Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2018

- So, we really, really, really love hearing from you guys

and it's such positive community but today

we're gonna do things a little different

and talk about some of those haters out there.


- We're gonna read some mean comments

and we're gonna laugh at them.

- So, when you're making videos like we do,

I think whether it's education or anything,

there's always haters out there.

You're gonna have people that are,

they're trying to just be mean and I don't know.

- Sometimes for no reason.

- Honestly, I don't know what possesses

people to really do it.

- That's mean.

- Some of it can get really nasty.

I don't think, for the most part,

it doesn't really bother us.

It's not really a big deal.

- One of the reasons why it's easier for people

to be meaner on the internet is

because you're not seeing the person.

You're not face-to-face and people are just mean.

- They're hiding behind fake names.

- Yeah.

- But we get those comments and, not a ton of them,

but what we wanted to do is try to make this

a bit of a teachable moment

and kind of use some of the words,

and it's kind of a vocabulary lesson, I guess.

We just kinda wanted to share some them with you

and, again, make it a teachable moment and talk about

some of the vocabulary and it's a little bit

of a different kind of lesson.

- I mean some of them are really funny.

So, they make us laugh. - Some of them are very funny.

Very very funny.


- So, thanks.


- We're just gonna read through some of these

and then talk a little bit about them.

- You want to read it?

This is my favorite one by far.

(laughing) I love it.

- This comment, 'cause it's for me, Ian Joel,

"Go talk to someone that doesn't speak English,

you condescending prick."


Why do you enjoy that one so much?

- Because first of all, because you are trying to talk--

- I know, well, Ian Joel, we are actually English teachers

so we're trying to teach people and talk to people

who not that don't speak English

but people that are trying to learn English

or improve their skills.

Now-- - It's literally what we do.


That's our job description.

- Yeah, Ian.

In case you're wondering 'cause, again,

I think some of these people are native speakers.

I think a lot of them are trolls.

It's not a good word

but it's a good word to know

what it means because that's kind

of a new word I think that's come up

in the last five, 10 years. - Yeah.

So, a troll is basically somebody

who says something mean or negative.

Not that they really feel that way, they're just

trying to provoke a response from somebody else

and trying to upset another person

or another group of people and getting them to react.

So, a prick is a noun and it's basically slang.

It's talking about...If you call somebody a prick,

it just means they're a jerk.

They're just somebody you don't like.

It's always used in a negative context.

- Hendricks, huh?


- Just keep it down, yeah.

- Prick.

- Heavy, what I wouldn't give to know

what heavy feels like, you insensitive prick.

- The other good vocabulary word to know,

which is again, not a good word, is condescending.

- It's a good word.

- And condescending is,

it's an adjective and basically

it means a way of talking to someone or communicating

to someone like acting like you're better than they are.

You're talking down to somebody.

You're kind of being condescending

and being mean and rude.

We appreciate your condescending comment, Ian.

So usually with unruly students,

we just kick them out of the classroom.

Ian, you're out of here.

- Get out. - Get out.


Go outside Ian, get out of here.

- Get him out of here.

- The next comment.

- I love this one too.

(laughing) - Why do you hate on me?

'Cause this is another one for me.

- Because they're like teacher.

- Huh.

Oh, okay.

- Yeah.

Icepeak C&E.

- "Boy you must be the most boring teacher on YouTube.

"They call a dollar a buck, wow, really?"

Well, yes, Icepeak.

This was from the, I think,

the slang video and talking about different American

slang words, that a dollar is a buck.

But yes we are actually, I don't know why the quotes.

If somebody does, this is another good thing.

If somebody does the air quotes,

basically it means it's the opposite of what they're saying.

So in saying that I'm a teacher would imply I'm not.

- Yeah, jokes on you, Icepeak C&E.

- Yeah. - We are teachers.


It's what we do.

- So we are teachers, so that doesn't

really make much sense.

But I could say, you know, Icepeak C&E is a smart guy.

- It doesn't matter, don't be a hater.

I mean, this is a funny comment without air quotes.

- It is a funny comment.

But still, Icepeak C&E, get out of the classroom.

Get out.

- And also, they do call a dollar a buck.

- Get out of the classroom Icepeak.

- Not everyone knows that!

- Yeah. If you don't know that, get out.

- Get out.

- Get out.

- The next comment is, you wanna...


You can explain this one.

Give us some context.

- This one was in one of my videos

and it was a food idioms video

and I believe that maybe at some point I've asked like--

- I don't think this might've been

a hateful comment or anything, it's just funny.

- We're not sure.

But I believe I may have asked if

people know other food idioms.


But, the comment was, "You eat like a horse."

- So, we're not sure if that's a food idiom

in somebody else's language or something.


- Or people are telling me that I eat like a horse

because in another video, I was eating something.

- In another video, but not in this one.

- Not in this one.

- Yeah.

- So I'm not sure, do you really think I eat like a horse?

What does a horse eat like?

I mean, do they eat good stuff?

- Maybe we got this comment all wrong.

Maybe it's a compliment.

- Maybe.


- A horse's diet is very healthy.

- It was a fun one, we thought we'd share it with you guys.

- You eat like a horse.


You can stay, I think, Matteo.

- You can stay.

Next comment.


- I think this one is yours.

No, mine?

- Yeah.

- Melissa Hurles says, "waffling rubbish."


- Tell us how you really feel, Melissa.

- This is short and sweet.

If somebody is waffling,

it just means that they're not making a point,

they're going back and forth and back and forth.

Of course rubbish, I'm sure you know that it's trash.

- It's more of a British term.

- Right - If something is rubbish,

they say, "ugh, it's terrible."

- Is she saying that you are waffling rubbish

or the content is waffling rubbish?

- I think this was on mine too.

I think it was maybe just the lesson, waffling rubbish.

- Ah, Okay.

- I think part of this has to do with,

I think, with another future comment

that we're gonna show you in just a second,

which maybe helps explain some.

But, yeah, waffling, you're just really indecisive

and kind of like, what, what.

- You're not making a point. - What, what's going on?

What's happening? - Yeah.

- It kind of has to do with Mit's comment, right here.

- Mit Mumo. (laughing)

I like your profile picture.

Is that UCLA?

That looks like UCLA.

- Maybe, I don't know.

Get to the point!

Like, yesterday, geez.

- All in caps.


- I know. This is very frustrating.

Mit's frustrated. - Screaming at us.

- So I think this is part of it was some of our lessons

because when we talk about a topic,

we kind of go through the beginning about,

okay, what the lesson is gonna be about

and kind of talk about why it's useful

and why this is important for you

and how you can use this information.

- Yeah, we think you should know why

you're learning something.

(laughing) - Yeah.

Yeah, Mit.

We don't just go in and say, okay here's the first word.

Here's the second word.

Here's the third word.

- Yeah.

- I think some people, I mean,

again, everybody wants different things.

Some people, like Mit, just want that.

They don't want any, you know,

don't talk to me about how I can use phrasal verbs,

just tell me the phrasal verb or something.

And that's just not what we're gonna do.

We're not going to change that,

but I think that goes with maybe the waffling part.

- Maybe.

- That she was talking about. - But why rubbish?

That's just mean. (laughing)

- Rubbish is just adding insult to injury right there.


- Yeah. - Like ugh.

Oh yeah, we forgot, Melissa, boom, you're out.

Get out the classroom. - Yeah, get out Melissa.

- Get out.

Mit, you too, follow her.

- Get out.

- You're out. You're done, Mit.


- Get



- Foysal.

So this one again is pretty mean.


Foysal Ahmed, or Foysal.

Are you sure you spelled the name right?

Because I think it's Foysal.

- He misspelled his name, you think?

- Maybe. - Maybe.

- "By far the worst one I have ever watched."

Exclamation mark.


- What else do I want to say about this?

- Why did you have to write that?


If you don't like it you don't have to comment.

- He's entitled to his opinion.

- But why, like-- - It's okay.

- Write it down.

- Even though the opinion may be waffling rubbish.

- Your opinion sucks, Foysal. (laughing)

Foysal Ahmed.

Foysal Ahmed.

- Yeah, all right, we're done with you Foysal.

Get out. - Get out.

- Get out of here, you're done.

- Out.

- Get out of here!

- Oh, this is ridiculous.

I'm gonna laugh so hard.

Let's laugh.

- I think this was a comment that was on a video

we did together, obviously.

- Obviously.

- It's like, you're overreacting while you're teaching.

- Over-acting.

So here's the comment.

Junaid Khan says, "Don't do overacting

while you are teaching.

You both laugh more than teaching.

Please don't laugh more."

(laughing) I'm sorry I keep laughing

at your ridiculous comment.

I think it was pronunciation.

- I don't know.

- The brands pronunciation video.

- But it was.

I think we were having fun with that lesson,

and there was a lot of laughing.

- So first of all, can I say something?

We don't act, because we're horrible actors.

We did try to act once with our skit--

- Yeah, it didn't go very well.

- In our "your welcome" video.

- It was pretty bad, pretty bad acting.

- You're so amazing.

- Thank you.

- Can I get a refill on the coffee?

- Yeah.

Here is a refill on your coffee.

- Is there sugar in this?

We're not acting.

We constantly laugh at each other

because Wes is ridiculous and he makes me laugh.

- If anything, I think we're probably under-acting.

- If we laugh more than teaching,

teaching is about having fun.

If you're not having fun when you're learning,

why are you even learning something.

You have to have fun with it.

That's how you learn, Junaid Kahn.


- From now on, Junaid, we will teach all lessons

just like this, in a very monotone voice.

- Nope.

- And there will be no laughing per your request.

- No, but you can go to a teacher who does that.

So get out.

- Get out of here, Junaid!

- Get out of here.


- I just want to keep laughing now.

(laughing) - Keep laughing.

That comment makes us laugh, yeah, thank you.

This is--

- I like the emoji, too.

- This is one my favorite comments because we saw this one.

"You look just like Sara Jay."

This was one on one of Ilana's videos

and of course the first thing I wondered was,

who is Sara Jay?

- Who is Sara jay?

- So you do a quick little Google search on

Sara Jay and you find out she's a porn star.


- So.

- Which tells us something about you, Adam.

- It's just not a great thing to tell somebody,

especially a teacher,

that you look like a porn star, with a kiss emoji.

It's a little...


I know it's the internet, but it's a little...

It's a little...

It's inappropriate. - It's a little creepy.

- I had a student who told me I look very sexy

with my eye-liner, and I'm like,

you can't say that to your teacher.

This was face-to-face, a real student.

Some students, especially if you're learning a new language,

maybe you don't know how to compliment somebody--

- What's maybe culturally appropriate...eh, maybe.

- Yeah, so don't call your teacher sexy.

Don't tell them they look like a porn star.

It's just not appropriate.


But thank you.

First of all, I Googled her too

and I don't think we look alike.

I like the kiss emoji.

We appreciate like--

- You can stay in the classroom.

- Your happy feelings but...

So this was pretty good.

I'm not sure, I don't think we're sure

which video this was on.

It doesn't really matter because--

- It might be on the fun and funny one.

- Oh.

- Which is why, I don't, we don't know if this

is, again, a misunderstanding or like just kind of--

- Maybe.

Either way, they told us we look funny.

Or it was Wes.

You look funny.

No, you're looking funny. - Hey, thanks.

- They're usually like you look funny.

Its not a good thing if somebody looks funny

it's not something you want to look like.

- Yeah.

Yeah, they may have been trying to say

maybe you are funny or you know--

- Or they wanted to say you look funny.

- Or you look like you're having fun--

- Or it's a legit-- (laughing)

- Or maybe, I just look funny.

I don't know.

It's kind of...

You wouldn't say looking funny, you'd say funny-looking.

- Mm-hmm.

- Harry is the funny-looking one.


- You're a funny-looking little thing,

aren't you? - Don't!

- You just... Look funny.

- I look funny?

You ever seen The Shining?

- You still shouldn't say that.

- But, that's still not a nice thing to say to somebody.

- Culturally, it's wrong. - You're funny-looking.

- If you say something about somebody's looks,

always have good things to say,

like, you look great, you look amazing, you look beautiful.

- Stay positive.

All right, so, you can stay in the classroom.

- Gosh this is a long one.

(laughing) Wait, this is mine. Oh my God.

I haven't seen this one.


So, Nasir Boota says,

"Bad see he sent me to be dd

be she the we can submit yeah

he egg cheese fee see ex be seen by it

and return bee-do."


- I just included it because every now and then we get this

nonsensical rambling about something that

I don't know how to interpret this.

I don't know.

- What? (laughing)


- Do you know what this means?

- Maybe they're writing--

- Is this code for something? - Verb-tenses.

No, to be.

- I don't know. - Be.

- It's like one of YouTube's great mysteries.

What-- - What is this, Nasir Boota?

What are you trying to tell us?

- You need to translate this for us.

- What language is this? (laughing)

- Is that it? - Yeah.

- Awe.

- I know, I'm like sad.

We're like, that's all?

That's all that we have so far?

- It was fun.

We like to over-act.

- I'm sure we'll get more negative comments in the future.

So what we want to do is, because again,

the internet, it's so, it can be so full of negativity,

of hate, what we want you guys to do in the comments,

you don't have to write to us,

just go write something positive.

Just go say anything, anything about

anything in life, that's positive,

that's happy, that's cheerful.

Write that in the comments and look at what other people

wrote and comment on theirs, and let's see how


- 'Cause that's how we want to promote.

- Positivity that we can have.

- We want to bring back positivity--

- It's what Interactive English is all about.

- This is a fun space.

I know not everyone likes it, that it's a fun space,

but that's what we want it to be.

We want it to be a fun learning space, because

when you're relaxed and having fun, you are learning.

So please keep it positive, keep it fun,

keep it light, and practice.

- If you guys enjoyed this lesson and

enjoyed us sharing those negative

and mean comments, and weird comments, too,

hit that like button down below.

Thanks so much for watching,

and we'll see you next time.

- Bye. - Bye.

For more infomation >> Reading Mean and Nasty Comments... And Laughing at Them 😜 - Duration: 16:03.


Dos vestidos, expectación y un problema sucesorio: la boda de Nicolás de Rumanía - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Dos vestidos, expectación y un problema sucesorio: la boda de Nicolás de Rumanía - Duration: 6:18.


La Piloto 2 | Capítulo 44 - Resumen - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> La Piloto 2 | Capítulo 44 - Resumen - Duration: 4:21.


Mi Marido tiene más Familia | Julieta tiene una pesadilla por culpa de Susana - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Mi Marido tiene más Familia | Julieta tiene una pesadilla por culpa de Susana - Duration: 1:30.


இத எல்லாம் பார்த்தா டப்ஸ்மாஷ் மாதிரி தெரியலையே | தமிழ் | Tamil Dubsmash Dubmash - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> இத எல்லாம் பார்த்தா டப்ஸ்மாஷ் மாதிரி தெரியலையே | தமிழ் | Tamil Dubsmash Dubmash - Duration: 2:00.


Mi Marido tiene más Familia | Capítulo 14 - Resumen - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Mi Marido tiene más Familia | Capítulo 14 - Resumen - Duration: 4:05.






El Vuelo de la Victoria | Victoria ve morir a su madre Crescencia - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> El Vuelo de la Victoria | Victoria ve morir a su madre Crescencia - Duration: 2:23.


La Jefa del Campeón | Capítulo 56 - Resumen - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> La Jefa del Campeón | Capítulo 56 - Resumen - Duration: 4:14.


Soft and airy dietary muffins with cherries - Duration: 2:29.

Ingredients: kefir 1% - 1 cup, oat flour - 1/2 cup, frozen cherry - 100 grams, baking powder - 1/2 tsp, eggs - 2 pieces, Stevia and cinnamon - to taste

separate proteins from yolks

add to yolks yogurt, baking powder and stevia


gradually pour the flour

stir to a homogeneous mass

add cherries

add salt to chilled proteins

whisk with a gradual increase in speed

achieve strong foam state

slowly add protein to the dough

put the dough in a baking dish

Bake for 25 minutes at 180 ° C

For more infomation >> Soft and airy dietary muffins with cherries - Duration: 2:29.


Charles Aznavour, Michel Leeb l'a vu hier, il témoigne - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Charles Aznavour, Michel Leeb l'a vu hier, il témoigne - Duration: 1:23.


La Piloto 2 | Irina le perdona la vida a Dave al saber que Santamaría asesinó a su padre - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> La Piloto 2 | Irina le perdona la vida a Dave al saber que Santamaría asesinó a su padre - Duration: 1:29.


Letizia d'Espagne rayonne en l'absence de son mari (photo) - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Letizia d'Espagne rayonne en l'absence de son mari (photo) - Duration: 1:17.


Mort de Charles Aznavour, une autopsie sera pratiquée sur son corps - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Mort de Charles Aznavour, une autopsie sera pratiquée sur son corps - Duration: 1:25.


Marc Lavoine victime d'un « odieux chantage » - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Marc Lavoine victime d'un « odieux chantage » - Duration: 1:20.



When I get older, losing my hair

many years from now

will you still be sending me a Valentine

birthday greetings, bottle of wine?

If I'd been out till quarter to three

would you lock the door?

will you still need me, will you still feed me

when I'm sixty-four?

You'll be older too

and if you say the word

I could stay with you

la, la ra la la la ra

I could be handy mending a fuse

when your lights have gone

you can knit a sweater by the fireside

Sunday morning go for a ride

Doing the garden, digging the weeds

who could ask for more?

will you still need me, will you still feed me

when I'm sixty-four?

Every summer we can rent a cottage

in the Isle of Wight if it's not too dear

we shall scrimp and save

Grandchildren at your feet

Vera, Chuck and Dave

la, la, la la, la, la, la

(Lennon Troppo canta cosas a cappella)

Give me your answer

fill in a form

mine for evermore

will you still need me

will you still feed me

when I'm sixty-four?



Laeticia Hallyday, son séjour à Paris géré de main de maitre par Sébastien Farran - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, son séjour à Paris géré de main de maitre par Sébastien Farran - Duration: 1:37.


HGH info New U Life Gel www.WeArePaid.com - Duration: 2:27.







































For more infomation >> HGH info New U Life Gel www.WeArePaid.com - Duration: 2:27.


/I/ vs /i:/ | Learn English Pronunciation | Minimal Pairs Practice - Duration: 12:53.

Hello people.

This is Fanny.

Welcome to this English pronunciation video.

Now learning pronunciation is very important if you want to improve your English skills.

So this is a very important video to watch.

In this video we will focus on two English vowel sounds:

/I/ and /i:/

Now I know they sound very similar, but they are different.

And they are two very important vowel sounds in English.

So let's start with our two example words:


Now listen to how I pronounce this word.


Can you hear the /I/ sound?


Now listen to another word:


Can you hear the pronunciation?







I know it can be difficult at first.

But with a little bit of practice, I'm sure you will hear them differently.

Although they are similar, they are two different vowel sounds.

So keep watching and I promise you by the end of this video you'll have improved your

hearing and pronunciation of these two vowel sounds.

Get ready students.

I'm gonna help you make these vowel sounds /I/ and /i:/.

I really want you to be able to hear the difference and to pronounce them correctly.

It is very important for you to know the IPA spelling.

Watch how I move my mouth.

And always repeat after me in this video.

I know that you can master these vowel sounds.

Let's get started.

First, let's try to make the sound /I/.

So when you pronounce, it your tongue is a little higher in your mouth, closer to the front.


Stretch out your lips a little.

And it's a short sound.

/I/ Repeat after me.

/I/ /I/


Let's now practice with the word, sit.

Repeat after me.

sit sit sit

Good guys.

Let's now practice the second sound, /i:/.

So the tongue has the same position.

It's a little bit higher, closer to the front.

But, when you say /i:/, you stretch out your lips a little more.

And it's a long sound.


Your lips should feel a little tighter, too.


Repeat after me.




Let's practice with the word, seat.

Repeat after me.

seat seat


Good guys.

So we're going to use minimal pairs.

They're words with very similar sounds, but the actual vowel sounds are different.

And they're a very good way to practice these vowel sounds.

So let's now practice together.

First, just the sounds.

Watch my mouth.

And repeat after me.

/I/ /I/

/I/ /i:/



/I/ /i:/

/I/ /i:/

/I/ /i:/

Can you see my mouth?

Okay let's now practice with the words.

sit sit sit

seat seat seat

sit seat sit seat sit seat

Good job guys.

Okay guys let's now move on to minimal pairs.

I have a few for you.

I'm gonna read them to you.

I want you to be very careful.

Look at my mouth - how it moves.

And repeat after me.

Let's get started.

bid bead

bin been

bit beat

bitch beach

biz bees

blip bleep

chick cheek

chip cheap

chit cheat

did deed

dip deep

fill feel

fist feast

fit feet

fizz fees

gin gene

grid greed

grin green

hid heed

hill he'll

hip heap

his he's

hit heat

ill eel

is ease

it eat

itch each

kid keyed

kip keep

knit neat

lick leak

lip leap

mill meal

mitt meet

pick peek

pill peel

pip peep

piss peace

pit peat

pitch peach

risen reason

slick sleek

slip sleep

slit sleet

shin sheen

sick seek

sill seal

sim seem

sin seen

sip seep

skid skied

skim scheme

skit skeet

still steel

till teal

tin teen

wit wheat

Let's practice further.

I'm now going to show you some words and I want you to read them with the proper

English vowel sound.

/I/ or /i:/

Let's get started.

Let's start with the first word.

Now what's the pronunciation of this word?

Is it sit or is it seat?

Of course it is sit.

Next word.

Is it chick or is it cheek?

It's chick.

Next word.

fill or feel?

fill Next word.

his or he's?

Of course his.

chin or cheat?

Its cheat.

Is it pip or is it peep?

Of course people it's pip.

Next word.

bitch or beach?

It's beach.

Then we have sit or seat.

Which one is it?

It's seat.

his oh he's?

It's he's.

And finally, is it hill or heel?

It's heel.

Great guys.

Let's continue on.

Okay guys, let's now move on to sentences.

I have a few sentences for you with different /I/ and /i:/ sounds.

So pay attention and repeat after me.

The first sentence is: Pick a seat and sit without making a peep.

The second sentence: Don't peel a peach or eat its pit.

And finally.

I feel sick and ill after eating the big meal.

Excellent guys.

Let's move on.

Great job guys.

I know you now have a better understanding of the difference between the English vowel

sounds /I/ and /i:/.

It's difficult.

It takes time and practice to master, but you can do it.

So keep practicing and make sure to watch my other pronunciation videos

very important if you want to improve your English skills.

See you next time.

Thank you so much guys for watching my video.

If you've liked it and if you want to see other videos please show me your support.

Click like.

Subscribe to the channel.

Put your comments below and share the video.


For more infomation >> /I/ vs /i:/ | Learn English Pronunciation | Minimal Pairs Practice - Duration: 12:53.


[PUBG Moble] Trên Tay Combo Groza + K98 Hủy Diệt 23 Kill - Bắn Như HACK - Duration: 16:15.

For more infomation >> [PUBG Moble] Trên Tay Combo Groza + K98 Hủy Diệt 23 Kill - Bắn Như HACK - Duration: 16:15.


Stefano Spaggiari AD di Expert System commenta i risultati del primo semestre 2018 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Stefano Spaggiari AD di Expert System commenta i risultati del primo semestre 2018 - Duration: 3:16.


Man Utd news: Jamie Carragher makes Chelsea and Man City claim about Jose Mourinho future - Duration: 2:35.

 That is the view of Sky Sports pundit Jamie Carragher. Mourinho has come under mounting pressure at Manchester United and even more questions were asked after his side slumped to a surprise 3-1 defeat away to West Ham on Saturday

 The loss marked United's worst start to a league campaign in 29 years. While the Glazers appear to be reluctant to pull the trigger yet, there have been reports that Mourinho could be sacked sooner rather than later if results don't improve

 After their Champions League clash at home to Valencia tonight (8pm), United face a challenging run of fixtures that includes trips to face Chelsea and Manchester City

 And Carragher thinks these two fixtures could go someway to determining whether Mourinho stays at Old Trafford

 When asked about Mourinho's future, Carragher said on Sky Sports' Monday Night Football: "Manchester United have not had a tough start on paper

 "They have only played Spurs at home out of the top six. But when we come back from the international break, starting with Chelsea and finishing with Manchester City, that's why you brought Jose Mourinho to your club, to win big games

 "I think at the end of those run of fixtures, if they have bad results away at Chelsea and away at Manchester City, I think we will be a lot clearer about what could happen going forward

 "Because it is all very well saying that you can't get rid of the manager and who comes in, all these things, I have been at clubs myself where sometimes it gets that untenable and there is so much friction in the squad that something has to happen

 "Unfortunately, and it sickens me to say it about players downing tools because I hate that, but it is always the manager who carries the can for that

 "That is what Jose Mourinho is paid big bucks for - to manage that squad. "And at the moment, he is not managing that squad

" Ian Wright, meanwhile, feels the constant negativity surrounding Mourinho is dragging United down

 He said: "It seems to be on a daily basis. [Mourinho] talks about some players caring more than others, but doesn't name them - why mention that? "Maybe he's trying to take the focus off the fact this is the biggest challenge of his career, to try to turn this around

 "This is embarrassing for Manchester United. What are the boardroom doing? How long is it going to carry on?"

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Jamie Carragher makes Chelsea and Man City claim about Jose Mourinho future - Duration: 2:35.


Cardi B to Surrender to Police on Alleged Assault Charges | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:27.

Cardi B to Surrender to Police on Alleged Assault Charges | Heavy.com

Cardi B is set to surrender to police Monday morning to face charges in connection with an assault on two bartenders at a New York City strip club, according to ABC6.

ABC6 reports that the rapper will likely face misdemeanor charges in connection with an Aug.

29 fight at Angels Strip Club in Queens. The star will reportedly be charged with reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct when she turns herself in, although she will not be arrested.

Earlier this month, the rapper got into another fight with Nicki Minaj during a Fashion Week party.

 Members of her entourage allegedly assaulted a man after the Met Gala in May, CBS reports.

However, new allegations surfaced after Cardi B, whose real name is Belcalis Almánzar, was accused of "ordering an attack against the employees at Angels Strip Club in Queens after claiming one of the girls had slept with her husband, rapper Offset," according to the DailyMail.

The rapper allegedly "ordered" her entourage to attack two girls who worked at the club – sisters Jade and Baddie Gi – with bottles and chairs, resulting in both girls needing medical attention, DailyMail reports.

Sources claim that the incident was prompted by a drink being spilled on Cardi, whose actions have been described as "spontaneous and completely unpremeditated," according to the DailyMail.

The bartenders say Cardi B had previously "threatened them with physical harm" back in June when she ran into the sisters in an Atlanta hotel.

The rapper accused Jade of sleeping with her husband in June, and the tension came to a head when she met the girls once again at the Angels Strip Club in August.

Jade also accused Cardi B of threatening her on Instagram.

ABC6 reports that Cardi B is likely to receive a desk appearance ticket to appear in court at a later date.

This is a developing story.

Heavy will continue to update as more information is known.

Keep checking back for updates.

For more infomation >> Cardi B to Surrender to Police on Alleged Assault Charges | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:27.


HOW to SPEED up WINDOWS #2/HOW to ENABLE ReadyBoost/Readyboost/READYBOOST/HOW to INCREASE RAM - Duration: 2:02.

Good day friends now I'll tell you how to speed up

your Windows in just 2 minutes using USB flash.

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For more infomation >> HOW to SPEED up WINDOWS #2/HOW to ENABLE ReadyBoost/Readyboost/READYBOOST/HOW to INCREASE RAM - Duration: 2:02.


/I/ vs /i:/ | Learn English Pronunciation | Minimal Pairs Practice - Duration: 12:53.

Hello people.

This is Fanny.

Welcome to this English pronunciation video.

Now learning pronunciation is very important if you want to improve your English skills.

So this is a very important video to watch.

In this video we will focus on two English vowel sounds:

/I/ and /i:/

Now I know they sound very similar, but they are different.

And they are two very important vowel sounds in English.

So let's start with our two example words:


Now listen to how I pronounce this word.


Can you hear the /I/ sound?


Now listen to another word:


Can you hear the pronunciation?







I know it can be difficult at first.

But with a little bit of practice, I'm sure you will hear them differently.

Although they are similar, they are two different vowel sounds.

So keep watching and I promise you by the end of this video you'll have improved your

hearing and pronunciation of these two vowel sounds.

Get ready students.

I'm gonna help you make these vowel sounds /I/ and /i:/.

I really want you to be able to hear the difference and to pronounce them correctly.

It is very important for you to know the IPA spelling.

Watch how I move my mouth.

And always repeat after me in this video.

I know that you can master these vowel sounds.

Let's get started.

First, let's try to make the sound /I/.

So when you pronounce, it your tongue is a little higher in your mouth, closer to the front.


Stretch out your lips a little.

And it's a short sound.

/I/ Repeat after me.

/I/ /I/


Let's now practice with the word, sit.

Repeat after me.

sit sit sit

Good guys.

Let's now practice the second sound, /i:/.

So the tongue has the same position.

It's a little bit higher, closer to the front.

But, when you say /i:/, you stretch out your lips a little more.

And it's a long sound.


Your lips should feel a little tighter, too.


Repeat after me.




Let's practice with the word, seat.

Repeat after me.

seat seat


Good guys.

So we're going to use minimal pairs.

They're words with very similar sounds, but the actual vowel sounds are different.

And they're a very good way to practice these vowel sounds.

So let's now practice together.

First, just the sounds.

Watch my mouth.

And repeat after me.

/I/ /I/

/I/ /i:/



/I/ /i:/

/I/ /i:/

/I/ /i:/

Can you see my mouth?

Okay let's now practice with the words.

sit sit sit

seat seat seat

sit seat sit seat sit seat

Good job guys.

Okay guys let's now move on to minimal pairs.

I have a few for you.

I'm gonna read them to you.

I want you to be very careful.

Look at my mouth - how it moves.

And repeat after me.

Let's get started.

bid bead

bin been

bit beat

bitch beach

biz bees

blip bleep

chick cheek

chip cheap

chit cheat

did deed

dip deep

fill feel

fist feast

fit feet

fizz fees

gin gene

grid greed

grin green

hid heed

hill he'll

hip heap

his he's

hit heat

ill eel

is ease

it eat

itch each

kid keyed

kip keep

knit neat

lick leak

lip leap

mill meal

mitt meet

pick peek

pill peel

pip peep

piss peace

pit peat

pitch peach

risen reason

slick sleek

slip sleep

slit sleet

shin sheen

sick seek

sill seal

sim seem

sin seen

sip seep

skid skied

skim scheme

skit skeet

still steel

till teal

tin teen

wit wheat

Let's practice further.

I'm now going to show you some words and I want you to read them with the proper

English vowel sound.

/I/ or /i:/

Let's get started.

Let's start with the first word.

Now what's the pronunciation of this word?

Is it sit or is it seat?

Of course it is sit.

Next word.

Is it chick or is it cheek?

It's chick.

Next word.

fill or feel?

fill Next word.

his or he's?

Of course his.

chin or cheat?

Its cheat.

Is it pip or is it peep?

Of course people it's pip.

Next word.

bitch or beach?

It's beach.

Then we have sit or seat.

Which one is it?

It's seat.

his oh he's?

It's he's.

And finally, is it hill or heel?

It's heel.

Great guys.

Let's continue on.

Okay guys, let's now move on to sentences.

I have a few sentences for you with different /I/ and /i:/ sounds.

So pay attention and repeat after me.

The first sentence is: Pick a seat and sit without making a peep.

The second sentence: Don't peel a peach or eat its pit.

And finally.

I feel sick and ill after eating the big meal.

Excellent guys.

Let's move on.

Great job guys.

I know you now have a better understanding of the difference between the English vowel

sounds /I/ and /i:/.

It's difficult.

It takes time and practice to master, but you can do it.

So keep practicing and make sure to watch my other pronunciation videos

very important if you want to improve your English skills.

See you next time.

Thank you so much guys for watching my video.

If you've liked it and if you want to see other videos please show me your support.

Click like.

Subscribe to the channel.

Put your comments below and share the video.


For more infomation >> /I/ vs /i:/ | Learn English Pronunciation | Minimal Pairs Practice - Duration: 12:53.



When I get older, losing my hair

many years from now

will you still be sending me a Valentine

birthday greetings, bottle of wine?

If I'd been out till quarter to three

would you lock the door?

will you still need me, will you still feed me

when I'm sixty-four?

You'll be older too

and if you say the word

I could stay with you

la, la ra la la la ra

I could be handy mending a fuse

when your lights have gone

you can knit a sweater by the fireside

Sunday morning go for a ride

Doing the garden, digging the weeds

who could ask for more?

will you still need me, will you still feed me

when I'm sixty-four?

Every summer we can rent a cottage

in the Isle of Wight if it's not too dear

we shall scrimp and save

Grandchildren at your feet

Vera, Chuck and Dave

la, la, la la, la, la, la

(Lennon Troppo canta cosas a cappella)

Give me your answer

fill in a form

mine for evermore

will you still need me

will you still feed me

when I'm sixty-four?



軍艦接連到俄家門找茬,美高官剛曝光真實意圖!就沒把普京放眼裡 - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> 軍艦接連到俄家門找茬,美高官剛曝光真實意圖!就沒把普京放眼裡 - Duration: 8:09.


Five Nights at Freddy's Song (FNAF SFM 4K)(Music Box) - Duration: 0:51.

♫ Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Song - Die In A Fire ♫

For more infomation >> Five Nights at Freddy's Song (FNAF SFM 4K)(Music Box) - Duration: 0:51.


Americans will love these Korean products once they try them! - Duration: 5:17.

Hello. It's Jinger.

I immigrated to the US in 2013.

It's been almost 5 years since I lived here.

Where I live,

there aren't many Koreans

not many Asians either.

It's hard to find Korean stuff.

If I want to go to a Korean market,

I have to drive about an hour.

When I first came here,

I went to a Korean market every month.

Now only 2 or 3 times a year.


There are a lot of good products in America.

But I wish to have certain Korean things

close by.

So, I'm going to talk about it.

We sometimes suffer from indigestion.

We call it 'che-heh-ddah' in Korean.

There aren't exact expressions that

can describe it.

When I was suffering from it for the first time in America

I went to a pharmacist and tried to explain.

He gave me something for indigestion.

But it didn't work very well.

I was still sick.

The next day, I drove an hour

to go to a Korean market while feeling sick

and bought 'Gas Hwal-myoung-soo'.

If you don't have it with you

and want to describe your symptoms to a pharmacist,


If you have a feeling that is burning or something stuck in your throat

you can say 'heartburn'.

Tell your pharmacist

indigestion and heartburn

then you should be fine.

But in my experience

Digestive medicine in America doesn't work well.

At least for me.

When housewives in Korea do the dishes

they use these rubber gloves.

These go up to my arm..

They cover the half of my arms,

plenty long, I love them.

There are something similar in America

but they are short.

I used them once.

My arms got wet while doing the dishes.

So I threw them away.

Everyone has a dishwasher in America.

They don't do dishes as much as Koreans do.

I often use a a dishwasher too.

But there are things that you are not allowed to put in it.

You need to handwash them.

Do Americans wash them bare hands?

When I went to a Korean market

I said, I didn't like American rubber gloves.

The owner lady said

Americans who experienced Korean rubber gloves

they keep buying them.

Anybody loves surimi?

I can buy it in America too.

People call it surimi or

imitation crab meat in English.

Literally fake crab meat.

It tastes like crap. Lol

I wouldn't eat it even if someone pays me.

Korean surimi rocks.

Not long ones,

square shaped ones.

You tear it and make surimi fried rice, sooo good!

But I couldn't find it at a Korean supermarket in America.

I've been looking for it for 5 years.

But last time I went there,

They had it! I almost cried out of excitement!


Once you try this, you wouldn't want to eat

surimi from American supermarkets.

That's just what I think.

A lot people love American surimi.

But I am a picky person when it comes to food.

Korean surimi rocks!

I got a package not to long ago.

YouTuber, 9bul sent me this from Korea.

I left a comment on his video

not too long ago.

It was about..

He had a cold and a blocked nose,

so his voice didn't sound great.

Ah, she is the main character.

But he totally recovered his voice after drinking this tea!

Ah, she is the main character.

I was surprised and told him

taking care of my throat is important, I wish to have it in America too.

So he sent it for me!

Thank you so much.

Let's open it.

Bellflower jujube tea!

Bellflower tea is very good for your throat.

But I can't buy it in America.

You can find all sorts of supplements in America.

How come they don't carry it in America?


balloon flower

6 bags!

Oh my gosh.

It smells good.

Bellflower tea is bitter but jujube is yummy.

Smells good.

There is a letter.


is just for me. :D

There are not many Korean people and Korean things around me.

It's hard.

But I don't complain about what I don't have.

I appreciate what I have.

There are a lot of good things in America.

Wide variety of things in supermarkets.

I'm going to wrap it up

and go drink tea.


For more infomation >> Americans will love these Korean products once they try them! - Duration: 5:17.


BMW X5 3.5I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE | Soft close | Comfort zetels | High-beam assistant | Adaptieve LE - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.5I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE | Soft close | Comfort zetels | High-beam assistant | Adaptieve LE - Duration: 1:11.


Let's Learn English at the Park | English Video with Subtitles - Duration: 6:13.

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

Let's learn English at the park!

Hey, Bob the Canadian here.

Welcome to this video.

If this is your first time here please click the subscribe button below and at some point

during this video give me a thumbs up!

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

I thought today would be a great day to come to the park.

And I'm at a park that has everything that I would want to have at a park to be able

to do a video where I can help you learn English.

So let's walk around and I will show you a whole bunch of things that, that a park,

that a city park would have.

Often at a park you will find a playground.

A place for kids to come and play.

There will usually be a playground area like this, and usually there will be swings.

I should go try one of these swings right now, what do you think, let me just aim the

camera a little closer and let me run over and, and let me see how this goes.

I think I'm getting too old for that.

Let's, let's move on to the next part of the park.

One thing that I really like at a park is if people keep it clean.

It's really nice if people pick up their garbage and put it into a proper garbage can.

This particular park has a really nice path where if you wanted to go for a walk, or if

you wanted to go for bike ride, or if you just wanted to go for a run.

It's nice when a park has paths.

This particular park also, I'm not sure if you can see them in the distance let's

turn for a sec, actually has light poles way over there.

You can even come here at night if you needed to go for a run and you could do it safely.

Often times at a park you'll also find outdoor covered areas.

This particular covered area we would call a gazebo in English.

It's just really nice if it's a really hot sunny day or if it's a rainy day you

can still come to the park and sit in the gazebo.

You can bring a book, there's some benches where you can sit.

This is what we would call a pavilion.

Sometimes in the summer you can rent a pavilion at the local park, and you can have a family

reunion in the pavilion.

A family reunion is when you just get together with all of your family, and all of your extended

family, just to see how everyone's doing and what they've been up to.

Sometimes at the park the landscaping is even more extensive.

We're going to walk to the top of this in a minute.

I think this is here and it's up on a hill so that you can watch ships go by.

I don't think there's a ship going by today in the canal.

I was really hoping there would be, but we'll walk to the top and we'll see what we can


So I'm not sure how well you can see this, but behind me is the actual Welland Canal.

When I was a kid every once in a while we would come to the canal and we would wave

at all the sailors on the boats.

And it would be people from all different countries.

People from some of your countries that would be on huge ships.

They would come through the Welland, they would come through the Welland Canal on their

way out to Lake Ontario, and the eventually making their way down the St. Lawrence River

to the Atlantic Ocean.

But today, there's no boats.


I was really hoping there would be a boat.

One of my favourite things at the park is really big trees.

I just love trees that have lots of shade.

Normally if I do go to the park in the summer I end up sitting under a tree like this one.

I'm not a big fan of really warm days and lots of sunshine.

There's , so, parks are cool because there's big trees and there's usually lots of grass

and just lots of green, so you feel really close to nature.

If you're lucky, the park you're at will have what we call a skate park.

A skate park is a place where you can bring your skateboard, your roller blades.

This is for much younger people.

I, Bob the Canadian does not come to the skate park, but you can come to the skate park,

usually there's a bunch of people here.

Today it's kind of empty, but anyways, one of the things you might find at a park is

a skate park.

Somebody forgot their helmet at the park.

I think I'll just leave it here and while I'm making the video maybe they'll come

and pick it up.

It's really nice if a park has restrooms, or bathrooms, or in Canada we call them washrooms.

But sometimes you just need to go to the bathroom, you need to use the restroom and it's nice

if a park actually has that.

Some smaller parks don't, but usually a larger park like this park will have a restroom

where maybe you're here with your family and your little kids, it's nice to come

to a park where you can just take them to the bathroom.

Well, hey, that was super fun to be able to show you what a park looks like in Canada.

I'm sure in your cities you have parks.

They probably have even more flowers, if you're in a warmer place.

But it was super fun to be able to show you the park and all of the different areas here.

I'm Bob the Canadian.

You can learn English with Bob the Canadian.

Please subscribe to this channel by clicking the subscribe button below, it's the red


Please give me a like by giving me a thumbs up below and please do share this video.

Leave a comment.

I love comments from my viewers and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Let's Learn English at the Park | English Video with Subtitles - Duration: 6:13.


Best Canon Rebel T7 | EOS 2000D movie settings video - youtube - Duration: 19:15.

For more infomation >> Best Canon Rebel T7 | EOS 2000D movie settings video - youtube - Duration: 19:15.


41歲林心如撞衫38歲章子怡,氣質差太多,網友:明星和巨星的差別! - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 41歲林心如撞衫38歲章子怡,氣質差太多,網友:明星和巨星的差別! - Duration: 2:49.


Kler pobił rekord! Żaden inny film nigdy tego nie dokonał - Duration: 4:52.

 Kler reżyserii Wojciecha Smarzowskiego to film, który jeszcze przed premierą był na ustach całej Polski

Od piątku do kin ciągną całe tłumy Polaków. Pojawiają się kolejne recenzje oraz informacje o frekwencji

Ta po kilku dniach wygląda imponująco. Kler z jego renesansowym przesłaniem „nic co ludzkie nie jest im obce" piętnuje skrywane przez lata grzechy polskiego duchowieństwa

Nie da się ukryć, że zwiastun, ale przede wszystkim rozwój wydarzeń w Kościele na całym świecie zachęcił Polaków do wybrania się na film

Kler społecznie oczekiwany Ten zaś zbiera wysokie oceny krytyków. Świadczy o tym chociażby nagroda „Złoty Lew" za scenografię, którą uhonorowano film na niedawnym festiwalu w Gdyni

O ocenie społeczeństwa świadczy też nota jaką Kler ma dziś w serwisie filmowym Filmweb

 Dziś jest to 7,5 gwiazdki (na 10). Film chce – według danych portalu – zobaczyć 32,8 tys

użytkowników. Kościół się wścieknie! Wiadomo ile osób obejrzało już Kler  To pokazuje, że tysiące Polaków pragną zobaczyć produkcję Smarzowskiego i na jej podstawie wyrobić sobie zdanie o polskim Kościele

Rekordowa frekwencja Jak podaje Jastrzabpost.pl wiemy dziś, że Kler emitowany jest z możliwe największa częstotliwością

W ciągu doby aż 22 razy wyświetlano go we wrocławskim Multikinie, ale równie imponujące dane docierają do nas z Poznania, Krakowa czy Warszawy

Łącznie w kinach zasiadło blisko milion widzów. Było ich ponad 935 tysięcy. To absolutny rekord w polskiej kinematografii jeśli chodzi o widownię w pierwszych trzech dniach emisji filmu

Poprzedni należał do 50 twarzy Greya i wynosił 834 tys. DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ  Film jest przysłowiowym kijem wbitym w mrowisko

Sam w sobie budzi kontrowersje, ale przecież przyzwyczaił nas do tego w swoich produkcjach Wojciech Smarzowski

Nadmienić należy, że w większych miastach kraju krytycy filmu zaplanowali manifestacje, które miały utrudnić dojazdy i wejścia do kin! Jak do tej pory, poza werbalnym nawoływaniem do bojkotu obyło się bez rękoczynów i starć

 Bywa jednak też tak, że kina zwyczajnie nie mają w swoim repertuarze Kleru.Zachęcali do bojkotowania Do nieoglądania filmu zachęcało Polaków Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich

W specjalnym komunikacie poinformowało ono, że film Smarzowskiego jest „przykładem ohydnej, profanującej sacrum sztuki"

Niespecjalnie przełożyło się to jednak na społeczny odzew. ZOBACZ TAKŻE:   loading

Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Kler pobił rekord! Żaden inny film nigdy tego nie dokonał - Duration: 4:52.


ASMR I 100% elektrická relaxácia s Renault ZOE - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> ASMR I 100% elektrická relaxácia s Renault ZOE - Duration: 14:31.


See My Art Artbox i Leksand är invigd - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> See My Art Artbox i Leksand är invigd - Duration: 1:01.


Acer Predator Triton 700 Gaming Benchmarks - 13 Games Tested! - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Acer Predator Triton 700 Gaming Benchmarks - 13 Games Tested! - Duration: 5:10.


Patrick Mahomes' Dad, Pat Mahomes, Played in MLB | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:48.

Patrick Mahomes' Dad, Pat Mahomes, Played in MLB | Heavy.com

Patrick Mahomes may be new to the NFL, but he received an inside look at the life of a pro athlete thanks to his father, Pat Mahomes.

Pat was an MLB pitcher for 11 seasons.

Patrick grew up catching fly balls with players like Alex Rodgriguez, who Patrick admits was his favorite player.

"Definitely Alex Rodriguez," Mahomes told 610 Sports Radio (via SB Nation).

"My dad had just gotten over with the Rangers and I really remember being on the field and just seeing him.

He played shortstop, I played shortstop.

That was the guy that was really my role model of how to play the game and have a lot of success doing it.".

Pat played with six different pro baseball teams: Twins, Red Sox, Mets, Rangers, Cubs and Pirates.

Mahomes threw 452 strikeouts over his career, and spent his time mostly as a relief pitcher.

Patrick spoke with CBS Sports about what he learned from watching players like Derek Jeter up close.

"When he [Rodriguez] was on the Rangers, he was already one of the best players in baseball," Patrick explained to CBS Sports.

"And I watched Derek Jeter do the same type of things.

They were guys already on the top.

To see how hard they worked to keep getting better is something I will always remember.

Those guys weren't just satisfied with just being one of the best at that time in the league.

They wanted to maintain that and step up and be on that legendary status.

In the NFL, things happen at any moment.

Look at the Super Bowl champs with the Eagles.

Nick Foles, if he wasn't preparing like he was the starter, he wouldn't have been able to become a Super Bowl MVP.

Last year was all about preparing to be a starter for last year and for this year coming up and the future.

It was about having the mindset of every single week of dong what I have to do to have success.".

Patrick's Parents Divorced When He was Young, But They Remain on Good Terms.


Patrick's father and mother, Randi Mahomes, divorced when he was young, but they still remain good friends.

Randi noted she saw something different in her son at a young age.

"I knew he'd be a professional athlete when he was 7," Randi told The Kansas City Star.

"I'm serious.

There was never a question to him, and I knew he had the talent.".

Patrick was talented enough to play either baseball or football professionally.

The Tigers drafted him in the 37th round of the 2014 MLB draft.

The Chiefs quarterback cited the challenge of football as to why he ultimately chose to play it over baseball.

"Baseball, I felt like I almost already peaked," Patrick noted to The Kansas City Star.

"I felt like I knew everything about baseball.

In football, I'm still learning something every single day.".

In case you are curious, here's a look at the Royals Farm Report scouting assessment of Patrick the baseball player.

Just as if Patrick Mahomes was going to enter the 2018 MLB Draft with the Royals on the clock at 18 and two or three more times between 32 and 40.

Arm: 65 Hit: 40 Power: 45 Field: 45 Run: 55 Mahomes was known to have an exceptional fastball.

Michael Kopech of the Chicago White Sox (who has a pretty good fastball himself) raved about Mahomes' arm in Mellinger's article.

Mahomes was almost definitely going to be a pitcher had he decided to play baseball.

He was actually drafted as a pitcher in the 37th round by the Detroit Tigers back in 2014.

Detroit thought so highly of Mahomes that they took a chance on him late in the draft despite Mahomes being clear on his intentions to play college football at TTU.

Mahomes actually made an appearance on the mound for the Texas Tech Red Raiders back in 2015, but never recorded an out.

You can forgive him for maybe being a little busy between preparing for both football and baseball.

Patrick's father agrees that his son could have played both sports, but made the right choice in selecting football.

"Baseball had been pretty much his whole life growing up, and he always played basketball, too," Mahomes told USA Today.

"Those were his two sports.

I was trying to keep him from playing football.

But then his junior year in high school, he said he wanted to try this quarterback thing and see where it took him…Well, I've got to admit, he made the right choice.".

Here's a look at a young Patrick with his father during his stint with the Twins.


For more infomation >> Patrick Mahomes' Dad, Pat Mahomes, Played in MLB | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:48.


The Unknown Soldier (2017) - Last Battle - Duration: 3:14.

Vanhala, gather a fireteam. We need to take that trench back.

You see that body? - Yeah.

Right beside it is their light machinegun.

Try to get into the trench and take them out.

I'll get in. If not in there, then into my grave

I'll take Asumaniemi and Honkajoki. - We'll provide covering fire.

I don't dare to volunteer. One must order me.

Then I'm ordering you.

That's a different matter.


Let's go!

Damn boy.

You ready?


One to the right.

Hey, the Russkies are leaving.


We made it! - Fireteam Vanhala.

Excellent job. The fatherland will remember you.

Guys I ran out of mags. You got any extra.

Ceasefire - September 4th, 1944

For more infomation >> The Unknown Soldier (2017) - Last Battle - Duration: 3:14.


Stefano Spaggiari AD di Expert System commenta i risultati del primo semestre 2018 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Stefano Spaggiari AD di Expert System commenta i risultati del primo semestre 2018 - Duration: 3:16.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D x-play - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D x-play - Duration: 1:08.


Digitalisering i Niger - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Digitalisering i Niger - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën Nemo Multispace 1.4i 75pk - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Citroën Nemo Multispace 1.4i 75pk - Duration: 1:03.


Salary for Start-up in House Cleaning - How Much Do You Pay Yourself? - Duration: 8:48.

How much salary should I pay myself as a house cleaner, when I'm hiring other people?

That is a great question and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Today's show is brought to us by MyCleaningConnection.com

and that is a resource hub for all things cleaning.

So there are all different kinds of articles and training that you can get as a professional

house cleaner, there are blogs, and videos, and podcasts, and all kinds of stuff, cleaning

equipment, and supplies.

It's just a really fun hub that will help you out in your cleaning business.


Alright onto today's question which is from Anna, who has this question.

Hi Angela, my name is Anna, my cleaning business is very new but I have a question

about salaries and what I should be paid versus what my other people in my company should

be paid.

It is a very new business and I've started it all up by myself.

I'm the one who has invested in all of the equipment and the cleaning products, obviously

I've put in the time to research and find clients, and learn about cleaning.

I've put a lot of time and money into my small, new business so far.

It's just starting to pick up, three clients a week type of thing.

I want my boyfriend and my brother to join me, because they think that then we could

take on a lot more clients, they both are excellent workers and I think we could do

awesome work together.

Now, since I have gotten this thing off the ground and I'm the one who am going to be

purchasing insurance, and all these things, I'm the one who's communicating with the client,

emailing back and forth, administrative type things.

How would I know what to pay my brother and my boyfriend versus what I earn, because I'm

doing more work and I've made a bigger investment of my time and my money.

Thank you Angela.

Angela Brown: Alright Anna, congratulations on your new business, and welcome to the world

of cleaning.

There are a whole bunch of things that you need to consider as you're getting started,

and I can't give you a definitive answer on how much your salary should be because I don't

know where you live, how much you charge per hour is going to be based on where you live.

Let's say that you live in middle America.

We're not talking about California, we're not talking about New York, because all along

the coast, you're going to have a much higher expense living, and it's going to raise the

price of the cleaning.

If you live in the UK it's going to drop the prices, because the prices are about half

what they are in the US.

In middle America, let's just say for sake of ease that you charge $25 an hour as you're

getting started in the cleaning business.

That's about middle of the road in standard rural America.

If you do, my suggestion would be that you go somewhere around 50-60% of what you're

charging for the customer.

So, if you are hiring people already, you're going to want to pay them 50-60% of what you're

bringing in, in order to inspire them to keep coming back, but you still have to figure

out what your profit and losses are, you got to figure out what your expenses are.

Then you have to figure out you're going to have left on the table, and does it make sense

for you to go ahead and hire people at this point.

If you only have three customers right now, my suggestion would be don't hire anyone.

Completely book out your schedule until your schedule is completely full.

Now, what I mean by this, is if you're charging $25 an hour and you're working five days a

week, eight hours a day, that is $1000 a week that you're bringing in.

That is $4000 a month, that's just the simple math.

That doesn't talk about all the expenses and everything you have behind the table.

That's just the money that you're bringing in.

What could $4000 do for your business right now?

It could help you get up and running, it could ease the blow of having immediate bills to

pay, so you can focus on growing your business.

As you grow your business and you hire your

brother and your husband, or your boyfriend, as you hire these extra people, you're going

to have to raise your rates.

As you raise your rates, that will give you more money for advertising and more money

to pay yourself these things.

In the beginning, you're going to have a lot of sweat equity and you're not going to get paid.

I'm not trying to paint an ugly picture, but you have to be willing to absorb some of that

cost in order to get started.

You're starting out on your own and that is the expense.

When you jump into a franchise and you buy a franchise, they do a background check.

They make sure you have a business background because they do not want you to fail.

The next thing is, a lot of them require that you have a college degree.

They want to make sure that you know how to learn,

and that you will implement the things that you've learned.

They probably know you have a student loan that you have to pay off.

Another thing is, they want to make sure that you have $150,000 to $200,000 of operating capital

upfront so you have enough money to grow your business as you get going, so because you

started out on your own, you don't have to come up with hundreds of thousands of dollars

up front, and you're not going to paying a 10% franchise fee to the franchise for the

rest of your career.

So you get to keep all that extra money.

The reality is as you get started, you're going to start out at a basic price.

The basic price is going to let people give your service a try, okay?

If you go in and you're like, "Well I know my worth, I'm going to charge top dollar"

You're going to have a couple of customers, but you're not going to have a lot, and your

schedule will not be full.

My recommendation is drop your price just a tad, so that it's more alluring to the other

customers that are out there that would not give your service a try at a higher price.

Once your schedule is full, the minute you think you have this figured out, that's when

everything changes.

You probably have enough experience now behind the helm of the business doing all the day

to day stuff that you know kind of what's expected.

You've been in enough contracts that you kind of know how to spin a conversation to your

advantage, and you know how to set boundaries and expectations with new customers.

So there's some things upfront that you need to learn before you start hiring people.

If your husband or your boyfriend, and your brother come with you on the jobs, you are

still going to be expected to do all the administrative stuff.

So, right now there's not enough money to pay them.

Even at $25 an hour, if you pay them $15 a hour, which is 60%, there's only $10 left

for you, that's for all the insurance, for your workman's comp, for all your cleaning

supplies, for your gas, for your advertising, for all that stuff.

There's actually not enough money to go around, and then you don't get paid.

So, my suggestion to you would be don't hire anyone yet.

Make sure that you have a completely full schedule.

I'm talking about just working solo.

Work solo until your schedule is completely filled, then you can start growing and expanding

your business as you're able to.

You're going to have to raise the rates on the customers, you're going to have to have

more expenses because you have more people, you have more cars, you have more jobs, you

have more advertising.

The expenses grow as your income grows.

So, there's a lot going on right here, and my suggestion is if you only have three customers

right now, do not expand.

This is not the time for you to expand.

There are lots of people that just want to run the business, and I love that entrepreneurial

mentality, but right now you don't have the goods for it.

You don't have the resources to bring in the money to pay you for your admin time, and

still keep everybody employed full time.

You can't take your boyfriend and your brother off their regular jobs for three jobs a week,

that's not enough money to go around.

Nobody is going to pay that much money to support three people,

it's just not enough money.

So my suggestion is work solo until your schedule is completely filled, and then start expanding,

try to keep your ratios at about 50-60%, meaning you give them 60% of the revenue coming in,

and you keep the other 40 for the business.

That allows you to put money back into the business and it allows you to pay for your

time as well, because your time will be streamlined,

and it will be amortized over all of the hours of different people working.

So that would be my suggestion for you, for right now.

Right now the money is not there.

Work solo until your business does grow.

Alrighty, that's my two cents for today, until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place, than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Salary for Start-up in House Cleaning - How Much Do You Pay Yourself? - Duration: 8:48.


Będzie film o Korze? Znamy decyzję rodziny! - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Będzie film o Korze? Znamy decyzję rodziny! - Duration: 3:41.


Rodičia, športujte s deťmi o dušu - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Rodičia, športujte s deťmi o dušu - Duration: 4:05.


Artistas da Globo saem de sua zona de conforto e agradam o público em seu desempenho - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Artistas da Globo saem de sua zona de conforto e agradam o público em seu desempenho - Duration: 3:16.


Kler pobił rekord! Żaden inny film nigdy tego nie dokonał - Duration: 4:52.

 Kler reżyserii Wojciecha Smarzowskiego to film, który jeszcze przed premierą był na ustach całej Polski

Od piątku do kin ciągną całe tłumy Polaków. Pojawiają się kolejne recenzje oraz informacje o frekwencji

Ta po kilku dniach wygląda imponująco. Kler z jego renesansowym przesłaniem „nic co ludzkie nie jest im obce" piętnuje skrywane przez lata grzechy polskiego duchowieństwa

Nie da się ukryć, że zwiastun, ale przede wszystkim rozwój wydarzeń w Kościele na całym świecie zachęcił Polaków do wybrania się na film

Kler społecznie oczekiwany Ten zaś zbiera wysokie oceny krytyków. Świadczy o tym chociażby nagroda „Złoty Lew" za scenografię, którą uhonorowano film na niedawnym festiwalu w Gdyni

O ocenie społeczeństwa świadczy też nota jaką Kler ma dziś w serwisie filmowym Filmweb

 Dziś jest to 7,5 gwiazdki (na 10). Film chce – według danych portalu – zobaczyć 32,8 tys

użytkowników. Kościół się wścieknie! Wiadomo ile osób obejrzało już Kler  To pokazuje, że tysiące Polaków pragną zobaczyć produkcję Smarzowskiego i na jej podstawie wyrobić sobie zdanie o polskim Kościele

Rekordowa frekwencja Jak podaje Jastrzabpost.pl wiemy dziś, że Kler emitowany jest z możliwe największa częstotliwością

W ciągu doby aż 22 razy wyświetlano go we wrocławskim Multikinie, ale równie imponujące dane docierają do nas z Poznania, Krakowa czy Warszawy

Łącznie w kinach zasiadło blisko milion widzów. Było ich ponad 935 tysięcy. To absolutny rekord w polskiej kinematografii jeśli chodzi o widownię w pierwszych trzech dniach emisji filmu

Poprzedni należał do 50 twarzy Greya i wynosił 834 tys. DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ  Film jest przysłowiowym kijem wbitym w mrowisko

Sam w sobie budzi kontrowersje, ale przecież przyzwyczaił nas do tego w swoich produkcjach Wojciech Smarzowski

Nadmienić należy, że w większych miastach kraju krytycy filmu zaplanowali manifestacje, które miały utrudnić dojazdy i wejścia do kin! Jak do tej pory, poza werbalnym nawoływaniem do bojkotu obyło się bez rękoczynów i starć

 Bywa jednak też tak, że kina zwyczajnie nie mają w swoim repertuarze Kleru.Zachęcali do bojkotowania Do nieoglądania filmu zachęcało Polaków Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich

W specjalnym komunikacie poinformowało ono, że film Smarzowskiego jest „przykładem ohydnej, profanującej sacrum sztuki"

Niespecjalnie przełożyło się to jednak na społeczny odzew. ZOBACZ TAKŻE:   loading

Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Kler pobił rekord! Żaden inny film nigdy tego nie dokonał - Duration: 4:52.


Reading Mean and Nasty Comments... And Laughing at Them 😜 - Duration: 16:03.

- So, we really, really, really love hearing from you guys

and it's such positive community but today

we're gonna do things a little different

and talk about some of those haters out there.


- We're gonna read some mean comments

and we're gonna laugh at them.

- So, when you're making videos like we do,

I think whether it's education or anything,

there's always haters out there.

You're gonna have people that are,

they're trying to just be mean and I don't know.

- Sometimes for no reason.

- Honestly, I don't know what possesses

people to really do it.

- That's mean.

- Some of it can get really nasty.

I don't think, for the most part,

it doesn't really bother us.

It's not really a big deal.

- One of the reasons why it's easier for people

to be meaner on the internet is

because you're not seeing the person.

You're not face-to-face and people are just mean.

- They're hiding behind fake names.

- Yeah.

- But we get those comments and, not a ton of them,

but what we wanted to do is try to make this

a bit of a teachable moment

and kind of use some of the words,

and it's kind of a vocabulary lesson, I guess.

We just kinda wanted to share some them with you

and, again, make it a teachable moment and talk about

some of the vocabulary and it's a little bit

of a different kind of lesson.

- I mean some of them are really funny.

So, they make us laugh. - Some of them are very funny.

Very very funny.


- So, thanks.


- We're just gonna read through some of these

and then talk a little bit about them.

- You want to read it?

This is my favorite one by far.

(laughing) I love it.

- This comment, 'cause it's for me, Ian Joel,

"Go talk to someone that doesn't speak English,

you condescending prick."


Why do you enjoy that one so much?

- Because first of all, because you are trying to talk--

- I know, well, Ian Joel, we are actually English teachers

so we're trying to teach people and talk to people

who not that don't speak English

but people that are trying to learn English

or improve their skills.

Now-- - It's literally what we do.


That's our job description.

- Yeah, Ian.

In case you're wondering 'cause, again,

I think some of these people are native speakers.

I think a lot of them are trolls.

It's not a good word

but it's a good word to know

what it means because that's kind

of a new word I think that's come up

in the last five, 10 years. - Yeah.

So, a troll is basically somebody

who says something mean or negative.

Not that they really feel that way, they're just

trying to provoke a response from somebody else

and trying to upset another person

or another group of people and getting them to react.

So, a prick is a noun and it's basically slang.

It's talking about...If you call somebody a prick,

it just means they're a jerk.

They're just somebody you don't like.

It's always used in a negative context.

- Hendricks, huh?


- Just keep it down, yeah.

- Prick.

- Heavy, what I wouldn't give to know

what heavy feels like, you insensitive prick.

- The other good vocabulary word to know,

which is again, not a good word, is condescending.

- It's a good word.

- And condescending is,

it's an adjective and basically

it means a way of talking to someone or communicating

to someone like acting like you're better than they are.

You're talking down to somebody.

You're kind of being condescending

and being mean and rude.

We appreciate your condescending comment, Ian.

So usually with unruly students,

we just kick them out of the classroom.

Ian, you're out of here.

- Get out. - Get out.


Go outside Ian, get out of here.

- Get him out of here.

- The next comment.

- I love this one too.

(laughing) - Why do you hate on me?

'Cause this is another one for me.

- Because they're like teacher.

- Huh.

Oh, okay.

- Yeah.

Icepeak C&E.

- "Boy you must be the most boring teacher on YouTube.

"They call a dollar a buck, wow, really?"

Well, yes, Icepeak.

This was from the, I think,

the slang video and talking about different American

slang words, that a dollar is a buck.

But yes we are actually, I don't know why the quotes.

If somebody does, this is another good thing.

If somebody does the air quotes,

basically it means it's the opposite of what they're saying.

So in saying that I'm a teacher would imply I'm not.

- Yeah, jokes on you, Icepeak C&E.

- Yeah. - We are teachers.


It's what we do.

- So we are teachers, so that doesn't

really make much sense.

But I could say, you know, Icepeak C&E is a smart guy.

- It doesn't matter, don't be a hater.

I mean, this is a funny comment without air quotes.

- It is a funny comment.

But still, Icepeak C&E, get out of the classroom.

Get out.

- And also, they do call a dollar a buck.

- Get out of the classroom Icepeak.

- Not everyone knows that!

- Yeah. If you don't know that, get out.

- Get out.

- Get out.

- The next comment is, you wanna...


You can explain this one.

Give us some context.

- This one was in one of my videos

and it was a food idioms video

and I believe that maybe at some point I've asked like--

- I don't think this might've been

a hateful comment or anything, it's just funny.

- We're not sure.

But I believe I may have asked if

people know other food idioms.


But, the comment was, "You eat like a horse."

- So, we're not sure if that's a food idiom

in somebody else's language or something.


- Or people are telling me that I eat like a horse

because in another video, I was eating something.

- In another video, but not in this one.

- Not in this one.

- Yeah.

- So I'm not sure, do you really think I eat like a horse?

What does a horse eat like?

I mean, do they eat good stuff?

- Maybe we got this comment all wrong.

Maybe it's a compliment.

- Maybe.


- A horse's diet is very healthy.

- It was a fun one, we thought we'd share it with you guys.

- You eat like a horse.


You can stay, I think, Matteo.

- You can stay.

Next comment.


- I think this one is yours.

No, mine?

- Yeah.

- Melissa Hurles says, "waffling rubbish."


- Tell us how you really feel, Melissa.

- This is short and sweet.

If somebody is waffling,

it just means that they're not making a point,

they're going back and forth and back and forth.

Of course rubbish, I'm sure you know that it's trash.

- It's more of a British term.

- Right - If something is rubbish,

they say, "ugh, it's terrible."

- Is she saying that you are waffling rubbish

or the content is waffling rubbish?

- I think this was on mine too.

I think it was maybe just the lesson, waffling rubbish.

- Ah, Okay.

- I think part of this has to do with,

I think, with another future comment

that we're gonna show you in just a second,

which maybe helps explain some.

But, yeah, waffling, you're just really indecisive

and kind of like, what, what.

- You're not making a point. - What, what's going on?

What's happening? - Yeah.

- It kind of has to do with Mit's comment, right here.

- Mit Mumo. (laughing)

I like your profile picture.

Is that UCLA?

That looks like UCLA.

- Maybe, I don't know.

Get to the point!

Like, yesterday, geez.

- All in caps.


- I know. This is very frustrating.

Mit's frustrated. - Screaming at us.

- So I think this is part of it was some of our lessons

because when we talk about a topic,

we kind of go through the beginning about,

okay, what the lesson is gonna be about

and kind of talk about why it's useful

and why this is important for you

and how you can use this information.

- Yeah, we think you should know why

you're learning something.

(laughing) - Yeah.

Yeah, Mit.

We don't just go in and say, okay here's the first word.

Here's the second word.

Here's the third word.

- Yeah.

- I think some people, I mean,

again, everybody wants different things.

Some people, like Mit, just want that.

They don't want any, you know,

don't talk to me about how I can use phrasal verbs,

just tell me the phrasal verb or something.

And that's just not what we're gonna do.

We're not going to change that,

but I think that goes with maybe the waffling part.

- Maybe.

- That she was talking about. - But why rubbish?

That's just mean. (laughing)

- Rubbish is just adding insult to injury right there.


- Yeah. - Like ugh.

Oh yeah, we forgot, Melissa, boom, you're out.

Get out the classroom. - Yeah, get out Melissa.

- Get out.

Mit, you too, follow her.

- Get out.

- You're out. You're done, Mit.


- Get



- Foysal.

So this one again is pretty mean.


Foysal Ahmed, or Foysal.

Are you sure you spelled the name right?

Because I think it's Foysal.

- He misspelled his name, you think?

- Maybe. - Maybe.

- "By far the worst one I have ever watched."

Exclamation mark.


- What else do I want to say about this?

- Why did you have to write that?


If you don't like it you don't have to comment.

- He's entitled to his opinion.

- But why, like-- - It's okay.

- Write it down.

- Even though the opinion may be waffling rubbish.

- Your opinion sucks, Foysal. (laughing)

Foysal Ahmed.

Foysal Ahmed.

- Yeah, all right, we're done with you Foysal.

Get out. - Get out.

- Get out of here, you're done.

- Out.

- Get out of here!

- Oh, this is ridiculous.

I'm gonna laugh so hard.

Let's laugh.

- I think this was a comment that was on a video

we did together, obviously.

- Obviously.

- It's like, you're overreacting while you're teaching.

- Over-acting.

So here's the comment.

Junaid Khan says, "Don't do overacting

while you are teaching.

You both laugh more than teaching.

Please don't laugh more."

(laughing) I'm sorry I keep laughing

at your ridiculous comment.

I think it was pronunciation.

- I don't know.

- The brands pronunciation video.

- But it was.

I think we were having fun with that lesson,

and there was a lot of laughing.

- So first of all, can I say something?

We don't act, because we're horrible actors.

We did try to act once with our skit--

- Yeah, it didn't go very well.

- In our "your welcome" video.

- It was pretty bad, pretty bad acting.

- You're so amazing.

- Thank you.

- Can I get a refill on the coffee?

- Yeah.

Here is a refill on your coffee.

- Is there sugar in this?

We're not acting.

We constantly laugh at each other

because Wes is ridiculous and he makes me laugh.

- If anything, I think we're probably under-acting.

- If we laugh more than teaching,

teaching is about having fun.

If you're not having fun when you're learning,

why are you even learning something.

You have to have fun with it.

That's how you learn, Junaid Kahn.


- From now on, Junaid, we will teach all lessons

just like this, in a very monotone voice.

- Nope.

- And there will be no laughing per your request.

- No, but you can go to a teacher who does that.

So get out.

- Get out of here, Junaid!

- Get out of here.


- I just want to keep laughing now.

(laughing) - Keep laughing.

That comment makes us laugh, yeah, thank you.

This is--

- I like the emoji, too.

- This is one my favorite comments because we saw this one.

"You look just like Sara Jay."

This was one on one of Ilana's videos

and of course the first thing I wondered was,

who is Sara Jay?

- Who is Sara jay?

- So you do a quick little Google search on

Sara Jay and you find out she's a porn star.


- So.

- Which tells us something about you, Adam.

- It's just not a great thing to tell somebody,

especially a teacher,

that you look like a porn star, with a kiss emoji.

It's a little...


I know it's the internet, but it's a little...

It's a little...

It's inappropriate. - It's a little creepy.

- I had a student who told me I look very sexy

with my eye-liner, and I'm like,

you can't say that to your teacher.

This was face-to-face, a real student.

Some students, especially if you're learning a new language,

maybe you don't know how to compliment somebody--

- What's maybe culturally appropriate...eh, maybe.

- Yeah, so don't call your teacher sexy.

Don't tell them they look like a porn star.

It's just not appropriate.


But thank you.

First of all, I Googled her too

and I don't think we look alike.

I like the kiss emoji.

We appreciate like--

- You can stay in the classroom.

- Your happy feelings but...

So this was pretty good.

I'm not sure, I don't think we're sure

which video this was on.

It doesn't really matter because--

- It might be on the fun and funny one.

- Oh.

- Which is why, I don't, we don't know if this

is, again, a misunderstanding or like just kind of--

- Maybe.

Either way, they told us we look funny.

Or it was Wes.

You look funny.

No, you're looking funny. - Hey, thanks.

- They're usually like you look funny.

Its not a good thing if somebody looks funny

it's not something you want to look like.

- Yeah.

Yeah, they may have been trying to say

maybe you are funny or you know--

- Or they wanted to say you look funny.

- Or you look like you're having fun--

- Or it's a legit-- (laughing)

- Or maybe, I just look funny.

I don't know.

It's kind of...

You wouldn't say looking funny, you'd say funny-looking.

- Mm-hmm.

- Harry is the funny-looking one.


- You're a funny-looking little thing,

aren't you? - Don't!

- You just... Look funny.

- I look funny?

You ever seen The Shining?

- You still shouldn't say that.

- But, that's still not a nice thing to say to somebody.

- Culturally, it's wrong. - You're funny-looking.

- If you say something about somebody's looks,

always have good things to say,

like, you look great, you look amazing, you look beautiful.

- Stay positive.

All right, so, you can stay in the classroom.

- Gosh this is a long one.

(laughing) Wait, this is mine. Oh my God.

I haven't seen this one.


So, Nasir Boota says,

"Bad see he sent me to be dd

be she the we can submit yeah

he egg cheese fee see ex be seen by it

and return bee-do."


- I just included it because every now and then we get this

nonsensical rambling about something that

I don't know how to interpret this.

I don't know.

- What? (laughing)


- Do you know what this means?

- Maybe they're writing--

- Is this code for something? - Verb-tenses.

No, to be.

- I don't know. - Be.

- It's like one of YouTube's great mysteries.

What-- - What is this, Nasir Boota?

What are you trying to tell us?

- You need to translate this for us.

- What language is this? (laughing)

- Is that it? - Yeah.

- Awe.

- I know, I'm like sad.

We're like, that's all?

That's all that we have so far?

- It was fun.

We like to over-act.

- I'm sure we'll get more negative comments in the future.

So what we want to do is, because again,

the internet, it's so, it can be so full of negativity,

of hate, what we want you guys to do in the comments,

you don't have to write to us,

just go write something positive.

Just go say anything, anything about

anything in life, that's positive,

that's happy, that's cheerful.

Write that in the comments and look at what other people

wrote and comment on theirs, and let's see how


- 'Cause that's how we want to promote.

- Positivity that we can have.

- We want to bring back positivity--

- It's what Interactive English is all about.

- This is a fun space.

I know not everyone likes it, that it's a fun space,

but that's what we want it to be.

We want it to be a fun learning space, because

when you're relaxed and having fun, you are learning.

So please keep it positive, keep it fun,

keep it light, and practice.

- If you guys enjoyed this lesson and

enjoyed us sharing those negative

and mean comments, and weird comments, too,

hit that like button down below.

Thanks so much for watching,

and we'll see you next time.

- Bye. - Bye.

For more infomation >> Reading Mean and Nasty Comments... And Laughing at Them 😜 - Duration: 16:03.



For more infomation >> RIPRODURRE MORE E LAMPONI - Duration: 5:07.


'Aborto gratuito, legal e seguro é necessário', diz atriz Emma Watson - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 'Aborto gratuito, legal e seguro é necessário', diz atriz Emma Watson - Duration: 2:11.


Gopal Bhar | গোপাল ভাঁড় | Lichu - লিচু | Bangla Cartoon Video - Duration: 10:24.

Today's story 'Lichu' (Litchi).

Your Majesty, the yield of mangoes has been good this year.

You're right.

I've heard that the production of mangoes has been good everywhere.

That doesn't matter.

How has been the yield of mangoes in our kingdom?

Good. Very good.

What about the famous kohitur mango tree in our garden?

I'm sure that even our friends don't have that variety of mango tree.

What do you want to do?

Invite your friend to have a look at the mango tree?

No, I won't invite her I'll send her mangoes.

I'll send her ripe kohitur mangoes...

...in a golden bowl covered with soft muslin cloth.

As you wish.

Greetings, Your Highness.

The queen of Burdawan has sent a small gift for you.

Oh! Let me see.

Mangoes in a golden bowl!

There's a letter with it.

Friend, I'm sending mangoes that grows in my kingdom.

Do taste them.

Don't keep the cut mangoes for long...

...or they'll melt like your make-up.

Your Majesty, look what my friend has written.

Don't worry, dear.

Your friend must've been a scheming woman like Manthara...

...or Kaikeyi in her previous birth.

Let's go for a walk in the royal garden.

Okay. Let's go.

Your Majesty, the yield of litchis has been as good as the mangoes.

You're right.

Your Majesty, I've got an idea.

What idea?

Only Gopal can give her a fitting reply.

Please call him.

Okay. As you wish.

(After some time)

Don't worry, Your majesty.

I've a solution to this problem.

Make arrangements to guard the garden.


I'll speak to the chief minister about it.

It's a big garden with so many litchi trees...

...and so many litchis on them.

The guards are going to finish the litchis.

What other option do we have?

Your Majesty, who gave you the suggestion? - Gopal.

Your Majesty, I've an idea.

I, Gobu Chanda, the army-chief...

and the court poet will guard the litchi trees.

What do you say? - That's not a bad idea.

Gopal, what do you say?

How can I refuse your orders?

We'll do as you say.

We'll start guarding from tonight.

It's a dark night.

Nights are always dark.

I never saw a bright night.

Keep quiet.

Gopal, stay on guard here.

The remaining three of us will go to the other side.

Shame! Shame!

Is this the way you guard?

The litchis of trees on the western side of the garden have been stolen.

The chief minister and his men were guarding the western side.

Isn't it? - Right.

I don't want any theft to take place tonight.

Guard the garden properly.

Gobu, we'll stay awake and guard all the four sides tonight.

Okay? - Okay.

We'll guard the eastern side first.

Gopal, you'll guard the western side.

Let's go to the eastern side.

Shame! Shame!

There were piles of litchi peels and seeds under...

...all the trees last night.

The chances of theft reduce if there are guards.

But in this case thefts have been rising.

What's going on, chief minister?

I fail to understand.

Gopal, can you make out what's wrong? - No.

Okay. I'll try to find what's wrong.

Remain alert tonight.

We must catch the thief.

Let's go to that side.

Gopal, stay here.

Poet, let's follow them secretly.

Okay. Let's go.

These litchis are very sweet. - Yes. You're right.

What do you think, poet?

The thieves are one of us.

Wait I'll teach them a lesson.

Wait here. I'll be right back.

(After some time)

I'm full after having the litchis.

O god! Who is that?

Don't you recognize me? I'm Litchi ghost.

I live in this tree.

You've been disturbing me since the past few days.

I'll kill you today.

I'll definitely kill you.

O god! - O god!

O god! - O god!

Are you scared, poet?

Don't be sacred. I'm Gopal.

Let's go home.

No one will ever dare to come here after the way I scared them.

Okay. Let's go.

Thank god!

The ghost in the litchi garden has been a blessing in disguise.

No more litchi thefts have been reported after that.

That's not all, Your Majesty.

We've found ripe and sweet litchis...

... that'll be a befitting reply to the insult meted out by Queen of Burdawan.

Dear friend, the mangoes sent by you were delicious...

...but they aren't sweet...

...or it would've erased the bitterness in your heart and tongue.

So, I'm sending you the litchis from our garden.

The litchi tree has been imported from far west.

I hope it'll remove the bitterness in your heart and tongue.

Okay. I'll give her a reply to this when I get the chance.

"Who fools whom?"

"Who cheats whom?"

"Who's honest and who's dishonest?"

"Who is real and who is fake?"

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar will come."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"A little bitter and a little sweet."

"Truth is a mixture of both."

"With varied emotions he brings us the gift of laughter."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

"The Gopal Bhar."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"The characters here are very strange."

"Witness their activities."

"The characters..."

"You listen with your ears closed."

"You think with your mouth shut."

"You see with your eyes closed."

"Gopal Bhar will come here."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar will see everything."

"Yes, Gopal Bhar."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

"Gopal Bhar will tell us."

"Gopal Bhar is here."

Subscribe to www.youtube.com/angelkids

For more infomation >> Gopal Bhar | গোপাল ভাঁড় | Lichu - লিচু | Bangla Cartoon Video - Duration: 10:24.


Małgorzata Kożuchowska szczęśliwa! Jej przyjaciel pokonał raka! - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Małgorzata Kożuchowska szczęśliwa! Jej przyjaciel pokonał raka! - Duration: 7:29.


Dos vestidos, expectación y un problema sucesorio: la boda de Nicolás de Rumanía - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Dos vestidos, expectación y un problema sucesorio: la boda de Nicolás de Rumanía - Duration: 6:18.


ASMR I 100% elektrická relaxácia s Renault ZOE - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> ASMR I 100% elektrická relaxácia s Renault ZOE - Duration: 14:31.


Soft and airy dietary muffins with cherries - Duration: 2:29.

Ingredients: kefir 1% - 1 cup, oat flour - 1/2 cup, frozen cherry - 100 grams, baking powder - 1/2 tsp, eggs - 2 pieces, Stevia and cinnamon - to taste

separate proteins from yolks

add to yolks yogurt, baking powder and stevia


gradually pour the flour

stir to a homogeneous mass

add cherries

add salt to chilled proteins

whisk with a gradual increase in speed

achieve strong foam state

slowly add protein to the dough

put the dough in a baking dish

Bake for 25 minutes at 180 ° C

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