Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 2 2018

A New York Post writer claims that a former classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's has identified

a fraternity brother of his as the person who likely exposed himself to Kavanaugh's

Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez during a dormitory party in the early 1980s.

Ramirez, who was Kavanaugh's second accuser, went public in a New Yorker piece published

Sept. 23.

"She was at first hesitant to speak publicly, partly because her memories contained gaps

because she had been drinking at the time of the alleged incident.

In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize

Kavanaugh's role in the alleged incident with certainty," The New Yorker reported.

"After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney,

Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers

Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face,

and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away."

Ramirez was to be interviewed by the FBI as part of the bureau's one-week re-investigation

of the background of the Supreme Court nominee.

However, a new wrinkle may have presented itself in the form of a report about an alleged

letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Paul Sperry is best known nowadays as a writer for the New York Post, although he's appeared

in a number of different publications over the years.

On Sunday afternoon, he tweeted about the existence of a letter from "(a) classmate

of Kavanaugh's at Yale has sent a tip into the Senate Judiciary Committee identifying

a fraternity brother known for exposing himself as the likely boy who exposed himself to Debbie


BREAKING: A classmate of Kavanaugh's at Yale has sent a tip into the Senate Judiciary Committee

identifying a fraternity brother known for exposing himself as the likely boy who exposed

himself to Debbie Ramirez It's unclear what the original source for

this is and Sperry does not elucidate.

Few media outlets have picked this up yet and there does not seem to be much corroboration.

So, what does this mean?

As for the existence of the letter, while Sperry has made it clear both on his Twitter

account and his writings for the New York Post that he does not believe the allegations

against Judge Kavanaugh, he's also usually not blatantly wrong on these sorts of things.

The likelihood is better than not that such a letter has been sent to the Senate Judiciary

Committee by someone.

As for the truth of the letter?

Well, that's the problem with almost every piece of testimony in the Kavanaugh case:

It's sketchy at best, usually uncorroborated and could likely be contradicted by other

testimony the committee's already received.

Take the case of Dabney Friedrich, a former girlfriend of Kavanaugh's.

In an anonymous letter to Colorado GOP Sen. Cory Gardner, a woman claimed her daughter

witnessed a low-level assault against Friedrich by Kavanaugh in the late-1990s.

Her friend was dating him, and they left the bar under the influence of alcohol.

They were all shocked when Brett Kavanaugh shoved her friend up against the wall very

aggressively and sexually," the letter read.

There were at least four witnesses, including my daughter."

And that letter was almost immediately contradicted by the former girlfriend in question.

In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Friedrich — now a judge — said "(t)o

the extent the attached letter is referring to me as the 'friend [who] was dating him,'

the allegations it makes are both offensive and absurd.

At no time did Brett ever shove me against a wall, including in an 'aggressive and

sexual' manner.

When we dated, Brett always treated me with the utmost respect, and we remain friends

to this day.

I have never observed (nor am I aware of) Brett acting in a physically inappropriate

or aggressive manner toward anyone."

And then we have a Rhode Island man who is now under investigation for making false statements

to the Senate Judiciary Committee about a sexual assault he initially said Kavanaugh

perpetrated in the mid-1980s.

He has since repudiated the story.

So, this new letter — should it exist — could be materially false.

It could be the result of memories corrupted over the process of 35 years.

It could be politically motivated.

It could be some combination thereof; those are not mutually exclusive categories,

For more infomation >> Classmate Comes Forward, IDs Frat Brother as Guilty Party, Not Kavanaugh: Repor - Duration: 4:59.



For more infomation >> #ELENÃO ? | CANDIDATOS ELEIÇÕES 2018 NO BRASIL NA MÍDIA ALEMÃ #ELESIM ? - Duration: 4:51.


Hunters Arrive & The Cover Goes On The Winter High Tunnel - Duration: 10:42.

Hi I'm Mike, we've got the new cover on the old high tunnel, with a little help from

some friends that are here on the ranch for hunting from Sacramento California.

Today we are going to show you what went into getting them here, the modifications we made

to the old high tunnel to hopefully make it better and stronger and what almost turned

out to be a disaster of getting the new cover on, it's all coming up, on the project list

on our Wyoming life.

Hi there and welcome back, if this is your first time here please subscribe and come

along with us as we explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary, 3 times per week

right here on YouTube.

Not every single day can I be out working with cows, or moving hay, or cleaning the

pig stalls.

As much fun as that sounds.

Projects can come from all over the ranch, and this board behind me is where we keep

track of what needs done.

We call it the project list and we bring it to you every Tuesday.

Most people know how the honey do list goes and Erin has gotten smart and started writing

her honey do's right here on the list along with other projects around the ranch.

They usually get bumped up in priority, mostly because I want to stay married but also because

the things that Erin adds to the list here, help keep the ranch going.

The big book says man cannont live on bread alone, and just like that saying, the ranch

cannont live on cows alone.

We diversify to bring money into the ranch and keep things going, everything here is

very fluid.

Some years you might have good calf prices and that's enough, others they might be

in the toilet.

Its years like that we really appreciate Erins gardens and other ventures that help bring

that bottom line up and keep the ranch going.

Its all a give and take and if you know Erin she keeps growing to help.

This year we added a new high tunnel to the market gardens here on the ranch, giving Erin

more and more produce to take to farmers market.

Today we are going to be finishing work on the old high tunnel, which lost its cover

this spring but I'm trying to plan ahead here, because we have hunters arriving today

from Sacremento California.

I'm hoping that those hunters are going to be able to help us get it done in one day.

It's a huge undertaking, as we are going to be replacing the ribbon board on the tunnel,

making it stronger and hopefully able to hold up to wind load better.

But before we get that far, we need to prepare for the hunters arrival.

And that means getting their hunters den cleaned out and ready for them and their equipment.

Hunting season here on the ranch is the entire month of October.

They will be hunting mainly Pronghorn Antelope and they utilize the sales barn as their headquarters.

Right now it is in disarray, as all year long, I use it for storage.

Tractors live in here throughout the winter, sometimes animals, you just never know what

you are going to find.

Anything, that doesn't have a place, usually ends up in the sales barn to keep it out of

the weather.

Cleaning it up, is mostly a game of rearranging and organizing, something I should be better

about all year long, but I'm not.

So a few hours of back and forth, taking things to the incinerator to burn.

Moving shelves and cleaning up, will hopefully give them a nice place to hang out while they

aren't hunting.

They will park 4 wheelers in here and we will keep them locked up and safe, they will also

sometimes butcher their animals here as well, and freezers allow them to preserve their


In the end, the whole area looks different and a lot more organized.

And when our first group of hunters arrive, they kids give them a huge welcome.

They have been looking forward to the hunters return for almost a year and for them it's

a part of their lives they will remember for years.

Hunters that come to the ranch are like family to us, they have to be.

We turn them lose in our back yard, armed and trust them to do the right thing, to treat

our home like it is theirs and for years we didn't even allow hunting due to some bad

experiences but now I wouldn't pass these friendships up for the world and even Erin

and I look forward to their arrival, although no one brings us candy.

As the hunters get settled in we can get to work on the tunnel.

We are going to be installing a new 2x6 ribbon board across each side.

The existing 2x4 ribbon board will be removed and we are increasing the size to accommodate

two rows of channel that will hold on the wire that secures the cover to the structure.

Using our old ribbon board as a guide we add new 2x6 one at a time, securing them together

and to the ribs of the tunnel using bolts.

Then its off with the old board, salvaging the old channel to reuse on the new one.

After snapping a chalk line for a guide, new channel is installed along the new board making

up the top row, an inch below that, we add back on some of the old recycled channel to

help hold the cover on and this side is complete.

Then we repeat for the other side.

Erin and I then get a little break as we wait for the hunters to finish up their first day

of hunting but not long after, they are volentold to come on out and give us a hand.

Hunting season for me, is the busiest month on the ranch.

Not because I have any more to do, or more projects, but because we have a constant flow

of people though the ranch.

A new group every few days, each and everyday we spend time with them, helping each other,

going out to dinner, and basically getting a bunch of the socialization with people that

a lot of the year we don't get out here.

No one wants to come visit when its 30 below and the wind is blowing you over.

Luckily these guys are here and we can start the process all over again of pulling another

cover on a high tunnel, we just did this a few months ago with the new high tunnel, but

each day brings with it unexpected surprises and complications.

Today it's the wind, we don't have much of a window to do this in.

We would love a calm day to do it, and as we get closer to evening a 10 mile pre hour

average wind of the day starts to die down.

We are expecting winds up into the 20s and 30s the next few days, along with temperatures

dropping into the 20's and snow.

More snow is coming, we are forecasted for 5 inches next week.

So getting this cover on to protect the seedlings and plants inside is imperative.

The new cover on both high tunnels is now 12 mil thick, our old covers were half the

thickness at 6 mil but the big difference is now we are working with a woven plastic,

with threads woven throughout.

This fabric should be stronger, less likely to rip and tear and last a lot longer than

the regular plastic ever did.

Light transmission is cut a bit, but it's a trade off we are happy to take if we can

keep these covers on longer.

So just as before, we attach ropes to the cover and over it goes and right off the bat,

this is starting to look like a bad idea.

The wind kicks up a bit, maybe only a few miles per hour but that's all it takes.

A sheet of plastic that is 75 feet long and almost 40 feet wide is a big sail and our

job is to keep it on the frame and not in the next county.

Buckets full of bricks are used to hold it down in place while we quickly start attaching

it to the channel we installed earlier to hold it on while we try to figure out a solution

for the massive amount of air blowing the plastic up and out.

We attach what we can and sometimes the best strategy is just to wait and as the sun starts

to set, everyone helps hold the plastic in place.

The wind starts to die down and soon the plastic lays down just like its suppose to and we

can start securing it all the way around.

Pulling it tight and laying a spring like wire called wiggle wire into the channel to

hold it down.

As we move to get it all attached the sun continues to set of course and soon we are

left in the dark to take the final steps.

Headlights for light and a crew of 8 to finish it up.

For now.

Its not all done, in fact even this morning there are still a few things to finish up.

We have to install the roll up sides and add rope to keep the sides from billowing out

with the wind but other than that we are good to go.

Erin is excited it is done, and I am relieved.

Not only that its done but that we had the help here to do it.

For many weeks out the year, Erin and I are by ourselves out here, figuring out how to

do things by our selves that in some instances you should tackle with a crew of 3 or 4 but

that's just the way it works.

When we do have help, its like a godsend and you appreciate it even more.

That's one thing the ranch has taught me, everything is a give and take.

Sometimes you struggle by yourself but others you have all the help in the world and it

always seems to work out right.

When you need that help, its there and its something you can count on.

With that, I am off to get the rest of the tunnel buttoned up.

I have hay being delivered today also and I need to work that in too.

Hunters are back out doing their thing and we will have more from them this week, a livestream

featuring myself and Erin and maybe a hunter is coming up on Thursday and on Sunday we

have a hunter filled episode for you, which is going to be a blast.

Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a beat and until I see you again have a great

week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Hunters Arrive & The Cover Goes On The Winter High Tunnel - Duration: 10:42.


#明白「被造界」與「真道」的喜樂層次有何不同?(感情聖化要理問答132問) - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> #明白「被造界」與「真道」的喜樂層次有何不同?(感情聖化要理問答132問) - Duration: 5:34.


Bayern München 1-1 Ajax - GOLES Y RESUMEN - Grupo E UEFA Champions League - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Bayern München 1-1 Ajax - GOLES Y RESUMEN - Grupo E UEFA Champions League - Duration: 1:35.



For more infomation >> #ELENÃO ? | CANDIDATOS ELEIÇÕES 2018 NO BRASIL NA MÍDIA ALEMÃ #ELESIM ? - Duration: 4:51.





Wellington Silva "Boina" - Carreira de desenvolvedor, Melhor Orquestrador e Comunidades Open Source - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Wellington Silva "Boina" - Carreira de desenvolvedor, Melhor Orquestrador e Comunidades Open Source - Duration: 3:50.


THE CLUB BILDERBERG AND THE MASTERS OF THE WORLD. With María Ángeles López de Celis and guests. - Duration: 58:34.

For more infomation >> THE CLUB BILDERBERG AND THE MASTERS OF THE WORLD. With María Ángeles López de Celis and guests. - Duration: 58:34.


Drink This Natural Laxative To Gently Cleanse Your Body - Duration: 3:09.

You often swollen and have difficulty breathing.

to go to the bathroom often?

You are not alone.

Constipation is a very common problem and recurrent, reaching thousands of people

around the world, mostly women.

In fact, it is estimated that 2 out of 3 women suffer from this problem.

Constipation is diagnosed when a person goes infrequently to the bathroom,

usually less than 3 times a week.

This uncomfortable condition may be accompanied by of abdominal bloating, gas, abdominal pain

and lumbar, fatigue and even anxiety.

One of the most common causes for Constipation is a diet low in fiber.

Inadequate fluid intake also can affect intestinal transit, as well as

as industrialized products.

Some diseases and even psychological factors, such as depression and even stress can

be guilty of not being able to go to the bathroom as much as you like.

In today's video, we'll teach you a remedy very effective to treat the problem.

This recipe takes two natural ingredients which when combined, act as a powerful

natural laxative.

One of these ingredients is plum, an excellent sources of fiber and rich in an element called

sorbitol, which has the ability to soften stool and relieve constipation.

The other ingredient in the recipe is the date, which has high levels of soluble fiber,

essential for promoting bowel movements and the comfortable passage of food through

of the intestinal tract.

Let's recipe?


150g of prunes, 150g of dry dates,

5 glasses of water


Put the water to a boil.

Meanwhile, chop the prunes and cut the dates in half.

When done, put the fruit in the water and boil for another 15 minutes.

After this time, turn off the heat and let rest a little.

Now just store the mixture in a container inside the refrigerator.

This recipe yields approximately 20 tablespoons of soup.

It is advisable to take 1 tablespoon of this drink every morning, still fasting.

You can combine this mixture with yogurts, cereals or other foods you wish.

For more infomation >> Drink This Natural Laxative To Gently Cleanse Your Body - Duration: 3:09.


Ela Tomou ÁGUA COM AÇAFRÃO e 5 Minutos Depois Ficou Espantada Com o Que Aconteceu - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Ela Tomou ÁGUA COM AÇAFRÃO e 5 Minutos Depois Ficou Espantada Com o Que Aconteceu - Duration: 2:08.


Leo a quien conocerás en Octubre? Nuevo Amor + Consejo - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> Leo a quien conocerás en Octubre? Nuevo Amor + Consejo - Duration: 11:33.


🔥PERDER BARRIGA EM 21 DIAS! 8 Exercícios Para Perder Barriga e Emagrecer Rápido! Exercicios Em Casa - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 🔥PERDER BARRIGA EM 21 DIAS! 8 Exercícios Para Perder Barriga e Emagrecer Rápido! Exercicios Em Casa - Duration: 5:27.


Do you know all this DISBANDED KPOP GROUPS? - Duration: 10:04.

the video has not started yet

No subtitles, just skip when i'm talking about the songs/groups if you want

For more infomation >> Do you know all this DISBANDED KPOP GROUPS? - Duration: 10:04.


Peugeot 208 1.6 e-THP GTi NIEUW MODEL 208PK PANORAMA DAK ZEER MOOI! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.6 e-THP GTi NIEUW MODEL 208PK PANORAMA DAK ZEER MOOI! - Duration: 1:06.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Blue Lion - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Blue Lion - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> ESSA TEMPESTADE VAI PASSAR...|(JUSSARA SANTANA) - Duration: 5:00.


Renault Mégane Cabrio 1.6e - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Cabrio 1.6e - Duration: 1:11.


The Art of Reusing Materials That Would Be Discarded: Timber, Milk Boxes, Bottles - Duration: 4:37.

Hello. my name is Marcelo.

I'm Marcia

You are on the Hand Made Channel (www.feitoamao.com)

here you find a little of everything but basically simple and sustainable tips

to lead a healthier life

in this video we will show the work of the staff of our WhatsApp group

We're already playing in the third episode

There's a bird on the tree that's distracting me. but come on.

we're already in the third episode where our whatsapp group there

develops a work with the reuse of materials

in fact it is neither recycling. it is even reuse

in today's episode. the theme is free so there are several different things

But cool. what do we want to show you?

And an orange bird with a black head I've never seen this little bird.

where is it?

You're in the jabuticaba! Wait a second!

Pause to see a little bird. people!

If you are new here. sign up to sign up

and already leave your LIKE in this video to help our channel

then take a look at the previous episodes:there's a lot of cool stuff

And our contribution to this episode is the restoration that we did

From this couch where people sit

was found on a sidewalk

I got off the sidewalk! is the new series on the Channel Made by Hand!

We will end up showing in a next video how to restore spending very little!

so come on!

Maria Simões from Argentina made these 3D frames using wood found in bucket

and this paper mache tucano

the Edilse de Quatro Barras in Paraná made these birds in the form of birds using concrete

Gustavo do Canal Arte GCN did this cart using an old tv circuit board that did not work more

and the wheels with vhs tapes

Heloisa from Rio de Janeiro made an owl keyring with fair crates.

door using shampoo packaging

and a vase using bottles and glasses of soft drinks

to Elizvalda Rodrigues de minas gerais

decorated these three beautiful bottles

the Maria Graça of São José dos Campos SP. made a beautiful support for its succulents

using a dry branch of orange tree and coconut shells

Wesley of São Paulo made this beautiful ark of Noah using leftover wood

the Angelo of Minas Gerais made a box for jataí bees

using remains of wood. tile and popsicle sticks

Marcão de Minas made a mini garden in the cement pot using painted stone

The Samara of Santa Catarina made a light fixture

using milk carton and other plastic packaging

and that's it. we hope you have liked

short and share this video with your friends who are also in this part of the recovery of the three Rs

comment. leave suggestions there for next episode

and if you want to participate also leave a comment on this video

thanks for watching and until the next video

For more infomation >> The Art of Reusing Materials That Would Be Discarded: Timber, Milk Boxes, Bottles - Duration: 4:37.


Challenge 3x3 _ Named by SKywave400LTDS _ Nominated KTMLaranjinha and DuoMotovlog. - Duration: 6:46.

Hello people. Big V, MOTOPT2. I'll do the 3x3 challenge here, I was challenged by my friend

SkyWaves400LTDS, I still do not know who I'll name at the end, but let's look at it.

I'm going to enjoy that I'm going to get some gas and do the 3x3 challenge. The first thing that

I want to talk, I'll try to do this very fast, maybe I'll go

make cuts when you have to stop to check the traffic.

So the first thing is my daughter, my daughter is very important to me,

is a motivation that I have to work to continue to do things, to progress

because it is the future, and it is someone who is there, an incarnation that has arrived

and that I have to take care of, and it is a duty of the parents to take care of the children until the

maximum, is to give education, and make them better people, than ourselves.

The second thing is my health, I worry a lot about my health, I try to make a good diet, it's a lot

It is difficult here in Portugal to make a good diet because here there is much dainty, not just goodies like food

salgados very good, I can not resist a Francesinha, I can not resist a few guts,

I can not resist a Bacalhau a Bras, for example,

whether you are traditional foods here, and then it is difficult. So I try to make a diet during the week

healthy, but over the weekend I always drop a little.

But then I also do a gym to burn some extra calories, I do gymnastics especially

on Sunday, because Saturday and Sunday I make the biggest nonsense in terms of food.

Then on Sunday night at 6 or 7 o'clock, I run a race, or I race, I do gymnastics at home.

I was going to put gas in here but I'm going... I like to go changing the Moto gasoline brand.

And then this time, I'm going to put gas into Repsol.

That Lord there gave me passage.

The third, lets see the third. The third one I have to give here a few words for something that

I am very worried, it is the corruption here in Portugal, from right to left the political parties

are very corrupt, and it's very complicated we do not see solutions here, we have no man

Portugal was considered the fifth, or the third most important country in the world.

corrupt Europe, this is very worrying, the price of gasoline and huge, people do not act,

they do not do anything I do not understand this people, so meek, they do absolutely nothing, and I worry

very much, and I fear that to get out of this situation of the Republic of Corrupt Portuguese democracy, will be

I need a strong man like a Bolsonaro, as he is now competing for the presidency of Brazil.

October 7, 2018, I hope he wins.

And now the part 3x3, the last 3, now let me see. Nominations, I honestly do not

I know who I will name, I walk very far from the Portuguese Motovloguer community,

because I have worked hard, I go to work, and I do not have time to walk around,

and so to name, to name, maybe some have already been named, as I will name them

again if so look patience, I name it lets see, look the KTMlaranjinha, if

he happens to pass by there, is named, the DuoMotovlog should pass through here, are

named, but they are both named, that is a couple, you have to make one more the other,

and I think it gives 3, it's already 3, it's solved. KTMLaranjinha and DuoMotovlog, male and female.

For more infomation >> Challenge 3x3 _ Named by SKywave400LTDS _ Nominated KTMLaranjinha and DuoMotovlog. - Duration: 6:46.


Andrea Nunes no Justiça, Gênero e Arte- TRF 4 - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Andrea Nunes no Justiça, Gênero e Arte- TRF 4 - Duration: 0:33.


Lançamentos: 2 de outubro de 2018 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Lançamentos: 2 de outubro de 2018 - Duration: 2:37.


Vive encerrada en su casa presa del terror por su pareja | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Vive encerrada en su casa presa del terror por su pareja | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:21.


Nueva tecnología para prevenir tiroteos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Nueva tecnología para prevenir tiroteos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:30.


Classmate Comes Forward, IDs Frat Brother as Guilty Party, Not Kavanaugh: Repor - Duration: 4:59.

A New York Post writer claims that a former classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's has identified

a fraternity brother of his as the person who likely exposed himself to Kavanaugh's

Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez during a dormitory party in the early 1980s.

Ramirez, who was Kavanaugh's second accuser, went public in a New Yorker piece published

Sept. 23.

"She was at first hesitant to speak publicly, partly because her memories contained gaps

because she had been drinking at the time of the alleged incident.

In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize

Kavanaugh's role in the alleged incident with certainty," The New Yorker reported.

"After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney,

Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers

Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face,

and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away."

Ramirez was to be interviewed by the FBI as part of the bureau's one-week re-investigation

of the background of the Supreme Court nominee.

However, a new wrinkle may have presented itself in the form of a report about an alleged

letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Paul Sperry is best known nowadays as a writer for the New York Post, although he's appeared

in a number of different publications over the years.

On Sunday afternoon, he tweeted about the existence of a letter from "(a) classmate

of Kavanaugh's at Yale has sent a tip into the Senate Judiciary Committee identifying

a fraternity brother known for exposing himself as the likely boy who exposed himself to Debbie


BREAKING: A classmate of Kavanaugh's at Yale has sent a tip into the Senate Judiciary Committee

identifying a fraternity brother known for exposing himself as the likely boy who exposed

himself to Debbie Ramirez It's unclear what the original source for

this is and Sperry does not elucidate.

Few media outlets have picked this up yet and there does not seem to be much corroboration.

So, what does this mean?

As for the existence of the letter, while Sperry has made it clear both on his Twitter

account and his writings for the New York Post that he does not believe the allegations

against Judge Kavanaugh, he's also usually not blatantly wrong on these sorts of things.

The likelihood is better than not that such a letter has been sent to the Senate Judiciary

Committee by someone.

As for the truth of the letter?

Well, that's the problem with almost every piece of testimony in the Kavanaugh case:

It's sketchy at best, usually uncorroborated and could likely be contradicted by other

testimony the committee's already received.

Take the case of Dabney Friedrich, a former girlfriend of Kavanaugh's.

In an anonymous letter to Colorado GOP Sen. Cory Gardner, a woman claimed her daughter

witnessed a low-level assault against Friedrich by Kavanaugh in the late-1990s.

Her friend was dating him, and they left the bar under the influence of alcohol.

They were all shocked when Brett Kavanaugh shoved her friend up against the wall very

aggressively and sexually," the letter read.

There were at least four witnesses, including my daughter."

And that letter was almost immediately contradicted by the former girlfriend in question.

In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Friedrich — now a judge — said "(t)o

the extent the attached letter is referring to me as the 'friend [who] was dating him,'

the allegations it makes are both offensive and absurd.

At no time did Brett ever shove me against a wall, including in an 'aggressive and

sexual' manner.

When we dated, Brett always treated me with the utmost respect, and we remain friends

to this day.

I have never observed (nor am I aware of) Brett acting in a physically inappropriate

or aggressive manner toward anyone."

And then we have a Rhode Island man who is now under investigation for making false statements

to the Senate Judiciary Committee about a sexual assault he initially said Kavanaugh

perpetrated in the mid-1980s.

He has since repudiated the story.

So, this new letter — should it exist — could be materially false.

It could be the result of memories corrupted over the process of 35 years.

It could be politically motivated.

It could be some combination thereof; those are not mutually exclusive categories,

For more infomation >> Classmate Comes Forward, IDs Frat Brother as Guilty Party, Not Kavanaugh: Repor - Duration: 4:59.



For more infomation >> #ELENÃO ? | CANDIDATOS ELEIÇÕES 2018 NO BRASIL NA MÍDIA ALEMÃ #ELESIM ? - Duration: 4:51.


Hunters Arrive & The Cover Goes On The Winter High Tunnel - Duration: 10:42.

Hi I'm Mike, we've got the new cover on the old high tunnel, with a little help from

some friends that are here on the ranch for hunting from Sacramento California.

Today we are going to show you what went into getting them here, the modifications we made

to the old high tunnel to hopefully make it better and stronger and what almost turned

out to be a disaster of getting the new cover on, it's all coming up, on the project list

on our Wyoming life.

Hi there and welcome back, if this is your first time here please subscribe and come

along with us as we explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary, 3 times per week

right here on YouTube.

Not every single day can I be out working with cows, or moving hay, or cleaning the

pig stalls.

As much fun as that sounds.

Projects can come from all over the ranch, and this board behind me is where we keep

track of what needs done.

We call it the project list and we bring it to you every Tuesday.

Most people know how the honey do list goes and Erin has gotten smart and started writing

her honey do's right here on the list along with other projects around the ranch.

They usually get bumped up in priority, mostly because I want to stay married but also because

the things that Erin adds to the list here, help keep the ranch going.

The big book says man cannont live on bread alone, and just like that saying, the ranch

cannont live on cows alone.

We diversify to bring money into the ranch and keep things going, everything here is

very fluid.

Some years you might have good calf prices and that's enough, others they might be

in the toilet.

Its years like that we really appreciate Erins gardens and other ventures that help bring

that bottom line up and keep the ranch going.

Its all a give and take and if you know Erin she keeps growing to help.

This year we added a new high tunnel to the market gardens here on the ranch, giving Erin

more and more produce to take to farmers market.

Today we are going to be finishing work on the old high tunnel, which lost its cover

this spring but I'm trying to plan ahead here, because we have hunters arriving today

from Sacremento California.

I'm hoping that those hunters are going to be able to help us get it done in one day.

It's a huge undertaking, as we are going to be replacing the ribbon board on the tunnel,

making it stronger and hopefully able to hold up to wind load better.

But before we get that far, we need to prepare for the hunters arrival.

And that means getting their hunters den cleaned out and ready for them and their equipment.

Hunting season here on the ranch is the entire month of October.

They will be hunting mainly Pronghorn Antelope and they utilize the sales barn as their headquarters.

Right now it is in disarray, as all year long, I use it for storage.

Tractors live in here throughout the winter, sometimes animals, you just never know what

you are going to find.

Anything, that doesn't have a place, usually ends up in the sales barn to keep it out of

the weather.

Cleaning it up, is mostly a game of rearranging and organizing, something I should be better

about all year long, but I'm not.

So a few hours of back and forth, taking things to the incinerator to burn.

Moving shelves and cleaning up, will hopefully give them a nice place to hang out while they

aren't hunting.

They will park 4 wheelers in here and we will keep them locked up and safe, they will also

sometimes butcher their animals here as well, and freezers allow them to preserve their


In the end, the whole area looks different and a lot more organized.

And when our first group of hunters arrive, they kids give them a huge welcome.

They have been looking forward to the hunters return for almost a year and for them it's

a part of their lives they will remember for years.

Hunters that come to the ranch are like family to us, they have to be.

We turn them lose in our back yard, armed and trust them to do the right thing, to treat

our home like it is theirs and for years we didn't even allow hunting due to some bad

experiences but now I wouldn't pass these friendships up for the world and even Erin

and I look forward to their arrival, although no one brings us candy.

As the hunters get settled in we can get to work on the tunnel.

We are going to be installing a new 2x6 ribbon board across each side.

The existing 2x4 ribbon board will be removed and we are increasing the size to accommodate

two rows of channel that will hold on the wire that secures the cover to the structure.

Using our old ribbon board as a guide we add new 2x6 one at a time, securing them together

and to the ribs of the tunnel using bolts.

Then its off with the old board, salvaging the old channel to reuse on the new one.

After snapping a chalk line for a guide, new channel is installed along the new board making

up the top row, an inch below that, we add back on some of the old recycled channel to

help hold the cover on and this side is complete.

Then we repeat for the other side.

Erin and I then get a little break as we wait for the hunters to finish up their first day

of hunting but not long after, they are volentold to come on out and give us a hand.

Hunting season for me, is the busiest month on the ranch.

Not because I have any more to do, or more projects, but because we have a constant flow

of people though the ranch.

A new group every few days, each and everyday we spend time with them, helping each other,

going out to dinner, and basically getting a bunch of the socialization with people that

a lot of the year we don't get out here.

No one wants to come visit when its 30 below and the wind is blowing you over.

Luckily these guys are here and we can start the process all over again of pulling another

cover on a high tunnel, we just did this a few months ago with the new high tunnel, but

each day brings with it unexpected surprises and complications.

Today it's the wind, we don't have much of a window to do this in.

We would love a calm day to do it, and as we get closer to evening a 10 mile pre hour

average wind of the day starts to die down.

We are expecting winds up into the 20s and 30s the next few days, along with temperatures

dropping into the 20's and snow.

More snow is coming, we are forecasted for 5 inches next week.

So getting this cover on to protect the seedlings and plants inside is imperative.

The new cover on both high tunnels is now 12 mil thick, our old covers were half the

thickness at 6 mil but the big difference is now we are working with a woven plastic,

with threads woven throughout.

This fabric should be stronger, less likely to rip and tear and last a lot longer than

the regular plastic ever did.

Light transmission is cut a bit, but it's a trade off we are happy to take if we can

keep these covers on longer.

So just as before, we attach ropes to the cover and over it goes and right off the bat,

this is starting to look like a bad idea.

The wind kicks up a bit, maybe only a few miles per hour but that's all it takes.

A sheet of plastic that is 75 feet long and almost 40 feet wide is a big sail and our

job is to keep it on the frame and not in the next county.

Buckets full of bricks are used to hold it down in place while we quickly start attaching

it to the channel we installed earlier to hold it on while we try to figure out a solution

for the massive amount of air blowing the plastic up and out.

We attach what we can and sometimes the best strategy is just to wait and as the sun starts

to set, everyone helps hold the plastic in place.

The wind starts to die down and soon the plastic lays down just like its suppose to and we

can start securing it all the way around.

Pulling it tight and laying a spring like wire called wiggle wire into the channel to

hold it down.

As we move to get it all attached the sun continues to set of course and soon we are

left in the dark to take the final steps.

Headlights for light and a crew of 8 to finish it up.

For now.

Its not all done, in fact even this morning there are still a few things to finish up.

We have to install the roll up sides and add rope to keep the sides from billowing out

with the wind but other than that we are good to go.

Erin is excited it is done, and I am relieved.

Not only that its done but that we had the help here to do it.

For many weeks out the year, Erin and I are by ourselves out here, figuring out how to

do things by our selves that in some instances you should tackle with a crew of 3 or 4 but

that's just the way it works.

When we do have help, its like a godsend and you appreciate it even more.

That's one thing the ranch has taught me, everything is a give and take.

Sometimes you struggle by yourself but others you have all the help in the world and it

always seems to work out right.

When you need that help, its there and its something you can count on.

With that, I am off to get the rest of the tunnel buttoned up.

I have hay being delivered today also and I need to work that in too.

Hunters are back out doing their thing and we will have more from them this week, a livestream

featuring myself and Erin and maybe a hunter is coming up on Thursday and on Sunday we

have a hunter filled episode for you, which is going to be a blast.

Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a beat and until I see you again have a great

week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Hunters Arrive & The Cover Goes On The Winter High Tunnel - Duration: 10:42.


#明白「被造界」與「真道」的喜樂層次有何不同?(感情聖化要理問答132問) - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> #明白「被造界」與「真道」的喜樂層次有何不同?(感情聖化要理問答132問) - Duration: 5:34.


Impractical Jokers - Can't Spell Chump Without Ump | truTV - Duration: 1:33.


Q: Hustle, hustle, baby. Hustle!

Remember, kids, you're not here to make friends.

Play some ball.

-Oh! -Get in the game.

Get in the game! Get in the game!

"That's what they get for spending so much time

on their stupid art projects."

That's what they get for spending so much time

on art projects!

This is baseball, not ballet!

[ Laughter ]

[ Groans ]

"What -- are you blind, ump?"

Whoo! What -- are you blind, ump?

[ Laughter ] Oh.

-"Now you can see?" -"Now you can see?"

Now you can see?

[ Laughter ] Ohh.

All right, we're getting -- This is escalating fast.

Everything good?



He recognized the show.

Why don't we let Q just go and kick dirt on them?

All right, Q, start trying the ump.

"Less texting, more game-watching."

Less texting, more game-watching, ump.

Do a little umpty dance.

Can't spell "chump" without "ump."

[ Laughing ] Oh, my God!

Hey, ump, I'd take a warm beer over this game.

[ Laughter ]

Umpire? More like "bum-pire." You know what I mean, bro?

If I could get around, I'd kick dirt on you.

Gate's open?

[ Laughter ]

Ump, what's your day job?

You're a college student?

"Straight D's -- am I right?"

Straight D's -- am I right?

-"Deez nuts." -Deez...

[ Laughter ]

Yeah, you'd better run away.

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers - Can't Spell Chump Without Ump | truTV - Duration: 1:33.


Learn the Laws: Don't Drive High - Duration: 1:42.

"In January 2018, California legalized the consumption of cannabis for recreational use.

Many might consider this is a reason to celebrate, but we are here to remind you that this new

freedom bears responsible usage and educating yourself on the new laws.

You've seen the videos and heard the stories about how dangerous driving under the influence

of alcohol is, and driving impaired by drugs is no different.

We are trained observers – we will notice your inability to operate a vehicle safely.

We are trained evaluators – we will determine if you are under the influence.

If you choose to engage in this dangerous behavior and put everyone on the road at risk

– you will be caught, you will be arrested.

In today's world, the choice to not drive under the influence seems like an easy one

with the amount of rideshare services and public transportation available.

But, there are a few who will anyway.

Don't allow the freedom of choice to impact your life and those who surround you.

Driving impaired is illegal, incomprehensible, and often deadly.

The people of California, and the California Highway Patrol will not tolerate the choice

you make to drive under the influence, and we strive every single day to rid that choice

from our roadways. "

For more infomation >> Learn the Laws: Don't Drive High - Duration: 1:42.


Things to Do in Asheville's South Slope - Travel Channel - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Things to Do in Asheville's South Slope - Travel Channel - Duration: 1:39.


isn't it lovely? - Duration: 3:22.

You don't know what its like to not have enough.

-to not be wanted.

You don't know what it's like to wonder why

Why dosen't my dad want me?

Why the people that brought you into this world

The people who were suppose to love you more than anyone else


You're acting like a child.

How would you know? You weren't around when I was a child.

For once in you're life be honest with me.

Care about me more.

It's either the pills or me.

The little girl who cried herself to sleep at night cause she wanted her parents so bad.

Do you remember leaving us alone in our crib?

You made that entire night an adventure until the storm passed.

I remember you leaving us for along time, Like longer than a day.

Don't you remember that?

No I'm sorry. I'm not gonna do this.

Maya I don't.

It's because it never happened.

The storm happened, But you didn't.

The next time you're thinking about dropping in


You've fucked up our lives enough already.

This woman is not our mom.

She left her two kids so she could run off with a dumb ass & screw who ever she wanted.

She abandon us! She left us!

What'd you think was gonna happen Fiona?

I thought it might be different this time.

Well how'd that Cool-aid taste going down?

I thought you were suppose to be the smart one.

You promised me.

Get out of bed.


Get up.

Get up!

Get out of bed mom!

You don't get to abandon you're kids & than show up one day and take you're pick of the litter.

This is about what you didn't do.

It's about what I did.

Thanks again.


He dosen't even know who you are.

I'm his mother.

You were my mother too.

I hated him.

I don't like hating people.

I just put all my hate on him so I don't have to hate anybody else

so I that I could be a good person.

That's all I wanted to say, I just wanted to tell him to his face that I hate him.

She was a junkie

& a drunk.

He dosen't even have a face.

You want to know why I'm so unfocused?

So ordinary.

You want to know what happened to me?

You. You happened to me.

She didn't love me

They left me behind.

Who leaves their teenager daughter without saying a word.

They left me Alex.

For more infomation >> isn't it lovely? - Duration: 3:22.


Vaultek VT10i Review – Is This TSA Approved Portable Safe Worth The Money? - Duration: 6:37.

Real quick before you watch this video.

I couldn't put everything that there is to know about this VT10i in this video.

SO be sure to click the link in the description box after you watch this video and read everything

that there is to know about the VT10i review from Vaultek.

When you travel as much as I do and insist on bringing a gun with you where ever you

go, the safe you use becomes a big deal.

This used to be my traveling handgun case.

I've used it for many years while traveling across the country.

In short, where being able to travel with my handgun is concerned it gets the job done.

There's a box with a lock and key and that's about it.

But it's 2018 and let's just say gun cases are a lot more technologically advanced now.

Essentially, this case is a Nokia flip phone in the age of the iPhone X.

So, I decided it was time to upgrade my gun case.

Enter the VT10i from vault tech As far as the looks go, it look-a-like a portable


All be it a futuristic high tech portable safe but a safe none the less.

The Hard shoulder line creases give the safe definition and giving it a very Brinks truck

like appearance but still soft enough fit into your home decor and not stand out like

Mike Tyson working at a chuck e cheese.

The safe looks incredibly durable yet inviting.

The illuminating lights are a great touch.

The rubber cover of over the key hole is also a nice touch.

The VAULTEK logo is pretty damn prominent but not in a tacky way, but it mostly stands

out because there's really nothing else on the safe.

It's Brutish Industrial minimalism adorned with subtle indicators of tech.

The VT10i is just small enough and light enough to be a travel case while being big enough

and sturdy enough to also be a full-time desktop or wall mounted safe.

When I check into hotels I usually set it up on my hotel room desk as if I were at home

and place my gun inside to easily keep it out of sight from housekeeping or a quick

place to put when Room service is delivered.

I've also use the safe in the car whenever I am in state that requires the gun to be

locked and unloaded.

I can keep my magazines on me and if need be and the biometric scanner and number pad

gives me relatively quick access to what would otherwise be completely useless attempt at

trying find the key, unlocking the case and then getting to my gun.

It's 5.2 lbs so it's not the lightest safe in the world, but it's also constructed

of Progressive Formed 18-gauge steel.

I've never had problem transporting this safe.

I've carried in duffle backs, suitcases, and backpacks and it was never too heavy,

but trust me you do notice the weight but not to the point where you never want to carry


I like having options, so I want I want as many ways as possible to gain access to my

guns inside my safe.

The VT10i comes loaded for bear with access options like the Biometric scanner, keypad,

lock and key, and even an smart app.

I love the biometric scanner.

Largely due to it's speed of use.

Generally speaking I can open the case in just under two seconds using the biometric

reader, which is just a touch slower than the reader on my iPhone.

The Biometric reader is consistent as hell.

Every once in a while, I'll have to readjust my finger to get a good read but by in large

it's dead on.

There's a light right above the finger pad that'll turn green once your fingerprint

is authenticated.

I've had other safes with Biometric fingerprint readers that don't have a light indicator

and you'll find yourself sitting there waiting to be prompted that it's not working.

With the VT10i you know immediately if your fingerprint can't be read by simply seeing

the light indicator light up red.

However, one downside is how long it takes to let you know that if can't read your

finger print.

It takes about 4 seconds to indicate that it can't read your fingerprint if the wrong

finger print or you just didn't place your finger on it correctly.

To get around this, if the light indicator doesn't turn green with in two seconds I

know some things wrong and I just readjust my finger.

The Biometric reader is slightly recessed in the case making it easier to find the scanner

on the safe even if it's dark and you can't see it, but it's also outlined in highly

reflective chrome so it's hard to not see it even in dark settings.

With the biometric scanner you can upload 20 unique fingerprints.

That's more than enough to give access to the people in your family who need access

to the safe as well.

I love the intuitiveness fo the number pads.

All I have to do is get close to the number pads and they illuminate red.

The keys are surround by raised borders giving you extra tactility when in dark environments.

The keys themselves feel like the keys on an apple keyboards, short throw but incredibly


It'll register your password as fast as you can type it and once you do the lights

illuminate green and the safe opens within less than a second

I'll be honest, I don't use this feature a lot.

I really just use it as a backup in the event the batter on the case dies.

Speaking of which, the batter on the VT10i lasts 3 months on a single charge.

The beautiful thing is you always know the state of your batters by simply plugging in

a micro usb and there are four small indicator lights that let you know how much battery

you have left on the case.

And charging it is as easy charging your cell phone.

I've charged the case with a battery pack before.

One of the dopest features is the smart app.

The app shows you the safes battery level, notifies you when the safe is being tampered


There's a history log that gives you accounting of everything done to the safe, like if the

interior light is adjusted and how and when the safe is opened.

You can store multiple safes within the app and switching between the different safes

is a breeze.

You can also manage the finger prints within the app as well.

In the six months I've used this safe I've done a ton of traveling with it.

I've dropped it on concrete, dropped objects on it and just generally abused it unintentionally,

and it has the marks to prove, and it keeps going.

I love this safe, I really do.

I have absolutely no problem shamelessly gushing over the VT10i because I enjoy it that much.

With an MSRP of 239 it is not a cheap safe nor is it an expensive safe considering what

you get and what the safe does.

The safe is versatile as hell.

It's literally he one safe option if you're looking for a small safe for the house that's

also portable enough for travel.

What's going on folks Mr Colion Noir Here.

Now That you've watched the video and you're debating whether or not you want to buy the

vaulted VT10i, be sure to click the link in my description box which will take you to

my website where I have a full-length review about everything that there is to know about

this particular safe.

I'm Mr Colion Noir and Im out.

For more infomation >> Vaultek VT10i Review – Is This TSA Approved Portable Safe Worth The Money? - Duration: 6:37.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI DynamicLine - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI DynamicLine - Duration: 1:11.


Fiat Tipo Stationwagon 1.4 T-Jet 120PK S-Design - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Fiat Tipo Stationwagon 1.4 T-Jet 120PK S-Design - Duration: 1:13.


School of Rock (The Film) 101 - Duration: 10:08.

Few films have had as much cultural impact, and few films have done so well at capturing the passion and spirit of rock and roll.

Here's everything you need to know about School of Rock.

Screenwriter Mike White became inspired by the Langley Schools Music Project, a series of recordings of children choruses singing Beach Boys and David Bowie songs, recorded in the 1970s.

Those recordings ended up becoming a cult classic.

White was also waiting to write a film for his friend, Jack Black.

Sure, he had already written a film that starred Black called Orange County, but White later revealed that the part really didn't fit him that well.

So based on both the Langley Schools Music Project and Jack Black, White wrote a screenplay about a substitute teacher who secretly starts a band with his students.

Producer Scott Rudin and director Richard Linklater decided to take the film on.

Linklater originally turned it down but changed his mind.

Rudin and Linklater wanted the film to be as authentic as possible, and they spent a considerable amount of time casting.

Jack Black was obviously playing the lead role, since White wrote the script for him. Mike White: You write something for an actor, you're really pulling your hair out, going if he doesn't like it, then I've wasted that last six months of my life.

but it was a challenge finding a cast of mostly kids.

Oh, and kids who could actually play instruments.

Ultimately, finding kids who could play instruments and sing proved to be more important.

White even ended up getting a role as the Jack Black character's roommate.

According to multiple accounts, Jack Black ended up becoming a MVP on set.

His charisma and energy were contagious, and he helped the young actors-several acting for the first time in their lives-feel comfortable on set, even playing games with them between scenes.

That said, some of their parents were a bit nervous that Black might be a negative influence on their children.

Many of the songs you hear in the film that Black and the kids came up with, yeah they came up with them on set.

Filming took place in late 2002, in various locations throughout the New York City metropolitan area.

The school itself was filmed at both Wagner College and the Buckley Country Day School.

The film got a PG-13 rating due to literally one reference to drugs.

Paramount made what became known as School of Rock for less than $35 million.

Opening on October 3, 2003, the film went on to make over $131 million at the box office.

It was one of the most critically acclaimed films of 2003, which is pretty impressive for a comedy.

Most comedies don't get critic love.

It currently is certified 91% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, and was notably nominated for a Golden Globe. I'd call that a success.

Here is the basic storyline without any spoilers.

The film begins with the main character, Dewey Finn, played by the aforementioned Jack Black, rocking out a bit too much with his band No Vacancy.

The crowd is kind of "meh," as demonstrated by this epically failed stage dive by Finn.

The next morning, Dewey's roommate, Ned Schneebly, and Schneebly's girlfiend, Patty, wake him up to ask him for his half of the month's rent.

Mike White, the aforementioned screenwriter of the film, played the role of Schneebly (what a great name choice that was by the way) and Sarah Silverman played the role of his controlling girlfriend.

How controlling? She was the reason why Schneebly asked for the rent to begin with.

Anyway, Finn doesn't have the money but promises to get it soon.

Finn: The band is about to hit it big time.

We're going to win Battle of the Bands.

And when I'm rolling in the Benjamins, I'll throw you and your dog a bone.

However, Finn would not be getting that money because he soon finds out he is kicked out of his own band.

Later, back at the apartment, he answers the phone and speaks to Roz Mullins, the principal of Horace Green prep school.

She is looking for a substitute teacher, and is calling to see if Ned Schneebly can substitute.

Realizing this could be an opportunity to get rent money, Finn lies and says HE is Schneebly, and will be there soon to start working.

Finn shows up impersonating his roommate, though he really struggles, as demonstrated by him not even being able to spell his last name.

Finn: You know what? Why don't you all just call me Mr. S?

Mr. S has never taught here at Horace Green.

So I want you all to be on your best behavior.

After a rough first day where he rushes out the door ahead of his students, he returns the next day to students who are confused and even angry as to why he is not teaching them anything.

Later in the day, Finn overhears his students in music class playing really well.

He immediately goes back to the classroom to begins plans to turn his class into a rock band that will be auditioning for the Battle of the Bands contest he wanted to enter with his old band.

When the students return from music class, he tells them they will be working on a "secret project" for the next few weeks.

They can't tell anyone, especially their parents and other teachers.

He haphazardly casts students for instruments and of course makes sure he has the role as lead vocalist and lead guitarist.

For the other students, he finds various other roles, including a "security staff" to make sure know one finds out about what they are up to in the classroom.

For the rest of the film, the class turns into a real rock band as Finn guides them, while simultaneously struggling to not get caught for fraud.

The whole thing does turn into a meaningful transformative experience for both the students and Finn.

School of Rock is first and foremost a comedy, but it does have its tender moments.

It is totally driven by its star, Jack Black.

Rarely is a role so perfect for an actor.

Mike White later said if Black would have turned down the role, he would have thrown the script away.

And while Black shines in every scene of this film, his chemistry with his students comes across as incredibly authentic.

The film does follow a familiar formula of the selfish protagonist slowly gaining empathy and more self-understanding by the end.

Dewey: But I have been touched by your kids. And I'm pretty sure I've touched them.

However, the light-hearted style and genuine chemistry of the characters is refreshing.

At the beginning of the film, one might assume that the lives of the students might be ruined once Dewey Finn enters that classroom.

By the end of the film, that same person is certain that him entering the classroom was what was best for these kids.

Two themes come up in School of Rock, and both are cliche: leadership and teamwork.

Yep, those two boring themes which are actually values YOUR teachers and coaches and parents tried to instill in you growing up.

But we have very different characters with diverse roles all coming together for a common purpose, and ending up better off in the end because of it.

You'd think it was a sports film, but nope. It kind of proves you don't need sports to teach teamwork.

And it's one of the few films out there that's not a musical but celebrates music.

If you're not a fan of rock and roll before watching, there's a good chance you will be after.

The film reminds us that rock and roll was supposed to be rebellious,

Freddy, where are your sleeves?

And what have you done to your hair?

It's called punk. Well it's not school uniform.

Ms. Mullins, you're the Man.

Thank you Franky.

and that nonconformity was in fact a virtue necessary for society to progress.

School of Rock went on to become a TV show on Nickelodeon and a Broadway musical created by THE Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Perhaps more importantly, it helped fuel the growth of Paul Green's School of Rock program, a school designed to get kids playing rock music together with the goal of playing before a paying live audience.

The program skyrocketed in popularity after the film's release, and now franchises all around the world serving more than 17,000 students.

Most of the child actors in the film went back into obscurity after their brief stardom, although Miranda Cosgrove went on to have a long career and is still acting.

Rumors of a sequel have been around for almost as long as the film has been out, but it doesn't appear that will be happening anytime soon.

In 2013, the cast reunited to play a concert as sort of a ten-year reunion.

That's right, they were all still active musicians. Pretty cool stuff.

15 years later, the film continues to inspire any kid, no matter where that kid comes from, to pick up an instrument and start a band.

And it's not just the kids who can someday become rock stars. It's also the teachers.

And now that is a perfectly decent rock song.

October 3rd is the 15th anniversary of the School of Rock.

I remember seeing this one on opening night while I was in college.

So what did you think about this film? Also, what other film would you like to see explained in a similar fashion?

Let me know in the comments. Thanks for watching everybody.

For more infomation >> School of Rock (The Film) 101 - Duration: 10:08.


Halloween Candy You Should Absolutely Never Eat - Duration: 4:35.

Remember how when you were a kid, some Halloween candies made you cackle with glee, while others

were immediately consigned to the "I'll eat this when all the good candies are gone" pile?

Not all Halloween candy is created equal, and you don't want to end up being that person

in the neighborhood who only gives out subpar candy.

Or worse, the person eating subpar candy.

Here's a rundown of what you should eat right away, and the candy you should just leave

in the candy aisle.

Enjoy your Reese's Peanut Butter Cups "You got peanut butter on my chocolate!"

"Well you got chocolate in my peanut butter!"

If you're looking for the best Halloween candy you can get, look no further than Reese's

Peanut Butter Cups.


They're delicious, and the perfect size for a treat that will satisfy you without making

you overly full.

Plus, who can say no to that tasty combination of chocolate and peanut butter?

In Paste Magazine's ranking of the best and worst Halloween candies of 2016, Reese's Peanut

Butter Cups scored a 93/100 and came out the winner in the chocolate division.

Need we say more?

Dump the candy corn Sure, Candy Corn is a Halloween staple - until

you grow up and realize they don't taste all that great.

They're waxy, don't taste like chocolate or fruit, and by the time Halloween rolls around,

they're just not that exciting anymore.

And let's just face it, they're not anyone's favorite candy.

Plus, they were originally called "chicken feed."

That's not very appetizing.

"It's not candy, it's not corn, it's earwax formed in the shape of a rotten tooth!"

Devour that Twix Where Reese's stand out for their chocolatey-peanut

buttery deliciousness, Twix's tasty caramel, chocolate, and wafers offer the perfect combination

of flavors in just the right amounts.

Plus you get two for the price of one.

Even though a Twix is pretty much the same size as any other candy bar, the fact that

you get two bars in the wrapper, makes it seem like more, and that's what matters.

Also, if you're trying for a lighter snack, you can just eat one bar and save the other

for later.

Good luck mustering up the willpower to actually do it, though.

"How many Twix does that make for you today?!

Like eight Twix?!"


Trash the Smarties Do Smarties get their name from the fact that

they look and taste like classroom chalk?

We're not totally sure, but they're definitely not worth eating when there are so many other

great choices out there.

Now that you're an adult and can actually choose which candies pass your lips, just

say no.

"Seriously, the perfect combination of Aspirin and Tums."

Savor the Starburst Starbursts are another non-chocolate candy

that deserve to be eaten on Halloween.

They're small, so you can pop one in your mouth without much guilt.

And each of the flavors tastes exactly the way you think they should.

They're not too hard to chew, either.

And if you're one of the weirdos who prefers yellow or orange, you'll also find a lot of

people to trade for your pinks and reds.

Enough talking, more eating.


"You are boring me to death, and I am already dead.

You are boring me back to death."

Say no to 3 Musketeers

With a name like 3 Musketeers, you would expect

these chocolate-nougat candies to be a bit more exciting.

There's not much in them - no caramel, no nuts, not much of anything.

But unlike Kit Kats, the ingredients they do contain aren't all that satisfying.

If you're going to eat a chocolate bar, you might as well go for it and eat something

more exciting.

"If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna off myself."

Eat the rainbow with Skittles Like Starbursts but smaller, it makes sense

that you would want to eat Skittles on Halloween.

Each flavor tastes slightly different, but not so different that you won't want to eat

them all.

If you get the mini-sized Halloween bags of Skittles, you can pretty much eat the entire

thing in under two minutes.

Enjoy your midday sugar rush!

"Taste the rainbow!"

Nix the Dots

If you're going to eat a fruity, sugary candy,

there are so many better options out there than Dots.

You'll spend more time trying to get them off your teeth than you will actually enjoying


Plus, the five flavors are underwhelming.

Keep the Snickers

"You don't have any Snickers in your shopping


The neighborhood kids love Snickers on Halloween."

No one is ever sad to see a Snickers wind up in their Halloween basket - even if it's


The peanuts, nougat and caramel, wrapped in chocolate is a flavor that always takes you

back to a happy time.

And if you're not into chocolate - because we hear there are a few of those people out

there - you can swap these babies with a friend for pretty much anything your heart desires.

"Prancing nougat in the middle, sings a song of satisfaction

to the world."

Pass on Tootsie Fruit Rolls Regular Tootsie Rolls are decent.

They may be small, but at least they taste a little like chocolate, but flavored Tootsie

Rolls are a whole different story.

They rarely taste the way you think they will.

Plus they're also more waxy than yummy.

If you have to have a Tootsie Roll, just do yourself a favor and stick with the originals.

For more infomation >> Halloween Candy You Should Absolutely Never Eat - Duration: 4:35.


GameBalls - Stardew Valley - Episode 8 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> GameBalls - Stardew Valley - Episode 8 - Duration: 3:52.


Classmate Comes Forward, IDs Frat Brother as Guilty Party, Not Kavanaugh: Repor - Duration: 4:59.

A New York Post writer claims that a former classmate of Brett Kavanaugh's has identified

a fraternity brother of his as the person who likely exposed himself to Kavanaugh's

Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez during a dormitory party in the early 1980s.

Ramirez, who was Kavanaugh's second accuser, went public in a New Yorker piece published

Sept. 23.

"She was at first hesitant to speak publicly, partly because her memories contained gaps

because she had been drinking at the time of the alleged incident.

In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize

Kavanaugh's role in the alleged incident with certainty," The New Yorker reported.

"After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney,

Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers

Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face,

and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away."

Ramirez was to be interviewed by the FBI as part of the bureau's one-week re-investigation

of the background of the Supreme Court nominee.

However, a new wrinkle may have presented itself in the form of a report about an alleged

letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Paul Sperry is best known nowadays as a writer for the New York Post, although he's appeared

in a number of different publications over the years.

On Sunday afternoon, he tweeted about the existence of a letter from "(a) classmate

of Kavanaugh's at Yale has sent a tip into the Senate Judiciary Committee identifying

a fraternity brother known for exposing himself as the likely boy who exposed himself to Debbie


BREAKING: A classmate of Kavanaugh's at Yale has sent a tip into the Senate Judiciary Committee

identifying a fraternity brother known for exposing himself as the likely boy who exposed

himself to Debbie Ramirez It's unclear what the original source for

this is and Sperry does not elucidate.

Few media outlets have picked this up yet and there does not seem to be much corroboration.

So, what does this mean?

As for the existence of the letter, while Sperry has made it clear both on his Twitter

account and his writings for the New York Post that he does not believe the allegations

against Judge Kavanaugh, he's also usually not blatantly wrong on these sorts of things.

The likelihood is better than not that such a letter has been sent to the Senate Judiciary

Committee by someone.

As for the truth of the letter?

Well, that's the problem with almost every piece of testimony in the Kavanaugh case:

It's sketchy at best, usually uncorroborated and could likely be contradicted by other

testimony the committee's already received.

Take the case of Dabney Friedrich, a former girlfriend of Kavanaugh's.

In an anonymous letter to Colorado GOP Sen. Cory Gardner, a woman claimed her daughter

witnessed a low-level assault against Friedrich by Kavanaugh in the late-1990s.

Her friend was dating him, and they left the bar under the influence of alcohol.

They were all shocked when Brett Kavanaugh shoved her friend up against the wall very

aggressively and sexually," the letter read.

There were at least four witnesses, including my daughter."

And that letter was almost immediately contradicted by the former girlfriend in question.

In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Friedrich — now a judge — said "(t)o

the extent the attached letter is referring to me as the 'friend [who] was dating him,'

the allegations it makes are both offensive and absurd.

At no time did Brett ever shove me against a wall, including in an 'aggressive and

sexual' manner.

When we dated, Brett always treated me with the utmost respect, and we remain friends

to this day.

I have never observed (nor am I aware of) Brett acting in a physically inappropriate

or aggressive manner toward anyone."

And then we have a Rhode Island man who is now under investigation for making false statements

to the Senate Judiciary Committee about a sexual assault he initially said Kavanaugh

perpetrated in the mid-1980s.

He has since repudiated the story.

So, this new letter — should it exist — could be materially false.

It could be the result of memories corrupted over the process of 35 years.

It could be politically motivated.

It could be some combination thereof; those are not mutually exclusive categories,

For more infomation >> Classmate Comes Forward, IDs Frat Brother as Guilty Party, Not Kavanaugh: Repor - Duration: 4:59.


Fiat Tipo Hatchback 1.4 T-Jet 16V 120 Business - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Fiat Tipo Hatchback 1.4 T-Jet 16V 120 Business - Duration: 1:05.


Trump Press Conference HIGHLIGHTS: "It's A Very Scary Time For Young Men In America" - Duration: 2:25.

"It's a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you

may not be guilty of.

I don't think you people have covered an aspect that's very important.

You could be somebody that was perfect your entire life and somebody could accuse you

of something.

It's a very scary situation where you're guilty until proven innocent.

My whole life I've heard you're innocent until proven guilty, but now you're guilty until

proven innocent.

That is a very, very difficult standard."And that's what he's done over the last 30 years.

You're going back to high school, you're going back to college.

What has he done over the last 30 years?

He has been spectacular.

He has been a tremendous, tremendous success."

The president also said that women "are doing great."

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he believes the reaction to the allegations of

sexual assault and other misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh makes

it "a very scary time for young men in America."

The allegations against Kavanaugh -- including sexual assault and exposing himself to a young

woman in college -- have sparked the latest reckoning in America about sexual assault

and men's treatment of women, bringing the #MeToo movement back to the fore.

And while Trump has called Christine Blasey Ford, who testified to Congress that Kavanaugh

sexually assaulted her while they were in high school, "credible" and "compelling,"

he has continued to support Kavanaugh's confirmation and emphatically defend his character.

The FBI is currently investigating the claims of sexual assault against Kavanaugh, following

a Senate Judiciary Committee request for a weeklong hard look at the allegations raised

by Christine Blasey Ford, who testified on Capitol Hill last week.

Trump defended his nominee to reporters before leaving the White House for Pennsylvania,

where he will address the National Electrical Contractors Association.

The president said that the FBI was doing "a great job" investigating Kavanaugh and

that "a lot is going to depend" on what their investigation uncovers.

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