*Restless rustling of lounge*
*More restless rustling*
NIX: *Sighs*
*Keys jangling outside door*
WILLIAM: *Humming 'Dancing in the Moonlight'*
WILLIAM: *Shrieks*
WILLIAM: Who the fucking mother fu-- NIX: Woah! Hey! It's alright!
NIX: It's fine! I'm Nix. Is me. Uhm, Nix is me. WILLIAM: Nix? Who the fff...
WILLIAM: Nixon. Bradley Nixon.
NIX: Is me! Yeah.
WILLIAM: You break in here like some sort of crazy person? You scared the absolutely shit out of me.
NIX: No, it wasn't breaking in, I... I have a key.
WILLIAM: Alright.
NIX: And you're Will. WILLIAM: *Deepest of sighs*
NIX: You're taller and more... 3D than I imagined. When you're not a picture on a phone screen.
WILLIAM: That's what I've been told. NIX: *Laughs*
WILLIAM: You're here early.
NIX: Yeah! Hoping to make a good impression.
WILLIAM: Well, you're here at all, so...
NIX: Yeah. Hoping to make an apology...
WILLIAM: Well. If it helps at all, I s'pose I can be your witness to punctuality. I mean, I'm not really sure that is going to help. At all.
NIX: It'll help. I mean, I know these girls. Everything will be fine, we'll talk it out. It'll help!
NIX: Maybe it'll help...
NIX: *Laughs*
WILLIAM: Awww! So close! NIX: That was close though. Ok...
*Celebratory cheering and clapping from both*
NIX: Trick or treat!!
*Door slams loudly*
NIX: Yah...
NIX: Get wrecked! WILLIAM: You are a hell of a lot better at this than I am.
NIX: Gimme the throw. SESH: William do you have any idea why--
SESH: Ahhh...
SESH: *Surprised laugh*
SESH: That explains Presley, um, pacing around outside looking for blunt objects.
NIX: Sasha! It's great to see y--
SESH: Stop. NIX: Uhh, yeah.
SESH: Um, William, can you go get Presley please? WILLIAM: Should-- Yeah.
SESH: Oh, and don't let her bring anything that could bruise skin!
WILLIAM: Alright! NIX: Ooh. Thank you for this small mercy.
NIX: So. How've you been?
SESH: A little sick. Yeah. Yeah I'm better now, so. NIX: Oh no that sucks! Good.
NIX: Goooood.
NIX: Will seems nice. SESH: Um, William.
NIX: Really?
NIX: Wow, this is awkward...
SESH: It's about to get worse.
PRESLEY: *Getting closer* --kidding me, no! I don't want to! Let me bring just one rock! ONE ROCK! Gimme-- WILLIAM: No, you've gotta get in the room. Nothing. You're not bringing anything in!
NIX: Hey Pres!
NIX: Nice shirts!
SESH: You've got 20 seconds to explain to us where you've been.
NIX: *Laughing* Ok, why don't we grab some drinks, we'll sit down-- SESH: 16. 15.
SESH: 14. 13. NIX: Ok! Ok! I've been spending the moons alone!
NIX: I've been travelling deep, DEEP into the heart of a national park and running... Wild? Uhh... Free!
NIX: Faaaar away from civilisation. PRESLEY: Yeah, cool story bro, you've got 10 seconds to explain to me why you're here.
NIX: I...
NIX: I was hoping to come back... Well... That you'd let me. Come back.
PRESLEY: Not good enough. SESH: Why now?
SESH: You go all 'call of the wild' for six months PRESLEY: Without a phone call.
SESH: And suddenly you decide now's the time to come back? PRESLEY: Again, without a phone call!
SESH: Now you'd rather be couped up with us instead of slaughtering wombats?
NIX: Alright... So it turns out that both parking passes and parking fines from the national park are...
NIX: More expensive over an extended period of time than I'd accounted for.
NIX: Splitting an AirBnB is way more affordable.
PRESLEY: We've already got a third person to split with. Sorry!
NIX: But... I came all the way out here.
NIX: And I really did miss you guys.
NIX: And?
WILLIAM: Come on dude, you left them hanging, here. You gotta say it. PRESLEY: No. Phone call.
NIX: And...
NIX: I'm really... Really sorry for what I did.
SESH: You can stay. For now.
SESH: But don't think we're done with this!
*Aggressive back zipper noises*
*Spookey Groove Theme Music*
For more infomation >> Nixon || Wolfgang Ep. 31 (Explicit) - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
เริ่มต้นการเดินทางครั้งใหม่ เนื้อเรื่อง ตอน 2 SoulCalibur VI Main Story #2 - Duration: 34:28.
姜生徘徊在凉生天佑中间,没有了未央和天恩作怪,姜生自己作怪了 - Duration: 9:39.
张翰:将霸道总裁演出差异化 - Duration: 7:15.
Kaysar posa ao lado dos pais e da irmã e comemora primeiro mês de sua família no Brasil - Duration: 2:36.
Jornalista esportivo opina sobre término de Bruna Marquezine e Neymar: 'Melhor coisa que ele fez' - Duration: 2:00.
Amortecedor recondicionado deve ser evitado? - Duration: 1:00.
Silvio Santos surpreende e revela onde deseja ver suas cinzas jogadas quando morrer - Duration: 2:04.
Kaysar posa ao lado dos pais e da irmã e comemora primeiro mês de sua família no Brasil - Duration: 2:53.
Benefit ride held for marine injured while serving in Puerto Rico - Duration: 0:40.
kielerwoche - Duration: 9:27.
This is the hometown vlog.
This is the city where I was born.
Actually, I was born in the...
in the hospital right over there.
Small city, the name is Kiel.
250 000 inhabitants.
The city is mostly built
upon this administration because
the city administrates the whole "county",
if you use that word.
And people say they come here to..
to live and work to live, and, not live to work
so it's more of a relaxed thing..
And right now we have this festival,
it should be all over there,
on the water-front,
which is, it was, I don't know if it still is but
it was the World's largest sailing event.
It's around 10 days where people go crazy,
and they sail, and they drink and they party.
So this is the rich quarter.
Look at this house over there!
It's super expensive!
I actually don't know if I could park here,
gotta check.
I can park here but only for a short time,
not the best option but...
I think it's fine, fair enough,
Let's get some snacks!
Some lunch. A lot of constructions.
It's always the same in the summer.
When this festival, when this event approaches,
they try to fix all the city.
That's one frat house.
I've never been to a frat, never lived in a frat but..
we had some epic parties here.
I think it's still ongoing.
Catholic student community.
House Michael.
Yeah, just imagine this place filled
with 500 people!
We are very close to the waterfront.
And normally the party starts in the evening.
5, 6, 7
So right now it's more calm.
Some Turkish people speaking in German.
Sounds really nice!
It's really great when people learn German!
I really love that because it's a huge effort.
And most of them manage really well.
They have crabs, I want crabs.
or a fish sandwich maybe.
So that lighthouse is selling...
what is that, baked..
baked fish
Baked fish?
So up there are the chefs,
and there they sell it.
Yeah they're cooking over there,
and they're selling it over here.
And there's something like a..
brings the fish down,
like a slide.
Ok, so we have fries for 3 Euros.
These are like small pancakes.
Also 3 Euros.
And a lot of candy out here!
What do we have here?
I love you
You are my star
My small mouse, my little mouse
I only want you
Be my prince
Hug me
Ice cream
2 euros
That's the waterfront!
It's a sailing festival, so they sail boats docked here.
They do races.
And just people hanging out.
I mean that's probably the main purpose of that.
One pizza slice is 3 Euros as well.
Which is around 60k dong.
And I'll probably need to eat 3 of them.
to get...maybe 4 in order to get...
Oh this is where the concerts are.
A new subscriber, what's your name?
Ella. -Ella
How's the "Kieler Woche" (Kiel week)?
How's this event for you?
It's kind of busy but it's ok,
like it's a lot of fun because...
there are a lot of friendly people.
Friendly people? -Yeah
Are you from here?
No, from Hogan. -From Hogan? -Yes.
Ok, she's from the Eastern,
the old Eastern part of Germany,
which is not really eastern anymore.
It's all the same now.
Nice. Thank you!
This is really nice!
<i>Singing "Sweet Child of Mine"</i>
Jesus on a Segway!
Fischbrötchen, which is fish sandwich.
It's like a fish meatball in a way.
3 euro 50
Two of my friend build this thing and we...
help them like testing and some IT stuff.
Some years ago actually
and now they're doing really well,
opening franchises.
It's really nice, let's go back!
We didn't get a ticket!
We parked a bit too long on the spot.
Alright guys,
That was the first overview
about this festival here.
I gotta do some work now,
go to a local co-working space,
and that's about it so...
SUBSCRIBE if you haven't done yet!
And share it with your friends if you like this and
let us know
What else should we record here
what you wanna know about,
in my hometown.
Bye bye guys!
#EwangeliarzOP | 23 October 2018 | (Luke 12: 35-38) - Duration: 1:28.
I would like so much - says Jesus (and I'm paraphrasing Him) - that our meeting after your death
was pure joy, such a bliss of close friends meeting after long years.
Our life here is walking in the darkness of faith.
Even in the closest relationship with the Lord, this veil is still present and we see very vaguely.
When we trust, when we miss but we are not yet fully united with Him.
This moment will come and Jesus wants me so much that it would be a moment of great joy.
No surprise, no sense of loss that suddenly life has been taken away from me,
only that it is pure joy that life - and this time the life forever - is given to me.
Liink x Shock - Visionário - (Prod. jess) - Duration: 2:08.
✅ misono、初音ミクのコスプレ姿で歌唱ショット公開「可愛いーッッ!」|E-TALENTBANK co.,ltd. - Duration: 2:20.
misonoが22日、自身のInstagramに写真を投稿し 響を呼んでいる
misonoは、自身のInstagramアカウントに「 スプレSHOWもあったので、参加」として、「misonoの『 時前のツンデレラ』という曲を、初音ミクさん&倖田來未さんが バーして下さってるので…初音ミクちゃんのコスプレで『0時前の ンデレラ』を 倖田來未versionのカラオケで、歌唱しまし (笑)」とアメリカで開催されたイベント『OCJAPANFAI 』で初音ミクのコスプレを披露し、姉・倖田來未のカバーバージョ で自身の楽曲を歌唱したと明かした
この写真にファンは「わお!!!可愛いー」「めっちゃ似合 てる」「貴重な姿」「最高だねー!」「日本でもライブしてほしい 」「めっちゃ可愛いーッッ!似合っとるーッッ!」などのコメント 寄せている
misonoは以前にも、自身のInstagramアカウ トに人気漫画『犬夜叉』のコスプレを披露し、話題となっていた
Angelina Jolie joga os pertences de Brad Pitt no lixo, inclusive lembranças da infância - Duration: 1:40.
Kim Kardashian reclama de abrir mão da independência ao casar com Kanye West - Duration: 1:47.
Dekha hai jabse tujhko (2018) Eng Sub || Aladdin || Sab Tv || Whatsapp status || Whatsapp video song - Duration: 0:43.
Since I've seen you, I've been shaken.
It seems my heart has gone out of my chest.
Not just mom, I'll make you meet my dad too.
Whatever I say, why do feel it's wrong.
Come I'll take you somewhere,
O my beloved,
where no one knows about us,
and where no evil eye gets to see us.
Whatever I say, why do feel it's wrong.
Turn around !!!
BullCaps Comprar | BullCaps Aumenta Mesmo? Falso X Original - BullCaps ALERTA!! - Duration: 2:26.
Nixon || Wolfgang Ep. 31 (Explicit) - Duration: 6:02.
*Restless rustling of lounge*
*More restless rustling*
NIX: *Sighs*
*Keys jangling outside door*
WILLIAM: *Humming 'Dancing in the Moonlight'*
WILLIAM: *Shrieks*
WILLIAM: Who the fucking mother fu-- NIX: Woah! Hey! It's alright!
NIX: It's fine! I'm Nix. Is me. Uhm, Nix is me. WILLIAM: Nix? Who the fff...
WILLIAM: Nixon. Bradley Nixon.
NIX: Is me! Yeah.
WILLIAM: You break in here like some sort of crazy person? You scared the absolutely shit out of me.
NIX: No, it wasn't breaking in, I... I have a key.
WILLIAM: Alright.
NIX: And you're Will. WILLIAM: *Deepest of sighs*
NIX: You're taller and more... 3D than I imagined. When you're not a picture on a phone screen.
WILLIAM: That's what I've been told. NIX: *Laughs*
WILLIAM: You're here early.
NIX: Yeah! Hoping to make a good impression.
WILLIAM: Well, you're here at all, so...
NIX: Yeah. Hoping to make an apology...
WILLIAM: Well. If it helps at all, I s'pose I can be your witness to punctuality. I mean, I'm not really sure that is going to help. At all.
NIX: It'll help. I mean, I know these girls. Everything will be fine, we'll talk it out. It'll help!
NIX: Maybe it'll help...
NIX: *Laughs*
WILLIAM: Awww! So close! NIX: That was close though. Ok...
*Celebratory cheering and clapping from both*
NIX: Trick or treat!!
*Door slams loudly*
NIX: Yah...
NIX: Get wrecked! WILLIAM: You are a hell of a lot better at this than I am.
NIX: Gimme the throw. SESH: William do you have any idea why--
SESH: Ahhh...
SESH: *Surprised laugh*
SESH: That explains Presley, um, pacing around outside looking for blunt objects.
NIX: Sasha! It's great to see y--
SESH: Stop. NIX: Uhh, yeah.
SESH: Um, William, can you go get Presley please? WILLIAM: Should-- Yeah.
SESH: Oh, and don't let her bring anything that could bruise skin!
WILLIAM: Alright! NIX: Ooh. Thank you for this small mercy.
NIX: So. How've you been?
SESH: A little sick. Yeah. Yeah I'm better now, so. NIX: Oh no that sucks! Good.
NIX: Goooood.
NIX: Will seems nice. SESH: Um, William.
NIX: Really?
NIX: Wow, this is awkward...
SESH: It's about to get worse.
PRESLEY: *Getting closer* --kidding me, no! I don't want to! Let me bring just one rock! ONE ROCK! Gimme-- WILLIAM: No, you've gotta get in the room. Nothing. You're not bringing anything in!
NIX: Hey Pres!
NIX: Nice shirts!
SESH: You've got 20 seconds to explain to us where you've been.
NIX: *Laughing* Ok, why don't we grab some drinks, we'll sit down-- SESH: 16. 15.
SESH: 14. 13. NIX: Ok! Ok! I've been spending the moons alone!
NIX: I've been travelling deep, DEEP into the heart of a national park and running... Wild? Uhh... Free!
NIX: Faaaar away from civilisation. PRESLEY: Yeah, cool story bro, you've got 10 seconds to explain to me why you're here.
NIX: I...
NIX: I was hoping to come back... Well... That you'd let me. Come back.
PRESLEY: Not good enough. SESH: Why now?
SESH: You go all 'call of the wild' for six months PRESLEY: Without a phone call.
SESH: And suddenly you decide now's the time to come back? PRESLEY: Again, without a phone call!
SESH: Now you'd rather be couped up with us instead of slaughtering wombats?
NIX: Alright... So it turns out that both parking passes and parking fines from the national park are...
NIX: More expensive over an extended period of time than I'd accounted for.
NIX: Splitting an AirBnB is way more affordable.
PRESLEY: We've already got a third person to split with. Sorry!
NIX: But... I came all the way out here.
NIX: And I really did miss you guys.
NIX: And?
WILLIAM: Come on dude, you left them hanging, here. You gotta say it. PRESLEY: No. Phone call.
NIX: And...
NIX: I'm really... Really sorry for what I did.
SESH: You can stay. For now.
SESH: But don't think we're done with this!
*Aggressive back zipper noises*
*Spookey Groove Theme Music*
เริ่มต้นการเดินทางครั้งใหม่ เนื้อเรื่อง ตอน 2 SoulCalibur VI Main Story #2 - Duration: 34:28.
姜生徘徊在凉生天佑中间,没有了未央和天恩作怪,姜生自己作怪了 - Duration: 9:39.
张翰:将霸道总裁演出差异化 - Duration: 7:15.
Gainful - Personalized Protein
최강화력의 위용... 러시아군의 ' T-90 ' 전차 - Duration: 6:16.
Madame President? Pelosi Just Made Her Most OUTLANDISH Claim Yet - Duration: 1:07.
【動画】実写が走った!VW初のSUVオープン、「T-Rocカブリオレ」 - Duration: 2:17.
Trump still "unsatisfied" with Saudi accounts on Khashoggi - Duration: 1:08.
US President Donald Trump says he's still unsatisfied Saudi Arabia's
accounts on the killing of journalist Jamal keshavjee but he's also said he
still values rianne's investments take a look I don't want to lose all of that
investment that's being made in our country I don't want to lose a million
job I don't want to lose a hundred and ten billion dollars in terms of
investment but it's really 450 billion if you include other than military so
that's very important but he added that there are US intelligence officers in
Saudi Arabia and Turkey working on the case who are scheduled to return home in
the next couple of days and crow suspects because Choji was killed inside
the Saudi consulate in Istanbul by Saudi agents and his body cut off the Saudis
have offered conflicting accounts with some saying he died in a fistfight and
others are saying he was killed in a rogue operation meanwhile turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he will release information about the
investigation in a speech on Tuesday
Ugly Halloween Sweaters - That's A Thing!? - KING 5 Evening - Duration: 1:08.
Ben Has Your Back: What you need to know about World Series tickets - Duration: 1:39.
Stunning and Cheap BABY RUTH Midcentury Tiny Home by Quarter Lab - Duration: 2:48.
Stunning and Cheap BABY RUTH Midcentury Tiny Home by Quarter Lab
Are You Ready For Some Monday Night Football? | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 1:03.
- [Alex] Here are the categories for you.
Starting off with are you ready
for some Monday Night Football?
Yeah, sure.
- Let's go to Monday Night Football for $600 please.
- [Alex] In December of 1974 Howard Cosell
interviewed this music star
in the Monday Night Football booth.
In December 1980, Cosell announced his murder.
Joanna. - Who's John Lennon?
- [Alex] Correct.
- Football for $400, please.
- [Alex] In 2016, Monday Night Football
aired its first game from outside the United States
as the Raiders beat the Texans
in this city's Estadio Azteca.
Joanna. - What is Mexico City?
- [Alex] Yes.
- Football, $1,000.
- [Alex] This jack-of-all-sports-trades has had
the longest stint of any MNF play-by-play guy,
from 1986 through 2005.
Erik. - Who is Michaels?
- [Alex] Al Michaels, right.
《如懿传》大结局后,终于有人看到了周迅藏在海报里的秘密 - Duration: 15:15.
What is You Doing Baby? | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 2:03.
- To start the week we deal with Places in the News.
Players, here's your clue.
In a hint of the future, in 1973 Marjorie Post
gave it to the U.S. government
as a warm-weather presidential retreat, but it was returned.
30 seconds, good luck.
(pensive music)
And in 1985 it was purchased as a warm-weather retreat
by the man who now uses it for that purpose.
We come to you first, Mike.
It wasn't your day, it didn't work out well,
The others were faster on the signaling device
than you were, it looks like you might've
been on the right track, though.
You didn't complete your response so you'll loose 1,100.
Over to Joanna now.
She wrote down a response immediately!
And if only she had more money because she wrote down
What is Mar-a-Lago?
President Trump's warm-weather retreat.
And you're adding $66!
All right, what a wager, what a wager!
Erik Agard, I think you struggled with this one.
You were leading, though, with 15,800.
What is...
What is you doin'?
What is you doing', baby?
Is that what?
- Too loud right now.
- What is you doin', baby?
Well, I'm responding incorrectly!
And I'm going to lose a thousand dollars
but I'm going to pick up $14,800,
which will give me a two-day total of $40,001.
Way to go!
All right, we're leaving, we'll see you tomorrow.
(audience applauding)
(upbeat music)
Easy Halloween Decoration Ideas - 2 | DIY Halloween Crafts - 2 - Duration: 5:36.
Hello friends I am priti and welcome to my channel krazzy4diy…
So guys, as promised in my last video..i am here with the halloween special DIYs Part 2..
..If you havnt watched the previous video on halloween yet..
you can do that by clicking on the card flashing above
I have also linked the same in the description box below..
and now without wasting any time lets start with 3 more cool Halloween ideas..
So for this DIY, we need a black cloth..
size depends on the purpose for which u want to use it..like table mat or a backdrop..
then we need a bleeching agent,
chalk or any fabric marker and cotton swabs..
Just make sure that u r working in a well ventilated area,
use newspapers or plastic sheet to protect the work surface,
and rubber gloves for skin protection..
So we spread our fabric on the surface..
and we draw spiderwebs using the chalk..
its easiest to begin in the middle and work out towards the edges..
and that's how we make the webs..
connect the webs with curved lines..
Now we take the bleeching agent..
soak the cotton swab in it
and begin tracing over the web lines..
again start from the middle and move towards the ends..
then let the table cloth sit until you are happy with the color
and then we rince the cloth in lukewarm water..
this is the end result
This Spooktacular tablecloth or backdrop will be a perfect addition to your Halloween parties!
Arent these guys cute..Lets learn making one!!
To make this ghostly lollipop, we will need a lollipop for sure,
white cloth,
, black twine..u can also use white or orange..
and marker..!
Now we take the cloth..
and place the lollipop in its center..
and tie it around with the twine..
yes its that simple..
now with the marker pen, make the eyes of the ghost..
Now for the bouquet, you can take any vessel..
bowl or a jar..some black fillers..
i have taken the trash bag cutouts from the previous video..
and a thermocol block..so fill the bowl with these fillers..
place the thermocol block..
and insert the lollipop sticks
cover the visible thermocol with fillers..
and its ready!!
This mason jar mummy is a fun Halloween crafty arty idea both for kids and kids at heart!
To make this jar,
we need a jar for sure, masking tape,
, a pair of scissors,
and googly eyes..
Now all you need to do is stick your paper tape onto the bottom back of the jar
and begin wrapping and overlapping the tape around the jar to look like a mummy
Keep in mind to leave a triangular area like this for the eyes..
Now wen the jar is wrapped enough..glue the googly eyes..
All done! You have made yourself your very own
wonderful spooky cool looking Halloween mason jar mummy
mummy and it's all ready to be used as a decoration
So friends, transform your home into a haunted haven this Halloween
with these super easy ideas
ideas and You don't need supernatural skills to master these Halloween projects
So buckle up and get going..
But before that like this video, drop in the comment which idea u liked the best out of all the 6 projects..
and yes subscribe my channel, hit the bell icon..stay tuned for more interesting videos
and DO IT Yourself
Debt, Deficit Fall Off Political Radar Ahead of Midterms - Duration: 1:35.
Lottery mania: Powerball, Mega Millions jackpots soar - Duration: 1:17.
Officials: Tahoe bears are walking onto camp grounds without fear - Duration: 1:46.
HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 10.22.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.
Jerry Jones Cancels Regular Radio Interview After Brutal Loss | Heavy.com - Duration: 5:32.
Jerry Jones Cancels Regular Radio Interview After Brutal Loss | Heavy.com
The Dallas Cowboys suffered a painful loss in Week 7, and owner Jerry Jones won't talk about it with 105.
3 The Fan on Tuesday.
"Jerry Jones didn't talk after the loss to Washington," noted Machota's colleague Brandon George.
"Left the locker room from a side door without commenting.".
Cowboys Lose in Brutal Fashion.
Miscues doomed Dallas late in their loss.
Rather than call for a spike with 11 seconds remaining and take a shot at the end zone from 29 yards away, Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett let the clock wind down to three seconds before using the team's final timeout.
The decision not to try and win the game with 11 seconds left was panned by Garrett's former quarterback, CBS analyst Tony Romo.
Here's the @tonyromo analysis of Cowboys clock mismanagement at the end.
And he's 100% right.
pic.twitter.com/F4ERV7rtLL — Shan Shariff (@1053SS) October 21, 2018 .
Long snapper L.P.
Ladouceur's false start pushed the game-tying field-goal attempt back five yards, and Brett Maher missed from 52 yards out as time expired.
The Cowboys fell to 3-4.
Garrett is now 70-57 in the regular season at the helm of the team, but has led them to just three playoff games and one playoff win.
Changes Coming for the Cowboys?.
Before his team blew out the Jacksonville Jaguars in Week 6, Jones defended Garrett against criticism from fans and the media in an interview with 105.
3 The Fan.
"Listen, Jason Garrett, he is absolutely the real deal," Jones said, according to USA Today.
"There's no fraud in Jason Garrett.".
"The main thing everybody ought to know is how hard he works.
You say, 'well, that's not enough, we all work hard.' But he works very hard. He's got outstanding background in our game.
He's gained a Harvard or whatever kind of degree, the best in the world in the NFL, through being the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys.
And I want to put all of that together and use it.
"Now, does he have some things that others may do better, or does he have some things that he could do better? Of course.
But what we've got here is an asset that I think will get us to where we want to go, and that's a championship.".
Typically, if an NFL team resolves to make a midseason coaching change, they prefer to make the switch ahead of a bye week, to give the incoming coach extra time in charge of the squad before their debut.
The Cowboys have a bye in Week 8.
The trade deadline looms as well, a week from the interview Jones canceled.
The Cowboys have one of the worst passing attacks in the NFL, and a number of wide receivers are being dangled in the trade market.
Police K-9 Drags Wanted Man Out of Car's Trunk - Duration: 1:31.
DraftKings Giants vs. Falcons Showdown: Optimal Lineups & Targets | Heavy.com - Duration: 5:27.
DraftKings Giants vs. Falcons Showdown: Optimal Lineups & Targets | Heavy.com
Week 7 of the NFL season is nearly in the books.
After a record-breaking performance from Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes Sunday night, it's time to see if the New York Giants and Atlanta Falcons can give us a better (or possibly closer) primetime game.
While these are two teams who entered the year with high expectations, both have fallen flat to start the year.
Although a 2-4 team hosting a 1-5 team doesn't seem appealing on paper, there's plenty of talent and intrigue in this matchup.
And even if you aren't a fan of either team, DraftKings is offering a wide range of showdown games to add to the entertainment.
These games are a unique way to play daily fantasy football by focusing on just one single game.
You'll fill out a smaller lineup (six players) which features each player with a much higher price tag than on a normal slate.
When building lineups, you also have to choose one captain on your roster who costs 1.5-times more than the rest of the team but receives 1.5x the points as well.
Although in Week 7 of the 2018 NFL season, DraftKings is still offering monster showdown games on Monday night.
This includes the always-popular $10 game with $1 million guaranteed. First place in this 150-max game will take home $250,000.
Along with the huge headliner game, DraftKings is offering a lower buy-in option with their 20-max game that has $250,000 guaranteed and a $3 entry fee.
Other games worth noting include a $12 single entry with $40,000 guaranteed and a $1 option with $80,000 in total prizes.
Showdown Breakdown and Tips.
Before we dive into the action for Week 7 and Giants vs.
Falcons matchup, let's offer a quick breakdown of how showdown games work.
– Six total players (one captain, five flex players).
– Captain selection costs 1.
5 times standard salary but scores 1.
5 times the standard points.
– Can choose from any position (QB, RB, WR, TE, K, DST).
– $50,000 salary cap.
– You can use more than one quarterback.
Building lineups in showdown games can be a tough task, as you want to differentiate as much as possible.
Tying with 500 other people for one prize isn't ideal, but it's better than losing, of course.
Therefore, using a nice mixture of chalk plays who most will target, along with one or two sleepers is a smart approach.
I'll break down a few different lineups which will include a variety of players in the captain spot.
There will be one optimal lineup, a top option for 150-max games (more risk), and one for single entries/cash games (higher-floor players).
Before diving into the specific lineups, I'll evaluate my favorite captain plays.
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