in today's video I'm going over my audible review and I'm going over the
five reasons why I think they're the best place to go online for audiobooks
now I've been using audible for about four years now and I love it because
I've got a family of five and it is really hard to just find the time to be
able to read but listening to audiobooks really helps me to multitask because I
can listen to books while I'm on my commute or I can listen to books while
I'm cleaning the house and that way I can actually read books while I'm doing
this stuff that has to get done anyways now if you just stumbled across this
channel I'm Jason with honest finance and I make a lot of videos on different
topics that'll give your life and your finances more value so if you are
interested in this type of content feel free to subscribe or at least give this
particular video alike now I'm not going to elaborate much on why we all need to
read more but according to the research the average self-made millionaire reads
more than two books a month and trust me if there was no such thing as an
audiobook I'd probably only read about one book a year now why do I prefer
audible over all the other platforms well like I said earlier I'm gonna go
over the five reasons why I prefer to use audible over the other guys and then
you guys can make your own decision as to whether or not you actually want to
use audible now the first reason I love audible is because it's mainly a
subscription service but it's got a little bit of a twist in the way that
they do things now I'll explain here how audible works because it's super simple
and it's really unique they're owned by Amazon so all you have to do is open up
an account using your existing Amazon account and then they'll give you book
credits every month that you can redeem for any book and they're ginormous
library now if you've got a subscription for music like iTunes or Spotify then
you already know what happens when you unsubscribe which is the fact that you
don't get to keep anything but audible doesn't work like that because once you
redeem a credit you get to keep the book forever even if you cancel with them and
this is just freaking awesome because every single book that I own with
audible is mine to keep forever and they're all backed up by they're
ginormous Cloud audible starts at about 15 bucks a month and that'll get you one
credit per month on that plan and that is really good because if you
look at just one Harry Potter audiobook those are over 30 bucks
now the $15 plan is only worth it if you're just into one book a month but if
you want more than that they've got other options that are an even better
value you can pay an upfront yearly fee of 230 bucks and they'll give you 24
credits which ends up being less than 10 bucks
or you can pay an upfront hundred and fifty bucks and they'll give you twelve
books for that option so if you've got the cash upfront these options are the
best because they'll give you all the credits at once and you don't have to
wait for them to roll out every single month so if you want to get all your
books right now and you want to get the best value for Mata bowl then I would
definitely go with the yearly fee they also have another monthly plan that's
only 23 bucks a month that'll give you two credits and that's the one that I
like because two books is plenty for me and sometimes I'll unsubscribe just so
that I can take a break and catch up on my reading because audible doesn't have
a contract you can just cancel anytime with them and then you can resize up
whenever you're ready to and everything will be as it was and seriously when you
consider how much audiobooks cost on their own audible is a very good source
to get your audiobooks at a really good value and the really cool thing with
audible is that if you're a new subscriber with them they'll actually
give you two free audiobooks just for signing up I put a link in the
description so if you want to try them after the video then go ahead and just
click the link now if you do get the two free books and then you decide that you
don't want to be with audible anymore you still get to keep those two books
because they're yours forever you'll always have access to the books you've
redeemed even if you're not subscribed now the second reason I use audible is
because their books are actually cheaper for subscribers if you want to just buy
a book on its own without using a credit usually the credits are worth using on a
book but if I find one it's only like five bucks then it's obviously not worth
wasting a credit on it so I'll just buy it on its own or sometimes they might
really want a book right now but I don't have any credits so in that case I'll
just buy a book but it's always a better value if your subscriber anybody can buy
a book on audible which is always gonna have really competitive prices but the
prices are always going to be the best if you're a subscriber they also have a
newer feature which allows members to get two of their original series books
and then sometimes they'll throw in a random pre-selected book that you can
just get for free the original series stuff is cool because they have a lot of
content to choose from but me personally I've never really been interested in any
of the topics that they offer but whenever they've had their pre-selected
books those are pretty cool and I've used that feature before one time they
had the Tim Curry version of A Christmas Carol which was an awesome audiobook
that they offered because my family loves listening to it over the holidays
but a couple months ago they offered Emma but that didn't interest me at all
even though it was still a free book obviously some of their pre-selected
books are going to be better than others but that's all just a matter of opinion
based on the type of reading that you like to do but if you're the type that
likes to read just about anything then having these features on audible is
worth it because it's just more free content and another cool feature for
subscribers is that sometimes audible will actually give you huge discounts on
a bunch of bestseller books so for just being a subscriber you'll get your
monthly credits you'll get your free content and you'll sometimes get the
huge discounts on bestsellers now the next reason I use audible is because if
you find a book that you don't like you can return it now I just barely got the
book called the power of habit and I wasn't really digging it because the
beginning of the book just kept going on and on about smoking and about rat
studies so I returned it now it's really cool that audible lets you do this
because whenever I buy a movie and I don't like it
I can't just return it like you can on audible but you've got to understand
that audible offers this feature for honest book readers and that their
policies do change all the time you have to pretty much talk to a rep every time
that you want to return a book but as long as you're not abusing the system
you can return about three a year but don't hold my words accountable because
like I said the policies change all the time but in my experience if I've wanted
to return a book I can do that with audible now the next reason I prefer to
use audible is because their app is actually really good for mobile reading
I've got some audio books that I bought on iTunes and the cool thing about the
audible app is that you can actually download the book straight from itunes
into the audible app so that all your books are just in one place I've also
noticed when you listen to books over Bluetooth in your car if you push the
track forward or the track back button it only moves at thirty Seconds which is
a really good thing I'm saying this is a good thing because if I use iTunes in my
car and I hit the track back button it actually starts the entire chapter over
which is really annoying and if you do want to listen to books at different
speeds you can just do that right through the app so that you can cruise
through your books a lot faster now if you want to be extra safe while you're
driving you can put it into car mode which will make everything as simple as
possible the app is also really good at remembering where you left off in a book
so if you switch back and forth between a whole bunch of different books it's
gonna remember that so that the next time you start reading it just starts
where you want it to and just so you're aware the books are downloadable so you
don't have to rely on the Internet order to read your books and I also
mention that their wish list is really handy too because if you find any book
that you want you just throw it into the wish list and then you can access it
anywhere and find them really easily now the last reason that I use audible is
because they let you preview books before you buy them and they've got the
largest selection of audiobooks that I've ever seen
being able to preview a book before you buy it is a big deal because if the
narrator sucks then you can just look for another one
now all the competitors let you preview ebooks as well but the big difference
with audible is that they've got such a huge library of books that you can
actually look for the same book with different narrators to find the one that
you want I mean seriously there hasn't been a
single time where I couldn't find the book that I was looking for through
audible now just remember that if you're a new subscriber to audible they'll give
you two free ebooks just for signing up once again I put the link in the
description so if you want to click it and get your free ebooks then go ahead
and do that that's how I first started using audible because when I first
signed up I just got one free book but I quickly realized that it was something
that I wanted to keep in my life it's really hard to argue that audible isn't
worth at least trying because you're gonna get the two free ebooks and you're
gonna get 30 days worth of all the other perks as well now that is my personal
review of audible but I want to know what features you guys like so let me
know in the comments if I forgot anything or if you agree with anything
that I said once again I'm Jason with honest finance and I make a lot of
videos on different topics that'll give your life and your finances more value
so if you are interested in this type of content feel free to subscribe or at
least give this video a like that's all
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