Monday, October 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 1 2018

Hi guys and girls

Welcome to the channel

First of all, I'm going to ask you to stay listen / read

Since what I am going to say will be important

And in the meantime you can see the drawing process

And well what I'm going to talk about will be the draw

From a drawing that will be fully customized

That for those who were in the past draw they already know how to do it

Just comment participate in this video

And I'll choose a random user to comment on this video

And in that way with an application / page that is on the internet

I will see the comments and the winner will be decided

So if you want to participate just comment (participate) if you are new

And subscribe to the channel that is very important as it is to activate notifications

So that when the video comes out in which you can come out winner

YouTube notify you and that way you can be there when you say your name

So you already know how to participate

And in that way they will be participating

If you do not touch them this time I told you that it will be monthly every time you do this type of draws

So do not despair

And well, what I bring to you today is the fan art of browsette

I guess that's how it's pronounced

That basically is bowser in women

It has more explanation this

But hey, I imagine that if they are here it is because they already know him

And for those who do not know him

I recommend that you look for the story online because it is quite easy to find it

And well, this fan art that is quieter can be downloaded here below

In the description and also in the first comment

And if you want not only an image without censorship but a pack of images

With the same pose, but for different tastes

Enter in the discord link that will also be in the description

And that way as soon as you enter you can see that there is the link

So, if you want to download this delicious image, but even more delicious

Enter the discord link

Join the server

And you can download it from mega and also if you are already on the discord server, I will notify you so you can download it

And, by the way, thank you very much to everyone who decided to subscribe during this time

We are already 300 and as I always say it would be nothing if it were not for you

So thank you very much

And well, I hope you like this process or this drawing depending on whether or not they advance the video

And good if you liked the fan art subscribe to see more fan arts like this

Share this video with your friends so you can bring new people to the channel

And if you like give me a like and if you do not like it in the same way give a dislike

So well, do not forget to put (participate) in the comments

If they want to participate

If you do not want to participate, but want to put some other comment

I agree, it does not matter

But if you want to participate, comment (participate)

I remember them well so there are no confusions or anything like that

so good with nothing more to say, I hope you liked this video

Greetings to all and many thanks for your support

For more infomation >> BROWSETTE BONDAGE VERSION -BDSM- + 2 ° DRAWING HOT! - Duration: 5:44.


Opening 2 Dragon Ball Super Official Words Cartoon Network Completa - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Opening 2 Dragon Ball Super Official Words Cartoon Network Completa - Duration: 4:03.



For more infomation >> DAILY THOUGHTS WHILE LIVING IN LATIN AMERICA! (LIMA, PERÚ) - Duration: 5:07.


🔴✅Cuando Sepas Los Beneficios de Estos ➜ 5 FRUTOS SECOS Y SEMILLAS Querras Comerlos Todos los Dias - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅Cuando Sepas Los Beneficios de Estos ➜ 5 FRUTOS SECOS Y SEMILLAS Querras Comerlos Todos los Dias - Duration: 10:45.


Audi A7 Sportback New 50 TDI quattro 286pk tiptronic | Adaptive Cruise | Head Up - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Audi A7 Sportback New 50 TDI quattro 286pk tiptronic | Adaptive Cruise | Head Up - Duration: 0:53.


Inktober| Lets Draw Jazza [Day 1] 2018 - Duration: 2:50.

hello everyone today I'm drawing Josiah Brooks his channel name for YouTube is

draw with jazza he's the first artist on YouTube to reach over 3 million

subscribers he has a lot of tutorials how to draw videos and he does all kinds

of art challenges I'll leave a link in the description of this video so you can

check his channel out the drawing that I'm doing here is with a Bic crystal

ultrafine point red pen it's a ballpoint pen to draw this I was doing a bit of my

scribble technique what I do is I kind of describe love to where where I think

things should go and then after I've got the shape of it done I go in and I work

in the form of it getting the eyes the nose and all that good to where the

shadings proper I do some cross hatching and I pay attention to the anatomy of

the face and I focus on trying to get all the shading done properly depending

on the direction of the light and the whole time I'm just constantly moving my

hand I tried to prevent myself from taking a break for any more than a

couple of seconds and this drawing took me about an hour to complete and the

last drawing I did today I was using a ballpoint pen as well but it was a

different kind of the big ball points I noticed that with this brand with the

crystal pen is it ain't goes down a little bit heavier then it doesn't with

the other pen and it can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on what

you're drawing but for me it worked for this drawing because I had a lot more

darker areas such as the left side of the face and then when it came to the

shirt I just used the larger one-point-six ballpoint pen to shade

that in really fast because the challenge for this month is to only draw

with pens that are inked I'm not going to be using any colored pencils or

anything that's not that doesn't have ink in it but I had a lot of fun doing

this drawing and if you have any enjoying suggest

or anything good let me know in the comments down below let me know what you

think of this drawing that I did but for now thank you for watching I hope you

have a great day and as always don't forget to subscribe thank you

For more infomation >> Inktober| Lets Draw Jazza [Day 1] 2018 - Duration: 2:50.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Intens Navi / Sensoren voor en achter / LED verlichting / Bluetooth Inclusie - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Intens Navi / Sensoren voor en achter / LED verlichting / Bluetooth Inclusie - Duration: 1:13.


Točit porno je normální?! Proč je postoj pirátky Krausové k minulosti skandální? - Duration: 7:17.

 Členka České pirátské strany Michaela Krausová kdysi natočila pornografické video, které je veřejně dostupné na serveru PornHub, a právě tato nahrávka se prohnala českými bulvárními weby

 „V Pirátské straně aktivně působím osm let. O této nerozvážnosti z mládí vědí moji kolegové od počátku

Neudělala jsem ale nic nelegálního," napsala Expresu Michaela Krausová poté, co jsme ji kontaktovali

 To ale není pravda.  Když jsme hovořili po telefonu se zástupcem strany, od něhož jsme si chtěli vyžádat soukromé číslo Krausové, tajemník evidentně o žádném pornu nevěděl

Pokud by věděl, odbyl by nás větou, že o pornu už všichni dávno vědí a ať si to klidně napíšeme

Namísto toho ale začalo horečné vymýšlení prohlášení, které pak všechna média obdržela ve stejném znění

 „K podobnému kroku se může uchýlit kdokoliv, ať už z důvodu finanční tísně, nebo prostě jen z důvodu pubertálního objevování světa, což byl můj případ," napsala lakonicky Krausová a dál se odmítla vyjadřovat s tím, že záležitost považuje za uzavřenou

Točím porno, čau Michaela Krausová zdaleka není první ani poslední veřejně činnou osobou, jíž se takový skandál týká, ať už se jedná o politika, herce, nebo zpěváka

To, že někdo z nezkušenosti či v opilosti (v mládí) udělá chybu, je pochopitelné a každý nad takovým škobrtnutím dokáže přimhouřit oko a lidsky jej pochopit

 K podobnému kroku se může uchýlit kdokoliv, sdělila Michaela Krausová. Ne, rozhodně by neměl a tahle pirátka by se měla postarat o to, aby před vlastní chybou varovala

 Co je podle nás nestandardní, je postoj, jaký mladá politička, tedy veřejně činná osoba, v případu zaujala

 „Na jednu stranu si hlídá soukromí a nastavila si hranice, což je v pořádku," řekla nám psycholožka Zuzana Douchová, kterou jsme oslovili, aby se k případu i postoji Krausové vyjádřila

 „U veřejně činné osobnosti však považuji za důležité, aby v tomto případě promluvila i o možných rizicích a následcích

Je dobré brát v potaz, že svým postojem ovlivňuje ostatní lidi. Nemusí se omlouvat, ale měla by dát najevo, že to není zcela standardní způsob objevování sexuality či vydělávání peněz v dospívání, ačkoliv se to samozřejmě může stát komukoli," sdělila nám dále psycholožka

 My považujeme za nešťastné právě to, jakým způsobem Michaela Krausová své vysvětlení odbyla, přestože je pochopitelné, jak moc pro ni záležitost musela být nepříjemná

Krausová nebude nikdy vzorem Výrok, že se k takovému kroku může uchýlit kdokoliv, ať už pro peníze, nebo v rámci pubertálního objevování světa, zní, jako by točení filmů pro dospělé považovala za běžné zaměstnání, případně za součást dospívání

Svět se snad objevuje cestováním, vzděláváním nebo třeba prohlížením map v atlasu, nikoliv natáčením pornografických videí (solo s malířským válečkem a lesbický fisting)

 Točit porno není totéž jako česat chmel či sedět za kasou. Je to práce, která má dopad jak na diváky, tak především na samotné herce, kteří si to v době, kdy se k takovému kroku uchýlí, většinou neuvědomují

Pornografie je extrémní druh zaměstnání a ne nadarmo je možné filmy pro dospělé točit až po dosažení věku osmnácti let

 V minulosti podobné situaci čelil například Jakub Janda (27), známý lobbista a kritik prezidenta Zemana, na nějž se provalilo, že natočil gay porno

 Komunikaci s médii tehdy ale nepodcenil a raději sám veřejně prohlásil, že svého kroku lituje a považuje to za hloupost, které se podobně jako Michaela Krausová dopustil v mládí

 Nikdo neodsuzuje její minulost, ovšem její postoj k minulosti je skandální. Na rozdíl od mladé pirátky jeho vyjádření vyznívalo pokorně a veřejnosti dávalo jasný vzkaz: Točit porno není ideální způsob přivýdělku ani způsob, jak objevovat sexualitu, lituji toho a vy to nedělejte

 Pokud chce být Michaela Krausová politička a ovlivňovat veřejné dění, z ní si rozhodně příklad neberte

 Karta Michaely Krausové. Její pornografická videa byla uveřejněna v červnu a srpnu 2011, v roce 2010 kandidovala za Piráty v komunálních volbách v Praze za druhý obvod a byla díky svým říjnovým narozeninám celkově nejmladší kandidátkou v ČR, jak se píše ZDE

Z čehož vyplývá, že pornografická videa musela točit v době, kdy kandidovala v komunálních volbách, druhou možností je, že videa jsou zveřejněna se zpožděním, což by znamenalo, že je mohla natočit ještě jako nezletilá

 Členkou pirátské strany se Michaela Krausová stala v únoru 2011, tedy dva měsíce po zveřejnění pornografických videí

For more infomation >> Točit porno je normální?! Proč je postoj pirátky Krausové k minulosti skandální? - Duration: 7:17.


Opel Astra 5drs 1.0 Turbo 105pk Online Edition | Navi | Climate - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 5drs 1.0 Turbo 105pk Online Edition | Navi | Climate - Duration: 0:54.


Seat Leon St 1.4 EcoTSI 150PK FR 18 inch/Navi/Clima - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon St 1.4 EcoTSI 150PK FR 18 inch/Navi/Clima - Duration: 1:08.


Arizona Kidney Disease, 700 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, Arizona to Panhandling on Grant Road, GOPR2523 - Duration: 11:06.

700 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, Arizona

28 September 2018

Arizona Kidney Disease, 700 E Broadway Blvd # 100, Tucson, AZ 85719 (520) 623-7485

BFL Construction

Mister Car Wash

Euclid Ave

Rattlesnake Bridge

Broadway Blvd


The Funky Monk, 350 E Congress St, Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 777-5560

Fourth Ave

Toole Ave


Hotel Congress

Congress St




Crescent Tobacco Shop-Newstand, 200 Congress Street, Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 622-1559

Chicago Music Store

Screening Room

Scott Ave

Senae Thai Bistro


1st bank

Bruegger's Bagels



Cafe Milano

National Bank of Arizona


Church Ave

Golf Cart

Pima County Public Works Department, 130 W Congress St, Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-8480

Pima County Adult Probation Downtown Office, 150 W Congress St, Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 724-3800

US Labor Department Wage & Hour Division, 300 W Congress St, Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 670-4899

Granada Ave

State of Arizona

Arizona Department of Economic Security District II Administrative - JOBS Program - Administration, 400 W Congress St, Tucson, AZ 85701 (520) 628-6810

Parking Garage

Circle K


Furr's Cafeteria, Burger King

Interstate 10

Day's Inn


GLH Hotel

Waffle House

Waffle House, 1380 W Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ 85745 (520) 623-4406

Circle K

Grand Luxe Hotel & Resort, 1365 W Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ 85745 (520) 622-7791


For more infomation >> Arizona Kidney Disease, 700 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, Arizona to Panhandling on Grant Road, GOPR2523 - Duration: 11:06.


Can I Do Inktober - Duration: 4:07.

Yodas yo yo way to wait and i hereby promise to never put out a trash quality

video oh wait oh wait nation c'mere c'mere

oh it's yo yo way to waiting this is gonna be a little short video don't

worry I got the regular art tutorial coming out Wednesday and the animated

story coming out Sunday I'm just making this to help out the first-time inktober

people or the people who are still trash inking like myself so inktober is

basically the sting where you get this little prompt here here you go

screenshot that if you want no I'm not moving my character free promotion stuff

and you basically draw something every day based off of that prompt but you

don't color it you only ink it but I mean who cares if you do that that's

what I did last year so I mean you do you cuz so i'ma just show you guys how I

do inktober also I want to see you guys inktober drawings I feature art at the

end of my vids so if you want to show me your art or just see it in a video post

it on instagram and tag me I would love to see them also you may want to follow

me because every first or second week of the month I pick a random Instagram

follower and draw and roastin hint hint wink wink other persuading body

movements drawing I'm roasting video coming out next week you already know so

this year I want to do all of my inktober is on one page kinda like how

Jake Parker did so the first day is poisoned so I'm gonna be basic and just

draw a poison bottle first you want to sketch out the drawing and if you're

doing a whole page like me start small don't you have it sketched out get get

your zero one micron or any basic ink pen and

just outline the drawing nothing special now what I like to do is

add these little unnecessary lines they add character to the drawing I like how

it looks and it helps make the drawing pop out you know now you're gonna want

to erase your pencil strokes let the freaking ink dry so it doesn't smear ink

everywhere now the next step depends on where your

light source is I just like to draw a shadow under the drawing it's pretty

easy my G just draw all squiggly lines under the drawing now when coloring this

John I like to just scribble it in and leave some spaces uncolored I feel like

it makes a drawing look cooler but hey I'm a trash artist so do you my guy do

you my guy now we move on to the hatching I take my point zero zero five

micron or any ink pen with a smaller tip than the first one you can even use a

basic office pen just draw lines in one directions where the shading would be

once you do that you're gonna want to go to the corner of the shading and draw

lines in the opposite direction to make the shades darker and I like to take my

thickest black liner and then outline the outside or the border of the drawing

I'm not gonna be making an inked sober video every day but this year I will be

recording each drawing so I can make a huge video at the end so if you care

enough to see the finished drawing or or you just want funny not really art

tutorials mediocre beats and basic animation story times consider


ayyyy we pack on this end card into any newcomers if you want your art featured

again just post your art and tag me I would love to see it

that being said shout out to the Twitter gang be sure to join insta-family like

share and comment as I reply to every comment on new vids and if you want to

join the news wave on the way to YouTube animation destination be sure to

subscribe enjoy an 808 nation peace

For more infomation >> Can I Do Inktober - Duration: 4:07.


Cows unleashed on I-285 in Cobb County after crash - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Cows unleashed on I-285 in Cobb County after crash - Duration: 1:49.


DWUJĘZYCZNOŚĆ i największe jej zalety / BILINGUALITY and its biggest advantages - Duration: 16:22.

There is a cool comparison of bilingualism to a bicycle.

On a monocycle, which is a "cycle" with one wheel

you can get there, right? If you pick a destination

then you can slowly reach it.

You can also get there on a bicycle with one wheel smaller than the other

but let's be real. The fastest and the most convenient way

to reach your destination is on a bicycle with two wheels of the same size.

Right now we are in Philadelphia in a quite special location because we are facing

a house where Tadeusz Kościuszko lived during his second visit to America.

As most probably know Tadeusz Kościuszko is

a well known, very important figure in the history of Poland but also

in the history of America because

he fought for independence of these two quite far from each other countries.

That would be why he is being called "a hero of two nations".

He is a hero of the future.

We know that he was successful in America thanks to all his skills but also because

of his excellent knowledge of English. He was bilingual.

Bilingualism is exactly something that I would like to address today.

Today the young generations have a chance to be

the heroes of our times, the ambassadors of Polishness.

Young generations of Poles born abroad.

Just like for example your son here, Alexander

who was born here in USA, which means he is American

Yes, he is American and he is...

but answering the question "which language do you prefer" he answered that he prefers...

Kto to jest?

This is my younger son.

And he can introduce himself.

Good Morning.

Good Morning! What's your name?


I'm David, hi!

To jest Blonnie.

Jesteś dwujęzyczny?

Na to wygląda.

W jakim języku się lepiej mówi? Po Polsku czy po Angielsku?

Po Polsku.


Łatwiej się wymawia.

Łatwiej się wymawia niż Angielski? Jesteś pewien?


So this is worth a praise. The national pride is growing.

Yes, that just means that with his mother's blood he also inherited the Polish language.

Alexander tell me, your brother is older or younger than you?

He's older.

And he also speaks Polish so well?


And when you talk to your brother, when you guys talk to each other is that in Polish or in English?

Sometimes in Polish, sometimes in English.

And what does that depend on?

Just whatever you feel like?


It's not like for example when you talk sports you speak English

and when you talk about...

I don't know what about... food - then you speak Polish?

It's not like that?


And so we met today because of the oncoming Polish Day of Bilingualism

which we celebrate on every third week of October.

The Polish Bilingual Day is a celebration of Polish immigrants

that is directed to Poles all around the world.

The idea and execution comes from the New York internet site

and foundation Good Polish School.

This year we'll be celebrating the Polish Bilingual Day for the fourth time.

The main idea of this day is promoting learning Polish language

and supporting bilingualism in Polish immigrant families.

Standing here today I would like to invite everyone to celebrating, to spending

this day among Polish immigrants. Do it in order to

play with Polish language and to show it is

important and precious to us, parents

but most of all to our children.

I would like to invite everybody to the website created especially for the Polish Bilingual Day

where you can find materials

to help you celebrate this day.

To spend it in an attractive and interesting way at Polish immigrant schools.

Tak ten budynek wyglądał?

Tak, tak wyglądał przed renowacją.

Cegła jest nadal taka sama. Tylko ją wyczyścili?

Tak. W środku było wiele zmian.

Było dużo renowacji, głównie na górze. To wszystko pochodzi z XVIII wieku.

A no to fajnie.

Potrafisz poprawnie wypowiedzieć jego nazwisko?

Mogę spróbować.



Ja go nazywam "Thad"

One of my most difficult things to jump over

is translation of dialects. For example

How do you translate a joke made in Silesian?

To an English speaker?

This is something that's impossible to reflect in translation.

Why is Silesian dialect funny to us, Poles?

Funny, entertaining, whatever you call it.

Not to offend anyone, of course.

I am myself from Silesia so I'd have to be offending myself. Nevermind.

It is funny because it's a slightly different accent, right? Do you agree with that?

But it also has a lot of words that come straight from German

and those are Polonized to a bigger or smaller extent.

And when you mix all that together then just

it becomes a comedy, often.

It does sound funny, sometimes.

So how do you translate, how do you reflect in translation

the fact that someone said something in Polish but they said it in Silesian.

In that case the only thing I think you can do is

some sort of a comparison. "Imagine" as I tell her for example

"that someone said this sentence but with some"

"let's say southern accent and a funny tone to it".

This is something very hard to translate for me.

This is difficult and what you mentioned here is first of all

maybe not a problem but a challenge

facing translators more than anyone else.

Because the work of a translator is

not to translate things word by word

from one language to another

but to reflect the concept and the meaning.

We experience similar situations when

we try to translate idioms.

They also cannot be translated literally.

People who learn languages

our kids, also when they use both English and Polish

they are already noticing that certain things

presented by idioms sound very different

in English and very different in Polish.

Those things just can't be translated literally.

We have to have here, we have to use...

something like a paraphrase or...

Find the best equivalent.

Yes, some sort of an equivalent, description to really get the meaning out.

An example that I can think of is...

In Polish for example we say that something is as easy an a roll with butter.

While in English we have to say that

Well... it just wouldn't make sense translated literally

but we have something similar in English, an expression "piece of cake".

Albo można powiedzieć "to jest proste jak placek".

O! Poważnie? Nawet nie wiedziałem.

A ty dlaczego tutaj dzisiaj jesteś?

Piszę pracę na jego temat na moich studiach.

Tak? O tym konkretnym miejscu? Dlaczego?

Studiuję na magistra z edukacji muzealnej.

Wybrałam taki kierunek bo mam Polskie pochodzenie.

Również inne miejsca wymagały jazdy samochodem, a nie mam samochodu.

Chcesz być w naszym filmie?


Robimy dzisiaj film na temat dwujęzyczności.

No pewnie.

Mówisz cokolwiek po Polsku?


On jest tak właściwie z Polski, ona też jest z Polski. My właśnie wróciliśmy z Polski.

To jak jest z tym Polskim pochodzeniem?

Moi dziadkowie wyemigrowali z Polski.

Chociaż mówili więcej po Ukraińsku niż po Polsku.

Byli z południa?

Tak, byli z południowej Polski.

Wiesz, granice się wtedy dużo przesuwały.

My właśnie odwiedziliśmy okolice zaraz obok granicy.

Czyli Twoi dziadkowie nie nauczyli Cię w ogóle Polskiego? Nawet...

Byli dość starzy jak ja się urodziłam. Mój dziadek zmarł w wieku 95 lat jak byłam w 5 klasie.

I twoi rodzice nie mówili po Polsku?


Interesuje mnie w jaki sposób

się to dzieje, że język w pewnym pokoleniu zanika?

Dzieci moich dziadków były już urodzone w momencie jak się tutaj dostali.

Moi dziadkowie nie spotkali się tak właściwie w Polsce. Spotkali się w Austrii.

Podczas wojny, a zatem

obydwoje znaleźli się na obczyźnie w Austrii i zdali sobie sprawę, że są z tych samych okolic.

To było zanim się zeszli.

Czyli zanim przenieśli się do Ameryki mieli już dwójkę dzieci.

A jak dostali się tutaj wszyscy próbowali się dostosować do Amerykańskiej kultury.

Co za tym idzie nacisk kładło się na naukę Angielskiego i na to, żeby chłopcy dobrze radzili sobie w szkole.

Świetnie. Jak się nazywasz?

Jestem Molly Walenski.

Ja jestem David.

Miło Cię poznać.

Woleński to zdecydowanie...


Oryginalnie - zgaduję - było Woleński.

I to zdecydowanie bardzo Polskie nazwisko.

Miło Cię poznać! Będziesz na naszym vlogu!

O super! Dzięki!

Nazywa się We Are Going Somewhere.

Super, napewno zajrzę!

I think that just knowing the language is not much

because it is very worth it to know what you are describing.

It's beneficial to see and get to know things we are relating to when speaking a language.

Connecting language learning

with travel always brings the ultimate results.

Then you are really benefitting in the best possible way.

Only then we have both the language and the culture

which is something that just really contributes to a wholesome experience.

Can you tell us how long you have been in USA?

How long? 14 years.

I work as a Polish immigrant teacher

in a Polish school. Right now at the Academy of Polish Language in Manchester, NJ.

I am also a mother of bilingual children.

My work is my passion. I really like teaching

Polish language, history and geography.

I've been working at a Polish school for over 10 years.

I usually work with teenagers so kids who

basically come to the school not really because their parents want them to but because

it is their conscious choice. At their stage

they are aware of the benefits that come with being bilingual.

They want to use those benefits and deepen their knowledge

not only of Polish language and literature but also history

history and geography.

So Polish language is a difficult one to learn but as we can see one can learn it quite well.

Especially when it comes to our bilingual children who

are born here and listen to both English and Polish languages.

Because they hear Polish language in their homes and they SHOULD be hearing it.

This is why... that's the reason why we established the Polish Bilingual Day.

To promote learning of Polish language, to not give up on it.

To support the bilingualism that - we have to admit -

is not easy, right? It is a challenge.

We say that our children are lucky because they are born in a country...

For example here in America

where they have a chance to be bilingual.

But this isn't just coming without any effort.

This requires a lot of work on the part of the parents

as well as on the part of the teachers.

We have to keep talking to children in our language.

They have to write, read and have conversations.

It would be best if they could also visit Poland.

And speak to their family over there in Polish.

Then you really have a chance to maintain the bilingualism.

Very often we say that our children were gifted the bilingualism.

It isn't really gifted, it's a homework.

And that homework we have to...

And then it is nurtured.

Yes, we have to nurture it and we have to keep getting the homework done.

Every single day to maintain the bilingualism.

But this is beautiful. I think that parents

if they are proud that their children speak English

they can be equally proud that their children speak the parents' mother tongue, too.

In Polish. This is the beauty of it and I think we should be taking care of it.

We should have that in mind going forward with our kids' upbringing. Make sure they are bilingual.

So they can freely speak English and Polish or Polish and German

As I said before this broadens your horizons and opens doors.

There's a cool comparison of bilingualism to a bicycle.

The fastest and most comfortable way of reaching your destination

is on a bicycle with two wheels of the same size.

That means the two languages. Bilingualism, which means the ability

of using two languages to more or less the same extent.

We said already that there are lots and lots of benefits.

We are using these arguments to convince those still unconvinced.

But as I said before if all the cognitive, economic, health benefits did not exist

one, most important one still remains and that is the emotional benefit.

It is the emotional connection we are able to create

when using our native language.

Now tell me the raspy voice is especially for today to sound more sexy or is it always like that?

Justyna requested this meeting yesterday evening.

She thought, I have the raspy voice - we need to shoot now!

Not true, no. We've been working on making this happen for three weeks now. Maybe more.

For more infomation >> DWUJĘZYCZNOŚĆ i największe jej zalety / BILINGUALITY and its biggest advantages - Duration: 16:22.


Pedestrian on I-295 at Beach Boulevard hit by semi, killed - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Pedestrian on I-295 at Beach Boulevard hit by semi, killed - Duration: 2:48.


my new journal and the supplies I use! - Duration: 18:59.

Hi guys, this is my first voiceover, so I'll just make a quick introduction

uh, I'm Maddie.

or commonly known as squishystarhoshi

and this

is just trial and error to see if you guys actually like me doing a voiceover


This video. I thought it maybe would be best just to show you my new journal and tell you what it is

The pros and cons of it and stuff


I have planned of this in no way shape or form. So I'm really sorry for that this video

I'm not sure how long this video is gonna be but, you know grab a cup of tea anyway

So this is my new journal

So this journal I'm using is the Midori A5 grid gridded paper

Wood grid paper. I bought it on eBay for like $20 and I got the cover of ten

Australian dollars in case you couldn't tell by my accent which I've been told us it kind of prominent. But anyway

Before I start any journal I always do a pen test

It's got quite a bit of ghosting, but no bleed yet. So

so i say it's

pretty coOL

And so with this journal just

Like with this journal it's like I love the layout of it. I love the color of the pages and I love how

the- the color of the grid which makes it's like, like you can see it, but it's not like a really prominent

Which is really good when you're doing

Someone's at the door

Okay, I'm back. No one was a the door and now I'm freaked the fuck out

Okay, so but as I said before massive downside is the ghosting


when I try to double stick the pages, I guess that's become like a really like

When you fold it over to get to the next page it becomes it's gots got a little crease

So it's not like flat anymore when you do that flat


There are downfalls

So it means I can't double stick the pages to give it to the ghosting which means there's a fair bit of ghosting going on

Especially with my pens for some reason

Like I can see my writing through this page and if I look through the camera you guys can too

Which it's not good cuz you know, I journal

the supplies I use when journaling

I'll go through all these pens cause I use them regularly

Okay, this this is my

Oh, you can't see anyway it's the pilot g2

And I've had this pen for about six months now and the ink is still going like holy

It's like the longest pen I've like the longest time I've ever had a pen

So there's that

Yeah, all this go through all the pens quickly. I've got the pilot g2

1.0. So it's like the thickest one

She t h i c c

I've got the zebra sarasa. So the reason it's gone

You can't - stupid lighting. Give me a sec!


I think I found a much better angle so lets go from here

this is going to be v e r y straight forward

I've got the

uniball signo DX, 0.38

I have the uniball signo 0.7

I have the uniball eye fine, but the size is 1.0

I mainly use the pilot g2 though

but - so this is the pentel energel

Got my amazing mechanical pencil and I'm gonna throw the other one because it's bigger than it's got us off the grid

But I fit this under my pimple

I've also got to stay. What's the ETA Crotona 0.5 which is amazing because the webOS

Amazing I got the Thomas also use three buddies this one for so many years

And this is the one I used is over 40 songs birthday and that's for 76 I

Catch me going

So you will never ever touch me generated without this time

It's my favorite brush pen

It's the petal

Sign freshmen and it is literally a godsend and my tied favorite for that one would eat his evil ones

Saver brush pens they come in different sizes and thickness in his mouth, which I use already run

But they're in a separate section for my ipod so I would go into it

And these ones I use when I wanna get finer details when I'm cutting stuff photos

You'll learn it and it has me doing with my Crayola super tips these

honestly in my opinion a better than the Thomas chili

The club is on episode of King Teti. So means words much

But I found a lot at the Tom poster and easy travel with the town with a Trenton

This is my

And without a rule, um, this is the big one that's 15 centimeters

For like a day and a half now and just a scratch

Okay, the next essential things to me when I'm journaling is

This paper cut up I

Got this from my local Dicer

About 380 Australian dollars, but it might be different in American stores

So this could clip into your - ring binder and stuff. It isn't full a five piece of paper

It's really inconvenient because if I sometimes you have to like shut it down so it can't go a certain way

But normally I don't have an issue with it

Okay next item I use constantly is

Washi tape, this is just a most organized washi tape thing I could grab

But I have bucket loads of washi tape. They're just I always

Get them on Aliexpress and I got this set of Amazon

Before they stopped shipping to Australia

I used religiously is


So as you can see

I've crammed as much as I can into this container that I also got from Daiso so

See pops, right? It doesn't hold them off. So I've got

stickers from I

Don't Stanek sorry, but my attempt owls do so I picked up that for them good drink

I've got

Vtf. Stickers I ordered on eBay

I've got Hello Kitty ones

don't know why I grabbed it, but got sailor very

Honestly, are you even a journal if you don't have Sailor Moon stickers?

I've got the cute hamster ones that I use when I talk about Hoshi. This is where I keep some other ones as well. Oh

But these like my the early fan stickers I have a bullet

Well, like proper like sheet or fan stickers that I bought and I love them so much

It's another sheet of like girl and her boyfriend


I can't do stickers in here that I use when I give pen pals or like extras. I guess I

Also use the other of this thing

What I mainly use this one purely because they're just loose and I don't have any purpose for them

And I can't really keep chuck

When I've got these ones

Which mainly consists of Etsy stickers I bought or like little set it's got these ones for Jen even

Got these ones. It's a paper card

My favorite

For more infomation >> my new journal and the supplies I use! - Duration: 18:59.


Tricks To Styling Your Footwear | How & What To Wear - Duration: 4:43.

see people rocking see people fuckin feeling hot hot hot the pilgrims knew

what the hell they were doing

welcome to the channel Fashion Week's fragrance my name is Kevin salmon in

today's video I'm going to show you several different outfit you can wear

with don't shoot I'm style guys from the NBA to the NFL to Hollywood to politics

to everyday guys just like you and most guys really really struggle when they

have a pair of shoes like business like what would I wear with something like

that don't worry got you covered in this

video shout out to the CIA one love FBI you want to become part of the movement

make sure you join me on patreon for exclusive video and live stream content

show me on that platform for things you will only see their details down in the

description if you've been following my channel for any length of time you know

all great outfits start with the shoes the shoes are the foundation of every

outfit that's why I put so much focus on getting killer foot with one thing a lot

of guys struggle with is boring shoes you probably have your black lace-up

sand then you have your sneakers and then everything in between is just and

we need a whole plethora shoes but more importantly we need to know how to style

it check these babies out right here now

hold on I know some of you guys are gonna look and say wait a minute Kevin

those are square toe you say don't buy a square toe shoes and you're right for

the majority of guys but this is a specialty parachute called a pilgrim

shoe think back to the sixties they have that

kind of vintage feel a little bit of higher heel they actually like the croc

in here this shoe looks great for things like this the question is how would you

rocket how would you wear it when you have an outstanding pair of shoes guy as

simple as always best look what I'm wearing right now just a simple black

v-neck cashmere sweater and some killer charcoal trousers throw these things on

with it and you will look incredible

something as simple as a sweater and trousers look incredible with these

pilgrim shoes they give me some additional height even though I'm tall

they give me a little additional height square toe actually draws your eye more

to the shoe and adds to the overall architect and especially with something

like this a great pinstripes to look at the difference in the patterns the

textures and everything everything is really set off with an incredible pair

of shoes like this imagine if you just had on a simple plain black oxford it

will look just like that plain but these shoes and this outfit take it to a whole

nother level

gentlemen no matter how you slice it the right shoes can take your style up

several cool points you've heard me talk about this more than once and I'm going

to continue to push this point make sure you up your shoe gate whether you

professionally dress smart casual or even casual it makes a difference and

another great thing to wear especially this time of year is fall winter white

yes fall winter white forget that old rule about not wearing white after Labor

Day especially if you have a brown or richer to fall and went to white is

incredible this nice cream cashmere was really well with two nice white jeans

and these standout shoes check it out

guys I'm trying to gauge is this something you would do would you rock

some shoes like this if so right CIA down in the comment section below and of

course just for a little added Flair make sure to throw in a simple scarf

these scarves they lick so guys like I always say don't just leave it up to me

hit me up in the comments section let me know what would you like to pair mix and

match the shoes like this feel like these kind of videos go ahead and give

me a big thumbs up and share that to your mind that you think he used the

information as usual thank you so much for watching and subscribing until next

time I'll catch you later

by the way you want to stay connected follow me on social media links um down

the description piece two fingers and up now it's your boy yeah

hey guys if you want to be your best look good smell great and be your best

each and every day follow a link down in the description and book your one-on-one

private Skype consultation details in the description it's up to you you only

have 7 seconds to make the great first impression you might as well make sure

you knock it out right apart

For more infomation >> Tricks To Styling Your Footwear | How & What To Wear - Duration: 4:43.



Hey everybody this is Randy Santel

"Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very

very excited today! I'm going for another

win in the state of Colorado! I'm a

little bit north of Denver I'm in

Longmont, Colorado I'm at Aunt Alice's

Kitchen I'm taking on their Big Daddy

Breakfast Burrito Challenge! Now I love

breakfast I love burritos, and this is

perfect! I've got one hour to finish this


It's basically 96 ounces total with

everything! Everything's wrapped in a

bunch of tortillas but there are 12 eggs

, or one dozen then there is a bunch of

chorizo for my meats I had a

couple other options like ham and bacon

and stuff and sausage but they said that

chorizo was the best so I went with that.

There's a whole bunch of hashbrowns and

then everything is smothered with a

bunch of cheddar cheese, green chilies,

and then a sausage gravy. Like I said

I've got one hour to finish if I fail

it's going to be $20, but if I win I will

get the meal free I will get a sweet

t-shirt, and I'll be one of the few elite

people added up on their Wall of Fame!

let's get win number 581! Let's get this

challenge started!

Alright now it's here in the Denver area

a while back and I did that Jack and

Grill Breakfast Burrito in about eight


Not feeling as good as I did back then

but the record is 12 minutes we're gonna

try to beat that by my friend and then

yeah, we have an hour the main thing is

getting the victory! Then we got 50 wings

to eat tonight! 1, 2, 3... Boom! Alright got my

big utensils open this thing up, let it

cool off and get it all down!

It's still hot!

All this stuff and sauce on the outside

will help get it all down once it is

cooled off!

Three minutes 45 seconds in this thing

is delicious this is amazing!

Six minutes in always remember if you're

trying to eat fast chewing is a waste of


Staring at the timer to make sure

that I was going to be ten minutes while

still leaving no doubt, and getting

everything! Nine minutes and 58 seconds!

That is the new record for the Big Daddy

Breakfast Burrito Challenge here at at

Alice's Kitchen here in Longmont,

Colorado that was so delicious!

Every bit of that! The 12 eggs in there

The chorizo, really happened I went with

that, like I said I had options of ham,

bacon, and all the others but they said

go to the chorizo. Very happy I did that.

Awesome! For finishing I'm going to

get the $20 breakfast burrito for free, I

will get a sweet t-shirt and I'll be

added up on to their Wall of Fame as the

new record or the new Big Daddy for the

Burrito Challenge on their Wall of Fame

so thank you to Aunt Alice's kitchen for

the awesome hospitality and delicious

96-ounce Big Daddy breakfast burrito

challenge, thank you guys all for coming

to watch, really appreciate everybody's

support thank you guys for watching -

and she's about to hand me my shirt, yes!

yeah there it is, so along with the free

meal I'm going to get this sweet t-shirt

with auntie Alice's kitchen on the back

and then yeah, the shirt says I conquered

the Big Daddy breakfast burrito

challenge, so thank you to Aunt Alice's

kitchen thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> 96oz BREAKFAST BURRITO CHALLENGE RECORD!! - Duration: 7:16.


The Talk - Cedric The Entertainer Admits Writing in 'Robe' Fashion on 'The Neighborhood' - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> The Talk - Cedric The Entertainer Admits Writing in 'Robe' Fashion on 'The Neighborhood' - Duration: 0:53.


Will Fox News Ever Turn On Trump? - Duration: 9:23.

Our next question comes from @Question0786.

Perfect handle for question asking, I guess.

Their question is, "Do you think there will ever come a time where Fox News will eventually

just say to themselves, 'Screw it,' and start criticizing Trump in front of their Trump-supporting

viewers without fearing Trump's backlash?"


I don't.

I don't think they will ever hit that point.

Fox News, even during the Bush administration, okay, when it was pretty obvious this administration

was committing war crimes by torturing detainees, when all those pictures from Abu Ghraib came

out, they defended it.

They were out there telling us that this was okay, even though it was an obvious violation

of international treaties, and international laws, and we were 100% without question committing

war crimes.

They still defended it, trying to say, "But it doesn't matter, because they're the bad


"Oh, waterboarding's not that bad.

It's not even really torture."

Will they ever hit that point with Donald Trump where they finally say, "Wow.

This guy's a nut job.

He's not very smart.

He's not very good at being president.

He wasn't a good businessman.

We were wrong about it all"?

It's not gonna happen.

Even if we get the special prosecutor's report, and it proves without a doubt that Donald

Trump committed a conspiracy to defraud the people of the United States and undermine

our electoral process, even if there's irrefutable evidence, Fox News is gonna start saying,


Isn't that really no big deal?"

If they impeach Donald Trump, that's going to embolden Fox News.

They're gonna go out there and they will be talking about that until the end of time.

They're gonna talk about how the Democrats only did it as a political move.

"They were so anti-Trump, suffering from Trump derangement syndrome, that they had to impeach

him because he was hurting their feelings."

That is exactly what this network is going to say.

I don't see a turnaround point.

I don't think there's anything Donald Trump could do that would make these Republicans

turn on him at Fox News.

He could probably walk into Fox News, to take a variation of his own speech he gave during

the campaign, he could walk into Fox News, punch Steve Doocy in the face, and Steve Doocy

would then probably apologize for having such a punchable face.

That's how beholden they are to him.

That's how much they're willing to defend him.

There's nothing this man can do to make them turn on him, so our option is to simply turn

them off.

That is the best way to fight back against Fox News.

They're 100% dependent upon viewers.

You starve them of that viewership, you starve them of their life as a network.

I don't waste too much time worrying about what the crazies over there at Fox News say.

Oh, their highest rated host can pull in two million viewers a night.

That's a lot, especially compared to the other folks.

But there's 330 million people in this country.

Two million a night really isn't influencing as many as they like to think that they're


Again, if you have a question for us, please send it using the hashtag #AskROF.

You can also send it to us on Twitter @RingofFireRadio or you can send it to me, @FarronBalanced.

Now, in answering that question, I hit on the Mueller investigation.

You know, no matter what they find, Fox News is always gonna try to find a way to act like

it's not a big deal.

Well, Donald Trump right now, this week in fact, has entered phase two of his attacks

on the special prosecutor and the investigation.

On Monday of this week, Donald Trump, his administration, they announced that they were

going to declassify all of the information related to the FISA warrant for surveillance

on Carter Page, and they were gonna release it to the public.

In addition to that Carter Page FISA information, they also decided they were gonna release

the text messages between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, which have no bearing on anything

at all, but they're gonna release them, and they're gonna release the interviews conducted

by Bruce Ohr, because Bruce Ohr is now Donald Trump's favorite target in the Department

of Justice, and so he wants to undermine, demean, and discredit that guy as well.

With regards to the Carter Page thing, what they're hoping to prove with the release of

these documents is that the entire investigation was based on what they call the discredited

dossier, and therefore the entire Mueller investigation is null and void.

"Big witch hunt, illegally started, nothing to see here.

Let's move on.

Let's fire Robert Mueller, and while we're at it, most likely fire Jeff Sessions as well."

Here's the problem they have with that.

First and foremost, we learned from the Devin Nunes memo itself that the investigation,

the surveillance on Carter Page, was not started based on anything in that Steele Dossier.

That was not the reasoning used.

That was not the argument made to the FISA court that surveillance needed to be placed

on Carter Page.

That's a lie.

If the administration wants to release that, aside from it being a major national security

problem for them, it's not gonna say what they think it's going to say.

Furthermore, while we're mentioning the dossier, can anybody tell me, maybe tweet it to me,

perhaps email it to me, any piece of the dossier that's been proven false?

Because right now, you can't.

Even though we know for a fact that this investigation, the surveillance, the warrants, all that,

none of it was started because of the dossier, even if it had been started because of the

dossier, none of it's been proven false.

In fact, most of it, at this point, has actually been proven true.

What's the problem?

Does it matter who paid for it?

Because it was first started, as we all know, by the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative


Then it was paid for by the Democratic Party.

Actually Hillary Clinton's law firm.

Then, after they stopped paying for it, it was self-financed.

There's three different independent groups that funded it, but none of the information

has been proven false.

So why does it matter if it was based on that or not, even though it wasn't?

But to kind of hit back on the national security issue, this is something a lot of people have

been saying, is the fact that if you release these FISA warrants, and the information that

was given to the FISA court, it's gonna reveal a lot of sources.

You know, undercover sources within the Department of Justice, the independent sources overseas,

people who have risked their lives to give this information, so yeah, you could be looking

at a very intense national security problem in that regard.

My solution to that is, redact the names, make sure you don't release who did what,

but I'm all for actually releasing the information to the world.

Let them understand that you've been lying from day one, because what's come out from

it so far proves you wrong, so it's not gonna end the way you think it is, with that.

But here's where they're trying to get us, is with the text messages from Page and Strzok.

That is the meat that they want us to see, and that is something we have no business

seeing whatsoever.

They're gonna use those text messages to prove that this entire investigation has been politically

motivated and is therefore void, that nothing they do matters, because they were politically


Again, from the Nunes memo, we know that's not true.

We know that's not the case, but the brain dead, MAGA hat wearing crowd doesn't understand

that, and they will never accept that.

They want to see these juicy text messages and find out what's been going on.

It's not gonna reveal what they think it's gonna reveal.

They're hoping it's gonna be enough to convince enough people that Robert Mueller should be

fired, and that Jeff Sessions should be fired, but again, probably not gonna work out the

way that they think it is.

Bruce Ohr, who's also a target of this, has already been thoroughly vetted.

We understand that this guy has not done anything wrong.

We know the protocols he went through to give this information to the people who needed

to receive it.

He did not personally act on any of it, so there's that.

But this is all an excuse to further lay the groundwork to end the special prosecutor's


We have to take a break.

We'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Will Fox News Ever Turn On Trump? - Duration: 9:23.



For more infomation >> DAILY THOUGHTS WHILE LIVING IN LATIN AMERICA! (LIMA, PERÚ) - Duration: 5:07.


MSM Now Pushing Despicable Pedophile Claim Against Kavanaugh – Sick As It Gets! - Duration: 4:55.

The media has been off-the-charts sick over the Kavanaugh hearings.

It seems to be that they find it perfectly acceptable and permissible to libel and slander

Judge Brett Kavanaugh over unfounded se*xual assault claims from 36 years ago.

But they took it even further and this is just despicable.

I saw a headline from USA Today a couple of days ago that I just could not believe.

These witch-hunt hearings have ravaged Kavanaugh's life and family.

Not to mention justice in general.

Now, USA Today is insinuating that Kavanaugh is a pedophile and should not be allowed to

coach girl's basketball anymore… something he dearly loves doing.

The title is: "Opinion: Is Brett Kavanaugh right that he can no longer coach girls basketball?"

Kavanaugh has two young daughters.

I am sure they are already being harassed and tormented at school over all these accusations

and now this surfaces.

USA Today should be ashamed for publishing such falsehoods.

But they would not be.

The media considers this w*ar and if a good man and his reputation have to be sacrificed,

they think it's a very small price to pay.

After all, it's not their lives on the line here.

From @usatodaysports: "The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,

but he should stay off basketball courts for now when kids are around," writes @ByErikBrady."

And just like that… the media labels Kavanaugh a pedophile.

They should be su*ed into the hereafter over that smear.

From @usatodaysports: "The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,

but he should stay off basketball courts for now when kids are around," writes @ByErik


Is Brett Kavanaugh right that he can no longer coach girls basketball?

The Supreme Court nominee said during Thursday's hearing that me may no longer be able to coach

youth sports in the wake of se*xual allegations.

Kavanaugh testified that he might not be able to coach girl's basketball anymore because

his name has been dragged through the political mud.

That looks to be true considering that the media and the left are now pushing it.

Brett Kavanaugh testified the other day that he might never coach girls' basketball again.

"He should not – at least not until further investigation has concluded.

"The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but he should stay off

basketball courts for now when kids are around.

"I love coaching more than anything I have ever done in my whole life," Kavanaugh said

in his opening statement on Thursday.

"But thanks to what some of you on this side of the committee have unleashed, I may

never be able to coach again."

"He just might be right.

Oh, not the part about blaming Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee – that's

just to avoid placing blame on his wholly sympathetic accuser – but the may-never-coach-again


"The nation is newly vigilant on who coaches and trains its children given recent scandals

in gymnastics and other sports.

"Kavanaugh is free to continue coaching in the Catholic Youth Organization and his

daughters' private school in Washington because he has no criminal record and has

met all other volunteer requirements, according to Edw*ard McFadden, spokesperson for the

Archdiocese of Washington.

He said a coach dealing with allegations that are decades' old and no criminal case is

active – like Kavanaugh – would have to go through the full legal process before being


"McFadden added that coaches arrested, charged or in the midst of a criminal probe for serious

criminal acts, such as assault, abuse or child endangerment, are subject to removal pending

"an immediate evaluation of the matter" by the school, school or the archdiocese's

Office of Child Protection.

"McFadden told USA TODAY Sports' A.J.

Perez on Friday that "adult volunteers with extensive contact with children" go through

fingerprinting, criminal background checks and training under what is called the VIRTUS


"The person is VIRTUS-trained," McFadden said of Kavanaugh, "and has gone through

a background check, which was clean."

"Besides, McFadden said he thinks Kavanaugh's reference to not being able to coach again

is related to protesters who shout down political figures in restaurants and other public spaces.

"It may be impossible for him to coach," McFadden said.

"Imagine being in a public gym where people could come in and be disrupting.

I am not sure he was referring to the claim (of se*xual misconduct), but the overall environment.

He has no record and

For more infomation >> MSM Now Pushing Despicable Pedophile Claim Against Kavanaugh – Sick As It Gets! - Duration: 4:55.


How To Bend Reality To Your Will | The Secret (POWERFUL!!!) - Duration: 10:30.

Since the movie I've been traveling

around the world quite a bit lecturing

about both the neuroscience of mind and

and the principles of quantum physics

about getting what you want in your life

anybody who says that they understand

quantum physics completely as a liar

because it's a concept that defies

predictability so you have Newtonian

laws which are classical physics that

have to do with cause and effect that

are predictable mathematic equations

that help us to understand how the

principles the universe work kind of

like a machine that allows mind and

matter to be separate entities well with

the advent of quantum physics we're

starting to see that mind is matter and

matter is mind and that the two are in a

inextricably combined so that

means then the way you perceive life or

the way you view the nature of reality

has effects and so when we talk about

the quantum model what I'm really saying

is that there's an unseen world of

infinite possibilities that we have

access to but we continuously live in

the same reality over and over again

because we keep thinking the same way we

keep behaving the same way we keep

emotionally embracing the same feelings

over and over again and that allows us

to stay in a very predictable outcome

Chiropractic is one of the original

alternative health techniques in

chiropractors understand the principles

of quantum physics and they understand

the principles of health not from a

mechanistic standpoint from but from a

vitalistic standpoint and I always tell

the chiropractic profession you can't

talk about innate intelligence you can't

talk about a power within that heals the

body and then not ask it

work through you or interact with it on

every single moment of with every single

patient that this intelligence that we

call innate intelligence is both

personal and at the same time universal

and that when we begin to get out of the

way when we begin to change something

about ourselves and we begin to interact

with this intelligence we take it to a

next level and that's really the name of

the game chiropractic has a very vitalistic view

about health it basically

says that the power that made the body

heals the body that there is an innate

intelligence within within every human

being that that gives us life and that

intelligence has a certain ability to

heal and so I started studying

spontaneous remissions back in the mid 90s

and began traveling to different

countries to find out how people were

diagnosed with very serious conditions

and over a period of time they got

better and so when I correlated enough

information with some of the results I

actually had to go back to school and

get degree in neuroscience to

begin to understand how mind was an

element in it and so when I saw that

they changed their mind that was the

main element that produced the biggest

changes in their health I wanted to

discover understand what his mind what

is consciousness and what is brain and

how do they work and so that began my

exploration into this idea and

you know there isn't you can't actually

describe healing at this point in our understanding

without a quantum model of understanding

well neuroscience is the study

pretty much of how the brain and mind

work and in the last 20 years

neuroscience has taken a quantum leap in

their their theories and understandings

because neuroscience now uses functional

imagery and whenever you use functional

imagery what you're seeing is you're

seeing a brain in action you're seeing a

motion picture of a brain so the

difference between thirty years ago if

you had a problem with your brain or you

had a problem with depression or you had

a problem with a head injury or a stroke

the typical procedure was to take a

snapshot of the brain take an MRI or a

cat scan that's a picture, in one

second of time

functional imagery is studying a series

of moments you're seeing a motion

picture of the brain and whenever you

see the brain in action or the brain at work

that's called mind, mind is the brain in

action so because we can study different

patterns or different specific

signatures it gives us a lot of

information about the inner workings of

the brain of mind, a lot of people want

to understand how their brain is

evolving well every time you learn

something new you make a new synaptic

connection in your brain that's what

learning is learning is forging new

connections remembering is maintaining

and sustaining those connections the

other way we make really valuable

connections in our brain is to

experience, when we have a novel

experience when we have something new

happen to us gangs of neurons organize

themselves to reflect the external event

now of course that that begs the

question for most people how many things

are you learning and how many new

experiences are you having and if you're

not learning anything new or if you're

not having any new experiences well then

your brain pretty much stays status quo

the biggest way we maximize brain

potential is through the concept of

focus or concentration we have a new

piece of machinery in the brain called

the frontal lobe it's 40% of our entire brain

and the frontal lobe actually is

what separates us from all other species

it's not the fact that we have opposing

thumbs or we stand on two feet that our

eyes point straight ahead or we have a

big brain elephants have bigger brains

than us what makes us so unique is the

size of the frontal lobe in reference to

the rest of the brain now the frontal

lobe is the is the CEO

it's the Symphony leader it's the boss

it's where our conscience resides it's

what allows us to observe our actions

observe our thoughts pay attention to

our feelings and then decide on how

we're going to change who we are to do a

better job in life and so when we begin

to use our fore brain in the proper way

we're inventing new possibilities we're

speculating new outcomes we're paying

attention by learning and when we begin

to pay attention the practice and art of

paying attention allows the brain to

move into more synchrony into more

balanced into more

coherence and so the proposition to that

that creative state is living in a state

of survival are living in a state of

stress and when we live in stress the

exact opposite happens we have the

hindbrain now directing a forebrain and

we live primarily by the emotions of the

body and that's when people begin to

develop diseases or begin to develop

anxiety and depression because it's the

chemicals of stress that knock the body

out of balance as well as the brain well

it's nothing wrong with having a stress

response we all react to the external

world the stress response is when your

body is knocked out of balance and what

it does to return back to order and most

organisms in nature are designed for

short-term stress it's when we start to

have the long term stresses in other

words we have a series of stressors and

where the body can't return back to

balance when that happens where the body

can't recalibrate itself back to order

now we're headed for disease so the most

difficult thing for people is to make

time for themselves if you were to make

time and break the stress response

whether it is playing music going for a

walk hiking meditation yoga breathing

anything that's going to interrupt the

stress response sleeping allows the body

to return back to order so what makes us

so unique is that we can turn on the

stress response just by thought alone

and most people do it all day long they

begin to think about an event they began

to anticipate something happening they

begin to forecast an idea and as they

begin to think about it they begin to

turn on the stress response and the body

thinks it's in that experience and

now we're headed for a an imbalanced so

some of the ways that people can turn on

turn off the stress response is being

able to interrupt it by yoga or exercise

or meditation or breathing anything

that's going to cause the body to go

from a state of emergency to a state of

growth and repair and when we move to

those states where the body has a chance

to reorganize itself that's when people

start to notice that their anxiety is

diminished or their their stress levels

change or there are

their heart rate variability tends to

move back to balance and so I think the

most difficult part of it all is making

the time to do it when we begin to talk

about Technology in the brain there are

limits to multitasking and what we're

beginning to realize from computerized

technology especially things like video

gaming or even where you're checking

your emails that when people become so

focused on the screen in front of them

and attempting to get more done in a

shorter amount of time every time they

click through an email or they are there

playing a video game and they overcome

an obstacle there's a release of

dopamine in the brain and the dopamine

is the pleasure chemical in the

central nervous system and what happens

is that if you begin to keep turning

on those dopamine levels the excess

dopamine begins to change or recalibrate

the pleasure centers to a higher level

which means the next time you play the

video game or the next time you surf the

net you have to do it a little bit

longer or with changed a little bit more

to get the same rush as you did before

now that sounds like an addiction to me

and what the problem is that when you

start taking the person out of that type

of bombardment or that stimulation and

you tell them let's go for a hike or

let's go watch the sunset or let's you

know take up you know take your

grandmother for a walk or go play with

the dog you don't get any pleasure from

that because your pleasure centers have

been changed to a higher level

and that's when people start to become

addicted and they start to try to find

other means to start to calm down their

stress levels and now we're headed for

big problems

For more infomation >> How To Bend Reality To Your Will | The Secret (POWERFUL!!!) - Duration: 10:30.


BOOK PREVIEW | ULTIMATE SOAP CARVING | Vista previa del libro | - Duration: 1:54.

Hi everyone!

I'm Makiko, a creator of mizutama.soap

Lately, I've been working on a book.

Let's take a quick look inside this book.

Thank you for watching.I hope you'll enjoy this book.

Click link in the description box below.

For more infomation >> BOOK PREVIEW | ULTIMATE SOAP CARVING | Vista previa del libro | - Duration: 1:54.


Possible New Reason For Ford's Weird 2nd Door On Home Revealed – Not For Protection From Kav As - Duration: 6:12.

So it seems like Judge Kavanaugh's accuser has committed perjury when she testified under

oath at a Senate hearing on Thursday.

When Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified under oath last week

she identified herself as a "psychologist."

And when she said this she may have perjured herself under California state law.

After she thanked members of the committee on Thursday after she was placed under oath,

Ford opened her testimony saying, "My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor

of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University

School of Medicine."

The problem here is the word "psychologist."

Ford may have misrepresented herself and her credentials.

And if this is indeed the case, those are infractions which are taken very seriously

in the psychological field and under California Law.

Here is more on this via Dangerous:

Under California law, as with almost every other state, in order for a person to identify

publicly as a psychologist they must be licensed by the California Board of Psychology, a process

that includes 3,000 hours of post-doctoral professional experience and passing two rigorous


To call oneself a psychologist without being licensed by a state board is the equivalent

of a law school graduate calling herself a lawyer without ever taking the bar exam.

According to records, Ford is not licensed in the state of California.

A recent search through the Department of Consumer Affairs License Bureau, which provides

a state-run database of all licensed psychologists in California, produced no results for any

variation of spelling on Ford's name.

If Ford at one time had a license but it is now inactive, she would legally still be allowed

to call herself a "psychologist" but forbidden from practicing psychology on patients until

it was renewed.

However, the database would have shown any past licenses granted to Ford, even if they

were inactive.

Ford also does not appear to have been licensed in any other states outside California.

Since graduating with a PhD in educational psychology from the University of Southern

California in 1996 it does not appear Ford has spent any significant amount of time outside

the state.

She married her husband in California in 2002, and completed a master's degree in California

in 2009.

She reportedly completed an internship in Hawaii, but a search of Hawaii's Board of

Psychology licensing database also did not turn up any results for Ford.

What makes Ford's claim even more suspicious is someone affiliated with Stanford University

appears to have also been aware of the potentially damning use of the word "psychologist"

and rushed to cover for Ford.

DANGEROUS exclusively uncovered an archived version of Ford's page on the school's

faculty directory.

On September 10, 2015, the only archived date available, Ford's faculty page was saved

to the Wayback Machine and showed Ford listed as a "research psychologist" along with

her email address and office phone number.

The most recent version of that page shows Ford listed only as an "Affiliate" in

the department, with the words "research psychologist" removed along with Ford's

email address and phone number.

This suggests the page was altered by someone very recently to scrub Ford's contact information

and title after she entered the national spotlight."

Aside from potentially misleading the committee, Ford also appears to have violated California


California's Business and Professional Code Sections 2900-2919 govern the state's laws

for practicing psychology.

Section 2903 reads, "No person may engage in the practice of psychology, or represent

himself or herself to be a psychologist, without a license granted under this chapter, except

as otherwise provided in this chapter."

Section 2902(c) states: (c) "A person represents himself or herself to be a psychologist when

the person holds himself or herself out to the public by any title or description of

services incorporating the words 'psychology,' 'psychological,' 'psychologist,' 'psychology

consultation,' 'psychology consultant,' 'psychometry,

For more infomation >> Possible New Reason For Ford's Weird 2nd Door On Home Revealed – Not For Protection From Kav As - Duration: 6:12.


What am I Doing With My Life? - Duration: 21:18.

For more infomation >> What am I Doing With My Life? - Duration: 21:18.


5 Year Old Runs a 5k! | That's Amazing - Duration: 6:12.

We're That's Amazing

And Colin is training for the

briggs-stratton Al's Run 5k we were asked by a friend Cate The Great to

participate in the race which raises money for Children's Hospital Colin's

five years old so we're gonna see if he can run a 5k click the link in the

description to help kids with cancer and stay to the end of the video for more

information Colin you ready to keep training

the chance down up 86

great job Colin just four more then we'll maybe let you have some


so we're headed to the race Colin are you excited to see all the people yeah

what's your mile time what are you hoping for each mile? I'm hoping for 1 minute each mile

Let's hope that happens because I've guarantee you this video go viral if you get a minute per

mile if I can run like 5 miles around the track you have to like this video well

they're only running 3 miles and it's not a track. I'm going to have to do lots of

work to get ready well yeah the race is in 20 minutes. 20!! yeah I did not know that I

Colin let's get

ready for the race

We're at the art museum. We actually did a bottle flip onto that orange structure over there

which is about the time that some high schoolers got on their 5k who is that

you maybe

I started a little late

he did he had to catch up and pass everyone cuz he waited for like a big

crowd to pass Colin do you think you can do more

Yeah, I'm not that tired

you saw how empty it was when Colin got here this is it now

thanks for watching guys in huge thanks to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

for doing all the amazing things they do for kids we're going to donate $1000 to our

favorite charity the sunshine squad which helps kids with cancer maybe you

guys would donate to our favorite charities click the links in the

description below thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 5 Year Old Runs a 5k! | That's Amazing - Duration: 6:12.


BACK TO BASICS! Just Stamps, Ink, & Paper - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> BACK TO BASICS! Just Stamps, Ink, & Paper - Duration: 7:16.


BIG SISTER PUSHES LITTLE SISTER AROUND... and we let her! - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> BIG SISTER PUSHES LITTLE SISTER AROUND... and we let her! - Duration: 2:49.



What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

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For more infomation >> BEST NEW & FAST 🔥 BUILD FOR KODI 17.6 OCTOBER 2018 🔥 NEW YORKER BUILD KODI 🔥 FROM NYBUILDS WIZARD - Duration: 14:56.


Exploring Costa Rica | Travel Vlog - Duration: 8:57.

it's been a while but I'm gonna be filming a bit more this week because

we're going in some place pretty exciting Colin where are we going

America no okay together Costa Rica no you're supposed to

say it with me Costa Rica. Say it one more time. Costa Rica!

For once, I haven't planned this trip. Colin's done the planning so I don't really know what we're doing. Are you

making fun of my hand motions? so I'm a little bit nervous because I'm a

controlling person and I didn't plan this trip and I don't know what we're

doing but I'm sure it'll be fine everything's fine it's gonna be great

I'm really excited are you excited. Not anymore.

you're going out of the city towards volcano then take a left on a road of some

kind those are some really clear directions

so I now know a little bit more about what we were doing and we were going so

we're currently staying at the Arenal hostel Resort in La Fortuna and we are

going to check out a waterfall today tomorrow we're doing this big ol' tour

and the next day I don't know. we'll see we'll see what we're doing then we're moving

on good job planning. are you excited for today No. why not?

cause you're here.

are you proud of yourself for that comment? Yes. a dance oh I don't have my mic on

whatever really want you through the orchid trail at the waterfall fortuna

fortuna waterfall rio de fortuna I saw a butterfly mounted all and losers looking

for monkeys and toucan - can't or one can actually three can would be cool -

what's making that noise you don't know that is that gonna be your answer for

everything hey Colin we're going down down baby

oh she going crazy they're currently walking down five hundred steps gets the


and then we get to come back up

those are in the cast probably better then we'll stay alive I

like to be alive

we are currently walking to a swimming spot that our friends Alex and Katarina

told us about before we hit the road again oh look a smile you know it's real

this wait till you see what this place is

near the place to herself

any last words

get free Costa Rican massage right now going up for a very very very long time

- monteverde we just left the arena Observatory lodge apparently Wednesday

September 19th and this Barney was fantastic walk down to waterfall a great

time there so the original plan for today was to go check out the coast I

mean we kind of did but unfortunately right now in Costa Rica there's a fuel

strike going on that I don't know the details I'm not going to assume that I

know what's going on but basically there is a strike going on which means there

are road closures happening and as we arrived they were starting to close that

part of the road and the cops were starting to arrive so we turned around

and now we're going to try another route we are going today through San Jose and

heading onto Cartago one of the oldest cities in Costa Rica

to check out some of the more historic buildings and churches there before we

fly out tomorrow yeah that pretty much sums up how we both feel

For more infomation >> Exploring Costa Rica | Travel Vlog - Duration: 8:57.


🏄 Surf para todos: É possível um CEGO Surfar? - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> 🏄 Surf para todos: É possível um CEGO Surfar? - Duration: 10:57.


3rd Encounter of the Hungry and Desperate for God - (Final) Wave of power - Duration: 5:34.

Through you that was full

so he takes

these waters

dry lands

representing the world

But everything starts

through our hunger

and our headquarters

by the Person of the Holy Spirit

Many have settled down these days

being on the beach

but the place of the children of God is not on the beach

is in deep water

This is why the Holy Spirit came to Ezekiel

and showed him the River of Glory

and signaled to him

and showed him

that there were more intense dimensions

and deeper

that he could go down and plunge into Christ Jesus!

And it shall come to pass that in the latter days

I will pour water on the thirsty

hungry people

who has sought My Presence

who has longed for My Glory.

These are the ones I will anoint!

These are the ones I will release the rivers of living waters

On the big day

on the last day of the feast, says the word of the Lord

John 7, verse 37

Jesus stood up.

and cried with a loud voice, saying,

If someone is thirsty

come to Me and I will give you drink!

come to Me and quench your thirst!

come to me and I will release from my waters upon you!

come to Me and I will pour more on your life!

I will take you to My holy mountain

and I will rejoice in my house of prayer.

their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted

at my holy altar

because my house, I, you

each one of us

will be called the house of prayer

for all people!

On here!

in Governador Valadares city

Jesus Christ is The Lord!

For more infomation >> 3rd Encounter of the Hungry and Desperate for God - (Final) Wave of power - Duration: 5:34.





Andre Salata Live @ Ressonancia Festival - Pioneer DJ - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Andre Salata Live @ Ressonancia Festival - Pioneer DJ - Duration: 5:15.


12A - COMGELA (Prod. Keff) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> 12A - COMGELA (Prod. Keff) - Duration: 3:57.


ZERO - Imagine Dragons | Fingerstyle Guitar Cover (TAB) - Duration: 1:51.

I find it hard to say the things I want to say the most

Find a little bit of steady as I get close

Find a balance in the middle of the chaos Send me low, send me high, send me never demigod

I remember walking in the cold of November

Hoping that I make it to the end of December

27 years and the end on my mind

But holding to the thought of another time

But looking to the ways of the ones before me

Looking for the path of the young and lonely

I don't want to hear about what to do

I don't want to do it just to do it for you

Hello, hello Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero

Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel

Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real

I'm looking for a way out

Hello, hello Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero

Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel

Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real

I'm looking for a way out

Let me tell you bout it

Let me tell you bout it

Maybe you're the same as me

Let me tell you bout it

Let me tell you bout it

They say the truth will set you free

For more infomation >> ZERO - Imagine Dragons | Fingerstyle Guitar Cover (TAB) - Duration: 1:51.


What's your Journey to Hearing? - Duration: 1:22.

[music playing]

The cochlear implant process is a journey and everybody has their own story to write

It's a very trying time for those individuals, and the families as well, so it's really our

role to be able to support them and to let them know that

we are really lifetime partners in their journey.

It is really important to understand that it's not just the candidate that you're working with.

You are working with them as well as

everyone that surrounds them because their story is so big.

You know Advanced Bionics is really a community and a family. And part of that is developing mentors.

People that have experience going through that hearing journey with one of us.

Whether you are in the beginning stages of looking at implants or whether you're just about to get your implant

it's so important to be able to connect to someone else and to connect to a

person that's been through that journey and been through what you may currently be going through.

It's important that the whole family is around the cochlear implant recipient

and helping Marshall that through and teaching people how to get the most out of their device.

That's what makes it so important. So AB is really a family.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> What's your Journey to Hearing? - Duration: 1:22.


Šok! Čarodejnica o dátume konca Sveta YouTube 360p - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Šok! Čarodejnica o dátume konca Sveta YouTube 360p - Duration: 2:51.


Saudação ao Sol ☀️ Surya Namaskar - Yoga 🧘🤸 - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Saudação ao Sol ☀️ Surya Namaskar - Yoga 🧘🤸 - Duration: 6:25.


Minuto Eleven 01/10 | Qualicorp e Via Varejo deixam mercado doméstico de mau humor - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Minuto Eleven 01/10 | Qualicorp e Via Varejo deixam mercado doméstico de mau humor - Duration: 2:08.


🔴✅Cuando Sepas Los Beneficios de Estos ➜ 5 FRUTOS SECOS Y SEMILLAS Querras Comerlos Todos los Dias - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅Cuando Sepas Los Beneficios de Estos ➜ 5 FRUTOS SECOS Y SEMILLAS Querras Comerlos Todos los Dias - Duration: 10:45.


Egressos de Sucesso - Engenharia Mecânica - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Egressos de Sucesso - Engenharia Mecânica - Duration: 1:32.


Últimas notícia de hoje : GLEISI APÓS CNT/MDA: TEMOS COMPROMISSO COM A DEMOCRACIA - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : GLEISI APÓS CNT/MDA: TEMOS COMPROMISSO COM A DEMOCRACIA - Duration: 2:56.


Land Rover Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE DYNAMIC 22"LM Camera Leer Luchtvering 259PK! Zondag a.s. o - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE DYNAMIC 22"LM Camera Leer Luchtvering 259PK! Zondag a.s. o - Duration: 1:08.


MINUTO IBGE - Pessoas que moram sozinhas [ÁUDIO] - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> MINUTO IBGE - Pessoas que moram sozinhas [ÁUDIO] - Duration: 1:57.


Copa Batom: São Paulo 1 x 0 Skill Red - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Copa Batom: São Paulo 1 x 0 Skill Red - Duration: 2:28.


A Fazenda: Ana Paula tem briga com Nadja Pessoa, trocam farpas e transmissão é cortada - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Ana Paula tem briga com Nadja Pessoa, trocam farpas e transmissão é cortada - Duration: 3:53.


Tira dúvidas sobre Ansiedade #22 - DA ANSIEDADE A LIBERDADE - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Tira dúvidas sobre Ansiedade #22 - DA ANSIEDADE A LIBERDADE - Duration: 5:50.


迎夏には夏物の服を Pastel Kitchen Original Soundtrack BGM Revo + Aramary/Sound Horizon English Subtitles - Duration: 2:24.

Reminiscence of the past, a pale kitchen

That was colored brightly by someone's voice

I'll race full speed with my back to the summer

The answer I searched for was... A Precious Treasure

If I'm with you, I can race down these steps easily

Bluebells chime behind us...

From wearing summer clothes in Summer to fall clothes in Autumn

The rushing river of the seasons never ceases, no matter if you go against the tide

However, your smiling face never disappears

Lighting up the sun in this heart...

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