so guys just imagine you could play the latest PC games on any device at
anywhere at any time so just imagine that you never had to do any more
hardware upgrades because your computer was always kept up to date I mean right
now at the corner games you can play is heavily dependent on what device you're
using whether using a cellphone to play your games or using a tablet or using a
Macintosh or a computer so just imagine we could just turn all of that around
guess what guys stop imagining that time is now looks pretty good right but it is
just a trailer so let's actually find out what it's like in real life now in
terms of structure the way I'm going to do this video is first he will talk
about you know what is shadow how does it work
would you actually get in terms of your specifications what are the supporting
clients so what devices can actually use this platform then I'll show you me
actually logging in to shadow now one of the things shadow promises is gigabit
internet speeds now we know at certain ISPs they do promise lots of bandwidth
but in reality you get nowhere near that so they'll be interesting to see what
the speed test tells us then I'll show you shadow running on a basic tablet
which has integrated graphics it has a low-power CPU I mean it's designed for
works already designed for gaming so let's see how that handles shadow then
we'll talk about latency and input like so if you're doing any kind of online
gaming the latency is always of concern and secondly if you're playing games not
on your local computer or you cloud computing then input lag is always a
factor that we have to consider so I'll be demonstrating that with some of the
games that I'm playing as well then we'll go in and see what shadow looks
like on an Android phone so can you really game on the move on
your phone so I'll be showing you that I'll then show you some games on my
desktop so in terms of gaming we'll be looking at games like fortnight Forza
horizon doom I did some multiplayer gaming with overwatch so I did try and
pick some graphically demanding games and all of these games I had set on
maximum settings so whether that was ultra or epic or just max settings I
really want to test how this serves and see what
on a graphics I can expect when using this and then we'll end with a summary
conclusion so let's jump right into it okay so what is shadow so shadow is a
fully featured high-end Windows 10 computer in the cloud now before you
start saying you know cloud computing is not new it's been around for many many
years what's the big deal well that is correct so cloud computing has been
around since the 70s so and the concept is you have a you know powerful server
or a bunch of servers in a server farm in a data center somewhere and use your
generally low powered computer to access those servers and the server's do the
processing for you now the big difference with shadow is you actually
get your own dedicated high end GT X 1080 graphics card now that's something
I've never heard of before so having access to a high powered GPU that you
can access from anywhere sounds really impressive and that's something I'm
really looking forward to testing and the key thing to mention here guys
unlike general cloud computing your resources your CPU your RAM your disk
none of these components are shared with anybody else they're dedicated just for
you so when you log in to your computer that's your computer with those
resources just for you including the main part which is the GPU so all of
those components are dedicated just for you and that does make a massive massive
difference so in terms of specification you get an Intel Xeon CPU which has
eight dedicated threads just for you you get 12 gigabytes of RAM you obviously
get the gtx 1080 or equivalent graphics card and in my case i did get the full
of gtx 1080 you get 256 gig of dedicated storage and
you get Windows 10 home so in terms of supported clients you can access chatter
from Windows from Linux from Mac OS from Android they are currently working on an
iOS client and you can actually download the beta right now so if you do want to
test this on your iPhone or iPad there is a beta client for you to test now one
last thing to mention here guys because game streaming has been done before I
think back in 2010 or 2009 a streaming service called on live which basically
was a subscription-based service you paid X amount of money per month he got
a small box you plugged the box into your TV and now you can stream you know
a predefined list of games and made them my she thought was pretty good
for his time unfortunately due to lack of infrastructure due to limited number
of games because you could only play the games that were in the predefined
library and other reasons it just didn't really take off and eventually the
company just shut down and right now there is a streaming service from
GeForce called GeForce now or Nvidia and it's called GeForce now and it once
again allows you to play a bunch of predefined games on you know your
different devices but the big difference with shadow is because it's your own
computer you can you can do what you want on it so in one day morning I can
decide to play a certain game Tuesday I can decide to do some video editing
Wednesday I can decide to watch some 4k video and then Thursday I can play some
different games because it's not a predefined list of games on free to
install whatever I want and play wherever I want wherever I want so that
kind of freedom I think makes a big difference compared to some of the other
services are available right now so this is what the client looks like on Windows
10 so we can see you have a couple of options here we can turn the full-screen
mode on or off so this is probably the most important bit in the client I think
and this is where you specify what your bandwidth is and the range the bandwidth
from 50 megabits right down to 5 but please know if you are going to be 2nd 5
megabits because I did test it with 5 just to see what I was like you will see
a lot of compression you will see a lot of artifacts and you will see a lot of
color banding in the video stream because I mean 5 megabits is pretty low
into a standard so if you're going to be setting that then do you expect that
kind of quality I mean my internet bandwidth is 70 Meg down and about 15
Meg up so I'll leave this set to 50 and let's click on start so now the client
will basically make a connection to your dedicated Windows 10 machine within a
couple of seconds which you'll be able to see my desktop and here we can just
see it's a standard Windows 10 desktop so let me just log in and here we can
just see we do have a standard Windows 10 desktop like a normal Windows 10
machine I've already installed steam I've installed origin as previously
mentioned because it's your machine you could install pretty much wherever you
want I won't you say one thing because I'm sure some of you are thinking why
not use this super-powerful machine to mine Bitcoin I've checked the terms and
agreements on that and that definitely is a big no-no so if you are thinking
about getting is for mining Bitcoin it's a no-go so let's check out the
specification in real time so if I bring up the task manager
let's go to performance and we can see that the CPU is the e5 - 667 running at
3.2 gigahertz we can see here that we do have the 12 gig ram and the GPU is in
fact the full GTX 1080 and that's dedicated just for me ok let's have a
quick look at the internet bandwidth because they did say we should be
getting 1 gigabit let us go to the standard speed test site all right and
let's click on go let's see what kind of speed we go Wow Wow right so that is
some serious serious bandwidth there guys we can see that's peaking about 918
megabits downstream that's a kind of connection I need okay so we have nine
hundred ninety-one Meg downstream and looks like ops Trina's gonna be round
about a hundred and five Meg that really is impressive listen to it once more
because I wanna make sure this is a consistent thing not just like a one-off
freak miracle or something but let's try that one more time no it is 950 megabits
down Wow and again because this is your own machine you can be downloading stuff
you can use torrents on this legal to wherever you wanna download
it's your machine you can do it okay so I was a great speed test result there
let's close that down okay so here we have the first game test so this is
fortnight running on my Windows tablet it's a Samsung tablet it has an
integrated GPU it's a see why it's a low power CPU you can see the specs on the
screen right now maybe we can just see I'm confirming to you guys that this is
running on epic settings or maxed on all of the settings and I've plugged in my
xbox well I'm using my xbox controller just over bluetooth so shadow does
support Bluetooth controllers specifically the Xbox one controller
without installing any extra drivers let me just skip to our island okay so just
landed and the first thing that hits me is just how good the game looks so as we
saw we're running the game on maximum settings on epic settings and although
you can't see it the framerate on the top right is long
on a solid 60 so let me just skip forward a bit just so I can show you
some building we can see me doing that now one of the cool things about shadow
is because you're connecting to you know computer in the cloud you could
technically start a game on your desktop and then leave it running then when you
pick up your Android phone when you pick up another device you can think carrying
on that game and continue playing from another device so because that session
is always running you can connect it from multiple different devices and just
keep gaming wherever you are so let me just try and demonstrate that now so I'm
gonna try and write a T the letter T for tech doctor in the cloud whilst playing
on my tablet let me see if I can take over that session using my Android phone
lets us try that now so there is a teen that clouds
let me now plug in this controller plug in my phone and click on connect and
within a second guys I've now taken over that session and I can carry on gaming
wherever I am so we can see it is very seamless and it does seem to work pretty
much straight away now one thing we did mention before which was input lag so
same put like basically means when I press a button on the controller when I
press space to jump on the keyboard how quickly does that control go from my
keyboard or my mouse on my joy parrot or my controller through the internet onto
the cloud onto the shadow PC where it understands the button I've just pressed
and then acts upon it that's basically the input like so the greater delay you
have same for example I may press fire and then maybe 10 seconds later my
character will then fire but as we can see hey guys it's not the case this is
not a scientific experiment but we can see when I'm pressing fire here it does
seem to respond pretty much instantaneously I'm not gonna say this
is ready for your you know competitive gaming or that kind of stuff but for a
normal person gaming I think it's hard to tell them actually playing on a
computer that's in the cloud next up we have Forza 3 horizon and I mean when I
saw this intro I was blown away I mean just how amazing did his graphics look
but at the same time I was thinking this is only an intro what were the actual
gameplay and then this happened we can see now the screen just goes full and
that's mean are actually controlling the car
I think it looks amazing now I think if you do look carefully on the road you
can see a slight compression in the graphics but unless you were you looking
for it I don't think you can really tell I think it looks pretty amazing unlike
my driving
so just imagine guys imagine you know in your old computer you know maybe you
don't have a really powerful graphics card or maybe have an internal graphics
card but you can be playing a game like this of this quality of this framerate
on pretty much any device Wow I mean just some of those details unlike the
water effects they really have done well here and I think on you take some
driving lessons okay let's try some multiplayer gaming so as we know with
any kind of online multiplayer gaming latency is very important input lag will
be very important because if you can't fire in time if you can't you know dodge
the bullet in time then you're pretty much finished but let's see how this
handles it so this is me playing overwatch let's see if I can get any
kills my call is one kill there not bad
we can see guys it's playing very very smoothly and now I'm moving the mouse
very quickly and I'm getting the respond style I need to play I'm not noticing
any kind of lag is not really stuttering or pausing it looks pretty good to me
and I'm able to you know take out the bad guys or you know take out these
people let's use a special weapon so just to confirm I'm actually playing
this on my mouse and keyboard for FPS says I always prefer just using a mouse
and keyboard because I just think you get infinitely better control more
precision but I understand why people want to use you know controllers with
joypads but I think for FPS is I just prefer having that more granular control
and yeah and honestly guys I think after about 10 minutes or so playing on this I
completely forgot I was actually playing on a card computer somewhere else like
you literally do forget that you're playing on a machine that's not local to
you just because it is that immersive you know getting any kind of like no lag
will slow down because trust me if you do get that kind of slow down you'll
notice straightaway that oh hang on this is running slowly because the machines
are local to me it's somewhere on the internet but with this I actually forgot
I was playing on a shadow computer so I think that's
probably the biggest testament to you know how good this is actually running
is if you can pay these kind of games you know these demanding games with high
FPS you know get plenty of kills play like you're actually playing a local
computer play well without noticing any kind of you know lag without the things
slowing down and actually get a victory so I think that's pretty impressive guys
so that really really kind of sealed the deal for me the fact that I could
actually played this kind of game you know on pretty much any device and
actually win as well can't argue with that
okay so what do i she think about the shadow service now that I've used it for
just under a month and let me just clarify again guys this is not a
sponsored video they didn't pay me to make this video this is my own opinion
now I personally think or nice hybels I personally think this can be broken down
into three different types of people now if it the first kind of person who is a
serious gamer you know he or she loves tinkering they loved customization they
always build their own pcs they never buy anything off the shelf they just
loved that customization or quite simply if you have a very unreliable internet
or maybe you're in a part of the world where you are too far away from the
officially supported data centers which you can see in a screen now if this is
you then shadows not going to be for you right now now the second person he does
enjoy gaming he's a somewhat serious gamer but he doesn't necessarily want to
spend 1500 or 2000 dollars on a new gaming setup on top of that even if he
did buy that he doesn't want to then have the headache of constantly
upgrading constantly repairing if there's something goes wrong
that kind of upkeep and maintenance he doesn't want to do that he does have
good internet and he wants to play the latest games from any device
shadow is definitely worth checking out if you're that kind of person I would
definitely recommend checking yourself especially because there's no long-term
contract so you can try this out for a month see if it works for you and if you
don't like here you can cancel no problems but if it does work well for
you then this is something you could keep for a very long time so the last
person is a casual gamer so he or she does like playing games maybe not every
day but you know they would like the flexibility of being able to play a new
game if it was out there they would like the flexibility of you
know having access to a powerful computer so maybe if they did a video
editing or they need you know certain processing power that they may not have
in the current computer so again in this scenario I would recommend trying this
out because you could see does this shadow box have the power that I need
because I have the bandwidth and accessibility to do the things I want to
do and if it does great and if it doesn't cancel the contract least you
know you're not tied in for anything long-term if it doesn't work for you you
can just cancel the contract on top of that yes you have a ten dollar discount
code so if you do sign up using the link in the description both of us will get
$10 off our next billing cycle so instead of paying $30 who tried this out
you could try it out for 20 and see if it works for you Wow yeah she made it to
the end guys many thanks for watching really appreciate your support I think
this has to be probably the longest video I've ever done but at the same
time I have actually really enjoyed using his childhood service and I'm just
thinking now how could actually move all of my video editing into the cloud
because that will give me the flexibility to make videos wherever I am
but once again guys many thanks for watching do leave a like if you found
this video helpful if there are any questions regarding this surveys if
you're me to try any particular game or if you wanna see more game footage do
leave me a comment below let me know you think about this and I'll hopefully
catch up with you guys real soon thanks
I really appreciate this post. Well described. Keep it up guys.