the world.
The United States has a hefty 8,848 tanks against Syria's smaller number of 4,600
And with Armored fighting vehicles, Syria is far out matched with The United States
holding 46,000 vehicles, to Syria's 4,000.
Other land vehicles include self-propelled artillery with The United States holding more
than double at 950 to Syria's 460, and rocket artillery where The US has 1197 to Syria's
When it comes to airpower, The United States also far outweighs Syria, with a total number
of 13,362 aircraft vs Syria's 706.
With fighters, The United States has 388 and Syria is a little closer at 278.
Multirole aircraft, The US has 2,062 to Syria's 40, and other aircraft, including attack aircraft,
The United States has 470, Syria 120.
As for helicopters, The United States has as many as 5,000 to Syria's 163.
Looking at naval power, The US also shadows Syria with 436 total ships to Syria's 64.
Where The United States has 20 aircraft carriers [navodilo za script preperatorja: tukaj na
zaslon dodajmo text kjer pise: "The U.S. Navy operates 20 ships that could be called
aircraft carriers, but only considers 10 to be actual carriers."
and 85 destroyers, Syria has zero.
And under the water the United States has 70 submarines to Syria's 2.
A battle fought at sea between these two nations, would be a very one-sided contest.
And what about nuclear arsenal?
The United States was the first country to manufacture nuclear weapons and to date is
the only country to have used them in war, with the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in World War II.
As of 2017, according to the Federation of Nuclear Scientists, The United States has
a total of 6,800 useable warheads, of which 1,800 are deployed, 4,000 are stock piled,
and 2,800 are retired.
Though at one time it's thought Syria did seek to develop nuclear weapons with help
from North Korea, in 2007 the Israeli Air Force destroyed its plutonium production reactor
and Syria is not known to have any nuclear warheads.
Oil is also an essential ingredient when it comes to fighting and winning wars, and an
abundance of fuel is required to power tanks, aircraft and warships.
Current figures for Syria are hard to find, with the civil war that's being fought,
but as of 2012, consumption was 258,800 barrels per day, production was 182,500 barrels per
day, and reserves were 2.5 billion barrels.
While the United States consumes an average of about 19.9 million barrels per day, they
produce 9.3 million barrels per day, and has, in reserves, about 35.2 billion barrels.
Another factor of strength when fighting wars is the number of overseas military bases a
country has.
The United States outnumbers all other countries in this area and still maintains nearly 800
military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad.
And though Syria plays host to other countries military bases, by contrast, they have none
overseas of their own.
Who you partner with is also important when it comes to combat, and today The US maintains
military alliances with as many as 60 countries, including the mighty NATO military bloc in
Europe, Israel and a string of Gulf countries in the Middle East, Japan and South Korea
in East Asia, and Australia in the South Pacific.
Since the ongoing civil war, Syria has been increasingly isolated from countries in the
region, and the wider international community.
Syria does continue to foster good relations with its traditional allies, Iran and Russia,
and in total has 38 allied connections.
That's a brief comparison of the US and Syria's military capability.
Do you think Syria could even stand a chance?
If so, under what circumstances?
Let us know in the comments!
Also, be sure to check out our other video called Russia vs The United States!
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
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대박예감, 기아車 신형 CUV 딱 걸렸다 - Duration: 1:51.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI BLUEMOTION EDITION 2013 Airco-Cv-5drs-Electr.ramen - Duration: 1:07.
Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS 5drs Airco-Electr ramen 2010 km 110.000 Nap - Duration: 1:07.
HondaJet aterrissa em solo brasileiro por R$ 15,6 milhões|| 247 Entretenimento - Duration: 6:25.
Kia Picanto 1.0i Navigator 5drs. 7 JAAR GARANTIE - Duration: 1:11.
Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa
Romina Power, dopo il concerto con Al Bano: "E' veramente un miracolo…" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:45.
Uomini e donne 30 maggio: in onda la scelta di Sara Affi Fella | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:59.
Anticipazioni Uomini e donne oggi: Giorgio lascia il programma - Duration: 2:04.
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Uomini e donne domani 30/5: la decisione della tronista | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.
Los ministros de Sánchez: Puigdemont, ministro de Exteriores e Iglesias, de Vivienda - Duration: 2:19.
Gossip e Tv: spostate le finali di Amici 17 e del Grande Fratello - Duration: 5:18.
Senderismo en lluvia - hiking in rain - 3F UL vs 3F UL vs Keela (subtitles) - Duration: 5:22.
did it happen to you that planning a trip,
you find raining weather?
let me tell you
2 days at Palecia mountains
amazing at Spring
with so much rain, everything green
pants wet, shoes wet
2 great hiking routes
recommend Fuente y Cueva del Cobre
and this go up and up
recently I got the new 3F poncho
the one with sleeves
for the type of trail
that we made
hiking up
this was a condensation trap
it´s a mix of poncho and jacket
like this one, but this one is breatheble
you can do exercise with it
but the poncho does not breathe
you sweat like a chicken
I can start feeling the condensation
sweating like a chicken......!!!.....
as I told you
no lateral ventilation
as you can see
the poncho
covers very well
even the legs
no head visor
the problems starts
when I do exercise with it
the old version I have
I will keep using.....
you got the sides open
and its shorter
you can see in this poncho
is a bit shorter than the new one, but we have
both sides totally open
and that gives us some ventilation
with a lot less condensation
this Jacket
really waterproof
but will have a couple problems when hiking
one would be getting our pants wet
the second getting our backpack wet as well
it gets wet
and things inside can get wet
if we have a down sleeping bag or other delicate materials
would be no good
we got 2 options
an inside bag
so everything is protected
but the backpack would get wet and heavy
another option is to put a cover
but the backpart would get wet
it get wet in the "lab test"
and things inside can get wet
the conclusion: its your choice.....
I personally would keep my old version poncho
I think because the
the protection, small tarp use,
hanging points, price and volume
I will keep bringing it in my backpack
Fabrizio Corona e Silvia Provvedi sono tornati insieme? - Duration: 4:11.
Uomini e Donne news, Marta Pasqualato ha trovato lamore? Ecco chi è - Duration: 4:06.
Die Schweizer Regierung ist hochkriminell - Swiss government are criminals E sub - Duration: 7:44.
You live in Switzerland and have discovered a great thing, that you already know
go for a long time ! What is this about ?
It is a crime of the nineties and eighties, 1988-1989
where the largest Constitutional FRAUD of the
Swiss history has taken place ! So a real Criminal Conspiracy !
And specifically on December 4, 1988, we had one
Vote, the city-land initiative ! Which was rejected by 70%
of the People and with 100% of all 26 Cantons !
81% of the homeowners were against ! Even the Swiss Tenants with 41% against !
And there it was about Restrictions in Land Law !
Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen ! We welcome you to the Swiss Daily News !
Since a half an hour, the results for all 3 Federal Templates are available !
From all cantons. Now we have the final results for all
3 Petition. Toni Zwissig ! First the map to the city-land initiative ! All
26 Cantons reject the Reform of Land Law (4x NO) ! Proposed by the initiators !
685,861 votes voted for (Yes), 1,544,205
pronounced against the city-land initiative (NO) !
And now actually 9 months later, then Bernese politicians, the
7x Federal Councilors of 1989, through the back door on October 6, 1989 !
An extraordinary Federal Decision established, decided and this very tricky ! Because
they packed that up = "non-agricultural" real estate should be
will not be sold for 5 years ! And retroactively ! Why tricky ? Everyone
People who read this thought: "Non-Agricultural" Real Estate-Land ?
That does not affect me ! I'm not a farmer !
Federal Bern, the then Federal Councilors, have decided an Extraordinary Federal Decision !
On the same topic, where we already voted (1988)
had agreed and it was formulated over night = "non-agricultural" Real Estates (why no clearer ? = 99% !),
can not be sold for 5 years ! This new law was even Retroactive Closed (see the Int. Retroactive Ban) !
That is, it was concrete on October 6, 1989 !
That meen's, that real estate that I had bought: 1 or 2, 3, 4 years before (this Decree 1989)
fell also under this law ! That is completely absurd ! That is a NoGo ! You can not
retroactively change Valid Laws (that's CRAZY) !
Look, at the beginning of the 90s we did not have internet ! The
Awareness of the people was not so great ! The obguseness was massive and everything
what came from above was swallowed by the population. I can not imagine that,
why I was one of the very few who vehemently opposed it then !
Has approached and protested (see the SCAM) ! Whereby I never came through ! Because then
to stand up against a bank was a sacrilege ! When I was still at that time
tried to clarify the whole thing to courts ! The whole Swiss Courts (s. Coup d'Etat 1989-1999) have
pulled along ! Carried this constitutional breach (FRAUD). All Land Registry Offices !
All Politicians ! Because every little kid understands, that the 1988 vote, which was so clear, only 9 months later
can not be turn upside down ! So that was and is a constitutional break (FRAUD) !
So that this was and is a constitutional break (FRAUD)
In 1 hour I have explained this to any jury in the USA and every citizen in Switzerland ! I think !
In the preliminary advisory council of the Nationalrat, 8 parliamentarians initially
spoke in favor of a 10-year blocking period (Ban) !
Then, eleven (11x) voted for five (5x) years BAN and six (6x) for three (3x) years BAN = the Constitutional Scam LIFE ! on Camera (Proof for the US-Fla. Federal Court) !
On the other hand, the preparatory Council of States Councils (Senat) gave preference to a "only" (against the will of the 1989 voters = FRAUD = 100% Proved !)
voted for "only" a 3 year blocking period (Ban) ! With 6 to 0 votes ! (The SCAM 100% proved for the US-Fla. Miami Federal Court = Life on Camera = Stupid Criminals) !
With this decree, what happened ?
We could not trade and sell anything anymore ! The key interest rates were increased in parallel !
Only 8 weeks later (No coincidence !) ! Then we had mortgage interests from 8% to 9% the year !
That means you could not sell anymore !
And in the next few years, practically all of them who owned more than 2-3 houses
the real estate was auctioned ! And then we were left behind
expropriated, empty, and still with debts ! Because they went then, under the
Mortgages away ! That means that each of us had hundreds of millions of debts,
although we have never violated any law !
Although we always paid taxes ! Have employed people and so on !
So an insane great FRAUD (Case No: 17-CV-62542-BB) !
What did the state want to achieve with it ? It was for me
clear then = Cui Bono = Who benefits ? That was a redistribution, a classic one
Economic War ! I mean it was a civilian economic war ! And there are the Old Rich,
the Power Elites took away all to the New Rich, as I was one, in a relatively elegant way !
So the Nazis (SS = Nazi Party) expropriated !
The Communists have expropriated ! And the Swiss have expropriated too ! Only in typical Swiss style !
If one considers the excesses of speculation already with legal
Fiscal Measures to tax over-high wins in the sale of
of land and property rather suitable, then
Fiscal Measures are less bureaucratic burdened and less radical
in the Property Guarantee ! and in the Trade and Commercial Freedom !
Mr. Federal President ! Ladies & Gentlemen ! The Federal Council has with big satisfaction ! taken note
that the people (70%) and estates (100%) the city-land Initiative against land speculation have rejected !
Only 10 minutes later = So the fight ! against the ground speculation ! will be added = New YES ! Hää ?! = FRAUD ! Are there, for example, also lock periods in it ?
That's absolutely in it (FRAUD)! A working group already comes to me in the course of 1989 (FRAUD) !
make suggestions ! This BR Elisabeth Kopp was fired in late 1989 = Great, but to late !
Almost daily company bankruptcies !
The construction industry threatens collapse danger !
The noise of the compressed air hammer is deceptive !
The Swiss construction industry is in the deepest ($ 900 trillion losses) crisis since 2. World War (50 years ago) !
Foreclosure ! Bruno Bonometti on the bankruptcy shadow in the Swiss Sun State (Ticino).
Ermidio Antonini, head of the debt collection office, is auctioning off a multi-apartment building.
In the 80s, this occurred at most 20 times a year.
Since the crisis he is auctioning 10 times more ! This is 200 real estate auctions annually, only in Lugano / TI !
(in Switzerland about 10.000 a year) ! In the first 9 months of last year (1990), the auction
Ticino bankruptcy and debt enforcement agencies real estate for 1.1 billion francs !
In the same period, they have already introduced new ones because of real estate debt
Debt for 500 million francs through !
There is no End in Sight !
We have not experienced such a situation in Ticino since the 1970s !
I do not know where that still leads, as long as the
Foreclosures mainly of real estate continue to increase !
And the Future? Black ! I do not see a way out ! Every day more forced auctions, always
since 5 years, this is constantly increasing ! And there is No End in Sight !
The doors of the SLT Bank Thun are expected to close soon !
While the EBK Bank Commission today announced this decision in the Federal Palace !
It was said once more for the bruised customers to wait. Queue stands for poor 500 francs !
Many still hoped, that a big bank
save the financial institution and thus its savings ! This hope has
This hope has break up ! Understandably, the mood is irritated !
The Press Conference in the Federal Palace ! With harsh words criticized the
in charge of the banking commission EBK the behavior of the bank manager and
deprived them of the Bank Licence ! The SLT bank has by its very expansive
credit grant repeats and severely legal
rules about the risk distribution violated ! These law violations (EBK started with it !)
this mischief lead, according to banking law to withdrawal for approval (licence) !
The Banking Commission EBK, the supreme supervisory body, has said that it is too delicate to participate the TV.
Moreover, in the context of its overbearing credit grant, the bank has thes
risk distribution regulations of the law violated ! One more reason for that
to withdraw the bank authorization (licence) !
If no major bank buys SLT, only bankruptcy remains !
Before the SLT Bank Thun (7.10.1991) bank customers today snakes !
They were able to get from their blocked account
500 francs ! For many, of course,
just a drop on a hot stone ! Because they have not only their job-salary account,
but also the Passbook account at this bank !
The SLT Bank Thun, is the water to the neck ! The regional bank was
grown above average in recent years !
She had been heavily involved in the real estate sector !
And stuffed big one-sided risks ! And by the collapse of
the Real Estate Markets today lack around 100 million in the cash register !
Does a small saver now have to expect that a large part of his money is lost (the Decree = Cause !) ?
A big part will not be lost ! But a part ! (the Decree 10.6.1989 = Effect 1989-1999 !)
What is the final amount (in the pending US-Fla.claim) ? So we're talking here, about
around 750 million, which are accounted for, by official Swiss Land Register Entries and so on !
And if you now calculate the 30 years, then two times
Inflation-related, the real estate prices in Switzerland were also through the ceiling or
and then we are just 1.5 billion ! So for all a 1 a 5 and 8 zeros ! That's the sum ! Is a lot !
But is not for me alone (all together 20 victims) ! Where I have to say I am now
when I do not need the money anymore ! I do not know fore what. I just need
gesundheit mit diesem geld die jungen rights
health ! With this money I want establish very good the: !
Then we will start our own people's initiative next year ! Then I want this Swiss Justice (to much politic)
Completely re-set, reform (see the FRAUD 1989) !
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Renault 5 R 5 TL Bj 1985 km 133.000 Nap APK 01-2020 Nu 1950,- - Duration: 1:03.
Renault Captur TCe 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/17''Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 1:11.
The Most Valuable Airspace in the World - Duration: 10:48.
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This is East Asia—comprised of China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan—and this is Europe.
2.4 billion people live in these two areas—a third of the world's population.
More impressively, each of these two regions have a GDP of about $20 trillion.
Combined, just these countries account for half of the world's economic activity.
They are two of the world's most dense, most developed, and m ost economically interlinked
regions and are home to the world's largest and most influential cities yet laying between
them is just one country—Russia.
This more of less means that one country controls whether Europe can get to Asia and vice versa
and for a while, they couldn't.
During the cold war, almost universally, non-soviet airlines were not allowed to fly over the
Soviet Union.
This proved a huge barrier to travel.
In the 1950's, flying on BOAC, which later became British Airways, the fastest route
from London to Tokyo involved leaving London at 10am on Friday and stopping in Rome, Beirut,
Bahrain, Karachi, Calcutta, Yangon, Bangkok, and Manila before finally arriving in Tokyo
at 6am on a Sunday.
All in all, that was 36 hours and 10,000 miles of travel to get between two cities 6,000
miles apart and that was also their fastest service on the Comet jet plane.
Their slower and cheaper propeller plane service would leave London on a Sunday and not arrive
in Tokyo until Thursday after 88 hours of travel.
It was just hugely inefficient but there was a better way—over the Arctic.
SAS was the first to develop routes overflying the Arctic but other airlines soon followed.
These routes were first used to get to the American west coast faster.
This involved developing new navigation systems to overcome the issue of traditional magnetic
compasses not working properly in the high north.
In the 1950's no commercial airplane had the range to fly to the American west coast
non-stop but with SAS's new polar route they would take a relatively quick route from
Copenhagen stopping in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland and Winnipeg, Canada before arriving in Los
This cut what was previously a 36 hour trip down to 22.
With SAS having proven that commercial flights over the Arctic were both safe and commercially
viable, other airlines quickly followed not only setting up routes to the American west
coast but also to the far east.
The most direct route from London to Tokyo flies over Siberia, but since that airspace
was closed airlines chose another way—the other way around the world.
In 1960, only 40,000 people lived in Anchorage, Alaska and Alaska had just became a state
the year before, but its airport emerged as a crucial stopping point between Europe and
BOAC's thrice weekly polar route from London to Tokyo would leave Heathrow at 1:45 pm,
arrive in Anchorage nine and a half hours later, stop for an hour to refuel, and then
fly the remaining seven hours to Tokyo.
All in all, it was timetabled to take only seventeen and a half hours—half of what
the trip took before.
It was as drastic a reduction in travel time as when Concorde cut New York to London flights
from six hours to three.
BOAC wasn't the only one.
All the major European carriers set up routes to the far east via Anchorage in the 1960s
and 1970s.
While Anchorage sees only a few dozen daily commercial flights mostly to the continental
US today, in the 1970s it was served by Air France, SAS, KLM, Iberia, Lufthansa, Japan
Airlines, Korean Air, and more.
This tiny town in Alaska quickly became one of the most connected and cosmopolitan areas
of the world with passengers and flight crews from all around the world stopping over all
because of where it was.
As aircraft became more advanced with longer range, there were a few airlines that managed
to avoid stopping in Anchorage on their way from Europe to East Asia.
Finnair, for example, starting flying from Helsinki to Tokyo non-stop in 1983 by flying
in international airspace north of Russia over the North Pole.
This made what is today a nine hour flight thirteen hours but it was still faster than
stopping in Anchorage.
Overwhelmingly, though, airlines continued to fly through Anchorage.
Eventually, though, the Soviet Union did of course fall in 1991 and with that Russia started
to grant overflight rights to European and East Asian airlines.
They first had to modernize and anglicize their air traffic control system.
All international pilots and air traffic controllers worldwide speak English but before, since
there were few international flights over Russia, the Russian air traffic controllers
didn't speak english.
Once the changes were made, airlines quickly switched to flying non-stop from Europe to
Asia over Siberia.
That left Anchorage largely deserted.
The airport built a large and modern international terminal in 1982 to handle all the traffic
passing through the airport but then, less than ten years later, all those airlines that
kept the airport busy left in droves.
Today, that international terminal, built to handle hundreds of flights per month, only
sees a flight every few days.
Russia, meanwhile, is prospering thanks to the opening up of its airspace.
Flying to Asia over Siberia saves airlines huge amounts of time and money so Russia therefore
charges airlines huge amounts of money to do so.
Exact numbers vary by airline and are kept secret, but for each roundtrip flight between
Europe and Asia, Siberian overflight fees are believed to account for up to $100 of
a single passenger's ticket price.
Russia has an enormous amount of power by controlling this airspace and they use it
to their advantage.
133 countries have signed the International Civil Aviation Organization's Transit Agreement
which essentially allows any airline from any country to fly through the signatory's
airspace but Russia, however, has not, so they can pick and choose which country's
airlines get to fly through their airspace.
The country can and has used its airspace as a geopolitical weapon—in 2014 they threatened
to shut down their airspace to European Union airlines in response to sanctions, in 2017
they threatened to close the airspace to Dutch airlines in response to a reduction in landing
slots for a Russian airline at Schiphol airport, and in April 2018 they tacitly threatened
to close their airspace to US airlines in response to US military action in Syria.
But Russia not only decides which countries can fly in its airspace, it also decides which
specific airlines.
There is more or less a rule that only one airline per European country can overfly Russia.
There are certainly exceptions—both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic are London based,
for example, but both overfly Siberia on their routes to Shanghai and Hong Kong, but Air
France is the only French airline with Siberian overflight rights, Lufthansa is the only German
airline with overflight rights, Iberia is the only Spanish airline with overflight rights,
and so on and so forth.
For the longest while, this wasn't a problem.
European countries aren't that big and few had more than one intercontinental airline
but nowadays, however, that's changing.
We're seeing more and more budget airlines competing with the large, established carriers
on long-haul routes but, with this system of overflight permissions, the legacy carriers
more or less have a monopoly on east Asian routes.
SAS, for example, operates out of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden and they have Siberian
overflight rights that take them to destinations like Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai.
SAS is therefore the only Scandinavian airline allowed to overfly Siberia.
But also in Scandinavia is Norwegian Air.
As one of the largest low-cost airlines in the world, Norwegian has pioneered long-haul
budget flying mainly focusing on flights from major European cities to the US.
The airline has said, though, that it wants to expand eastwards.
They already have flights from Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm to Bangkok and from London
to Singapore, but these destinations are far enough south that they don't involve flying
over Siberia.
The airline has repeatedly applied for Siberian overflight rights and repeatedly been denied.
They argue that SAS does not operate any flight from Norway to Asia so they should be granted
permission as the only Norwegian airline but, since SAS is partially registered in Norway,
Russia isn't granting permission.
Norwegian does have a subsidiary legally registered in the UK but its unlikely that Russia would
grant overflight rights to this since British Airways and Virgin Atlantic also have overflight
Norwegian airlines also has a subsidiary based in Ireland which does not have an airline
with Siberian overflight rights but, SAS also has a subsidiary based in the country which
could mean that Russia will deny rights to this subsidiary too.
As of now, Russia has not granted overflight permission to any budget airline.
Others have tried—Icelandic airlines Wow Air and Icelandair have attempted to negotiate
overflight rights—but Russia views overflights as a way to make money and wants to charge
fees that would make it impossible for a low-cost airline.
For now, Wow Air has planned to start flights from Reykjavik to Delhi, India which, in a
direct routing would fly over Russia but can route around Russia by only adding 45 minutes
in extra flight time if an arrangement isn't made before flights start in December 2018.
Russia is a powerful politically-savvy country that knows that these overflight rights are
a huge negotiation tool.
Pulling the rights of a country's airline would be a huge financial blow and granting
rights is also a huge advantage.
Competition, though, is good for the consumer and this current system stifles it.
Until Russia starts granting overflight rights to budget airlines, nonstop flights to Asia
will stay expensive.
The fact that this shortcut over Siberia is now open at all, however, saves millions of
passengers yearly enormous amounts of time and money.
Watching this ten-minute video of our technological progress might make you think that we got
here in one giant leap, but that, of course, is not the case.
We had to develop new navigation systems to work around old-school compasses, build airports
to help planes refuel, and extend the range of aircraft.
The problem of advancing enough to be able to fly non-stop to the other side of the world
was huge but it was broken down and approached in small steps.
Brilliant works in a similar way—breaking a problem down, identifying the relevant concepts,
thinking clearly through each part, and building it back up to the conclusion.
In this manner, super complex topics like number theory or calculus can be easily understood
by anyone.
My favorite from Brilliant is their logic course, which starts simple, but then builds
up your skills so you can solve seemingly impossible problems.
To support Wendover Productions and learn more about Brilliant, go to
and sign up for free.
And also, the first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium
Thanks for watching and we'll see you again in three weeks for another Wendover Productions
USA vs Syria - Who Would Win? Military Comparison - Duration: 4:41.
The United States of America has a landmass of 3.8 million sq miles (9.8 million sq kilometers)
and a population of 325.7 million.
Syria, which is officially known as the Syrian Arab Republic, has 18.4 million people with
a landmass of 72 thousand sq miles (185,000 kilometers squared).
The US dwarfs Syria in terms of size and population, but how does that translate to the military
capability of these two nations?
That's what we'll be exploring today, in this episode of The Infographics Show:
USA vs Syria.
The most recent figures we could find for the Syrian defense budget are from 2011 with
a figure of 2.5 billion.
As for the US, president Donald Trump recently proposed an increase to the military budget
to $681 billion.
Of Syria's 18.4 million people, there are only 150-178,000 active personnel.
The US military, on the other hand, has a little over 2 million personnel, of which
1.28 million work as active personnel, and 800,000 are reserves.
It also has some of the best special forces outfits in the world.
The United States has a hefty 8,848 tanks against Syria's smaller number of 4,600
And with Armored fighting vehicles, Syria is far out matched with The United States
holding 46,000 vehicles, to Syria's 4,000.
Other land vehicles include self-propelled artillery with The United States holding more
than double at 950 to Syria's 460, and rocket artillery where The US has 1197 to Syria's
When it comes to airpower, The United States also far outweighs Syria, with a total number
of 13,362 aircraft vs Syria's 706.
With fighters, The United States has 388 and Syria is a little closer at 278.
Multirole aircraft, The US has 2,062 to Syria's 40, and other aircraft, including attack aircraft,
The United States has 470, Syria 120.
As for helicopters, The United States has as many as 5,000 to Syria's 163.
Looking at naval power, The US also shadows Syria with 436 total ships to Syria's 64.
Where The United States has 20 aircraft carriers [navodilo za script preperatorja: tukaj na
zaslon dodajmo text kjer pise: "The U.S. Navy operates 20 ships that could be called
aircraft carriers, but only considers 10 to be actual carriers."
and 85 destroyers, Syria has zero.
And under the water the United States has 70 submarines to Syria's 2.
A battle fought at sea between these two nations, would be a very one-sided contest.
And what about nuclear arsenal?
The United States was the first country to manufacture nuclear weapons and to date is
the only country to have used them in war, with the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in World War II.
As of 2017, according to the Federation of Nuclear Scientists, The United States has
a total of 6,800 useable warheads, of which 1,800 are deployed, 4,000 are stock piled,
and 2,800 are retired.
Though at one time it's thought Syria did seek to develop nuclear weapons with help
from North Korea, in 2007 the Israeli Air Force destroyed its plutonium production reactor
and Syria is not known to have any nuclear warheads.
Oil is also an essential ingredient when it comes to fighting and winning wars, and an
abundance of fuel is required to power tanks, aircraft and warships.
Current figures for Syria are hard to find, with the civil war that's being fought,
but as of 2012, consumption was 258,800 barrels per day, production was 182,500 barrels per
day, and reserves were 2.5 billion barrels.
While the United States consumes an average of about 19.9 million barrels per day, they
produce 9.3 million barrels per day, and has, in reserves, about 35.2 billion barrels.
Another factor of strength when fighting wars is the number of overseas military bases a
country has.
The United States outnumbers all other countries in this area and still maintains nearly 800
military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad.
And though Syria plays host to other countries military bases, by contrast, they have none
overseas of their own.
Who you partner with is also important when it comes to combat, and today The US maintains
military alliances with as many as 60 countries, including the mighty NATO military bloc in
Europe, Israel and a string of Gulf countries in the Middle East, Japan and South Korea
in East Asia, and Australia in the South Pacific.
Since the ongoing civil war, Syria has been increasingly isolated from countries in the
region, and the wider international community.
Syria does continue to foster good relations with its traditional allies, Iran and Russia,
and in total has 38 allied connections.
That's a brief comparison of the US and Syria's military capability.
Do you think Syria could even stand a chance?
If so, under what circumstances?
Let us know in the comments!
Also, be sure to check out our other video called Russia vs The United States!
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
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대박예감, 기아車 신형 CUV 딱 걸렸다 - Duration: 1:51.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI BLUEMOTION EDITION 2013 Airco-Cv-5drs-Electr.ramen - Duration: 1:07.
Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS 5drs Airco-Electr ramen 2010 km 110.000 Nap - Duration: 1:07.
HondaJet aterrissa em solo brasileiro por R$ 15,6 milhões|| 247 Entretenimento - Duration: 6:25.
Kia Picanto 1.0i Navigator 5drs. 7 JAAR GARANTIE - Duration: 1:11.
Don't Get Ripped Off | 10 INSANELY High Markups On Everyday Items - Duration: 8:39.
10 Insanely High Markups On Everyday Items [0:00:00]
Movie tickets, a 192% markup.
Popcorn, a 900% markup.
A glass of your favorite soda, 1400% markup.
Guys, those are just three examples of items people pay a huge market price on.
And in today's video, I'm talking about clothing, accessories, and other items their
average markup price, so that you can use this information and go out there make better
buying decisions and save money.
[Music] Now, let me be clear.
I'm a businessman, I understand that companies need to mark things up to make a profit and
that's a good thing.
But, if you understand how much they've marked stuff up, as a consumer you can use
this information to negotiate.
You can use this information to look for sales to look for deals to save money and that's
what this video is all about.
So first up, let's talk about clothing and accessories.
Custom suits, what are we going to see the markup there?
Only about 100-200%, so actually coming in on the low end.
Next up, let's talk about designer suits, 200-400%.
The difference between custom and designer customs made for the individual designer is
made for the mass market.
Fragrances, anywhere from 100-500% markup.
Designer shoes, on average, 354% markup.
Designer jeans, a 650% markup.
Next up, let's talk about jewelries.
So, I'm talking about rings, talking about necklaces, cufflinks and we're going to
be talking about watches.
What we see here is anywhere from a 200% to over 1000% markup.
Oftentimes, it's going to be with gold we're going to see a higher markup than we will
on steel or silver.
And, when it comes down to precious stones, the highest markup of them all.
And coming in with the highest markup in menswear at 1329% markup, we've got designer eyewear.
Now, I know what you might be thinking.
Hey, I wear glasses, my son wears glasses, my wife wears glasses, someone I care about
wears glasses and I don't want them to pay that crazy markup fee.
If that's the case, guys, send them the glasses you will say the paid sponsor of today's
I'm linking to them down in the description.
There's an awesome discount code down there for you.
But, guys, for over two years, my family, we've been using glasses you would say because
it works.
We're talking 70% off of retail price.
So, when you go to your optometrist, I can tell you that they are way overpriced.
We've gone in and I just have – ah, they don't even have options.
When you go to Glasses USA, what you're going to find over twenty five hundred options.
A lot of them are in-house brands, but they've also got companies like Ray Ban, Tom Ford,
Oakley, Armani, Adidas.
And they've got a wide variety of styles.
So, if you want full rim glasses, if you want half rim glasses, if you want no-rim glasses
in a variety of materials, they've got you covered.
They've also got sports glasses, safety glasses, kid's glasses, sunglasses, any
type of prescription glasses that you need.
And my favorite part of the website, the virtual mirror.
So, you upload a picture of yourself and you can see yourself wearing the glasses.
It's really cool and you're like, ah, you know, I want to go for something with
a little bit more color.
Ah, maybe a little bit more color than that.
And you can actually virtually try on and find the perfect pair for you.
Free shipping, free returns, a 100% money back guarantee, a 365-day product warranty.
Guys, it's a no-brainer if you want to save money on prescription glasses, go check out
Glasses USA.
I'm linking to them down in the description.
When you get the link you're going to get the best deal you're going to find on the
Go check them out, awesome company.
All right.
So, you're about to take a trip you're going to travel.
Let's talk about the markups that you're going to run into.
That airline ticket, a 388% markup.
Oh, traveling internationally, let me add another 100-200% markup.
Hotel mini bars, a 400% on average markup.
Yes, that small bag of M&M's, is $10.
Argh, you forgot your phone charger.
Guys, guess what?
A 672% markup on that essential item.
Still haven't bought the tickets for that concert you want to attend?
Oh, looks like it's sold out, a 2873% markup from list price.
And last but not least the most marked up item for a busy traveler, argh, you just blew
through your data plan.
Guess what?
You now got to pay by the texts.
Well, let your wife know you're out of the concert ready to get picked up, that text
right there has a 5961% markup.
So, did that did that overpriced text message stress you out?
Hopefully not because I'm not done.
Guys, you're going out to drink and you order a bottle of wine.
You want to relax you want to enjoy company with friends.
Oh, guess what?
A 400% markup.
Oh, too much for, you know I don't need a whole bottle, I'll just take a glass.
On that glass, a 400-800% markup.
Well, what about if I just go with the beer, give me a domestic beer.
Guess what, guys?
A 694% markup.
Oh, my gosh, Antonio, these markups are crazy.
Just give me a drink, a mixed drink, a 1150% markup right there.
I've had enough of the alcohol then, just give me a soda.
Guys, guess what?
A 1150% markup as well.
[0:05:03] Wow!
Those are some crazy markups, but I get it companies got to stay in business.
However, I've got a road trip in front of me.
I need to stay awake, I want to go with a nice mocha.
Oh, wait a minute, if I go for something like that, probably a high markup, I'm going
to go for a plain coffee.
Well, guess what?
On a plain coffee, still a 1000% markup.
If I would have gone for that really nice mocha, closer to a 3000% markup.
So, what do you think, guys?
Can drinks get anymore absurd?
Can it get any crazier on the markup?
The answer is yes.
Topping the list coming in at 2000-4000% depending on how you buy it, guys, we've got bottled
Yes, bottled water is at the top of the list.
Next up, let's talk about you hard-working students and how you're getting ripped off.
Let's start this off with your textbooks.
Textbooks on average, 163% markup.
I thought this would have been a lot higher and I'm sure there are some books out there
that have like a 300% or 400% markup, but, guys, on average 163%.
Next up, we've got printer ink coming in at a 300% markup.
Need a table for your apartment?
You need a bed for your dorm room?
Guys, a 400% markup on furniture.
That fancy calculator that does all those calculations, that TI83, guess what, gentlemen?
An 892% markup.
Oh, and it gets better, when you graduate you've got to buy a cap and gown.
You've got to buy it.
Guess what?
A markup of just over 1000%.
All of this fails in comparison though to the markup on prep classes.
We're talking classes that you get ready for the GRE for the SAT for the ACT for the
There's a 3082% markup on these classes.
Not too bad, right?
So, these next ones, I didn't know how to categorize them except wow.
Your funeral casket, a 350% markup.
I thought this percentage was going to be a lot higher, so in this case I'm actually,
look, not too bad compared to everything else we've seen.
Calling a psychic hotline apparently has a markup of 9186%.
Now, I'm not sure what to think about that.
Probably not.
And wrapping things up, we've got healing crystals.
I've got to read this at 2493828% and they did calculate that and I don't know, it
sounds legit, right?
That's a legitimate markup.
All right, gentlemen, now it's your turn.
I want to hear from you down in the comments.
How do you deal with markups?
How do you save money when it comes to huge markups like we talked about in today's
I want to hear from you, I want to learn from you.
Let me know down in the comments your tips and tricks.
And, guys, go check out Glasses USA.
If you are paying for retail, you are paying too much.
Guys, I've got a link down there which is going to have an awesome discount deal.
Use it or lose it.
Not going to be around forever.
And like I said for years, I've been using their service.
My wife uses glasses, my son wears glasses.
I actually have a pair of prescription glasses from them right here and I'll put this on.
And, the way the procedure work is I just went into my local eye clinic.
I actually had them do an exam.
I got the exact numbers I needed.
I simply sent it to them and in a very short time period they had it delivered to me.
I've got a wide variety of different frames.
I've been testing these things out, guys.
Great company great quality at a fair price.
I'm linking to them again down in the description.
All right, gentlemen, that's it.
Take care.
I'll see you in the next video.
[Music] Ah, I can taste the markup.
Yes, I can on my essential everyday life.
Ah, taste that markup.
Oh, yeah, probably what?
It's probably only 2000% on this one.
[0:08:38] End of Audio
40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don't Know - Duration: 13:00.
40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don�t Know
Once you go down the rabbit hole, you will discover things that most people don�t know.
Here are 40 outrageous facts that most people are clueless about.
1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal
Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg.
5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)
2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)
3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)
4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C.
5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States.
No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy its finally
over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you
will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914
6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the
United States government. Even though the �US Government� held shares of stock in
the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)
7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a
Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the
SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what
publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms.
You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration.
(20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 42 2.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above)
8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges
do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes.
(FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)
9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators.
(FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178)
10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826)
11. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System.
12. The UN is a One World Super Government.
13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always
been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed
its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.
14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph
Gulliani stated on C-Span that �New York City was the capital of the World� and he
was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)
15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering
v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)
16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN.
(Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States
17. You own no property, slaves can�t own property. Read the Deed to the property that
you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)
18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)
19. The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24)
20. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty
at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)
�and as history repeats itself, Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush and grandfather
of George W. Bush, funded both sides of World War II. The Bush family have been traitors
to the American citizens for decades.
�Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have
done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched.�
George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992
21. You can not use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it.
(Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)
Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating
the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication
6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774.)
23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)
24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1
25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)
26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery.
(Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)
27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls
of 1455 and 1493)
28. The Pope�s laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c.
vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)
29. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children. (Tillman
v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress
1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)
30. Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages
and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of
31. � The People� does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of
Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)
32. The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat
33. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation
and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia,
477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.
34. Everything in the �United States� is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals,
water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath lake. Did anyone take the time
to check? (Executive Order 12803)
35. We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037)
36. The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years
and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land
in America in Fee Simple.
37. The good news is we don�t have to fulfill �our� fictitious obligations. You can
discharge a fictitious obligation with another�s fictitious obligation.
38. The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various
other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression.
The building of Germanys infrastructure in the 1930�s including the Railroads was financed
by the United States. That way those who call themselves �Kings,� �Prime Ministers,�
and �Furor.�etc could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of
all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their
Countries which didn�t even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn�t
it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the �Bank
of International Settlements�is located.Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the
ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of �Government� in place.
39. The �United States� did not declare Independence from Great Britian or King George.
40. The etymology of government means to control the mind. From Latinised Greek gubernatio
�management, government�, from Ancient Greek ??�e???s�??, ??�????s?? (kybernismos,
kybernesis) �steering, pilotage, guiding�, from ??�e???? (kybernao) �to steer, to
drive, to guide, to act as a pilot� plus Latin mente �mind�.
Tired of the tyranny and oppression? Be sure to check out In5D Alternative News, updated
DAILY, 365 days a year! We report the news that the mainstream media fails to do.
TRY NOT TO LAUGH or GRIN: Funny Animals Compilation 2018 | Cute is Not Enough - Duration: 10:24.
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Fiat Bravo 1.4 T-Jet Corporate 120pk Cruise Climate PDC - Duration: 1:10.
The Most Valuable Airspace in the World - Duration: 10:48.
This video was made possible by Brilliant.
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This is East Asia—comprised of China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan—and this is Europe.
2.4 billion people live in these two areas—a third of the world's population.
More impressively, each of these two regions have a GDP of about $20 trillion.
Combined, just these countries account for half of the world's economic activity.
They are two of the world's most dense, most developed, and m ost economically interlinked
regions and are home to the world's largest and most influential cities yet laying between
them is just one country—Russia.
This more of less means that one country controls whether Europe can get to Asia and vice versa
and for a while, they couldn't.
During the cold war, almost universally, non-soviet airlines were not allowed to fly over the
Soviet Union.
This proved a huge barrier to travel.
In the 1950's, flying on BOAC, which later became British Airways, the fastest route
from London to Tokyo involved leaving London at 10am on Friday and stopping in Rome, Beirut,
Bahrain, Karachi, Calcutta, Yangon, Bangkok, and Manila before finally arriving in Tokyo
at 6am on a Sunday.
All in all, that was 36 hours and 10,000 miles of travel to get between two cities 6,000
miles apart and that was also their fastest service on the Comet jet plane.
Their slower and cheaper propeller plane service would leave London on a Sunday and not arrive
in Tokyo until Thursday after 88 hours of travel.
It was just hugely inefficient but there was a better way—over the Arctic.
SAS was the first to develop routes overflying the Arctic but other airlines soon followed.
These routes were first used to get to the American west coast faster.
This involved developing new navigation systems to overcome the issue of traditional magnetic
compasses not working properly in the high north.
In the 1950's no commercial airplane had the range to fly to the American west coast
non-stop but with SAS's new polar route they would take a relatively quick route from
Copenhagen stopping in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland and Winnipeg, Canada before arriving in Los
This cut what was previously a 36 hour trip down to 22.
With SAS having proven that commercial flights over the Arctic were both safe and commercially
viable, other airlines quickly followed not only setting up routes to the American west
coast but also to the far east.
The most direct route from London to Tokyo flies over Siberia, but since that airspace
was closed airlines chose another way—the other way around the world.
In 1960, only 40,000 people lived in Anchorage, Alaska and Alaska had just became a state
the year before, but its airport emerged as a crucial stopping point between Europe and
BOAC's thrice weekly polar route from London to Tokyo would leave Heathrow at 1:45 pm,
arrive in Anchorage nine and a half hours later, stop for an hour to refuel, and then
fly the remaining seven hours to Tokyo.
All in all, it was timetabled to take only seventeen and a half hours—half of what
the trip took before.
It was as drastic a reduction in travel time as when Concorde cut New York to London flights
from six hours to three.
BOAC wasn't the only one.
All the major European carriers set up routes to the far east via Anchorage in the 1960s
and 1970s.
While Anchorage sees only a few dozen daily commercial flights mostly to the continental
US today, in the 1970s it was served by Air France, SAS, KLM, Iberia, Lufthansa, Japan
Airlines, Korean Air, and more.
This tiny town in Alaska quickly became one of the most connected and cosmopolitan areas
of the world with passengers and flight crews from all around the world stopping over all
because of where it was.
As aircraft became more advanced with longer range, there were a few airlines that managed
to avoid stopping in Anchorage on their way from Europe to East Asia.
Finnair, for example, starting flying from Helsinki to Tokyo non-stop in 1983 by flying
in international airspace north of Russia over the North Pole.
This made what is today a nine hour flight thirteen hours but it was still faster than
stopping in Anchorage.
Overwhelmingly, though, airlines continued to fly through Anchorage.
Eventually, though, the Soviet Union did of course fall in 1991 and with that Russia started
to grant overflight rights to European and East Asian airlines.
They first had to modernize and anglicize their air traffic control system.
All international pilots and air traffic controllers worldwide speak English but before, since
there were few international flights over Russia, the Russian air traffic controllers
didn't speak english.
Once the changes were made, airlines quickly switched to flying non-stop from Europe to
Asia over Siberia.
That left Anchorage largely deserted.
The airport built a large and modern international terminal in 1982 to handle all the traffic
passing through the airport but then, less than ten years later, all those airlines that
kept the airport busy left in droves.
Today, that international terminal, built to handle hundreds of flights per month, only
sees a flight every few days.
Russia, meanwhile, is prospering thanks to the opening up of its airspace.
Flying to Asia over Siberia saves airlines huge amounts of time and money so Russia therefore
charges airlines huge amounts of money to do so.
Exact numbers vary by airline and are kept secret, but for each roundtrip flight between
Europe and Asia, Siberian overflight fees are believed to account for up to $100 of
a single passenger's ticket price.
Russia has an enormous amount of power by controlling this airspace and they use it
to their advantage.
133 countries have signed the International Civil Aviation Organization's Transit Agreement
which essentially allows any airline from any country to fly through the signatory's
airspace but Russia, however, has not, so they can pick and choose which country's
airlines get to fly through their airspace.
The country can and has used its airspace as a geopolitical weapon—in 2014 they threatened
to shut down their airspace to European Union airlines in response to sanctions, in 2017
they threatened to close the airspace to Dutch airlines in response to a reduction in landing
slots for a Russian airline at Schiphol airport, and in April 2018 they tacitly threatened
to close their airspace to US airlines in response to US military action in Syria.
But Russia not only decides which countries can fly in its airspace, it also decides which
specific airlines.
There is more or less a rule that only one airline per European country can overfly Russia.
There are certainly exceptions—both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic are London based,
for example, but both overfly Siberia on their routes to Shanghai and Hong Kong, but Air
France is the only French airline with Siberian overflight rights, Lufthansa is the only German
airline with overflight rights, Iberia is the only Spanish airline with overflight rights,
and so on and so forth.
For the longest while, this wasn't a problem.
European countries aren't that big and few had more than one intercontinental airline
but nowadays, however, that's changing.
We're seeing more and more budget airlines competing with the large, established carriers
on long-haul routes but, with this system of overflight permissions, the legacy carriers
more or less have a monopoly on east Asian routes.
SAS, for example, operates out of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden and they have Siberian
overflight rights that take them to destinations like Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai.
SAS is therefore the only Scandinavian airline allowed to overfly Siberia.
But also in Scandinavia is Norwegian Air.
As one of the largest low-cost airlines in the world, Norwegian has pioneered long-haul
budget flying mainly focusing on flights from major European cities to the US.
The airline has said, though, that it wants to expand eastwards.
They already have flights from Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm to Bangkok and from London
to Singapore, but these destinations are far enough south that they don't involve flying
over Siberia.
The airline has repeatedly applied for Siberian overflight rights and repeatedly been denied.
They argue that SAS does not operate any flight from Norway to Asia so they should be granted
permission as the only Norwegian airline but, since SAS is partially registered in Norway,
Russia isn't granting permission.
Norwegian does have a subsidiary legally registered in the UK but its unlikely that Russia would
grant overflight rights to this since British Airways and Virgin Atlantic also have overflight
Norwegian airlines also has a subsidiary based in Ireland which does not have an airline
with Siberian overflight rights but, SAS also has a subsidiary based in the country which
could mean that Russia will deny rights to this subsidiary too.
As of now, Russia has not granted overflight permission to any budget airline.
Others have tried—Icelandic airlines Wow Air and Icelandair have attempted to negotiate
overflight rights—but Russia views overflights as a way to make money and wants to charge
fees that would make it impossible for a low-cost airline.
For now, Wow Air has planned to start flights from Reykjavik to Delhi, India which, in a
direct routing would fly over Russia but can route around Russia by only adding 45 minutes
in extra flight time if an arrangement isn't made before flights start in December 2018.
Russia is a powerful politically-savvy country that knows that these overflight rights are
a huge negotiation tool.
Pulling the rights of a country's airline would be a huge financial blow and granting
rights is also a huge advantage.
Competition, though, is good for the consumer and this current system stifles it.
Until Russia starts granting overflight rights to budget airlines, nonstop flights to Asia
will stay expensive.
The fact that this shortcut over Siberia is now open at all, however, saves millions of
passengers yearly enormous amounts of time and money.
Watching this ten-minute video of our technological progress might make you think that we got
here in one giant leap, but that, of course, is not the case.
We had to develop new navigation systems to work around old-school compasses, build airports
to help planes refuel, and extend the range of aircraft.
The problem of advancing enough to be able to fly non-stop to the other side of the world
was huge but it was broken down and approached in small steps.
Brilliant works in a similar way—breaking a problem down, identifying the relevant concepts,
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Opel Cascada 1.6T 200 PK INNOVATION NAVI - LEDER - 18 INCH - PDC - WEEKEND WEG CADEAU T.W.V. 350 EUR - Duration: 1:09.
Stossel: The College Scam - Duration: 5:49.
These days all Americans are told
go to college!
A higher education is the
single best investment.
But a new book, The Case Against Education
says this college push
is a big mistake.
How many thousands of hours
did you spend in classes studying
subjects that you never thought about again?
Economist Bryan Caplan says
most people who go to college shouldn't.
I learned little in college.
I liked my friends and illegal drinking,
but I slept through lectures.
At least tuition then was $2,000,
now it's almost $50,000.
People usually just want to talk
about the tuition, which is a big deal
but there's also all the years that
people spend in school
when they could have been doing something else
if you just take a look at the faces of
the students it's obvious that they're bored
and people are there primarily
in order to get a good job.
Because a diploma is a signaling device
for people with
no more brains than you have but they have
one thing you haven't got,
a diploma!
The con man who was the Wizard of Oz
hinted at the problem years ago.
Doctor of Thinkology.
Why'd you write this book?
The Wizard of Oz already made the argument.
But almost no one seems to believe it.
College graduation has never been more valuable
than it is today.
Education is my top priority
and by supporting this budget
you'll make it yours as well.
Meaning taxpayers must pay for it.
All the politicians say, go to college.
And there is evidence
the higher you go, the more money you make.
It's totally true that when people go
and get more and better and fancier degrees that
their income generally goes up,
but the reason why this happening is not really
that college is pouring tons of job skills into you,
the reason is that it's impressive.
You aren't saying,
you, individual don't go to college,
you're saying
we as a country
are suckers
to push it
and subsidize it.
Just because it is lucrative for an individual
doesn't mean that's a good
idea for country.
Because when most everyone goes to college,
that just raises the bar.
Imagine that you're at a concert
and everyone is sitting down and you
want to see better, what can you do?
Well you can stand up alright, and of course
then you'll see better.
Now it does not follow though
that if everyone stands up
everyone sees better.
You just block each other's views.
The same thing has happened
in education, says Caplan,
as more people got degrees,
more employers insisted on degrees.
The result isn't that graduates
get better jobs,
it's that employers require degrees for
most every job.
There are so many jobs
where it used to be crazy to think that you
would need a college degree,
like to be a waiter in a fancy restaurant
where now it would be very normal.
Of course a college education is about more than
getting a job,
it's also about learning
but Caplan says if students really
wanted to learn, they would just do it.
If you want to go to Princeton,
you don't have to apply,
just move to the town and start attending classes.
Nobody does that.
In people's bones they realize
that what really counts is that diploma.
Today that's a taxpayer subsidized diploma
and when you subsidize something,
you get more of it.
More students apply to college,
so schools raise tuition.
Tuition cost has risen
at triple the rate of inflation.
Schools use that money
to attract more students
and more tax money.
Many compete by advertising luxury.
They promote things like lobster dinners,
fancy pools.
Students will come to us and say,
this is what sealed the deal.
Used to be reading, writing, and
and well we're now the 4th "r",
600 colleges now have rock walls.
Give our Tigers spring break every time
they step in
to the Student Recreation Complex.
This is a public school,
taxpayers fund that spring break.
We also fund years of study in subjects unlikely
to help students get jobs,
like social justice, gender studies, multicultural studies.
If we're doing computer science
or electrical engineering,
then you probably
are actually learning a bunch of useful skills,
but every year we graduate about
twice as many psychology bachelor's degrees
as we do engineering bachelor's degrees.
Of course there's value in learning psychology,
many employers say they want liberal arts graduates.
It's technology married with liberal arts,
married with the humanities,
that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing.
It makes us better, wiser people.
But you can't assume that works.
How many years of people's lives should
they be made to study stuff
when the odds that they'll ever appreciate it are
1 in a 100, 1 in a 1000?
Maybe it makes our brains work better?
It's the kind of thing
you'd expect teachers say,
but there's a whole field of people who have
actually studied this.
Much as they want to believe that you're right
they generally come away
after looking at a lot of evidence and saying,
wow actually
it's wishful thinking.
Although Caplan calls college a scam,
he says it's great
for a few people.
People like him.
I'm a tenured professor. Your audience may not
realize how good of a gig this is,
but a tenured professor cannot be fired
for almost any reason
and you get a nice income
and there almost no demands upon your time.
You just have to teach five hours a week?
Well there's people who consider that
a horrible burden.
That's a scam that we're paying so much money for
people like you to teach you five hours.
Yeah well, I'm a whistleblower.
The bottom line of The Case Against Education:
taxpayers ought to know
that they're getting ripped off.
Government has made a tremendous effort
to make education
accessible to everyone.
I say really what we need to do
is to go back to a world
where college is not so accessible,
where it really distinguishes you,
and in this way,
people are going to be able to
start their lives years earlier.
The wisest solution all things considered
would be if government just got out.
It would be good if government
got out of a lot of things.
like :)
Movies That Completely Split Audiences In Half - Duration: 10:06.
While some movies are universally acclaimed, and others we can all pretty much agree are
just garbage.
But then there's a third category: films that inspire both adoration AND disgust, blockbusters
that split audiences completely in half.
This phenomenon spans all genres, but these films all have one thing in common—they're
movies everyone either loves or hates.
Forrest Gump
When Forrest Gump hit theaters in 1994, it grossed $677 million worldwide and won six
Academy Awards.
It elevated Tom Hanks from actor to superstar, and many of its iconic lines are still quoted
"Run, forrest.
It's currently ranked on IMDB as the 12th best film of all time, and has a 95% audience
approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
But for all the love Gump has received, it's picked up some haters, too.
"He must be the stupidest son of a bitch alive, but he sure is fast!"
It caused a huge upset when it beat Pulp Fiction for best picture at the Academy Awards.
Many right-wing news outlets have lauded Forrest Gump as one of the best conservative films
of all time.
But to put it simply, critics feel the movie is all melodrama with no real message, while
fans love it for its simple perspective of a complicated world.
"life was like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're gonna get."
Sailing into theaters in 1997, Titanic became the highest-grossing film of all time.
The epic period piece became a major cultural touchstone, inspiring everyone who's ever
been on a boat to shout the iconic line:
"I'm the king of the world!"
"I'm king of the world!"
"Hey, somebody has to do this: I'm king of the WWWWWWW"
"Don't ruin a perfect week!"
Its beautiful costumes, tragic romance and revolutionary special effects touched so many
moviegoers that Roger Ebert wrote an entire essay about how he could "hear the warmth
in people's voices when they discuss it and see the light in their eyes."
But critic Owen Gleiberman says the film "gave rise to hater culture."
For every enthusiast, there's a cynic who feels the film is too cliché, and that its
theme song, My Heart Will Go On, should only be played for prisoners.
Even Kate Winslet herself said the song made her want to throw up.
"How often do you listen to Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On?"
"absolutely never."
People have also not been able to let go of the fact that Jack absolutely could have fit
on the door with Rose instead of freezing to death in the ocean.
he should have tried harder to get on that door.
I think he could have
"totally enough room, right?"
But for the most part, fans think the film is romantic perfection, while the haters just
think it's romantic fluff.
At least everyone can agree on the romance angle, though!
"You know, No matter how noble Jack's intentions might have been, sometimes discretion is the
better part of valor."
The Passion of the Christ
Deadpool may the highest-grossing R-rated film worldwide, but when it comes to the domestic
box office, The Passion of the Christ is the king of kings.
The biblical gorefest earned $370 million at home, which is largely thanks to Christian
Some congregations rented out theaters for special screenings, while others actually
screened the film in their churches.
"The faithful are flocking to this theatre this morning.
The Passion is playing on all 20 screens."
One man was so passionate that he bought 6,000 tickets and gave them away for free.
But many people saw the movie as anti-Semitic for its murder-hungry mobster portrayal of
Jews, along with the fact that director Mel Gibson refused to have any Jewish scholars
advise him on the subject matter.
Audiences were also shocked by the film's extreme violence.
"It was very graphic.
Yeah, extremely graphic.
But it was probably true to life."
Considering the subject material, it's no wonder audiences either hailed Gibson as a
cinematic saint or crucified him for his controversial film.
No Country for Old Men
In 2007, the world was introduced to Anton Chigurh, one of the most iconic bad guys in
movie history.
"what's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?"
"the most you ever lost on a coin toss?"
No Country for Old Men won four Academy Awards, including best picture, and was hailed as
one of the Coen brothers' best movies.
It is currently ranked by IMDB as the 159th best film of all time.
But a lot of people couldn't get past the movie's ending.
The hero dies, the bad guy gets away, and after Tommy Lee Jones chats about his mysterious
dream, the movie cuts to black.
For those who were expecting a conventional finale, it's one of the most infuriating movie
endings of all-time.
Leading man Josh Brolin knew the ending was going to tick people off, and told MTV:
"I love that people leave the movie saying, 'I hate the ending.
I was so pissed.'
Good, it was supposed to piss you off."
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises was surrounded by so much hype that fanboys and Christopher Nolan
himself were defending it before it even hit theaters in 2012.
When film critic Marshall Fine posted the first negative review, his website crashed
under the rush of angry responses.
Rotten Tomatoes eventually had to shut down the film's comments section, a first in the
website's history.
Despite a spirited defense from hardcore fans, the film has been picked apart for plot holes
and logical inconsistencies.
Moviegoers were also upset with the film's ending, which showed Bruce Wayne alive and
well and on vacation with Selina Kyle.
Some thought the movie was a critique of the Occupy Wall Street movement, while others
suspected that Bane was a metaphor for republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.
"Calm down Dr., now is not that time for fear.
That comes later."
Inspiring everything from death threats to devastating takedowns, The Dark Knight Rises
is Nolan's most hotly contested movie to date.
Man of Steel
Depending on who you ask, Man of Steel is either the best Superman movie or the worst.
Zack Snyder's depiction of Superman as a cynical, complex and tortured hero stood out in stark
contrast to the colorful and quippy films Marvel had been cranking out.
Many fans appreciated this somber take, and the film earned $668 million worldwide.
However, many fans preferred Christopher Reeve's cheerful and fun version of Superman to this
dark and gritty approach.
Others were horrified by the sheer volume of collateral damage amassed during Superman's
duel with General Zod.
But perhaps the biggest controversy came when the man of steel straight-up murders his enemy,
a move that seemed to go against Clark Kent's strict moral code.
Even producer Christopher Nolan initially opposed the ending, which producer David S.
Goyer revealed on The Empire Film Podcast.
"killing zod was a big thing and something that Chris Nolan originally said there's
no way you can do this."
The murder made it into the film, and sent the man of steel in a direction that not everyone
was happy with.
La La Land
When La La Land danced into theaters, it won over audiences and critics alike.
It's also tied with Titanic and All About Eve for earning the most Oscar nominations
ever -- 14 in total.
Audiences far and wide were touched by this movie-musical homage and love letter to Hollywood,
which was written and directed by Damien Chazelle.
However, for every La La Land fan, there's a cynic rolling their eyes.
Many were annoyed by Ryan Gosling's Sebastian, who was portrayed as the white savior of jazz,
a genre that was pioneered by black musicians.
"it's dying, Mia, it's dying on the vine.
And the world says 'let it die.
It had it's time.'
Well, not on my watch."
Others felt Emma Stone's character, Mia, was far less complex than her male counterpart.
Ultimately, La La Land was a movie made for the ones who dream, but for many people, that
dream was a nightmare.
When it comes to polarizing his audience, director Darren Aronofsky has outdone himself
with mother!, an allegorical horror film that traps Jennifer Lawrence in a never-ending
nightmare of strangers with no respect for personal space.
The film was not for everyone, scoring a middling 69% on the tomatometer and an audience score
of 50%.
While horror fans enjoyed how gruesome and bloody it was, others argued that the film
was too heavy-handed with its allegories and symbolism.
"you never loved me.
You just loved how much I loved you."
"I gave you everything!"
Needless to say, with the way mother! divided its audience, it might be the very epitome
of a "love it or hate it" film.
The Last Jedi
When Rey tracked down Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens, fans around the world couldn't
wait to see what would happen in the next Star Wars film.
Two years later, The Last Jedi caused a great disturbance in the force.
Directed by Rian Johnson, it quickly became one of the best-reviewed films of the franchise,
with some critics hailing it as the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back.
Fans praised the film for subverting expectations, demystifying the Jedi mythology, and paving
a new path for the franchise.
However, many Star Wars fans saw The Last Jedi as an attack on George Lucas's original
While the film scored a 91% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, its audience score currently
sits at only 47%.
The biggest upset seemed to have to do with Luke Skywalker, whose portrayal as a moody
pessimist upset even Mark Hamill, who played him.
"I think the world of Rian Johnson, I said to him I fundamentally disagree with what you
think about Luke."
Then again, audiences weren't too pleased with The Empire Strikes Back when it was first
released either.
Maybe in a few decades, fans will look back on The Last Jedi with a little more fondness,
Described on Deadline as "Lethal Weapon meets Lord of the Rings," Bright unfortunately did
not live up to any of the hype surrounding it.
The Netflix original movie, which was written by Max Landis and directed by David Ayer,
was universally hailed as a total mess.
From its sloppy world-building to cringe-worthy dialogue, not even Will Smith's charisma could
save Bright from scoring an abysmal 26% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
"fairy lives DON'T matter today."
Somehow, though, its audience approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes currently sits at 85%.
Netflix president Reed Hasting said Bright was one of the site's "most viewed original
titles ever," and a sequel is already in the works.
For whatever reason, plenty of people watched Bright, which seems to be the only aspect
of the film that anyone can agree on.
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Hyundai Kona 1.0T Fashion Lime Accenten Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:12.
Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-Gdi Comfort Rijklaar - Duration: 1:04.
Rat Rod Dually Takes Home the First Win at Hot Wheels' Legends Tour - Duration: 4:50.
(truck engine)
- Hot Wheels, to a guy that builds are...
they're everything.
(rhythmic rock music)
- [Presenter] We are thrilled that Mitch Allread
with F5 Rat Rod dually, down at the end
is taking win one out of Hot Wheels Legends.
Congratulations Mitch.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for embodying the challenger spirit
and really like living, breathing and bleeding Hot Wheels.
In not just how you built it, but what you made.
It is a beautiful work of art. So thank you.
(audience applause)
- [Mitch] I was on the verge of crying, I still am.
And this is such a last minute thing for me.
I just can't believe that it happened like this.
Really, really neat. Let's head up to Simi Valley.
(truck engine)
(lighthearted guitar music)
Hi my name's Mitch and we're here in
Simi Valley, California. My little shop.
My little 1000 square foot shop.
I've worked in motorsports for a long time
and then I worked on a Pikes Peak Truck that
a guy by the name of Mike Ryan owns.
I was on the team that built that first truck.
After finishing that truck I just thought it
would be really cool to have something like that.
Something with a diesel in it. It was kind of inspirational.
Engine here is a 7.3 liter.
Power Stroke diesel.
The donor vehicle was a '97 F350, crew cab, dually.
This particular motor didn't come with an air cooler,
so I retrofitted it. And used a Subaru intercooler.
I painted it green to kinda replicate the other green
that you find in the rest of the truck.
The seat frames were green and the engines green.
It's been on the road since March of '09
and prior to that it took me six years.
And it got shelved a couple of times and almost sold once.
Originally is was two dump trucks that had
gotten wrecked on the side of the road.
Somebody drove through a fence and it smashed them both
and so took the best of the two of them.
And kinda melted them together as far
as the stock body that I wanted.
The grill shell and hood came from
a separate truck than the cab.
And so I kinda put them together that way.
(lighthearted guitar music)
Having worked in Motorsports, of course I'm gonna
have that bent, I'm gonna have that motorsports inspired
holes, lightening holes and roll cages,
almost all my builds have roll cages in them.
I like to say it handles like a Porsche,
but it rides like a truck.
(Mitch laughs)
(lighthearted guitar music)
The rock screen on the back window,
this was on the original truck.
That was protecting the back window from
rocks coming in cause it was a gravel truck.
So then I copied that for the door panels
and the screen on the floor. This will raise your feet
off the floor because the master cylinder
and the brake booster are mounted on the back of the cab.
So we raised the floor basically up off the rods.
That thing has been driven as a daily driver for
years and years. It just recently has been kind of
shelved and weathering as it does.
And so I brought it in and I re-checkerboarded the top,
cause it had all faded away and ya could barley see it
and I liked that. Cause the rest of the truck is
not painted actually. It's all natural patina
from an original dump trucks.
I been driving that truck for nine years.
And I know the kind of attention that it gets.
Everywhere I go it's like I'm in a parade everyday.
It doesn't matter where I go or where I been
that truck always garners attention.
I have people follow me off the freeway
and ask me to take pictures. I have since it was built.
I begun to anticipate a little bit that I might be a winner.
And so I started to get a little emotional about it really,
because Hot Wheels to a car guy
and to a guy that builds are... they're everything.
I mean I have hundreds of them.
There was this big tree and would build these little ramps
and stuff up to this dream house right.
And I would build this little dream house,
this little diorama dream house.
And there would be always Hot Wheels on the driveway.
OK, that's where is started for me.
When I was 8, 10 years old or something like that.
(bouncy piano music)
迪丽热巴穿T恤搭短裤,好不容易秀一次腿,网友却只关心她热不热 - Duration: 2:41.
Retsu shouldn't keep slimes : Part 1 - Duration: 0:24.
Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 368 - Duration: 5:22.
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Most Innovative Airstream at MLF Community First Village for The Homeless
DIY Floor Coatings - Epoxy - DIY Floor Coatings - Duration: 1:25.
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Frasier's Coded Gay References in "The Matchmaker" - Duration: 8:35.
"Don't take this wrong, but it never occurred to me you might be gay."
"It never occurred to me you might be straight."
It wasn't easy to put gay characters on TV in the 1990s.
But one show managed to be gayer than pretty much any other mainstream sitcom of the time.
Frasier had two huge advantages when it came to LGBT inclusion: first, a ton of gay people
worked on it, from the cast to the writers to directors.
And second, its comedy hinges on misunderstandings, farce, and unspoken social taboos -- and unspoken
taboos just so happen to be something queer people know a thing or two about.
All aboard and welcome to Matt Baume's Culture Cruise, where we take a deep dive on queer
topics on TV, in movies, in books and games and more.
This time we're taking a peek at Season 2 Episode 3 of Frasier -- The Matchmaker.
Culture Cruise is made possible by the lovely folks who pledge their support on Patreon
-- folks like Mark Boeder.
Thank you Mark!
If you're enjoying these videos head over to or click the link
in the description to join the folks like Mark who make Culture Cruise possible.
Like so many of Frasier's best episodes, it's a comedy of errors and manners that
hinges on incorrect romantic assumptions.
These kinds of comedies used to be much more common in decades past, when it was socially
taboo to discuss topics like romance openly.
But by the mid-90s there wasn't much left that couldn't be talked about on TV.
The one exception was queerness, still considered forbidden and risque enough to facilitate
a screwball misunderstanding.
Gay storylines were the secret ingredient for a perfect comedy of errors -- all that
was required was that a show be brave enough to broach the topic, and queer enough to get
the tone right.
The episode starts with Daphne lamenting the state of her love life.
"You've been seeing a man?"
"Only when I close my eyes and concentrate."
Frasier is determined to find Daphne a date.
But when his producer, Roz, suggests a few men, Frasier only manages to insult her.
"You and Daphne are entirely different kinds of women.
While Daphne is very shy and inexperienced, you are more, well a lot, well one would be
hard pressed to find anyone more..."
"Oh I get it.
I'm out of here."
"Roz, please."
"No, I can't stay.
The fleet is in."
And Roz is still a bit miffed back at the office, when the new boss pops by.
Tom's the new station manager, just arrived, and Frasier makes a good first impression.
Better than he realizes, in fact.
When Tom mentions that he recently had a breakup, Frasier gets the idea to introduce him to
"I take it then, you're unattached?"
"Yes, but I haven't given up hope."
"Well you may have come to the right place."
And of course, Tom thinks he's flirting.
What we're seeing, although Frasier doesn't realize it, is the dance of subtext that queer
people have to go through all the time.
Especially in the 90s, there was a risk to openly identifying as LGBT, so queer people
had to employ subtle signals to communicate.
Things like noticing each other's appearance …
"Say that's a beautiful tie."
Sharing interest in culture...
"Yes, I love London.
The museums, the theater."
"Oh yeah, I'm a big theater buff.
Three shows a week."
A hundred years prior, queer people in England spoke in a dialect called Polari, which they
used to communicate without risking violence or arrest.
"How is Pauline?"
"She's had nanti bully fake.
Dyed her riah, her ends are a real mess."
"Nanti bona.
I hope she vaggeried straight to the crimper."
These days, it's not quite so perilous to be publicly gay.
We don't need a whole second language.
But even today, in most states you can be fired for being gay.
You can be evicted, lose your student loans, get kicked out of school.
So no wonder Tom is cautious, and uses subtle signals to identify himself in a way that
he could still plausibly deny that he's gay if needed.
Of course, the problem is that Frasier's too clueless to realize that's what's
going on.
Having established some rapport with Tom, he invites him over for dinner -- oblivious
to the conversation that Tom thinks they just had.
"He seems like a nice guy."
"Ah, he's okay."
"I hope he's more than okay.
He just asked me out on a date."
Misunderstandings like these have long been the backbone of sitcoms.
And although Roz could clear up the whole thing with a single sentence, she's still
annoyed at Frasier, so...
"Listen, Tom, there's something you need to know about Frasier."
"He's nuts about chardonnay."
What follows is a standard Frasier dinner party of errors, where every innocent line
is a double entendre.
"That's a hell of a view."
"It's even better from the bedroom."
Queer people have always had to live in entendre, and become fluent in subtext for the sake
of survival.
As a result, we're always listening for the meaning behind the meaning, even when none
is intended.
"I usually hang out a place called Duke's.
Great crowd.
Lot of young cops."
"I didn't ask Tom to dinner so he'd end up talking to you all night in the kitchen.
There are others who would like to have a crack at him."
This episode is able to deploy those double meanings so well because it was written by
a gay man, Joe Keenan.
It was directed by a gay man, David Lee.
And the series itself stars multiple queer people, though they didn't talk about it
at the time: there's David Hyde Pierce, who would publicly come out years later.
John Mahoney avoided talk about his sexuality, but outside of Frasier he aligned himself
with LGBT projects.
The actor who played Bulldog, Dan Butler, is gay, as is Edward Hibbert, who played Gil
With so many queer people involved with the show, it's no wonder it's so fluent in
gay misunderstandings.
It's almost a shame when the farce finally enters the inevitable unravelling stage:
"I sensed you had a problem with me dating Frasier."
"Well if you must know...I'm sorry, what was the question?"
It's interesting that Niles is the first one to understand what's going on, and also that
he instantly gets it.
Though his character is presented as straight, he is very queer coded.
Not only does Niles conform to the gay stereotype of prissy fussiness, there's also a more
genuine undercurrent of timid inhibition and self-restraint that mirrors the caution exhibited
by so many closeted gay men.
So it's not so surprising that Niles is the first to be taken into Tom's confidence.
And unlike most sitcom characters who learn that someone is gay, he accepts it instantly,
instead of going through denial:
"That's impossible.
Tom's not gay."
"He seems to be under that impression."
With the dinner party breaking up, Frasier finally realizes what's happened and he
has a little gay panic.
"You're cute when you're nervous."
"Well then I must be downright adorable."
And then we get to the misunderstanding that is the basis of the episode's farce:
"Don't take this wrong, but it never even occurred to me you might be gay."
"It never occurred to me you might be straight."
That confusion -- the double-meanings, the subtext, the potential for misunderstanding
-- is a natural component of queer conversation.
Because of the violence directed at LGBT people, we often have to talk in code so we can avoid
detection, or to signal each other without anyone else noticing.
That the subtext goes over the head of people like Frasier isn't a bug.
It's a feature.
Tom departs the dinner party with a few questions:
"Does this mean your dad's not gay either?"
"No, no, dad's not gay."
"But Niles -- come on."
And once again, there may be a double meaning behind his words.
He's asking about Martin and Niles the characters, but he could easily be asking the same about
John and David, the actors who play them.
Two men who had, at the time, chosen to avoid being open about their sexuality -- and who
were working in an industry where coming out could mean the end of your career.
In 1994, primetime TV certainly wasn't ready for a conversation about THAT.
So you could take that line at face value, and believe that's it's ONLY referencing
the characters.
You could plausibly claim that there's no subtext whatsoever to those lines spoken by
a gay character, penned by a gay writer, and crafted by a gay director.
That's certainly possible.
But for there NOT to be at least a little hidden meaning to the closing line of the
show would just be a little bit … queer.
Thanks for cruising along with us!
And thanks to everyone who makes the Culture Cruise possible with a pledge of a dollar
or more a month on Patreon.
There's some lovely rewards for folks who pledge their support -- head over to
or click the link in the description to check out the perks available to backers.
Perks like early ad-free access to videos like these.
Thanks again to Mark Boeder for making this episode possible.
And now if you'll excuse me, these salads aren't going to toss themselves.
How To 3D Print with LASERS! (SLA) - Duration: 12:10.
hey guys we're Evan and Katelyn and today we're gonna 3d print with lasers we've
had a lot of fun in the past using 3d printers to make silicone molds so the
part that's least fun is a priming and sanding and priming and sanding and prime
sand prime sand we want to avoid that so we have another 3d printed
silicone mold we're gonna make for a different project and we purposely made
this design a lot more complex so that we couldn't really easily sand it by
hand which kind of forces us to figure out SLA printing which uses a laser and
resin to make prints so smooth they shouldn't needed too much sanding we
never done this before so hopefully we can figure out how to
use this new technology and different finishing techniques so we end up with a
castable print and not a pile of goo Thank You MatterHackers for sponsoring
this video so first step is we're gonna print this design using fused filament
fabrication which is what we normally do in PLA because it's a lot cheaper this
is the first prototype we're gonna go ahead and go through all the prototypes
here on the taz 6 before we move over to the moai and do some lasering you can
see the layer lines present on this print right here that's why we have to
sand and prime and sand and prime so we're gonna be avoiding that when we do the
next print for now test fit I guess we haven't actually explained what we're
making we'll go into it more in the next video where we actually make this thing
but this is a candle holder that is supposed to hold two different types of
candles so we want to make sure that the design works oh hey haha it does work! I'm assuming if this one
works this one does yeah wow that looks really cool this design works so now we
can move forward with the SLA before we do should we explain what SLA is a
little bit stereolithography it's it's um you basically have a vat of resin and
that resin is UV curable and then you have a laser a UV laser that shoots up
into this bin of resin ha ha ha so good at explaining things and this laser very
precisely cures bits of the resin and it builds it up into a print alright so
we have the model all done we have it scaled by half
we want to save on resin on his first print while we're testing things lasers
will be happening soon good luck lasers! I'm gonna show you
what's going on in there yeah yeah I'm gonna see it yeah so that's the print bed
it prints upside down and raises up layer by layer and there's a little laser
going alrighty well that goes we are actually going to make a curing box
for this so that we can cure it okay so resin prints cure with UV light
so you can just put them in the Sun to cure it but we're not that patient so
we're gonna build a UV box instead so to make that you need a box foil UV light
spray adhesive and we're gonna go really fancy with a little solar-powered
turntable hmm
let's go see if the print's done
look at that oh that's so cool doop some goop oh man that is so
cool looking it's so tiny and delicate there's cat hair on it first print super
successful it looks great it is goopy though from the resin that just came
from so we're gonna try two different methods to clean this up before curing
it one we're just gonna put it in the jar of alcohol and then water and shake
it all around and then to get fancier we're also gonna use an ultrasonic cleaner
and then see what difference that makes
feels better it feels like it's off feels a lot better when I first took it
out it was like super slimy and now it feels kind of matte so I think it's good
now it's time to cure it fully and see how it did time to get fancy time to get
fancy this is our turntable so tiny okay this is supposed to be solar-powered
so we're gonna see if this works ah it's spinning hey that's so cool oh wait that's so pretty it's so pretty
oh my gosh alrighty so while this cures we want to thank matterhackers they
sent us the moai they helped us figure out things like how to make this box how
to finish the prints and they sponsored this video so if you have any 3d printing
needs definitely check them out second print is done looks good looks the same
as the last one which makes sense so this one is gonna go into the ultra
fancy ultrasonic vibration machine to see if it can clean it better than the
first one alright so how this works this sends
ultrasonic vibrations into the liquid and since we don't want alcohol in here
since this has electronics and stuff we're gonna isolate it in this jar right
here now the vibrations will travel through the water into this and the alcohol
will clean it and let's see how this works it sounds like a being electrocuted we're
gonna have to get the little handheld camera you can see things shaking off of
this alright now let's rinse it off in water and back into alcohol one more time and
then water and then curing time this is basically the same as the two jar method
it just might end up with a better finish because it's like more consistent
vibrations in the alcohol well like stronger vibrations
i dunno i was shaking that can pretty strong ultrasonic I don't know the jars might
work just fine that's what we're gonna figure out yeah that's what we're testing
okay same thing into the jar into the jar okay so now we're gonna swap the
part that's in the curing station this guy's been going for a couple hours now
we can't like note the feel yet because we're going to do a comparison tomorrow
morning yes I'm going to pick this up without feeling the surface finish
new one in yep now we wait then we compare all right so it's the next day
everything should be ready time to compare the two resin thingamagoppers
ultrasonic resin print shaken not stirred resin print they feel very
similar I had a theory simple surfaces like this wouldn't really need it but if
you have like a lot of complex like little holes then like tiny little
things they need to get access to you might need it but for something like
this just go with this shaken because it's easier and cheaper yeah winner
no wait winner I mean really we're all winners here
because they both worked so next we're just gonna print the full-size and we'll
probably go into montage mode
it didn't work it looks like the first layer for the inner section got stuck to this bottom
plate instead of sticking here because of suction forces so I'm gonna tilt it
add some supports and we'll try it again all righty you said here's the new
design the tilt should prevent it from getting stuck again
let's see if this one worked is Joobie helping yes
this is really exciting not just because of the laser and because of internal
partially I love SLA 3d printing and I don't think that we're gonna have to
sand this at all I'm excited to use this for all sorts of upcoming projects
they make resins that are castable that you can like pour molten liquid in that
burn off we're gonna use this to make a silicone mold and cast concrete in it so
that'll be an upcoming video if you have any questions or if you have any other
cool ideas of stuff we could do with these resin prints let us know in the
comments also thank you again to matterhackers for sponsoring this video
if you want more if you want our behind the scenes look about how this project
went head over to patreon dot com slash evan and katelyn where we're gonna do the after-show
right now. so see you guys there. bye!
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