My tiffin is ready?
Yes… in 2 minutes
When will your 2 minutes get over?
Everyday it is the same story
This month I was late for 4 days
It is already 10 am
I have to reach office everyday by 10 am
Do you have to fight everyday and go to office?
Not necessary
I don't understand. why do you get late everyday?
Give the tiffin on time
How is my fault? If you get up late.
Who's fault? Now who's making tiffin late?
You got up late today
Yes, I work hard everyday so i come late, that's why i get up late?
Because of you I am getting late for office everyday
Not a single day i reach office on time
What do you want? I should leave office and Sit at home
Do we need to fight everyday?
Day by day my boss is getting irritated with me.He might just remove me from office any day
He is very strict. Everyday i am getting late for work
I have to reach my office anyhow by 10 am.Here it is already 10 am. When will I reach my office?
who? may I speak with Ritu?
Who is this?
Ritu Sharma
You want to speak to Ritu Sharma? Yes
Sorry... wrong number
Sorry... it's ok
it is a wrong number
Sir it was a wrong number
It is not a wrong number
How to know my wife?
How to know?
Sir listen to me
Saale...i will hit you in your house
Sir why are you giving me bad words?
Why are you giving bad words?
Keep the phone
You don't understand
Why are you calling again and again. Sir why are you giving me bad words? Keep the phone
Good morning Sheetal ji...Good morning Sapan ji
How are you?...Good and how are you? I am also good
Hello... Yes sir...Ok sir
Boss has called you inside...me? yes
May I come in sir?
Come in
So I want to know, Has the Khanna's file moved foeward?
Sir I was saying that
Sor...sorry sir
I was saying that...Khanna Shab...
Sorry sir
I want to know. Has the Khanna file moved foeward and any update on it.Sort this out and then come back(phone vibrating)
Hello...Sir why did you give me badwords?
Don't call me again and again. Don't disturb me
Why? I am in the office.
Why did you give me badwords?
I am in the office. So why did you give badwords? Shut the phone
I blocked you. Now I will see you. how will you call me?
Why isn't he picking up the phone today?
What happened?
Thank God
Why aren't you picking up my phone?
I am calling you from so long
What happened? You were calling?
Did you not check you phone?
Remember, the call I had received in the morning.He is calling up again and again
He is troubling for me.Who?
The person who had called for you?
That wrong number.Yes
Why is he troubling for you?
He is calling repeatedly
Why did you not block him?
I have already blocked 10 different phone numbers of his
But what is he saying?
He saying.Why did you give me badwords?
Did you give him badwords?
My head is aching
Leave it, Go and make tea for me
But when did you give him badwords?
Forget the badwords.Please make tea for me.Worked hard the whole day.
Take tea
Come and sit
I was waiting from last one month
That the tender would pass
Today the boss told that if it gets passed
Than my salary increment is confirmed
Tell me, what you want? shopping...whatever you want?
Is it true?
You remember. We were going to the mall that day
We will go there?
Whatever you want? You will be done and go to the mall.We will go for outing and vacation also
It's almost confirmed just one call
You remember that shopping was pending.We will finsh that also
To be incremented
Means increase my payment
Sir why did you give me badwords?
Mrs. Sapan
What is the latest about the tender?
From different numbers
So...sorry sir
Out of 112 companies,Our company has been selected for the tender
Really... congratulations... good
Hello who is calling? I don't know
Why did you give me badwords?
Badwords i made a very big mistake, I am sorry
If you want I will come and touch your feet and apologize.Made a mistake.I am a human and human's make mistakes
I have become mentally disturbed
Bro anyone can make a mistake by calling on a wrong number
It doesn't mean that you should be abused
Sir please forgive me
You are asking for forgiveness, so I am forgiving you
Don't ever misbehave with anyone else again
No...i will never abuse anyone again, yes sir
Sir please do not call again
No... I will not call again, ok
Thank you, thank you so much sir
What is the matter? Why are you so happy?
It is confirmed 100%.
The tender that I was talking about
Wow... true...
Now you can do whatever you want?
Needed to tell you one more thing...Tell...
Let's that go... tinda vegetable...which does you make?
Office people say…what?
May i speak to Ritu?
This is Ritu Malhotra's number's right?
Sorry sir, this is a wrong number
Sorry sir... By mistake
Ok...no problem...thank you sir
Yes what was I saying?…This tinda vegetable that you make everytime
Yes ...kindly change and make something else
My office people say that eating tinda regularly has started making me look like a tinda myself
This is tindli, not a tinda
You can make something different next time, Change can happen in life
Make changes...Changes?
Next time I will make bhopla sabzi for you
Because you eat less and feed others more
Yes, You are right
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