[ambienace noise]
[phone ring]
[phone vibrates]
10 pm, gotta start my essay
gotta have a hook, got to make it good gotta have a bridge that is understood
seeing everything my essay is flowing ticking on and on,
I gotta get going got to state my topic sentence
this is AEO, almost at the end
next is commentary,
for each concrete detail gotta wrap this essay up,
transition at the end...
It's Friday, Friday..
gotta turn it in on Friday,
which is technically Monday at 8 am.
AEO, AEO (yeah) AEO, AEO (yeah)
A E O, looking forward to the due date
Matt: I'm dumb. Chenin: Alright, you ready?
Essay got my grade up, grade A call it Asian
Attention got y'all hooked, master of persuasion
Bridge, yeah I wrote it up Background, yeah I sum it up
My focus getting narrow, but the thesis coming up
I don't feel I've done enough, my essay be getting lit
AEO, i'm getting it.
I be on my grind, thesis I expand it,
commentary written, so you just understand it,
I learned to cite from a buy named Bradley I aint do it right, but I couldn't blame Bradley
I be writing Psalms, thesis is the greatest
I be dropping bombs, Chernobyl what the page is
I swear I be writing, commentary show my reason, y'all aint use the AEO, y'all just be heathens
proofread my essay, I'm my own consultant Essay got me in college, now I just be ballin'.
For more infomation >> Friday really means Monday at 8 am. - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Family still searching for missing Macon man - Duration: 1:58.
096 Carla & Anke - Duration: 14:56.
All right, fine
I just need to be alone
Well, THIS is a first!
Neurotic broad!
I'm sorry
Since when do you have manners?
== I just like to look at you from behind. == Pervert!
Wrong. I just meant - the sooner you're gone from here, the better.
You're gonna be waiting a long time
Oh yeah? Looks more to me like your days here are numbered.
If my sister is already bringing her playmates home, I'd say things are finally curtains for your father
Carla would never leave my father in the lurch, you know that good and well
Really? What use is he to her now if she's living her proclivities out in the wide open?
In that case, a 'beard' spouse is more of a hindrance
Shall we make a bet? The marriage will be annulled faster than you can say "subsidized housing".
Nathalie? Yes, well it's about time.
Yes, the printer is still waiting for your submissions. Mhm, exactly, the new catalog.
Hi, great that you're home!
Your father's birthday is coming up soon and I still don't have a present. I thought maybe we could go shopping together?
Sorry, but today's not a good day
But I have no idea what he even likes, and... it should be something special. On Dad's behalf, as well...
== After all, we are part of the family. == Some other time, okay?
Fine, but then we should go tomorrow!
I don't KNOW! Let's just decide at the last minute.
== But-- == I'd like to be alone now. Don't be mad, but I need to think.
What's wrong?
Does it have something to do with that woman?
I saw someone leaving the castle this morning and I thought...
Did you have a fight?
I see, so that's where this is headed!
I'm not trying to secretly snoop on you, but I am thinking of Dad
Vanessa, I'm not going to leave your father in the lurch
But if you fall in love again? Dad will be left to fend for himself.
That isn't true. But just to reassure you - I'm not in love, and I'm not going to see that woman again, either.
Oh, thank God!
Uhh, no... I mean, uhm...
... not that I'm wishing you anything bad
Well, if you're having troubles, you can always come to me
Oh, that's sweet. But I believe, at the moment, I'm coping just fine by myself.
Good. Then I don't want to bother you any longer.
Carla, come in!
Excuse me, I didn't want to interrupt. I thought Silke might still be here.
You two have been inseparable lately. You've really got it bad for her, hm?
Silke is still in town, making a few last-minute purchases for Columbia
== That's right, that's about to happen! == Yep.
Tell me, how is Father handling your plans to head overseas?
He's being amazingly positive. But I have to add, he has also always liked Silke.
And you?
I like her, too
But are you sure it's going to work out this time?
I mean, you already broke up once before
Back then, we had dissimilar life plans, but this time it's different
You hadn't seen each other in so long, and now suddenly you're off to Columbia together. What if you don't get along?
If we don't give it a try, we won't ever find out
Yeah, true, but...
In love there are never any guarantees
But this time I have a really good feeling. And sometimes you also just have to take risks.
You want one too?
No, thanks
Hey, why are you looking that way? Surely you aren't just worrying about your little brother.
Hey! Something troubling you?
No, not really
Come on, tell me, hm?
I took a chance on something last night
You did what?
But I think it was a mistake. Or...
I'm not sure!
Boy, you're completely rattled. Come on, take your time and tell me.
Fresh air is a very good idea
Yeah, it clears the head, right?
So tell me, you and this...
== Anke. == ... Anke, you brought her to the castle?
Yes, why not? Everybody here knows now that I'm a lesbian anyway.
The risk of being caught in a hotel is a lot greater
Yeah, that is true. Well, and then??
Well, what do you think? We slept together.
We'd already gotten to that part!
And it was all wonderful
And then I woke up, and couldn't help thinking of Hanna
I had this feeling like I was cheating on her
Dumb, right?
No, not at all. I understand quite well what you mean.
Carla, Hanna was the love of your life. You're never going to forget her.
Most likely you're going to think about her frequently in the future, as well. Even when you're with other women.
But I can't be thinking about Hanna while I'm going to bed with other women!
Of course you can't imagine yet that you'll ever love another person as much as you loved Hanna
But maybe it will actually happen
And then it will be wonderful
And that's exactly what Hanna would have wished for you
She certainly wouldn't have wanted you to close yourself up here in the castle and let your life pass you by
== You can't just keep clinging to what's past. == Nevertheless, I have this feeling like I'm betraying her.
No one can take away the love you shared together. Even if you allow yourself tenderness with other women.
Or perhaps even love
Thank you
Where did you get this wisdom from, anyway?
Well, from all the fish I eat. It's good for the brain.
== Silke should be back by now, too. == Well, then don't keep her waiting any longer.
Oh, Leo... When I was questioning your love, earlier - I'm sorry about that.
I was... in a pretty lousy mood. I really do wish you both all the happiness in the world!
And you the same!
== Oh, I'm going to miss you! == It won't be forever.
I'll be up in a minute
You're going to call her after all?
Anke? Carla here.
I know, that's why I'm calling. I behaved horribly.
I'd like to apologize to you
Can we please see each other?
I enjoyed the night. Very much, in fact!
Anke, I can explain. Please!
So, a little photo session?
Yes, I want to print some out and put together a little photo album for Dad But I definitely need some new pictures.
I'm sure Bernd will enjoy that
== Then is it okay if I also take a few pictures of you? == Why not?
You hardly seem interested in him anymore since you've been hanging around with that Anke
If you want, I'd be happy to take a few pictures together. How about it? Maybe out in the castle park?
Oh, someone's in a hurry!
I have to take advantage of the fact you're still here and not with your Anke!
Vanessa, I realize that recently I'm sure you've felt as though I'm trying to get rid of you, but--
It doesn't seem like you place a whole lot of value on our friendship
I've been very self-absorbed
I just don't want you to leave Dad hanging
Of course I won't! But I do still have my own life. And part of that means also meeting someone again someday.
Up until now, that hadn't been so important to you
I'm happy that I'm finally finding some enjoyment in life again!
But look, the two things are not mutually exclusive
How about if we... take pictures first, and then go do something together?
We haven't done that in a long time, have we?
== The pictures turned out nice. == Yeah, I told you, the Kö is a great place for taking photographs!
Especially since you can also be looking in the shop windows at the same time, right?
== That jogging suit was truly cool! == You're going to have to treat yourself to that out of your own earnings.
== Hello. == Hello. == Two café au laits! All right?
I'll be right back
Sorry, the bus took off right in front of my nose, again!
== Not that much has been happening anyway. But you can go wait on Table 4. == Okay.
Working again? WE'RE going back out shopping.
Yeah, good for you guys
Should I maybe bring you back some rubber gloves? I mean, even when you're scrubbing, you can still look good.
No time - I have a date
With who?!? A cleaning products rep?
Even if it doesn't fit your narrow world view, there are actually men who ask out the kitchen help
You sure he wasn't drunk?
No, he was a businessman in a designer suit. He works for an ad agency or something like that.
Not bad, congratulations!
I just don't know if I should go out with him, I barely know him
Yeah, well then you're gonna GET to know him. That's what dates are for! Or at least the first half hour of them.
Yeah, we'll see
So you've also been to Zanzibar before, too?
Yes, as part of my art studies
Bernd lived in Brazil for years
In Stone Town I was doing research on the Indian and Arabic influences on the artists there
And BERND owned a diamond mine in Brazil
== Tell me, what's the deal with her and this constant 'Bernd'? == That's her father.
And where do you know Vanessa from?
She's my stepdaughter
You're married?!?
Yes, to Bernd
I see. So that's why Vanessa is so unfriendly to me.
But actually I don't understand something at all. Why didn't you tell me you're married?
Oh, it's a long story
Go ahead, I have time
Another time, all right?
I'll be right back
Just because you went to bed with her once, you don't need to be getting any fancy ideas
What fancy ideas would those be?
That there could be more there. And if I were you, I would leave now.
Hm, and what if I don't leave?
You should think long and hard about that
I've seldom seen anyone who took so long to drink an orange juice as you
Say, Vanessa, isn't that good-looking guy over there the one from bookkeeping?
== Kai? Kai Keppler? == Yes!
== Oh, no way in the world does that guy look like Kai! == Yes he does, he has the same hair!
Yeah right! And two arms AND two legs...
So, I don't want to bother you two any longer
== Have a nice evening! == Mhm, you too.
== We'll talk later. == See you soon.
I like her best from behind
Nice rags
== What do you want here?! == Is that any of your business?
Carla is already in bed
Even better, kiddo, that's exactly where I was headed. I wish you as nice an evening as I'm going to have!
That's quite the strategy you've come up with! Showing up in the evening, disappearing secretly in the morning.
I can also stay, if you'd like
Don't ever show your face here again!
I believe Carla has a little something to say about that too
It would be better if you left her alone in the future
Is it possible... you're jealous?
For that I would have to be a lesbian!
Who knows?
You must be out of your mind!
Pretty quick to the punch, I've gotta give you that!
And you are totally disgusting! I do not let women kiss me!
You will feel the effects from that, you can brace yourself
'Feel the effects' - I look forward to it
== Are you even listening to me?! == Of course.
That stupid bitch up and KISSED me!
Vanessa, there's nothing wrong with my hearing. Was there anything else?
'Anything else'?! Carla, I am not like you guys!
I know. And I also know that you like making up stories when something doesn't sit right with you.
You think I made that up?!
Yes. To make Anke look bad in my eyes. Only unfortunately, my dear, that was pretty tasteless.
I don't believe this! That chick smooches me in the wide open public, and you don't believe me!!!
Hello, this Anke is a conniving bitch!
And you're a little angel, I know
Vanessa, I can understand your being afraid that someone could compete for Bernd's place
That is NOT what this is about. You don't seem to want to grasp what kind of fish you've landed here.
I have not 'landed' Anke. I am having a casual, uncommitted affair with her.
And I most definitely am not going to let you dictate who I am friends with!
So, and now I have to make a phone call. Leave me alone please.
I don't believe this!
Brighter Image Lab- Mississippi Client / FULL Details, What to Expect! - Duration: 1:46.
Hey I'm making a video for Brighter Image Lab I got my veneers from there
and I'm very happy with them I watched all the videos
while I was in the process of me getting them and I didn't see people saying
how you have to adjust to them or how your mouth will be a little sore so
I called about that and they said that was normal
but my top was a little loose it took me about 4 days to
get used to it and they actually tightened up and formed to my teeth
The bottom was really tight and they loosened up and are really comfortable now
My teeth were sore for the first three days and after that
they were not sore and I did call and ask a lot of questions
Customer Service they're great they're very nice and
very patient I've had my veneers for about 7 days
and I called every Friday
and they answered all my questions and was very very understanding and nice
They're really good They look amazing they're white I didn't get the super white ones
I got the second level
but they are really great I just want to let everybody know that
give them time don't send them right back in when you get them
you do have to get used to them because it is something different in your mouth
but they are great and they're very nice so thank you Brighter Image Lab
learn more at: brighterimagelab.com
看完伊能靜與兩任婆婆的同框照,婚姻中幸不幸福全寫在了臉上! - Duration: 6:13.
Brighter Image Lab - Bil meets w/clients in Maui and become friends! - Duration: 0:59.
good morning bill and friends from brighter image lab we're still here in
paradise for a few more days and it's such an honor to meet you all and to have gone through
the experience of having you come all the way from Texas to deliver these
beautiful beautiful gifts to me we're so honored and they say just having known
you this is a short time and we're so in awe where your professionalism the whole
of the company that you run is so impressive
now you mentioned to us that you over oversee every product that goes out that
is really amazing just want to thank you so much for the bottom of our hearts
Tina I know how much you do for people how you transform lives look at me I'm
so happy with everything you've done and will be great ambassadors for your
Bil you know that but from the bottom of our hearts again thank you and aloha from paradise
大坂なおみ、ラケット投げの"イライラ感情露わ"に反省「自慢できることではない」 - Duration: 3:57.
Tay nắm cửa mạ vàng 9999- nội thất mạ vàng - Duration: 1:31.
赵丽颖超豪华镶钻礼服现身,U型领口超性感,网友:婚纱更美! - Duration: 1:56.
赵丽颖超豪华镶钻礼服现身,U型领口超性感,网友:婚纱更美! - Duration: 2:01.
【侍U-23代表】日本が4連勝でスーパーR進出決定 楽天近藤が7回零封12K、稲葉監督「素晴らしい」 - Duration: 2:45.
Brighter Image Lab- Mississippi Client / FULL Details, What to Expect! - Duration: 1:46.
Hey I'm making a video for Brighter Image Lab I got my veneers from there
and I'm very happy with them I watched all the videos
while I was in the process of me getting them and I didn't see people saying
how you have to adjust to them or how your mouth will be a little sore so
I called about that and they said that was normal
but my top was a little loose it took me about 4 days to
get used to it and they actually tightened up and formed to my teeth
The bottom was really tight and they loosened up and are really comfortable now
My teeth were sore for the first three days and after that
they were not sore and I did call and ask a lot of questions
Customer Service they're great they're very nice and
very patient I've had my veneers for about 7 days
and I called every Friday
and they answered all my questions and was very very understanding and nice
They're really good They look amazing they're white I didn't get the super white ones
I got the second level
but they are really great I just want to let everybody know that
give them time don't send them right back in when you get them
you do have to get used to them because it is something different in your mouth
but they are great and they're very nice so thank you Brighter Image Lab
learn more at: brighterimagelab.com
Kadak Attitude Whatsapp Video Status - New WhatsApp Status Video 2018 - Duration: 2:24.
New WhatsApp Status Video
Anmol Vachan Status - Motivational Lines - New Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 2:18.
New WhatsApp Status Video
New Attitude WhatsApp Status Video 2018 - Kadak Attitude Dialog For WhatsApp Status - Duration: 2:21.
New WhatsApp Status Video
Brighter Image Lab - Bil meets w/clients in Maui and become friends! - Duration: 0:59.
good morning bill and friends from brighter image lab we're still here in
paradise for a few more days and it's such an honor to meet you all and to have gone through
the experience of having you come all the way from Texas to deliver these
beautiful beautiful gifts to me we're so honored and they say just having known
you this is a short time and we're so in awe where your professionalism the whole
of the company that you run is so impressive
now you mentioned to us that you over oversee every product that goes out that
is really amazing just want to thank you so much for the bottom of our hearts
Tina I know how much you do for people how you transform lives look at me I'm
so happy with everything you've done and will be great ambassadors for your
Bil you know that but from the bottom of our hearts again thank you and aloha from paradise
thanks for your help Sister - Duration: 1:26.
thanks for your help Sister
I-480 Crash - Duration: 0:20.
Unplugged with Dale Hansen: For the first time in 46 years, I voted. Here's why - Duration: 2:14.
I-57 shooting - Duration: 0:31.
President Trump Tells CBS 11 Before Rally: 'Ted And I Went To War During The Primaries, But He Is A - Duration: 3:19.
Is winning along the I-4 corridor still key to winning it all? - Duration: 1:55.
NOPD responds to armed burglary 17 hours after woman calls police - Duration: 3:02.
Normal Parents VS. My Parents 👨👩👧 | Rickshawali - Duration: 5:25.
You all know what am I going to ask?
Did you like and Subscribe my channel
Mom I have passed the exams
Hello I want to order 1 KG Biryani
Call all your friends for dinner tonight
I am the first ranker in my class
Also won the football match and helped a girl who met with an accident
Okay But
When are you planning to get married?
But mom I am still in school
Child marrage is illegal
You always have a reason
Dad i am going out
Keep this money
Don't know when you might need it
If you will be late at night call me
call me i'll be there to pick you
Dad I am going out
Okay listen
Wear this
What's this
Tracking Bracelet
How will i trace you
And make sure you are safe
Have some tea
Have some snacks
I am done with washing cloths and utensils and dusting
Okay, Do the other work in the evening
Your maid is hardworking
She is not a maid, But my daughter
What happened are you alright
Your ancestral Vase which grand-mom gave you
Which was also your favorite, I broke it
That's alright, your not injured right?
Today you did not clean the house?
From today onward's your not allowed to go out
Also eating junk food and watching movies is banned
Your phone is also confiscated
Oh If your busy I'll come back later
No i am not going to that party
There is a letter for you
Mom why is this envolop open?
Why are you sending the kiss emoji to Varun
Mom this is the heights, i need some privacy
Yeah Varun tell me?
What do you think if you have locked the room i can't see you?
Let me know in the comments, How do you parent's react
Hit the like button
If you haven't subscribed to my channel yet, Please do it now
#EwangeliarzOP | 23 October 2018 | (Luke 12: 35-38) - Duration: 1:28.
I would like so much - says Jesus (and I'm paraphrasing Him) - that our meeting after your death
was pure joy, such a bliss of close friends meeting after long years.
Our life here is walking in the darkness of faith.
Even in the closest relationship with the Lord, this veil is still present and we see very vaguely.
When we trust, when we miss but we are not yet fully united with Him.
This moment will come and Jesus wants me so much that it would be a moment of great joy.
No surprise, no sense of loss that suddenly life has been taken away from me,
only that it is pure joy that life - and this time the life forever - is given to me.
Police: Man Shot In Arlington Road Rage Incident - Duration: 0:36.
Quail Lodge and Golf Club has gone pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Duration: 1:44.
Starzenie się i wrogowie młodego wyglądu! - Duration: 11:51.
明年爆發大戰?美士兵擔心並非空穴來風,中美俄都已做好準備 - Duration: 5:36.
中俄兩國或將聯手?美軍已經有所預感,五角大樓表明態度 - Duration: 4:36.
Mr skeltal meme ft. My friends / I'm too lazy - Duration: 0:13.
Khalid - Motion (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:59.
Khalid - Motion (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018
10/22/18 8:39 PM (I-90, Post Falls, ID 83854, USA) - Duration: 5:00.
美又對中東此國下狠手,此行動將引起大衝突,多國態度明確 - Duration: 5:43.
有中國裝備才有底氣!伊朗亮出中國一款雷達,就放狠話給死對頭 - Duration: 4:26.
5 Common Causes You Can't Sleep - Duration: 4:19.
Do you struggle to get to sleep no matter how tired you are?
or do you wake up in the middle of the night and lie awake for hours?
if so, keep watching on this video to find out the possible reasons!
Hey everyone, Aqila here!
In this video, I will talk about 5 Common causes you can't sleep at night.
A proper night's sleep is crucial to our health and emotional well being.
that's why the benefits of good sleep should never be underestimated,
and why getting a proper rest on a regular basis isn't just a good idea, it's an essential one.
and here are 5 Common causes you can't sleep at night;
1. You are depressed.
Just like with appetite, the physical changes of depression can swing to either extreme.
You may suddenly find that you're tired and sleeping all day or that you can't get a wink's shuteye at all.
A particularly common form of sleep deprivation is to find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, night after night.
2. You're doing too much before bed.
According to a U.S. National Sleep Foundation during the hour before bed,
around 60 % of us do household chores, 37 % take care of children,
36 % do activities with other family members, 36 % are on the Internet,
and 21 % do work related to their jobs.
Working right up until bedtime doesn't give you a chance to wind down and prepare your body for sleep.
Take the hour before bed to transition read a book, take a bath, whatever will make you feel most relaxed.
3. Your hormones are out of whack.
One explanation could be hormonal changes throughout our reproductive cycles.
As women, we are more prone to having poor sleep around menstruation and that's related to pain and mood changes.
And Pregnancy is another known time for sleep disturbance.
An increase in the hormone progesterone
will have you waking up for endless trips to the washroom in your first trimester and the size of your belly,
will cause you some discomfort when trying to sleep in your third trimester.
Then in perimenopause the time right before menopause when women cease to menstruate,
a drop in progesterone and estrogen hormone levels, may cause symptoms such as nighttime hot flashes and insomnia.
4. You're a smoker.
There are hundreds of reasons to quit smoking and sleep trouble is one of them.
That nasty nicotine is a stimulant that will keep you awake longer and since you may experience nicotine withdrawal.
through the night and it will affect your sleep.
Besides, smoking is no way to start your day.
5. You're addicted to technology.
Sure, every app promises to make our lives easier, but they may actually tie us into too many never-ending work.
Being able to keep in touch with the kids is a boon to working parents.
Allowing the office to track you down after hours is not.
We need to keep the two things separate, save discrete times in the day to receive and answer business emails,
and learn to screen the after 6:00 p.m.
Thank you for watching "5 Common Causes you can't sleep at night".
SUBSCRIBE for more videos.
Hope you feel better!
Bruna Marquezine e o 'Noronhe-se', a ostentação que virou piada - Duration: 3:00.
#EwangeliarzOP | 23 October 2018 | (Luke 12: 35-38) - Duration: 1:28.
I would like so much - says Jesus (and I'm paraphrasing Him) - that our meeting after your death
was pure joy, such a bliss of close friends meeting after long years.
Our life here is walking in the darkness of faith.
Even in the closest relationship with the Lord, this veil is still present and we see very vaguely.
When we trust, when we miss but we are not yet fully united with Him.
This moment will come and Jesus wants me so much that it would be a moment of great joy.
No surprise, no sense of loss that suddenly life has been taken away from me,
only that it is pure joy that life - and this time the life forever - is given to me.
Dê Adeus Ao STRESS E A DEPRESSÃO Com Esse TRATAMENTO INOVADOR!!! - Duration: 9:06.
CNN Admitted The One Thing Democrats Don't Want To Be True - Duration: 3:08.
Elecciones, Conoce cómo Afectan tu Vida Financiera - Duration: 3:02.
This Portland man is about to set off on an IMPOSSIBLE trip - Duration: 4:17.
Ex-BBB Aline Gotschalg rebate polêmica em maternidade: ''Peço mais respeito!'' - Duration: 1:58.
Neymar negyedszer is szakított Bruna Marquezine-nel - Duration: 1:36.
Nívea Stelmann posa com ex-marido, Mario Frias, e comemora parceria em próxima novela das 19h - Duration: 2:32.
Ted Cruz holds rally in Houston while Beto O'Rourke has rally in San Marcos - Duration: 3:01.
Friday really means Monday at 8 am. - Duration: 2:49.
[ambienace noise]
[phone ring]
[phone vibrates]
10 pm, gotta start my essay
gotta have a hook, got to make it good gotta have a bridge that is understood
seeing everything my essay is flowing ticking on and on,
I gotta get going got to state my topic sentence
this is AEO, almost at the end
next is commentary,
for each concrete detail gotta wrap this essay up,
transition at the end...
It's Friday, Friday..
gotta turn it in on Friday,
which is technically Monday at 8 am.
AEO, AEO (yeah) AEO, AEO (yeah)
A E O, looking forward to the due date
Matt: I'm dumb. Chenin: Alright, you ready?
Essay got my grade up, grade A call it Asian
Attention got y'all hooked, master of persuasion
Bridge, yeah I wrote it up Background, yeah I sum it up
My focus getting narrow, but the thesis coming up
I don't feel I've done enough, my essay be getting lit
AEO, i'm getting it.
I be on my grind, thesis I expand it,
commentary written, so you just understand it,
I learned to cite from a buy named Bradley I aint do it right, but I couldn't blame Bradley
I be writing Psalms, thesis is the greatest
I be dropping bombs, Chernobyl what the page is
I swear I be writing, commentary show my reason, y'all aint use the AEO, y'all just be heathens
proofread my essay, I'm my own consultant Essay got me in college, now I just be ballin'.
President Trump stumps for Sen. Cruz at Houston rally - Duration: 2:30.
Trump Cruz Houston Rally Crowd Photos: How Many Attended? | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:56.
Trump Cruz Houston Rally Crowd Photos: How Many Attended? | Heavy.com
President Donald Trump held a rally today with Sen.
Ted Cruz in order to stump for Cruz's campaign for Senator.
He's running a close race against Beto O'Rourke in a campaign that has garnered national attention.
Just how many people attended the rally and tailgate party today? It was definitely a huge event, with thousands of people lined up for hours before the event even began.
Dan Patrick estimated there were 16,000 inside and 15,000 outside the arena.
Here is what we know about how many attended, along with crowd photos from the event.
Trump's Campaign Manager Said 100,000 RSVP'd Wanting Tickets.
Today's rally was originally supposed to be held in the NRG Arena.
However, so many people RSVP'd for the event that Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, said in a tweet that the event was being moved to the Toyota Center.
Parscale later said that more than 100,000 people RSVP'd wanting tickets to attend the rally.
Because of the response, they also hosted a tailgate party outside the venue.
People Lined Up Hours — Even a Day — Early, Since the Toyota Center Only Holds a Little Over 18,000.
One of the reasons so many people lined up early for the event is likely because the Toyota Center wouldn't be able to hold 100,000 people, if that many truly did show up to try to attend.
The Toyota Center has a basketball seating capacity of 18,023.
People attending the rally have said that the sections are all full except the one behind the flag, and the floor and the outside areas are also filled.
Supporters actually began lining up for the rally on Sunday, Washington Examiner reported.
They were lined up for blocks in downtown Houston, and some arrived as early as Sunday at 10 a.m.
for a rally that wasn't starting until Monday at 6:30 p.m.
Dan Patrick Estimated 16,000 Were in the Rally & 15,000 Were Outside.
Were you at the rally? Let us know about your experiences there in the comments below.
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Brighter Image Lab- Mississippi Client / FULL Details, What to Expect! - Duration: 1:46.
Hey I'm making a video for Brighter Image Lab I got my veneers from there
and I'm very happy with them I watched all the videos
while I was in the process of me getting them and I didn't see people saying
how you have to adjust to them or how your mouth will be a little sore so
I called about that and they said that was normal
but my top was a little loose it took me about 4 days to
get used to it and they actually tightened up and formed to my teeth
The bottom was really tight and they loosened up and are really comfortable now
My teeth were sore for the first three days and after that
they were not sore and I did call and ask a lot of questions
Customer Service they're great they're very nice and
very patient I've had my veneers for about 7 days
and I called every Friday
and they answered all my questions and was very very understanding and nice
They're really good They look amazing they're white I didn't get the super white ones
I got the second level
but they are really great I just want to let everybody know that
give them time don't send them right back in when you get them
you do have to get used to them because it is something different in your mouth
but they are great and they're very nice so thank you Brighter Image Lab
learn more at: brighterimagelab.com
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Trocando de emissora? Thais Fersoza ganha protagonismo na TV Globo - Duration: 1:45.
Teddy Adhitya - Healer (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 7:00.
I don't wanna go blue So lost with no direction
I don't wanna go thru All those bad days anymore
When I first see you in a silhouette on a sunrise You're rhythm get to mine
When I heard you singin' out loud tellin' stories in a black and white
My misery has ended
Oohh. Healer
Oohh. Healer
I was numb but now You make me feel again
Whenever I so close to you I see no one else but you
Sure you already knew
I was blind but now You make me see again
I see rainbow in your voice All them sweet sound of your heart of gold
When I first see you in a silhouette on a sunrise
You're rhythm get to mine When I heard you singin' out loud
tellin' stories in a black and white My misery has ended
I was numb but now You make me feel again
Whenever I so close to you I see no one else but you
Sure you already knew
I was blind but now You make me see again
I see rainbow in your voice All them sweet sound of your heart of gold
Brighter Image Lab - Bil meets w/clients in Maui and become friends! - Duration: 0:59.
good morning bill and friends from brighter image lab we're still here in
paradise for a few more days and it's such an honor to meet you all and to have gone through
the experience of having you come all the way from Texas to deliver these
beautiful beautiful gifts to me we're so honored and they say just having known
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of the company that you run is so impressive
now you mentioned to us that you over oversee every product that goes out that
is really amazing just want to thank you so much for the bottom of our hearts
Tina I know how much you do for people how you transform lives look at me I'm
so happy with everything you've done and will be great ambassadors for your
Bil you know that but from the bottom of our hearts again thank you and aloha from paradise
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