Hey guys, this is a cover
that we did with Boris Ojeda from the band BlackCat.
Check out his music in the description
and also I invite you to check out my music with Parasyche on this channel.
This is 'Down in a hole' by Alice In Chains.
For more infomation >> Alice In Chains - Down in a hole (Cover) Feat. Boris Ojeda - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Bethesda teases a new Fallout Game, Obsidian Responds - Duration: 7:32.
Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen Show!
I am your host the MadQueen
On today's menu, we have a new video for you and today we're going to talk about
Bethesda, because in their usual hype building style they just hinted a new Fallout game
After this mysterious tweet that only showed a "Please Stand By" screen, Fallout style,
the official Twitch of Bethesda showed this image for quite a while, and they're still on it
and after two hours of long wait watching Twitch without blinking, this happened:
No, I'm kidding, nothing happened, we've been rick and rolled
Well, actually after 3 hours of stream, someone came, whispered something at Vault Boy's ear and left
Isn't that something?
70 thousand players online
Yes, exactly
Three years ago, in July 2nd, 2015, Bethesda did the same movement to tease the Fallout
4 game that they revealed a week later on that edition of E3, and this year, also a
week before E3, we can see the same movement from them
Let's see if it happens the same as it happened on 2015, when they showed something the day
after the tease, so stay tuned
And now, the speculation
Past year, the same source that accurately leaked Red Dead Redemption 2 and Last of Us
2, except for the dates, that's the only thing the leaks got wrong, this same source
leaked the production of a sequel of New Vegas to be introduced the last E3, thing that never
happened, but I didn't lose hope, because, as I said, this source is not as accurate
with timing as it is with titles
The same time that happened, Obsidian, the developer in charge of the Fallout New Vegas
spin-off, teased something called "project Louisiana", internet went crazy and this
Project Louisiana ended up being Pillars of Eternity 2 instead a Fallout-related title,
so this Fallout New Vegas 2 leak was labeled as "inaccurate" and forgotten
Also past year, Chris Avellone, the game designer that is considered to be the spiritual father
of the Fallout saga as he compiled the Fallout Bible, who was also the writer of Fallout
New Vegas, talked about the developer Obsidian with not much love since he left the company
in bad terms, saying that a sequel of New Vegas developed again by Obsidian had a very
little possibility to ever come to life, although he never said, as far as I know, that this
was not going to happen and the owner of the IP Fallout is Bethesda, not Obsidian, meaning
they can have another studio developing that game
But fans agree, that a New Vegas sequel would be nothing without Chris Avellone
And now things get shady
On 2016, Nightdive studios launched a Kickstarter campaign to make a reboot of the 1994 cyberpunk
classic System Shock, that raised 1.3 million dollars
This project gained a lot of attention in one hand because we're talking about System
Shock and, on the other, because Chris Avellone was the writer and he joined other members
of the Fallout: New Vegas crew in this project, that was supposed to be released this year
but we know nothing about it yet and the project seems to be on hold
Chris Avellone has been busy since with other projects, like the excellent reboot of Prey
developed by Arkane Studios for Bethesda that was released last year, where Avellone didn't
write any of the main narrative but side quests, dialogs and reactivity to player choice
Evil tongues say that the reason why the reboot of System Shock is on hold is because Avellone
is busy, and what may he busy with?
Well, on October 3rd last year he changed the profile picture of his social nets to
this one, holding a Vault Boy with the text "I missed you so much", this image disappeared
very quickly from his Twitter account but it can be still seen on his Facebook profile
So I guess you all see where I'm going with all this: it all looks like we're talking
about a new AAA Fallout game; a New Vegas 2 or some similar spin-off is not absurd,
Fallout: New Vegas was released 3 years after Fallout 3, and we're 3 years away from Fallout
4 and, let's be honest, the last Wolfenstein by Bethesda looked like a glorified tech demo
for a new Fallout game
but, if we're going to see a Fallout: New Vegas 2, who is going to develop it?
Because Obsidian just tweeted this:
How do you let someone down easily? Asking for a friend #ItsNotUs
Yep, asking for a friend
Other theories say that we may see here a new mobile game or a similar app that explains
the lore and makes it more accessible to a new audience, but this tease is way too much
hype fuel for a mobile game
A different theory says that we may see a remaster of Fallout 3 as this year is the
10th anniversary of the release of the game, but this theory has just been debunked by
a Resetera user who is a usual and accurate leaker, not someone that throws random images
made with Photoshop at home, so I rather sticking with the New Vegas 2 theory because, you know,
dreaming is free
And as Eliza Cassan would say: I don't know you, folks, but I will be checking Bethesda's
Twitch tomorrow at 5pm Central European Time, just in case they do the same as they did 3 years ago
And I'd like to pass this question to you, what do you think that we are going to see here?
Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts
Well, folks, thanks for watching, let's hope that tomorrow we have more info to give
you, so stay tuned, and if you want to see the video before anyone else, join our Discord
server, link in the description and, yes, this time is a good one
If you like what we do and you'd like as to keep doing it, please consider supporting
us on Patreon
See you in next videos and Stay Being Amazing!
La inspiradora historia del inmigrante que volvió su discapacidad en oportunidad - Duration: 5:16.
El gerente del INCAA acusado de corrupción se defendió en la TV - Duration: 5:48.
Sing Along ABC Songs
Creepy Hillary Showed Up At Memorial Day Parade Dressed For Blizzard, Horrified People Made Her Re.. - Duration: 5:06.
Creepy Hillary Showed Up At Memorial Day Parade Dressed For Blizzard, Horrified People Made
Her Regret It.
For a couple of weeks I have been seeing Hillary Clinton in coats and scarves, which is very
weird considering it's hot out most places.
One wonders exactly what is under that coat she is wearing.
There are rumors of a back brace, but it is hard to tell.
Something isn't right… but then it never is with Hillary Clinton.
The Clintons are corrupt grifters and are always up to something.
That's just who they are.
Hillary and Bill Clinton and Gov. Andrew Cuomo marched in Monday's town Memorial Day parade.
It's a local parade for the Clintons, which makes this even stranger.
At one point, Bill Clinton looks confused and has to be steered back on course after
the parade.
Hillary gets winded and can't keep up.
Neither of these people has the health and vigor of President Trump and it shows big
When you show up for a Memorial Day parade dressed for a blizzard, people automatically
wonder what is wrong and it shows all over their faces.
I'm sure that the Clintons regretted the outing afterward.
It was embarrassing on numerous fronts.
Hillary and Bill walked in the New Castle/Chappaqua parade again this year.
They do this every year, but this year was just weird.
It's a tradition that has kept her in the media spotlight for several years, even after
her failed run for president.
This time, it didn't go as planned and showed how weak both of them are.
Just sad.
Wonder how she'll dress this summer.
Hillary gave an interview after the parade and it was evident she was out of breath.
She had obviously prepared and scripted what she would say.
Her rhetoric involved Benjamin Franklin and was, well… just odd.
"Every year, we should remember," she said, mispronouncing the word, "that we've
got work to do to keep that republic," talking about America.
That doesn't even really make sense.
Hillary walked off and left Bill as he talked with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
That was when Bill wandered off confused about where he was supposed to go.
He had that signature mouth-open and dazed look he usually sports in public.
It's like he's not all there anymore.
Alzheimer's comes to mind, or Parkinson's.
The same afflictions you could attribute to Hillary, if you were so inclined.
Cuomo just left, leaving Bill to wander aimlessly, while shaking hands and looking confused.
So much for taking care of your own.
But it is Hillary and her mysterious heavy coat and scarf that is causing tongues to
According to Heavy.com, people are wondering if Hillary Clinton has a back injury or a
back brace.
That's what some people are theorizing after Clinton was repeatedly photographed with a
mysterious rectangular-shaped bulge protruding under her jacket.
It hasn't been proven though and the strange bulge that periodically appears has been attributed
to everything from a wireless microphone to the bulkiness of her jackets.
She had that same bulge in Boston and at a forum recently as well.
Photos taken on Memorial Day 2018 didn't put to rest the speculation.
The strange bulge appears to possibly be visible again under Clinton's coat and she appeared
a little too bundled up for a day in late May.
Make that a lot bundled up.
Clinton posted a photo of herself on Memorial Day in a light blue jacket that raised questions
again about her back and a bulge on it.
"Just returned from marching in the annual Chappaqua Memorial Day Parade with everyone
from Governors to Girls Scouts.
Today we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country to keep us safe
here at home," the tweet says.
However, photos from other angles showed the back bulge in a more pronounced fashion.
There are other photos from behind that also show that mysterious bulge.
I've also noticed, especially at the forum where Clinton was sitting down or when she
speaks at a podium, she looks oddly stiff.
Hillary did not use to make use of a scarf the way she does now either.
It's intriguing.
Clinton has been photographed recently wearing large scarves.
Although she has always had a penchant for the scarf-over-coat look, she has been wearing
particularly large scarves that seem strategically positioned over her shoulders and upper back.
At first, I thought it was to hide her neck.
As people get older, their necks get looser.
But that does not explain the bulky coat with a bulge in the back.
This is a very recent development.
Hillary's health has always been a valid topic.
I personally don't think she is physically capable of being Commander-in-Chief the way
President Trump is.
Then there's the whole relief that this corrupt, vile woman will never be president.
We dodged a bullet on that one.
It may not have been a challenging set of stairs, but walking in the New Castle, New
York Memorial Day parade was no easy task for Hillary Clinton.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
20180530-P5290818 - Duration: 2:59.
93 trucos y consejos sugerencias para volear más rápido - Duration: 1:25.
Remake: Giant PC Guy Destroys The White House - Duration: 0:29.
Yo people I am PC Guy
And I will destroy The White House!
Uh oh!
Giant PC Guy I can't believe you destroyed
The White House.
and that's it, you are grounded for life!
Ahhhhhhh Shut Up!
Stop grounding me you loser
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Kia Niro 1.6 Hybrid DCT ExecutiveLine met Leder, Navi en 7 jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:09.
Opel Insignia 1.6 Turbo 5drs Executive - Duration: 1:10.
Audi A4 1.8 TFSI 170pk Pro Line Business | Navigatie | Climate control - Duration: 1:08.
UofL Foundation optimistic as donors return - Duration: 3:04.
"Das Wahre": Süßes Liebes-Pic von Jerry Grube & Yve Pferrer! - Duration: 2:23.
Customer Journey Mc Parking - Duration: 6:29.
변희재 구속영장 청구 이유 - Duration: 3:38.
[Szok] Ślub Joanny Przetakiewicz i Rinke Rooyensa. Znamy szczegóły || LVTszok - Duration: 3:33.
Ślub Joanny Przetakiewicz i Rinke Rooyensa. Znamy szczegóły
Czy Joanna Przetakiewicz i Rinke Rooyens wezmą ślub?.
Związek Joanny Przetakiewicz i Rinke Rooyensa to jedno z największych zaskoczeń tego roku w polskim show-biznesie.
Para podobno spotyka się już od kilku miesięcy, a ich relacja jest na zaawansowanym etapie.
Okazuje się jednak, że choć miłość kwitnie, to zarówno bizneswoman,
jak i producent telewizyjny, nie planują zawierać związku małżeńskiego.
O szczegółach poinformował dziennik Fakt.
Asi nie zależy już na tym, by być czyjąś żoną i formalizować miłość.
Oświadczyła to Rinkemu, a ten przyjął to ze spokojem i nie robił jej problemu.
Tak naprawdę to oczekiwał tego samego – wyznał kolega Joanny.
Według ustaleń tabloidu, to właśnie Przetakiewicz nalegała na związek partnerski:.
Joanna nie chce czuć się uwiązana i trafić do złotej klatki.
Nie zamierza pozwolić, by jej mężczyzna ją kontrolował.
Zawsze ceniła sobie niezależność i nie chce dla nikogo z niej zrezygnować – kwituje informator gazety.
Szkoda, bo La Mania słynie przecież z pięknych ślubnych sukni.
Several rush hour accidents reported on I-75 south in Cobb - Duration: 0:32.
Overturned Truck Closes Eastbound Lanes On I-76 In South Philadelphia - Duration: 0:21.
22News anchor and I-team reporter Tamara Sacharczyk speaks to her childhood school - Duration: 0:58.
An obligatory TotalBiscuit video - Duration: 2:24.
Fun fact: I wrote and scrapped the script for this video four times already.
I wrote about who TotalBiscuit was, what he did, his contributions to video games,
you name it.
I wrote how I felt about him, how others did, in the third version I got really off track
and rambled about personal integrity and
how morally distressing is marketing through YouTube influencers.
And then I finally reached the conclusion that nobody really cares about these and if
you do you have almost assuredly seen at least a dozen videos about it already.
So I finally phrased what I want to say like this:
This is a biscuit.
Today is the 29th of May, 2018, coincidentally the Biscuit Day over at everyone's favourite
former island-based empire
and yes
that really exists.
Both Biscuit Day and the United Kingdom.
From this questionable little country hailed this man.
John Bain, better known under the internet alias TotalBiscuit.
"And you are?"
"John Bain AKA TotalBiscuit, benevolent and supreme leader of the Terran Republic."
*300 reference*
*300 reference*
*300 reference*
He died recently at the age of 33 but in the short time he had he did a lot of shit for
gaming in general regargdless.
Without him we probably wouldn't have videos of Vay Hek and Tyl Regor playing chess so
let's try to remember him for a year or two, as long as our memeory willingly serves.
Here is a clip of the Eiffel Tower with some sentimental music underneath.
I accidentally shot my friend (Rainbow Six Siege) - Duration: 19:27.
Honda CR-V 2.0i-16V LS/AIRCO/NAP/ - Duration: 0:52.
Czy Cieślak "podłożył się" Frątczakowi? Kempiński bez pomysłu i woli walki (ranking) [Wiadomości] - Duration: 6:34.
Oceniamy trenerów i menedżerów po 7. kolejce PGE Ekstraligi. Najniższa nota dla Roberta Kempińskiego, który oddał mecz we Wrocławiu bez walki
Błędów nie ustrzegli się natomiast Adam Skórnicki, Paweł Baran i Jacek Frątczak. Zaczynamy od meczu forBET Włókniarz - Get Well
Marka Cieślaka oceniamy na piątkę. którzy mówią, że trener "podłożył się" Jackowi Frątczakowi, wygrywając podwójnie wyścig trzynasty
Dzięki temu goście w biegach nominowanych mogli zastosować podwójną rezerwę taktyczną i odwrócić losy spotkania
ie stawianie sprawy uważamy jednak za kompletny brak wyobraźni. Czym innym jest zremisowanie wyścigu, kiedy prowadzi się 4:2, a czym innym ustawienie wyniku z 5:1 na 4:2, kiedy za plecami drugiego zawodnika jedzie dwójka rywali
Kombinowanie na szybkim częstochowskim torze, który ma wiele ścieżek, mogło się źle skończyć dla Włókniarza
dziwimy się, że Cieślak nie chciał się w to bawić. Dla Jacka Frątczaka trójka z plusem
Menedżer gości przed biegami nominowanymi zrobił to, co należało, ale ustawienie zespołu pozostawiało naszym zdaniem wiele do życzenia
Słaby na wyjazdach Chris Holder w parze z juniorami? To nie mogło się dobrze skończyć
W tej konfiguracji zdecydowanie lepiej odnalazłby się Jason Doyle, który już przed meczem w Częstochowie sygnalizował wysoką formę
Pod jedynką widzielibyśmy z kolei Rune Holtę, który tor Włókniarza zna jak własną kieszeń
Norweg z polskim paszportem przez większość meczu mógłby jechać po równaniu toru i być bankiem informacji dla swoich kolegów
Błędem był naszym zdaniem również trzeci bieg dla kompletnie bezbarwnego Pawła Przedpełskiego
Skoro Jacek Frątczak zdecydował się już na wprowadzenie Jacka Holdera, to należało iść do końca tą drogą
Piątka dla Piotra Barona za mecz z Grupą Azoty Unią Tarnów. Menedżer Fogo Unia dobrze ustawił zespół
Później spokojnie wypełniał program i musiał martwić się tylko o to, żeby nie wypisał mu się długopis
Jeśli chodzi o ekipę gości, to czwórka dla Pawła Barana. Nicki Pedersen nie został wykorzystany do maksimum, ale za to trenerowi akurat nie obniżamy oceny, bo domyślamy się, że nie chciał forsować zawodnika, który nadal nie jest w pełni sił
rozumiemy jednak, czym Artur Mroczka przekonał Barana, że ten po dwóch kiepskich wyścig dał mu kolejne szanse
Dziwny ruch."Dwója" dla Roberta Kempińskiego. MRGARDEN GKM spotkanie we Wrocławiu oddał bez walki
Mecz z Betard Spartą kompletnie nie układał się po myśli grudziądzan, ale to nie może usprawiedliwiać braku ambicji
Artiom Łaguta powinien był pojechać sześć razy, a Kai Huckenbeck po wygranej w wyścigu czternastym (zrobił to w świetnym stylu) zasłużył na kolejną szansę
Skoro GKM mówi o tym, że chce wyjść z kryzysu, to należało zrobić wszystko, żeby zakończyć mecz udanymi wyścigami
Rafał Dobrucki na piątkę. Głównie za konsekwencję. Trener pokazał, że ma plan. Już w pierwszym biegu szansę dostał Gleb Czugunow, który już do końca spotkania zastępował Damiana Dróżdża
Ktoś może powiedzieć, że przy tak korzystnym wyniku Polak też powinien wyjechać na tor
Naszym zdaniem decyzja szkoleniowca się jednak broni, bo dzięki temu we Wrocławiu mają pełny obraz formy młodego Rosjanina
Za derby w Zielonej Górze piątkę dostaje od nas Stanisław Chomski, który wykazał się dużym wyczuciem
Cash Broker Stal nie rozpoczęła najlepiej spotkania i przed szóstym wyścigiem trener mógł zastosować rezerwę taktyczną za Krzysztofa Kasprzaka, który zawalił swój pierwszy bieg
Chomski był jednak cierpliwy i dzięki temu wychowanek Unii Leszno wrócił do gry. To był niezwykle ważny moment meczu
Trójka z plusem dla Adama Skórnickiego. Oceny nie obniżamy jednak za przygotowanie nawierzchni, które miało być jednym z kluczy do zwycięstwa
Naszym zdaniem trener sprawił, że drużyna miała atut, dzięki któremu dobrze rozpoczęła spotkanie i zbudowała przewagę
Problemem było jednak czytanie toru. To gorzowianie zareagowali lepiej na zmieniające się warunki
W tym przypadku Skórnicki nie potrafił pomóc swojej drużynie. Dużym problemem Falubazu była także pierwsza para, która pojechała tragicznie
Za to jednak trudno winić szkoleniowca. słabej jazdy Grzegorza Zengoty raczej nie dało się przewidzieć
Follow @J_Galewski Miejsce Menadżer Klub Średnia not 1 Piotr Baron Fogo Unia Leszno 2 Marek Cieślak forBET Włókniarz Częstochowa 3 Rafał Dobrucki Betard Sparta Wrocław 4 Stanisław Chomski Cash Broker Stal Gorzów 5 Paweł Baran Grupa Azoty Unia Tarnów 6-7 Jacek Frątczak Get Well Toruń 6-7 Adam Skórnicki Falubaz Zielona Góra 8 Robert Kempiński MRGARDEN GKM Grudziądz 6 - fenomenalnie 5 - bardzo dobrze 4 - dobrze 3 - przeciętnie 2 - słabo 1 - kompromitacja
Toyota Auris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration Airco - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:12.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Panoramic Automaat G3 - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:06.
Citroën Nemo 1.4i Multispace - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 1:08.
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort + - Duration: 0:51.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION - Duration: 1:09.
Rachel Dratch's Late Night Snack - Austin Martinez: Stranger Things | truTV - Duration: 1:50.
Hey, Dr. Wu, can you fill this for me, please?
Hey, Billie, sure. How's that IUD working for you?
It's still in there.
Wow. That got personal really fast.
Oh, it's good. All these people needed to know
I have a hard, plastic thing in my vagina.
I didn't even know you had that in there.
She didn't know that, but I did.
♪ You don't know us, but we know you ♪
♪ Blending into your day like we're Lou 2 ♪
♪ See me every week never look at my name tag ♪
♪ Got me for the week like SWV said ♪
♪ My white coat is a cloak of invisibility ♪
♪ Why you never see me? ♪
♪ Why you never see me? ♪
♪ Transparent like a glass door ♪
♪ When it comes to you, nobody knows more ♪
♪ Marvin Stein, Master of Whispers ♪
♪ We know more about you than your priest or your sister ♪
♪ Pretty creepy when you think about it, huh? ♪
♪ We know all your stranger things ♪
♪ Got this for your strangest thing ♪
♪ If you have butt confetti ♪
♪ Ooh, your secret's safe with me ♪
♪ Come to us so you can bang ♪
♪ And you know we got that cream ♪
♪ Got the cream for your pee-pee ♪
♪ The cream for your pee-pee ♪
♪ We know when you break our seal ♪
♪ You'll take this pill with your meal ♪
♪ Steve takes his so he can feel ♪
♪ Marv's flaking as he peels It's like a snowstorm ♪
♪ Hey, man, that's personal ♪
♪ I didn't tell them you had a crush on your mom ♪
♪ It's not my mom, it's my stepmom ♪
♪ It's different ♪ -♪ It's the same thing, Steve ♪
♪ A mom is a mom, a mom is a mom ♪
♪ No, not when you're winging your ding, Marv ♪
♪ Marv has a tramp stamp ♪
♪ We know all your stranger things ♪
♪ Got this for your strangest thing ♪
♪ If you need that anti-stink ♪
♪ Ooh, your secret's safe with me ♪
♪ Like shampoo for your man bangs ♪
♪ And you know we got that cream ♪
♪ That creamy for your yeasty ♪
♪ That creamy for your yeasty ♪
Have a good one.
-Thank you. -Thank you.
Kia Picanto 1.0i-12V ISG DynamicLine 5-Drs ECC Cr.Control SpeedLimiter LED 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:09.
Cancer - Duration: 2:19.
The place where I went through basic training and AIT was Fort McClellan,
Alabama. There was a large chemical company that was located just outside of
Fort McClellan. The Army base was so polluted that they ended up closing
it down. I've been in contact with some people that went through
training there and found that there were all kinds of bizarre forms of cancer and
medical issues that were affecting us. The day I was diagnosed with cancer, when I
found out about it, my mom went with me to the doctor's office. When we went
into his office he tossed the pamphlet out that was "What You Need To Know About Cancer."
I didn't have any health insurance even though I was working two
full-time jobs but we needed to to remove the tumor as quickly as possible.
Well the treatment it involved a lot of follow-up after the tumor was removed.
I ended up having a lymph node dissection but then I had to go back to
for CT scans and it's not a cheap thing. Even though that the surgery to
remove the tumor was was taken care of there was still a lot of other costs in
addition to not being able to work for a while. Medical bills are the largest
cause of bankruptcy in this country. I do run into a lot of other cancer survivors
on the campaign trail and just hearing their stories you know a lot of them did
have some kind of insurance but it's it's never enough. When I did get back on
my feet I did find my way into the Ironworkers' union. Once I was in the
apprenticeship you have to put in so many hours before you're covered and
once that kicked in it was that was exactly what I needed and I can only
imagine what it would have been like to have that health insurance while I was
receiving the treatment. There wasn't that fear of you know, "Can I afford it?" which
took place when I was working the two jobs and didn't have insurance.
It's being able to go and get something when you feel something's wrong or even just
having regular checkups that's when a doctor can find something like that when
it's just starting to be a problem instead of letting it turn into an
emergency there's no reason for it. We need Medicare for All so that everybody
has access to healthcare because there's no reason why people should have to
without. It is a right, not a privilege.
Shopkins - Cutie Cars Shopki...
Não Adianta só Poupar e Economizar | Ghaio Finanças Pessoais - Duration: 7:25.
Um dia na vida Coreaníssima (Especial TV coreana) - Duration: 13:35.
Deus Salve o Rei HOJE TERÇA 29/05 Capítulo 121 Resumo de tudo que vai acontecer na novela 29/05/18 - Duration: 0:58.
Now United - 7/11 (Desert Performance) - Duration: 0:54.
♪ Shoulders sideways, smack it, smack it in the air ♪
♪ Legs movin' side to side, smack it in the air ♪
♪ Legs movin' side to side, smack you in the air ♪
♪ Shoulders sideways, smack it, smack it in the air ♪
♪ Smack it, smack it in the air ♪
♪ Legs movin' side to side, smack it, smack it in the air ♪
♪ Smack it, smack it in the air ♪
♪ Wave your hands side to side, put it in the air ♪
♪ Wave your hands side to side, put it in the air ♪
♪ Clap, clap, clap like you don't care ♪
♪ Smack that, clap, clap, clap like you don't care ♪
♪ (I know you care) ♪
♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap it ♪
♪ Foot up, my foot up Hold up now my foot up ♪
♪ I'm spinin' my foot up ♪
♪ Foot up yeah my foot up ♪
♪ I'm spinin' my foot up ♪
♪ Put my foot down yeah my hands up ♪
♪ My hands up, my hands up ♪
♪ Flexin' while my hands up ♪
Bethesda teases a new Fallout Game, Obsidian Responds - Duration: 7:32.
Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen Show!
I am your host the MadQueen
On today's menu, we have a new video for you and today we're going to talk about
Bethesda, because in their usual hype building style they just hinted a new Fallout game
After this mysterious tweet that only showed a "Please Stand By" screen, Fallout style,
the official Twitch of Bethesda showed this image for quite a while, and they're still on it
and after two hours of long wait watching Twitch without blinking, this happened:
No, I'm kidding, nothing happened, we've been rick and rolled
Well, actually after 3 hours of stream, someone came, whispered something at Vault Boy's ear and left
Isn't that something?
70 thousand players online
Yes, exactly
Three years ago, in July 2nd, 2015, Bethesda did the same movement to tease the Fallout
4 game that they revealed a week later on that edition of E3, and this year, also a
week before E3, we can see the same movement from them
Let's see if it happens the same as it happened on 2015, when they showed something the day
after the tease, so stay tuned
And now, the speculation
Past year, the same source that accurately leaked Red Dead Redemption 2 and Last of Us
2, except for the dates, that's the only thing the leaks got wrong, this same source
leaked the production of a sequel of New Vegas to be introduced the last E3, thing that never
happened, but I didn't lose hope, because, as I said, this source is not as accurate
with timing as it is with titles
The same time that happened, Obsidian, the developer in charge of the Fallout New Vegas
spin-off, teased something called "project Louisiana", internet went crazy and this
Project Louisiana ended up being Pillars of Eternity 2 instead a Fallout-related title,
so this Fallout New Vegas 2 leak was labeled as "inaccurate" and forgotten
Also past year, Chris Avellone, the game designer that is considered to be the spiritual father
of the Fallout saga as he compiled the Fallout Bible, who was also the writer of Fallout
New Vegas, talked about the developer Obsidian with not much love since he left the company
in bad terms, saying that a sequel of New Vegas developed again by Obsidian had a very
little possibility to ever come to life, although he never said, as far as I know, that this
was not going to happen and the owner of the IP Fallout is Bethesda, not Obsidian, meaning
they can have another studio developing that game
But fans agree, that a New Vegas sequel would be nothing without Chris Avellone
And now things get shady
On 2016, Nightdive studios launched a Kickstarter campaign to make a reboot of the 1994 cyberpunk
classic System Shock, that raised 1.3 million dollars
This project gained a lot of attention in one hand because we're talking about System
Shock and, on the other, because Chris Avellone was the writer and he joined other members
of the Fallout: New Vegas crew in this project, that was supposed to be released this year
but we know nothing about it yet and the project seems to be on hold
Chris Avellone has been busy since with other projects, like the excellent reboot of Prey
developed by Arkane Studios for Bethesda that was released last year, where Avellone didn't
write any of the main narrative but side quests, dialogs and reactivity to player choice
Evil tongues say that the reason why the reboot of System Shock is on hold is because Avellone
is busy, and what may he busy with?
Well, on October 3rd last year he changed the profile picture of his social nets to
this one, holding a Vault Boy with the text "I missed you so much", this image disappeared
very quickly from his Twitter account but it can be still seen on his Facebook profile
So I guess you all see where I'm going with all this: it all looks like we're talking
about a new AAA Fallout game; a New Vegas 2 or some similar spin-off is not absurd,
Fallout: New Vegas was released 3 years after Fallout 3, and we're 3 years away from Fallout
4 and, let's be honest, the last Wolfenstein by Bethesda looked like a glorified tech demo
for a new Fallout game
but, if we're going to see a Fallout: New Vegas 2, who is going to develop it?
Because Obsidian just tweeted this:
How do you let someone down easily? Asking for a friend #ItsNotUs
Yep, asking for a friend
Other theories say that we may see here a new mobile game or a similar app that explains
the lore and makes it more accessible to a new audience, but this tease is way too much
hype fuel for a mobile game
A different theory says that we may see a remaster of Fallout 3 as this year is the
10th anniversary of the release of the game, but this theory has just been debunked by
a Resetera user who is a usual and accurate leaker, not someone that throws random images
made with Photoshop at home, so I rather sticking with the New Vegas 2 theory because, you know,
dreaming is free
And as Eliza Cassan would say: I don't know you, folks, but I will be checking Bethesda's
Twitch tomorrow at 5pm Central European Time, just in case they do the same as they did 3 years ago
And I'd like to pass this question to you, what do you think that we are going to see here?
Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts
Well, folks, thanks for watching, let's hope that tomorrow we have more info to give
you, so stay tuned, and if you want to see the video before anyone else, join our Discord
server, link in the description and, yes, this time is a good one
If you like what we do and you'd like as to keep doing it, please consider supporting
us on Patreon
See you in next videos and Stay Being Amazing!
Piaggio Porter KIPPER SL ELECTRIC 100% elektrische ideaal voor camping of voetbal Groen Hybride 4x o - Duration: 1:09.
A Última Gargalhada (Der Letzte Mann, 1924) | Filme completo | Legendado - Duration: 1:27:40.
DISNEY Giveaway | 3000 Subscribers | THANK YOU! - Duration: 5:44.
good luck good luck to you and you and you and you and you and you and you and
you and you good luck hello everyone and welcome back to
Coral joy travel well if you have read today's title which I'm sure you have
and that's why you've clicked on this video you know that today I'm going to
be a sharing and giveaway a Disney giveaway I am so thrilled to say thank
you to you my subscribers if you are already subscriber thank you so much if
this is your first time here and you want to be a part of this giveaway
welcome my name is coral and I am a travel agent and an agency owner I have
my own travel agency coral joy travel and we specialize in Disney vacations I
have agents on our team and we are growing I'm actually going to be sharing
some news for you soon so stay tuned if that's something you're interested in I
started this channel a year and a half ago I wanted to celebrate 3,000
subscribers which I reached a couple weeks ago well now we write like 3,500
subscribers so thank you guys so much for that but I wanted to say thank you
in a form of a giveaway they I've made so many great friends through this
social platform YouTube it's incredible this is just a little way for me to say
thank you often times when I do giveaways and often times when people do
giveaways they show you what they're giving you well I'm going to be a little
different and I'm sure others have done this to I on this channel have always
loved opening up mystery boxes especially if they're Disney themed so
my giveaway will include items that I have picked up could be at the parks
could be online some different items that I am going to accumulate and it's
going to be coral joy travels Disney mystery box that's right I'm going to
make a mystery box I'm going to be the curator have a collection of Disney
goodies inside one and lucky subscriber will be the winner
so to enter this giveaway first and foremost you need to be a subscriber to
coral joy travel if you already are that's super easy if you're not actually
it's super easy hit that red subscribe button below and while you're there hit
the Bell notification button to be notified of when I do upload a new video
that's the first thing the second thing to be entered is click that thumbs up or
like button below so second give it a thumbs up the third thing that you need
to do to be entered into the skip away is to tell me in the comments below who
your favorite Disney character is it could be a person it could be an animal
it could be a sidekick it could be a lot of things so just let me know in the
comments below what your favorite character is and lastly I think that's
it there's just those three things that's it I mean those are three easy
things so this giveaway is going to be open starting today the day I post this
I'm going to close this giveaway June 12 2018 and on June 14th which is a
Thursday I will make a video sharing who is going to be the lucky winner of coral
joy travels a Disney mystery box for this giveaway trust me there's going to
be some really great items in this mystery box you definitely want a chance
so again thank you guys so much for being a part of my coral joy travel
YouTube channel I have made so many new friends and clients from YouTube so
thank you and I look forward to making new videos every week it's something
that I thoroughly love I love editing my videos I love making my videos yes it
takes time and yes I have a full-time job as a travel agent but I make this
work because I love it and you guys really just you get
me the energy that I need I pretty much love life I love what I do not to say
some days aren't hard because that's the reality people some days are going to be
hard but just keep pluggin keep going through and follow your dreams guys
follow your dreams follow your dreams alright that's my motivation and
inspiration thank you guys so much for being a part of my channel make sure you
do subscribe like and comment below to be entered in this giveaway there will
be one entry per person and good luck stay tuned
June 14th for the announcement and remember this will close
June 12th 2018 at midnight so fingers crossed that you will be the winner of
Corall joy travels giveaway mystery box because it's going to be epic epic I say
epic thank you guys so much for being a part of my channel I will see you in my
next Disney video coral joy travel a touch of magic sharing joy bye guys good
luck good luck good luck to you and you and you and you and you and you and you
and you and you good luck
#0131 Nissan Skyline (R30) [Custom] (Hotwheels 2018) - Duration: 2:48.
Hello Friends, Welcome to Wheels-O-Rama !!
Do you remember this Nissan Skyline (R30) that I taught you some time ago?
If you did not see it, here I leave you a link so you can see it right now.
If you continue watching this video, it is that the previous one you already saw it and you want to see that I've made this Custom finish yesterday
and I could not wait to show you ...
This is one of those cars that I sometimes get repeated to be able to use their wheels to other Custom or Restorations.
The wheels of this one I put on another I needed them already this one I put these I had someone else there who came defective.
Does not it seem true?
For the front wheels, came completely black, without the chrome profile.
I had to paint them with a special marker that is made of chrome paint that I got recently, and that has also helped me to
this, to restore many other bumpers and other chrome details of other vehicles.
In the description of the video I leave a link in case you want to buy it.
As you may have noticed, it has gone from a beautiful red to a pearly blue and bright blue.
This time I did not remove the paint, as I wanted to keep the bass in black with the tam-prints of RS-TURBO so with
masking tape he plugged what he did not want to be painted
After a layer of primer, and a Once dry a couple of layers of blue.
The taillights were detailed and painted of metallized the opening handles and
window windshield like the original, the masking tape was removed to varnish it afterwards.
When I was already assembling it, I realized
that the lights were part of the glasses of the car, so he was painted from behind
blank to get that effect as if I had the lights on.
I was going to paint the white plates, but I have in mind to enroll all my Customs,
so I'll leave it for later. Very soon I will show you more Customs that I have,
as i finish them. Right now I have more than 12 in process, as well
Stay tuned to the channel and do not miss any program ...
I hope you liked the video today. You already know how important it is to me that
useis I like it and I do not like it and that you leave your opinions in the comments.
And if you want to be more informed of my news, You have several options: subscribe to the channel
and activate the bell. You can also follow me on Facebook or
Instagram, and on my website wheelsorama.com. Thanks for visiting and greetings to all!
✅ Luciana Gimenez relata sofrimento após separação: 'Houve uma ruptura' - Duration: 4:15.
Luciana Gimenez falou pela primeira vez sobre o fim do casamento com Marcelo de Carvalho
Discreta sobre sua vida pessoal, a apresentadora "SuperPop" e do "Luciana by Night", da emissora RedeTV!, passou por um momento difícil durante a separação
"O término de uma relação, como qualquer adversidade na vida, é algo difícil. Não posso dizer que não sofri, afinal, houve uma ruptura, mas a gente tem de extrair o melhor de tudo
Chorar o que for preciso e seguir em frente", disse à revista "Caras". A empresária, no entanto, se orgulha da história que ajudou a construir: "Eu tive um casamento de sucesso
Foram 12 anos juntos e isso é bastante tempo". Apresentadora define fase solteira Após ter alterado o status de relacionamento, Luciana falou de como tem sido essa nova experiência
"É uma fase de autoconhecimento, na qual aprendo com o silêncio. Estou casada comigo mesma
Acabei de sair de um casamento e é muito cedo para pensar nisso, quero curtir um pouco este momento
Já tive o meu conto de fadas nesta vida e não sei dizer se faria tudo de novo, mas continuo acreditando no amor
Procuro separar a vida pública da privada, afinal, não dá para dividir tudo com todos, principalmente quando são coisas íntimas
Não gosto de sair por aí fazendo barulho", explicou ela, pronta para recomeçar: "Tenho dificuldade com as mudanças
Elas são um desafio para mim, ao mesmo tempo em que me ajudam a crescer e me tiram da minha zona de conforto
Sempre fui muito independente, desde os 16 anos ganho meu próprio dinheiro e nunca quis ser bancada por ninguém
Eu tenho viajado mais. Sozinha ou com amigos. Quando você está em um relacionamento, os programas acabam sendo de casal e você se afasta um pouco dos círculos de amizade"
Luciana intensifica papel de mãe Mãe de Lucas Jagger, de 19 anos, fruto da relação com Mick Jagger, e de Lorenzo, de 7, da união com Marcelo, Luciana tem se dedicado aos herdeiros
"Estou mais focada nos filhos. Eles são amados e isso me dá a certeza de que ficam bem em qualquer situação"
Segundo Luciana, o primogênito, de quem revelou o namoro, está de mudança para Nova York, onde fará faculdade
"Este baque será grande. Somos parceiros e nunca fiquei longe do Lucas. Nem sei como vou encarar isso
Por outro lado, vou me aproximar mais do Lorenzo", avaliou a apresentadora que, além das viagens, tem se empenhado nos estudos: "Estou envolvida com um projeto de energia solar que já existe no Rio e que deve ser implementado também em São Paulo
Tem um leque de coisas se abrindo diante de mim e, agora, com mais liberdade, vou colocar tudo em prática
Tenho vontade, por exemplo, de fazer cinema e teatro. Sou jovem, estou cheia de energia e tenho a vida toda pela frente
É cabeça erguida!". (Por Patrícia Dias)
Curso de Importação - como Importar Roupas do EUA, Peru e Paraguai, curso de importação online - Duration: 1:57.
✅ No SBT, Carla Vilhena revela desejo inusitado envolvendo Silvio Santos - Duration: 3:45.
Fazendo tour por alguns canais desde que saiu da Globo, esteve na Band recentemente e já gravou no SBT, mais precisamente no The Noite, que vai ao ar nesta terça, 29
Lá, a jornalista admitiu que era um 'peso' apresentar o Jornal Nacional. Era uma grande tensão, na verdade
"Aquela música (de abertura do jornal) tem um peso. Gela. Ela cai como uma bigorna na sua cabeça
Você tem medo de tossir, espirrar, tudo", disse ela, de acordo com o Uol. + Bruna Marquezine posa de lingerie e causa alvoroço na web Na conversa, a jornalista revela que nunca imaginou que ficaria na frente das câmeras, e que seu sonho era ter sido engenheira mecânica, e não jornalista
"Sempre adorei motores e carros, mas não dou pra (entender) matemática de jeito nenhum"
Com o sonho de conhecer Silvio Santos, ela disparou: "Ah eu queria conhecer o Silvio também, aproveitar a vinda aqui", disse a Gentili
"Desde criança, sou fã dele. ". A jornalista , que atuava como repórter especial do Fantástico e apresentadora eventual do Jornal Nacional, pediu demissão da Globo no começo desse ano
Vilhena, de 50 anos, teria deixado a Globo para se dedicar a um projeto pessoal: o seu site
Em texto publicado na época, a jornalista fala sobre o novo rumo na carreira profissional e agradece aos amigos que fez na emissora em sua trajetória, que começou em 1984 e foi interrompida para passagens na Rede Manchete e Band, voltando para a Globo em 1997, onde seguiu até hoje
Em conversa com o programa TV Fama, Carla revelou o verdadeiro motivo de ter decidido deixar o canal (o contrato dela se encerra no dia 30 de abril e não será renovado): "Eu sei que as pessoas estão achando as férias realmente longas
Eu estava com muitas férias acumuladas e muitos feriados que eu acabei trabalhando seguidos
Agora eu tô de férias até o fim do contrato", disse ela. "A gente, de vez em quando, tem que encarar novos desafios
Isso faz a gente se sentir viva e bem", completou a jornalista, que ainda revelou se pretende assinar com outro canal de TV: "Nesse momento eu não posso dizer nada, até porque tem muito projeto, mas nada de concreto para anunciar
Não posso descartar nenhuma possibilidade." No final da entrevista, Carla só elogios para a com a emissora: "Foi um casamento lindo
Foi definitivo, decisivo na minha vida em construir quem eu sou hoje.Não existe muito um resumo, as pessoas sempre vão pensar que a Carla queria outra coisa… eu fiz trabalhos maravilhosa, ganhei prêmios pelo Fantástico", contou
Sobre a saída, ela finaliza: "A liberdade de ser quem eu quiser, agora, foi um grande passo para mim [pedir demissão]
Volkswagen Arteon €2.875 prijsvoordeel 1.5 TSI Business R 150 pk DSG (vsb 20151) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:54.
Maja Sablewska bez grama makijażu. Zdjęła też sztuczne rzęsy. Fanki są w szoku [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:37.
Maja Sablewska w ciągu kilkunastu lat przeszła niesamowitą metamorfozę. Gdy pierwszy raz ją zobaczyliśmy w programie "Jestem jaki jestem" o źyciu Michała Wiśniewskiego, była chudziutką krótko ściętą brunetką
Po latach zaczęła współpracę z Edytą Górniak, Dodą i Mariną. Mniej więcej wtedy zaczęła też dużo odważniej "inwestować z siebie"
Poprawianie urody za pomocą medycy estetycznej weszło jej w krew. Dodatkowo stylistka bardzo mocno się maluje
To właśnie dlatego tak zaskoczyło wszystkich jej najnowsze zdjęcie na Instagramie
Nie ma na nim ani krzty makijażu, odczepiła również sztuczne rzęsy. I trzeba przyznać - w naturalnej odsłonie wygląda bardzo dobrze
Rzadko coś komentuję, ale dziś muszę: jaka Ty jesteś cudna bez makijażu! - napisała jedna z fanek gwiazdy
Inni również zachwyceni byli Mają w wersji saute. A Wam jak się podoba Maja Sablewska bez makijażu?
L'eccesso di grasso nella zona addominale, oltre ad essere antiestetico potrebbe anche ... - Duration: 3:45.
AZ-86 East from Fresnel Loop & Tohono O'dham Community College to Wiwpul Du'ag Trading Post GP030345 - Duration: 26:05.
Arizona State Route 86 East
W Tucson-Ajo Highway
mmm... Lays truck
Mile 118
Silver Car on shoulder, Man with Backpack
U.S. Border Patrol Truck
Mile 119
Indian Route 16, Ali Chukson
Mile 120
U.S. Border Patrol Truck
Fresnel Loop West, Indian Route 25
Fuel Truck & Trailer
Fresnel Loop East, Indian Route 25
Baboquivari Unified School District No. 40 School Bus
Mile 121
Senergy Petroleum, Run with us
Mile 122
Speed Limit 65
U.S. Border Patrol Truck, U.S. Customs & Border Protection, K45317
Mile 123
Mile 124
Mile 125
Turn into Tohono O'odham Community College
College Vehicles Only
Shaded Picnic Tables
Gewkdag Son Ki:
Tohono O'odham Community College, Enjoy your Summer
Cattle Guard
vRide Van
Tohono O'odham Community College Water Tower
vRide Van
Indian Route 30, Schuk Toak District, San Isidro Comobabi
Mile 127
Mile 128
Tohono O'odham Van
Dinamg Fencing
Mile 129
Jet-A Fuel Truck
vRide Van
Mile 130
Hamstra Heating & Cooling, Inc, 629-9833, www.HamstraAC.com
Dinamg Fencing
Mile 131
Indian Route 35, Santa Rosa Ranch, Schuchk, Sil Nakya, Queens Well
Mile 132
Tohono O'odham Police
Mile 133
Mile 134
AZ-386 South
Ajo, Kitt Peak
Mile 135, Arizona State Route 86
Pan Tak
Mile 136
Tohono O'odham Service Truck
Mile 137
Mile 138
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Border Patrol
Mile 139
Coyote Convenience Store, Wiwpul Du'ag Trading Post, (520) 383-5555
San Pedro
Mile 141
Mile 142
Mile 143
Valerie Jarrett Childhood,Career,Lifestyle - Valerie Jarrett Net worth, - Duration: 8:57.
Valerie Jarrett is a senior White House officer and a Chicago lawyer and businesswoman.
Valerie Jarrett is referred to as Mr. Obama's spine.
Ever since she was appointed as Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Public
Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs after Barack Obama's victory in the presidential
elections, her job has been considered vague and unclear,
except for the fact that she is the most influential person in the White House.
She started off her career as a corporate and real-estate
lawyer before plunging into politics and eventually becoming the most powerful black woman in
the history of White House.
Among all the officials working under Obama administration, she is probably the most controversial
figure, mainly because of her closeness with the Obamas,
which is why she is often regarded as a motherly figure or big sister to the Obamas.
Her bonding with President Obama dates back to
Chicago even before he thought of a career in politics.
This Iranian-born communist sympathizer has served as a member and headed various
educational and real estate organizations, apart from chairing and co-chairing a number
of councils related to the protection of students ABC cancels 'Roseanne' after show's star compared
Valerie Jarrett to 'ape'
Valerie Jarrett was born as Valerie June Bowman Jarrett on November 14, 1956, in Shiraz, Iran,
to African-American expatriates James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman, a childhood
development expert.Roseanne Barr Roseanne Barr compares black Obama aide Valerie Jarrett
to an ape – and later apologizes compares black Obama aide Valerie Jarrett to an ape
– and later apologizes She spent most of her childhood traveling
abroad since her father was a pathologist and geneticist who helped developing countries
in setting up health care systems, as part of a US aid
In 1961, the family moved to London, after which they traveled to Chicago in 1963 and
settled in Hyde Park neighborhood.
Valerie Jarrett completed her schooling from Northfield Mount Hermon School in 1974 and
graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor's degree in psychology in 1978.
She earned her Juris Doctorate in law from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981.
Valerie Jarrett started practicing law at a Chicago-based private firm after graduating
in 1981, which she continued till 1987, until her daughter's birth.
In 1987, she entered politics as Deputy Corporation Counsel for Finance and Development under
Chicago's first black mayor, Harold Washington.
After Washington's sudden death in 1991, she continued to work under the newly-appointed
Richard Daley as deputy chief of staff, during which
she recruited Michelle Robinson, the then-fiancé of Barack Obama.
She ended her tenure under Daley as city planning commissioner in 1995 to enter real-estate
development and management firm, The Habitat Company,
of which she later became the CEO and President.
She served as the chairperson of Chicago Transit Authority during 1995-2003 and chaired the
board of Chicago Stock Exchange from 2004 through 2007.
Her association with Barack Obama started in 2004 while serving as the finance chair
for his senate campaign and thereafter, became the treasurer of his political action
In November 2008, after the successful presidential elections, she was selected as the co-chairperson
of Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team.
She landed herself into controversy in March 2015 after media claimed that she leaked the
details of Hilary Clinton's use of private email address for official business purpose,
which was allegedly order by President Obama himself.
She has served as chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center's Board of Trustees,
vice-chairman of the University of Chicago's Board of Trustees,
and trustee of Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry.
Her known stints also include as member of board of directors of Chicago-based building-materials
enterprise, USG Corporation.
Her other leadership positions include chairperson of the White House of Olympic, Paralympic,
and Youth Sport and the White House on Women and Girls.
She was appointed as Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and
Intergovernmental Affairs, handling public engagement,
urban affairs and intergovernmental affairs at the White House, in November 2008.
She is believed to have advised President Obama to cancel the killing of al-Qaeda leader
and terrorist, Osama bin Laden, three times in 2011 in the
wake of the probable political damage, just in case the mission failed.
Despite little experience in international affairs, she was found to be making secret
negotiations with Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's
representatives in order to stabilize relations between the two nations, in October 2011.
She has been listed among Chicago's '100 best networked' by Muckety.com, a journalism
She got married to childhood friend, William Robert Jarrett, son of Chicago Sun-Times reporter
Vernon Jarrett, in 1983, with whom she had a daughter, Laura.
The couple separated in 1987 and ended their relationship with a divorce in 1988.
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