Monday, October 1, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 1 2018

(enthusiastic techno music)

- Hello and welcome back to Microsoft Mechanics Live.

Today we're gonna take a look at the

infusion of AI and data visualization using

Power BI, the latest in enterprise scale reporting

including some things like AI generated automated insights.

First time native integrations with cognitive services

as you query your data,

new extensibility option if you're a data scientist,

and advances in reporting against big, big data sets

as well as the ability to visualize SSRS reports

within Power BI and interact with them and even more.

To do that, I'm joined by Justyna Lucznik

from the Power BI team.

Give her a big welcome.


- Thank you.

It's good to be on the show.

- [Jeremy] Thank you.

So it's your first time on the show.

- [Justyna] Yes.

- [Jeremy] And we have an awesome audience here.

They are all using Power BI it sounded like.

So we're seeing more and more services really

across Microsoft taking in artificial intelligence

and AI and Power BI is really no exception to that, right?

- Yeah, absolutely.

So we're thinking carefully

about how we can take core Power BI capabilities,

like data visualization and data modeling,

and really combine them with AI

to create these immersive experiences.

And I really think we're taking things to the next level.

We're catering for all of our different Power BI users,

ranging from the business users, to the analysts,

and to the data scientists.

So for our business users,

as a user interacts with the report,

we're going to have machine learning

reasoning over the data and surface interesting insights.

As an analyst, you can directly apply AI enrichments

like cognitive services during your smart data prep.

And as a data scientist, with heightened integration

of product, you can now more easily use machine learning

to experiment and visualize on top of your data.

- So, again, whether you're just a Power BI user

or a data scientist, AI really becomes, in many respects,

more accessible.

And you can even--

can you walk us through actually some examples here?

- [Justyna] Yes, sure.

- [Jeremy] Everybody wants to see a demo of this.

- [Justyna] Yes, so let's start with our business user

and automated insights.

So here we have a report about Hawai'i Tourism.

And generally as a business user, what I do inside Power BI

I slice and dice my report

to try and uncover some hidden trends.

But what we're doing with Power BI

is we're trying to automate finding insights for you.

So over here I'm looking at visits by date

and I see a sort of drop in visits in U.S. West.

What I can do with Power BI

is simply right click on the visual,

select analyze, and explain the decrease.

Power BI is going to automatically find

interesting insights for me here.

- [Jeremy] And the red's probably

not a good thing there, right?

- [Justyna] No, no, those are the dips.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] And over here we also as of August

are allowing you to ask questions

directly from inside the Power BI report.

So I can click on this button over here

and we automatically see some suggested questions

prepared by our analysts.

- [Jeremy] This is really cool because before

if you were a Power BI user, this is something that you did

kind of at the top level of your Power BI dashboard.

You did that from the browser as opposed to

from the desktop client.

[Justyna] Yes, so we're trying to make the

Q&A experience a lot more intuitive.

So I can, of course, type in my natural language questions.

Imagine I want to look for something like

this is my trip purpose.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] Power BI is going to plot this automatically

for me.

But something new that's coming into the product

that hasn't been released yet

is this concept of asking a followup question.

So Power BI retains the context of my question

and I can ask a natural language question

or Power BI actually uses the same insights engine

to proactively prompt me with questions

that might be interesting to me.

So I can, for example, ask

what affects this distribution

and Power BI give me automatic insights.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So directly within Power BI you're getting kind of

machine learning, generated insights.

Even trying to predict the next question.

If you're using Excel,

and I think a lot of people probably are,

it looks a little bit similar to the ideas capability

and some of the insights that we can do in Excel

but we're actually finding data points that are interesting

as part of your data sets.

Now we saw that also demonstrated recently with

Jack Elmore when we shared all the different

AI capabilities within Office.

So how does this differ from Excel?

- [Justyna] Yes, so this uses very similar

machine learning capabilities in the backhand.

So you're going to see more and more synergy

coming between our self-service products

with Power BI, of course, being the most advanced.

[Jeremy] Okay, no bias, okay.

So you mentioned also new support for data analysts,

and there's probably a lot of data analysts out here,

so what are you doing there?

[Justyna] Yeah, so this is where we're really combining

Power BI, the power of Power BI, with the

actual ecosystem to unlock some amazing experiences.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] So continuing with our Hawaii story line

over here we have the data set and the report

that's looking at hotel room use.

And you can see this Power BI report is kind of

different from usual.

It's kind of--

- [Jeremy] Unstructured-ish in terms of the data set.

- [Justyna] It is very unstructured-ish

so we have a bunch of natural kind of text fields.

Over here we have some images.

Generally in Power BI I'm used to slicing and dicing my data

so let's see how we can use--

- [Jeremy] Right.

- [Justyna] AI transforms to create some more structure

for this data.

- [Jeremy] Okay, let's do it.

- [Justyna] Yeah, so let's go ahead and navigate

to the Power BI service.

So here you see something called a data flow

and this is going to be coming soon to Power BI.

This is our self-service enterprise data prep capabilities.

And as part of a data flow,

what you can do is actually add AI insights.

And so I'm going to select this button over here.

And you can see when I click on AI insights

this is going to come up with a list of functions

that I can call,

including things like cognitive services.

- [Jeremy] And are these actually in box?

Are these something you have to add or

is this included in this function?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so the cognitive services are

all included in box.

- [Jeremy] Okay, very cool, very cool.

And the things up on the top folder,

is that something that you can add then if you've got

your own models?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so imagine you have data scientists

in your organization who have built

custom machine learning models,

you can actually bring your azure machine learning models

directly into Power BI.

- [Jeremy] Okay, cool.

So that way, if you have Python or something--

We're going to show that, I think, in a little bit

in terms of what you can do to add stuff

but how does all this work then?

How do I actually add cognitive services

to some of my reports to really put some structure

against that data?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so let's take a look.

So imagine we have hotel reviews, as we saw in the

side Power BI report

imagine I want to actually score sentiment on top of them.

All I have to do is find my text reviews field over here,

I do have to select which language I have

because this is not yet released.

In release, we'll actually detect the language.

All I have to do is invoke this function,

wait a couple of seconds,

and we're just going to create

a new calculated column for you inside this data flow

with all of your sentiment calculated

so you can see that right over here.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So you can tell that an analyst then

would be able to leverage all of this

without needing to understand machine learning

or ML or write any code.

These are all inbox, kind of really easy to call functions

that are just linked to various columns that you had

in your data set.

- [Justyna] Yeah, precisely.

Now imagine we wanted to use azure machine learning.

So in this particular example

my data scientist has gone ahead and built

this image classification model for doing,

image classification for hotel images.

And so I need to just select my image column over here,

again, I just want to invoke this function,

wait a couple of seconds,

and you're going to see, we basically have

a column with a bunch of URLs over here.

We can just expand this out

by selecting this button over here.

Wait a couple of seconds,

press okay, and basically we go through all the image URLs,

we score this, and you're going to see

all of the image tags appear inside my data set here.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So does an analyst then have to apply these functions

every single time they transform new data?

- [Justyna] No, the great thing is

these transforms just become power query steps

which all our analysts are pretty familiar with.

And so every time your data refreshes

these cognitive services and azure machine learning models

will just run on top of your data.

So, okay, we're going back to my odd, unstructured report.

And, I'm going to just go ahead--

- [Jeremy] Some interesting pictures there.

Some good and some kind of weird.

- [Justyna] Yeah, yeah.

So, you know, let's actually try and analyze these.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] So I'm going to just drag over

to sentiment score over here.

And I'm gonna actually plot this by the hotel names

that I have inside my data set.

And you can very quickly see which hotels have

high sentiment and which ones are maybe not as popular.

I can click on them and cross filter my data

very easily.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] But what I can also do is

bring in the image tags

that the machine learning model has found.

And so over here you can see all the different things

that the machine learning model has picked up.

- [Jeremy] And those are just sorted alphabetically now?

- [Justyna] Apparently yes.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] They are sorted alphabetically

but what we can also do

is actually bring in the sentiment score

and cross correlate these together.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] And now they're ranked by sentiment.

- [Jeremy] Oh, I see.

It looks like AC is at the bottom

and the beach is at the top.

That kinda makes sense.

- [Justyna] Yeah, yes.

So if you look at something like water view,

for example, you see a bunch of nice water views

but you have rightfully pointed out

AC is all the way at the bottom

and if we click on AC we see some pictures of

broken, dirty, loud ACs.

You know, I guess that makes sense.

If you're on holiday and you're taking a picture of an AC

there's probably something going on.

- [Jeremy] I think the last thing we want to do

while we're on vacation or even, you know,

while we're traveling in general, is be taking

pictures of AC units.

That means we're pretty dissatisfied with our hotel.

- [Justyna] Yes, I would say so.

And they're also mostly coming from Hotel 4.

So this is, again, kind of a question mark for me.

- [Jeremy] Right, so in this case we saw

that it actually translated

both structured and unstructured data

into a unified data set that we could actually

start to analyze and visualize using Power BI.

It's really good practical use case, in this case if you're

running a hotel, using cognitive services

directly with Power BI

and extending the learning and insights that it can do

even using that unstructured data set.

So the next level then is obviously

taking AI driven data models

and bringing them into Power BI

to further visualize that data

and actually extend the visualization capabilities

of Power BI.

What can I do there to support data scientists?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so for our data scientists

we're really looking for Power BI to be

a natural integration point with other data science tools

such as R.

And many data scientists, of course, also use Python

so as of October

we've introduced Python integration to the product, too.

So you can now use Python's grids to connect to your data.

You can plot Python visualizations

and also you can do Python power query transforms.

So everything that you can do with R,

you can now do with Python inside the desktop.

And this unlocks a ton of possibilities

ranging from creating Python machine learning models

during your data prep to

plotting Python visualizations

which don't exist in Power BI.

- [Jeremy] Right.

- [Justyna] So let me actually--

- [Jeremy] Let's see what it looks like

to use some Python in this case.

- [Justyna] Yeah, so let's flip back

to this report for a second and let's get to a new page.

In this case, I want to plot something called a swarm plot

which doesn't exist in Power BI

and I want to plot this Python script over here

which I'm just going to copy.

- [Jeremy] And of course you've got some Python handy.

- [Justyna] Yes, of course.

For the purpose of time, of course.

And so I can select this Python visualization

right over here.

All I have to do is do my data bindings

like I would do with any other Power BI visualizations.

So I'm going to select my index column over here.

I'm going to select season and I'm going to select

average temperatures

and what I want to plot is the spread of temperatures

across seasons for Hawai'i islands.

And so I'm going to go back

and select my Python visual over here and the index.

And the one other thing I'm gonna do

is make sure my data isn't summarized

because I'm really interested in plotting the spread

in this specific case.

So I'm just going to select the don't summarize buttons.

Okay, now all I have to do is copy in my script over here.

Let's make this a little bit bigger

so that we can actually see the plot

and now I just hit run.

And now Power BI is gonna go ahead

and run this Python script.

It's going to take a couple of seconds

and it's going to basically plot my swarm plot

which is going to be looking at a bunch of seasons

and the spread of temperatures.

- [Jeremy] And there it is.

- [Justyna] Yeah, there it is.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

You can even interact with this, right?

- [Justyna] Yeah, because, you know, Power BI

is all about interactivity.

What I can do, for example, is select Maui

as the island I'm interested in

and the visual, the Python visual, will just

go ahead and cross filter.

- [Jeremy] Awesome.

So what then we can do in terms of advancing our insights

and using our data within Power BI

using machine learning,

why don't we switch gears though

and take a look at what we're doing to support

I think the next hottest topic other than AI

big data and lots of people have a lot of data

that they're trying to slice and dice through and visualize,

what are we doing there?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so with big data sets it used to be

that analysis services and reporting services were all

completely separate.

What we're doing with Power BI

is we're breaking down these silos

and we're actually bringing azure analysis services

directly into Power BI to offer a single self-service

BI platform for enterprise reporting.

And this is, I think, the biggest scalability feature

we have ever introduced to the product.

- [Jeremy] All right.

So how big does it scale?

- [Justyna] So we are going to be hopefully showing you

plotting a trillion rows of data,

which is a quarter of a petabyte of data.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

Why don't you show us what it looks like?

And we're going to do some things with SSRS

in a bit as well, right?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so beyond scale, we're also allowing you

to very easily bring your SSRS reports

directly into the Power BI service.

And we'll do a demo of that, too.

- [Jeremy] All right, let's start with

what you're doing to support these massive data sets

and these massive scale sets.

You said a trillion rows.

- [Justyna] Yes.

- [Jeremy] So I want to see you do this

because I don't know if you can do actually

a trillion rows.

We did a billion last time

and that was already impressive.

- [Justyna] We did do a billion, yeah.

- [Jeremy] Show me a trillion.

- [Justyna] So I'm going to try to do a trillion

in five minutes.

- [Jeremy] Okay, let's try to do that.

- [Justyna] Okay.

In this particular scenario

we are looking at data coming from a smartphone app.

This is looking at a courier service and its

crowd source and so we're actually emitting

driver's locations.

And so if we look at this location count over here

this is going to count how many rows of data we have

inside this data set.

And so I'm gonna casually drag this onto the canvas.

I'm going to make this into a card.

I'm not lying to you, Jeremy.

We have a trillion rows of data here.

- [Jeremy] One trillion rows.

- [Justyna] One trillion rows, yes.

- [Jeremy] Right, and so

are we going to be able to query against this though

because it's a lot?

- [Justyna] Yeah, well.

- [Jeremy] You've got time.

- [Justyna] Let's go.

Let's give it a try.

So let's go ahead and plot something like

distance traveled.

We can plot it by activity date.

Let's go ahead and make this bigger.

Let's maybe change the visualization type.

Let's add something like miles per job

and let's actually drag miles into job into the legend.

And so you can see the query time is instantaneous.

It's like slicing and dicing through butter.

- [Jeremy] It does seem like

you're actually querying through thousands of rows maybe,

not trillions of rows.

So what's the trick to get all this to work

and be so fast in this case?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so what we're actually doing here

is we're caching the data inside Power BI like we always do

but we're actually caching the data

at the aggregated layer

and this is a new feature.

It's a new modeling feature called aggregations.

And so this allows us

to unlock these kinds of massive data sets

at essentially a fraction of the memory requirements.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So we're able to kind of intelligently cache that

even if you do a few steps

in terms of getting the right cache in place.

What happens then if I need to

query against stuff that might not be in the cache

that I've kind of set up as part of the aggregation step

before this?

- [Justyna] Yeah, okay.

So let's take a look.

So let's go ahead and flip this measure on.

This is showing me all the drivers

who have left the company.

And I'm going to just filter on December 23.

And what I'm going to do

is I'm going to plot a driver name over here

and I'm just going to make this table

a little bit smaller.

And I'm going to add distance traveled as well.

And so now I'm going to go and scroll through this table

and find one driver over here.

So this is Abigail Johnson.

So she left the company, she drove over 50 miles

on December 23 so I was able to kind of go down

to that level.

And now what I want to do is I want to actually

drill through on Abigail.

And I'm going to drill through

into this second report page.

And now we're no longer hitting the cache.

We have to go against the direct query basically.

And this is going against HDI Spark.

And so what you've noticed is I didn't have to go

into some other report or do anything.

It's just all---

- [Jeremy] You're not even writing an HDI Spark

or doing any of that stuff.

- [Justyna] No, and I promise you

we can go into Spark over here

and we can refresh this page over here

and we can take a quick look and see

that there's an active job that has just been kicked off.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] We can go into this.

We can kind of double click

and we can see indeed we are running a query

for Abigail Johnson.

- [Jeremy] Right.

- [Justyna] And so this is actually

two amazing enterprise reporting features coming together.

The first one is composite models.

So if I hover over this table over here

you see this is a direct query table

operating against HDI Spark.

And over here, when I hover over this,

you can see that this is actually an imported table.

So we're able to now, in Power BI, bring you

connections from both import mode as well as direct query

inside one report.

- [Jeremy] And there's Abigail's travel steps

and all of the different spots where she checked in


- [Justyna] Yes.

- [Jeremy] So very cool.

So you were able to slice into data

even if it wasn't cached locally.

It just took a couple of seconds to run.

Not too shabby in terms of going through that trillion rows.

So you mentioned that you can bring in also,

and we did mention this,

sequel server reporting services reports

also into Power BI.

I know a lot of people are using that.

In fact, I saw quite a few people here were using that.

How do we bring in existing reporting so it's

interactive in the Power BI?

- [Justyna] Yes, so over here I'm inside my Power BI

workspace like I always am.

I'm gonna navigate over to my reports

and what you'll notice is we actually have

a new type of report icon that has appeared over here.

- [Jeremy] Oh, okay.

- [Justyna] And I can drill into, let's say

my employee sales summary

and these are essentially my SSRS reports

appearing directly inside the Power BI service.

So these are pixel perfect, paginated reports.

They have interactive headers, footers, page breaks.

You can export them to PDF.

All of the features,

it's a full package, directly inside the Power BI service,

which I know a lot of people have been asking for.

- [Jeremy] So this is one of those things,

you don't have to use copy and paste

and grab like a screen snip of your SSRS report

- [Justyna] No.

- [Jeremy] and stuff it in there because

that's what a lot of people were doing that

I've heard at least.

Hopefully you don't do that.

But now you can actually get it to work and be interactive.

So it sounds like a lot of people

are actually going to be able to then

get a lot of value in this case

in terms of aggregating and unifying all that reporting

into Power BI in terms of one place to look at

both your SSRS as well as your Power BI reporting.

- [Justyna] Yeah, and they can basically collide

all their BR artifacts inside the Power BI workspace.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So lots of great updates.

Everybody like what you see here at Power BI?


- [Jeremy] All right.

So we're bringing all the AI and reasoning and visualizing

over massive amounts of data as we saw here.

You can also use AI

and if you're new to Power BI you can either

start learning at Power

or even take it to the next level.

This is probably the best recommendation

in terms of where you can get started, right?

- [Justyna] Yeah, pretty much.

Definitely check out Power

You can find video tutorials.

We encourage you to download the latest version of the

Power BI desktop

and check out the blog.

We always post new updates of all the new capabilities.

- [Jeremy] Thanks, Justyne.

And, of course, keep watching Microsoft Mechanics

as we continue to follow Power BI.

That's all the time we have for this show.

We'll see you next time.


(enthusiastic techno music)

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Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Said, no more counting dollars

We'll be counting stars

Yeah, we'll be counting stars

I see this life like a swinging vine

Swing my heart across the line

And in my face is flashing signs

Seek it out and ye' shall find

Old, but I'm not that old

Young, but I'm not that bold

And I don't think the world is sold

On just doing what we're told

I feel something so right

By doing the wrong thing

And I feel something so wrong

By doing the right thing

I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Said, no more counting dollars

We'll be counting stars

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Said, no more counting dollars

We'll be, we'll be counting stars

I feel the love and I feel it burn

Down this river, every turn

Hope is our four-letter word

Make that money, watch it burn

Old, but I'm not that old

Young, but I'm not that bold

And I don't think the world is sold

On just doing what we're told

And I feel something so wrong

By doing the right thing

I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie

Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Said, no more counting dollars

We'll be counting stars

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Said, no more counting dollars

We'll be, we'll be counting stars

Oh, take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Said, no more counting dollars

We'll be counting stars

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Said, no more counting dollars

We'll be, we'll be counting stars

Take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Take that money, watch it burn

Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

For more infomation >> OneRepublic - Counting Stars (Letra e Tradução) - AMV - Duration: 4:15.


Últimas notícia de hoje : MARCO MAIA: OS BRASILEIROS NÃO SUPORTAM A POLÍTICA DO ÓDIO - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : MARCO MAIA: OS BRASILEIROS NÃO SUPORTAM A POLÍTICA DO ÓDIO - Duration: 2:34.


영어듣기연습 #17: 빡세지만 제대로 효과있음 (딕테이션, 쉐도잉을 편리하게) - Duration: 18:52.

For more infomation >> 영어듣기연습 #17: 빡세지만 제대로 효과있음 (딕테이션, 쉐도잉을 편리하게) - Duration: 18:52.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 - Duration: 1:10.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Coupé Automaat AMG Line - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Coupé Automaat AMG Line - Duration: 1:09.


World's Most Expensive Shoes Cost $17 Million - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> World's Most Expensive Shoes Cost $17 Million - Duration: 0:32.


JPom - Purpose (feat. Slyleaf) - Duration: 5:18.

Don't forget to hit that like button if you enjoy the music!

For more infomation >> JPom - Purpose (feat. Slyleaf) - Duration: 5:18.


Peugeot 308 1.2 e-THP Blue Lease Premium - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.2 e-THP Blue Lease Premium - Duration: 1:05.


Ebookathon announcement - Duration: 2:47.

Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well!

Today I'm announcing a readathon I'll co-host in October, called Ebookathon.

The point of Ebookathon is for us to tackle the books we have pending in our e-readers.

May them be kindles, iPads or cellphones.

Because sometimes, as we cannot see them physically, we forget them and end up not reading them in a long time.

This is the 2nd time this readathon takes place. It began in May from this year.

The original creators are Brooke and Victoria. But this time Lexi, Becky and I have joined in.

You can find links to each of their instagram accounts in the description box down below.

It will take place from the 14th to the 20th of October. And we have 6 challenges.

The 1st one is the Buddy Read we'll be reading, which is The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

The 2nd challenge is Daily Deal Impulse Day.

A book you bought impulsively which you didn't plan on buying before but maybe you saw it really cheap, or you loved the cover, etc…

The 3rd challenge is Try a New Author.

The 4th challenge is to read The Oldest Book in Your Kindle. Or any e-reader you have.

The 5th challenge is Free Choice.

And the 6th challenge is to read a book with an Ugly Cover. And that's why you haven't read it yet.

You can mix the challenges, even mix them with other readathons because in October there will be a lot.

So don't worry, this is not that strict.

In fact, I'm reading the physical copy for the buddy read.

Because I already had it and there's no point on having the e-book.

We chose this book for the buddy-read because it's easy and cheap to get for e-book.

Actually I think it's for free on Amazon.

We'll also have Instagram challenges.

The 14th is Sock Sunday Featuring E-book.

The 15th is Book and Fall Leaves.

Or if you live somewhere where it isn't autumn, or autumn doesn't manifest itself as effusively.

It's enough with a book in nature with whichever way the season is showing were you live.

The 16th is Book and Candles.

The 17th is Your Fave Reading Spot.

The 18th is E-book and Fave Fall Drink.

The 19th is E-book and Cozy Sweater.

The 20th is E-book and shelfie.

Shelfie is a photo of your bookshelf, so the photo needs to have your e-book and your bookshelf.

Those are all the challenges.

In the twitter account for Ebookathon we'll be hosting reading sprints, if you want to join in. And also share your TBR's.

Remember to use the hashtag #ebookathon for the instagram challenges so we can see everything you're uploading.

And also remember that all the info I said here is in the description box down below,

so you can take a screenshot and have it on hand.

If you're planning on joining in, let me know in the comments. And remember it's from the 14th to the 20th of October.

Thanks for watching this video, see you in the next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Ebookathon announcement - Duration: 2:47.


Últimas notícia de hoje : CORREIA: A IDEOLOGIA FASCISTA DO ÓDIO SERÁ DERROTADA - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : CORREIA: A IDEOLOGIA FASCISTA DO ÓDIO SERÁ DERROTADA - Duration: 2:32.


Vinnix Studios 🔥Branding - Duration: 0:58.


You can see a logo has many components

Either a logotype which is the typography of a logo

The colors

But the most important is having a concept behind

You can see I've made a modern minimal lines

turning to a number 7

In this case the construction

is the raw material of this business

So if you can see closely

In a construction blueprint

You can see it has the same style

Which inspired me

to create

This logo for B7 Real State

For more infomation >> Vinnix Studios 🔥Branding - Duration: 0:58.


Rockmaster-Batalha de Um mundo Esquecido-Uma Obra-Prima do Metal Sinfônico Gravada em Português ! - Duration: 14:16.

Rockmaster presents:

Battle of a forgotten world

In the distraction of a moment, prison of thought

Infinite universe, bodies in motion

Trying to escape a watchful eye

Are my memories thrown in the wind

Fighting in the battle of a forgotten world

In the conflicts of life i don't surrender

Monsters and demons fall by my sword

Before me the gods are nothing


Time is no longer my friend

and old age seems...

More like a punishment

My sweat dripping on daily bread

All this takes a little of my joy


Breaking walls, steel chains

I try my best to avoid failure

Everything i have is not enough

For lost treasures my quest is constant

Walking through the valley of darkness

I'm another sinner looking for forgiveness

I'm going to destroy the sky and burn your land

I have no rest in the shadow of war


I'm the warrior who never gives up

Brought by the clouds with the power of thunder

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

To defeat the giants, this is my mission

I'm the warrior who never gives up

Brought by the clouds with the power of thunder

tooth for tooth, life for life

Reborn from the ashes on the force of the song

I want to erase from the memory what was left behind

A vision of the impossible to conquer peace

I see in my heart a hidden feeling, something that long ago...

is asleep

Stars guide me on a cold night

Spears and arrows, dragons and lions

I can't fill my empty mind

Wizards and witches, hallucinations

Oh yeah

I navigate rivers, oceans and seas

looking for answers that nobody has

Solving mysteries and solar maps

Of ignorance i'm no longer hostage

No no

To defend my beliefs i fight with grit

I'm invigorated in guitar power

Solitude accompanies me in the crowd

But my faith is assurance of salvation

I'm the warrior who never gives up

Brought by the clouds with the power of thunder

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

To defeat the giants, this is my mission

I'm the warrior who never gives up

Brought by the clouds with the power of thunder

tooth for tooth, life for life

Reborn from the ashes on the force of the song


Now all that's left is just revenge

It's very difficult to do good

Only in my dreams i find hope

Sooner or later i know that death comes


I'm the warrior who longs for honor and glory

Betting on luck...

and chasing victory

I'm the one who will plunder hell

To free souls trapped in eternal fire

My armor is of gold

My sword is of silver

My shield is of bronze...

I'm one more against eleven

Happy is he who hears the sound of my voice

For my enemies the destruction is fierce

I see kingdoms falling on doomsday

Dust and blood reveal the defeat of evil

I'm the warrior who never gives up

Brought by the clouds with the power of thunder

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

To defeat the giants, this is my mission

I'm the warrior who never gives up

Brought by the clouds with the power of thunder

tooth for tooth, life for life

Reborn from the ashes on the force of the song

In the force of the song



For more infomation >> Rockmaster-Batalha de Um mundo Esquecido-Uma Obra-Prima do Metal Sinfônico Gravada em Português ! - Duration: 14:16.


Nightcore「Lyrics/8D」→ Diamond Heart (Alan Walker) - Duration: 2:59.

Nightcore「Lyrics/8D」→ Diamond Heart (Alan Walker)

For more infomation >> Nightcore「Lyrics/8D」→ Diamond Heart (Alan Walker) - Duration: 2:59.


Gott freut sich auf ein Gespräch mit dir – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 25:13.

For more infomation >> Gott freut sich auf ein Gespräch mit dir – Joyce Meyer – Mit Jesus den Alltag meistern - Duration: 25:13.


Kavanaugh will be appointed to Supreme Court: Sen. Bill Cassidy - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh will be appointed to Supreme Court: Sen. Bill Cassidy - Duration: 3:20.


Volvo V60 2.4 D6 PiH R-DESIGN 7% BIJTELLING EXCL BTW RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.4 D6 PiH R-DESIGN 7% BIJTELLING EXCL BTW RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:14.


Volvo V60 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk Aut8 R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + LEER/ALCANTARA + AFN.T - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk Aut8 R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + LEER/ALCANTARA + AFN.T - Duration: 1:15.


"God help the next nominee" if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, says Graham - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> "God help the next nominee" if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, says Graham - Duration: 0:58.


Power BI updates: Fusing AI and data visualization | Microsoft Ignite 2018 - Duration: 18:47.

(enthusiastic techno music)

- Hello and welcome back to Microsoft Mechanics Live.

Today we're gonna take a look at the

infusion of AI and data visualization using

Power BI, the latest in enterprise scale reporting

including some things like AI generated automated insights.

First time native integrations with cognitive services

as you query your data,

new extensibility option if you're a data scientist,

and advances in reporting against big, big data sets

as well as the ability to visualize SSRS reports

within Power BI and interact with them and even more.

To do that, I'm joined by Justyna Lucznik

from the Power BI team.

Give her a big welcome.


- Thank you.

It's good to be on the show.

- [Jeremy] Thank you.

So it's your first time on the show.

- [Justyna] Yes.

- [Jeremy] And we have an awesome audience here.

They are all using Power BI it sounded like.

So we're seeing more and more services really

across Microsoft taking in artificial intelligence

and AI and Power BI is really no exception to that, right?

- Yeah, absolutely.

So we're thinking carefully

about how we can take core Power BI capabilities,

like data visualization and data modeling,

and really combine them with AI

to create these immersive experiences.

And I really think we're taking things to the next level.

We're catering for all of our different Power BI users,

ranging from the business users, to the analysts,

and to the data scientists.

So for our business users,

as a user interacts with the report,

we're going to have machine learning

reasoning over the data and surface interesting insights.

As an analyst, you can directly apply AI enrichments

like cognitive services during your smart data prep.

And as a data scientist, with heightened integration

of product, you can now more easily use machine learning

to experiment and visualize on top of your data.

- So, again, whether you're just a Power BI user

or a data scientist, AI really becomes, in many respects,

more accessible.

And you can even--

can you walk us through actually some examples here?

- [Justyna] Yes, sure.

- [Jeremy] Everybody wants to see a demo of this.

- [Justyna] Yes, so let's start with our business user

and automated insights.

So here we have a report about Hawai'i Tourism.

And generally as a business user, what I do inside Power BI

I slice and dice my report

to try and uncover some hidden trends.

But what we're doing with Power BI

is we're trying to automate finding insights for you.

So over here I'm looking at visits by date

and I see a sort of drop in visits in U.S. West.

What I can do with Power BI

is simply right click on the visual,

select analyze, and explain the decrease.

Power BI is going to automatically find

interesting insights for me here.

- [Jeremy] And the red's probably

not a good thing there, right?

- [Justyna] No, no, those are the dips.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] And over here we also as of August

are allowing you to ask questions

directly from inside the Power BI report.

So I can click on this button over here

and we automatically see some suggested questions

prepared by our analysts.

- [Jeremy] This is really cool because before

if you were a Power BI user, this is something that you did

kind of at the top level of your Power BI dashboard.

You did that from the browser as opposed to

from the desktop client.

[Justyna] Yes, so we're trying to make the

Q&A experience a lot more intuitive.

So I can, of course, type in my natural language questions.

Imagine I want to look for something like

this is my trip purpose.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] Power BI is going to plot this automatically

for me.

But something new that's coming into the product

that hasn't been released yet

is this concept of asking a followup question.

So Power BI retains the context of my question

and I can ask a natural language question

or Power BI actually uses the same insights engine

to proactively prompt me with questions

that might be interesting to me.

So I can, for example, ask

what affects this distribution

and Power BI give me automatic insights.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So directly within Power BI you're getting kind of

machine learning, generated insights.

Even trying to predict the next question.

If you're using Excel,

and I think a lot of people probably are,

it looks a little bit similar to the ideas capability

and some of the insights that we can do in Excel

but we're actually finding data points that are interesting

as part of your data sets.

Now we saw that also demonstrated recently with

Jack Elmore when we shared all the different

AI capabilities within Office.

So how does this differ from Excel?

- [Justyna] Yes, so this uses very similar

machine learning capabilities in the backhand.

So you're going to see more and more synergy

coming between our self-service products

with Power BI, of course, being the most advanced.

[Jeremy] Okay, no bias, okay.

So you mentioned also new support for data analysts,

and there's probably a lot of data analysts out here,

so what are you doing there?

[Justyna] Yeah, so this is where we're really combining

Power BI, the power of Power BI, with the

actual ecosystem to unlock some amazing experiences.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] So continuing with our Hawaii story line

over here we have the data set and the report

that's looking at hotel room use.

And you can see this Power BI report is kind of

different from usual.

It's kind of--

- [Jeremy] Unstructured-ish in terms of the data set.

- [Justyna] It is very unstructured-ish

so we have a bunch of natural kind of text fields.

Over here we have some images.

Generally in Power BI I'm used to slicing and dicing my data

so let's see how we can use--

- [Jeremy] Right.

- [Justyna] AI transforms to create some more structure

for this data.

- [Jeremy] Okay, let's do it.

- [Justyna] Yeah, so let's go ahead and navigate

to the Power BI service.

So here you see something called a data flow

and this is going to be coming soon to Power BI.

This is our self-service enterprise data prep capabilities.

And as part of a data flow,

what you can do is actually add AI insights.

And so I'm going to select this button over here.

And you can see when I click on AI insights

this is going to come up with a list of functions

that I can call,

including things like cognitive services.

- [Jeremy] And are these actually in box?

Are these something you have to add or

is this included in this function?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so the cognitive services are

all included in box.

- [Jeremy] Okay, very cool, very cool.

And the things up on the top folder,

is that something that you can add then if you've got

your own models?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so imagine you have data scientists

in your organization who have built

custom machine learning models,

you can actually bring your azure machine learning models

directly into Power BI.

- [Jeremy] Okay, cool.

So that way, if you have Python or something--

We're going to show that, I think, in a little bit

in terms of what you can do to add stuff

but how does all this work then?

How do I actually add cognitive services

to some of my reports to really put some structure

against that data?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so let's take a look.

So imagine we have hotel reviews, as we saw in the

side Power BI report

imagine I want to actually score sentiment on top of them.

All I have to do is find my text reviews field over here,

I do have to select which language I have

because this is not yet released.

In release, we'll actually detect the language.

All I have to do is invoke this function,

wait a couple of seconds,

and we're just going to create

a new calculated column for you inside this data flow

with all of your sentiment calculated

so you can see that right over here.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So you can tell that an analyst then

would be able to leverage all of this

without needing to understand machine learning

or ML or write any code.

These are all inbox, kind of really easy to call functions

that are just linked to various columns that you had

in your data set.

- [Justyna] Yeah, precisely.

Now imagine we wanted to use azure machine learning.

So in this particular example

my data scientist has gone ahead and built

this image classification model for doing,

image classification for hotel images.

And so I need to just select my image column over here,

again, I just want to invoke this function,

wait a couple of seconds,

and you're going to see, we basically have

a column with a bunch of URLs over here.

We can just expand this out

by selecting this button over here.

Wait a couple of seconds,

press okay, and basically we go through all the image URLs,

we score this, and you're going to see

all of the image tags appear inside my data set here.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So does an analyst then have to apply these functions

every single time they transform new data?

- [Justyna] No, the great thing is

these transforms just become power query steps

which all our analysts are pretty familiar with.

And so every time your data refreshes

these cognitive services and azure machine learning models

will just run on top of your data.

So, okay, we're going back to my odd, unstructured report.

And, I'm going to just go ahead--

- [Jeremy] Some interesting pictures there.

Some good and some kind of weird.

- [Justyna] Yeah, yeah.

So, you know, let's actually try and analyze these.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] So I'm going to just drag over

to sentiment score over here.

And I'm gonna actually plot this by the hotel names

that I have inside my data set.

And you can very quickly see which hotels have

high sentiment and which ones are maybe not as popular.

I can click on them and cross filter my data

very easily.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] But what I can also do is

bring in the image tags

that the machine learning model has found.

And so over here you can see all the different things

that the machine learning model has picked up.

- [Jeremy] And those are just sorted alphabetically now?

- [Justyna] Apparently yes.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] They are sorted alphabetically

but what we can also do

is actually bring in the sentiment score

and cross correlate these together.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] And now they're ranked by sentiment.

- [Jeremy] Oh, I see.

It looks like AC is at the bottom

and the beach is at the top.

That kinda makes sense.

- [Justyna] Yeah, yes.

So if you look at something like water view,

for example, you see a bunch of nice water views

but you have rightfully pointed out

AC is all the way at the bottom

and if we click on AC we see some pictures of

broken, dirty, loud ACs.

You know, I guess that makes sense.

If you're on holiday and you're taking a picture of an AC

there's probably something going on.

- [Jeremy] I think the last thing we want to do

while we're on vacation or even, you know,

while we're traveling in general, is be taking

pictures of AC units.

That means we're pretty dissatisfied with our hotel.

- [Justyna] Yes, I would say so.

And they're also mostly coming from Hotel 4.

So this is, again, kind of a question mark for me.

- [Jeremy] Right, so in this case we saw

that it actually translated

both structured and unstructured data

into a unified data set that we could actually

start to analyze and visualize using Power BI.

It's really good practical use case, in this case if you're

running a hotel, using cognitive services

directly with Power BI

and extending the learning and insights that it can do

even using that unstructured data set.

So the next level then is obviously

taking AI driven data models

and bringing them into Power BI

to further visualize that data

and actually extend the visualization capabilities

of Power BI.

What can I do there to support data scientists?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so for our data scientists

we're really looking for Power BI to be

a natural integration point with other data science tools

such as R.

And many data scientists, of course, also use Python

so as of October

we've introduced Python integration to the product, too.

So you can now use Python's grids to connect to your data.

You can plot Python visualizations

and also you can do Python power query transforms.

So everything that you can do with R,

you can now do with Python inside the desktop.

And this unlocks a ton of possibilities

ranging from creating Python machine learning models

during your data prep to

plotting Python visualizations

which don't exist in Power BI.

- [Jeremy] Right.

- [Justyna] So let me actually--

- [Jeremy] Let's see what it looks like

to use some Python in this case.

- [Justyna] Yeah, so let's flip back

to this report for a second and let's get to a new page.

In this case, I want to plot something called a swarm plot

which doesn't exist in Power BI

and I want to plot this Python script over here

which I'm just going to copy.

- [Jeremy] And of course you've got some Python handy.

- [Justyna] Yes, of course.

For the purpose of time, of course.

And so I can select this Python visualization

right over here.

All I have to do is do my data bindings

like I would do with any other Power BI visualizations.

So I'm going to select my index column over here.

I'm going to select season and I'm going to select

average temperatures

and what I want to plot is the spread of temperatures

across seasons for Hawai'i islands.

And so I'm going to go back

and select my Python visual over here and the index.

And the one other thing I'm gonna do

is make sure my data isn't summarized

because I'm really interested in plotting the spread

in this specific case.

So I'm just going to select the don't summarize buttons.

Okay, now all I have to do is copy in my script over here.

Let's make this a little bit bigger

so that we can actually see the plot

and now I just hit run.

And now Power BI is gonna go ahead

and run this Python script.

It's going to take a couple of seconds

and it's going to basically plot my swarm plot

which is going to be looking at a bunch of seasons

and the spread of temperatures.

- [Jeremy] And there it is.

- [Justyna] Yeah, there it is.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

You can even interact with this, right?

- [Justyna] Yeah, because, you know, Power BI

is all about interactivity.

What I can do, for example, is select Maui

as the island I'm interested in

and the visual, the Python visual, will just

go ahead and cross filter.

- [Jeremy] Awesome.

So what then we can do in terms of advancing our insights

and using our data within Power BI

using machine learning,

why don't we switch gears though

and take a look at what we're doing to support

I think the next hottest topic other than AI

big data and lots of people have a lot of data

that they're trying to slice and dice through and visualize,

what are we doing there?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so with big data sets it used to be

that analysis services and reporting services were all

completely separate.

What we're doing with Power BI

is we're breaking down these silos

and we're actually bringing azure analysis services

directly into Power BI to offer a single self-service

BI platform for enterprise reporting.

And this is, I think, the biggest scalability feature

we have ever introduced to the product.

- [Jeremy] All right.

So how big does it scale?

- [Justyna] So we are going to be hopefully showing you

plotting a trillion rows of data,

which is a quarter of a petabyte of data.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

Why don't you show us what it looks like?

And we're going to do some things with SSRS

in a bit as well, right?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so beyond scale, we're also allowing you

to very easily bring your SSRS reports

directly into the Power BI service.

And we'll do a demo of that, too.

- [Jeremy] All right, let's start with

what you're doing to support these massive data sets

and these massive scale sets.

You said a trillion rows.

- [Justyna] Yes.

- [Jeremy] So I want to see you do this

because I don't know if you can do actually

a trillion rows.

We did a billion last time

and that was already impressive.

- [Justyna] We did do a billion, yeah.

- [Jeremy] Show me a trillion.

- [Justyna] So I'm going to try to do a trillion

in five minutes.

- [Jeremy] Okay, let's try to do that.

- [Justyna] Okay.

In this particular scenario

we are looking at data coming from a smartphone app.

This is looking at a courier service and its

crowd source and so we're actually emitting

driver's locations.

And so if we look at this location count over here

this is going to count how many rows of data we have

inside this data set.

And so I'm gonna casually drag this onto the canvas.

I'm going to make this into a card.

I'm not lying to you, Jeremy.

We have a trillion rows of data here.

- [Jeremy] One trillion rows.

- [Justyna] One trillion rows, yes.

- [Jeremy] Right, and so

are we going to be able to query against this though

because it's a lot?

- [Justyna] Yeah, well.

- [Jeremy] You've got time.

- [Justyna] Let's go.

Let's give it a try.

So let's go ahead and plot something like

distance traveled.

We can plot it by activity date.

Let's go ahead and make this bigger.

Let's maybe change the visualization type.

Let's add something like miles per job

and let's actually drag miles into job into the legend.

And so you can see the query time is instantaneous.

It's like slicing and dicing through butter.

- [Jeremy] It does seem like

you're actually querying through thousands of rows maybe,

not trillions of rows.

So what's the trick to get all this to work

and be so fast in this case?

- [Justyna] Yeah, so what we're actually doing here

is we're caching the data inside Power BI like we always do

but we're actually caching the data

at the aggregated layer

and this is a new feature.

It's a new modeling feature called aggregations.

And so this allows us

to unlock these kinds of massive data sets

at essentially a fraction of the memory requirements.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So we're able to kind of intelligently cache that

even if you do a few steps

in terms of getting the right cache in place.

What happens then if I need to

query against stuff that might not be in the cache

that I've kind of set up as part of the aggregation step

before this?

- [Justyna] Yeah, okay.

So let's take a look.

So let's go ahead and flip this measure on.

This is showing me all the drivers

who have left the company.

And I'm going to just filter on December 23.

And what I'm going to do

is I'm going to plot a driver name over here

and I'm just going to make this table

a little bit smaller.

And I'm going to add distance traveled as well.

And so now I'm going to go and scroll through this table

and find one driver over here.

So this is Abigail Johnson.

So she left the company, she drove over 50 miles

on December 23 so I was able to kind of go down

to that level.

And now what I want to do is I want to actually

drill through on Abigail.

And I'm going to drill through

into this second report page.

And now we're no longer hitting the cache.

We have to go against the direct query basically.

And this is going against HDI Spark.

And so what you've noticed is I didn't have to go

into some other report or do anything.

It's just all---

- [Jeremy] You're not even writing an HDI Spark

or doing any of that stuff.

- [Justyna] No, and I promise you

we can go into Spark over here

and we can refresh this page over here

and we can take a quick look and see

that there's an active job that has just been kicked off.

- [Jeremy] Okay.

- [Justyna] We can go into this.

We can kind of double click

and we can see indeed we are running a query

for Abigail Johnson.

- [Jeremy] Right.

- [Justyna] And so this is actually

two amazing enterprise reporting features coming together.

The first one is composite models.

So if I hover over this table over here

you see this is a direct query table

operating against HDI Spark.

And over here, when I hover over this,

you can see that this is actually an imported table.

So we're able to now, in Power BI, bring you

connections from both import mode as well as direct query

inside one report.

- [Jeremy] And there's Abigail's travel steps

and all of the different spots where she checked in


- [Justyna] Yes.

- [Jeremy] So very cool.

So you were able to slice into data

even if it wasn't cached locally.

It just took a couple of seconds to run.

Not too shabby in terms of going through that trillion rows.

So you mentioned that you can bring in also,

and we did mention this,

sequel server reporting services reports

also into Power BI.

I know a lot of people are using that.

In fact, I saw quite a few people here were using that.

How do we bring in existing reporting so it's

interactive in the Power BI?

- [Justyna] Yes, so over here I'm inside my Power BI

workspace like I always am.

I'm gonna navigate over to my reports

and what you'll notice is we actually have

a new type of report icon that has appeared over here.

- [Jeremy] Oh, okay.

- [Justyna] And I can drill into, let's say

my employee sales summary

and these are essentially my SSRS reports

appearing directly inside the Power BI service.

So these are pixel perfect, paginated reports.

They have interactive headers, footers, page breaks.

You can export them to PDF.

All of the features,

it's a full package, directly inside the Power BI service,

which I know a lot of people have been asking for.

- [Jeremy] So this is one of those things,

you don't have to use copy and paste

and grab like a screen snip of your SSRS report

- [Justyna] No.

- [Jeremy] and stuff it in there because

that's what a lot of people were doing that

I've heard at least.

Hopefully you don't do that.

But now you can actually get it to work and be interactive.

So it sounds like a lot of people

are actually going to be able to then

get a lot of value in this case

in terms of aggregating and unifying all that reporting

into Power BI in terms of one place to look at

both your SSRS as well as your Power BI reporting.

- [Justyna] Yeah, and they can basically collide

all their BR artifacts inside the Power BI workspace.

- [Jeremy] Very cool.

So lots of great updates.

Everybody like what you see here at Power BI?


- [Jeremy] All right.

So we're bringing all the AI and reasoning and visualizing

over massive amounts of data as we saw here.

You can also use AI

and if you're new to Power BI you can either

start learning at Power

or even take it to the next level.

This is probably the best recommendation

in terms of where you can get started, right?

- [Justyna] Yeah, pretty much.

Definitely check out Power

You can find video tutorials.

We encourage you to download the latest version of the

Power BI desktop

and check out the blog.

We always post new updates of all the new capabilities.

- [Jeremy] Thanks, Justyne.

And, of course, keep watching Microsoft Mechanics

as we continue to follow Power BI.

That's all the time we have for this show.

We'll see you next time.


(enthusiastic techno music)

For more infomation >> Power BI updates: Fusing AI and data visualization | Microsoft Ignite 2018 - Duration: 18:47.


#孔子最大的限制是什麼? (感情聖化要理問答131問) - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> #孔子最大的限制是什麼? (感情聖化要理問答131問) - Duration: 1:32.


Kia Optima - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Optima - Duration: 1:07.


Yamaha YZF R25 Yamaha R25 Facelift 2019 Tampil Agresif, Lampu LED Body Tajam - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Yamaha YZF R25 Yamaha R25 Facelift 2019 Tampil Agresif, Lampu LED Body Tajam - Duration: 3:38.


Kia Carens - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Kia Carens - Duration: 0:46.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT 5DRS /Airco/1e Eig/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V COMFORT 5DRS /Airco/1e Eig/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 0:46.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI Comfortline | 5drs. | navi | airco | garantie | - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI Comfortline | 5drs. | navi | airco | garantie | - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive Plus | Navigatie | LMV - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive Plus | Navigatie | LMV - Duration: 1:13.


SCUM пытаемся убить РОБОТА ! )))) - Duration: 9:00:04.

For more infomation >> SCUM пытаемся убить РОБОТА ! )))) - Duration: 9:00:04.


СОЛО СТРИМ,ЛБЗ 2.0 - Duration: 2:07:18.

For more infomation >> СОЛО СТРИМ,ЛБЗ 2.0 - Duration: 2:07:18.


Why Meltan is the Best Pokémon Ever! [KOTOR'S SOAPBOX] - Duration: 6:21.

Cast your mind back to the world before the internet.

Well, not really before the internet, but rather, to before you were old and tech savvy

enough to use this wondrous tool to suck all the fun out of Pokemon.

Remember what it was like when you first discovered the world of Pocket Monsters.

When every episode of the cartoon series introduced you to a wonderful new friend.

When peeling back the foil on a fresh packet of cards brought ten or eleven tiny slices

of beautiful artwork, and the excitement of discovering a shiny new rarity to add to your


Rumors circulated on the playground about how to catch 'em all.

Depending on the era in which you first became aware of Pokemon, you might have heard of

a secret truck near the SS Anne, or of the all-powerful Pokegods, or of Pikablu, or MissingNo.

You might have heard that there was some way to blast into space to capture Deoxys, or

that a strange creature named Rotom lived in an abandoned mansion.

Some of these rumors were true, and some were not.

It didn't necessarily matter – all fed the urban myths surrounding this game series,

and made the world of Pokemon feel tangible and immediate.

Who knew what lurked out there in the wild woods and fields?

All you could be certain of, was that there were plenty more mysteries to be uncovered.

But, then, you became aware of the internet, and suddenly, that which was once obscure

and uncertain became disappointingly concrete.

The creators of the Pokemon games have always found it difficult to keep up with the internet.

They've always tried their best to inject a sense of uncertainty into their games, but

alas, the world's largest information network is just too good at spreading knowledge.

Even, and indeed, especially, knowledge that is better left unspoiled.

Maybe a certain Pokemon is only available at certain times of the day, or on certain

days of the week.

Maybe it's only present on select, randomly chosen tiles within the overworld, its location

inexplicably tied to a trendy phrase that's been picked by islanders who live on the other

side of the world.

Or maybe, a Pokemon isn't present in the game at all, and can only be obtained through

a special download event.

No matter what, earnest Pokemaniacs find these hidden secrets.

They pore through the game's code, unlocking all its wonders, so that a week or so after

the release of any main series Pokemon game, it's possible to visit Bulbapedia and learn

everything you ever wanted to know – and more – about what secrets await you in a

particular game.

If you're anything like me, you might have at first found the internet to be a very useful

tool, before eventually getting tired of just how boring it makes the process of Pokemon


Especially when, in order to keep up with the internet's ability to unpack and scrutinize

the Pokemon world, Game Freak has simply resorted to making Pokemon training more tedious.

I honestly think the world would be a better place if nobody understood what an IV or an

EV is, or how pokeball capture rates work.

But then comes Meltan, and for the first time in decades, I'm genuinely filled with a

childhood sense of wonder and curiosity about what's coming next.

Many Pokemon have been introduced to us in an unorthodox fashion, particularly through

the anime series.

If you're old enough to remember the first series of the show when it was new, you were

aware of Togepi long before the Pokemon was ever available to catch and train.

The same goes for Ho-Oh, Snubbull, and the amazing scene at the start of the first movie

when Bulbasaur fights a Donphan, and we all shouted in the excitement of seeing such a

cool new Pokemon in action.

Then, there was Bonsly, who appeared in a cameo role in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness,

a generation before it could be caught in a game.

These fun Pokemon reveals have always caught the public imagination, because they help

to hint at an even larger world that is still full of mystery.

But Meltan is something new.

For the first time ever, Pokemon trainers stumbled upon a mysterious creature that had

no name and no explanation.

What was this thing?

Was it a glitch?

Or a brand new pocket monster that had yet to be revealed?

Eventually, it was revealed that Meltan was here to stay, and suddenly a series of urban

legends became canon.

It was one of those rare moments in gaming where fan theories actually proved to be true.

I love this.

I love that Pokemon Go is such a fantastic breeding ground for these kinds of stories.

Back when this game first arrived, we all rushed around, eager to catch as many Pokemon

as we could.

But nobody involved with the game seemed particularly interested in explaining what we had to do.

I remember rushing around a park with a friend, trying to figure out how to even trigger a

Pokemon encounter, unable to even understand how to interpret the information on the screen

before me.

What did these footprints mean?

Where did I need to go?

What were Pokestops, and how was I supposed to interact with them?

Pokemon Go's design back then was frustrating in its obscure vagary, but it also helped

to create a sense of wonder and awe.

Fellow players would share tips and tricks about how to find certain creatures, both

online and in the real world.

If you'd just spotted a rare Clefairy, you'd tell random strangers where to go in order

to find one for themselves.

I am so pleased that this sense of mystery is returning to Pokemon.

The benefit of an MMO that's set in this world is that new mystery elements can be

added with each update, so we didn't instantly learn everything about the game within five

minutes of its release.

This means that Niantic can slip in a new Pokemon like Meltan without anyone being any

the wise, until the specific time that it is meant to be revealed.

Now, I'll be honest, I don't play Pokemon Go anymore.

Our household enjoyed one wonderful summer playing the game (it really was the highlight

of the otherwise miserable 2016), but eventually, we put it down and didn't return.

Part of this was because the weather got cold.

More importantly, though, I'd burned through my phone battery so fast, so often, that it

was starting to get a lot less use out of every charge.

I just couldn't justify wearing out my device in the hopes of catching a Pikachu (which

I never managed).

Also, I accidently mulched my prize Lapras, named Ludo, into candy.

I'll never forget you, sleep well sweet prince.

But just as I've never played much EVE Online but I enjoy hearing stories of player exploits,

I consider Pokemon GO a fantastic spectator sport.

I love hearing the rumors and secrets and urban myths that spring up around the game,

and the mystery surrounding Meltan was particularly exciting.

I can only hope that Game Freak continues to use the game to bring us new innovations

within the Pokemon world.

These kinds of cultural talking points are what make the game feel surprising and genuinely


Because, for better or worse, we all live in a Pokemon world.

You or I will never be the greatest master of them all, but nonetheless, it's fun to


Urban myths like Meltan are what make this quest truly worth the effort.

For more infomation >> Why Meltan is the Best Pokémon Ever! [KOTOR'S SOAPBOX] - Duration: 6:21.


Be Still (Acoustic) - Hillsong Worship - Duration: 4:19.

Be still and know That the Lord is in control

Be still my soul Stand and watch as giants fall

I won't be afraid You are here

You silence all my fear

I won't be afraid You don't let go

Be still my heart and know

I won't be afraid

Be still and trust What the Lord has said is done

Find rest don't strive Watch as faith and grace align

I won't be afraid You are here

You silence all my fear

I won't be afraid You don't let go

Be still my heart and know

I won't be afraid

I won't be afraid

Surely love and mercy Your peace and kindness

Will follow me Will follow me

Surely love and mercy Your peace and kindness

Will follow me Will follow me

Surely love and mercy Your peace and kindness

Will follow me Will follow me

Surely love and mercy Your peace and kindness

Will follow me Will follow me

Your love surrounds me Your love surrounds me here

For more infomation >> Be Still (Acoustic) - Hillsong Worship - Duration: 4:19.


How I Film Fishing Videos. - Duration: 15:32.

Welcome back

Guys, we're doing a little bit of a different vlog today. We got Nick ants from thrive visuals

he is filming today and

We are doing behind the scenes on how to vlog how to make a fishing video how I like to make vlogs necessarily

Not necessarily the right way

But it's how I like to do it

I'm going to show you the different gear I use and kind of the mindset of going into a day knowing I'm gonna film

So something I don't talk about much that I'm crazy about is gear I'm a gear guy I love lenses

I love cameras and it's something I want to talk a little more about in this video. So I


The different cameras for different reasons this camera right? Here is my fs5. This is the Beast this does slo-mo

This is 240 frames per second. So normal video you watch is 24 frames per second

This slowmode is tuned in 40 frames per second, which not many cameras

Do I'll link you guys up here to a video where I go little more in depth with the slo-mo

But this is the camera. I bring along the cinematic sequences. I'll go more in depth for that for now

I'm gonna hook the boat up to the trailer. Nick is gonna film some slow-mo. Oh, yeah and

And that it's a slow-mo sequence right there that is considered b-roll

B-roll and a role be rules of stuff that there's no talking. It's a little more cinematic often

That's why I use the camera slow motion Errol. This is a roll. We're talking to the camera. We've got audio

It's telling the story. We'll talk a little more but we're gonna get the lake and

stroke some large ease

All right, we made it

I'm gonna get rigged up. I'll show you guys what I wear

when I'm fishing, obviously today's a little different cuz I got Nick in the boat filming but a

Very important thing is good audio. Sometimes I don't wear the microphone and

We're gonna have getting crappy audio when I do wear it

I'll sync it up with my GoPro footage and it sounds much much better, but it's one extra thing. So from an editing standpoint

Yes, it's an extra step. But there's nothing worse than bad. Audio tasks MDR tenor. Of course, you'll micro SD. So it's super convenient

I put one triple-a battery in here and it'll last for

All day basically

Um, and that's the beauty of it you just the bad part about these mics is you can't monitor them

But the good part is you just set it and forget it right here

Flip it on a little big fuzzy dead rabbit. They call it dead bunny

Take cat that what it is dead cat dead cat. I'm sorry tell you

Serious videographers, but this is a hero five black. I'm gonna run it on 60 frames per second as I said before

Anything over 24 frames, you can get that slo-mo feel so I'm gonna do 1080

for resolution frames

60 and

Superview, it gets complex. You can only do a super view with certain settings, but super views nice and wide so it were rolling

Hello. Hello next say hi

Hi, Nick. Okay, that's my chesty sometimes depending on the situation

I'll use another camera on the back and this is the deal this bendy grip so good

You can clip it on to anything right here

I've taped on a battery pack which is key because you don't want to be switching batteries

That's just that's why people don't film it because they're dealing with batteries don'ts memory cards

So I put this battery pack on the back. I tape it on to the grip USB cable right into my

hero 4

with the tiller handle

I'm just gonna clip it right on put on the wide setting and we got a sweet angle right from the back of the boat

All right on this one. I'm going to 2.7 K on the wide setting

60 frames once again, and we're rolling we're charging now. We're gonna start fishing

I'm gonna go

Well guys, I haven't even talked about what we're fishing for today. What we're doing we are fishing for large ease its middle September and

I hear this is a really good time for largemouth bass. I would not consider myself a good large angler

But that's why I mud you're trying


We're just gonna burn some shoreline do some flipping do some frog and butt

So there's what

All right, that is the target species

Largemouth bass that is hopefully we're gonna catch bigger than that. But that is uh, that's what we're going for. Sweet

Alright so as I was saying people use the chesty because this mic is right near my face

So I don't have to have this mic this mic

It's got a lot better audio

But if you just have to use this when it's okay two people have found different ways to rig them

I know a lot of guys say that the hero fours are the best

I know I think all the googan squad guys use force. They have really good audio if I wasn't using this audio on top I

Probably would rather use it for for good audio, but I want the best audio

I want the best. You know, that's the bolt also. It means a little more syncing and post-production later, but I think it's worth it

Reverse the shot. So hold it there

So if I wanted to

If I wanted to I could use that same battery pack have it in my

Sweater pocket and I could run a cable Oh to this GoPro to and I wouldn't have to worry about changing batteries

if I wasn't fishing for we're only gonna fish for two hours, it's the evening ready then I might think about that but

There's a balance, I mean you want to make a video and you want it as good as possible

but if you add too many cameras or if it you know

Village it's too difficult and you're not gonna be filming you're gonna be messing around of gear the whole time and not actually fishing

Which happens?

All right. Well, you've seen a couple cinematic sequences now, we're gonna talk about the am the main cam

It's also happens to me on my photo camera. It is a Canon 5d Mark four

Hold it up through Nick

Yep, spin it around

All the way 360. Yeah, beautiful beautiful

Oh, yeah, that's like Inception beautiful video camera as well as photo camera

Is it four photos more so but canons are known for having a really good color. I'm not a

professional on color but I

Want my a cam in this scenario not all scenarios. I want this a cam to look

Realistic, I want it to be warm vibrant vibrant like what you would see in the world. So I do

Standard picture profile. I'm not doing much color

Grading color tweaking on it. Like I'm bumping the saturation a bit look at a little contrast

That's it

when I'm shooting that slow-mo b-roll on the fs5 on the slow-mo camera that I'm shooting in a flat picture profile and

This is getting too complex. You can definitely Google that basically a flat picture profile is

Shooting a very great image and right here Nick will insert an ungraded

Clip and then it'll slide across the screen and it'll change your graded clip and that's what we do

That's what Nick loves to do any edits and that's what on most productions at I or thrive

I'm hired to shoot. We would shoot it on a flat picture profile and color grade it to whatever the client wants for vlogs

there's there's an aspect of

an aspect of speed so I want that a cam to be realistic because

Vlogs a real life and I want it to have nice, you know warm color

So that's why I use that camera that camera as well has amazing autofocus. It has face tracking autofocus and

That's important. I'm holding the camera backwards pointing at my face a lot of the time and it's got a touchscreen autofocus

so it's really good for all the b-roll all the fs5 stuff the fancy stuff that were doing manual focus the whole time so

For vlogging a good a cam for vlogging will do everything for you so I often have it on

mostly Auto settings because

Things are happening fast. I just want to pick up the camera and capture it. So I

Think that tells the story a little bit one piece I should touch on and I've been talking a lot

But hopefully your Friday is interesting because I get a lot of questions about the gear is the microphone on the a cam I am

Putting a microphone on top it is the rode

Videomic pro plus that's it. The one that Peter McKinnon recommended he did a tutorial on it, which I will link above or below and

He did some comparison and the audio on it was just gorgeous. I cannot believe how good the audio is on this microphone

It's very good so that mics about 300 bucks. So

If I was just using a cam all day wasn't using chesty that the audio off, that would be great. Just drop that microphone

That we're gonna get back to catching some fish


You get a slo-mo me flipping it here

Or did you do it already? Oh, it's okay. Number two

All right, and it got a slow-mo shot. We'll get a slow-mo release and then we'll call it good call a day


All right, that is we're going to show you the slow-mo sequence that Nick just built insert in three

Lenses so GoPros it's a fixed lens. It's a fixed

Well, you can change the angles

But typically people use a GoPro pretty wide and I think that's the best use for it you get them in small spaces

Get some cool angles cover the entire boat

Often the GoPro 2 serves as a safety angle

For my slow-mo camera the fs5 the one over there next show the people at home

Thank you. That one I often use I'll bring two lenses long. I'll bring right now. I have all them along

Typically, I will bring my 24 mil along on my 80. So 80 I can use her some tighter detail shots

24 is nice for scenery shots and fish shots

there's other lenses I can use but I like to bring those to their prime lenses which mean they don't zoom in or out and

They have really good image quality

The lens that I use on my a cam my vlogging cameras, you might call it

That is the Canon 16 to 35 it is

Super sharp lens, it says image stabilization. Which means

Stabilizes image so if you shaky hands, it's nice. Yeah, just like that

It's optically not a sharp ease other lenses, but it's got really good auto focus and it's got a bit of zoom

So when I am vlogging 16 is super wide shooting towards my face. I can fit everything in there and

Yeah, just null all-around good lens. Sometimes. I'll bring out a longer lens if I'm trying to get a top water strike

I'll bring out the white lens a 70 to 200

Motor in try not to knock Nick in the water

Something that is a huge topic that I'm not going to touch this time because I already feel like I've been talking too much is

The story and you know turning your day into a story that will leave for another video. You've talked lenses. We've talked cameras


at the end of the day

The most important thing is just capturing it. My most viewed video ever on YouTube. I

Started filming with a GoPro. They GoPro died. I pulled up my phone film the rest of the phone

More viewed then the ones that the drones and the slow-mo and everything

So the end of the day you do not need all this gear people ask me what camera should I buy?

And that's gonna be another video

But whatever you can afford if you just can't afford to GoPro great

If you just have your phone you can make awesome videos with your phone. So

That's it last but not least a nice piece of gear to have in the Arsenal is the drone

guys, I'm not gonna go into detail, but just

Thank You natural have a dad

Knicks get in the last couple b-roll shots

There's a lot lot going on in this video a lot of gear if you've any questions that weren't answered comment below

I will try to answer them in a future video. I have more gear than

you need

to capture your day, but I also

make videos for a living

So I want to use all the gear possible and try to make you know a high quality vlog

So that is what I'm trying. I hope you guys are enjoying the videos. This is a little different

It's a little weaker on the fish

we're still gonna go try to crack a big one, but I want to tell you guys kind of my process and

How I how I like to put together a video so thanks for watching until next time and it can be

For more infomation >> How I Film Fishing Videos. - Duration: 15:32.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo - Duration: 1:09.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi Edition Sportswagon 120PK| Navigatie| Nieuw !!! - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi Edition Sportswagon 120PK| Navigatie| Nieuw !!! - Duration: 0:43.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T COSMO NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T COSMO NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:08.


Lauren & Andy Have The Same Dream | Season 2 Ep. 2 | THE GIFTED - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Lauren & Andy Have The Same Dream | Season 2 Ep. 2 | THE GIFTED - Duration: 1:22.


Storm Team 8 forecast: 6 p.m. 100118 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Storm Team 8 forecast: 6 p.m. 100118 - Duration: 2:48.


Superintendent won't seek second term - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Superintendent won't seek second term - Duration: 0:47.


Hurricane Florence Update ~ Your Giving Made a Difference! ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 15:27.

Hi everyone beginning of a new week and today I want to give you an update on

the hurricane and how it affected our community and the generous donations that you all sent our way so that we could help the

people directly in need and

Boy, you guys you came through like gangbusters and I can't even thank you enough

This is the stack of receipts from the majority of our donation

Some of them were made in cash to local individuals who were helping other people do other things and we gave freely

So I just wanted to show you guys this giant stack of receipts

And this is my spreadsheet that was created from all the expenditures and the income

You guys were

Amazingly generous and I am humbled by your generosity and I just have to say thank you

If we were able to do this in the future, I probably would do it a little bit differently

But because we didn't have access to our computers and I had to do everything from my phone

The the direct PayPal donations were the way we went and I really appreciate you putting so much trust in us

Because we were really able to help a lot of people

in our community

To at least start getting back on their feet


This was an amazing help and I thank you so much

As you know every year we do a service project through our channel at Christmastime

But we're gonna call this our service project for this year and I will not be calling upon you again

To donate for any other purpose last year

We gave to feeding America of the year before that we gave to Hurricane Matthew

the year before that we gave to an orphanage in Africa and

Every year we have

Exponentially increased our giving and our reach and our purpose and I really just want to thank you for that

this whole experience has been incredibly humbling to me and

you will never truly understand how much you have touched my heart and the hearts of my family and the hearts of my community and

First of all again. I can't. Thank you enough

I'm doing a voiceover today because I have this video footage and little clips and pictures that I have collected


people I know have posted online and I wanted to share them with you just so you could get an idea of the

Devastation in our area this is directly in our area

People who were not affected directly by hurricane winds were affected by flooding

there have been a lot of people who have lost their homes a

ridiculous amount in them in the millions and millions of dollars

Has been affected here in this area and this is only in New Bern

It's even greater up the coast

we are just a little bit over two weeks out the hurricane hit on the 13th of

September and we are just a little over two weeks out from that

it was on the 15th that I came to you and I asked you to

If you could to share with me so that I could share with people in my community

We did this directly through our church

And we did everything we could to find where the needs directly were

We were able to collect over three thousand dollars and I can't even begin

I did not expect to have that much

We were able to give all of it to the community. We have approximately three hundred dollars left in the coffers and

We're going to be donating that to a combination of our church and the Red Cross

Because the Red Cross has been instrumental in

In being here in feeding people in getting people who didn't have any other help the help that they needed

Before FEMA could arrive and other organizations could be here. We were here two weeks

before anyone was allowed to get in and help FEMA just got here this last week and

then Samaritan's Purse came and

so many other organizations

Besides the Red Cross are here the tide

loads of love came and they were here for over a week and they were doing laundry for people and

Procter & Gamble was here and they brought an ice truck with them that would make ice and they gave away ice for free and

so many organizations came here and they fed people we didn't partake of any of those because we

were blessed enough to not have any damage to our home in any way and that was one of the reasons that we felt so

strongly about

spending the last two weeks giving back to the community in helping where we were needed whenever we were called upon to do something we

Definitely tried to help we did everything from purchase a generator for an elderly couple who?

Needed the help they didn't have a generator. So we took that call. We got that for them

We were able to get them all of the necessary equipment such as extension cords and grounding wires

And we were able to set that up for them

We were able to help people who had their homes completely lost to flooding under 14 feet of water

They're still mucking out trying to make a semblance of what they have left

If anything which I seriously doubt people that we know through our church who started

GoFundMe is to raise money to help themselves. Get back on their feet

We were able to make generous donations to all of those people. There is a family in the next town over

That was completely the the community was completely underwater

They posted a GoFundMe because these two women

Who were not flooded out they were trying to make lunches to help people in the community who had nothing

So they put up a GoFundMe and they said we're trying to help them to buy the necessary

ingredients to feed the people that there that are coming their way so we actually

Donated to them as well

I have a friend that I know through Church

who was doing the simplest things trying to help find things for her children to do as

Service during these really hard days after the hurricane hit

She came up with some amazing ideas and one day she posted on Facebook

We're gonna go to McDonald's tomorrow morning and we're gonna buy

Biscuits and we're going to put them in a wagon and we're gonna go downtown

And we're gonna pass them out to people and we're going to pray with them

And so I gave her some money to help offset the cost of that and we had a community

barbecue for all of the volunteer workers and we paid for that in full and

We gave money to our local no-kill Humane Society that spent the entirety of the storm

before and after

rescuing pets that had been left behind by people who could not take them with them when they were rescued or when they were

Evacuating and these people went around to all parts of our community

rescuing the pets and the animals in boats in

Ours and pontoons the local community was so instrumental in helping them find a location

Besides the one that they already had they now have two locations that are completely full

They're trying to reunite people with their pets if they had to leave them behind

They were in desperate need of things like cat litter

We made three very large physical donations of cat litter to them as well as a cash donation

For whatever, they needed to use it for we did a lot of feeding people

We did a lot of helping volunteers. We bought gas for people we did everything that we could wherever we found a need

A church friend of mine called me her sister who owns a home in the next town over

Was in New York at the time

She needed to travel back because her house was under 14 feet of water

this was a different person because Pollock's vil got a tremendous amount of flooding and

She said my sister needs to get back here

The insurance company has paid for a rental car for her for a week

But that's the extent of it and she's having a real money crunch and can we help her so we gave her money to travel?

from New York to

Pollock's Ville so that she wouldn't have to be worrying about whether or not she could get here and we made sure she was taken

Care of the way that we approached. This was a filling in of the cracks

There were a lot of places that were helping a lot of people where you have to sit down

You have to fill out an application. You have to express your need and then you're helped

I wanted to be a way

That people knew if we could help them then we would within reason and we did that

I want to thank you all for helping us achieve that goal

What you are looking at is our community after and we have a long way to go by no means have we healed from Hurricane?

Florence there are hundreds of people who are without homes. There is now a

Rental shortage a real-estate shortage. There are people who still don't have a place to live

There are still people who are displaced and now have to relocate

there are people who had nothing before and

Still have nothing or even less. I wanted to apologize to all of you because

it may seem like there should be pictures of

grocery carts full of donation and we indeed did we took no less than


Donations worth I mean two grocery carts full of diapers wipes

feminine care items and

Two grocery carts full of personal care items. We took three or four loads of non-perishable foods and

Through two or three loads of cleaning supplies to all of the distribution centers that they had set up in our area

Many of those distribution centers

requested that pictures not be taken at their location and

I did not have the foresight during this two weeks worth of work and

Volunteering to actually take pictures of all the things that we did donate

So I would like to apologize to that because I feel like maybe it was wrong for me not to take those pictures

But there's a part of me that

feels like it is something that is boastful and it is not my intention to

garner any sort of notoriety

I don't I only want to tell you what happened to the money that you guys were so generous in sharing

And I also want to share with you a little scripture

that we live by in our family and we've been living by this for as long as my children have been with

Me and that scripture comes from Matthew 6


through 4

That reads thus when you give to the needy

Sound no trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may be praised by others truly

I say to you they have received their reward

But when you give to the needy do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing

So that your giving may be in secret and your father who sees in secret?

Will reward you and I think it's super important


Live by that because it is not my intention to get attention

For this particular act. It was just my intention to help my community and because I have a rather large audience

I really felt like it was my opportunity

To be able to help them in a bigger way than I would have been able to help them without your help. So

I want to say thank you again for that

I mentioned that if I had to do it over again, I maybe would have done it a little bit differently

I do usually use a website called continue to give which is very similar to GoFundMe except that it is four

It is it is for people who are trying to raise money for charitable

events or for churches and

They take a little bit less of a percentage

But I had only my phone to use at the time when I put the call out for you guys to help and

So that was immediately what I thought was easiest

Just to give you some information. I

Was a paralegal for a number of years

11 to be precise. I am quite aware of how to keep good records

I have worked in fundraising and nonprofit organizations in my past

And so I made sure to keep impeccable records

I have to PayPal accounts one that is personal and one that is for my business

Noreen's kitchen you can do that and I do have permission from PayPal to have both of those accounts

Never the twain shall meet. Both of these accounts also have debit

Mastercards attached to them so that I can have instant access to my money when that comes into the account

I made sure that my business

PayPal had a zero balance

but this time I made sure to turn off all the coke book sales and reroute them to the other account and

I made this account only for donations

so I kept very close track of who gave what how much they gave when they gave it and

I made sure that when we had instant access to our funding that we used it only for charitable donations and helping the community and

The people who needed it so that gives you some idea

And full disclosure of how we approached this entire situation

because if I had the opportunity to use my

computer or my laptop internet was spotty at best in the morning that I was able to actually film that video where I was

Asking you to help

we were lucky to have the

The connection that we had because about an hour after that. We lost our internet connection completely for about 24 hours

We were working with what we had in the best way that we knew how our family has come through this

Sadly, there are other families who are going to take months and months if not years to get through it

They're gonna be suffering from PTSD and emotional loss

Just from losing their homes

And what have you and I just will ask you

to keep them in your prayers even so now because even though the storm has passed a

Whole other journey is starting for these people and we want to make sure that we keep them at the forefront of our minds

I hope that you are as excited about learning what we were able to do in our community with your generous

Contributions and like I said in my initial video, we may not be able to do everything that we can alone

But when we come together and do it together

We are able to achieve great things and that is exactly what we achieved this time. So I want to thank you all again

So much and I hope that you enjoyed this video and until next time I'll see you


For more infomation >> Hurricane Florence Update ~ Your Giving Made a Difference! ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 15:27.



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Proven Tournament Winning Tactics | Bass Fishing - Duration: 4:00.

Glenn: Hey folks, Glenn May here with the, and welcome to another episode

of Hank Parker's Fishing Tips.

This week's question, Hank, comes from Shawn from Columbia, Alabama.

And he asked, "What would you say you did during prep practice or tournament day when

you were fishing tournaments that set you apart from the other anglers?"

Hank: Well, you know, practice is a very important part of what takes place in that tournament,

and making mental notes and remembering what's going on on the water is so important.

And I had great recall.

Don't have that now, I've had too many birthdays.

But I used to have just really incredible recall, and I'd always concentrate, if I fish

25 miles of shoreline or a hundred miles of shoreline, and there was one bay I caught

a fish on a stump, I know where that stump is.

I could remember that.

So if you can't today, it's so easy just to make a waypoint, and then at night you go

home in your hotel room or in your home, wherever you are, and you prioritize those waypoints,

that is really important.

I fish with a buddy of mine and, man, he put a waypoint...every time we turned around,

he was making a waypoint.

I said, "Man, I don't like all that."

Every waypoint that I make, I want it to be of value, I want it to be important.

So I don't want a thousand waypoints because I can't mentally handle a thousand waypoints

in one day.

So if I'm going out and I think I can catch a fish on this particular area, I'll make

that a waypoint.

And then while that's still fresh on my mind, when I get back to the hotel that night, how

much importance did I put on that spot?

So I prioritize those waypoints.

Well that waypoint number five, I'm sure I can catch a fish there.

So number five's the only place I'm sure I can catch a fish, that's going to be prioritized

as number one spot, that's a critical place for me to fish.

And then I'll make notes on what time, you know, I think, well, when the sun gets bright,

my waypoint number nine's a brush pile, I think I got better odds of catching a fish

off of that brush pile when the sun's up than I do early in the morning.

So I'll make a note out by waypoint number nine that I need to be there at 10:30 or 11:00

plus in the day, rather than be there at first light.

So those sorts of things are really, really important.

And practice is where you win.

Practice is where you set the stage, build the foundation, it's like building a house,

cannot build a house without a good firm foundation, and that's what practice is all about.

I always practice hard, hard.

I mean, really hard.

And I tried to learn from that.

Every day I tried to learn something new and tried to put it together and just get a feel.

And when you work so hard and you take all that information to heart, man, you just ride

down the lake and look at a spot and say, "Man, that's going to produce for me."You

just kinda become a part of a lake, and that's what practice is to me.

So I take practice so much more serious than a lotta guys did.

And I think that that is what paid off for me, is just really taking practice serious.

Glenn: Well, sage advice from a two-time classic champion.

It certainly did work.

For more tips and tricks like that, you gotta visit, there's lots of tips

and tricks and articles on there and videos that you need to see.

Check 'em out.

In the meantime you can subscribe to the channel and you'll be notified the next time we post

more of Hank's tips.

Until then, immerse yourself on that website and have a great day.

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