It is well known that having pets can bring its owners several benefits,
both psychological and emotional.
They have the ability to affect our developments. cognitive, emotional and social
company during the difficult times of our lives, and even help us to be
more active!
People with pets generally exhibit healthier characteristics.
They tend to have better self-esteem and they feel less lonely, since their
pets serve as companions and also as beginners of conversations when
meet new potential friends.
Pets also encourage us to move around and get out more with your needs
of physical exercise.
They may even have some benefits such as increased tolerance to allergies
and lower blood pressure levels.
But despite all these positive reasons to have pets, there are still
precautions to be taken when we have in our homes.
Dogs have a much higher tolerance to bacteria, germs and viruses than humans,
and they have some habits that would be considered dangerous for humans.
So the next time you leave your dog lick your whole face or bite your
sandwich, remember that there are some diseases that may lead to you:
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus is the name of a type
of bacteria that can be found on the animal's skin.
MRSA is the same bacterium, after immune to antibiotics.
This bacteria can cause infections in several different areas of your body, but
your pet may not be affected for it and still have the capacity to administer it
to you.
It is contagious through direct contact.
Dermatophytosis Infections caused by dermatophytes
can appear anywhere on your body and cause extreme itching and rashes
and loss of hair and nails.
This can also be contagious through from direct contact with the skin or hair of the
your pet.
Sepsis The bacterium Capnocytophaga canimorsus, commonly
found in the mouths of dogs, can cause a disease called sepsis, which is an intoxication
very serious blood loss that can cause of organs.
Although it is rare, it usually affects only people with very fragile immune systems,
is still something to be observed.
Children and the elderly are more likely to to all these diseases, in addition to others,
that your immune system is weaker than the adult.
Never forget to ensure that your beloved pet be the healthiest
possible, but remember that your system your immune system is different from yours and
necessary precautions to ensure that You do not get anything from him.
For more infomation >> That's Why You Should Never Let A Dog Lick Your Mouth - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
Hello guys and girls welcome to the channel and this time what I bring is a fan art of skull ranger
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Casado avisa a sus críticos, harto de zancadillas en la prensa: sabe quiénes son - Duration: 3:20.
RECUPERA EL ALIENTO VITAL. Con Rodrigo Peláez. - Duration: 30:23.
El incómodo momento de Coté en despacho para Mucho Gusto: mujer pidió salida de Maldonado - Duration: 2:02.
"¡Vergüenza ajena!": Pamela Díaz fue destrozada por su "people" en Paspalabra - Duration: 1:12.
Fiat Panda Turbo 80PK Lounge|5ZITS UITVOERING|U CONNECT| - Duration: 1:11.
Casado avisa a sus críticos, harto de zancadillas en la prensa: sabe quiénes son - Duration: 3:20.
1 ronaldo haircut new - Duration: 1:38.
hi this is me I'm Amal Hermuz from Vivyan Hair Design as you see I have here
with me a lovely nice model for the first time Adam from England as you see
his hair is very LONG he wanna have a lovely nice haircut I
can show you this hair it's very VERY LONG AND he like to have a lovely
nice short and trendy hairstyle I think so let us ask him
hi Adam will welcom to Vivyan Hair Design tell us please what we can
do for you yes i like it just trendy style round the sides
short round sides and bits thin uit on top
so you want a nice trendy lovely
okay so we're gonna try to do that for you welcom to Vivyan Hair Design we see you later
Moja ćerka 1 Epizoda Najava 2 - Duration: 0:52.
My Experience With Sports Reaction - Duration: 11:25.
Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed
Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe
With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media
So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you
What guy still crabs here with MACT another reaction
So we'll be rocking to my experience with sports by Jaden animation. So
Risk sports. I have like this
Well, there's actually like this sports activities or like some sort of like an after-school sort of a program
At the school and on are not in neither of those and if you're wondering why did I?
even include that because I
heard my like the school that I go to I heard that you could do that after school and
I don't want to do any of them
Well and also because I'm a running after school program and I already got a lot of things going on already
Just like after these two videos weren't gonna make after this one
How can I make a second one as I always do I'm gonna pick up my brother at his after-school program?
So yeah, let's not waste any time drop like in this video comment down below
For more videos and don't forget to turn on that pulse on occasion Bell. So other than that guys, let's begin in three two
One let's go. Do you want to join soccer?
Not really
And also about soccer I'm in
Able to comprehend the idea of
Complaining about I've really enjoyed most of them and it got me being active really early in life. If mom didn't do that
I definitely would have seen with me but miss soccer. I'm in soccer, but I just sit out every week
every Saturday
Anything about dance classes
I know we had a tumbling part where we would spin around or do
Somersaults and I think there was a giant foam cheese wheel I would run full-speed into I don't know what that was all about
I also have this distinct memory that when I was on my
Way to class I was chewing gum in the backseat and for some stupid reason
I took it out of my mouth and started playing with it, except it started sticking to my fingers the more I
I did the same exact thing. Oh my god
I'm sorry impossible. Oh my god, I did that same exact
There was a part where we have to start shuffling to the side and she still wouldn't move
So what did these kids to my boss like?
two years ago
They took coming in they're like played around with that they were trying to throw it in a garbage pail, but they actually
Almost threw it in my hair
Dancing because she was in my way
There's access footage
That's such an embarrassing
Away the competition. I dropped it and started cheerleading and I don't remember anything about that era at all
My parents could be like no you never did cheerleading and I'd be like, yeah
Okay, one time getting out of my dad's car to go to practice. I slammed the door onto my thumb and it was like
Oh my god
Does look really
Actually shut the door on my teacher on one of my fingers or my thumb onto
My door to the bathroom I was painful to mark on your first few days
I didn't know why people kept yelling stick it at me
Was so wimpy and bad I was the kid the coaches had to pull aside during practice and be worked on one on one
Well, everyone else was having fun in the foam pit
I was taken off to the side to work on not being a failure Jaden leaned back. I'm spotting you
We're gonna do it back man. No, I can't do it. Just lean back. My arm is right here
Oh, I have no reason to trust you
Stick it. I didn't spit in anyone's face
But I was never able to do a backbend because I trusted no one and thought I'd just fall over and die
I was a woke six-year-olds already knew not to trust anyone but myself
aren't you the one who slammed your own thumb into a car door and
Then one time I was at a friend's house jumping on a trampoline and I landed on my knees weird
And somehow spun it into an excuse to stop gymnastics. Yay. Quitting not a prodigy born gymnast
Well, alright then how about soccer I played soccer for a long time
Just like everyone else has and actually really enjoyed it for a while
My first team was called The Pink Panthers because our uniforms were hot pink
I was the nerd of the team that kept a stuffed animal Pink Panther in my soccer bag for good luck. It didn't work
We sucked but but it was still a lot of fun coincidentally one time. We played against another team
That was also pink. They were called the
Panthers alright pink Panther's we've got a big game this weekend against the Pink Panthers
Well, it sounds like we wouldn't either wait all the parents would be trying to cheer for us
But it was pretty confusing because it just turned into pink
Hot pink Panther's come on light pink Panther's you've got this
I ended up not liking soccer for a while because everyone was getting more and more intense about it
I couldn't keep up with the burning hunger for victory
Everyone else started developing and I started getting the scores on one charge to the ball
I would run at full speed to look like I was dedicated and wanted to win
But at the last second I just run past him because I didn't want to get plowed or kicked in the face
Call me selfish, but I wasn't taking a soccer ball to the face for this madness
I wasn't that devoted to the team like I don't mind losing during soccer
I also tried karate for a couple years and enjoyed that too until
It started getting more extreme and everyone was gaining an undying thirst for intensity. Again. This is kind of fun
There isn't much to say here. I enjoyed it for a long time
My brother and I were in the classes together girl. That was some fun sibling bonding time. Yeah
Participated in little tournaments where we would perform our forms and spar each other
Shoved off the stage and I'm not gonna show any footage of those tournaments because it's very embarrassing
And I don't need that on the Internet
Finally in sixth grade. I dropped everything and started up tennis which was the first sport
I actually got the hang of and loved I even joined the high school team like tennis table tennis
Was pretty chill we were doing our own thing and stuff
But every once in a while one of them would make a stupid comment like yeah
No one took note of them because they were just pesky boys and we were too busy kicking butt
But at one point I smacked the ball hard enough that it bounced and stuck right into the fence where one of their faces were
I don't like showing off in front of guys or people or anything. That's not at all my thing
I can be attracted to all genders
which is normal and not a big deal and would still rather just stand in a dark corner and not draw attention to myself and
Be invisible but the shock on his face and the fact he stumbled back a bit out of surprise
Freaking hell. Yeah that made me feel like all night for a sec there with a sassy attitude and taking no Bull from anyone
I'm here little Side Story
Tennis practice and the Arizona summers were freakin brutal
It would be a hundred and sixteen degrees outside and we would be playing for three hours
There were points where people would be in the moral of a match
Go off to the side to throw up and then get right back into playing
A lot of spice and variety to my life during those times
It's really
important for your health to keep active and I had a lot of fun just being a kid running around and doing sports and feeling
Great, and now I do nothing but sit behind
Hey funny, seeing you here. It's been a while. Sorry about that
But also I'm not too sorry because I was away on family
Vacation and I had a good wholesome time because I love my family and want to spend time with them
Anyway, it's been forever since I've done any sort of sports whatsoever
Because I stopped pretty much as soon as I left high school
There would be a few times where my friend Kate and I would try to go out and play tennis again and be like, yeah
Hit the ball around just like old times and then we'd suck because we haven't even looked at a tennis racket in like two years
one time in 10th grade there were these two guys in my chemistry class talking about sports like the
Stereotypes they were and one of them was like is tennis a sport and I'm thinking to myself
No, that wasn't a real question. He's goofy and the other was like
Think so and in my head, I immediately stabbed myself in the brain tennis is a sport
It's not it's not an opinion and I've got hard proof. Hey Siri is tennis of sport?
She didn't even question it she just went what league boom not even open for discussion Siri shut that down real quick
Thanks for watching
I could say God that these people made for her Oh quite
actually, so
Other than that guys, I hope you guys enjoyed the video
please make sure to drop like on this video comment down below what you thought about my reaction and original video itself and
Thank you guys much watching and I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye everyone
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Cosmo inruilkoopje! z.g.o.h zeer compleet! stoelverwarming airco cru - Duration: 1:11.
No longer summer | Sphinx | Malta Cross Fox & Floyd Silver Fox 🦊 Korza Foxes # 10 - Duration: 5:45.
Denis Korza represents. How do I know that autumn has come?
See the nuts on the floor,
Hear how they fall,
It means everything. Autumn is coming.
Nuts are everywhere!
And drumming - every minute.
In the wake of the summer, came about the autumn rains.
Pharaoh! # Pharaoh Kanadovich i.
What rain, huh? Ay yay yay yay ...
#it's not me
# yes shit # burned a second time ..
What is Malta?
You do not like to walk on a harness alone, do you?
# Want to try it yourself?
Decided to abolish the tree.
Do you agree with Floyd? # yes no question # do what you want
Of course I agree! # just don't urinate me anymore
Are you digging a new pit right?
Hot belly? Hot! Hot!
Paunch yes? Does the belly get in the way?
You fyr fyr.
# Who is there?!
Who is it?
# and the tail knows it ..
Who is it, Floyd?
That's not you?
# oh well, her ... # can not be.
# Well, do not shine a!
# Is there any tea left?
# I did not watch!
Sleep yes? Wonder
You are a girl.
Here is a lover of angles as well.
That's what I hear when ...
She spends the night with me.
1.58 nights
Here is a scam!
Bad fox! Bad Malta!
Useless... Well, dig.
'I misspoke;' Gov. Baker says he'll vote for GOP ticket, despite debate claim - Duration: 1:44.
Mermaid Ball in San Marcos Texas - Duration: 6:22.
hello mermaids it's Marielle from AquaMermaid and now in San Marcos at the
Embassy suite for the mermaid ball
then I just arrived and now in line to get in and let's see what's happening
how do you feel about the mermaid ball tonight
I were very excited about it
here we have mermaid Mia what are you doing here today I am here volunteering
with the San Marcos mermaid Society for the mermaid ball I'm helping out some of
my fellow mermaids who are looking for some volunteers for the event so just to
bring some awareness to the San Marcos area and the society and all the stuff
they stand for so ya just help it out you look beautiful thank you
we have been mermaids for three years we all swim together and our sea pool in our
backyard yes above the metal center which were very proud that it wasn't
there this year but we know this is going to be fabulous yes yes and I can't
wait to show off my fish tail. I am more of a Siren.
I agree
now we're in the ballroom it's amazing tons of people have beautiful outfits
and here is the bar behind me or there's like smokey drinks that you can get it
looks really cool let me show you everything that's going on
and now we continue there is some beautiful jewelry
now they offer some kind of make up with sparkles and I said yes for sure and
she's gonna do some highlights let's see, lets go
see my new look
my name is mermaid Serenity's I am from the hill country in Texas working
tonight the vault it focuses on the environment preserving the health of our
rivers and celebrates everything in San Marcos
come join us next year I recommend it! now have you had a Mertini yet. oh I think you should they're free. twist on the classic French 75
it's a gin-based cocktail it's got a homemade ginger simple syrup a little
bit of lemon juice a little bit of wheatgrass juice and then it's topped
off with champagne that's called the French 78666 like our zip code it's got
a little dryness a little bit of earthiness little sweetness and little citrus
it's just very well balanced cocktail, Then we are gonna try this Mertini
really fresh call me captain sparky we sail the river quite often then here at the
table there's gift bags for everyone then let's check out what's in it
Update about the mermaid ball it's crazy right now there's about 300-400
mermaids here in this ballroom everyone is so dressed up everyone's
dress and outfit is magnificent and so friendly everyone there was belly dancers
a band playing out and I'm super happy to be here in San
Marcos with the Texas Mermaid society let me show you my outfit i went for
a beautiful green dress with a beautiful necklace here with sea stars and here
my earrings, then I'm ready to go party let's do it
Three Cars Shot On I-75 - Duration: 1:55.
A Powerfull Storm Could Be In The Making - Duration: 10:22.
hi everyone j7409 here with you with some weather news update the name you
know. the news that you can use! and it's looking like that storm that I talked
about over a week ago when I said is the possibility of a Halloween storm well
it's going to turn into a East Coast storm my friends developing Friday into
the weekend and it could be very powerful what you're looking at here is
the surface pressure and this of course is from the European model I want you to
take note of that as you can see right up here now it's a significant fall
storm it may form along the East Coast late this week as a cold front combines
with the remnants of category 5 hurricane Willa
yes willow is a category 5 now with I'll show you in a moment
catastrophic winds with higher gusts I'll put it at that now the storm may
generate heavy rain mountain snow and at the coast strong winds and high seas you
need to be aware of this you know I had one person comment right yeah Willa is
going to make this storm aha well it is like I've been showing you guys all
along now the biggest risk of destructive weather will be in the
mid-atlantic and northeast over the weekend it's really too soon to project
exactly how this storm will unfold and where it will hit the hardest there's
also a chance it's steered and we're out to sea now if
that happens it's going to minimize the effects and they will not be anywhere as
bad as it looks like it possibly could be
now the storm threat is still five to six days away but computer models show
the pattern favorable for the East Coast storms in late October for more than a
week just like I showed you guys now like all the East Coast storms the exact
track will determine where the heaviest precipitation occurs and what locations
any might see snow now there's also uncertainty in the storm strength which
will have big implications for how much precipitation actually falls you guys
know that and what type and whether strong winds and flooding becomes a
threat along the coast but I hate to tell you this most models are suggesting
this storm has the potential to be formidable it will develop as the
remnants of Willa just like I've been trying to get in your heads the remnants
of this powerful hurricane Willa presently is situated in the eastern
tropical Pacific Ocean near Mexico's west coast well they're gonna be drawn
northeast from Mexico into the Gulf of Mexico by mid-week a new storm system
will form a long and old stalled out front and track from the northern Gulf
Coast through the southeast on Thursday and Friday
now Willis should make landfall tomorrow sometime in Mexico now well as remnants
as they enter the Gulf of Mexico will not bear any similarity to the monstrous
storm in its current state as it is right now it will be much weaker now
over the Gulf of Mexico it is not out of the question that the remnant
circulation attempts to regenerate into a tropical entity but models do not
presently predict this now this of course is precipitate precipitation as
you can see where it's red that's like could be like three and a half to four
inches or better as the colors come down right on through Green is the less the
blue is a little more that's the way it's going now so far as well as
remnants at first at first they're likely to produce substantial rainfall
over Central Texas I hate to tell you guys this which has recently you know
I've been going through all this severe flooding
and it this rain should happen on Wednesday now the rain is then likely to
spread on Thursday and Friday over some of the areas hit by hurricane Michael
this just bothers me terribly including the Florida Panhandle and the state of
Georgia now as a storm system develops and tracks along the north northern Gulf
Coast toward the mid-atlantic and northeast models project rainfall totals
of about 1 to 4 inches now this may be enough to cause pockets of flooding
especially in the areas that have had substantial rain in the recent weeks but
widespread issues are less likely now the storm system will be moving along
fast enough to prevent a more serious flood threat than that but that's enough
for everybody he's been having all of these floodings and hurricane Michael
and it's not gonna take much before trees topple more flood if flash
flooding happens and who knows you might even lose some power now here's Friday
night and Saturday night it's two different possible storm center
locations and this is using the European modeling system ok now the storm system
itself is not expected to gain significant strength until it reaches
the East Coast on Friday or Friday night that's when it will begin to interact
with the cold front now the timing and location of this merger will have
significant implications for the storm track and how big a deal the storm
becomes along the east coast now if the merger occurs earlier and
closer to the coast the storm is more likely to come right up the coast with
significant rain snow and wind but if it occurs later and father offshore it may
mean more of a glancing blow now this is what it's looking like of the Europeans
modeling systems 51 simulators these are the two best okay about half keep the
storm close to the mid-atlantic and northeast coast
and the other half take it more out to sea so we're just going to have to wait
and see what happens I've been talking talking talking for days and days on in
telling you we were going to have to see where this Genesis happened worried
this system met the cold front that's exactly what is going to happen we have
to wait and see now if it takes and meets on Friday night in this area it's
going to go up it's going to cause all kind of havoc along the coastline moving
on up and that's when the snow can happen in New England so with that all
said and done please subscribe my friends I would appreciate it so much
and please be aware of this storm going on please please do that and it is
coming from the remnants of Willa that will make up again then right quickly we
will go over what's happening in the Pacific there's nothing going on in the
Atlantic we do have disturbance number one here
it's just showers and thunderstorms and they've decreased today in association
with that small area of low pressure it's located though about 800 miles
south-southwest for the southern tip of Baja California peninsula environmental
conditions are expected to be marginally conducive for some gradual development
of this system during the next couple of days so in two days you got a 20% chance
five days of 20% chance because if it does pick up any steam it's going to run
into some environmental conditions such as shear wind that is going to mess it
up and disturbance number one isn't going to do too much as of now now we
have tropical storm Vincent it has 45 mile-per-hour winds its minimum central
pressure 1004 millibars if you're tracking located at fourteen point nine
North 100.8 West moving west northwest at 12 miles per hour and then what's the
latest on the monster Willa she is a category 5 her winds are 100
60 miles per hour with higher gust the pressure 925 millibars I looked this up
on a different chart a little earlier today it was like 27 points something I
can't remember right off the hand here but I remember when I saw 27 I was
freaking out that is some low low barometric pressure
now this located 19.4 north 107.3 west it's moving north at seven miles per
hour the only good thing about will everybody please in Mexico get right
please get right it should once it hits land and it loses its fame right in this
area you guys right in this area please prepare okay
anywhere up and down this coast here prepare for Willa it should go ahead and
start to disintegrate and come right on down just bringing much rain to Texas so
that's an update on what's going on hope everyone is ready let's all let's all
hope and pray that the storm stays further out to sea if not it could cause
problems for many many many people on the East Coast thank you so much for
watching I love you your comments please up boat and share this information
everybody have a good evening peace loving kindness to all thank you for
Hamster pushing my hand while eating egg white cake!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:52.
Cheese Jr.Come here ❤
I will go now ♪
I arrive a little later ♪
Today is a cake made with egg white ♪
I like this ♪
Tasty ❤
Sorry for you dropping you
Please move out of the way
I like having it by hands and eating
I will not get tired of how much I eat
I can not stop eating
It is satisfied
I'm going home
See you tommorow
The Talk - Wendy McLendon-Covey Was 'so nervous' Working with Real 'Freddy Krueger' - Duration: 0:57.
Honda Civic 1.0 i-VTEC TURBO - COMFORT - Nieuwste model - Duration: 1:14.
The Most Powerful Way to Heal Yourself (Change Your Life Now) - Duration: 12:08.
hey let's take this thing and throw it out and then we'll take this thing and
we'll use this today so guys what no tutorial my name is Weaver beats
today I'll be showing you guys how to use Serato sound cool we're done using
simpler and we're gonna use that instead okay so I'm gonna tell you guys why I
think this is better than simpler it has more features the auto chop has more
features as well and it can really detect different points whereas a
simpler one and just stuck with what it has basically it or you have to manually
adjust it and time and pitch manipulation seems a lot better as well
much better than the Ableton stock manipulation and auto-detects the pitch
the temple using a serrano saga rhythm which is pretty quality okay now let's
make a deal with it so we got able to open so pensado sample drag in a random
sample we're gonna click find samples and then around and pick out some sample
points for us you can keep clicking this button if you want different samples
it's already it beats simpler simply it beats simpler can see how the sample
sounds to play the chops
that's pretty dope but let's see what else we can do make the fine sample
point again Emily do it again I'm gonna move the sample point over just by
grabbing this little marker here so when I oughta do is play those first two
notes and then I want like a little field then I think I gotta move sample
points around so I'm gonna mess it out a little bit so it's already worked in
tempo I believe so don't need to fiddle with anything it's great that's pretty
good there let's clean it up a little bit
it's I definitely I'm putting a kick next 20 pull-ups and sounds so it's just
those two kicks but it's like a very specific groove okay now we've thrown
the snare I like this little v snare probably it was something else after
like it's gonna be like a boom bap kind of the sort of hi-hat
put a little distortion on that see how that sounds
let's try something try putting it to lay on the high hands
I do kind of like that to make them look rolled that funny of the coke
alright now the final thing I want to do is record some bass and got a nice lunch
mental so for the base I'm debating between either just like a regular sub
bass or like a like a envelope filtered saw bass I guess I'll try that first
I got my baseline there and that's how to do this step in not everyone thought
pissed off of me now last thing I'm probably gonna want to do here I'm gonna
want to export what I did to this hi-hat here that way I can just copy and paste
the right portion of the audio that I want all right so now we've made our
beat we go find her simpler device and the dragon to the trash alright and that
concludes this tutorial thank you guys for watching
I'm your host Weaver beasts this has been why you should ditch simpler
ableton simpler device and use cerrado sample how links are on a sample down
description thank you guys for watching let me know in the comments if you guys
producer out of sample you use other vsts for sampling do you not sample why
do you watch my channel if you don't sample that's really weird
thank you guys for watching don't fit the comment like subscribe shy my
patreon for exclusive videos and I'll stop pouring are you guys next time
Manager Minute or Two! - Addicted to Being Right - Duration: 1:54.
You give a friend or coworker advice about a situation,
and then they do something other than what you suggested
and it turns out they really should have listened to you to begin with.
You may never say these words out loud...
...but I know you think it.
Think of how good that feels. It's like this euphoric rush over you.
Now, it's not that you want to see your friend struggle, but there is something oddly satisfying
about being right, isn't there?
But I'm a good person! I don't need to be right!
Maybe, but your brain is addicted to being right!
When you're right about something (or when you think you're right)
our brain rewards us with dopamine and serotonin, and it makes us feel good
because when we're right about something, we are more likely to survive,
which is our brain's number one job.
The part of our brain that lights up when we're right is the same part that lights up when we go running
and get that runner's high, or when we do drugs. So, yes, it really is an addiction!
Why does this matter?
Because our need to be right can get in the way of us building those high trusting relationships.
It also can limit someone else's ability to come up with answers for themselves.
Here's your challenge... and your brain's challenge too.
I want you to catch the next time you have that thought, "I told you so."
By increasing your awareness, you can more thoughtfully respond,
so it doesn't negatively impact your relationship.
And remember, play fully brave!
Right Wing Supreme Court Steps In To HALT Climate Change Lawsuit - Duration: 3:47.
Last week, in a rare bit of good news, we had a U.S. District Court say that the lawsuit
being brought by 21 young American citizens against the Obama and Trump administrations
for their refusal to act on climate change ... U.S. District judge last week said, "Hell
yeah, this case can go forward.
It's going to go to trial roughly at the end of this month."
Friday evening, U.S. Supreme Court decides, "You know what?
I don't like that.
I don't like that decision, and we're going to issue a stay.
We're going to halt this trial from moving forward."
But it wasn't just the Republican-controlled Supreme Court that decided, "Alright, step
aside, we're going to step in and put an end to this."
They actually did it at the request of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Trump administration, much like the Obama administration before them, has been arguing
since day one to try to get this case thrown out.
Even though the Supreme Court itself has already ruled that this case could go forward, and
every other court that's looked at this case has said, "Yes, you can move forward with
it," the Supreme Court decided to throw their old decision out the window at the request
of the U.S. Justice Department.
Now the case is at a dead standstill.
No more discovery.
No depositions.
Nothing can happen with this law suit while we await word from the U.S. Department of
Justice about how they're going to respond to this case.
That's what's happening.
That's what the Supreme Court did this past week.
They literally took the one bright spot, the one positive thing that happened last week,
not just positive in the political world, but positive for the planet, and they put
at least a temporary end to it.
That's what's so infuriating about this story.
If you're not familiar with the website, it's something we've talked about ad nauseum here.
21 children and young adults brought this lawsuit back in 2015 against the Obama administration
for their failure to protect the United States from the threat of climate change and because
they continue to spew pollution out into the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is a public trust, this lawsuit argues, therefore they have to protect it
in order to protect the health of the public.
When Obama left office, the lawsuit also included the Trump administration.
Both Obama administration and Trump administration have been fighting to get this case dismissed
because they did not believe that these children had merit.
Every single court that's looked at it said they do have merit, they do have standing,
they do have evidence, you're going to trial; until the right-wing Supreme Court got their
hands on it.
They can't stop this case indefinitely.
Okay, eventually, this thing is going to go to trial.
Unfortunately, it may not be as soon as we needed it to be; and that's the problem.
You let this thing go for six months, you let it go linger in the courts for a year,
at the rate at which we're destroying the environment here in the United States, that's
going to cause a lot of irreparable damage that could have been mitigated had this thing
been allowed to immediately go to trial and get a verdict.
The U.S. Supreme Court just robbed us of that and, therefore, robbed us of a chance to get
a six-month, twelve-month, however many month headstart it would be on protecting future
generations from the effects of climate change.
EMPTY by Soundery [new single 2018] - Duration: 4:58.
I remember what I said
My words were empty
And I tried to forget
It all
As I looked into your eyes
Their fire was dying
Just like your
And still I wonder
What if
you stayed with me?
After all I've done
all I've said?
After all you've seen?
I remember all those times
I know, it's crazy
But I cherished every single one
As I looked into the sky
The stars were dying
Is it the
end of us?
Still I wonder
What if
you stayed with me?
After all I've done, all I've said?
After all you've seen?
Like this track? Download it @
Still I wonder
What if
you stayed with me?
After all I've done, all I've said?
After all you've seen?
I remember what I said
My words were empty...
(check out our previous releases > click the links above)
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5D Now - Duration: 1:06.
HORRORS FROM CHILDHOOD | Lost in Vivo - Duration: 26:31.
Hello mates, my name is Risk and welcome to a game called "Lost in Vivo"
this game was made by Akuma Kira and
It was kick-started a few months ago
I didn't actually get a chance to get on the Kickstarter
because I didn't really know it was going on at the time.
It came out today and and gamejolt, which you can get if you want
And it's gonna come out in two weeks on Steam
So after watching the trailer for this game, I got really excited
and not a lot of games do that I don't get excited often for games anymore.
Whenever I get excited, it's like something special.
Oh my god. What just happened?
Hell no, can we not do this now?
Well I guess we just started the game?
Oh no
Okay, so all these warnings did not appear with the first time that I launched it
I guess we're just gonna jump into the game
And yeah
as I said before..
I watched the trailer and it got me excited.
Oh no, that's gonna mess with my mind, isn't it?
Is that my dog Vivo? Are you my therapist?
It's my guidance dog.
It's not a vivo
His name is not vivo.
Oh yeah
this is a horror game.
I like horror games.
Let's just play the game.
Don't worry, it gets very terrible along the line.
It gets like Silent Hill kind of terrible.
I mean, I'm ready for any horrors
that may arise.
And yeah.
So we're walking down inthe street with our dog, guidance dog.
Nobody behind me. Nobody tailing me.
Sorry, I guess Zues tailing me
or God
Okay a game by Akuma kira
Nice name.
Still nothing terrible happen.
I mean, yes, it's a little bit raining but..
Since when a bit of rain stopped me before?
Didn't stop this guy, so we are going.
By the way are we going in a loop? Can we go faster?
I'm gonna call you
I'm gonna call you Charlie
Do you think we can maybe walk a bit faster?
It just seems that there is a storm coming
And I don't really like that.
Charlie I think running would be a advised.
Oh god, what a terrible time to be out here...
I mean, it was a fine a second ago, and then literally BAM
It's raining. It's..
Okay Charlie
Are you okay Charlie?
I don't know I don't really feel very safe with all that rain coming down
Considering it was fine literally few seconds ago or minutes ago
What is that sound?
I heard like some sort of a devilish laugh
How do you lose your dog like that?
It doesn't work like that!
Man I don't think I can get that image out of my head now.
So the story of the game is that we lost our dog
we jumped back to the sewer to get him back
"Press F to toggle flashlight" I'm way ahead of you.
Way ahead of you.
Have too much experience with these kind of games
But I don't have a lot of experience of losing dogs
"MyMadness Works" what are you doing here Ivan?
Did you have anything to do with the game?
I don't know but I mean I just replayed the..
Whiteface game
Like a month ago
on my channel. Let's go over here.
Perhaps we can get a clue of where my dog went to.
"Press space to whistle"
I can hear him barking.
I know that it's a streamer
and if she makes arts and she also do..
playthroughs on stream.
I don't know what that reference is.
Sounds like this way
So I guess we're going there.
Oh, no, it's a dead end.
We found a way forward, that's good.
Man, I don't like this
Sewer place.
It's been a very long time since I played a game that takes place in a sewer.
A very very long time.
I don't know who that is
Doesn't sound so good
Press I to check inventory
So i have a flashlight
I thought it was a flashbang
torn leash
The keyring that holds the keys that I have
and a game manual
All right, cool
So do I have anything to like
break this thing open?
Pickup what?
What did I just look up to pick up? Huh?
A hammer? Okay mouse wheel. Yeah. There you go
Wow, I'm not messing around I want my dog back!
I mean I can hear him how far away can he be?
Oh no.
I really hope this is like..
An easy kind of sewer not a terrible one.
You know? It's just a normal sewer
It's just a normal Sewer, there shouldn't be anything crazy down here.
This way!
On my left.
This is interesting I never tried..
Never tried like just wandering around
escape and just try and listen out where to go
Okay, there is two paths over here.
I don't hear him anymore.
Well, I guess we're going this way
I mean I can't hear him anymore, I don't know if something happened
This way just seems like the right way to go now
Man look at this place.
I love the graphics of this game, by the way
Alright guys if you want to see more of "Lost in Vivo"
that's nasty
if you want to see more of "Lost in Vivo"
We can shoot for around 200 likes if we reach anywhere around that
I'll definitely continue playing more of it
So let's read a note right now
Well then so there is something down here..
that was watching a hobo
Watching critters?
I mean, that's my best bet
if you have a better one
go for it. Another note
So something that wants to pluck out my eyes?
Sounds good.
I mean..
Okay, it doesn't sound good
I'm just trying to be optimistic
But it's overly optimistic
I need some sort of cutters to get through this one.
I can't hear my dog.
The shadow on my goddamn hammer
Scared me.
was this door here before?
I mean, it's right near. Oh my gosh. I'm so silly
Yeah, I'm terrible at horror games
I'm sorry guys, it's just the truth.
Okay, nothing behind me. So we're heading forward
I'm getting outta.. Oh, we have to deal with him.
Get put down son.
Get knocked the hell out!
not using the f-word
Okay, I'm gonna..
Are you real?
Who's sliding my dog?
Somebody's messing with my dog!
I don't know if it's me hallucinating
or did somebody just literally slided the dog right in front of me
What's going on over there?
I can't hear my dog yet.
Yeah, it's probably somebody messing with my dog, I don't think it's me hallucinating.
It could be but..
but the chances of that are pretty low.
I'm a little tense, but
But not too much
Something turned off my light.
Oh, paddle.
Can't really pick it up for anything
"All hope abandon they who enter here" okay
Did they lose all hope?
or what happened?
So I think should abandon my hope.
I think by that it means...
I should not expect to get my dog back?
But to that I say hell nah,
nobody gonna tell me to lose hope!
Not until he gets my dog back
I'm gonna find my dog
I'm not sure if I'm interested in finding out who did it.
I just want to find him and get out of here
If I have to be honest, this place is..
There is some weird creature behind me
Okay, we made it to the other side...
Excuse me. Am I still in the sewer? What is this?
Now we're in the thick of things
Dude, this game.
Okay, I guess charging forward
So wait if this place is so dangerous this looks like a dangerous place.
Am I gonna get a gun?
I would love a gun!
Just a gun
Right now.
This place right there is a dead end.
We'll go to the other side
I don't see anything here.
Man, this place is so deep
Man, I'm so deep in this thing!
Just think of all the horrible things that can happen down here!
Oh no!
I heard something.
Do you want to mess with me?
What are you?
This is no..
Is this some sort of like..
human experiment lab?
This is definitely not a sewer.
one of them
is wandering out and about.
Still cannot hear anything from my dog.
This is where I gotta go.
"Pick up" What? Where?
"Damaged handgun picked up."
Look at that!
What is that? It looked like an old model.
I'm ready to deal with some bad guys then.
Somebody just slide that gun to me it wasn't a pickup
command before that. Okay, I just wanna..
Is that my dog? What is that?
I guess we're seeing the game now from my dog perspective, right?
Because I mean look how short I..
Yeah, this is from my dog's perspective
Wait, where am I going dude?
Just go!
get out of here dog..
Oh boy, who are you?
Where am I?
Well, anyway, I have my gun.
Wow dude like we're so deep. I have no idea where we are
Like just think about you being like somewhere underground
but like..
You've been there so long you don't know like
Like where you are, like what is this place?
So far I don't see any bad guys
but I just enjoy carrying a gun around
it just feels right up my alley
And a spooky
"The rise of spooks"
Why is all the posters about diets?
I can hear something sinister
We can go even more down
The escalator is still working!
Okay the door is locked so I guess..
I mean, I'm sorry guys, I've never seen a working escalator
in like a horror game so..
Please you owe me at least of this. Ok. I'm going off.
What can I say Charlie cannot refuse a good snack when he sees a good snack..
he's a good boy.
very aesthetic.
I guess we're gonna up the stairs cuz diet and stuff
"close station"
let's open it up then
station is now open.
so the door to my left should be open.
What did I just opened then?
Did I open... What did I start?
Whoever's gonna show up
gonna get a one-two pop
Okay, sorry, so I had to restart the game. I apparently just glitched out.
It didn't do the loading screen before.
Like it didn't just go to this section.
I was stuck here for like ten minutes
until I was like, okay, there's definitely nothing to do.
I should probably restart
Okay, what's going on now?
Yeah I didn't have the possibility to even examine anything
Okay, at least now we can actually do something
Man I reacted so fast to that.
So what just happened?
Excuse me? Any aftermath?
I swear I heard somebody screaming
And then what there is nothing to do now.
Did we arrive our destination?
what's going on?
Turn on
There's the EXIT I think.
This keeps so pretty
Okay, let me get out.
I guess this is our stop.
or maybe I need to restart the game again.
No, no, I'm doing fine.
Well now I'm gonna be sure.
Okay, I guess we can check here then.
All right.
So far I don't see anything or anybody
So, I think we're good
But we are looking for our dog, somebody took him.
Wait. No, I didn't want to leave like thought it says open for the locker
There is nothing in this room.
Moving on forward.
Some sort of a power room.
Let me take that key real quick
You have to reboot the whole system in order to do that go to the each section and turn off the breaker box
Then come back here and restore the system. I've barely been able to keep the power on so that's about all the device besides quitting
I can give
There is another one.
Oh wait.
For some reason I thought the box is the note
This place is neglected.
So we're looking to..
restore the breakers or turn them off.
And once we're done
we get back here and restart the entire system to bring back the power
Why is this locked behind a gate?
Well, there's gates everywhere.
Are we supposed to..
There is a breaker probably in each gate, dude.
Oh no.
Oh no, so we need about three breakers.
Yeah, we need about three breakers.
So I guess we'll start with the left one.
I believe now the real danger begins
like the real trouble and the real..
killings and the real enemies.
Because so far was a piece of cake.
This door is busted.
Nobody in the toilets.. no legs.
Let's go pick that up. What is that?
It's a magazine
Ruger is a German gun, isn't it?
I'm not sure
Examine what? What happened here?
Exactly my thoughts. Oh I can open these.
If this wasn't terrible enough
There's a note here.
That doesn't sound good.
Okay, check the entire toilet. It seems about empty
Let's check the other sides.
Okay. This is like a place where we would find a breaker
Maybe here?
The door is missing a knob dude.
Something going down in the other room.
just checking in this room first
Yeah, there it is!
Let's turn it off.
I should probably read the note before doing so.
Seriously, while I'm reading a note?
Okay turn it on.
I can't.
Behind me! Behind me!
I'm pretty sure I'm shooting it in the head
Maybe there was no head shots in the game. I died
Well, I wanted to die.
I can't leave the gameover screen guys
Any button that I press does not react.
ESC, everything.
On the top right corner of the screen there is a card info
and if you click on it It will take you to my Patreon page
and if you want you can support the channel so I can keep making videos
Support it through patreon, even if you want to support with 1$
it would be really helpful. So, thank you
If you want to see more of this game
Let's shoot for around 200 likes
anywhere around that and I'll definitely continue playing more of this game
I just love this game.
Subscribe if you're new to the channel as well, and I'll see you guys in the next time.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Now AIRCO - Duration: 1:11.
Honda CR-V 2.0i VTEC - LIFESTYLE - Navigatie - Trekhaak - 4WD - Duration: 1:11.
HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS | Lookbook - 5 Outfits - Duration: 1:51.
Hey it's wyntersoleil!
So today we are going to be doing a Halloween lookbook
Let's get to the video!
So I hope this video helped inspire you
on what you want to be for Halloween this year
I had lots of fun trying on every single costume!
See you next time. Bye!
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:08.
Daily Dose of DeJ: What you give is what you'll get - Duration: 0:40.
That's Why You Should Never Let A Dog Lick Your Mouth - Duration: 3:50.
It is well known that having pets can bring its owners several benefits,
both psychological and emotional.
They have the ability to affect our developments. cognitive, emotional and social
company during the difficult times of our lives, and even help us to be
more active!
People with pets generally exhibit healthier characteristics.
They tend to have better self-esteem and they feel less lonely, since their
pets serve as companions and also as beginners of conversations when
meet new potential friends.
Pets also encourage us to move around and get out more with your needs
of physical exercise.
They may even have some benefits such as increased tolerance to allergies
and lower blood pressure levels.
But despite all these positive reasons to have pets, there are still
precautions to be taken when we have in our homes.
Dogs have a much higher tolerance to bacteria, germs and viruses than humans,
and they have some habits that would be considered dangerous for humans.
So the next time you leave your dog lick your whole face or bite your
sandwich, remember that there are some diseases that may lead to you:
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus is the name of a type
of bacteria that can be found on the animal's skin.
MRSA is the same bacterium, after immune to antibiotics.
This bacteria can cause infections in several different areas of your body, but
your pet may not be affected for it and still have the capacity to administer it
to you.
It is contagious through direct contact.
Dermatophytosis Infections caused by dermatophytes
can appear anywhere on your body and cause extreme itching and rashes
and loss of hair and nails.
This can also be contagious through from direct contact with the skin or hair of the
your pet.
Sepsis The bacterium Capnocytophaga canimorsus, commonly
found in the mouths of dogs, can cause a disease called sepsis, which is an intoxication
very serious blood loss that can cause of organs.
Although it is rare, it usually affects only people with very fragile immune systems,
is still something to be observed.
Children and the elderly are more likely to to all these diseases, in addition to others,
that your immune system is weaker than the adult.
Never forget to ensure that your beloved pet be the healthiest
possible, but remember that your system your immune system is different from yours and
necessary precautions to ensure that You do not get anything from him.
SAO Ordinal Scale - AMV [Hero of out Time] - Duration: 2:45.
Faça Isso Toda Manha e Você Parecerá Como se Tivesse 20 Anos de Idade 😍 - Duration: 3:29.
This is ours every morning if you it will look like you've been 20 years
age no need to risk strong
surgeries or the botox team to look younger you only need the
correct combination of ingredients for prepare a wonderful solution that
will make you look up to 20 years younger
Surgeries are really expensive and that not all people have
courage to stand under the obstruction to looking younger is why
there are many more methods simple and less fearful
which are very safe medicines without need to fear the effects of
unwanted collateral women are the main
want to look much younger than ever that can
they are afraid of the aging so always look for
a solution to have fewer wrinkles less gray hair and - years
unfortunately we are all older but we have the opportunity to appear very
better with these wonderful natural ingredients solution for
appear much younger ingredients that we will reveal next
did not return time but improved its appearance considerably
less visible aging women opt for botox because of
its immediate effects but in reality are not aware of the risks
people have to accept the fact that we all grow old no matter where
Let's eat what we do. fortunately nature always gives us the
ingredients that can help us hide our age these
natural ingredients can not go back in time but can make the signs of
less visible aging In addition, you will be able to
positive results immediately now more than we present the
natural ingredients of this solution ingredients a spoon of starch from
corn five tablespoons of juice carrot a spoonful of unflavored yogurt
150 ml of drinking water a brush of makeup preparation first
you should mix the corn starch with 50 ml of water until dissolved
completely after boil the rest of the 100 ml of
water and when it starts to boil add the corn starch dissolved by stirring with
a batter extinguishes the fire while being homogeneous after that I hope this
would a little and add the yogurt the carrot juice studios have a
consistency and I hope that this wipe the face thoroughly before applying
mask and pat dry with a soft apply in problematic areas and let
rest for half an hour apply the mask with the help of the brush
makeup with top movements for low
apply this medication three times per and you'll be younger in
time you can keep the mask on and use it again in the next
time in chicago and the face with warm water 15 minutes after applying the mask
If you liked, leave your opinion on comments leave your like sign up
on the channel and share this video with your friends
see you later
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