Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 2 2018

- So, we really, really, really love hearing from you guys

and it's such positive community but today

we're gonna do things a little different

and talk about some of those haters out there.


- We're gonna read some mean comments

and we're gonna laugh at them.

- So, when you're making videos like we do,

I think whether it's education or anything,

there's always haters out there.

You're gonna have people that are,

they're trying to just be mean and I don't know.

- Sometimes for no reason.

- Honestly, I don't know what possesses

people to really do it.

- That's mean.

- Some of it can get really nasty.

I don't think, for the most part,

it doesn't really bother us.

It's not really a big deal.

- One of the reasons why it's easier for people

to be meaner on the internet is

because you're not seeing the person.

You're not face-to-face and people are just mean.

- They're hiding behind fake names.

- Yeah.

- But we get those comments and, not a ton of them,

but what we wanted to do is try to make this

a bit of a teachable moment

and kind of use some of the words,

and it's kind of a vocabulary lesson, I guess.

We just kinda wanted to share some them with you

and, again, make it a teachable moment and talk about

some of the vocabulary and it's a little bit

of a different kind of lesson.

- I mean some of them are really funny.

So, they make us laugh. - Some of them are very funny.

Very very funny.


- So, thanks.


- We're just gonna read through some of these

and then talk a little bit about them.

- You want to read it?

This is my favorite one by far.

(laughing) I love it.

- This comment, 'cause it's for me, Ian Joel,

"Go talk to someone that doesn't speak English,

you condescending prick."


Why do you enjoy that one so much?

- Because first of all, because you are trying to talk--

- I know, well, Ian Joel, we are actually English teachers

so we're trying to teach people and talk to people

who not that don't speak English

but people that are trying to learn English

or improve their skills.

Now-- - It's literally what we do.


That's our job description.

- Yeah, Ian.

In case you're wondering 'cause, again,

I think some of these people are native speakers.

I think a lot of them are trolls.

It's not a good word

but it's a good word to know

what it means because that's kind

of a new word I think that's come up

in the last five, 10 years. - Yeah.

So, a troll is basically somebody

who says something mean or negative.

Not that they really feel that way, they're just

trying to provoke a response from somebody else

and trying to upset another person

or another group of people and getting them to react.

So, a prick is a noun and it's basically slang.

It's talking about...If you call somebody a prick,

it just means they're a jerk.

They're just somebody you don't like.

It's always used in a negative context.

- Hendricks, huh?


- Just keep it down, yeah.

- Prick.

- Heavy, what I wouldn't give to know

what heavy feels like, you insensitive prick.

- The other good vocabulary word to know,

which is again, not a good word, is condescending.

- It's a good word.

- And condescending is,

it's an adjective and basically

it means a way of talking to someone or communicating

to someone like acting like you're better than they are.

You're talking down to somebody.

You're kind of being condescending

and being mean and rude.

We appreciate your condescending comment, Ian.

So usually with unruly students,

we just kick them out of the classroom.

Ian, you're out of here.

- Get out. - Get out.


Go outside Ian, get out of here.

- Get him out of here.

- The next comment.

- I love this one too.

(laughing) - Why do you hate on me?

'Cause this is another one for me.

- Because they're like teacher.

- Huh.

Oh, okay.

- Yeah.

Icepeak C&E.

- "Boy you must be the most boring teacher on YouTube.

"They call a dollar a buck, wow, really?"

Well, yes, Icepeak.

This was from the, I think,

the slang video and talking about different American

slang words, that a dollar is a buck.

But yes we are actually, I don't know why the quotes.

If somebody does, this is another good thing.

If somebody does the air quotes,

basically it means it's the opposite of what they're saying.

So in saying that I'm a teacher would imply I'm not.

- Yeah, jokes on you, Icepeak C&E.

- Yeah. - We are teachers.


It's what we do.

- So we are teachers, so that doesn't

really make much sense.

But I could say, you know, Icepeak C&E is a smart guy.

- It doesn't matter, don't be a hater.

I mean, this is a funny comment without air quotes.

- It is a funny comment.

But still, Icepeak C&E, get out of the classroom.

Get out.

- And also, they do call a dollar a buck.

- Get out of the classroom Icepeak.

- Not everyone knows that!

- Yeah. If you don't know that, get out.

- Get out.

- Get out.

- The next comment is, you wanna...


You can explain this one.

Give us some context.

- This one was in one of my videos

and it was a food idioms video

and I believe that maybe at some point I've asked like--

- I don't think this might've been

a hateful comment or anything, it's just funny.

- We're not sure.

But I believe I may have asked if

people know other food idioms.


But, the comment was, "You eat like a horse."

- So, we're not sure if that's a food idiom

in somebody else's language or something.


- Or people are telling me that I eat like a horse

because in another video, I was eating something.

- In another video, but not in this one.

- Not in this one.

- Yeah.

- So I'm not sure, do you really think I eat like a horse?

What does a horse eat like?

I mean, do they eat good stuff?

- Maybe we got this comment all wrong.

Maybe it's a compliment.

- Maybe.


- A horse's diet is very healthy.

- It was a fun one, we thought we'd share it with you guys.

- You eat like a horse.


You can stay, I think, Matteo.

- You can stay.

Next comment.


- I think this one is yours.

No, mine?

- Yeah.

- Melissa Hurles says, "waffling rubbish."


- Tell us how you really feel, Melissa.

- This is short and sweet.

If somebody is waffling,

it just means that they're not making a point,

they're going back and forth and back and forth.

Of course rubbish, I'm sure you know that it's trash.

- It's more of a British term.

- Right - If something is rubbish,

they say, "ugh, it's terrible."

- Is she saying that you are waffling rubbish

or the content is waffling rubbish?

- I think this was on mine too.

I think it was maybe just the lesson, waffling rubbish.

- Ah, Okay.

- I think part of this has to do with,

I think, with another future comment

that we're gonna show you in just a second,

which maybe helps explain some.

But, yeah, waffling, you're just really indecisive

and kind of like, what, what.

- You're not making a point. - What, what's going on?

What's happening? - Yeah.

- It kind of has to do with Mit's comment, right here.

- Mit Mumo. (laughing)

I like your profile picture.

Is that UCLA?

That looks like UCLA.

- Maybe, I don't know.

Get to the point!

Like, yesterday, geez.

- All in caps.


- I know. This is very frustrating.

Mit's frustrated. - Screaming at us.

- So I think this is part of it was some of our lessons

because when we talk about a topic,

we kind of go through the beginning about,

okay, what the lesson is gonna be about

and kind of talk about why it's useful

and why this is important for you

and how you can use this information.

- Yeah, we think you should know why

you're learning something.

(laughing) - Yeah.

Yeah, Mit.

We don't just go in and say, okay here's the first word.

Here's the second word.

Here's the third word.

- Yeah.

- I think some people, I mean,

again, everybody wants different things.

Some people, like Mit, just want that.

They don't want any, you know,

don't talk to me about how I can use phrasal verbs,

just tell me the phrasal verb or something.

And that's just not what we're gonna do.

We're not going to change that,

but I think that goes with maybe the waffling part.

- Maybe.

- That she was talking about. - But why rubbish?

That's just mean. (laughing)

- Rubbish is just adding insult to injury right there.


- Yeah. - Like ugh.

Oh yeah, we forgot, Melissa, boom, you're out.

Get out the classroom. - Yeah, get out Melissa.

- Get out.

Mit, you too, follow her.

- Get out.

- You're out. You're done, Mit.


- Get



- Foysal.

So this one again is pretty mean.


Foysal Ahmed, or Foysal.

Are you sure you spelled the name right?

Because I think it's Foysal.

- He misspelled his name, you think?

- Maybe. - Maybe.

- "By far the worst one I have ever watched."

Exclamation mark.


- What else do I want to say about this?

- Why did you have to write that?


If you don't like it you don't have to comment.

- He's entitled to his opinion.

- But why, like-- - It's okay.

- Write it down.

- Even though the opinion may be waffling rubbish.

- Your opinion sucks, Foysal. (laughing)

Foysal Ahmed.

Foysal Ahmed.

- Yeah, all right, we're done with you Foysal.

Get out. - Get out.

- Get out of here, you're done.

- Out.

- Get out of here!

- Oh, this is ridiculous.

I'm gonna laugh so hard.

Let's laugh.

- I think this was a comment that was on a video

we did together, obviously.

- Obviously.

- It's like, you're overreacting while you're teaching.

- Over-acting.

So here's the comment.

Junaid Khan says, "Don't do overacting

while you are teaching.

You both laugh more than teaching.

Please don't laugh more."

(laughing) I'm sorry I keep laughing

at your ridiculous comment.

I think it was pronunciation.

- I don't know.

- The brands pronunciation video.

- But it was.

I think we were having fun with that lesson,

and there was a lot of laughing.

- So first of all, can I say something?

We don't act, because we're horrible actors.

We did try to act once with our skit--

- Yeah, it didn't go very well.

- In our "your welcome" video.

- It was pretty bad, pretty bad acting.

- You're so amazing.

- Thank you.

- Can I get a refill on the coffee?

- Yeah.

Here is a refill on your coffee.

- Is there sugar in this?

We're not acting.

We constantly laugh at each other

because Wes is ridiculous and he makes me laugh.

- If anything, I think we're probably under-acting.

- If we laugh more than teaching,

teaching is about having fun.

If you're not having fun when you're learning,

why are you even learning something.

You have to have fun with it.

That's how you learn, Junaid Kahn.


- From now on, Junaid, we will teach all lessons

just like this, in a very monotone voice.

- Nope.

- And there will be no laughing per your request.

- No, but you can go to a teacher who does that.

So get out.

- Get out of here, Junaid!

- Get out of here.


- I just want to keep laughing now.

(laughing) - Keep laughing.

That comment makes us laugh, yeah, thank you.

This is--

- I like the emoji, too.

- This is one my favorite comments because we saw this one.

"You look just like Sara Jay."

This was one on one of Ilana's videos

and of course the first thing I wondered was,

who is Sara Jay?

- Who is Sara jay?

- So you do a quick little Google search on

Sara Jay and you find out she's a porn star.


- So.

- Which tells us something about you, Adam.

- It's just not a great thing to tell somebody,

especially a teacher,

that you look like a porn star, with a kiss emoji.

It's a little...


I know it's the internet, but it's a little...

It's a little...

It's inappropriate. - It's a little creepy.

- I had a student who told me I look very sexy

with my eye-liner, and I'm like,

you can't say that to your teacher.

This was face-to-face, a real student.

Some students, especially if you're learning a new language,

maybe you don't know how to compliment somebody--

- What's maybe culturally appropriate...eh, maybe.

- Yeah, so don't call your teacher sexy.

Don't tell them they look like a porn star.

It's just not appropriate.


But thank you.

First of all, I Googled her too

and I don't think we look alike.

I like the kiss emoji.

We appreciate like--

- You can stay in the classroom.

- Your happy feelings but...

So this was pretty good.

I'm not sure, I don't think we're sure

which video this was on.

It doesn't really matter because--

- It might be on the fun and funny one.

- Oh.

- Which is why, I don't, we don't know if this

is, again, a misunderstanding or like just kind of--

- Maybe.

Either way, they told us we look funny.

Or it was Wes.

You look funny.

No, you're looking funny. - Hey, thanks.

- They're usually like you look funny.

Its not a good thing if somebody looks funny

it's not something you want to look like.

- Yeah.

Yeah, they may have been trying to say

maybe you are funny or you know--

- Or they wanted to say you look funny.

- Or you look like you're having fun--

- Or it's a legit-- (laughing)

- Or maybe, I just look funny.

I don't know.

It's kind of...

You wouldn't say looking funny, you'd say funny-looking.

- Mm-hmm.

- Harry is the funny-looking one.


- You're a funny-looking little thing,

aren't you? - Don't!

- You just... Look funny.

- I look funny?

You ever seen The Shining?

- You still shouldn't say that.

- But, that's still not a nice thing to say to somebody.

- Culturally, it's wrong. - You're funny-looking.

- If you say something about somebody's looks,

always have good things to say,

like, you look great, you look amazing, you look beautiful.

- Stay positive.

All right, so, you can stay in the classroom.

- Gosh this is a long one.

(laughing) Wait, this is mine. Oh my God.

I haven't seen this one.


So, Nasir Boota says,

"Bad see he sent me to be dd

be she the we can submit yeah

he egg cheese fee see ex be seen by it

and return bee-do."


- I just included it because every now and then we get this

nonsensical rambling about something that

I don't know how to interpret this.

I don't know.

- What? (laughing)


- Do you know what this means?

- Maybe they're writing--

- Is this code for something? - Verb-tenses.

No, to be.

- I don't know. - Be.

- It's like one of YouTube's great mysteries.

What-- - What is this, Nasir Boota?

What are you trying to tell us?

- You need to translate this for us.

- What language is this? (laughing)

- Is that it? - Yeah.

- Awe.

- I know, I'm like sad.

We're like, that's all?

That's all that we have so far?

- It was fun.

We like to over-act.

- I'm sure we'll get more negative comments in the future.

So what we want to do is, because again,

the internet, it's so, it can be so full of negativity,

of hate, what we want you guys to do in the comments,

you don't have to write to us,

just go write something positive.

Just go say anything, anything about

anything in life, that's positive,

that's happy, that's cheerful.

Write that in the comments and look at what other people

wrote and comment on theirs, and let's see how


- 'Cause that's how we want to promote.

- Positivity that we can have.

- We want to bring back positivity--

- It's what Interactive English is all about.

- This is a fun space.

I know not everyone likes it, that it's a fun space,

but that's what we want it to be.

We want it to be a fun learning space, because

when you're relaxed and having fun, you are learning.

So please keep it positive, keep it fun,

keep it light, and practice.

- If you guys enjoyed this lesson and

enjoyed us sharing those negative

and mean comments, and weird comments, too,

hit that like button down below.

Thanks so much for watching,

and we'll see you next time.

- Bye. - Bye.

For more infomation >> Reading Mean and Nasty Comments... And Laughing at Them 😜 - Duration: 16:03.


Três rappers contam como entraram e saíram da depressão: 'O remédio é viver' - Duration: 7:33.

O Conversa com Bial desta segunda-feira, 1/10, conta com a presença de três poetas que expurgam suas dores e amores através do rap

Pedro Bial recebe Dexter Oitavo Anjo, Baco Exu do Blues e Black Alien para uma troca de ideias sobre carreira, ritmos, poesias, rimas e balanços

Dexter, Baco Exu do Blues e Black Alien participam do 'Conversa com Bial' desta segunda-feira, 1/10 — Foto: TV Globo Intimidade com as palavras "Antes do rap, eu posso dizer que eu vivia num quarto escuro da ignorância

" (Dexter) Referências A lista de referências do músico é extensa. Começou com Os Metralhas, mas foi em 1990, com os Racionais MC's, que Dexter resolveu iniciar a carreira de rapper

Dexter fala sobre suas referências e explica seu nome artístico "Se aquele cara que estava cantando, que chama-se Mano Brown, era o autor da letra, eu queria conhecer, porque ele tinha muito a dizer

Se aquilo era rap, eu também queria fazer", explicou ele. Dexter Em 1993, quando ainda se chamava Marcos Fernandes de Omena, mas já cantava rap, Dexter contou que adotou o nome artístico lendo a auto-biografia de Martin Luther King Jr

"Tem tudo a ver com Martin Luther King Jr., um cara que eu admiro. A luta, né. É uma luta nossa, uma luta mundial

E um dos filhos dele chama-se Dexter. Esse nome tem tudo a ver com quem mora na periferia

" Dexter contou que adotou o nome artístico lendo a auto-biografia de Martin Luther King Jr

— Foto: TV Globo Década de 90 "Sempre vivi (uma vida marginal). Todos nós pretos e pobres da periferia vivemos uma vida marginal

Nós vivemos à margem de uma sociedade hipócrita, racista, preconceituosa. E o rap sempre retratou essas questões

" (Dexter) Exílio Atrás de grana pra gravar suas músicas, Dexter foi preso e condenado há 13 anos pelo crime previsto no artigo 157 (assalto à mão armada)

Mas dentro da cadeira, o rap continuou sendo sua base. "Foram oito anos de muita labuta e eu queria gravar

Era uma missão pra mim. Eu queria também que virasse uma carreira e que eu pudesse, dentro da minha condição, também cantar para os jovens da mesma idade que eu, da mesma cor que eu

" (Dexter) Dexter relembra o tempo que passou na prisão "Só uma irmã sabia que eu estava preso

Eu não queria que ninguém soubesse na minha casa. Minha mãe só foi me visitar depois de cinco anos

" (Dexter) 509-E O grupo foi formado por Dexter e Afro-X, que já se conheciam de Jardim Calux, periferia de São Bernardo do Campo, em São Paulo, mas se reencontraram na prisão: "Nos unimos e resolvemos cantar música sobre o sistema carcerário, mostrar pra sociedade que o que se tem lá dentro são seres humanos também

Obviamente não defendendo o crime porque nunca nos deu nada, muito pelo contrário, só nos tirou anos de liberdade

Mas foram anos de aprendizado e que, pra mim, foram muito importantes", revelou Dexter

Energia Baco Exu do Blues fala sobre seus shows "Acredito que o momento do meu show é onde todo mundo que está sobrecarregado das coisas que vão acontecendo no seu dia a dia tem pra expulsar as energias

Eu vejo isso como se fosse um ritual." (Baco Exu do Blues) Baco Exu do Blues explica a escolha de seu nome artístico — Foto: TV Globo "Sulicídio" Baco Exu do Blues fala sobre a música "Sulicídio" "As palavras quando saem da sua boca podem sair com a intenção que você quiser, mas quando a pessoa recebe pode transformar no que ela quiser

" (Baco Exu do Blues) Rimas Black Alien fala sobre suas rimas e carreira solo após o Planet Hemp "Meu pai viajava muito quando eu era jovem e sempre tinha possibilidade da gente se mudar pra algum país do exterior

Então, aprendi a falar inglês cedo, aos oito anos de idade. Comecei escrevendo inglês

" (Black Alien) Sucesso "A questão do sucesso fazer bem é como a gente lida com ele

E eu não soube lidar com ele muito bem. Eu ainda aprendo a lidar com o fracasso e com o sucesso

O sucesso também é uma coisa que eu estou aprendendo a lidar." (Black Alien) Black Alien analisa altos e baixos da fama e do sucesso — Foto: TV Globo "O sucesso junto com a juventude acho que dá uma sensação de muito poder

Então eu me sentia muito poderoso. E o dinheiro, paparicações, elogios. E eu sempre lutei contra os elogios, porque eles bagunçam um pouco o meu ego, o meu foco", falou Black Alien

For more infomation >> Três rappers contam como entraram e saíram da depressão: 'O remédio é viver' - Duration: 7:33.


Fim da dupla? Simone e Simaria dão pausa na carreira e presença delas no The Voice Kids é questionad - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Fim da dupla? Simone e Simaria dão pausa na carreira e presença delas no The Voice Kids é questionad - Duration: 3:45.


Antonio Socci letale: "La sinistra in piazza? Una sfilata di menagramo che odiano l'Italia" - Duration: 9:26.

 E ora c' è chi tifa spread? È del tutto legittimo, in democrazia, criticare la manovra economica del governo, ma c' è un un partito trasversale (forte nel Palazzo e debole nel Paese) che ha un' irresistibile e inaccettabile tentazione: appunto tifare spread

O comunque "tifare Mercati" o Unione Europea o Macron o Merkel o qualunque altra entità che possa creare problemi al governo

E magari metterlo in crisi e abbatterlo, replicando quello che accadde nel 2011 al governo Berlusconi

 Non voglio affatto dire che tutti coloro che avversano questo governo "tifino spread" o confidino nello straniero

Anzi, spero sinceramente che solo una piccola minoranza cada in questo errore. Ma temo che la tentazione sia di molti

Di fatto vuol dire tifare contro l' Italia, anche se gli interessati non lo confesseranno mai neppure a se stessi

Anzi, diranno di voler difendere l' Italia dal populismo gialloverde. E sosterranno di sentirsi chiamati a far argine contro gli irresponsabili

Con tutte queste ragioni di facciata la tentazione di sperare nell' impennata dello spread già oggi, o nella bocciatura di Bruxelles domani o magari in altri "veti" è formidabile per chi non vuole fare revisioni autocritiche sulle fallimentari politiche "germaniche" fin qui seguite

In mancanza di consenso nel Paese questi oppositori prendono la solita vecchia scorciatoia che è stata la tragedia dell' Italia: chiamare lo straniero in proprio soccorso

 Questa è stata, per secoli, la causa di tutte le sciagure italiane: avere classi dirigenti (o classi dominanti) divise e faziose che - nello sbranarsi a vicenda - hanno ceduto alla tentazione di chiamare lo straniero in proprio aiuto

Straniero che poi si rivela puntualmente un invasore che provoca la devastazione del Paese

Gli stranieri infatti non se lo fanno dire due volte, perché l' Italia era e resta sempre un boccone ghiottissimo

 LA STORIA SI RIPETE - Accadde nel momento cruciale della nostra storia, il Cinquecento, quando l' Italia rinascimentale era di fatto la vera capitale culturale e civile d' Europa (oltre ad essere la capitale religiosa del mondo)

Nelle corti europee i futuri regnanti imparavano l' italiano come oggi s' impara l' inglese

E l' Italia, molto ricca, era anche una potenza economica e finanziaria. Purtroppo però era politicamente divisa in molti stati ostili fra di loro e, al loro interno, in tante fazioni: quelle classi dirigenti si facevano guerre feroci cedendo alla tentazione di chiamare in aiuto le varie potenze d' oltralpe

Le quali spesso anticipavano perfino la chiamata e non trovavano mai i diversi stati italiani a far fronte comune contro l' invasore

Così l' Italia fu devastata e decadde.  Lo ha raccontato lo storico ed economista ginevrino Sismondo de Sismondi nella sua celebre opera Storia delle repubbliche italiane

È una pagina rivelatrice che - curiosamente - Angelo Panebianco ha recentemente evocato in chiave europeista (così capovolgendone però il significato, almeno a mio avviso)

Scrive il Sismondi: «Alla fine del secolo XV i signori delle nazioni francese, tedesca e spagnola furono tentati dall' opulenza meravigliosa dell' Italia, dove il saccheggio di una sola città prometteva loro a volte più ricchezze di quante ne potessero strappare a milioni di sudditi

Con i più vani pretesti essi invasero l' Italia che, per quaranta anni di guerra, fu di volta in volta devastata da tutti i popoli che poterono penetrarvi

Le esazioni di questi nuovi barbari fecero infine scomparire l' opulenza che li aveva tentati»

 Oggi l' Italia continua ad ingolosire tanti potentati stranieri e tanti poteri finanziari

Certo, gli stati d' Europa non si fanno più guerre con gli eserciti, ma fanno guerre economiche, magari coperte dal nobile vessillo dell' ideale europeista sotto cui i più forti impongono i loro interessi e il loro nazionalismo

E c' è da chiedersi se non è stata un' analoga spoliazione ciò che ha subito il nostro Paese negli ultimi decenni, da quando abbiamo ceduto la nostra sovranità monetaria, economica e politica

Del resto l' Italia ancora continua ad essere terra di conquista, perché resta comunque uno straordinario scrigno su cui tanti hanno gli occhi puntati: basti pensare al nostro grande risparmio privato o alla nostra struttura manifatturiera che resta la seconda d' Europa, per non dire del nostro incomparabile patrimonio artistico e monumentale

 Per questo bisognerebbe smetterla con una politica che non mette al primo posto l' interesse nazionale

Bisognerebbe evitare quelle accanite lotte di fazione che poi impediscono di far fronte comune in difesa del Paese o addirittura inducono a confidare nell' intervento straniero, con tutte le conseguenze che ciò comporta

 LA LEZIONE DI MACHIAVELLI - Consiglierei - per tornare alla storia - di ricordarsi del più grande pensatore politico italiano, Niccolò Machiavelli, che - lungi dall' essere un cinico teorico del potere per il potere - fu un ardente patriota, oltreché grande umanista

Infatti nel suo celebre trattato Il Principe del 1513, affrontò la drammatica situazione dell' Italia prospettando un possibile riscatto

 Il capitolo XXVI è intitolato, "Esortazione a pigliare la Italia e liberarla dalle mani de' barbari", un titolo che oggi attirerebbe su di lui gli strali dei giornali e l' accusa di sovranismo o nazionalismo

In quelle pagine drammatiche egli lamenta la condizione dell' Italia «schiava», «serva» e «dispersa», un' Italia «senza capo, senza ordine, battuta, spogliata, lacera, corsa» che ha «sopportato d' ogni sorta ruina»

Per questo Machiavelli invocava l' arrivo di «un Principe nuovo» (pensava a Lorenzo de' Medici) che la liberasse dagli stranieri che se la contendevano e affermava che un tale principe avrebbe avuto con sé tutti gli italiani: «Quale Italiano gli negherebbe l' ossequio? A ognuno puzza questo barbaro dominio»

 Oggi con queste parole Machiavelli si prenderebbe pure l' accusa di fascismo, perché - direbbero - invoca «l' uomo forte»

Ma noi abbiamo imparato da Antonio Gramsci a leggere intelligentemente la figura del «principe» che può essere rappresentato - in tempi moderni e democratici - da una realtà politica (non necessariamente un solo partito, ma anche una classe dirigente trasversale) che rappresenti davvero il Paese e che realizzi l' aspirazione degli italiani al riscatto, alla rinascita economica, civile e politica della nostra nazione

 di Antonio Socci

For more infomation >> Antonio Socci letale: "La sinistra in piazza? Una sfilata di menagramo che odiano l'Italia" - Duration: 9:26.


Migranti, arrestato il sindaco di Riace: di che cosa è accusato - Duration: 1:38.

 Il sindaco di Riace, Domenico Lucano, è stato arrestato dalla Guardia di finanza, nell'ambito dell'operazione Xenia, per favoreggiamento dell'immigrazione clandestina e fraudolento affidamento diretto del servizio di raccolta dei rifiuti

Come fa sapere la procura di Locri in una nota, "i finanzieri del Gruppo di Locri hanno eseguito, alle prime luci dell'alba, un'ordinanza di custodia cautelare, emessa dal gip del Tribunale di Locri, che dispone gli arresti domiciliari nei confronti di Domenico Lucano, sindaco del Comune di Riace ed il divieto di dimora per la sua compagna, Tesfahun Lemlem, nell'ambito dell'operazione denominata 'Xenia'"

 La misura cautelare rappresenta l'epilogo di approfondite indagini, coordinate e dirette dalla Procura della Repubblica di Locri, svolte in merito alla gestione dei finanziamenti erogati dal ministero dell'Interno e dalla prefettura di Reggio Calabria al Comune di Riace, per l'accoglienza dei rifugiati e dei richiedenti asilo politico

Chi è Domenico Lucano  A Riace Domenico Lucano ha creato un modello esemplare di accoglienza, recentemente è attaccato da Salvini che lo ha definito "uno zero" ma anche da altri politici di destra e di sinistra, che osteggiano il modello di integrazione

A Riace i migranti provenienti dalle zone di guerra e povertà (Etiopia, Eritrea, Nigeria, Siria, Palestina, curdi, Pakistan, Mali, Congo, Ghana, Somalia) lavorano nelle botteghe artigiane che erano state lasciate da chi aveva abbandonato negli anni il paese, e vivono nelle case abbandonate dall'emigrazione

In un libro la storia di Mimmo Lucano, "il sindaco migliore del mondo"  "L'utopia della normalità": Riace, il paese dell'accoglienza

For more infomation >> Migranti, arrestato il sindaco di Riace: di che cosa è accusato - Duration: 1:38.


Boeing vence competição do drone-tanque MQ-25A - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Boeing vence competição do drone-tanque MQ-25A - Duration: 1:59.


Nightcore - Happier (Female Version / Acoustic / Cover) Marshmello ft. Bastille || Lyrics - Duration: 3:45.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Happier (Female Version / Acoustic / Cover) Marshmello ft. Bastille || Lyrics - Duration: 3:45.


Sợ Cô Ta - Hồ Gia Khánh [LYRIC HD] - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Sợ Cô Ta - Hồ Gia Khánh [LYRIC HD] - Duration: 4:45.


Renault Megane - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Renault Megane - Duration: 0:44.


Das hilft wirklich um Fieberblasen ganz einfach loszuwerden - ohne chemische Mittel - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Das hilft wirklich um Fieberblasen ganz einfach loszuwerden - ohne chemische Mittel - Duration: 3:22.


Renault Captur TCe 90pk Helly Hansen R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 90pk Helly Hansen R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:12.


颖儿饭前这个举动令程莉莎"恶心"程莉莎赶紧找助理寻求安慰 - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 颖儿饭前这个举动令程莉莎"恶心"程莉莎赶紧找助理寻求安慰 - Duration: 2:16.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoF.S Cos. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoF.S Cos. - Duration: 1:12.


嘉貴妃智商倒退是bug?除了魏嬿婉算計外,還有一大原因不能忘 - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 嘉貴妃智商倒退是bug?除了魏嬿婉算計外,還有一大原因不能忘 - Duration: 3:42.


Opel Corsa 1.4 Favourite 5drs Navigatie - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4 Favourite 5drs Navigatie - Duration: 1:06.


Opel Corsa 1.4 Favourite 5drs Navigatie - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4 Favourite 5drs Navigatie - Duration: 1:06.


New Music Video from Elyse Therose

For more infomation >> New Music Video from Elyse Therose


Mobile Tips In Telugu | Mobile Safety Tips | Don't Keep Your Mobile In These Places - Duration: 2:12.

Mobile Tips In Telugu

Mobile Safety Tips

Don't Keep Your Mobile In These Places

For more infomation >> Mobile Tips In Telugu | Mobile Safety Tips | Don't Keep Your Mobile In These Places - Duration: 2:12.


During Floods, Floating Schools Bring the Classroom to Students - Duration: 2:42.

(upbeat sitar music)

- [Narrator] In Northern Bangladesh,

just below the Himalayas, there's a school

unlike any you've probably seen.

Rather than brick-and-mortar buildings,

these classrooms float.

(kids chattering)

(contemplative percussion and chimes music)

In most of Bangladesh, the roads are poor,

and the environment is powerful.

Every year, over a fifth of the country floods,

isolating people in small villages

and cutting kids off from school.

So a man named Mohammed Rezwan had an idea.

(engine rumbling)

(water splashes)

- [Narrator] There are different boats

with different purposes.

There are classroom boats, library boats,

boats for computers, and even ones for play.

In groups of 30, kids aged six to 10 attend classes

covering the main points of early childhood education.

- [Narrator] With millions of children out of school

in Bangladesh, these kids are getting

a chance that many others don't-

a chance to learn and hopefully change their lives.

(reflective wooden chimes music)

(contemplative synth music)

For more infomation >> During Floods, Floating Schools Bring the Classroom to Students - Duration: 2:42.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T Innovation AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T Innovation AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.


Volvo V70 2.5 T EXCLUSIVE | Geen APK - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5 T EXCLUSIVE | Geen APK - Duration: 0:45.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T MULTI AIR TCT SUPER PACK VELOCE (Navigatie - Lederen bekleding - Pack Vel - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T MULTI AIR TCT SUPER PACK VELOCE (Navigatie - Lederen bekleding - Pack Vel - Duration: 1:07.


Arsenal news: Real Madrid join Man Utd and Chelsea in Aaron Ramsey hunt, Gareth Bale asked - Duration: 2:59.

 Reports have emerged that Ramsey will leave Arsenal in the summer on a free transfer with contract negotiations stuttering

 It's now been suggested that Arsenal have aborted talks on a new contract for the Welshman and are hoping for bids in January

 Juventus, Chelsea and Manchester United have all been linked to Ramsey with Chelsea believed to have been interested during the summer

 And Teamtalk now report that Real Madrid are also interested in Ramsey. Gareth Bale has reportedly been asked about the prospect of fellow Welshman Ramsey joining him at the Bernabeu

 It's claimed Real Madrid are keen to find a potential midfield star with Luka Modric and Toni Kroos's future both in doubt at the Spanish giants

 Former Premier League midfielder Jermaine Jenas believes Arsenal fans shouldn't be concerned by Ramsey departing and that the ex-Cardiff man will join a top club

 "If I was an Arsenal fan, which I'm obviously not, it's not something that would worry me heavily if I'm totally honest with you," he said on BBC Radio 5 Live

 "He's obviously at that stage during his career where, from a financial aspect, he's going to be looking for a big deal, which is why the club seemed to have bulked and gone 'not so sure about that' and eventually pulled the offer

 "Does he fit into what he wants to do, the manager? I'm not sure he does. "I don't think he's athletic enough, I don't think he's got the speed and also the power in the style that he wants to play

 "There's no doubting Aaron Ramsey is a top, top player and I'm not saying he's not

 "He will go to a big club I feel because he's that quality. Sometimes it just doesn't fit into the style of player the manager wants

 "We haven't seen the Aaron Ramsey have we where he got nearly 20 goals (in a season) for a few seasons now

 "It's not like when there was the possibility of letting Ozil go or the possibility of letting Sanchez go in the same season

 "I don't feel like that about this one - I think it might work out best for both if I'm totally honest


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Real Madrid join Man Utd and Chelsea in Aaron Ramsey hunt, Gareth Bale asked - Duration: 2:59.


Creative Marketing Ideas for Boring Companies 😴 ➡😎 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Creative Marketing Ideas for Boring Companies 😴 ➡😎 - Duration: 4:56.


港媒曝佘诗曼与经纪人有两年暧昧情缘,对方是女的 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 港媒曝佘诗曼与经纪人有两年暧昧情缘,对方是女的 - Duration: 4:22.


ВЕНОМ: английский суперзлодеев и Тома Харди, саундтрек Eminem - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> ВЕНОМ: английский суперзлодеев и Тома Харди, саундтрек Eminem - Duration: 11:01.


Nightcore - Happier (Female Version / Acoustic / Cover) Marshmello ft. Bastille || Lyrics - Duration: 3:45.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Happier (Female Version / Acoustic / Cover) Marshmello ft. Bastille || Lyrics - Duration: 3:45.


Теневой бан в Инстаграм. Как выйти из бана в Instagram? №38 из #300сммсоветов Тимура Тажетдинова - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Теневой бан в Инстаграм. Как выйти из бана в Instagram? №38 из #300сммсоветов Тимура Тажетдинова - Duration: 3:36.


Let's Learn English at the Park | English Video with Subtitles - Duration: 6:13.

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

Let's learn English at the park!

Hey, Bob the Canadian here.

Welcome to this video.

If this is your first time here please click the subscribe button below and at some point

during this video give me a thumbs up!

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

I thought today would be a great day to come to the park.

And I'm at a park that has everything that I would want to have at a park to be able

to do a video where I can help you learn English.

So let's walk around and I will show you a whole bunch of things that, that a park,

that a city park would have.

Often at a park you will find a playground.

A place for kids to come and play.

There will usually be a playground area like this, and usually there will be swings.

I should go try one of these swings right now, what do you think, let me just aim the

camera a little closer and let me run over and, and let me see how this goes.

I think I'm getting too old for that.

Let's, let's move on to the next part of the park.

One thing that I really like at a park is if people keep it clean.

It's really nice if people pick up their garbage and put it into a proper garbage can.

This particular park has a really nice path where if you wanted to go for a walk, or if

you wanted to go for bike ride, or if you just wanted to go for a run.

It's nice when a park has paths.

This particular park also, I'm not sure if you can see them in the distance let's

turn for a sec, actually has light poles way over there.

You can even come here at night if you needed to go for a run and you could do it safely.

Often times at a park you'll also find outdoor covered areas.

This particular covered area we would call a gazebo in English.

It's just really nice if it's a really hot sunny day or if it's a rainy day you

can still come to the park and sit in the gazebo.

You can bring a book, there's some benches where you can sit.

This is what we would call a pavilion.

Sometimes in the summer you can rent a pavilion at the local park, and you can have a family

reunion in the pavilion.

A family reunion is when you just get together with all of your family, and all of your extended

family, just to see how everyone's doing and what they've been up to.

Sometimes at the park the landscaping is even more extensive.

We're going to walk to the top of this in a minute.

I think this is here and it's up on a hill so that you can watch ships go by.

I don't think there's a ship going by today in the canal.

I was really hoping there would be, but we'll walk to the top and we'll see what we can


So I'm not sure how well you can see this, but behind me is the actual Welland Canal.

When I was a kid every once in a while we would come to the canal and we would wave

at all the sailors on the boats.

And it would be people from all different countries.

People from some of your countries that would be on huge ships.

They would come through the Welland, they would come through the Welland Canal on their

way out to Lake Ontario, and the eventually making their way down the St. Lawrence River

to the Atlantic Ocean.

But today, there's no boats.


I was really hoping there would be a boat.

One of my favourite things at the park is really big trees.

I just love trees that have lots of shade.

Normally if I do go to the park in the summer I end up sitting under a tree like this one.

I'm not a big fan of really warm days and lots of sunshine.

There's , so, parks are cool because there's big trees and there's usually lots of grass

and just lots of green, so you feel really close to nature.

If you're lucky, the park you're at will have what we call a skate park.

A skate park is a place where you can bring your skateboard, your roller blades.

This is for much younger people.

I, Bob the Canadian does not come to the skate park, but you can come to the skate park,

usually there's a bunch of people here.

Today it's kind of empty, but anyways, one of the things you might find at a park is

a skate park.

Somebody forgot their helmet at the park.

I think I'll just leave it here and while I'm making the video maybe they'll come

and pick it up.

It's really nice if a park has restrooms, or bathrooms, or in Canada we call them washrooms.

But sometimes you just need to go to the bathroom, you need to use the restroom and it's nice

if a park actually has that.

Some smaller parks don't, but usually a larger park like this park will have a restroom

where maybe you're here with your family and your little kids, it's nice to come

to a park where you can just take them to the bathroom.

Well, hey, that was super fun to be able to show you what a park looks like in Canada.

I'm sure in your cities you have parks.

They probably have even more flowers, if you're in a warmer place.

But it was super fun to be able to show you the park and all of the different areas here.

I'm Bob the Canadian.

You can learn English with Bob the Canadian.

Please subscribe to this channel by clicking the subscribe button below, it's the red


Please give me a like by giving me a thumbs up below and please do share this video.

Leave a comment.

I love comments from my viewers and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Let's Learn English at the Park | English Video with Subtitles - Duration: 6:13.


USED LAPTOP MARKET / Cheap price In Elephant Road BD / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> USED LAPTOP MARKET / Cheap price In Elephant Road BD / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 6:11.


Fresh Apple Spice Dump Cake: Gourmet On A Budget - Duration: 3:19.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so this week's gourmet on a budget is on

this fresh apple spice dump cake so if you'd like to see how I made it then

please keep on watching also make sure that you guys subscribe to my channel

hit that notification bell bookmark my page upload a video every single day of

the week and I know what you guys to miss any this fresh apple spice dump

cake all you need is 4 to 5 apples I'm using a mixture of Gala and Granny Smith

a box of a spice cake mix and a whole stick of butter so let's go to get

started my oven to 350 and I'm lightly greasing a baking dish and that's gonna

be the beginning of our prep okay so I diced up all the apples and all I'm

gonna do is I'm gonna put them in my baking dish and that's gonna be good

just gonna do a nice even layer all we're gonna do is we're gonna get our

spiced kick make so we're just gonna gently sprinkle it right on top of the

apples okay so now we're just gonna get our melted butter and we're gonna just

gently drizzle it over the top of the cake mix

then guys we're just going to put this in that preheated oven for about 50

minutes so the apple spice dump cake just came out of the oven it looks

really really yummy I'm just gonna go ahead and look at that those apples or

all looks good that looks really really yummy oh my gosh okay so guys this

recipe is actually really really fast and easy there's not a ton of prep you

know you can use canned apples if you want I prefer to use fresh but you can

add pecans you can add walnuts whatever you'd like to this it's really really

fast and easy and it's definitely a crowd-pleaser it makes a very large

portion so it's 225 for the total cost if you don't add anything like that so

anything like that so that's 28 cents of serving so you know really really good

deal but you guys I hope you enjoyed this week's gourmet on a budget if you

did please go ahead and give this video a thumbs up also make sure that you guys

share this video love getting you know the word out there on really really fast

easy desserts that are cheap and guys also make sure you guys leave a comment

down below have you ever made a dump cake you have what have you done it what

fruit have you done it with you can use any kind of fruit that you want you guys

also make sure you guys follow me on my other social media twitter facebook

Instagram and snapchat it's all a budget glam babe and I will see you guys

tomorrow for another video have a great one guys bye

For more infomation >> Fresh Apple Spice Dump Cake: Gourmet On A Budget - Duration: 3:19.


Me & Waijiaoyi | About Waijiaoyi - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Me & Waijiaoyi | About Waijiaoyi - Duration: 2:28.


HOW TO DRAW A GHOST | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:02.

How to draw a Ghost

Don't miss any Blabla Art episode

Subscribe! :)

For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW A GHOST | Halloween Cartoon Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:02.


Impractical Jokers - Q were forced fight in wrestling ring. - Duration: 4:50.

q is tonight's big loser okay buddy you gonna have to go out there from the

crowd of theatergoers on stage and join a musical already in progress while

wearing that that's amazing no no rehearsal for me no line these

lines when you got the crust you're gonna be fantastic what Q doesn't know

is that there's no musical we are backstage at a professional wrestling


this is this is so stupid he's gonna get the Peter pears about the bad

all right bud here we get blindfold off I go through that curtain all right so

I'm just gonna go out there make a fool out of myself

buddy Showtime

good luck beating the crowds gonna go you're gonna chill

oh my god they want one they already want one

computers don't just get into the ring take the mic get the mic we have a

little speech for you buddy you ready hi I'm cutie pie and I came to tell you

one thing I'm I'm cutie pie and I came to tell you one thing I love to cuddle

yell out your favorite scene from the notebook

I'm gonna copy and paste my opponent it's a Word document

I'm gonna copy and paste my opponent into a Word document


while I turn it on me that's right buddy it's time to shut up

Oh who's that that's just Tommy Dreamer let's 270-pound wrestler who's about to

come out and break your come on here to get me killed

his leg muscle to crush he could you want to come out here dress like a

jackass or Peter Pan so maybe you don't know where you are but you're the home

of House of hardcore

you leave through the people and die

or you can leave that way grab the mic and say make me

make me

oh I gotta ask you feel bad yeah I should go bad

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers - Q were forced fight in wrestling ring. - Duration: 4:50.


Pen Spinning For left handed: How to spin a pen: ThumbAround, Sonic, FingerPass, Charge [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 14:00.

Hello! My name is Oleg. On this channel

I am telling about pen spinning:

starting from trick tutorials,

pen modding tutorials,

sometimes I make giveaways,

reviews on pen spinning mods and much more, so

if you are new on this channel,

be sure to subscribe. Also

take a look at the description,

down there for you will be several useful links.

Well, let's go!

So, you watched a video where someone doing

awesome and cool moves with pen and now want to learn too?

In this video i will show you

how to do 4 basic tricks:

Sonic, Thumb Around, Charge and FingerPass.

These tricks are easy, but it is necessary to begin with

them, because they are basic and will be

useful for you in your next steps.

Well let's do it.

First trick is called Thumb Around

Thumb means the big finger on your hand.

So you need to rotate your pen around your thumb

Now I am going to show you that trick

And then play it in slow motion version couple of times.

So, about this trick again,

the main objective is to rotate your pen around your thumb

it looks like this:

So the starting positions looks like this:

Here your two fingers: index and middle.

Firstly, put your pen on the index finger then

On the middle finger.

Your fingers should be relaxed, there is no need to strain them.

So, just keep them relaxed.

Important thing!

The bigger part of the pen should be placed here

inside the hand, not outside.

Most of the weight should be on this side.

Then place your thumb finger

against the index finger here like this.

This is your starting position.

What you need to do then is

to push your pen with your middle finger.

So, pen goes around your thumb and make one full 360 turn around it.

This movement looks like flick

but you should't make a "click" sound,

just slightly press your thumb against your middle finger.

Here is an important thing, if you push it too strong

your pen will fly away,

but if you push it too soft

your pen won't make full turn around thumb and just fall out instead of it.

You need to understand and feel

the right force to apply.

practice for sometime, and your will understand.

So, you just push it with the right force

and at the same time you should stretch out your index finger

to prevent your pen from hitting the index finger.

Then the pen makes the full turn around your thumb

and you catch it between your index finger and thumb.

Here you go!

Oh! One more thing


don't move it up or down or right or left

it should be still as possible

Just move your middle finger to push

and stretch your index finger to let the pen to do a full 360 turn.

Don't forget about it.

Now all you need to do is


I think in one or two days

you will master this trick.

Some of you will get it sooner

Some – later.

Just keep practicing.

Sonic looks like this:

It is executed as follows way - you need

take the handle and clamp it her between anonymous and

middle fingers and the tip of the handle is more precise

her cap restrained and in its

webbed - here. Next you need

build up pressure between average and

ring finger there is when you

click on the pen - she must fly you.

Like this. I think here

nothing complicated. If you reduce

pressure, then you you get something like

this movement is by the way too

then come in handy, when we study Charge.

Farther. The most basic

movement for Sonic - you need to handle

has passed, here such movement you

with the index finger grab your pen and

she is inert makes a circle and

passes between the index and

middle finger here So shorter

you need to be able to so to connect fingers

that is, anonymous forefinger

if you do not know well be like

stretch your fingers there does not mean the code of the oxpo

do and so on shorter you should

be able to do this but it is desirable very

preferably there is you does not work

strive for this that's the way it is

execution of traffic you created tension

between average and ring finger

there is a pen you have here so flies here

you can correct and practice

throw out the chip is in what

more precisely you need here in this moment when

the handle is like this half-turn

you are this forefinger

pull to the unnamed finger and how

do you conclude his pen

castle in the castle in in general, that's how you are

catch it too through

inertia goes further and makes a half-turn and

goes into the us slot that is between

index and an unnamed finger

here the main thing is this handle to catch the right one

the moment and you have everything it turns out I think

you concept this trick you will like minutes

10 15 to learn it but I do not know

day or two, too, pam learn here at once as

build and can learn

this is the situation that is below the chest well

turn your hand here and do here

the same sonic trick only in this

this position is then you come in handy

but that's all the trick cherzh it looks like this


seen how cool a novel wand bar

fingers that's too most of all I hope you

already you have learned the dream book remember talking about

what do you want? you need this

movement when you taught sonic that is you

created 2 tension between

your fingers and when he was released

from your web pens like

flew like this this is this here

the movement you need repeat that is, but on

one two Three conclusion of such

repeat repeat

repeat repeat and at the end

you will be able to do it without touching

his webbing just repeat

pay attention to my ring finger

basically only he moves

also chang You can do it in this

but between an unnamed between the index and

average here and also between the unnamed and

little finger truth certainly heavier

nevertheless it can be do also between

between these You can do with your fingers

but this I then I'll tell you how his

do as your own just a little nuance there

here you can do it and here and so on

here is another way study charge this

take a pen like this the situation is like this

that is, there is a large part of the handle put

palm down and make a turn of the pen

Here such that is here so around

that's when you it it will turn out to be less

smoothly you repeat repeat it

repeat repeat and you

should be something like this here

here's when in this learn you take and

shift slightly The handle is closer to

center and repeat the same then

closer closer and you eventually

understand how to do it and you will succeed

charge only you will be that palm

down he then needs will turn over and

dope what to do with this

charge well there especially there is no difference, I think you

quickly and Here so that is so

or so very important note if you

learned like this do

one-two-three-four all Do not learn anymore.

need to learn there 20 times do 30 than 400

this will later come to time with your

the main three once you learn how to

you are more than two time on you will not be anywhere

use their computers here 2-3 times

learn this too enough finger trick

This is even more accurate little combo

consisting of passes there is a groove and there is this

transfer of the pen from slot of the index

finger and average finger

middle finger slot and an unnamed finger

further from the nameless little finger further

so around again here here and that is it

such a continuing combo ongoing

combo that you can endlessly twist and

called finger park here to her

do very smoothly and cool you need

mod normal which the

balanced so further here and probably

dozens of me if at Hours of practice

so you do not try it right away

seize this trick maximum

there well professionally

you are not not

It will come to you your main task

learn how to move handle from slots to slot

that is, from here you do this

transfer and catch here again from here

transfer here on here many here

here they face difficulties and

can transmit handle that is can not

manage your little finger with

ring fingers here else but they are not

developed and not can pass the pen

from here to here here but try somehow

develop their fingers Well, practice and you

it will turn out to be quiet will be

practice not I know there's a day 210 here

you will get each

time frame is occupies here

important but here An important thing is you

do around ring finger

here it is so you do not try somehow

food is still down somewhere or there

circle little finger do this is of course possible

also complex tricks it's too early for you

you just make a pass down again

then up and again up is enough

you now understand this and learn and

it's all hey few words before as

finish this video if you like

please supply like me it will be very

nice also subscribe to

channel and leave 1 a comment

did you make all four

basic forest trick no, what

it turned out what is not take a look at the description

again and until the next video until

For more infomation >> Pen Spinning For left handed: How to spin a pen: ThumbAround, Sonic, FingerPass, Charge [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 14:00.


NRL Footy Show axed by Channel Nine due to poor ratings after 25 years on air - Blog news - Duration: 4:56.

In a move that is hardly surprising, Channel Nine has decided to pull the plug on the NRL Footy Show after 25 years on air

The program, which debuted in its Thursday night timeslot in 1994, had been struggling in the ratings this year after a revamp of its panel saw Erin Molan replace long-time frontman Paul "Fatty" Vautin as host

"It's been an incredible ride for The Footy Show," Nine's director of sport Tom Malone said in a statement

"A quarter of a century of laughs, controversy and first-class footy analysis … Fatty holds the record for the longest serving host of any prime time Australian TV show — a tribute to both his understanding of the game, his authenticity, and not to mention his incredible comedic timing

" The Footy Show won numerous Logies but courted controversy during its run on air and often attracted criticism for what many perceived as a reliance on juvenile humour

It did provide Australian TV with a number of infamous and memorable moments, as well as others that struck an emotional chord with its viewers

In an incident that left the Footy Show audience grimacing, former NRL player Ben Ross broke his arm during an arm-wrestle with Wendell Sailor in 2015

Ross's right arm snapped back during the contest and a loud pop was heard, as he screamed out in pain with Sailor and Footy Show regular Beau Ryan rushing to his aid

The incident shocked the studio audience and forced the Nine Network to cut immediately to an advertisement

There was probably never a more popular character on the Footy Show than Matthew Johns's alter ego, Reg Reagan

Reagan, who debuted on the Footy Show in 2002, was an instant success, known for his slogan "Bring back the biff" and his devotion to sporting a mullet haircut and drinking cases of canned beer

The character of Reagan made an exit from the Footy Show in 2009 when Johns was stood down because of his role in a sex scandal involving Cronulla players in 2002

As host, Vautin was the subject of many on-air stich-ups prior to his departure from the Footy Show in 2017

One famous example was when a set exploded on an unsuspecting Vautin, as he compered a mock quiz segment

Vautin was also involved in a chili-eating challenge, which resulted in him having to rush from the set in discomfort, while he was also involved in a famous prank involving the late Steve Irwin and a large snake

The Footy Show was often accused of immature and puerile humour, but it had more than its fair share of emotional moments

In 2014, Alex McKinnon suffered a serious spinal injury playing for Newcastle against Melbourne, having fractured his C4 and C5 vertebrae in a tackle that ended his NRL career

Actor and former professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson, otherwise known as The Rock, gave McKinnon a phone call during a Footy Show episode, offering encouragement and support in what was a heart-warming highlight of the program's lengthy run

Meanwhile, the public response to the Footy Show's axing is leaning towards widespread support for the decision, although there have been some observers pointing to its role in rugby league during the last quarter of a century

The axing of the NRL Footy Show will add to the speculation its AFL counterpart will also be wound up by Channel Nine

The AFL Footy Show also struggled for ratings in 2018, amid competition from Channel Seven's The Front Bar, despite a revamp last year when Eddie McGuire was brought back on board to host 12 years after leaving the program

For more infomation >> NRL Footy Show axed by Channel Nine due to poor ratings after 25 years on air - Blog news - Duration: 4:56.


FabScraps Technique Tuesday DIY Faux Crinkle Ribbon - Duration: 5:36.

Hi I'm Gerry from Gerry's Craft Room In this video I'm going to make a card with

FabScraps paper and faux paper ribbon I have a card of sky blue cardstock and added

a piece of scrapbook paper I left the sides open so I can tuck the faux

ribbon under you can also wait with taping the paper to

the card which is so much easier

I add another layer that's slightly smaller I have two strips of scrapbook paper you can

do this with cardstock too I spray the strips and let them set a bit

the thicker the paper the longer you let it set

from a 2-3 seconds to maybe ten seconds and then blot it the kitchen paper

and then you just start crunching up the paper in the length and also from the sides so you

get lots of crinkles and then you let it dry

you can use a heat tool or let it air dry by the way I added the products I used in

the description box for you and if you are new here don't forget to subscribe

after drying you open it up again don't press it flat

you want to keep the pretty crinkles

now I add one strip to the card

I add some tape to the back and I just press it on the paper

I leave the paper as it is don't flatten it

and then it's ready to put on the card isn't that super easy

if you want it a bit more distressed you can sand it a bit or add some ink

just try which look is your favorite

now I am going to finish the card with some

die cuts from the carders pack and of course I do some layering

I have a small piece of the faux ribbon that I add to the circle tag

and with all the precut elements the card is done in a jiffy

I hope you liked the video don't forget to like, share and subscribe

and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching

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