- So, we really, really, really love hearing from you guys
and it's such positive community but today
we're gonna do things a little different
and talk about some of those haters out there.
- We're gonna read some mean comments
and we're gonna laugh at them.
- So, when you're making videos like we do,
I think whether it's education or anything,
there's always haters out there.
You're gonna have people that are,
they're trying to just be mean and I don't know.
- Sometimes for no reason.
- Honestly, I don't know what possesses
people to really do it.
- That's mean.
- Some of it can get really nasty.
I don't think, for the most part,
it doesn't really bother us.
It's not really a big deal.
- One of the reasons why it's easier for people
to be meaner on the internet is
because you're not seeing the person.
You're not face-to-face and people are just mean.
- They're hiding behind fake names.
- Yeah.
- But we get those comments and, not a ton of them,
but what we wanted to do is try to make this
a bit of a teachable moment
and kind of use some of the words,
and it's kind of a vocabulary lesson, I guess.
We just kinda wanted to share some them with you
and, again, make it a teachable moment and talk about
some of the vocabulary and it's a little bit
of a different kind of lesson.
- I mean some of them are really funny.
So, they make us laugh. - Some of them are very funny.
Very very funny.
- So, thanks.
- We're just gonna read through some of these
and then talk a little bit about them.
- You want to read it?
This is my favorite one by far.
(laughing) I love it.
- This comment, 'cause it's for me, Ian Joel,
"Go talk to someone that doesn't speak English,
you condescending prick."
Why do you enjoy that one so much?
- Because first of all, because you are trying to talk--
- I know, well, Ian Joel, we are actually English teachers
so we're trying to teach people and talk to people
who not that don't speak English
but people that are trying to learn English
or improve their skills.
Now-- - It's literally what we do.
That's our job description.
- Yeah, Ian.
In case you're wondering 'cause, again,
I think some of these people are native speakers.
I think a lot of them are trolls.
It's not a good word
but it's a good word to know
what it means because that's kind
of a new word I think that's come up
in the last five, 10 years. - Yeah.
So, a troll is basically somebody
who says something mean or negative.
Not that they really feel that way, they're just
trying to provoke a response from somebody else
and trying to upset another person
or another group of people and getting them to react.
So, a prick is a noun and it's basically slang.
It's talking about...If you call somebody a prick,
it just means they're a jerk.
They're just somebody you don't like.
It's always used in a negative context.
- Hendricks, huh?
- Just keep it down, yeah.
- Prick.
- Heavy, what I wouldn't give to know
what heavy feels like, you insensitive prick.
- The other good vocabulary word to know,
which is again, not a good word, is condescending.
- It's a good word.
- And condescending is,
it's an adjective and basically
it means a way of talking to someone or communicating
to someone like acting like you're better than they are.
You're talking down to somebody.
You're kind of being condescending
and being mean and rude.
We appreciate your condescending comment, Ian.
So usually with unruly students,
we just kick them out of the classroom.
Ian, you're out of here.
- Get out. - Get out.
Go outside Ian, get out of here.
- Get him out of here.
- The next comment.
- I love this one too.
(laughing) - Why do you hate on me?
'Cause this is another one for me.
- Because they're like teacher.
- Huh.
Oh, okay.
- Yeah.
Icepeak C&E.
- "Boy you must be the most boring teacher on YouTube.
"They call a dollar a buck, wow, really?"
Well, yes, Icepeak.
This was from the, I think,
the slang video and talking about different American
slang words, that a dollar is a buck.
But yes we are actually, I don't know why the quotes.
If somebody does, this is another good thing.
If somebody does the air quotes,
basically it means it's the opposite of what they're saying.
So in saying that I'm a teacher would imply I'm not.
- Yeah, jokes on you, Icepeak C&E.
- Yeah. - We are teachers.
It's what we do.
- So we are teachers, so that doesn't
really make much sense.
But I could say, you know, Icepeak C&E is a smart guy.
- It doesn't matter, don't be a hater.
I mean, this is a funny comment without air quotes.
- It is a funny comment.
But still, Icepeak C&E, get out of the classroom.
Get out.
- And also, they do call a dollar a buck.
- Get out of the classroom Icepeak.
- Not everyone knows that!
- Yeah. If you don't know that, get out.
- Get out.
- Get out.
- The next comment is, you wanna...
You can explain this one.
Give us some context.
- This one was in one of my videos
and it was a food idioms video
and I believe that maybe at some point I've asked like--
- I don't think this might've been
a hateful comment or anything, it's just funny.
- We're not sure.
But I believe I may have asked if
people know other food idioms.
But, the comment was, "You eat like a horse."
- So, we're not sure if that's a food idiom
in somebody else's language or something.
- Or people are telling me that I eat like a horse
because in another video, I was eating something.
- In another video, but not in this one.
- Not in this one.
- Yeah.
- So I'm not sure, do you really think I eat like a horse?
What does a horse eat like?
I mean, do they eat good stuff?
- Maybe we got this comment all wrong.
Maybe it's a compliment.
- Maybe.
- A horse's diet is very healthy.
- It was a fun one, we thought we'd share it with you guys.
- You eat like a horse.
You can stay, I think, Matteo.
- You can stay.
Next comment.
- I think this one is yours.
No, mine?
- Yeah.
- Melissa Hurles says, "waffling rubbish."
- Tell us how you really feel, Melissa.
- This is short and sweet.
If somebody is waffling,
it just means that they're not making a point,
they're going back and forth and back and forth.
Of course rubbish, I'm sure you know that it's trash.
- It's more of a British term.
- Right - If something is rubbish,
they say, "ugh, it's terrible."
- Is she saying that you are waffling rubbish
or the content is waffling rubbish?
- I think this was on mine too.
I think it was maybe just the lesson, waffling rubbish.
- Ah, Okay.
- I think part of this has to do with,
I think, with another future comment
that we're gonna show you in just a second,
which maybe helps explain some.
But, yeah, waffling, you're just really indecisive
and kind of like, what, what.
- You're not making a point. - What, what's going on?
What's happening? - Yeah.
- It kind of has to do with Mit's comment, right here.
- Mit Mumo. (laughing)
I like your profile picture.
Is that UCLA?
That looks like UCLA.
- Maybe, I don't know.
Get to the point!
Like, yesterday, geez.
- All in caps.
- I know. This is very frustrating.
Mit's frustrated. - Screaming at us.
- So I think this is part of it was some of our lessons
because when we talk about a topic,
we kind of go through the beginning about,
okay, what the lesson is gonna be about
and kind of talk about why it's useful
and why this is important for you
and how you can use this information.
- Yeah, we think you should know why
you're learning something.
(laughing) - Yeah.
Yeah, Mit.
We don't just go in and say, okay here's the first word.
Here's the second word.
Here's the third word.
- Yeah.
- I think some people, I mean,
again, everybody wants different things.
Some people, like Mit, just want that.
They don't want any, you know,
don't talk to me about how I can use phrasal verbs,
just tell me the phrasal verb or something.
And that's just not what we're gonna do.
We're not going to change that,
but I think that goes with maybe the waffling part.
- Maybe.
- That she was talking about. - But why rubbish?
That's just mean. (laughing)
- Rubbish is just adding insult to injury right there.
- Yeah. - Like ugh.
Oh yeah, we forgot, Melissa, boom, you're out.
Get out the classroom. - Yeah, get out Melissa.
- Get out.
Mit, you too, follow her.
- Get out.
- You're out. You're done, Mit.
- Get
- Foysal.
So this one again is pretty mean.
Foysal Ahmed, or Foysal.
Are you sure you spelled the name right?
Because I think it's Foysal.
- He misspelled his name, you think?
- Maybe. - Maybe.
- "By far the worst one I have ever watched."
Exclamation mark.
- What else do I want to say about this?
- Why did you have to write that?
If you don't like it you don't have to comment.
- He's entitled to his opinion.
- But why, like-- - It's okay.
- Write it down.
- Even though the opinion may be waffling rubbish.
- Your opinion sucks, Foysal. (laughing)
Foysal Ahmed.
Foysal Ahmed.
- Yeah, all right, we're done with you Foysal.
Get out. - Get out.
- Get out of here, you're done.
- Out.
- Get out of here!
- Oh, this is ridiculous.
I'm gonna laugh so hard.
Let's laugh.
- I think this was a comment that was on a video
we did together, obviously.
- Obviously.
- It's like, you're overreacting while you're teaching.
- Over-acting.
So here's the comment.
Junaid Khan says, "Don't do overacting
while you are teaching.
You both laugh more than teaching.
Please don't laugh more."
(laughing) I'm sorry I keep laughing
at your ridiculous comment.
I think it was pronunciation.
- I don't know.
- The brands pronunciation video.
- But it was.
I think we were having fun with that lesson,
and there was a lot of laughing.
- So first of all, can I say something?
We don't act, because we're horrible actors.
We did try to act once with our skit--
- Yeah, it didn't go very well.
- In our "your welcome" video.
- It was pretty bad, pretty bad acting.
- You're so amazing.
- Thank you.
- Can I get a refill on the coffee?
- Yeah.
Here is a refill on your coffee.
- Is there sugar in this?
We're not acting.
We constantly laugh at each other
because Wes is ridiculous and he makes me laugh.
- If anything, I think we're probably under-acting.
- If we laugh more than teaching,
teaching is about having fun.
If you're not having fun when you're learning,
why are you even learning something.
You have to have fun with it.
That's how you learn, Junaid Kahn.
- From now on, Junaid, we will teach all lessons
just like this, in a very monotone voice.
- Nope.
- And there will be no laughing per your request.
- No, but you can go to a teacher who does that.
So get out.
- Get out of here, Junaid!
- Get out of here.
- I just want to keep laughing now.
(laughing) - Keep laughing.
That comment makes us laugh, yeah, thank you.
This is--
- I like the emoji, too.
- This is one my favorite comments because we saw this one.
"You look just like Sara Jay."
This was one on one of Ilana's videos
and of course the first thing I wondered was,
who is Sara Jay?
- Who is Sara jay?
- So you do a quick little Google search on
Sara Jay and you find out she's a porn star.
- So.
- Which tells us something about you, Adam.
- It's just not a great thing to tell somebody,
especially a teacher,
that you look like a porn star, with a kiss emoji.
It's a little...
I know it's the internet, but it's a little...
It's a little...
It's inappropriate. - It's a little creepy.
- I had a student who told me I look very sexy
with my eye-liner, and I'm like,
you can't say that to your teacher.
This was face-to-face, a real student.
Some students, especially if you're learning a new language,
maybe you don't know how to compliment somebody--
- What's maybe culturally appropriate...eh, maybe.
- Yeah, so don't call your teacher sexy.
Don't tell them they look like a porn star.
It's just not appropriate.
But thank you.
First of all, I Googled her too
and I don't think we look alike.
I like the kiss emoji.
We appreciate like--
- You can stay in the classroom.
- Your happy feelings but...
So this was pretty good.
I'm not sure, I don't think we're sure
which video this was on.
It doesn't really matter because--
- It might be on the fun and funny one.
- Oh.
- Which is why, I don't, we don't know if this
is, again, a misunderstanding or like just kind of--
- Maybe.
Either way, they told us we look funny.
Or it was Wes.
You look funny.
No, you're looking funny. - Hey, thanks.
- They're usually like you look funny.
Its not a good thing if somebody looks funny
it's not something you want to look like.
- Yeah.
Yeah, they may have been trying to say
maybe you are funny or you know--
- Or they wanted to say you look funny.
- Or you look like you're having fun--
- Or it's a legit-- (laughing)
- Or maybe, I just look funny.
I don't know.
It's kind of...
You wouldn't say looking funny, you'd say funny-looking.
- Mm-hmm.
- Harry is the funny-looking one.
- You're a funny-looking little thing,
aren't you? - Don't!
- You just... Look funny.
- I look funny?
You ever seen The Shining?
- You still shouldn't say that.
- But, that's still not a nice thing to say to somebody.
- Culturally, it's wrong. - You're funny-looking.
- If you say something about somebody's looks,
always have good things to say,
like, you look great, you look amazing, you look beautiful.
- Stay positive.
All right, so, you can stay in the classroom.
- Gosh this is a long one.
(laughing) Wait, this is mine. Oh my God.
I haven't seen this one.
So, Nasir Boota says,
"Bad see he sent me to be dd
be she the we can submit yeah
he egg cheese fee see ex be seen by it
and return bee-do."
- I just included it because every now and then we get this
nonsensical rambling about something that
I don't know how to interpret this.
I don't know.
- What? (laughing)
- Do you know what this means?
- Maybe they're writing--
- Is this code for something? - Verb-tenses.
No, to be.
- I don't know. - Be.
- It's like one of YouTube's great mysteries.
What-- - What is this, Nasir Boota?
What are you trying to tell us?
- You need to translate this for us.
- What language is this? (laughing)
- Is that it? - Yeah.
- Awe.
- I know, I'm like sad.
We're like, that's all?
That's all that we have so far?
- It was fun.
We like to over-act.
- I'm sure we'll get more negative comments in the future.
So what we want to do is, because again,
the internet, it's so, it can be so full of negativity,
of hate, what we want you guys to do in the comments,
you don't have to write to us,
just go write something positive.
Just go say anything, anything about
anything in life, that's positive,
that's happy, that's cheerful.
Write that in the comments and look at what other people
wrote and comment on theirs, and let's see how
- 'Cause that's how we want to promote.
- Positivity that we can have.
- We want to bring back positivity--
- It's what Interactive English is all about.
- This is a fun space.
I know not everyone likes it, that it's a fun space,
but that's what we want it to be.
We want it to be a fun learning space, because
when you're relaxed and having fun, you are learning.
So please keep it positive, keep it fun,
keep it light, and practice.
- If you guys enjoyed this lesson and
enjoyed us sharing those negative
and mean comments, and weird comments, too,
hit that like button down below.
Thanks so much for watching,
and we'll see you next time.
- Bye. - Bye.
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