Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2018

these plants are oxygen pumps have at least one of them for

purify the air of your house the plants they are a way to control the quality

of the air in your home or work them they can clean the air by eliminating

toxins and mold and create an environment perfect for life these plants

they act as a filter of the air they purify the environment by

elimination of for example toxins from inks building materials and the

dust here is a list of six Plants that you must have in your home

to improve air quality aloe aloe vera this plant is excellent for

increase the level of oxygen in your home it also absorbs carbon dioxide

carbon monoxide and formaldehyde a only aloe plant can achieve what

that nine air purifiers can ficus elastic also known as

rubber tree or rubber tree this plant is very easy to maintain since you do not need

a lot of light effective when it comes to ridding the air

of formaldehyde this compound is carcinogenic and is used in various

building materials as well as furniture glass mirrors clothes and even

toilet paper but be careful if you have small children or pets already

that the leaves of this plant can be poisonous stone was the ix all over the world

must definitely have this herb at home stone removes 60% of toxins

in the air and 58 percent of the fecal coliform particles if

they also circulate in the air in six hours love tie or malamadre chlorine

fitur as are this plant has the ability to do low photosynthesis

minimum light is excellent for absorption of air toxins such

as formaldehyde styrene and monoxide carbon as well as pollutants derived

of gasoline only one plant of this purifies with

Efficiency the air in 200 square meters of space sword of san jorge 'sant

cebrià rates is already this plant is almost indestructible and it's great to have it

At home it is very resistant and requires very little light for photosynthesis besides

the elimination of toxins is very good for the room since it produces

oxygen at night is for you sharp for you feel you mauna is excellent for

the elimination of chemical toxins from air

this plant filters the air eliminating toxins such as formaldehyde and

trichlorethylene the nasa says that you must have between 15 and 18 of these

plants on a surface of 500 meters square that is 34 plants in

average is enough for 80 meters square do not forget to put one of

the plants in your room since taking into account the hours of sleep

you spend a third of your time there San Jorge is perfect for the room

if you liked the video of a I like it Enroll in the channel and do not stop

share with your friends until the next video chao

For more infomation >> 🌳 If you have this PLANT in your home, take care of it very well, it is 1 TREASURE and you do not - Duration: 3:38.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Super Hero Battle Toy - Duration: 12:37.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretened | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Supder Hero Battle Toy




Never run from a challenge

Now what are we waiting for?


Oh no, oh



Let's do this, ah


Hello there, this is too cool



Don't worry

Come over here

No, no, no I got this

Learn some tactics

But I never run from a challenge do your worst

Don't feel bad when I beat you

Let's do this



Luke I got this


For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Super Hero Battle Toy - Duration: 12:37.


Exclusive access granted to News Channel 11's Josh Smith during President Trump's visit - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Exclusive access granted to News Channel 11's Josh Smith during President Trump's visit - Duration: 4:53.


Hunting $50 in Pennies - 2 Box Hunt! - Duration: 9:26.

I've been asked for it so we're gonna do it fifty dollars in pennies

hey everyone

its Rob with Rob Finds Treasure and I've had several people ask me to do a multi

box penny hunt and I've had requests for $50 $100 $500 even a thousand and I'll

tell you I don't know if I could ever do a thousand that would be weeks of

filming and I'd have to eliminate some of my other hands to do that but it's

not out of the question so I thought since I've had some other more

reasonable requests like 50 bucks or 100 we've tried $50 this time so last week I

picked up two penny boxes for my bank I'm picking up two more tomorrow

oh by the time you watch this video I've already picked them up but I'm picking

up a couple more this week and I went ahead and opened up these to see if we

had any Enders on top I don't see any on this box and to tell you the truth I

didn't see any on this box so we've only checked one side we even checked both

sides but we'll check both sides as we hunt them I think we'll start with this

box and I'll move on to the second box now because it's gonna be a lot I would

assume a lot of fines and a lot of editing a lot of cuts I'm gonna try to

do less talking kind of rapid-fire finds and unless I find something that's

really worth talking about we'll keep this video as quick as possible in case

we get into a couple of fifteen or twenty wheat penny boxes a piece high

enough talking we got a lot of hunting to do so let's start roll three of the

box first wheat penny 1949 D same rule got some tape with a 50 on it but let's

just be a number it's copper I'll pull the tape off see what it is 1979 rule 14

gonna have our second wheat cent here 58 dead

fifteen and there we'd sent it's definitely a fifty four think it's a 54

D it is 54 D roll number 16 hitting a little pocket that's three rolls in a

row at the wheat penny and this one is 46 roll 17 I can see it peeking up looks

like an older Canadian not as well as I thought but older 77 roll 27 gonna have

our fifth wheat penny of the box I saw the date 56 D rolled over 30 gonna have

our six wheat sent and it looks pretty good

a 52d not bad whatsoever we'll take Wheaties like that especially

if they're in the 20s but it's not but it's still OED rule 39 wheat any number

seven think it's a 46 it is 46 D first box is down only 7 we Penny's oldest was

246 s that's it that's the other fine snow 59 I let's

crack into this box see how the second half of this hunt goes box to rule

number six we're gonna have our first wheat cent you can see it hopefully it's

older than 46

it's a 46 that's all I'll say about that box to roll 17 didn't have another wheat

penny and was facing me 1950 on the button and it's in pretty good shape

we'll take it rule number 22 we're gonna have another wheat penny for the box too

and this one is a 1942 oldest of the two boxes Bowl 27 I'm gonna have a Canadian

here 1982 well 36 are finally gonna have our

fourth wheat penny of the second box it's just a regular 44 philadelphia but

feels good getting another wheat penny for sure

rule number 40 we're gonna have our fifth wheat penny of the Box 12 of the

two boxes what year is it a 49 s rule 45 six wheat penny of the Box 13th of the

two boxes and looks like another 42 d so that's the oldest we've gotten out of

these two boxes not a lot of great finds but still really fun especially we could

find more we're all 46 guys and we had an odd edge I just laid him down because

I wanted to hunt if properly it's too big for a diamond it's copper looking

we got an old Netherland keine oh that's beautiful

1952 one cent I definitely don't have this coin and I love love love the

design we do a little research on this and I'll be right back

all right guys did a little research on it 1952 was the first year that they

made this coin only a million minted and an extra-fine

it's an eight dollar coin and that's on eBay I haven't checked any ratings on

anything else but it's a bronze coin mine's in pretty good shape

I flip it around that's pretty good shape right there pretty good detail I

would say it's extra fine so only a million of these minted it's beautiful I

absolutely love it I think it's a gorgeous coin great details look at

those details pretty clear fields no dings really and for a 66 year old coin

I'll take it especially with only a million minted like I said not extremely

valuable eight to ten bucks probably but first one I found I won't be selling it

it's gonna stay in the collection I like that one

that's worth several Wheaties in my opinion 50th through all the Box 100 of

the hunt we're gonna have our 14th wheat penny so

7 per box a57 so nothing old and unless there's

another one in here to make it 15 which I don't think so I'll get you guys

around up in a second only 14 wheat pennies in two boxes is about

average hunt per box so kind of light alright guys two boxes of pennies

hundred hundred rolls a lot of copper that's two boxes worth though so I

bought five and a half pounds we got 22 2009 s about average 11 per box three

thorns and I'll pull this one aside for now - or Canadians got 450 knives in

that box we had done on the last - 69 SS total got five good 60s and early 70s

cones and I'm gonna pull out anyway got a crazy worn down 1967 like I just

catched the edge of the seven I really love this red toned 77 I'm gonna keep it

we got 14 wheat pennies and nothing to talk about

- 42 to 44 346 s and to 49 s a 50 of 52 of 54 to 57 to 58 nothing old nothing

that good to find of the two boxes in my opinion is this 1 million minted only

demonetised these are no longer coin worth money but still a 1952 1 cent and

at least extra fine with details probably 8 to 10 dollar coin I'll take

it all day I didn't have one it's going in the collection

hopefully enjoyed the two box hunt the problem with two boxes if you get one or

two bad boxes it's kind of a boring hunt but hopefully wasn't too boring for you

guys I'll do more of these if you liked the video we're probably gonna hit some

big boxes sometimes it'll be a lot of fun just like we're probably gonna hit

some boring boxes sometimes it won't be as much fun

hopefully I'll give the video a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting

and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Hunting $50 in Pennies - 2 Box Hunt! - Duration: 9:26.


Donald Trump Jr. Talks about the November Midterm Elections - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Jr. Talks about the November Midterm Elections - Duration: 14:11.


LIFE 96.5 Enjoying New Facility - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> LIFE 96.5 Enjoying New Facility - Duration: 1:52.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Super Hero Battle Toy - Duration: 12:37.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretened | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Supder Hero Battle Toy




Never run from a challenge

Now what are we waiting for?


Oh no, oh



Let's do this, ah


Hello there, this is too cool



Don't worry

Come over here

No, no, no I got this

Learn some tactics

But I never run from a challenge do your worst

Don't feel bad when I beat you

Let's do this



Luke I got this


For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Super Hero Battle Toy - Duration: 12:37.


Opel KARL Edition 1.0 DIVERSE KLEUREN BESCHIKBAAR - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL Edition 1.0 DIVERSE KLEUREN BESCHIKBAAR - Duration: 0:53.


Você Conhece Semente de Sucupira Saiba que ela Trara vários problemas de Saúde! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Você Conhece Semente de Sucupira Saiba que ela Trara vários problemas de Saúde! - Duration: 2:29.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D Move Up! | Parkeercamera | Airco | - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D Move Up! | Parkeercamera | Airco | - Duration: 1:12.


Nicola Porro, ritorno esplosivo con Matrix: in studio Claudio Borghi, dichiarazione di guerra alle U - Duration: 1:54.

 La seconda serata di Canale 5 si riaccende domani, mercoledì 3 ottobre, con l'approfondimento giornalistico di Matrix, il programma targato Videonews condotto da Nicola Porro affiancato da Greta Mauro

 Al centro di questa prima puntata un'intervista a Claudio Borghi, Presidente della 5ª Commissione Bilancio della Camera dei Deputati, attualmente al centro del mirino a causa delle sue dichiarazioni sulla manovra economica, l'aumento dello spread e la moneta unica europea

Un'intervista attesissima e dalle possibili (e pesanti) conseguenze politiche (poche ore fa, Giuseppe Conte è stato costretto a smentire che l'uscita dall'euro sia un'ipotesi)

 Poi un faccia a faccia con Alfonso Signorini, che parlerà degli avvenimenti caldi che hanno catturato maggiormente l'attenzione del pubblico negli ultimi mesi, come il Royal Wedding di Meghan e Harry e quello dell'imprenditrice digitale Chiara Ferragni e del cantante Fedez

  Non mancherà lo sport: Giorgia Rossi, Ivan Zazzaroni e Giampiero Mughini analizzeranno il fenomeno socio-sportivo di Cristiano Ronaldo

 L'appuntamento è quindi tutti i mercoledì alle 23.30 su Canale 5, per la nuova stagione di Matrix

For more infomation >> Nicola Porro, ritorno esplosivo con Matrix: in studio Claudio Borghi, dichiarazione di guerra alle U - Duration: 1:54.


Opel KARL 1.0 75pk Edition 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 75pk Edition 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:53.


Opel Astra 1.4 T Automaat Online 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4 T Automaat Online 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:50.


Opel Astra 1.0T 105pk Online 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0T 105pk Online 'n Opel koop'm in Grun'n . . ? - Duration: 0:53.


Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Sport - Duration: 1:05.


Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Design - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk S tronic Design - Duration: 1:05.


U.S. will not grant diplomatic visas to same-sex partners - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> U.S. will not grant diplomatic visas to same-sex partners - Duration: 3:31.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 MPI 75pk Comfortline - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 MPI 75pk Comfortline - Duration: 1:08.


Audi A5 Sportback New 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback New 1.4 TFSI 150pk S tronic S Line Edition - Duration: 1:14.


Trump defends Kavanaugh: 'Very scary time for young men in America' - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Trump defends Kavanaugh: 'Very scary time for young men in America' - Duration: 3:27.


University of Calgary Discusses #IBelieveYou ...Now What? - Duration: 1:41.

Now that we have a lot more people coming forward and sharing their

experiences, I think we need to examine the way that we respond. There are a lot

of people asking for alternative forms of justice and I think we need to take

that into consideration. I also think we have to start looking at prevention a

lot differently and diving into conversations around consent. patriarchy

homophobia. racism. sexism, in a way that people can really think about and

understand in a different way. >> We also have to make sure that we understand

what the options are, and then we can help someone to understand that they

could, you know, choose from any range of things that feels right for them. So that

means that individually, it's very important for us to understand what

those options are, what the resources are, so we can point people in the right

direction. I think institutionally, we have to make

sure that we have the right policies and procedures that are in place, so that we

can respond as quickly and as effectively as possible. >>Now I think it's

more about having that accessible support. So whether that's with

counseling, medical services, having those resources accessible for every

single person. >>I think it's important also as human beings, and for men in

particular, to make sure that they're not even passively supporting rape culture.

That when they hear things that are inappropriate, and when they see things

that are going on, that they step up and take action

For more infomation >> University of Calgary Discusses #IBelieveYou ...Now What? - Duration: 1:41.


How Young Can a Dog Get Pregnant? Dog Breeding Timeline - Duration: 1:47.

Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.

Today I will explain when do dogs sexually mature so that they can get pregnant and what

are the mating season cycles.

So let's dive in.

Sexual maturity depends on the dog's breed.


Large breeds mature when they are 18 to 24 months old.


Medium breeds mature when they are 15 to 18 months old.

And the third.

Small breeds mature when they are 12 to 18 months old.

How mating seasons repeat?

Mating seasons usually occur twice a year.


From January to March.


From August to October.

Mating cycles duration and description.

First cycle proestrus lasts about 10 days when ovulation occurs.

Second cycle estrus lasts about 5 to 9 days and then the dog is ready for mating.

Third, diestrus cycle lasts about 10 weeks and ends with the birth of puppies.

Fourth cycle anestrus lasts about 15 weeks until the proestrus cycle reappears.

The optimal time for the dog to mate is tenth day during the estrus cycle.

To find out more, I answered some of the frequently asked questions about dog heat on my blog.

The link is down below in a description.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy!


For more infomation >> How Young Can a Dog Get Pregnant? Dog Breeding Timeline - Duration: 1:47.


I Wore The Same Outfit Every Day for a Month - Duration: 14:39.

My fashion sense throughout the years has been...interesting.

There was a year-long period where all I wore was tie-dye t-shirts and SpongeBob t shirts,

accompanied with those nice swishy pants.

It's called fashion, look it up.

In high school, I had a dress code

where I got in trouble for outfits like this one.

However, this was arguably my best-dressed period,

even if it was just out of necessity.

It got to the point where I was overly formal when I didn't even need to be.

So when I got to college

I was thrilled by the freedom I had to wear leggings as pants,

and pretty much whatever the hell else I wanted.

Now I'm working full-time, and I wear a weird mix of things to work.

Usually leggings are still involved though.

But there's something I've been thinking about lately.

Mark Zuckerberg.

Steve Jobs.

These men both have quite a few things in common,

but I'm particularly interested in the fact that

they're both known for wearing the same thing nearly every day of their lives.

But there aren't really any examples of women who wear the same thing

every single day in the same manner.

The only one I could find is this woman:

Renata Briggman, who decided that every day for a year

she would wear the same outfit to her job at a DC real estate office.

If I were to decide on the perfect outfit,

could I really see myself wearing it nearly every day

for the rest of my life?

And what would the perfect outfit even look like?

Unlike Briggman, I'm not just wearing it to work,

but for everything else too,

with the exception of running or exercising.

I guess for me the perfect outfit would be

something that I could wear to work, but stay fairly comfortable in at home.

I pretty much already wear the same thing on my lower half every day,

and that is a pair of black leggings.

As for my upper half,

I've decided that something comfortable yet possibly

formal enough for work would do the trick,

so I went with a white button-up,

of which I bought several.

I've allowed myself to change shoes as needed,

but generally I'll try to wear these ones the most.

And I already got a stain on it. Great.

It made it fucking worse.

Well, since this shirt is obviously out of commission,

I guess I'll go with shirt number two.

I will say, the beauty of this whole same outfit thing

is that since I have multiple versions of the outfit

I can just reach in my closet and take another shirt out since I just screwed up that other one.

Well, fresh new shirt – I think I'm ready to go to work.

Another day, another white shirt.

Unfortunately the stain is still kind of there,

but it's not as noticeable as it was.

So I actually just had to make a trip to the bank

because I only have two of these white shirts,

which means I only have two versions of this outfit, so

I have to do laundry like every two or three days,

which is sort of annoying.

So today is my fourth day of wearing this,

I feel a little bit like a cartoon character.

I don't know.

I felt a little weird today?

I think so far it feels wrong to like be ignoring all these clean clothes in my closet.

The biggest annoyance to me

is the fact that like I'm gonna be having to do laundry

every two or three days.

All right it's time for yet again another laundry day,

and this is only like my sixth day of doing this.

I gotta say, this week so far has involved truly copious use of the Tide pen.

Maybe a white shirt wasn't the best choice, but I feel like I'm handling it.

Well, another day, another detergent wipe.

So...I really don't feel good today.

I kind of wish that I wasn't wearing this.

I just...

feel like shit and I kinda want to look like shit to match.

but I look weirdly fancy and I need to go buy...milk.

So...I'm just gonna do the best I can and

put on...this.

I'm – I'm not even halfway there, and like

the idea of wearing this again for like 20 more days

feels so depressing to me.

I guess I'm still gonna do it, but...

I like, really hate this outfit now.

So today marks officially the halfway point for wearing this.

Yeah, I don't know.

I have been at this work event for like three days straight

My co-workers still really haven't seemed to notice that I'm wearing the same thing every single day.

But today it's about 100 degrees outside

I am not even exaggerating the high is 95 so,

Again, just regretting my white shirt choice.

So I just have one week left of wearing this outfit,

and I'm home from work,

so I'm gonna throw this in laundry and

basically just walk around in a bra for the rest of the night.

Because that has become my routine.

So it's gotten to the point where I am like excited for bed

because it means I can put on these pajamas

and actually wear something other than that fucking shirt, so...

Yeah, only five days left of this outfit and

today is kind of the first day where I felt like...the ease of it?

Because I – for just this – a couple days –

I have access to a washing machine,

which makes life a thousand times easier in this situation.

So today was really like kind of weirdly nice,

like I just realized,

I like went to the dryer, just pulled out a shirt,

knew exactly what I was gonna get.

Really was the first time ever I was like,

"Okay like I guess I see the benefit in that way."

Because I think otherwise so far,

it's just been like an exhausting hassle,

and the laundry aspect I think

has been the worst thing about it.

So maybe in these last couple days it will

turn me around a little bit on the whole thing.

But uh I don't think so.

I'm kind of getting sick of this shit.

[iPhone alarm]

Today's the day,

it's my last day of wearing the same thing for a month

So I'm just gonna put put this thing on one more time.


Let's get this over with.

All right I think I'm gonna change back.

I'm gonna change into something else,

something other than this outfit. Finally.

Man, this actually feels weird.

Looking down at myself and, you know expecting to see the white shirt black pants combo,

like it actually feels odd that I am not wearing the outfit.

[Sighs] Well, that was a journey.

So like, now that this whole experience is over,

I wrote down a couple of questions at the beginning of the month

to ask myself how I think it went,

and a couple of other opinions that may have changed over the course of a month.

First question that I had for myself was:

Do I think that that I could take it a step further

and wear it every day for a year?


Fuck no!

Aside from my personal feelings,

I live in a climate where there are all four seasons,

and in the summer it can

reach up to the hundred degree mark.

It's quickly approaching

100 degrees,

and uh,

this is what I'm wearing.

It had to happen eventually.

Some really...really nice looking armpit stains there.

My second question is,

did I ever want to change into something different?

And, yeah I think that was fairly obvious,

there were plenty of times when I just felt like

this outfit was so the last thing that I wanted to be on my body right now.

Do I still like the outfit as much as when I first got it?

I don't think anybody really will ever like the outfit they buy quite so much as the first day that they,

you know, walk out of the store with it and put it on.

I think it still looks nice, but I am disappointed by the general wear of the shirt,

and how many washes took the life out of it, kind of.

But if I didn't have to wash it so much, maybe it would still look a bit better.

I am pretty much at the halfway mark, and I have done this exact load of laundry

I want to say five or six times?

And the shirts are, I feel like, quickly deteriorating.

Do I think that the idea of like an everyday uniform is practical

or is it like depressing?

At times it felt depressing.

It only really felt practical once,

and then most other times it just felt weird or cartoon character-y,

or just...I got really sick of wearing that shirt.

But in general I just eventually started to feel kind of ugly in it,

I don't know,

the shirt's somewhat boxy,

so it's not exactly the most elegant thing.

Adding a couple of different accessories really tended to help things along

in terms of making it feel a little less oppressively boring.

Ultimately, I actually think that wearing the same outfit every day

could be a decent idea.

I don't think it hurts to look somewhat nice each day,

and I for some reason just always think

that you never know what's gonna happen to you

on any given day of your life,

and you might as well look decent.

I mean, I'd find it extremely embarrassing

to have a heart attack

while wearing a shirt that says "Yolo"

or some shit like that.

And maybe that sounds insane,

because it probably is,

but it's something that I think about.

How easy or how convenient it is really depends on a multitude of factors,

but under the right circumstances, I could easily see someone finding this pretty convenient.

But personally, I don't think you'll see me wearing this shirt again

for a very long time.

For more infomation >> I Wore The Same Outfit Every Day for a Month - Duration: 14:39.


Good Vibes: How "Happiness" and "Positivity" Get Real Results - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> Good Vibes: How "Happiness" and "Positivity" Get Real Results - Duration: 13:17.


Hunting $50 in Pennies - 2 Box Hunt! - Duration: 9:26.

I've been asked for it so we're gonna do it fifty dollars in pennies

hey everyone

its Rob with Rob Finds Treasure and I've had several people ask me to do a multi

box penny hunt and I've had requests for $50 $100 $500 even a thousand and I'll

tell you I don't know if I could ever do a thousand that would be weeks of

filming and I'd have to eliminate some of my other hands to do that but it's

not out of the question so I thought since I've had some other more

reasonable requests like 50 bucks or 100 we've tried $50 this time so last week I

picked up two penny boxes for my bank I'm picking up two more tomorrow

oh by the time you watch this video I've already picked them up but I'm picking

up a couple more this week and I went ahead and opened up these to see if we

had any Enders on top I don't see any on this box and to tell you the truth I

didn't see any on this box so we've only checked one side we even checked both

sides but we'll check both sides as we hunt them I think we'll start with this

box and I'll move on to the second box now because it's gonna be a lot I would

assume a lot of fines and a lot of editing a lot of cuts I'm gonna try to

do less talking kind of rapid-fire finds and unless I find something that's

really worth talking about we'll keep this video as quick as possible in case

we get into a couple of fifteen or twenty wheat penny boxes a piece high

enough talking we got a lot of hunting to do so let's start roll three of the

box first wheat penny 1949 D same rule got some tape with a 50 on it but let's

just be a number it's copper I'll pull the tape off see what it is 1979 rule 14

gonna have our second wheat cent here 58 dead

fifteen and there we'd sent it's definitely a fifty four think it's a 54

D it is 54 D roll number 16 hitting a little pocket that's three rolls in a

row at the wheat penny and this one is 46 roll 17 I can see it peeking up looks

like an older Canadian not as well as I thought but older 77 roll 27 gonna have

our fifth wheat penny of the box I saw the date 56 D rolled over 30 gonna have

our six wheat sent and it looks pretty good

a 52d not bad whatsoever we'll take Wheaties like that especially

if they're in the 20s but it's not but it's still OED rule 39 wheat any number

seven think it's a 46 it is 46 D first box is down only 7 we Penny's oldest was

246 s that's it that's the other fine snow 59 I let's

crack into this box see how the second half of this hunt goes box to rule

number six we're gonna have our first wheat cent you can see it hopefully it's

older than 46

it's a 46 that's all I'll say about that box to roll 17 didn't have another wheat

penny and was facing me 1950 on the button and it's in pretty good shape

we'll take it rule number 22 we're gonna have another wheat penny for the box too

and this one is a 1942 oldest of the two boxes Bowl 27 I'm gonna have a Canadian

here 1982 well 36 are finally gonna have our

fourth wheat penny of the second box it's just a regular 44 philadelphia but

feels good getting another wheat penny for sure

rule number 40 we're gonna have our fifth wheat penny of the Box 12 of the

two boxes what year is it a 49 s rule 45 six wheat penny of the Box 13th of the

two boxes and looks like another 42 d so that's the oldest we've gotten out of

these two boxes not a lot of great finds but still really fun especially we could

find more we're all 46 guys and we had an odd edge I just laid him down because

I wanted to hunt if properly it's too big for a diamond it's copper looking

we got an old Netherland keine oh that's beautiful

1952 one cent I definitely don't have this coin and I love love love the

design we do a little research on this and I'll be right back

all right guys did a little research on it 1952 was the first year that they

made this coin only a million minted and an extra-fine

it's an eight dollar coin and that's on eBay I haven't checked any ratings on

anything else but it's a bronze coin mine's in pretty good shape

I flip it around that's pretty good shape right there pretty good detail I

would say it's extra fine so only a million of these minted it's beautiful I

absolutely love it I think it's a gorgeous coin great details look at

those details pretty clear fields no dings really and for a 66 year old coin

I'll take it especially with only a million minted like I said not extremely

valuable eight to ten bucks probably but first one I found I won't be selling it

it's gonna stay in the collection I like that one

that's worth several Wheaties in my opinion 50th through all the Box 100 of

the hunt we're gonna have our 14th wheat penny so

7 per box a57 so nothing old and unless there's

another one in here to make it 15 which I don't think so I'll get you guys

around up in a second only 14 wheat pennies in two boxes is about

average hunt per box so kind of light alright guys two boxes of pennies

hundred hundred rolls a lot of copper that's two boxes worth though so I

bought five and a half pounds we got 22 2009 s about average 11 per box three

thorns and I'll pull this one aside for now - or Canadians got 450 knives in

that box we had done on the last - 69 SS total got five good 60s and early 70s

cones and I'm gonna pull out anyway got a crazy worn down 1967 like I just

catched the edge of the seven I really love this red toned 77 I'm gonna keep it

we got 14 wheat pennies and nothing to talk about

- 42 to 44 346 s and to 49 s a 50 of 52 of 54 to 57 to 58 nothing old nothing

that good to find of the two boxes in my opinion is this 1 million minted only

demonetised these are no longer coin worth money but still a 1952 1 cent and

at least extra fine with details probably 8 to 10 dollar coin I'll take

it all day I didn't have one it's going in the collection

hopefully enjoyed the two box hunt the problem with two boxes if you get one or

two bad boxes it's kind of a boring hunt but hopefully wasn't too boring for you

guys I'll do more of these if you liked the video we're probably gonna hit some

big boxes sometimes it'll be a lot of fun just like we're probably gonna hit

some boring boxes sometimes it won't be as much fun

hopefully I'll give the video a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting

and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Hunting $50 in Pennies - 2 Box Hunt! - Duration: 9:26.


BEST Lil Wayne Songs On "Tha Carter V" - Duration: 10:14.

Hey guys, I'm still alive.

Long story short, I had a throat infection for over a week and struggled to talk so that

was lovely.

But today, we will be talking about Tha Carter V, an album that honestly surprised me with

how good it was.

Wayne made a hell of a comeback with this.

So in this video, I will be telling you what my personal favourite songs from this project

are and why.

So with that being said, there's my social media accounts, follow me there and when I

hit 10k on them I'll follow a bunch of you guys back, and let's get right into this


8 - Uproar

Now this song is probably about to become ten times more popular than it already is

due to Wayne starting a challenge based around this song, but I can't really complain about

that because this track goes hard.

The very upbeat instrumental combined with Lil Wayne's memorable flows during the chorus

makes it very easy for this song to stick in your mind, and it's one of the catchiest

songs on this project.

Lyrically it's very much a punchline and rhyme focused song, and it makes for a fun


I wouldn't be surprised if Wayne's Uproar challenge helps this albums sales increase

past its already impressive numbers.

7 - Dope N***az (feat.

Snoop Dogg)

This is a great song overall, but the thing that got me most hyped was when the sample

of Xxplosive by Dr Dre came through on the beat.

I legit jumped up in excitement when I heard that, because that was one of my favourite

instrumentals on Dre's 2001 album.

Hearing it sampled here was so unexpected.

Snoop Dogg's voice works perfectly over this sample during the hook as you can imagine,

and it gives the song a really relaxed feeling to it.

And I particularly enjoy Wayne's second verse on here, where he talks about how the

people he grew up around, and how even though he was similar to them, he was raised to go

down a different path with his talents.

Oh and if I didn't mention already, the beat samples Xxplosive and it's so goddamn

nice on here.

6 - Let It Fly (feat.

Travis Scott)

I'm already a massive fan of Travis Scott's music, so this song basically scored points

instantly by just having him on here, and his performance is pretty great on this track.

He comes with this fairly unique delivery during the chorus where it's still very

much Travis's style, but he delivers his vocals in a noticeably different inflection

to make them stand out.

He also has a cool verse on here too.

Then Lil Wayne.

My god Wayne killed it on here, with these segments of never ending wordplay, using the

words "mind" and "line" in as many different contexts as he can think of.

The line wordplay got a bit far fetched in my opinion towards the last 1 or 2 bars, it

just dragged on a bit too long, but it's still very impressive and it's always nice

to see Wayne is still so sharp after all this time.

5 - Dark Side of the Moon (feat.

Nicki Minaj)

I think the best word for this track is soothing, if you wanna just sit back and mellow out,

this is the perfect song from this album for you.

Lil Wayne opts for a more laidback melodic delivery on this one, and gives us a really

interesting verse where he uses the world going through an apocalypse as a metaphor

for himself hitting rock bottom, but even in these times where everything seems doomed

he still has his girl by his side.

Then Nicki Minaj comes through to contribute to this idea with some nice metaphors of her

own, and goddamn her singing was way more on point than I ever thought it would be.

She genuinely sounds great on here.

It's a really cute track overall, and I love the creativity behind a lot of the bars

on this one.

4 - Used 2

This is one of the most intriguing songs in terms of the instrumental to me, because it

implements a lot of these slight changes as it goes on.

It generally stays the same, but more and more drums are slowly added to or dropped

out of the beat, and it means the song always keeps your attention because you're constantly

keeping a look out for the next change, with it happening more so during the first verse

as everything is building up.

Speaking of the production, this track also marks the first time that Metro Boomin has

produced a Wayne song.

Wayne himself comes with gripping verses, with his voice getting more frantic and intense

as the beat starts to build up.

It's a really engaging song, and I love the energy behind

this one.

3 - Dedicate

This song was great for so many reasons, but one of my favourite things about it is how

much Wayne references the large influence he has had over modern day rap culture.

He had his face tatted before every single up and coming rapper started doing that, and

he lets you know about it on here.

In fact, the hook on this song is a sample of a 2 Chainz song where he praised Wayne

for how he pretty much changed the game, and it's hard to deny the impact he's had.

Weezy also comes through with some attention grabbing flows and rhyme schemes on this track,

just peep the second verse where he maintains the same multisyllabic rhyme scheme for the

entire verse.

And then he continued the same rhyme scheme through the entire 3rd verse.

It's great.

And just to cement the fact that he is a well respected rapper, Wayne ends the track with

a sample of a speech where Obama complimented him.

This was his main flex track on here for sure.

2 - Let It All Work Out

Without a doubt this song contains one of the emotional highlights of this album, the

third verse on this one, it had ya boi tearing up a little.

You see, when he was 12 years old, Lil Wayne shot himself in the chest with his mother's

gun, an incident that he claimed to be an accident in interviews up until now.

In this verse, he reveals that it was actually a suicide attempt.

Now Wayne has mentioned that he attempted suicide before on the song Mad, but he didn't

go into to much detail and didn't mention that it happened when he was only 12 years


It's heartbreaking to hear about, but Wayne turns it into a positive moment, saying how

things will always work out.

Just like many people, Wayne hit the lowest point in his life, and he shows with this

track that he bounced back from it in a big way.

It's a very hopeful message.

Top that off with a great beat and a beautiful chorus sampled from a Sampha song, and it's

something that is heartbreaking but uplifting at the same time.

Amazing stuff.

1 - Mona Lisa (feat.

Kendrick Lamar)

Now I've loved pretty much all of the tracks featured in this video so far, but this song

is on a whole other level of great.

It combines well crafted storytelling, intense deliveries and non stop flows all over a somewhat

low key but powerful beat, and it is brilliant.

Lil Wayne has some really hard hitting punches here, and there's so much wordplay that

I doubt you'll catch it all on the first few listens.

In his verse, he tells the story of how he robs a man by getting this girl he knows to

get close to this man and find out all his information.

It's a straightforward narrative, but the way Wayne tells it is really compelling, and

he sounds so invested in telling this story that it's hard to not cling on to every


Not to mention some of his lines here are hilarious.

As for Kendrick, he came through with a pretty awful verse honestly, I don't know what

he was doing- of course I'm joking he absolutely f****** killed it too.

He told a different story, but with the main focus still being on a woman.

He goes through a range of emotions, talking about how he fell for this girl, then revealing

that he hasn't been faithful to her, but he hypocritically flys off the handle at her

for sleeping with rappers behind his back.

The intensity ramps up to the point where Kendrick's character kills himself in the

end, finishing the song off in a tragic way.

There's a lot to analyse through all the verses, and both rappers have incredible vocal

performances that fit the story they tell on here.

It's near perfect and makes for my favourite track on the album without


second thought.

For more infomation >> BEST Lil Wayne Songs On "Tha Carter V" - Duration: 10:14.


TJ MAXX CLOTHING & DECOR HAUL! - Duration: 6:56.

hey guys welcome back to my Channel today I'm super excited because I'm

gonna be doing a t.j.maxx haul for you guys I cannot wait because I love

t.j.maxx it's very hit-or-miss I feel like when I go in there sometimes

I can find a ton of stuff and actually like really hurts my wallet or I can't

find anything at all I walk out at the store empty-handed I get nervous because

I think people are gonna think I'm stealing something but I didn't I just

truly didn't find anything but my last shopping trip I found way too much so I

thought I would share it with you guys and I loved it all

so let's get on into it so the background is still in progress Kyle I

need your help taking these photos of the piano oh my gosh and kind of got

this piano for me for my anniversary it was our two year anniversary date not

for two year anniversary he got a piano for me I'm so excited so I thought that

was so sweet I wanted to put it in my background and I just I love I love

what's going on here it just needs some work so anyways let's go down into it so

let's start with clothes first I guess Oh talk about what I'm wearing

right now I got this shirt from TJ Maxx it's actually a free people shirt I was

like oh my gosh I love Free People it was originally a hundred and eight

dollars and I got it for 40 so it was still a little bit more expensive than I

wanted to spend I really actually didn't want to spend $40 on this shirt but you

know what I love it because it covers my booty and I love that for the fall if

you want to just pair it with some leggings and put some like long boots

with it or short booties I think it looks so cute I love the color and I

love how it buttons down the front and it has little roll up sleeves it's kind

of like a big man shirt slash boyfriend shirt which is so cute but it's girly

and it's kind of like flowy and pretty for false so that's why I picked this up

and then the next thing I got was this olive green kind of moto cropped jacket

I think this is so cute it's by the brand shine star never heard of them but

it is normally $32 we got it for $24.99 so a little bit of a steal and I think

this is just so cute and I love like that black kind of metallic silver

detailing it's super cute so the next thing I got from TJ Maxx

this beautiful camel colored t-shirt I think this is just a perfect layering

piece again to put under any jackets for the fall I love this color especially

with my hair lately I've been loving that kind of camel color brown and it

just has a little pocket and it's super soft nothing special I think this was

like eight bucks so I was like sure why not and then the next thing I got it's

probably my favorite out of the whole haul is this green like a military

jacket I think this is so cute it has the gold detailing on the buttons and it

cinches in around your waist so you can make it kind of girly and cute and it

just looks very flattering on sometimes it can get these jackets and they can

look just kind of like foxy and I really love this one because it like makes you

look like you have a little bit of a waist it opens in the back which is so

cute and you can roll up the sleeves to which I really really love so I think

everyone needs one of these jackets for the Fall this was kind of expensive too

it was $40 and I wasn't super impressed with the price but I was like I don't

have one in my closet so I might as well invest in one I like so I thought this

was super cute all right so I have two more clothing items this jacket was so

popular last winter and they're making a comeback

I forget who started these originally it was kind of like the expensive version

of these jackets but now they've made them a lot cheaper so this one was only

$24.99 I love how cozy this is it's like a bunch of cotton balls it's so warm and

cozy it's perfect for the Fall I feel like when I wore my jacket last winter

it was a little bit too cold if you just wear this like if you wear layers

underneath it it's fine but my other jacket oh this one's awesome because it

actually has line II okay so my other jacket doesn't have lining and it's very

similar to this one it looks pretty much the same but when it was cold out you

could kind of feel the breeze and like the cold air because it would go

straight through they put lining on this one which is

super smart so I just love the color I needed a new cotton ball jacket so I

picked it up and then the last thing I got was this basic pullover sweatshirt I

think this is so adorable it kind of has that like scrunch down neck and you

just put this over leggings because it's really long I was in my closet and I was

like I really need more long pieces because I'm super tall for one nothing

covers my butt so I love I love how long this shirt is I can just throw it on

with leggings you don't even have to think about it that's my kind of shirt

I'm now on to like the decor area I got this coffee mug which is it really decor

it's more of just like a cup but it's so cute it's super simple and it just says

pause lately I've been noticing that I have had the hardest time slowing down

my brain like probably you guys are thinking right now like she talks really

fast but I had the hardest time slowing down my brain and just like sitting

there and listening or like soaking in the moment and normally I'm very good at

being in the moment but lately my brains just been everywhere so when Kyle comes

home at night and he's like trying to tell me about something I feel like I

just need to pause so I picked this up and I was like hey that is actually

perfect for what's going on in my life right now they also had one that said

pray which is super cute so I really loved that and then I was like okay I

can't leave t.j.maxx without getting a little bit of fall to course so I picked

up these two little pumpkins I think they're so cute this one says give

thanks on it and then this one's just a basic orange pumpkin this one was $4.99

and then this big one was $12.99 so I'm just gonna set that underneath where I

have like the TV stand and I think that will be super cute and then the last two

things that I got from TJ Maxx are some more decor so I got this little plant

which i think is so cute I love that like wooden vase it's in and then it's

just green little I don't even know what this plane is called does anyone know

what this is called leave it in the comments I'm so bad with plants but I

really like how they look I just don't know anything about him so that's why I

get fake ones but this one was $10 and I'm using it it's just a little piece in

my background and then the last thing I got was this little sign that says home

I liked how these didn't really match but kind of coordinated so they'll sit

back there on my piano just think they're so cute I love being

home especially during the weekends like we're not home during the weekends a lot

and when we are I'm just like I'm so glad to be home

Kyle feels the same way so I just thought this sign was so cute so I think

this is all I got I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for

watching and I'll see you next time bye I just wanna hold

For more infomation >> TJ MAXX CLOTHING & DECOR HAUL! - Duration: 6:56.



For more infomation >> DOLLAR STORE MYSTERY WHEEL CHALLENGE ft SSSNIPERWOLF | Mar - Duration: 14:30.


Jason Kander Ends Run For Mayor Of Kansas City To Focus On PTSD | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Jason Kander Ends Run For Mayor Of Kansas City To Focus On PTSD | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:03.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Super Hero Battle Toy - Duration: 12:37.

Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretened | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Supder Hero Battle Toy




Never run from a challenge

Now what are we waiting for?


Oh no, oh



Let's do this, ah


Hello there, this is too cool



Don't worry

Come over here

No, no, no I got this

Learn some tactics

But I never run from a challenge do your worst

Don't feel bad when I beat you

Let's do this



Luke I got this


For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend | Toothless & Spider Hulk vs Hulk Super Hero Battle Toy - Duration: 12:37.


Why All Cars Eventually Break Down, Even Lexus - Duration: 5:04.

ruv up your engines, Brian says Scotty my automatic lexus is 300

takes forever to shift between first and second the RPM stay high and then jerks on

next gear is my transmission dying, yes it is everything eventually breaks, like

somebody said to me one time, oh Scotty he always talked about Toyota's they don't

break everything, breaks eventually because of friction it's just a matter

of the time frame, now if you have a car and it took thirty years or five hundred

thousand miles to break you got your money's worth right, but if you buy a car

like a Chrysler and it falls apart at 70,000 miles and it's six years old or

four years old, you didn't get your money's worth, so you know it all

depends on how long it takes friction to break the thing down and that's just

flat wearing and they do cost a fortune to rebuild correctly on those lexuses there's

no arguing that but, the fortune Invader says Scotty what do you think of buying a

2007 Porsche 911 as a weekend car it has low mileage I heard they're reliable is this

true, I don't know who you're listening to, now here's the thing if you can get

it cheap they have one of the worst resale values in the world, so if you get

that thing cheap and you want it as a weekend car go right ahead

just realize you don't want to pay much, I'll give you a perfect example, I got a

Customer that bought that same car and he bought that car and they paid like seventeen

thousand dollars for it and they thought they got a deal, I said deal, I said

I wouldn't give him five grand for that car, because they're endless money pits

as they age, but if it's a toy and you find a guy like me to check it out

before you buy it, don't ever buy one of those without having a mechanic check it

out, I've got fancy equipment and all mechanics do like, my scan tool here that's

a five thousand dollar scan tool, when we hook these things up we can

look at all the data, see what kind of shape, but it might be a good shape but

don't pay much cuz they're endless money pits as they age and they have no resale

value, so if you can get it cheap and you want a toy, just don't buy it and drive

it everyday if it's just a weekend toy and it runs good don't pay too much

though, because even the book value on that thing is inflated, pay a lot less than

people are asking for them, Sean Ling says Scotty I got 1990 Celica the RPM goes

up and down a little bit when it's idling is that normal Thanks, well it's

normal for a vehicle that's what that thing is

twenty nine years old, what you want to do is, I've got a good video for that

that's called, make your engine run better with a little spray cleaner you

get 2 cans of cleaner that cost like $14 for both of them

combined and follow the directions on that to clean them, the other thing is if

you have a vacuum leak it'll do that, when you get a vacuum leak in your

engine, it sucks air so the computer keeps trying to compensate for the idle

so it will go up and down a little as a sucking air, so check for leaks especially

on an old thing like that, a lot of times it's just one of those stupid rubber

vacuum hoses they get old and then they crack and shrink and fall off and you

can have a simple vacuum leak it's pretty typical on a car that's that old,

page Foster says why does a 2003 Civic Hybrid CVT with 80,000 miles shudder on

initial takeoff, okay unfortunately you got a hybrid CVT, odds are you got a

problem in the CVT transmission shuttering, that's one reason I tell

people not to buy used hybrid cars or expect to keep them for a really long

time, you said that's a 2003 okay it's a sixteen-year-old hybrid when

those CVT transmissions break down or the hybrid drive system breaks down

you're gonna be spending thousands and thousands and thousands, I had a guy was

one of those and I told him get rid of it you're nuts so he wanted to fix it so he

ended up taking it to the Honda dealer and it ended up costing him like $6,500 to fix it, the car wasn't

even worth near that, so you know take it to any good mechanic who knows cynics

and hybrids and have them hook up that fancy machine like I just showed and see

what he says, but from my experience with those it's the CVT going out and it's

more money than the vehicles worth to fix it and if it shutters a little but goes okay

otherwise, just drive it that way, Sky dog says I got an 2003 f-150 4.6 it

keeps losing oil pressure and there's engine noise would it be the oil pump, well

that's the most obvious thing, what you want to pray is, have somebody drop the

oil pan, put a new oil pump and pray it's just the oil pump, if it still

doesn't once you put a new oil pump in, that would mean the engine bearings are

worn, then you'd have to rebuild the entire engine

and in that case if you like the truck your better just putting another engine

in, then you are fixing that one, August 24 why does my Nissan Micra k12 2005

burned so much oil, because it's a Nissan Micra you kind of answered your own

question, they're kind of cheaply made engines, now what you want to do is

change your PCV valve, they don't cost much and if it is stuck open that will

suck oil from the crankcase and burn it more and those don't cost much, change

that but from my experience with those things, the piston rings wear out

the valve seals wear out and then they burn oil because the engine isn't sealing

anymore, if you want to find out how it's actually worn out, the video I have is about

how to do a compression test on your engine, watch that video, you use a

compression tester and you can see how worn out the engine actually is or pay a

mechanic to do the same test, so if you never want to miss another one of my new

car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Why All Cars Eventually Break Down, Even Lexus - Duration: 5:04.


Man Utd news: Dion Dublin slates three players after Champions League draw vs Valencia - Duration: 2:26.

 Manchester United's indifferent form continued after their goalless draw against the La Liga outfit at Old Trafford

 Jose Mourinho's men huffed and puffed, but lacked a cutting edge, with Marcus Rashford coming closest after striking the crossbar with a free-kick with 10 minutes remaining of normal time

 Mourinho has come under intense pressure and his side were in desperate need of a positive response after their 3-1 reverse away to West Ham in the Premier League last week

 The Portuguese tactician had questioned the commitment of some of his players in the run-up to their game against Los Che

 And Dublin didn't hold back in lambasting Pogba, Fellaini and Matic in his post-match assessment

 "I've never seen so many Man Utd players, who I'd normally hang my hat on, give the ball away so much," Dublin said

 "Paul [Pogba] has been a little lacklustre, Nemanja [Matic] the same, Maroaune [Fellaini] has been a bit messy and scruffy

 "It just doesn't feel like I'm watching Man Utd."  Dublin went on to reveal how shocked he was with the general performance from his former club

 He added: "I wasn't expecting a performance like that. "It was 70 minutes of the Man Utd we have seen all season so far

 "I looked at the players at the final whistle and they look out of sorts.  "There's no togetherness and there's no anger – I want to see a bit of anger

" United have collected four points from their opening two group games. Next up for Mourinho is the visit of Newcastle on Saturday (5


For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Dion Dublin slates three players after Champions League draw vs Valencia - Duration: 2:26.


Random video (1) - Duration: 18:21.

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For more infomation >> Random video (1) - Duration: 18:21.


Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool *Stoelverwarming!* Airco - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool *Stoelverwarming!* Airco - Duration: 1:11.


Mazda MX-5 1.8i 10TH ANNIVERSARY / 6296/7500 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 1.8i 10TH ANNIVERSARY / 6296/7500 - Duration: 1:11.


Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella,Automaat,Electr.pakket,NAP - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella,Automaat,Electr.pakket,NAP - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol 7p. - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol 7p. - Duration: 0:53.


Saltcast 1 | Fortnite - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> Saltcast 1 | Fortnite - Duration: 12:12.


Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC 182pk Elegance Sedan CVT Automaat - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC 182pk Elegance Sedan CVT Automaat - Duration: 0:55.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Business | Navigatie | Trekhaak | PDC | Climate | Parkeercamera | - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Business | Navigatie | Trekhaak | PDC | Climate | Parkeercamera | - Duration: 0:55.


MEET THE ARTIST ...in video format | First Video! [CC] - Duration: 7:00.

Heyyo, it's shiginope, and honestly, I was expecting this to feel less awkward than it did because I'm constantly

talking to myself, but like recording it is some next-level stuff.

So in today's video, which is actually like, my first video

Cuz like, I've never posted a video with like me drawing in the background in it before like, you know what I'm saying?


so today is going to be a little meet the artist thing except in video format because you know like, I'm...

the queen of originality and all of that so, um...

Yeah, take notes. Just kidding. I'm joking. I promise

Anyways, so my on Instagram and Twitter is shiginope. You can just call me that I guess.

I'm 18 and I was born on the 17th of July. So I'm a cancer. Although I've been told like, many times

You know like, it was like, "oh my god. I like you're not like, a cancer, cuz like

Do you even like, have emotions?" and I'm just like "yeah! But like I don't remember the last time I cried like, you know

what I'm saying? I get emotional, but I don't cry." Anyways,

so I was looking at a bunch of

Pictures of like people that did like meet the artist and they always have a little likes and dislikes thing

So I made a list that's in front of me, but I'm going to like, verbally tell you it

Because you know, I'm like, I'm too classy to write things down. Just kidding. My handwriting is illegible

So I feel like if I even TRIED to do a meet the artists like, you know, writing it all down and stuff like that

no one be able to read it because my handwriting's bad and I've actually lost marks on so many tests because of how bad

my handwriting was but that's not the point.

Like, I'm not holding a grudge like, I'm just saying Ms. Brown like if you're watching this

but you're probably not like I still remember in the ninth grade in the math test when you were like

"Your numbers up fine, but like your communications terrible because your frickin handwriting is bad". Like, I still remember that!


Moving past that I swear. I'm not a cancer

So in terms of likes the first thing I'm gonna-- by the way I'm gonna list like five things that I like and I dislike

Just cuz I think the five is a good number like it's an odd number. It's a beautiful number

It's a simple number like we all know it we can all count by five

We all know 5, 10, 15, whatever--because that's the only times table that matters! Because how else and you read analog clocks?

Anyways, so number one in my likes

The first thing that came to mind was the color pink

But I don't just mean like pink like, "oh my god, like I love like, millennial pink like it's so like,

such a soft color," NAH BRO, I mean like HOT pink like hot pink is great. I have a hot pink leather jacket

I have a hot pink blazer. I have a hot pink...


Actually in hindsight, I don't own that many pink things but I still really like it!

Um...! The second thing on my likes list is fashion. I really like fashion even though like...


Yeah, no, I just really like fashion. I like shopping. I like all that.

Number three I said I like music, but that's kind of broad

So I kind of said like, a band I really like? It's the band mother mother

I think they're really great! and I like Hypnosis Mic music because I'm trash.

I'm garbage and we all know that trash likes Hypnosis Mic

But if you like Hypnosis Mic, hit me up! Like, literally no one else knows what it is

I like video games, but I don't just like all video games because I don't know how to play first-person shooters

I don't play Overwatch. Okay, cuz I'm bad at it. I don't play Fortnite cuz I'm bad at it!

Okay, I tried so hard to be mainstream. I tried so hard to get into Overwatch and friggin' like, Fortnite, whatever, but I just couldn't!

Cuz I'm bad at it... So! [laugh]

So I said I like I like Danganronpa because like, you know typical I only played the first two though

So like don't spoil the whatever happens in DRV3 or whatever its called

I like the game Dreamfall: The Longest Journey and Dreamfall Chapters and they're really underrated games. You guys should go play them!

I like the game Bully, because I'm stuck in the early 2000s to mid 2000s and

I like Fable and I like Dragon Age. Fable and Dragon Age are kind of like, in the same genre

But I don't think they're anything alike. So...

Play both of them! You'll probably find them for really c heap because no one really plays them anymore. So that means that they're recycled...!

That's how I got them. Anyways, the fifth thing on my likes list is circuses! I just really enjoy circuses

I think their aesthetic is great. I think that the performances are fantastic

My only problem is like, you know the whole animal abuse part of it, but that's not like all of it like we're fine, okay?

Just like, watch Cirque du Soleil. I mean they don't even use like, animals. So my dislikes number one top thing

I hate more than anything in the world...

is celery if you eat celery in my vicinity,

I will smell it and I will gag like, I can't help it's just...

I think it's natural selection. I

Don't know if that's like, in my favour or not

But I hate celery and if you like celery... Do not talk to me. Because I will smell it on your breath. Okay?

Second I don't like romance. I'm sorry. I don't like the genre. I find it really cheesy like 99% of the time etc, etc

You know, but like that's okay. You can enjoy it.

I just--just don't talk about it to me because I won't... be able to contribute to the conversation!

Thirdly, I don't like cringe culture. I don't think it's cool that we're uh...

You know, roasting people for being interested in stuff. Even though earlier, I called myself trash for liking Hypnosis, Mic

Okay, like, I know. I know. I'm a hypocrite

Number four: misinformation. I will make an entire video about spreading misinformation because I think it's a very important topic.

Number five: geography. I didn't know what subject I hate the most in school. And initially I was gonna put calculus!

But then I was like "honestly calculus is kind of fun". I just really don't like geography cuz I'm really bad at it.

So that means I don't like it. You know, I saw someone do like a 'What's in my Bag' type of thing

So I decided to write a couple things that were actually in my bag cuz I carry around a purse of me... everywhere. Even

though like, I don't need to. So I have a wallet, I have glasses, I got gum,

I got hand sanitizer, and I got a key chain so basically--oh, yeah! I also have a prescription bottle full of like, painkillers?

So it's like if you're ever in pain... Hit me up! cuz I got my--I got my stuff for you

Anyways, so in the drawings that I did you can see I actually was wearing the outfit that day the one that I drew and

And one of them I'm wearing a little bow and that's because I actually have a giant collection of bows and I wear them in

my hair every single day, so...

Anyways, so

That's a little introduction to myself. Shiginope, whatever you want to call me.

I've had someone called me Shig before, although I find that kind of weird...

Don't call me that! But anyways, I hope that wasn't too horrible

I plan on making more videos which means that I'm going to improve?Because like that's how it works, right? Like, you do things and

You get better at it as you do it more and more often. I'm sorry if this seemed really rushed it's because it was rushed!



Yeah, thank you for sticking until the end if you want to subscribe, feel free.

I don't really know how the system works. I think this is where I go like "SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON!


"PLEASE! don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe! And uhh, as for the question of the day! What do you think of--



Thank you for like, watching my video!

Come back next week or...

Whenever I next upload. BYE!!

For more infomation >> MEET THE ARTIST ...in video format | First Video! [CC] - Duration: 7:00.


Seat Cordoba 1.6i SXE Automaat ,Nette Auto - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Seat Cordoba 1.6i SXE Automaat ,Nette Auto - Duration: 0:50.


How could UNCLE IROH see the SPIRIT WORLD? ft. Aaron Ehasz - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> How could UNCLE IROH see the SPIRIT WORLD? ft. Aaron Ehasz - Duration: 11:42.



For more infomation >> IBOPE DEIXA CLARO QUE O MOMENTO É DE 'GUERRA DAS PESQUISAS' - Duration: 4:34.


As Pessoas Entendem O Seu Propósito? | Pedro Superti - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> As Pessoas Entendem O Seu Propósito? | Pedro Superti - Duration: 3:06.


Esta semana... vamos conhecer o irmão mais novo do Limoncello - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Esta semana... vamos conhecer o irmão mais novo do Limoncello - Duration: 2:16.


How not to catch a fish - Duration: 6:45.

I've never fished before

Michel used to fish in rivers

For some reason he bough a terrible bait

that no fish wants it

We are starving for a fish

As fisherman we are great photographers

Did you lose it? Yes, when I was pulling into the boat.


We have just lost our dinner

I had caught a nice fish

but when I was pulling it into the boat it escaped

How big was it?

I couldn't see it, but it wasn't small

It was just enough for us

We haven't caught anything yet

The only thing we got

using a regular hook

was a small catfish

And now what happened?

Again, another tiny catfish

We can't do anything with it.

It's been hard to get something.

Look we have been trying

It's not because we don't want

The sea is not for fishing

Just for tiny catfish

We ain't eating you

We want a proper fish to eat

So let's go again

Look for a fish

drop anchor!

what now?

There's no fish



You didn't even see any?

Close to those stones

I saw some little ones

Really small

So, not worth it

No... and here

I saw a catfish

damn catfishes!

Nothing... so maybe

maybe we can try

over there

Let's go?


So we are not fishing so far...

the thing about the spare gun

it that we prefer it

over the bait

because it seems a little more natural to us

it's more like it happens in nature

its predator and prey

face to face with the possibility of

scape or be taken

that doesn't happen with the bait

you're kind of luring the fish

giving it food

it's a trap

yeah, it's a trap

so we think it's more



fair, actually

the spare gun

you can share with us you opinion about this on the comments

so that's why we've determined our

challenge number 2

it's gonna be spare fishing... that's what we want to learn

and let's get that fish

Yeah! Challenge number 2

take note of it

and if you like the video, don't forget to subscribe!

so you will get notified when we post a new video

give us thumbs up

and look for us on Instagram and Facebook!

See you next week!

For more infomation >> How not to catch a fish - Duration: 6:45.


Vidros fechados garantem mais segurança ao motorista - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Vidros fechados garantem mais segurança ao motorista - Duration: 1:30.


Você Conhece Semente de Sucupira Saiba que ela Trara vários problemas de Saúde! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Você Conhece Semente de Sucupira Saiba que ela Trara vários problemas de Saúde! - Duration: 2:29.


Últimas notícia de hoje : DOIS GOVERNADORES DO MDB DECLARAM APOIO A ALCKMIN - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : DOIS GOVERNADORES DO MDB DECLARAM APOIO A ALCKMIN - Duration: 2:00.





Bravo's Play By Play With Jerry O'Connell: Superfans Weigh In On This Week's Events (S1, E2) - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Bravo's Play By Play With Jerry O'Connell: Superfans Weigh In On This Week's Events (S1, E2) - Duration: 7:16.


Madonna Ft. Take 3 (Extended Cut) | Season 3 Ep. 2 | STAR - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Madonna Ft. Take 3 (Extended Cut) | Season 3 Ep. 2 | STAR - Duration: 2:52.


Questions Linger Over O'Rourke Drunk Driving Crash 20 Years Ago - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Questions Linger Over O'Rourke Drunk Driving Crash 20 Years Ago - Duration: 3:17.


Obama backs Democratic socialist Ocasio-Cortez - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Obama backs Democratic socialist Ocasio-Cortez - Duration: 3:39.


🌳 If you have this PLANT in your home, take care of it very well, it is 1 TREASURE and you do not - Duration: 3:38.

these plants are oxygen pumps have at least one of them for

purify the air of your house the plants they are a way to control the quality

of the air in your home or work them they can clean the air by eliminating

toxins and mold and create an environment perfect for life these plants

they act as a filter of the air they purify the environment by

elimination of for example toxins from inks building materials and the

dust here is a list of six Plants that you must have in your home

to improve air quality aloe aloe vera this plant is excellent for

increase the level of oxygen in your home it also absorbs carbon dioxide

carbon monoxide and formaldehyde a only aloe plant can achieve what

that nine air purifiers can ficus elastic also known as

rubber tree or rubber tree this plant is very easy to maintain since you do not need

a lot of light effective when it comes to ridding the air

of formaldehyde this compound is carcinogenic and is used in various

building materials as well as furniture glass mirrors clothes and even

toilet paper but be careful if you have small children or pets already

that the leaves of this plant can be poisonous stone was the ix all over the world

must definitely have this herb at home stone removes 60% of toxins

in the air and 58 percent of the fecal coliform particles if

they also circulate in the air in six hours love tie or malamadre chlorine

fitur as are this plant has the ability to do low photosynthesis

minimum light is excellent for absorption of air toxins such

as formaldehyde styrene and monoxide carbon as well as pollutants derived

of gasoline only one plant of this purifies with

Efficiency the air in 200 square meters of space sword of san jorge 'sant

cebrià rates is already this plant is almost indestructible and it's great to have it

At home it is very resistant and requires very little light for photosynthesis besides

the elimination of toxins is very good for the room since it produces

oxygen at night is for you sharp for you feel you mauna is excellent for

the elimination of chemical toxins from air

this plant filters the air eliminating toxins such as formaldehyde and

trichlorethylene the nasa says that you must have between 15 and 18 of these

plants on a surface of 500 meters square that is 34 plants in

average is enough for 80 meters square do not forget to put one of

the plants in your room since taking into account the hours of sleep

you spend a third of your time there San Jorge is perfect for the room

if you liked the video of a I like it Enroll in the channel and do not stop

share with your friends until the next video chao

For more infomation >> 🌳 If you have this PLANT in your home, take care of it very well, it is 1 TREASURE and you do not - Duration: 3:38.


Why All Cars Eventually Break Down, Even Lexus - Duration: 5:04.

ruv up your engines, Brian says Scotty my automatic lexus is 300

takes forever to shift between first and second the RPM stay high and then jerks on

next gear is my transmission dying, yes it is everything eventually breaks, like

somebody said to me one time, oh Scotty he always talked about Toyota's they don't

break everything, breaks eventually because of friction it's just a matter

of the time frame, now if you have a car and it took thirty years or five hundred

thousand miles to break you got your money's worth right, but if you buy a car

like a Chrysler and it falls apart at 70,000 miles and it's six years old or

four years old, you didn't get your money's worth, so you know it all

depends on how long it takes friction to break the thing down and that's just

flat wearing and they do cost a fortune to rebuild correctly on those lexuses there's

no arguing that but, the fortune Invader says Scotty what do you think of buying a

2007 Porsche 911 as a weekend car it has low mileage I heard they're reliable is this

true, I don't know who you're listening to, now here's the thing if you can get

it cheap they have one of the worst resale values in the world, so if you get

that thing cheap and you want it as a weekend car go right ahead

just realize you don't want to pay much, I'll give you a perfect example, I got a

Customer that bought that same car and he bought that car and they paid like seventeen

thousand dollars for it and they thought they got a deal, I said deal, I said

I wouldn't give him five grand for that car, because they're endless money pits

as they age, but if it's a toy and you find a guy like me to check it out

before you buy it, don't ever buy one of those without having a mechanic check it

out, I've got fancy equipment and all mechanics do like, my scan tool here that's

a five thousand dollar scan tool, when we hook these things up we can

look at all the data, see what kind of shape, but it might be a good shape but

don't pay much cuz they're endless money pits as they age and they have no resale

value, so if you can get it cheap and you want a toy, just don't buy it and drive

it everyday if it's just a weekend toy and it runs good don't pay too much

though, because even the book value on that thing is inflated, pay a lot less than

people are asking for them, Sean Ling says Scotty I got 1990 Celica the RPM goes

up and down a little bit when it's idling is that normal Thanks, well it's

normal for a vehicle that's what that thing is

twenty nine years old, what you want to do is, I've got a good video for that

that's called, make your engine run better with a little spray cleaner you

get 2 cans of cleaner that cost like $14 for both of them

combined and follow the directions on that to clean them, the other thing is if

you have a vacuum leak it'll do that, when you get a vacuum leak in your

engine, it sucks air so the computer keeps trying to compensate for the idle

so it will go up and down a little as a sucking air, so check for leaks especially

on an old thing like that, a lot of times it's just one of those stupid rubber

vacuum hoses they get old and then they crack and shrink and fall off and you

can have a simple vacuum leak it's pretty typical on a car that's that old,

page Foster says why does a 2003 Civic Hybrid CVT with 80,000 miles shudder on

initial takeoff, okay unfortunately you got a hybrid CVT, odds are you got a

problem in the CVT transmission shuttering, that's one reason I tell

people not to buy used hybrid cars or expect to keep them for a really long

time, you said that's a 2003 okay it's a sixteen-year-old hybrid when

those CVT transmissions break down or the hybrid drive system breaks down

you're gonna be spending thousands and thousands and thousands, I had a guy was

one of those and I told him get rid of it you're nuts so he wanted to fix it so he

ended up taking it to the Honda dealer and it ended up costing him like $6,500 to fix it, the car wasn't

even worth near that, so you know take it to any good mechanic who knows cynics

and hybrids and have them hook up that fancy machine like I just showed and see

what he says, but from my experience with those it's the CVT going out and it's

more money than the vehicles worth to fix it and if it shutters a little but goes okay

otherwise, just drive it that way, Sky dog says I got an 2003 f-150 4.6 it

keeps losing oil pressure and there's engine noise would it be the oil pump, well

that's the most obvious thing, what you want to pray is, have somebody drop the

oil pan, put a new oil pump and pray it's just the oil pump, if it still

doesn't once you put a new oil pump in, that would mean the engine bearings are

worn, then you'd have to rebuild the entire engine

and in that case if you like the truck your better just putting another engine

in, then you are fixing that one, August 24 why does my Nissan Micra k12 2005

burned so much oil, because it's a Nissan Micra you kind of answered your own

question, they're kind of cheaply made engines, now what you want to do is

change your PCV valve, they don't cost much and if it is stuck open that will

suck oil from the crankcase and burn it more and those don't cost much, change

that but from my experience with those things, the piston rings wear out

the valve seals wear out and then they burn oil because the engine isn't sealing

anymore, if you want to find out how it's actually worn out, the video I have is about

how to do a compression test on your engine, watch that video, you use a

compression tester and you can see how worn out the engine actually is or pay a

mechanic to do the same test, so if you never want to miss another one of my new

car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

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